The National Museum of African American History & Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whiteness: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, more. (via @RpwWilliams)— Byron York (@ByronYork) July 15, 2020
ADDED: Titania McGrath comments:
According to the @NMAAHC, white culture is defined by independence, rational thought, hard work, respect for authority and politeness.AND: There's also this:
To emulate black culture we therefore need to be more subservient, irrational, lazy, disrespectful and rude.
THAT’S how you defeat racism. 👏
I see a lot of people sharing that "White Culture" slide. Well, here's what New York City is teaching schoolteachers about how to spot "White Supremacy Culture."
— Matt Welch (@MattWelch) July 15, 2020
१७३ टिप्पण्या:
Will they send me a white star to put on my sleeve?
Do I get a number tattooed on my arm?
They are mistaking culture for race.
So much stupidity in one poster. Gah.
Pleased to see my tax dollars, generated via the Protestant Work Ethic, are being put to good use.
I don't get it - a museum devoted to "X" is telling visitors about "Y"?
The internal contradictions of the poster are quite wonderful. I wonder how they missed out on such obvious markers of whiteness as excessive use of sunscreen at the beach, inability to dance well, poor basketball dunking skills, and other well known white attributes.
Government-sponsored racism. Vote for Democrats if you want more of this.
Like many others I suspect, I just can't wait for the ones for "Blackness" and "Hispanicness"
I suspect rhardin is already at work on the one for "Womanliness".
Hahaha LMFAO Thomas Sowell was right!!!
And these are bad things?
Is this some kind of joke? Satire?
Ok. So, we were at a bar... a cafe... a playground, and there was a straw clown, a strawman, and a baby. The straw clown jested. The strawman wrested. And the baby cried in her cradle.
I wonder where all the families with a .3 child are? If that's the ideal number, you'd think I'd see at least one family with 2.3 kids.
I have said it before: the return of John C Calhoun. He thought that different races could not co-exist peacefully, that one must rule the other, and that innate racial characteristics determined which.
@Dave Begley
"Is this some kind of joke? Satire?"
Yes and no. It's not in the sense that they really believe this. It is in the sense that they don't get the joke. This is one of those white jokes that blacks don't get level sh*t right here. The laugh track is playing, but only half the audience gets it. The other half are trying to figure out why something so honest elicits that laughter.
It. Is. Delicious.
So are museums and schools are now teaching straight up racism. Now? Well, they used to do this before the Civil Rights Act, but I guess they are back at it again.
Why do these progressives demand we judge people by the color of their skin?
How can this be interpreted as anything but attitudinally "racist" toward whites and nonwhites alike at the very same time?
Chinese whiteness? Egyptian whiteness? Indian whiteness? European whiteness? Malaysian whiteness? Pray tell, how do we discern between diversity and character? We are approaching a black hole... whore h/t NAACP horizon.
I'd like to take exception to the 'Emphasis on Scientific Method' - there are universities full of white academics devoted to 'consensus' science and 'sciencey'.
Every notice how "allies" and the self-appointed black elite are always insulting black people?
BTW, Titania has a challenger: Dr. Karin Baker-Thompkins. "ResitsTrump!"
Hilarity ensues.
Boo, hiss. Whites very bad!
So Black parents should give this stuff to their kids so they'll know how to avoid "acting white"?
Liberty, fraternity, equality.
All tossed aside as irrelevant or worse.
Welcome to Progress!!!
Max Weber is back.
Maybe even the Greek Ideal Man will make a comeback.
Heck, let's bring back the Boy Scouts: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent
If you had suggested to liberals several years ago that this kind of idiocy is where they were headed with their foolish ways of thinking, they would have been outraged.
Blogger Francisco D said...
Will they send me a white star to put on my sleeve?
Do I get a number tattooed on my arm?
You have to be a non-hispanical white, so you are exempt Francisco
Most people would say that if you embraced the values identified on the slide, you would be likely to succeed in life. Those who haven’t tried it should try it. I know lots of black people who embrace those values. We all do. Those people usually succeed.
Consider Michelle Robinson Obama. Her life is a monument to practicing the values on that slide.
I don't get it - a museum devoted to "X" is telling visitors about "Y"?
The National Museum of X is explaining that it is Y's fault that X doesn't amount to much.
Click thru a couple of links and find that the United Methodist Church helpfully supplied a video of anti-white racist propaganda.
If that's all true, you can go all Procol Harum on me and color me "A Whiter Shade of Pale".
Oddly enough although my normal skin color is "fair", I spend enough time in the sun to be sometimes referred to as "that swarthy gentleman who asked a question". That's not quite being a POC, but I think I've got all the bases covered.
This isn’t a race war. It’s a culture war where most of my most deeply rooted values are bad. That will make me SOOOOOO willing to participate.
Acting white works for any race.
Forrest Gump and I Am Sam were films about high moral intelligence, a point best made heroes with low IQ.
OK, I'll be sure to be none of those bad "white" things when I go to a bank and ask to borrow a half-million for a house I want to buy.
(It was pointed out after the last "liar loan" debacle in 2008 that there are REASONS why successful people are successful, whatever their race. It boils down to "behavior.")
Who is surprised by this? For decades the Black community has told anyone who rejected the pathologies of Black culture and was successful that they were "acting White".
David Duke and the Klan couldn't agree more.
"Attention, bros & sistahs, white culture is defined by independence, rational thought, hard work, respect for authority and politeness"
Vicki Hearne is a good example of high female intelligence that's specifically female.
(Adam's Task, Bandit, Animal Happiness. Ignore cover blurbs, written in modern editions by publicists who don't understand a word of her. High female intelligence goes unnoticed in mainstream life.)
If Trump's name was at the top of this BLM would be asking for riots.
We are in a sick leftwing thought-crime place in this nation.
OMG twitter go hacked
This looks like early Nazi propaganda about Jewish People. Imagine being a Jew in Europe when the propaganda began but not quite realizing yet it’s about it you. That it’s all aimed at you and, eventually, your destruction. At first, it just might explains the Jew or describe the “Jewish” traits without naming the group. Nor, does it label the Jew as bad. It just shares “Jewish” traits with a veiled but implicit judging. That’s an early stage of the “othering” and it’s certainly not the last stage.
So much fragile denial! FRAGILE!
As a friend of mine said at the Dawn of Ebonics: "White racists say Blacks are too stupid to learn standard English. Black racists says the same thing, but tell you that's a good thing." To speaking standard English now add: individualism, hard work, objectivity, etc.
David Duke and the Klan couldn't agree more.
If it was up to them, there would be no depictions of minorities on the boxes of product or names of sports teams.
In their defense, I do not believe that the graphic says these things are exclusively white culture, but it certainly implies it. This would not be out of place if the civil rights movement never happened and in this alternate timeline this was a Jim Crow Museum. It is astonishingly racist. I think the large majority of things that are called "racist" are not remotely racist, but this is bonafide racist.
For the record, the "showing up on time" thing is most definitely not a universal "white culture" thing. I can assure you that I know first hand that some white ethnic groups are very flexible on the idea.
makes me wonder;
if there was a National Museum of White History and Culture....
What would have list as signs of whiteness?
HEY! how come there's NOT a National Museum of Whit History and Culture?
These people need to seriously FUCK OFF. Do we need to start cutting budgets of these idiots 20% for starters?
"Consider Michelle Robinson Obama. Her life is a monument to practicing the values on that slide."
How so pray tell?
All this seems to be so inevitable. Is there anyone organizing to fight it? I won’t hold my breath waiting for the Republican Party.
Enough already! You've thoroughly convinced me of my white supremacy.
Enough already! You've thoroughly convinced me of my white supremacy.
For some reason, my first thought was:
Goofus and Gallent reimagined.
What's the one for Black Culture, 1. Shucking 2. Jiving? Appalling.
Pretty hard to get any work done if all you are doing is eating watermelon and fried chicken all day long.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself. It's an old Apache joke.
Not even Titian’s can satirize this. Yeesh.
Progressives are recycling Woodrow Wilson's opinions.
I had given up, and admitted I was a racist a while back. All my intellectual betters told me so. Who am I to argue? Besides, I'm in good company, Inga, Feder, Howard, etc. all racists, at the least, probably a full Blown White Supremacist. What with the hard work, commitment to rules, literate! Yep we are all White Supremacist.
I hope they are praying that the majority white culture does not lose our fear of open confrontation. We are pretty scary when we do.
It's been my experience that the worst people to work with are people whose parents were real professionals, but who didn't have to ability to match what their parents did. Their goal is always to chip away at work ethics and lower the bar on what's required. It's almost like a bunch of them got together to write this.
In this time of racial strife, it is generous of them to say so many nice things about White folks. Perhaps it's a gesture of conciliation?
it's pretty spot-on, except 2.3 for number of kids, which sounds rather creepy. Nobody wants 0.3 of a kid lying around the house!
If in fact blacks, the MSM, academia and the Establishment hold THESE truths to be self-evident, the whole basis for every Supreme Court civil rights decision from Brown v. Board of Education through court-ordered busing to affirmative action is wrong. No wonder BLM wants to tear down Lincoln statues. From this viewpoint, "emancipation" into a white culture was (is) worse than formal slavery. This is a harder form of racism--race determines all values and behavior-- than even slave-owners of the 18th and 19th century held to (i.e., even they thought blacks worthy of baptism and having the free will to act in accord with Christian commandments.)
The silence from Democrats and the Left about this increasingly dominant view tells me that Trump and the Deplorables are alone in fighting for an older individualistic view. And, thus, as Orwell could predict, that is precisely what makes them "Racist!"
Just saw this over at Ace of Spades HQ. The comments are hilarious.
So, am I off the hook due to my "Catholic Work Ethic"? Nah. Somehow I think it'll be worse.
There's not been this much government sponsored and approved racism since Joseph Goebbels found a job.
Shark Jumping in Progress?
"I have certain rules...I live by,
First Rule: I don't believe ANYTHING
the government tells me.
....I Leave symbols to the symbol minded"
btw I echo the the sentiments of:
I wonder where all the families with a .3 child are?
The .3s are kept in the attic out of sight.
That first list, in my case anyway, is more aspirational than real. The second catalog is flat out objectionable and wrong. They actually teach it in NY public schools. WTF.....During the course of a lifetime, I've noticed many non-whites culturally appropriating the behavior outlined in the first guidelines. Don't these people have any self respect? Perhaps with BLM more people of color can be taught to be less polite, hardworking and respectful of authority. They perhaps will know less worldly success, but they will experience exhilaration that comes with being authentic. China went all to hell once they eliminated foot binding.
Nice to have it all in one place.
Interesting. It links to this;
The image says " Data Source: “Some Aspects and Assumptions of White Culture in the United States(link is external),” by Judith H. Katz, ©1990. The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved."
The enstupidization of Whites is what they want, an even playing field for all these idiots.
I wonder if any white people had a role in making this chart?
So is black culture the opposite of this? If you're black or a part of blackness, do you exhibit the opposite of these traits?
Also, in the 'Religion' section, 'God' is capital 'G' unless you are an observant Jew, and then 'G-d' will suffice.
Btw, when do I get to see the National Museum of White History and Culture?
I'll wait here...
Is it OK to be white?
It would be easy to demonstrate how silly all of this is if conservatives just had the balls (which they don't).
-- Get a large group of white folks together in the House of Representatives and call it the Congressional White Caucus.
-- Form the NAAWP.
-- United White College Fund.
-- Designate schools (all of he Ivy League) as 'Historically White Colleges.'
-- When a white politician votes for any bill, make sure they remind everyone they are only doing what's right for 'their community.'
-- Wear Roman togas and call it 'traditional dress.'
You get the point...carry on.
Guilty as charged.
I plead guilty as charged.
Hey Whities! How about we get together and have a purge of all the non-white people in New York City? Let's just TAKE BACK THE CITY! Send the POCS packing. If they don't like it, then let's just find a final solution! Except for a few to operate the ethnic restaurants.
I read these lists to my biracial daughter over the phone and she was as appalled as I am. The problem with white liberals is that they are RACISTS at heart and most don't even really know any black people. And it sounds like they are upping the ante. God help us!
Toni Morrison quote from a link:
Being white does not mean you haven’t experienced hardships or oppression. Being white does mean you have not faced hardships or oppression based on the color of your skin.
This is factually incorrect in my view. 15 years ago when I was looking for academic jobs in the hard sciences, the Department Chair at UVA told me: "We'd love to hire you but we need to hire a female or a minority." That struck me as grossly unfair. That was 25 years ago. I surmise that things have only gotten worse in the hard sciences and the prevailing attitude now is that that white males have had it good for several hundred years and that a little race-based oppression is long overdue. Vacancies are being held open for people who just don't exist. I don't see how the Academy can last if they are actively discriminating against talent just because they were born male and white. So I call bullshit on the whole Morrison opinion because she couldn't get right the one aspect that I experienced.
Francisco D wrote: Will they send me a white star to put on my sleeve?
Heh. I've taken to wearing one of these around.
Dave64 said...
The enstupidization of Whites is what they want, an even playing field for all these idiots.
7/15/20, 6:26 PM
The universities are certainly succeeding in creating hordes of white idiots.
So progs are saying Woodrow Wilson was right after all?
>>Hey Whities! How about we get together and have a purge of all the non-white people in New York City?
If what BLM says about white people was true, this would have already happened.
But it hasn't. So it isn't.
Let’s see if I have this correct. So the NMAAHC is saying that the condescending stereotype of the lazy, shiftless, superstitious black person is actually based on fact!! Hard to believe, given the black people I have known in my life. But I guess they would know.
This is happening too:
"Petition to Fire NYC Professor Accused of Sleeping During Anti-Racist Meeting Gathers 2,000 Signatures"
"Simon refuted the students' claims that she had fallen asleep at the meeting.
"I was not asleep as is implied at any point during the meeting," she told Campus Reform, a higher education website. She added, "The photo used was taken without permission when I was looking down or briefly resting my Zoom-weary eyes.
"I listened with my ears and heart the entire meeting," Simon concluded."
Trust me amigos. You do NOT want to be the first one to stop clapping when lefty is finished speaking......
I would like to see some bridges, skyscrapers, medical equipment et cetera designed and created for the community of color using the non-rational and non-scientific method of thinking that is supposed to be so very wrong.
when do we report for the ovens?
Ha ha ha.
How long was this sign in that museum?
It’d be funny if that text had been installed when the museum opened (obviously not that long ago), but no ideologically motivated folks re culture war stuff re whites are the best POV had ever wanted to go to the museum (as makes sense for folks not into black museum type stuff), hence it took a while for someone to be able to exploit this text re their side (i.e. to highlight that to fix problems minorities should STFU and do bootstrap pulling like the whiteness people do rather than irrationally fussing, etc) of the jabber war.
BTW, when DJT does his sorta stepping on a rake thing (e.g. big errors re biz management/coherent talking/personal&professional honesty/integrity), we are told that it’s a trap for his opponents or it’s twenty dimensional chess for some reason or another. No full accounting/anchoring re he’s a clown show who would have long ago been broke sans daddy’s big bucks. IOW he’s not judged re inherent merit. Likewise re this museum, what if folks could come up w/ some sorta film flam re this text re claiming it’s intentional re reverse motivator or something re getting attention or raising curiosity or some other kind of mental opening that can be productively leveraged. Or, simply conclude that this is a piss poor sign, but it’s not something to hyperventilate about re proof that the blacks suck and whiteness is the best thing eva, cause that’s what the blacks say on their black museum sign.
P.S. I just typed this comment and realized that I think I’m supposed to capitalize the “B” re Black. So instead of the hassle re rereading and correcting my text I’m adding this note to indicate that folks should read my jabber w/ the “B” not the “b.” Cause I’m not racist. Just lazy re editing, but somehow still white. Go figure.
Most people are missing the point I think. The particular content doesn’t matter. What matters is just the fact of doing something like this in the first place. That’s where the rot sets in.
Tell you what. I'll run my life according to my values. You run yours according to your values. Just let me hire, fire and interact with whomever I choose and don't complain to me when things don't work out so well for you.
Did they commission this poster from the Klan?
Looked up Judith H. Katz. She is white. Why in the world would they hang this poster in that museum?
We need to try a solution to racism similiar to that implemented in Francia's Paraguay."In March 1814, Francia banned Spaniards from marrying each other; they had to wed Indians, blacks, or mulattoes."--Wikipedia
I'm with Big Mike (7/15/20, 7:39 PM) - my first thought was someone compiled every racist stereotype they could think of and claimed them to be not only correct but righteous.
chickelit said...
Toni Morrison quote from a link:
Being white does not mean you haven’t experienced hardships or oppression. Being white does mean you have not faced hardships or oppression based on the color of your skin
Not to do with color- but credentialing, and similar.
Back in 1995 or so a local co-gen plant advertised they were giving a test for an operator position. Sign up, and show up. There were easily over 300 people there. The test was less difficult than the one I took to make machinists mate 2nd class in the Navy- and I retired as a Chief.
4 people interviewed for the position. GE had just laid off a bunch of engineers- and many of them in hunting for a job- any job- took the test. It was 3 laid off GE engineers - and me. The interviewer told me flat out that if it were actually up to him- he'd hire me. The engineers, he said, would be still looking for a job while they were working as an operator, and would all likely be gone as soon as GE opened up hiring again. And I'd stay there because it pair better than most operator jobs. But then he's have to explain to HR- full of DEGREED human resource professionals, why he hired someone WITHOUT an engineering degree. For a job that didn't require one.... Would have stayed in that area if I had got that job. Moved 200 miles for the next higher paying job opening.
Odds are the engineer they hired had all kinds of ideas on how to build a co-gen plant, and had to learn how to operate it from scratch.
They have got to be kidding... 'delayed gratification' and 'decision-making' are aspects of 'whiteness'??? "rugged individualism" and "history" are signs of 'whiteness'??
Others aspects of whiteness include: "Objective, rational linear thinking"; "cause and effect relationships"; hard work being the key to "success"; respect for authority; "decision-making"; a "steak and potatoes" aesthetic; children having their own rooms in a household; and the idea that "intent counts" in justice.
Are these people INSANE? They make it sound like being industrious and hardworking is somehow bad.
What they really mean is they prefer the ghetto life of welfare and crack cocaine.
Credit where due-- Jupiter ferreted out the antiquity of the tropes. (He's/she's/it's still a gasbag.
Upipo should read about Frances Cress Welsing, M.D. (d. 2016). She was way out there.
One of her best was her theory of sport. She noticed that games played with little white balls focus on batting or expelling the ball away, while games played with big black (or Black) or brown balls focus on possession.
And crack and homos were Whitey's tools for oppression and genocide.
Joe, the College Republicans did the affirmative action bake sales 25+ years ago, and they were screamed off campus. Pretty inoffensive, "Asians pay $3, Whites pay $2, blacks pay $1, take $0.50 off if gay"
it's only gotten worse.
robother said...
If in fact blacks, the MSM, academia and the Establishment hold THESE truths to be self-evident, the whole basis for every Supreme Court civil rights decision from Brown v. Board of Education through court-ordered busing to affirmative action is wrong. No wonder BLM wants to tear down Lincoln statues. From this viewpoint, "emancipation" into a white culture was (is) worse than formal slavery.
it looks like the dems think; The Real Problem with slavery was the abuse
It's Not that there's anything Wrong with Owning Animals
The dems probably want a ASPCA based society for the prevention of cruelty to blacks (ASPCB)
This ties into their desire to spay or neuter blacks, through Planned Parenthood
WHAT is going on?????
No one seems to have noticed the “and assumptions...” could it be that they were trying to show stereotypes and the mistake of stereotyping any race? I wonder if there is a similar stereotype of African Americans hanging nearby.
That might be the most racist thing ever said by anyone. How do you top that for insulting African Americans? Margaret Sanger lives though these people, and Planned Parenthood carries out the dirty work.
Deliberate misquoting is the same as lying. The title is "Aspects and Assumptions OF Whiteness . . ."
To parse, this becomes "Aspects of" AND "Assumptions of" Whiteness. Meaning what it is to be white and an assessment of the assumptions that White culture makes about life. This is meant to be read as fact, a laundry list of "white" characteristics, as seen by blacks. This was not a criticism of the concept of stereotyping. This is stereotyping defined.
And nobody should be surprised. Consider the source culture. When you're a perpetual victim, it's OK when YOU want to stereotype. After all, you're just reacting to your trauma and speaking your truth.
And idiots believe this shit.
I'm so glad I never joined Twitter. If this kind of bull represents even 10% of the political discourse in that hellhole, it's for the birds.
This is all so simple and devoid of historical context.
"Florida department of health exposed for massively overreporting positive COVID-19 cases"
"For example, state data showed that Orlando Health, a local hospital, had a 98% COVID-19 positivity rate. But when WOFL reached out to the hospital, hospital officials said their positivity rate is only 9.4%.
State reports also claimed Orlando VA Medical Center had a positivity rate of 76% — but the hospital told WOFL its positivity rate is only 6%."
475 labs in the state reported 98% or greater positive test results. They simply didn't report the negatives.
Have you ever noticed that when they do an analysis of an organization's accounting, like a grocery store charging customers, that they always find that the mistakes mostly go in one direction? It's magic.
when do we report for the ovens?
The ovens, the chambers, the clinics... Planned People, Planned Population, Planned Personhood or life deemed unworthy of life.
I think my favorite part is where the sign says that these attitudes and attributes have become “normalized”. lefty is finished speaking....
Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Mugabe, Mussolini and so many other leaders of single/central/minority regimes where diversity, redistributive change, cancellation, and wicked solutions were common.
Now that is some powerful White privileged. Apparently I was born absolutely awesome. Can't say I regret it.
It seems strange to me that The National Museum of African American History and Culture would be run by white supremacists, but I've heard that they are everywhere and running everything, and yet are invisible. Must be another of those special white powers.
If what BLM says about white people was true, this would have already happened.
But it hasn't. So it isn't.
America is not founded on diversity, either racism, sexism, or other class-based classifications and color judgments. Americans stood and paid reparations in blood and treasure to conclude the original compromise, and our Posterity stands to oppose its renewal and progress.
Do you want a COVID-19 vaccine?
Then you probably want the people working on one to be perfectionists, with a sense of urgency, who worship the written word, who are objective, and who think that progress is "bigger, more."
How many people actually go to this museum? 13% of "Americans"?
It's funny because it's true.
White people who make up stuff like this don't want black people to succeed.
Civilization boiled down to is essence for you:
Whites: "DO something!"
Blacks: "What-ev."
Has to be a fraud. Black people in museums?
(Sorry. A while ago, I would have considered what I just typed to be unfair, untrue, and racist, and therefore untypeable. No more. If I am to be labeled these things no matter what I do or think or say, well, heck, then I'm all in.
Let's see how they like the world they're building.)
This reminds me that a decade or so it was a commonplace observation on the center-right that if the KKK had set out to permanently keep blacks down, they would have invented and imposed victim culture on them.
"Quantity over quality" is an affirmative action precept.
10 years ago this would have been cutting-edge humor:
Stuff White People Like
This blog is devoted to stuff that white people like
Being Excessively Early For Events, Classes, Meetings, Work, Parties, Etc
White people will frequently show up to various events 15- 35 minutes early for no reason at all. A favorite quote used to explain this phenomenon is “Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable”. What this means and why they live by this quote no one really knows, but it is a mantra that white people frequently recite to themselves every morning, as means or ensuring their timeliness to whatever function, they will be attending. In fact, this timeliness requirement extends to all areas of life, whether they are attending a social function, such as a party, where no one cares if you show up at the exact time it starts or to work, where being on time actually matters.
#99 Grammar
White people love rules. It explains why so they get upset when people cut in line, why they tip so religiously and why they become lawyers. But without a doubt, the rule system that white people love the most is grammar. It is in their blood not only to use perfect grammar but also to spend significant portions of time pointing out the errors of others.
Pretty modest amounts, but I have been regularly making contributions to the Smithsonian. I think (if that is allowed) that my contributions have been contributing to white privilege, so I guess I should stop.
roesch/voltaire:"This is all so simple and devoid of historical context."
What an odd comment coming from someone who just yesterday, just yesterday, went to bat for Crack after he claimed that whites were 300 years ahead of everyone else in the murder, rape and lying department.
But then again, as a lefty, history began anew for you this morning so you probably don't even remember doing that.
If Democrats want to defund the police, let's defund the Capitol Police first and see how it works out.
William said...
That first list, in my case anyway, is more aspirational than real. The second catalog is flat out objectionable and wrong.
interesting 0 I see both to be aspirational.
i.e if one does not start out offended or on the defensive.
if the list is ascribed to anyone the best response would be "thanks for the compliment."
and say : everyone should complement their character traits with the list items.
I think my favorite part is where the sign says that these attitudes and attributes have become “normalized”.
Assimilation and integration into a first-world civilization. The same thing is happening throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, too, Australia, and Antarctica? slowly but surely.
Being white does mean you have not faced hardships or oppression based on the color of your skin.
I can tell you that being short, fat, and ugly doesn't help either.
Being black is just one more thing. Get over yourselves.
David Begley,
It is indistinguishable from satire. For some reason, the Left has decided to make their positions impossible to parody. Where would one start?
roesch/voltaire continues to believe historical context matters?
Dear God, Man! Have you gone 'round the bend?
When the pitchforks and torches come to your neighborhood, I hope you realize at your last breath that you shouldn't have betrayed liberal ideals.
But I hope you realize it too late.
A long time ago I drove a cab in Phoenix, Az. When I was new, I got alot of advice from both white and black drivers. They all said, "if you get a fare to Buckeye Rd (the ghetto), get the money up front. Hyeah, like I'm gonna do that, you racists. So I get a fare to Buckeye. A good fare...$15. I have a nice conversation with the fare, a black guy, and we we get to Buckeye Rd. I'm turning the corner, and the rear door opens up, and the guy jumps out! The guy loses his footing and smacks his head on the curb. I'm so naive, that I am seriously concerned about this guy 'falling' out of the cab and hitting his head on the curb. I come to a screeching stop. The guy gets up and starts running. I'm sitting in the cab, dumbfounded by this poor guy who fell out of the cab! Then I realize, man, that guy is running fast. Then I saw that $15 fare just vaporized. When I got back to Downtown Phoenix, I told my tale of woe to the guys at the cabstand. They laughed and laughed. From then on, I got the money up front.
I'm sure glad I retired 3 months ago and my kids are grown so I no longer have to be most of those despicable things.
Have you ever noticed Bagoh20 never gives a source for his crazy claims?
He just claims shit and then runs with his crazy theories.
Gawd, I LOVE that Aspects and Assumptions graphic. It encapsulates reasons for the success of Western Civilization, and its implied opposite, id est "Blackness", explains the squalor, chaos, poverty, and general shitholery of every civil institution dominated by non-whites -- Baltimore, Southside Chicago, Memphis, the entire African continent.
"If you subscribe to these values, you will succeed regardless of skin color” is white supremacism. So we are going to create a culture that will be as successful without depending on hard work, punctuality, the intellectualization of challenges, etc. Just watch.
The worst one is “individuality” Only in a collective where our betters do the thinking for us and we just shut up and do as we are told can we find true happiness. But it’s not slavery because we won’t call it that. Some people think that slavery is the complete denial of the individual will. “Whatever you may want to do today, and with your life, doesn’t matter, today and for the rest of your life you will pick cotton” Sure, that’s slavery, but “Whatever you want to do today, and with your life doesn’t matter, you must submit to the will of the collective as expressed through the latest maximum leader” is clearly not even remotely related to slavery. Because we will have commissars, not overseers.
Anybody ever seen a documentary on ChiCom cotton fields? I haven’t. I bet they are a shining exemplar of the higher order of life that is planned for us all. The best part is that the artists are all behind this, and when it succeeds, they are hoping that they might be one of the lucky ones with a government license to make art! As long as all content is approved by representatives of the maximum leader, of course.
Doorman at Vogue HQ is FIRED after 'racially profiling' editor Edward Enninful by refusing him entry to his own office - then directing him to the service entrance
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury,...
""Florida department of health exposed for massively overreporting positive COVID-19 cases”
This is probably true, but I have friends working in medicine down there, most of my friends work in medicine, and it’s pretty bad down there. Not NYC in April bad, but pretty bad. I don’t believe media reports out of Florida because there seems to be a media campaign to get DeSantis defeated in the next election while covering for Cuomo. Our media is worse than useless in this crisis.
Red Bull fires top US executives as 'retaliation' for 'leaking internal documents showing employees are furious at the company's failure to address Black Lives Matter'
A third executive, head of global culture marketing Florian Klaass, has also left the energy drink brand after she allegedly approved a 'racist' slide shown in a meeting
Because white people always have racist slides around.
They're the ONLY people in America who KEEP racist slides around - just in case they need to prove how non-racist they are.
Doorman at Vogue HQ is FIRED after 'racially profiling' editor Edward Enninful by refusing him entry to his own office - then directing him to the service entrance
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury,...
Moment Bradford City footballer Ben Richards-Everton is handcuffed by police while officers search his new Range Rover for 'drugs and firearms' - now he plans to take legal action
He had his new car for all of 3 weeks.
From what I remember, Meade agrees with me on this shit, so I'll stop here and not belabor the point.
"I wonder if there is a similar stereotype of African Americans hanging nearby."
Say that were true. What would that poster say, with all the high ground already claimed?
I mean, the way I think Inga is interpreting the poster is, "This is how white people see themselves," but presented from a (certain) black person's viewpoint as would befit an exhibit in a museum devoted to the black experience. So would the equivalent poster about black people be "This is how black people see themselves," also from a black person's viewpoint? And if so, what positive traits would they claim for themselves, since clearly "white" is being contrasted with "black" and therefore there can't be overlap? Or, if that equivalent poster were from a white person's viewpoint, does Inga believe it would list positive attributes in a negative light, as the actual paper does? Which ones, and how?
It was certainly nice of the National Museum of African American History and Culture to let me know that i shouldn't be bothered by Blacks Looting, Raping, Rioting and Murdering.
Now i realize, that that's Just the Way they are. Just like i believe in GOD, Country and Family; Blacks believe in Rapin' Robbin' and Rampagin' ... it's Just the way they are.
THANX National Museum of African American History and Culture!
Inga said...No one seems to have noticed the “and assumptions...” could it be that they were trying to show stereotypes and the mistake of stereotyping any race? I wonder if there is a similar stereotype of African Americans hanging nearby.
Inconceivable. That kind of sophisticated argumentation is not allowed by the braying mobs of the left. It has destroyed relationships and ended careers. There is no way whatsoever that that is what they are trying to do.
Interesting, though, that you recognize the outrageousness of this display (as evidenced by your attempt to rationalize it away). If I didn’t know you better, I’d suspect your eyes were trying to open, even if just a little.
White people will frequently show up to various events 15- 35 minutes early for no reason at all. A favorite quote used to explain this phenomenon is “Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable”
Its they way you are raised. Or for modern speak, the behavior your parents modeled. My commute was 22 minutes. Garage to desk. +15 minutes= 37 minute commute, round to the quarter hour. 7:30 start time means walking out the door at 6:30, because there may be something between my door and my desk that needs attention. Lots of people would leave 7:10 and try to make up the 2 minutes enroute. That's where road rage comes from.
This morning I have an appointment for between 8 and 9. Google says 1 hour 8 minutes. That means 7am departure. Which means I'm walking out the door in 10 minutes. 6:45. That gives me the buffer I need to arrive, at the latest, 8:30. That would exceed the person I'm meeting, who's expectation is no later than 9:00
Crack the narrative you are trying to set, probably won't work on thread where punctuality makes me a racist.
The editor not being recognized story smells a bit. Places that limit access, issue ID's. Why did the black editor not display his ID? Oh, yea, because its racist to follow protocol. Only whites follow the rules. The doorman has a civil suit all wrapped up with a bow. Denying access to the building is what the doorman is hired to do.
But here's the larger point. No matter what the white doorman does in an attempt to appease you, you will not be satisfied, so, tough shit. You no longer get the benefit of the doubt.
The last 6 weeks have demonstrated to me what blacks are all about. You get to live with the actions, and resulting reactions you encourage.
Why is Crack trying to change the subject?
We’re finally being given a definition of structural racism.
It’s the modern version of Moses coming down with the tablets.
Because white people always have racist slides around.
Oh come on. Slides are inherently racist.
Words on a screen telling you what to do?
Might as well be called WhitePowerPoint.
so, Serious Questions
Crack? Are you saying that it was BAD that the Doorman at Vogue got fired?
Crack? Are you saying that it's too bad that America don't do what they do in Britain?
Nothing in there that John C. Calhoun would disagree with. You have to hand it to the Democrats -- they've managed to completely resurrect their antebellum racial platform by throwing in some sociological language and claiming that all that "whiteness" is bad instead of good. Still, I think we all know that they are making sure that their own kids are speak English correctly and get to work on time.
The default for any slide program is a white background.
I rest my case.
You guys dug your own intellectual graves.
Because white people always have racist slides around.
It's interesting Crack thinks the existence of racist acts by some white people proves all white people are racist. But he rejects the premise that racist acts by Crack proves Crack is racist. It's almost like evidence and principles are irrelevant and he determines racism solely by who he likes and who he hates.
Might as well be called WhitePowerPoint.
I think Kevin wins.
Rick said...
" It's almost like evidence and principles are irrelevant and he determines racism solely by who he likes and who he hates."
I learned from white people.
My songs "Riot" and "Crackhouse" came out in 1992 - so I was "woke" in 1992.
Today, I'm at the a-pox-on-all-your-houses-pay-me.
It's a lot easier to live with.
BTW - here's some m ore of that racism you guys spent the last few years telling me didn't exist.
It's gay people, this time, so nobody's confused.
The Crack Emcee believes in collective guilt.
Did that sign in the museum mention individuality?
Why yes it did.
The Crack Emcee supports at least one tenet of that poster.
Trump’s Party Cannot Survive in a Multiracial Democracy
They got their 10 favorite blacks - they'll do fine.
Birkel said...
"The Crack Emcee supports at least one tenet of that poster."
And I'm wounded you feel less of me.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
BTW - here's some m ore of that racism you guys spent the last few years telling me didn't exist.
It's gay people, this time, so nobody's confused.
7/16/20, 8:41 AM
Great. You found five dollars in the gutter. It ain't gonna make you rich.
"While Red Bull employees in the US have been pressing for the company to be more vocal about racism, Red Bull's billionaire CEO Dietrich Mateschitz is a Donald Trump admirer who has spoken out against 'political correctness'.
The 76-year-old tycoon also owns a media firm which has been criticized for giving a platform to far-right activists in his native Austria.
Sources told Business Insider that Red Bull's top executives in Austria are thought to have fired Kozak and Taylor in 'retaliation' for the leak, although no official reason was given for their departure.
The letter signed by more than 300 employees had criticized the company for 'saying nothing' amid the global anti-racism protests and 'abandoning the communities we claim to support and foster in their time of greatest need'.
Both Kozak and Taylor have pushed for more diversity and inclusion but Taylor was 'met with opposition' when she called for the company to take a more public stand on racism, The Wall Street Journal reports."
A third executive, head of global culture marketing Florian Klaass, has also left after he allegedly approved a racist slide shown in a meeting earlier this year.
The leaked slide, shown at a meeting in Detroit, is said to have shown racist stereotypes from countries around the world.
Labels on the map allegedly said 'they do our laundry' on Mexico, 'they make our stuff' on China, 'evil-doers' on the Middle East with an arrow indicating 'bombs go here', and 'zoo animals come from here' on Africa.
Reports say that US employees had urged against the use of the slide but that Klaass and his team had gone ahead with it anyway.
Klaass's online profile says he is based in Austria and has worked for the company since 2006.
The slide was shown to more than 100 attendees and was meant as a serious attempt to show how Red Bull is a global organization, insiders said.
Red Bull's headquarters are in Austria where the energy drink was first sold in 1987, before it broke into the US market in the 1990s and became the dominant player by the mid-2000s.
The company's global CEO is Austrian billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz, who has an estimated fortune of $26billion and owns a private island in Fiji.
In a 2017 interview, Mateschitz expressed sympathy with Donald Trump and said the new president 'simply needs time'.
'I don't think he's as much of an idiot as he's made out to be,' he told the newspaper Kleine Zeitung at the time.
'When you speak to Americans you often hear that they're essentially happy to have a new administration. There was plenty to question about the previous one,' he said, referring to the Obama administration.
Raging at 'political correctness' and the 'intellectual elite', Mateschitz was also highly critical of Germany and Austria for opening their doors at the height of the 2015 refugee crisis.
Taking aim at those who encouraged refugees or used Angela Merkel's slogan of 'we'll manage it', he said that none of those people 'made their guest rooms available for five migrants to live in'.
Sorry Crack.
The Austrian isn't going to bow to your race hustling.
@Crack, so growing up how many other black kids did you beat the crap out of for “acting white” in school?
Raging at 'political correctness' and the 'intellectual elite', Mateschitz was also highly critical of Germany and Austria for opening their doors at the height of the 2015 refugee crisis.
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform, a cover-up of "Iraq War" 2.0 from Benghazi to Cairo to Damascus to Kiev, a trail of tears, and native dysfunction and displacement. The crisis was anti-native activism and globalist opportunity to prosecute democratic gerrymandering, redistributive change, and normalize anti-emigration reform.
"Oh come on. Slides are inherently racist. Words on a screen telling you what to do? Might as well be called WhitePowerPoint."
I am so stealing this!!
"Oh come on. Slides are inherently racist. Words on a screen telling you what to do? Might as well be called WhitePowerPoint."
I am so stealing this!!
So we are going to create a culture that will be as successful without depending on hard work, punctuality, the intellectualization of challenges, etc.
What you mean "we?" YOU are, if you withhold your vote for PDT. He is against what you are against. But you offer to make it a matter of personalities.
So we are going to create a culture that will be as successful without depending on hard work, punctuality, the intellectualization of challenges, etc.
What you mean "we?" YOU are, if you withhold your vote for PDT. He is against what you are against. But you offer to make it a matter of personalities.
(Not sure if this posted, excuse multiples)
History of racist (and sexist) slides.
And here is the "racist"/That's not funny RedBull slide.
This is an example of the left's "hold still while I hit you" strategy.
This is WHY whites have "supremacy". Anyone could get in the game...if they want to.
Y'all are horrible.
iowan2 said...
Crack the narrative you are trying to set, probably won't work on thread where punctuality makes me a racist.
The editor not being recognized story smells a bit. Places that limit access, issue ID's. Why did the black editor not display his ID?
Ah, rules are rules- and should be enforced evenly. Reminds me of an incident on the last ship I was on. Rules said everyone had to show ID as they left the ship. I was standing Quarterdeck Watch Officer and I asked the grizzly old Master Chief heading home to show his ID. "I've got it." he said. "I have to see it." So he reached into his pocket, pulled out out his wallet, and then grumbling, headed back to CPO berthing to find his ID. This was witnessed by several people. Funny thing about the aftermath of that. For the rest of the time I was onboard that vessel, I never once asked anyone to show their ID when I was standing QDOW. Everyone always had their ID out.
I have known white people, one could have called them hippies back in the day, who were not into all that striving and being on time stuff. They were broke all the time. Funny that. We are all free to choose our lifestyle, and if clubbing every night is your thing, great, but it may cut into study time or painting your house or teaching your kids to read. But you do you.
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture erases Blackness, removes "Aspects and Assumptions of White Culture" chart. "We have listened to public sentiment and have removed a chart that does not contribute to the productive discussion we had intended." They had intended to make Whiteness look bad.
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