"And talk about their reading. What they do is listen. And talk about how they listened. What they do is never enough. This isn’t the time to circle up with other white people and discuss black pain in the abstract; it’s the time to acknowledge and examine the pain they’ve personally caused. Black people live and die every day under the burdens of a racism more insidious than the current virus that’s also disproportionately killing us. And yet white people tend to take a slow route to meaningful activism, locked in familiar patterns, seemingly uninterested in really advancing progress. Theirs is still a world of signs and signaling, where actions like joining book clubs — often based in some 'meaningfully curated' readings that are probably easy to name: 'White Fragility,' 'How to Be an Anti-Racist,' 'Between the World and Me,' maybe even 'All About Love' — take precedence.... [In social media] people write long posts about the need to examine white privilege, to 'name white supremacy,' and to either proudly denounce family members or call them in to conversations.... ... I know what happens next. In a handful of Sundays, my social media feeds will no longer have my white allies 'This'-ing, or unpacking their whiteness or privilege, or nudging their kids to put down their tablets and march. Their book clubs will do what all book clubs do: devolve into routine reschedulings and cancellations; turn into collective apologies for not doing the reading or meta-conversations about what everyone should pretend to read next; finally become occasional opportunities to catch up over wine...."
From "When black people are in pain, white people just join book clubs/I’m caught in a time loop where my white friends and acquaintances perform the same pieties over and over again" by Tre Johnson (WaPo). If you're wondering what, in Johnson's view, is the right response, I can pick out the 2 words where he says it, and when you see them, you may think it's no wonder white people don't just snap to it and do what needs to be done: "dismantle systems."
ADDED: I read the top few highest-rated comments at the link, and they were all taking issue with Johnson's stereotyping of white people. What percentage of white people react to racial strife by cuddling up in book clubs murmuring about "White Fragility" and "Between the World and Me"?
१६१ टिप्पण्या:
Maybe waiting for white people to save black people is a bad strategy.
White people’s lives are perfect, nothing bad happens to Whitey. Black people’s lives are awful and it’s all Whitey’s fault. Blacks have no agency, no responsibility, and all the moral standing. White people should just do what Black people want them to and they should do it without Black people asking, because if they have to ask, that’s just more White supremacy.
Or you can just realize that black people's problem is black people's fault.
Let me try to summarize this:
Some people encounter challenges. They research, interact, process information and take measured action.
Other people encounter challenges. They react emotionally.
What does the writer consider to be the appropriate response?
Not me. I post my opinion on FB where it will have the most impact.
Oops, I'm not liberal, so this doesn't apply to me. Perhaps he is better off with his "white, liberal, UNeducated friends" who don't know how to read.
He needs to make friends with whites who aren’t liberal and who don’t give a shit about the Washington Post.
But then he wouldn’t be special.
I am currently reading a blog that has the occasional post and discussions concerning racism and white people, and reading Michael K's. book, War Stories. A good read. Thanks Doctor!
PS: I'm pretty sure I purchased Michael K's. book through Ann's Amazon portal.
"I read the top few highest-rated comments at the link, and they were all taking issue with Johnson's stereotyping of white people"
That's because black people are wholly defined by white people. Their color is everything to them. It is everything they read see talk about and think about so their entire identity is a response to "whiteness" but the truth is if black people went away white people would be fine. That's actually how we want to live that's why we spend so much money living in neighborhoods that are mostly White
I will not be reading "White Fragility" or "Between the World and Me" and I certainly will not be joining a book club to discuss "white privilege"
I'll also not involved in trying to "dismantle systems."
But I do not believe in the false binary of "racist" or "anti-racist". I do not believe in the 1619 framing of America. I reject that communist fuck, Howard Zinn.
I do believe in judging each person based on their character and individuality. I also believe in judging each person based on their commitment to this county, its values and heritage, its ethics, and its Constitution.
What percentage of white people react to racial strife by buying guns and ammunition?
That's ok, white and black people who live with black people know what to do. Buy guns.
Sounds like a bossy four-year-old girl stamping her foot and yelling at her family that they're "not doing it right!"
Reading is overrated.
you Know where there is NOT racism?
you Know who isn't a racist?
EVERYONE IN THE WORLD, except White Americans (and, not sure it's there in white females)
i mean, right?
... nudging their kids to put down their tablets and march
Nothing more evil than enlisting other people's children to fight in your revolution.
if wypipo are 'withdrawing' [and in effect 'leaving the system'] >>> is the system still ?mantled?
White NYT subscribers / white Americans
White NYT subscribers / white Americans
White, educated, conservative friends prefer another option: ignore them entirely.
Don't really care anymore. Got my own set of things to deal with. You deal with yours.
Don't force me to deal with yours. You will not like the outcome.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
It seems like far more US white people go out to buy guns and ammunition than "read", under these circumstances. Enhancing ones armaments seems to be the typical American stress response.
That, or play even more computer games involving violence. Going by what my personal spies tell me.
Another article by a bubble-dweller. A very, very small bubble, that one.
I’m highly amused by it all. I sincerely hope that Trump is collecting things like ‘dismantle systems’, ‘defund police”, “systemic racism”, “warlord”, videos of leftie primal screams, kente cloth, looting, “white privilege”, CHAZ, looting, burning, neck-snapping angry fat black women, and countless more. November should be a landslide of epic proportions. Maybe not Reagan numbers, but enough to put the lefties into their safe space corners for some prolonged bouts of thumb-sucking.
Hey, a guy can dream.
- Krumhorn
This continual anti-white racist propaganda from the MSM is insidious yet very vapid 'n' boring.
I would say a high percentage of Facebook white people talk about reading these books (not in book clubs) and trying to get relatives and friends to read them if the friends or relatives refuse to believe in systemic racism.
A black man can’t even pass out wasted in Wendy’s drive-thru, grab a cop’s taser and shoot him with it in peace!!!
A liberal white female Creighton Law professor told me to read “White Fragility.” I told her to read Tom Wolfe’s “”Back to Blood.”’ She responded by saying it was a novel that didn’t sell well but her book recommendation did. After a bit more, she blocked and censored me. So much for the free market of ideas.
Guilty white liberals are one of this country’s biggest problem.
There's disadvantages to living as a minority in a white country, but the record shows that those disadvantages are far less than living in a country or even a city in America where blacks are the majority. Blacks should mantle some systems before they dismantle white systems.
Granted, he probably doesn't know many white people who are willing to tell him that, come the day, they are prepared to shoot him.
It is in an odd way a failure of imagination on the writers part.
"...my white, liberal, educated friends already know what to do..."
I suspect those aren't friends, but acquaintances.
I suspect those acquaintances listen in the same way the audience for an old band listens when the old band plays their new songs.
I suspect those acquaintances would never voluntarily give up an ounce of any privilege they might have.
I suspect those acquaintances would never voluntarily give up their child's spot in an elite college to a minority.
I suspect those acquaintances would be strongly in favor of giving up someone else's child's spot in an elite college to a minority.
I suspect those acquaintances are no one's actual friends, not even each other's.
I suspect the author looks down on whites of lower status, just like his acquaintances.
I suspect they may indeed deserve each other.
I am Laslo.
Why do black people believe everybody who is not them has to care about them? Every day, we all have to hear about the precious black people. Boo hoo hoo the poor black people!
There are 7 billion people on this planet. I can count how many I truly care about on my fingers and toes.
As my uncles said to such whining "Take that shit somewhere else", my mother would say"grow up", I can't type what the old man would say for fear of being banned. As to what my Drill Instructor , Staff Sgt Davis formerly of the 5th Marines.......
I've never read 'Between the World and Me' but I thought it was about the AR-15. Is that not right?
Here's the best analysis evar of "systemic racism" and the associated "systems" to be dismantled, by anthropologist Henry Harpending:
My friend the witch doctor
What percentage of white people react to racial strife by cuddling up in book clubs murmuring about "White Fragility" and "Between the World and Me"?
Not sure the percentage of those who do it, but I'll bet the vast majority of them live in the Northeast, or the DC area, or San Francisco. (not Seattle or Portland because (a) you cannot get to their libraries, and (b) most of those white people don't read actual books. They blog, or the play video games, or just do drugs.)
I keep hearing that things have got to change now. And I agree they do. Which is why I wonder how Black America can keep voting for Democrats for 100 years when, for over 100 years Democrats have been killing, Jim Crowing, murdering, segregating, promising and using Black America. When you keep doing the same things and expecting different results, it's called crazy.
When I see more Black AND White Americans focus on individual rights, individual liberties, I'll be ready to work with anyone. As long as the collectivists are in charge, I'm focusing on my own life which, surprisingly manages to take up every hour of every day of my life.
I'm reading a biography of Napoleon. It's well written, unlike those books by Tennessee Coates.
The subject of gun purchases and the way they (probably) reflect social stress is not much mentioned in either the msm or online. Its a fascinating phenomenon, to me anyway. Its ups and downs are quite predictable at this point. Follow the news and you can tell whether the current months background check report will be up or down.
I feel safe in predicting that June 2020 will be at least as wildly up as May 2020.
This is a (rather one dimensional) peek into the psyche of the "silent majority".
When gun sales are wildly up it seems to me that the social stability guage is hitting the red line.
Buwaya. gun purchases aren't a "white" thing. Gun purchases are an American thing. Everybody in America buys guns. Everybody.
Been hearing this whiney shit for the last five decades, during which nearly all the "expert" solutions have been put into place. Net result zero. No seismic shift in result in the targeted population. Around these parts the black churches are doing what can be honestly called miracles, their attendance is waning. Gangstas got to gang.
And when they ask you how much should you give, oooh the only answer is more, more, more.
This has been interesting to follow. Scott Adams has a challenge up for someone to give him a concrete example of systemic racism. You can fix a problem you can't define.
Tre Johnson, race hustler.
Why do white people, especially 19th century Britain and 1860s Americans not get credit for ENDING slavery on the whole dang planet?????
Who do these leftists think ended it, Marx, Lenin, Mao????
I will read 'White Fragility' after I have read every other book on the planet.
Scratch that; I just looked it up. Michael Eric Dyson; I won't be reading it at all.
He’s got a point and some folks definitely fall into that trap.
I avoid that mess by not believing I have the responsibilty to change things that other people do, and not demanding everyone fall in line with my views on social media.
What a bunch of passive-aggressive tyrants.
The per capita Gross National Income in the U.S. is approximately $62,000.
The average GNI for the countries in sub-Saharan Africa is approximately $1,700.
Before you dismantle the current system in the U.S., you better be darn sure you have a better system to replace it.
[Evidence presented by radical Leftists that a better system exists is still zero.]
Hey there, Tre--tell me how you reorder your life around domestic violence. 2237 persons were killed by intimate partners in 2017.
Silence is complicity! Can we shame you for Doing Nothing?
I am fascinated by people who read books like "White Fragility". Do they think they are reading about themselves? Or other people? Are they trying to learn how bad they are themselves? Or tsk tsk at other people? Do they think there is some one way white people think and act? Or some one way black people think and act?
I am happy to listen to other peoples experiences. I don't really want other people telling me what they think my experiences have been, or what they think my thoughts are. Just as I don't want to tell them what their experiences and thoughts are. Nobody is obligated to think the way I do, or see things the way I do. So yes, I'll listen but you can't tell me what I think, and you can't tell me what to think.
One of the things I think is this: whatever color you are, your life can move forward without you trying to take down someone you see as beneath you or above you.
Blogger Matt said...
Why do black people believe everybody who is not them has to care about them? Every day, we all have to hear about the precious black people. Boo hoo hoo the poor black people!
I have to disagree, in part. American blacks spend their lives obsessing about what whites think about them. The African and West Indian blacks I have known do not.
Oh, if they get stopped by a cop who mistakes them for an American black, maybe, but that is rare. They tend not to be drunk or drugged up, asleep in the drive through lane.
What we need is an althouse book club.
Perhaps just a book themed cafe every Week. Maybe Friday night.
Preferably unmoderated to allow flow.
John Henry
I review code. Life goes on.
He he. It's funny because for a certain segment of the population, it's true. Lots of white people in my feed passing around lists of books and movies. The same people often talk about being on the right side of history. Has been cracking me up the whole time.
"Grandma, where were you in the 2020 fight for racial equality?"
"I was reading many books about white privilege."
Fight the power. Ha!
Support school vouchers, support churches, broaden social networks and access to capital.
Perhaps they could close the books and do that.
taking issue with Johnson's stereotyping of white people
Diversity (i.e. color judgments) is a clear and progressive condition.
God forbid they should be reading any books by Thomas Sowell. Too pro-freedom, too rational.
I used to make some attempt to teach African-American political thought. I'm somewhat inclined to cocoon within those writings. It can be tough for anyone to take. Booker T. Washington got to speak at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895. An honour for him, for any African-American. Lots of blacks in the audience--probably another first. He advised all audiences, especially in the south: cast down your buckets where you are, using a story about people who have reached the waters of the Amazon before they see land: the water is fresh, potable, why dream of getting to some distant place? To whites: why would they not employ blacks as paid laborers? To blacks: why dream of a liberal education, when regular paid labour would be a big step forward? Prove your usefulness. One story is that he acknowledged that whites would not accept "social equality," or inter-marriage, and many blacks cried. Rational thought seems to deliver bad news--a reminder of limitations.
It's time for some addenda to Stuff White People Like
"I can pick out the 2 words where he says it, and when you see them, you may think it's no wonder white people don't just snap to it and do what needs to be done: "dismantle systems.""
Here are 3 words for Mr. Johnson: "Get over yourself."
And, as a bonus, some advice from my white parents: "Life's not fair" and "The world doesn't owe you a living."
my two words are "Fuck off!" burning and rioting and looting aren't going to convince people to be on your side. neither is bullying people into saying your woke catch-phrases or kneeling in your stupid woke rituals.
America is less racist than it has ever been. America is more free, especially for black people, than it has ever been. Why else would there be a rash of hate crime hoaxes, the invention of microaggressions and the promotion of the racist conspiracy theory known as "white privilege"? These things are pushed because real, actual racism is waning, but there's a desire among certain folks who need a racist boogeyman to blame. They're blaming songs and statues. That's it? That's all ya got?
Cops kill more whites than blacks, and "systemic racism" is blamed on one, but not the other. That makes no sense. And they can't even name the racist systems - beyond capitalism, America or the police etc. - that they claim are racist. They just find some racial disparity somewhere and shout "See! More proof of systemic racism" even though there's no evidence of racism to be found. Slavery, Jim Crow, Redlining - these were racist systems, but they're rightfully gone, and we should be glad about that.
You know why so many people remain silent about these complaints of racism. First, it's because every fucking thing has been called racist, so the term has lost so much meaning. Secondly, it's because we know the claim is full of shit.
coates is wannabe baldwin, dyson I can't even grok
Book clubs are overwhelmingly female. The market for those books is overwhelmingly female.
What percentage of white people react to racial strife by cuddling up in book clubs murmuring about "White Fragility" and "Between the World and Me"?
A surprising number of white people I've spoken with, even here in the liberal suburbs of DC, have responded by taking an inventory of their ammo.
It's not something openly discussed, but lots of households have a long gun or two.
Scott Adams has a challenge up for someone to give him a concrete example of systemic racism. (Better link)
Several people correctly identified affirmative action; apparently more spectral evidence is needed to identify other examples.
This guy Tre needs to hang out with some conservative buddies. Every time he starts his rant, they'll tell him "We heard this shit so many times we got it memorized so knock it off." Then they'll buy him an beer and start talking about the Packers.
Cops kill more whites than blacks, and "systemic racism" is blamed on one, but not the other.
Cops also shoot/kill about 20 times as many men as women, whereas for the general public the ratio is closer to 10:1.
Anti-male sexism is the only possible explanation.
@Dave Begley: “Guilty white liberals are one of this country’s biggest problem”
Exactly right. And not just this country; worldwide too. White guilt has caused more disastrous policy decisions in the West over the last 50-80 years (in many areas: social, legal, economic, the list goes on) than any other single cause.
Krumhorn said: November should be a landslide of epic proportions. Maybe not Reagan numbers, but enough to put the lefties into their safe space corners for some prolonged bouts of thumb-sucking.}}}
Trump may win, but if he does we are fucked. These people will NOT go into the corner and suck their thumb, they will unleash holy hell. The recent riots are but a preview.
If Biden wins, we are fucked. It may even be the better option to preserve our basic Constitutionally-based government. If civil unrest IS averted because a Democrat won the election, then we can push back without also dealing with a torched economy.
"dismantle systems."
I agree with him. Dismantle racist blue systems, controlled by Dems, supported by blacks, locking plantation-style urban inequality in place for decades.
Something that is actually worthwhile reading.
By a black History professor at Cal. Anonymous, of course. Why ?
In your recent departmental emails you mentioned our pledge to diversity, but I am increasingly alarmed by the absence of diversity
of opinion on the topic of the recent protests and our community response to them.
In the extended links and resources you provided, I could not find a single instance of substantial counter-argument or alternative narrative to explain the under-representation of
black individuals in academia or their over-representation in the criminal justice system. The explanation provided in your documentation, to the near exclusion of all others, is univariate: the problems of the black community are caused by whites, or, when whites are not
physically present, by the infiltration of white supremacy and white systemic racism into American brains, souls, and institutions.
Many cogent objections to this thesis have been raised by sober voices, including from within the black community itself, such as Thomas Sowell
and Wilfred Reilly. These people are not racists or 'Uncle Toms'. They are intelligent scholars who reject a narrative that strips black people of agency and systematically externalizes the problems of the black community onto outsiders.
Their view is entirely absent from the departmental and UCB-wide communiques.
Worth reading the whole thing. Unlike Tennessee Coates.
@ Fernandinande re: My friend the witch doctor.
That's great. Thanks for linking it. I especially like the last paragraph.
A productive dialogue on race in America would ideally include widespread reading of the book Out of America by Keith Richburg. The author was an award-winning black NYT reporter who spent several years working at his dream assignment, covering Africa for the paper. He became horrified by the endless entrenched systemic problems that could not be blamed on racism or colonialism, and developed an appreciation for rule of law and American constitutional government. He writes of the numbing horror of watching a river flow by him, filled with untold bodies, hacked to pieces; no one in authority to stop the massacre or even care to do so. Something unimaginable in a Western-based civilized society.
"... it’s the time to acknowledge and examine the pain they’ve personally caused."
He's right, it is about time to get around to that.
There. I feel better now.
Not me.
I'm taking action. I'm learning to moonwalk. (Ralph is very patient)
But guilty white folks reading books seems reasonable since:
Silence is complicity + Shut up and listen.
White people ARE responsible, but not in the way they think. This is what you get when you select out a group of people and make that group wholly dependent, and then also a victim class, for 10 straight generations: A seriously dysfunctional subculture unable to take care of itself.
I have my books
And my poetry to protect me
I am shielded in my armor
Hiding in my room, safe within my womb
I touch no one and no one touches me
You desperately want Trump to win, else the victorious establishment will make sure you (the deplorables- the American volk) cannot win again, and they will do it in a hysterical frenzy. Or they will try, anyway. That is about the most certain way a lot of people will consider that your constitutional order is void. And then your crisis will be upon you - upon us all.
Granted, even with four more years of Trump its very likely that scenario will come to pass eventually. Trump may just be delaying the inevitable crisis.
My white "friends" grow quiet and disappear.
I don't expect them to confront race because they can't confront me.
"The land of there free and home of the brave" is full of cowards.
The Vault Dweller said...
"Maybe waiting for white people to save black people is a bad strategy."
I see a pic of a black man saving a white almost every day.
Gun purchases are disproportionately "white", but definitely not SWPL.
Very much the other sort of "white".
Guns and ammo are a "luxury" good, generally speaking, and the bulk of it is done by people with significant disposable income.
Your problems at this point have devolved into a crisis condition.
Fixing "bad" schools is not the emergency fix you need right now.
Your ship of state has a major damage under the waterline, and compartments are flooding. Talking about maybe overhauling the boilers is irrelevant.
White Privilege Progressive Racism strikes again.
I am all out of fucks to give. Johnson's essay, as delusional as it is, does prove a point I made several days ago- most black people watch the woke whites' virtue signalling with a mixture of amusement and contempt. And the contempt is beginning to be the major reaction.
Isn’t there a word for assuming what people’s response to a circumstance will be based on the color of their skin?
Hey White People, stop doing those ineffective symbolic things like reading and talking about race. Do something real. Do something that will really have an impact on eliminating racism. Donate to my Go Fund Me page.
Dave Begley said... Guilty white liberals are one of this country’s biggest problem.
That has been true since the 1960's. It is worse today because of the decline of modern education wherein students are thought WHAT to think rather than HOW to think.
Our modern activists and outspoken liberals do not realize just how stupid they sound because they either never had the ability to reason or it was trained out of them.
"taking issue with Johnson's stereotyping of white people."
Do black intellectuals ever do anything else? Would their race baiting work without it? How could you complain about white privilege without stereotyping whites?
Trump may win, but if he does we are fucked. These people will NOT go into the corner and suck their thumb, they will unleash holy hell. The recent riots are but a preview.
If you live in a Democrat city, I feel for you.
"What they do is never enough"
This is true. Therefore, no reparations.
Fernandinande said...Scott Adams has a challenge up for someone to give him a concrete example of systemic racism.
I have been doing that here for some time now and have had no takers.
I would also like concrete suggestions for "fixing the problems" that the Left decries.
Again, the REAL question is:
Why are rich and well-to-do Whites lapping this up? Why are THEY so concerned about "Racism"? The vast majority of these people don't live near black folks. In fact, the less contact they have with real life black folks - the more they love all this "racism" crap. Why is that?
Is this just a nice way to express their class hatred for middle/working class whites?
Guns and ammo are a "luxury" good, generally speaking, and the bulk of it is done by people with significant disposable income.
Only the legal ones., You spent too much time in the Bay Area.
Amazing how everyone all takes the bait. It's not the blacks driving this, its the liberal/left whites. Black folks aren't running Time-Warner, the NYT, NPR, the TV networks, or the Universities.
Its like when every gets all angry at some CNN Anchor. The people on camera - like Anderson Cooper - are talking puppets. The man pulling their strings is Jeff Zucker - head of CNN. he decides every day, what everyone is supposed to talk about. And he decides who gets on the air, and who gets fired.
All the anchors when their on "live", without a script, have an earpiece with a producer telling them what to say.
Trump may win, but if he does we are fucked. These people will NOT go into the corner and suck their thumb, they will unleash holy hell. The recent riots are but a preview.
If you live in a Democrat city, I feel for you.}}}
I do live in a Democrat city, Philadelphia. And I thank you for your sentiment.
The surrounding counties used to be somewhat "red," but that distinction disappeared by the time of the Obama election. The best we have to offer apparently is a bunch of fat middle-aged men in South Philly "defending" the Christopher Columbus statue. We may move in a few years, but due to the pervasive overstructure of this--what? Social justice/PoMo/critical theory/CommieRatBastard?--change in values of those in power, there's no place that looks to be immune.
"Gun purchases are disproportionately "white", but definitely not SWPL.
Very much the other sort of "white".
Guns and ammo are a "luxury" good, generally speaking, and the bulk of it is done by people with significant disposable income."6/14/20, 10:30 AM
Probably because there are more whites than blacks. My personal experience is that both blacks and hispanics visit the same gun stores I do. Can't be a coincidence we're all there at the same time.
Crack, shouldn’t you be burning down a Wendy’s in a food desert for your brotha’s right to pass out wasted in a drive-thru and grab a cop’s gun? The Struggle is as real as a brain injury at Confederate statue takedown.
Tre Johnson is scared of the police gunning him down for any imagined slight he may perform. He's scared of white vigilantes accidentally deciding he's a home invader and executing him in the street. He's right to be scared.
Tre Johnson knows some whites are becoming racially based, while his white "allies" are uniformly as useless as teats on a lizard. Tre Johnson knows that white women will be the first in line to call for his execution if he glances at them with uppity intent in NYC's Central Park, much less misjudges how far he can push black supremacy with one. He's right to be scared.
He sees the entirety of corporate America bowing down to him and sucking his wang, while blue cities burn and the police kneel in the streets, and is still terrified that a flood of angry rednecks will slaughter his family and burn his house down. Despite living in the richest and most black-friendly white society outside Canada, Tre Johnson is scared that the deluge will wash all of it away. And he's right to be scared. After all, he can't find any tribal Indians to testify how nice the white folks are.
Tre would like to speak to the manager.
Alright, we dismantled (+ burned and scattered the ashes of) the apple cart.
Hey, where do you get apples around here?
Sounds like Tre Johnson needs to meet a higher class of wypipo. They're out there.
Another email from the (white, male, elite) prez of U. To paraphrase and simplify the message--
In light of recent events it's obvious that systemic racism infects every aspect of American life, and this campus is no exception.
Therefore, he has appointed two highly-credentialed and politically-active African-American women to root out the remnants. No aspect of University operations will be exempt from their scrutiny.
He has been prez for about eight years now, and the lady-inquisitors have 40-50 years there
between them. Whaddya bet they have a long list of embedded witc-- racists already?
Got out just in time
We’ve spent the last 50 years convincing ourselves that consequences were a bad thing. Now we’re surprised?
Whitey causes rampant out of wedlock children, ridiculing anyone who wants to learn, listening to rape rap, burning local businesses. Eff off
“This isn’t the time to circle up with other white people and discuss black pain in the abstract;”
Tell you what. Mow my lawn for me and I’ll see if I can free up a few minutes...
"Trump may win, but if he does we are fucked. These people will NOT go into the corner and suck their thumb, they will unleash holy hell. The recent riots are but a preview."
I have been told to watch out for "The Fire Next Time" all my life. As I now approach the age of 80, I must shout "bring it on" sick of open threats designed to attract government payoffs. Let us get to the real revolution while I am physically able to fire back.
The root of many of these problems lies in the relatively high rates of violent crime found in most predominately-black communities.
Because of that, everyone (including police officers of all races, of course) is more wary when in these neighborhoods. And when something, anything, feels just-not-quite-right there's goint to be a tendency to go onto a hair-trigger alert.
One can argue that it's unjust to treat black people differently just because some of those who look like them are violent criminals. And, surely, it is.
But while it's morally unjust to treat people differently based on their appearance, it's not necessarily irrational. After all, at some level we're all responsible for our own safety, and most of the time we must make decisions in the face of very incomplete information.
It's certainly true that police officers are given extraordinary authority, and therefore it's hardly unreasonable to demand they not abuse it. Nonetheless they remain human and the processes intended to weed out bad ones will never be perfect. And therefore, although better oversight may somewhat mitigate problems, it's impossible to see these problems ever going away so long as this root problem persists.
Of course, BLM doesn't see it that way. But then, there's precious little evidence that BLM cares about any black lives other than those that further their anti-police agenda.
Guns and ammo are a "luxury" good, generally speaking, and the bulk of it is done by people with significant disposable income.
6/14/20, 10:30 AM
That is not true at all, buwaya, and shows you do not know the US as well as you think you do.
I grew up in a blue collar area. Almost every man in the neighborhood owned at least 1 hunting rifle and more than a few had a gun safe full of them.
Hunting in Europe has always been and remains a largely upper class recreation. It is the reverse here.
Video going around purportedly showing white gal setting (that?) Wendy's on fire.
If you're feeling especially white guilty you can try the CHAZ option and approach a random black man on the street (if you can find one in Madison) and hand him a ten dollar bill.
Why don't you give that a try, Meade. What could possibly go wrong.
Came across this while searching for the previous
Am I risking cancellation if I suggest that Tre Johnson eat a bag of dicks?
My response to, "you're a racist" ... Okay. Now what?"
As an immigrant and therefore another country's emigrant the question I pose is this: If America is so terrible then why don't the upper class and the wealthy leave? With the money, knowledge and skills they possess what countries wouldn't want them? I can understand why poor ghetto blacks can't leave but what is stopping the guilty white liberals and the "oppressed" black upper class from leaving? No one is stopping them from going.
@ Dave Begley said... Guilty white liberals are one of this country’s biggest problem.
aren't they then the ones on the "plantation of appeasement"?
- offering up bribes and ransoms in order to deflect the rage they expect to wash back on them?
"Trump may win, but if he does we are fucked. These people will NOT go into the corner and suck their thumb, they will unleash holy hell. The recent riots are but a preview."
Rigel, you live in Philly and have a "bubble" mentality. The riots may happen in your city or neighborhood but for most of America it won't. And if they try to bring it there, they are more than likely to get shot dead. I remember the horrible 1980 riots in Miami where the guard lined up to keeps rioters out of white areas ad the guards and the cops told the rioters, burn all you want in your neighborhood but cross the line and you're dead. Same thing will happen when the suburbs get threatened.
As a description of a certain kind of upper-middle-class white person, it’s pretty much dead on, as my wife (a Republican who knows how to listen to her Bay Area book club friends) has reported.
The Leftist Collectivists will never be specific as to which system.
The Leftists want to destroy all the things.
But they cannot say as much.
This is why the Left cannot be given an inch.
Can someone please explain -- I ask yet again -- why so many of you all who profess to be conservative are offended and are rushing to the defense of a bunch of leftist, progressive racists who are white??
Do you deny that white progressives can be racist?
Bilwick said...
God forbid they should be reading any books by Thomas Sowell. Too pro-freedom, too rational.
who is "they" you refer to?
can Sowell hack it in a neighborhood for even an hour?
he lives in his own cocoon by telling his kind of wypipo they don't need to feel guilty.
“My white liberal friends...”
I’ve never referred to people as “my black friend(s)” or “my Asian friend(s)” or “my gay friend(s).”
Blows my mind that people think this way...
Hoffer's True Believer and Wolfe's Radical Chic might be good additions to the white liberal book club reading list.
"Do you deny that white progressives can be racist?"
It's pretty nearly a requirement that progressives of any color be racist, as well as bigoted in ways that don't involve race.
"It starts, also, with reflection on the harm you’ve probably caused in a black person’s life. It may have happened when you were 10, 16, 22, 36 or 42."
This sentence stuck out for me - I guess we are supposed to track down that classmate of color we did not befriend back when we were in middle school in the 70's and apologize for not being more proactive and less shy back in 4th grade (or whatever grade 10 year old are in).
"who is 'they' you refer to?" asks Naranyan. The subject of the article was about white "liberals" (which I assume is being used in the modern, bastardized sense, meaning "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government humpers and State fellators"). Sowell often provides a rational antidote to State-cult snake-oil. Can you tell me which books by Sowell you have read, and could you attempt a logical refutation of their salient points? (This should be good.) Are there any pro-freedom authors you prefer? I'm guessing you're more of a Bastiat guy, right?
What percentage of white people react to racial strife by cuddling up in book clubs murmuring about "White Fragility" and "Between the World and Me"?
Well, if I were to base it upon the number of leftists commenting on Facebook? 100.
"can Sowell hack it in a neighborhood for even an hour?"
Don't know; don't care. By "a neighborhood," do you mean a slum? Is that how you judge othet scholars--can they hack it in the slums, among stupid and violent people?
You do realize that Sowell was raised by an aunt I. Harlem, don't you?
That he was a HS dropout?
Never got even a ged?
John Henry
Hey look, it's another in that rich genre, "Shut up and do what what the hard left tells you to do." You must express our precise political thoughts in the price way we have phrased them or you're a racist.
Another recent entry in this genre: "Read The Room." That line never gets used on a radical getting negative feedback from ordinary Americans.
If America is so terrible then why don't the upper class and the wealthy leave? With the money, knowledge and skills they possess what countries wouldn't want them?
Yes, and why do all those POCs want to come to this racist hellhole?
They keep threatening to leave, like Whoopi Goldberg this week, and we get our hopes up then they disappoint once more. Some of them have been promising to leave since 2000.
Sowell is another of those black success stories that preceded Affirmative Action.
He was cured of Marxism by working for the federal government. Sort of like Eric Blair's experience with BBC that led him to write "1984."
ALP said... I guess we are supposed to track down that classmate of color we did not befriend back when we were in middle school in the 70's and apologize..
SJW contact tracers will shepherd you through a 12 step pgm.
"Would you like any fries with that pander?"
And Sowell was born in Gastonia, North Carolina in 1930 so he knew plenty about racism by the time he got to Haarlem. (Can we use the Dutch spelling?)
He then got treated to Yankee racism before joining the Marines and seeing a more meritocratic system.
Then he excelled at Harvard and other elite institutions.
The man has seen more and experienced more than his detractors.
Can someone please explain -- I ask yet again -- why so many of you all who profess to be conservative are offended and are rushing to the defense of a bunch of leftist, progressive racists who are white??
For some reason I’ve never figured out, Althouse attracts conservatives of the dopey tribal variety. They say bloggers get the commenters they deserve, but in her case it seems quite unfair.
Blogger Narayanan said...can Sowell hack it in a neighborhood for even an hour? 6/14/20, 1:35 PM
Truly amazing that you write such ignorance in the age of where everything is available via a keyboard? Says a lot about your narrow point of view. Sowell was born in N.C. and moved to Harlem when he was 9. Dropped out of school and joined the Marines. Came back an got from Harvard(Economics), Columbia with a Masters (Economics), and received his PhD from University of Chicago in 1968 (Economics). He admits that he was a Leftist while in College, only because he had never heard the other side of the argument. That changed when he studied under Milton Friedman. He has written over 20 books on Economics, Poverty, Race, etc., and currently is a scholar in residence at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Sowell is a rare breed - like Shelby Steel, Walter Williams, and Glenn Loury there are only a handful of Black Conservative Academics in America's Colleges.
"..Blogger Narayanan..." it would behoove you to also read the other side of the argument - not just Liberal/Leftist garbage all based on theories emanating for Karl Marx who was a failed obscure author. Lenin took his ideas and used them to built Russia after the 1917 revolution - did not get popular until 30 years later.
You do realize that Sowell was raised by an aunt I. Harlem, don't you?
That he was a HS dropout?
Late bloomer? Perhaps an epiphany? Never indulged diversity and discovered his dignity? His aunt must have done something right.
Rigeldog thinks voting for Biden is the lesser of evils, and will gain him social credit points during his mob tribunal. Do what you want to do, bro', but don't think your arguments are even the tiniest bit persuasive.
I am informed re racial biases of gun ownership by various surveys I have seen over the years.
I found this Pew study for instance, from 2017-
There are inherent problems with surveys on this topic, but this is the best you are going to get. Note the other biases besides race also.
Basically - someone in the household owns a gun -
White - 49%
Black - 32%
Hispanic - 21%
Republican - 57%
Democrat - 25%
Independent - 48%
Etc. Have a look. I suspect the black-white and political gaps would be even bigger if the value of the guns (AND ammo) were considered, or the amount spent annually - the market share spent on the category overall - were possible to survey.
You do realize that Sowell was raised by an aunt I. Harlem, don't you?
That he was a HS dropout?
Never got even a ged?
John Henry
Raised in Harlem. Dropped out of high school. Joined the Marines. Went to Harvard and graduated as a committed Marxist. Masters at Columbia. PhD at University of Chicago and still a Marxist (after studying with Milton Friedman no less!!!).
As a man that practices a 'constrained vision' working at the Dept of Labor on minimum wage issues, evidence led him to understand the true reality of human incentives and achievement. He wrote an interesting book on the subject, A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles.
We are truly doomed to repeat the horrors of history if we do not pay attention to what a man like Thomas Sowell has to say.
- Krumhorn
Amazing that the regulars don’t see how right he is. A very large fraction of white Americans are reacting exactly this way, with some screaming about racism thrown in.
Would it not be more efficient to dismantle people like this racist Ahole
I’ve never referred to people as “my black friend(s)” or “my Asian friend(s)” or “my gay friend(s).”
Well, I do have one friend whom I call "drunk Tiffani" (not her real name) when I'm talking about her to my husband, because of the circumstances under which I met her. But she's the only example I can think of in my life.
As to the post... shudder. I forgot about my book club. I think it's next week. It is in fact one of those in which well-off white women gather to discuss books for which they have little personal context. This isn't to say they've experienced no hardships; many have, truly terrible things, but not things relevant to the Present Moment.
They're all good women, well-meaning, mostly liberal to progressive (one never-Trumper that I know of, and possibly a couple who actually voted for Trump since I'm in Texas), and I can pretty much guarantee that someone will suggest White Fragility for next month's book.
Do you deny that white progressives can be racist?
I don't deny it. I assert it!
- Krumhorn
Basically - someone in the household owns a gun -
White - 49%
Black - 32%
Hispanic - 21%
At the County Hospital we used to say Mexicans (Hispanics for you PC folks) were afraid of guns. Lots of stab wounds, though. Not afraid of knives.
Althouse attracts conservatives of the dopey tribal variety. They say bloggers get the commenters they deserve, but in her case it seems quite unfair.
Well, you're here. Kind of makes your point, I guess.
Who is saying, "why so many of you all who profess to be conservative are offended and are rushing to the defense of a bunch of leftist, progressive racists who are white??"
I don't see many defenders of Antifa. Must be Inga's Boogaloos and they are an endangered species.
The writer seems to see clearly what goes on around him. I don't think there's much to his interpretation of what he's seeing, but see and describe well he can do. Not that far from Taibbi or Greenwald, Sullivan or the rest: some talent for observation and a certain sort of analysis, despite an ideological bias against the seeing of unpleasant things. That's a good kind of person to pay attention to, sees things they'd rather not see, tells people about what he's seeing.
We are truly doomed to repeat the horrors of history if we do not pay attention to what a man like Thomas Sowell has to say.
- Krumhorn
What was going on in your life at the moment that you decided of your own free will to become a drama queen?
thanks Krumhorn - did not know all that.
I also leaned towards Marxism - collectivism till I learned individual rights.
A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles.
- in book you linked description says?
Controversies in politics arise from many sources, but the conflicts that endure for generations or centuries show a remarkably consistent pattern. This revised edition of a classic analyzes the centuries-long debates about the nature of reason, justice, equality, and power. It distinguishes between those with the "constrained" vision, which sees human nature as enduring and self-centered, and the "unconstrained" vision, in which human nature is malleable and perfectible. A Conflict of Visions offers a compelling case that these opposing visions are behind the ethical and ideological disputes of yesterday and today.
does he not downplay agency and free-will on the part of individuals by misframing issues and holding self-centeredness as imperfect?
apropos blacklivesmatter the question I would ask them is since YOLO does your life matter to you? holding your life matters to you is self-centered - and this self-centeredness is what is missing from the culture.
Supposedly black kids are urged not to Act White. Is it suggested that things will be better if white people Act Black? At the huge corporation where I was chained to the oars we were treated to constant Diversity Training. And yet, after all that, we (at least the white and Asian ones) are still white. What is to be done?
The folks on social media that I see eager to read these books are the dimmest bulbs I know, by and large. I'm not saying they aren't nice, well-meaning folks, but they aren't the doctors, lawyers and business owners I'm friends with. Even the liberal variety of those has been suspiciously absent in their "ally" posting through all of this. Instead it's the unpublished "writers", the trust fund liberals who have never had a job, and my favorite, the Kindergarten teacher in the whitest state of all, VT. The last is reading all manner of things because Oprah told her to. Apparently the irony of this is completely lost on her: billionaire black person telling a white teacher that there's these things called "white privilege", "white fragility" and "systemic racism" and they exist because the teacher is a fundamentally bad person. Poor thing keeps posting that she's "learning" and I want to tell her "no, honey, bless your heart. you aren't". But I don't, because what's the use? You can't fix stupid, especially on social media. She has no other religion; I guess this new one comforts her somehow.
“Basically - someone in the household owns a gun -
White - 49%
Black - 32%
Hispanic - 21%”
Was this a phone survey? If so, multiply by 1.75 for Whites, by 2.25 for Blacks, and by a solid 3 for Hispanics.
I have a pretty wide circle of acquaintance, yet I only know of three households (two rabidly Prog, one with mental illness...oh, wait..make that three with mental illness) that definitely don’t have a firearm.
james burnham was a trotskyite out of princeton, a phase he grew out of by the time he wrote the machiavellians, that was when he drew up the three superstates, that orwell used in 1984,
subsequently he taught at nyu, and was a consultant to the opc the action arm of the company,
The tough get going. The liberal laments.
"Black people live and die every day under the burdens of a racism more insidious than the current virus that’s also disproportionately killing us. And yet white people tend to take a slow route to meaningful activism, locked in familiar patterns, seemingly uninterested in really advancing progress."
AA said: If you're wondering what, in Johnson's view, is the right response, I can pick out the 2 words where he says it, and when you see them, you may think it's no wonder white people don't just snap to it and do what needs to be done: "dismantle systems."
"The right acknowledgment of black justice, humanity, freedom and happiness won’t be found in your book clubs, protest signs, chalk talks or organizational statements. It will be found in your earnest willingness to dismantle systems that stand in our way — be they at your job, in your social network, your neighborhood associations, your family or your home. It’s not just about amplifying our voices, it’s about investing in them and in our businesses, education, political representation, power, housing and art. It starts, also, with reflection on the harm you’ve probably caused in a black person’s life. It may have happened when you were 10, 16, 22, 36 or 42. Comforting as it may be to read and discuss the big questions about race and justice and America, making up for past wrongs means starting with the fact that you’ve done wrong in the past, perhaps without realizing it at the time: in the old workplace, neighborhood, classroom, softball field. Maybe even the book club."
"The confusing, perhaps contradictory advice on what white people should do probably feels maddening. To be told to step up, no step back, read, no listen, protest, don’t protest, check on black friends, leave us alone, ask for help or do the work — it probably feels contradictory at times. And yet, you’ll figure it out. Black people have been similarly exhausted making the case for jobs, freedom, happiness, justice, equality and the like. It’s made us dizzy, but we’ve managed to find the means to walk straight."
Yep. This guy has it all figured out. I can't imagine why conservatives don't embrace his message.
The Crack Emcee said, "I don't expect them to confront race because they can't confront me."
I can confront you, Crack. I can say what I think the truth is.
I have never apologized to you and I feel I have nothing to apologize for. Nor do I think that white people in general owe you anything.
Earnest Prole said...
Can someone please explain -- I ask yet again -- why so many of you all who profess to be conservative are offended and are rushing to the defense of a bunch of leftist, progressive racists who are white??
For some reason I’ve never figured out, Althouse attracts conservatives of the dopey tribal variety
Note the complaint is that conservatives aren't tribal, instead they apply principles even when they defend the opposing team. Naturally the left wingers reach a conclusion contradicted by the facts.
The blog's real commenting mis-representation is that it doesn't attract intelligent left side commenters.
HistoryDoc said, regarding my post: Rigeldog thinks voting for Biden is the lesser of evils, and will gain him social credit points during his mob tribunal. Do what you want to do, bro', but don't think your arguments are even the tiniest bit persuasive."
Oh I wasn't arguing that anyone "should" vote for Biden. I'm certainly not going to. I am trying to convey the existential terror I feel when picturing the near future and the possible outcomes of the election. I'm normally an optimist but the glass I'm seeing isn't even half-empty; it's full of poison and about to be shot to shit.
What was going on in your life at the moment that you decided of your own free will to become a drama queen?
Oh Howie, when did you decide to don those Marine BDUs to head for the gay bar?
buwaya said...
I am informed re racial biases of gun ownership by various surveys I have seen over the years"
I would never tell a stranger on the phone I owned guns.
In fact, I lied to a Gallup pollster in 2016. I told her I was a 30 year old Hispanic who was definitely going to vote for Hillary.
"can Sowell hack it in a neighborhood for even an hour?"
Sowell is an elderly man now, but he's originally from Brooklyn, once tried out for the Brooklyn Dodgers (he could field, but not hit) and joined the Marines, so at one point, yeah, I think he "hacked it" in the hood quite well.
What about you?
Who is saying, "why so many of you all who profess to be conservative are offended and are rushing to the defense of a bunch of leftist, progressive racists who are white??"
The author, a leftist black man, is not making a statement about all white people, he’s making a statement about left-leaning, well-off whites of Felicia Bernstein-Radical Chic ilk. Anyone who knows Felicias knows they are primarily concerned with thinking and saying Good Thoughts for the purpose of making themselves feel good about themselves, and not out of genuine, real-world concern for actual, real-life black folk. If you read Tom Wolfe’s essay you’ll see he dissects her mindset with surgical precision.
So when a “conservative” here defends Felicia against the black man’s criticism, we may conclude the White Knightery is racial tribalism and not principled conservatism.
That's odd...from what I've seen, white people react to racial strife by moving farther away from the cause of the strife.
Their great grandchildren will be fleeing to Mars to get away from it. White flight never ends.
Yep, read only his words that support that theory.
"If you're feeling especially white guilty you can try the CHAZ option and approach a random black man on the street (if you can find one in Madison) and hand him a ten dollar bill."
I actually know someone who did this! Except it was $130, not ten. The recipient must have laughed all the way home. What a bizarre encounter!
Narayanan has left a new comment on the post ""[W]hen things get real — really murderous, really...":Narayanan to Althouse at 6/14/20, 5:06 PM
Your question: "...does he not downplay agency and free-will on the part of individuals by misframing issues and holding self-centeredness as imperfect?..."
Read the book! In answer to your question - Sowell states - "...Dedication to a cause may legitimately entail sacrifices of personal interests but not sacrifices of mind or conscience..."
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