Obvious point here but: media quickly calling states in Biden's favor, when they're actually close, and slow-walking the announcements of Trump's clear victories is not a good look for being trusted or fighting a narrative of an election being stolen from the voters.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) November 4, 2020
८९ टिप्पण्या:
Can’t say I’m surprised, but I am disappointed. This may be the year that the legacy media finally flushed what little remaining credibility they had (assuming they had any left after 2016).
Trust me.
This is the normal state of things.
Neither is invalidating ballots in Trump heavy precincts by giving voters the wrong pens. That won’t stand up in court.
Ohio comes to mind. How long did they wait on Ohio? Trump's going to win it by about 9 points.
Florida isn't much better, but at least with Florida, there's some history of late runs by Democrats, because the Miami area is always slow. I can understand the hesitancy to call Florida, up to a point. But they went about an hour past that point. Maybe longer.
I didn't watch any news. Godfather was on.
There I reminded myself that the protection demanded by Fanucci in the flashback scenes was only 30%.
I'd love to have a 30% total tax bracket.
If only the government were as efficient and provided service like the Mob.
The point would be more obvious if it identified the state or states. If it’s Arizona, even Fox News and the Wall Street Journal callled it.
"not a good look for being trusted or fighting a narrative of an election being stolen from the voters"
They think they can win regardless.
They don't care about looks. Who does? Not lefties: they just want to win, BAMN, including media bias. Not righties: we know who they are and what they do. Maybe Althouse does. She may think it's terrible! terrible! and her basic sensibility is aesthetic.
It’s kind of amazing that Twat didn’t put a warning on her post like they have others who have suggested that Trump might have a right to his day in court. Twat thinks that they are the final arbiter and there can be no legal recourse to their decisions, I guess.
I don’t have a Twat account because I would rather not trust them to tell me what the people I follow are saying, I go to their feeds directly from bookmarks.
How come we never find truckloads of Republican votes overnight?? Every time during an election when votes are "found" in the middle of the night, the Democrat candidate ALWAYS benefits...ALWAYS!!!
"...not a good look for being trusted or fighting a narrative of an election being stolen from the voters."
Second obvious point: They don't care.
"even Fox News and the Wall Street Journal callled it.”
Fox News operation to call states is overseen by a former Democrat operative and Donna Brazille and Chris Wallace were the anchors. It’s the new Drudge Report, which BTW saw its traffic drop nearly in half in this year of political news. As for the Wall Street Journal news division, they bought, without evidence, the whole Russian disinformation propaganda gambit on Hunter’s laptop hook, line, and sinker. Neither one of those outfits has any special credibility on the right. They are just part of the Democrat MSM hivemind now.
I think you have to start before election day with the analysis here because I think the reason why the calls on Trump states were so slow, at least the justification for being slow, is that the vote totals didn't match the expectations because of the polls prior to election day. When it did, such as Kentucky or Mississippi, states like that, then the calls were faster for Trump.
The gaming of the process began well before election day.
What's a strong example of that happening?
According to a report from The Hill, as of Wednesday morning, “only 86 percent of the state’s votes have been counted, versus 98 percent” that was previously reported. Many believe this puts Arizona back in play. In fact, only Fox News and the Associated Press have called it for Biden.
They called in on a hair trigger before they really knew, just like VA. Meanwhile when OANN called Florida for Trump hours after it was clear he had won it, Twat put up a warning that the state hadn’t been “officially called” What the fuck is “officially called”?
Fox News just flushed all of their credibility with their core audience first with Chris Wallace’s adversarial “moderation” of the debate, and then with their partisan Democrat coverage of the election last night. They have only Tucker and a couple other opinion people keeping any eyeballs on their network.
I can’t stop watching them because I already did that years ago, except for Tucker once in a while.
They don't really care how it looks. Some of them have literally convinced themselves that even shooting Trump supporters - like your husband - is acceptable or at least understandable. I see people on Twitter declaring it proof of America's racism that Trump got any votes at all. They do not believe that someone who voted for Trump should have the right to vote at all. At this point, the obvious infringement of the rights of Trump voters is not something they are embarrassed about. They're proud of it and out of public view will congratulate themselves on doing what they had to do to take the country away from Trump supporters.
Sebastian said...
They don't care about looks. Who does? Not lefties: they just want to win, BAMN, including media bias.
No they care about looks. I expect the Left is hoppin' mad that they didn't get a landslide for Biden.
This election is being stolen right in front of our eyes. Unfortunately there's probably not a lot that will be done about it.
Hey, Mollie! They don't care.
Re: The thumb drive full of Biden votes in Michigan, it's a statistical impossibility for every single vote of those 128k to be for Biden. They're not even trying to hide it. This is just depressing.
Collins wins in Maine.
A narrow loss for Trump would be the worst possible outcome for anyone on the right -- whether elected or in the media -- who abetted in any way the last four years of coup attempts, impeachment efforts, ritualized sniping, etc., against Trump and his voters.
Mollie makes a lot of good points today! In Europe they shaved the heads of the girls who dated Nazi soldiers, I don’t think we will go that far with Mutt and Jeff though, but as for the Lincoln Project, all they have done is condemned themselves to the wilderness, which is a good place for war mongering neocons who were upset that there was a POTUS who preferred peace to war and threatened the flow of money to the weapons manufacturers.
They can NOT be trusted and it is a fact that they will cheat if possible. Verify everything.
This may be the year that the legacy media finally flushed what little remaining credibility they had (assuming they had any left after 2016)
...and a Biden win in stead of a through flushing of the liberal propaganda machine we've fed the monster and empowered existence for generations...
David Brooks: Our job in the media is to capture reality so that when reality voices itself, like last night, people aren’t surprised. Pretty massive failure. We still are not good at capturing the rightward half of the country.
Now they have no incentive to care. From now on it's narratives all the way down.
Well, at least Biden will improve our medical care.
'Unlike anywhere else in the world, Chinese transplant surgeries are being done on demand. In the documentary Medical Genocide, Professor Jacob Lavee, President of the Israel Transplantation Society, shared a story of a patient who was told by an insurance company to go to China in two weeks for a scheduled heart transplant surgery in 2005. As a physician, he was shocked by the fact that such a surgery could be arranged ahead of time. “Someone has to die on the very day of the operation.”'
Let's talk about the 120,000+ votes that showed up for Biden in the middle of the night, in Milwaukee, without a single vote cast for ANY OTHER CANDIDATE!
Because that sounds fishy.
Will the FBI investigate?
Speaking of calls - Collins just called winner in Maine. Yay! If AA was a senator I think she would vote a lot like Collins.
"...even FoxNews..."
Keep up, idiot.
FoxNews called Arizona with more than 400,000 votes outstanding.
They will be forced to retract that call by events.
Fox is no friend to conservatives.
I love Mollie. Unless she's speaking* or The Five is on I can't stand Fox any longer. I've had enough of Donna Brazile's lying ass for a lifetime, not to mention that crappy pollster shotcaller Stirewalt. What a shitshow their coverage is. CNN is being more conservative with the EC estimates!
*Or Brit Hume.
Another obvious point....what polls about public opinion are we actually supposed to believe? And why?
Looks like Trump is going to fight.
'What if the job of the media polls is to set false narratives in favor of Democrats rather than be accurate? Then, they would have done a "great job."'
They attempted to suppress Comrade Joe's corruption with China, Ukraine and Russia. "Nothing to see here. Move along." The story got out anyways. Though, their views are still in the dark.
Thanks for the mostly peaceful cruel neutrality, Althouse.
My problem with this whole election campaign is that we know a lot about Trump. He’s been POTUS. We don’t onow anything about Biden today. He sat in his basement and when he came out he was dazed and confused. We know less about Harris
How could anyone vote for Biden Harris under these circumstances?
This is particularly bad as they are "finding" votes that are apparently 100% for Biden and also having vote totals higher than the number of registered voters. If true, totally unacceptable and protest-worthy.
Another. They just finally called Collins in Maine. She's also going to win by about 9 points. This should have been called at least 12 hours ago.
Either DT remains in office or he has nightly TV news show, which would also be fun.
Like Alaska, still too close to call with Trump up 30%, and (why only?) 50% of votes counted. Its pretty obvious that the word went out around 11:30 EST last night to all networks. No more states for Trump.
I would like all of you Wisconsin people on this site to comment on this (the fund begins):
BREAKING: Wisconsin has more votes than people who are registered to vote?
Total number of registered voters: 3,129,000 - Total number of votes cast:
I can identify with you, prof, over the heated demands for you to endorse and vote for Trump.
My writing and multimedia skills are still in some demand. Two pro-Trump sites asked me to write and produce multimedia materials for them.
They offered very little money. Sticking my name on their sites would have ensured that I would be blacklisted from any other future employment. Plus all the guff from the pissed off opposition I could ever hope to endure.
I said no. All my grandkids are in school now and I'm planning on returning to work part time. I'm not interested in being a martyr for any cause.
Fox just called Susan Collins winning a few minutes ago. 2pm. With an 8 point lead. And 99% of precincts reporting.
You think they might maybe should've called for an 8 point lead before the remaining votes to be counted were less than 8%?
Someone may have voted for the Professor after all. It would be interesting to find out? In Georgia my stepson had someone vote for him in the primary, bit not the general election.
If you watch anything on Fox other than, say, Tucker Carlson, and you are a conservative or a Republican, then you are supporting your sworn enemy.
Think of Fox as MSNBC, but without the honesty
"Another. They just finally called Collins in Maine. She's also going to win by about 9 points.”
All night long they made it sound like a nail biter. I was genuinely nervous that she would get thrown out after making one of the best speeches I ever heard regarding Kavanaugh and due process. But her opponent didn’t concede until around noon, and if a Democrat doesn’t concede, the race doesn’t get called is the rule, I guess.
I think Arizona is lost, but it was called way too early by FOX and AP. With the claimed numbers of ballots out, it isn't even implausible that Trump gets the margin down to under the recount level. There was definitely a bias last night about calling states and Senate races across the board- Democrats were declared winners the moment polls closed in a lot of cases- and Republicans were left twisting in the wind even when it was mathematically impossible for them to lose.
Now, a lot of Republicans were unhappy that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania weren't called- that was a good decision- when you compare the potential vote from 2016- all three races were plausibly Biden wins in the end, though Pennysylvania continues to look very improbable even now. The big ones that got delayed beyond the proper point were Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and Iowa- even Texas called about 2 hours later than it should have been. And I never did see Indiana called when I closed the window on it at 10 p.m.
My wife and I tired of the Fox broadcast last night for many of the reasons stated here by others. We looked around on YouTube and stumbled onto Newsmax TV live stream. We watched it the rest of the night and a little this morning. Not too bad. They had some good guests and some good analysis. I plan to continue to watch it a little over the next couple of weeks to see how they do as he election story plays out.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
The point would be more obvious if it identified the state or states. If it’s Arizona, even Fox News and the Wall Street Journal callled it.
No, Fox was teh ONLY one to call it.
Fox, who had a registered Democrat, Hillary donor, as their "election night caller"
Fox is a bunch of duplicitous lefties. You should like them
"Another obvious point....what polls about public opinion are we actually supposed to believe? And why?”
I can hunt up the email in Wikileaks for you where they give advice on how to cook media polls to make them look better for Democrats, but I think your question is rhetorical, and the answer is, none.
Fox headline: Trump surest stop the counting in Michigan.
Trump campaign ststement: We have sued to temporarily stop the counting until we are afforded meaningful access to the counting process.
Big difference. Shame on Fox for thus dishonesty.
Birkel: "Let's talk about the 120,000+ votes that showed up for Biden in the middle of the night, in Milwaukee, without a single vote cast for ANY OTHER CANDIDATE!
Because that sounds fishy.
Will the FBI investigate?"
Yes. The FBI has already assigned the same agent(s) who are investigating Joes/Hunter's pay to play schemes and who were responsible for "reviewing" Hillary's emails....that were never investigated.
If anything comes of it the FBI will pass the info to James Comey's daughter in the SDNY.
Day 1 of Biden Derangement Syndrome.
It doesn't matter the candidate, it's never a good look.
From what I understand, Fox News refused to call Florida for Trump because their model was absolutely, positively sure that Biden was going to win even with the data saying otherwise. Whoever Fox News hired are idiots or villains and should have been fired sometime last night and thrown out on the street.
Ace brought up a really good point about the polls. The Republicans won a number of house seats that the polls said were lost causes. How many other house seats did the Rs lose out on because no one would donate any money for a lost cause that was, in reality, very winnable? On the other end of the spectrum, the Ds donated a huge amount of money for senate races that were not remotely close, but the polls said were close.
This is a huge crisis in competence. Our betters are morons.
Second obvious point: They don't care.
+ 1
100% of the votes are tabulated in both NC and Ga, according to Real Clear Politics. Trump's ahead in both. Yet no call.
RobinGoodfellow: "Can’t say I’m surprised, but I am disappointed. This may be the year that the legacy media finally flushed what little remaining credibility they had (assuming they had any left after 2016)."
Where we as a nation are heading, the media will only need concern itself in the coming years with how it is viewed by the democraticals and their Big Tech allies.
Literally no one else will matter in the slightest.
John Althouse Cohen said...
What's a strong example of that happening?
Fox called AZ before more than 5% of the Election Day votes were counted. Those votes were 2 - 1 Trump, which is what he needed to win the State, given the expected number of votes out.
Fox announce that the Democrats were going to increase the seats int eh house by 5. This is while Pacifica and Mountain Time States were still voting.
Given the large number of GOP seats that were flipped in 2018 in CA, there is no possible way they could make that "prediction".
Which, BTW, appears to be false. Everything I've seen says the Dems are losing House seats.
Biden's currently winning VA by 9%. Trump is winning Ohio by 8%. VA was called by Fox and others pretty much as soon as the polls closed. They waited hours to call Ohio.
The only algorithm that explains the way calls were made last night is "we will do anything we can to make Democrat look good"
How's the House going?
Click on the House results:
As of right now, Dems have lost a net 4 seats, with 191 called for the Dems and 180 for the GOP
Does anyone know if votes gathered on a computer in one precinct are put onto an easily disposed-of object and handed over to someone in another location?
Wouldn't a "chain of custody" issue immediately arise---especially if the original voting records on the computer were destroyed?
Can someone 'splain to me how any election official could accept a thumb drive (prepared by whom?) with purportedly 120,000 all-Biden votes recorded on it (from what precincts?) from some person (who, acting in what official capacity?), simply on the assumption that the votes on it were actually real?
Also, who would reveal this info to the media, and how did the person who learned of it find out?
I'm wondering if this story is apocryphal.
Anyone have first-hand info ?
Susan Collins won reelection by voting against Amy Barrett, maybe that's why Fox waited to call the race. In any case, it's not an example of the supposedly obvious point.
About Arizona- we now have some data to work with- the final absentee/mail-in in Arizona indicates that Trump has won 67% of the votes counted since the absentee/mail-in numbers were posted last night- in short, Trump made up 123,000 votes out of 363,000 counted yesterday and so far this morning. There are still 380,000 to count and the margin is now down to 93,000 votes. If Trump wins just 63% of that vote today, he wins Arizona. Still not likely given the claimed distribution within the state, but looking more plausible right now. Definitely was called too early, especially if it was based on exit polling.
"Total number of registered voters: 3,129,000 - Total number of votes cast:
I've heard this about Wisconsin a few times now. In 2016, Wisconsin had about ~2.95 million votes cast for President. At that time, it was reported that that represented 66% voter turnout.
So a bump up to 3.239 million votes cast represents that voter turnout was up moderately and well below the number of registered voters.
Please CHECK your information before sharing. The more disinformation being shared, the more the actual attempts to prevent the vote will be buried in the noise and discounted.
So, with Collins winning we've got 49 GOP Senate seats.
Tillis makes it 50
Perdue is above 50%. He keeps that there's no runoff, that makes 51
Loeffler should int he GA runoff, which makes 52
John James is leading in MI, that makes 53
If the AZ ballots all get counted, Trump and McSally should (Trump) and could (McSally) win, making it 54.
So, Trump wins re-election (sorry, 100k+ vote drops for one candidate only are fraud), GOP picks up one seat in the Senate, GOP picks up seats in the House.
Oh, and we finally have a 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court, 6-3 when Roberts isn't being blackmailed.
If you Democrats think we're going to let you steal this one, you're insane.
ME now has "ranked choice voting". If you don't get 50%+ of the vote, then the lowest vote getter's votes are taken away, and redistributed to the voters 2nd choice.
So this call had to wait until people were sure Collins was above 50%
As more of a small 'c' conservative, it's clear that Trump is both bringing it to the Left, coming up with some reasonable policies (deficit?), and a deeply morally flawed individual costing conservatism many things (loudmouth asshole). For me, much better than the alternative. An entertaining prick, but I'm kind of a serious person about these things, so a tragic figure.
It's also clear that the Left is much worse for me (living around it), the liberal/media/educational establishments deeply flawed and over built, and the liberal establishment will continually fail to the Left, at varying rates and during various stands.
In the meantime, everyone's fighting more and more over less and less, and freedom is the highest good, the change roiling up in our society outstripping the institutions ability to adapt.
I'm deeply worried and not.
**The Kamala Harris/BLM and various rhetoric will likely make an absolute clusterfuck of many a bureaucracy.
What's most disheartening about all the cheating and illegal shenanigans in this election is that the people on the side doing it think it's OK, even if they themselves wouldn't do it. If they admit it's wrong, they still don't want anything done about it. I don't want to win if I need to cheat in anything, especially an American election. I would much rather lose, and that's exactly why we might lose. Most conservatives have that principle, which is a big disadvantage in something mostly run on the honor system. It requires honorable people on both sides to be fair.
What do you suppose was going on in those polling places where Democrats would not let poll observers in, which is documented on video? It wasn't because there wan't enough cookies for everyone.
I'm hearing that Wisconsin had more people voting than are registered voters. If true, in what way could such a thing happen that isn't voter fraud?
hstad - Why don't you check the press release if interested in # of Registered Voters in WI?
"According to the Wisconsin Election Commission, the “State of Wisconsin had 3,684,726 active registered voters on November 1, 2020.” "
It's like you don't know how to Google, but want us to believe you are a super genius who has the conspiracy all figgered out.
Actually, voter turnout was about 90%- which, I think, would be a modern day record. A little over 3.6 million registered voters in Wisconsin. And I'll bet that in city precincts with no functioning civic organizations, no Scout troops, no PTOs or PTAs, no Lions or Elks, where parents don't show up for parent teacher conferences, I'll bet in those precincts voter turnout is 100% because they're such reliable and civic minded people.
But no one cheated.
even Fox News
Snort. Fox News embarrassed itself last night. Only a chump would refer to them as some sort of validation.
They don't care about how it looks to us, because they are well-practiced in dismissing anyone who questions them as someone who was going to object anyway, regardless of data. They therefore don't bother to look at contrary data. Their focus is on making sure their people get the preferred story, so there is unity in it. As liberalism is a social rather than intellectual phenomenon, the point is not refutation, but announcing the talking points. That is what their audience is looking for.
That unity of narrative is powerful. These are intellectual fashions, like this year's colors or whether a sleek or baggy line is in this year. In the moment, there is a consensus answer that the best people have. That it is impractical, unflattering to too many people, or incoherent is irrelevant. The style is the style, regardless.
I remember in the late 90's or so when Rush Limbaugh used to reverse engineer what the faxes from the DNC to the news agencies must be saying, because of the frequency with which those outlets were all suddenly using the word "gravitas" or whatever. The Democrats are not force-feeding this or insisting on it. The media outlets want to be told what this year's colors are, in order to inform their listeners.
A vote for Biden is a vote for Biden's corruption and the media's corruption.
You don't need to worry about a "good look" if there's not a darned thing anybody can do about it.
The media own the elections now. As in the USSR, our information is carefully controlled. And I'm not exaggerating in the least. And we are equally as helpless as were Soviet citizens to do anything about it.
In the Indiana 5th congressional district (supposedly a national bellwether w/r/t suburban MILFs) the Repblican has been up by 5% for the entire race ...yet to be called. Supposedly the counting of mail-in ballots will go on for at least another day. The Republican still has a 30k lead as of this note.
I hope we never into a, say, war or something that requires prompt and decisive action ...
If Trump is gone, so is his crew. All the investigations into malfeasance by FBI, CIA, democrat politicians and others done.
The crew that brought jobs back, peace in middle east, gone.
Good news is the MSM will begin to paint a rosy picture of virus being defeated and sunshine and rainbows every day. Low info people will believe it is all due to Biden.
Not gonna affect most commenters here. Will affect children and grandchildren. Kids won't realize what they have lost because they will grow up familiar with the new rules, restrictions, and propaganda.
Just as young people today have no remembrance of riding in the front seat as a toddler, riding a bike with no helmet, or even sitting on Dad's lap "steering" the car,or of America being a melting pot.
>>100% of the votes are tabulated in both NC and Ga, according to Real Clear Politics. Trump's ahead in both. Yet no call.
Some 100%'s are more equal than others.
I suspect they are still "voting" in PA, with unconfirmable ballots that can't be certified as to when they were filled out or received.
They are cheating and they just don't care who knows it. Trump is fighting back, which is a glimmer of hope, but just that.
They don't care about how it looks to us,
To their credit, they do know how to manipulate, manufacture, and torture a frame of reference to sustain a favorable illusion. And, perhaps most important, they never kneel.
I remember in the late 90's or so when Rush Limbaugh used to reverse engineer what the faxes from the DNC to the news agencies must be saying, because of the frequency with which those outlets were all suddenly using the word "gravitas" or whatever.
Hey! That is what made me a Limbaugh listener. He played a clip of all the newspeople using that same word,and same sentences wondering if Cheney had enough of it.
They aren't going to call GA and NC. The reason should be obvious if you add their combined electoral vote to Trump's present 213, then compare it to Biden's.
What bagoh20 said @1:59pm!
By the way, its totally normal for the democraticals to keep republicans out of the vote counting rooms as observers and even to cover up the windows so no one can witness what is going on inside the rooms.
Totally normal.
Not gonna affect most commenters here. Will affect children and grandchildren. Kids won't realize what they have lost because they will grow up familiar with the new rules, restrictions, and propaganda.
Not much good about growing old but here is one thing. I won't have to see dystopia.
I do have grandkids and the three of them I know were all cheering Trump in Newport Beach two weeks ago. There are two others by my left wing lawyer son and their mother is probably a confidant of Blasey Ford.
By the way, its totally normal for the democraticals to keep republicans out of the vote counting rooms as observers and even to cover up the windows so no one can witness what is going on inside the rooms.
It's totally pathetic for Republicans to allow that. Enter the room. If they try to stop you, break their arms once they assault you by touching you.
under no circumstances do you allow them to be alone with the ballots
I have news for Mollie Hemingway--they (the intel deep state, media, Democratic Party apparatus, corrupt judiciary) ARE stealing the election and they are totally confident. Rather than pretend they aren't stealing it, they are doing it visibly and undeniably, rubbing it in her (and our) face, so everybody, including not only Trump supporters, but Bernie supporters as well, learns our lesson and don't try cause trouble in the future.
Maybe they can still be stopped... but they don't think so. She thinks they are acting stupidly. No, when smart people do something you don't understand, the problem is not them, it is you. Assume they are NOT acting stupidly, so you have to figure out what they are thinking.
With Biden or Harris in place, they will focus of flipping the Senate in 2022; then they will have 2 years to finish the job. Pack the SuDC and PR Statehood to permanently tilt the Senate, open the southern border to flip Texas and Arizona (permanently) and thereby the House, and then the rest of the country. Get a good test case to confirm birthright citizenship. We will still have elections in form, but they will be foregone conclusions and won't matter.
Banana republic. Somoza, Trujillo... Biden/Harris.
The best historical analogy I can think of, off the top of my head, is Octavian Augustus neutering the Roman Assembly and Senate--he kept the old forms as a way to reward and punish and distract, but it was clear to everybody who had the power. The old Republican forsm of limited, countervailing power centers and people having rights before the law was dead as it will be in the USA.
the democrat party is Vladamir Putin and Castro family rolled into one.
Great post, Martin @ 6:17... Bam.
above, was supposed to be "... pack the SupCt so they get the right decisions on the next steps. Then DC and PR Statehood..."
Obvious point here but: election being stolen from the voters.
Can we do anything? Only Trump.
We love him because he fights.
Fight, Don! Fight, fight, fight!
If he calls for all his supporters to come to DC and bring iron, I hope the word gets out before Facebook cuts in.
Is there any point in sending money and to whom/for what?
They FINALLY called the Indiana 5th district. GOP win.
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