... you can write about whatever topics you like.
That photo was taken at 5:05, on a day when the actual sunrise time was 5:17, the earliest sunrise of the year. We've been parked on 5:17 for 10 days now, and tomorrow we finally begin moving toward a later sunrise. The sun will rise (here in Madison) at 5:18, but the day length will still be the longest of the year — 15 hours and 22 minutes. There are 5 days that long, and today was the second of those days. The latest sunset — 8:41 — is not until next Thursday, the 25th. So when is the first day of summer? It's tomorrow — June 20th. That is, in fact, the longest day of the year, if we count down to the seconds. It's 15 hours and 22 minutes and 15 seconds. The following day will be 1 second shorter. Who can notice such things?
Here's how today's sunrise looked at 5:22 — at a different vantage point (midway through my sunrise run):

If you're interested in any of that or if you are not, please think of me when you're about to do some shopping on Amazon and go in through the Althouse Portal.
८२ टिप्पण्या:
I feel worst for Drago.
Intel report warns that far-right extremists may target Washington, D.C.
The district is "likely an attractive target" for the boogaloo movement and other groups, the intelligence assessment warns.
“The Trump administration is warning law enforcement and public safety officials that a far-right extremist movement known as “boogaloo” may be setting its sights on the nation’s capital.
On Monday, the National Capital Region Threat Intelligence Consortium (NTIC), a fusion center for Washington, D.C. that provides support to federal national security and law enforcement agencies, warned in an intelligence assessment that “the District is likely an attractive target for violent adherents of the boogaloo ideology due to the significant presence of US law enforcement entities, and the wide range of First Amendment-Protected events hosted here.”
Across the pond and the med
See more Glass:
Check out the Metopera.org this weekend for two Philip Glass operas. I greatly enjoyed Akhnaten earlier this year.
The latest sunset — 8:41 — is not until next Thursday, the 25th. So when is the first day of summer? It's tomorrow — June 20th. That is, in fact, the longest day of the year, if we count down to the seconds. It's 15 hours and 22 minutes and 15 seconds. The following day will be 1 second shorter. Who can notice such things?
Teh mynz, who, for reasons, are driven to measure such things.
Apologies for the mynzplaining.
So I guess if President Trump tweets a video of a white kitten chasing a black one, Schiff and Nadler will each call for investigations.
According to a new Zogby poll, 55% of likely voters believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia.
I'm having a tough time reconciling that with the idea that Biden is ahead by 12% in the election polls.
Protest at Gov. Evers' house:
Blaska Policy Werkes"
"Dateline: Maple Bluff. From our correspondent on the scene:
A motley bunch of noisy righteousness has shaken up Maple Bluff at the governors mansion. Mostly middle-age white people with some people of color thrown in. Some masks, but very little social distancing. Lots of satisfied hugs when they ran out of steam and started to leave. I asked one what they wanted and he/she (?) scolded “Open the Jails!”, as if I should have known as much.
I said “What can possibly go wrong?”
It's always really convenient to point the fingers at others, even when justifiable.
That way, you don't need to look in the mirror. You can continue in the conceit that you are pure. In the present situation, that means deluding yourself in believing that you are not complicit in racism yourself. And it means not really having to fix yourself.
I got a phone call last week from a local polling firm. Told 'em I was voting Biden.
I'm not voting Biden.
Jersey Fled: "According to a new Zogby poll, 55% of likely voters believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia."
I feel worst for Xi and his Beijing Boy minion ARM.
Speaking of which, did you see the reports yesterday and today about China launching cyberattacks against Australia just because Australia realized early on all the pro-ChiCom lies pushed by ARM and Beijing were just that, lies?
And now ARM is squealing like a stuck pig because the Bolton Dossier has already flopped?
Tough week for ARM.
Although I have to admit Biden was certainly "impressive" in his literal 20 person attended high school gym appearance at which only prescripted questions were allowed and Biden had the answers on cards!
Come on Man!
I like Alison Brie. She was very funny and appealing in the Community television series. Community is truly inventive. The fourth wall on the show doesn't just disappear but sometimes it dissolves into surrealistic landscapes and sometimes, in the person of Abed, it becomes a character on the show.....I think the star of the show was supposed to be Joel McHale, but the breakout star became Donald Glover, sort of how like Chris Pratt became the breakout star of Park and Recreation. After Glover left the show, Community went meta and did a few episodes where Ken Jeong became the breakout star and went all Hollywood.....Anyway, the breakout star in my book was Alison Brie. In the early episodes she was pert and cute and wore flowery dresses with modest but noticeable decolletage. She played the part of an overachieving high school valedictorian with a past history of drug abuse. Her back story is kind of confusing, but she's fun to watch......Don't confuse Alison Brie with Bree Larson. Bree Larson was the super annoying super hero Capt. Marvel.....I don't understand the dynamics of how certain people become superstars and others become sitcom stars.
Lucien: "So I guess if President Trump tweets a video of a white kitten chasing a black one, Schiff and Nadler will each call for investigations."
All they have to do is cross off "China" and re-cross off "Ukraine" and "Russia" and pencil in "Cats" and the paperwork is good to go.
BLM and its sympathizers know who is the real obstacle to racial justice.
"Citing nationwide Juneteenth celebrations, Gov. Phil Murphy said Friday it's time to pass legislation giving state regulators the authority to deny development permits to businesses whose operations pollute primarily Black communities."
I just had to share that idiotic statement from the Atlantic City, New Jersey Press with people from other states.
According to a new Zogby poll, 55% of likely voters believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia.
I'm guessing the other 45% recognize that it's the late stages...
Jersey Fled said...
According to a new Zogby poll, 55% of likely voters believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia.
I'm having a tough time reconciling that with the idea that Biden is ahead by 12% in the election polls.
Because you fail to adequately consider how many of the voters have dementia. Biden is winning the demented hands down.
Juneteenth is now a thang. There are fireworks a few blocks away--not July 4th level, but give it time. At least Juneteenth is something real, however inflated it is sure to become (unlike say Kwanzaa, or the tens of thousands of Black Confederate soldiers such as have been theorized here recently).
One of the remarkable things about the ACWABAWS is how much mythology it still generates.
"Black Confederate soldiers" is an oxymoron, a tale spun by ideologues and incompetent historians, that only they and the willfully ignorant find any more credible than Unicorns in the Bermuda Triangle.
Oh, a book--try Kevin Levin (UNC Press)
Gov. Phil Murphy said Friday it's time to pass legislation giving state regulators the authority to deny development permits to businesses whose operations pollute primarily Black communities.
Some, select, Black Lives Matter. Democrats are evolving over a notoriously progressive path.
(This is why moderation sucks -- because even with careful proofreading, you still miss something and because of the delay, corrections cannot be immediately made when noticed)
I spent a few hours watching the hearings with public testimony held by the D.C. Council regarding the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department.
Not every one of the witnesses were as emphatic as the woman who objected to the D.C. "police death squads," but most came close, with them wanting to abolish the department as irredeemable and incapable of mere reform.
Of the hundreds who testified (via Zoom), nearly all directed their rage at the local police department, Mayor Bowser, D.C. government and the Council -- all of which have been ruled entirely by liberal Democrats for decades. One -- ONE -- did mention Trump in a passing way, but none raised any concerns about white supremacists (except to suggest that the whole system was tainted by white privilege) or right-wingers, nor did a single one of them mention "boogaloos" or any other stupid nonsense like that.
So enough with the distractions. The only purpose they serve is to keep in power the existing corrupt system in the big cities and many states.
This is for sunsong. our racist.
Boogaloo! Boogaloo! Boogaloo! #Bugaboo!
The left-right, totalitarian-anarchist nexus is leftist.
Mayor Bowser, D.C. government and the Council -- all of which have been ruled entirely by liberal Democrats for decades
Diversity, a clear and progressive condition, indulged with liberal license, breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion
Hes a rich goldman banker and obamas chief of fundraising how do you think they raised twice as much money as romney
What were talking about.
The Democrats are basically saying that Trump is so weak that they can run a confused old man against him and still win. Hell, they could probably run Hillary and win. A turnip would be a sure bet.
Natasha bertrand shes a sweet girl (i guess) but she fell for every hook line ans sinker of the russian hoax, ha
I am remembering, from the chaos of the 60s, a poster that said "There is some shit we will not eat!". I cannot recall the image, if there was one. I remember only the slogan. Do you suppose there is still some type or flavor or species or breed of shit that they won't eat?
"In the present situation, that means deluding yourself in believing that you are not complicit in racism yourself."
Oh, no, Mark. I am a racist, and I am well aware of the fact. I track useful information about races, and employ it to improve my life chances. So do you. You are the one who is deluding himself.
"Hell, they could probably run Hillary and win. A turnip would be a sure bet."
I will agree, that a turnip's chances would be at least marginally better than Hillary's.
Tucker Carlson going all Bolton on how the protests and riots should have been squashed. Fuck no, Tucker, let America see what is in store if they elect the party and the media that sanctions and encourages this kind of chaos.
"That photo was taken at 5:05, on a day when the actual sunrise time was 5:17, the earliest sunrise of the year. We've been parked on 5:17 for 10 days now,"
Spent two all-nighters with the telescope T/W and W/R nights. The North-East begins to lighten at 2:30. Sucks.
Beijing Boy: "The Democrats are basically saying that Trump is so weak that they can run a confused old man against him and still win."
Even Xi's man at Althouse blog, ARM, knows his previous lies about nothing being wrong with Biden are no longer operable.
Unfortunately, ARM switching from Nothing Wrong With Biden to Yeah Biden Is An Idiot But That Only Shows Democrat Confidence is not going last 24 hours.
ARM, you better get some improved talking points....STAT! These latest ones aren't cutting it.
She was in the last expendable film theres supposed to be another that will start filming.
Sixteen trimesters of witch hunts and warlock trials, implicating Democrat and leftist operatives, foreign and domestic, and they have fallen into such desperate straits to have the audacity of reigniting diversity, exclusion, and adversity. Some, selective, Black Lives Matter is the last gasp of a diversity racket with progressive shares. #Bugaboo!
Platform and Publisher in Editorial that speak truths to facts. #ExtraordinaryCorruption.
Meanwhile, some, select, Black Lives Matter is campaigning for Republicans. Progress.
William said...
I like Alison Brie.
You should watch The Five Year Engagement.
Chris Pratt plays an obnoxious party animal who knocks-up Alison Brie after a misbegotten one-night stand. They marry.
A bloated Pratt turns into the perfect husband upon singing a beautifully romantic song in Spanish after the vows, to the consternation of Brie's long-engaged sister.
"...note that if the lockdown enthusiasts had been able to specify an actual goal, in intelligible language, they would have done so from the start. They couldn’t — because their true objectives were political, not medical..."
I nuit!! ... they were gonna go after got Eskimo Pie!
But take heart, Alaskans--
'Into the Wild' bus removed from Alaska backcountry!
...and why wasnt Juneteenth celebrated under Obama?
If I were intelligent I would/could/should/will transpose one epiphany to another domain.
I will follow FRanklin Arron .. no ..
THis guy.
You know the stat? 100 a day.
ONe hundred.
This is a link important, for everyone.
Word is his restaurant does 100 a day. Amazing.
Lotta folks today would choose perfectly seasoned over perfectly cooked, expecting their servants the cooks to be perfect in any scenario, and all.
Thanks McDonalds, before you everyone knew it all sucked.
You get something cooked once perfectly, you be happy.
Here's a little math problem for you: if the number of positive covid-19 test results is increasing exponentially, and the number of covid-19 deaths is increasing linearly, what does this tell you about the relationship between positive tests and covid-19 deaths? Is this good news or bad news?
We're here, we're more powerful than you now/know know/now, and were gonna win!
Texas is blue, now and forever punks!
Be happy it/you lasted this long.
My new hero is Elian Kazan. Back in the early fifties he was a star director of Hollywood and Broadway, he was naming and shaming commies, and he was screwing Marylin Monroe, all at the same time.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
The Democrats are basically saying that Trump is so weak that they can run a confused old man against him and still win."
No, ARM. They're running a senile old coot because that's the best your side has.
You are completely decadent and corrupt.
re: russian hoax
They probably colluded with Russian factions, hoping to force another Kiev, perhaps even a Libya, a social justice adventure if they were lucky, and had the audacity to share/shift responsibility when Obama left office in sixteen trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, protests, riots, and redistributive change still in progress.
I wonder what the next Boogaloo Democrats will drop, hoping to share/shift responsibility. A snipe hunt. A Bugaboo! It seems that diversity, adversity, protests, riots, and redistributive change (e.g. looting) is dealing cards from the the bottom of their deck of tricks.
I see where the non-issue of the copyrighted Washington Redskins name has again surfaced with all these protests.
I don't suppose that renaming the team the Washington Naggers would be deemed appropriate despite the fact that base definitions of nagger has everything to do with a scolding person.
Going out for popcorn so I can snack while following Trump & Barr vs. Berman in SDNY. The announced successor was a transactional lawyer all his career until made SEC Commissioner 3 years ago (not the kind that bans championships in the state of Mississippi).
U.S. Watched George Floyd Protests in 15 Cities Using Aerial Surveillance (New York Times)
GRAND FORKS, N.D. — The Department of Homeland Security deployed helicopters, airplanes and drones over 15 cities where demonstrators gathered to protest the death of George Floyd, logging at least 270 hours of surveillance, far more than previously revealed, according to Customs and Border Protection data.
The department’s dispatching of unmanned aircraft over protests in Minneapolis last month sparked a congressional inquiry and widespread accusations that the federal agency had infringed on the privacy rights of demonstrators.
Newsflash, geniuses: If you are out protesting in public places, you have no expectation of "privacy." And if you're out committing criminal acts in public under the guise of "protesting," then it's tough luck for you if the police investigators manage to track you down through the ubiquitous cameras in public places or that are available from other federal surveillance resources, especially if you are stupid enough to wear identifiable clothing or have exposed identifiable tattoos, as the woman who threw a Molotov cocktail into a police car in Philadelphia learned when the FBI tracked her down that way.
The bastards attacked Golden Gate Park in San Francisco last night, and destroyed the statues of Junipero Serra and Francis Scott Key, and vandalized Cervantes.
This has enraged me like nothing else has in your recent troubles. We spent hundreds of hours there at that lovely park. The kids used to climb up in the laps of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, who stare up at their creator Cervantes. They would recite the words of your anthem as they walked around the monument. I would explain each of those eclectic statues, even those to Goethe and Pershing and the like.
That spot is MINE.
Death is too good for those depraved vandals. Had I been there it would have been a good time to die.
I am here, and not there, at least in part to diffuse my degree of hate and disgust, with a buffer of thousands of miles from the troubles I expected were coming to your country. But I also expected, very blindly, that these things would spare that charming, enchanted, privileged spot that is San Francisco, which has been the background of our lives for 30+ years, our outdoor living room and kitchen and the playground of a very happy life.
But it is not spared from the madness, and I expect it won't be spared from the coming later waves of madness.
We still have the house there, currently unoccupied.
I hear the democrats are so confident Biden is picking out drapes for the White House basement.
Buwaya Puti wants to die for statuary. You had your chance to be American and ran away to Mother Spain because the coming revolution made you afraid. Tough talk 8,000 miles from the front. Such is the phony valor of a macho nacho.
@gadfly: and nagger is just one vowel away from the hated n-word that may never be spoken, or written.
Get out of the city, that's where all the nasty shit happens, and with the pandemic lockdowns none of the old reliable good stuff.
Today will be the longest day of the year where I live; 15 hours, 24 minutes, 5 seconds. About 43° N, 70° W. Gonna be a scorcha, fortunately I'm at the shore of a large body of cold water, the onshore breeze will moderate the high temperature. A visit to the beach is in the plan.
Symbols are the keys to your soul Howard.
Those things in that park are symbols of the collective, to this we aspire, this we value, these things define us. Heck, Unamuno was almost prepared to beatify Cervantes, for the sake of the Catholic saintly symbolism. See that, think this.
The destruction of these things is aso symbolic, all the connotations of these things are declared to be garbage, as is all the mental programming of the persons who identify with the symbols. Therefore all religious wars are fought over symbols. Thats why the anarchists and communists of 1936 dug up the graves of revered nuns, and scattered their bones, intending to define the conflict as a religious war. And thats what you have now, a religious war.
And idiots like you made this possible Howard.
You are losing your souls, one piece of bronze at a time. With each bronze goes a bit of your collective virtue. I can't stop this, tha I knew was coming. I only hope I can stop caring for you as you gradually turn into animals.
“Buwaya Puti wants to die for statuary. You had your chance to be American and ran away to Mother Spain because the coming revolution made you afraid. Tough talk 8,000 miles from the front. Such is the phony valor of a macho nacho.“
Our favorite commenter has exposed himself as a complete racist. Why don’t you be brave and go to Pilsen In Chicago and start calling people “nachos,” Mr. white supremacist.
I opened the door and he came flying out with a cast iron skillet gaining on him. That was a long time ago and she swears it was only an aluminum sauce pan. She's probably right but I remember skillet.
buwaya said...
That spot is MINE.
Your spot is in the EU socialist hellhole where you chose to live. You have no claim on any part of America.
15 hours 22 minutes and 15 seconds in Madison, Wisconsin--but only 14 hours and 50 minutes along the Space Coast in Florida. And even shorter as you approach the equator. At my distant relative's farm in Saskatchewan, it is more than 16 hours and if you get far enough north, the sun doesn't set today ("midnight sun").
Foolish or Evil? Is this an unforeseen consequence of the lockdown, or was it planned and expected?
Lockdowns Crushed Minority Owned Businessess
You have no claim on any part of America.<
And you do ? You treasonous pimp.
Tough talk 8,000 miles from the front. Such is the phony valor of a macho nacho.
Howard, of course, means the Popular Front, the communists currently trying to imitate the Bolsheviks. Howard throws insults at someone 8000 miles away, like some juvenile swearing at the gorillas in the cage. He hasn't noticed the door is unlocked.
he's a commie jackass, like what was no talent hack at woodstock, country joe,
“Here's a little math problem for you: if the number of positive covid-19 test results is increasing exponentially, and the number of covid-19 deaths is increasing linearly, what does this tell you about the relationship between positive tests and covid-19 deaths? Is this good news or bad news”
Not enough information there to make a valid inference. Moreover, despite the appearance, testing cannot be exponential, since we are rapidly approaching saturation. Still, I think that what I see as your underlying point is valid - that much of the increase in positive test results is probably a result of increased testing.
The story that the Dems are trying desperately to hide is that the Trump Administration has performed miracles in ramping up testing, from hundreds of tests a day, to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of tests a day in just over three months. The reality is that any Dem in the Presidency at that time would have done much worse. Why? Because they would have been beholden to the bureaucracy, and the bureaucracy is what screwed it up in the first place. Trump and Pence did it with a very aggressive public/private partnership, that would have been impossible under a President Crooked Hillary or President China Joe. They wouldn’t have envisioned it, and couldn’t have pulled it off quickly enough. There are a bunch of different things, from swabs, to reagents, to machines, that have to be brought together, and there was no central repository for all the information. Of course, the availability of therapeutics, vaccines, etc, would be much further from success too, for very similar reasons.
Michael K ... treasonous pimp.
and a sore loser.
Michael K said...
He hasn't noticed the door is unlocked.
If your door is unlocked it is only because your elder care minder forgot to lock it.
She'll be back soon so don't fret.
gadfly said...
I see where the non-issue of the copyrighted Washington Redskins name has again surfaced with all these protests.
I don't suppose that renaming the team the Washington Naggers would be deemed appropriate despite the fact that base definitions of nagger has everything to do with a scolding person.
Sure, gadfly, you gadabout, you Gadarene swine. This is you. This is all you. You have relentlessly opposed President Trump and so you have picked your side. I hope you like it.
Howard said...
Buwaya Puti wants to die for statuary. You had your chance to be American and ran away to Mother Spain because the coming revolution made you afraid. Tough talk 8,000 miles from the front. Such is the phony valor of a macho nacho.
Tell us about the coming Revolution, Howard. Tell us all about it.
Howard (and Ritmo) were accusing me of wanting a revolution or civil war. Now they are at ground zero. It's not going to be a civil war. It is just burning down your cities. The rest of us are spectators from safe suburbs. Why do you think gun sales always go up when Democrats get frisky?
ARM has reading comprehension trouble again.
Howard proves his manliness by picking on the hispanic kid. Topple those statues Howard. I know you can do it.
I find it encouraging that our resident lefties are no longer attempting to foist those "It's only the Confederates we are coming for" and "no one is above the law" and "The ChComs are so very generous and wonderful and global leaders" slogans anymore.
No one believed those lies of course, but it is encouraging that our leftists recognize the continued futility of pushing those lies.
Howard has already moved onto a Whats The Big Deal About A Bunch Of Statues Anyway position and ARM has seamlessly executed his Inga Manuever where his 6 straight months of pushing ChiCom propaganda magically never happened at all and in fact he now presents himself as a Fierce Anti-China advocate......LOL
Similar to how Cory Booker is a "Fierce Heterosexual"!
Buwaya am in sad agreement with you. Grew up in California..the statue of Junipero Serra spoke to me and the destruction has enraged me. What do you do when half the country including people on this site are perfectly fine with the ruination of our country? My democrat sister living in the Bay Area has no response for my question..what is happening in California?
Battle Trump and Barr vs Berman fizzled when Barr surrendered by naming Berman's deputy as successor instead of lackey of Christie from NJ.
My democrat sister living in the Bay Area has no response for my question..what is happening in California?
You know what the memorial to J Serra will be? The fields of mustard blossoms along his track from San Diego to San Francisco. Every spring you see it in the hills and it is beautiful. The Spanish sowed the mustard so they could find their way during the spring marching season. It will always be there.
Only a lefty like readering thinks Barr "surrendered." Berman is out.
... But the Trump/Barr lackey is not going in to overturn the investigations as happened in DDC. Audrey Strauss, Berman's colleague on the Iran-Contra Independent Counsel team, is taking over until the confirmation of Barr's pick for the permanent slot, a corporate transactions lawyer, who will not make it through the Senate before the election.
But the Trump/Barr lackey is not going in to overturn the investigations as happened in DDC
You mean senile Mueller and his honeybear Weissmann? Weissmann is distinguished as one of the few ever to be reversed 9-0 at the USSC.
Just pitiful you angry leftists hungering for revenge against this man who was never intended to win. As Tucker Carlson said in one of his good speeches. Your wife runs away with the mailman and it never occurs to you to ask why?
Huh? Until very recently most decisions at USSC unanimous reversals. They take cases they want and they want to fix mistakes.
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