I didn't insert the flags — only took the photograph.
Notice the bent up portion of the bronze in back. That damage occurred when the statue was attacked last week:
The memorial statue was beheaded and thrown in Lake Monona by rioters, incensed by the arrest of a member of Black Lives Matter as demonstrations in Madison turned violent in June 2020, despite it being of a Union soldier and abolitionist.... On the morning of 24 June, someone painted "Fire Matt Kenny" on the base of the Heg statue. (This was a reference to an incident in 2015, when a police officer shot and killed a 19-year old black man; the police officer was cleared of any criminal wrongdoing, and is still employed.) Another statue toppled on the same night, was of a female figure representing Wisconsin's "Forward" motto.
"Protester Micah Le said the two statues paint a picture of Wisconsin as a racially progressive state even though slavery has continued in the form of a corrections system built around incarcerating Blacks." Two protestors interviewed by the Wisconsin State Journal said that toppling the statues was to draw attention to their view of Wisconsin as being racially unjust.
१२२ टिप्पण्या:
The past month has set blacks back 50 years.
These animals are incompatible with a free society.
CHOP was run the same way an average afghan town was run by the Taliban.
We should trade them out one for one with freedom protesters in Hong Kong.
The notion that imprisoning criminals is "slavery" is the retreaded revolutionary Marxism of the 1960s Black Panthers.
The State Journal ran some suggestions for people to replace Lady Forward and Heg, and as you might expect, they're very Madison. One that cheeses my carpet is the 1st black elected official: PLEASE do not venerate politicians. Say NO to statues. Say NO to building names (The Tommy Thompson building can go back to GEF-7, or whatever it was; Rename the Risser Court House something like "City County Courthouse" and the Kastenmeier blue box can become "Federal Court House")
On the other hand, when a politician's statue -- if it is erected, which I doubt -- is pulled down by people making a statement, I won't be shedding tears.
Destruction of public property is considered community service in Madison, where residents are constantly seeking new ways to improve their city.
Everybody is racially unjust. Nobody is safe.
Are there any plans to repair and restore these statues to their places?
How sad that no one cared enough to defend that statue.
Ann and Meade are true patriots.
I recall that 2015 incident from when I visited Mary Dahlman Begley in Madison. We went to a restaurant just down the street from where the shooting happened. It was a nice - mostly residential - neighborhood. As I recalled, it was a justified shooting. Boy, would I hate to be a cop.
Is your mayor still covering for the vandals? How is that recall campaign going?
A mob has no heroes.just villians.
Odds on the statue ever being restored?
I’m glad Heg is gone. He was a European who meddled in American politics, killed white men for his beloved negroes, and fought against patriotic Americans loyal to their sovereign states, and their people, for independence from an overarching and illegitimate tyranny, just like the revolutionaries.
From Madison.com, "After he was punched, Kenny said, he feared Robinson could knock him unconscious or seriously injure him on the apartment stairwell, take his weapon and use it against him or the person he believed was inside the home."
Kenny had been called because of a 911 call that Robinson had taken LSD and was acting crazy. Isn't LSD possession illegal?
Scrolling down to the photo, for a millisecond the Norwegian flag registered as the Confederate.
I found out this morning that my (Dem) mayor is one of 183 "prominent" signatories on a petition for removal of the County's Confederate Soldier memorial in front of the courthouse in the adjacent town. He claims it isn't protected by state law, but the County counsel says he's wrong. We have a lot more black citizens than Dane but far fewer lefty nutcases, so we'll see if it's still an issue in November.
The county seat was named in ~1840 for the then governor, a slaveholder who later became a Confederate senator.
incensed by the arrest of a member of Black Lives Matter
Say his name! "Devonere Johnson!"
What was he on? "Probation!"
"slavery has continued in the form of a corrections system built around incarcerating Blacks"
Sure, cuz whites just love paying for the incarceration of black "slaves" who produce nothing.
Anyway, if Heg and Forward lady symbolize continued racism, anything will.
Sad. Yesterday, I saw the headline of an article defending the Confederate monuments at Gettysburg. During the Charlotte episode, I wrote a post on this blog asking if they should be taken down. I was trying to make the point that these monuments are a record of our history good and bad and that the people who erected them were trying to express something that we should perhaps remember and learn from. If the Confederate monuments at Gettysburg were taken down, it would give the weird and misleading impression that only one side fought and died there. When I look at the Southern monuments, I think "what would I have done?" "Would I have gone with the flow if I was Southern?" When I visited Auschwitz, I also wondered what I would have done and how much courage I would have had. It's really sad that a monument to such a good man was so dishonored and disrespected.
Zero sympathy for Althouse. These are her allies. This is what she supported. She built this.
This extremism was widely predicted by the deplorables. The overt racism, hatred and judgmentalism has been on open display for years and not a peep of disapproval from her.
What was it? Obama phone or replaying a black woman saying Obama was going to pay her bills? Some very light racial politics from the right and Althouse was screechy it's ugly! I hope they lose!
Althouse would much rather let all she believes in, free speech, equality, and liberalism die than to admit the deplorables were right and her class and her generation are ruining this country.
Drawing attention to your cause by acts of destruction is always a sure winner, unless you are made to pay for your acts of destruction. Bring on the charges, Madison, for these vandals.
Poor man. He spent his life fighting slavery and eventually gave his life fighting slavery. Apparently it's not enough for the BLM Wokians who seem to not actually be interested in Black lives at all. They do seem very interested in mob rule, ignorance, and indecipherable shouted slogans. They also really love spray paint.
Time for the adults to retrieve the country.
Why weren't the "Protesters" identified by the newspaper? If they're willing to Destroy a statue, why don't they have the courage to identify themselves?
And I love the passive language AGAIN. "The demonstration TURNED VIOLENT" . Damn that Demonstration. Simmer down Mr. Demonstration and stop being so violent. Of course, the Liberal MSM cant' write the truth: "The Protesters became violent" because that would place responsibility on the actors. And they couldn't continue their charade that BLM and Antifa are "peaceful".
Mindless destruction...which would also be a suitable description of the politics of the rioters and the nihilistic ideology that drives them.
- Krumhorn
What if the "people" of Madison decide the state house is racist. Will your government officials permit it to be burned?
Wisconsin had another brave Colonel named Arthur MacArthur, who led the charge up Missionary Ridge in November 1863. He later became the highest ranked US General in the 1900's and was father of Douglas MacArthur. Wisconsin Regiments were considered the best in the Union Army, because when they became depleted due to battle casualties, they were filled up with volunteers thereby always having veteran leadership. Other states would let their old regiments wither away, and form new ones with new volunteers. So, you had a constant stream of regiments full of green rookies. Sherman stated a Wisconsin regiment was usually worth 2 of another States regiments.
I also still think it would be nice to have the inscription changed to "Useful Political Leadership in this State" and leave the plinth empty.
Sometimes it's a little hard to grok, but there are people out there among us who hate America and everything about it.
They pulled it down because it was there. Other people value it so it must be destroyed. Like Portland's elk.
Careful, you make get arrested for showing respect.
Elections have consequences. I can't imagine Scott Walker would have made the police stand down while these poo flinging monkeys took over to trash the streets of Madison and tear down statues.
This idea, that destroying beautiful commemorative art that recalls the best examples of virtuous American immigrants like HCH, will somehow communicate the unrelated idea that we now live in an irredeemably racist society, strikes me a stretch that will not resonate with any thinking person. This explanation sounds like post-hoc rationalization for emotionally unhinged behavior, and very weak at that.
On the other hand, if your goal is to act out an adolescent urge to disrespect symbols and eschew norms that prior generations have venerated to show how transgressive you can be -- like coming home from college with blue hair and a nose ring to shock Mom & Dad -- then this makes more sense.
The reaction to this wave of temper tantrums will become evident in November, and it is not clear today -- 16 weeks out -- whether it will coalesce around Trump to stop Biden and his puppet masters. Attempting to co-opt AOC and her Green-New-Deal socialists by making her the architect of his climate policy is not going to help Biden in this regard.
Trump is struggling to link the Biden campaign to the violence in the streets, but unless Biden takes a stand against the anarchists, he may have difficulty keeping the rational Dems (and there are many) on his team. The immaturity of the Wokerati is one of its' defining characteristics, and if he cannot overcome the negative imagery the MSM is valiantly trying to hide, it may be an albatross he cannot escape.
The drama of this moment is worthy of a great movie someday, not that Hollywood would ever attempt to make such a film and risk "organizational cancellation". Too bad we do not have truly independent filmmakers anymore who can actually "speak truth to power".
No indication from anywhere/anyone that the statues will ever be repaired and replaced. Sad.
Those empty plinths should be filled with statutes of American Blacks who have been awarded Nobel Prizes in such apolitical areas as Chemistry, Physics and Medicine---OR the much rarer Fields Medal for excellence in Mathematics---WHEN AND IF THERE ARE ANY SUCH AMERICAN BLACKS.
The state could add to the inscription:
Fell again to Black Lives Matter
June 23, 2020
Just like Trump teaching everybody about Juneteenth, the Madison BLMers have taught everybody about Hans Christian Heg, hence the payment of respects. Iconoclastic disruption increases our understanding of history... whom knowed?
The Forward statute was sculpted by 27-year-old woman Jean Pind Miner in 1893. And it was almost fully funded by women. There is a Women Artists Forward Fund that each year distributes two $10,000 grants to female artists living in Dane County.
We will take his statue in Georgia for the Chickamauga Battlefield. He earned his honor here as a warrior. And all of the War of the Southern Secession warriors earned theirs too. It’s a band of brothers thing. Interestingly Heg for Wisconsin and Patrick Cleburne for the south were both heroes at Chickamauga and we’re both immigrants fighting for their new country...Heg from Norway and Cleburne from County Cork, Ireland.
A better way to "pay your respects" would be to vote against every person in the Madison chain of command that allowed this to happen.
I hope the statue can be repaired and placed back on its pedestal.
This weekend is the 157th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. At the battlefield site, there are literally hundreds of statues and monuments honoring both the Union and Confederate participants. There is a rumor that Antifa/BLM might show up to cause chaos. If they do, there will definitely be a second Battle of Gettysburg and it won't be pretty.
Michael K said...
"The past month has set blacks back 50 years."
This is exactly the third time I've seen a white guy, who's opinion I don't trust, saying these exact same words.
Meanwhile, blacks are smiling ear-to-ear and love life again.
Here - pay your respects to my Spotify playlist and drown your sorrows.
I hope the people of Madison get nothing to replace the statues. You voted for this leadership and the removal of your history. You voted for anti-Americanism.
You might claim ignorance of the true intentions of your political preferences. But you were all repeatedly warned.
I hope you get 1950s Soviet-style buildings and art to remind you of your stupidity.
Destroying statues this way is disenfranchising everyone else. It says, “not only will I not let your vote count, I won’t let your voice count.”
A suggestion:
Go visit the same statue platform, and then bend over in agony with fake sobbing. Like AOC at the fence, or the boy mayor at the funeral. Have Meade take a photo. Post it here on your blog. Then watch it go viral as "Mrs. White Privilege mourns a racist statue."
I've lived long enough in Madison to remember the statue of the cops on the northern corner of the capitol and when, in the early eighties, it was desecrated and repeatedly torn down by the hippies-yuppies. Now it's just a plaque that defies removal. I wonder what statues are for except iconography for the next generation to destroy. And, as an anti-Trump republican, I'm overjoyed that bone-spur Cheeto always grabs the twenty percent on all 80-20 issues as he flounders to the election. Debatably the best Republican president suspended habeas corpus and the best Democrat created concentration camps for minorities. My favorite part of the Roosevelt monument in DC is the diorama of bread lines. I'd be curious how others feel about this.
Repair and restore the statue, fix the base, and remount it. Send the bill to Ben Wikler. The chances that the riots took place without the explicit acquiescence —and probable coordination — of the Wisconsin Democrat Party organization is negligible.
40 comments posted as of 12:30pm EDT and mine is not among them. I regularly defend you against accusers on Disqus who say you censor for content, for viewpoint. I say, they only moderate because of psychos like MEG and Chuck (who you've been letting by lately). Then where is my comment of this morning? I don't recall my wording verbatim, but substantially as follows:
"Black is beautiful" is a lie. Black is ugly, black is grotesque, when seen as incompletely powerwashed palimpsest of a hateful graffito on the plinth of a hero's toppled, beheaded statue. It brings to mind the words of J.R.R. Tolkien:
The brief glow fell upon a huge sitting figure, still and solemn as the great stone kings of Argonath. ... violent hands had maimed it. Its head was gone, and in its place was set in mockery a round rough-hewn stone, rudely painted by savage hands in the likeness of a grinning face with one large red eye in the midst of its forehead. Upon its knees and mighty chair, and all about the pedestal, were idle scrawls mixed with the foul symbols that the maggot-folk of Mordor used.
The Two Towers, LoTR Book 4, Ch 7, Journey to the Cross-roads
If an oversight, I thank you for the opportunity to improve it with the full Tolkien quote; but if you are censoring words, please fess up so I'm not defending a lie.
On or off topic:
Normal people, be of good cheer. You are not alone! I am on a small (15 people) mailing list of NY metro urbanites. Typically SF art and media centric, but a lot of politics of late.
I am the lone dissenter to such efforts as "encourage your conservative friends to vote Romney since of course they cannot stand the horrid Trump and Romney is a reasonable dignified man," illustrating how Romney is a zero, how the fears and hatreds of PDT are groundless, etc.
I get brickbats back on the reply-alls, but a couple of them have written me in private, both to agree and congratulate me, and to explain how they cannot be exposed and to please keep it in confidence.
So the furious wanking of the ARMs, Howards, et al, may continue unto deglovement (or the equivalent for genitalia-Doc K, would there be such a word?), but their coitus may yet be interruptus. Inga is wise to gloat in advance and eat her dessert first; she gets the dopamine high of her fantasies in advance of the facts and the reality just washes over her later in the afterglow, safely ignored.
Iconoclastic disruption increases our understanding of history... whom knowed?
It certainly has increased our knowledge of the left and its Fascist incarnation.
Iconoclastic disruption increases our understanding of history... whom knowed?
It certainly has increased our knowledge of the left and its Fascist incarnation.
As far as the Tony Robinson thing, there seems to be this impression that the arrest process is some kind of Trial By Combat, where if you attack the cop with your fists, he's only allowed to fight you with his fists, if you attack a cop with a bat, the cop needs to pull out a bat and fight you with bats, etc.
Obviously that's completely unworkable, all the moreso when the cops have guns. Allowing some crazy drugged out guy to fight you for possession of your weapon is downright suicidal.
Protester Micah Le said the two statues paint a picture of Wisconsin as a racially progressive state even though slavery has continued in the form of a corrections system built around incarcerating Blacks."
Perhaps that is because around 5% of the population (Black men) commit over 50% of all violent crime, even though 500,000 of them are already behind bars.
Destroying Civil War monuments is not vandalism. It's war. We need to treat it accordingly.
Jusr remember as bad as mob rule is...Trump tweets mean things!
yes, they are like reavers or chtauri, a plague upon the land,
Heg's statue was lynched by a mob.
I like rcocean's idea of replacing Heg with Arthur McArthur. He actually took the hill, got the Medal of Honor, and did it shouting "On Wisconsin." traditionalguy, you already have a statue of Heg at the battlefield. I doubt, however, Madison will be putting up any more statues.
""Would I have gone with the flow if I was Southern?"
Most likely, yes. If people believe they are not capable of terrible evil (like the Good Germans) they are deluding themselves.
Michael K said...The past month has set blacks back 50 years.
My (life long Democrat) wife is very sensitive to "racism" issues because her son is Korean and was negatively stereotyped by some Whites and Blacks. After the Black Lives Matter riots, she sounds like George Wallace. She still adores Obama, but I cannot see her voting for a Black VP candidate like Kamala Harris.
My stepson thinks the racism card (whether applied to Whites, Blacks or Asians) is all complete bullshit. He despises the leftists on his campus who think he is a potential ally. He won't talk politics with his Mom because he does not want to out himself as a conservative. She would have a much easier time if he outed himself as gay.
I think there are two issues here - first that the statues are gone, but second HOW they were removed - not by a vote or debate in the public arena but by the actions of a very few - a mob. That, to me, is equally significant (and much more disturbing) than the absence of the statue itself. Is this the way our society will be shaped going forward - by a tiny slice of people with the loudest voices and most violent behavior? The footage of these statues coming down and the mob rejoicing as they fall is extremely disturbing. The vast majority of citizens has been silent - do they agree, disagree? How do they make their voices heard? Does it all come down to the vote in November? These are frightening times.
Destroying the Hans Heg and Forward statues is such a horrible crime. The fact that a 27 year old woman sculpted Forward is really remarkable. What a talent!
The sickest thing about pulling don the statue? I teach History, and some of my colleagues are cheering it on.
Does anyone know whether there has been any effort to recover the Heg statue (and its head) from the lake in which it was deposited? I can't imagine that the rioters got it very far out into the water; surely it can be salvaged.
Or would that be racist? (It's so hard to know anymore.)
Althouse just remember on election day every single Democrat running for office or currently in office supports this. Since none have denounced the vandalism, looting and rioting their silence is supporting this. Silence is violence.
Butkus51 said...
Careful, you make get arrested for showing respect.
I hope MeadeHouse are packing on their jaunt about town and vicinities - asking for posterity
Cubanbob - Indeed.
The crazy angry left/Antifa-fascism ripped down that statute, be-headed it like ISIS would, and threw it in the lake.
by their silence they have made their feelings clear,
The Crack Emcee said...
Michael K said...
"The past month has set blacks back 50 years."
This is exactly the third time I've seen a white guy, who's opinion I don't trust, saying these exact same words.
Meanwhile, blacks are smiling ear-to-ear and love life again.
Yes, I suspect the blacks who looted all those huge flat-screen TVs and liquor stores are loving life a whole lot!
Is THIS guy smiling and loving life?
How about this man?
How about this man?
Crack, you have just admitted that you love chaos and anarchy. Have another hit off that pipe.
This post by Althouse, like just about all of her posts on behavior in the public spaces of Madison, is lovely and poignant. Thank you, Althouse.
As for some of — typified by one from the Republic if Texas — TRUMP is how you get more riots and wanton street violence.
How are things in Texas these days? Enjoying all you freedoms as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence?
"The past month has set blacks back 50 years."
This is exactly the third time I've seen a white guy, who's opinion I don't trust, saying these exact same words.
Meanwhile, blacks are smiling ear-to-ear and love life again.
So is the KKK and the Aryan Nation, for pretty much the same exact reason.
Marcus Carman said...
No indication from anywhere/anyone that the statues will ever be repaired and replaced. Sad.
if the expectation is for initiative to come from political actors - proves that Wisconsin and Madison men and women are sheep.
THAT the plinth has been emptied memorializes A VACUOUS PEOPLE AND CULTURE
for public property of this sort to invoke pride and defense must literally mean grass-roots resourced from citizens individualistically e.g. Emancipation Memorial and Washington Memorial (to my knowledge)and not by funds from taxation/committee appropriations.
"As far as the Tony Robinson thing, there seems to be this impression that the arrest process is some kind of Trial By Combat, where if you attack the cop with your fists, he's only allowed to fight you with his fists, if you attack a cop with a bat, the cop needs to pull out a bat and fight you with bats, etc.
Obviously that's completely unworkable, all the moreso when the cops have guns."
And is it permitted to note that it's also unworkable when many cops are female, and few of these would be able to hold their own in a mano-a-mano boxing match?
It's not for nothing that guns have been called "the great equalizer." But as with any weapon, if you allow it to be taken from you it can and likely will be used against you.
Leave the statue down. Leave them all down, where they lie. Leave the vandalism up and all the boarded up windows.
Leave it all there for people to see.
Own it.
The underlying consistency in the Democrat position from ante-bellum period to today is captured in Micah's formulation. The main justification for slavery of Africans was that they lacked agency sufficient to govern themselves in any agrarian or other advanced society. BLM's argument that incarceration of African-Americans is slavery is rooted in the notion that they lack the agency to comply with criminal law, and that punishment under a regime that expects them to govern their impulses in the manner that other races do is inhumane.
My stepson thinks the racism card (whether applied to Whites, Blacks or Asians) is all complete bullshit. He despises the leftists on his campus who think he is a potential ally. He won't talk politics with his Mom because he does not want to out himself as a conservative. She would have a much easier time if he outed himself as gay.
I keep thinking about Susan Rice's son who is president of the Stanford U college Republicans.
Pretty clear to me that these statues were torn down simply because they were old and white, proof enough for an “anti-racist” that they must have been racist, so the acts themselves were both undemocratic and racist.
Meanwhile, blacks are smiling ear-to-ear and love life again.
@Crack, you don't get it, and they don't get it. Doesn't mean it isn't the truth.
Howard: " the Madison BLMers have taught everybody about Hans Christian Heg, hence the payment of respects"
Imagine how stupid you would have to be to write that.
Reality: Here's one of Howard's Heroes "teaching" everyone about Winston Churchill by tearing down his statue:
“Should the statue of Churchill be there or not?” Newman asked.
“I’ve heard many arguments on both sides; some say that he’s a racist some say that he’s a hero,” said Jones. “I haven’t personally met him, but what I would say is that that question of whether he should remain should be put to the community.”
The host then asked the activist what her specific thoughts on Churchill were. “What would you say though if you were asked about the statue of Churchill?”
“Well, I’m going to be honest, I haven’t done a lot of history work with Churchill, but if I was to do that and it will be based on my findings,” Jones admitted.
Howard's Heroes in full "teaching" mode. Just like these guys....
Chuck said...
This post by Althouse, like just about all of her posts on behavior in the public spaces of Madison, is lovely and poignant. Thank you, Althouse.
As for some of — typified by one from the Republic if Texas — TRUMP is how you get more riots and wanton street violence.
How are things in Texas these days? Enjoying all you freedoms as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence?"
Two things: Texas is still better than Michigan. And only a moron would blame Trump for Communist and criminal violence.
As for some of — typified by one from the Republic if Texas — TRUMP is how you get more riots and wanton street violence.
Do you honestly believe they wouldn't have rioted if Jeb had been president? Because if you do, you're even dumber than I thought you were.
The Crack Emcee said... Meanwhile, blacks are smiling ear-to-ear and love life again.
I would be smiling too, if I successfully pulled the same con over and over and over again.
White liberals are truly stupid and easy to con, but remember that the Marxists are using Blacks as their shield.
It is a game of mutual manipulation.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "As for some of — typified by one from the Republic if Texas — TRUMP is how you get more riots and wanton street violence."
Ferguson MO and Baltimore MD just called and would like to speak to the FakeCon LLR who is working hard for Whitmer's reelection.
Here's one for LLR-lefty Chuck:
Race Relations Are at Lowest Point in Obama Presidency, Poll Finds
"Sixty-nine percent of Americans say race relations are generally bad, one of the highest levels of discord since the 1992 riots in Los Angeles during the Rodney King case, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll."
Let me guess Chuckie. The American people were "pre-instigated" by the coming Trump administration! LOL
Can you just imagine the spittle-flecked seething rage LLR-lefty Chuck experiences when anyone points out obambi's failures?
You don't want to be a dog or a small child around our anger-management issues LLR when that happens!
There is no systemic racism. The african american populace is owed NOTHING but equal opportunity which they have in spades.
They continue to inflict poor choices on themselves. They continue to fall behind every single ethnicity that comes to this country, and it's because they are captives of the democrat party plantation.
They seriously need to break those chains, it is literally killing them, their children and their future.
It has been said that the current unpleasantness has set race relations back 50 years. Actually, more like 4 years.
There is no systemic racism. . . . they are captives of the democrat party plantation.
Do you really not see the contradiction in what you wrote here?
Blogger Drago said...
Howard: " the Madison BLMers have taught everybody about Hans Christian Heg, hence the payment of respects"
Imagine how stupid you would have to be to write that.
Exactly. As stupid as a rope-a-dope 3-D chess Judo Black Belt Juneteenth teacher.
You just don't like your Santa Vaca been gored.
I guess I don't see what statues have to do with history. Hans Heg is still in the history books today, maybe more so. Statues are hagiography, adulating saints. He was at the capitol corner because of the large Norwegian population in the state.
Crack is the clearest example of global Dunning-Krueger effect that I've encountered; I suppose that's one thing I've learned from my long years at Althouse.
Meanwhile, blacks are smiling ear-to-ear and love life again.
Smiling about what? All I see is protests, riots, destruction, murder. Nothing has changed. How many young black kids will get murdered in Chicago, those black lives don't matter. Blacks are the ones murdering their own young. No amount of govt action is going to get blacks to value every black life. But put on that smile, and attend another funeral.
Howard: "Exactly. As stupid as a rope-a-dope 3-D chess Judo Black Belt Juneteenth teacher."
At this point, I'm just going to go with the theory that you simply have no idea what to say but are just that desperate to be involved.
cubanbob: "Two things: Texas is still better than Michigan."
You'll never convince LLR-lefty Chuck that any state with a republican governor is better than a state with a far left democrat governor.
Blogger tcrosse said...
It has been said that the current unpleasantness has set race relations back 50 years. Actually, more like 4 years.
Maybe but I doubt it. The Watts area of Los Angles has not recovered and the riots were in 1965. Minneapolis is now going to ask Trump (us) to pay for rebuilding. I don't think he will bite.
Crack, you have just admitted that you love chaos and anarchy. Have another hit off that pipe.
Crack probably has a line on a big screen TV.
Paco Wové: "Crack is the clearest example of global Dunning-Krueger effect that I've encountered;"
With one exception: Crack knows his particular skills and product offerings aren't going to attract any buyers so he has made it clear that he would prefer a government mandated payment to him for his music rather than rely on the what anyone in the public wants.
All in all, I'd say that is a healthy bit of realism on Crack's part.
Zero sympathy for Althouse. These are her allies. This is what she supported. She built this.
Not sure what the point of this comment is. Putting aside whether or not our hostess "built this", the evidence is clear on this blog that she's fully capable of closely examining the consequences of supporting the modern American lefties. The same could not be said about the consequences of the politics many of us deplorables have supported over the years. And it certainly cannot be said about most lefties...until they have been mugged by reality.
Of course, except for my early days, I've been consistently on the correct side of the issues so I'm clean, but generally, Althouse shows a lot of class about her occasional misplaced support.
- Krumhorn
Btw, if you really want to see LLR-lefty Chuck cry, just criticize Rachel Maddow...
Rural privilege.
click to enlarge
the evidence is clear on this blog that she's fully capable of closely examining the consequences of supporting the modern American lefties.
Which is exactly why we get so upset when she makes excuses for them and supports them anyway.
Great post by Althouse. Hilarious that we've gone from tearing down "Confederates" because they were slave holders to tearing down Abolitionists who died freeing slaves. It seems it wasn't about slavery (and not offending blacks) but about something else entirely.
I guess I don't see what statues have to do with history.
Then why is it every time the Left gets the ability to do so around the world, do they start pulling statues down? Why did ISIS pull statues down?
Because the goal is to erase the visible evidence of history, so they can deny the history exists.
Gahrie: Really?? Your side is one denying history. The so called "lost cause" was revisionist to its core. Bone spur Cheeto gets $450M from his father and brushes it off as a little help. Kaepernick kneels for black oppression and it gets turned into an insult to the flag or troops or whatever. Why does your side make saints out of Trump, Heg, Reagan, or anybody who was clearly flawed? And with their warlike attitude, guidance from god, and fanatic chauvinism, ISIS is on your side, not mine.
Drago said... At this point, I'm just going to go with the theory that you simply have no idea what to say but are just that desperate to be involved.
Drago, You have Howard figured out to a high degree of accuracy.
Now figure out ARM for us.
Wait! Let's forget that idea. Who cares?
"I guess I don't see"--
And then notices that it was 'cause of the Norwegians.
Exactly! That's history!
People sometimes want to honor and commemorate other people, and in the West, in one of the oldest cultural traditions around, that has taken the shape of more or less realistic or
representational human figures.
That's history!
Often, these works were executed by the foremost artists of the day, and set prominently in public spaces--parks or squares that that sometimes were landscaped for the best viewing, and to provide for recreation and social gathering in an urban landscape. The plaques that usually accompany such statues would contain historical information (as determined by economic, social, poltical and cultural forces and balances).
That's history!
The statues, and the circumstances of their creation and placement, ARE history.
What a maroon
Which is exactly why we get so upset when she makes excuses for them and supports them anyway.
Here's the deal with our hostess. As a child of the 60's, there are no political issues regularly in dispute that govern her decisions more than abortion. By many parsecs. While she has supported some conservative politicians who don't share her view, she calculates the potential for that politician to change the status quo.
If OrangeMan wins in November, he will very likely be able to appoint the deciding vote on the Supreme Court when the issue resurfaces. That is why she focuses so intently on decisions that support the precedent of earlier decisions. Realistically, she has likely concluded, as most folks have, that while there may be some reasonable chipping around the edges, no decision is at all likely that completely sends Roe to the dump. It was a bone-headed and wrong decision at many levels, but it's a fact of life.
Other than abortion, it's difficult to identify an issue that conservatives, in general, support that she strongly opposes, and the lefties aren't helping themselves with rioting, defunding police, toppling statues, and impeachment.
- Krumhorn
Would it be too much for Meadehouse to set up some kind of IQ test for commenters?
A step towards restoration of literacy tests for voters
no decision is at all likely that completely sends Roe to the dump. It was a bone-headed and wrong decision at many levels, but it's a fact of life.
I'm not so sure. Remember, California had abortion legal in 1969. Reversing Roe would not outlaw abortion, just allow states to have some power to regulate abuses like Ralph Coonman's infanticide law.
Bone spur Cheeto gets $450M from his father and brushes it off as a little help.
I see we have a new troll.
You morons are all concerned about destruction as you sit on Indian land and gladly crush their dreams for your own. And you have no better explanation for it than "that's the way of the world" which means - viola - I don't have to care about right and wrong either. I'm 60 - I'll be dead soon and y'all already fucked up my life - so fuck all y'all.
As far as blacks - I told you: people smile at me now. They greet me on the street. Nobody follows me through stores anymore. They're talking about topics important to me. Reparations are back on the table. Whites are losing their jobs - and their minds - if they can't be casually racist anymore. Blacks are laughing at it all.
It's a fine time to be alive.
Whites will probably start a genocide tomorrow, but today, it's alright.
Happy 4th, Assholes.
I think white guys are going to discover that picking a fight with everyone you needed to be loyal citizen was probably not the best idea they ever had.
Of course you only took the picture.
I'm not so sure. Remember, California had abortion legal in 1969. Reversing Roe would not outlaw abortion, just allow states to have some power to regulate abuses like Ralph Coonman's infanticide law.
That ship sailed a long time ago and sank at sea.
- Krumhorn
Kaepernick kneels for black oppression and it gets turned into an insult to the flag or troops or whatever. Why does your side make saints out of Trump, Heg, Reagan, or anybody who was clearly flawed? And with their warlike attitude, guidance from god, and fanatic chauvinism, ISIS is on your side, not mine.
ISIS clearly has leftie authoritarianism at its core telling everyone else how to live their lives and viciously cancelling anyone who dares disagree. A well-paid football player full to the snout with his own victimhood using someone else's stage to protest during the national anthem is worthy of contempt.
If he wants to play the national anthem and kneel in protest, he should do it on his own lawn after his yard service has picked up the freshly cut grass. If he wants to do it on someone else's grass, neither you nor he has any position to complain if folks push back.
OrangeMan has done far far more for the benefit of black families than any dopey footballer seeking the warm glow of leftie approval. It cannot be said often enough that lefties are nasty little shits.
- Krumhorn
The Historically Illiterate Crack Emcee: "The Crack Emcee said...
You morons are all concerned about destruction as you sit on Indian land and gladly crush their dreams for your own."
What a dummy.
The Lakota stole the land from the Cheyenne who had been there for a hundred years and they pursued a program of genocide and slavery against the Cheyenne remnant tribes.
On the Trail of tears, the Cherokee took their thousands of african slaves with them.....
"How Native American Slaveholders Complicate the Trail of Tears Narrative"
"When you think of the Trail of Tears, you likely imagine a long procession of suffering Cherokee Indians forced westward by a villainous Andrew Jackson. Perhaps you envision unscrupulous white slaveholders, whose interest in growing a plantation economy underlay the decision to expel the Cherokee, flooding in to take their place east of the Mississippi River.
What you probably don’t picture are Cherokee slaveholders, foremost among them Cherokee chief John Ross. What you probably don’t picture are the numerous African-American slaves, Cherokee-owned, who made the brutal march themselves, or else were shipped en masse to what is now Oklahoma aboard cramped boats by their wealthy Indian masters."
Oh wait, it gets "better":
“I used to like history,” Smith told the crowd ruefully. “And sometimes, I still do. But not most of the time. Most of the time, history and I are frenemies at best.” In the case of the Trail of Tears and the enslavement of blacks by prominent members of all five so-called “Civilized Tribes” (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole), Smith went one step further, likening the ugly truth of history to a “mangy, snarling dog standing between you and a crowd-pleasing narrative.”
“Obviously,” Smith said, “the story should be, needs to be, that the enslaved black people and soon-to-be-exiled red people would join forces and defeat their oppressor.” But such was not the case—far from it. “The Five Civilized Tribes were deeply committed to slavery, established their own racialized black codes, immediately reestablished slavery when they arrived in Indian territory, rebuilt their nations with slave labor, crushed slave rebellions, and enthusiastically sided with the Confederacy in the Civil War.”
Crack knows none of this.
Even worse, with even this information spoon fed to him, tomorrow he will continue to not know it.
The Crack Emcee said...
I think white guys are going to discover that picking a fight with everyone you needed to be loyal citizen was probably not the best idea they ever had.
I think you are never going to discover that you are, and have always been, your own worst enemy.
Is your avatar pic 20 years old? Aren't you shot through with gray by now? You sound really old and weak on that Utah Car track. Your samples are good though. The part you didn't make.
Too soon old, too late smart. And all alone. You call in a cast of characters who are your acquaintances from time to time, but you don't really seem to recognize, let alone care about, the existence of anyone outside yourself. That's called "solipsism."
West Madison Street through Garfield Park still has brick covered vacant lots from the April 1968 riots. Hoffman and Rubin helped de-industrialized Chicago and took all the good jobs away from black people. In the forties to the sixties from Ashland to Halsted there were warehouses and railroad shops that fed black families. They make a desert and name it peace.
Mark said..."Do you really not see the contradiction in what you wrote here?"
I don't see the contradiction. I see blacks voting for democrats of their own volition. Are you going to deny them free will as well?
There is no systemic racism.
Sure we do! It’s called affirmative action and diversity quotas. It’s based on the assumption that black people are so inherently inferior that without a paternalistic thumb on the scale none of them would ever amount to anything. (It’s a position I reject because over the years I have worked for and with talented black people, but I have also seen black people have their careers ruined by being given opportunities that they were nowhere near ready to grasp.)
Trump even said there's systematic racism, so you guys are lost.
Get help.
he Crack Emcee said...
Trump even said there's systematic racism, so you guys are lost.
Get help.
There is no systemic racism.
Sure we do! It’s called affirmative action and diversity quotas. It’s based on the assumption that black people are so inherently inferior that without a paternalistic thumb on the scale none of them would ever amount to anything
Bingo ! Crack you're a genius !
The Crack Emcee said...
I think white guys are going to discover that picking a fight with everyone you needed to be loyal citizen was probably not the best idea they ever had.
So, the normals pulled down those statues and burned those black businesses ? Crack, you have got to get a new script.
“The Volga must be our Mississippi”
What the Nazis Learned From America’s Indian Removal
You poor things, you.
The Crack Emcee said...
I think white guys are going to discover that picking a fight with everyone you needed to be loyal citizen was probably not the best idea they ever had.
JULY 5, 2020
REPORT: Protest mob shoots eight year old girl in Atlanta:
According to police, the child was riding in a car with her mom and an adult friend when car exited the interstate near the intersection of University Avenue and Pryor Road. Police said the driver was attempting to enter the parking lot on the 1200 block of Pryor Road when they were confronted by a group of armed individuals who were blocking the entrance.
Someone in the group began shooting at the car, hitting it multiple times including the shot that hit the child.
Related: “The Georgia Department of Public Safety Headquarters on United Avenue [in Atlanta] was vandalized early Sunday morning when a large group descended on the building armed with rocks, spray paint, fireworks, and other materials.”
UPDATE: “Secoriya Williamson, Secoriea’s father, also spoke out. ‘They say black lives matter,’ Williamson said. ‘You killed your own this time. You killed a child. She didn’t do nothing to nobody.’”
UPDATE (9:09 PM EDT): Police responding to 2nd deadly shooting in 24 hours at burned Wendy’s. “On Sunday night, officers responded to 1192 Pryor Street, next door to the Wendy’s, and found two people who appeared to have been shot. A third victim arrived at Grady hospital a short time later.”
(Updated and bumped.)
Needless to say, black on black.
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