Slathering myself with schadenfreude, I read and reread a story that says that the various police jurisdictions that were going to help with security at the Democratic convention in Milwaukee this year have all pulled out. The jurisdictions say that Milwaukee's restrictions on police mean that their officers will not be safe and they wont't send them. But that's OK, I think, because the Convention can just re-imagine the security detail. For instance, unicorns in stead of cop cars would probably be pretty impressive. Imagine one swooping down on you from the sky. You'd behave. And sprinkle baddies with fairy dust, not mean, old pepper spray - what a creative new way to police. And, look here - what about pink uniforms? Or, if the situation was serious, a gang shooting or BLM seizing the microphone away from Joe Biden, send in Mr. Rogers look-a-likes to smarm all over the news cameras. They won't solve the crime or get the microphone back - but neither will the regular police with all the budget cuts. Welcome Democrats! Here in Milwaukee is the future you've been working for! Enjoy!
Contrary to expectations from the pervasive misogyny theory, across a variety of topics, samples, and research teams, recent findings in psychology suggest that such biases often favor women. For example, a paper just published in the British Journal of Psychology led by Steve Stewart-Williams found that people respond to research on sex differences in ways that favor females. In two studies, participants were asked to read a popular science article that was experimentally manipulated to suggest that either men or women have a more desirable quality (for example, men/women are better at drawing or men/women lie less often). Participants evaluated the female-favoring research more favorably than the male-favoring research. Specifically, participants found the female-favoring research more important, more plausible, and more well-conducted and found the male-favoring research more offensive, more harmful, more upsetting, and more inherently sexist. This pro-female bias was observed among both male and female participants, and in study two, the researchers replicated the results in a south-east Asian sample.
Contrary to expectations from the pervasive misogyny theory, across a variety of topics, samples, and research teams, recent findings in psychology suggest that such biases often favor women. For example, a paper just published in the British Journal of Psychology led by Steve Stewart-Williams found that people respond to research on sex differences in ways that favor females. In two studies, participants were asked to read a popular science article that was experimentally manipulated to suggest that either men or women have a more desirable quality (for example, men/women are better at drawing or men/women lie less often). Participants evaluated the female-favoring research more favorably than the male-favoring research. Specifically, participants found the female-favoring research more important, more plausible, and more well-conducted and found the male-favoring research more offensive, more harmful, more upsetting, and more inherently sexist. This pro-female bias was observed among both male and female participants, and in study two, the researchers replicated the results in a south-east Asian sample.
Wow. Has Intel stumbled, product, perception? Investors are betting big on Nvidia's future performance, joining some other disproportionately capitalized businesses.
As of this writing, Nvidia is trading at a share price of about 78 times earnings. Meanwhile, Intel is trading at about nine times earnings. That’s a crazy divergence.
"Though I suspect tech stock doings are very far from the primary concerns of the average Althouse reader..."
Not sure about the average. I spent almost forty years in tech (on the creative side) and my wife the same. Nvidia is getting a huge boost (I suspect) from all of the gaming and automobile applications...
Dane County, WI Population: 529,843 Number of positive cases: 3,904 Number of people with negative results: 110,666 Number of cases who have died: 35 Last updated: 7/28/2020 (from 2015, latest published) Lower resp disease: 134 deaths Pneumonia & influenza: 62 deaths --- How's come they can give out daily (somewhat faulty) data regarding Covid but the latest on flu/resp available is 2015?
We’ve received reports of Wisconsin residents who received unsolicited packages in the mail containing seeds that appear to have originated from China.
The types of seeds in the packages are currently unknown and may contain invasive plant species. Similar packages have been received in other locations across the United States.
If you receive a package of this type: -- Do not plant or throw away the seeds. -- If the seeds are in sealed packaging, do not open the sealed package. If possible, retain the original packaging. It may be useful as we investigate this issue. -- Please report the seeds to the Wisconsin DATCP using this online form:
After filling out the online form, please hold onto the seeds and packaging, including the mailing label, until Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) or APHIS contacts you with further instructions.
For more details, visit DATCP at
College junior son received an “agreement” from the university he needs to sign before fall classes. High level bullet points: Agree to any health related guidelines from state and university and any we make up in the future. If instruction changes from in person to online - no refunds. You may catch something regardless of precautions and that is on you and not us. Self report if you get it and comply with quarantine requirements. Fun times.
I listened for a few minutes K. Schlict/ on Hugh Whoit.
Nancy or somebody had a point, he the guest host played a "I know radio AGREE AGREE AGREE" and "I AM AN ATTORNEY 7000 TIMES SMARTER THAN YOU AGREE AGREE AGREE AGREE" so I changed the shit.
Her point was something along the lines of "Yes I've been a rape survivor health care professional for 20 years and..
Dickhead cuts in "so you agree, so you agree, so you agree" thinking he's the smartest of the smartest smarties ever smart. Thanks Althouse for normalizing this ethos is lawyers.
She was trying to say, wasn't allowed, that, I assume, yeah Keith the Commine AG from MN is an asshole racist, but cops don't usually have much to do with rape cases.
It usually gets passed to a detective, trained to handle rape, is what she, the caller on Hugh's show with the guy with the book to sell and the Twitter threats oh so satisfying to all the people he may well sell that book and the next to, so Hugh's audience got to witness the genius bookseller ignore what happens from an actual decent, informed caller, which opens Hughselves to accurate ridicule by the likes Hwhoewits won't ever see. Even with their book-selling military buddies shitting on callers accurate who don't sell sell sell.
Hey you dipshits all must have joint pain, my jizz is the only answer. $50,000,000 for this miracle and OH, we gotta save the world from Commies who only want power. Not like us, we just want money from the stupids.
$50,000,000 jizzheads, for the factor you know you'll never relive.
Relive these facxtors stupid proles, and byuya a fuckin' pillow cumstains.
Everyone dies in Godfather but Americans still think decent?
Or Americans say screw Godfather, just stupid pedophile Hollysatan field?
I'm for Fredo, peace in our time.
Cuomo's "we murder the old because they cost too much" ethos is easy to empathize, but not sympathize, with my narcissistic generation of sex fiends with a murder fetish.
Sure we all know childless Rush has America's best interests at heart.
What else would a childless multi-rich guy do but just uah, uh, uah, uh, Joe Biden himself on air.
I appreciate Rush, I don't appreciate what he is doing now. What bigger mansion does his wife need that she keeps pushing him?
He has become everything he railed against, and Charlamagne tha God interview was Joe Biden level incoherence.
Snerdly can you step in and tell him, as a Black Man, "Hey bro stop."
What more can Rush earn by any word he says? Why won't he give it up?
Why didn't Rush delegate, YES TO ME, but also to mere greatness like Betamax3000?
What scared Rush from walking away with dignity, that doesn't scare Rush now? Beta should, you old jealous bastard. Give him the things you control a well-trained horse with.
Either way, GO! You aren't Babe Rush, let it go, have a little dignity please.
Blogger Lawrence Person said...Nvidia passes Intel in market cap. Though I suspect tech stock doings are very far from the primary concerns of the average Althouse reader...
As a retiree, I don't need the risks of a portfolio heavily laden with tech stocks. I have some Cisco, though that has become a value/dividend stock over the years. The NVidia P/E of 78 times earnings puts it in bubble territory, but not as bad as Amazon or Tesla and a few others.
Down from 2000 deaths per day. 100% success achieving the goal of flattening the curve. I paid attention to the science. The science said COVID 19 is not going away. There is no cure, there is no vaccine. The mitigation protocols are to manage the deaths and not overwhelm medical capacity. That was the goal right? Flatten the curve?
Wear a mask. Or. We could protect the vunerable. We know who is at risk. But fuck them. Wear a mask...(shhh masks are magic.)
"Wear a mask. Unless you don’t give a shit about the country or your friends and family.”
So that would be a hard pass from many here. It’s because they are math muggles. If masks cut transmission by 10% even, it would bring their purported goal of fully reopening the economy far closer. Bring the level of “herd immunity” we need that much closer. But they would rather live in denial and the hunt for scapegoats because it’s a lot more fun to howl about stuff you can’t change than it is to make the changes that are in your power, isn’t it.
Open a history book. Pandemics suck. There is no way around that fact.
Lucky for Trump that the Democrats are fucking up what should have been a cakewalk. Defending bomb throwing at a Federal Courthouse and playing catch and release with terrorists who probably should be hanged for insurrection kind of raises the stakes.
BTW, this election should also be a cakewalk for Trump, but he has the drag of his supporters to overcome.
This is from my opinion of what Rush ought to have been Do you often try to live others' lives for them?
Rush is entrepreneurial and a leader of some sorts. What has Biden ever lead? This is something I ponder. Is it wise to elect someone who can't lead as the President?
“Wear a mask. Unless you don’t give a shit about the country or your friends and family.”
That is just silly. For most of us here, our families are younger than we are. Our much bigger worry here is that one grandkid has great grandkids before my kid has grandkids for us. None of our kids, grandkids, or their significant others (except maybe one who is 50 and a bit heavy) has any real chance of dying from COVID-19. It just isn’t killing noticeable numbers of healthy people younger than 40. Almost none under 20. I am far more worried about drunk (or stoned) driving killing one of our five grandkids, all under 20.
We live in a county of 10k. Democrat Gov Steve Bullock, running for the Senate (figuring that the only way he wins is through mandatory absentee ballots) mandated masks for entering businesses in counties with 4 or more cases. The next day, we got our 4th case. That means that 4/10k or .04% of the population of the county is known to be infected. With probably <1% fatality rate, that translates into an expected fatality count of .0004% of the population. Again, we are far more likely to die from drunk driving (still people on MT roads who determine distance by beers, and a lot of white crosses along the highway). And because we have a Dem governor (until this election), we have to wear masks in stores, restaurants, churches, etc.
wildswan said... Slathering myself with schadenfreude, I read and reread a story that says that the various police jurisdictions that were going to help with security at the Democratic convention in Milwaukee this year have all pulled out. The jurisdictions say that Milwaukee's restrictions on police mean that their officers will not be safe and they wont't send them. But that's OK, I think, because the Convention can just re-imagine the security detail. For instance, unicorns in stead of cop cars would probably be pretty impressive. Imagine one swooping down on you from the sky. You'd behave. And sprinkle baddies with fairy dust, not mean, old pepper spray - what a creative new way to police. And, look here - what about pink uniforms? Or, if the situation was serious, a gang shooting or BLM seizing the microphone away from Joe Biden, send in Mr. Rogers look-a-likes to smarm all over the news cameras. They won't solve the crime or get the microphone back - but neither will the regular police with all the budget cuts. Welcome Democrats! Here in Milwaukee is the future you've been working for! Enjoy!
if you dare come. 7/28/20, 8:59 PM
I read this post out loud to my SO and we’ve been howling with laughter since. We both suspect you’re being sarcastic with a lot of these suggestions, but honestly, I would legitimately vote for some of those improvements.
For instance, unicorns in stead of cop cars would probably be pretty impressive. Imagine one swooping down on you from the sky. You'd behave. And sprinkle baddies with fairy dust, not mean, old pepper spray - what a creative new way to police.
Shotguns loaded with Skittles! I can dig it! Kill (or dissuade) me sweetly.
Milwaukee sounds like a great opportunity for a real field trial of LRAD. Since it will protect Ds there will be no downside or opposition, surely...
Explain the science to me. Why do I give a shit about transmissions? AND you give the 10% reduction number. What science is that? Just a fabricated, factish sounding, sciency like something or other?
The are other facts out there. Other indicators, other metrics...all of those are required to be hidden from view, in order to support the magic of masks.
"I suspect tech stock doings are very far from the primary concerns of the average Althouse reader..." --Lawrence Person
You're probably right, but they will end up mattering more if those stocks (and the rest?) have entered a serious bear market. I think they have. We will get a pretty good look at the answer on the biggest techs tomorrow afternoon and Friday when the market considers the major earnings reports due.
A person can be right about some things, and wrong about other things. Dr. Immanuel could be right about hydroxychloroquine, and wrong about demon sperm, or vice versus.
The best, most current info I can find on mask efficacy says wearing a mask MAY slow the transmission of the virus, especially when combined with regular hand washing and the practicing of social distancing.
Conclusion: the command to wear the mask is just the latest in a long list of actions based on the precautionary principle rather than science and study. Using hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic and treatment is too, but Trump touts that so it's a bad thing.
There's an interesting article at American Thinker "Could Face Masks Be Spreading The Coronavirus."
Here's a portion of the article;
"In June of 2018, five researchers published a study titled "The Spread of a Norovirus Surrogate via Reusable Grocery Bags in a Grocery Supermarket." What they analyzed was the possible spread of a norovirus via reusable grocery bags. Think "bring your own bag" (BYOB). They used a viral surrogate, a virus that infected only bacteria, and contaminated reusable bags with it and had volunteers shop at three grocery stores. The result? They demonstrated that the viral surrogate in the bags was spread throughout the stores, with specific areas of high concentration.
So now, in 2020, here's my concern: we may have virus-contaminated face masks worn by people with absolutely no concept of face mask hygiene and viral contamination. They are unwitting agents for spreading this pathogen. Is anyone looking at this? If so, I'm not aware. I'd say the time is right to conduct an experiment modeled on the BYOB experiment. Researchers should use face masks contaminated with a viral surrogate. Then have volunteers wearing them shopping in grocery stores as they usually would. And then assess if that viral surrogate can be spread through the contaminated face masks worn by these untrained individuals. I suspect that the transmission path is from the contaminated face mask to the hands."
If you've spent time in Central America you know the culture there is pre-Woodsy Owl when it comes to littering. I can see how that would cause a clash with locals.
If masks cut transmission by 10% even, it would bring their purported goal of fully reopening the economy far closer. Bring the level of “herd immunity” we need that much closer.
Hey, Wikipedia, what's "Herd Immunity"?
Herd immunity [...] is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through vaccination or previous infections, thereby providing a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune.
So by reducing the spread of the disease by "10%", or whatever number we're inventing today, we'll get to "herd immunity"... faster?
Someone in this thread is confused, and I don't think it's me...
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४४ टिप्पण्या:
Nvidia passes Intel in market cap.
Though I suspect tech stock doings are very far from the primary concerns of the average Althouse reader...
Slathering myself with schadenfreude, I read and reread a story that says that the various police jurisdictions that were going to help with security at the Democratic convention in Milwaukee this year have all pulled out. The jurisdictions say that Milwaukee's restrictions on police mean that their officers will not be safe and they wont't send them. But that's OK, I think, because the Convention can just re-imagine the security detail. For instance, unicorns in stead of cop cars would probably be pretty impressive. Imagine one swooping down on you from the sky. You'd behave. And sprinkle baddies with fairy dust, not mean, old pepper spray - what a creative new way to police. And, look here - what about pink uniforms? Or, if the situation was serious, a gang shooting or BLM seizing the microphone away from Joe Biden, send in Mr. Rogers look-a-likes to smarm all over the news cameras. They won't solve the crime or get the microphone back - but neither will the regular police with all the budget cuts. Welcome Democrats! Here in Milwaukee is the future you've been working for! Enjoy!
if you dare come.
Holy Fuck!!
Beyonce is promoting some kind of "Black is King" tripe.....with Disney.
Yeah, nobody is going to Disneyland again.
You might enjoy this just posted article at Quillette.
Contrary to expectations from the pervasive misogyny theory, across a variety of topics, samples, and research teams, recent findings in psychology suggest that such biases often favor women. For example, a paper just published in the British Journal of Psychology led by Steve Stewart-Williams found that people respond to research on sex differences in ways that favor females. In two studies, participants were asked to read a popular science article that was experimentally manipulated to suggest that either men or women have a more desirable quality (for example, men/women are better at drawing or men/women lie less often). Participants evaluated the female-favoring research more favorably than the male-favoring research. Specifically, participants found the female-favoring research more important, more plausible, and more well-conducted and found the male-favoring research more offensive, more harmful, more upsetting, and more inherently sexist. This pro-female bias was observed among both male and female participants, and in study two, the researchers replicated the results in a south-east Asian sample.
Thank you.
You might enjoy this just posted article in Quillette.
Contrary to expectations from the pervasive misogyny theory, across a variety of topics, samples, and research teams, recent findings in psychology suggest that such biases often favor women. For example, a paper just published in the British Journal of Psychology led by Steve Stewart-Williams found that people respond to research on sex differences in ways that favor females. In two studies, participants were asked to read a popular science article that was experimentally manipulated to suggest that either men or women have a more desirable quality (for example, men/women are better at drawing or men/women lie less often). Participants evaluated the female-favoring research more favorably than the male-favoring research. Specifically, participants found the female-favoring research more important, more plausible, and more well-conducted and found the male-favoring research more offensive, more harmful, more upsetting, and more inherently sexist. This pro-female bias was observed among both male and female participants, and in study two, the researchers replicated the results in a south-east Asian sample.
Thank you.
Nvidia passes Intel in market cap.
Wow. Has Intel stumbled, product, perception? Investors are betting big on Nvidia's future performance, joining some other disproportionately capitalized businesses.
As of this writing, Nvidia is trading at a share price of about 78 times earnings. Meanwhile, Intel is trading at about nine times earnings. That’s a crazy divergence.
This is very serene...nice light.
"Though I suspect tech stock doings are very far from the primary concerns of the average Althouse reader..."
Not sure about the average. I spent almost forty years in tech (on the creative side) and my wife the same. Nvidia is getting a huge boost (I suspect) from all of the gaming and automobile applications...
Dane County, WI
Population: 529,843
Number of positive cases: 3,904
Number of people with negative results: 110,666
Number of cases who have died: 35
Last updated: 7/28/2020
(from 2015, latest published)
Lower resp disease: 134 deaths
Pneumonia & influenza: 62 deaths
How's come they can give out daily (somewhat faulty) data regarding Covid but the latest on flu/resp available is 2015?
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
8h ·
We’ve received reports of Wisconsin residents who received unsolicited packages in the mail containing seeds that appear to have originated from China.
The types of seeds in the packages are currently unknown and may contain invasive plant species. Similar packages have been received in other locations across the United States.
If you receive a package of this type:
-- Do not plant or throw away the seeds.
-- If the seeds are in sealed packaging, do not open the sealed package. If possible, retain the original packaging. It may be useful as we investigate this issue.
-- Please report the seeds to the Wisconsin DATCP using this online form:
After filling out the online form, please hold onto the seeds and packaging, including the mailing label, until Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) or APHIS contacts you with further instructions.
For more details, visit DATCP at
hey kids, I HOPE YOU ALL DIE !
Scarin' Karen !
she needs a karenema for her "long term effects" of FAUXVID-19
Joe Basement says he will announce his female running mate next week.
Politico beat him to it.
You Snooze, You lose, Pluggs.
them thar's the "Grow-a-Commie" seeds we mentioned the other nite.
We're still waitin' on the package of Sea Monkeys though.
Over 1200 covid deaths yesterday.
Wear a mask. Unless you don’t give a shit about the country or your friends and family.
Birkel won’t wear a mask is my guess. Not without bitching anyway.
If you live in a blue city, move. You aren’t safe in a blue city in a blue state.
College junior son received an “agreement” from the university he needs to sign before fall classes. High level bullet points:
Agree to any health related guidelines from state and university and any we make up in the future.
If instruction changes from in person to online - no refunds.
You may catch something regardless of precautions and that is on you and not us.
Self report if you get it and comply with quarantine requirements.
Fun times.
Sea Monkeys would make cool earrings...
I should know, shame on me.
I listened for a few minutes K. Schlict/ on Hugh Whoit.
Nancy or somebody had a point, he the guest host played a "I know radio AGREE AGREE AGREE" and "I AM AN ATTORNEY 7000 TIMES SMARTER THAN YOU AGREE AGREE AGREE AGREE" so I changed the shit.
Her point was something along the lines of "Yes I've been a rape survivor health care professional for 20 years and..
Dickhead cuts in "so you agree, so you agree, so you agree" thinking he's the smartest of the smartest smarties ever smart. Thanks Althouse for normalizing this ethos is lawyers.
She was trying to say, wasn't allowed, that, I assume, yeah Keith the Commine AG from MN is an asshole racist, but cops don't usually have much to do with rape cases.
It usually gets passed to a detective, trained to handle rape, is what she, the caller on Hugh's show with the guy with the book to sell and the Twitter threats oh so satisfying to all the people he may well sell that book and the next to, so Hugh's audience got to witness the genius bookseller ignore what happens from an actual decent, informed caller, which opens Hughselves to accurate ridicule by the likes Hwhoewits won't ever see. Even with their book-selling military buddies shitting on callers accurate who don't sell sell sell.
Hey you dipshits all must have joint pain, my jizz is the only answer. $50,000,000 for this miracle and OH, we gotta save the world from Commies who only want power. Not like us, we just want money from the stupids.
$50,000,000 jizzheads, for the factor you know you'll never relive.
Relive these facxtors stupid proles, and byuya a fuckin' pillow cumstains.
Everyone dies in Godfather but Americans still think decent?
Or Americans say screw Godfather, just stupid pedophile Hollysatan field?
I'm for Fredo, peace in our time.
Cuomo's "we murder the old because they cost too much" ethos is easy to empathize, but not sympathize, with my narcissistic generation of sex fiends with a murder fetish.
Sure we all know childless Rush has America's best interests at heart.
What else would a childless multi-rich guy do but just uah, uh, uah, uh, Joe Biden himself on air.
I appreciate Rush, I don't appreciate what he is doing now. What bigger mansion does his wife need that she keeps pushing him?
He has become everything he railed against, and Charlamagne tha God interview was Joe Biden level incoherence.
Snerdly can you step in and tell him, as a Black Man, "Hey bro stop."
What more can Rush earn by any word he says? Why won't he give it up?
Why didn't Rush delegate, YES TO ME, but also to mere greatness like Betamax3000?
What scared Rush from walking away with dignity, that doesn't scare Rush now? Beta should, you old jealous bastard. Give him the things you control a well-trained horse with.
Either way, GO! You aren't Babe Rush, let it go, have a little dignity please.
Literally what is different from Rush selling selling selling as he is dying and Biden? These two deserve each other, sad to say.
This is from my opinion of what Rush ought to have been, nothing to do with Democratic Biden.
Nvidia is getting a huge boost (I suspect) from all of the gaming and automobile applications...
....and AMD is stealing market share away from Intel.
After the clown show the Democrats put on yesterday, are you embarrassed yet for supporting them???
Blogger Lawrence Person said...Nvidia passes Intel in market cap. Though I suspect tech stock doings are very far from the primary concerns of the average Althouse reader...
As a retiree, I don't need the risks of a portfolio heavily laden with tech stocks. I have some Cisco, though that has become a value/dividend stock over the years. The NVidia P/E of 78 times earnings puts it in bubble territory, but not as bad as Amazon or Tesla and a few others.
Ken B said...
Over 1200 covid deaths yesterday.
Down from 2000 deaths per day. 100% success achieving the goal of flattening the curve. I paid attention to the science. The science said COVID 19 is not going away. There is no cure, there is no vaccine. The mitigation protocols are to manage the deaths and not overwhelm medical capacity. That was the goal right? Flatten the curve?
Wear a mask. Or. We could protect the vunerable. We know who is at risk. But fuck them. Wear a mask...(shhh masks are magic.)
"Wear a mask. Unless you don’t give a shit about the country or your friends and family.”
So that would be a hard pass from many here. It’s because they are math muggles. If masks cut transmission by 10% even, it would bring their purported goal of fully reopening the economy far closer. Bring the level of “herd immunity” we need that much closer. But they would rather live in denial and the hunt for scapegoats because it’s a lot more fun to howl about stuff you can’t change than it is to make the changes that are in your power, isn’t it.
Open a history book. Pandemics suck. There is no way around that fact.
Lucky for Trump that the Democrats are fucking up what should have been a cakewalk. Defending bomb throwing at a Federal Courthouse and playing catch and release with terrorists who probably should be hanged for insurrection kind of raises the stakes.
BTW, this election should also be a cakewalk for Trump, but he has the drag of his supporters to overcome.
Over 1200 covid deaths yesterday.
4,000 abortions too.
If her name was "Oprah" no one would have a single problem with any of this woman's claims. How do I know? Compare her's with things Oprah's promoted.
Then compare the reactions.
I have about as much respect for Oprah - or right-wing Oprah - as I do for Michael K.
This is from my opinion of what Rush ought to have been
Do you often try to live others' lives for them?
Rush is entrepreneurial and a leader of some sorts. What has Biden ever lead? This is something I ponder. Is it wise to elect someone who can't lead as the President?
“Wear a mask. Unless you don’t give a shit about the country or your friends and family.”
That is just silly. For most of us here, our families are younger than we are. Our much bigger worry here is that one grandkid has great grandkids before my kid has grandkids for us. None of our kids, grandkids, or their significant others (except maybe one who is 50 and a bit heavy) has any real chance of dying from COVID-19. It just isn’t killing noticeable numbers of healthy people younger than 40. Almost none under 20. I am far more worried about drunk (or stoned) driving killing one of our five grandkids, all under 20.
We live in a county of 10k. Democrat Gov Steve Bullock, running for the Senate (figuring that the only way he wins is through mandatory absentee ballots) mandated masks for entering businesses in counties with 4 or more cases. The next day, we got our 4th case. That means that 4/10k or .04% of the population of the county is known to be infected. With probably <1% fatality rate, that translates into an expected fatality count of .0004% of the population. Again, we are far more likely to die from drunk driving (still people on MT roads who determine distance by beers, and a lot of white crosses along the highway). And because we have a Dem governor (until this election), we have to wear masks in stores, restaurants, churches, etc.
wildswan said...
Slathering myself with schadenfreude, I read and reread a story that says that the various police jurisdictions that were going to help with security at the Democratic convention in Milwaukee this year have all pulled out. The jurisdictions say that Milwaukee's restrictions on police mean that their officers will not be safe and they wont't send them. But that's OK, I think, because the Convention can just re-imagine the security detail. For instance, unicorns in stead of cop cars would probably be pretty impressive. Imagine one swooping down on you from the sky. You'd behave. And sprinkle baddies with fairy dust, not mean, old pepper spray - what a creative new way to police. And, look here - what about pink uniforms? Or, if the situation was serious, a gang shooting or BLM seizing the microphone away from Joe Biden, send in Mr. Rogers look-a-likes to smarm all over the news cameras. They won't solve the crime or get the microphone back - but neither will the regular police with all the budget cuts. Welcome Democrats! Here in Milwaukee is the future you've been working for! Enjoy!
if you dare come.
7/28/20, 8:59 PM
I read this post out loud to my SO and we’ve been howling with laughter since. We both suspect you’re being sarcastic with a lot of these suggestions, but honestly, I would legitimately vote for some of those improvements.
For instance, unicorns in stead of cop cars would probably be pretty impressive. Imagine one swooping down on you from the sky. You'd behave. And sprinkle baddies with fairy dust, not mean, old pepper spray - what a creative new way to police.
Shotguns loaded with Skittles! I can dig it! Kill (or dissuade) me sweetly.
Milwaukee sounds like a great opportunity for a real field trial of LRAD. Since it will protect Ds there will be no downside or opposition, surely...
If masks cut transmission by 10% even,
Explain the science to me. Why do I give a shit about transmissions? AND you give the 10% reduction number. What science is that? Just a fabricated, factish sounding, sciency like something or other?
The are other facts out there. Other indicators, other metrics...all of those are required to be hidden from view, in order to support the magic of masks.
"I suspect tech stock doings are very far from the primary concerns of the average Althouse reader..." --Lawrence Person
You're probably right, but they will end up mattering more if those stocks (and the rest?) have entered a serious bear market. I think they have. We will get a pretty good look at the answer on the biggest techs tomorrow afternoon and Friday when the market considers the major earnings reports due.
I don't have a racist bone in my body.
But my BLOOD boils with it.
I drink it with tea.
I have about as much respect for Oprah - or right-wing Oprah - as I do for Michael K.
Why, thank you Crack. Maybe you are calming down.
A person can be right about some things, and wrong about other things. Dr. Immanuel could be right about hydroxychloroquine, and wrong about demon sperm, or vice versus.
The best, most current info I can find on mask efficacy says wearing a mask MAY slow the transmission of the virus, especially when combined with regular hand washing and the practicing of social distancing.
Conclusion: the command to wear the mask is just the latest in a long list of actions based on the precautionary principle rather than science and study. Using hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic and treatment is too, but Trump touts that so it's a bad thing.
There's an interesting article at American Thinker "Could Face Masks Be Spreading The Coronavirus."
Here's a portion of the article;
"In June of 2018, five researchers published a study titled "The Spread of a Norovirus Surrogate via Reusable Grocery Bags in a Grocery Supermarket." What they analyzed was the possible spread of a norovirus via reusable grocery bags. Think "bring your own bag" (BYOB). They used a viral surrogate, a virus that infected only bacteria, and contaminated reusable bags with it and had volunteers shop at three grocery stores. The result? They demonstrated that the viral surrogate in the bags was spread throughout the stores, with specific areas of high concentration.
So now, in 2020, here's my concern: we may have virus-contaminated face masks worn by people with absolutely no concept of face mask hygiene and viral contamination. They are unwitting agents for spreading this pathogen. Is anyone looking at this? If so, I'm not aware. I'd say the time is right to conduct an experiment modeled on the BYOB experiment. Researchers should use face masks contaminated with a viral surrogate. Then have volunteers wearing them shopping in grocery stores as they usually would. And then assess if that viral surrogate can be spread through the contaminated face masks worn by these untrained individuals. I suspect that the transmission path is from the contaminated face mask to the hands."
Ken B said...
Over 1200 covid deaths yesterday.
I have asked you this question before, but only got crickets.
How many of those deaths were FROM Covid?
How many were WITH Covid found by testing?
If you've spent time in Central America you know the culture there is pre-Woodsy Owl when it comes to littering. I can see how that would cause a clash with locals.
tim in vermont: "BTW, this election should also be a cakewalk for Trump, but he has the drag of his supporters to overcome."
Political analysis from Biden backers, like tim, can always be safely ignored.
If masks cut transmission by 10% even, it would bring their purported goal of fully reopening the economy far closer. Bring the level of “herd immunity” we need that much closer.
Hey, Wikipedia, what's "Herd Immunity"?
Herd immunity [...] is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through vaccination or previous infections, thereby providing a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune.
So by reducing the spread of the disease by "10%", or whatever number we're inventing today, we'll get to "herd immunity"... faster?
Someone in this thread is confused, and I don't think it's me...
Chuck your brain out of the world - how useless it is!
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