"DeJuan Young told KIRO 7 that he was fleeing the sound of gunshots from where a teenager was shot dead early Saturday when he was accosted by at least four men who dropped a racial slur when they shot him. 'I’m not sure if they’re Proud Boys or KKK,' Young told the station... 'But the verbiage that they said was, "Hold this n—r" — and shot me.... And they stood over top of me and continued to fire.... I tried to protect myself and got shot in the arm,' he claimed of the assailants, who apparently managed to disappear afterward. 'I’m positive this was a hate crime,' he told King 5 news in a separate interview.... Young says he is angry at the lack of help from cops.... 'I understand everybody’s going to say, "Oh, it was the CHAZ zone and y’all asked for the police not to be there, so don’t act like y’all need them now."'"
The NY Post reports.
Meanwhile, in Madison, Wisconsin, the police have released
this report of a hate crime:
The MPD is investigating an assault on an 18-year-old bi-racial woman as a hate crime after she was burned with lighter fluid early Wednesday morning. The victim believes she was driving on W. Gorham St. when she stopped for a red light at State St. Her driver's side window was down and she heard someone yell out a racial epithet. She looked and saw four men, all white. She says one used a spray bottle to deploy a liquid on her face and neck, and then threw a flaming lighter at her, causing the liquid to ignite.
She drove forward, patted out the flames, and eventually drove home....
१४६ टिप्पण्या:
$20 says both are lying.
He forgot about the Hawaiian shirts.
There should be video evidence corroborating the Madison woman's claims, and I hope they release it shortly.
I just don't have enough BS to "call" on these stories.
5% chance these are true? Or is that too high?
But let me say, on a first principles basis, that it is terrible how completely these people have internalized the act of lying. In a way, everything stems from that.
In particular, it seems to break Althouse's brain; she just can't deal with it. Like one of the evil computers in Star Trek having its logic circuits fried with paradox, infinite loops, etc. It's not fair to lie to AA!
so many lies
Yes, right. If you get rid of the police, the result isn't peace and love, it's the KKK being free to do whatever the hell it wants. You are accordingly an object lesson for anyone too stupid to have figured this out in advance.
Speaking from a hospital bed, Young told the station that the force knocked him onto the hood of a car.
“And they stood over top of me and continued to fire,” he said. “I tried to protect myself and got shot in the arm,” he claimed of the assailants, who apparently managed to disappear afterward.
Yet curiously they didn't take the opportunity to pump a couple of rounds into his head.
Color me skeptical.
And no cracker would throw away his Zippo on such a feckless effort. Lies on their face. More half-remembered movie scenes.
Sadly they will receive no punishment.
Clearly the riots are not playing as well on TV of late.
Need to up the race angle as cover for the violence to continue.
Those Boogaloo Bois are everywhere.
Clever bastards, eh Inga?
Sounds like bullshit
"Threw a flaming lighter."
Modern lighter are designed to go out immediately.
Did they throw an old Zippo at her or something?
If so, there'd be evidence.
Could it have been a freebasing accident? I seem to recall Richard Pryor had one of those...
An investigation will find it was a lie in 5, 4, 3, 2...
I call bullshit.
We will continue to have false hate crimes until false hate crimes are treated more severely than actual hate crimes.
You can’t just keep yelling “hate crime” in a crowded theater.
they stood over top of me and continued to fire.... I tried to protect myself and got shot in the arm,
Heh. White people can't shoot? Let's just say I'm skeptical that either incident went down as related.
I'm calling bullshit on all of this. Proud Boys are now the KKK?
Anyway, we're in the era when any crime is now going to be called a hate crime, with faux nooses, faux n-words, and faux white supremacists. Nothing is real anymore except real emotions emanating from faux thinking.
Nice generation we've nurtured and cultured. Now that they've been let loose, they're actually worse than the Wuhan Virus.
The problem with this kind of speculation is that, without an identified suspect, you have no idea what the motives are of the people that attacked them.
Sure. (rolls eyes)
Shooting victim: 'But the verbiage that they said was, "Hold this n—r" — and shot me.... And they stood over top of me and continued to fire....'
Dave Chappelle: 'Does that sound like the kind of thing KKK guys say? Actually... it sounds like the kind of thing that I say?'
'Verbiage that they said'. Who talks like that?
'Stood over top of me and continued to fire' - not such good shots, sounds like. Probably a risky thing, shooting down at a man lying on the ground with people holding him. Maybe a few of them were injured by ricochets?
Were any nooses involved? Or is this fake-hate crime of the non-noose variety?
Bubba Kappernick was unavailable for comment.
Please excuse me if I don't believe them until there is more evidence. A video from CHAZ was posted recently where a young woman was shot. A guy near her was telling other people that it was a white guy who shot her, she corrected him that it wasn't. He still repeated it when some other people over to them.
It's weird how the news sources have edited part of what he was originally quoted as saying, "When he shot me, the recoil and the surprise pushed me on top of the hood of the vehicle." Recoil. Also, I doubt the force of a bullet would have knocked him back like that. It's CHAZ, not Hollywood.
It's certainly possible that he's telling the truth but given all the fictional hate crimes and story telling lately somehow I hesitate to take this guy at his word.
Amazing how there were no cameras suddenly. Get back to me when you have suspects and evidence.
File under "Things Not Believed".
It was only a matter of time before these kinds of lies became commonplace. Some young black punk from CHAZ gets shot by another young black punk from CHAZ, and then the "leaders" pressure him to blame it on a whitey. All about image and headlines. Same bullshit that happened in California. That trooper wasn't killed by a Boogaloo Boy or whatever they call themselves. He was killed by an Antifa wanna-be who claimed allegiance to the other org to take some of the heat off Antifa itself.
Anyone with sense can see this. No wonder Inga is unable to!
Oh! This didn't register before:
"DeJuan Young told KIRO 7 that he was fleeing the sound of gunshots from where a teenager was shot dead early Saturday when he was accosted by at least four men who dropped a racial slur when they shot him."
Bet you a shiny penny he's the one that shot the teenager dead.
"Heh. White people can't shoot?"
Well, that's correct inasmuch as it applies to the white soyboys of Antifa.
He was held down by four men and shot. And all he got was shot in the arm? Where are the follow up questions?
'But the verbiage that they said was, "Hold this n—r" — and shot me.... And they stood over top of me and continued to fire.... I tried to protect myself and got shot in the arm,'
Oh, sure. A bunch of men holding a guy & shooting him repeatedly at close range & yet he survives to get away. Suuuure, I believe that. Goddamn honkies can't do anything right. Don't even know how to pop a cap in some clown's ass properly!
I'll withhold judgement on the Madison incident for now, but it does sound too convoluted to be believable. It involves spraying a liquid from one car to another (which assumes both sets of car windows are open) & then tossing a lighted object (e.g. a match) from one car to another. Have you ever tried to throw something that's on fire? Now, if the woman in Madison said that someone tried to throw a M80 into her car, that I could believe. But this?
C- for effort.
These are 'ends justify the means' people.
Couldn't be the Proud Boys, they a bunch of pussies. Probably some lone nutjob of any possible political persuasion or woke/sleep status
MikeR is right. It sounds so implausible, and it seems like one of those cameras would have caught a kerfuffle like that.
She looked and saw four men, all white. She says one used a spray bottle to deploy a liquid on her face and neck, and then threw a flaming lighter at her, causing the liquid to ignite.
How long would all of that take and why didn’t she drive away as soon as the four white guys started to make a move? How could she not remember where she was when something like this happened? I suppose it’s possible, but I would think that cameras would make these guys easy to find, at least their car, you know, that shows up on the video near her car, that was maybe on some street, but maybe on some other street.
But it’s horrifying... if true.
The hate crime hoaxes are multiplying like cockroaches.
"Bet you a shiny penny he's the one that shot the teenager dead.”
And picked up a wound himself in the gunfight he had to explain somehow.
This needs your "I'm skeptical" tag.
This is old noose.
(Pun is already exhausted, I know, but I hadn’t used it yet. So screw you.)
These things make a dark statement about human nature.
What's he complaining to us for?? They have their own country now...figure it out!!
Both stories could be true. I suggest sending Jussie Smollet to investigate.
Need to up the race angle as cover for the violence to continue.
That's the most likely explanation. After 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, blood libels, and "protests", they are desperately flailing their arms, flinging poo, hoping that some of it will stick to someone, anyone else. See, look, they're covered with diversity, too. #Ok #Bugaloos #Bugaloos #Bugaloos #Bugaboo! #CancelCulture #HateLovesAbortion
Was that woman's name Inga?
[DeJuan Young] wants to sue Seattle police for not responding
"The activist says he wants to get his story out in the media and is seeking legal counsel to take up his case,"
"Young says until he was shot, he was at CHOP every night and volunteered to provide security in the autonomous area. ...
...Kalen D-Almeida "says DeJuan Young is one of the men who assaulted him & tried to steal his phone for recording Raz Simone & his armed entourage in 'CHAZ.'"
I'll believe it when I see the street camera videos.
Like at Ferguson, there is no penalty for this dirt bag caught lying or making false statements so why pay attention? Within a day or two the details will come out from those that were there and police will know the shooting is either a drug deal gone bad or some territorial dispute. I would doubt the neutered Seattle police dept. will bother to hit him for filing a false report. The media is complicit in perpetuating this dumpster fire and stoking racial tensions.
What possible reason would these people have for lying? More to the point, what possible punishment would these people face for lying?....I
am reminded of all those people who told whoppers after the Michael Brown shooting, especially that one "friend" of his....I can't recall the media asking him a single skeptical question. After his story was shown to be false, he was allowed to quietly fade away without any repercussions.....With the exception of Jussie Smollett, I can recall any of these liars suffering any downside for their lies. Al Sharpton has had a successful career based on such lies.
She says one used a spray bottle to deploy a liquid on her face and neck, and then threw a flaming lighter at her, causing the liquid to ignite.
Uhhh...don't ya have to keep pressing down on the lighter button to maintain the flame? How does that work when you throw the lighter at someone?
How do you protect yourself with your arm if four guys are holding you down on the ground?
They were holding you down, but not holding your arms?
Seems.... unlikely.
Two important things about these claims.
1. There have been so many hoax claims that our very first instinct is now to DIS-believe. That hurts the believability of real crimes.
2. Our level of racial animus is so tiny that people have to invent racial crimes to advance the narrative. If there were REAL racism in America, it would the daily headline at the NYT since they would always print even a hint of it while ignoring real hate crimes that don't involve the special groups.
As the instalundit says, I don’t want to hear a damn word about my carbon footprint. The same applies here. Complete hiding of the ACTUAL violence going on, compete hiding of the MASSIVE ongoing black on white hate crimes that go on in this country.
So sorry, you have no credibility. Even the NYPost is susceptible.
Of course. And they were all wearing Hawaiian shirts, dark sunglasses, and shouted "Boogloo" "Boogaloo". In any left-wing group "Wreckers" and "Secret Counter-Revolutionaries" are everywhere.
Note to society: If you reward people for fake Hate crimes - you get more fake hate crimes.
Awl dat juss fo gettin uh subwey sanwitch — SHAKIN MY DAM HED!
People forget that Stalin's charge that Trotsky and members of his own Poliboro were "Fascists" and "secret counter-revolutionaries" was believed by most liberals/Leftists in the 1930s. Neither facts nor common sense would shake that belief. The Liberal American Ambassador Davies wrote in "Mission to Moscow" that he'd never seen trials more fair than the Stalinist Show trials.
So, this constant liberal/left INSANE belief that the "right wing" is infiltrating their movement & sabotaging them, is a long-standing quirk of their psyche.
The white supremacist attackers pulled up in NASCAR street legal vehicle with a noose painted on the hood, jumped out wearing MAGA hats, hawaiian shirts with Steve Bannon's face in all the flower centers, cowboy boots with "Don't Mess With Texas" emblazoned on the heels, and screaming "CHOP is MAGA Country!" and then these heineous individuals even stole the victim's subway sandwich and lunch money!
“Verbiage that they said’. Who talks like that?”
People with a 75 IQ who went to college.
The Seattle incident in this post is most likely totally false, but for one that is guaranteed absolutely 100% false consider this one where a woman was followed home and filmed by a black man who accused her of calling him the "n-word" in a traffic incident - and she was paralyzed by fear of him in her own driveway - there is no possible way any white woman at all in Seattle would use that word under any circumstances, much less directly to a black stranger. I say that as a 20+ year resident of this fine and completely converged town.
(Please forgive me for not following AP guidelines and capitalizing "black' when referring to a POC.)
Wow, the rioters need to seek out any writers in their midst to develop some cover stories that don't sound so Juicy Smollett.
Commies and their associated Leftists refined false flag tactics to an art decades ago. Those lessons are passed along the ratlines to the current generation. There is a video going around lately of a BLM organizer claiming the organization is run by and full of "trained Marxists". Aside from political orthodoxies spread by their zampolits, what else might that "training" entail, eh?
BLM and Antifa are unquestionably groups aligned with the Progressive Left. Of this there can be no doubt. The Boogaloo Boys - which I doubt are anywhere near as organized and committed, are closer to pure anarchists than anything else. Ostensibly this does put them on the right side of the "more govt vs. less govt" spectrum, but their overall views are so radical that you'd be hard pressed to find a Republican in office or culture to match.
Meanwhile, the radical goals of Antifa and BLM have in some cases been adopted and championed by Democrat politicians (starting with their more fringe ones but seeping into their "moderates" like poison), and the media do everything they can to either protect them or amplify their voices. There is no equivalence between the leftist and "rightist" groups here. Leftist views mostly dominate media culture and are relentlessly pushed.
As always, the true nature of the Right is ignored. The danger from the Right isn't groups of Marxist-terrorists running around like you see with Antifa. It's what will happen to those groups if they start causing riots in suburbs, cities, and towns like mine. Because either the cops will put them down - fast, or if the cops somehow flee like they did in Seattle, the locals will take matters into their own, likely capable hands. The leaders of Antifa and BLM mostly know this, but eventually things could outrun their ability to control. Or maybe they'll run out of blue cities to burn. Just look at the county-level election maps from any recent election, including 2008 and 2012. They all show a sea of red with little blue islands and archipelagos on the edges and in some of the middle. Once they're out of Blue tinder, they'll proceed into the Red. And red it shall be.
Them white boys was all wearing confederate flag pants, boogaloo shirts, KKK hoods with a MAGA cap, and were blaring Rush Limbaugh on their boom box!
Father's Day Weekend in the Windy City:
Chicago saw its highest number of gun violence victims in a single weekend this year with 104 people shot across the city from Friday evening to Monday morning, 15 of them fatally. Five of those killed were minors.
The weekend saw more shooting victims but less fatalities than the last weekend of May, when 85 people were shot, 24 of them fatally — Chicago’s most deadly weekend in years.
Tell me how the stories of the two people Althouse highlighted here are newsworthy, again?
"Young says he is angry at the lack of help from cops.... 'I understand everybody’s going to say, "Oh, it was the CHAZ zone and y’all asked for the police not to be there, so don’t act like y’all need them now."'"
Nothing like a bullet to accelerate your learning curve apparently.
Gas lighting is the norm. Standard operating procedure.
It's obvious what happened, and what didn't happen.
YoungHegelian said..It involves spraying a liquid from one car to another (which assumes both sets of car windows are open) & then tossing a lighted object (e.g. a match) from one car to another.
Where do you see that?
The attack in Madison could be true. Why wouldn't 4 white men drive around with lighter fluid and spare lighters with the object of burning Bi-racial women?
100-1 this woman has "issues", and accidentally or because she's mentally ill, burned herself. Or perhaps her Boy "Friend" did it, and rather than tell her Mom that, she created 4 mythical White boogaloos.
How many FBI agents is Director Wray going to deploy for this top priority assignment?
Did they scream "this is MAGA country!" at her?
When people on the Center-Right ever going to stop with the "Boy, the Left sure will be sorry, if they keep this up". It reminds one of Missionaries telling Cannibals they'll get indigestion if they're eaten.
The report continues:
"Hospital staff believed the liquid was lighter fluid. She was treated for burns, and will need to make follow-up visits to access additional medical care.
Investigators are looking at surveillance images to see if any of the assault was captured on camera."
"Tell me how the stories of the two people Althouse highlighted here are newsworthy, again?"
Because using them FAST to push the narrative into popular conscience before the TRUTH comes out that they were hoaxes from the start is the end-goal of the media. You'd be surprised at how many people still believe some of these hoaxes even after being fully disproven. "Hands up, don't shoot" is a good example. The only reason Jussie Smollet is no longer believed by the black community at large (though I'm sure there are still diehards) is because he's a famous gay black man and so a lot of the evidence against him is widely known. Also, black people in general dislike gays, even their own, so their "standard for evidence" was higher in his case, and he clearly couldn't reach that pole.
Meanwhile, despite it happening like clockwork, nobody on the Left considers Chicago newsworthy until ONE of those dozens of victims is shot by a cop, preferably a white cop. Even if the man was shot while running from the scene of a murder, it wouldn't matter.
In other words, a black man can shoot someone on Randolph and not lose any supporters in the media - presuming he was shot by a white cop soon after.
Yes, these people in CHAZ are learning fast. Control the narrative push out propoganda for the shooting. Look it's the same historical playbook. For example, we will never ascertain the truth from China on Covit. They will push the narrative which is more favorable to their belief systems - never will you hear from them and CHAZ's leaders any data which reflects unfavorably on their system (movement).
Experience teaches me, and very recently, not to trust these stories. I will need more time and corroboration to discern whether they are true.
Bullshit, bullshit, sounds like bullshit to me, to me,
Bullshit, bullshit, sounds like bullshit to me.
They may be a joy to their mothers,
But they're a pain in the asshole to me.
A Hash song, beautifully appropos to these clowns.
Both stories feature four white men as the perpetrators.
Regarding "Hands up, don't shoot" as a protest behavior: If you approach an opposition force (here, protesters walk toward the police) indicating you are surrendering with hands over your head as you chant, "Hands up, don't shoot!", and then instead of surrendering continue your protest activities, you are performing an act of perfidy. After that act of perfidy, you are not to be trusted and deserve to be stopped from doing what you are doing, by force if necessary.
I believe the protest organizers know this and want their protest participants to be arrested violently, for perfidious acts during the protests. To hell with the organizers doing this.
Yeah I will wait for the video from the Madison Police to be released of this throwing lighter fluid on a woman.
Until them I classify it as BS. With the option to change my mind.
But I start from a position of “another made up” story.
And the guy who got shot in Chaz. I don’t care.
I don’t care he got shot, I don’t care if he recovers, I don’t care if he dies.
You want no police in your world?
Don’t ask them for help when you think you need help.
I used to be skeptical of the intentions of people that relate stories like this. But their persistence has now convinced me of their righteousness. I so look forward to our re-made society based on such lofty aspirations!
"Why wouldn't 4 white men drive around with lighter fluid and spare lighters with the object of burning Bi-racial women?"
Shun the denier!!!!
Where do you see that?
Uhhm, right in the quotation from the story that Althouse posted, to wit:
The victim believes she was driving on W. Gorham St. when she stopped for a red light at State St. Her driver's side window was down and she heard someone yell out a racial epithet....She says one used a spray bottle to deploy a liquid on her face and neck, and then threw a flaming lighter at her, causing the liquid to ignite.
The only assumption I made in my discussion that is not explicitly referenced in the text is that the four men were in another car at the red light. If not in car, there were four guys standing in the street looking to spray motorists with a flammable liquid. Does that seem likelier to you than attempting the assault from another car? It seems to me that four guys standing in the street trying to incinerate drivers is an open invitation to getting your asses run over.
Paraphrasing Nathan Hale:
"I regret that I have only one eff to give---and I gave it a looong time ago"
"Anyway, we're in the era when any crime is now going to be called a hate crime"
Wrong. A gay Senator was assaulted in Madison just the other day. That was not considered a hate crime. In fact, I'm not even sure it's been called a regular crime.
Re the Madison event - I go with a free basing accident. Report says "The victim believes she was driving on W. Gorham St." -- she didn't even know where she was at the time? She merely cooked up an excuse she believed would be plausible to her circle of associations -- kinda like South Carolinian Susan Smith did when she drowned her to children by driving her car into a pond then claiming she had been car jacked by a black male.
Bubba Wallace will he called as an expert witness.
The only assumption I made in my discussion that is not explicitly referenced in the text is that the four men were in another car at the red light.
Which was what you went on to explain in detail.
If not in car, there were four guys standing in the street. Does that seem likelier to you than attempting the assault from another car? It seems to me that four guys standing in the street trying to incinerate drivers is an open invitation to getting your asses run over.
Uhh..Yes..more likely given what's actually in the report. Especially at a red light at a State St. intersection given they could be hanging out on the sidewalk until she stopped...not standing in the street. Though that night at 1am, could easily have been in the street.
This could all be settled if the rioters wore bodycams.
"In fact, I'm not even sure it's been called a regular crime."
Whoa there fella. Wisconsin's Crime Fighting Dynamic Duo Tony Evers and Satya Rhodes-Conway both have vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice.
I'll take the under.
I neglected to take my gullibility pills this morning, so you’ll have to list me with the people who think that we’re looking at two hoaxes. In fact it’s been years since I have seen any stories like these two that weren’t hoaxes.
To the extent that there are liberals that believe either of these stories, it merely illustrates the inherent superiority of the conservative mind over the liberal mind.
D.D. Driver said...
"Anyway, we're in the era when any crime is now going to be called a hate crime"
Wrong. A gay Senator was assaulted in Madison just the other day.
The other mistake is believing something must be a crime to be called or charged a hate crime.
My WAG on the girl with the burns is flaming shots gone wrong, and needed a story to tell Mom.
Just so you know, the blacks all tell each other, that any time you get into an altercation with a white person, you won't get in trouble if you say he called you a nigger. They all know it, it's kind of a joke to them.
Why even cover those idiots in Madison?
I'm sure Trump is rock solid in Wisconsin, what with the fabulous success of his Great Big Foxconn Deal. Hey, "Promises Kept," ya know.
She says one used a spray bottle to deploy a liquid on her face and neck, and then threw a flaming lighter at her, causing the liquid to ignite.
I haven't used a lighter in quite some time, but I think it is impossible to THROW a flaming lighter at anyone. Once your thumb or finger is off of the lighter...the flame goes out. This is a safety feature since I can remember.
The lighter may still be hot...but it is NOT flaming.
Remember it took 15 FBI agents to solve the NASCAR noose, and all Bubba had to do was ask someone how long that door pull had been there? That of course would require assuming the people you work with are not complete idiot and racist assholes, but nope, he had to go with that instead. Then they honor him like a saint for it. Who doesn't want some of that love in their life?
Are a small group White racists really going to go into a crowd of hundreds of armed violent leftist who hate them, and start trouble? I don't think so.
Thanks to the selfishness of people like Smollett and Bubba, any real racist act is going to be ignored. Great Job!
"and then threw a flaming lighter at her, causing the liquid to ignite."
What kind of lighter stays lit after you throw it?
Georgia passed a hate crime law yesterday. The Chamber of Commerce made them.do it. Republicans added police to the list of bias victims. The NAACP said police aren't humans.
'I’m not sure if they’re Proud Boys or KKK,' Young told the station... 'But the verbiage that they said was, "Hold this n—r" — and shot me....
That is such a steaming crock of shit.
Those of us on the conservative side of the spectrum are nowhere near that dump. We're out here in the 'burbs patiently waiting.
Re the Madison event - I go with a free basing accident.
Like Richard Pryor when he started the Ignited Negro College Fund with Michael Jackson.
Everybody hop in the car and we’ll go light up some people of color on one of the busiest street corners in the state. Now, that’s charisma. I can’t get four white guys to go bowling.
"When people on the Center-Right ever going to stop with the "Boy, the Left sure will be sorry, if they keep this up"."
When the guy who's a lot nastier than Trump shows up.
next up:
...complaining about burning crosses after they torch the churches
Oh my God, Magnum!...
"The victim believes she was driving on W. Gorham St." -- she didn't even know where she was at the time?
I will say that I never know which once is Gorham, and which one is Johnson. One is westbound, one is eastbound. I think Gorham is eastbound, but I'm never sure.
Skippy Tisdale said...
What kind of lighter stays lit after you throw it?
Not a butane lighter. You might be able to do it with a Zippo, they'll light in the middle of hurricane winds, but I don't know if one would stay lit after being thrown.
Jessie Smollet couldn't be reached for comment.
- Krumhorn
People can't figure out she lit a Molotov cocktail and it all went backwards from there?
If the woman in Madison was in fact burned, she will have burns, no? Her car will have melted trim or singed fabric or the smell of burnt stuff.
Pictures or it didn’t happen.
Correction: pictures by an independent professional investigator certifying to the absence of fakery. Or it didn’t happen.
Sorry to be skeptical but it is just too easy these days to make stuff up. To use the worn-out (but here horribly apt) figure of speech, this woman’s claim is incendiary, literally gasoline on a raging fire of racial animus. My operating hypothesis is, she sees how much fame can attend a bogus claim of a noose in a NASCAR garage, even (or perhaps especially) after it has been comprehensively debunked; and she figures to cash in. Prove me wrong.
The other guy? In the CHAZ? Same approach. Pictures, eyewitnesses, bullet tracks, wound analysis, full forensic work-up. Or go away. The story is just so incredibly Smollet-like in its careful detailing of just the right elements. And just the right degree of absurdity: these four guys stood over him and fired repeatedly at him —and he suffered one arm wound? Why wasn’t he drilled repeatedly?
When we see the lighter that landed on her in her car I will take this a little more seriously.
As stated above, her story can only be true if the "4 white men" sprayed her with lighter fluid - through an open window from their car - and THEN tossed a lighter at her - through their window and threw her window. and that lighter somehow hit her in the face and ignited the fluid.
Seems rather difficult. Doesn't it? And requires quite a bit of timing and accuracy. And planning. Were they just waiting the light, for a Biracial woman? or did they just do in a split second on the fly?
And good thing they didn't get any fluid in the car and start a fire.
Free basing? Yeah, that'd be more likely. Didn't think peeps did that anymore. sounds so 1990s.
Georgia didn't pass a hate law because "The CoC made them do it" they passed a law because they'd been bribed and love money.
With Liberty and Jussie for all.
Too many people have tried to sell me that bridge. Something obviously happened, but not that.
Were there any nooses involved? That is usually how these tales start. We always have Tawana Brawley before us, recounting that, yes, four white men raped her...thanks, Rev. Al. You taught me how to think about these things.
'I’m not sure if they’re Proud Boys or KKK,' Young told the station... 'But the verbiage that they said was, "Hold this n—r" — and shot me.... And they stood over top of me and continued to fire.... I tried to protect myself and got shot in the arm,'
It was probably one person, and if he really did use the n-word then guaranteed the assailant was black.
I heard there was a Klan rally in CHAZ, with a bonfire and cracker-dancing and everything. Really!
Another article about the incident, with a few more details.
An 18-year-old Black woman says she was attacked with lighter fluid and flame early Wednesday morning by white men yelling racial slurs. She sustained second- and third-degree burns.
Althea Bernstein works as an EMT while studying to be a paramedic and firefighter. She says she was on her way to her brother’s house at around 1 am Wednesday when she reached a stoplight on Gorham Street near State Street in downtown Madison. She doesn’t remember for sure which intersection it was.
“I was listening to some music at a stoplight and then all of a sudden I heard someone yell the N-word really loud,” she said in an interview Wednesday. “I turned my head to look and somebody’s throwing lighter fluid on me. And then they threw a lighter at me, and my neck caught on fire and I tried to put it out, but I brushed it up onto my face. I got it out and then I just blasted through the red light … I just felt like I needed to get away. So I drove through the red light and just kept driving until I got to my brother and Middleton.”
“A police incident report says the assailants used a spray bottle to spray lighter fluid on her face.
She said she’s reasonably certain it was four white men who “looked like classic Wisconsin frat boys … Two of them were wearing all black, and then the other two were wearing jeans and a floral shirt,” she said. She said the way they walked made her think they were intoxicated.”
The question "what kind of lighter stays lit?"
My older brother had a Zippo lighter (circa 1968) with a flip top; the flame wasn't extinguished until the top was placed down.
(I presume those are standard issue for pale supremacists these days, along with a "BB" inscription.)
'I’m not sure if they’re Proud Boys or KKK,' Young told the station... 'But the verbiage that they said was, "Hold this n—r" — and shot me.... And they stood over top of me and continued to fire.... I tried to protect myself and got shot in the arm,' he claimed of the assailants, who apparently managed to disappear afterward. 'I’m positive this was a hate crime,'
I'll take made up bullshit for $600 Alex.
Fortunately, these are stories in local media and not NYT editorials, 'cause there's a whole lotta assertions being made that are unsupported by evidence. Some people take a dim view of that kind of thing.
Odd, that Inga can spread Antifa propaganda on here 24/7, yet calling her out on it will get your comment deleted.
Here's the thing: cool story bro. In other words, we don't believe it. But the floral shirt lie must have perked up your nethers. And don't tell me a low-end medical person would never. Two lawyers in Brooklyn nevered!
Browndog said...
People can't figure out she lit a Molotov cocktail and it all went backwards from there?
Ah, the penny drops! I like that, BD. Yes, she might have had it drip or leak on her.
I knew it had to be Inga when I saw the wall sized link. Another idiot post.
Whites should come up with a racial slur for blacks that blacks don't use. Then we'd know for sure whether the perps were white or black. I have some ideas...
Tawana Brawley had all these great, lurid details, too.
Wisconsin frat boys in black. Yup. That has the ring of truth--not. But the two in floral shirts--now she is back on track. The intoxication angle is good, too. Maybe they were drunk and let their guards down so their inner KKKlansman could come out. Does she have the lighter? Maybe there are fingerprints. Was it an old Zippo? Those frat boys have style. Most people would use kitchen matches, I suppose. And, like Jussie Smollett, she just happened to encounter those drunken frat boy night-riders who came prepared, carrying around a spray bottle of lighter fluid. I sure hope she kept that lighter. Or maybe it was hers?
Any security cameras showing all or any of this?
And the real perpetrator will walk because of this narrative being pushed by nutty you-know-who.
It begins
If it happened, I hope they catch the guys. They seem pretty sick to me. Not sure about the “frat boy” comment though. It drips with hate for whites that probably preceded this incident, an incident which is horrible, if true.
Bugaloos! Bugaloos! Bugaloos!
I'll take made up bullshit for $600 Alex.
A daily double. What is #Bugaboo!
Inga The Moron: "She said she’s reasonably certain it was four white men who “looked like classic Wisconsin frat boys … Two of them were wearing all black, and then the other two were wearing jeans and a floral shirt,” she said. She said the way they walked made her think they were intoxicated.”'
LOL x Infinity!!!
After the Smollett hoax and the Bubba Wallace Garage door rope with a loop tied in it, we are really going to waste time on more of these attention lying whores?
“Inga The Moron: "She said she’s reasonably certain it was four white men who “looked like classic Wisconsin frat boys … Two of them were wearing all black, and then the other two were wearing jeans and a floral shirt,” she said. She said the way they walked made her think they were intoxicated.”
Why are you quoting me? I didn’t write the article, you idiot propagandist.
"The victim believes she was driving on W. Gorham St. when she stopped for a red light at State St. Her driver's side window was down and she heard someone yell out a racial epithet....She says one used a spray bottle to deploy a liquid on her face and neck, and then threw a flaming lighter at her, causing the liquid to ignite."
Gorham is one-way southwest bound at State St. Google Earth shows what looks like a traffic cam on the signal pole next to Casa de Lara. Seems to me it would be prudent to check the recording if available. Live camera links aren't available on the City of Madison website due to technical issues, though starting in 2014 they were made available to the public.
Rcocean, legislators told me they had to pass the bill because the chamner made them domit. But I dont think we're really disagreeing about the role of money.
By the way, they removed police from our hate crime bill. The NAACP's activism on the legislations is, yes, being paid for by the Chamber of Commerce, which threatened to pull businesses out of the state if the bill didn't pass. The House speaker, a Republican and a defense attorney who used his legislative privilege to delay 57 hearings, including four child-rape cases, for several years, running the clock on a case involving a 14 wheelchair bound girl and three child brothers whose rapoists went free. This speaker refused to do any business until police were removed from the category of human beings under hate crime laws because the NAACP said it was the ultimate insult for black people to have to on any list with "their killers.". The Chamber of Commerce paid to disseminate that message: that police are killers.
With a police-free zone, in Seattle Washington, just a few hours drive from the highest concentration of white separatist in the nation, it is telling that none have driven in wearing tactical gear and brandishing weapons. The fools in the CHAZ were sitting ducks for some very dangerous people who run training camps in compounds across Washington and Idaho.
It is telling that the clash never occurred. Who are the dangerous fringe actors in American politics these days?
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