After her roundtable with Black biz owners in Milwaukee, @KamalaHarris walked out to address ~45 fans standing across the street. “I need your help in Milwaukee, OK? We’re going to get this done. Make sure everybody votes early, right?” @axios
— Alexi McCammond (@alexi) September 7, 2020
I do like the shoes.
१०७ टिप्पण्या:
At times like this, I’m stumped as to what the undecideds care about. They don’t care about Trump denigrating the troops (yes, I know it’s a hoax, I'm not talking about whether it happened, just about what people are told happened) or that the US has many of the world’s worst COVID numbers or that until March, the economy was great had Trump had some big successes—Trump’s numbers didn’t budge. They don’t care that the riots are condoned by the Democrats or that they are beholden to people determined fo destroy the country or that their standard-bearer suffers from dementia and probably won’t last a year in office—Biden’s numbers aren‘t budging.
So what do they care about?
Her indian name is Takes No Questions...
At :02 she furtively glances back to see if her handlers see her before peeling off her mask, like a little child checking to see if mommy is watching before trying to get away with sticking a finger in the pie.
If you speak Leftist truths, viruses can't be transmitted.
The more you know. . .
Why is the message that everyone vote "early"? Is asking people to vote enough? Why must it be early? Does it make the expected fraud simpler?
Her likability does not improve with increased exposure. She's not even unlikable in an interesting way. Hillary had a touch of the Bond villain about her....I can't understand what Willie Brown ever saw in her.
Fascinating another movie is happening on twitter: "She's so smart, she looked around before taking the mask off!" My question, is she tested regularly like Trump?
I do like the shoes.
You’ve got to be kidding, right?
If Biden's mental awareness drops just another 20 percent he will tie harris.
Bad sneakers and
A Piña Colada, my friend
Stompin' on the avenue
Chuck Taylors are shorthand for "I relate to the young'uns." Hacky, from a pitician standpoint. Lazy, from a fashion standpoint. Condescending and embarrassing.
Kamela might be the worst candidate ever.
Meade's words are verbatim from Chapter 3 of the Vice Presidential Candidate Operators Manual: Proper Operation
If she doesn't look back see: Chapter 21: Troubleshooting or your warranty guide on how to replace...
@tim maguire: I suspect the Undecideds are remaining so until the campaign plays out some more. It just really started in earnest. And there is so much uncertainty still about Covid (not that there should be), reopening, the economy. I bet they aren't paying attention enough to see that each and every new Trump Outrage story turns into nothing. Or just not really paying much attention at all. School is restarting, arrangements need to be made, work is changing as some companies reopen, lots of non-political stuff to pay attention to.
Personally I can't see why anyone would be undecided at this point, but I'm old enough and far enough along in life that I have time to think through this stuff.
Is she running for VP of the sorority?
Don’t you mean the clown shoes? Heartbeat away.
I think she was glancing back to see who was around her before removing her mask. She was not seeking permission instead she was being respectful.
“Vote early”
Why early ? Why not just “vote”? What is the underlying drive behind a VP candidate specifically pushing for early voting ?
Beyond troubling with everything that is going on.
Just want to point out Biden wants to make that illegal.
Luckily, he is so feckless not one single governor has followed his call to do so, even though he is the Dem Presidential Nominee. But still, he wants to make that illegal.
She looks and sounds like a kindergarten teacher. The pants, the sneakers (especially the sneakers), the hair, the voice, the gestures--everything about her says...incompeten...unserious.
And mentioning her birthday. Who cares? Anyone above the age of 10 who mentions their birthday to other people is troubled.
The worst Vice Presidential candidate in 60 years.
She probably took if off because she knows that wearing a mask outdoors with no one within several yards is just theater and she didn't didn't want to play that role. Besides she wanted to make sure the huge crowd of supporters, all 45 of them, got the message to vote early and get everyone they know to do the same. Mail in votes have got to be a key element of the Dems coup plans because I get a text message from some different left wing outfit in NC at least once a week offering to "set me up with a mail in ballot." In my case it's all intended for someone named Johnathon, who apparently had the same cell number before I got it. The Dems have come to the conclusion that in person voting is a serious obstacle to election theft.
Tim at 5:46 am. Which undecideds have you spoken with. Speaking as one I care about all of those things.
"Make sure everybody votes early," she says, and then she hesitates one beat -- to prevent herself from saying "and often." ?
If you have a sense of humor the democrats are fielding a bunch a gimps. Including They Made Me Do It Pelosi. No wonder the usual suspects have been scarce. Not even they can parse this shit show into anything that makes sense.
Has Milwaukee had riots? Maybe she should tell the "Black biz owners" that if there are riots with the protests she keeps supporting, and the businesses get destroyed and their life's work ruined: "Thank you for your help. Vote early, OK?"
It was a quick glance back, Meade. As if she and her handlers both had a bunch of momentary thoughts, "How will this poll? How will this be used against us? Can I do this? Will this be acceptable? What will Trump say about this?"
Everything is about symbolism.
Unknown said...
She looks and sounds like a kindergarten teacher. The pants, the sneakers (especially the sneakers), the hair, the voice, the gestures--everything about her says...incompeten...unserious.
And mentioning her birthday. Who cares? Anyone above the age of 10 who mentions their birthday to other people is troubled.
The worst Vice Presidential candidate in 60 years.
I believe you have forgotten the last election.
She wants people to vote before the debates. Her's and Joe's.
I can't understand what Willie Brown ever saw in her.
His penis.
Joe Biden is starting to look like a Clutch Cargo cartoon in his virtual rallies. Who did they get to do the voice impersonation? Perhaps at the debate Kamala can squat under Joe with her hand up his ass to control the mouth movements better.
Why is voting early so important? Early or the day of, the votes all count the same.
Why early ? Why not just “vote”?
Vote before you see Biden debate Trump.
Agree, the kicks are fun.
53 days from a Presidential election, and the VP nominee attracts 45 people at a public appearance. I see why the Dems are ahead in all the polls. It makes sense now. /sarc/
Saw her on a tv interview last night. My god, what did she do to her face? It looks like she’s using the same surgeon that did Michael Jackson’s jaw line.
Indian women tend to be hippy
Tim @5:46
That's a good recitation of dem/media talking points. Do you see yet why you are confused?
Polls are commissioned to advance the narrative of who ever is buying the poll.
Yes, she was wearing those shoes when she met sexual assaulter Jacob Blake and is anti-Semitic father - afterward calling them 'really wonderful'.
Because she’s a moron?
So what do they care about?
Anyone that has ever watched a beauty pageant knows the answer-
World Peace.
Blogger jaydub said...
"She probably took if off because she knows that wearing a mask outdoors with no one within several yards is just theater and she didn't didn't want to play that role."
Tell that to Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers.
"I do like the shoes."
They do complete the look. Image is everything for kindergarten teachers.
What a woman - bailed on her campaign before the first primary, and now in line to be President on or before January 21 if the Dem machine can fake enough mail in ballots. But yes, the shoes are nice, despite the vile woman wearing them.
Kamela [sic] might be the worst candidate ever.
How soon they forget. There was a woman running just four years ago, who will never be topped in the category of awful candidates.
Phil 314 said...Tim at 5:46 am. Which undecideds have you spoken with. Speaking as one I care about all of those things.
There are millions of undecideds. If I had anything at all to say about them based on the infinitesimal fraction I'd spoken with, I would hang my head in shame at my own stupidity. I'd have beclowned myself.
The answer to your implied question is contained within the comment you are responding to.
Blogger Unknown said...
"Indian women tend to be hippy.
She's listed at a generous 5'2" in the program. There's not a lot of room for extra ballast.
iowan2 said...
Tim @5:46
That's a good recitation of dem/media talking points. Do you see yet why you are confused?
I see that you stopped reading in the middle.
jaydub said...
She probably took if off because she knows that wearing a mask outdoors with no one within several yards is just theater and she didn't didn't want to play that role.
The Dems and media have been quite adamant that theatre is a good enough reason. You may note that many wear masks in virtual situations "to send a message about the importance of wearing masks." We've heard talk recently of some government agencies requiring employees to wear masks at zoom meetings.
Althouse, the shoes make her look unserious. But I admit it gives people something to talk about her that distracts from the poor turnout, and maybe it also makes everyone forget her horrible campaigning before the Iowa caucuses.
She BLACK in a racial, ethnic or cultural sense, conveying an essential and shared sense of history, identity and community among people who identify as BLACK, including those in the African diaspora and within Africa and Berkeley.
"Why is Kamala Harris taking her mask off specifically to yell at people?"
1. So they can hear her. 2. To show masks are for little people who meekly submit.
doesn't milwaukee vote north of 110%
"Make sure everybody votes early, right?"
She forgot "and often."
All the charisma of Richard M Nixon
"45 fans"
Let that sink in for a few moments.
Biden and Harris have been in short supply as they avoided in-person campaign appearances. There should have been considerable pent-up demand to see (historic black, asian woman) candidate Kamala in the flesh. Given their limited schedules it's not like their campaign team was too busy to drum up an audience. After recent events in Kenosha this should have been big deal.
Trump could go to Strawberry Point, Iowa and command a crowd in the 10's of thousands.
Those sure do look like comfortable shoes. Not Presidential but comfortable.
tim maguire said...
"So what do they care about?"
It's not that they do or don't care about any of those issues. It's that many people, who aren't political junkies, it's really early in the process. We still haven't had even one debate. That's the moment when many voters take a good look at the two candidates and try to picture each one as President.
Given how crazy the political "news" coverage is, it's a reasonable idea. The debates (if they happen) may well be the only chance we really get to compare the two candidates unfiltered.
Don't care for her politics, but she is pretty hot for her age.
Willie, you sly old fox.
Black biz owners...
The problem with this country in three words.
Is she running for VP of black America?
When Clinton was president I didn't like all of his policies, but I didn't feel that he was actively working against me, that he hated me.
When Obabma was president I never felt, a single time, that he cared about me at all. He was president for his crazy left (now seemingly almost sane) followers.
I never felt that he actually loved this country. It was about what the US could do for him.
I feel the same way with's all about what she can get out of the deal.
Blogger Meade said...
...glances back to see if her handlers see her before peeling off her mask, like a little child checking to see if mommy is watching...
I got the feeling she didn't want a photo of her without distance or a mask, so she was checking her perimeter distances before taking off the mask.
I doubt she thought she would avoid being seen by the Biden "handlers." She just needed the explanation and justification.
Harris said she was PROUD OF Jacob Blake, I can understand being sympathetic towards his injuries, but proud of a rapist thief?
This should be big news.
“Vote early”
Why early ? Why not just “vote”? What is the underlying drive behind a VP candidate specifically pushing for early voting ?
Beyond troubling with everything that is going on.
9/8/20, 6:36 AM
She wants to lock in votes before anything that might change them could happen. This isn't just because she and Biden are very vulnerable (they are), this has been a common Dem tactic for several years. It's "October Surprise" insurance.
Tree Joe asks why she wants her supporters to vote early. The reason is, to get their vote locked in before one of her flip flops or one of Biden's glitches changes the voter's mind.
Isn’t she wearing Chucks, the best shoe ever?
Hers look nice so they might be an expensive copycat or maybe it’s just because they’re clean?
She was not seeking permission instead she was being respectful.
As if her Secret Service people and staff would allow anyone to be within close range of her. She knew there was no one close by. Regardless of that, she said that Biden declaring he would require us all to wear masks outside was evidence of his leadership. If she believes that, she should follow it.
More people turned out to see Pence in Michigan than the number of people that came out to see Biden and Harris combined.
>>Althouse said:
Why is Kamala Harris taking her mask off specifically to yell at people?<<
Because she is outdoors and she is socially distanced, I suppose.
50 year old women on my Facebook were all thrilled about the way she was dressed yesterday. "oooh, give me my Gen X VP, please!" Oh sure, that's why I vote for someone - based on their outfit. Of course, these were the women 4 years ago who bought votive candles with Hillary's image on them, to burn on election night, so "shallow" is a good word for them. They also treat politics as religion, like most leftists. It's all another culture entirely to me.
traditionalguy said...
Those sure do look like comfortable shoes. Not Presidential but comfortable.
The one pair of Chuck Taylors I owned were terribly uncomfortable. No support whatsoever. Pieces of canvas sewn to a hunk of rubber.
I'd prefer Tom Hanks tattered sneakers on the desert island in Castaway (although I'm boycotting Nike). Estimate $2,500 – $3,500
That's a good look for someone going to the mall. Its a bad look for a Vice President of the United States.
That's a good look for someone going to the mall. Its a bad look for a Vice President of the United States.
Harris is really unlikable. Biden is 78 y/o and senile. This is worst Presidential ticket in my lifetime. They should be losing by 20 points.
The shoes - standard Hood ware/wear
Howard said...
All the charisma of Richard M Nixon
Milhous had a furtive look about him that turned people off. However, he was a very diligent and smart guy with no charisma.
With Kamala it is her overall presentation that gives me the creeps. It's not that she lacks charisma. It is that she seems totally phony and strident.
She strips off the phony mask to reveal the real mask beneath.
Why no cackling laughter? It's not the full experience without it.
Oh no, pretty momma, what you gonna do in those shoes
She strips off the phony mask...
And I would have gotten away with it if not for those meddling kids!
A leftist female scold--how unusual . . .
"Milhous had a furtive look about him that turned people off. However, he was a very diligent and smart guy with no charisma."
Nixon may have been crooked (I think it was overblown) but he was an extremely intelligent man.
Today's politicians are crooked and stupid.
Well, that's one way to self-contaminate from a concentrated sample. Hopefully, she washed her hands before spreading it.
"I do like the shoes." Shoes, not shown in this picture...
If you have sausage legs don't wear skinny jeans. Actually skinny jeans are as tasteless as yoga pants. Don't wear either.
Meade noticed the exact same thing I noticed- Harris looking back for approval.
Look, it is pretty obvious that no one really believes their masks are beneficial in any way- that is why Harris took hers off and screamed to the crowd so they could hear her. It is why Nancy Pelosi didn't have hers on in the salon. On the left, it is all just empty virtue signalling, and then the signalling is trumped by some other goal, then the mask comes off, both literally and figuratively.
She spits when she yells, the mask gets soggy, she does not like soggy cloth, (swallow don't spit).
"I can't understand what Willie Brown ever saw in her.
His penis."
And that softball was hit into the next state over.
When you are speaking to someone else, to get your message across, you need to see their whole face. This is human nature, whether you know it consciously or subconsciously.
Masks are destroying social interaction; or rather, another nail in that coffin.
Oh, and to give her the benefit of the doubt, I believe she was looking behind her to make sure she was 'out of range' of the people she couldn't see. I might be wrong, but that was my impression.
Well, 45 fans? This is either the level of interest or the lack of the Biden/Harris campaign staff being a bunch of amateurs.
She was not seeking permission instead she was being respectful.
The "vote early" thing is so you can't change your mind later. Like after the debates. Or the rest of the campaign. Or when Joe has to drop out for...reasons.
Isn’t she wearing Chucks, the best shoe ever?
Fittingly made in China. By a Company owned by Nike, that, with the NBA, is joined to the hip with China. It would not surprise me one bit if the Company comped these shoes to her as a promotion. Pay no attention to China Joe's China's Human Rights Record.
(I'm wearing Red Wing boots at the moment -- Made in the USA)
"...glances back to see if her handlers see her before peeling off her mask, like a little child checking to see if mommy is watching."
I think she farted and was checking for damage.
I was gonna vote for her a couple times on election day.
But in those shoes? I don't think so.
How many of the 45 fans weren't with the media?
As for not wearing the mask, she was socially distanced and outdoors, so the risk was close to zero. I assume the furtive glance was to make sure there wasn't anyone close to her when she took off the mask. I'm feeling generous today.
Blogger William said...
Her likability does not improve with increased exposure. She's not even unlikable in an interesting way. Hillary had a touch of the Bond villain about her....I can't understand what Willie Brown ever saw in her.
I think he saw some of himself in her. Nothing unusual.
"After her roundtable with Black biz owners in Milwaukee ...".
A group that is somewhat smaller than it was a few weeks ago.
Started with Keds, which are more feminine, but switched to Chucks over a decade ago because they clean up better. If at some point I trip across something on Amazon made in the USA that’s fills the same needs that my Chucks do I’ll give them a try. Until then, my Chucks work.
It's interesting that Harris is no more receptive to questions than Biden.
In an event in Wisconsin Monday evening, Kamala Harris was invited to take some questions from the press and she and her staff went into CODE RED and bounced up outta there:
Totally cordially, the host went to pass Kamala the mic to take some questions, and a nanosecond later two of her staffers are heard jumping in to shut it down.
Kamala and her handlers decided to abruptly and urgently end the event and leave, to the apparent shock of the fawning host.
Shouldn't she be saying, "We need your help"?
alanc709 said...
Why is the message that everyone vote "early"? Is asking people to vote enough? Why must it be early? Does it make the expected fraud simpler?
is SOP same for early and election day voting?
is SOP same at different precincts or idiosyncratic?
early voting as dry run or casing the joint?
The shoes and the whole outfit are good. Too bad about her being an unprincipled hack.
She comes out behind John Edwards in the worst Vice Presidential candidate ever contest.
Kamala Harris is Dem Veep candidate for three reasons.
1. She's a woman
2. People identify her as black.
3. Of all of the choices available to Biden's handlers, she by far was the best fund raiser.
“Vote early”
Why early ? Why not just “vote”? What is the underlying drive behind a VP candidate specifically pushing for early voting ?
To Democrats, the “and often” is implied.
tcrosse said...
She strips off the phony mask to reveal the real mask beneath.
Yes! It would be a bit like the old TV series "V", where the aliens would rip off their human masks to show the reptilian skin, green cat eyes and flicking tongues beneath.
The worst in 60 years?
She's unlikable for most people, but she will hold some votes for Biden. Tim Kane didn't do anything for Hillary.
The bar is quite low for VP candidates. It's harder to name those that were actually a productive asset than it is to name those who were failures or non-entities.
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