३१ ऑक्टोबर, २०२०

"He thinks he's going to win, and I know he's an evil genius. And he's smarter than all of us. And I know people hate to hear that."

Moore is incredibly nervous:

८४ टिप्पण्या:

tim maguire म्हणाले...

But every politician has to exude optimism. Trump acting like he believes he’s going to win doesn't tell you much about Trump’s actual views on his chances.

Mark म्हणाले...

Giving Michael Moore clicks.

I am sure he likes being found relevant again, thanks Republicans!

Don म्हणाले...

He is right.

Mary Beth म्हणाले...

The bit about winning the White House by losing the election was stupid. Trump understood what EC votes he needed to win and Hillary ignored that. They need to just accept he understood the game better.

Birkel म्हणाले...

Michael Moore has not exclusively surrounded himself with Leftist Collectivists.
That is my conjecture.

He understands his preferred side is losing blue collar voters.
His side is now Hollywood, professor's and administrators, lawyers, billionaires, and the very poor.
That is not a winning coalition, even if Democraticals win the Karen vote.

Howard म्हणाले...

Well whatever happens it's not the end of the world. Sorry to disappoint

RK म्हणाले...

"It's all fake news to them", says Moore, sarcastically, about Trump voters. Moore should catch up on the latest in MSM censorship of Hunter Biden news.

Moore is a douche but he did call Trump in 2016, and I still love his quote from back then:

“Yes, on November 8th, you — Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Bill Blow, Billy Bob Blow, all the Blows — get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it’s your right. Trump’s election is going to be the biggest Fuck You ever recorded in human history. And it will feel good.”

Colin म्हणाले...

I can't get over the contrast in Moore's abode compared to the "crystal palace" newsroom he's speaking with. Everyone looks too young to have much insight. I think Moore's instincts are right.

Heartless Aztec म्हणाले...

Of course he's going to win...

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

A stable evil genius beats a corrupt Big Guy with dementia. And Trump has the Jack Nicholas, Bret Farve and Herschel Walker endorsements.

WK म्हणाले...

Is he Wylie Coyote Evil Genius or more Marvin the Martian genius....

Jake म्हणाले...

He’s working a jinx.

Temujin म्हणाले...

Moore again stumbles onto the truth. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile.

Ryan म्हणाले...

Moore really wanted Michelle Obama to run, and was never that excited about Biden.

By the way, Scott Adams was livid and cursing up a storm about a Biden ad that he felt called Trump supporters Nazis. He vowed to destroy Biden if he won. As smart as Adams is, I don't get why he thinks profusive swearing is effective. Maybe he just needs to vent.

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

Michael Moore is campaigning for Donald Trump, again.

rehajm म्हणाले...

It's still narrative/propaganda. Biden never had a huge lead that was cut in half. Moore is a one eyed liberal in the land of the blind...

The Vault Dweller म्हणाले...

Emotional energy is clearly behind Trump. So what happens if Trump loses? All the polls suggest Biden winning. 2016 could have been an anomaly, but 2016 and 2020?

Rusty म्हणाले...

When you've lost Americas biggest consumer of cheeseburgers you've lost the democrat party.

rehajm म्हणाले...

I don't have any respect for analysis that accepts the top line of any poll. If you haven't looked at the turnout assumption you haven't read the poll

roesch/voltaire म्हणाले...

Depends on how many low information folks who don’t care about all the roll backs to the environment or children being separated parents come out to vote. And yes I am also worried.

MD Greene म्हणाले...

A stalwart Democratic friend mailed in his ballot during the first week of October.

A few days after the first NY Post laptop story on Oct. 14, he told me, "I want my vote back."

Two questions that will never be answered are 1)how many people turned into deplorables after the laptop story was released and 2) how much different the total voting results would have been if the story had been released two weeks earlier.

If Biden wins, he and whoever is pulling his strings will face widespread resistance every step they try to take. The media will have disgraced themselves for the eleventy-seventh time since 2008, and Trump's news outlet will become a powerful force unto itself.

I write here as one who voted for a none-of-the-above candidate. I too would like my vote back.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Moore is incredibly nervous:

Isn't Moore one of those guys who is wrong about everything?

Rory म्हणाले...

"He’s working a jinx."


mikee म्हणाले...

Moore is hedging his predictions, the better to remain relevant and newsworthy after the election, no matter who wins. Calling the election, against all the polls, twice in a row would make Moore a beritable prognosticator. That's worth being two-faced, isn't it? For a leftist shill, I mean.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Low information voters are people who swallow the Russia Russia Russia - Russian assets everywhere - Russian disinformation all around! BS

gilbar म्हणाले...

Mary Beth said...
The bit about winning the White House by losing the election was stupid. Trump understood what EC votes he needed to win

back in 1985, my Chicago Cubs were FINALLY ON THEIR WAY! They were UNSTOPPABLE!
When the year ended (October 7, 1984) We all spent the next 20 years saying:
...When you add up the total runs scored, it was
.....Chicago....26 runs
.....San Diego..18 runs
so, in Reality! we WON! we WON! we WON!
[but, even us Cubs fans weren't So Stupid, that we Actually thought we won]

protip it's NOT how many RUNS you score, it's how many GAMES you win
protip it's NOT how many VOTES you score, it's how many STATES you win

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

If Biden wins - he should be impeached and his family prosecuted for international money laundering, influence pedaling, pay-to-play, grift of the highest order, and lying to the American Public.

Jeff Brokaw म्हणाले...

Moore has long been one of the few lefties whose opinions are worth anything at all, and no I’m not a fan.

He has Midwest roots and never lost track of them, apparently, and does not seem to dwell in the East Coast bubble trap that the entire Left falls prey to, so he is — again, apparently — more grounded in what real people across the whole country actually think.

Whether he’s right here or not, we shall see. My odds would be 3-2 for a Trump win but the incomprehensible court decisions to allow obviously illegal vote manufacturing in battleground states post-election is a real wild card. We could easily be headed for a Constitutional crisis in the next few weeks.

Sam L. म्हणाले...

I don't do Twitter, and the link tells me I can't see it, soooo, what is it??

Sam L. म्हणाले...

And, who is Moore??

Mike Sylwester म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"The bit about winning the White House by losing the election was stupid. Trump understood what EC votes he needed to win and Hillary ignored that. They need to just accept he understood the game better."

I know. If you're a "genius" for noticing that you can win the presidency without winning the popular vote, then George W. Bush was a genius. But NO ONE thinks George W. Bush was a genius.

Mike Sylwester म्हणाले...

MD Greene at 8:28 AM
A stalwart Democratic friend mailed in his ballot during the first week of October. A few days after the first NY Post laptop story on Oct. 14, he told me, "I want my vote back."

More information about the Biden family for your Democrat friend to read

wendybar म्हणाले...

roesch/voltaire said...
Depends on how many low information folks who don’t care about all the roll backs to the environment or children being separated parents come out to vote. And yes I am also worried.

10/31/20, 8:27 AM

Joe started the separated children from parents. Why do you lefties continue to repeat that lie?? Do you read?? Then you MUST have read where the parents have been contacted, but DON'T want the kids returned to their homelands where the parents live. They sent them here for a better life. How many are YOU going to take in??

But please...Continue with the Pravda talking points. It's all you have left.

DanTheMan म्हणाले...

>>children being (from) separated parents

R/V, this lefty talking point is just plain stupid.

If you get arrested for DUI and have your child in the car, they don't put the kid in jail with you!!!

They SEPARATE you.

It happens every day in every state in the country.
It only became an issue when "children" were being smuggled into the country in an attempt to gain entry for the parents.

Mike Sylwester म्हणाले...

Polling in 2020

... There are many reasons why, but at the core is the inability to get a representative sample. Right now, the one demographic that is brutally hard to sample is working class males. If a poll gets a sample at all, they will get perhaps 1 for every 20 college educated, age 30-45, white, Democrat women.

When polls are wrong it is often because they have over represented a demographic or used the wrong demographic as a proxy. Many polls will consider a hipster working at Starbucks and a factory worker to both be a working-class male. But they don’t vote the same at all.

By the way, this working-class male vote that is so hard to sample? They will vote for Trump 65-30.

.... The bottom line is that the polling industry is broken right now, and possibly just as corrupt as our other institutions. You should not be putting faith in public polling, especially when the polling contradicts other historical indicators. I am hoping that this election will finally cause the industry to take a hard look at itself. But I doubt that it will. There is no downside to getting a poll wrong, you still get paid. And probably get paid more.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

roesch/voltaire said... Depends on how many low information folks who don’t care about all the roll backs to the environment or children being separated parents come out to vote.

Low information, high virtue signaling voters are the backbone of the Democrat Party, as r/v amply demonstrates.

mikee म्हणाले...

Trump is once again an evil genius. And just last week, he was a rude buffoon, a clown.
Is there something like manic depressive syndrome, but suffered by observers of Trump (and Bush, and Reagan), that makes these accusations of mental highs and lows in such rapid succession in any way sensible?

George W Bush kept the United States from committing genocide against the Islamic world after 9/11. Say what you will about his mental capacity (and you will be quite wrong if you misunderestimate his ability to strategerize) he led the nation in a moral direction after 9/11 in a manner that was impeccable. He saved us from killing millions of innocents in revenge for 9/11, and by doing so invalidated the brutal philosophy of Osama Bin Laden completely.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...But NO ONE thinks George W. Bush was a genius.

I certainly don't, but Al Gore and John Kerry were the geniuses whose military IQ scores were (not statistically significantly) lower than BushChimpHitler. I believe their college grades were almost identical, although Bush never flunked out like Gore did at Vanderbilt.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Biden to Slain Navy Seal’s Father: ‘Did Your Son Always Have Balls the Size of Cue Balls?’
I believe Lady Professora wisely restrained herself from plagiarizing Joe Biden

+ Bret is still alive

Rumors abound that Biden and Obama traded Seals to Taliban

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

I am like Jeff Brokaw above- I think the difference is that Moore isn't in the East/West Coast media bubbles. As I predicted weeks ago, the national polls are narrowing as the date of the election nears- the pollsters need to try to hedge their bets on the future. The various tossup state polls are exactly where they were in 2016, too.

I don't know who to credit for it, but a commenter here a few days ago made the observation that people believing major media polls, especially Republican voters, are displaying Gell Mann Amnesia. Those same media outlets outright lied for 4 years now about the Russian Collusion Hoax, so why wouldn't they lie about polls? You see Nate Silver constantly repeating the lie that the pollsters got the national vote right in 2016 within the margin of error- that simply isn't true- if they had really gotten a solid result in 2016, they would have highlighted that Clinton's margin was completely contained inside of California's borders, and that she was likely to lose the election.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

My prediction is this:

Trump wins every state he won in 2016 except for, maybe, two of the three upper midwest states from the Blue Wall- he might win all three again. In the latter case, he might add NH and NV to the total.

However, if Biden does win, it won't be a landslide- he will likely win exactly the way I thought Clinton had it won in 2016 after it was clear Virginia would go to the Democrat- by winning WI, MI, and PA. In that case, he might add Florida to the list, but only by a 1 percent win.

Overall, I think Trump has more ways to win this election than does Biden.

JAORE म्हणाले...

Moore is a liar and a hard lefty. But he, a rarity among the left, still has contact with and an understanding of blue collar workers.

Bill, Republic of Texas म्हणाले...

Who built the cages R/V?

I find it interesting that Don Lemon says he had to cut off friends of his that will be voting Trump. So Trump has now infiltrated the east coast gay culture. One more sign of a Trump Victory.

Here's another, as a lifelong Democrat I get a ton of calls and texts from the Democrats. I was asked if I would support the Democrat, I would tell them no. I will not support another Democrat until the Democrats return from the extreme edges and start supporting the working people and our democratic foundations.

The answer was always something like, "you can't get more moderate than Joe!", or "Don't trust the fake Republicans "

And then a couple of weeks or so the responses turned ugly.

One woman literally screamed at me. I just laughed at her and she really lost it and slammed the phone down.

Another young woman said she was deleting me from the call lists. I told her "SHAME! on you for supporting a corrupt politician who sold our country and jobs to Wall Street!" I heard her say "fuck" as she was hanging up. I don't think she was saying " fuck you" to me. It felt more like "fuck" in a resigned way.

I'd really like a report from their callers. What reception are they getting? I know when I would do the call banks it can be a frustrating gig because a lot of people don't want to be bothered. But a lot of people would answer "hell yeah!" Or something that made you feel good. I wonder if the callers aren't getting frustrated by the responses.

Snark म्हणाले...

A lot of the polling groups showing Trump ahead or close in the battlegrounds are weighting ‘social circle’ type questions significantly. Maybe. But I also think Trump’s particular nature has made people fatalistic, like Moore is here. It may truly be, yeah I am voting for Biden for reals, but Trump is an evil wizard and he’s going to make all my friends vote for him.

Phil 314 म्हणाले...

“Depends on how many low information folks who don’t care about all the roll backs to the environment or children being separated parents come out to vote. And yes I am also worried.”

And there it is right there. It’s not a preference, not a vote but a moral failure.

You know, maybe Hamilton was correct, the enlightened should rule.

Michael K म्हणाले...

I know. If you're a "genius" for noticing that you can win the presidency without winning the popular vote, then George W. Bush was a genius. But NO ONE thinks George W. Bush was a genius.

Ann has noticed why we have an electoral college. Hillary won California. She lost the rest of the country.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Pollsters are what we call "experts". Not a great year for experts, but then again it never is, and yet we never learn from their mistakes.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Biden is not going to do anywhere near as well as Hillary did in California, not that it changes anything.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

It certainly is a form of genius and maybe the best kind if you can buck all the experts, fight all the major power centers both legal and cultural and still win. It might even be more than genius, it may be magic. How else do explain beating all the smartest people in a game of wits, arguments, and influencing minds. What is genius if not that?

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

I am amazed at how many people locally skipped the last election but are voting Trump this time. I'd assumed all of them voted in 2016, but they didn't. The people who spent the last four years warning that smug contempt is how you get more Trump were right.

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

DNC media information voters are people who swallow the Russia Russia Russia - Russian assets everywhere - Russian disinformation all around! BS


Francisco D म्हणाले...

I have a hard time figuring out how 2016 Trump voters could decide to vote Biden. I see Democrats sitting out rather than voting for an obviously corrupt and cognitively compromised life long politician.

The Democrats seem to be focusing on getting back Bernie supporters who sat out the Clinton election. Some of them may have voted Trump, so now they will vote Biden. Is that a significant number? Who knows?

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

If Comrade Joe and Comrade Kamala win, this would be a good case for "faithless" electors to vote for Trump. Won't happen. The Democrat Party has morphed into the Comrade Party. You will be made to obey the Comrade Party. Anyone who doesn't is either a "deplorable" or "ugly." The Comrade Party will seize all of the "deplorable's" assets and throw them into a reeducation camp.

Snark म्हणाले...

It’s not magic or genius. Psychopathic personalities disarm the other 97% of the population because all our normal intuitions fail. The only thing that changes that is up close personal experience, and up close personal impact.

n.n म्हणाले...

George W Bush kept the United States from committing genocide against the Islamic world after 9/11.

He focused attention on the unsettled conflict in Iraq, thereby attracting terrorists near and far to this hot spot, and, after nearly a decade, ended the Iraq war. All while working with natives to successfully unseat Al Qaeda and their Taliban patrons in Afghanistan.

Mrs. X म्हणाले...

Well whatever happens it's not the end of the world.
Funny, it sure does seem like we’re being told—by the media, by Obama, by the Biden Harris campaign who apparently released a commercial with footage of Hitler (you stay classy, guys)—that the world will end if Trump is re-elected. Maybe I misunderstood.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

"If he think he’s going to win, then I think he’s going to win.”

It's called "leadership".

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent म्हणाले...

“I am amazed at how many people locally skipped the last election but are voting Trump this time. “

Every formerly apolitical, non-voting person that I know well, is voting for Trump this year. Admittedly that’s a tiny group of people, but I found the timing and uniformity of their choice interesting. If, by some miracle, Trump does win, the Donks are really going to wish they hadn’t endorsed the riots in the middle of the lockdowns.

Alas, not to be a downer, but there’s no way Trump wins this thing. The headwinds are simply too great. The amoral, insane opposition willing to abandon every norm of liberal democracy. The conscienceless propagandists of the legacy media. The moronic mob of social media. The Black Swan of the KungFlu and the depraved way the Democrats exploited it. Regardless of how lame their opponent may be, there’s no historical precedent for a candidate prevailing in these circumstances. The polls aren’t wrong. If anything, they’re probably understating how bad this is going to be.

As for Moore, meh. Everybody (but Mick) is a Cassandra before an election. I well remember stories of nervous Obama voters in 2012.

The bright spot in all this is that, in all their insanity, the norms the Left trashed will not be restored just because they return to power. “Resistance” is the new norm and the Trumpian anti-Establishment voter will be grimly delighted to play that game.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

"George W Bush kept the United States from committing genocide against the Islamic world after 9/11."

I'm sure the French appreciate that.

Krumhorn म्हणाले...

I’m frankly a little concerned about our hostess asserting that she is abstaining. She is my political weathervane when it comes to Midwest suburban women. As brainy as she is, she is an emotion player when it comes to this sort of thing, and she has emotionally reacted to Trump’s crappy debate performance at the first event.

To the extent that the political winds blow in the direction she is pointing.....

- Krumhorn

Achilles म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse said...

I know. If you're a "genius" for noticing that you can win the presidency without winning the popular vote, then George W. Bush was a genius. But NO ONE thinks George W. Bush was a genius.

Trump supporters will agree that Bush is not a genius.

But Bush was smarter than Obama or at least on the same level.

How many of your fellow tribesmen think Obama is a genius?


Snark म्हणाले...

I would say that moving from a vote for Clinton to abstaining 4 years on is a move towards Trump in its way. A political light breeze, at least.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Trump isn't academically brilliant. He's probably kind of average.

But he is Einstein/Hawking level genius regarding street-smarts and reading people.

His toast always seems to land butter side up.

Night Owl म्हणाले...

Moore dopily says, "to win the white house by losing the election, that's genius..."

It is indeed amusing that leftists think Trump is some kind of evil genius because he understands how our election system using the electoral college works. It reveals how dopey they are that they think getting a lower popular vote but a higher electoral count is called "losing the election".

Buncha maroons.

Churchy LaFemme: म्हणाले...

I don't do Twitter, and the link tells me I can't see it, soooo, what is it??

If you click "open in new tab" Twitter links often fail. I don't know why this is, other than technical incomptence on their part. When the link fails, hit reload (control-r, or just hit enter in the url bar) and it will work.

Iman म्हणाले...

Tubby Riefenstahl

RichardJohnson म्हणाले...

Freeman Hunt
The people who spent the last four years warning that smug contempt is how you get more Trump were right.

Smug contempt is there in spades. A Flyover person had a recent exchange with a relative in NYC. NYC told Flyover that Trump voters were angry- rehash of Obama's "bitter clingers." All that Biden stuff - "fake news." Oh yeah. Condescending to the nth- even more amazing considering that NYC has known Flyover all his life.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"evil genius"

The genius part I can see. But why evil? Seriously. Best economy in ages. Higher wages, lower inequality. No crazy wars. Opposing China. Middle East deals. Deregulation. Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Barrett. Muddled but middle-of-the-road Covid performance, pretty good if you take out blue NJ, NY, CT, and Mass. Strong economic comeback. Sure, progs want to win. But "evil"?

Jim at म्हणाले...

or children being separated parents come out to vote.

R/V thinks Presidents should openly defy court orders.

RichardJohnson म्हणाले...

But "evil"?

Democrats see Republicans as Evil.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

The anti-war song “Sunshine“ was a hit in 1971, the year I ETSed and returned to my graduate studies. There’s a line in it about “ And he can't even run his own life, I'll be damned if he'll run mine!”

I don’t want people like Moore, who cannot run his own life, trying to run mine.

I want Democrats to show that they can run cities like Portland and Seattle and Chicago and South Bend and we York and Madison and Milwaukee before they grandly announce that they can run the whole damned country.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

After Trump's shock win in 2016, anyone would have to be not simply naive, but effectively brain dead, not to consider that Trump may very well win this second election.

I voted this morning, arriving at 6:30AM to a line winding around the block. The doors opened at 7:00AM. The line moved swiftly and by 7:20AM, (a few minutes earlier than that, actually), I had voted and was exiting the polling place.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"I don’t want people like Moore, who cannot run his own life, trying to run mine."

What do you know or assume about Moore's life that suggests to you he cannot run his own life?

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"Isn't Moore one of those guys who is wrong about everything?"


Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"If you get arrested for DUI and have your child in the car, they don't put the kid in jail with you!!!

"They SEPARATE you."

Yes, but they're not put into a separate jail, as these children are. If the children of illegal immigrants are going to be held in detention, they should be held with their parents.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"But he is Einstein/Hawking level genius regarding street-smarts and reading people."

Yes, a necessary trait possessed by successful grifters at all levels of the con game.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"George W Bush kept the United States from committing genocide against the Islamic world after 9/11...he led the nation in a moral direction after 9/11 in a manner that was impeccable. He saved us from killing millions of innocents in revenge for 9/11, and by doing so invalidated the brutal philosophy of Osama Bin Laden completely."

A moral direction? A startling and morally bankrupt comment to make about a war criminal and his murderous administration. We killed (or cause to be killed), maimed, and rendered into refugees from their homes thousands of innocents whose society we destroyed. We also imprisoned and tortured countless innocents who had nothing to do with 9/11 or Islamic terrorism. We invaded two countries that had nothing to do with 9/11, illegitimately overturning the government of one nation (destroying a functioning society), and expanded our army into other nations in the region. All Bush did with his fraudulent, ill-conceived, and illegal War of Terror was to exacerbate the existing situation, creating more terrorists, more death, more misery, more destruction, and more instability in the region than would have been the case if intelligent and ethical people had been in charge at the time. We have squandered trillions of dollars on what has been a total disaster, (trillions that could have been spent on more socially productive purposes here in the US).

Greg The Class Traitor म्हणाले...

Robert Cook said...
"If you get arrested for DUI and have your child in the car, they don't put the kid in jail with you!!!
"They SEPARATE you."
Yes, but they're not put into a separate jail, as these children are. If the children of illegal immigrants are going to be held in detention, they should be held with their parents.

1: If the parents and the child are both found guilty of a crime, the kids go to juvenile hall, the adults go to jail

2: If you have a problem with the illegal alien children not being kept with their parents, direct you ire towards the Left wing "pro immigration" groups that engineered the consent agreement that brought that about.

They thought it would force the gov't to let all of them go into the US. Trump refused to play that game.

3: The US has an absolute right to set whatever immigration laws and rules we want, including not letting anyone at all in. No individual has a "right" to immigrate to the US, absent a legitimate and legal contract agreement between said individual and the US gov't.

When the Left stops trying to do an end run around US immigration laws, let us know. until then, they get no legitimate complaints about the misery their actions inflict on aliens illegally attempting to enter the US.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"1: If the parents and the child are both found guilty of a crime, the kids go to juvenile hall, the adults go to jail"

You were talking about adults arrested for DUI while their children were in the car. What crime might the children be found guilty of in that scenario?

If you're trying to accuse the children who are brought by their parents over the borders of being complicit in a crime, you are simply bonkers. That's like saying that children left by their father in his car while he goes in and robs a bank are accomplices to his bank robbery.

You completely avoid addressing the cruelty of the policy of taking children away from their parents and detaining them separately from their parents. Your entire rant is a non-sequitur.

I repeat: if the children are going to be detained, they should at least be detained with their parents until their collective fates--presumably, deportation to their countries of origin--are determined.

Greg The Class Traitor म्हणाले...

You completely avoid addressing the cruelty of the policy of taking children away from their parents and detaining them separately from their parents. Your entire rant is a non-sequitur.

That action happens because "pro-immigrant" groups got a consent agreement requiring it. you ahve a problem with that "cruelty"? Great! Go after the people who demanded it.

For myself: no one who attempts to come here in violation of US law shoudl get in. IMAO, all applications for asylum should be summarily rejected until such time as all the "pro-immigration" groups stop advising illegal aliens to apply as such.

Any child brought here illegally is at best an accessory to their parent's crime (this leaves aside all the kids who are being kidnapped / bought by coyotes, and used to attempt to get unrelated people in easier). They do not belong here, they are not here legally, and they should be kicked out.

If you lefties are going to make it hard to kick them out, then you are the ones guilty of any harm they suffer from the process.

Because we ARE going to kick them out. And we SHOULD.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"Any child brought here illegally is at best an accessory to their parent's crime...They do not belong here, they are not here legally, and they should be kicked out."

A child cannot be an accessory to the crime of illegal immigration if it is their parents bringing them here and it is idiotic to suggest so. What are these infants and toddlers and young children going to do, tell their parents, "I won't go! I'm staying here and will survive on my own!"

"That action happens because 'pro-immigrant; groups got a consent agreement requiring it. you ahve (sic) a problem with that 'cruelty?' Great! Go after the people who demanded it."

What consent agreement demanded by pro-immigrant groups requires that the children be detained separately from their parents?

You still fail to address my point: I am not at all addressing the question as to whether the children (and their parents) should be allowed to stay or not.


In fact, I just did a little googling and I see someone with some authority agrees with me, (probably under pressure) (From NPR.org, datelined June 19,2020):

"On Wednesday, President Trump signed an executive order reversing his policy of separating families — and replacing it with a policy of detaining entire families together, including children, but ignoring legal time limits on the detention of minors."

This was Trump's policy, according to the report.

Greg The Class Traitor म्हणाले...


Tell it to the Democrat Judge who issued and approved a consent agreement between Left-wing "immigration activists" and Democrat officials, that says that the Federal Government isn't allowed to do that.

Then whine about "that dictator Trump" and his refusal to violate that judicial ruling

Greg The Class Traitor म्हणाले...

"On Wednesday, President Trump signed an executive order reversing his policy of separating families — and replacing it with a policy of detaining entire families together, including children, but ignoring legal time limits on the detention of minors."

This was Trump's policy, according to the report.

1: It's NPR, which means it's lying trash for anything that harms Republicans or helps Democrats
2: "ignoring legal time limits on the detention of minors." So, where are those "legal limits" from? Hmm, I wonder...

Trump's policy was: I'm not going to release adults here illegally, just because they came here with kids.

It is the correct policy.

If you don't like the effects, go attack the Democrats / Lefties who created all the rules that Trump has to work around, in order to do his Constitutional duty and faithfully execute the laws of the US