if the Republicans lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in November, the rising progressives of the Democratic Party will be emboldened and present a bill for collection. They’ll push hard for what they want. This will create a runaway train that will encourage bad policy that will damage the nation. Republicans and conservatives used to worry about that kind of thing.
When Peggy Noonan starts agreeing with me I feel the need to rethink my positions...
"On Tuesday, Sweden reported 0 deaths and just 77 cases. Over the past week, deaths have been no higher than two per day. What is so remarkable is that while there are other countries that have had near-zero deaths for even longer, Sweden has achieved this through herd immunity; prevented the lockdown deaths, emotional abuse, drug deaths, suicides, and financial ruin plaguing other countries; and – most importantly – is more fortified against a resurgence than these other countries that delayed herd immunity." - https://www.conservativereview.com/news/horowitz-sweden-riding-high-triumph-rational-herd-immunity-approach/
This is a reason Trump should lose if there were a decent alternative. Games not over, but by God there needs to be a turnaround before Labor day weekend, this ain't normal times.
Fire Pence, COVID task force guy? For Kristi the Great, the most fearless Gov. in America?
(no "Deal" GD link at this time, although I will reclaim this time in the future)
Just saw footage of the masked, repeat masked, pallbearers (including the porkiest sailor I've ever seen) carrying Lewis's coffin. As if Lewis was in any danger of catching the virus. If our country hadn't lost its center or any remaing unifying culture, this would have been laugh out loud funny. Instead, it's just pathetic.
Theatre. It's all political theatre. Instead of being afraid to be the first one to stop clapping for Comrade Stalin, we're reduced to being afraid to be the first one to take of their mask.
Funny to hear Obama attack the police then act like criticizing vote by mail is an unacceptable attack on postal workers.
Also funny to hear him act like there's no such thing as voter fraud when he started his career by contesting voter's signatures on the petitions of his would-be competitors.
With all due respect to the courage and good works of John Lewis, why is it that you never hear about the courage and good works of activists who stood up to Mengitsu, Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, and other despots. My theory is that saintly men in opposition to such leaders never lived long enough to be much of a shining example of perseverance or nobility or inspiration. They mostly became maimed corpses. Bull Connors was an oppressive presence, but he had limits....White supremacy. Only white oppression is advanced and sophisticated enough to ennoble its victims. All other forms of oppression are substandard.
"Election officials in New York City have already invalidated upwards of 100,000 absentee ballots—about one of every five that were mailed in from the five boroughs. And furious candidates are already filing lawsuits charging discrimination and disenfranchisement." -The Atlantic
A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States: The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database
...and should POTUS have been pounding the distinction of absentee vs mail-in voting all along? Or doesnt it matter with the crowd that doesnt want to know the difference between legal and illegal immigration?
Interesting article from Wired I found over at JudithCurry.com. it describes the learning curve that the public health community has gone through with this new virus and the actual scientific reasons for the about face on masks. Science is a process, a method, and it is designed to improve the state of our knowledge over time. It’s childish to imagine that scientists can somehow understand novel situations perfectly when they are first presented. Only global warming alarmists and other cult types believe that “science” is some kind of truth revealed in a flash not subject to further study and revision.
The New England Journal of Medicine published a report of Germany’s first Covid-19 cluster: four people who got sick after being exposed to business associates with no noticeable fever or cough—including one who had recently arrived from China—and later tested positive.
In May, a team led by Ben Cowling, an epidemiologist at the University of Hong Kong, had 246 people—all confirmed to be infected with at least one respiratory virus—exhale into a breath-collecting device called a Gesundheit-II. Half wore surgical masks and half did not. Then the team tested respiratory droplets, the air they exhaled, and took throat and nose swabs looking for viruses. The results, again, were striking. The masks stopped droplets containing influenza virus, but not aerosol particles. They did little to stop either in people infected with a rhinovirus—a cause of the common cold. But when it came to seasonal coronaviruses (not SARS-CoV-2), the masks stopped both sizes of particles. “We detected coronavirus in respiratory droplets and aerosols in 3 of 10 (30%) and 4 of 10 (40%) of the samples collected without face masks, respectively, but did not detect any virus in respiratory droplets or aerosols collected from participants wearing face masks,” the researchers wrote.
And there is this:
In June, researchers at the University of Iowa collected data on when, exactly, states with mask-wearing mandates instituted their rules. Fifteen states and Washington, DC, had done that before May 8. Then the researchers looked at those states’ subsequent growth curves in Covid-19 infections. The results were striking. Even controlling for other social-distancing measures, and without looking at how many people actually wore masks at an individual level, the curve started to bend downward as soon as a week later. Three weeks later, the daily growth rate in states with mask mandates was down 2 percent. “It's not about the types of masks. We don’t even measure individual use of masks. We look at whether states have mandated people should use them in public and compare them before and after,”
This shouldn’t be a political issue, and people shouldn’t dig in on positions when the facts are just coming to light.
Here is the article. I recommend you read the whole thing if you honestly wish to understand the state of play of the issue.
Here is another new study (N=518) showing the Zelenko protocol (HCQ + AZ + Zinc) dramatically reduces hospitalization rates of Covid-19 patients. (p<0.001) https://preprints.org/manuscript/202007.0025/v1
HCQ for prophylaxis in India over 342,000 healthcare workers. Out of 66649 close contacts of covid+ve patients, apparently just 0.2% actually got the disease. [link]
How many people did Democrats kill by banning HCQ? Thousands, likely, just to get in a jab at Trump.
What would those evils think if Trump did say "hey I got the nukes, surrender or I kill you and in addition to you everyone in your city" that they haven't essentially said he's said (but hasn't and never will because duh)?
Uh... uh.... I guess I was right (poof) he was who we thought they were.
Denny Green knew what was up, he knew who they were, THEY WERE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE.
And the whole brain damage is a benefit with players this aggressive and violent. Duh, who else would become a pain monkey for a few bucks hoping to be the 1 out of 10,000? Slot players? Russian Rouletters? Snake (Chelsea) Handlers?
Trump needs to authorize shooting to kill any rioters. They wouldn’t have kill many of them to stop the riots, and it would prevent a few Chinaflu-19 deaths, so it would be worth it.
Ann i wanna thank you for being so good-hearted and allowing, in the kindness of your heart, so many sad passionate people to say, again and again the passionate things they wanted to say.
Whether they said it from the goodness of their heart, or from some compulsion to say something that they should not have said, and would not have said if they had been more fortunate in life - in the end, it does not matter.
All that matters is that we care about each other, and try to understand why our fellow human beings succeed or fail at being real people with love in their hearts, or not .....
I mean, some of the people who say the worst things here may be (maybe are) kings and princes in this world, but who knows the king or non-king status, or the prince or non-prince status, of someone who comments on a comment thread here. Seriously? Well if they are kings or princes who say harsh things they should not, well obviously they will regret the harshness of their words. If they aren't, well ... nobody ever says anything in the foolish pride of their heart that they remain proud of for long.
God loves everyone who comments here. I have had a hard life but I KNOW GOD LOVES YOU, and one moment of such knowledge is worth year after year of a hard life.
My friends, I would offer to pray for each and everyone of you, if that is what you want. But I prefer you know this - you do not need my prayers, you do not need to know if I am praying for you or not ----
All you need to know is to know that God created you and loves you. I am - believe it or not (and God bless those of you who do not believe it) a very humble creature of God and whether I pray for you or not (I am always willing to do so) is a mere detail compared to this fact that I know, and this fact that I hope (and trust) you know - GOD LOVES YOU, AND IN ANY BATTLE YOU EVER FIGHT GOD WILL BE ON YOUR SIDE IF YOU KNOW THAT.
And if, on the off chance, you want my prayers ----- you got it. Trust me, I am older than any of you, with a few extraordinary exceptions (hello Doris, hello Mel!) and while from time to time I have not kept a promise, I have never failed to keep a promise to pray for someone who asked me to pray for them. Maybe we have argued in the past - TODAY IS TODAY and I don't care about that anymore. God loves you, and who am I to disagree with God?
In any battle you ever fight, in any struggle you find yourself in, on any bad day where you are losing hope, all you have to do is look into your heart, remember ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WERE GOOD TO YOU WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER, and realize that God is on your side. And if,like me, there were few people on your side when you were young ------ please remember this. God loves you so so much, God remembers what it was like to be you, to be hopeless and friendless, with nobody but God on your side. Please remember that you are not the only person who went through times like that, but ALSO REMEMBER that YOU NEED TO HAVE LOVE IN YOUR HEART AND TO HELP OUT THOSE WHO HAVE SUFFERED THE WAY YOU DID.
Hang in there, my friends. God loves you so so much. And you have no idea how much people like me admire anyone who has suffered a lot and who still goes on, and goes on, hoping to be a source of light and kindness to a fellow creature.
I have been thinking about the puzzle of the AWFL's. I think what we are seeing is a broader form of what has been called "Stockholm Syndrome". We used to suppose it was a form of PTSD, a response to being subjected to violence. I think we ignored the fact that Stockholm Syndrome does not afflict those who are familiar with the uses and abuses of force. Cops and soldiers don't get Stockholm Syndrome. Only people determined to believe that the world is a friendly place get Stockholm Syndrome. It is their immediate response to the discovery that someone might be willing to use violence against them. They seek the thing they can do that will return the World to its former state, in which no one was threatening them with violence. "I know, let's pay the criminals to paint murals celebrating our subjugation!"
Jon Erickson notes: Seattle Mayor Again Blames Trump After Rioters Blew Open a Police Station Using a Van Full of Explosives
Trump should let these cities continue to destroy themselves. Let the citizens of Seattle [and Portland] take what actions are necessary to restore order. Or let them choose not to take action and watch more businesses flee to saner municipalities.
I worked in a big city election office for awhile. What impressed me most was the head of the elections department and the seriousness she expressed about ballot integrity. In planning discussions where consultants tried to sell us new and better and more efficient electronic voting systems she paused the effort. She did so as a leader concerned that the voting system had to move incrementally with change. Sudden change brought sudden problems with voters. Changes that couldn't anticipate events.
The internet versus the non internet ballot box was a concern. Fraud does occur. It's isolated potential with ballot boxes. It's a broad threat with the internet connected votes. Fraud rules make it hard, expensive, and time consuming to prove fraud. There is little incentive to pursue fraud in the manual ballot system. In the internet system fraud is beyond the kin of the officials. Vote by mail also has a head of household concern. Where normally in a booth both spouses will most often vote their conscience, but with a mailing system the weaker spouse is at risk cede their vote to the dominant spouse. An undetectable type of fraud when the signature is the primary validation piece.
One example of this fast change error is the Iowa Caucus vote tabulation. People who bought into an untested idea. On a large scale vote by mail is just as hard to develop well as the corona vaccine is. Vote by mail has the potential to make the Florida chad fiasco look like a walk in the park on a sunny day with an ice cream cone.
we should be cautious about the people who want to move rapidly away from the in person ballot system. If you were to ask the head elections officials to put their futures and that of their staffs on the line with mail in voting I doubt they would exude confidence. They only have that false confidence when they are hidden from vote liability.
I've been harping on Vitamin D - Do you have an adequate level? - for a while, here, and in other places. Well, another new statistical study from The Times of Israel says- low Vitamin D means worse results if you get the dreaded covid, and makes it more likely you get it.
The link between low Vitamin D blood level and URIs and other lung diseases, including TB, has been known for decades. And do doctors routinely test for it? No. Does any official government health agency recommend routine testing for it? No. It's almost like they don't actually care about your health. Next time you have a routing exam coming up, tell the doctors office you want a Vitamin D blood test. Learn what the numbers should be. Doctor won't do it? Find another doctor. If you live in a state where you're actually trusted to monitor your own health, unlike the nanny state of NY run by the Dictator Cuomo, you can go to a labe and have it done by them for a reasonable cost. In fact, you can most routine blood tests done by merely paying for them in non-nanny states that treat citizens as citizens able to make their own decisions.
Remember- you're responsible for your health. Not your doctor. Not your insurance company. And certainly not the government. Let's face it, when a governor BANS the use of a medicine for fighting the dreaded covid saying it's unproven----well, they're not working for you.
Seems only 1 out of our 50 governors understands numbers and values freedom. Kristi Noem of South Dakota is opening schools. With maskless children. Seems she understands how children behave.
When she becomes the frontrunner for 2024 the attacks from the MSM will be ferocious.
Joe Biden says that if we do the right things we can end this virus caused crisis. Interesting because I thought Trump is the source of the crisis. Anyway, why isn't Biden sharing this list, I presume it is a list, of right things immediately? Is he going to use it as political leverage to make us vote for him in November? Rather selfish of him.
Meanwhile, the UN cites a study that says lockdowns and school closures have killed and put at risk more kids across the world than Covid. Seeing as kids don't get Covid in significant numbers that rings true.
How does Michael K's prediction of 20,000 dead for the whole epidemic look now?
It looks a little low. About 50,000 is probably closer. Nothing like your hysterical estimates. The gross over count may never be unwound. Herman Cain is only one example. He had stage IV colon cancer.
Ken B: "Over 1400 dead from covid yesterday. How does Michael K's prediction of 20,000 dead for the whole epidemic look now?"
Unsurprisingly, orders of magnitude better than the estimated 2.2 million that would die, even after accounting for all the column shifting for reporting purposes including all the vehicular accident "Chicom flu" deaths, the suicide "ChiCom flu" deaths, the heart attack "ChiCom flu deaths", etc. as well as the financial rewarding of medical personnel in hospitals and clinics to label as many cases as possible ChiCom flu regardless of any other conditions.
The events of this month should serve to alert citizens to the importance of local elections. City/County politics matter. We're inclined to place far too much emphasis on national politics but the city council and mayor's office are where the rubber meets the road.
Ken B said... Over 1400 dead from covid yesterday.
How does Michael K's prediction of 20,000 dead for the whole epidemic look now?
How does Ken B's assertion the pandemic growth is exponential look now? Isn't it interesting the most dogmatic people maintain their certitude by evaluating other people's predictions but never their own assertions.
Michael K You are the only Covidiot denialist worth responding to. I made no estimates. I have pointed that out repeatedly. So, you are lying. Again. Your tendency to lie has been documented here repeatedly. Sad, because you are a man of some attainment. High attainment actually, but low character.
There are currently no white cornerbacks in the NFL. It’s unclear why there are no white players at the position, as essentially every other position has white players.
Looks like the above statement went through a “sensitivity read.”
Kai Akker said... --It looks a little low. About 50,000 is probably closer.
Michael K, there are 150,000 reported deaths in the U.S. so far. Do you believe the CDC and local medics falsified two of every three reports?
7/31/20, 11:47 AM
A bunch of them, yes. Plus many more actual deaths were caused by the nursing-home Aktion T4 strategy, and by the anti-HCQ craze. Oh, and the riots; and the Democrats posturing that "nothing wrong here, water's fine, c'mon down to Chinatown!" and so forth.
Since the Henry Ford study suggests that at least half of the deaths could have been prevented with HCQ therapy, with negligible side effect risk, yes, without Democrats killing people, the numbers could be closer to the 50K Mike K predicted or the 65K that I predicted.
I guess we should have predicted the Ds' thirst for blood. That's on us.
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५३ टिप्पण्या:
Saw clips of the Lightbringer's speech. What a jerk. Enjoy your $100M and fuck off.
if the Republicans lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in November, the rising progressives of the Democratic Party will be emboldened and present a bill for collection. They’ll push hard for what they want. This will create a runaway train that will encourage bad policy that will damage the nation. Republicans and conservatives used to worry about that kind of thing.
When Peggy Noonan starts agreeing with me I feel the need to rethink my positions...
If RBG goes this time the last part of 2020 will make the first part of 2020 look relatively sane.
The new SC nomination process on top of an uncertain outcome of the election due to all the paper ballot counting? 2021 might be a shyte show, too...
This is a link many will fear. They have been bought and taught to. All IQ levels. Many, many in media.
What will you say you did, shovel shit in Omaha?
Seattle Mayor Again Blames Trump After Rioters Blew Open a Police Station Using a Van Full of Explosives
Justice has been rolled back by an en banc review of Flynn prosecution/kangaroo court.
A rare moment of sanity
This is a link showing Obama being Obama. Letting the bear out as it were.
Democratic senator defends China as calls grow to empower US citizens to sue over COVID-19 outbreak
WOW! What a Surprise! a democratic senator takes orders from her masters in China
The use of unmarked cars to conduct police interdictions during "peaceful protests" avoids unwarranted protestor violence against police.
"On Tuesday, Sweden reported 0 deaths and just 77 cases. Over the past week, deaths have been no higher than two per day. What is so remarkable is that while there are other countries that have had near-zero deaths for even longer, Sweden has achieved this through herd immunity; prevented the lockdown deaths, emotional abuse, drug deaths, suicides, and financial ruin plaguing other countries; and – most importantly – is more fortified against a resurgence than these other countries that delayed herd immunity." - https://www.conservativereview.com/news/horowitz-sweden-riding-high-triumph-rational-herd-immunity-approach/
This is a reason Trump should lose if there were a decent alternative. Games not over, but by God there needs to be a turnaround before Labor day weekend, this ain't normal times.
Fire Pence, COVID task force guy? For Kristi the Great, the most fearless Gov. in America?
(no "Deal" GD link at this time, although I will reclaim this time in the future)
Sarcasm test!
I have no idea whether the dam is really close to collapse or not, but I do know that it will be blamed on “climate chaos” without evidence.
Just saw footage of the masked, repeat masked, pallbearers (including the porkiest sailor I've ever seen) carrying Lewis's coffin. As if Lewis was in any danger of catching the virus. If our country hadn't lost its center or any remaing unifying culture, this would have been laugh out loud funny. Instead, it's just pathetic.
Theatre. It's all political theatre. Instead of being afraid to be the first one to stop clapping for Comrade Stalin, we're reduced to being afraid to be the first one to take of their mask.
John Lewis’s funeral was in Georgia. Dozens of Members of Congress were there.
Georgia is on Washington DC Mayor Bowser’s list of states that require 2 week mandatory quarantine for 14 days
Are these politicians going into quarantine, or are rules just for the little people?
-someone on the twitterwebs
Funny to hear Obama attack the police then act like criticizing vote by mail is an unacceptable attack on postal workers.
Also funny to hear him act like there's no such thing as voter fraud when he started his career by contesting voter's signatures on the petitions of his would-be competitors.
With all due respect to the courage and good works of John Lewis, why is it that you never hear about the courage and good works of activists who stood up to Mengitsu, Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, and other despots. My theory is that saintly men in opposition to such leaders never lived long enough to be much of a shining example of perseverance or nobility or inspiration. They mostly became maimed corpses. Bull Connors was an oppressive presence, but he had limits....White supremacy. Only white oppression is advanced and sophisticated enough to ennoble its victims. All other forms of oppression are substandard.
By the looks of him Obama is grateful weed is more readily obtainable.
Portland federal courthouse trashed
by who I wonder?
Is there an opposite of damning with faint praise?
If this is Trump's worst, he's the greatest man since Christ, and Trump isn't even God.
Trump, world's most powerful blah blah, at his worst started a 10 hour conversation using ??? to get it going.
The best of times suits the best of all time.
Wow! They were able to get it down to ~20% !!!
"Election officials in New York City have already invalidated upwards of 100,000 absentee ballots—about one of every five that were mailed in from the five boroughs. And furious candidates are already filing lawsuits charging discrimination and disenfranchisement." -The Atlantic
A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States:
The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database
...and should POTUS have been pounding the distinction of absentee vs mail-in voting all along?
Or doesnt it matter with the crowd that doesnt want to know the difference between legal and illegal immigration?
When the Seattle Mayor blamed Trump after the rioters blew up the police station, it reminded me of the Taylor Swift song "Look what you made me do".
Shit China knows the 3 G will fail, and have to blame it on Trump.
But they aren't sure just when it will fail, nor how.
They would need to be American to know things like that.
Interesting article from Wired I found over at JudithCurry.com. it describes the learning curve that the public health community has gone through with this new virus and the actual scientific reasons for the about face on masks. Science is a process, a method, and it is designed to improve the state of our knowledge over time. It’s childish to imagine that scientists can somehow understand novel situations perfectly when they are first presented. Only global warming alarmists and other cult types believe that “science” is some kind of truth revealed in a flash not subject to further study and revision.
The New England Journal of Medicine published a report of Germany’s first Covid-19 cluster: four people who got sick after being exposed to business associates with no noticeable fever or cough—including one who had recently arrived from China—and later tested positive.
In May, a team led by Ben Cowling, an epidemiologist at the University of Hong Kong, had 246 people—all confirmed to be infected with at least one respiratory virus—exhale into a breath-collecting device called a Gesundheit-II. Half wore surgical masks and half did not. Then the team tested respiratory droplets, the air they exhaled, and took throat and nose swabs looking for viruses. The results, again, were striking. The masks stopped droplets containing influenza virus, but not aerosol particles. They did little to stop either in people infected with a rhinovirus—a cause of the common cold. But when it came to seasonal coronaviruses (not SARS-CoV-2), the masks stopped both sizes of particles. “We detected coronavirus in respiratory droplets and aerosols in 3 of 10 (30%) and 4 of 10 (40%) of the samples collected without face masks, respectively, but did not detect any virus in respiratory droplets or aerosols collected from participants wearing face masks,” the researchers wrote.
And there is this:
In June, researchers at the University of Iowa collected data on when, exactly, states with mask-wearing mandates instituted their rules. Fifteen states and Washington, DC, had done that before May 8. Then the researchers looked at those states’ subsequent growth curves in Covid-19 infections. The results were striking. Even controlling for other social-distancing measures, and without looking at how many people actually wore masks at an individual level, the curve started to bend downward as soon as a week later. Three weeks later, the daily growth rate in states with mask mandates was down 2 percent. “It's not about the types of masks. We don’t even measure individual use of masks. We look at whether states have mandated people should use them in public and compare them before and after,”
This shouldn’t be a political issue, and people shouldn’t dig in on positions when the facts are just coming to light.
Here is the article. I recommend you read the whole thing if you honestly wish to understand the state of play of the issue.
Here is another new study (N=518) showing the Zelenko protocol (HCQ + AZ + Zinc) dramatically reduces hospitalization rates of Covid-19 patients. (p<0.001) https://preprints.org/manuscript/202007.0025/v1
HCQ for prophylaxis in India over 342,000 healthcare workers. Out of 66649 close contacts of covid+ve patients, apparently just 0.2% actually got the disease. [link]
How many people did Democrats kill by banning HCQ? Thousands, likely, just to get in a jab at Trump.
All of this stuff is at https://judithcurry.com/2020/07/06/covid-discussion-thread-part-x/#more-26419
Instapundit might like this one: Sunlight inactivates the airborne virus that causes Covid [link]
What would those evils think if Trump did say "hey I got the nukes, surrender or I kill you and in addition to you everyone in your city" that they haven't essentially said he's said (but hasn't and never will because duh)?
Uh... uh.... I guess I was right (poof) he was who we thought they were.
Denny Green knew what was up, he knew who they were, THEY WERE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE.
And the whole brain damage is a benefit with players this aggressive and violent. Duh, who else would become a pain monkey for a few bucks hoping to be the 1 out of 10,000? Slot players? Russian Rouletters? Snake (Chelsea) Handlers?
Trump needs to authorize shooting to kill any rioters. They wouldn’t have kill many of them to stop the riots, and it would prevent a few Chinaflu-19 deaths, so it would be worth it.
"WOW! What a Surprise! a democratic senator takes orders from her masters in China"
She might as well have a panda tattoo on her ass...for all we know, she does (TMI).
Ann i wanna thank you for being so good-hearted and allowing, in the kindness of your heart, so many sad passionate people to say, again and again the passionate things they wanted to say.
Whether they said it from the goodness of their heart, or from some compulsion to say something that they should not have said, and would not have said if they had been more fortunate in life - in the end, it does not matter.
All that matters is that we care about each other, and try to understand why our fellow human beings succeed or fail at being real people with love in their hearts, or not .....
I mean, some of the people who say the worst things here may be (maybe are) kings and princes in this world, but who knows the king or non-king status, or the prince or non-prince status, of someone who comments on a comment thread here. Seriously? Well if they are kings or princes who say harsh things they should not, well obviously they will regret the harshness of their words. If they aren't, well ... nobody ever says anything in the foolish pride of their heart that they remain proud of for long.
God loves everyone who comments here. I have had a hard life but I KNOW GOD LOVES YOU, and one moment of such knowledge is worth year after year of a hard life.
My friends, I would offer to pray for each and everyone of you, if that is what you want. But I prefer you know this - you do not need my prayers, you do not need to know if I am praying for you or not ----
All you need to know is to know that God created you and loves you. I am - believe it or not (and God bless those of you who do not believe it) a very humble creature of God and whether I pray for you or not (I am always willing to do so) is a mere detail compared to this fact that I know, and this fact that I hope (and trust) you know - GOD LOVES YOU, AND IN ANY BATTLE YOU EVER FIGHT GOD WILL BE ON YOUR SIDE IF YOU KNOW THAT.
And if, on the off chance, you want my prayers ----- you got it. Trust me, I am older than any of you, with a few extraordinary exceptions (hello Doris, hello Mel!) and while from time to time I have not kept a promise, I have never failed to keep a promise to pray for someone who asked me to pray for them. Maybe we have argued in the past - TODAY IS TODAY and I don't care about that anymore. God loves you, and who am I to disagree with God?
In any battle you ever fight, in any struggle you find yourself in, on any bad day where you are losing hope, all you have to do is look into your heart, remember ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WERE GOOD TO YOU WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER, and realize that God is on your side. And if,like me, there were few people on your side when you were young ------ please remember this. God loves you so so much, God remembers what it was like to be you, to be hopeless and friendless, with nobody but God on your side. Please remember that you are not the only person who went through times like that, but ALSO REMEMBER that YOU NEED TO HAVE LOVE IN YOUR HEART AND TO HELP OUT THOSE WHO HAVE SUFFERED THE WAY YOU DID.
Hang in there, my friends. God loves you so so much. And you have no idea how much people like me admire anyone who has suffered a lot and who still goes on, and goes on, hoping to be a source of light and kindness to a fellow creature.
Be that person. Be a hero. Make God happy.
I have been thinking about the puzzle of the AWFL's. I think what we are seeing is a broader form of what has been called "Stockholm Syndrome". We used to suppose it was a form of PTSD, a response to being subjected to violence. I think we ignored the fact that Stockholm Syndrome does not afflict those who are familiar with the uses and abuses of force. Cops and soldiers don't get Stockholm Syndrome. Only people determined to believe that the world is a friendly place get Stockholm Syndrome. It is their immediate response to the discovery that someone might be willing to use violence against them. They seek the thing they can do that will return the World to its former state, in which no one was threatening them with violence. "I know, let's pay the criminals to paint murals celebrating our subjugation!"
If you live in a crook glass house, you should probably not throw high profile stones at innocent people.
The prosecutor going after the St Louis gun-toting couple is drawing a little too much attention for her own good. Don't you just hate that?
Over 1400 dead from covid yesterday.
How does Michael K's prediction of 20,000 dead for the whole epidemic look now?
Jon Erickson notes: Seattle Mayor Again Blames Trump After Rioters Blew Open a Police Station Using a Van Full of Explosives
Trump should let these cities continue to destroy themselves. Let the citizens of Seattle [and Portland] take what actions are necessary to restore order. Or let them choose not to take action and watch more businesses flee to saner municipalities.
I worked in a big city election office for awhile. What impressed me most was the head of the elections department and the seriousness she expressed about ballot integrity. In planning discussions where consultants tried to sell us new and better and more efficient electronic voting systems she paused the effort. She did so as a leader concerned that the voting system had to move incrementally with change. Sudden change brought sudden problems with voters. Changes that couldn't anticipate events.
The internet versus the non internet ballot box was a concern. Fraud does occur. It's isolated potential with ballot boxes. It's a broad threat with the internet connected votes. Fraud rules make it hard, expensive, and time consuming to prove fraud. There is little incentive to pursue fraud in the manual ballot system. In the internet system fraud is beyond the kin of the officials. Vote by mail also has a head of household concern. Where normally in a booth both spouses will most often vote their conscience, but with a mailing system the weaker spouse is at risk cede their vote to the dominant spouse. An undetectable type of fraud when the signature is the primary validation piece.
One example of this fast change error is the Iowa Caucus vote tabulation. People who bought into an untested idea. On a large scale vote by mail is just as hard to develop well as the corona vaccine is. Vote by mail has the potential to make the Florida chad fiasco look like a walk in the park on a sunny day with an ice cream cone.
we should be cautious about the people who want to move rapidly away from the in person ballot system. If you were to ask the head elections officials to put their futures and that of their staffs on the line with mail in voting I doubt they would exude confidence. They only have that false confidence when they are hidden from vote liability.
In Norway ,population 5.433 million, masks are not mandatory.
As of today, Covid 19 confirmed dead = 255
I've been harping on Vitamin D - Do you have an adequate level? - for a while, here, and in other places. Well, another new statistical study from The Times of Israel says- low Vitamin D means worse results if you get the dreaded covid, and makes it more likely you get it.
The link between low Vitamin D blood level and URIs and other lung diseases, including TB, has been known for decades. And do doctors routinely test for it? No. Does any official government health agency recommend routine testing for it? No. It's almost like they don't actually care about your health. Next time you have a routing exam coming up, tell the doctors office you want a Vitamin D blood test. Learn what the numbers should be. Doctor won't do it? Find another doctor. If you live in a state where you're actually trusted to monitor your own health, unlike the nanny state of NY run by the Dictator Cuomo, you can go to a labe and have it done by them for a reasonable cost. In fact, you can most routine blood tests done by merely paying for them in non-nanny states that treat citizens as citizens able to make their own decisions.
Remember- you're responsible for your health. Not your doctor. Not your insurance company. And certainly not the government. Let's face it, when a governor BANS the use of a medicine for fighting the dreaded covid saying it's unproven----well, they're not working for you.
Nice picture in panoramic portrait mode; Althouse has some tricks up her sleeve.
Seeing Obama today brought back horrible memories.
Seems only 1 out of our 50 governors understands numbers and values freedom. Kristi Noem of South Dakota is opening schools. With maskless children. Seems she understands how children behave.
When she becomes the frontrunner for 2024 the attacks from the MSM will be ferocious.
Joe Biden says that if we do the right things we can end this virus caused crisis. Interesting because I thought Trump is the source of the crisis. Anyway, why isn't Biden sharing this list, I presume it is a list, of right things immediately? Is he going to use it as political leverage to make us vote for him in November? Rather selfish of him.
Meanwhile, the UN cites a study that says lockdowns and school closures have killed and put at risk more kids across the world than Covid. Seeing as kids don't get Covid in significant numbers that rings true.
Lancet published study
en B said...
Over 1400 dead from covid yesterday.
How does Michael K's prediction of 20,000 dead for the whole epidemic look now?
It looks a little low. About 50,000 is probably closer. Nothing like your hysterical estimates. The gross over count may never be unwound. Herman Cain is only one example. He had stage IV colon cancer.
Ken B said...
Over 1400 dead from covid yesterday. How does Michael K's prediction of 20,000 dead for the whole epidemic look now?
You mean compared to the 2.2 million prediction that you supported?
By the way, have you figured out what a death rate is and how it is computed? If not, there are 5th grade math texts that will help.
Over 1400 dead from covid yesterday.
So what? We threw away 4,000 lives by aborting them yesterday.
We'll do the same today. And tomorrow.
Ken B: "Over 1400 dead from covid yesterday.
How does Michael K's prediction of 20,000 dead for the whole epidemic look now?"
Unsurprisingly, orders of magnitude better than the estimated 2.2 million that would die, even after accounting for all the column shifting for reporting purposes including all the vehicular accident "Chicom flu" deaths, the suicide "ChiCom flu" deaths, the heart attack "ChiCom flu deaths", etc. as well as the financial rewarding of medical personnel in hospitals and clinics to label as many cases as possible ChiCom flu regardless of any other conditions.
The events of this month should serve to alert citizens to the importance of local elections. City/County politics matter. We're inclined to place far too much emphasis on national politics but the city council and mayor's office are where the rubber meets the road.
Ken B said...
Over 1400 dead from covid yesterday.
How does Michael K's prediction of 20,000 dead for the whole epidemic look now?
How does Ken B's assertion the pandemic growth is exponential look now? Isn't it interesting the most dogmatic people maintain their certitude by evaluating other people's predictions but never their own assertions.
--It looks a little low. About 50,000 is probably closer.
Michael K, there are 150,000 reported deaths in the U.S. so far. Do you believe the CDC and local medics falsified two of every three reports?
Bret Weinstein
“ As Federal officers withdraw, rioters burn the severed, head of a pig on a
flag as a grisly death threat against local police.”
Will Althouse tell us it could be right wing bikers having a roast?
Michael K
You are the only Covidiot denialist worth responding to. I made no estimates. I have pointed that out repeatedly. So, you are lying. Again. Your tendency to lie has been documented here repeatedly. Sad, because you are a man of some attainment. High attainment actually, but low character.
There are currently no white cornerbacks in the NFL. It’s unclear why there are no white players at the position, as essentially every other position has white players.
Looks like the above statement went through a “sensitivity read.”
Kai Akker said...
--It looks a little low. About 50,000 is probably closer.
Michael K, there are 150,000 reported deaths in the U.S. so far. Do you believe the CDC and local medics falsified two of every three reports?
7/31/20, 11:47 AM
A bunch of them, yes. Plus many more actual deaths were caused by the nursing-home Aktion T4 strategy, and by the anti-HCQ craze. Oh, and the riots; and the Democrats posturing that "nothing wrong here, water's fine, c'mon down to Chinatown!" and so forth.
Since the Henry Ford study suggests that at least half of the deaths could have been prevented with HCQ therapy, with negligible side effect risk, yes, without Democrats killing people, the numbers could be closer to the 50K Mike K predicted or the 65K that I predicted.
I guess we should have predicted the Ds' thirst for blood. That's on us.
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