३१ ऑक्टोबर, २०२०

Trump gets a big Wisconsin endorsement. Brett Favre has a lot of nerve.

६२ टिप्पण्या:

Mr. O. Possum म्हणाले...

The way you put it---having a lot of nerve--making the endorsement sound like a bad thing!

exhelodrvr1 म्हणाले...

Even a 49ers fan like me agrees - he does have a lot of nerve. Always has. So do the black rappers who have come out in favor of Trump.

tim maguire म्हणाले...

“I don’t want to be 20 Cent” is clever and catchy, but this is a solid, well explained and defended endorsement. And a well-deserved stick in the eye to the clowns currently undermining the relevance of the NFL by embracing a woke theology alien to most of their fans.

Mark म्हणाले...

Isn't Brett in trouble in Mississippi because of some sweetheart PR deal he never showed up for and needs to repay the state for?

Even if you take celebrity endorsements as meaningful, a guy who wasn't too bright before all the hits to the head and the author of the song 'Fuck the Police are weird ones to trumpet this week, but I guess you take what you get when you're Trump devotees.

MountainMan म्हणाले...

And Jack Nicklaus. And Bobby Orr.

And Jack got a rather ugly editorial tossed his way in USA Today.

It takes a lot of courage, even for these great athletes, to endorse Trump these days.

stevew म्हणाले...

That is a man confident in his position and situation. Some would call this courageous but I think not, Favre risks very little by making this public statement. Not sure where the 'nerve' part comes in. Maybe because he's from Mississippi?

Birkel म्हणाले...

Bobby Orr endorses Trump too.
Plus Weezy (Lil Wayne) and 50 Cent (since withdrawn but not forgotten) and Kanye West.
And Ice Cube.

Can Trump get more than my assumed 15% of the black vote?
Will he win more than my assumed 40% of the latino vote?

lane ranger म्हणाले...


Howard म्हणाले...

With the number of blows to the head that the poor man suffered plus all of his opioid consumption it's not surprising that he comes to that conclusion.

AllenS म्हणाले...

I'm not sure why you would say that this is a "big Wisconsin endorsement". Favre kinda shit on the Packers towards the end of his stay here.

stevew म्हणाले...

I see that Jack Nicklaus and Bobby Orr have endorsed Trump too.

Howard म्हणाले...

So has Brett Favre been forgiven for going to minnesota?

Browndog म्हणाले...

Bigger shock wave?

Bobby Orr's full throated Trump endorsement in the Boston area. Despite Tom Brady, Orr is still considered Boston's most legendary sports hero.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"Trump gets a big Wisconsin endorsement. Brett Favre has a lot of nerve."

It's telling, isn't it, that a celebrity coming out for Trump "has a lot of nerve."

Now why is that? For example, what does it tell us about progs? And why has no one ever said that someone "has a lot of nerve" endorsing Obama or Biden?

Chanie म्हणाले...

A lot of nerve? I'm missing something

WK म्हणाले...

The athletes and rappers coming out the last few days in support of Trump has been interesting. Wonder if it will have an impact on the non-early voters. Or if it is just in a Twitter bubble. I know my parents (mid 80s age) watch cnn and msnbc. Mother in law watches Rachel Maddox because she is “middle of the road” on her viewpoints. Not sure they are made aware of these sentiments.

Curious George म्हणाले...

Rogers is writing in Pete Buttigieg.

wendybar म्हणाले...

And the left is cancelling him now. They are PISSED off that he stepped off the Liberal Plantation that you must stay on to be part of American Sports apparently.

Ryan म्हणाले...

This cannot be a surprise given his question to Trump about the corruption of sports by politics.

Mr. Majestyk म्हणाले...

Thank you, Brett! This Bears fan now forgives you for every time you ever beat the Bears.

Temujin म्हणाले...

It should not be a thing of courage for a celebrity or sports figure to come out and say what he did. That it is, that it makes news, tells you what a bad direction we've let this country slip toward. That you must tow the State approved narrative, or be worried about being 'disappeared' from your career, or social media, not to mention friends and family, is not only wrong, but something to fight against.

A former QB coming out for Trump should not be a thing. That it is, speaks volumes.

The Vault Dweller म्हणाले...

oh man I'm going to have to find my number 4 jersey somewhere.

Wince म्हणाले...

My Vote is for what makes this country great, freedom of speech & religion, 2nd Amnd, hard working tax paying citizens, police & military.

Favre's endorsement of Trump leans heavily on what Trump will do to protect America from the Democrats' agenda, which is what I suspect will motivate many "undecideds" to vote for Trump.

The endorsement Trump also got from the greatest hockey player (of his time anyway), Bobby Orr, had a similar barbarians at the gates theme.

"I have never done anything like this before, but I am greatly concerned for the country in which I have raised my family -- a country I have grown to love deeply," the ad reads. "I want my grandchildren to know the America I know, a place of patriotism and opportunity."

roesch/voltaire म्हणाले...

After Trump called doctors and nurses lying about Covid deaths to make more money, my friends who work at the UW hospital said he just lost any votes he might have gotten from the medical establishment so he desperately needs this Hail Mary from Favre.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Blogger Howard said...
"With the number of blows to the head that the poor man suffered plus all of his opioid consumption it's not surprising that he comes to that conclusion."
At least he has an excuse. You on the other hand,.....well. Let's just leave it at that.

Rusty म्हणाले...

roesch/voltaire said...
"After Trump called doctors and nurses lying about Covid deaths to make more money, my friends who work at the UW hospital said he just lost any votes he might have gotten from the medical establishment so he desperately needs this Hail Mary from Favre."
Since you are a well document fabulist I'm going to mark this as false.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

A vote for Biden is a vote for a corrupt press, corrupt Nancy, Corrupt Schitt, Antifa brownshirts, and Hunter Biden's happy tax payer funded dick.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

He should tweet a dick pic so we know it's him.

Marcus Bressler म्हणाले...

The phrase "a lot of nerve" does not equate to "courage" in most people's minds. It's a derogatory phrase and I believe that's exactly as the Hostess meant it to be understood. Very telling.


bonkti म्हणाले...

WK wrote "Mother in law watches Rachel Maddox...." Don' t know if that was intentional but it is hysterically funny.

Browndog म्हणाले...

roesch/voltaire said...

After Trump called doctors and nurses lying about Covid deaths to make more money, my friends who work at the UW hospital said he just lost any votes he might have gotten from the medical establishment so he desperately needs this Hail Mary from Favre.

My 3 yr. old daughter read your comment. Tearfully, she asked "How did a man so devoid of moral character convince enough of the electorate to ignore his odious compulsions and elect him chief executive of the United States?"

I did not know how to answer.

I'm literally shaking.

rcocean म्हणाले...

Hurrah for Brett Favre. Of course, he's retired so he doesn't have to worry about some left-wing, America hating, lineman "Forgetting" to block that Defensive End. I don't know if he's on TV but this certainly won't help any career with ESPN or the TV networks. Lots of blacklisting of anyone who disagrees with their Stalinist Leftism.

So, a very brave man.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Scroll down to Dan Bongino's/Reagan Battalion's video of Camela's audition for host of "Romper Room".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

BIDEN: “I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure.”

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

For greats like Favre, you have to pick a side and fight. You’re not allowed to sit on the sidelines and be cruelly neutral.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

I delete comments that put in extra empty space (whether it was accidental or not). You need to respect the aesthetics.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

“A lot of nerve”. Amazing. You’re not allowed to be a Wisconsin icon unless you tow the communist line and coddle the citizens of Madison.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Howard said...
With the number of blows to the head that the poor man suffered plus all of his opioid consumption it's not surprising that he comes to that conclusion.

Lefty Mark and Howard (now there's a pair) are worried about CTE in football. The NFL is making a big mistake in going left since lefties don't like football. "Toxic Masculinity" you know.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

I delete (or, preferably, decline to publish) comments that do nothing but introduce a new topic. Go to the last café post if that's what you want to do. No hijacking! Write your own blog if you have a better idea of which topics should go up in which order. And by the way, sometimes what you think is something new is actually something that happened weeks ago.

mikee म्हणाले...

Are endorsements still a thing? Do they sway a single vote? I know that the kids on South Park worshipped John Elway, but do adults of voting age give two spits and a wink about what a sports celebrity thinks? Really?

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Chanie asks: A lot of nerve? I'm missing something

A brain, perhaps?

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Howard said...So has Brett Favre been forgiven for going to minnesota?

I have a lot of Packer fanatics in my family. They were not all that upset at Favre going to the Vikings because he was on his last legs and they had Aaron Rogers.

However, many will never forgive Favre for endorsing Trump.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

After years of patiently enduring endless hate and discrimination based on political preference, Trump supporters are coming out of the closet! We should at least get a 'D' for Deplorable added to the LGBTQ, no?

Phil 314 म्हणाले...

His courage is reinforced by the copper knee brace he wears.

pacwest म्हणाले...

Nicklas, Farve, Orr used policy reasons in their endorsements. You see this a lot in Trump endorsements. From his detractors not so much. Feelings, nothing more than feelings.

Tim म्हणाले...

See Dr. Scott Jensen in the USA Today detailing the fees that hospitals are paid by medicare for Covid-19 deaths vs flu/pnuemonia. Pnuemonia $5000, Covid/pnuemonia $13000, covid/pnuemonia + ventilator $39000. No wonder there have been such a low number flu/pneumonia deaths.

Achilles म्हणाले...

"Trump gets a big Wisconsin endorsement. Brett Favre has a lot of nerve."

That isn't nerve.

That is courage.

Something it takes to openly support Trump with all of the corporate fascists ending livelihoods and cancelling people.

You have been mildly criticized for being " cruelly neutral."

It didn't take much to cow you and you still hide from the well documented Biden corruption.

The video's of Hunter naked with a child who is also naked are kinda "trashy."

cyrus83 म्हणाले...

The choice of words is interesting. Would it take any nerve these days for someone famous to make a Biden endorsement, or is that almost so expected that it's surprising when one of them goes the other way?

I expect that the American people are going to have a lot of nerve themselves and force the social elite to deal with the reality of Donald Trump for another 4 years.

Scotty, beam me up... म्हणाले...

Farve led the Packer Nation out of a quarter century wilderness in the early 1990’s to the promised land of the Super Bowl. Yes, he ticked off a lot of Packer fans when he went to Minnesota. However, since he retired, all was forgiven and the prodigal son returned home to be re-embraced by most Packer fans. He never endorsed a candidate before, at least to my knowledge. I am guessing that he wanted to keep politics out of his professional life (which I would appreciate if other athletes still performing would as well, but I digress). Plus, by being non-political & not messing with his lucrative endorsements in the past, which would drop him if his conservative views were known & the left tried to cancel him. Now that he is retired and has F*ck You money in the bank, I am happy to see him vote his conscience without fear of retribution from the left.

JAORE म्हणाले...

I care as little for a Farve endorsement as I do an Alyssa Milano endorsement.

But the backlash Farve faces IS of interest. Telling of the "Love trumps hate" crowd.

Terry Ott म्हणाले...

As for the comment "I don't know if he's on TV but this certainly won't help any career with ESPN or the TV networks. Lots of blacklisting of anyone who disagrees with their Stalinist Leftism.”

Brett would probably say, “no thanks” to a regular sports/football TV gig. If I’m wrong about that then why hasn’t he done it before now? He surely doesn’t need the $$, nor the added “exposure” for commercial purposes. Regular travel to big cities from his nest in MS? Why? Of course now that so much broadcasting is done from remote locations … I could maybe see him doing a "Sunday Breakfast with the Favres” — half hour once a week for early risers across the US. But

$100 million in the bank makes it a bit easier to establish your priorities, and I figure hunting, fishing, hanging with old friends and swapping lies, family travel, being a grandpa may ALL rank above having or cashing in on greater celebrity via TV. Remember, the guy’s married to his HS sweetheart, so he’s not gonna make choices on his own!

Pianoman म्हणाले...

This is what a Preference Cascade looks like.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"That isn't nerve. That is courage."

If nerve ≠ courage then why does The Lion sing "Yeh, it's sad, believe me, Missy, When you're born to be a sissy/Without the vim and verve/But I could show my prowess, be a lion not a mou-ess/If I only had the nerve"?

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

You got a lot of courage, to say you are my friend....

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Favre is a multi-millionaire from Mississippi.

Anyone who had delusions he would be liberal isn't thinking clearly.

TJM म्हणाले...

Will this change Inga’s vote?

Jim at म्हणाले...

I don't get why celebrities/athletes/whatever think they need to publicly share who they're voting for. Of any political party.

Who cares?

Dude1394 म्हणाले...

Can you comprehend what you just said. He has a lot of nerve going against the democrat party. Why, because the democrat party has legit he know that they are going to riot if the election does not go their way.
Because of the democrat media, that is known and accepted as okay.

My wife just got a note from her church warning of the potential violence ( they did not point out that it would come from the democrat party but we all know it will ) with the upcoming election. That the congregation should prepare themselves, stay home, do not venture out and make sure their emergency bags are ready.

They have NEVER issue something like this nationwide, even during impending natural disasters.

If the democrat win, they will have done it at the point of a gun.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

There's a huge semantic difference between "He's got nerve." And "He's got a nerve".

Maillard Reactionary म्हणाले...

Geez, they must think that something important is on the line in this election.

Unlike certain others who apparently do not.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I honestly did not know that Bobby Orr was still alive. Learned something.

DEEBEE म्हणाले...

Ann, you have a lot of nerve to title it that way.