"Why have there been no mass arrests or municipal citations issued for this non-essential gathering? In order for us to move past this pandemic and to truly flatten the curve we need compliance from the public. In any other situation, willful non-compliance with the law is met with the full force of law enforcement, yet when the protestors are predominantly white and male defiance is rewarded with inaction and complacency...."
From a statement by Wisconsin state Senator State Rep. LaKeshia Myers, quoted at The Daily Wire.
१७५ टिप्पण्या:
Once a race hustler, always a race hustler.
Funny that the people in attendance would say that if they were journalists and academics and government workers, there wouldn't even be a lock down. But in the hands of the truly privileged, accusations of white privilege focuses primarily on the unprivileged whites.
In any other situation, willful non-compliance with the law is met with the full force of law enforcement.
Obviously, she is not an immigration lawyer.
"White Privilege" is a stick WASPs use to beat the Scots Irish.
Ever hear of the First Amendment, Senator? It was used by Blacks during the Civil Rights movement to peaceably assemble. I seem to recall that there is an MLK street in Madison.
This Covid19 panic has exposed how crazy, stupid, intolerant and ignorant of American history and law the Left is.
Throughout history, it was the sick who were quarantined, not the healthy. Why was it different this time?
Protests Under Coronavirus are Dangerous and Illegal... Unless They're by Lefties
The coronavirus pandemic is a great test for discovering who the true authoritarians are.
There should be no surprise at the overlap with race hustlers.
"Wisconsin state Senator State Rep. LaKeshia Myers"
Speaking of 'yas queen slay' and black vagina-havers, can anyone explain how to pronounce her name?
Is it LAKE-Shia? Or La-Ke-Shia? Or maybe it's Lakeesheeya?
It's just like that one girl named La-A (LaDashA...because the 'dash' don't be silent)
Speaking of white privilege, I hope that they can provide her with an apt demonstration in the form of a 62grain M855 green tip at about 2900 feet per second to her brain stem where she promptly falls like a sack of potatoes.
Potatoes, Senator. As in you are one.
Where would be a good place to setup a concentration camp in Wisconsin?
Bye, LaKeshia.
Myers northern European in origin, give it up Miss get authentic, find some gibberish with many vowels or else go with the old stand-buys Lamumba or Jones-Adelman
And before that it was Jew privilege. Their narrative never changes. Rabid diversitists.
re: Rabid diversitists. #HateLovesAbortion
When do we get to start having a conversation about black privilege? When do we get to have a conversation about how 80% of the crime in this country would quite literally disappear overnight if a certain 15% of the population vanished? Or the other damage and entitlements that privilege represents?
When do we have that conversation? Was it during the Obama administration? I mean...he had plenty of opportunities to 'have that conversation'?
When do we have a conversation about arguably the most boorish and uncultured sub-culture within the USA?
Maybe that why so many black vagina-havers have been running for office, so that once they're in complete control we can have the conversation about the feral barbarian children they seem to breed so much of.
If some people have a problem with white privilege they are free to move to a country where there isn't white privilege. Such as China or Nigeria to name a few. I see no reason to give up my privilege. I pay more than enough in taxes for that privilege. The best reply to privilege shouting crowd is tell them them " you must have me confused with someone who gives a crap". Now piss off.
Being a courageous white male crowd violates her training at the University and requires mass arrests.
dreams said...
Throughout history, it was the sick who were quarantined, not the healthy. Why was it different this time?
Because people were carrying it and infecting others without being sick themselves. Or so we are told.
F off.
If you want to work... now that's considered privilege.
F off.
what with all the burning, looting and breaking of storefronts... oh, nevermind.
clearly an exercise in white privilege
Ain't everything?
It would be racially insensitive for me to tell her and her supporters of color to F off back to Africa. They wouldn't be welcome there. Black Americans are so bad Black Africans hate them too and usually keep to themselves in their own communities in this country. Look it up.
Thanks Obama. Even though you're not president anymore your administration continues to fuck us all royally, regardless of color.
The senator and yourself can eat a giant bag of dicks.
The death rate in the US is 169 per million, in WI is 47 per million. Why is WI still shut down?
"Because people were carrying it and infecting others without being sick themselves. Or so we are told."
I questioned this wisdom when the case of the pediatric oncologist at Children's Hospital in Wauwatosa was revealed early into the crisis. He had returned from somewhere apparently having been exposed, but was young and fit and had no symptoms. He went to work treating some of the most vulnerable kids - hospitalized and undergoing chemo, about 50 of them for a week. None tested positive out of 200 tests. Not one kid with extremely compromised immune systems who were in direct contact with the infected doc got the covid. Told me that the alleged transmission by asymptomatic people was not very likely.
Here's one of the original stories about it:
One of the consequences of blacks having a lower IQ than whites on the average, in spite of a of a general mixing in the middles, is exceptional smartness on the right side of the curves, and exceptional stupidity on the left side.
At least I finally know what counts as white privilege.
Death Rates Per Million People:
(1) NY = 1153
(2) NJ = 680
(3) CN = 537
(25) WI = 47
(40) ND = 25
(50) HI = 10
Why is WI even shut down?
What???? No blacks were there? No browns? No yellows? Just "white privilege", eh?
So, Wisconsin has race-baiters too.
I thought they were just in New Jersey.
Maybe they are everywhere.
Hmmmmm, LaKeshia, LaKeshia Myers,
Good she didn't leave the house without her Racial Card. I'm looking forward to reading her contributions to the 1619 Project, you know, that scholarly work where everything, for example, black students inability to master the four arithmetic functions, is based on slavery.
They are pulling out their last cards. The game has played out.
The fascists have spent the last week moving the goalposts on when we reopen.
Now they are back to defending their crap with cries of racism.
Black privilege: socially acceptable race-baiting.
Then sheep stayed home.
Hari said...
Death Rates Per Million People:
(1) NY = 1153
(2) NJ = 680
(3) CN = 537
(25) WI = 47
(40) ND = 25
(50) HI = 10
Why is WI even shut down?
This is very similar to blue states using voter fraud to get their way. The New York numbers are obvious fraud just like their electoral system.
WI is shut down because the fascists have always wanted to shut everything down and COVID-19 was just their tool to do so.
We are a police state now.
In Nazi Germany, everything was a matter of Jew priviledge.
I can't remember how that worked out.
"LaKeisha." Beautiful. Right from central casting.
The black economist Thomas Sowell once said during a panel discussion regarding black America that a time would rapidly approach where calling someone a racist would lose all meaning, and people being afraid of being called racist or being racist would begin to lose impact.
When everything is racist - and for black America that is always 100% of the time - nothing is racist.
People, myself included, aren't afraid of that word anymore. I wear it with pride. Black America sucks. No group of people in this country take so much while giving so little back. 800,000 Americans died ending chattel slavery over 150 years ago so that blacks could enslave themselves.
Yes we are in a police state now because the police did nothing to stop the protesters... excellent observation
Deplorable science made easy for the illiterate
LaKeisha's words would have even more unquestionable moral muscle behind them if she had an apostrophe or hyphen in her name.
LaKeisha Myers bio says she's "an educator and a politician". At 35 she hasn't learned much besides race baiting. She's out of Northwest Milwaukee which I assume is a largely black electoral district. She may be standing up for her peeps because the virus targets black males--old enough to be her daddy--disproportionately. Of course it also targets white males of the same age.
Lots of little Mussolini's running around out there.
Mike Sylwester said...
So, Wisconsin has race-baiters too.
I thought they were just in New Jersey.
Maybe they are everywhere.
4/27/20, 11:34 AM
Jesse Jackson - Chicago Kamala Harris _California
Mark Lamont Hill-Pennsylvania
Maxine Waters- California Little pretend black boy Shaun King -Kentucky
Don Lemon-Louisiana....and I can go on and on.....They do all have one thing in common though!!!
And the biggest race baiter in our time has his own show on MSNBC, and is always called to talk on Morning Joke....New Yorker Al Sharpton!!
so Gwen moore 2.0, how does she think economies work, with unicorn dust, we had Fredericka Wilson, another rocket surgeon, and the supervisor of elections in broward, that finally gave up the ghost after 2018 elections, she's not any different that woke idiot whitmer or overprivileged 'creosote' Pritzker,
So in one post Achilles said that the Libtards are reopening the economy by moving the goalposts. it's not what you do when you're dealing with a highly uncertain situation in real time is that based on what you find out you moved the goalposts. Are you just continue to walk into that ambush because you don't want to change your original plan based on over optimistic preliminary intelligence?
Then the next post he decries we are now living in a police state because the libtards are moving forward with reopening the economy. It's time to renew that Adderall prescription
You have to admit, Fredericka has the best hats.
Howard: "Yes we are in a police state now because the police did nothing to stop the protesters... excellent observation
Deplorable science made easy for the illiterate"
The WI protesters should have written "antifa" on their shirts so Howard and Ken B would be mollified.
Did this racist, deranged rep call out the corrupt mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, for flipping off the state stay-at-home order to get her haircut because "I'm the city Boss! Er...I mean...government!"
What race is Lightfoot, LaKeisha?
Did this racist, deranged rep call out the corrupt mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, for flipping off the state stay-at-home order to get her haircut because "I'm the city Boss! Er...I mean...government!"
What race is Lightfoot, LaKeisha?
maybe they left their labs to protest
Ethnomasochism Personified: White Female Oxford Professor Hopes White Male Scientists Don't Find Vaccine to Coronavirus
Maybe that why so many black vagina-havers have been running for office, so that once they're in complete control we can have the conversation about the feral barbarian children they seem to breed so much of.
Boy Ann, you must be really proud of your readers. You have attracted a new racist who apparently is even worse than the long gone, but not missed, Cedarford.
Oh what a bunch of bovine sca....oh never mind, bullshit is what it is. A huge steaming pile of it. Stick your head back up your ass you ignorant twit. How many in Ferguson were arrested, how about when the fascist libs took over the capital in Madison ?
Howard said...
"Yes we are in a police state now because the police did nothing to stop the protesters... excellent observation
Deplorable science made easy for the illiterate"
Apparently you missed all the fun on Los Angeles county beaches this weekend.
You can get away with protesting in WI, but not sunbathing in Los Angeles.
It must have been some of that black privilege that made it okay for Barack Obama to destroy America's medical device production.
Are we done pre-missing that asshoe?
well I'm trying to be even handed, fritzi wasserman Schultz, how about the Ecuadorian gal, whose husband works for kolomoisky, the hammering Russian oligarch, prog sensibilities do not delineate by race,
That quote is so great that I don’t think anything can be added to it.
Meanwhile, in the real world:
"Mayo Clinic is furloughing or reducing the hours of about 42 percent of its 70,000 employees across all of its campuses in an attempt to mitigate the financial losses from the COVID-19 pandemic."
Another "marginal business." We had to destroy healthcare to save it.
The insanity epidemic takes its toll.
HG Wells got it backwards. The Eloi (the left) are actually eating the Morlocks (those disfigured monsters who make the machines run). Per the line in LOTR stated, "I think a servant of the Enemy would look fairer and feel fouler." Gavin Newsom of CA gives me that vibe.
How old is this quote? Is anyone besides her still pretending the isolation is to flatten the curve?
Three hotheads arrested from tens of thousands at the So Cal beaches. Oh the humanity.
This is all good news, people. Yes, there are massive lingering economic problems, but the viral problem was oversold and is ending soon.
According to the IMHE at the University of Washington, the epidemic has run 80% of its course. About 54,000 have died in the US, and 68,000 are expected to be the final number. The peak was April 15. By May 11 or 12, this sucker flatlines. Source: IMHE
The restless crowds are starting to understand that they were greatly mislead by fear-mongering and scare-mongering. The ones financial hurt will be the most pissed. The quicker we reopen, the better we can mitigate the damage.
Yes, the Dem Governors will slow-walk the reopening, but hey, shout-out to Minnesota!
As MN starts to reopen for businesses, small retailers eagerly await their turn
No need to engage the usual dumbkopfs here.
Keep Hope Alive! And Let the people work! (healthy, not over 70, no symptoms, no pre-existing diseases, of course).
Another "marginal business." [Sebastian]
What makes you call the Mayo Clinic marginal, Sebastian? You know something the rest of the world doesn't?
Did the White protestors burn anything down? Did they loot any stores? Asking for a friend.
Meanwhile, over in Minnesota:
"The median age of people who have died from COVID-19 in Minnesota is 83, while the median age of confirmed cases is 52. At least three-quarters of people who have died with COVID-19 in Minnesota were in group-living facilities.”
It's the second coming of the plague, I tell you.
Scratch a leftie and you'll find a tyrant screaming to get out. They do love to exercise their power. Does anyone have any trouble imagining the killing fields and gulags if anyone like Howard or Freder ever got their oily palms on the levers of power? But they, like this big neck-snapping fat girl, LaKeshia, mean oh-so well.
- Krumhorn
By the way, I've looked at over a dozen pubished photos of the event, and I can't find even one Confederate flag. That's just another leftie dog whistle.
Meanwhile, I don't see any store windows broken, looting, or cars burning. Apparently, not enough lefties or antifa thugs in the crowd for that.
- Krumhorn
Stupidity like this will result in another surprise spike in white turnout helping Trump. You'd think they would have learned from 2016.
take rocket surgeon suzi orman, she says non chalantly it will take a year to recover, have she thought that through?
Fact one: Milwaukee has never had a Republican, Libertarian or Green mayor.
Fact two: Milwaukee has only had Socialists or Democrats as a mayor.
Fact three: Fact number one and two is why the African American population in Milwaukee fares so poorly in economic opportunities, graduation from high school and college, health outcomes and so highly in single parent homes.
Fact four: Milwaukee is the most segregated city in America and Madison is not far behind.
These facts are why LaKeisha does not understand history of WWII or the bill of rights
Hari said...
The death rate in the US is 169 per million, in WI is 47 per million. Why is WI still shut down?"
Excellent point. There are 3200 counties in the US. This lockdown insanity should be limited to the high risk counties. And within them to the most likely to affected severely individuals. Someone should remind the bloviating moronic governor of NY Andrew Cuomo of that since he has blood on his hands.
Is everyone certain this wasn't a quote from WI Representative Titania McGrath?
@Freder Frederson
Yes, I am racist. Like I said, don't care. Guess who else is racist. Blacks. Were you aware there's a huge amount of intra-black racism in that community? You have no argument because of course you immediately appeal to resorting to that word.
You have nothing to say. Eat dicks.
I found LaKeshia's closest friends whose names begin with K. Some of the names are actually reasonable. The list for Ls was just too long.
Kadisha, Kaja, Kala, Kaleena, Kalina, Kalinda, Kalindi, Kalinna, Kalisa, Kalisha, Kallyn, Kalynda, Kaneasha, Kanita, Karah, Karlene, Karysha, Ka-Sean, Kashawn, Kasmira, K'Brianey, Kea, Keandra, Keisha, Kendria, Kenya, Keshila, Keyna, Khianna, Khryssa, Kiana, Kiaya, Kimberly, Kimberlyn, Kina, Kiona, Kionia, Kishanda, Kishawn, Kiyana, Koyana, Kraystal, K'rin, Krislyn, Kadema, Kamau, Karam, Karlus, Kasen, Kaven, Kaynard, Keandre, Kenard, Kendell, Kendrick, Kenton, Kenyata, Keon, Keyair, Keyon, Kimbel, Kojo, Kordal, Kordell, Kristion, Kunta, Kwamie
Will someone get that lady an enema? She seems constipated.
In many if not most European countries there a list of acceptable names one can name a child with. I used to be against that but I have come to the realization that they indeed are right. People with stupid names tend to be stupid. Perhaps we should adopt such a list of acceptable names.
"LaKeshia Myers"
Looks French to me.
Amazing how, for some observers, every disputed political issue is reduced to a claim of racial discrimination. Here, publicly petitioning for redress of grievances about the shut-downs ordered by state government ends up as a supposed demonstration of white privilege. Similarly, Trump's earlier ban on entry by non-citizens from China was racist and xenophobic (at least until that became politically inconvenient), as are any attempts to enforce provisions of immigration laws restricting entry or (heaven forbid!) authorizing deportation. The examples could be multiplied without difficulty -- 'environmental justice,' e.g., among many others. Just look at the comments by any university 'diversity officer' on pretty much any topic and you are sure not to be disappointed.
At first, I wondered whether a protest against those aspects of state shut-down orders that lefties don't like (e.g., c-virus inspired restrictions on abortions as non-essential procedures) would get the same 'white privilege/racial discrimination' treatment as this one. But I suspect they would, in that for lefties, those restrictions are all about discriminating against poorer, minority women. That argument usually hinges on the greater barriers (financial and other ones) on those women making it difficult to travel to places where such abortion restrictions don't apply. That argument loses any force when everyone is subject to travel restrictions. But I doubt that details like that will get in the way of the preferred narrative.
Boy Ann, you must be really proud of your readers. You have attracted a new racist who apparently is even worse than the long gone, but not missed, Cedarford.
Named LaKeisha.
It appears that Rep LaKeshia Myers is slow on the draw. Last Friday our Lt. Gov. Man-deadbeat Barns scolded the protesters for being "privileged" and also said they were "selfish" for exposing innocent Madisonians to the virus. I don't believe that Man-deadbeat nor Rep Myers have heard of the US (or WI) constitution let alone read it.
To my fellow capital protesters: Thank you and keep up the good fight.
Krumhorn: "By the way, I've looked at over a dozen pubished photos of the event, and I can't find even one Confederate flag. That's just another leftie dog whistle."
lefty and Ch-anuck dog whistle.
800,000 Americans died ending chattel slavery over 150 years ago
No, only a little over half died ending chattel slavery in the Civil War, the rest died defending it.
Not only are you a racist, but you are a dumbass and dishonest racist.
Gahrie: "Did the White protestors burn anything down? Did they loot any stores? Asking for a friend."
Of course not.
That's how Howard and Inga knew they could attack those protesters since it was clear they weren't antifa, whom the lefties support.
cubanbob - I'd like to see a resurgence of names like Zoroaster and Gautama. We already have a plethora of Jesus', Mohammeds and Abrahams'. On the female side, how about more Yashodharas' and Hvovis'?
Dont laugh-- LaKeisha just may have a Vaccine Named After Her
...ok-- laugh
A few weeks ago on this blog, our hostess posted a reference to an article about the lack of racial breakouts of Covid-19 deaths. I was puzzled by that, given that it is important for everyone, irrespective of ethnicity, to make efforts to both avoid getting the virus and, potentially spreading the virus.
Now it makes sense!
According to worldometers, the death rate for men is about 1.6X higher for men than for women. In my state of Oregon, 54% of the deaths are female. Why does Oregon hate women?
Freder Frederson said... 800,000 Americans died ending chattel slavery over 150 years ago
No, only a little over half died ending chattel slavery in the Civil War, the rest died defending it.
Not only are you a racist, but you are a dumbass and dishonest racist."
Speaking of dumbasses, Freder, you need to learn a bit more about Civil War history.
Howard said...
So in one post Achilles said that the Libtards are reopening the economy by moving the goalposts. it's not what you do when you're dealing with a highly uncertain situation in real time is that based on what you find out you moved the goalposts. Are you just continue to walk into that ambush because you don't want to change your original plan based on over optimistic preliminary intelligence?
Then the next post he decries we are now living in a police state because the libtards are moving forward with reopening the economy. It's time to renew that Adderall prescription
It is stupid Howard today.
Must be that time of month.
I'm sorry that I hurt your vagina, but not sorry for being racist.
Freder Frederson said...
800,000 Americans died ending chattel slavery over 150 years ago
No, only a little over half died ending chattel slavery in the Civil War, the rest died defending it.
Not only are you a racist, but you are a dumbass and dishonest racist.
The Republicans defeated the Democrats who defended slavery.
And we will defeat the racist evil Democrat fascists again.
Sistah, please. I guarantee that not one inner-city pick-up basketball game or stoop gathering has been broken up by the cops on the basis of any lockdown or social distancing command. Not one. Why would the cops? Who needs the grief?
These cities are confetti-bombs, accumulating and then spreading the virus across their states. Whites have the privilege of cleaning up the mess.
"Barns scolded the protesters for being "privileged""
It's bvious that it's the privileged people who are holed up and want to stay the way.
They want you to think privilege is 33% race, 33% sex, 33% religion, and 1% economic. It's actually 99% economic, and that may be understating it.
Boy Ann, you must be really proud of your readers.
At least he's not saying, "Ummm...".
And yet more evidence (Instapundit):
Chirlane McCray was appointed head of (NYC) “coronavirus racial inequality task force.”
Looking into the future, I would expect a synopsis that points to systemic inequality which directly lead to a higher incidence of infection and death rates among the AA population. In order to provide redress, there must be a massive investment of city, state and federal dollars.
But then, I'm kinda cynical.
The distinguished stateswoman referred to the protests as a "deleterious display of demagoguery", thereby surging into the lead in the Alliterative African American Asshole sweepstakes.
"In any other situation, willful non-compliance with the law is met with the full force of law enforcement,"
Sanctuary Cities.
"What do you say to people who will accuse you of violating the governor's order?" WISN 12 News reporter Terry Sater asked the mayor.
"We're not violating the governor's order. We're not encouraging anyone to do anything against the governor's order," Hartford Mayor Timothy Michalak said.
Michalak said starting next week, the city and police will not overtly enforce the state's "Safer at Home" order.
"If we see a small little business with 75 people in it. Are we going to send our police? Yes, we are," Michalak said.
The mayor said he’s not encouraging businesses to open when they could lose insurance coverage violating the governor's order.
Employees, and/or customers might not want to risk exposure to coronavirus.
"All we're doing is telling businesses is that if they make that personal choice of opening up, they take all the risk. And there is risk to opening up," Michalak said.
Hartford business owner Jason Wix said he and his wife's inspirational gift store Faith and Giggles is surviving through online and non-contact pick up sales.
"We have not made a decision either way on whether or not we're going to open our doors," Wix said.
There are a lot of considerations for businesses: installing checkout Plexiglas, limiting customer numbers, wearing masks, customers signing waivers.
"These business owners are also concerned about the safety of not only the public and themselves, you know? But they're also concerned about their business livelihood as well," Wix said.
"We are allowing the freedom of people to make the decision for their business. While recommending strongly that they follow all the CDC guidelines," Michalak said.
The city will release administrative guidelines Monday.
A gentle reminder..
There are 3 separate storms swirling about, causing confusion, uncertainty and fear. (1) the virus (54,000 US dead -- probably cut in half, due to NY over-counting and "presumed" post-mortem diagnoses), (2) the economic fall-out caused by the lockdown (definitely a recession over the 1st 2 quarters of 2020, hopefully not a Depression) and (3) the November election, where there is a 50-50 shot at re-electing Trump, and picking 1 or 2 new SCOTUS justices.
Lotta stuff to get aligned. Lotta anxiety.
Some folks are still struggling to make financial ends meet over these past 2 dreadful months. Those are the folks I worry about most. I haven't met anyone who got Covid-19 or died from it. And, I don't live a sheltered life.
The sunshine of Spring and Summer will definitely help. The decline in numbers will definitely help too. According to the IMHE at the Univ of Wash, we hit peak death on April 15. We're on the downward slope of the bell-shaped curve according to Farr's Law.
Carry on for 2 more weeks, Comrade.
From the post: "yet when the protestors are predominantly white and male defiance is rewarded with inaction and complacency...."
The 2011 Capitol protests may not have been male-dominated, but they were pretty much white. See the photo in this article from the archives.
in other news,
If this abrogation of the constitutional rights is not resisted, it will be repeated often.
No, only a little over half died ending chattel slavery in the Civil War, the rest died defending it.
Not only are you a racist, but you are a dumbass and dishonest racist.
Field Marshal Freder is lecturing us on history again. The Confederate soldiers were disproportionately non-slave owners. They had different motives for fighting. It was Sherman who ended the war by invading the slaveowners territory and burning down their mansions. He avoided the poor farms unless his soldiers were attacked.
Thousands of freed slaves followed Sherman's army and, under the supervision of Mother Bickerdyke, build kitchens and hospitals to feed and care for the union army.
Sanctuary state? Hmmmm. Enforcing laws? Hmmm. Through the Looking Glass yet?
Some wise person once wrote that some AfAm mommas want to give their offspring every advantage in life--like an unusual, hard-to-spell-and-recall name, which is a boost up!
It's interesting to me that AfAm names are so gendered and diverge so much-- the boys get Cedric, James, Charles, and Gerald, and the girls get names out of a Scrabble hand.
Somebody's in trouble now . . .
Bagoh at 1:00... You beat me to it. French dashiki?
In any other situation, willful non-compliance with the law is met with the full force of law enforcement
Privileged white people protest against unjust and incoherent orders.
Non-privileged black people cower under their beds on a white woman's orders.
Something racist is going on. Very much like 19th century America South where black people cowered on a white person's say-so. An ugly reminder of an ugly history.
One can be direct without being uncivil or abusive, there is an irony in the fact that Milwaukee has been the worse affected in the state, yes miss myers deigns to lecture us on things we have done wrong,
Actually, Dr. Michael K, Lee's ANV (which has been studied most thoroughly) was OVER-stacked with slave owners/members of slave-holding families, out of proportion to their numbers in the white Southern population. (IIRC, Glaathaar?)
That was probably true of all CS armies by 1863 or so--they knew good and damn well they were fighting for slavery, and that material interest plus the racist ideology go a long way to explaining the tenacity of Southern soldiers like my ggf.
Bad Cause, Proud Fight
MADISON – On Friday afternoon, Governor Tony Evers responded to a letter from Senator Van Wanggaard (R-Racine) and other State Senate Republicans seeking information into the decision-making process behind the Stay-at-Home extension. In his response to Republicans, Evers twice hints at extending Safer-At-Home through the summer[i]. Evers answer also states that 35% of all Wisconsin employers may close[ii] forcing over 725,000 people to permanently lose their jobs.[iii]
After reviewing the response over the weekend, Wanggaard issued the following statement:
“I appreciate the Governor sharing his insights into his decision-making process. It is clear that he has put at least some thought into his decision-making. But Evers response, as far as it goes, shows the frightening results of his decisions.
“It appears that Evers’ is actively thinking about extending Safer at Home into and possibly through the summer at the cost of almost three-quarters of a million people losing their jobs. Given his admission that the length of “Safer-at-Home” has no impact on lessening a substantial peak overwhelming hospitals, substantially extending the “Safer-at-Home” order makes little sense.
“It’s disturbing to know that the Governor apparently realizes that his order is costing four times more jobs than the Great Recession,[iv] and that he is literally doubling down the Safer-at-Home order.
“And yet, despite nearly half of the state’s cases in the last week coming from one county, and mammoth areas of the state with little to no infections, the Governor had no response to questions about regionalization as President Trump’s plan allows. And Evers didn’t answer specific questions about why his Badger Bounce Back plan gating criteria has differences from Trump’s Opening America Plan. These differences appear slight in wording, but are substantially more difficult to obtain.[v]
“We may all be in this together, but we don’t need to cripple all of us for the pandemic located in a few counties. If we continue with our current strategy much further, Wisconsin won’t be devastated by the virus, it will be utterly demolished by Governor Evers’ response to it.
“I urge, and beg, Governor Evers and Secretary-Designee Palm to engage in constructive planning with legislative leadership to start to find a way back to normal and soon. That means actually working with legislative leaders, and not dictating to them in staff meetings once a day.”
Evers' Shocking Response to Senate Republicans
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: Not one single question from the Sunday shows or one statement from the brave, empowered female Veep-sters about Biden.
Worse, 3 years on and not one question to Barry about Spy-Gate. NOT A SINGLE ONE. EVER.
And now, the same doctor who funded the Wuhan Bat-Lab–reportedly against orders–is in charge of our medical response to that lab. NOBODY EVEN THINKS ITS WORTH ASKING HIM ABOUT IT.
It’s surreal to me. They say we have a Free Press.
Actually, Dr. Michael K, Lee's ANV (which has been studied most thoroughly) was OVER-stacked with slave owners/members of slave-holding families,
Link ? I have spent a bit of time on this and on the medical history of both armies.
I once went boating on Lakeisha.
There is no group of people more unqualified to hold elected office than black women.
Well, unless ruining your community is the goal, I guess. Then they are perfect.
This is frozen concentrated Why I Am A Libertarian. The corporations just want my money. The government wants my compliance (and they make all the rules about when they get to shoot me if I don't comply.)
Seattle Times ran an editorial about similar protests in Olympia. Author called them "manufactured" protests.
My question: aren't they all? How is a lefty protest not....manufactured?
Urban dictionary gives Lakeisha some positive connotations, but then, people can make up and post whatever they want there. You can also find people on line who through no fault of their own were named Lakeisha by their mothers giving the haters some pushback, as well as people claiming it means something in Swahili. Depending on how you spell it, google translate gives "feed," "download," and "It ends" as possible translations, also "watch out" or "cashier" or "hanging." Swahili spelling looks to be almost as confusing as English.
pacwest said...
In any other situation, willful non-compliance with the law is met with the full force of law enforcement
I was thinking of expressing my concern about the racially charged messaging of earlier posts. I wondered, if only for a moment, why the proprietors didn’t take it down.
Then I remembered the mass email I received yesterday from the “fair maps” PAC All on The LINE, with a first-person letter under the name Barack Obama. You remember, the classy well mannered president with fairness for all and malice toward none.
Every voter has the right to fair and safe elections, it began, “but as we saw in Wisconsin’s elections last month, we are fighting against forces who are willing to use the tragedy of a pandemic to compromise our democracy.”
Wow. As a non-Hillary-voting Wisconsinite, I sort of knew I was deplorable, but to be called a democracy hating murderer by our beloved and presidential former president sort of hurts. The gloves are off
Actually, Dr. Michael K, Lee's ANV (which has been studied most thoroughly) was OVER-stacked with slave owners/members of slave-holding families,
If you were referring to officers, I agree with you. As to enlisted, I disagree and would like to see a link.
Lemme see if I can 'splain it to ya, lady:
And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.
And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.
Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.
Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.
Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.
But not only that:
Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.
From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
Thank you. It's my privilege. And yours, too.
"In any other situation, willful non-compliance with the law is met with the full force of law enforcement." That's news to law abiding residents of Baltimore. The then-mayor declared that rioters, most of whom were African American, needed space to vent, let loose or whatever other term she used to excuse wanton violence and property damage.
"In any other situation, willful non-compliance with the law is met with the full force of law enforcement."
-- Is it though? I mean, Occupy Whatever didn't. Antifa riots don't. Sanctuary cities, don't. The people in Nevada, was it?, who took over a ranger stand didn't. Hillary Clinton's emails didn't.
In fact, the full force of the law seems to very rarely be applied to people in willful non-compliance with the law. And, in fact, I think were the full force of the law always applied to people in willful non-compliance with the law, that *would be a bad thing.*
Badger Bounce Back Isn’t A Plan To Reopen
"As for the second requirement of 14 consecutive days of a downward trend in COVID-19-like illness, Wisconsin’s daily new diagnoses of COVID-19 has been bouncing around between 130 – 200 a day for a few weeks now. This week, because of Brown County, we are up to 216. Some days we are up. Some days we are down. Everyone agrees that we have successfully contained the spread of COVID-19 in Wisconsin but we have not experienced 14 consecutive days heading down. It is improbable that Wisconsin will see daily diagnoses decrease each day for 14 days straight any time soon. In reality, it would be six months from now, at the earliest, that we would see such a complete and absolute drop.
Evers clarified for reporters during his announcement that the requirement is, indeed, for 14 “straight” days of decline. So if we are heading downward for 7 consecutive days and then on the 8th day, we pop back up, maybe back up even for a couple of days, the timeline to satisfy this requirement resets all the way back to day 1. He also explained that everything must decline simultaneously. Therefore, if there is one day of increased reporting for flu-like symptoms, which is likely given how widespread the flu is, we start the count over for everything.
What if it takes until the fall for COVID-19 symptoms and diagnoses to be on the decline for two weeks? By then, the seasonal flu may be back on the rise, which will prevent the state from meeting the conditions to move to the next phase, or even stay in whatever phase in which we happen to be. "
"The fourteenth requirement is probably the most ambiguous of all the requirements, and that is saying something. The fourteenth requirement states that we must “assess the need for and readiness to support surge capacity for our healthcare system.” Again, Governor Evers is scant on details or metrics. What exactly “support surge capacity” would look like isn’t given a framework in this plan. Does this refer to the alternative care facilities at the State Fair Park and the Alliant Energy Center, or does it refer to other measures the administration has yet to tell us about? The requirement also raises the question, yet again, what has the DHS been doing up until now if number fourteen is a brand new concept that needed to be included in this new plan? The language is extremely generic and allows for the Evers administration to decide–without measurement–that the state is still not doing enough to meet this requirement and keep us in lockdown for however long they see fit."
"What the Badger Bounce Back plan lacks the most is common sense and reality. Wisconsin is not New York. Wisconsin is not California. As of April 26, Wisconsin had identified 5,911 COVID-19 virus diagnoses, 1,397 hospitalizations, and 272 of our fellow Wisconsinites have passed away from the virus. Life is precious and the loss of life cannot and should not be minimalized. Thank God we have experienced far fewer deaths and hospitalizations than any of the hot spot states. Unlike other states, Wisconsin has also never experienced the surge that overwhelmed our hospitals and our healthcare system that some gravely predicted. So why is Evers forcing on Wisconsin a plan more appropriate for a hot spot state? The same plan that is necessary for New York to respond and recover will not work for Wisconsin and is unnecessary. Gov Evers needs to start creating a solution that works for Wisconsin."
"The first requirement is 14 consecutive days where reports of influenza-like illness show a downward trend. The second requirement is 14 consecutive days where reports of COVID-19-like illness show a downward trend. The third requirement is a “downward trajectory of positive [COVID-19] tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period.”
What immediately jumps out is the strange addition of the requirement that flu-like illness show a downward trend. This is a COVID-19 public health emergency, not an influenza public health emergency. The two diseases have not been connected nor discussed in tandem since this began. Why now? Every flu season is widespread across Wisconsin and the entire country. According to DHS, there were 17,000 diagnosed flu cases last season, and that’s with a flu vaccine. We haven’t been able to prevent the spread of the flu before COVID-19, so why does the Evers administration think we will be able to show a downward trend of the flu for 14 consecutive days while we are trying to contain COVID-19?"
Narr said...
Actually, Dr. Michael K, Lee's ANV (which has been studied most thoroughly) was OVER-stacked with slave owners/members of slave-holding families, out of proportion to their numbers in the white Southern population. (IIRC, Glaathaar?)
Not after April, 1862 when the CS Congress passed the Second Conscription Act which exempted anyone owning more that 20 slaves and plantation overseers from mandatory service. It was not well received in the South as it allowed most of the Planter class to leave the army once their initial enlistments were up. (Regiments formed in 1861 had enlisted for a year and the Conscription Acts were passed to keep them in service. Also, this occurred prior to Lee taking command of the ANV in June.)
The food shortages are coming in 3,2,1... as Tyson decides what to do with its millions of chickens and the big pork processors decide what to do.
The city slickers, like Howard and ARM, have no idea what is coming as they deplore the deplorables who feed them.
Good point, North. I still say the Confederate armies were mostly non-slave holders.
That's a reason why Sherman, who knew the south very well, avoided the small towns and farms unless his soldiers were attacked.
the IMHE at the University of Washington
It was bullshit from the get-go. IMHE is funded by that medical savant Bill Gates,D-China.
Their projected numbers keep getting lowered and they STILL can't get down to the actual number.
Hi LaKeshia! I just want you to know that I support your hypothesis about the response to white protests being apathetic, and would go further to say that it's a symbol of white supremacy. You girls say that everything from mayo to Netflix originals is white supremacy, right? But this is particularly important, because it's proof of "Trev's Theory on American Diversity." This theory states that the Northern American Becky's tolerance of atrocities is inversely related to her potential to personally suffer the consequences. Let me cite some historical examples.
South Africa: Oh, how terrible! All that rape and murder is because white farmers are oppressing the poor black folk!
The Southern United States: I don't wanna go to a civil rights march, but they really shouldn't beat black people and turn water cannons on them.
Tribals on the American Frontier: The red savages want to raid my homestead? TORTURE THEM, RAPE THEM, POUR SALT IN THEIR VAG.
Anyways! Your comments are putting you square in the third category, where Becky demands blood. They'll probably have no quarrel with someone decreeing that all LaKeshias are to be killed on sight. You might find this unlikely, but ask yourself: have you met a Shawnadithit lately? No, you have not, and that is a more thoughtful name than LaKeshia. Govern yourself accordingly.
The city slickers, like Howard and ARM, have no idea what is coming as they deplore the deplorables who feed them.
And many, if not most, of the workers at the processing plants and the people who pick the crops, are the immigrants of color you deplore.
Yeah, those two week meat plant closures are going to doom the food system.
Or so says the people who have consistently told us that covid models are wrong and climate models are wrong.
Yet they blather endless about the economy crashing, though never mention what data or model they are claiming this prediction from .... now they are all miraculously prediction experts about the food system (along with medicine, climate, and every other subject that comes their way).
What a fucking joke
Tim: "the IMHE at the University of Washington
It was bullshit from the get-go."
True, but very useful in going on record with actual predictions, the actual failure of which required constant downward adjustment, from which we can usefully learn that they knew next to nothing, that they were guessing worse than us skeptics, and that science deserves no special obedience.
There had been an exemption of one White man who owned twenty or more slaves and of the overseers of plantations with 20 or more slaves, but as I understand it that was changed with the effect that the automatic exemption for overseers was removed. One man would be exempted from duty for every plantation (or set of plantations under the same owner less that five miles apart from each other) that had 20 or more slaves. That could be the slaveowner, or his son, or the overseer. Odds are that someone from the plantation would be serving in spite of the exemption.
The exemptions caused much grumbling among non-slaveowners in the ranks, but the number of those who took the exemption was relatively small. It wasn't like most big slaveowners didn't serve the Confederacy, either in the military or the government. If there was a great exodus of slaveowners from the Army, where is the evidence? And the grumbling was mostly among soldiers in areas where there were few slaves. Where there were more slaves it was felt that somebody needed to stay behind to keep them in line.
We do know that slaveowning families were overrepresented among the volunteers who joined the Confederate Army in the early days of the war. They didn't necessarily own slaves themselves, but their fathers or mothers or brothers did. Others aspired to be slaveowners or had other connections to the slave trade.
What the situation was later in the war after more and more poor men who didn't own slaves were drafted I don't know, but those men were also more likely to go AWOL or desert than those who had volunteered were. There were more non-slaveowners than slaveowners in the army, but were non-slaveowners really "overrepresented"? That is far less likely. And if you were drafted against your will, you might still be fighting for slavery, albeit against your will.
"It was bullshit from the get-go. IMHE is funded by that medical savant Bill Gates,D-China."
March 16 - the Imperial College of London - Dr. Neil Ferguson - come up with the bullshit 2.2 Million death "projection" that rocked the world
March 26 - IMHE (Univ of Wash) separately predicted 81,000 deaths (and have tweaked it 2 or 3 times since).
They Imperial College folks are dastardly fuckheads, but the IMHE has been reasonably good. (No, not a fan of Bill Gates, just a mere reporter of events)
The Confederate soldiers were disproportionately non-slave owners.
So what? The rich almost always get the poor to fight their wars for them (you could easily buy your way out of the draft in the Union Army). Somewhere around a third of white southerners owned slaves, so if two-thirds of Confederate soldiers were not slave owners, that is not disproportionate. Regardless, they were still fighting for a system that depended on slave labor.
Lefty Mark: "Or so says the people who have consistently told us that covid models are wrong and climate models are wrong."
We don't have 11 million dead. Or 2 million dead.
We were told 10 years ago snowfalls would be a thing of the past.
We found out just last week that every single climate model (wink wink) was using massively incorrect data for dust in the atmosphere (there is actually 4 times the dust in the atmosphere than the models predicted)
Not a single climate prediction has come true in 40 years.
So, uh, yeah, tell us more about your models.
Lefty Mark: "Yet they blather endless about the economy crashing, though never mention what data or model they are claiming this prediction from...."
We could start with unemployment and move on to bankruptcies private and public.
According to lefty Mark, parroting Ken B, apparently we havent crashed our economy.
Well, that is certainly one hot take.
Howard said...
"Three hotheads arrested from tens of thousands at the So Cal beaches. Oh the humanity. "
The "tens of thousands" were on Orange, San Diego and Ventura county beaches that had reopened. The 3 arrested and multiple cited and/or chased off the beach were in Los Angeles county.
You know who really doesn't believe in the hoax climate models?
obambi and Bill Gates, newish owners of beachfront property that for some reason is still being sold at top dollar.
Now how can that be given the oceans must be rising and will submerge coastlines according to the climate models?
Its almost like the elites feed the Lefty Mark's of the world nonsense and keep them riled up and then those same elites pretty much live in whatever fashion they choose based on reality.
Leftist protestors always disrupt things and people with no consequences. If they get arrested at all they’re released without charges and home before dinner.
A year or two ago they closed the Bay Bridge in SF over some liberal cause or another, disrupting all kinds of working people just trying to make it home. Dangerous and could have easily turned tragic. No consequences.
So now a protest (constitutional rights we’re all supposed to be entitled to exercise), protesting the government taking away our most basic freedom, liberty, and the left has a problem with it. OMG OMG people aren’t conforming to over the top unconstitutional orders! Arrest them!
Jay Weber
If Gov Evers was smart, he'd meet with repubs & WMC to come up with an organized plan to reopen WI starting soon- so health officials can monitor it.
Otherwise, he's going to get a chaotic and uncontrollable
F-U reopening as he is written off as being unreasonable & immovable.
The "tens of thousands" were on Orange, San Diego and Ventura county beaches that had reopened. The 3 arrested and multiple cited and/or chased off the beach were in Los Angeles county.
On the 3 that were arrested in Encinitas, the mayor said it seemed to her "they were making a political statement".
No problem stating publicly you had your political opponents arrested.
"On the 3 that were arrested in Encinitas, the mayor said it seemed to her "they were making a political statement"."
-- I bet every defense lawyer in the area heard a cash register when the mayor said that.
So what? The rich almost always get the poor to fight their wars for them (you could easily buy your way out of the draft in the Union Army). Somewhere around a third of white southerners owned slaves, so if two-thirds of Confederate soldiers were not slave owners, that is not disproportionate. Regardless, they were still fighting for a system that depended on slave labor.
For once, I agree wholeheartedly with Frodor. It's a very good things that the Republicans were around to kick those Dem asses and burn their homes to the ground. May have to reprise that scene.
- Krumhorn
Not political opponents, Browndog... just a few attention whores.
Pritzker gets pushback:
Judge Grants Restraining Order to Block Extended Stay-at-Home Order
WI repubs have WI SCOTUS submission pending
Did you find a suitable house to buy, Howie?
Howard: "Not political opponents, Browndog... just a few attention whores."
Like Refusniks, right Howard?
The food shortages are coming in 3,2,1... as Tyson decides what to do with its millions of chickens and the big pork processors decide what to do.
Just back from the local Fry's. They were completely out of chicken, but not beef or fish.
The shelves were pretty well stocked for early afternoon. I no longer bother to check the toilet paper or cleaning product aisles.
Around 60% of people were wearing masks. I was quite fashionable in a Statue of Liberty mask that I wear for show.
Mark said...
Yeah, those two week meat plant closures are going to doom the food system.
Or so says the people who have consistently told us that covid models are wrong and climate models are wrong.
Yet they blather endless about the economy crashing, though never mention what data or model they are claiming this prediction from .... now they are all miraculously prediction experts about the food system (along with medicine, climate, and every other subject that comes their way).
Is this post meant to be a parody?
It kinda seems as if the poster was trying really hard to post the dumbest and most self contradictory set of points possible.
If we knew the general point of view of the poster it would be easier to detect an attempt at humor.
Just saying.
"Actually, Dr. Michael K, Lee's ANV (which has been studied most thoroughly) was OVER-stacked with slave owners/members of slave-holding families"
That must have been a mighty small army.
Drago, you were among those saying that Covid wouldn't kill many.
Until you honestly assess your contributions here, go fuck yourself
@North and @Doctor M K---
I have been out, so let me clarify one thing-- I didn't say that the enlisted ranks of Lee's ANV were "mostly SH/MSHF". What is meant is that those categories are over-represented statistically, not that they are "most." Of course to be a CS ossifer slaveowning was almost a basic requirement.
But, do you have any idea how many able-bodied men were lost to CS ranks because of the Twenty Slave Law? Very few, but if you want to come up with a precise number, go ahead--I'll look at some sources myself. I proposed one from memory, but I don't own it.
Conscript soldiers were less likely to own or crave slaves, and to their great credit many realized that with no material interest of theirs directly at stake, and perhaps hailing from a place where they rarely saw black people or Yankees anyway, it didn mak no snse to git shot.
But I need to test my sweetness and eat. I'll be back after that and checking some places.
I called it Lee's ANV because that's what it was from spring '62 to spring '65.
Lefty Mark: "Drago, you were among those saying that Covid wouldn't kill many."
Another lie.
Go ahead and post the link. Should be easy to do, right?
Listen up Lefty Mark, until you honestly assess your contributions here....well, who are we kidding? you aren't actually capable of making contributions here or anywhere else.
BTW, here's some guidance: Never go Full Inga/Ken B. It won't work out for you....
No we're just getting started on the house hunting. We've got three months to get out of here so we're just pretty much getting the lay of the land right now and then see what happens with prices over the next month or two.
I had to look refusenik up Drago. In the late 80s I hired a recent Russian emigre who happened to be Jewish. Apparently they let him out because his father-in-law was rather high up in the KGB. He was a super smart guy, but oh my God he couldn't drive to save his life. He did environmental work in Soviet Union and ended up inadvertently digging up one of Stalin's Mass Graves.
It was pretty cool because the Berlin Wall fell while he was still working for us.
Sounds like State Rep. Myers decided it was time to get some publicity.
I once went boating on Lakeisha.
-isha just means it's a female.
Howard: "It was pretty cool because the Berlin Wall fell while he was still working for us."
I'll bet he enjoyed that.
BTW, thoughts on Brady/Gronk becoming pirates?
So, do I have this right? LaKeisha Myers is calling the people running Wisconsin racists?
The exemptions caused much grumbling among non-slaveowners in the ranks, but the number of those who took the exemption was relatively small.
So, what? First the law exempted one white man for every 20 slaves. that meant if a large plantation had 40 slaves - TWO white men were exempt. Second, if the plantation owner could show that food or horses/mules were being produced for the the Confederate Army then additional men could be exempt. Further, until 1864, substitutes could be hired in your place. And to top it off Judges, Government officials, clergy, and schoolteachers & newspaper editors were all exempt.
The Civil war was a "rich man's war, and a poor man's fight"
I love Brady and Gronk together. The wife follows Gronk on Twitter because he reminds her of me when I was a young man only he's much smarter. I've been doing a lot of his workout and dance routines to help stay in shape. If I posted it online I would blow up tik tok in a day.
The best source on the ANV numbers is Joseph Glatthaar; he did the statistical study in 2008, which sustained the commonsensical conclusion that PROPORTIONALLY slave-holding and slave-family soldiers were over-represented in ANV ranks.
I did NOT say at any time that MOST of the ANV soldiers were from the slave-holding class--that would have been STUPID, and was not what I recalled anyway. I would venture that in MOST CS armies a similar demo would be found-- the more you and your family had invested in the system, the more likely you would be to show up for the fight.
As to exemptions from the CS forces, there were only something like 10k families in the entire Southland with 20 or more slaves--at most, assuming every such soldier was a coward and went home--the loss would be maybe 2500 soldiers. Not crippling. The rear area and civil service were full of the kind of shitbirds and goldbricks found in all such organizations, and most of them were, I'd wager, slaveholding shitbirds and goldbricks.
It was about slavery, start to finish, top to bottom, and the slavers put their lives where their mouths were--the braver slavers anyway.
ref. Glatthaar Army Northern Virginia Encyclopedia
All the protesters are going to get sick and die. Isn't that punishment enough?
Were all the anti-Walker protesters arrested?
Somewhere around a third of white southerners owned slaves, so if two-thirds of Confederate soldiers were not slave owners,
Historian Freder is about to give us a link to the data that 1/3 of southerners owned slaves,.
Thanks for the feedback Doc K, North, Lurker21, rcocean, Freder, did I leave anyone out?
I looked through Long's CW Day by Day and Boatner, which are the only two references convenient right now, but w/o finding much.
About 2014 I reviewed a book about the losses of the ANV, based on newly discovered (yep!) sources, but damned if I can recall the title or author now. It may have some info in this regard. Or not.
Bedtime soon
Howard: "I've been doing a lot of his workout and dance routines to help stay in shape. If I posted it online I would blow up tik tok in a day."
Meanwhile, in Denver, we are about to see if speed at every ball handling position (I don't like to refer to them as the "skill" positions since all the positions require skill) and a mobile young quarterback can compensate for an offensive tackle problem that has existed for 5 friggin' years in the same Division as the World Champs.
Sorry, we no longer accept American Express or the Race Card.
"In any other situation, willful non-compliance with the law is met with the full force of law enforcement.."
Oh honey, bless your heart.
Lakesha, yo big dummee!
Historian Freder is about to give us a link to the data that 1/3 of southerners owned slaves,.
Here you go:
The 1860 census shows that in the states that would soon secede from the Union, an average of more than 32 percent of white families owned slaves.
Sheesh, It's not like I was claiming that nobody survives breast cancer in the U.K.
First the law exempted one white man for every 20 slaves. that meant if a large plantation had 40 slaves - TWO white men were exempt.
No, if you had 40 slaves on one plantation only one white man would be exempt. If you had 20 slaves on one plantation and 20 slaves on another plantation farther than 5 miles away, two White men would have been exempt. Some families were like that, but not many.
The Civil war was a "rich man's war, and a poor man's fight"
I wouldn't disagree with that. The slaveowners got non-slaveowners to do a lot of fighting for them. The early enthusiasm and the volunteers came disproportionately from families who owned slaves or were connected to slavery. The later draftees came more from non-slaveowning families.
The feeling that the exemptions were unfair was stronger among soldiers who came from areas where there were few slaves, though. And while it was a "rich man's war and a poor man's fight," most rich families had somebody fighting in the war, a very different situation from how it's been in more recent wars.
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