"The usually green beams produce uncomfortable heat, unlike common small red pointers, Ken Cuccinelli said Tuesday at a Senate subcommittee hearing on the clashes in Oregon. 'We’ve had a number of officers who have days-long blindness. So far they’ve all kind of come back, if you will,' Cuccinelli said. 'But you also get what’s called flash blindness. Think of it as the old Kodak cameras where you get that blue spot and you can’t quite see your entire field of vision for a period.'... Although Cuccinelli said all officers recovered their sight, he said activists appear to be aiming to maximize damage.... Cuccinelli said lasers create problems for officers, who cannot look toward the beams to identify suspects.... Cuccinelli said some protesters are indeed peaceful, but others aren’t. 'This is sort of the Portland formula: there’s peaceful protesting until 10 or 11 o’clock, and then they go away. And maybe some of them come back, but the group that comes back is A.) much bigger, but also they come back for violence,' Cuccinelli said."
The New York Post reports.
६३ टिप्पण्या:
Nobody needs a green laser to hunt.
...heard by Americans as I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message.
Having snipers target the laser holders should be a piece of cake. They'll get the message.
Sure, but as a group the federal officers can mostly see.
One of those guys is gonna pull that stunt on a righteous citizen and wind up getting shot. I am impressed with the restraint showed by the police.
Body cam footage by the officers that arrested folk hero George Floyd show that, as was suspected by rational people, George was high and being a dick to the officers. Here's some advice to the usual suspects. Don't be a dick to the police and the police won't be dicks to you. That should be obvious, but, you know, lefties.
Fritz said...
Having snipers target the laser holders should be a piece of cake. They'll get the message.
after watching the George Floyd video, as well as the portland news; it seems clear to me that We've CAUSED these problems by the decision NOT to inflict damage on criminals.
Back in the 1980's, when *I* was a criminal; failure to comply, the way George Floyd failed to comply (with getting into the squad car, BEFORE he was on the ground), would have resulted in a billyclubbing: which would have subdued George quickly and without any need to put a knee on him
The portland rioters (the night shift), back in the day; would have been SHOT
Clearly, a change in police tactics has occurred... a change away from violent response
I'm Sure that the powers that caused this THOUGHT that it would make things better
It Seems to have made things worse
At portland, what was THE WORST that could happen to the antifa? CS gas and beanbags?
No Wonder they didn't stop rioting
At minneapolis, what was THE WORST that could happen to someone resisting arrest?
being held on the ground (while they OD'd)?
No Wonder George didn't get into the car
Feds left and now the violence is over.
Funny how that works.
Having snipers target the laser holders should be a piece of cake. They'll get the message.
Sound harsh? Those lasers are not intended to startle or harass the agents. They are intended to harm them. They are not part of a peaceful protest. Would it be wrong to announce that use of these is considered an assault and therefore self-defense dictates a forceful response?
Are concentrated pepper ball rounds enough? Are rubber bullets accurate and effective enough? If not....
I thought Democrats loved government, big government, and our institutions.
of course, MANY people here (and there) will say;
HOW can you ask for a MORE violent response from the minneapolis police? They KILLED him!
and i'd say; if they did, it took them EIGHT minutes of holding him on the ground
ONE MINUTE of clubbing would have subdued him and got him in the car
KNOWLEDGE of a upcoming ONE MINUTE of clubbing would have made it unnecessary to actually use
I see none of the Senators volunteered to take a peaceful laser shot to the eye.
Bullies whining about their victims fighting back.
If the "protestors" are causing or threatening great bodily harm, the police may legally respond with deadly force in self-defense. How many more must suffer this injury until they kill a mess of these worthless pieces of mierda?
Howard and Inga would mourn them, no doubt, as martyrs. Worthless Lives Matter.
The media's complete refusal to engage with the Portland violence is amazing.
The guard with mirrored sunglasses is king.
Why aren’t the green laser people arrested? Bring in overwhelming force and arrest them.
There is absolutely no reason to grant the shield of “peaceful” to people who move in and among the violent even if they are not violent themselves. A crowd of 100 people that contains 10 violent radicals and 90 people willingly acting as human shields for those radicals is a crowd containing 100 rioters. Anyone who brings a high-powered laser to a riot should be arrested right alongside anyone who brings a gun or a knife. Same goes for those who use it.
I still don’t think the government is taking this seriously enough and I don’t understand why. I can see showing restraint in respect of the public mood during an election year, but the public is not with these thugs. They may not want to see heads busted, but they do want to see arrests and long prison terms. They want to see public property respected and protected. And they don’t want to spend billions fixing the damage at a time when resources are already over-stretched by the pandemic response. We can’t afford their bullshit right now.
Blogger Mark said...
"Feds left and now the violence is over.
Funny how that works."
That didn't last long:
"Police in Portland...declared an unlawful assembly early on Wednesday after a group of people tried to break into the city's police union building
Kevin said...
I see none of the Senators volunteered to take a peaceful laser shot to the eye.
8/5/20, 6:03 AM
They all should be asked what they would want to happen to the "perp" if they were to aim a laser at them, their spouse, or their kids faces.
"Having snipers target the laser holders should be a piece of cake. They'll get the message." Disproportionate response. You're not supposed to do that. I don't know why.
Blogger Mark said...
Feds left and now the violence is over. Funny how that works.
So you're saying there's been at least tacit coordination between the rioters and the local Democrat establishment?
Having had a laser pointed at me, into my eyes, from another vehicle on an interstate by kids, this makes me quite furious.
"they come back for violence"
Funny how "protests" always "devolve" or "intensify."
"I am impressed with the restraint showed by the police."
-- I've been saying the same; I can't imagine giving the order: "No. Stand here and get blinded. Oh, you got hit with a bit of metal propelled by a slingshot? HOLD THE LINE. Oh, they're throwing IEDs at us? Just back up and put your shields up. Oh, you got lit on fire? JUST PUT IT OUT BUT DON'T FIGHT BACK."
I'd have given the warning, "If another potentially lethal attack, such as an IED or explosive, is launched, the crowd will be dispersed." And then followed through with it, after the third or fourth of my guys were evacuated with serious injuries. I'm impressed that there HASN'T been a major skirmish.
Why not just implement a curfew? That seemed to work in LA.
You can purchase your high-power tactical green laser pointer through the Amazon portal. Many models are available. Only $22 to $26. Hurry while supplies last.
Howard said...
Bullies whining about their victims fighting back.
8/5/20, 6:03 AM
Says Garbage Howie, Self-Awareness Snowflake King! Not only for the Portland (etc) rioters, but for you!
Feds left and now the violence is over.
They may not be at the courthouse, they are staged close, with enough arms and armoured equipment to be on site in minutes.
funny how that works
I see no evidence that Biden or the D's are upset at this violence against Federal Officers trying to defend our Federal buildings. And the NYT/Wapo seems to approve of it.
Howard said...
Bullies whining about their victims fighting back.
Our fake ex-Marine speaks, but sounds like a HS sophomore transgender.
I expected something more thoughtful, but I am getting the sense that Howie is just mailing it in.
"Having snipers target the laser holders should be a piece of cake. They'll get the message." Disproportionate response. You're not supposed to do that. I don't know why.
This is proof, conservatives are not violent. Even the radicals are not violent. The most simple show of terroism, if the radical right was how the democrats always portray them(boogie boys sound familiar?) is to snipe one rioter a week in different cities. Week 4 would be a pretty quite week.
The headline should be “hundreds” of peace officers shot by rioters”, given how the MSM was so eager to say that people hit with beanbags or rubber bullets had been “shot”.
"A crowd of 100 people that contains 10 violent radicals and 90 people willingly acting as human shields for those radicals is a crowd containing 100 rioters."
Exactly. If you mix a dab of dogshit with a jar of peanut butter and spread it on bread, you have a dogshit sandwich.
Howard said...
Bullies whining about their victims fighting back.
More Howard from his all white suburb. Isn't it time for your bottle, Howard ?
This information not found on CNN or MSDNC.
Leftwing terrorism - straight up.
Matt Sablan said...
I'd have given the warning, "If another potentially lethal attack, such as an IED or explosive, is launched, the crowd will be dispersed." And then followed through with it, after the third or fourth of my guys were evacuated with serious injuries.
And every news outlet in the county would declare you a war criminal.
I'm impressed with the Trump administration's strategy. They know they're in a war of perception and moving against Antifa too soon will backfire. So they hunker down and wait it out until the average American gets thoroughly sick of what's going on before they do something.
And judging from this, that time may come sooner than expected.
Peaceful protestors my arse.
The NYP reports what the NYT won't.
Blogger Mark said...
Feds left and now the violence is over.
Funny how that works.
8/5/20, 5:58 AM
This is a lie. A complete lie put out by the media. The rioters are attacking a police building in SE Portland and tried to destroy a police union building in north Portland last night. Plus there have been fires and destruction since the feds left.
I think it would be appropriate to target the criminal with lasers.
A system to lock into all lasers and return a powerful beam would be reasonable.
Biblical responses deter.
It would be interesting if there was a counter laser that could focus on green lasers. Maybe make them blow up. Red is usually the complementary color for green. HeNe lasers are low power.
Maybe a laser dazzler.
"...there’s peaceful protesting until 10 or 11 o’clock..."
It's called a curfew. All of this nonsense would be greatly diminished if the idiot local politicians would tell people to get off the streets at night. @Ryan at 7:54 is correct.
As for the lasers, it sounds like criminal assault. Make it a federal crime with a mandatory sentence of no less than five years in 'pound me in the ass' prison. It would stop.
Blogger Mark said..."Feds left and now the violence is over. Funny how that works."
Useful idiot.
"Having snipers target the laser holders should be a piece of cake. They'll get the message."
I read a piece by a US sniper in either Iraq or Afghanistan (don't remember which, it's been a while), that the bad guys were easy to target because they all smoked.
Time for the Chicago Way response.
I’d refuse to do that job, then sue when fired, cuz black lives matter, an sheeit.
Last night (Tuesday night) the "mostly peaceful" protestors broke into the union hall of the Portland Police union in northeast Portland and set several fires. This along with the usual bottle throwing, laser aiming, and street blocking "mostly peaceful" protests around the courthouses downtown. The Portland Police declared a riot at the site of the union building and dispersed the "mostly peaceful" protestors. https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2020/08/police-declare-riot-amid-protest-at-union-building-no-injuries-in-area-shootings.html.
The cops should be given plastic mirrors.
Perhaps an eye for an eye would be an appropriate punishment for the offenders.
Why not just implement a curfew? That seemed to work in LA.
Because that's the Mayor's call - and he WANTS the violence.
Antifa is a core constituency for him. Federals and people in Peoria aren't.
I commanded a scout/sniper platoon.
Sniping at people holding lasers in a crowd at night is a bad idea. Would not give the order.
You can't clear fires, even from an elevated position. The .308 rounds would go through several people, even if you got a clean hit on the laser pointer.
The obvious countermeasure would be for the leaseholders to hold them on sticks. And they may deliberately try to provoke an overreaction.
The smart move is to seed the crowds with your own people, mark who the troublemakers are, make contact and infiltrate or track. Then pick them up at leisure.
Or you could have your own seeds in the crowd spraying their backs with infrared paint, and then have your own folks drive around with night vision goggles as the crowd goes home. Stop anyone 'painted' and pull them into the unmarked van to be searched. If he's got a weapon or laser, or has fireworks residue on his hands, press federal charges. See who's willing to rat out their handlers.
Much less risky for all concerned.
Sometimes you have to shoot, but this isn't one of those times, at this point.
One of those guys is gonna pull that stunt on a righteous citizen and wind up getting shot.
Yep. It's only a matter of time. And once the toothpaste is out of the tube ....
Feds left and now the violence is over.
Well, no. Because there was a riot in North Portland last night.
And being the dumbass Mark, you fail to recognize the seven weeks of rioting before the feds even showed up.
A mention of the U.N. convention against blinding weapons would have been in order. If you catch them, drag them off to The Hague for trial, them and the people who supplied the weapons, as the treaty, signed by the US says.
Look what happened in Seattle, the mayor and the funders of CHAZ ended it with a phone call when it had outlived its political usefulness. This an extremely violent presidential campaign the DNC is waging. But those bastards at Fort Sumpter had it coming too, didn’t they? If they had shut down the fort, there would have been no violence and the Confederacy would not have had to fire on them, eazy peazy.
As the old gunny said, "tracers work both ways".
I'm sure there must be a tactical laser with blinding capabilities that could be mated to a stock and trigger assembly, telescopic sight, and laser-protected night vision goggles. Identify the culprits and blind them - what could be more just, when there is video to back it up? Pro-tip: no need to adjust for windage or trajectory.
clearly peaceful protestors.
" Identify the culprits and blind them - what could be more just, when there is video to back it up?"
Screw that. Identify the targets, and shot them
And if the bullet goes through them, and hits someone else? That's what happens when you stand next to criminals shooting at cops
Blindness is "great bodily injury". You're legally allowed to kill other people to prevent great bodily injury.
Mark said...
Feds left and now the violence is over.
Funny how that works.
Wow, are you dishonest, or utterly ignorant?
That was last night
The smart move is to seed the crowds with your own people, mark who the troublemakers are, make contact and infiltrate or track. Then pick them up at leisure.
Why aren't people, law or others, running drone-cams? Might avoid some beatings that way. Good sightlines too.
Screw that. Identify the targets, and shot them
And if the bullet goes through them, and hits someone else? That's what happens when you stand next to criminals shooting at cops.
...In which Greg the Class Traitor wins the battle but loses the war.
Hirono turned a blind eye.
Jason, you're mostly correct. But that does bring up the question of how DO we address the moral aspect of this conflict?
There's more than a bit of a Caesar's Wife aspect here -- i.e. the government doesn't just need to be in control, it needs to be seen to be in control -- that your careful, out-of-the-spotlight approach does nothing to address.
Not that I have something different to suggest; I'm just looking for answers here. And I will readily concede that if you are in an existential struggle for your side mostly refuses to acknowledge as an existential struggle.... well, you're pretty much screwed.
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