"Americans who find themselves needing to defend themselves are unlikely to have spares on hand trained for the occasion. It’s these situations where they need a proven, reliable, and multi‐purpose firearm—and yes, that includes 'assault weapons.' When innocent Americans can face multiple attackers, and it can take more than 10 shots to reliably stop a single one, is a 30‐round magazine and a reliable firearm unreasonable? Definitely not."
From "A Defense of 'Assault Weapons'" published at Cato Institute in May 2019. I'm reading it today a propos of that last post. Last year, the question What law-abiding person needs an assault weapon? was asked as if it were self-answering and the answer was Obviously, no one.
Last year.
१०१ टिप्पण्या:
It's better if a well trained police force has them but only assuming the bad guys know they'll be used against them. Absent that, the citizen militia will do in a pinch...
What a quaint notion to think the police would be there to protect you.
i Know i've said this before, and i Know people will say they take to long to load,etc
but after seeing this you tube on civil war cannon firing canister it's Clear, that THESE are the weapon to deter bumps in the night or a riot
Since we are defunding police, we need concealed carry, so we can protect ourselves from being attacked for the crime of being born white now. Thanks Progressives!!!
This year’s riots have shown, not only the need for 30-round magazines, but also why police forces need armored personnel carriers.
Johnathan Birks said...
What a quaint notion to think the police would be there to protect you.
The government has us closed down. Just a happy coincidence that Antifa-fascists / CHAZ-CHOP whatever are attempting a nice take-over, block by block.
War against the deplorable never ends. Virus... check. Antifa mobs... check. Democrat party/media/ Schitt lies? ... check.
Puppet Biden who made his son rich by washing our tax dollars in Ukraine. Check.
One Ann with courage makes a majority.
One Ann with courage and an AK-47 makes a peaceful supermajority.
Well, the PoPo have fully automatic (or select-fire, more accurately) AR's while mere citizens have regular old semi-automatic rifles.
Since there is no such thing as an assault rifle, unless, like pornography, you "know it when you see it."
"Events, dear boy. Events."
I've lived in a lot of ghettos - even had my home invaded - and I'm still here.
Without a gun.
Y'all got no social skills - so you kill.
Althouse wants to believe cafeteria-style Leftism is possible.
All evidence to the contrary, notwithstanding.
My nephew in Chicago was just telling me he thinks sometimes about having a gun. He said he has never wanted one, and would keep it locked away and not even use it just if he heard someone breaking in to steal his laptop. But the riots a few weeks ago really scared his family, and the feeling that the police and the mayor just did not care that people were under assault.
Depends on your definition of “average people”.
Perhaps this article holds true in anti-gun blue areas, but here in Texas I would say the “average” household has multiple guns (loaded), extra clips (loaded), and addition ammo for reloading. And no, that is not the “preppers”; it really is the average.
The idea you are safe by civil and well policed society is....privilege
was [passively] asked as if it were self-answering and the answer was Obviously, no one.
That was only obvious to people with little knowledge or imagination.
Picture of the gate the rioters, err, I mean "peaceful protesters" ripped down.
Never understood that response “who needs an AR - 15?”
I don’t think those people understand the constitution or the second amendment. After all, it’s the bill of rights not the “bill of needs”...
That St. Louis couple was an advertisement for "assault" weapons. He looked a lot scarier with his than his wife did with her handgun.
I have a 30 round magazine. Maybe I should load it.
+1 for the lawyer for owning AR-15. However, the couple came out a little light, given the situation. Wife should definitely get a bigger gun. A couple of stun-grenades could prove useful. Belts with spare magazines. To defuse situation a little, shot-guns for rubber bullets or other non-penetrating ammo to be used first.
A month more of rioting, and we'll see photos of properly equipped citizens, no doubt.
Even the news coverage shows how little attention anyone is paying to just normal people trapped inside or trapped with their businesses covered in plywood.
It's all about the protests, and BLM, and what people on twitter are saying, or righteous is the cause or how awful Trump is, or how cool the art on the plywood is.
But who cares about the millions and millions of people whose lives have been upended, and who have seen now that their mayors and their governors don't care what happens to them?
Diversity and "protests" (e.g. warlock judgments).
Even the news coverage shows how little attention anyone is paying to just normal people trapped inside or trapped with their businesses covered in plywood.
It's all about the protests, and BLM, and what people on twitter are saying, or righteous is the cause or how awful Trump is, or how cool the art on the plywood is.
But who cares about the millions and millions of people whose lives have been upended, and who have seen now that their mayors and their governors don't care what happens to them?
This is why Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store rather than a government agency.
It is not surprising that those who accept transsexual men as women equally uncritically accept semiautomatic-only AR or AK platforms as assault weapons.
As always, the proof is in the pudding: have sex with your transwoman and attempt to assault a military position with your semiautomatic-only rifle, then get back to us.
I suggest you do it in that order for obvious reasons: you will get fucked up in both cases, but the latter will almost certainly be permanent.
I call bullshit on Crack's claims. You can't have a home invasion when you are homeless. A cardboard box invasion, perhaps.
I've lived in a lot of ghettos - even had my home invaded - and I'm still here.
I've never had my home invaded. I think you're the one in need of better social skills.
"I don’t think those people understand the constitution or the second amendment."
Or firearms.
Ask the Korean shopowners in LA who used them to defend life and property during the Rodney King riots, while the police were giving the rioters "space" or whatever.
jeremyabrams said...That St. Louis couple was an advertisement for "assault" weapons. He looked a lot scarier with his than his wife did with her handgun.
I doubt if she could hit the broadside of a barn with her lady's handgun.
She looks like an overaged Faye Dunaway plating Bonnie Parker in a comedic remake.
We own, and I've shot, different firearms. The AR-15 is my favorite. It's light, it's easy to aim, it has low kick. When people say, "Who needs an assault rifle?" my answer is "Women." Smaller hands, less arm strength. It's perfect.
If the situation really got bad really fast, honestly, I'd get my 1944 vintage M1 Carbine. It fires a really weak pistol cartridge (30 cal) relatively slowly, so less of a danger for people farther away. Plus the stock is made of good eastern oak so can be used as a baseball bat in a pinch.
It's literally an assault rifle, being made to assault Nazi's and Commies and used in Korea. The select fire is gone, but I like to think it remembers what to do.
An armed society is a polite society. It's not trite, it's Heinlein.
The existential need has always been there. Today it's an empirical need.
but, i don't understand?
Didn't Jo Bide tell us, that All We Needed To Do;
Was have a double barreled shotgun?
fire two rounds up into the air?
and then Watch, passively, while they rape and murder your wife; then murder and rape you?
Isn't that Our Goal? to be raped and murdered in our own homes; while holding an empty shotgun?
"Perhaps this article holds true in anti-gun blue areas, but here in Texas I would say the “average” household has multiple guns (loaded), extra clips (loaded), and addition ammo for reloading. And no, that is not the “preppers”; it really is the average."
It's the same where I live. I don't think Progs, and even conservatives who live in relatively Blue areas, understand just how well-armed the average Joe is. You have to have at least one foot in "gun culture" to even begin to understand the extent of it.
"Perhaps this article holds true in anti-gun blue areas, but here in Texas I would say the “average” household has multiple guns (loaded), extra clips (loaded), and addition ammo for reloading. And no, that is not the “preppers”; it really is the average."
It's the same where I live. I don't think Progs, and even conservatives who live in relatively Blue areas, understand just how well-armed the average Joe is. You have to have at least one foot in "gun culture" to even begin to understand the extent of it.
You who love to parse a sentence to death...
"Americans who find themselves needing to defend themselves are unlikely to have spares on hand trained for the occasion."
What does this mean? Spare what? Trained spares?
The Crack Emcee said...
I've lived in a lot of ghettos - even had my home invaded - and I'm still here.
Without a gun.
Y'all got no social skills - so you kill.
6/30/20, 8:19 AM
1. No offense but I don't find you that much of an inspiration.
2. You're black, so the doubtless black home invaders were presumably there merely on business, nothing personal. The Christian-Newsom killers would have let you go.
3. Robbing and home invading is not a normal part of life. People who do that, should be killed, not socialized with. Nobody holds a gun on the belly of a pregnant woman to feed his starving family.
Assault weapon / modern sporting rifle: they are the same thing, just named differently.
The AR-15 was famously nicknamed a "poodle shooter" by Gunsite founder and firearms writer Col. Jeff Cooper, who thought the weapon underpowered for military use.
Firearm laws vary so much across the US that were I to drive from Maine to California via Texas, keeping my unlaoded firearms in the trunk of my car, I'd be a felon several times over, except where I'd be perfectly legal and could go to a range to shoot them for fun. Go figure.
Legally owning and lawfully shooting a firearm has taught me more about US law and politics than I ever wanted to know, out of necessity. There have been no new gun arguments created since Heller v DC was decided, and progun forces are winning nationwide right now. That could change, of course, and will, if Democrats control both houses of Congress.
Gordy said...
"I've never had my home invaded. I think you're the one in need of better social skills."
No, my social skills got me out of it - white folks, forcing blacks to live with criminals, is what made it happen.
I've never heard anyone say, "I've lived in a lot of ghettos - even had my home invaded - and I died."
President-Mom-Jeans said...
I call bullshit on Crack's claims. You can't have a home invasion when you are homeless. A cardboard box invasion, perhaps.
I like how you guys really think blacks will vote with you - when you're you.
I note that those the male of the two "liberals" who confronted the lumpenproletariat mob asssaulting their gated community was armed in what looked like (in my unexpert opinion) an "assault rifle," the definition of which, among "liberals," seem to change daily.
Nichevo said...
"3. Robbing and home invading is not a normal part of life. People who do that, should be killed, not socialized with."
Give me a break: they did their tough-guy-with-a-gun routine, and told me to give them my money, so I took them to the politically blackest decorated room in the house, with a HUGE Malcolm X poster in the center, and - talking the whole time - made them feel guilty as shit for fucking ME up.
They only took what I gave them, which was nothing much, and even half-apologized on the way out the door.
I've even fucked with people holding a gun to my head.
Social skills. Eddie Murphy's got 'em, too.
Why would I want to kill anyone in the same situation I'm in?
"My nephew in Chicago was just telling me he thinks sometimes about having a gun."
Since the pandemic started, there are 2.5 million new gun owners. The riots and police-defunding movement helped enormously with that figure, of course, but the first big spike occurred after the shelter-in-place orders went into effect.
There are a lot of people thinking about getting a gun for the first time ... and quite a few are following through -- if they can. After months of increased sales, most stores are very under-supplied now, and completion of background checks have slowed.
Firearm laws vary so much across the US that were I to drive from Maine to California via Texas, keeping my unlaoded firearms in the trunk of my car, I'd be a felon several times over, except where I'd be perfectly legal and could go to a range to shoot them for fun.
Federal laws prevail and FOPA allows for interstate transportation if you're legal in your place of origin and destination. That said some asshole might still harass you or even drag you in. Affirmative defense applies in a few locales. Im told best to just stay away from New Jersey...
As always, consult your attorney familiar with the laws...
I think that the most significant outcome of these riots was to confirm what was thought to be an Aberration in the Baltimore riots.
Big city Progressive Dem mayors will now pander to leftists at the expense of the lives of their citizens and at the expense of their Police forces.
The old machine Dem Mayors ultimately would not. Law and order won elections.
Now the citizens and the Police both know that when the excrement strikes the impellers, they are on their own. Hence gun buying on the part of citizens and both groups will vote with their feet and exit big cities.
Crack brings up a great point. Using people skills to diffuse dangerous situations is more manly brave than hiding behind an arsenal.
This is precisely what's wrong with police departments, police Unions and police officers.
That said, you people should be happy that the scary BLM Thug riots will strengthen the 2nd amendment. Even Libtards are up-arming.
A dusky fellow once tried to mug me, but I just said, "Whatchyoo talkin' bout, Willis?", gave him a of paper with a slave owner's pic on it, and we were cool.
“I have a 30 round magazine. Maybe I should load it.”
I will call and raise that. Yesterday, I was in Black Sheep in Coeur d’Alene. Good friend of mine had told me that they had a lot of .300 Blackout ammunition. In the back, by the guns, I asked where it was. Older guy, behind the counter laughed and told me about having gotten in some cases a couple weeks before, and it disappearing the first morning. But they did have a table with cases of 30 round magazines on sale. Asked them if they were any good. Ended up buying 10 of them. Maybe pop back by there and pick up some more. Right now, there are two things that I don’t think that you can have too much of: standard sized (e.g. 30 round for 5,56/.223) magazines and AR-15 lower receivers (finished and untraceable 80%s).
The Crack Emcee said...
I've lived in a lot of ghettos - even had my home invaded - and I'm still here.
Without a gun.
Y'all got no social skills - so you kill.
I've worked in a few. A couple of times I've had to walk to my car with a loaded pistol in my hand. The people intent on robbing me suddenly had more pressing matters to attend to.
Crack: your home invasion story is disturbing; most of us have never experienced something like that. Now, if you were a woman and the intruder was a rapist, would you be as confident in your ability to talk your way out of the situation?
No, my social skills got me out of it - white folks, forcing blacks to live with criminals, is what made it happen.
Most of us pity you, or did. But pity for the inadequate child runs its inevitable course.
Crack, you are a foolish, foolish man.
Or a shameless liar.
No third option.
Howard said...
That said, you people should be happy that the scary BLM Thug riots will strengthen the 2nd amendment. Even Libtards are up-arming.
6/30/20, 10:52 AM
Poor little Howie. Just can't seem to understand that "you people" are all in favor of ALL law abiding folks having ready access to firearms, don't much matter to us "you people" if they are black/white/yellow/dem/rep/ind. Just that they be law abiding. The more the merrier. You just have your panties in a twist because it was and is the democrats that want people, especially POC to be unarmed and at the mercy of the state and/or thugs (in D run cities, same difference). Too bad, so sad.
Tomcc said...
"Crack: your home invasion story is disturbing; most of us have never experienced something like that. Now, if you were a woman and the intruder was a rapist, would you be as confident in your ability to talk your way out of the situation?"
Sure, but women generally have TERRIBLE social skills because they rely too much on their looks to get them through.
Quaestor said...
No, my social skills got me out of it - white folks, forcing blacks to live with criminals, is what made it happen.
Most of us pity you, or did. But pity for the inadequate child runs its inevitable course.
Crack, you are a foolish, foolish man.
Or a shameless liar.
No third option.
You guys are all at odds with reality as much any guru-loving liberal.
I wonder if amazon is selling Malcolm X posters?
"Y'all got no social skills - so you kill."
I don't think too many people in here are killing anyone, but you might want to put that message in one of your songs.
Yo, gangstas, put down the nines.
killin yo brodie's a bad sign
Dear Abby is the beast o skills
to end all da local kills
If someone does a home invasion in my area they are either:
Profoundly stupid,
Have a death wish,
Believe the home is empty, or
See a vote blue sign in the yard.
Now they won't necessarily end up dead, but their odds are not especially good.
And, even the Vote Blue people tend to be armed.
By the way, Crack, the above is true no matter the skin color of the perp.
re: my skin color remark. It's true of the homeowner too.
Trained police officers hit their target less than 20% of the time when in a shooting situation. That's why I need more than five f'n bullets, for starters.
Deadly attacks commonly involve more than one attacker. That's why I need access to more than ten bullets.
People who are shot are often capable of, and often do, continue with their attack. That's why I need more than 5/7/9/10 bullets.
You guys are all at odds with reality...
A few lines from Shaw's "Caesar and Cleopatra" will suffice.
THEODOTUS. Caesar: you are a stranger here, and not conversant with our laws. The kings and queens of Egypt may not marry except with their own royal blood. Ptolemy and Cleopatra are born king and consort just as they are born brother and sister.
BRITANNUS (shocked). Caesar: this is not proper.
THEODOTUS (outraged). How!
CAESAR (recovering his self-possession). Pardon him, Theodotus: he is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.
What law-abiding person needs an assault weapon?
It's the Bill of Rights. Not the Bill of Needs.
Blogger Howard said...
Crack brings up a great point. Using people skills to diffuse dangerous situations is more manly brave than hiding behind an arsenal.
Tell that to the kids killed in Chicago, dipshit. You get more pitiful every week.
Crack/Howard: you guys seem to have a much more benign view of humanity than do I. I'll continue to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Everyone who would defend house-and-hone needs a modern, semi-automatic, firearm (And the ongoing training needed to destroy dangerous ANIMALS) at the usual self-defense of 20 or fewer feed AND best with magazines holding more than ten rounds. WHY? Even if they respond (Which did not occur recently in St. Louis) it must be remembered that: "When the police are minutes away, criminal attacks are seconds away); Most home invasions are by three slug; Most mob actions are by more critters; And, it takes ~three rounds to put down each attacker.
It might be better for you to know the facts (Science) of this issue before "taking away from the sum total of human knowledge:!
Blogger The Crack Emcee said..."...I like how you guys really think blacks will vote with you - when you're you..." 6/30/20, 10:03 AM
Not sure you have your pulse on what's happening out there?
Emmerson's latest poll of over 1,000 voters this month reveal that 34% of minorities are leaning toward voting for Trump. Now I take this with a grain of salt. However, that same poll last month had 17% of minorities for Trump. Quite a sharp increase. Now the 2016 vote numbers exhibited 10% voted for Trump. If I were a Democrat and "Crack" believer these polls would scare me.
Todd: Ronnie Raygun stopped open carry in Cali after the openly armed Black Panthers scared the bejebus out of you people.
The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill that repealed a law allowing public carrying of loaded firearms. Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, and signed into law by then governor of California, Ronald Reagan, the bill was crafted in response to members of the Black Panther Party who were lawfully conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods, in what would later be termed copwatching.[1] They garnered national attention after Black Panthers members, bearing arms, marched upon the California State Capitol to protest the bill.[2][3][4]
What law-abiding person needs an assault weapon?
I take it the Dems will not be asking that during this election cycle.
There will be some mention of it in the party's platform, but not on the campaign trail.
In the unlikely event that somebody invades my house, they're going to find my social skills all tapped out.
The Crack Emcee said...
I've lived in a lot of ghettos - even had my home invaded - and I'm still here.
Without a gun.
Y'all got no social skills - so you kill.
So why do some many silver-tongued socially-skilled blacks kill each other in the numbers that you do?
What law-abiding person needs an assault weapon?
Surely, a double-edged scalpel.
If you don't have a gun, get one. Get lot's of ammo and train as best you can. Come November you will be sorry if you don't. There is a storm coming no matter who wins the election.
When I see Crack is commenting I'm reminded of St. Elmo's Fire - the fire balls that appear in storms on chimneys or airplane nose cones or on masts of ships at sea and stay there while they feel like it, raining down a strange powerful light.
Since we do not want to give the police the tools to protect us or they cannot do it for other reasons, it sure seems logical to allow the citizens to protect themselves.
Read this case and be scared, very scared.
Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A2d 1 (1970?)
Howard said...
"Crack brings up a great point. Using people skills to diffuse dangerous situations is more manly brave than hiding behind an arsenal."
Know why it's brave?
Because it's dangerous.
Sorry, but all of the danger is going to lie in the path of the home invader in my home. Poor little misunderstood murderers will have to figure out a new plan for empathy.
Always have a reload, sure, but a dozen 30-round magazines? I went through a tour as an infantry squad leader in the Mekong Delta without firing much more than 100 rounds total, in a series of ambushes and one full-on brigade fandango. It's not like you're preparing for a sustained firefight against trained and disciplined attackers; you're preparing to see off a mob, or a gang of looters. Hate to say it, but Joe Biden's classic recommendation is probably closer to reality than some of what I'm reading here. What is needed, more than top-class weaponry and a ton of ammunition, is a neighborhood association of people prepared to take arms and back each other up like the Koreans in Los Angeles. A neighbor with a 12-gauge or a .22 who has your back is more valuable than any fancy weapon you might own. His wife, with her silly little pistol, more than doubled that St. Louis guy's moral presence just by being there and armed.
I saw a pic of a sign at a gun rights protest that said,"I need more than ten rounds because rapists are harder to kill than deer."
Howard said...
Crack brings up a great point. Using people skills to diffuse dangerous situations is more manly brave than hiding behind an arsenal.
Sure...using "people skills" on a crazed meth and fentanyl-addled crook is gonna work...every time!
After all, the perp will be only to happy to cooperate in his arrest and likely time in the Big House---all it takes is Friendly Persuasion!!
I've lived in a lot of ghettos - even had my home invaded - and I'm still here.
Without a gun.
Y'all got no social skills - so you kill.
This foolishly juvenile attitude is precisely why some peoples should live in actual slavery. Some peoples need to have their lives closely controlled. Some peoples are simply better suited and happier under a more structured existence, with someone else making their important decisions for them.
I've known it since 1992. Anytime that question was asked my answer was "Do you remember L.A. in 1992 ?"
Talking your way out of trouble is a valuable tool, but people who think that's anything but a lucky result are under-informed about what really happens when bad guys show up. They don't usually come for a discussion. You can give them what they want or not, but either way they might kill you just because they are evil fucks. I've seen lots videos in my training of people who have immediately given robbers what they want only to be stabbed or shot for no reason other than nobody could stop them. That's bad guys who only planned on robbing you. Sometimes the plan is to hurt you.
English Bob: [discussing the assassination of President Garfield] Well there's a dignity royalty. A majesty that precludes the likelihood of assassination. If you were to point a pistol at a king or a queen your hands would shakes as though palsied.
Barber: Oh I wouldn't point no pistol at nobody sir.
English Bob: Well that's a wise policy, as wise policy. But if you did. I can assure you, if you did, that the sight of royalty would cause you to dismiss all thoughts of bloodshed and you would stand... how shall I put it? In awe.
If you haven't seen Unforgiven, then you don't know that English Bob is full of crap.
" Using people skills to diffuse dangerous situations is more manly brave than hiding behind an arsenal."
Howard, sometimes you sound like a 12 year old. Even as a kid you learn that some people don't respond to stuff you learned on Sesame Street.
I prefer to be smart and alive to brave and dead. I'm certain you would too, and neither you or Crack really believe you can talk your way out of every asshole's little power play, so why do you even say that childish crap? I suggest you go online and watch some real life attacks on people. It can be really ugly, and vicious. Bravery or verbal skill often don't even get out of the gate before you are left dying in the street. Sometimes trying either is a bad strategy. Running away is a lot smarter if you don't have any weapons. Bravery can be deadly stupid.
"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
~G.S. Patton
See the mock-up TIME magazine "Person of the Year" cover on today's Instapundit.
Howard said...
Todd: Ronnie Raygun stopped open carry in Cali after the openly armed Black Panthers scared the bejebus out of you people.
So, terrorists terrorizing. I guess that's why the anti-mask laws were passed. That's bad, right?
Freeman Hunt said...
"In the unlikely event that somebody invades my house, they're going to find my social skills all tapped out."
Hey, Freeman!
You guys are just mad you don't have a "black" room in your house.
Michael K said...
Blogger Howard said...
Crack brings up a great point. Using people skills to diffuse dangerous situations is more manly brave than hiding behind an arsenal.
Tell that to the kids killed in Chicago, dipshit. You get more pitiful every week.
Just because you guys would rather point than unravel what's up there doesn't mean it's unfathomable - just that you're apathetic cowards.
wildswan said...
When I see Crack is commenting I'm reminded of St. Elmo's Fire - the fire balls that appear in storms on chimneys or airplane nose cones or on masts of ships at sea and stay there while they feel like it, raining down a strange powerful light.
Thank you - I am overwhelmed.
That's beautiful.
bagoh20 said...
"Talking your way out of trouble is a valuable tool, but people who think that's anything but a lucky result are under-informed about what really happens when bad guys show up."
I'm standing here - a veteran of countless encounters - but you wanna listen to gun-happy idiots who never had anything happen to them?
Remember: we're supposed to be trying to form a more perfect union - not kill each other.
Being reasonable is more powerful than you guys can imagine.
Bilwick said...
"See the mock-up TIME magazine "Person of the Year" cover on today's Instapundit."
That pic of a white guy coming unhinged - in polo gear - is hilarious.
Blacks are HOWLING.
Howard said...
The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill that repealed a law allowing public carrying of loaded firearms. Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, and signed into law by then governor of California, Ronald Reagan, the bill was crafted in response to members of the Black Panther Party who were lawfully conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods, in what would later be termed copwatching.[1] They garnered national attention after Black Panthers members, bearing arms, marched upon the California State Capitol to protest the bill.
6/30/20, 4:47 PM
So in simplistic Howard fashion, the exception makes the rule. By and large WHICH political party and their registered voters fight overwhelmingly to curtail the 2nd A, the right to keep and bear arms? I will give you two guesses and two hints. It isn't the Republicans but it is the party of slavery, Jim Crow laws, abortion, and affirmative action, but a sample of their policies that are designed to disenfranchise blacks and destroy black families.
You just love trying to play "gotya" as your positions and arguments in support of same are at about the level of a 6 year old. You seem to be enamored with failed ideas that if they just inconvenienced you and your fellow travelers, would be acceptable to the vast majority but instead you wish to have the majority of citizens of the country and world all suffering under your evil ideas and ideology. Why? Who knows. Poor upbringing, bad childhood, daddy issues? Don't actually care other than what you claim to support and want will directly impact the well-being of me and mine and that is something I can not abide.
Hey Crack!
"You guys are just mad you don't have a "black" room in your house."
I don't think a "black" room would help pacify the white meth heads who would be more likely to do the home invading where I live. I wonder how one would decorate a room to chill them out.
Until we figure that out, I'm thankful that the people of all races in my neighborhood are well-armed. Not a lot of home invasions around here.
Yeah Crack, I had my home invaded while I was asleep and found a naked black man sitting on my bed. He tortured me sexually and strangled and released me for hours for kicks. A serial killer in training, they told me. Funny thing, he called me a pussy too. Maybe it was the same guys who broke into your house. I didn't have any Malcolm X posters, sadly, just a Norton's Anthology of English Literature and the Poetry and Poetics dictionary, so I guess I deserved some kind of punishment, maybe poor slant rhymes? What a Karen I am to even complain. He didn't have to fist rape that elderly woman to an early grave though, many arrests and releases later, after the ACLU got him a shortened sentence for his fifth invasion rape because of "LOW IQ" and then some other judge let him out even earlier because some USF psychology professor pretended to give him an imaginary college degree.
A gun wouldn't have helped me: he was too big and took my glasses. So I take the windows out of every house I renovate and replace them with rows of small separate windows too small to crawl through. And have dogs. And a gun. And don't sleep much. And still don't believe Blasey Ford.
Crack, I think you're traumatized by people leaving you, not coming for you. I'm sorry for that. You're brilliant. Write your memoir.
If 2020 has shown is anything, it's that those city dwellers who traded their guns for the promise of police protection are rethinking their choice. Now they are finding it difficult or impossible to get the guns and ammo that they need.
Poor choices have consequences.
Freeman Hunt said...
Hey Crack!
Until we figure that out, I'm thankful that the people of all races in my neighborhood are well-armed. Not a lot of home invasions around here.
You be safe, Girl.
The Crack Emcee said...
Freeman Hunt said...
"In the unlikely event that somebody invades my house, they're going to find my social skills all tapped out."
Hey, Freeman!
You guys are just mad you don't have a "black" room in your house.
Even with, you still gave it up. Less than they wanted, more than you wanted. Like a wonan talking them into a blowie instead of full sex.
And you and they were all black!
There was a porno once...some black girl has captured and restrained a white girl, and calls in an ugly popeyed black retard to rape her. In vain does the victim protest, "but I marched with MLK!" Nope, the liberal white chick still gets the D.
A home invader is an evil man who should be killed both on principle and for the common good. I'd like it if you had talked your way out of trouble, given them their pittance, shown them to the door...then capped each of them as they stepped out. But no, you were happy to send them on their way to rob and hurt someone else.
It's amazing to me that you expect and demand pity for yourself while having none for others. You are truly an incomplete person.
Why? Who knows. Poor upbringing, bad childhood, daddy issues?
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
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