२३ ऑगस्ट, २०२०
Scott Adams plays with the idea of a deeper, darker conspiracy about the Charlottesville incident.
I wonder why we haven't sifted through these ideas before. Why were the people who marched — the supposed Nazis and white supremacists — never identified and interviewed in the press? They were visible and unmasked in clear video. Who were they? Adams observes that they were nice looking, well dressed young people, not the sort of people you'd ordinarily picture as Klansman. Why did they do something openly that would ruin their own future? But then they were not pursued in the media. Isn't that strange?
Adams doesn't come out and say he wonders if the event was staged and the participants were fake, and he's so upset about the basic Charlottesville hoax — the idea that Trump called Nazis and white supremacists "fine people" — that he may just want to stir up a rival hoax to shake things up and get some action in the hoax-fighting arena.
Anyway, if the Charlottesville marchers were genuine, why haven't we seen more marches like that? They were ostensibly rallying around the idea of preserving traditional statues, and we've had all these protest/riots that have attacked and pulled down statues, so why has the Charlottesville type of pro-statue marcher — replete with torches and anti-Semitic chants — never shown up again?
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I had the start point a bit off, so refresh if you clicked on the video before I put up this comment.
"if the event was staged and the participants were fake"
Yes, but righty suspicion form the outset was that at the very least the pro-statue people had been infiltrated.
It's a similar question to ask about Portland. All these arrests with names published but little media interest in interviewing any of them about their motivations or philosophy.
My impression was that it was organized by a white nationalist (not supremacist) group that has some standing, and perhaps they found that the effect wasn't good. They're not infected with hate, just a preference for their own place to live with their own kind. Perhaps if interviewed the mildness of their claims (blacks claim the same right to live with their own kind on campus) would undercut the leftist evil-person narrative. Anyway the hate-free version tends to be young.
Antifa ruined the event for them, as it happened, as the suppliers of hate.
There was that lefty militia, red neck rebellion that served as provocateur. There goal was what black bloc has been for the last three months
Charlottesville was a disaster for the right despite the fact it was both peaceful and beautiful. James Alex Fields Jr got life in prison for murder when he was fleeing from the leftist Mob and hit that woman who died of a heart attack. He is a political prisoner. Drunk drivers that kill entire families can got 10 years or less
The answer is the obvious one, it was a false flag operation in the typical leftist fashion.
Just like fake hates crimes.
One possible reason why the march was not repeated is that somebody died at this one. The strength of the "movement" has always been exaggerated by the left, especially the left media, because it's so useful for the Democrats. But the reality is that they had such a hard time finding even just 200 people that they had to go international to fill out their ranks--the 330 million Americans weren't enough to come up with 200. After the violence, that number probably dropped to a couple dozen.
I had never heard of Richard Spencer until Tapper started promoting him soon after the election. Suddenly he was the face of the Trump supporter.
Remember the frog thing? And the anti Semitic bots on twitter?
I don't really believe anything anymore, when it comes to public performances. The moms, the vets, the proud boys, the boogaloo boys, the fight for 15 crowd, BLM. Who knows where they all come from? Where's LaRaza been?
I agree that much of it comes from the people use used to run Acorn. The SEIU, the people who ran the anti-Trump riots in 2016, etc.
Why should anyone believe any of what they say they stand for?
Spot On
IIRC, the tiki march was organized by a left wing defector, but I don't recall any followup investigation of that.
At the time I remember seeing mention that the organizer who got permit to march had previously also organized OccupyWallStreet.
I have never seen Scott so combative in the years that I’ve been following him. It’s almost as if his sinus operation has changed him in some way or other.
That is bush league conspiracy theory. Here's a Chad level conspiracy:
The body of an fentanyl junkie ex-con who had robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint was placed in a golden casket while a nation watched and their cities burned. His name need not be mentioned.
A small boy was gunned downed on his tricycle and was laid to rest in a small funeral home across from a gas station attended by many but remembered only by those who choose to pay attention.
One gets pushed in your face, and the other you might get lucky with a duckduckgo search.
Tin foil hat not included.
I think the marchers WERE identified (and fired).
Which also explains why there has never been Unite the Right 2.
Why were the people who marched — the supposed Nazis and white supremacists
One should always examine her premises.
Perhaps the vast majority of them were NOT Nazis and white supremacists -- and the media KNOWS that they were NOT. The narrative worked.
And with the idiot who drove his car through the crowd because he is an idiot, plus all the demonization of them, plus the BLM et al. riots, plus the lockdowns, has had the intended chilling effect on their speech.
Scott Adams asks, Who would march in front of the cameras unmasked, with tiki torches and chant things that would ruin the rest of their lives?
Wouldn't the same question pertain if they were faking being Nazis?
It's an intriguing idea and I wouldn't put anything past the opposition, but how would you keep it a secret with so many people involved? Have there been any mass casualty incidents involving a couple of hundred well-groomed young men lately?
I wonder why we haven't sifted through these ideas before.
I've always thought it was a false-flag operation because of the dorky Tiki torches.
I am not in general a conspiracy guy, but the points you raise here when considered against the era of doxxing, deplatforming and worse is enough to make even me say hmmmm.
Adams is very off-the-mark when he talks about "real racists" being scruffy looking KKK-types, when the real racists who matter, so to speak, are university professors, black activists and Democratic politicians.
Leaving Charlottesville aside, we're very vulnerable to phony video. As Covington showed clearly, at least half the country is eager to take the bait. In the Covington case, the saving grace was that the perpetrators of the fraud started with footage that was taken in public, where others were also recording. When someone, especially a political entity, is just a little more careful it could set off mass violence.
“...so why has the Charlottesville type of pro-statue marcher — replete with torches and anti-Semitic chants — never shown up again?”
Two Years Ago, They Marched in Charlottesville. Where Are They Now?
“Just days after Unite the Right’s 2nd anniversary, white supremacist and Charlottesville attendee James Patrick Reardon Jr., of New Middletown, Ohio, was arrested for allegedly making threats to the Youngstown, Ohio, Jewish community center. Reardon was charged with telecommunications harassment and aggravated menacing for allegedly posting an Instagram video of a man shooting a semi-automatic rifle with sirens and screams in the background. The video was captioned, “Police identified the Youngstown Jewish Family Community shooter as local white nationalist Seamus O’Rearedon.” While executing a search warrant at Reardon’s home, members of the FBI’s Violent Crimes Task Force allegedly seized several weapons, a gas mask, body armor, and dozens of rounds of ammunition along with anti-Semitic and white nationalist propaganda. In a media interview at the Unite the Right rally, Reardon described himself as a white nationalist and member of the alt right, and said he wants “a homeland for white people.”
The violence on the streets of Charlottesville has kindled two major tracks of white supremacist activity. The first is the rampant dissemination of propaganda designed to promote their views and attract attention. The other, more troubling track is a broader series of violent attacks in the two years since Unite the Right.
White supremacists have committed at least 73 murders since Charlottesville, 39 of which were clearly motivated by hateful, racist ideology. These numbers include the deadly white supremacist shooting rampages in Parkland, Pittsburgh, Poway and El Paso, the deadliest white supremacist attack in more than 50 years. In each of these cities, white supremacist murderers acted on the threat embodied in the chant made famous in Charlottesville: “Jews will not replace us! You will not replace us!”‘
"Charlottesville was a disaster for the right despite the fact it was both peaceful and beautiful."
Can't get past the chants. It was hard to believe they'd chant "Jews will not replace us," but I think they did! Has that chant been heard anywhere else?
Watched it twice to make sure I had understood where Adams was going and how he got there.
1. Possibly a future entry in the shitposters hall of fame. Diabolical.
b. Somebody's going to run with it anyway.
The could turn into a big old 10-car wreck if there's anything to it, but I've got to put the possibility as low at most. Yeah, I'll watch.
Adams sure knows how to get attention. In my thinking, that's why he sees Trump as a kindred soul.
If I deleted your comment, it was because you gave no reason. You have to use words and explain. I'm not accepted unadorned insults.
The games is afoot!
on one side you have a ginormous global array of forces, brilliantly and professionally orchestrated and aiming for the greatest prize of them all - the United States of America. on the other a ragtag, disorganized arrangement of self-directed common folk. think great britain in the late 30's or Gandalf and his hobbits against the Dark Lord.
if the common folk win it will be a very near thing. it will take a miracle. but less likely victors have won the day in their time. this will be ours. America, A Miracle!
Whoa! Next we'll discover that carnival games are rigged! [eye roll]
Maybe the Russian trolls who interfered in the 2016 election were not content with a few tweets and comments on socially divisive issues like guns and race. I think these nice looking young men and women are actually Russians.
I think Scott is correct here. The Left excels at performance art. Recall the guy who visited the WH to see Barack. He staged political stunts. He is married to a Chicago Congresswoman.
And ARM: Fuck you. You don’t have to read this blog.
"I have never seen Scott so combative in the years that I’ve been following him. It’s almost as if his sinus operation has changed him in some way or other."
He has talked about a drug he has to take (temporarily) that changes his personality into something much more combative.
I heard it as "You will not replace us."
Nationalists anyway have the problem of who counts as white, which will take lawyering. Jews don't seem to me to be high on the problem list in any case.
“On the night of Aug. 11, the neo-Nazi and white-supremacist groups marched on the campus of the University of Virginia, carrying flaming torches and chanting anti-Semitic slogans. This is where Trump got into trouble. While he condemned right-wing hate groups — “those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans” — he appeared to believe there were peaceful protesters there as well. “You had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally,” Trump said on Aug. 15, several days after the rally. “But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists.” He added: “There were people in that rally — and I looked the night before — if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones.” But there were only neo-Nazis and white supremacists in the Friday night rally. Virtually anyone watching cable news coverage or looking at the pictures of the event would know that. It’s possible Trump became confused and was really referring to the Saturday rallies. But he asserted there were people who were not alt-right who were “very quietly” protesting the removal of Lee’s statue. But that’s wrong. There were white supremacists. There were counterprotesters. And there were heavily armed anti-government militias who showed up on Saturday. “Although Virginia is an open-carry state, the presence of the militia was unnerving to law enforcement officials on the scene,” The Post reported.”
They chanted "you will not replace us"
With all the dog shit lefties have put this country through, all the maniac shit they've pulled, nothing is inconcievable. $ 500 million peaceful riots, no charges. 80+ days of Portland fires. And ARM says beneath contempt? Means he's gotta look up to see that "beneath".
Those Nazis' names would be as well known as Smollett is now!
They didnt say that, but go on.
Isn’t it all so long ago and irrelevant. Trump may be many things but I don’t see him as a racist. For what reason would Dems resurrect that at this point beyond party rancor. It seems the only reason to discuss it now is to motivate and mobilize black voters for Biden.
Black voters WILL vote for Biden at a greater than 90% rate. What’s important is that raw number of black voters at 90% for Biden needs to much higher to insure victory in MIchigan and MInnesota and maybe even Pennsylvania.
Adams question “You wanna go dark...” is the dirty picture tease and with the usual disclaimer (“I’m not saying...”).
Yeah but he’s smart! He’s our intellectual, OUR elite.
I suspect the reason the Nazis and klansmen have not organized more marches is because there are not enough Nazis and klansmen to organize a March. They didn't organize the march in Charlottesville, they just joined in.
The people who did organize that march know that Nazis and klansmen are bad optics, and have no interest in associating their agenda with such folks.
Adam's position is more credible than the need for mail-in voting!
I've lived a long time. My range of acquaintanceship has been broad, but of course nobody can claim universality. For instance, I've only visited prisons in my capacity as a lawyer, never as an inmate.
Still, I can truthfully state that I've never met an avowed white supremacist, or an avowed Nazi. I am not saying that such people do not exist. Nevertheless, I would have a hard time finding one, in the flesh. How did these guys find each other in such profusion and put together this weird in person tiki torch march the likes of which I had not previously heard or seen? Scott Adams' questions deserve answers.
All of us instinctively understand that the most stigmatized human being in America is the racist. Getting 1000's of them together to a parade celebrating such weirdness is quite an accomplishment.
Who are/were the participants of the Unite the Right rally?
How We Identified White Supremacists After Charlottesville
“In Documenting Hate: Charlottesville, FRONTLINE and ProPublica investigate how white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups have been moving from the fringes into mainstream culture. We have worked to identify white supremacists who engaged in violence at these rallies, and our reporting has revealed that one participant at Charlottesville, Vasillios Pistolis, was an active-duty Marine, and another, Michael Miselis, worked for a major defense contractor and held a U.S. government security clearance.
Producers A.C. Thompson and Karim Hajj spoke to FRONTLINE about the film, describing what it was like to cover the violence in Charlottesville, how they identified white supremacists, and their response to those who view their work as unfairly exposing people’s private identities — a practice called “doxxing.””
BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. The Democrats needed a boogie man to compete with their Occupy groupies, and Little Antifa groupies....so they make up the white Supremacists we never see or hear from...
"You will not replace us" or "Jews will not replace us", I've listened to the audio a bunch and it's confusing.
You are beginning to accept paranoia, as we all should.
It is the only sensible state of mind for the current situation.
There are lots of "dogs that didn't bark" cases of late.
Blogger Narayanan said...
At the time I remember seeing mention that the organizer who got permit to march had previously also organized OccupyWallStreet.
I remember that, too. Also, I still do not accept the version of the chant that included "Jews will not.." The march was about white boys.
There's much to unpack here. I have long thought that this was too perfected. Almost comically so. Some of the photographs that came out of it reminded me of scenes from Mel Brook's "Young Frankenstein" with the townspeople carrying their torches and pitchforks. It was Brook's reenactment of what he saw as an Eastern European mob from that era. Well, it was brought to life again in Charlottesville. Complete with an Eastern European's view of American white supremacist gatherings.
I don't doubt that there were white supremacists there. I don't doubt that there were leftists among them, ramping up the volume and anger. I don't doubt that much of it was choreographed by a foreign entity. Much like Antifa is not a Born in the USA organization, and is funded and directed by international people or groups, this looked to be choreographed. And the point Adams makes that hits home- there was nothing that looked like it before, and there has not been anything like it since. You could say that, "Well...they learned their mistake. It was not well received." Apparently that does not apply to Antifa. They are hated everywhere, yet they somehow still get cover by the press and millions of dollars to keep operating.
Who would do that? Who would support, direct, and pay for that? The same people who would support and direct an event like Charlottesville? I suspect, yes.
When I was just starting to learn how to be a detective an old timer told me to note was was not there. What physical items were not at the scene but should be. What the victims/witnesses left out of their stories. This advice served me well over the next 35 years.
Althouse, I've heard the audio as well, and like Michael K has repeatedly said, I heard "You" not Jews." The latter makes little sense in the overall context of the statue dispute. So I won't rule out that my ears sought out the more logical word. Likewise, I have little doubt those seeking greater controversy were even more influenced to hear, or simply claim, that it was "Jews."
A disheartening post and thread.
"Jews will not replace us" makes no sense whatsoever. In what way would they be replaced by Jews?
What have the Unite the Right white supremacists been up to since Charlottesville?
The Far-Right Revolution Was Waiting for an Opportunity. Now, It’s Here. Whether most people have connected the dots or not, a violent struggle is already playing out.
“If you peer into the shadows, you can already see the contours of a threat that will be with us for years to come. In early May, a group of men, described by prosecutors as having “U.S. military experience,” were arrested and charged with trying to spark violence as part of a broader plot to cause the collapse of the federal government and trigger a civil war. A number of shootings and car-ramming attacks carried out during the recent protests should signal that there are people ready for their most extreme beliefs to reach praxis.
We should expect the far right to continue waging this battle to undo globalization with whatever tools are at its disposal, legal and illegal, violent and nonviolent. Those of us who have to live with the reality of a complex, cosmopolitan world — including the tens of millions of Americans and Europeans of minority backgrounds whose very existence and identity is a product of that reality — must negotiate an appropriate response. The one thing we can’t do is fall into a trap of believing that this conflict doesn’t exist, or that it can be ignored.”
Adams observes that they were nice looking, well dressed young people
This proves it was not a false flag operation. I mean have you seen AntiFa? They could string together 10 nice looking, well dressed people.
Sorry, but where is the video of the tiki torches and the chants of "The Jews will not replace us"? This would've been played a million times on TV, if it existed. There were antisemites at charlottsville, people like Richard Spenser and some others. But there was no KKK or "Neo-Nazis". What's striking to me is the complete lack of basic information (IMO deliberately so).
For example, how many "Neo_nazis" were supposedly marching with tike torches? 50? 100? 200? How many Pro-statue people were protesting the next day? 500? 400? How many antifat showed up to attack them? 3000, 4000, 5000? We don't get even the most basic information.
When Biden talks about seeing "neo-nazis" on TV coming from the fields chanting Antisemitic slogans used in Nazi Germany, where did he see that? Because I've never seen that. It wasn't on MY TV. How did it get on Biden's TV?
Remember when St. John Lewis in 2010, said the tea party protesters called him Nigger as he walked past? He never retracted that, and the WaPo/NYT still say it happened, despite no one else hearing and No video camera or cell phone picked it up.
. Why were the people who marched — the supposed Nazis and white supremacists — never identified and interviewed in the press? They were visible and unmasked in clear video
I said the exact same thing. I was watching several live streams from Charlottesville starting at 10 a.m. that day, so I'm pretty well versed on what happened that day.
No one was curious who these handful of "protesters" were dressed in full nazi uniforms, yet the tikki torchers were identified within hours the night before.
Anyway, if the Charlottesville marchers were genuine, why haven't we seen more marches like that?
Charlottesville three years ago was an overhang of the divisive Obama-Biden years.
Biden resurrected the lie about Trump in his acceptance speech because the Democrats now have to defend their stormtroopers in the streets.
What's amazing is there's ZERO pushback on this crap from the Republicans. Instead, the Wall street journal, national review, Noonan or politicians Mitt Romney or Lynn Cheney pile on and push the Democrat lies. Why didn't Fox News or any Conservative outlet do any basic reporting on Charlottsville? Instead they all just joined the hysteria.
Side note: As Dr. K stated, many of dissident right who were there say there was ZERO mention of "Jews". The chant was "We will not be replaced". But again, this should be easy to confirm. Joe Biden just needs to show us the video that he saw on HIS TV.
I continue to wonder why Socialism and Socialists are not held in the same disdain and abhorrence as white supremacists. Socialists have murdered many more millions around the world and continue to do so annually. They destroy entire countries and cultures, remove history, cripple and collapse entire economies, shoot millions, create mass graves, send millions more to gulags and re-education camps, and their numbers surpass white supremacists by literally millions.
White supremacists are a gnat on a cows ass. Socialists are a disease to the entire world. Anyone who cannot see that does not know a whit about history or reality. To keep fronting Trump as Nazi is to show me that you have nothing to propose that is good from your own end. You have literally....nothing. Empty.
Why haven’t we seen a repeat of The Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville? Maybe because of the counter protestors.
STONE MOUNTAIN, Ga. — White nationalist demonstrators and an array of young counterprotesters met in an anxious standoff for hours Saturday in Stone Mountain, but largely avoided escalating things into any kind of all-out clash.
The opposing groups were loosely organized on both sides. The white nationalist demonstrators, who appeared to be far outnumbered, were seemingly composed of neo-Confederates and militia groups like the III% Security Force.
On the other side, counterprotesters appeared affiliated under the banners of movements like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, as well as political organizations like the Democratic Socialists of America.
That's a really interesting question. Really interesting! I have some law-enforcement-based knowledge of US extremist groups and I remember being surprised that there were that many organized white supremacists willing and able to get together and re-create blatant Nazi actions and words. They tend to be dispersed and rag-tag and the more presentable ones will usually tone down their public statements. That doesn't mean that I accept any alternate theory without more evidence.
It's certain, though, that the entire set-up and official response in Charlottesville had some inexplicable and bizarre elements. No violence need to have occurred at all. There were interviews with members of the Saturday demonstrators (not the Friday night Tiki-torch chanters) and also with some of the liberal counter-protesters. All of them were baffled as to why the location of the demonstrations had been changed at the last minute and especially why officials had herded the groups together in moving them to the different location. Police actually funneled the two previously separated groups together, which resulted in a physical clash. Also, police were removed from the obvious spots that then became hot zones. No satisfying explanation from officials was ever obtained.
If you think mainstream reporters can be trusted you're a fool. And that includes some of the never-trumpers on the Center-Right. Monica Fields, supported by another reporter, and Ben Shapiro swore on a stack of bibles that Cory Lewondowski (then Trump's campaign manager) didn't like Fields and pulled her to the ground, causing serious injury to her arm. They repeated this lie over and over. Then the video came out, and it showed Lewandoski walking past her at a brisk walk and never touching her, and Fields standing there, untouched.
The ENTIRE INCIDENT WAS MADE UP. Yet, Ben Shapiro and Fields still claim she was "assaulted". You'd think after stuff like this, Travyon martin, "Don't SHoot" mike brown, or the Covington Kids people would be skeptical. But no, once they saw the George Floyd they were out screeching about 'Murder' and believing the narrative. When are people going to stop acting like Fools?
“How did these guys find each other in such profusion and put together this weird in person tiki torch march the likes of which I had not previously heard or seen? Scott Adams' questions deserve answers.”
White supremacists openly organize racist violence on Telegram, report finds.
“On June 5, a car full of White supremacists drove through the streets of Knoxville, Tennessee, harassing and abusing people attending a Black Lives Matter protest. One of those in the car shouted to a group of protesters: "You wanna die? Come on in. 9mm with your name on it."
The occupants of the car recorded several videos as they went -- videos that were later uploaded to the encrypted messaging app Telegram. One of the channels they used was The Fascist Group Esoteric Anti Root Collective -- one of more than 200 White supremacist Telegram groups that have become much more active in the midst of protests across the United States, according to CNN analysis.
According to a new report by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) -- shared exclusively with CNN -- these channels have thousands of members. The ISD, a London-based think tank studying extremism, says they include frequent and explicit threats of violence against minority communities and BLM protesters -- threats that in some cases have translated into violence.“
Online. This is just one way.
Scott thinks for himself. Maybe he is Q.
The so called white supremacy march was a false flag done by actors. No red neck southerners look like the perfect central casting Norwegians that were carefully filmed marching Like Nazis that evening..Only the northern fantasists could fall for that narrative. Southerners knew it was a staged fake in 10 seconds.
I think it's probably important to get the group right, time for Derbyshire
Who's a White Supremacist?
White nationalist seems to be the group.
The fact that we are even having this discussion is the result of the poisonous influence of the Russia hoax and the media’s failure to own up to their mistakes and their conscious decisions not to investigate claims that might undermine the preferred narrative.
I went back to reread the transcript if the post-Charlotte press conference and wang to highlight one thing. He saw the #FakeNews working trying to tie him to the nazis, and said that “the press was horribly unfair” to the people who were there to voice support for keeping the statue, that the press had smeared those people and was limping them in with neonazis. Trump then asserts there are vas people in the anti-statue side too. Trump literally says there bad people on both sides too. Has Joe or any Dem ever admitted that?
What's amazing is there's ZERO pushback on this crap from the Republicans. Instead, the Wall street journal, national review, Noonan or politicians Mitt Romney or Lynn Cheney pile on and push the Democrat lies. Why didn't Fox News or any Conservative outlet do any basic reporting on Charlottsville? Instead they all just joined the hysteria.
Side note: As Dr. K stated, many of dissident right who were there say there was ZERO mention of "Jews". The chant was "We will not be replaced". But again, this should be easy to confirm. Joe Biden just needs to show us the video that he saw on HIS TV.
Added: There's actually video of the march on Youtube. It looks like about 50-75 men chanting "You will not replace us" . The Video says they were attacked once they got to the Jefferson statue. The leader is some guy from "Unite the Right". But Adams is right, they all look like Preppies.
We've had several months of fussing here because the County kept protesters away from the Confederate Soldier statue in front of the old courthouse (the main drag circles close around them). They've relented, somewhat, but the NAACP says they'll sue. There was a small counter-demonstration. Recent (pre-Dem governor) NC state law protects it from local removal, so far.
White Supremacist Groups Are Thriving on Facebook
“Dozens of white supremacist groups are operating freely on Facebook, allowing them to spread their message and recruit new members, according to a Tech Transparency Project (TTP) investigation, which found the activity is continuing despite years of promises by the social network that it bans hate organizations.
TTP recently documented how online extremists, including many with white supremacist views, are using Facebook to plan for a militant uprising dubbed the “boogaloo,” as they stoke fears that coronavirus lockdowns are a sign of rising government repression. But TTP’s latest investigation reveals Facebook’s broader problems with white supremacist groups, which are using the social network’s unmatched reach to build their movement.
The findings, more than two years after Facebook hosted an event page for the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, cast doubt on the company’s claims that it’s effectively monitoring and dealing with hate groups. What’s more, Facebook’s algorithms create an echo chamber that reinforces the views of white supremacists and helps them connect with each other.
With millions of people now quarantining at home and vulnerable to ideologies that seek to exploit people’s fears and resentments about Covid-19, Facebook’s failure to remove white supremacist groups could give these organizations fertile new ground to attract followers.”
Recently Facebook has de-platformed such groups.
Facebook says it has removed nearly 200 social media accounts linked to white supremacy groups planning to rally members to show up at protests over police killings of black people _ in some cases with weapons.
Inga posts a shit pile of unverified crap from democrat operative media.
while the media report on one guy and his "alleged" activity" - [Note: the use of the term "allegedly" sprinkled all over her links.] Again- why isn't the media talking to these people?
The real violence is going on in Portland each night and the same media outlets refuse to COVER any of it.
I wonder why?
D.D. Driver at 8:37 has a Huffpo link that matched my memory of identifying the march participants.
One of the torch holders worked at a hot dog stand IN BERKELEY!
Who thinks a right winger with enough money to travel to Charlottesville on a lark, would choose to live in Berkeley?
Who thinks a left-wing guy working at a hot dog stand would take some money to fake a hate crime?
I know which way I would bet.
so why has the Charlottesville type of pro-statue marcher — replete with torches and anti-Semitic chants — never shown up again?
Perhaps because they are physically and verbally attacked when they do? Then the Left tries to get them fired from their jobs.
They're all keeping their heads down until they can enter the ballot booth.
Inga was not in Charlottesville so she cannot attest to who all attended Friday and Saturday. You say you know. How? The lying media showed you torches? Wow! You can neither prove nor disprove Trumps words without knowing 100% of the attendees, and we don’t have that. What we do have is rampant #FakeNews that make it difficult to ascertain facts from their poor and slanted reporting. And we have a body count. “Anti-fascists” have killed over 20 innocent Americans atoning for George Floyd. Over 80 law enforcement have been injured by the riots. Not one Nazi has been spotted rioting since C-ville and not one torch anywhere in sight. Prog theatre!
Ann is trying on the metaphorical Blue Dress for art.
From Charlottesville Hoaxer to Charlottesville Truther. Sad.
As for why haven’t there been more rallies such as Charlottesville by white nationalists? Well there was one just yesterday in Portland Oregon. I watched the entire thing live on several live streaming videos. Here’s what happened.
Opposing rallies battle with mace, paint balls and rocks near Justice Center in downtown Portland.
I loved his riff on stupid accidental deaths. I too think about that all the time.
Weird segue to the DNC though.
“BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. The Democrats needed a boogie man to compete with their Occupy groupies, and Little Antifa groupies....so they make up the white Supremacists we never see or hear from..”
Essentially, if not exactly. There may be a few White Supremacists out there. I’ve never met one though, and I like in the Cracker County of Washington State. But yes, Occupy and Antifa were embarrassing the Left Establishment and so they invented a diversion out of a handful of losers saying racist stuff on the Internet. The ploy is transparent and laughable but it works on the simple-minded.
from Inga's lefty LINK/FRONTLINE: A lot of mealy mouth in there.
"Some of the people who you have identified have suffered serious consequences. Michael Miselis, who worked for a major defense contractor, lost his job after you wrote about his involvement in Charlottesville, and the Marines court-martialed and ultimately dismissed Vasillios Pistolis from the Corps after you identified him as a white supremacist. What were you trying to achieve by revealing their backgrounds?
Hajj: "Our interest really in identifying these individuals is a matter of spreading the information in the public interest. We’re not interested in doing the job of police officers. The police still need to complete their investigations and find the individuals that are responsible and bring them to justice, as is their mandate. Ours is really to collect as much information on these individuals as possible, who constitute a new front in this movement, which in it of itself is newsworthy, and to put that information out into the world."
"You identify members of neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups that participated in these violent protests. How did you decide who to focus on?
Thompson: "We weren’t interested so much in people that just showed up and exercised their First Amendment right and left. We were interested in people who appeared to be engaged in criminal activity. I think what we wanted to do was understand who these people were, what they were doing, and what their connections were to more mainstream institutions."
[[["We were interested in people who appeared to be engaged in criminal activity."
"We were interested in people who appeared to be engaged in criminal activity."
"We were interested in people who appeared to be engaged in criminal activity."
Hajj: "I would say that Charlottesville was a wake-up call for a lot of people, including law enforcement on the ground in Charlottesville and in the state of Virginia, and also nationally. In the aftermath of the rally, quite a few other rallies which had been planned and promoted by the white supremacist groups that attended WERE CANCELLED, were modified. The numbers have generally speaking been small. That is not a trend that we expect to continue."
Small numbers you say? huh? Where is FRONTLINE IN PORTLAND? WHERE IS THE EXPOSE' INTO LEFTWING ANTIFA TERROR. It's only been going on for months and months and months. nothing cancelled. Where is Frontline in Portland? They tell us they care about people committing violence.
Where is the media interest in interviewing Antifa?
There are tons of Antifa all over Portland each night.
Antifa were exulted by the democrat left AND the democrat left's media. Much like "Occupy" was.
Inga said...
You could have quit after Washington Post, Inga. Citing such a biased source shows your inadequacy.
white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups have been moving from the fringes into mainstream culture
Yeah you’ve said if before without evidence. Show me where in MAINSTREAM CULTURE neonazis or WP people are? Are they on TV unchallenged? Are they teaching s hook openly like BLM and ANTIFA thugs are? Are they pulling permits and matching MORE since C-Ville? Show us! Show us all the open nazis freed from the shadows! Show me Trump praising neonazis the SAME WAY he celebrates low black unemployment or low Hispanic UE#! Or how he celebrates more Asians in the workforce. Has he funded any Nazi colleges like he funded the “Historically Black Universities”? Has he purged his staff of non-whites like your hero Woody Wilson? Has he shown Birth of a Nation like Wilson did IN THE WHITE WHITE HOUSE?
The MSM had no interest in interviewing anyone protesting the removal of the statues. Their goal was to dox, deplatform, and cancel them, rendering them unemployable, their lives unlivable, to silence all dissent. This was in line with the stated goal of Anti1A.
Jason Kessler held a press conference after the rally, but he was beset by an army of Ignas who assaulted and beat him, so he was unable to speak. This is what “democracy “ looks like.
from WaPoo.
Wapo attempts to thread the needle:
Wapo: "if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.
The nice quiet people who were taking down a statue. No problem there! Nice and quiet.
(btw - If the leftwing statue removers were "nice and quiet" - and Trump was referred to them as "some good people" what is your problem, leftwing liars? We already know the left take the side of the people who remove statues.
Trump said:
“You had people — and I’m NOT talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally,” Trump said on Aug. 15, several days after the rally. [media: not good enough!"]
But than again - Wapoo calls Biden a liar, as they thread the needle trying to paint Trump how they want to paint him. Cool.
I live near C'ville and have a good friend who lives 1+ block from the action. He noted that the police were told to back off -- hence the two sides came to blows.
I've watched videos of the march and have yet to hear "Jews will not replace us". I think that is part of the hoax.
Trump personally knew every one of those people and at the event, knew that there was not one single “fine person” among them, and then LIED!😱😱😱
Interesting.Yesterday, an Instapundit link noted the Chinese consulate in Houston was closed because they had been using social media to promote violence.They would target individuals likely to participate in protests then use social media to try and incite and encourage them to join the riots.If true - highly effective.
The Parkland shooter was a 20 year old with a long history of mental illness.I don't see any reports that he was charged with a "hate" crime.
The Poway synagogue killer hated Trump and had no connection to "right wing" groups. He was an anti-semite, but that does not automatically make him a white supremacist.Much of today's anti-semitism is from the brown and black left.The El Paso shooter was a Trump hater who despised both the Republican and Democrat party.His anti-corporate, pro environmentalist views could easily place him on the left. None of these three shooters qualify as "right" politically.None are even clearly white supremacists. The Pittsburgh synagogue shooter does appear to have been an actual white supremist. Please stop spreading false information.
Right after Charlottesville 4 or 5 marchers were identified. But there are others, standing right next to the ones identified, in pictures that were spread all over Twitter and these others have never been identified. It could be that the alt-righters avoid Facebook or any other common social media sites which are what Google is using in its searches, just as there are regular people who will not answer pollsters questions. There could be a group or groups in this country whose members have no social media presence - but could such a group be large, large enough to pull off the Charlottesville March? The same question is being asked about shy Trump voters. We know the Dems are mysteriously convinced that they are doing well, though it is Trump who got a post Dem convention bounce. Twitter has an outsize presence, we know. Maybe social media as an an instrument of mass persuasion has "side effects" that are quite important and actually quite obvious right now. One such effect which I have noticed is a blinkering that forces its users to look straight ahead down the track they are on in order to respond to Twitter correctly, just as blinkers make racehorses look straight ahead. But there may be other side effects, such as being unable to "find" really large organized social groups, (some kinds of Republican voters for example or opposition to the Democrats among black voters) simply because the groups avoid social media or aren't organized into a continuous social media presence. Or maybe these shy groups just don't exist, only the cool kids. We'll see.
Jews will not.."
And I thought they had chanted "YOU will not replace us."
The resulting hoo-ha sounded like a Woody Allen movie.
"our reporting has revealed that one participant at Charlottesville, Vasillios Pistolis, was an active-duty Marine, and another, Michael Miselis, worked for a major defense contractor and held a U.S. government security clearance."
Yeah, so? Timothy McVeigh served in the US Army and earned a Bronze Star for bravery in the first Gulf War. And he came to believe the Clinton / Janet Reno led government was so oppressive of citizens' rights (evidenced by David Koresh) that he decided to fight back.
Does one Timothy McVeigh make the million or so of other US Army veterans all "right wing terrorists"?
Does having a security clearance and working in defense define a statistically significant demographic for which violence may be predicted?
Seems to me that reporters who pick out one azzhole from a very large crowd, spotlighting the a-hole and ignore the crowd, are dishonestly and deliberately politicizing their reporting in accordance with Saul Alinsky's Rule 12: Pick the target, personalize it (not even "him" after being identified) , and polarize it.
This is no longer journalism. This is hatred.
There are 47 actual, honest-to-God, Democrat KKK members in this country.
Unbeknownst to each other, 22 of those are undercover FBI agents and local law enforcement officers.
That leaves us with 25 (mostly guys) who like to play dress up on weekends and call blacks, Catholics, and Jews bad names.
Does prejudice exist in this country (on all sides)? Sure. But overt racism, and people willing to act on their racist beliefs, is virtually non-existent.
The media are whores that have an agenda...today's news is about the 'narrative,' not about actual reporting.
The Democrat Party is the new Nazi party. They're running false flag events 24 seven around the country. Wake up before it is too late!
"I've watched videos of the march and have yet to hear "Jews will not replace us". I think that is part of the hoax."
Gaslighting from the media.
Actual documented Jew-Hate can be heard from the mouth of leftist Louis Farrakhan.
It's one of those families where all you can say is "they deserve each other."
"They chanted "you will not replace us""
Yes, but they ALSO chanted "Jews will not replace us."
Inga is going to run out of links to crazies some day. Maybe she will shut up then.
The trouble is that you can’t use a “but it wouldn’t be rational to claim Jews might replace you” argument because the theory of the other side is that you’re motivated by irrational bias. Just as you might say: “why would I ever hire a man when I could get an equally qualified woman for 77 cents on the dollar”, thinking you’re skewering the “gender pay gap”, but others would say this proves how persistent sexism is.
Yanny, Laurel, tomato, Clamato
Did you hear what they chanted, or did you hear what you were primed to hear?
Say that five times fast.
Andy Ngô
At the antifa vs right-wing riot yesterday in Portland, antifa used urine-loaded super soaker water guns in the fight. They also had bottles of feces mixed w/ water to create a brown slush. These were thrown at the pro-police side. This is on top of eggs + rock projectiles.
Not found on any media leftwing media outlet.
According to Inga and her leftwing liars in the press, the "pro-police "right wingers" are not allowed in. and all the leftwing violence is fine.
The one death at Charlottesville happened when a guy attempted to escape the tiki torch marchers, in an abortion zone set up by their leaders who were willing to sacrifice one of their own in order to manufacture a journolistic spectacle. Today, we have Some, Select Black Lives Matter, founded on false premises, invading people's neighborhoods, with the intent to intimidate people. And the Floyd death was likely caused (his episode preceded the constraint) a drug overdose, comorbidities, and stressors (e.g. criminal activity) that triggered their progress. Do they still burn American flags on the front lawn? That said, diversity normalizes adversity.
"Friends have also parted ways, saying they don’t recognize the man they once knew as an Obama supporter."
From Washington Post about Jason Kessler, local, who started the rally.
It's also been reported he was at Occupy Wall Street.
I want to see Inga to do to antifa what she did to the Unite the Right.
the pro-statue people had been infiltrated.
The majority of diversity, especially rabid, groups, are likely populated by official and sympathetic participants who ostensibly (ostensibly, because we have seen the conflicts of interest over the last 16 trimesters) oppose their progress and hide behind euphemisms and disinformation, respectively.
Are Antifa leftwingers staging the so-called "right-wingers"
some comments from people on the ground:
Replying to
"These people were not ‘right wings’. ive never seen Trump supporters walking around with childish shields. Which are looking exactly the same as the shields antifa and BLM have been using for months now."
replying to
"right wing? I don't see any of them carrying the American flag and they dressed same but in different color. antifa vs antifa staged."
But overt racism, and people willing to act on their racist beliefs, is virtually non-existent.
Diversity dogma (i.e. color judgments), not limited to racism, sexism, that denies individual dignity, individual conscience, normalizes affirmative discrimination (in lieu of affirmative action), color quotas, and color blocs, is a progressive condition.
The Democrat Party is the new Nazi party.
Neo-Nazis... Dezis. Neo-KKK. Neo-fascist. Neo-Marxist (i.e. class-based judgments and solutions).
As for the "Jews", many are secular... Nay, "progressive", not Jewish, and spread blood libels about their fellow Jews, are ardent supporters of the wicked solution ("Planned Parenthood" or selective-child), normalize diversity and exclusion, practice political congruence, etc. #HateLovesAbortion
If the demonstration was staged (or hijacked), then the fake white supremacist marchers incurred no legal risk as the governor of VA, Terry Mcauliffe , had absolute control of police and prosecutors. TM did seem enjoyably full of himself pontificating about the rally the next day. We have been pursuing Yeti-like phantom white supremacists the last 3 years. Smollett, NooseCAR, etc.
Yes, but they ALSO chanted "Jews will not replace us."
Diversity dogmatist who exercise liberal license to indulge color judgments. Principals should not be judged in color blocs. Principles matter. #BabyLivesMatter
It is amazing how the lefties move seamlessly from one conspiracy to the next while also circling back to reanimate previous lunacy conspiracies.
Did you know Inga doubled down on Trump colluding with russians just 2 days ago?
I kid you not. It's going to forever be January 2017 for Inga and her FusionGPS/Hoax dossier lies.
Inga STILL thinks Carter Page is a russian spy!
It appears the boogaloo/Steve Bannon creating all riots lies were such a flop they didn't last more than a few weeks and then to be replaced by the post office hoax and QAnon conspiracies.
I suspect we will see at least one new unhinged conspiracy each week thru to November.
Interesting observation: Not a single democrat anywhere mentioned the dems hoax impeachment effort even once during the entire week of the democrats Hide Out "convention".
Not. A. Single. One.
And yet that was supposedly an inflection point (ha!) in our democratic trajectory that was unlike anything EVER SEEN BEFORE!!!!eleventy!11!1!!111!
Not a single mention.
Because in the end everyone knows it was a lie....even the lefties. So down the lefty/LLR-lefty memory hole it goes....
but they ALSO chanted "Jews will not replace us."
Well, okay then. Obviously I wasn't there.
Sometimes you hear what you want to hear,
The Dilbert guy's going full-on Infowars about crisis actors? Most impressive. He's absolutely right, of course. That said, it's also a great reason not to trust "white nationalist" types that you haven't associated with for years. Quite a few will sell you out to their FBI masters, because they're the prison bitches of Satanic overlords. It's also the reason that white nationalist states are never going to get much traction: their leadership is far too degenerate for even their hardcore followers to trust, never mind anyone else.
What will come in their place will be far worse, of course.
"But overt racism, and people willing to act on their racist beliefs, is virtually non-existent."
There's significant racism, of which white racism against blacks is just a small proportion. In turn, racism is just one aspect of a much wider bigotry.
Leftists smear everyone who isn’t Anti1A as fascist, and therefore white nationalist, therefore Nazi or KKK. The most innocuous at the rally were conflated with the most extreme on the “right”, or most extreme moby. There was no need for the media to interview them, only to trample their 1A rights, dox them, and destroy them.
Portland's Rioters Weaponize Waste as the Violence Keeps Escalating
Nice photo of peaceful rioters.
Overnight on 21–22 Aug. (day 87), hundreds of #antifa rioters attacked the Portland Police north precinct. They smashed up police vehicles using rocks & spikes. They threw feces, paint & eggs. Antifa also smashed windows on the Boys & Girls club van. https://portlandoregon.gov/police/news/re
Portland Police Bureau
Just in today
Nazi, Richard Spencer backing Biden.
Because Charlotteville marchers are now Antifa and BLM rioters. They are paid by the same people for the same reason: to cause "chaos", a DNC Convention buzz word.
The main reason you haven't seen more marches like that, I believe, is it has been made clear which marches will be protected and allowed to run riot, and which will be shut down.
Replying to
"These people were not ‘right wings’. ive never seen Trump supporters walking around with childish shields. Which are looking exactly the same as the shields antifa and BLM have been using for months now."
@sarang91206 replying to @MrAndyNgo
"right wing? I don't see any of them carrying the American flag and they dressed same but in different color. antifa vs antifa staged."
Don't assumed this was "staged". There may be genuine battles between elements of the Left (e.g. the anarchists vs the commies, or the identity Leftists vs the commies). Each side would accuse the other of being "right-wing stooges". In the 30s, the Pro-Soviet members of the CPUSA had pitched street battles with the Trotskyites.
I predicted in a post last week that there would be conflict among the Lefties sooner or later. This may or may not be Exhibit A. We'll see.
Inga: “Dozens of white supremacist groups are operating freely on Facebook, allowing them to spread their message and recruit new members..."
I wonder, Inga- why doesn't it bother you that Marxists operate freely, on Facebook, Twitter, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, NYT, WaPo, and 90% of college professors?
I'm not saying I'm down with white supremacists recruiting online, but as I mentioned previously, it's a gnat on a cows ass compared to the full-on indoctrination of generations of young US citizens to think Marxism is AOK. I love when I see Antifa punks who, to any objective view are nothing but fascists and/or anarchists, proudly wearing Che t-shirts. Nothing like sporting the face of a psycho killer while you pitch molotov cocktails and bags of feces at police who have been told to do nothing in return.
When Proud Boys show up to do something in return, that bothers you?
Kudos to Scott for driving this issue so hard. He didn’t have to. And ironically he always says “facts don’t matter” — yet he refuses to give up in the face of divisive propaganda and lies. Not many people with no dog in the fight would hammer it this long and this hard.
I’ve always assumed, starting days before the event, that it was some fake cooked-up bullshit “theatre” that means nothing and is best ignored. The media loves that shit. That’s another way we know it’s pure theatre.
You can safely think of anything the media thinks is important as a weather vane pointing 180 degrees in the wrong direction.
I'm on the level of being embarrassed for many of my fellow voters for lacking the clarity to identify what it is.
Yes, but they ALSO chanted "Jews will not replace us."
If you have a video source of that, I'd like to see it. I've only seen it reported in print, and we know what that's worth. The videos I've seen have been from left wing sources like The Guardian who would have reason to highlight the anti-Jewish chants if they existed.
"There's significant racism..."
You don't address the 'overt' part, or the part about people acting on racist beliefs.
There are thousands of pro bono lawyers and thousands of laws that protect people against overt racism in this country.
The left sees racism everywhere...it's where their bread is buttered and where there is money to be made.
Most people, even those who harbor prejudice, just want to live their lives in peace.
I keep hearing about how there's all these white nationalists and boogaloos rioting among the "mostly peaceful" demonstrators. The cry is that the "right" is causing a false-flag riot among the peaceful BLM demonstrators. The question is: How do you determine that these false-flaggers are white nationalists and boogaloggers? Do these people have a uniform? Do they wear patches to identify themselves so they can get their rightful credit?
We need to apply the duck-test: If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's a duck. The white rioters wear black clothing and helmets, carry black backpacks and use shields and black umbrellas. That's antifa's signature. It's antifa rioting and trying to burn down the court houses, police stations and union buildings. The black rioters are BLM.
BLM's true name should be: "Only Some Black Deaths Matter." Black lives do not matter to them, otherwise they would be working to improve living conditions for Black people. They don't.
As a moderately observant Tribesperson and a longstanding, paid-up member of the only, and increasingly woke and left leaning, nevertheless radically shrinking Jewish congregation in these parts —but also sufficiently irked at the knee jerk American Jewish default liberal shtick that I scored in the 83rd percentile on the antisemitism implicit bias test— we absolutely need to dispassionately unpack the "Jews will not replace us" freakout! The fact is that we are being replaced as a consequence of post 1965 legal immigration —for which (((Manny Cellar))) bears considerable responsibilty along with Lion of the Senate Teddy Kennedy— along with maybe 20M illegal immigrants: their entry paths regularly kept open by ACLU and SJW judges at every level, unquestionably disproportionately (((staffed))) relative to the actual 2% US Jewish demographic. Add to the mix what Steve Sailer calls the "zeroth amendment" vastly aided and abetted by the (((give me your tired, your poor...))) kitsch , placed decades later on its pediment, which distorted the original French rationale for gifting the Statue of Liberty to us, and factor in how effectively transmitted through the mothers milk of Ashkenazi immigrants —of which all four of my grandparents indeed were, having passed through Ellis Island, and more power to them, but times were slightly different then— the conflation of out-front white Christians with deranged cossacks on horseback descending every Easter morning onto our ancestral shtetls and sewing up live cats in the bellies of pregant women, playing no small role either. Not so hard to imagine the origins, and maybe even to forgive in good part, of "the Jews will not replace us" chants.
INGA - besides that many of your links are from crazies from the Left - same as crazies from White Supremists - I have one major question for you. What do you do for a living? Your postings and links take a serious amount of time, you're either 'out there with the fringe world' or a paid troll? Answer the question!
but they ALSO chanted "Jews will not replace us."
Was it a Lewis-style spitting image of an affair?
You can safely think of anything the media thinks is important as a weather vane pointing 180 degrees in the wrong direction.
So very true, Jeff.
90% or more of actual racism in the US would disappear overnight if government and academia stopped caring about skin color.
"Nazis" that voted for Obama and were Democrat operatives just weeks before the rally--according to their social media.
I can see how people could get fooled.
Ann Althouse said...
"They chanted "you will not replace us""
Yes, but they ALSO chanted "Jews will not replace us."
8/23/20, 11:48 AM
That's a remarkably illiberal statement for you to make without evidence.
"Yes, but they ALSO chanted "Jews will not replace us."
Gotta a link to a video?
The Clip on youtube i referenced was made by Leftists - and no mention of Jews, but that's doesn't mean there wasn't.
Hope you - or someone else - can provide link to a video showing they said Jews aka "Jews will not replace us" while marching with Tiki Torches.
I remember seeing stuff about how the Charlottesville rally organizer was previously an Obama supporter with connections to the Occupy movement. See link discussing in what may be an objective fashion.
He certainly seems to have been low profile of the last few years and those tiki torches were not the sort of thing I'd expect from pro-gun right wingers.
The actions of the Governor McAuliffe were odd also.
I apologize if this submitted more than once; Blogger gave me an error page.
I wouldn't go so far as to say it was a false flag, but TPTB at the time acted in ways that near-guaranteed it would dissolve into a melee. Go back and look at the Twitter feed of the local ACLU chapter from that weekend--they were pretty ticked off at the local government.
The fact is that there were other rallies organized by some of the same people afterward. We had one in my city a few weeks later. The difference is that our mayor instructed law enforcement to maintain a strict neutral zone-style barrier between the pro-statue rally and the counter-demonstrators. As a result, nothing happened to merit a national news story about it. Other rallies were cancelled due to threats from antifa (wasn't it New York where the rally was cancelled, but antifa showed up and started throwing things at cops when they couldn't find anyone else to fight with?)
The clean cut style is Richard Spencer's thing to the point that GQ magazine raised the question of whether you should be suspicious that your neighbor who wears khakis and polos might be doing so because he's a member of a hate group.
@Bob, the person of whom you were thinking is Jason Kessler.
I wonder, Inga- why doesn't it bother you that Marxists operate freely, on Facebook, Twitter, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, NYT, WaPo, and 90% of college professors?
Inga is safe in her all white suburb in the 98% white state of Wisc. Marxism is something she read about somewhere but she is a little vague on the history of the Holodomor and other stuff that happened years ago and doesn't count. She knows that the latest cool stuff is leftism, whatever that is.
Inga's in knitting web site level thinking.
mikee said...
90% or more of actual racism in the US would disappear overnight if government and academia stopped caring about skin color.
"I am so old that I remember when most racists were white." Thomas Sowell.
Michael K: "Inga is safe in her all white suburb in the 98% white state of Wisc. Marxism is something she read about somewhere but she is a little vague on the history of the Holodomor and other stuff that happened years ago and doesn't count. She knows that the latest cool stuff is leftism, whatever that is."
Quite true.
It wasn't that long ago that Inga astonished all at Althouse by claiming the reports of a hundred million dead at the hands of the commies in the 20th century to be a conspiracy theory.
She did that at the same time she was claiming Kavanaugh was a gang rapist.
Hanoi Paris Hilton said...
(((Manny Cellar)))
8/23/20, 1:31 PM
Just a quick question, purely academic interest: are the brackets like your N-word now? I see quite a few people on Twitter, including Jerry Nadler himself, self-identify with them.
If you have a race card, I would certainly be interested in buying it. Or renting a copy, whatever.
Yo, Doctrev...
A wide variety of colorful but trenchant Race Cards are available for freely downlading from my website https://cultivateunderstanding.com
Knock yerself out!
Antifa terrorist scum come to denver.
Dozens of white supremacist groups are operating freely on Facebook,
And how many people are running those virtual groups? Five? Ten?
Of those WS operations, how many are false flags?
It is people like Inga who give gullibility a bad name.
Kassaar said...
I have never seen Scott so combative in the years that I’ve been following him. It’s almost as if his sinus operation has changed him in some way or other.
more oxygen more efficiently delivered to his braim?
CWJ said...
Althouse, I've heard the audio as well, and like Michael K has repeatedly said, I heard "You" not Jews."
why didn't they do this in NJ - youse covers it all
The participants are real people. The chant was "you will not replace us".
Adams is funny.
I think the lesson was: demonstrate publicly and you will get screwed by local law enforcement and smeared by the media.
How do you determine that these false-flaggers are white nationalists and boogaloggers? Do these people have a uniform? Do they wear patches to identify themselves so they can get their rightful credit?
Inga has grandly announced that white nationalists and Boogaloo Boiz are known for wearing Hawaiian shirts. One of the states is chock full of them.
RigelDog said...
That's a really interesting question. Really interesting! ...
It's certain, though, that the entire set-up and official response in Charlottesville had some inexplicable and bizarre elements. No violence need to have occurred at all. There were interviews with members of the Saturday demonstrators (not the Friday night Tiki-torch chanters) and also with some of the liberal counter-protesters. All of them were baffled as to why the location of the demonstrations had been changed at the last minute and especially why officials had herded the groups together in moving them to the different location. Police actually funneled the two previously separated groups together, which resulted in a physical clash. Also, police were removed from the obvious spots that then became hot zones. No satisfying explanation from officials was ever obtained.
have you or anyone else analyzed how the groups were set up on Friday night - which has not been reported as violent? maybe vociferous!
so did D authorities make adjustment Saturday daytime to achieve desired results
Scott Adams tweets a video of an antifa woman landing a very ineffective girl-punch on a proud boy and her getting a massive 300 pound punch in the face back from a proud boy who's not taking any shit from girls. No Title IX violation there.
“Antifa terrorist scum come to denver.”
I was pleasantly surprised that both the mayor and the governor seem to be condemning the violence by the AntiFA Marxist swine.
I am kind of surprised I never heard of one of those clowns being canceled in the press or on social media.
"I was pleasantly surprised that both the mayor and the governor seem to be condemning the violence by the AntiFA Marxist swine."
Don't give them too much credit. They've had the luxury of seeing the end result of accommodating the left.
serious question
how does all this tie in to that minneapolis hell's angle guy, that forced all those blacks to riot and loot and burn; buy writing "Free Stuff" on a door, and breaking a window?
The reason they haven't returned is the FBI decimated almost all alt-right figures after Charlottesville. Many were debanked entirely (not allowed access to the banking system at all).
The far right has very little organizational infrastructure in the first place, something which is plainly not true of the Left and an asymmetry people don't properly understand when thinking about the risks both pose, and the FBI crackdown basically broke them entirely.
Richard Spenser still has a twitter account!
That says a lot, with so many real conservatives being canceled.
I view him as a useful idiot for the left / deep state.
True story - my 38 year old daughter was at the Stone Mountain protest. She went to "stand against the KKK". Wonder of wonders - she found it "sad" and "embarrassing". Few "KKK", lotsa "Counter Protesters" and she says the CP were sketchy, emanated a very bad vibe and she got the heck outta there after an hour. May her heart be cleft in twain - I pray for her daily.
True story - my 38 year old daughter was at the Stone Mountain protest. She went to "stand against the KKK". Wonder of wonders - she found it "sad" and "embarrassing". Few "KKK", lotsa "Counter Protesters" and she says the CP were sketchy, emanated a very bad vibe and she got the heck outta there after an hour. May her heart be cleft in twain - I pray for her daily.
By the byre - my 38 year old is an Anarchist.
By the bye - my 38 year old is an Anarchist.
I was pleasantly surprised that both the mayor and the governor seem to be condemning the violence by the AntiFA Marxist swine.
Well, hate to be cynical, but being as how they are both Democrat, teh shitbag swine are probably polling in very negative numbers.
The Daily Caller was literally the only media operation that even tried to cover the event accurately. They reported on the Antifa counterprotest, the order by McAuliffe to break up the Unite the Right Rally, the order by the Charlottesville police chief to stand down while the two groups were literally steered into each other, guaranteeing violence.
Yes the whole thing was right out of Alinsky.
That's not a new idea. The supposed KKK or white supremacy men looked straight out of central casting but with leather that was too new; facial hair too manicured; body language that said, "just acting!"
It was clearly a sham.
The pro-statue types believe, perhaps rightly, that one of their number was set upon by the anti-statue mob and got life in prison because he accidentally killed somebody trying toget away from them. Believing that just for attending a rally you can get murdered orget 2 life sentences tends to discourage attendance.
Charlottsville was the greatest hate hoax yet?
That's a brilliant meme.
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