Do you agree with this step, or do you feel like you should be allowed to read what you want and make up your own mind?
— Sharyl Attkisson🕵️♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) July 22, 2020
२२ जुलै, २०२०
"Do you agree with this step, or do you feel like you should be allowed to read what you want and make up your own mind?"
free speech,
Sharyl Attkisson,
६५ टिप्पण्या:
The net would not exist but for ARPA and DARPA, paid for by our tax dollars. That has to count for something.
Twitter is a hot mess; all double standards. The only thing I like about it is that I can get instant news.
I really have no idea what QAnon is about. But I do see people in Portland posting information about their burning down the courthouse every day.
The biggest hoax on Twitter ever has been Russia gate. And Twitter doesn't shut that down. I prefer to read what I want and make up my own mind, but we see what people are doing to Facebook for allowing Trump to win the last election, and we just can't let Trump win the next election. So we have to sloooowwwwly tighten the grip of social media. Right?
They can be read on parler.
Watching Morning Joe and guests struggle and stumble through Stupid attempts to smear Trump for everything Only confirms my opinion. They all would look better if they refused to talk.
The square of the two sides equals the square of the apocalypse.
I do not agree with this step and want to be able to read what I want and make up my own mind. Feeling has nothing to do with that.
Abandon Twitter, move to Parler.
It would be a lot easier to swallow if Twitter did something about the meat trolls that are often sicced on conservatives via Twitter at their own homes, but Twitter won’t. It’s more one sided enforcement of rules. This is one of the reasons I deleted my Twitter account. I am happier for it.
QAnon is Eric Trump.
QAnon+ is Donald Trump.
There’s a Joe Rogan podcast with two of the majodomos from Twitter, and some reporter who basically argued that the censorship at Twitter runs all one way. The two Twitter people’s response was- something like “ what we believe is correct, and anything contrary is evil, so why would anyone object to our censoring bad people? Worth a listen.
The intellectual justifications for the suppression of free speech are developed in the universities and then are exported to the larger society.
University students who have mastered such justifications are hired into organizations such as TwitterSafety.
This item was on NPR radio news this morning. Their reader said the site was comprised largely of "right-wing conspiracy theorists" who believe that "a 'Deep State' is trying to topple President Trump." Needless to say, delivered in tones of utter disbelief. It was like listening to someone from a foreign country, with a different language, explain some zany little regional practice from Mississippi to his mates back home.
What a shock they are in for in November.
They need to take down the Washington Post and the New York Times for all their lies about the Russian Hoax if they are taking down websites that are spreading fake news.
@jack is a crooked guy. ANTIFA doesn’t get censored. Violent threats against conservatives go unchallenged. They get hacked last week and take action on QANON? Liberals now love the censorship of speech. Especially when they can’t make a point or win an argument. It’s the same technique taught on college campuses using the “shout down”, or interrupting a scheduled speaker, or blocking the door so no one can get in.
Twitter’s actions on this are perfectly in-line with modern education standards. Nobody notices a pattern here?
All of progressive ideology is conspiracy theory. By it own terms, it's hate speech.
In the collective, your own mind doesn’t exist.
I just googled "what is QAnon."
The answer is:
"QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters." Wikipedia
Sounds about right.
Getting banned by Twitter is probably the greatest thing that's ever happened to the 10 or 12 members of QAnon. Though that one Bugaloo Boi is probably bummed that he's definitely not getting the media limelight back any time soon.
If I thought this would be applied universally, I'd be fine with it.
Comments moderated, right?
“...behavior that has the potential to lead to offline harm...” = “anything we want.”
Kiss your Section 230 protection goodbye.
Follow-up: This decision definitely makes Twitter a publisher not a platform though, considering 9/11 Truthers are left up:
"you should be allowed to"
The only things you should be allowed to are 1. riot with impunity in blue cities; 2. pull down statues, any kind anytime; 3. shoot blacks, as long as you are black yourself. Mean tweets, you should not be allowed to read. Wrongthink, you should not be allowed to think.
Let them speak!
"You'll PAY to know what you REALLY think." -- J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
Twitter is just trying to demonstrate that QAnon is correct.
So Twitter's liberal owner Jack Dorsey and his liberal employees are only trying to protect our innocent eyes? I think I got kicked off Twitter for calling Biden a senile retard which is a fact Jack. A liberal journolister reported me I think. Of course, there is no way for me to be sure but I was banned for something. I also regularly called WAPO's Josh Dawsey a fat dumb fuck which is also a fact Jack.
All leftwing violence, rage, threatening speech is fine on Twitter/
what they'll NEVER say:
We’ve been clear that we will take strong enforcement action on behavior that has the potential to lead to offline harm. In line with this approach, this week we are taking further action on so-called ‘Black Lives Matter’ activity across the service.
Schools and colleges today teach our children what to think, rather than how to think. That is a critical element in moving the American people toward the acceptance of communism. Nonetheless, it is human nature to be curious. Therefore, it is critical for the leftists to remove completing points of view and inconvenient facts from public view. We saw in Stalin's Russia and Mao's China what a society looks like when only approved thoughts are allowed. Political correctness is the first step toward the ideological purity of thought needed to implement communism.
"QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters." Wikipedia
Sounds about right.
Sounds very wrong.
Qanon is the theory that highly connected Trump operatives are secretly working behind the scenes to take out the deep state.
The funny thing is, Twitter is hurting their own cause.
Qanon is nothing more than misdirection to keep Trump supporters complacent while the deep state presses on undeterred.
Sit back and relax. Don't worry. All of these deep state coup traitors are going down! Trust the plan!!
The two Twitter people’s response was- something like “ what we believe is correct, and anything contrary is evil, so why would anyone object to our censoring bad people?
Where's Jon Snow when you need him?
Twitter needs to be a platform. Let people tweet what they want to tweet.
We're all going to be okay making decisions for ourselves.
the tech ceos have always made it clear, from jobs on they never intended counterrevolutionary speech to be spread, so it's not really surprising,
"QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters."
I've never heard the term QAnon. But if that fairly describes what "QAnon" is, I've got bad news for whoever wrote that: This "far right conspiracy theory" isn't actually really a theory anymore. Most people know full well that there was a plot to take down Trump by people within the government and in the previous administration. Sure, some people may never admit it happened. And some people would hesitate to describe it as a "plot". And some foolish people still delude themselves that the whole Russia inquiry was somehow all a legitimate investigation despite massive amounts of evidence to the contrary.
But most people know full well that the whole thing really wasn't legitimate, that the entire pretense that the whole investigation was essentially made up whole cloth, incepted from nothing. The difference from person to person is whether or not you're OK with it or not. If you absolutely hate Trump, you probably feel that he's such a great danger that pretty much anything is justified, or at least you can convince yourself it is. Even destroying everything, burning down any sence of Rule of Law.
but we see what people are doing to Facebook for allowing Trump to win the last election, and we just can't let Trump win the next election.
Yah. If they were creating standards and enforcing them it would be one thing but it's clear to me they are restricting...outlawing speech that they believe threatens leftie narratives and politicians, turning their 'open' forum into a crowd sourced leftie propaganda machine.
Like we need one ore of those...
As I post on a moderated forum where at least one contributor is ALWAYS deleted, I note that people here are throwing rocks from a glass house.
I might understand why that person is always deleted, just like I understand why some Twitter accounts are deleted.
People moderate forums as they like, if you don't like it then put your big boy pants on and find another.
Big Tech has run the numbers. They know they don’t need to kill or imprison, just mute. You don’t even need a total mute— that might provoke a reaction. Just enough of a mute that news or criticisms don’t spread quickly.
Conspiracy Theory,I tell you. And Satan’s best move is convincing people that he does not exist. Personal evil Does exist and his names are on the 167,000 sealed Federal indictments...those Theoretical Indictments.
Q is Now followed all over the world because the MI guys Who are Q reveal truth that has never before been revealed. Censorship is the Poor Dumb Conspirator’s only tool left against Q and his WWGWGA mass of followers.
From City Journal of May 7, 2018: Platform or Publisher
I think it's pretty clear that Twitter is acting as a publisher and has for some time.
Conservatives are pathologically naive. You really think the courts, Democrats and/or corporate Republicans are going to strip the social media of their platform protections?
The most amazing thing to me about the whole Russia hoax is that its proponents really believed that the entire population would just forget nearly a 100 years of the Left sucking Russia's dick in every possible way, even into 2012 (With Obama and every leftie in the land laughing long and hard at the notion that Russia was a significant geopolitical foe). They really think they can manipulate memory and experience at will, and flip the entire narrative on a dime and suddenly its Republicans who have always been allies with the Russians, rather than Democrats making excuses for them for a century.
Then I think about how Democrats were insanely able to flip the entire script on racism, and despite their being hand in hand with the KKK and the party of slavery and segregation its entire history, and somehow just projected that entire history onto the party of Lincoln with no evidence whatsoever, and I stop wondering how they could possibly think they'll get away with projecting Russian collusion.
Twitter wants to censor speech it doesn't like.
All non-leftwing group-think speech is subject to censor.
“ I might understand why that person is always deleted, just like I understand why some Twitter accounts are deleted.
“People moderate forums as they like, if you don't like it then put your big boy pants on and find another.”
The difference is that Ann doesn’t expect §230 exemption from defamation or tort liability. Twitter does. They need it. Otherwise, they would be vulnerable every time someone calls someone else a stupid fuck on Twitter.
Mark said...
People moderate forums as they like, if you don't like it then put your big boy pants on and find another.
Isn't it amazing that wherever the Left does NOT control things, "It's a public forum, you can't exclude voices you don't like". See, for example, the case of "Pruneyard", and shopping centers excluding voices they don't want.
But, wherever the Left DOES control things, esp. when they have essentially monopoly power, it's "make your own forum!"
It's almost like Leftist are all lying scumbag hypocrites who not only don't have any principles, but don't even understand what it would mean to have a principle.
Qanon is the theory that highly connected Trump operatives are secretly working behind the scenes to take out the deep state.
If that is QAnon, it goes well with my new post calling conservatives pathologically naive. I remember Sessions was working with Trump, I remember the Utah(?) Prosecutor working with Trump, I remember freakin' Mueller working with Trump.
Now they are saying Barr and Durkan (whoever the new placeholder is) is working to rid us of the deep state.
How many indictments so far? Zero. How many decisions to not prosecute? Many.
I might understand why that person is always deleted, just like I understand why some Twitter accounts are deleted.
The problem isn't really that Twitter chooses to moderate some content. The problem is that their explanations and justifications for doing so are absolute nonsense. If Twitter just came out and said "We're going to ban all posts that present conservative arguments" I'd actually have no problem with it. I mean, I wish they just would do that honestly. Just drop all this pretense of fairness of objectivity. But don't give me some line about "QAnon" or "right wing conspiracy theories" that actually aren't really theories at all but pretty well established facts.
I don't agree with reading Twitter, so I have no dog in this game.
Let them face the vulnerability of being a publisher instead of platform. Who will be the first plaintiff?
Deeeeep pockets.
Ganderson said...
There’s a Joe Rogan podcast with two of the majodomos from Twitter, and some reporter who basically argued that the censorship at Twitter runs all one way. The two Twitter people’s response was- something like “ what we believe is correct, and anything contrary is evil, so why would anyone object to our censoring bad people? Worth a listen.
That podcast is here.
It's Rogan, Tim Pool, Jack Dorsey and Twitter's chief counsel Vijaya Gadde. Dorsey spends most of the podcast looking very uncomfortable as Gadde takes questions about censorship and banning from Pool and Rogan. For her part, Gadde quickly goes into full mean girl mode; obviously outraged that her policy decisions are being questioned by a dumb jock and nerd.
First how does TWitter decide what a "QA account" is. Problem No. 1
Second, how is QA going to lead to violence?" Problem 2
Third, what about all the other conspiracies and parties that could lead to violence? Problem 3
Frankly, i think this Bullshit. Twitter is run by rich Leftists who want to ban the Conservative/Right. This is just one way to do it. Gosh, we're just looking after everyone's SAFETY. Its not like Twitter doesn't like their politics. Honest. BTW, Isn't this how liberal/leftists get conservatives banned on campus? "Gosh, this Right-winger is making me FEEL unsafe. Please escort them off campus".
All the censorship is always dishonestly crouched as a way to "make people safe" or "to fight racism and HATE". Somehow, violent Leftists are NEVER affected.
I haven't read David French or the Bulwark Boys yet, but given how much High tech $$$ they're pulling in, they're probably defending this. Y'know, Twitter is a private company & they can do what they want. Why Right-winger shouldn't protest or use the Government to stop it. That would be against "Muh free enterprise". Instead, conservative need to get $4 billion and start their own social media monopoly. LOL!
Dumb Lefty Mark: "People moderate forums as they like, if you don't like it then put your big boy pants on and find another."
But you'd better bake that cake....
Then I think about how Democrats were insanely able to flip the entire script on racism
I call this and the Russia thing (remember "After my election I have more flexibility"?) getting flipped onto the Republicans the "Freaky Friday" effect. They look the same on the outside, but we're supposed to believe that suddenly their history and thoughts have been swapped.
Bruce at 9:31 AM
"The difference is that Ann doesn’t expect §230 exemption from defamation or tort liability."
I'll bet sometimes she does, for something said by someone else in a comment, although not for her own speech of course. What reasoning or how often she deletes comments is not relevant.
Obama spied, Biden obstructed, Clinton colluded, the press conducted witch trials will not be censored. Neither will the [anti] fascists, or Some, Select Black Lives Matter, a diversitist movement, or even the Planned Child, Planned Parent etc. sects of the Progressive Church.
What Nonapod said. If libs can call Trump every name in the book but not Biden, Twitter needs to say that is their policy. Instead it hides behind moderators who tend tp ban only conservative voices while claiming it is even handed. And all mistakes made only go in one direction like when they ban a well known conservative or shadow ban him.
The true political divide in this country is between tyranny and liberty. Both political parties have people who are accepting of the notion to allow others to make their own decisions. Both political parties have people who want to control the thoughts and behaviors of everyone.
Right now the tyranny philosophy is trying its damndest to assert its primacy, and liberty philosophy does not quite believe that the bandwagon is really as large as it appears.
Liberty better stand up and be resolute before it is to late.
This is too easy! Just use an alternative service - 'Twitter's' business model, if continued, will lead to bankruptcy. They are now buying clients, 26 million last year, with huge incentives that's why their reported profit numbers have not kept pace with Revenue growth. That can't go on for to long. Moreover, I've never like their business model - it's a one trick pony - where are the alternative Revenue growth sources. They'll probably be bought by someone since several new players in the market are now nipping at Twitter's core business.
Its interesting that they say that Qanon is likely to cause offline harm.
The general message from "Q" has been, from the beginning, that the situation is being handled by the secret good guys, just wait and don't worry. Which is not exactly inciting to violence.
It is a remarkably rich (in its world-building and story) and effective semi-participatory phenomenon, a shared story full of skulduggery and secrets and tantalizing obscurity. It would make a terrific TV series. And its all done with no or very little money. Presenting as often cryptic text messages and just an occasional picture, it is a remarkable, gripping work of literature. And, critically, it depends, in order to work, on recruiting fans, who amplify the message and recruit more fans. It is truly grass roots mobilization.
I am convinced that Q is indeed run with the consent of the President by people close to him. The line that Q is pushing is meant to create or increase distrust of the political, official and private institutions opposed to the President and the populist point of view. In this it has been very successful.
Why ban Qanon twitterers? Because it is effective propaganda. All mass media is deceitful, most of it is an organized propaganda system. In a propaganda war, which you have been living with for decades now, truth and lies or complex combinations of them are simply ammunition.
In this war Q is an effective "inside the wire" guerrilla operation.
Forget "truth", ethics or morals. This is a war, and there is no place for any of that.
I had two death threats against me from Communist Twitter accounts.
Twitter found no violation.
I got banned from Twitter “hateful conduct” for posting the words “they went Full Retard.”
per Twitter
There are 48.35 million monthly active Twitter users in the US.
80% of Twitter users are affluent millennials.
So a distinct minority of Americans, the vast majority who are 30 years and younger is being asked "should we allow you to read these scary comments"
I don't care but my one word of advice:
Grow up!
This double standard is simply more MSM conspiracy nonsense according to certain leftist commenters on this site. Right, Stephen?
But, wherever the Left DOES control things, esp. when they have essentially monopoly power, it's "make your own forum!"
And if you do, they immediately seek to cancel and dox you.
Tucker Carlson, e.g.
It's totalitarianism...all the way down.
--- And Satan’s best move is convincing people that he does not exist.
Hence the move to New Zealand, Traditionalguy.
I never knew much about the whole Qanon thing until the lockdown hit and I had nothing to do. I love conspiracy theory stuff from an intellectual a study in psychology. It's like watching the's fun.
A lot of the Qanon stuff is just plain crazy, but in zero way is it dangerous in any way, shape, or form.
Twitter is run by big-time lefties, and the overriding thing that holds Q folks together is patriotism and a general support of Trump. It's a backdoor way for Twitter to delegitimize and tamp down Trump supporters.
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