Notice how the rippling of the lake revs up when the sun appears.
The actual sunrise time was 5:23. The sun was first visible to me over the shoreline at 5:25. I'd been waiting and waiting, and I got the idea that if I took a long slow breath, the sun might appear before I got to the end of it. And it did!
Open thread in the comments.
And here's the Amazon portal.
६२ टिप्पण्या:
Inspiring pic taken while inspiring. Love the pure beauty captured in this one.
Now they are singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic at the base of Mount Rushmore.
What an absolute nightmare for the Althouse democrats.
I feel worst for ARM.
As if American's proudly singing songs of pride about the United States of America wasn't enough, ARM's Beloved Dear Leader, Xi, is not handling the a**-whooping Trump is laying on him very well vis a vis Xi's commie pals:
"China's Economy Is In Deep Trouble
It is evident that China will not have, as analysts had once predicted, a V-shaped recovery. An L-shaped one—a long-drawn-out climb out of a hole—is more like it. And that spells trouble for Xi Jinping."
May 27, 2020
This is one of the reasons Xi has pulled the trigger on all the assets he has created in the US media and corporate world to go to battlestations against Trump.
"Notice how the rippling of the lake revs up when the sun appears."
My experience on hunting stands is that as the sun creeps over the horizon the air begins to move. The timing I've witnessed matches what you saw in the ripples. It is also my experience that as the air begins to move it chills you to your bones.
“I’m Joe Biden’s husband. Joe Biden.” - Joe Biden, 7/3/2020
Of course, Pudding Head never corrected himself because he didn't even know where he was.
Marine One landed safely at Mt Rushmore. The protesting Sioux Indians have decided that he was accompanied by stronger forces than Gen. Custer and have skedaddled.
Loaded my magazines for the AR 15. Including the 30 round mag.
Never know when ARM might show up at my drive way.
Shooting range is open.
We will become a post-racist country when we are safe to use non-white people groups as part of our sports names rather than only white racial group names. Out: Indians and Redskins. Safe: Vikings, Padres(?), Yankees, Pirates. Only when we are able to proudly name our teams after minority groups will we be able to wipe the white supremacy stain away.
"Grandpa, why aren't any of our teams named after fierce warriors of minority groups?"
"Well, boy, that's because this is a racist nation and we only have pride in white warrior groups."
More of that civility
"Marine One landed safely at Mt Rushmore."
The terrible 48 MPH downdraft did not kill too many Native American martyrs.
I was struck how baden powell incorporates ashanti rituals into the scouts.
See it while you can, America's history, before it's gone.
Went to Gettysburg last weekend. Walked the field northwest of the town along Chambersburg Pike toward Seminary Ridge the first day before going over to the visitor's center which is now open.
Started the next morning at Culp's Hill on the northeast right of the Union line, then tried following the map to the Wheat Field and the Peach Orchard, wanting to go chronologically. Too many one-way roads kept me from getting to the Devil's Den, so I hit Little Round Top on the south left of the Union line first. The area of the 20th Maine is much smaller than I imagined - I thought the approach of the Confederate attack was much longer, but it could not have been because Big Round Top is right next to it. There were huge boulders in the way too. The top of the hill gave you an excellent view of the overall field though. From there I was able to hit Devil's Den and saw this even huger boulder perched precariously on a couple others. Imagine the force of the glacier or flood water that was needed to put it up there.
Next it was a long drive around the north over to the Confederate line. The Robert E. Lee on Traveler statue is still there . . . for now. Walking the one-mile field of Picket's Charge only took me about 20 minutes, a little less than the soldiers who did it. But it was around the same time of day as they, and it was a hot sun. I had thought there were more dips in the ground that would have provided some cover, but nope.
What an insane attack. Especially after the experience in reverse at Fredericksburg, where I went a few weeks ago. Over a mile of open ground to cross, much of it under fire. It's amazing that some of the men did get to the Union line and even turned a few cannon, but there was no way that enough of them were going to be able to get there and have strength enough to overcome the men in blue. So it was another 20-minute walk back.
Some think that Lee got overconfident in ordering the attack on the Union center. I think it was a case of desperation. He had to think that it was now or never.
General Lee, the tragic figure who loved the Union, opposed secession, was not a supporter of slavery, but could not abide federal troops attacking his home state. A man who worked for reconciliation after the war, instead of continued rebellion like some people wanted. And for that trouble of seeking reconciliation, Lee is hated by the mob today. The mob who would have people fight never-ending wars, who hold Lincoln's words, "with malice toward none, with justice for all," with contempt.
Finally a visit to the honored dead.
See it while you can. It might not be here for long.
Wow! DJT did it again. Another Presidential Speech finally reaching immortal greatness. Cannot see Biden doing that a thousandth as good.
Over/Under on the chances Howard's Heroes demand the New England Patriots be renamed the "Che's"?
It was nice that trump tonight talked a bit about the treatment of native Americans during the growth of our country. I wasn’t expecting that.
Ann, are you using your phone camera for these? They’re excellent.
Scott Adams
'Defund the Police' mural changed to 'Defend the Police' outside Milwaukee City Hall https://fxn.ws/2NUy7sx #FoxNews
What a great speech! Maybe his best.
Can anyone here imagine Biden giving a speech like that?
Drago said...I’m Joe Biden’s husband. Joe Biden.” - Joe Biden, 7/3/2020
So..even if you vote in "the other Biden", he gets a seat at the table.
Guvment pudding!
Is there anything in the world more racist than a fireworks display at Mount Rushmore? I can't think of a single one.
Idiocracy recast as horror film.
American Hall of Fame. I like it.
Trumps Rushmore speech, re miseducation, is precisely what I have been saying for many years. Quite a shock to me, as it's never been put that way by a major politician.
Its about time this was out in the open.
Moderation will release this comment several hours later.
maybe we should take a knee
... during the Black National Anthem
Michael K said...
Loaded my magazines for the AR 15. Including the 30 round mag.
Never know when ARM might show up at my drive way.
If possible, employ fire. Or surgical instruments, of course.
Bob Kraft, Trump supporter and Mar a Lago Happy Ending customer is considering changing the name to American Cosplaytriats after the hero's of the grand old obesity army of the opioid nation. The short pudgy "boutique Attorney", AKA Mizzou Mark waving his AR around will be the mascot.
I am willing to compromise. Ban the sale of guns, hydroxychloroquine, and statues to Democrats.
I was accosted by a man for not wearing a mask.
M wife and I were picking up takeout for us and the kids. We got out of our car, walked across the street to the teriyaki counter. As I held the door for her, I heard someone scream, I mean SCREAM: Where’s your mask??!?!? It’s the LAW!
My response was less than graceful. I flipped him off and went into the teriyaki place.
When we came out, we engaged in an uneasy dialogue:
He: you’re supposed to wear a mask
Me: (pointing at all the gawking maskless people on the street)
He: but they’re not INSIDE!
Me: What are you doing, sitting in your car and looking for people to yell at?
He: I am calling 911 (dialing)
Me: I don’t care, asshole
He: I know you don’t
As we got into our car and drive away, he got out and tried to get a picture of license plate for the SWAT team. That was about it, but it was very disturbing. My wife, who is from the former Soviet Union, was very upset. I told her that civility is over in American culture (civility bullshit!) and that we pretty much hate each other.
I have mainly been pondering this guy and his end game. What was he hoping to achieve. His hyper aggressive attitude was not meant to win me over. In fact, I was physically and mentally prepared for an altercation. Was he trying to shame me somehow into putting on a mask, or hoping to gin up a mov reaponse? I don’t know. If he had approached me reasonably, we might have communicated, but all we did as alienate each other.
I told my wife we are in a low-grade civil war, and that I need to get some more ammo.
I was accosted by a man for not wearing a mask.
M wife and I were picking up takeout for us and the kids. We got out of our car, walked across the street to the teriyaki counter. As I held the door for her, I heard someone scream, I mean SCREAM: Where’s your mask??!?!? It’s the LAW!
My response was less than graceful. I flipped him off and went into the teriyaki place.
When we came out, we engaged in an uneasy dialogue:
He: you’re supposed to wear a mask
Me: (pointing at all the gawking maskless people on the street)
He: but they’re not INSIDE!
Me: What are you doing, sitting in your car and looking for people to yell at?
He: I am calling 911 (dialing)
Me: I don’t care, asshole
He: I know you don’t
As we got into our car and drive away, he got out and tried to get a picture of license plate for the SWAT team. That was about it, but it was very disturbing. My wife, who is from the former Soviet Union, was very upset. I told her that civility is over in American culture (civility bullshit!) and that we pretty much hate each other.
I have mainly been pondering this guy and his end game. What was he hoping to achieve. His hyper aggressive attitude was not meant to win me over. In fact, I was physically and mentally prepared for an altercation. Was he trying to shame me somehow into putting on a mask, or hoping to gin up a mov reaponse? I don’t know. If he had approached me reasonably, we might have communicated, but all we did as alienate each other.
I told my wife we are in a low-grade civil war, and that I need to get some more ammo.
The Google Doodle for July 4, 2020 is a black rectangle in tribute to BLM, Inc. which is a Marxist terrorist organization.
We are indeed in a low grade culture war.
"Loaded my magazines for the AR 15. Including the 30 round mag.
Never know when ARM might show up at my drive way."
Joking about shooting other commenter.
Moderation is a joke here, as is civility.
Althouse, your blog has fallen a lot in quality if this is what passes as intelligent discussion here.
Pathetic. Get some cajones and ban the thugs.
Mark, put on your big boy pants and stop with the faux moral superiority. First off nobody said anything about shooting. Prudent preparation, is not a threat.
In that vein, I see the couple in St Louis that the DA was investigating for breaking the law and standing in their yard with their legal fire arms, has now become the couple stripped of their rights. They now have armed security standing outside with legal fire arms.
So the 2cnd amendment applies to hired guns, but not citizens. Maybe a person with knowledge of the constitution can explain this contradiction.
General Lee, the tragic figure who loved the Union, opposed secession, was not a supporter of slavery, but could not abide federal troops attacking his home state. A man who worked for reconciliation after the war, instead of continued rebellion like some people wanted
These nitwit thugs and rioters have no concept of the Nations founding.
This union, its union created by the constitution was not an overwhelming popular proposition. LOTS of people held a deep fear of a centralized, all powerful federal government. That is why the federal govt was created to be subservient to the STATES, and the people. The federal government had only a few, enumerated, strictly defined powers. ALL the people of this new nation, were very committed to their STATE, not the nation. So the civil war was as much about states preventing the federal government from encroaching on the power of the STATES as it was about slavery. A slippery slope...they were prescient.
Alas the radiating ignorance of leftist is an old story.
Once I read this tweet, I think I have had my fill of Twitter for today.
It’s both really funny, and, seeing it through the lens of being a parent of a millennial, it’s kind of sad.
Then Njall posts his submission to “Am I the asshole.” Sure, the other guy was wrong to react if he reacted the way you describe, but you are really proving that you would have been right there with George Washington at Valley Forge by not wearing a mask! Kudos to you!
But I guess explaining to the low IQ set that this is about probabilities, and everything we can do to reduce the probability of the disease spreading, however imperfect that might be, hastens the day that we are past this, is a bit too far. Any country full of overgrown children who drive around on motorcycles without mufflers as a major pastime, is never going to understand any reality more complicated than “I want I want I want”
That’s what this pandemic has taught me. And it’s not just Republicans by any means. The Democrats I know are just as bad, except they pay lip service to the rules they ignore, because they believe that they are smart enough that the rules are not for them. The whole pitch of the Democrat party is that you are constantly reassured that pulling the lever for them makes you automatically smart and not racist.
Republicans use denial mostly, and Democrats use scapegoating, but their behavior is pretty much exactly the same.
Pathetic. Get some cajones and ban the thugs.
You first, lefty Mark.
I was accosted by a man for not wearing a mask.
I wonder if that was lefty Mark? Sounds like him. I have been very disappointed with Ducey, the AZ Governor, for feeding this hysteria.
And for that trouble of seeking reconciliation, Lee is hated by the mob today. The mob who would have people fight never-ending wars, who hold Lincoln's words, "with malice toward none, with justice for all," with contempt.
The Mob that knows no history and that thinks its education in Gender Studies places them above policemen, many of whom do have college educations. My brother in law has a Masters.
There is more truth in this article than in all the media's propaganda.
Mark (the commie one) "Pathetic. Get some cajones and ban the thugs."
Mark (the commie one) is a fool and a pussy, which is why he needs help from Mommy to make the mean man go away.
Tim in Vermont.
I hardly think walking into a take out place for less than five minutes without a mask is risking anything. That's the problem with the mask crazies. They think the mask is some talisman when it's not. Is it going to help? Probably. But unless njall went in there and coughed and sneezed on everything, there's no reason to think he could have affected anyone in that store. He wasn't there long enough.
iowan2 said...
“So the civil war was as much about states preventing the federal government from encroaching on the power of the STATES as it was about slavery.”
Except that all the changes between the US Constitution and that of the CSA had to do solely with slavery and not with federalism.
Well, since it is now ok to say things like this here:
Loaded my magazines for the AR 15. Including the 30 round mag.
Never know when Ann might show up on the trail behind my property.
Shooting range is open.
--- No explicit threat made, just like Michael K. Somehow I doubt this comment will make it past the moderation.
Mark (the commie one) "Well, since it is now ok to say things like this here"
It's never going to be ok to say "this here" on the Althouse blog. It's too hick.
Lefty Mark seems to be having a hard time this morning. Happy Independence Day, lefty Mark !
“I am willing to compromise. Ban the sale of guns, hydroxychloroquine, and statues to Democrats.”
I am not. We get the guns and hydroxychloroquine. They can have whatever statutes they can build.
“Loaded my magazines for the AR 15. Including the 30 round mag.”
I originally thought that this was odd for you. But the more I thought of it, the more it made sense. What better way to celebrate the 4th of July? I will follow suit. Got a lot of ammo in the garage, and recently bought another 10 magazines.
But I wanted to point out that you no longer live in CA. That means that you should replace all of your AR-15 magazines with regular capacity 30 rounders, and save the minimum capacity magazines for your kids who still live in commie states like CA. Normally Magpul Mod 3 magazines run for maybe $13-15 or so, but last year I found some white ones for about $10. Mod 2 are fine, and a Couple bucks cheaper. Keep in mind that they are used by many in our military, in combat, out of choice. The 10 magazines I bought recently in CdA were a lesser known brand, and consequently cheaper, but I was assured by the older guy behind the counter that they were just as good, and he uses them himself. I will try them out, but mostly I figure that they are backups. My point is that buying a dozen 30 round magazines is not that expensive, nor is filling them. I have more problems finding room to store them. I just wish that handgun magazines were as cheap.
"...everything we can do to reduce the probability of the disease spreading, ... hastens the day that we are past this..."
Does it? Seems just as likely that the slower the disease spreads, the longer it persists in the population.
“ --- No explicit threat made, just like Michael K. Somehow I doubt this comment will make it past the moderation.”
Silly you. I suspect that few others saw this as a threat, but rather a celebration of our independence. A bit over a year earlier, maybe a battalion sized British military unit was dispatched in the middle of the night from Boston, to seize arms, and in a particular powder, shot, and cannon, from the town arsenals in nearby Lexington and Concord. They were initially met by a small contingent of older militia members, several of whom were quickly executed by the British regulars (and marines). The militias from nearby towns filtered in throughout the mornings, until they had the numbers to stop the British, then ultimately put them to flight, until the fleeing British were met by a relieving force dispatched from Boston, at which time, their retreat became orderly. Meanwhile, militia members continued to filter in, and by the next morning, included contingents from several surrounding states. These town militias would go on and form the nucleus of Washington’s Colonial Army, that ultimately bought our freedom from the British with their blood.
A Glorious (and well-armed if that's your pleasure) Fourth to all!
I was a bit disappointed on my first walk this morning that there were so few flags out. There are BLM and Ahmaud/George/Breeona signs on maybe 5% - 10% of the yards in my very middle-class and largely white neighborhood, and not necessarily displayed by Black and minority homeowners either.
Mark (the one with a profile) mentions Gettysburg, a field I've visited many times.
About twenty-five years ago I was active on a ACWABAWS newsgroup and made some friends, one of whom led an effort to erect a statue of James Longstreet there. He actually made it happen, without any help from me: I told him outright 1) I didn't really care that Longstreet had no statue at Gettysburg, 2) anything affordable would be pretty awful looking, and 3) there was no reason to assume that it would be there in a few years.
About 2003 I was at Gettysburg and there it was. See what you think.
"Longstreet Statue Gettysburg" -- just google
“Except that all the changes between the US Constitution and that of the CSA had to do solely with slavery and not with federalism.”
Not really. The 14th Amdt effectively made the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights applicable to the governments of the various states. Regardless of the rational, the states, north and south, came out of the Civil War much weaker, in comparison to the federal government, than they were going into it.
The CSA presidential term was six years, IIRC, and that's naught to do with slavery that I can see. The CS constitution drops the phrase "general welfare," OTOH it doesn't weasel about slaves and slavery (neither of which appear in the USC).
As for States Rights, that was not the issue people take it for. Cases like Dred Scott were not actually about the rights of states at all, but the rights of Slaveholders and their slaves.
And the CS government was the most intrusive and overweening national government ever to exist in North America. The first conscription was in the CSA; the CSG made wholesale confiscations of the property of 'disloyal' citizens and exiled and imprisoned many thousands without legal process; the CSG issued massive of amounts of worthless paper money, and levied taxes by arbitrary edict.
Even in the remote event the CSA won independence, it would have been a centralized, militaristic Herrenvolk Democracy (with emphasis on the Herrenvolk).
And nobody would want to come here
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Joking about shooting other commenter."
What is the commenter doing in the other commenter's driveway?
Poor lefty Mark. He will never know the fun of shooting at targets. My comment about ARM was a joke about how crazy he seems to be getting. There is small risk of Tucson lefties coming up the hill as we are about 1500 feet above the U where all the agitation is. The lunatic Mayor is spending city funds on BLM signs when a lot of us would prefer spending on Oracle Blvd pavement.
We had the bighorn fire behind the house and could see the flames for a few days. I might give some thought to more 30 round magazines. I keep the smaller ones for the range where I can keep track of how many rounds. My son in CA has two AR 15s he bought, just before the ban. He is looking for a place to retire and I'm sure gun laws are not being ignored.
My artsy daughter who has the land in Idaho is starting to get antsy about violence in Santa Monica. I don't talk politics with her but she might be over her Bernie voter stage. She wanted to know if I had another gun for her. I could see her and her husband in Sand Point, ID with a small gallery. He is a sculptor and doing well with online sales.
Back a few, or maybe just a little more than a few, years ago when I water skied and surfed, I much preferred the water to be slightly rippled exactly as pictured in the second picture. If you wanted this water condition you went out early in the morning or late in the afternoon just before evening.
I grew up in southern California spending almost all of my teen years 1963-1979 surfing up and down the California coast and when not surfing on water skis. I used to go to my home room class in high school, which was my first class, with my wet suit under my T-shirt, and my surf board, a 9'8" custom Randel that could handle any surf from Seal Beach jetty to San Onofre to Trestles, on my car sitting just outside the school parking lot.
Just typing this while looking at your second picture actually brought tears to my eyes and I actually sobbed for a second.
Funny, I seem to remember things from my youth so much clearly now that I have reached the age of 70. Ha! Just typing that made me laugh. Oh how I pine for my youth...NOT, I'm lucky I'm not dead yet with all the shit I pulled!
Tim in vermont:
But I guess explaining to the low IQ set that this is about probabilities, and everything we can do to reduce the probability of the disease spreading, however imperfect that might be, hastens the day that we are past this, is a bit too far. Any country full of overgrown children who drive around on motorcycles without mufflers as a major pastime, is never going to understand any reality more complicated than “I want I want I want”
What a stupid rant.
Who has the legal authority to make these "rules" you speak of? Since when are Americans "ruled" by....rules, rather than legislation and lawful regulation?
Can you or anyone else offer a scintilla of scientific evidence to support that wearing masks, especially outdoors, reduces ANY probability of infecting oneself or others of this virus?
Have you not seen the specs of the masks that people are "ruled" to wear, that they are not even designed to stop particles the size of a virus?
As for the "everything we can do", you've just wandered into the "if we can save just one life" territory, where emotion crushes rationality.
YOU are the low-IQ guy here.
@ Bruce Hayden:
I have an Order to Pay from the Treasurer of Hartford CT, dated July 3, 1775 to pay 67 pounds, 16 shillings to Capt. Johnathan Wells and company "who marched for relief of Boston in the Alarm last April".
One of the signatures on the document is that of Oliver Ellsworth, author of the "Connecticut Compromise" establishing the composition of the House and Senate in the Constitution.
(July 3, 1775 was the day George Washington took command of the newly-formed Continental Army on Radcliffe Common in Cambridge.)
Pretty cool.
I see the moderators have taken the day off.
Bruce Hayden you may have read that too quick or I wrote it too fast. I am advocating gun control for Democrats. They want it and they need it. I think the last Republican guilty of a gun crime was Jerry Lee Lewis.
“Why aren’t you wearing a mask?”
“This is a mask.”
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