"Tiffany Kenney, executive director of the Central Business Improvement District, said it could be months before business owners feel comfortable without protection over their windows. 'This is a giant setback for us,' Kenney said. 'They are fearful. There has been damage, there’s been violence and we’re back, way, way back.' Kenney said many are worried about the November elections and may leave their boards in place through the end of the year, which 'could be devastating for our Downtown.' Several businesses had donated plywood painted by local artists to the business district for a future art exhibit, but Kenney said many of those are again covering windows.... After the windows of Papa John’s Pizza were smashed, one of the protesters told an employee, 'These people don’t represent our movement.' 'Well, I’m sorry, but they’re part — they’re with you,' the employee responded...."
From "Downtown merchants begin to fear losing all of 2020 as protests, destruction continue" (Wisconsin State Journal).
It's so awful to hit these businesspeople when they are down — not only from earlier riots but from the months of shutdown from the coronavirus. It's so disordered to believe that these people deserve to be targeted, as if they are not human beings. Meanwhile, the young students are flowing into the city, taking up residence in the dorms, dealing with the prospect of virtual classrooms, and they can't have the pleasure of the excitement and beauty of downtown Madison. They don't even get the colorful murals that dressed up the damage a couple months ago. No, we've got new plywood now, blankly expressive of what has really happened — mindless destruction.
Here's the video of the colloquy at Papa John's. The Wisconsin State Journal didn't quote the part where the employee said, "Do you want Trump to be elected?"
१०४ टिप्पण्या:
Elections have consequences. I think Obama said that.
""Tiffany Kenney, executive director of the Central Business Improvement District, said it could be months before business owners feel comfortable without protection over their windows."
The ones that survive at all.
Three words. Korean. Roof. Snipers. The riots would end overnight.
"it could be months before business owners feel comfortable without protection over their windows."
Maybe they should form an armed organization to prevent people from smashing their windows and stealing or destroying their property. Or is that illegal?
Those colorful murals never were beautiful.
"These people don’t represent our movement."
Please insert 25 cents to play again.
When President Trump wins the election in November, there will be more riots.
Any windows that have been restored will be broken again.
Buildings that still have not been set afire now will be set afire in November.
In particular, churches will be vandalized and set afire.
This is what the Leftist Collectivists votes to have.
I am glad they are getting it.
People need to be happy.
Getting what they want makes them happy.
"Meanwhile, the young students are flowing into the city, taking up residence in the dorms, dealing with the prospect of virtual classrooms, and they can't have the pleasure of the excitement and beauty of downtown Madison."
Are those young students progressives? Perhaps the lesson might be instructive, should they care to consider it.
Boy, these "protestors" clearly want more Trump.
Because their actions are paving the way. To MORE TRUMP.
I consider the riots of the last 6 months to be a prelude to the REAL riots that WILL happen after Trump is re-elected.
At university after university I am seeing the same rules apply- if you party anywhere, you get suspended. Will the students have the backbone to stand up to this? I doubt it.
Drove by Denver Capital building yesterday evening, before sunset.
The entire lower section windows are boarded up. There is a fence around the entire building.
The public park across the street is completely surrounded by fence and police cars are stationed inside the fence. boarded up buildings nearby.
If you vote D in November, all of this will stop.
but please, don't call it extortion.
Just marking the spot to see how many people in 15 minutes point out that the Madisonites voted for this.
"It's so awful to hit these businesspeople when they are down — not only from earlier riots but from the months of shutdown from the coronavirus. It's so disordered to believe that these people deserve to be targeted, as if they are not human beings."
Well, you're finally getting it. To the left, to the looters, these businesspeople AREN'T human beings. These businesses OWE them. They DESERVE to be looted. It's perfectly okay to loot them, burn them out - because someone'll come back and rebuild, and then they can do it all again!
Because your governor says it's okay. Your mayor says it's okay and stands down the police. It's OKAY to do all these things because there's no cost at all to the rioters. They'll strike, and move on. Arrests? Prosecutions? Lol - you've abandoned the rule of law.
So welcome to the Law of the Jungle. Looters take what they want, and the police don't stop them. Heaven forbid someone who's black gets hurt in an arrest - it'll just be proof that ACAB and they're racist against those poor, pitiful black looters who HAVE to steal TV sets so they can eat....
(Ever notice how they don't seem to loot groceries? Wonder why...)
Boy. They should have just plastered Madison with Trump/Pence 2020 signs. Would have at least saved the business community there.
Thats the part that gets me. "Do you want Trump to win?"
That logic blows my mind.
From 30,000 feet, all of this was not just likely but expected. It had nothing to do with George Floyd (less and less of any of this does) but is related to the economy and the shutdown; the deepening frustration and pressure that comes from not being productive. We are going to find out that the national response to the virus was all all wrong. And then, we'll forget.
Too bleak?
Either business owners defend their livelihoods with force or be destroyed.
If you voted for lefty lunatics in your city then the chickens are coming home to roost.
As much as I feel sorry for some of these people, part of me wants Madison to burn to the ground. This is what you voted for.
Fuck BLM. Fuck Antifa. Fuck progressives.
Our gov’ner knows best in New Mexico.
Now, Ann:
What are you prepared to do about it?
What do you want done by others?
Who do you blame?
And why are you going to vote for them anyway?
All you D voters, ISTM, are like battered spouses in a dysfunctional relationship who keep forgiving, excusing, rationalizing, and transferring from your abusers to the Rs.
Domestic disputes are said to be the trickiest and most dangerous encounter for police, because, I gather, either spouse or both may suddenly attack, blaming the cops because they're there.
You need to learn a lesson from this. You, AA, and all of you. You need to wash that D right out of your collective hair. Not even saying date Team R, because rebound relationships are famed for not lasting - maybe you don't date/vote for a while, get warmed up to R values. But insofar as you do vote, you need, and it is the need that you have that I'm talking about, to vote Not-D.
Nobody's asking you to do this for others, for the businessmen, for the country. You need to see that this is for yourself. For your own benefit, for your own good.
Or, die in a fire. No, I don't wish that for you. That's what they tried to do to the cops - before firing the building, they attempted to seal the entrance with concrete or something like it. If they'll do that to official authorities with guns, what will they do to you if you don't raise the fist, salute the hat, take the chocolate? Bet your old historic district houses burn like matchwood.
Why don't those business owners call their Governor, and have him provide some security? I know why they don't even try, and most other people understand why also.
Boarding school.
Dumbass actions have consequences. The people of Madison may need to stew in their own juices for a while.
those arent boarded up windows
...they're future portals to a new Utopian outlook,
once the Wokesters paint their propaganda on them. Yay!
Ah, ha. It’s all a Georgia Pacific conspiracy to sell plywood. No wonder Home Depot stock is going up.
I thought all the newly boarded up windows would be exciting to Althouse. Just think of all the pretty pictures and non-violent quotes are going to be created!
It's so awful to hit these business people when they are down — not only from earlier riots but from the months of shutdown from the coronavirus. It's so disordered to believe that these people deserve to be targeted, as if they are not human beings.
Well to those rioting, they are NOT humans. How do you not understand that yet?
What are YOUR elected officials doing? Are they protecting YOU or are they protecting the rioters?
Think on that a bit, we will wait. Does all that thinking have ANY effect on how you plan to vote? If not, why not?
"It's so awful to hit these businesspeople when they are down — not only from earlier riots but from the months of shutdown from the coronavirus. It's so disordered to believe that these people deserve to be targeted, as if they are not human beings."
You guys are very particular about who you want to feel like human beings in this country.
It's so awful to hit these businesspeople when they are down — not only from earlier riots but from the months of shutdown from the coronavirus
Do you think revolutions succeed when everything is going along swimmingly? The Bolshevik Revolution arose out of the impending defeat of the Russian Army by the Central Powers in WWI. The Chinese revolution came out of the chaos of the Japanese occupation along with a civil war in WWII.
There are a few, like the Cuban Revolution, that arose out of milder social dislocation, But, generally, the greater the chaos, the better odds for the Hard Left. The guys on the streets burning shit down probably aren't aware of this history, but the Antifa leadership sure as hell is.
Liberals all ... you own this.
Perhaps downtown Madison, Wisconsin does not deserve businesses. Perhaps your citizens would be better off with government issue Chinese fatigues and gruel from soup lines. It's not clear to me that a plurality of Madisonians are capable of self-government in the meaningful sense of an organization of citizens intended to provide for general welfare and security. I suppose it has crossed the mind of the beloved inhabitants of Althouse that you and your property may one day be the target of a mob. 2020 is quite a year.
@AA said ...
... They don't even get the colorful murals that dressed up the damage a couple months ago. No, we've got new plywood now, blankly expressive of what has really happened — mindless destruction.
so your city put lipstick on the pig but the pig licked it off?
They guy at the window of the Papa John's saying "are you trying to get Trump reelected" is a moron. He only wants his window left in tact to Biden can win? It that every thought the people of Madison have. "I'll have the meatloaf...wait...no...Trump likes meatloaf..."
Madison is suffering from it's own politics, its own liberal culture, and its fake altruistic ivory tower. My heart is breaking for Kenosha, but I don't have an ounce of sympathy or concern for Madison. The arrogance and unhinged liberalism has caused damage all over Wisconsin after a successful Walker tenure.
People will do what they do
pelosi - No debates!
Recall - Pelosi wondered why her radical base wasn't rioting in the streets over Obama's kids in cages. er I mean Trumps.
My oldest daughter worked in Madison at The Majestic. Madison really had a vibrant downtown. This is really a crying shame.
Somewhere a lumber liquidator sales rep smiles with satisfaction
They plywood isn't a covering. It's an actual uncovering of what was brewing underneath Madison's hypocritical culture for decades. Plywood is Madison's new color. Congratulations.
For those who live outside of Madison, there is great concern for Kenosha. NOBODY, cares about what is happening to Madison. You've got a lot of horrible people running that community, and trying to run the rest our lives.
"It's so awful to hit these businesspeople when they are down — not only from earlier riots but from the months of shutdown from the coronavirus. It's so disordered to believe that these people deserve to be targeted, as if they are not human beings."
OK, fine. I appreciate these bourgeois sentiments. You are right and, in Madison, brave to express them.
But at some point the realization has to sink in among the nice women of America that what they consider awful and disordered is prog MO, that it is what the left wants, that it is part of the revolution, any revolution, and that it is what leading Dems everywhere support.
Treating people "as if they are not human beings" has long been the essence of radical leftist politics; they must be removed or transformed into a New (Hu)Man. That was clear by, oh, 1793.
the colloquy at Papa John's
A formal conversation, eh? I missed that one.
I there anyone in Madison with enough self awareness to say, "we did this to ourselves"?
Riots end when the cost of rioting causes a decrease in the number of rioting. Just saying.
Dem Strategist 1: How do we top nominating Hillary Clinton for sheer political brilliance?
Dem Strategist 2: I know, riots!
If the riots in Detroit in 1967 are a template,
1. The riot damage will never be rebuilt. Commercial property and business insurance policies typically don't cover civil insurrections or acts of war. Riots will be the knife in the heart of every center city that has been subjected to them.
2. Democrats will keep getting re-elected. The bums will never be thrown out--at worst, they'll just be replaced by more Democrats. That's why Democrat mayors are so blase about the rioters. There's no upside to taking any risk when your job's a sinecure.
Systemic racism? Maybe. Systemic corruption? Absolutely.
Just think of all the lives that the rioters are saving...
"Now virtually every window on Capitol Square, State Street and part of University Avenue is boarded just as UW-Madison students return to campus."
This Is What Marxism Looks Like.
Abetted and enabled by LLR's.
That's it? All they can say?
Can the Mayor and council for beginners, then recall the governor.........
So many lefty towns getting it good and hard. The simple fact is that something like this would never happen in my town or any town near me. Armed citizens would be shoulder to shoulder with the cops at the first sign of trouble. Indeed, since this fact is generally appreciated, there simply won’t be any trouble.
The students will ignore the administration as they always do.
You can’t put that many young people together and expect them to virtually learn. They will get drunk, get high, and get laid.
That’s what college is for
They don't even get the colorful murals that dressed up the damage a couple months ago.
they dont even get "dressed-up damage"
oh-- Boo-fucking-hoo!!
they dont even get dressed-up damage!! No lipstick on the Prog pig!!
These Sno-Flakes should never see the full extent of their shit, eh?
"No Liberal should ever be made to feel bad or responsible for their
actions, ever"
"These businesses OWE them."
I think the current term is "reparations".
I suggest the new students duct tape the protesters to the plywood.
Kenney said many are worried about the November elections and may leave their boards in place through the end of the year
I guess that depends on who wins.
If Biden wins, I don't imagine they'll be much motivation for him to do anything. The rioters will keep rioting since there will be no political will to stop them. After all, the rioters themselves don't particularly care who is president. It's not like they particularly like or respect Biden or any of the elected Democrats for that matter. They just love chaos and destruction.
If Trump wins he'll have effectively a mandate to bring in the National Guard whatever the state and local Democrats politicians may publicaly claim. The people will have spoken.
The Madison business community is just figuring out that the hardcore BLMers want them to die.
"You guys are very particular about who you want to feel like human beings in this country."
I think people who don't stop the riots are regarding the rioters as subhuman! They act like they have no discernment and are simply driven by emotional impulse. It's racist.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
You guys are very particular about who you want to feel like human beings in this country.
Crack, I am delighted for you to feel like a human being. One mindset for you to consider might be "it is wonderful for me, as a minority citizen, to live among others who generally tolerate me and let me live as I please. And further, out of concern for my well-being offer many means of assistance for me to prosper." As a thought experiment, ask yourself this - what if white America turned on you entirely? What if they decided you were not a human being and no longer deserved to live? What would your prospects be then? Do you think the patience of the white majority is infinite?
Here's a video of 5th Ave NYC by a wonderfully accented New Yahker. Some of the boarded up stores are because of riot damage. Others, according to my NYC son, are because the stores are closed. This is 5th Ave in NYC - midtown Manhattan, legendary, completely closed.
I wouldn't have taken my plywood down from the first disturbance. What about Madison official's response would have led you to believe that they would respond appropriately going forward?
I would ask Crack who he thinks is being hurt most by these riots? From most of the photos I have seen there is a large component of whites involved yet it is black and minority owners who are being most negatively affected and will be for a long period of time - if not forever It's exactly like the school lockdowns: it is those who can least afford to not go to school - blacks, hispanics and other minorities - who are being damaged not for a week, or a month, but for a lifetime.
You guys are very particular about who you want to feel like human beings in this country.
Yes, we want people who obey the law and leave others alone. Your rights stop at my nose.
Do you qualify? Mr Reparations probably does not.
Have you ever been to Gary, Indiana? I have.
You should visit sometime.
It is Madison ten years from now.
The only thing that might save you is the University, but if everyone is learning via Zoom, even that can't save you.
"I think people who don't stop the riots are regarding the rioters as subhuman!"
If they thought like you, they might think that. But they don't. Many people don't, which is hard to understand, I know. But the first step toward clear thinking is to understand it: that people who don't stop riots are not like you, that they despise your sensibilities, and that it is now up to you to deal with that reality.
People who don't stop the riots think rioters are fiery, intensified protesters, fighting for justice. Gotta break the cycle of systemic racism; can't make omelettes without breaking eggs.
"I think people who don't stop the riots are regarding the rioters as subhuman!"
The people not stopping the riots ARE the rioters.
"...what if white America turned on you entirely? What if they decided you were not a human being" and no longer deserved to live? What would your prospects be then?
Spot on. If white America treated AAs as they claim they are treated it would be a very different world. I give you my least favorite, divisive, hostile and pure BS phrase:
"The cops have declared open season on black men".
If this were remotely close to the truth the phrase, stacked up like cord wood, would be pretty accurate.
Someone explain how it helps blacks to burn everything down?
Even when many in the black community are hit the hardest and are begging the white antifa left to stop.
I think the white left are the real racists.
I am getting the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that the people doing the destruction, arson, vandalism, & mayhem in these cities are finding that it is very enjoyable, in the way drug addicts feel after they get a hit of their favorite illicit substance. Especially when they know the local political executives in charge have said they won’t consider arresting / charging them. This will lead to more such activities by these hooligans. And the article says it will get worse with the returning students, implying that these same students will be perpetrators. And most of those students had left Madison prior to what happened there in June. That is a chilling thought considering that the destruction could multiply greatly based on the large student population of UW...
The college towns inspired these thugs. Harsh, but true.
Heads up everyone.
The dems are now officially claiming Donald Trump has been behind the riots since the very beginning and is the one keeping them going.
They are really saying this.
the rioters are destroying any symbol of success, of enterprise, of business, of civilization. It doesn't matter if it is low-income housing, the Ronald-McDonald house in chicago, statues of black heroes. Doesn't matter if it is black-owned business. They are waging war against our civilization.
I think people who don't stop the riots are regarding the rioters as subhuman! They act like they have no discernment and are simply driven by emotional impulse. It's racist.
This very infantilization of the rioters is racist. They are criminals. But your point that there is racism in the response by liberals is taken (although I believe the majority are white). The soft bigotry of low expectations is real.
We are having a sneak peek into the progressive "Decarceration" movement. Don't hold anybody with a progressive mindset accountable for anything. They're victims.
"I think people who don't stop the riots are regarding the rioters as subhuman! They act like they have no discernment and are simply driven by emotional impulse. It's racist."
It's racist to think that white rioters have no discernment and are simply driven by emotional impulse? How do you figure?
Drago said..."Heads up everyone. The dems are now officially claiming Donald Trump has been behind the riots since the very beginning and is the one keeping them going."
Is he wearing a Hawaiian shirt while he does? I was told there would be Hawaiian shirts!
"...It had nothing to do with George Floyd (less and less of any of this does) but is related to the economy and the shutdown; the deepening frustration and pressure that comes from not being productive."
But it's not. They were beating up people on Inauguration Day, during the campaign, while Obama was still in office. On-call street gangs have been taking over city centers for ten years. This is long-term campaign, run by very cool heads on Wall Street and Silicon Valley, in China, the big media companies, the universities, the government employee unions. They're all willing to destroy the present to cement everything in place and let them 10% off the top of every transaction, forever.
"Have you ever been to Gary, Indiana?"
Once, in 1989 on a Greyhound bus that was making regional stops on the way to Indianapolis. Depressing beyond belief. I found it hard to believe anyone lived there.
I'll keep saying it. These citizens got the Government response to this that they voted for.
So how many homes of Democrat mayors have burned in these cities where the riots are occuring? Even one?
More pushback for the BLM assholes.
Firing warning shots and they take off.
Althouse said: "They act like they have no discernment and are simply driven by emotional impulse. It's racist."
I would imagine the looting black protesters have some discernment. At least they are getting something tangible out of it. It's a bit entrepreneurial.
But the unhinged white girls are all emotional impulse. There's not an ounce of logic in any of those brains. Come on, these white girls (like the two arrested for beating the Wisconsin Senator - a social worker and a lesbian PHD) are the ding-iest of bats. What do you do about them? If I were in Madison they those bitches were coming to town, I'd board up the windows too.
"The dems are now officially claiming Donald Trump has been behind the riots since the very beginning and is the one keeping them going."
That's progress, of a sort. They claimed for months that there were no riots.
What line of "reasoning" is used to blame Trump?
Exporting Rioters
This is about the only place you'll hear this:
FYI witnesses at the scene report that at least 6 huge luxury motorcoaches arrived, a Chicago limo company. As the buses were letting people out witnesses recognized Miracle Boyd and others from the Chicago protests/riots. This was reported on social media.
Then the owner of this limo company claimed he was not transporting protesters but transporting "troops like we do every day" however the Wisconsin National Guard responded that they use their own transportation. The Guard does not hire limos or buses from Chicago.
Then the limo company owner said oops! Meant to say he transported military personnel from Great Lakes. But wouldn't you know it? A call to Great Lakes naval training center revealed that they had never heard of this Chicago limo company. So who was he transporting to Kenosha and who paid for those 6 motorcoaches? And why was he lying about it?
Forward this one around.
Labels: events
I don't feel the least bit bad for the students. How many of them supported this? How many would have joined in, if they'd been in town at the time? There are probably some who're sorry they missed it.
“Meanwhile, the young students are flowing into the city, taking up residence in the dorms, dealing with the prospect of virtual classrooms, and they can't have the pleasure of the excitement and beauty of downtown Madison.”
Maybe they can flow into studying and learning stuff. Foolishly I thought that’s what school is for.
The Europeans, so much more sophisticated than us, have water cannon trucks made especially to quell riots. They do excellent work. Of course if such sophisticated European devices were employed here the first two words we would hear would be...wait...Bull Conner.
The riot porn is ugly now. The university students come back to a place spewing postmodern philosophy, but now they have to see what evolves from it. The students are seeing what their education's legacy will be.
The riot porn was artistic, somehow, a few weeks ago. It was provoked thought. It was amusing.
Now it's ugly?
It was ugly then.
"what if white America turned on you entirely?"
If structural racism were real, blacks would be Uighurs.
I thought Crack was anti-cult. Yet, here is is, smack dab in the middle of one.
Americans need to just (re)read "Chapter I: The Theme" of Atlas Shrugged -
- even there only a few shops were boarded up in Manhattan -
- just going out of business no active rioting or looting
Calypso Facto: "Is he wearing a Hawaiian shirt while he does? I was told there would be Hawaiian shirts!"
Jimmy Buffet concerts have been cancelled due to hawaiian shirts....and white supremacy.
And pop tops. And blown flip flops.
But mostly white supremacy.
Hoo boy, Crack. Can you feel the white indifference? I tell ya, it's almost as bad as hostility. But the dirty secret is, white liberals absolutely don't care about black lives, any more than than melting-pot conservatives. Oh, the difference is that the civic nationalists want the black people to get guns, take their kids out of public schools with bars on the windows, and have strong families. But neither side is going to the barricades to HELP you. Antifa will come to your city to help burn it down! But not help.
You'd better hope Trump arrests the leaders of Antifa- the Rosenbaums, the Hubers, the Soroses, and the Lore-Blumenthals. Because a kid just shot some black people and he's an overnight sensation... do you think he's the toughest white person to own an assault rifle in America? Nuh-UH.
But the unhinged white girls are all emotional impulse. There's not an ounce of logic in any of those brains.
Yup. Next, they'll be shaking their exposed titties in the woods in Colorado to feel empowered.
I lived in Middleton and studied at UW in the early 1980s. I loved the campus and the lakes, and walking up and down State Street, and the farmers' market at the Capitol square. And I loved driving west on the country roads and seeing the beautiful country side, illustrated in the farm photos posted yesterday. I even loved the winters, and walking along the lake past picnic point from the parking lot near the Natatorium down to the Social Science Building. Now that I'm in my late 60s, I realize I appreciate the "materialistic pleasures" of a "nice life". I don't object to (in a sense I even admire) those who choose eschew materialistic pleasure in order to achieve spiritual goals (godliness, anti-racialist purity, etc).
But now we are in the neo-Puritan age where a group wants to make others give up materialistic pleasures, so the power-group can feel extra special good about their spiritual growth. The mob harangues a woman eating dinner to wear the scarlet A (or is it the scarlet R for racist?). When I first read the scarlet letter I felt superior to those beknighted Puritans who were so insistent on and self-righteous about imposing their morality on others.
So the new Madison is a Madison in which materialistic pleasures are not allowed. I feel sorry for the incoming students. And I abhor the younger generation who seeks to impose their own moral code on others by threats, bullying, burning, and intimidation.
Pictures or it didn't happen.
And only the nice ones.
They DESERVE to be looted. It's perfectly okay to loot them, burn them out - because someone'll come back and rebuild, and then they can do it all again!
Reparations, brutha.
You know what's ugly? Blood on plywood. I mention this as a prediction of what you're about to get in Madison, over the weeks leading up to the election.
Doug said...
"Reparations, brutha."
I follow the podcast of Bret Weinstein and Heying. Two smart people.
One thing they say is that the riots are about "reparations, every day, in every interaction, in every context."
HEATHER Heying. Sorry.
"Because a kid just shot some black people and he's an overnight sensation."
Are any of the three black?
Rory said...
Are any of the three black?
8/27/20, 6:58 PM
Ha, ha, ha. I knew someone would ask. Of course not! So if they're ready to do this to "fellow whites," what won't the future crop of vigilantes do to black people?
Crack knows the score, which is why you couldn't pay most black people to fill out these riots. It has to be spoiled white children who think they're bulletproof.
The three assholes plugged by Rittenhouse were not real Blacks, just Wiggers.
They're a lot worse
That's what I like about the bypass that goes around downtown Madison. It means I can get to Cross Plains and Black Earth Creek without having to put up with Madison nonsense.
Michael K said...
More pushback for the BLM assholes.
Firing warning shots and they take off.
8/27/20, 1:58 PM
And I believe warning shots are illegal in every state. Might not have stopped me either but that is the law. The law would rather you have to save your life by killing your attacker than demonstrate to the potential attacker that you are not fooling around.
You generally (always?) can't pull your gun until you have to use it. Preemptively pulling it is call "brandishing" and is also illegal (everywhere? mostwhere?).
I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV.
"That's what I like about the bypass that goes around downtown Madison. It means I can get to Cross Plains and Black Earth Creek without having to put up with Madison nonsense."
Actually, the mob did shutdown the beltline this summer. My granddaughter got caught up in it.
"These people don’t represent our movement." Does she have the courage to tell them that herself?
Crack said in response: "It's so awful to hit these businesspeople when they are down — not only from earlier riots but from the months of shutdown from the coronavirus. It's so disordered to believe that these people deserve to be targeted, as if they are not human beings."
You guys are very particular about who you want to feel like human beings in this country.
Crack - Isn't your "community's" being used as stalking horses by Democratics wearing a bit thin?
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