Democrats who were once alarmed that Biden needed to do more are suddenly perfectly happy with a schedule that keeps him as close as possible to his Wilmington, Delaware, home most days....Nothing is better than Trump!
That's my slogan. It works for both candidates. Perfectly ambiguous.
Biden’s advisers, operating on the principle of not fixing things that aren’t broken, say they have little intention of trying to match Trump in the volume of events he holds or news he produces. They contend that an exhausted electorate wants a return to normalcy and competent governance....Aside from the political campaigning, he could bring that theory into the government — don't fix things that aren’t broken. Ah, but who could hear a message like that over the din of media telling us everything is horribly broken?
५८ टिप्पण्या:
When you have nothing, you bring nothing. They’re insane if they think this is going to work. But, whatever keeps Biden as the Donk nominee....
Biden’s advisers... contend that an exhausted electorate wants a return to normalcy and competent governance.
The beatings will continue until Biden is installed.
Go ahead. Make our days. Try coming into our communities doing your violent looting, burning, and assaulting innocents around you. You are only being coddled in big cities under Dem control, in states under mostly Dem control, because they believe that it will help them beat Darth Trump in November - though I fail to see their logic there, of allowing significant harm, that will take, at est decades to repair, for short term political advantage. Either they are believing their heavily skewed polls, or figure that they will make it up by looting the federal treasury (again) when they (again) have control of the federal government in their hands.
Don't worry. I'm sure his handlers and the guy pulling the strings - Obama - have plans to "fix" lots of things that aren't broken. Lots of them. Just wait.
The whole world will see how bad Biden is in the debates. It will be a total bloodbath. Might have to stop the first one during the commercial break. I'm really looking forward to it.
They contend that an exhausted electorate wants a return to normalcy and competent governance....
As they spend every day stoking riots and using the media to exhaust the electorate.
The bearings will continue until the electorate improves.
I've no doubt there are lots of people who would voter for an inanimate carbon rod over Trump. But would they vote for Biden? Could Biden beat a carbon rod?
The old saying is: when your opponent is digging a hole, be silent and hand him a shovel if he needs one.
That is, from the outside, indistinguishable from have a candidate so unpopular you can't let him talk.
But I don't see Joe handing Trump a shovel.
When I was an intern we used to tell each other that No patient is better than NO patient.
Democrats who were once alarmed that Biden needed to do more are suddenly perfectly happy with a schedule that keeps him as close as possible to his Wilmington, Delaware, home most days....
Yeah, that works in June, maybe. And it might continue to work for the 40% who will vote for anyone but Trump. It's not going to enable a challenger to beat an incumbent. Trump will land punches and Biden will have to get out there and attempt to form complete sentences in response. Should be fun.
National polls. NATIONAL.
We don't elect Preezys that way.
"an exhausted electorate wants a return to normalcy and competent governance"
Ah, yes, after they spent four years sabotaging an administration, first with a baseless investigation and impeachment attempts, then with actual riots.
It just might work with the Althouses: let the Dems take responsibility for the mess. It will be more "normal." If I recall correctly, that was one of her arguments for "pragmatic" Barry O.
And chances are that lefty violence would subside a bit when it becomes less useful to progs generally.
Biden’s advisers... contend that an exhausted electorate wants a return to normalcy and competent governance.
Yesterday Rush Limbaugh gave the Trump its new campaign slogan, "Restoring the American Way of Life."
Biden and the Dems want to destroy America. Just look at Madison, Portland, Mpls, the Green New Deal, etc.
Biden is now demanding that Twitter censor Trump's tweets attacking mail-in ballots. Of course, Joe's a "Moderate" and if elected will get rid of free speech in a "moderate" way. So vote for him!
Yeah, this strategy of Biden's seems great. Keep it up Biden Advisors!
"Biden's Bunker Strategy"
Someone, please, do a meme-dub of Biden losing - in his bunker - from "Downfall".
This would be so so very sweet come November.
Biden is next to Nothing, so maybe he should be Vice-President under President Nothing.
Unfortunately, theocracy is clearly unconstitutional, which precludes a Nothing presidency and Biden in the role of Vice-Nothing.
"How come?" scoffs Inga and her fellow scoffers.
Answer: Nothing is sacred.
Whenever an incumbent runs for re-election, it's always a referendum on his job performance.
Unpopular incumbents always try to make the election into a choice between the incumbent and the challenger by going negative on the challenger.
That has never worked in my lifetime: Not with Humphrey in 1968, not with Carter in 1980, and not with Bush 41 in 1992.
If the voters think the incumbent is screwing up, they'll vote him out of office even if they have doubts about the challenger.
In this current situation, the Dems think they're gaining a lot by the coronavirus spread and the resulting economic slump. They expect that Trump will be seen by most voters as incompetent and throw him out of office even if they have doubts about Biden.
So as long as Trump is unable to get a handle on these issues, the Dems are right to just let him twist slowly in the wind.
Should Trump start to get a handle on these issues, the Dems will come out and start slugging again.
IRC, Hillary in 2016 set a record for fewest speeches and press conferences by a POTUS candidate. Biden seems to have taken it the next logical step, don't even appear in public and wear a mask.
And its working! We have so many moronic yellow dog Democrats they just don't care who Biden is or what he will do. He has "D" after his name, so they'll vote for him. And once Biden get elected, they'll support him (or whoever the real President is) no matter what. That's what has happened in Calf. Its a one party state and the Governor can do anything, he only has to watch his step with the extreme leftists. Everyone else simply ACCEPTS. There's been almost zero push-back on the CV-19 shutdown. The Democrat sheep just let out a few feeble baa, baas. And that's it.
9feet said...
But would they vote for Biden? Could Biden beat a carbon rod?
In ROD We Trust
Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
Why even elect a President? Just elect a cardboard cut out and have the Cabinet run the country. Let the Democrat power brokers determine who's going to be in the Cabinet.
In fact, why have elections anymore? Look at the D primaries, they got cancelled. Did the average D care? No. Look at the Convention, its going to be held in a hotel room. Does the average D care? No. Are there any issues the D's are divided on? No.
They accept anything their leaders propose.
The Democrat party has moved beyond Democracy. There are the D leaders, there are extreme Leftists, and there are the average D voter/sheep - who ACCEPT.
I also support anything that keeps Biden as the nominee. So, stay in the basement hidden from the world. This is a campaign strategy with literally zero chance of working.
I love those perfectly ambiguous statements. I once read a suggestion that if you're asked to provide a reference for an employee who really sucked but you want to stay out of trouble, you can say, "You would be fortunate indeed to get Bob to work for you."
Its amazing how the Center-Right reaction to Left wing violence is NEVER to organize and fight back but to either (a) run away or (b) start talking about how they have a gun and are going to protect themselves.
The leftists must be shaking in their boots. LOL. Yeah, they'll leave you alone until they have enough power, and then they'll be quite happy to pry the gun out of your cold dead hand.
Dave Begley said...
The whole world will see how bad Biden is in the debates. It will be a total bloodbath. Might have to stop the first one during the commercial break. I'm really looking forward to it.
6/25/20, 9:53 AM
That's a big assumption...that there will be debates. Groundwork is already being laid for cancellation due to COVID.
So Biden is going to stop the madness caused by left wing lunatics?
That’s bullshit.
What can Biden say? What can he say?
Tone it down a little, guys?
Burn, baby, burn?
I have a plan?
There's nothing he can say. His only hope is that Trump will not rise to this occasion, that he'll fail this test of leadership.
To be honest, I don't think Trump is doing very well in terms of leading the nation right now.
I hope he finds his feet.
Rumor has it that the DNC has the formula for the juice that"DrFeelGood" used on JFK. They are in the process of testing it on dogs, Slow Joe is next. But this is only a rumor and not verified as fact.
Reminds me of the old Missing Persons song "Walkin' in LA"
"Nobody walks in LA" ... later in the song, the vocalist Dale Bozzio clarifies "only a nobody walks in LA".
had enough
That's my slogan that works for both sides!
Yeah...I'm in disbelief that these are our two choices. I've been voting since the 1972 election. It's pretty much sucked since then, with a couple of exceptions. But these are easily the worst choices we've ever had. So for me it comes down to this:
Who loves our country?
Trump loves our country. I think he actually loves it more than most of the Republicans do.
And Democrats? They've made it crystal clear- they hate America. Crystal.
Why would I vote for a party that wants to tear everything down and make this a socialist lab project? Trump gets my vote.
"The Democrat party has moved beyond Democracy. There are the D leaders, there are extreme Leftists, and there are the average D voter/sheep - who ACCEPT"
Are "American Liberals' the single biggest religion in the country? They must be larger than the Episcopalians. What about the Catholics? Is MSNBC their Vatican? Does it matter if their Pope is comatose?
rcocean said...IRC, Hillary in 2016 set a record for fewest speeches and press conferences by a POTUS candidate. Biden seems to have taken it the next logical step, don't even appear in public and wear a mask.
Why do Dem POTUS candidates even bother campaigning? The Media does all the work for them.
I guess they need to keep the donations coming in.
They contend that an exhausted electorate wants a return to normalcy and competent governance....
#metoo. And if there were a normal candidate who had anything close to Trump's competence, I'd consider them (if they matched Trump's confidence, I'd run to the polling site to vote for them). But given the available choices, I will be voting for Trump.
So as long as Trump is unable to get a handle on these issues, the Dems are right to just let him twist slowly in the wind.
Should Trump start to get a handle on these issues, the Dems will come out and start slugging again.
Dreams are not a winning policy.
To be honest, I don't think Trump is doing very well in terms of leading the nation right now.
You're entitled to your opinion, Bob. I think he's doing great. Not as satisfying as if he rounded up all these scum and had them shot in the back of the head, but in some ways better, because he's having them do it to each other instead.
I think it's great that Madison is burning. Ann, do you want PDT to save you, or do you want Evers and Conway and them-all locals to do their job and save you? Evers, right? And since they won't, you'll punish them in November, this year and in the years to come. Right?
So why should the President act outside proper scope? He's got a full plate spreading the US Marshals thin enough to defend all national monuments. If he has to send the 82nd Airborne into Mpls or Madison, they're not coming to wipe the malefactors' noses and read them Heather Has Two Mommies.
What words could quiet this down except "Let's settle this like gentlemen...I"'ll blow you!"? Not the time for talk. Certainly not as the networks would filter it. They only want him to give, and to everything there is a season, and this is not giving season.
The whole world will see how bad Biden is in the debates. It will be a total bloodbath
Which is why there will be one.
This is why the polls are meaningless right now. Trump is in the arena, Biden will be forced to join him at some point. Biden isn’t going to win PA by coming out against fracking for example, which he just did, and promising those people “better jobs” that he is going to power by unicorn farts.
“ In this current situation, the Dems think they're gaining a lot by the coronavirus spread and the resulting economic slump. They expect that Trump will be seen by most voters as incompetent and throw him out of office even if they have doubts about Biden.”
“So as long as Trump is unable to get a handle on these issues, the Dems are right to just let him twist slowly in the wind.”
The problem there is that Trump almost assuredly did a lot better handling the CCP pandemic than either Crooked Hillary or China Joe would have. Their basic problem is that, as Dems, they are captives of the bureaucracy, the Deep State, and they (the Deep State) were much more a part of the problem, and not a part of the solution. The CDC, that should have been helping lead the charge were grossly incompetent. They failed to replenish stocks depleted under Obama, took over testing, and then failed to do that accurately. We have good testing now because Trump removed that from CDC control, and instead got the private sector involved. Neither Clinton nor Biden would have, or even could have, done any of that. They instead would have just been repeating the bureaucratic twaddle that the federal bureaucrats so love on why it is such an intractable problem, and the only solution is to provide the bureaucrats more and more money.
"Its amazing how the Center-Right reaction to Left wing violence is NEVER to organize and fight back but to either (a) run away or (b) start talking about how they have a gun and are going to protect themselves."
(a) - The current unpleasantness is pretty much all in left wing areas, there's not many center-right wingers involved. What do you think... center-right wingers are going to leave their homes to- do what? Fight the left wing in order to preserve the left wing cities that the left wing is in the process of destroying? Sounds pretty silly when you say it out loud, no?
(b) - Yes, that remains to be seen. Is the left wing foolish enough to want to find out?
Dave Begley: "The whole world will see how bad Biden is in the debates."
No way Biden shows up at a debate.
Biden has dementia. Admit it. Get over it. Move on. Run, Hillary or Michelle, run!
“Wince said...
The beatings will continue until Biden is installed.”
The Democrats are now running a protection ring, vote for Biden or you will have an unfortunate accident. Even John Kerry discussed this on tv.
"an exhausted electorate wants a return to normalcy and competent governance"
And Joe is the natural leader that..... oh,"competent". Never mind.
It's not so long ago that the general election campaign started on Labor Day. Of course, the 24x7 news media finds that unacceptable, or at least inconvenient.
Biden, however, is a traditionalist, so I'm not expecting any changes.
No way Biden shows up at a debate.
I think he'll show, but the MSM DNC plants will get him the questions ahead of time. Rs want a say in who moderates (why hasn't that always been the case!) but in the end Joe will get questions he's already prepared to answer, along with some memorized zingers, and viewers' expectations will be so low that whatever Joe does beyond frothing at the mouth and growling will be reported as a triumph.
I love this comment "..his lead has grown to double digit in national polls.." LOL, show us one poll, which was not paid for by knowing the outcome of the poll before being taken, that did not favor Biden. Propaganda is 24/7 with these politicians and especially the Progressive/Liberal rag called "Politico".
Nothing is better than Government!
Is that an anarchist position or a socialist position?
We all know why they’re hiding Joe. The question is whether enough Americans will fall for it. The challenge for Trump will be to draw Biden out in the open. With the media acting as human shields for Biden, it won’t be easy.
The problem there is that Trump almost assuredly did a lot better handling the CCP pandemic than either Crooked Hillary or China Joe would have.
The media will spend 24/7 asserting this is not true. They are already inflating the numbers in states that opened up a bit, including Arizona. The question is whether it will work.
Also, I noticed that I posted above that there would be a Biden show at a debate. I seem to have omitted the NOT. I don't think he will show. Too much to lose.
I volunteer to empty Joe's full droolcup as many times as needed during his debates.
Just Takin' One for the Team.....
National polls. NATIONAL.
It's as if they expect us to have forgotten how the polling manipulation in the media works. This one for starters. National polls need to be confirmed by state polling- even Nate says so. Pollsters have to guess at the electorate and seems like many like to assume DNC candidate TBD will get Obama's numbers. Riiight...
Two of the latest tricks are a large sample of 'independents'. They want you to think this is a homogenous subgroup of squishy middles but in reality they could be hard core left or right. Funny how they never seem to check. The other is to hide or lock up the polls behind a paywall. Show the results but not the methodology or blend them all into a Nate-style poll of polls or a Predict-O-Meter with other junk thrown in to get the desired outcome. Cute...
wholelottasplainin' said...
I volunteer to empty Joe's full droolcup as many times as needed during his debates.
Admit it, you wanna be droolcup emptier because the only other available job with Joe Biden is emptying his full Depends. Nice try, but the job is both, or neither.
"Why do Dem POTUS candidates even bother campaigning? The Media does all the work for them."
Exactly, the Media always march in lockstep, except for Fox News, and its 92% negative Trump coverage (even with Fox News) all the time. Every Trump press conference is Reporters putting out DNC talking points and debating Trump.
Biden is next to Nothing, so maybe he should be Vice-President under President Nothing.
I thought we already saw that movie.
"an exhausted electorate"
After rona, after riots, after cancel - now comes the terror - Worse than toppling statues, worse than screeching Karens, worse than "mobs" consisting 47 hands holding up 47 Iphones to get a shot for Instagram of one man throwing a rock - worse, yes, worse than all this, is the sight of a man gone inane, hiding in basement and still the Presidential candidate for a once great party. Will it never end?
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