“The current situation in Portland is a telling example. Every night for the past two months, a mob of hundreds of rioters has laid siege to the federal courthouse and other nearby federal property. The rioters arrive equipped for a fight, armed with powerful slingshots, tasers, sledgehammers, saws, knives, rifles, and explosive devices. Inside the courthouse are a relatively small number of federal law enforcement personnel charged with a defensive mission: to protect the courthouse, home to Article III federal judges, from being overrun and destroyed.
What unfolds nightly around the courthouse cannot reasonably be called a protest; it is, by any objective measure, an assault on the Government of the United States. In recent nights, rioters have barricaded the front door of the courthouse, pried plywood off the windows with crowbars, and thrown commercial-grade fireworks into the building in an apparent attempt to burn it down with federal personnel inside. The rioters have started fires outside the building, and then systematically attacked federal law enforcement officers who attempt to put them out—for example, by pelting the officers with rocks, frozen water bottles, cans of food, and balloons filled with fecal matter. A recent video showed a mob enthusiastically beating a Deputy U.S. Marshal who was trying to protect the courthouse – a property of the United States government funded by this Congress – from further destruction. A number of federal officers have been injured, including one severely burned by a mortar-style firework and three who have suffered serious eye injuries and may be permanently blind. Largely absent from these scenes of destruction are even superficial attempts by the rioters to connect their actions to George Floyd’s death or any legitimate call for reform. Nor could such brazen acts of lawlessness plausibly be justified by a concern that police officers in Minnesota or elsewhere defied the law. Remarkably, the response from many in the media and local elected offices to this organized assault has been to blame the federal government. To state what should be obvious, peaceful protesters do not throw explosives into federal courthouses, tear down plywood with crowbars, or launch fecal matter at federal officers. Such acts are in fact federal crimes under statutes enacted by this Congress. As elected officials of the federal government, every Member of this Committee – regardless of your political views or your feelings about the Trump Administration – should condemn violence against federal officers and destruction of federal property.”
From William Barr’s opening statement before the House Judiciary Committee today.
७४ टिप्पण्या:
Democrats are China. China is asshole.
It's a great opening statement. I watched a bit of the whole thing and of course none of the Congressfolk could come up with a valid option to stop this insanity.
Congress should do something they haven't done in a very long time -- declare war -- on the protestors.
Re: A.G. Barr's statement
I mean, fuckin' duh!
Except, course, you're talking about House Democrats, a sizable number of which really seem to have room temperature IQs.
"As elected officials of the federal government, every Member of this Committee – regardless of your political views or your feelings about the Trump Administration – should condemn violence against federal officers and destruction of federal property.”
Has any Dem done this yet? If not, what does that tell us about actual Dem priorities?
Have you no shame? At long last, sir, have you no shame?
Sadly, I suspect they don't.
In my neck of the woods the papers see only "protesters", no mention of riots at all!
Dems ask Barr a question, then dont let him answer:
"Reclaiming My Time, Mr. Barr!!" Mash-up video
declare war -- on the protestors.
Interesting idea but I'm not sure Congress needs to declare war. Obama taught us the president can order a drone killing of US citizens -- even minors.
Maybe Trump could order a few drone missile strikes on the people employing terror tactics. No way the Dems would object since St. Barak blessed that tactic.
Barr should have suggested they move the testimony to the Portland federal courthouse if the “protesters” are so peaceful.
The George Flyod cause was idiotic as well.
Or how Donald Trump lost our hostess.
Well gollee! You attack federal property---like say the Harper's Ferry Armory--and guess who will show up--and hang you. Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson; Jeb Stuart--all representing the United States Army pre Civil war. I dunno---is it time for history to repeat itself?
About the only time the Democrats let him speak. It seems they knew they were overmatched so the strategy was to not let him answer...
Bomber identified by 4chan through review grandma made for vest she bought him as protest apparel. Link has a link to 4chan. Those guys kinda crazy.Oh, link to vid of naked protester at 4chan also.
"Reclaiming my time!" whenever Barr dared to offer an answer to the Democrat's purported question. Barr did well not to lose his temper, I am not that strong, and he allowed them to indict themselves with their ridiculous, emotional outburts.
so, wait a minute;
is it the boogaloo bois, or the Hell's Angels that are doing this in Portland
i keep forgetting
Trump the super-stable-genius-evil-doer mesmerized them into idiotic behavior so he can avoid having to martial law the nation on 11/3
This is a "hearing"; the public gets to hear congress-critters ask very long questions. The expert witness brought in, however, is less important. The time claimed is for the congress-critter, and more questions. Questions, questions, questions...
Expert answers -- or even opinions, conjectures, disagreements, or lectures -- are not the point of the "hearing".
"Commissioner @JoAnnPDX and I are calling for an immediate meeting with Department of Homeland Security leadership on the ground in Portland and with Acting Secretary @DHS_Wolf to discuss a cease-fire and the removal of heightened federal forces from Portland."
"Ceasefire" for a peaceful protest?
Is Wheeler representing the rioters
How does he intend to ensure the rioters will uphold their end?
He and Pompeo are Trump's best picks. Also Grenell. Trump Grenell 2020.
stevew said...
Barr did well not to lose his temper, I am not that strong
I am certainly not anywhere near that strong. The Democrats on the committee were lying, bloviating fools who made Inga, Howard and ARM proud.
I always hold out hope for Cookie because he is a truly devoted socialist and not one of those phonies.
WASHINGTON — Journalists and legal observers covering protests in Portland, Oregon, say federal law enforcement officers have shot at them, maced them, and forced them to move, in violation of a federal judge's order.
Lawyers for the journalists and legal observers are asking Simon to hold the US Department of Homeland Security and the US Marshals Service in contempt of court. They want [Judge]Simon to prohibit any federal agent who violates the temporary restraining order (TRO) from being involved in "armed operations" in Oregon; to consider a "complete ban" on the use of lethal or "less lethal" weapons by federal officers; and to order senior Trump administration officials, including acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf and senior DHS official Ken Cuccinelli, to appear in court and explain why they shouldn't face sanctions.
"Every day it has existed, federal agents have intentionally violated the Court’s TRO. As a result of the federal agents’ defiance of the Court’s order, the free press remains unsafe while trying to document and observe the cataclysmic violence that federal authorities are inflicting on Portland. The federal agents — and their commanders, whom the Court ordered to be notified of the TRO — are not above the law," lawyers representing the journalists and legal observers wrote.
Billy Barr would deny that he knows anything about the defiance of a court order in Portland or in Trump's disregard of the Supreme Court decision to uphold existing DACA legislation.
There's no evidence the protests were hijacked. Support from protest leaders, media, local politicians and law enforcement leadership suggests the violence and rioting was intended to accompany the protests all along. In particular referring the violent rioters as both protesters and "mostly peaceful" demonstrate the motivation to protect the violent.
The George Flyod cause was idiotic as well.
Another false lead for a civil rights industry that progressed and liberalized from its course.
Grenell... "I’m stronger after cancer. my dog runs my life. imperfect follower of Christ."
He sounds like a rational, reasonable fellow.
What a sham. Call a witness to testify and then refuse to let him talk. Marx would be proud. "Show hearing" "Kangaroo testimony" whatever euphemism you want, it displayed Democrats as the idiot scum we all thought they were.
At least Barr has reason never to respond to a request to appear, and to ignore a subpoena if issued. After Kavanaugh, and shampeachment, Democrats are revealed to be 12 year old retards. That might be giving way too much credit.
"Barr did well not to lose his temper"
He did call Nadler a "class act" when he wouldn't allow Barr a bathroom break.
Barr's statement is written in paragraphs.
As Insty is fond of saying...
Worst Political Class Ever!
These people bring shame upon us all.
"Democrats are revealed to be 12 year old retards. That might be giving way too much credit.
Not sure about credit, but that's kind of unfair to 12 year old retards, don't you think?
How do you look upon the clowns and corrupt a-holes that make up the current D-party and not cry.
They are pathetic, corrupt, vile and deserving of a shove out the door.
"in that hearing you witnessed people whose salaries you pay, accuse a man of murder and treason - then refuse to let him speak or defend himself. you think the unbending mob on the street is worse? no, this is. and it's coming for you."
"Ceasefire" for a peaceful protest?
Is Wheeler representing the rioters
How does he intend to ensure the rioters will uphold their end?"
Yeah that was my immediate reaction too. Mayor Wheeler presumes he can speak for the rioters so a ceasefire is possible. That's seems unlikely. Hard pass. Lets keep feds there until city police removes rioters trying to burn down the courthouse. How about that?
Today's hearing was a shitshow for the democrat's I'm happy to say. Even lefty WASH DC dem lawyers panned it on twitter real time as "ineffective" and "disappointing".
I see the top law-enforcement official in America chose to spread the horrible meme that Antifa is “heavily represented in the recent riots.”
Barr is the boss!
The House Judiciary Democrats are the dumbest assholes the country has seen in decades.
What is a legitimate protest?
If Trump is going to do the time he might as well commit the crime. He should have Capitol Hill surrounded by tanks, have every Democrat in Congress and in the DC government shot. Then repeat in every major Blue City and State. Then he will honestly earn the title of dictator.
Journalists and legal observers covering protests in Portland, Oregon, say
Well there's your problem right there, gadfly.
As for me, I know that the federal LEOs are not using lethal ammunition. No zipped up body bags.
It's minute or two until midnight. And the hands of the clock are speeding up and foreshortening time.
In spite of the phony polls showing such a massive lead for Sleepy Joe, the conduct of the bug-eyed lefties is anything but confident and assured. To the contrary, their screeching stupid lies and frantic attacks smell to me like l'air du losers whose internal polling tells a story of pending loss.
- Krumhorn
Good for AG Barr. He clearly states what's obvious to all but the most-severely afflicted TDS folk. He calls it what it is, not what it's not. And he calls "this Congress" to account. Media, leftists, libs, and Dems (truly redundant phrasing), in their ongoing NewSpeak exercise, would prefer to use the word "protest" instead of "riot," much like "terrorists" are nothing more than "suicide bombers."
It's the violent rioters what got things rolling. The 'peaceful' protests came after...
The House Dems want the federal courthouse to be destroyed. Think about that.
How can you even think that after watching the clown show which was the democrat party acting like fools yesterday on TV?? You wonder why rioters are rioting?? Look at the Democrats who are fueling the hate....It is embarrassing that these people run our country.
I liked it when he brought up the Capitol- what would you do if they came to paint it?
Yesterday was interesting because, while I'm used to Congress people grandstanding, I don't think I've ever seen them ask questions and then yell "reclaiming my time!!" when the witness tried to answer. It was an obvious strategy.
Barr was accused of murder, anti-Americanism, and perjury. Yet these Dems probably all will say Trump is out of control with his tweets.
I thought the Kavanaugh hearings were the Democrats' lowest point, but yesterday was even worse. All of the Democrat Representatives on the committee were rude, nasty, dishonest and vile. There is not a single one of them that I have any respect for, at all. Not one.
"What is a legitimate protest?"
The type mentioned in the Constitution.
Its obvious Pelosi coordinated the Dems on the committee(Nadlers a figure head) to refuse any attempt by Barr to speak. The disparity in intelligence is stunning. Barrs ability to pierce the lying narrative of the dems, is a beauty to behold. Democrats were smart enough to understand Barr, allowed to cite applicable jurisdictional powers and controlling law, would ruin their narrative.
The use of hollow-point rounds from officer's side-arms and the tumbling .223 projectiles from rifles/carbines (Volley fire as needed) will allow the greatly endangered offices to effectively exercise their legal right to defend against "a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm".
I have two suggestions.
Stop believing anything the media is reporting. All of them. Not just the usual suspects but the anti-cop idiots seeded throughout the Right, almost universally funded by the Koch foundations, such as the leftitarian dolts at Reason and their peers, whose ability to appeal to gadfly intellectual 'independent thinkers' just betrays exactly how easy it is to distract the fantasy baseball crowd. The degree to which the MSM has surrendered their newsrooms to fascist agitators while the online hobby contrarians have surrendered their own lying eyes would make Walter Duranty blush.
Read the post and commentary at Second City Cop about the suicide of exempt Dion Boyd, a gentle and well-liked cop supervisor (rare thing for exempts) in Chicago. Police are killing themselves at record rates.
Would you feel safe attending a "support our local police" rally in Madison? If not, why not? If not, then you should organize one. Maybe free speech actually costs more than poster paint.
"Reclaiming my time" - It's the new censorship shout down. Feel free to use in on campus now.
Rick said...There's no evidence the protests were hijacked.
While that is true, most Americans sympathise with the goals of the "peaceful" protesters, so it is useful to pretend that the distinction between the peaceful protests and the violent riots is real.
Here’s what get me. On that courthouse and buildings throughout the country the graffiti is horrible. That is vandalism. That is a crime. But we’re so far beyond discussing that. We’ve grown used to that. To get upset we need real violence.
Daily protests, blocking streets, shouting epithets, vandalizing property. I don’t want that shit.
The headline on the article gadfly posted doesn't say that the federal officers "shot at" journalists, it says that they SHOT JOURNALISTS.
You would thing CNN or somebody would have picked up on that.
Fortunately with the restart of live sports; this isn't the only live theater event we have, but it is close to all we have. Who knew simply electing Trump would be enough for the DC folks to want to burn their own houses down?
"What is a legitimate protest?"
Probably one that doesn't involve trying to burn down the courthouse, for starters.
My favorite parts were Barr laughing at the Congresscritter when she claimed a DOJ slide describing how pepper balls worked in tests was “policy” to contradict Barr; and when Barr overrode their attempts to silence him, once with “Then I should tell you what happened” that stopped one idiot mid-conspiracy theory and him chuckling and shaking his head as the morons tried to rearrange events in their questions because the true timeline don’t fit the myths these jokers have spun about Barr. The majority came off looking really shitty for their abuse of Barr it he acquitted himself well and would not be bullied.
The William Barr of yesterday used to be the rule: calm, thoughtful, trying to be logical and fair. Now he seems to be part of a vanishing breed within government service. That hearing was the most riveting television from our government since the Clarence Thomas hearings. All Republicans need to do is keep showing that video during the campaign. Given yesterday's show, there are obviously new tidbits to add as the little video clip posted here showed.
"There's no evidence the protests were hijacked. Support from protest leaders, media, local politicians and law enforcement leadership suggests the violence and rioting was intended to accompany the protests all along." --Rick
Right! As the GOP's video showed. And the extent of the weaponry and the specialized roles played by different rioting personnel was even worse than I had previously figured. Someone did a helluva lot of organizing on these. As with the prepared and strategically delivered piles of brick and cinderblock that we heard about at the time. Who? We need to get that specific answer asap. Mr. Barr, you have your work cut out for you. Fortunately the opposition burned his fuse a lot further down yesterday. Hard to believe he will risk being out of government before his mission is fully launched.
Virus cases and deaths have been rising in Oregon throughout the protests, but that gets no coverage.
“In the wake of George Floyd’s death, violent rioters and anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests to wreak senseless havoc and destruction on innocent victims.“
When the opening statement starts with a lie, how can the rest be accepted at face value? Nothing was "hijacked". It was an excuse to riot. Those responsible have and are being dealt with but rioting, looting, mayhem still occurred from jump.
Just as "hands up, don't shoot" was a lie, just as "white Hispanic" was a lie, this is a lie. The left/Democrats/anarchists were and are looking for any pretense to go here and anything excuse would do. They ALL want mayhem and destruction and those at the top want Trump to go all "punisher" on their "foot solders" so that they have their latest anti-Trump talking points and ads up to November.
It is all sound and fury signifying nothing...
Thugs vandalize home of Oakland mayor so now she — of course — is worried the violence is just too much and will cost them politically https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/07/dems_starting_to_panic_that_voters_will_blame_them_for_riots.html
Laws can be broken with impunity until you target **my** property.
“Let them eat cake”, 2020 version. Adjust your filters appropriately.
Barr’s “mic-drop” moment during “questioning” by critter Raskin on the night St. John's Church was set on fire:
RASKIN: Are you aware that church leaders "all denounced this police assault on the civil rights and civil liberties of the people?"
BARR: "Did they do that before or after the fire was put out?"
Raskin didn’t have an answer, but his initial bumbling in response to Barr’s question was priceless.
...home of Oakland mayor so now she — of course...
so, is it Really just my sexist imagination that MOST of these problems are being caused by the election of geriatric lesbians? This Can NOT be good for Jo Biden
I'm not a fan of Barr (just indifferent to anyone in government positions), but this circus act by the 'committee' reminds me of a Jerry Springer show, trying to entrap some unsuspecting victim. Of course, Barr seems quite prepared for their childish 'gotcha' questioning.
[actually it's not even questioning - I'm not even sure what this hearing is about based on what I have heard].
gadfly said...
"... Trump's disregard of the Supreme Court decision to uphold existing DACA legislation."
You aren't aware that there is no "DACA legislation?" That the whole thing was done via executive order? But it was a Democratic executive order, which is good, and can't be undone by a bad, evil Republican executive order.
hawkeyedjb- I like the way Trump said the other day that the DACA decision gave him more power than he'd previously thought he had.
“In the wake of George Floyd’s death, violent rioters and anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests to wreak senseless havoc and destruction on innocent victims.“
Assumes facts no in evidence.
The proof would be left-wing counter protesters against the rioters.
As it is, you can't even get someone from the left to denounce the rioters on TV.
See the story in The Babylon Bee, "Orcs March on Minas Tirith in Mostly Peaceful Protest."
The Poor Man's LLR-lefty C****: "... Trump's disregard of the Supreme Court decision to uphold existing DACA legislation."
hawkeyedjb (to gadfly): "You aren't aware that there is no "DACA legislation?"
No, he really isn't aware of that.
At all.
The worst part? Even after you've pointed it out he/she/xe will remain just as unaware of that tomorrow....and the day after....
Have I missed the opportunity window for looting without consequences during the present riots, or can I still find a good deal in Portland, or Seattle, New York, or some other city? Christmas is coming fast, and I have a lot of relatives who would like something nice from me.
I wasn't ready this time, being busy with my day job and living in Austin, but hey, for a few truckloads of free merchandise I'm willing to travel a bit on the weekends.
Except, course, you're talking about House Democrats, a sizable number of which really seem to have room temperature IQs.
If that is true they have the a/c set WAY too low.
It’s not for the AG to decide what protest is legitimate. The people have a right to protest for any reason, as long as they do so peaceably. The Floyd protesters have a right to protest, even though their cause is illegitimate, but neither was their protest peaceable. It was violent from day one, well before Umbrella Man broke any window.
There are moments in recent times when my declared affiliation as an Independent has been challenged by the behavior of Democrats on TV. This was the most egregious example and will likely be the one most stark and memorable for as long as I live. It is beyond my comprehension to even IMAGINE that those obnoxious creatures masquerading as “elected officials” thought they were making a favorable impression on the public. I’m not going wear a label of “Republican” because I abhor the whole concept of the “party” system (for reasons articulated by George Washington in his farewell address). But l will certainly be happy to wear the label of “Non Democrat”. These people are just disgusting; to witness them in action is depressing.
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