"The people who are voting for Trump for the most part... he wouldn’t even let them in a fucking hotel. He’d be disgusted by them. Go to Mar-a-Lago, see if there’s any people who look like you. I’m talking to you in the audience.... I don’t hate Donald... I hate you for voting for him, for not having intelligence... I do think it would be extremely patriotic of Donald to say 'I’m in over my head and I don’t want to be president anymore.'... It’d be so patriotic that I’d hug him and then I’d go back to Mar-a-Lago and have a meal with him and feel good about him because it would be such an easy thing to do."
Said Howard Stern, quoted at CNN.
१३३ टिप्पण्या:
The oddity is that dumbass Howard Stern talks about politics. He's good with locker room humor and culture -- but not that bright about the political scene.
I knew it. They don’t hate Trump. They hate US.
Stern is projecting his own attitudes onto Trump.
Trump gets these people, and they know it, and they get him.
"it would be extremely patriotic of Donald to say 'I’m in over my head and I don’t want to be president anymore.'"
Actually, the most patriotic thing Trump did was to give up the cushy life of the rich celebrity and enter the arena.
Every day in office is a patriotic FU to the Sterns and Karens and progs of the world.
The oddity is how bubble dwellers excuse Hillary's crimes.
Everything I have read has described Trump's interactions with the lower levels of workers in his hotels/construction projects as very positive.
I don’t hate Donald... I hate you
We know.
Twisted manipulation.
The only way into Hotel Hillary is with mega-donor money and a promise to kiss her ring and hide her crimes.
Hugs with Howard Stern? Ughs all around.
Oh come on Big Mike. Tell us what tickets have you punched in your deplorable card? City boy math major what are you do for a living do you swing a hammer, operate heavy equipment are you at least the onsite manager of large construction sites how about heavy industry ever worked on the shop floor in one of those places?
Not long after Stern released “Private Parts”, which was really a tribute to his wife Allison, he dumped Allison, and traded her in for a younger model. He was original when he was a counter culture provocative voice. But then he got the hot wife, got to be a judge on America’s got talent, and felt like he was finally being taken seriously by people that looked down on him prior. So now that he has tasted the ripe fruit he has to hold on. It tastes really good.
He wants to be recognized as a genius.
Let’s remember that as a 50 year old man, Stern admitted, with laughter, that he truly thought diarrhea was pronounced “dia-rear” because it comes out your ass.
Howard obviously doesn't know Trump as well as he think he does.. "In 1997, 12 years after purchasing his beloved club, Trump sued the city of Palm Beach for $100 million aks he does...In 1997, he sued Palm Springs lleging that it was giving him trouble over a zoning issue because he let blacks and Jews into Mar-a-Lago." Slate Magazine.
Stern sounds like a sissy now. He must be a pussy whipped little Hillary lover because of his young wife.
My daughter visited NYC just after Thanksgiving. She and her fiancé had never been to a place that didn't have open public restrooms easily available for patrons. So whenever they were out and about and needed to go, while not wanting to go back to their hotel; they would walk into the Trump hotel. They went so often that the guards easily recognized them and greeted them, which was really only 3 or 4 times. So maybe Trump really does like my daughter and fiancé, or Stern's comments don't have a ring of truth to me. Since Trump hasn't met my daughter, I suspect Stern is full of it.
I hate you for voting for him, for not having intelligence
This does not make me regret Trump being President one iota.
Stern used to tell fart jokes when he got tired of all the dick jokes, but now he’s the voice of reason who can save us from Orangemanbad.
That's some nice mind reading Sterns's got going on there. How does he know how Trump really feels about all those people who pack his rallys? And does he imagine that Barrak Obama and Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton genuinely love all their supporters unlike Trump who can only be faking it? I find that the biggest danger with imputing emotions to others is that it's far more likely that you're the one who is feeling those emotions.
Trump's not the kind of guy would like to hang out with either, but he's a lot better than the alternative.
Nancy Pelosi wouldn't be caught dead near me either.
he wouldn’t even let them in a fucking hotel
That is a fairly ignorant comment right there. Trump is a business man. If you have the money, more than likely you are more than welcome to stay in any of this hotels. Now if you are a pedophile, you might get thrown out...
I'm trying to think of any modern president for whom you couldn't say this.
Is that our Howard?
I am starting to understand his posts now.
Howard Stern has never been anyone I would want to listen to. Imus I used to listen to until he fell in love with Kerry.
As far as hanging out together goes.
I share Stern's skepticism of wildly rich people posing as 'saviors of the people.' However, this includes skepticism toward people like Stern, who believe people are incapable of determining for themselves what is in their best interests.
You want my balls in your mouth.
cnn is that something we should be concerned with, they have a test pattern for ratings,
"The people who are voting for Trump for the most part... he wouldn’t even let them in a fucking hotel. He’d be disgusted by them. Go to Mar-a-Lago, see if there’s any people who look like you."
Stern isn't just describing Trump. He's describing the entire political establishment class. People don't love Trump and vote for him because they think he loves them back. They vote for him because they hate the political establishment and they trust Trump to hate the political establishment as much as they do.
"Howard Stern has never been anyone I would want to listen to. Imus I used to listen to until he fell in love with Kerry."
I used to love Imus -- he seemed so much more intelligent and humorous than Stern. Oh well. Different strokes for different folks.
Howard Stern is good at interviewing lesbians.
Stern changed when he got rich. Trump didn't.
Donald Trump seems like the only politician in the last 40 years who will put Americans first on the imigration issue. And no it's not because of racism you lefty idiots.
most morning tv is terrible, the Spanish channel was celebrating companera hidalgo, the one who shut down the hairdresser, she's from Colombia btw,
I was going to take a break from commenting, but this Howard "Face for radio" Stern comment is so twisted and bizarre, I have to respond.
Trump is a fucking billionaire. He could have spent the rest of his life playing golf, and enjoying life with his son and supermodel wife. Instead, out of pure patriotism, he took on the entire establishment and ran for President. He's been working 24/7/365 to help the country and its cost him hundreds of millions in lost business. He's put up with more contempt and crap from the Professional Pols and the MSM, then any other public figure in my lifetime. He's done all this to serve the country.
Trump has supporters who belong to his country club. Trump would be happy for me to visit his country club - if I had the money. That's the incredible thing about Trump, he's a billionaire and he's NOT a snob. Do you think Howard Stern likes the freak & weirdos who are Stern fans? Do you think Howard Stern hangs out with them? Do you think that if a fanboy met Stern at a Restaurant, and told Stern he was a big fan, that Stern would be their PAL? LOL!
Biden -despite his "good ol' Joe" persona is a former VP and US Senator, and outside of campaigning, wouldn't spit on his voters for five cents. And the same goes for Hillary, Billy Bob Clinton, and Obama. They aren't having a beer with you.
The 'pubs tried humble (Bush), honorable (McCain) and nice (Romney) and the 'crats just kept steamrolling ahead, full-Alinsky. Trump, then, is what follows and the crowd roars at the WWE cage-fighter who fights back.
Howard Stern prefers Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump, because Stern thinks Clinton might be a lesbian.
The amazing thing about Howard Stern is the guy had PLASTIC SURGERY and he's still one of the ugliest Mother fuckers on the planet. What the hell did he look like BEFORE he had surgery? Jo-Jo the dog face boy?
It's so funny that Stern really thinks he's helping.
What a fucking schmuck.
Try to walk into Howard Stern's apartment building and then go knock on his front door.
See how far you get.
I wonder if Fancy Nancy would let those undesirables in her mansion or stay at her winery. Unless they were illegal, she probably hates them like she hates her constituents who are sitting in Shit filled San Francisco (see how easy it is to sound like Howard Stern!!)
I think that the majority of people will not listen to what Howard Stern has to say about Trump or anything else for that matter.
When I decide to visit Obama, which of his three houses should I go to? I'm thinking the beach front home...it seems to have them most space.
I think that the majority of people will not listen to what Howard Stern has to say about Trump or anything else for that matter.
"It would be patriotic of Trump to step aside and usher in a nearly octogenarian showing signs of mental degradation who has a 50 year history of inappropriate behavior around women, poor policy decisions, and no real executive successes to his name.
Cause what we really need in a time of crisis is someone who comes across great when reading from a teleprompter."
Did I capture that correctly? Because that's what I hear being advocated for...
Those rich hotels employ tens of thousands of regular people, and they trick money out of the pockets of the rich and into those people's pockets.
I haven't heard from Stern since he disappeared behind the paywall with Maher and Handler. Do they party together in pay media land?
What makes for success in politics is being able to get along with and get through to people who are very different from oneself. If you can do that - Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Reagan, Mr. Clinton, Trump - you can be successful. If you can't - Hoover, Dewey, Stevenson, McCarthy, Dukakis, Romney, Mrs. Clinton - chances are you won't make it to the very top or stay there very long.
When it comes to commentary, being able to understand other people can be a disadvantage nowadays. You have to make the other side look like the caricature that your side already feels them to be. This is true in political commentary, but I think it's also true in the lifestyle articles from New York that you keep linking to. If you can really make a connection with the lives of a long-distance trucker or a single mom in the projects, you aren't going to obsess so much about every detail of your own life and you won't describe it in a way that your target audience will understand or approve of.
I think Stern's world and work revolve around whether you "get" him or not, whether you're on his team or whether you are a square. It's natural that he'd apply the same worldview to other successful people, but people who have his worldview don't get to the top in politics.
My general impression of Trump is Trump is happy to be with anyone who validates him. He seems equally at comfort with blue collar workers as with high society.
Also, big boobs are a plus.
Stern does not understand why people who like Trump like Trump.
It's not that hard to see if you step back a bit.
[HINT: Because the left really doesn't speak to Trump voters or understand Trump voters.]
I really don't care what Trump or any other politician thinks about me personally.
I DO care if they are out to destroy things I hold dear like The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, my Faith Traditions and my family.
Trump has, so far, not championed policies that target those things for destruction.
The fact that I will never be invited to play golf at Mara-Lago is completely beside the point.
I won't be attending fundraisers at any wine caves either.
I remember when he spent a week on the tanenhaus biography of whittaker chambers, and yet the points didn't get through his skulls,
Stern is so 80s
"I hate you for voting for him, for not having intelligence." Who despises us again?
Fuck Howard Stern. Who cares what he thinks about politics. He's just another rich East Coast liberal. I've never listened to his show.
It would absolutely not be patriotic to say that knowing that the person who would be president in his place will be an America-hating radical leftist. I think he is in over his head. Would Biden be in over his head? Biden doesn't even know where his head is.
He's clearly never watched Trump speak at a rally. It's clear he genuinely likes average everyday people.
This is nothing but projecting of leftist class elitism. Stern considers himself to be in the same class as Trump, so he assumes Trump has contempt for the avg person because Stern has nothing but contempt for them.
Howard Stern is wrong again. Nothing new here. He's not exactly the first source you'd go to for a pulse of how America thinks. Never got the Stern thing. A grown up teenager who used to use nasty words to get his listeners all abuzz. I guess it worked.
I was an avid Imus listener and I find it interesting that Stern listeners could not abide Imus. And Imus listeners could not abide Stern. It was never like the Beatles vs Stones. Most people like both of them (for different listening purposes). This was different.
Stern does sound like a sissy.
Agreed, Wendybar.
It would be extremely patriotic for Joe Biden to say: "We have to confront the fact that my mind isn't what it used to be, and I'm not up to the job of being PResident of the U.S."
What are the chances?
Hmmmm, I've checked my diaries for the past 40 years, and I can't find any entry where I've noted that I've taken Howard Stern's advice for anything.
I probably won't start now.
I listened to Stern when he was the enfant terrible of NY radio. He was very crude and celebs used to disparage him. He, in turn, used to disparage celebs. He claimed that they divorced their spouses and that no matter how many crude jokes he made, he was faithful to his wife. He stated that unlike so many Hollywood stars he would never divorce his wife and marry some hot model.....I'm glad to see that Stern is now richer than almost everybody and has found love and happiness with his new wife. The Hollywood celebs no longer disparage him. He is one of them.
And of course "liberal" Democrats LOVE you. They think you should be their serfs, but to a "liberal" that IS love! "Hate" is wanting you to be free. Because freedom is slavery, remember?
Trump loves who loves him back. That seems obvious.
that was imus, not howard stern, considering they replaced imus with morning joke, it wasn't an improvement,
Failed Political Message Hall Of Fame Candidate: Vote for us you stupid racist idiots so we can shove you around even more and attack everything you believe in...because its the patriotic thing to do.....
This is a Stern riff. He did the same thing with David Letterman years ago, telling Letterman's audience -- with Letterman sitting right there on-camera blushing -- how much Letterman hated them...
What's funny about the Mar a Lago reference is that Howard evidently thinks Trump is upper-class...
he is now of the body, with Landrieu,
Stern knows a con artist when he sees one, one he has known a long time.
The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most, love him the most.
They don't love him. They recognize leadership.
Well, that is some dia-rear from Howard Stern...
"Howard Stern has never been anyone I would want to listen to."
I listened to Stern from time to time for a couple of years in the early 90's. Great radio voice and some funny stuff here and there. But then he got into this schtick about the "aroma of the buttocks", and it went on and on, as so many of his schticks did. I was done.
Yes, rcocean, if I had a dog that look like Stern, I'd shave its ass and walk it backwards.
I worked with a guy who was from Indiana, and every time he mentioned Howard, he pronounced his name "Starn".
I always consider the deep thoughts of anyone who wears a wig of dick hair.
@rcocean, 9:28 AM: Indeed.
Howard was really cutting edge...in the 1970's....
"They don't love him. They recognize leadership."
Yeah, I don't love Trump -- but I think he's doing a great job for the country, despite many obstacles and phony Coup attempts.
On second thought, maybe, I do love him? He's certainly light years better than Willard Mitt Romney, our last GOP clown.
"The people who are voting for Trump for the most part... he wouldn’t even let them in a fucking hotel. He’d be disgusted by them. Go to Mar-a-Lago, see if there’s any people who look like you.
To paraphrase Ali, "No Trump never called me "deplorable", "irredeemable", or "not America".
Back in the day, Howard Stern used to be the man. How much so? At one point he was the primary draw to the then-new Sirius Radio. He was so good he had a Muslim buddy of mine as a diehard fan! (He wasn't the best Muslim, but hey.) Now he's a sellout who sucks the broad ass of Hillary Clinton. Did Don Imus sell out, despite being the target of proto-SJWs? No- but if the actual victims of his diatribe had called him a "nappy-headed host" while taking the high road, his career would have been over and done with, same day.
Tons of people have offered their takes on Donald Trump vs Stern, but I think it's more relevant to say- people who take the devil's ticket to success are never going to understand people that don't. Stern joins Bloomberg, Epstein, Soros, Weissman, Feinstein, and a very long list of others. His crimes are far less severe, but the pathetic subservience is cringe-inducing in a way unadulerated evil wouldn't be.
Stern is just a more successful version of Jimmy Kimmel. Sold out fifteen years ago, dumped his original blue collar fans, got a new wife and kisses up to Hollywood SJWs.
Howard Stern. He of the symbian on-air demonstrations.
Howard Stern is projecting.
roesch/voltaire said...
Stern knows a con artist when he sees one, one he has known a long time.
5/13/20, 10:08 AM
Yeah, he IS pretty tight with those corrupt Clintons!!!
roesch/voltaire said...
Stern knows a con artist when he sees one, one he has known a long time.
Yes, it's in his mirror every morning, just ,like yours.
How much is China paying Howard Stern? He sure sounds like someone on their payroll.
Trump has nothing in common with the average working man or woman and while I think Howard Stern Is an ass clown, he has a point about what Trump’s true attitude toward the so called deplorables really might be. Many Americans think Trump used the a certain segment of the Republican base’s fears and biases to gain their trust to gain power, while secretly looking down on them and despising them.
Ridiculous, Howard. Trump Hotel is a brand, that appeals to a particular market segment. The fact that you are a Mercedes dealer does not mean that you despise people who drive Hondas. Trump can own (or license) luxury hotels and still love people who stay at Ramadas. It's business; perhaps you've heard of it.
"Let’s remember that as a 50 year old man, Stern admitted, with laughter, that he truly thought diarrhea was pronounced “dia-rear” because it comes out your ass."
In Stern's case it comes out his mouth.
"Stern knows a con artist when he sees one, one he has known a long time
So what is the con here? Is Trump actually a secret "liberal" (and by "liberal" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government humper and State fellator")? I remember that theory when he was trying to get the Republican nomination. If so, Trump seems to have an odd talent for angering the Worst People on Earth--the "liberal" Hive. If he's an undercover "liberal," it would seem by this point to be under DEEP cover.
As I've written before, for me--as one of those weirdoes who value liberty--the primary consideration in assessing any candidate is: how much will they lave me alone? How much or how little are they going to be picking my pocket? Will they let me have guns, or do they want me to be an unarmed serf? (A redundancy, according to my reading of history.) Will hey let me run a business the wa I want, or according to the whim of some dictocrat? At this point, Trump seems lower in the direction of liberty on the Statist Scale than Biden, Red Diaper Barry, Grandpa Gulag, Queen Cacklepants or the rest of the Democratic zoo.
While Inga the State's Handmaiden wants a president who will love her--love her in that sadomasochistic Statist way.
Inga said...
Trump has nothing in common with the average working man or woman
Wrong. Trump loves America as does the average American.
exhelodrvr1 said...
Everything I have read has described Trump's interactions with the lower levels of workers in his hotels/construction projects as very positive.
Yep, everything I read. Trump is fully aware his success is dependent on their work ethic.
In the hotel where my union meeting was and we had a "surprise" special guess, the workers there told us they were instructed to never make eye contact with Hillary, and to turn away from her if she passed. And I've heard that a lot about her, but never in the mainstream media. Funny that.
In 1998, my husband and I and another couple with whom we often travel, connected in Las Vegas to celebrate our collective 50th birthdays. (We were using the city as the landing point before heading to Death Valley.) I was originally going to make reservations at the Venetian, but at the last minute decided it would be a lark to stay at the Trump Hotel. I called the hotel directly and explained the reason for the stay, and asked for two connected rooms overlooking the strip.
When we arrived and were checking in, the head of guest services ushered us over and offered to upgrade us to a two-bedroom suite for a very nominal amount. The unit turned out to be a beautifully furnished apartment on the top floor with desert views. It was stunning. Not long after we unpacked a staff member arrived with two beautifully decorated birthday cakes, a bottle of bubbly and a hand written note wishing us well for our celebration. The staff, to a one, were professional, courteous, and gracious.
Whether Trump loves us or not is immaterial. He understands business and knows that people will willingly spend their money where they feel welcome and are treated with courtesy. He is perhaps a little ostentatious but I don’t think he’s a snob, either.
The arrogance of this guy, this dirty mouth radio talk show guy. I'm sure happy we have people like him to lead us stupid, unwashed morons.
Inga said...
Trump has nothing in common with the average working man or woman
Wrong. Trump loves America as does the average American.
Inga, stop pretending to be retarded. Most of the urban elite's current problem- from Howard Stern to Jimmy Kimmel to David Frum- is the American populace being aware of how much the elite have always DESPISED them. For the elites with position as entertainers, increasing awareness of their true parasitic nature is liable to foment tremendous hatred towards them. And that makes them useless. I suppose they're better off than Judge Berman-Jackson and Andrew Weissman, who have tremendous power despite being intensely corrupt, but it's a close contest.
For these elites to claim that Trump secretly hates the people is a badge of honor. They hate Trump because he loves the American people. And of course, SJWs always lie.
Stern, who I have been listening to for 35 years since a young child (foreign mother didn't realize how inappropriate it was, just thought it was goofy), has definitely changed. Agree with the changes arising from his new place in society and his beautiful person wife. I also think at this point he wants to retire, he just can't make the decision for himself. So he's alienating his audience so that he can ride off into the sunset as a brave warrior of virtue.
I am a Southerner and although in the proper time and place I will cuss like a sailor, I do not crudity. People like Stern could never appeal to me. So how did I come to hate him without ever listening to his show?
I was working at a stereo/video store in 1999 and so was aware and watching the newscasts when the Columbine shooting occurred. Confusion, fog or war and all that and everyone trying to learn more and make sense of it all.
And calls would come in from "witnesses". They would have the poor newscaster hurrying to get some new information out to the public. No time for screeners, we have a scoop to air!. And the "witness" would start with a credible story that at some point swerved into nonsense with the caller ending with "Baba Booey!", "Baba Booey!".
Puzzled, I turned to my leftwing yankee friend and he explained that that was Howard Stern fans and they were pranking...on the Columbine story!
I have despised him ever since.
He had Stephanopoulos on today, and it was a really disgusting display. They're personal friends. Howard is a full on scientismist at this point, and both he and George perpetuated the completely discredited notion that Trump has or would college with foreign interests against the US. They focused on an interview Trump gave to Steph. in 2018 when George pushed Trump on what he would do if Norway came and said they had some incriminating info on a Dem leader. Trump said I'd give it a look, which both men said was utterly shocking. George said it was biggest piece of news he'd ever elicited. Followed by saying that this, in the midst of all those impeachable offenses with Ukraine. It's like they actually believe that Trump did all the things claimed in the Russia Hoax and the impeachment sham, but has just managed to evade accountability. I expect nothing less from George, a schematic political fixer/spinner, but Howard was way worse than George. He's trying to get run off the air so he can leave with a virtuous woke reputation.
"Many Americans think Trump used the a certain segment of the Republican base’s fears and biases to gain their trust to gain power, while secretly looking down on them and despising them."
Mind reading? Really?
Where is the evidence for this?
And yes, Howard is showing his increasingly developed oikophobia in going after Trump voters, who represent likely a majority of his audience. He's saying he hates them, and he's doing it on purpose, because he's become a disgusting, status-hungry snob. He's still funny and gets people to talk about things they wouldn't otherwise discuss, but he's poisoning the well, purposefully.
"Trump gets these people...."
Which is why he is so successful in pandering to them. A con man has to know his marks....
Russia Collusion Truther and Dead Ender Inga: "Trump has nothing in common with the average working man or woman....."
And yet the average working men and women put Donald Trump right smack dab into the Presidency of the United States of America.
It appears that our resident conspiracy lunatic has nothing in common with the average working man or woman.
I don't care if Trump likes me or not, and I don't expect to get in Mar a Largo if I can't afford it, and if I show up with the money, and dressed decent, I bet they'd welcome me. That's the real world, Howard. That's why you worked so hard to get rich. That's why you like being rich. The thing is, Trump does a lot of good for this country, while you just lower the culture.
There is nothing intelligent about voting for someone with Biden's obvious impairment, corruption, and the facts that he's a repeated loser, wrong about everything his whole career, and never was an executive of any large organization. Voting for that over Trump is the lack of intelligence, dummy.
Trump despises? Is that in evidence? As for not following the same social circles, who cares... I'm going to eat some worms, right?
roesch/voltaire: "Stern knows a con artist when he sees one,"
It's a real shame there was never a special counsel appointed with a team full of Trump enemies and the unlimited power and resources and budget to try and track down all of Trump's crimes with complete access to all of Trump's financial and business records and electronic communications from across the globe going back decades as well as those of all of Trump's business associates and family over that same period.
Its a real shame that never happened.
I mean, if we had that there is no doubt the "con man" would have been exposed, right r/v?
Inga: "Many Americans think Trump used the a certain segment of the Republican base’s fears and biases to gain their trust to gain power, while secretly looking down on them and despising them."
That same "Many Americans" believed Carter Page was a russian spy, Kavanaugh was a gang rapist, Trump paid hookers in Moscow and Trump colluded with Putin.
In fact, those same morons STILL believe those things.
Don't they....Inga...?
BTW, how is it that the republican Garcia flipped CA 25, a Clinton 6+ district from 2016? And not just flipped it, but appears to be up by a big enough number to outlast the democrats Margin of Fraud and tsunami of ballots found in car trunks and bags of ballots delivered late that a democrat judge will rule fully kosher.
I mean, this is precisely the district that Inga has been saying the republicans have completely lost due to suburban women.
See, after listening to Inga go on and on and on about this (the way she went on about Russia everyday for 4 straight years until, suddenly, for some unknown reason, she completely lost interest) new permanent realignment which is going to doom republicans for all time, I was quite surprised by this result.......
Mind Reader Extraordinaire Inga: "Many Americans think Trump used the a certain segment of the Republican base’s fears and biases to gain their trust to gain power, while secretly looking down on them and despising them."
"while secretly looking down on them and despising them."
....while delivering on their policy preferences and passionately defending them from insane democrat attacks and keeping his promises to them.
Wow! Give me lots more of those please!
Lewis Wetzel: "Mind reading? Really?
Where is the evidence for this?"
Its probably in the redacted portions of the Mueller report.
@Robert Cook,
Which is why he is so successful in pandering to them. A con man has to know his marks....
While Democrats know how to win friends & influence people, by doing things like taking nuns to the Supreme Court.
Always, always realize that every American citizen out there knows he has just a few, (basically two) choices before him/her, politically speaking, & has to pick the one that will fuck up his/her life the least.
The Left massively overestimates how lovable they are. Matter of fact, if you're outside the lefty bubble, they don't look lovable at all. And I say this as a former hard lefty who went moderate Lefty (22 years of subscription to New Republic) to now Righty.
Robert Cook: "Which is why he is so successful in pandering to them. A con man has to know his marks...."
Breaking News! This just in: Politician delivers for his base.
Film at 11.
Still, Inga should not give up hope in CA 25 yet.
Lots and lots of democrat poll workers are busily performing their work under the "helpful" watch of democrat state officials with democrat state judges standing by.........
....oh, and probably a few LLR-C****-like "republican" poll watcher plants around to make sure everything is on the "up and up", like in Detroit where we have been informed by our LLR that there is never anything amiss and if you don't believe him he will FIGHT YOU!
This is the top story on Drudge.
How can that be?
It's all rather silly. Does Howard think that Dem politicians really, really like all their voters or would be happty to hang out with them? As Joe Biden would say, "Come on, man!".
"I hate you for voting for him, for not having intelligence."
Oh... oh... the scales have fallen from my eyes. Stern's cogent, compelling argument has made me want to vote D forever!
I don't trust CNN and Howard Stern.
Some people have the fantasy that the politicians they hate will suddenly be caught on an open mic expressing contempt for their supporters -- like Andy Griffith in A Face in the Crowd. That doesn't happen much. Or maybe something like that happens a lot and people who are that dumb get weeded out early on and never advance to the top ranks. Generally speaking, politicians can speak bullshit when they have to, but to be successful and rise in the world they have to believe their general message - and that means not hating or despising the people who give them their votes.
The thing to understand about Trump is that he's in a world of people who went to better schools and colleges and pride themselves on their advanced degrees. Trump's background isn't quite the same, so he does have some understanding of what it means not to be a member of the elite (even though in other ways he is very much a member of an elite). It might help to dig up old copies of the 1980s satirical rag Spy. Trump was their enemy #1, the rich vulgarian. He knows that older elites don't like or respect or accept him and he shares ordinary people's dislike for those elites. Compare Trump to Obama who had that run-in with Joe the Plumber or to Biden who routinely insults people at his town halls and you can see that Howard Stern isn't quite right about Donald Trump.
Just 4 years after being told that Republicans needed to give up the 80's view of Russia, we were told Russia really wanted Republicans to win. Now, 4 years after being told that Republicans are deplorable, we are being told that Trump thinks we are deplorable.
I repeat again, Republicans won 2 Congressional special elections, both in states that Obama won. The voters are tired of Democrats with nothing to offer but insults.
Which is why he is so successful in pandering to them. A con man has to know his marks....
To the communists, keeping promises is "pandering." Just hilarious. Cook should do stand up.
Stern's screed is, at best, a weird exercise in lefty-land projection, and even weirder is that Stern certainly knows that (he traffics in a similar anti-elitist shtick himself). Trump gets along well with the construction guys who worked on his buildings, the staff in his hotels, the cops and soldiers and Secret Service agents that Dems lkke Hillary! prefer to treat as deplorable crypto-racists. That's because, despite the money and fame, Trump never really left Queens -- he's never been a denizen of Manhattan lefty-land culture or a proponent of the perspectives that go with it. Whether the blue-collar guys Trump admires can afford the Mar-a-lago is beside the point.
“I’m in over my head, so I want to quit and have Joe Biden be President.”
Hard as I try, I can’t imagine Trump saying that. Can you?
Lurker21 said...
Some people have the fantasy that the politicians they hate will suddenly be caught on an open mic expressing contempt for their supporters -- like Andy Griffith in A Face in the Crowd. That doesn't happen much.
5/13/20, 12:24 PM
Man, it just happened. Howard Stern decided to denounce his own fans rather than admit that Donald Trump is a human, much less the best President of the past fifty years. Maybe beyond. But then, his kind have been exposing themselves all over the place, even when neocons would be much better off pretending to still cater to the Republican base.
What is it they're so afraid of?
At least Stern is honest about who he hates.
Right back at ya, boy.
Why that's true, in fact I saw Hillary the other day standing in line at a BBQ joint and she lent me her hot sauce. Anyways, she said it was worth the wait and she 'ain't no ways tahred" standing there. Just a woman of the people who loves all the people and has the common touch. Riiiiiiight
Trump is authentic because he is always the same in any setting. Stern makes (made) a living as a shock jock, and I guess he's hawking for the Democrats now. And we already know how authentic they are, because it's on the tape.
I happened to listen to some of this morning's show, and caught the Stephanapoulos interview and some of this rant. I was thinking I should cancel my SiriusXM subscription, but two thoughts followed:
1. they're on a free open trial at the moment, scheduled for another couple of days, though it may be extended, and
2. Stern wants that. He's intentionally alienating his audience. He's trying to go out in a blaze of SJW glory.
Another physician and I once walked into a Trump hotel. It was the one in Washington, DC, that is a refurbished old post office. We were both sweaty and grubby having walked around the DC area after our conference was over. No one batted an eyelash as we walked around the lobby "oohing" and "aahing" over all the gold. I was kind of surprised, actually. So, yeah, why would I believe Howard Stern?
"Many Americans think Trump used the a certain segment of the Republican base’s fears and biases to gain their trust to gain power, while secretly looking down on them and despising them."
And? Let's take that as a given. So what? If he's doing what I want him to do, he can despise me all he wants. I don't agree, but that also doesn't matter. Actions matter and they've been pretty good.
Which is why he is so successful in pandering to them. A con man has to know his marks...
Same thing. I grant both premises: I'm being pandered to and Trump is a con man. So what?
Are you saying Mr. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" was NOT pandering? I don't disapprove of the Obama administration due to pandering (or lack thereof) or Obama being a con man (or not). I disapprove the of the Obama administration for what it DID.
Dave Begley: "This is the top story on Drudge.
How can that be?"
Drudge is owned by leftists now.
Has a Democrat said anything honest or intelligent since Daniel Patrick Moynihan? And he was iffy since he talked a good game, but always folded when it came time to vote.
Every single policy that Obama implemented was founded on significant lies. What kind of idiot would support that?
City boy math major what are you do for a living do you swing a hammer, operate heavy equipment are you at least the onsite manager of large construction sites how about heavy industry ever worked on the shop floor in one of those places?
@Howard, would you be surprised to learn that I’ve done most of those things? In my day it was possible to work your way through college if you were willing to work hard and do Mike Rowe-type jobs. Worst was the summer I was part of a crew putting new tar on factory roofs in the summer. Damned glad to get back to school that fall, but boy was I trim! Never a manager at a construction site, but I did function as a program manager for systems development projects with nine digit budgets. Probably doesn’t count with Howard.
Meanwhile, Howard, how many black people have you ever recruited to work for you? What percentage were women? Did you ever arm-wrestle HR because a black engineer was under-graded for the level of assignments he was able to complete? Did a woman employed by you ever win a high technical award and publicly credit you with mentoring her?
Back in the day, Don Imus's show featured "Howard Stern." Don's "Howie" acted like an immature teenager. The character's catch phrase was to say "penis" when he couldn't think of anything else to say. I don't think Howard ever really escaped that caricature, and I don't think he really can given he did many, many more outrageous and immature things in his heyday.
Thanks Big Mike. Like I thought. You were a grunt, I'll credit that. Pre-grad field work summer jobs don't count for shit. Arm wrestling HR doesn't sound out-doorsy or dangerous nor among the bad boys were the rubber hits the road. Your just a deplorable fanboi who likes them in theory. Not even a dilettante.
Big Mike @4:58
betas always have to taunt. You don't have to prove anything.
My BIL would drive three inch deck screw with a hammer. Wham! Wham! in. A lot faster than a screw gun. He would drive regular framing nails with one hit. He was rough framing houses when he was fifteen years old. He got tired of that and became a civil engineer. He built 3 of his last four houses. Good wing shot too.
@Howard, answer my questions in the last paragraph.
@Rusty, Howard's response is about what I figured it would be. Educated fools like him seldom disappoint.
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