Driving south and I gave DC a wide berth and a good leaving alone. Who knows when they are going to decide to shut down an interstate and start demanding forelock tugs of the drivers or they burn your car with you inside. I know one couple personally leaving DC because of this “mayhem” going on there.
I drove through Central PA and at a highway rest stop on the trash can lids were little stickers that said “Make liberals cry again, Trump 2020," not to mention a lot of large Trump signs on businesses and in yards. Not a Biden sign anywhere. I guess if I weren’t avoiding the riot torn areas, I would see more Biden support in those areas.
West Coaster here - by the time I rise from bed, the early morning posts are baked.
So, relative to the earlier post re: Vicky Osterweil and "In Defense of Looting,", this nasty and horrific post showed up several times on my Facebook feed yesterday - all by ignorant 20-something young ladies who I fear will not like the world they are championing.
Why is murder an appropriate response to property damage, but property damage isn't an appropriate response to murder
My stomach churns. I'm glad neither of my kids posted something this disgusting, but I'm fearful. Trying to figure out how to counter the evil, other than commenting occasionally on Althouse.
I have recently been captivated by the movie "Mr. Jones" about journalists Gareth Jones and Walter Duranty, and the Holodomor. I sure would like to know what Professor Althouse thinks about this movie! I think everyone should watch this movie.
In the past week I have written three blog posts about "Mr. Jones." My most recent post is about a fascinating panel discussion titled "Mr. Jones: Unmasking the cult of Stalin" hosted by the Atlantic Council. Anne Applebaum interviews Andrea Chalupa (writer) and Agnieszka Holland (director). That panel discussion has some really good stuff about the movie, and lessons for our time.
It will be interesting to see the "Occupation" of DC that the left is threatening. They have signs about invading the White House. Who devised this strategy ? The DC Mayor ?
ICTA asks: Who Are You More Afraid of, LeBron James? Cops, or Other Black People?
As I've posted in the past, only two people I knew personally were murdered. Both were black men shot by other black men. One of the victim was my second husband's cousin and was only 21. It was a case of mistaken identity.
And it seems that before viewing a Stanley Cup playoff game we're expected to listen to a BLM sermon before the anthems are sung. So I skip the first part of the game. I could see the NBA going all funereal but the NHL is made up mostly of whites. And the MLB is largely Hispanics now. Do the players have any say whatsoever in this idiocy?
Huh? CDC says only 6% of deaths are without comorbidities.
Comorbidities Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups. For data on comorbidities,
Michael K said... They have signs about invading the White House. Who devised this strategy ? The DC Mayor ? -- Reasonable supposition considering the lack of security apres RNC.
I know that deleting my comments before they are shown in these threads is supposed to make the blog look better.
But, go back to take a look at today’s posts, and the resulting comments that are allowed to be shown in the threads.
W/ that in mind, imagine another world where, on this same day, a dead black man is the big, mega story. BTW, don’t imagine that major story is getting a big showing because it’s re a black super-predator who was killed by white 2A hero/savior. In the alt-althouse universe the big story of the day is about love and positivity, and at the same time it’s about the life of a black man.
I know I'm anticipating a bit, but I like my guerilla theater trolling planned.
I have been working with both my local watershed council and our local affiliate down the hill for nigh on 13 years, almost ever since I moved to Oregon. Done some Friends of Trees, too. In 2012 I won the individual volunteer award.
I'm up at a meeting at watershed HQ last winter where my part is about giving them more free graphic design work. On the table is "White Fragility." What's that? Oh, the board is going on our winter retreat and that's our study book. I'm like internally, fuck me, this is supposed to be, per Mao, a united front organization around our creek's restoration.
Okay, I politely ask, "If you come up with any insights about why Blacks hate on Koreans, you let know." This young 20-something staffer, who turns out is a board member, too, tone polices me with "You can't say that" and I respond with "Well it's true."
Two months later they're all we support BLM and I'm like I'm Outie. I should add that during the winter the exec. director started putting his pronouns below his signature, he, him, whatever. I mean shit, I never thought he was a fag, just a dweeb, and why should I care.
Anyway, they still want some free work from me, an artistic map of the watershed. I'm a map freak, have done many, and when it comes to my creek and my art, I don't care if it's a bunch of commie-symps that publish it. Bit of a whore, even for free.
I am so prepared for a schadenboner next Nov. 4, I want to plan an epic troll.
First Saturday will be the November work party for the creek down the hill. I am probably only one of five left in the original core. I will attend and give a sort of resignation speech, not on politics even though I don't want to work with the BLM symps anymore, but because my brother and I are taking up stewardship of part of a different creek.
I also want to do the swan song to drink their delicious liberal tears. I had a chance to do this in 2016 and it was great.
What to wear? I'm going with the Carharts and a black long-sleeved T with a huge picture of Stalin. The caption is "Dark Humor is Like Food, Not Everybody Gets It."
I'll also have a Hello name tag which says: "My indigenous name is: tlakatastali akin tepatilia tepostlatkitl My mom spoke Nahuatl."
For you mono-lingual barbarians who don't understand the language of our Aztec brothers and sisters, it means White Man Who Loses Tools. It's a family inside joke and you can call me Tlaka. My mom's been dead for 15 years and I can barely pronounce it myself now.
Underneath my Uncle Joe will be my Malcom X T, in case I can extend the troll. I'm wondering if I should walk into the work party shape-up chanting "Fidel, seguro, a los yanquis dale duro." I saw Fidel live twice. I can pull it off. Too much?
Of course, Trump's gotta win big. And if my schadenboner lasts till Friday, I'm going to call my primary physician. I don't want to be sporting wood in this planned operation.
In 2016, when I went into that local victory party and the sadz people looked at my grin, I could go Cubs Win, Cubs Win, Cubs Win!
Do lockdowns and mask mandates work? Here is a country that had one of the first mask mandates in early April and has been in extreme lockdown since early March. Virus is going to virus and don't give too much shit about how we go about things.
Does test and trace work? Probably only if you catch the outbreak right at the start. I wrote months ago that test and trace will not work once you get beyond 100 cases/day in a given locality- the numbers of required traces really does expand exponentially. Turns out that on a country wide scale like South Korea, the limit might be about 400/day.
Deadly Shooting in Portland After Pro-Trump Ralliers Clash With Protesters
A caravan of supporters of President Trump drove through downtown Portland, which has seen nightly protests against police violence and racial injustice. One person was shot and killed in the conflicts that erupted. [Of course, no mention of the continued violence, arson, and looting by the protestors.]
"...It was not immediately clear how the shooting transpired, but two witnesses who asked not to be named said that a small group of people got into an argument with other people in a vehicle and someone opened fire.
The man who was shot and killed was wearing a hat with the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a far-right group based in Portland that has clashed with protesters in the past."
Wikipedia (edited):
Patriot Prayer was founded by Joseph Owan Gibson
During a March 2018 campaign rally in Spokane Valley, Washington, Gibson expressed opposition to Antifa, a group that frequently protests at his events, and said regarding white nationalists, "I would say the same thing to them that I would say to any black nationalist or Mexican nationalists [sic] group, we have to drop the identity of politics and focus on what is on the inside."[12] He has said freedom of speech is a central element to his platform. Gibson's views have been described as "a complicated muddle" by the Inlander and "basically Alex Jones meets Bernie Sanders" by The Stranger.[13][14]
Of course, the leftist press (including the NYT) labels the group as "far-right"
The "caravan of supporters" drove into town in their vehicles. The NYT report said:
"...two witnesses who asked not to be named said that a small group of people got into an argument with other people in a vehicle and someone opened fire."
This seems consistent with "payback for Kenosha" by an armed member of the Antifa by shooting and killing the Patriot Prayer member in a caravan vehicle.
Traditionally it’s the Nationalist (Franco) side that gets all the blame for the Spanish civil war (1936-39). However, “The socialist leader Largo Caballero threatened openly before the elections [of February 1936] that if the right won, it would be open civil war.” (quoted from Beevor). Hillary Clinton’s “never concede” displays the same attitude. In 1934, the left had already tried to topple the Alcalá Zamora government. “Largo Caballero himself had acknowledged the previous year that there was no danger of fascism in Spain, yet in the summer of 1934 the rhetoric of the caballeristas took the opposite direction, crying fascist wolf – a tactic which risked becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Alcalá Zamora asked general Franco to quell the rebellion. The Popular Front (the left and the liberal, anti-clerical center) won the 1936 elections by a rather small margin (half a million votes on a total of 10 million). “And on 1 May, when the great May Day parade swarmed through the streets and avenues of central Madrid, conservatives watched in trepidation from their balconies or from behind shutters. They eyed with mounting alarm the red flags and banners and portraits of Lenin, Stalin and Largo Caballero on huge placards, and listened to the chanting of the demonstrators, demanding the formation of a proletarian government and a people’s army.” On 17 July Mola, Franco and the rest of the conspirators started their coup attempt.
And re the Spanish Civil War - exactly so. The left factions were trembling on the edge of revolution. They had already attempted such twice before, during the Republic. And the Right had tried a "golpe" once.
And the final conflict began with a series of tit for tat killings. The last straw, usually, is when someone important is killed.
In the SCW it was the Monarchist leader Calvo Sotelo. Worst in that case was that the killing was done by policemen serving as the bodyguards for the Socialist leader. And that the left-government tacitly granted the killers impunity. There were no options left at that point, as far as the Right was concerned, but to flee, or die, or fight.
Black lives in the US are irrelevant. In that Crack is quite correct. Politically they are a mcguffin, a pretext, a political-ideological talking point. Something that one or sometimes both sides pretend to care about but really don't, and only to use as a hammer to beat on their enemies.
That is because your real power struggle is between factions of white people.
A realistic understanding of humanity should have led you to reject ab initio the idea that white people are supposed to care about black people just because.
"That whites are resistant to change that is all I need to know."
Everybody is "resistant to change". It is foolish to expect some mass-outbreak of personal care for an amorphous group. The very idea is inhuman.
How does a minority group get a majority to treat them better? Any minority starts behind the 8-ball. History says -
#1 Be useful
#2 Dont be annoying. Dont make trouble and tug your forelocks as needed. Copy the majority in all things to the extent possible.
#3 Dont be a threat - that includes not being TOO useful, cf Jews and Chinese in some cases.
There are great compromises and humiliations in being a minority. This is human nature and it is so anywhere at any time.
There are ways to make it work, but as long as a minority is a minority, in that it intends to preserve its identity and not fade into the mass through interbreeding (as say the once-substantial black minority in Argentina and Uruguay did), its just not going to happen through some mass outbreak of niceness.
And even being useful is not enough over time, if the minority does not want to just fade away. Being other is always a delicate thing. That is why Herzl wanted a Jewish state, where Jews could be Jews without compromise and with no need to fear and kowtow to a majority.
This ideology in most forms of black politics has always struck me as bizarre. They set up a syllogism correctly, but the conclusions are always nonsense. If one establishes bitter premises then one must come to a bitter conclusion, and then one must act on that, with all requisite organization, discipline and sacrifice.
And that is so whether the conclusion is to fade away, kowtow, or seek independence.
The election of 1936 was contested. In large sections of the country the various factions of the Left simply took over polling places, ejected election observers and judges and submitted vote counts that could not be audited.
The Right simply didn't have the organized militias the Left did. The Right's ace in the hole was the official military, which could not be used until the final break.
Do mask mandates work? Let’s cherry pick a single case in poor country and find out! Never mind all of the work done in the United States where mask mandates have been studied because I don’t agree with their findings that *in the United States* mask mandates appear to work. In a pandemic, that’s the best we are going to get.
I am glad too that you guys are so callous about the people with co-morbidities that you might run into shopping at the supermarket that you feel zero responsibility to do your best to protect the public health in places these people are forced to go to get food. You know that people with co-morbidities get to vote and vote in large numbers, right? Kamala had the exact right word “callousness."
“Does test and trace work? Probably only if you catch the outbreak right at the start. I wrote months ago that test and trace will not work once you get beyond 100 cases/day in a given locality- the numbers of required traces really does expand exponentially. Turns out that on a country wide scale like South Korea, the limit might be about 400/day.”
It has long seemed the fool’s errand. Bureaucratic make-work.
I was initially thinking that the number of infected might be low enough here in this county of 10k in NW MT. Discovering spread from a party or gathering here early enough might lead to useful prophylactic treatment, as well as maybe some quarantining. But if I get it, contract tracing would be worthless. Most likely source would be the convenience store that services the major highway through town. Sign out front says that Gov Bullock is requiring that you have a mask. So about half of the people there are wearing them. And then there are regulars who just carry them - the sign says to have a mask, and not that it needs to be worn (even better is the sign that says that Democrat Governor Bullock is requiring that everyone above a certain age wear masks, unless you have an underlying medical condition that would prevent it, AND HIPAA prevents anyone from asking about such). After that, it would be the grocery store, then the drug store. All effective dead ends, when it comes to contact tracing. Probably not the gun range, esp the pistol targets, since they are in bright sun.
My fervent hope is that his idiot mask mandate (requiring masks anytime a county has over 4 cases, regardless of population or population density) is going to help Dem Gov Bullock’s lose his attempt to unseat Republican Senator Daines.
We just got back from a doctors visit to the Spokane area. That state is run by idiot Dem Gov Inglee. There, contact tracing would be even more absurd. If we had picked it up there, the most likely places to have picked up the disease would have been at the hotel with 300 rooms (likely the lobby, restaurant, or laundry), Fred Meyers (large Kroger’s grocery and soft goods), Walmart, and Costco, probably in that order.
I expect that over the last six months, I have very likely been exposed to COVID-19 several times, but likely in low enough concentrations that I didn’t catch it. I have been within social distancing distances of maybe ten thousand people or so, or where they have recently been. Maybe more. And most of it has been in low density parts of the country. Pretty sure I didn’t bring it home, because one of us would have shown symptoms.
“I am glad too that you guys are so callous about the people with co-morbidities that you might run into shopping at the supermarket that you feel zero responsibility to do your best to protect the public health in places these people are forced to go to get food. You know that people with co-morbidities get to vote and vote in large numbers, right? Kamala had the exact right word “callousness."”
Cost/benefit analysis. All life is a risk, and here in NW MT, it is probably more likely that the stupid pre-venisons on the highway are going to kill you, than COVID-19 (should we prophylacticly reduce the deer population significantly to save human lives, through, for example, heavy hunting?) It doesn’t help your case that the Dems are gung ho about forcing everyone to wear masks in public, unless they are engaged in mass protests or rioting. Then social distancing goes out the window.
And, no, there aren’t that many people with serious comorbidities in this country. Just look at the age graphs. Besides, their ballots are likely to be harvested by Dem operatives anyway, so an argument could be made that killing them off would result in a more accurate vote count. /sarc (for the humor impaired leftists here).
LOL. So this is your defense about being callous? The cost of wearing an inexpensive cloth mask is prohibitively high for you? Emotionally, I guess. If you life in Bumfuck, MT, I can see your point that you are fine not wearing a mask, that the risk for now is too low for you to bother and you don’t care about people with conditions anyway, now explain the reasons why people in populated regions have mask derangement syndrome.
"And, no, there aren’t that many people with serious comorbidities in this country”
I never thought that the defining characteristic of a leftie was that he cares about the welfare of his fellow citizens, but it’s interesting that Hayden thinks so.
"I expect that over the last six months, I have very likely been exposed to COVID-19 several times”
So taking that risk of bringing the virus home to your town and possibly passing it on to gramps by the cracker barrel at the general store and Lord knows he has the #1 co morbidity, which is age, doesn’t bother you at all and you don’t consider yourself callous. OK.
William50 – that was interesting, and worth excerpting:
COVID is a war. It is not a war about health. The use of masks, mandated insolation, potentially mandated vaccines, restriction of travel, etc. are really the cover for a war on the middle class. The rich and powerful will take advantage of the fact that thousands of small businesses will not survive continued “lockdown” environments. Whole industry segments will cease to exist. The rich will not be grossly affected in this. They have the financial and political power to escape COVID madness. But for most of the world, COVID spells the end of their dreams of economic progress—and, I believe—intentionally so. This crisis, manufactured or not, is a way for the powerful to get more power, a way for them to satisfying their addiction for control. It will have the same effect at the wars of attrition have always had, that is, to reset the economics of the world so that some will have significant gains while most will lose.
Biblical history demonstrates what we all feel but can’t quite articulate. Something much bigger than medical caution is at play here. There is an implicit power grab in the works, and the longer the sheep stay confined to the pens, the most devastating the outcome will be. Whether or not this is the hand of God (like Joseph in Egypt) or simply the manifestation of man’s evil (like Ahab), COVID is not simply a medical pandemic. Its real destruction is not measured by counting the dead, as tragic as that may be. The real cost is revealed in the ability of one group to enslave all others by arbitrary rules for living motivated under the pretense of fear.
Personally, I can think of no better way to incite societal breakdown than to force people into poverty, idleness, and unemployment while continuously inciting large groups of that society into antagonism and violence against each other. And yet, that's where we are, and that's what our "leaders" are doing.
Hey Tim, you know that curbside pickup and home delivery of groceries is a thing, right? People who have reason to be petrified of covid really shouldn't be wandering around a germy grocery store. I mean, don't you even care about those people? Maybe instead of carping at Althousians about what meanies we all are, you could use your time to spread awareness amongst the comorbidities crowd that they have options other than physically going in the store. Not doing so is kind of, I dunno, callous. How can you abandon them to their fate in this fashion?
We occasionally get dirty looks at estate sales from old ladies who are evidently upset that I don't have masks on my 2 and 4 year olds. Funny how I'm supposed to impede the breathing of my very small children in 110 degree heat to make old ladies who are engaging in the extremely essential activity of pawing through dead peoples' belongings more comfortable. Who's the actual asshole, again? My elderly sister in law whines on Facebook I just want to liiiiiiiiive!. So you're willing to throw a generation of children under the bus to create an illusion of your safety, and also, wait, you've been a smoker for sixty years and now suddenly your health is my problem? Snort.
And bringing up Kamala Harris in this context is really hilarious. She's the best sort of kind, caring, selfless person. She's never been motivated 150% by personal self interest. She's never sucked and fucked her way into plum public jobs and displaced those who could have succeeded on their own merits and even with their pants on. She's never put innocent men in prison for 70 years (look up George Gage) to look ToUgh oN cRimE.
Tim, you are responsible for your own safety. If people like you are deathly afraid of COVID-19, then stay inside for the next 2 years. It isn't callousness that we advocate against lockdowns and face mask mandates, despite how many times you try to claim it. None of the evidence supports either policy, and almost all of the evidence, not just from Peru, suggests the lockdowns increase mortality, not reduce it. As for the cloth masks- pretty much every study done before the pandemic says that they are irrrelevant at best, and given usual practice, probably even lead to increases in other respiratory illnesses of the microbial kind.
“I never thought that the defining characteristic of a leftie was that he cares about the welfare of his fellow citizens, but it’s interesting that Hayden thinks so.
"I expect that over the last six months, I have very likely been exposed to COVID-19 several times”
“So taking that risk of bringing the virus home to your town and possibly passing it on to gramps by the cracker barrel at the general store and Lord knows he has the #1 co morbidity, which is age, doesn’t bother you at all and you don’t consider yourself callous. OK.”
There are few consistencies in life. Two of them are death and taxes. We are all going to die someday. Or at least die a mortal death. There are innumerable things that can kill someone in this country of nearing 1/3 billion. We do some mitigation against many of those causes of death. Thus we know not to stand under tall trees in a lightening storm, but if you see the dark clouds rolling in while you are above timber line in the CO mountains, get the hell down below it, into the trees. Don’t drive drunk, stoned, or overly tired. But while we may lock up our guns, and not leave them loaded, when young kids are around, that is decidedly not the case when it is just the two of us. Handguns are otherwise always loaded here, with one in the cylinder, ready to go bang in an instant.
For the most part, the people around here with serious comorbidities are staying in around here. Normally, there is a fair amount of obesity in view. They really love their ice cream here. But not this summer. This means that the library stays closed on Saturdays, because the sweet woman who works that day is nearing morbid obesity. But the reality is that the back has been broken on the pandemic, and almost all of the COVID-19 we are seeing, at least around here, is an artifact of the testing, which has exceeded 1/5 of the population in this state. HCQ+Zink helps. And the way the most people wear their masks probably does more harm than good. So, no, my interpretation of the risks/rewards of virtue signaling by wearing a mask much of the time says that the better strategy is not to wear a mask most of the time. And, no, I don’t trust the state experts of our Dem Governor, who was recruited by Chuck Scheamer to flip this Senate seat, to make this determination for me, esp when he made his mask mandate dependent on absolute numbers of active cases in a county, and not relative numbers, in the third least densely populated state in the country.
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५२ टिप्पण्या:
Who Are You More Afraid of, LeBron James? Cops, or Other Black People?
Driving south and I gave DC a wide berth and a good leaving alone. Who knows when they are going to decide to shut down an interstate and start demanding forelock tugs of the drivers or they burn your car with you inside. I know one couple personally leaving DC because of this “mayhem” going on there.
I drove through Central PA and at a highway rest stop on the trash can lids were little stickers that said “Make liberals cry again, Trump 2020," not to mention a lot of large Trump signs on businesses and in yards. Not a Biden sign anywhere. I guess if I weren’t avoiding the riot torn areas, I would see more Biden support in those areas.
West Coaster here - by the time I rise from bed, the early morning posts are baked.
So, relative to the earlier post re: Vicky Osterweil and "In Defense of Looting,", this nasty and horrific post showed up several times on my Facebook feed yesterday - all by ignorant 20-something young ladies who I fear will not like the world they are championing.
Why is murder an appropriate response to property damage, but property damage isn't an appropriate response to murder
My stomach churns. I'm glad neither of my kids posted something this disgusting, but I'm fearful. Trying to figure out how to counter the evil, other than commenting occasionally on Althouse.
I have recently been captivated by the movie "Mr. Jones" about journalists Gareth Jones and Walter Duranty, and the Holodomor. I sure would like to know what Professor Althouse thinks about this movie! I think everyone should watch this movie.
In the past week I have written three blog posts about "Mr. Jones." My most recent post is about a fascinating panel discussion titled "Mr. Jones: Unmasking the cult of Stalin" hosted by the Atlantic Council. Anne Applebaum interviews Andrea Chalupa (writer) and Agnieszka Holland (director). That panel discussion has some really good stuff about the movie, and lessons for our time.
It will be interesting to see the "Occupation" of DC that the left is threatening. They have signs about invading the White House. Who devised this strategy ? The DC Mayor ?
while Biden stares at the walls of his basement wondering
where to hang his amyloid plaque,
... waiting 10 days for the Donepezil to kick in before surfacing--
POTUS urges him to get out NOW and start campaigning
instead of sending Karamel Harrass
CSPAN reran a show from 2006, a talk about Thomas Jefferson by C. Hitchens of blessed memory.
I miss that guy
Trump interview, 1980. Kind of interesting, style wise.
Trying to figure out how to counter the evil, other than commenting occasionally on Althouse.
Have you tried looting and burning down businesses?
...Because that's all the rage these days re: restoring righteousness
But seriously: start with prayer. We share your longings/concerns
This is for YoungHegelian
ICTA asks: Who Are You More Afraid of, LeBron James? Cops, or Other Black People?
As I've posted in the past, only two people I knew personally were murdered. Both were black men shot by other black men. One of the victim was my second husband's cousin and was only 21. It was a case of mistaken identity.
And it seems that before viewing a Stanley Cup playoff game we're expected to listen to a BLM sermon before the anthems are sung. So I skip the first part of the game. I could see the NBA going all funereal but the NHL is made up mostly of whites. And the MLB is largely Hispanics now. Do the players have any say whatsoever in this idiocy?
WaPoo Lies
Watching OAN Biden Bribery Tapes. Fascinating stuff use that search string its on UTUBE (for now). Probably will be taken down soon.
Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots
Huh? CDC says only 6% of deaths are without comorbidities.
Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.
The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups. For data on comorbidities,
Michael K said... They have signs about invading the White House. Who devised this strategy ? The DC Mayor ?
Reasonable supposition considering the lack of security apres RNC.
The difference between white and black lives in America, today, is as stark as the plantations and slave quarters of yesteryear.
That whites are resistant to change that is all I need to know.
What if Brussels sprouts DO taste good?
...does that mean Jacob Blake was on the 'wrong side of order'?
And, dont we all have those days when we just
"feel the need to find a white male to kill"?
I worked (Monday)on an interview with the Car Source dealership owner in Kenosha for a network which was pretty good. I can't find it anywhere.
I know that deleting my comments before they are shown in these threads is supposed to make the blog look better.
But, go back to take a look at today’s posts, and the resulting comments that are allowed to be shown in the threads.
W/ that in mind, imagine another world where, on this same day, a dead black man is the big, mega story. BTW, don’t imagine that major story is getting a big showing because it’s re a black super-predator who was killed by white 2A hero/savior. In the alt-althouse universe the big story of the day is about love and positivity, and at the same time it’s about the life of a black man.
Different strokes fer different folks.
I know I'm anticipating a bit, but I like my guerilla theater trolling planned.
I have been working with both my local watershed council and our local affiliate down the hill for nigh on 13 years, almost ever since I moved to Oregon. Done some Friends of Trees, too. In 2012 I won the individual volunteer award.
I'm up at a meeting at watershed HQ last winter where my part is about giving them more free graphic design work. On the table is "White Fragility." What's that? Oh, the board is going on our winter retreat and that's our study book. I'm like internally, fuck me, this is supposed to be, per Mao, a united front organization around our creek's restoration.
Okay, I politely ask, "If you come up with any insights about why Blacks hate on Koreans, you let know." This young 20-something staffer, who turns out is a board member, too, tone polices me with "You can't say that" and I respond with "Well it's true."
Two months later they're all we support BLM and I'm like I'm Outie. I should add that during the winter the exec. director started putting his pronouns below his signature, he, him, whatever. I mean shit, I never thought he was a fag, just a dweeb, and why should I care.
Anyway, they still want some free work from me, an artistic map of the watershed. I'm a map freak, have done many, and when it comes to my creek and my art, I don't care if it's a bunch of commie-symps that publish it. Bit of a whore, even for free.
I am so prepared for a schadenboner next Nov. 4, I want to plan an epic troll.
First Saturday will be the November work party for the creek down the hill. I am probably only one of five left in the original core. I will attend and give a sort of resignation speech, not on politics even though I don't want to work with the BLM symps anymore, but because my brother and I are taking up stewardship of part of a different creek.
I also want to do the swan song to drink their delicious liberal tears. I had a chance to do this in 2016 and it was great.
What to wear? I'm going with the Carharts and a black long-sleeved T with a huge picture of Stalin. The caption is "Dark Humor is Like Food, Not Everybody Gets It."
I'll also have a Hello name tag which says:
"My indigenous name is:
akin tepatilia
My mom spoke Nahuatl."
For you mono-lingual barbarians who don't understand the language of our Aztec brothers and sisters, it means White Man Who Loses Tools. It's a family inside joke and you can call me Tlaka. My mom's been dead for 15 years and I can barely pronounce it myself now.
Underneath my Uncle Joe will be my Malcom X T, in case I can extend the troll. I'm wondering if I should walk into the work party shape-up chanting "Fidel, seguro, a los yanquis dale duro." I saw Fidel live twice. I can pull it off. Too much?
Of course, Trump's gotta win big. And if my schadenboner lasts till Friday, I'm going to call my primary physician. I don't want to be sporting wood in this planned operation.
In 2016, when I went into that local victory party and the sadz people looked at my grin, I could go Cubs Win, Cubs Win, Cubs Win!
Trump 2020
Do lockdowns and mask mandates work? Here is a country that had one of the first mask mandates in early April and has been in extreme lockdown since early March. Virus is going to virus and don't give too much shit about how we go about things.
Does test and trace work? Probably only if you catch the outbreak right at the start. I wrote months ago that test and trace will not work once you get beyond 100 cases/day in a given locality- the numbers of required traces really does expand exponentially. Turns out that on a country wide scale like South Korea, the limit might be about 400/day.
NYT Aug. 30, 2020, 1:13 a.m. ET
Deadly Shooting in Portland After Pro-Trump Ralliers Clash With Protesters
A caravan of supporters of President Trump drove through downtown Portland, which has seen nightly protests against police violence and racial injustice. One person was shot and killed in the conflicts that erupted. [Of course, no mention of the continued violence, arson, and looting by the protestors.]
"...It was not immediately clear how the shooting transpired, but two witnesses who asked not to be named said that a small group of people got into an argument with other people in a vehicle and someone opened fire.
The man who was shot and killed was wearing a hat with the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a far-right group based in Portland that has clashed with protesters in the past."
Wikipedia (edited):
Patriot Prayer was founded by Joseph Owan Gibson
During a March 2018 campaign rally in Spokane Valley, Washington, Gibson expressed opposition to Antifa, a group that frequently protests at his events, and said regarding white nationalists, "I would say the same thing to them that I would say to any black nationalist or Mexican nationalists [sic] group, we have to drop the identity of politics and focus on what is on the inside."[12] He has said freedom of speech is a central element to his platform. Gibson's views have been described as "a complicated muddle" by the Inlander and "basically Alex Jones meets Bernie Sanders" by The Stranger.[13][14]
Of course, the leftist press (including the NYT) labels the group as "far-right"
The "caravan of supporters" drove into town in their vehicles. The NYT report said:
"...two witnesses who asked not to be named said that a small group of people got into an argument with other people in a vehicle and someone opened fire."
This seems consistent with "payback for Kenosha" by an armed member of the Antifa by shooting and killing the Patriot Prayer member in a caravan vehicle.
Traditionally it’s the Nationalist (Franco) side that gets all the blame for the Spanish civil war (1936-39). However, “The socialist leader Largo Caballero threatened openly before the elections [of February 1936] that if the right won, it would be open civil war.” (quoted from Beevor). Hillary Clinton’s “never concede” displays the same attitude. In 1934, the left had already tried to topple the Alcalá Zamora government. “Largo Caballero himself had acknowledged the previous year that there was no danger of fascism in Spain, yet in the summer of 1934 the rhetoric of the caballeristas took the opposite direction, crying fascist wolf – a tactic which risked becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Alcalá Zamora asked general Franco to quell the rebellion.
The Popular Front (the left and the liberal, anti-clerical center) won the 1936 elections by a rather small margin (half a million votes on a total of 10 million). “And on 1 May, when the great May Day parade swarmed through the streets and avenues of central Madrid, conservatives watched in trepidation from their balconies or from behind shutters. They eyed with mounting alarm the red flags and banners and portraits of Lenin, Stalin and Largo Caballero on huge placards, and listened to the chanting of the demonstrators, demanding the formation of a proletarian government and a people’s army.” On 17 July Mola, Franco and the rest of the conspirators started their coup attempt.
Tit for tat
Thats how it starts.
And re the Spanish Civil War - exactly so.
The left factions were trembling on the edge of revolution.
They had already attempted such twice before, during the Republic.
And the Right had tried a "golpe" once.
And the final conflict began with a series of tit for tat killings.
The last straw, usually, is when someone important is killed.
In the SCW it was the Monarchist leader Calvo Sotelo.
Worst in that case was that the killing was done by policemen serving as the bodyguards for the Socialist leader. And that the left-government tacitly granted the killers impunity. There were no options left at that point, as far as the Right was concerned, but to flee, or die, or fight.
Black lives in the US are irrelevant.
In that Crack is quite correct. Politically they are a mcguffin, a pretext, a political-ideological talking point. Something that one or sometimes both sides pretend to care about but really don't, and only to use as a hammer to beat on their enemies.
That is because your real power struggle is between factions of white people.
A realistic understanding of humanity should have led you to reject ab initio the idea that white people are supposed to care about black people just because.
"That whites are resistant to change that is all I need to know."
Everybody is "resistant to change". It is foolish to expect some mass-outbreak of personal care for an amorphous group. The very idea is inhuman.
How does a minority group get a majority to treat them better? Any minority starts behind the 8-ball. History says -
#1 Be useful
#2 Dont be annoying. Dont make trouble and tug your forelocks as needed. Copy the majority in all things to the extent possible.
#3 Dont be a threat - that includes not being TOO useful, cf Jews and Chinese in some cases.
Yes, unfair, but that is life.
CDC update for those concerned. Seems co-morbidities led the funeral march.
That whites are resistant to change that is all I need to know.
@Crack, we honkies aren’t the ones that have to change.
(the left and the liberal, anti-clerical center) won the 1936 elections by a rather small margin (half a million votes on a total of 10 million)
Well, the left has Always been in favor of: One Man, One Vote - Once
No leftist has EVER wanted elections to continue past their resumption of power
Yancey Ward said...
Do lockdowns and mask mandates work?
depends what work you think they're supposed to do!
They're EXCELLENT at destroying the economy and cowing the public
There are great compromises and humiliations in being a minority.
This is human nature and it is so anywhere at any time.
There are ways to make it work, but as long as a minority is a minority, in that it intends to preserve its identity and not fade into the mass through interbreeding (as say the once-substantial black minority in Argentina and Uruguay did), its just not going to happen through some mass outbreak of niceness.
And even being useful is not enough over time, if the minority does not want to just fade away. Being other is always a delicate thing. That is why Herzl wanted a Jewish state, where Jews could be Jews without compromise and with no need to fear and kowtow to a majority.
This ideology in most forms of black politics has always struck me as bizarre. They set up a syllogism correctly, but the conclusions are always nonsense. If one establishes bitter premises then one must come to a bitter conclusion, and then one must act on that, with all requisite organization, discipline and sacrifice.
And that is so whether the conclusion is to fade away, kowtow, or seek independence.
The election of 1936 was contested. In large sections of the country the various factions of the Left simply took over polling places, ejected election observers and judges and submitted vote counts that could not be audited.
The Right simply didn't have the organized militias the Left did. The Right's ace in the hole was the official military, which could not be used until the final break.
Yet more likely parallels to the US today.
Do mask mandates work? Let’s cherry pick a single case in poor country and find out! Never mind all of the work done in the United States where mask mandates have been studied because I don’t agree with their findings that *in the United States* mask mandates appear to work. In a pandemic, that’s the best we are going to get.
I am glad too that you guys are so callous about the people with co-morbidities that you might run into shopping at the supermarket that you feel zero responsibility to do your best to protect the public health in places these people are forced to go to get food. You know that people with co-morbidities get to vote and vote in large numbers, right? Kamala had the exact right word “callousness."
Autumn approaches, here in ME too.
“Does test and trace work? Probably only if you catch the outbreak right at the start. I wrote months ago that test and trace will not work once you get beyond 100 cases/day in a given locality- the numbers of required traces really does expand exponentially. Turns out that on a country wide scale like South Korea, the limit might be about 400/day.”
It has long seemed the fool’s errand. Bureaucratic make-work.
I was initially thinking that the number of infected might be low enough here in this county of 10k in NW MT. Discovering spread from a party or gathering here early enough might lead to useful prophylactic treatment, as well as maybe some quarantining. But if I get it, contract tracing would be worthless. Most likely source would be the convenience store that services the major highway through town. Sign out front says that Gov Bullock is requiring that you have a mask. So about half of the people there are wearing them. And then there are regulars who just carry them - the sign says to have a mask, and not that it needs to be worn (even better is the sign that says that Democrat Governor Bullock is requiring that everyone above a certain age wear masks, unless you have an underlying medical condition that would prevent it, AND HIPAA prevents anyone from asking about such). After that, it would be the grocery store, then the drug store. All effective dead ends, when it comes to contact tracing. Probably not the gun range, esp the pistol targets, since they are in bright sun.
My fervent hope is that his idiot mask mandate (requiring masks anytime a county has over 4 cases, regardless of population or population density) is going to help Dem Gov Bullock’s lose his attempt to unseat Republican Senator Daines.
We just got back from a doctors visit to the Spokane area. That state is run by idiot Dem Gov Inglee. There, contact tracing would be even more absurd. If we had picked it up there, the most likely places to have picked up the disease would have been at the hotel with 300 rooms (likely the lobby, restaurant, or laundry), Fred Meyers (large Kroger’s grocery and soft goods), Walmart, and Costco, probably in that order.
I expect that over the last six months, I have very likely been exposed to COVID-19 several times, but likely in low enough concentrations that I didn’t catch it. I have been within social distancing distances of maybe ten thousand people or so, or where they have recently been. Maybe more. And most of it has been in low density parts of the country. Pretty sure I didn’t bring it home, because one of us would have shown symptoms.
Thats probably true:
“I am glad too that you guys are so callous about the people with co-morbidities that you might run into shopping at the supermarket that you feel zero responsibility to do your best to protect the public health in places these people are forced to go to get food. You know that people with co-morbidities get to vote and vote in large numbers, right? Kamala had the exact right word “callousness."”
Cost/benefit analysis. All life is a risk, and here in NW MT, it is probably more likely that the stupid pre-venisons on the highway are going to kill you, than COVID-19 (should we prophylacticly reduce the deer population significantly to save human lives, through, for example, heavy hunting?) It doesn’t help your case that the Dems are gung ho about forcing everyone to wear masks in public, unless they are engaged in mass protests or rioting. Then social distancing goes out the window.
And, no, there aren’t that many people with serious comorbidities in this country. Just look at the age graphs. Besides, their ballots are likely to be harvested by Dem operatives anyway, so an argument could be made that killing them off would result in a more accurate vote count. /sarc (for the humor impaired leftists here).
I found this to be a very interesting read... The Western world’s utter lack of historical perspective during the present COVID crisis The Covid War
The 2nd tree from the right in the top picture looks like a one-legged camel.
"Cost/benefit analysis. All life is a risk”
LOL. So this is your defense about being callous? The cost of wearing an inexpensive cloth mask is prohibitively high for you? Emotionally, I guess. If you life in Bumfuck, MT, I can see your point that you are fine not wearing a mask, that the risk for now is too low for you to bother and you don’t care about people with conditions anyway, now explain the reasons why people in populated regions have mask derangement syndrome.
"And, no, there aren’t that many people with serious comorbidities in this country”
Sure. OK. More callousness.
The Crack Emcee said...
That whites are resistant to change that is all I need to know.
I know you are just doing your race hustling schtick, but I will bite.
What specific changes are you proposing?
I never thought that the defining characteristic of a leftie was that he cares about the welfare of his fellow citizens, but it’s interesting that Hayden thinks so.
"I expect that over the last six months, I have very likely been exposed to COVID-19 several times”
So taking that risk of bringing the virus home to your town and possibly passing it on to gramps by the cracker barrel at the general store and Lord knows he has the #1 co morbidity, which is age, doesn’t bother you at all and you don’t consider yourself callous. OK.
William50 – that was interesting, and worth excerpting:
COVID is a war. It is not a war about health. The use of masks, mandated insolation, potentially mandated vaccines, restriction of travel, etc. are really the cover for a war on the middle class. The rich and powerful will take advantage of the fact that thousands of small businesses will not survive continued “lockdown” environments. Whole industry segments will cease to exist. The rich will not be grossly affected in this. They have the financial and political power to escape COVID madness. But for most of the world, COVID spells the end of their dreams of economic progress—and, I believe—intentionally so. This crisis, manufactured or not, is a way for the powerful to get more power, a way for them to satisfying their addiction for control. It will have the same effect at the wars of attrition have always had, that is, to reset the economics of the world so that some will have significant gains while most will lose.
Biblical history demonstrates what we all feel but can’t quite articulate. Something much bigger than medical caution is at play here. There is an implicit power grab in the works, and the longer the sheep stay confined to the pens, the most devastating the outcome will be. Whether or not this is the hand of God (like Joseph in Egypt) or simply the manifestation of man’s evil (like Ahab), COVID is not simply a medical pandemic. Its real destruction is not measured by counting the dead, as tragic as that may be. The real cost is revealed in the ability of one group to enslave all others by arbitrary rules for living motivated under the pretense of fear.
Personally, I can think of no better way to incite societal breakdown than to force people into poverty, idleness, and unemployment while continuously inciting large groups of that society into antagonism and violence against each other. And yet, that's where we are, and that's what our "leaders" are doing.
Hey Tim, you know that curbside pickup and home delivery of groceries is a thing, right? People who have reason to be petrified of covid really shouldn't be wandering around a germy grocery store. I mean, don't you even care about those people? Maybe instead of carping at Althousians about what meanies we all are, you could use your time to spread awareness amongst the comorbidities crowd that they have options other than physically going in the store. Not doing so is kind of, I dunno, callous. How can you abandon them to their fate in this fashion?
We occasionally get dirty looks at estate sales from old ladies who are evidently upset that I don't have masks on my 2 and 4 year olds. Funny how I'm supposed to impede the breathing of my very small children in 110 degree heat to make old ladies who are engaging in the extremely essential activity of pawing through dead peoples' belongings more comfortable. Who's the actual asshole, again? My elderly sister in law whines on Facebook I just want to liiiiiiiiive!. So you're willing to throw a generation of children under the bus to create an illusion of your safety, and also, wait, you've been a smoker for sixty years and now suddenly your health is my problem? Snort.
And bringing up Kamala Harris in this context is really hilarious. She's the best sort of kind, caring, selfless person. She's never been motivated 150% by personal self interest. She's never sucked and fucked her way into plum public jobs and displaced those who could have succeeded on their own merits and even with their pants on. She's never put innocent men in prison for 70 years (look up George Gage) to look ToUgh oN cRimE.
You can do better than this.
That whites are resistant to change that is all I need to know.
Just close your eyes and think of England. Or Liberia.
Tim, you are responsible for your own safety. If people like you are deathly afraid of COVID-19, then stay inside for the next 2 years. It isn't callousness that we advocate against lockdowns and face mask mandates, despite how many times you try to claim it. None of the evidence supports either policy, and almost all of the evidence, not just from Peru, suggests the lockdowns increase mortality, not reduce it. As for the cloth masks- pretty much every study done before the pandemic says that they are irrrelevant at best, and given usual practice, probably even lead to increases in other respiratory illnesses of the microbial kind.
The race that CHANGED the world the most over the last 500 years--and for the better.
I'm starting to think Crack isn't very bright.
Life is hard, especially for the stupid
When Crack says "burn it all down", that is all I need to know about him.
Oh..if only folks had listened to him.
Pathetic victimhood addicted fool.
“I never thought that the defining characteristic of a leftie was that he cares about the welfare of his fellow citizens, but it’s interesting that Hayden thinks so.
"I expect that over the last six months, I have very likely been exposed to COVID-19 several times”
“So taking that risk of bringing the virus home to your town and possibly passing it on to gramps by the cracker barrel at the general store and Lord knows he has the #1 co morbidity, which is age, doesn’t bother you at all and you don’t consider yourself callous. OK.”
There are few consistencies in life. Two of them are death and taxes. We are all going to die someday. Or at least die a mortal death. There are innumerable things that can kill someone in this country of nearing 1/3 billion. We do some mitigation against many of those causes of death. Thus we know not to stand under tall trees in a lightening storm, but if you see the dark clouds rolling in while you are above timber line in the CO mountains, get the hell down below it, into the trees. Don’t drive drunk, stoned, or overly tired. But while we may lock up our guns, and not leave them loaded, when young kids are around, that is decidedly not the case when it is just the two of us. Handguns are otherwise always loaded here, with one in the cylinder, ready to go bang in an instant.
For the most part, the people around here with serious comorbidities are staying in around here. Normally, there is a fair amount of obesity in view. They really love their ice cream here. But not this summer. This means that the library stays closed on Saturdays, because the sweet woman who works that day is nearing morbid obesity. But the reality is that the back has been broken on the pandemic, and almost all of the COVID-19 we are seeing, at least around here, is an artifact of the testing, which has exceeded 1/5 of the population in this state. HCQ+Zink helps. And the way the most people wear their masks probably does more harm than good. So, no, my interpretation of the risks/rewards of virtue signaling by wearing a mask much of the time says that the better strategy is not to wear a mask most of the time. And, no, I don’t trust the state experts of our Dem Governor, who was recruited by Chuck Scheamer to flip this Senate seat, to make this determination for me, esp when he made his mask mandate dependent on absolute numbers of active cases in a county, and not relative numbers, in the third least densely populated state in the country.
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