Kristi is coming on strong... 2024?
Ann Althouse wrote about this last week but watching Anton Petrov I realized I had misunderstood what the South Pole Wall is.
I was thinking it was relatively close to us and next to our galaxy. What it actually is is a supercluster of galaxies and it's the fifth largest supercluster ever discovered. It's about three times larger than the Laniakea supercluster, which is what we are part of.
The Althouse blog has become more of an emotional support group than a blog. In that spirit I will refrain from mentioning Trump and his problems. I feel worst for Drago.
I’ve read often on this blog that it’s always the left that interrupts government meetings, speeches, etc, and won’t let people speak. Someone has to tell that to the no-mask right-wing nuts who are disrupting meetings all over the country. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Deaths are now going up in Florida and Texas, as you would reasonably expect, but not in California or the country as a whole. Hard to know exactly what is going on. Presumably some combination of increased testing and different demographics of the infection compared to the initial phase.
Leigh, What is that? How did they get those actors to say those things. I don't understand. Maybe it's my Covid acting up again, but I'm not getting what happened there.
Sure Bee. Big hoax. One guy from China. 15 cases and will soon be zero. Will magically disappear when the weather warms up. Should all be behind us by Memorial Day. Blah blah.
You do realize I hope that there are tens of thousands of undocumented cases out there, right? No test, no count of case. There are also hundreds of thousands who have died and hundreds of thousands very sick. All a magical trick?
What is your point? Reading “How to be a Right Wing Nut for Dummies”? Too hard a read for you? Maybe you can find a friend who feels bad for you who can read it to you maskless at your local bar
You know that site that Althouse has linked to here that asks questions about what something is - a Subredit or something?
Anyway, this isn't a visual puzzle, but I just can't explain it. I bought this house in 2017. It's big, weird, and has a strange history with inexplicable wiring and plumbing going everywhere on the property inside and out. On the master bedroom balcony is a light fixture. I put it on a simple fixture mounted light sensor, so it comes on at dusk. Nearly every night, but not 100%, it turns off for 1 second three to five times a night exactly 60 minutes apart. I know because it gets recorded by my security system. It starts at random times, but once it starts, it repeats exactly one hour later a couple more times each night. It spooks me out, and I can't figure out what causes it. Any ideas?
During [and well after] WWII, the French used the expression, "c'est la guerre" to explain away any and all failures of supply or service. Today it seems to be, "c'est la Covid". Non?
happiness, I always knew where to find you, on the earth or in the sky, and as a friend apologizes to a friend for having been
too tired or too preoccupied
to rejoice at your best moments in life, I apologize for those moments where I led you to think that I might not have known (but I always knew) that you exist, that you are easy to find when we are in trouble, that you were always a true friend.
is ok? is ok.
cor ad cor loquitur
(the original Quote, borrowed and improvised on by yours truly, was from Señora Rosalia de Castro
Those huge block letters spelling out BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower apparently work on some people the way Confederate statues work on the woke citizenry. For the second time in recent days the mural was defaced. This time it was done by a couple of women who threw blue paint across it. The women were arrested. It remains to be seen if they will be treated more harshly than the other vandals or even that guy who struck the police chief....I know burning the American flag is covered by the First Amendment. What's the constitutional take on defacing BLM murals. That mural, given its placement and size, is certainly provocative. One might say that it is more divisive than the average Christopher Columbus statue. This is not the last time it will be defaced if, indeed, it is possible to deface such a grotesquerie.
Religion ! Can of worms or scallops ? I enjoyed the blog post ripple choices of some religions. I say ripple metaphorically, because religion is one scattered. Many factors or reasons. Religion is practice. Religion is challenged, tempted, tested, scewed, mixed, tricked, rescited, helped, lied, archived. Time, money, iPhones, Tesla, overpopulation of parked cars to name some and return to a new re-ligion. Oh yeah, men & women. Religion may be depressed because modernism rules choices. Who cares for Religion while competition is involved. Who competes with religion engraved. Religion with many wives or tilt, husbands. Religion as a hermit, female or male. Religion is war. Religion is peace. Or the last two are reversed. Religion is art ?! Religion is not religion. Religion is religion.
All over the country the Covid deaths are being inflated. It's not even a secret. Health departments are admitting that they count any death as Covid if the person who dies happens to test positive when they die. They claim to exclude accidents and suicides, etc, but they have been shown to include those regularly. One official today even argued that a guy killed in a motorcycle accident could have wrecked due to the effects of Covid. That's how absurd it's gotten. All the people who would normally be dying of the common flu or pneumonia (both substantial killers) are being counted as Covid, often even without a test being done, but definitely if they are positive. Just imagine how low the numbers would be if we only counted those who only died because of Covid infection. Purely a guess, but I'm betting about half or less.
If those numbers are that far off, then everything being said and done in the name of Covid is pure bullshit, and an unprecedented screw-up.
We are now going on 6 months of counting Covid, and here in Nevada we are just now getting close to the deaths caused by the flu in 2018, which was only counted for 13 weeks (half the time). So that was twice as bad even using the inflated numbers, but without them maybe 4 times as bad. No shutdown, no masks, no daily existential drama on the TV telling us over and over again all the cases of flu with breathless anecdotes of the victims. It was actually ignored completely. Was the world that different then? Were we?
Grey Lady / Yellow Journalism: The " paper of wrecker'd "
NYT: claimed that Trump campaign had repeated contacts w/ senior Russian intelligence officials before election. Strzok: "misleading and inaccurate... no evidence [of this]."
<NYT: Roger Stone was part of the FBI's inquiry into Russian ties. FBI: "We have not investigated Roger Stone"
NYT: Manafort was on the calls w/ the Russian intelligence officials. FBI: "We are unaware of any calls with any Russian govt official in which Manafort was a party." h/t techno fog
FBI Tore Apart NYT Report On Trump-Russia Contacts In Newly Declassified Memo
New Russia probe memos expose massive errors in [American Pravda] NYT anti-Trump story, Steele dossier
By Sharyl Attkisson July 17, 2020 - 11:30pm
'...Document number two, also withheld from public view until now, takes apart a New York Times article written by Michael Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo.
Comments made by then-FBI agent Peter Strzok undercut a litany of claims made in the Times article, which was entitled: "Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contact With Russian Intelligence."
Claim in NYT article: "Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump's presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials."
Note by Strzok: "This statement is misleading and inaccurate as written. We have not seen evidence of any individuals in contact with Russians (both Governmental and non-Governmental)" and "There is no known intel affiliation, and little if any [government of Russia] affiliation[.] FBI investigation has shown past contact between [Trump campaign volunteer Carter] Page and the SVR [Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation], but not during his association with the Trump campaign."
Claim in NYT article: "... one of the advisers picked up on the [intercepted] calls was Paul Manafort, who was Mr. Trump's campaign chairman for several months ..."
Note by Strzok: "We are unaware of any calls with any Russian government official in which Manafort was a party."
Claim in NYT article: "The FBI has obtained banking and travel records ..."
Note by Strzok: "We do not yet have detailed banking records."
Claim in NYT article: "Officials would not disclose many details, including what was discussed on the calls, and how many of Trump's advisers were talking to the Russians."
Note by Strzok: "Again, we are unaware of ANY Trump advisers engaging in conversations with Russian intel officials" and "Our coverage has not revealed contact between Russian intelligence officers and the Trump team."
Claim in NYT article: "The FBI asked the NSA to collect as much information as possible about the Russian operatives on the phone calls ..."
Note by Strzok: "If they did we are not aware of those communications."
Claim in NYT article: "The FBI has closely examined at least four other people close to Mr. Trump ... Carter Page ... Roger Stone... and Mr. Flynn."
Note by Strzok: "We have not investigated Roger Stone."
Claim by NYT: "Senior FBI officials believe ... Christopher Steele ... has a credible track record."
Note by Strzok: "Recent interviews and investigation, however, reveal Steele may not be in a position to judge the reliability of subsource network."'
'...Claim by NYT: "The bureau did not have enough evidence to obtain a warrant for a wiretap of Mr. Manafort's communications, but it had the NSA closely scrutinize the communications of Ukrainian officials he had met."
Note by Strzok: "This is inaccurate ..."
There is as yet no explanation in the documents or from the New York Times as to the identities of the four "American officials" who apparently provided the misleading and false information; or what their motivation was.'
Deaths are now going up in Florida and Texas, as you would reasonably expect, but not in California
The 7 Day moving average of deaths/day in California was 57 on the last day of June. It was 89 on July 17th. I don't know what your definition of "not going up is", but it is different from reality. In any case, California's 7 Day moving average of deaths/day hasn't been under 50/day since April 13th- 3 months ago. Based on the trend in California's new cases, though, I think California is likely to top 150 dead/day by the end of the month.
10pm California time. Took a short drive out to higher ground and saw the comet through binoculars.
It was higher up than I expected. Once I knew where it was I could see it faintly with my eye but it was just a smudge.
I've seen some big comets before under almost zero light and those were spectacular. But this was nice as it won't be back for awhile when all of this virus stuff is hopefully over : )
Think about it. That thing will circle around and come back 6,800 years from now and probably do that another few thousand times. It doesn't care about Trump, Biden, BLM, or any of the other bullshit we bicker about day in and day out.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... The Althouse blog has become more of an emotional support group than a blog. In that spirit I will refrain from mentioning Trump and his problems. I feel worst for Drago.
My God, man, what else will you have to say? We already have Howard to play Eddie Haskell over Althouse's photos. What will you do here?
The mission of the WG is to define a data capture architecture consisting of immutable schema bases and interoperable overlays for Internet-scale deployment.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... Deaths are now going up in Florida and Texas, as you would reasonably expect, but not in California or the country as a whole. Hard to know exactly what is going on. Presumably some combination of increased testing and different demographics of the infection compared to the initial phase. ****************
Anyway, in re the taxation without representation question, I recommend a look at the Spanish Constitution of 1812 ( "La Pepa" ), just the second European constitution ever adopted (and I'm not sure the Polish one of 1791 should count, seeing it lasted less than a year).
Taking notes from the British problems with their part of America, one important bit the Cortes of Cadiz had in it was that ALL of Spains colonies were to have proportional representation, through delegates to the Cortes (Parliament). And that all colonial peoples, whether locally born whites, mestizos or Indians (with an important exception) would be considered equal citizens with the peoples of Penninsular Spain. That created, for a couple of years, something astonishing, which has not come to pass again even today, a genuinely global nation-state.
Britain never did this, later, even in its "white" colonies.
It was probably too ambitious for the time and the circumstances, as Spanish America was already starting to revolt, and Spain was still in a desperate fight against Napoleon, besides being wrecked and broke. And Ferdinand VII suppressed it the moment he was released from his Napoleonic prison.
My ancestor, Ventura De Los Reyes, was the official Philippine delegate to this Cortes, and he was a signer of this Spanish Constitution.
He is said to be the florid, grey-haired gentleman in the very middle.
Where the Constitution of 1812 drew the line as far as equal political rights and counting towards representation, was with Africans, whether slave or free, and African mulatos. They could attain civil rights, individually, but werent simply granted them as were the Mexicans, Peruvians, Filipinos etc.
The jacket of some dead, left handed chap - And, now, soiled, unlaundered, wet with the rain, A fantastic imposition on the neat Courtesies of these reserved Durham streets - Neither with the safe and unassumed (Because there!) reassured flow of learning Nor with the native anger - ‘a tramp, Beaten by brooms’. Unsure because unrefered.
“Take the opportunity to listen” And, though all the chords Had forced their disgust, I tried: but there was merely A laziness, a fallacy of sound Which toured that mid-ear Of safe distrust, of distance kept Because no distance could be understood. So it was presumed we began With only an undisciplined cry And, searching for that word, The ‘honest genuine’, the strict Discipline was ‘do not try’. Those ‘triers’ who where impotent And strange and finally excluded.
“Hell, the floor collapsed: there we were, Dust and plaster, our arses that had Bumped some bottom of a world. And, so, A frightened laughter, as if laughing Might be a ladder lifting us above ourselves: The shattered bed, the cracked chair, there was I Thinking “Well, I must rise.” And, thus, broken Upon it, holding a useless head, I had to try a door. But, first, the stair, But, first, all that was above and, now, Below us, but, first, the joke “Do we care?” I must go home, without wish, without will.”
" bagoh20 said... Leigh, What is that? How did they get those actors to say those things. I don't understand. Maybe it's my Covid acting up again, but I'm not getting what happened there"
They didn't get them to say it. The creators got video of these actors speaking (about something else) and put the character to it. Then photoshopped the faces in to finish the illusion.
The malady of being there. That particular faltering step Towards what? A covert neon Or the moon, eclipse of the night. Like those long roads of understanding At the end of which only a fields Grubby grass, the twitch of a tree, Broken and misplaced alien nature.
Rather, on the obdurate pavement, Ones feet grooved to a steady tread, Here in the town is one truly alone: Anonymous with the anonymous, Destructive with the destructive - Out there another world, ejected ghost Of a field that haunts our want Of substance, useless to intrude upon.
Alone but for the involuntary Company of tinnitus, the ghost of wall, floor, ceiling, Once again a silence dividing The drowned and the stranded. behind only brutal hope, The thousand humiliations Of a world expected, taken for granted: A love that’s merely a poem?
Yes, you may say: “I am nothing.” That “ ‘Now’ is all I will ever be.” Yet the earth wills otherwise: There is death and though you fill Your days with faithless action, The endless mantra of a common ‘No!’, Such wanted dis-appearance Is only edge, a crescent glimmer Of what is always dark, Innocent, tragic, affirmed. Life, which needs no knowing, Lives you without you.
The consensus here seems to be that deaths are going up everywhere. OK. I'm fine with that. They are still going up more in Florida and Texas than almost anywhere else.
Winter Trees The wet dawn inks are doing their blue dissolve. On their blotter of fog the trees Seem a botanical drawing -- Memories growing, ring on ring, A series of weddings.
Knowing neither abortions nor bitchery, Truer than women, They seed so effortlessly! Tasting the winds, that are footless, Waist-deep in history --
Full of wings, otherworldliness. In this, they are Ledas. O mother of leaves and sweetness Who are these pietàs? The shadows of ringdoves chanting, but chasing nothing.
She didn't know how to end that poem but she knew how to begin it.
Curious George said... "Francisco D said... I have tried to find Goya products in my local grocery stores, but they are all out."
I had their adobo with pepper on my chicken tonight. Awesome.
Question, Goya makes an adobo without cumin that has pepper, and an adobo with cumin that lacks pepper, and they have another variant which I forget with a green cap, and maybe they have others. What is the point of the one with pepper not having cumin and vice versa? Why don't you have an adobo with pepper and cumin? Are they mutually exclusive spices?
Frankly I would rather an adobo without salt because I prefer to control the salt myself and I like to use kosher salt rather than the fine-grain salt in Adobo. But generally when I'm reaching for the adobo it's making something Mexican, and Mexican to me generally means cumin. Without cumin, adobo is just salt, pepper, garlic, and oregano, not in that order. I have all of those in my rack. And I can control the proportions.
Although it's fantastic if you're trying to get something out on the table really quickly and you don't want to spend three minutes picking from your rack and you just want to hit it with some flavor.
But can someone explain the pepper vs. cumin thing? Is it a question of Mexicans using cumin and non Mexicans not using cumin? Why not an adobo with both?
Robert Smith was, is, a poet, like me - from the Cure - the boring tune drowns what he writes:
I really don’t know what I’m doing here I really think I should’ve gone to bed tonight but… “Just one drink And there’re some people to meet you I think that you’ll like them I have to say we do And I promise in less than than an hour we will honestly go… Now why don’t I just get you another While you just say hello… ”
Yeah just say hello…
So I’m clutching it tight Another glass in my hand And my mouth and the smiles Moving up as I stand up Too close and too wide And the smiles are too bright And I breathe in too deep And my head’s getting light But the air is getting heavier and it’s closer And I’m starting to sway And the hands all on my shoulders don’t have names And they won’t go away So here I go Here I go again…
Falling into strangers And it’s only just eleven And I’m staring like a child Until someone slips me heaven And I take it on my knees Just like a thousand times before And I get transfixed That fixed And I’m just looking at the floor Just looking at the floor Yeah I look at the floor…
And I’m starting to laugh Like an animal in pain And I’ve got blood on my hands And I’ve got hands in my brain And the first short retch Leaves me gasping for more And I stagger over screaming On my way to the floor And I’m back on my back With the lights and the lies in my eyes And the colour and the music’s too loud And my head’s all the wrong size So here I go Here I go again…
Yeah I laugh and I jump And I sing and I laugh And I dance and I laugh And I laugh and I laugh And I can’t seem to think Where this is Who I am Why I’m keeping this going Keep pouring it out Keep pouring it down Keeping it going Keep pouring it down And the way the rain comes down hard… That’s the way I feel inside…
I can’t take it anymore This it I’ve become This is it like I get When my life’s going numb I just keep moving my mouth I just keep moving my feet I say I’m loving you to death Like I’m losing my breath And all the smiles that I wear And all the games that I play And all the drinks that I mix And I drink until I’m sick And all the faces I make And all the shapes that I throw And all the people I meet And all the words that I know Makes me sick to the heart Oh I feel so tired…
And the way the rain comes down hard… That’s how I feel inside…
"They didn't get them to say it. The creators got video of these actors speaking (about something else) and put the character to it. Then photoshopped the faces in to finish the illusion."
I thought that, but it was just so well done and fit perfectly. It was subtle enough to be plausible that they were in on the joke.
For my little nape of the neck in California. The death rate isn't going up. Our first big spike was June 15th.
Positive Cases in San Diego County Since February 14, 2020 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Table updated July 17, 2020, with data through July 16, 2020.
COVID-19 Case Summary San Diego County Residents Total Positives 22,489 Selected Characteristics Count % Rate per 100,000 Age Groups 0-9 years 682 3.0% 157.3 10-19 years 1,581 7.0% 364.5 20-29 years 5,617 25.0% 1058.0 30-39 years 4,264 19.0% 870.2 40-49 years 3,241 14.4% 812.0 50-59 years 3,192 14.2% 789.2 60-69 years 1,969 8.8% 578.6 70-79 years 1,028 4.6% 514.3 80+ years 895 4.0% 746.9 Age Unknown 20 — — Gender Female 11,462 51.3% 689.8 Male 10,892 48.7% 644.5 Unknown 135 — — Hospitalizations 2,154 9.6% — Intensive Care 562 2.5% — Deaths 472 2.1% —
Anytime you use Covid death numbers you are misinforming others, either on purpose or not. They do not mean "died from Covid", and those doing the counting will say as much, yet that's how they are being used thousands of times per day. What is the purpose of all this lying? Everyone does or should know it's not true. Anybody here want claim the death numbers accurately count people who only died due to the Covid infection?
Mexican oregano is very different from Mediterranean as my recipes point out. I've not yet tried them out, as I have an outstanding (real) Mexican restaurant in easy reach. I have tried Badia Adobo and I've come to dash it onto nearly everything. Getting hungry... gotta go!
ARM, do you believe the Covid death numbers are accurate for deaths caused by this disease?
It's not my imagination. Even the people doing the counting will tell you they do not represent deaths caused by this disease. The standard is clear and public. Nobody is even disputing it except people like you for some inexpiable reason wanting to ignore the facts. Why do you want to be misinformed and misinform others? Does it give you some comfort to think Covid is much more deadly than it is, or is there some other agenda behind it? Maybe I'm just giving you to much credit and the truth is that you are just not curious, skeptical or fact driven at all.
Bagoh, you provide no evidence other than your own strongly held beliefs. Yes I believe that the numbers are a reasonable approximation of what is going on. For starters the deaths relative to the number of infections are much lower than at the start of the pandemic. If they were systematically padding the numbers you would expect them to be the same or higher. The lower rate appears to reasonably accurately reflect improvement in treatment, changes in demographics, etc.
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८२ टिप्पण्या:
Please enjoy this extremely funny parody.
Kristi is coming on strong... 2024?
The subject has broken open... Covid Fraud
This is a link the polls can't refute. Not in any way, shape, or indeed, even form. MN is a red state now, it will just take a few elections to weed out the Commies.
I have tried to find Goya products in my local grocery stores, but they are all out.
I have not seen Michael K. post in a while.
Does anyone know if he is OK or not?
Ann Althouse wrote about this last week but watching Anton Petrov I realized I had misunderstood what the South Pole Wall is.
I was thinking it was relatively close to us and next to our galaxy. What it actually is is a supercluster of galaxies and it's the fifth largest supercluster ever discovered. It's about three times larger than the Laniakea supercluster, which is what we are part of.
The Althouse blog has become more of an emotional support group than a blog. In that spirit I will refrain from mentioning Trump and his problems. I feel worst for Drago.
I’ve read often on this blog that it’s always the left that interrupts government meetings, speeches, etc, and won’t let people speak. Someone has to tell that to the no-mask right-wing nuts who are disrupting meetings all over the country. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Deaths are now going up in Florida and Texas, as you would reasonably expect, but not in California or the country as a whole. Hard to know exactly what is going on. Presumably some combination of increased testing and different demographics of the infection compared to the initial phase.
This is another one (of many) that would make an astonishing timeless scarf.
just saying, like your little rats, you may have a product line.
Leigh, What is that? How did they get those actors to say those things. I don't understand. Maybe it's my Covid acting up again, but I'm not getting what happened there.
Repeat statement (related to earlier post on Sullivan) - if Althouse goes behind a paywall, I will follow.
Sure Bee. Big hoax. One guy from China. 15 cases and will soon be zero. Will magically disappear when the weather warms up. Should all be behind us by Memorial Day. Blah blah.
You do realize I hope that there are tens of thousands of undocumented cases out there, right? No test, no count of case. There are also hundreds of thousands who have died and hundreds of thousands very sick. All a magical trick?
What is your point? Reading “How to be a Right Wing Nut for Dummies”? Too hard a read for you? Maybe you can find a friend who feels bad for you who can read it to you maskless at your local bar
You know that site that Althouse has linked to here that asks questions about what something is - a Subredit or something?
Anyway, this isn't a visual puzzle, but I just can't explain it. I bought this house in 2017. It's big, weird, and has a strange history with inexplicable wiring and plumbing going everywhere on the property inside and out. On the master bedroom balcony is a light fixture. I put it on a simple fixture mounted light sensor, so it comes on at dusk. Nearly every night, but not 100%, it turns off for 1 second three to five times a night exactly 60 minutes apart. I know because it gets recorded by my security system. It starts at random times, but once it starts, it repeats exactly one hour later a couple more times each night. It spooks me out, and I can't figure out what causes it. Any ideas?
During [and well after] WWII, the French used the expression, "c'est la guerre" to explain away any and all failures of supply or service. Today it seems to be, "c'est la Covid". Non?
happiness, I always knew where to find you, on the earth or in the sky, and as a friend apologizes to a friend for having been
too tired or too preoccupied
to rejoice at your best moments in life, I apologize for those moments where I led you to think that I might not have known (but I always knew) that you exist, that you are easy to find when we are in trouble, that you were always a true friend.
is ok? is ok.
cor ad cor loquitur
(the original Quote, borrowed and improvised on by yours truly, was from Señora Rosalia de Castro
This is actually a pretty good point.
Francisco D said...
I have not seen Michael K. post in a while.
Does anyone know if he is OK or not?
Not OK. Hasn't been OK for decades. Needs checkup from the neck up.
Those huge block letters spelling out BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower apparently work on some people the way Confederate statues work on the woke citizenry. For the second time in recent days the mural was defaced. This time it was done by a couple of women who threw blue paint across it. The women were arrested. It remains to be seen if they will be treated more harshly than the other vandals or even that guy who struck the police chief....I know burning the American flag is covered by the First Amendment. What's the constitutional take on defacing BLM murals. That mural, given its placement and size, is certainly provocative. One might say that it is more divisive than the average Christopher Columbus statue. This is not the last time it will be defaced if, indeed, it is possible to deface such a grotesquerie.
Religion ! Can of worms or scallops ?
I enjoyed the blog post ripple choices of some religions. I say ripple metaphorically, because religion is one scattered. Many factors or reasons.
Religion is practice. Religion is challenged, tempted, tested, scewed, mixed, tricked, rescited, helped, lied, archived. Time, money, iPhones, Tesla, overpopulation of parked cars to name some and return to a new re-ligion. Oh yeah, men & women.
Religion may be depressed because modernism rules choices. Who cares for Religion while competition is involved. Who competes with religion engraved. Religion with many wives or tilt, husbands. Religion as a hermit, female or male.
Religion is war. Religion is peace. Or the last two are reversed.
Religion is art ?!
Religion is not religion.
Religion is religion.
- Idk
All over the country the Covid deaths are being inflated. It's not even a secret. Health departments are admitting that they count any death as Covid if the person who dies happens to test positive when they die. They claim to exclude accidents and suicides, etc, but they have been shown to include those regularly. One official today even argued that a guy killed in a motorcycle accident could have wrecked due to the effects of Covid. That's how absurd it's gotten. All the people who would normally be dying of the common flu or pneumonia (both substantial killers) are being counted as Covid, often even without a test being done, but definitely if they are positive. Just imagine how low the numbers would be if we only counted those who only died because of Covid infection. Purely a guess, but I'm betting about half or less.
If those numbers are that far off, then everything being said and done in the name of Covid is pure bullshit, and an unprecedented screw-up.
We are now going on 6 months of counting Covid, and here in Nevada we are just now getting close to the deaths caused by the flu in 2018, which was only counted for 13 weeks (half the time). So that was twice as bad even using the inflated numbers, but without them maybe 4 times as bad. No shutdown, no masks, no daily existential drama on the TV telling us over and over again all the cases of flu with breathless anecdotes of the victims. It was actually ignored completely. Was the world that different then? Were we?
"Jizz Lane"'s 'secret spouse'
Ship Shape: Who is Scott Borgerson and What Does Ghislaine Maxwell See in Him?
The power couple no one knew about, and what they have in common.
oops-- forgot this one about Jizz Lane's beau.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s ‘husband’ Scott Borgerson boasted about dating ‘high profile woman’ but refused to say who she was
Grey Lady / Yellow Journalism: The " paper of wrecker'd "
NYT: claimed that Trump campaign had repeated contacts w/ senior Russian intelligence officials before election.
Strzok: "misleading and inaccurate... no evidence [of this]."
<NYT: Roger Stone was part of the FBI's inquiry into Russian ties.
FBI: "We have not investigated Roger Stone"
NYT: Manafort was on the calls w/ the Russian intelligence officials.
FBI: "We are unaware of any calls with any Russian govt official in which Manafort was a party." h/t techno fog
FBI Tore Apart NYT Report On Trump-Russia Contacts In Newly Declassified Memo
"Any ideas?"
Another light source is getting picked up by the photo cell?
"Francisco D said...
I have tried to find Goya products in my local grocery stores, but they are all out."
I had their adobo with pepper on my chicken tonight. Awesome.
Tonights landscape is the Gone With the Wind Intermezzo. Rhett has just left Scarlett to join up after a kiss of all kisses.
New Russia probe memos expose massive errors in [American Pravda] NYT anti-Trump story, Steele dossier
By Sharyl Attkisson July 17, 2020 - 11:30pm
'...Document number two, also withheld from public view until now, takes apart a New York Times article written by Michael Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo.
Comments made by then-FBI agent Peter Strzok undercut a litany of claims made in the Times article, which was entitled: "Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contact With Russian Intelligence."
Claim in NYT article: "Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump's presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials."
Note by Strzok: "This statement is misleading and inaccurate as written. We have not seen evidence of any individuals in contact with Russians (both Governmental and non-Governmental)" and "There is no known intel affiliation, and little if any [government of Russia] affiliation[.] FBI investigation has shown past contact between [Trump campaign volunteer Carter] Page and the SVR [Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation], but not during his association with the Trump campaign."
Claim in NYT article: "... one of the advisers picked up on the [intercepted] calls was Paul Manafort, who was Mr. Trump's campaign chairman for several months ..."
Note by Strzok: "We are unaware of any calls with any Russian government official in which Manafort was a party."
Claim in NYT article: "The FBI has obtained banking and travel records ..."
Note by Strzok: "We do not yet have detailed banking records."
Claim in NYT article: "Officials would not disclose many details, including what was discussed on the calls, and how many of Trump's advisers were talking to the Russians."
Note by Strzok: "Again, we are unaware of ANY Trump advisers engaging in conversations with Russian intel officials" and "Our coverage has not revealed contact between Russian intelligence officers and the Trump team."
Claim in NYT article: "The FBI asked the NSA to collect as much information as possible about the Russian operatives on the phone calls ..."
Note by Strzok: "If they did we are not aware of those communications."
Claim in NYT article: "The FBI has closely examined at least four other people close to Mr. Trump ... Carter Page ... Roger Stone... and Mr. Flynn."
Note by Strzok: "We have not investigated Roger Stone."
Claim by NYT: "Senior FBI officials believe ... Christopher Steele ... has a credible track record."
Note by Strzok: "Recent interviews and investigation, however, reveal Steele may not be in a position to judge the reliability of subsource network."'
'...Claim by NYT: "The bureau did not have enough evidence to obtain a warrant for a wiretap of Mr. Manafort's communications, but it had the NSA closely scrutinize the communications of Ukrainian officials he had met."
Note by Strzok: "This is inaccurate ..."
There is as yet no explanation in the documents or from the New York Times as to the identities of the four "American officials" who apparently provided the misleading and false information; or what their motivation was.'
Beijing Boy: "Deaths are now going up in Florida and Texas,..."
Since just about every death for any reason is being labeled a ChiCom Bat Flu death, its not surprising.
We have had 2 motor vehicle deaths labeled ChiCom Flu so the Florida shenanigans arent surprising.
The real tell is the overall excess deaths to date which shows essentially zero deviation from expected based on overall population.
Which tells us this is a big exercise in moving numbers from one column to the next.
ARM wrote:
Deaths are now going up in Florida and Texas, as you would reasonably expect, but not in California
The 7 Day moving average of deaths/day in California was 57 on the last day of June. It was 89 on July 17th. I don't know what your definition of "not going up is", but it is different from reality. In any case, California's 7 Day moving average of deaths/day hasn't been under 50/day since April 13th- 3 months ago. Based on the trend in California's new cases, though, I think California is likely to top 150 dead/day by the end of the month.
Oh noes! Even Peter Strzok didn't believe the NYT lies. New Russia probe memos expose massive errors in NYT anti-Trump story, Steele dossier
Bagoh20 - Something over heating, cooling off in a minute, and then continues for 60 minute till it repeats.
1. If it's on it's own circuit, may be the circuit breaker.
2. If it's a separate light sensor, just replace that.
3. If it's a combination unit, just replace the light.
The light may have some type of warranty. I would look at reviews, other people may have the same issue.
Video of Chicago Police protecting the statue of notorious Confederate Brigadier General Christopher Columbus and using pepper spray (in "Howard speak" that means Low Yield Tactical Nuclear Weapons) to push the "peaceful" brick throwing/physically assaulting "protesters" back away from the statue.
10pm California time. Took a short drive out to higher ground and saw the comet through binoculars.
It was higher up than I expected. Once I knew where it was I could see it faintly with my eye but it was just a smudge.
I've seen some big comets before under almost zero light and those were spectacular. But this was nice as it won't be back for awhile when all of this virus stuff is hopefully over : )
Think about it. That thing will circle around and come back 6,800 years from now and probably do that another few thousand times. It doesn't care about Trump, Biden, BLM, or any of the other bullshit we bicker about day in and day out.
Must be nice.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
The Althouse blog has become more of an emotional support group than a blog. In that spirit I will refrain from mentioning Trump and his problems. I feel worst for Drago.
My God, man, what else will you have to say? We already have Howard to play Eddie Haskell over Althouse's photos. What will you do here?
"Taxation, without representation" is the earliest version of "If it don't fit, you must acquit."
The mission of the WG is to define a data capture architecture consisting of immutable schema bases and interoperable overlays for Internet-scale deployment.
I think we all know that, If Trump wins, the Left will go apeshit in a way to make the recent civil unrest seem a lark.
But what if the puppet masters behind Biden win? What will the others do? I wish I had a reasonable answer to that.
New York Times is asshole.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Deaths are now going up in Florida and Texas, as you would reasonably expect, but not in California or the country as a whole. Hard to know exactly what is going on. Presumably some combination of increased testing and different demographics of the infection compared to the initial phase.
So utterly full of shit:
Scroll down to see the data.
Back to Bilbao, we are.
Anyway, in re the taxation without representation question, I recommend a look at the Spanish Constitution of 1812 ( "La Pepa" ), just the second European constitution ever adopted (and I'm not sure the Polish one of 1791 should count, seeing it lasted less than a year).
Taking notes from the British problems with their part of America, one important bit the Cortes of Cadiz had in it was that ALL of Spains colonies were to have proportional representation, through delegates to the Cortes (Parliament). And that all colonial peoples, whether locally born whites, mestizos or Indians (with an important exception) would be considered equal citizens with the peoples of Penninsular Spain. That created, for a couple of years, something astonishing, which has not come to pass again even today, a genuinely global nation-state.
Britain never did this, later, even in its "white" colonies.
It was probably too ambitious for the time and the circumstances, as Spanish America was already starting to revolt, and Spain was still in a desperate fight against Napoleon, besides being wrecked and broke. And Ferdinand VII suppressed it the moment he was released from his Napoleonic prison.
My ancestor, Ventura De Los Reyes, was the official Philippine delegate to this Cortes, and he was a signer of this Spanish Constitution.ádiz_en_1810.jpg#mw-jump-to-license
He is said to be the florid, grey-haired gentleman in the very middle.
Where the Constitution of 1812 drew the line as far as equal political rights and counting towards representation, was with Africans, whether slave or free, and African mulatos. They could attain civil rights, individually, but werent simply granted them as were the Mexicans, Peruvians, Filipinos etc.
@steve uhr, how about you go back to defaming the kids from Covington Catholic?
The jacket of some dead, left handed chap -
And, now, soiled, unlaundered, wet with the rain,
A fantastic imposition on the neat
Courtesies of these reserved Durham streets -
Neither with the safe and unassumed
(Because there!) reassured flow of learning
Nor with the native anger - ‘a tramp,
Beaten by brooms’. Unsure because unrefered.
Trying To Listen
“Take the opportunity to listen”
And, though all the chords
Had forced their disgust,
I tried: but there was merely
A laziness, a fallacy of sound
Which toured that mid-ear
Of safe distrust, of distance kept
Because no distance could be understood.
So it was presumed we began
With only an undisciplined cry
And, searching for that word,
The ‘honest genuine’, the strict
Discipline was ‘do not try’.
Those ‘triers’ who where impotent
And strange and finally excluded.
“Hell, the floor collapsed: there we were,
Dust and plaster, our arses that had
Bumped some bottom of a world. And, so,
A frightened laughter, as if laughing
Might be a ladder lifting us above ourselves:
The shattered bed, the cracked chair, there was I
Thinking “Well, I must rise.” And, thus, broken
Upon it, holding a useless head,
I had to try a door. But, first, the stair,
But, first, all that was above and, now,
Below us, but, first, the joke “Do we care?”
I must go home, without wish, without will.”
" bagoh20 said...
Leigh, What is that? How did they get those actors to say those things. I don't understand. Maybe it's my Covid acting up again, but I'm not getting what happened there"
They didn't get them to say it. The creators got video of these actors speaking (about something else) and put the character to it. Then photoshopped the faces in to finish the illusion.
Being There
The malady of being there.
That particular faltering step
Towards what? A covert neon
Or the moon, eclipse of the night.
Like those long roads of understanding
At the end of which only a fields
Grubby grass, the twitch of a tree,
Broken and misplaced alien nature.
Rather, on the obdurate pavement,
Ones feet grooved to a steady tread,
Here in the town is one truly alone:
Anonymous with the anonymous,
Destructive with the destructive -
Out there another world, ejected ghost
Of a field that haunts our want
Of substance, useless to intrude upon.
Merely A Poem
Alone but for the involuntary
Company of tinnitus,
the ghost of wall, floor, ceiling,
Once again a silence dividing
The drowned and the stranded.
behind only brutal hope, The thousand humiliations
Of a world expected, taken for granted:
A love that’s merely a poem?
Covid deaths per 100,000 population through 7/7/20
FL. 22
CA. 19
TX 13
Yes, you may say: “I am nothing.”
That “ ‘Now’ is all I will ever be.”
Yet the earth wills otherwise:
There is death and though you fill
Your days with faithless action,
The endless mantra of a common ‘No!’,
Such wanted dis-appearance
Is only edge, a crescent glimmer
Of what is always dark,
Innocent, tragic, affirmed.
Life, which needs no knowing,
Lives you without you.
The consensus here seems to be that deaths are going up everywhere. OK. I'm fine with that. They are still going up more in Florida and Texas than almost anywhere else.
Winter Trees
The wet dawn inks are doing their blue dissolve.
On their blotter of fog the trees
Seem a botanical drawing --
Memories growing, ring on ring,
A series of weddings.
Knowing neither abortions nor bitchery,
Truer than women,
They seed so effortlessly!
Tasting the winds, that are footless,
Waist-deep in history --
Full of wings, otherworldliness.
In this, they are Ledas.
O mother of leaves and sweetness
Who are these pietàs?
The shadows of ringdoves chanting, but chasing nothing.
She didn't know how to end that poem but she knew how to begin it.
One thing I know, Miss Althouse, if the only thing, is about poetry.
She was a child, then, Sylvia
Curious George said...
"Francisco D said...
I have tried to find Goya products in my local grocery stores, but they are all out."
I had their adobo with pepper on my chicken tonight. Awesome.
Question, Goya makes an adobo without cumin that has pepper, and an adobo with cumin that lacks pepper, and they have another variant which I forget with a green cap, and maybe they have others. What is the point of the one with pepper not having cumin and vice versa? Why don't you have an adobo with pepper and cumin? Are they mutually exclusive spices?
Frankly I would rather an adobo without salt because I prefer to control the salt myself and I like to use kosher salt rather than the fine-grain salt in Adobo. But generally when I'm reaching for the adobo it's making something Mexican, and Mexican to me generally means cumin. Without cumin, adobo is just salt, pepper, garlic, and oregano, not in that order. I have all of those in my rack. And I can control the proportions.
Although it's fantastic if you're trying to get something out on the table really quickly and you don't want to spend three minutes picking from your rack and you just want to hit it with some flavor.
But can someone explain the pepper vs. cumin thing? Is it a question of Mexicans using cumin and non Mexicans not using cumin? Why not an adobo with both?
Robert Smith was, is, a poet, like me - from the Cure - the boring tune drowns what he writes:
I really don’t know what I’m doing here
I really think I should’ve gone to bed tonight but…
“Just one drink
And there’re some people to meet you
I think that you’ll like them
I have to say we do
And I promise in less than than an hour we will honestly go…
Now why don’t I just get you another
While you just say hello… ”
Yeah just say hello…
So I’m clutching it tight
Another glass in my hand
And my mouth and the smiles
Moving up as I stand up
Too close and too wide
And the smiles are too bright
And I breathe in too deep
And my head’s getting light
But the air is getting heavier and it’s closer
And I’m starting to sway
And the hands all on my shoulders don’t have names
And they won’t go away
So here I go
Here I go again…
Falling into strangers
And it’s only just eleven
And I’m staring like a child
Until someone slips me heaven
And I take it on my knees
Just like a thousand times before
And I get transfixed
That fixed
And I’m just looking at the floor
Just looking at the floor
Yeah I look at the floor…
And I’m starting to laugh
Like an animal in pain
And I’ve got blood on my hands
And I’ve got hands in my brain
And the first short retch
Leaves me gasping for more
And I stagger over screaming
On my way to the floor
And I’m back on my back
With the lights and the lies in my eyes
And the colour and the music’s too loud
And my head’s all the wrong size
So here I go
Here I go again…
Yeah I laugh and I jump
And I sing and I laugh
And I dance and I laugh
And I laugh and I laugh
And I can’t seem to think
Where this is
Who I am
Why I’m keeping this going
Keep pouring it out
Keep pouring it down
Keeping it going
Keep pouring it down
And the way the rain comes down hard…
That’s the way I feel inside…
I can’t take it anymore
This it I’ve become
This is it like I get
When my life’s going numb
I just keep moving my mouth
I just keep moving my feet
I say I’m loving you to death
Like I’m losing my breath
And all the smiles that I wear
And all the games that I play
And all the drinks that I mix
And I drink until I’m sick
And all the faces I make
And all the shapes that I throw
And all the people I meet
And all the words that I know
Makes me sick to the heart
Oh I feel so tired…
And the way the rain comes down hard…
That’s how I feel inside…
"They didn't get them to say it. The creators got video of these actors speaking (about something else) and put the character to it. Then photoshopped the faces in to finish the illusion."
I thought that, but it was just so well done and fit perfectly. It was subtle enough to be plausible that they were in on the joke.
Jersey Fled said...
Covid deaths per 100,000 population through 7/7/20
Says nothing about current rate of change, which is what I posted about.
I don't mean to flatter you - because you're a woman - because Joni is -I have always loved her.
High heels, jhodpars and a smock -
For my little nape of the neck in California. The death rate isn't going up. Our first big spike was June 15th.
Positive Cases in San Diego County Since February 14, 2020
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Table updated July 17, 2020, with data through July 16, 2020.
COVID-19 Case Summary San Diego County Residents
Total Positives 22,489
Selected Characteristics Count % Rate per 100,000
Age Groups
0-9 years 682 3.0% 157.3
10-19 years 1,581 7.0% 364.5
20-29 years 5,617 25.0% 1058.0
30-39 years 4,264 19.0% 870.2
40-49 years 3,241 14.4% 812.0
50-59 years 3,192 14.2% 789.2
60-69 years 1,969 8.8% 578.6
70-79 years 1,028 4.6% 514.3
80+ years 895 4.0% 746.9
Age Unknown 20 — —
Female 11,462 51.3% 689.8
Male 10,892 48.7% 644.5
Unknown 135 — —
Hospitalizations 2,154 9.6% —
Intensive Care 562 2.5% —
Deaths 472 2.1% —
Sorry, forgot this.
It’s actually gone down. For a long time it was .0289
Anytime you use Covid death numbers you are misinforming others, either on purpose or not. They do not mean "died from Covid", and those doing the counting will say as much, yet that's how they are being used thousands of times per day. What is the purpose of all this lying? Everyone does or should know it's not true. Anybody here want claim the death numbers accurately count people who only died due to the Covid infection?
Country singers The Dixie Chicks have dropped "Dixie" from their name and are now "The Chicks."
How long before they are cancelled for using a name that is inappropriate for women (however you may define them)?
And will Dixie Carter be required to change her name posthumously?
bagoh20 said...
Anytime you use Covid death numbers you are misinforming others
Paranoid nonsense designed to suppress debate.
Curiously, deaths due to influenza remain officially uncounted.
Mexican oregano is very different from Mediterranean as my recipes point out. I've not yet tried them out, as I have an outstanding (real) Mexican restaurant in easy reach. I have tried Badia Adobo and I've come to dash it onto nearly everything. Getting hungry... gotta go!
ARM you are ignorant, willful ignorance, in your case, provides much comic relief to this blog.
The only comic relief around here is Trump bumbling to defeat in November. And that is very dark comedy.
like with lady antebellum, they had one good song, and then they coasted on it,
ARM, do you believe the Covid death numbers are accurate for deaths caused by this disease?
It's not my imagination. Even the people doing the counting will tell you they do not represent deaths caused by this disease. The standard is clear and public. Nobody is even disputing it except people like you for some inexpiable reason wanting to ignore the facts. Why do you want to be misinformed and misinform others? Does it give you some comfort to think Covid is much more deadly than it is, or is there some other agenda behind it? Maybe I'm just giving you to much credit and the truth is that you are just not curious, skeptical or fact driven at all.
"Paranoid nonsense designed to suppress debate."
That's pretty ironic. OK, let's debate it. Provide your proof that the numbers are valid.
If you don't wear two masks, you're selling yourself short.
The outer mask is to save the lives of other people's grandparents. It does nothing to protect you, according to the "science".
The inner mask will save you. I know, it seems selfish. Why must I protect myself when it my duty to protect the collective?
Great point.
Not talking to you-
Talking to the blacks.
Black Lives Matter. Wear two masks.
Bagoh, you provide no evidence other than your own strongly held beliefs. Yes I believe that the numbers are a reasonable approximation of what is going on. For starters the deaths relative to the number of infections are much lower than at the start of the pandemic. If they were systematically padding the numbers you would expect them to be the same or higher. The lower rate appears to reasonably accurately reflect improvement in treatment, changes in demographics, etc.
Theses faces in the metro
A deep black bough
Ezra Pound
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