"I am perhaps overreacting to the news that domesticity diva Martha Stewart pops about 20 CBD-laced treats a day. CBD stands for cannabidiol, a cannabis byproduct. America’s most fabulous felon reports that 'it’s not a high like a marijuana high. It’s a CBD high, like, relaxed.'... Tom Hanks, Jennifer Aniston, Megan Rapinoe, Morgan Freeman, and Whoopi Goldberg have all boarded the CBD train. Kim Kardashian is said to be 'addicted' to CBD salves. 'Anyone that knows me knows I am obsessed with CBD everything,' quoth the lifestyle goddess. 'Let’s zen out for a Saturday.' Let’s! Good grief, why wouldn’t you want to take the edge off? How can you face 'reality'... without a crutch?... If you are willing to face this world straight up and sober, you have more psychic fortitude than most of us...."
From "Blissed out on CBD/Good grief, why wouldn’t you want to take the edge off?" (Boston Globe).
Are people actually getting "high" on CBD? Quite aside from the stupidity of fawning over yourself for getting high, I don't believe these people are getting high at all. They're just selling products, including the product that is their celebrity persona. That is, I think they're lying about getting high, though it's possible they're getting a placebo effect.
And I don't think Zen is about using drugs to relax on weekends. If you're going to water down a religion, you ought to go for your own religion.
५६ टिप्पण्या:
"you ought to go for your own religion"
Which is what they are doing, no?
There is no problem weed can't solve, or so I'm lectured...
100 years ago electricity was the magic cure, among others. If CBD worked, Id be one healthy dude. Im not saying, I'm just saying.
America has mastered the democratization of culturally appropriating everything and bong watering it down.
My wife has been suffering with pain in both feet for a couple years. She underwent surgery on her right foot two months ago. The recovery is very slow and she's still in pain. Her doctor said she can try CBD oil to see if that helps. We're going to buy her some soon to see if it works.
I despise everything about marijuana and marijuana adjacent culture. And I believe that most “CBD” products have nothing of the sort in them and are just placebos for gullible idiots.
If you are an adult, I just don't care. Also I don't believe anyone high on pot has ever gone on a destructive rampage and shot up/beat up anyone (taking out a flat of krispy kremes doesn't count). Where as drunks, PCP, etc. users can get quite violent.
Huxley smiles.
It is the miracle drug of the century! My patients tell me it cures everything from vertigo to arthritis. Amazing.
Usually that sort of elixir is sold at county fairs. It cures everything from ingrown nails to acid reflux and reumatoidal rutabega. Drummers would arrive in town on the train wearing plaid coats and patent leather shoes, and they would sellout their stock to the yokels and hoopleheads by the time the next train left the station as they scurried out before the mob of customers with hair now growing from their eyelids could get them. Some of them were so good at the scam, rather than just pulling it off, they could poke Marian the librarian as the whistle blew.
They were trouble...trouble trouble
- Krumhorn
You can get a mello body high from ~200-mg doses of full spectrum CBD. Most of what is sold is too expensive to consume enough to get this high. Plus they are isolates without all of the terpenes. Industrial Hemp in Colorado sells CBD buds (flower) pretty cheap by the pound and you can make your own potent potables for cheap.
" I don't believe these people are getting high at all."
Take people at their word.
Such role models.
CBD is the new “superfood”.
With an equal amount of science behind it.
I think they’re using the term “high” loosely. From Healthline website: “ CBD may be able to help you manage anxiety. Researchers thinkTrusted Source it may change the way your brain’s receptors respond to serotonin, a chemical linked to mental health. Receptors are tiny proteins attached to your cells that receive chemical messages and help your cells respond to different stimuli.” WebMD said something similar.
It’s helping all these fabulously rich people get through the day. It’s a wonder my parents got through the Depression and WWII without it.
I would not be surprised just because I've had that moment before. I moved from the east coast to Denver about 20 years ago and was shocked to find out that literally everyone I met smoked pot in Denver. And I mean everyone, it did not matter age, political affiliation, religious status it was everyone. I was really shocked.
I tried two brands of CBD drink. Expensive, foul tasting, no discernible bliss. I’d take a Diet Coke instead anytime, and I don’t like Diet Coke.
In the Navy 40 years ago the common refrain was “reality is for people who can’t handle drugs”
Maybe it enables these poor snowflakes to endure the Era of Trump.
The recovery is very slow and she's still in pain. Her doctor said she can try CBD oil to see if that helps. We're going to buy her some soon to see if it works.
My BunHun consistently finds that one brand of CBD vape stops most of the pain in her shoulder, from arthritis and a botched joint (ha ha) replacement, for two or three hours.
There's also this...
"The drug effect of antidepressants is not clinically significant, but the placebo effect is."
“It’s helping all these fabulously rich people get through the day. It’s a wonder my parents got through the Depression and WWII without it.”
With all due respect to the Greatest Generation (and my respect for them is vast) let’s acknowledge that many of them drank and smoked like crazy. The anxiety isn’t new. It’s the way it’s dealt with that has changed.
My friend swears that the CBD rub she bought in some strip mall helps with her knee pain. Sure, lotion rubbed on the outside of the body is definitely going to magically migrate through several layers of different types of tissue to stop swelling that conventional oral medication can’t. I’m not a doctor but that seems a little .... unlikely.
I believe that you believe it helps. Kinda like how wearing a mask between the restaurant door and table is going to sAve LIveS.
Next up the healing power of crystals renewed. But anal insertion required.
Then watch the videos of celebrities walking gingerly.
Can't speak to any human effects, but my German Shepherd goes nuts before, during and after thunderstorms ... I give her CBD oil to manage her fears and it cuts back significantly on her anxiety displays. Probably safe to assume it's not placebo effect since I haven't told her it's going to help and she intensely dislikes taking it anyway.
CBD is NOTHING if you want REAL RESULTS, try Gilbar's Homeopathic Placbos™
Gilbar's Homeopathic Placbos™ take the Proven effectiveness of a Placebo, and MULTIPLY that effect, through The POWER of Homeopathy!!!
Here at Gilbar's Homeopathic Placbos™, we take our well known Placebos, and INCREASE their power by diluting to 200C THINK OF IT!!
the usefullness of Placebo, with No dangerous Placebo side effects !!
RUN to your store NOW! and buy Gilbar's Homeopathic placbos™
Comparing smoking cigarettes to taking MJ or some drug is absolutely absurd. And i don't like to smoke. There's a little burst of energy/relaxation from the nicotine in cigarettes. Its in the same category as coffee and tea.
I'm always amazed at how people let themselves be brainwashed by the Media/Culture. Yeah, taking MJ that's cool and positively healthy! When's the last time anyone in a movie had to go to the ER for a reaction to MJ (look up the stats - tens of thousands do in real life). These Hollywood/Media execs got in on the ground-floor with BIG MJ, and they're making $millions.
Meanwhile, smoking is disapproved by the prudes. Its taxed to death, there are signs everywhere saying "No Smoking", and middle-class nannies think you're a low-life slob if they see you smoking a cigarette. Its gotten so absurd, young people are smoking cigarettes to show they're "rebels".
Yet smoking is almost completely harmless, unless you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years. And people who quit smoking by age 40, have almost the same life-span as those who never smoked.
Martha Stewart is also doing ads for Doritos. She must need the money.
"Her doctor said she can try CBD oil to see if that helps. We're going to buy her some soon to see if it works."
Doctors aren't allowed to prescribe a placebo. Somehow medical ethics require them to refrain from that ruse, but they are allowed to do this less forthright trick and steer you to "alternative medicine."
Can you say placebo?
I blew $60 on a half oz at a local pot shop and didn't get anything out of it.
Fool me once....
I do a significant amount of consulting in the healthcare space here in Nashville. As a precondition, I occasionally have to do a drug and background screening. While there may be benefits to CBD consumption as a senior citizen, I am petrified of failing a drug test and the potential aftereffects on my work.
Go to Pueblo colorado Craigslist. Search 'hemp flower'. Smokeable flower 300$lb that you buy outside of the marijuana regulatory system. People claim hemp can give a similar high feeling, sometimes, as regular weed. I doubt it. But Ann is exactly right about people pushing CBD. They are excited about CBD, then want you to become convinced and pay money for something they are selling. Since CBD products are not FDA approved yet, regular big companies won't market them. Which opens the door for everybody else to step in and sell a non tested and non approved product that you can make claims it helped my friend, and it can help you if you will just try it. It's just like everything else, there's a time and place it.
Then watch the videos of celebrities walking gingerly.
Ah, an explanation for Nadler's peguin walk the other day. Thanks!
I Have Misplaced My Pants: I'd say it depends on the nature of the CBD molecule itself (not being a biologist or biochemist I can't opine) but there are chemical compounds that can and do penetrate the skin layers to act on underlying tissues and are used to carry other substances to do just that. Mind you, I'm not saying that CBD actually works that way, just that it's not utterly improbable that it does. Check out DMSO, for which equally woo-woo effects have long been reported, but its skin penetration effects do seem to have factual support.
Whatever relieves pain w/o creating a worse problem is worthwhile.
Whatever does isn't.
YO!! Me. My wife, too, and our dog.
there are chemical compounds that can and do penetrate the skin layers to act on underlying tissues and are used to carry other substances to do just that.
AKA "transdermal patch".
Doctors aren't allowed to prescribe a placebo.
From the link above:
"Another possibility is to prescribe placebos. They are almost as effective as antidepressants, but elicit far fewer side effects. Surveys indicated that many physicians do in fact prescribe placebos (Raz et al., 2011; Tilburt, Emanuel, Kaptchuk, Curlin, & Miller, 2008)."
Probably safe to assume it's not placebo effect since I haven't told her it's going to help and she intensely dislikes taking it anyway.
"My colleagues and I have tested and confirmed the hypothesis that placebos can be effective even when given openly, without deception, when given in the context of a warm therapeutic relationship and with an honest but convincing rationale as to why they should be effective (Kaptchuk et al., 2010)."
People seem to divide into two broad groups:
1) People who don't like drugs. Any kind of drug. They don't like putting weird, unnatural substances in their mouth or up their nose, even when its medically necessary. They don't like feeling their mind being altered. People in this category may drink coffee or wine, or smoke tobacco but that's about it.
2) Druggies. These people count on artificial substances to get them through life. They love getting "high". They believe all the ads on TV and think this or that "Pill" will improve their life or cure them of something. They feel drugs will make them better and trust "science". Side-effects? They either don't care, or believe they are tough or smart enough to handle them.
We are so due for a major wake-up call that puts this gargantuan list of navel gazing trends to bed for another 5 decades. Maybe a civil war will do it. Or an attack from the outside. The pandemic didn't do it. Need something stronger to snap people out of this bizarreness that has taken over our country.
Maybe just shutting off TwitterFacebookInstagram would help?
Me. I'm on enough drugs that I need to stay healthy. I don't need anything muddying the waters.
I have no interest in CBD. If other people do, that's fine. I've seen the stuff on grocery store shelves in two states and listed at very steeply discounted prices by an upscale retail establishment that is going out of business.
Seems possible CBD demand is not as great as suppliers anticipated.
What I resent are the constant CBD text pitches on my cellphone. I'd like to confront the people responsible and tell them what I think of them, using my outside voice.
Cure-alls generally aren't cure-alls.
Megaera said...
Can't speak to any human effects, but my German Shepherd goes nuts before, during and after thunderstorms ... I give her CBD oil to manage her fears and it cuts back significantly on her anxiety displays. Probably safe to assume it's not placebo effect since I haven't told her it's going to help and she intensely dislikes taking it anyway.
9/25/20, 9:32 AM
I'm very happy for your dog, but just an observation: the placebo effect may still be in play, but it's working on you such that, knowing you've given your pup something, you are more readily convinced that her anxiety is better.
That's the crazy thing about the placebo effect....
I have been working with CBD for a while now. We are supplied with CBD distillate that has had the THC removed. In order to get all the THC out you also get rid of some of the other beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes. You can add them back in, but it adds cost to the process. We can get legal CBD that still has trace amounts of THC (less than .3%), but there is a risk that it shows up in a blood test.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind of the benefits of CBD. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory. I have created a muscle rub with it and it helps my arthritic knees tremendously. It helps with sleep, slightly better than melatonin.
Let me tell you why some people get no benefit: 1) expectations that go beyond what it can do. It's the greatest natural anti-inflammatory ingredient I have found. It won't cure cancer. 2) People making it are not licensed OTC manufacturers and they can be lying about the content themselves or the source of the oil can be lying. 3) Dosage. Labeling is hard to interpret. We sell a 1 oz product with 1000mg of CBD. We see products with as little as 50mg in the container. There is no conclusive studies on proper dosage. Here's what I know from experience, 1000mg per oz. is effective and probably overkill, but less than 250mg per oz. is definitely not as effective.
Oh, and there is no way to get high from CBD oil unless it has more the allowable levels of THC.
"People seem to divide into two broad groups:..."
I would argue that there's a huge third group.
People who like to let loose on occasion...sneak a joint with friends at a wedding reception...eat a 'brownie' on Friday night after a rough week, etc.
Now, these same people would never get within a thousand miles of anything harder than some edibles or a bong hit.
At least where I live, this is quite common.
not exactly "high" on CBD
...but sure glad Trump is considering her for SCOTUS!!
Well the "CBD high" is one explanation to me why so many "Entertainers" come out and make so many idiotic statements against President Trump.
My main question is: does it work? In my dotage, I finally smoked marijuana for the first time this year, and was disappointed in it. I was looking forward to an experience similar to Pinto's in ANIMAL HOUSE, but instead . . . nothing. I've heard that some people just do not respond to weed, but before I invest any money in CBD, I want to know what I'm getting into.
a pious agnostic said...
That's the crazy thing about the placebo effect....
that's Why we need the benefits of homeopathic placebos!
They will cure ANYTHING you think they will
"My colleagues and I have tested and confirmed the hypothesis that placebos can be effective even when given openly,
the ONLY down side to placebos, is that sometimes there are placebo side effects as well
I blame that corksoaker snoop doggy dogschiff...
The Kardashian quote reminded me of this, from T. S. Eliot: “Humankind cannot bear very much reality.”
All I know is that, according to clickbait near the bottom of almost every web page, Tommy Chong wants us to throw it away.
Don't understand why anyone would smoke weed without an extreme reason---that rancid oily smoke going into your lungs?? Like setting a mattress on fire and inhaling....
Check out DMSO, for which equally woo-woo effects have long been reported, but its skin penetration effects do seem to have factual support.
I've tried DMSO. It does make the skin feel warm for a bit after it's applied, which is what I suspect some people have interpreted as pain relief. After a few minutes, the warming sensation faded and I felt the same as I had before. Also, it makes you smell like garlic.
However, I have experienced positive results on localized inflammation from methyl-sulfonyl-methane, which is a related compound and easier to find anyway.
CBD use produces a high; much milder and mellower than marijuana itself (in its common forms).
"...If you're going to water down a religion, you ought to go for your own religion...."
What do you mean "if"? Since there has been "religion", folks have been watering it down, pulling the weeds, rearranging the flowers, and fertilizing it. At least, my fellow Lutherans and I have been. Is Zen a religion, BTW?
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