"And I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation... Let’s be very real.... What is this country rewarding? What behavior is it listening to? Obviously not marching. But when people get aggressive and they escalate their protests, cops get fired, Republican politicians talking about police reform... Wow, it’s interesting that you would [ask what Black Lives Matter hoped to achieve through violence] because this country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution? What’s our diplomacy across the globe? We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical..... I think you should be applauding me, seeing how you guys are huge supporters of the Second Amendment..... But it seems to be the hypocrisy of America that when black people start talking about arming themselves and defending themselves, [that] talk is ‘violent.’ But when white people grab assault rifles and go to our nation’s, their state capitals, it’s all good... I just want black liberation, and black sovereignty. By any means necessary."
Said Hawk Newsome, the president of Greater New York Black Lives Matter, in an interview with Martha MacCallum on FoxNexs (reported at the NY Post).
१०६ टिप्पण्या:
But, His Righteousness, Mitt Romney, marched in support of this group.
Such virtue.
at least she's up front about it
"But when white people grab assault rifles and go to our nation’s, their state capitals, it’s all good."
This one takes the cake in ignorant misrepresentation.
I just want black liberation, and black sovereignty
What is black sovereignty?
Nice army of strawmen, Hank.
We won the Cold War without firing a shot.
These people sound like children.
So these guys aren't Marxist?
I just want black liberation, and black sovereignty
The NY Post is not capitalizing the word black.
Anyone seen Robert Cook recently?
"black sovereignty"
Let's give it to them and be done with it.
Opening bid: give them Wisconsin.
He can start with his own place and see how far he gets. New York City would be a good start.
Althouse, we expect a fisking of this mess of non sequiturs.
Too dangerous?
Anyway, illogic and absurdity notwithstanding, he is very clear, isn't he? You do see, don't you?
If this country doesn't give you what you want, you could use your vote to initiate change. How about voting republican and courting those politicians? The current administration seems to be keeping their promises.
My black friends don't seem to be in alignment with the BLM rhetoric, so who is the "us" he is talking about?
Blacks have zero capability of replacing this or any other coherent system.
Give me a list of those armed conservative white protesters who have burned and looted.
He’s not entirely wrong though. It does require temperate armed people to enforce standards in any large low-trust community. Emphasis on the temperate. The Panthers just barely got a hold on the thinnest tail of an idea that could have led Black people to self-reliance and dignity. Alas, they lacked the patience and self-discipline to ever make anything of it.
this country is built upon violence.
Every country that has ever existed has been "built upon violence". Perhaps this fellow should read some history? Having a violent beginning is not what makes this country unique. What makes the United States of America unique and special are the very things that the Marxists of BLM despise.
Why doesn’t Hawk fly to Africa, and stay there? Wright-Americans invented a thing called the “airplane” that could take him there in a few hours. Africa is a gigantic shithole made just for him.
Try that here in Texas... just try. We will give you something, that is for sure, if you try to burn down anything. Police down here don't run, and nether do the town folks.
"But it seems to be the hypocrisy of America that when black people start talking about arming themselves and defending themselves, [that] talk is ‘violent.’"
Arming yourself isn't violent. Busting store windows, looting and setting shit on fire is violent. I'm sure you can see the difference. Right?
"But when white people grab assault rifles and go to our nation’s, their state capitals, it’s all good"
How many windows did they break? Was there looting and setting shit on fire?
“But when white people grab assault rifles and go to our nation’s, their state capitals, it’s all good.”
But it’s certainly civil rights progress that a Democrat tool perceives this as “all good”. Usually White Progs fall into vapors about this stuff...
Careful what you ask for. If you want a war, we can give it to you.
Good. And. Hard.
"I just want black liberation, and black sovereignty. By any means necessary."
What does "black sovereignty" mean? Their own country? Their own states? Their own counties? Their own cities?
They have Milwaukee County. They have the City of Baltimore. How did those work out for them?
And remember that "by any means" cuts both ways.
Ignorant asshole. Did the people of Detroit prosper and thrive after they burned down the city? Are black people in Baltimore and Ferguson better off now that they've assured that cops will remain non-reactive in the presence of minor crimes?....I believe that young black men are given a hard time, sometimes unfairly, by the police, but that's nothing compared to the harm that some young black men inflict on their neighbors.....The preaching of this asshole is directed solely at the white population, but he's more likely to join the gangbangers than stand up to them.
If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right?
The angry black man has spent his life oppressed by EBT cards.
Ya' know.....the Nike store don't take no EBT card.
BLM is a neo-Marxist organization. “Burn down this system?” Really? How does a system burn?
Obviously, Cultural Marxism is too slow for this asshole. He wants to get on with the real revolution and is threatening “the system” with violence. This is the prelude to terrorism. Clearly, the Democrats are up for a little terrorism. The ones who run our city have a BLM banner at city hall. Of course, our mayor is also a Marxist.
Are rank and file Democrats stupid enough to believe that Democrat electeds will protect them when their neighborhoods are threatened by BLM and company? Yes. Yes they are!
"If this country doesn’t give us what we want,"
He doesn't seem to know exactly what he wants, other than to commit violence.
"then we will burn down this system and replace it"
He doesn't seem to know exactly what he wants to replace "it" with, perhaps a magical paradise would work out.
These protestors are really dumb and boring; at least the Bee has a non-vaporous replacement idea:
Navy SEALs To Be Replaced With Social Workers
Shorter Hank Newsome: "Um, this shit ain't going how I thought it would..."
Gibs me dat
"I just want black liberation, and black sovereignty. By any means necessary."
People need to realize that BLM is a violent Marxist Black separatist organization. The name "Black Lives Matters" is all touchy/feely but these are bad people. The Black Big East ass't basketball coaches back BLM, but they are sadly misinformed.
But, of course, no one will really expose and push back against BLM.
Russians, 1916:
Well, things can't get any worse!
Well, I guess that interview clears the air, I have no problem with minorities rebelling and trying to establish sovereignty over the nation, if they have thought out the pluses and minuses.
Huey Newton was unavailable for comment.
PS - It's been a while but Huey's Wikipedia page is hysterical in spots. Unintentionally, natch.
... I just want black liberation, and black sovereignty. By any means necessary."
OK. You can have Black Sovereignty.
Instead of reparations, how about we set up a Black state? Approved White people can move there, but not hold any power. Only Black people can manage the governmental functions.
What could go wrong?
As they say-
If you hate everything about this country-
From it's founders to it's flag, from it's inception to this very day...
Maybe you need to find a different country to live in.
So what he's saying is, somebody should kill him.
But when white people grab assault rifles and go to our nation’s, their state capitals, it’s all good...
I certainly didn't get that impression from the media or politicians.
"But when white people grab assault rifles and go to our nation’s, their state capitals, it’s all good" Uh, any idea what that's about?
He should look up the Reign of Terror and then look in the mirror.
Of course the worst thing on earth is to be rude, so what's the nice, acceptable way to say or tell someone that you find them despicable, contemptible, and to be resolutely opposed?
Black liberation and black sovereignty . . . coming right up.
Sorry for the wait!
They should have him on every night.
Black sovereignty is not what the Dems planned when they set this guy loose.
'“Wow, it’s interesting that you would pose that question like that,” Newsome responded, “because this country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution?' I think that's right. People who say that "violence never solves anything" are not in touch with reality. Ask the good people of Carthage.
But you know, if you treat other Americans as enemies of war, they will treat you that way too. You won't like it.
Most of us want to treat blacks as fellow Americans. Too bad Hawk Newsome lost touch with that.
Perhaps he would use Zimbabwe as a model, or any of the other former colonies that devolved into violent kleptocracies.
We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like.
He forgets the part where the US government sets up counterrevolutionary groups only to have the military take them out when they begin to act autonomously.
This, too, can play out at home.
Opal Tometi, a cofounder of BLM, is a fan of Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro. Black Lives Matter Founder an Open Supporter of Socialist Venezuelan Dictator Maduro. She visited Maduro's Venezuela around the time of the December 2015 legislative elections. She also met Maduro several months before in NYC, at the People of African Descent Leadership Summit. Photo ops abound.
An Opal Tometi tweet from her visit to Venezuela indicates where her sympathies lie (see link at "She Praised"):
Currently in Venezuela. Such a relief to be in a place where there is intelligent political discourse.
The Breitbart article links to an article Opal Tometi wrote for Venezuelanalysis, a Chavista mouthpiece.
Tometi also applauded Venezuela in an article that year stating, “in these last 17 years, we have witnessed the Bolivarian Revolution champion participatory democracy and construct a fair, transparent election system recognized as among the best in the world.”
Yeah, right.
The Breitbart article points out that Opal Tometi's sympathies for Chavista Venezuela are not an outlier in BLM. It quotes a BLM eulogy on Fidel Castro.
“There is an overwhelming sense of loss, complicated by fear and anxiety. Although no leader is without their flaws, we must push back against the rhetoric of the right and come to the defense of El Comandante,” a eulogy by the official “Black Lives Matter” organization read.
After some thoughts on revolution, the piece ends: “As Fidel ascends to the realm of the ancestors, we summon his guidance, strength, and power as we recommit ourselves to the struggle for universal freedom. Fidel Vive!”
Breitbart points out the irony of BLM, an organization that is against police killing civilians, supporting the Maduro regime, as the Maduro regime has a horrendous record of police killing civilians.
Caracas Chronicles: How Brutal Are Venezuelan Police Forces?" In 2017, Venezuelan law enforcement killed 4,998 civilians. On a per capita basis, that would be the equivalent of US law enforcement killing around 50,000 civilians. Whereas US law enforcement kills around 500-1000 civilians a year. Yet Opal Tometi, a cofounder of BLM, supports the Maduro regime.
What’s our diplomacy across the globe? We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like.
One of the things I Like about Trump is that he doesn't do this.
If you want to know what black sovereignty looks like in America- freedom from the laws and the police, just visit the southside of Chicago outside the boundaries of the University. That is what it looks like.
I do have to wonder- will 93+% of black voters really think Donald Trump is the cause of their neighborhoods' decline in just the last month, and that Joe Biden is the answer for an improvement? Are they really that blind?
RE: white people marching with guns on state captials = "all good".
Huh? The Seattle liberal press and its readers shat themselves when it happened in Olympia. Not all good at all and very little public support. ESPECIALLY when compared to the support shown later protests.
And the 'sovereignty' thing? Isn't that a concept from the king-monarch-royalty/serf paradigm?
Try to remember, that this ignorant childish blowhard is merely a tool. He does not speak for black Americans. He is bought and paid for by people who are not concerned about the welfare of any Americans but themselves.
Looks like J.Farmer might get his wish.
But when white people grab assault rifles and go to our nation’s, their state capitals, it’s all good..
How many stores did they burn down and loot?
Could be interesting. NYC Demographics
White: 42.67%
Black or African American: 24.27%
Other race: 15.12%
Asian: 13.95%
Two or more races: 3.51%
Native American: 0.43%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.05%
My guess is that blacks will become further segregated and people with sufficient money will move into other neighborhoods with better schools. More of the same, really, it is a straight line projection. But there are always events...
Will any one stand up and fight this lawless attack mob? If not the USA is kaput. Trump needs to do into them what the ICE did to the imported MS-13 guerrilla army. Both are paid, logistically supported and have political cover sponsored by Soros and his stolen money.
I keep thinking of that episode of Gomer Pyle when he’s playing poker with the card sharp, and he has a full house and a asks Sgt Carter if a full house is “the best”. Carter says’ “No, it’s not the best, but it’s pretty good!” and Pyle throws away all five cards saying “If this isn’t the best, I want the best!” Of course the poker cheat who dealt the hand was planning to throw in his five cards and take the straight flush that he had put there for that purpose, never thinking that Gomer would take any cards with a full house, so Gomer gets his straight flush and wins the pot.
We don’t live in a sit com, and that “straight flush” that the people have planted for us to “discover” when we throw in our cards is going to be Marxism, and it doesn’t work. We will go from an economy based on the allocation of wealth to one based on allocation of power, and the only kinds of work you can force people to do is unthinking slave labor. You can’t force people to use their native intelligence to create abundance with a whip and a truncheon. If I make the same money for tearing my hair out working 60 - 80 hours a week on some intellectually demanding job as I do sweeping streets, I am going to sweep streets, and so will most intelligent people.
"To each according to his needs” is one thing, if you get to define his “needs," but “from each according to his abilities”? That’s not easy when you don’t offer incentives. Pretty soon you don’t have enough for people’s needs and the Party ends up skimming off the best, “Party hospitals,” special stores for Party members only, we have seen the drill in Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, China. An economy based on the allocation of power is a living hell for most people living there. That’s why communist. countries have to build walls to keep people in, or, like Cuba, deploy snipers to prevent people reaching Guantanamo. “Shot! While tryink to escape.”
I will go with police reform and muddle-through capitalism and democracy over these master strokes of scientific political economy, thank you very much.
I would like to see major Black and BLM leaders acknowledge that the country was founded on violence/rebellion IN ORDER TO FORM a political process driven by the populace that enables vote-driven change over time.
And that the black/BLM community's worst population centers have taken advantage of the black vote - and count on the black vote in almost total solidarity - for several decades. To the point that those major population centers are dominated by a single political party at every level of government who has convinced the movement and black community that they - that dominating political party - is their ally and friend and not the source of their inability to solve black issues through the political process.
It's possibly the greatest societal-level political gaslighting I've ever witnessed first hand and standing on the outside I just shake my head and go "Wtf people? You want to riot and throw the losers out? I get that. But it's not "white folks" or "republicans" who are the clear issues in your communities. It's the leaders you have voted in, continue voting in, and who take your vote for granted by saying "the right things."
I'm not even saying republicans are any better. They just aren't the leaders of THE VERY COMMUNITIES that are uprising in revolt.
We tried sovereignty with Liberia and they turned that into a ****hole as well. No thanks, you don’t get a state to suck up tax dollars. It would actually be amazing however to see black people actually run something. They’ve done a bang up job destroying democrat run cities already.
Saw that interview. Martha was very lame. Looked like she was afraid of him, or afraid of saying a 'wrong thought' to him.
Black lives don't matter anything to him. He's a Marxist. No lives mean anything to Marxists. None. They should just self-identify with 'No Lives Matter' t-shirts so we can finally get to the heart of it.
He's a fraud.
BLM Sovereignty means Bolshevicks round us Europeans up and shoot half immediately and work the other half to death in Gulags. That is how a Marxist nation starts with conquest.
Interestingly, DJT met with Poland's President yesterday. The Polish Nation was near exterminated by both Nazi and Communist tyrants. They know that fighting to survive those forces is not optional.
Latinos outnumber blacks in the United States. As the United States has become less white, it has not become more black.
After the Civil War, the United States became much more a nation of immigrants.
German-Americans outnumber blacks. Mexican Americans are about the same number as blacks. Irish Americans aren’t far behind.
No one gives a shit about The Founders or Slavery. That stuff is ancient history.
If you want black sovereignty, do what Marcus Garvey did. There are plenty of Africans that would be thrilled to trade places.
But these guys don’t want to give up their privilege of being born in the United States.
They are fucking cry babies.
Seems like a good time to cast more bullets for my remaining brass. I don't think these Marxists plan to stop at the city line. I believe they expect we'll just conform, but they are wrong in that assumption, at least in my neighborhood.
Sounds like a terrorist. He should be dealt with like a terrorist.
because this country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution? What’s our diplomacy across the globe? We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like.
Welcome to World History since time immemorial 101. Next...why rain is wet.
This spokesperson for BLM seemingly hasn’t noticed how BLM has become yet another fundraising arm of the DNC, whose chosen leader is Joe Biden.
That’s some rich cake. -willie
Cloward and Piven lives!!! This is exactly what they have wanted for over 50 years, and they are close to getting their Socialist Utopia they've always dreamed about. Unfortunately for the rest of us, it will be the Obamas and Clintons running the world.
Hawk's a lawyer. His sister Chivona is co-founder of BLM of Greater New York. She ran in the Democratic Primary for Representative in the 15th Congressional district in the Bronx. The vote was Tuesday.
Chivona lost and finished with 2.6%.
That's two point six percent. How much support do these people really have. Do they deserve the attention they get from the media?
There are plenty of Africans that would be thrilled to trade places.
I've talked to some black Africans. They don't understand American blacks. You bet they would be happy to change places. They are immigrating all the time and glad to be here.
We tried sovereignty with Liberia and they turned that into a ****hole as well.
I think it's kind of amusing that the first thing the freed slaves did when they got back to Africa was enslave the local Africans.
I do have to wonder- will 93+% of black voters really think Donald Trump is the cause of their neighborhoods' decline in just the last month, and that Joe Biden is the answer for an improvement? Are they really that blind?
They're ignorant, scared and easily emotionally manipulated. That's the whole point of all this shit.
I know many educated, professional, successful Black people who fall for the same shit every four years, so why shouldn't the masses?
Blogger mccullough said...
They are fucking cry babies.
You people are the babies crying over every macro and micro aggression all the while talking about how one day, one day soon, anytime now, you will unleash hellfire from your Second Amendment arsenals. That one day never comes while BLM owns the streets and the narrative. It is BLM who Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes And Our Sacred Honor.
You people are more concerned about breaking the Covid diet so you can go back to having Mexicans cook for you so you can go out and stuff your fat faces with brunch, burgers and fries. Supersize me, Bruh
What is black sovereignty?
Black sales of blacks. Hutu vs Tutsi vs Hutu. Blacks selling blacks. Progressive South Africans lynching blacks, presumably in an act of retributive change. 1% in Swaziland living a fat lifestyle, while the rest of the people survive on foreign welfare. Black-Africans cannibalizing Albino-Africans for medical progress. Diversity.
There's so much wrong going on in that statement I could get at least a masters thesis level paper out of the response.
Not that any university would accept it, or wouldn't do the Invasion of the Body Snatchers point and scream at me.
“I do have to wonder- will 93+% of black voters really think Donald Trump is the cause of their neighborhoods' decline in just the last month, and that Joe Biden is the answer for an improvement? Are they really that blind?”
I think that is the Dems’ assumption. Of course, they were always the plantation party, controlling much of our black population for essentially the last two centuries, for of course, their own good. And it might work here too.
I had a thought. Up until BLM helped detonate violence in Dem enclaves around the country, Trump was pushing blacks in this country hard to throw off their Dem party yoke, and vote for him and the party that ended their slavery (to their Dem masters), and finally ended their oppression by the Dem Klan members, etc. It was repeatedly being pointed out that China Joe Biden and the Dems couldn’t win, if they didn’t carry almost all of the black community in this country. My thought is that the Dems’ kowtowing and enabling of BLM might very well be in order to cement the black vote in this country for them. But if that is true, they are likely sacrificing support throughout much of the rest of the country. Maybe the numbers are there for them. But I don’t think so. Should be interesting.
Chicago saw its highest number of gun violence victims in a single weekend this year with 104 people shot across the city (Father's Day Weekend) from Friday evening to Monday morning, 15 of them fatally. Five of those killed were minors.
The weekend saw more shooting victims but less fatalities than the last weekend of May, when 85 people were shot, 24 of them fatally — Chicago’s most deadly weekend in years.
Tell me about the impact on blacks of systemic white racism again, please?
Fifty-two years ago the spokesman for America’s black people was Martin Luther King, Jr. Today it’s Hawk Newsome. I really can’t think of anything more to say.
Now that BLM leaders are speaking their truth, the MSM theme-o'-the-day is that there is NO real BLM structure or leaders.
Oh yeah:
"Will any one stand up and fight this lawless attack mob?"
Trump says he will if he needs to. The real question is are there ANY prominant Democrats that will even criticize this madness.
He said, By any means necessary. I think Newsome is right. So I'm asking a serious question: Republicans are probably willing to give black people absolutely anything they really want, at a price.
The price is, stop thinking of us as racists. Accept that we and you are partners in this country, and start thinking of us as partners, as we think of you as partners.
"any means necessary". Hawk Newsome, are you willing to do that?
I am inclined to say let's partition off a few states and give that to the blacks who want "black sovereignty.". Maybe WA and OR, so that they have farmland and a port. Then leave them the Hell alone. No to-ing and fro-ing though. God, what a relief it would be to not have to be bombarded with the incessant whining.
Just dump the Demos, vote Republican and watch your lives improve.
My thought is that the Dems’ kowtowing and enabling of BLM might very well be in order to cement the black vote in this country for them.
I would go a bit farther. They want to scare them. Most of these protesters now are white millenials.
Look at these videos. A long haired white crazy in Bikini bottoms is going to scare the blacks ? A white teenager with a man bun screaming at black cops is going to make them want to vote for Biden?
It looks like another of those Dim torpedoes circling.
The question is if they can generate enough fraud to overcome this.
I agree completely, give them sovereignty. But only the kind offered to some Indian tribes, over poor-quality reservation territory that no one else cares about. Oh, and staying there will be mandatory. You might think that it would be hard to shuffle around the majority of American blacks, but I assume a substantial part of that population won't survive the coming troubles.
But you can't throw rocks at the monkey forever. If you want a solution to all the noise, deal with their organ grinders first.
If might makes right and what really matters is who has more guns, blacks are in trouble. They're a small minority of the population; Latinos have passed them by in numbers. Not all "people of color" have the same interests or political views.
I think very few people of any race, color or creed think mob rule is a good thing.
Wouldn't we all be happier if these marxists just moved to a socialist utopia of their choosing?
Surely this is a Boogaloo disinformation campaign.
-Royal ass Inga, probably
Speaking of armed black people: Anyone remember there was going to be a pro-Second Amendment march by black gun owners the Saturday Trump was in Tulsa? Well, there was one. It was small, but it happened.
National media ignored it. I wonder why.
isnt hawk newsome scott adams ex buddy?
That diatribe right there is a perfect example of what people mean when they say "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing." Man, what a confused person to be a leader, or does that actually help. Biden is polling better the more confused he gets. Maybe when you have no real mental framework, confusion sounds like wisdom.
I don't think Shaka here has quite thought it through.
1. Power grows from the barrel of a gun. Check.
2. The more guns, the more power. Check.
Math is hard
According to Inga, Hawk Newsome is simply Steve Bannon in blackface.
I'm surprised no one else caught that.
Opening bid: give them Wisconsin.
I don't think there's many of them. Just give them Madison.
I am inclined to say let's partition off a few states and give that to the blacks who want "black sovereignty.". Maybe WA and OR, so that they have farmland and a port.
Fuck that. Let them rot in the cities.
I'm sorry if the BLM leadersip is representated by clowns like this guy (Hank Newsome) who states, "...that when black people start talking about arming themselves and defending themselves, [that] talk is ‘violent.’..." really. I guess you must've missed all those 'armed blacks' in Chicago decimating their community of "blacks" - no "violent talk" there just action. Just another wannabe politico in training trying to get on board the gravy train of 'race hustlers'.
"Just dump the Demos, vote Republican and watch your lives improve."
I have no doubt that would work better than anything that will ever be tried. Not because of what Republicans would do, but becuase of what they wouldn't. The secret is getting rid of the party of slavery ruling over Black people across this country. What you replace that with can't possibly be worse, unless it was this guy who wants to dominate the same, but with a new flag. It only took one year under Trump to make major gains in Black employment, income, and moving away from welfare. One year of unleashing Black potential held back the same way we all are. Obama didn't do it in 8 years, and he was kinda Black, but he was also a Democrat, and that came first. Don't make the same mistake again, my melanin enhanced brothers. This country is as much yours as anyone's, but you need to take your power away from those taking it for granted as if it actually belongs to them.
Howard said...
Blogger mccullough said...
They are fucking cry babies.
You people are the babies crying over every macro and micro aggression all the while talking about how one day, one day soon, anytime now, you will unleash hellfire from your Second Amendment arsenals. That one day never comes while BLM owns the streets and the narrative. It is BLM who Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes And Our Sacred Honor.
Howard, you asshole:
Burning cities down is not "micro and macro aggression."
The 2nd Amendment is about self-defense and defense against tyrannical government. It's NOT about vigilantism.
You clearly long for a race war, suggesting "Let's you and him fight."
While you watch with glee.
Black sovereignty? Hasn't that been achieved in cities like Detroit, Gary, New Orleans? I'd like to understand what system they are proposing as a replacement. What are the philosophical and practical underpinnings?
“If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system...”
Then he sat right down in the aisle and held his breath until he turned blue.
I'm always surprised at people who don't seem to realize that violence can be dealt in both directions.
" you will unleash hellfire from your Second Amendment arsenals. That one day never comes "
Chatted with the old man yesterday, been a few weeks.
He lives in a gated community in SoCal, and all he had to say about the current situation was...
"..we are all sick of the news, and armed...."
So, if you wish to get that fight rolling, go to the burbs with violent intent.
" you will unleash hellfire from your Second Amendment arsenals. That one day never comes "
Chatted with the old man yesterday, been a few weeks.
He lives in a gated community in SoCal, and all he had to say about the current situation was...
"..we are all sick of the news, and armed...."
So, if you wish to get that fight rolling, go to the burbs with violent intent.
“Black supremacy is as dangerous as white supremacy, and God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brown men and yellow men. God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race and the creation of a society where all men will live together as brothers, and all men will respect the dignity and the worth of all human personality.”
Guess who said that.
Howard is a troll. I don't even think he was a Marine. Maybe like Chief fixyourfridge, if that.
Martha wasn't lame. So back off on that nonsense.
She was friendly and respectful and professional -- just like she always is with everyone. And still this guy from the get-go was completely hostile.
And when demanded to know what she thought about the Second Amendment, she rightly said that what she thought wasn't relevant. And HE backed off.
"Let’s be very real.... What is this country rewarding?"
Good point.
American white people are the least racist people in the world. The BLM people are going to mess around and screw up a good thing.
Rabel nails it.
Hawk's a lawyer. His sister Chivona is co-founder of BLM of Greater New York. She ran in the Democratic Primary for Representative in the 15th Congressional district in the Bronx. The vote was Tuesday.
Chivona lost and finished with 2.6%.
That's two point six percent. How much support do these people really have. Do they deserve the attention they get from the media?
And Hawk Newsome is one of the more intelligent, articulate and open self-proclaimed BLM leaders/spokesman. He engages with the right.
This is a very, very fringe movement, with very, very influential and deep-pocketed and very patient sponsors. This revolution is within the Democratic Party, and while Joe Biden is hoping to ride it, he's got nothing to do with it. No Comment Joe.
ken in tx said...
"American white people are the least racist people in the world. The BLM people are going to mess around and screw up a good thing."
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