৬ এপ্রিল, ২০২০

"Large numbers of people flocked to popular tourists sites and major cities across China over the country's holiday weekend..."

"... despite warnings from health authorities that the risk posed by the coronavirus pandemic remains far from over. Images from the Huangshan mountain park in Anhui province on Saturday April 4 showed thousands of people crammed together, many wearing face masks, eager to experience the great outdoors after months of travel restrictions and strict lockdown measures. A similar story played out in the capital Beijing, with locals flocking to the city's parks and open spaces...."

CNN reports.

What's going on? I have thoughts on the subject, but I decline to put them in writing.

১১৪টি মন্তব্য:

rhhardin বলেছেন...

It might be a fire drill.

rcocean বলেছেন...

The masks offer a lot of protection. Also, China is a huge country. Its quite possible for parts to be unaffected (relatively) by the virus, while other parts are struggling with it. This also plays into the Chi-coms propaganda that they have "licked the virus".

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Hating on that phrase "Large numbers of people flocked" What does that actually mean? Why not just say "People flocked". It's not like a flock of people is some small number of them.

Coming soon to a country you live in I'm sure. Memorial Day weekend crowds at the beach. 4th of July.

chickelit বলেছেন...

What's going on? I have thoughts on the subject, but I decline to put them in writing.

If you decline to express your thoughts, then people will impute them.

It might be a fire drill.


Original Mike বলেছেন...

"China is Asshole."

rcocean বলেছেন...

small numbers can "flock". 100 people could form a flock. 20 Geese form a flock. This is tens of thousands. That's a "huge flock".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Thanks, China. Please don't travel outside your borders until you expel your Chi-Com "leaders"

Wish we could help.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

China is Asshole

Kevin বলেছেন...

They are doing everything before us, which is good for us.

We can learn from their example at each step of the journey, with both negative and positive examples.

If we will.

JAORE বলেছেন...

China should still be on flock down.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Chinese Fire Drill. Nobody says that anymore. Guess with nuclear weapons, and soon to have the world's largest economy, stereotyping the Chinese as "incompetent" doesn't make sense anymore.

Greg the class traitor বলেছেন...

Chinese authorities keep on saying that China has the Wuhan Flu licked, that they are no more cases in China.

That's what the Chinese people hear. That's all they hear, if they listen to official gov't sources.

So, why shouldn't they go out and enjoy themselves?

Ken B বলেছেন...

The communist government has been lying, to the world and to its people.

Noted communist lies
It’s just a flu.
It only affects the old, the halt, the infirm. (Old, halt, infirm lives don’t really matter anyway.)
All the projections are way too high, it’s just not that dangerous.

Limited blogger বলেছেন...


Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

China has 1.4 Billion people. Hard to keep them indoors.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

"China is Asshole."

"Mao crazy man!" -- Chinese woman who was forced to live in a cave and had her radio stolen by the Authorities.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

When your block captain tells you to go shopping or go to the mountain park, you go.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Speaking of China. David Frum just doubled down. He says it's a good thing that most of our antibiotics are produced in China. Only in China. New column in the Atlantic, which I decline to link.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

When you hear the guy with the grinder cutting the welds on your apt door, I imagine you'd feel a mixture of relief and trepidation.

Greg the class traitor বলেছেন...

Hi Ken,

MN is doing a good job presenting their numbers for Chinese Coronavirus cases:


Note the linear growth in cases over a relatively long period of time.


Go to MN. A "Stay at Home" order was issued March 27. "Non essential services" have not been closed. Travel has not been limited.

So, please tell us how MN fits in with your beliefs about how the CCV will affect us, and what we should do about it.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

What can be said about people who eat bat soup?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The Chi-Com - Democrat party/ hack press money link.

It's linked.

vrooman বলেছেন...

forced march

I Callahan বলেছেন...

You can only lock people up for so long before they say “screw you, I’m going out”?

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

People can’t empathize with what it truly means to be poor in that country, to live in a too-small space with too many people, to not have enough money to buy food for a long duration or anywhere to store it if they did. People don’t know what it’s like to live in a food desert where fresh fruit and vegetables are unavailable and nutrient-deficient deep-fried bats are cheap and exist in abundance.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Speaking of the Atlantic, here's a good article:


jeremyabrams বলেছেন...

Maybe the regime wants to solve it's "we'll get old before we get rich" problem by letting the virus rip. Is that what AA won't say? I feel invited to speculate.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

I have a tendency to be skeptical of pretty much every story that comes out of China whether it be good or bad. I just don't trust that this story isn't just propaganda meant to reassure the rest of the world (as in "See! We're over the virus! Everything's fine here! Business as usual!"). At the same time, I don't completely assume that there isn't some truth to it either. It's true that the Chineses government lies, suppresses information, tries to paint a rosier picture than reality. But it's also true that they can't supress everything, that the unvarnished truth leaks out on occasion.

I think it's best to treat China as a black box. We can't say for sure what's ever really going on in there, we can only see the inputs and outputs.

China is dangerous to do business with. It's a faustian pact. You might get cheap labor but you also get all the bagage that comes with getting involved with an amoral authoritarian regime. You get lied too. You get exploited. You get your property stolen. Your media gets infiltrated to influence your populace. In the future, I hope the global community understands these simple truths about China.

rcocean বলেছেন...

"David Frum just doubled down. He says it's a good thing that most of our antibiotics are produced in China. Only in China"

The only interesting thing about David Frum, is this: Why does he have a job? He's bounced from position to position, from one media outlet to another, over the last 30 years. No matter how wrong he is, no matter how low the quality of his thought, he's ALWAYS employed. Like Jennifer Rubin or Max Boot, he lied for years about being a "Conservative" and now has tossed off the mask, and is living large as a "moderate Democrat" and Trump hater". Like Bill Kristol, he's always wrong, and always employed.

Calypso Facto বলেছেন...

"He says it's a good thing that most of our antibiotics are produced in China." (emphasis added)

Fake news: Why You Shouldn't Trust Anyone Who Claims 80 Percent of America's Drugs Come From China. "There are only three drugs on the WHO essential medicines list whose active ingredients are sourced entirely in China, the FDA found. They are capreomycin and streptomycin, which are used to treat tuberculosis, and sulfadiazine, which is used to treat trachoma, among other things."

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

At least the poor children in China can still afford cigarettes, unlike in Chicago:

"The combined federal, state, county, and local tax on a pack of 20 cigarettes in the city of Chicago, in Cook County, Illinois, is $7.42, the highest in the entire country."

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

But American's can't go to Church on Easter.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Wikipedia explains Chinese fire drill and adds Chinese home run - a foul ball hit into the stands behind the catcher, Chinese puzzle - a puzzle with no solution, and Chinese ace, an inept pilot. These are all not funny.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

Pro tip: If you're going to use a mask, don't wear it on your chin or under your nose.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Omaha mayor has threatened to close the parks if too many people start using them.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

What can be said about people who eat bat soup?

Confuciuos say, Man who eat bat soup soon layin' coughin'

Francisco D বলেছেন...

What can be said about people who eat bat soup?

This soup tastes funny.

More MSG please.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Like Jennifer Rubin or Max Boot, he lied for years about being a "Conservative" and now has tossed off the mask, and is living large as a "moderate Democrat" and Trump hater". Like Bill Kristol, he's always wrong, and always employed.

They each have a core audience of haters and people like Althouse link to them constantly just to stir things up. Seriously, I would have never even heard of these people if I didn't read Althouse. That being said, Althouse's readers are addicted to junk news.

Ken B বলেছেন...

I think each jurisdiction should take measures tailored to their own circumstances. Here we are doing something similar. Most businesses are shut but not all. Restaurants are usually open for takeout.the local micro brewery is open for window sales. Costco is open, but limiting customers in the place at one time. I am told they installed plexiglass at the checkouts but have not been. We have travel advisories but as far as I know no outright proscription. My wife takes out her parents garbage for example, which is a drive.
I don’t support total lockdowns like they have in Michigan, and never have.

Have you bought into the idea that the only choices are total lockdown or free for all?

Ken B বলেছেন...

I am curious what Althouse's unspeakable thoughts are.

narciso বলেছেন...

certain perspectives

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Althouse is into social distancing by the book. The book substitutes for physics in women.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Hating on that phrase "Large numbers of people flocked" What does that actually mean? Why not just say "People flocked". It's not like a flock of people is some small number of them."

It reminds me of "Large boulder the size of a small boulder" (that amused me so much).

The test is whether occasionally *small* numbers of people flock. Or large numbers of people do whatever is the opposite of flocking. Dispersing?

Nonapod বলেছেন...

Not social distancing, but opinion distancing. I wish more people would practive opinion distancing.

Godot বলেছেন...

Did anybody see them come back?

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

The natural human desire for freedom and movement?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

We're doomed.

I got enough rock to keep me in the house for two weeks.

You'll all be gone by then.

Etienne বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Clyde বলেছেন...

Let’s tack another month onto the projected end of the China travel ban.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

For large numbers, I prefer stampeding to flocking....or whatever it is lemmings do.

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

What's going on?

Maybe the government decided to follow the old command adage about never giving an order you know won't be obeyed?

Ken B বলেছেন...

“ Is there a common thread among Frum, Rubin, Boot & Kristol?”

Several. They have all let resentment derange them. They all work for subsidized organizations. They were all neo-cons. None are careful with facts.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Get the flock out of the house.

Greg the class traitor বলেছেন...

"Have you bought into the idea that the only choices are total lockdown or free for all?"

No, I've bought into the reality that this is a disease of high density population.

And one that is defeated by hydroxychloroquine.

And one where the "treatment" (mass stay at home orders destroying the economy) is worse than the disease.

We had 40k Americans die of the flu last year. People die. It's a tragedy.

But it's not a reason to shut down the country

Carter Wood বলেছেন...

Mayor Bowser closed the DC Fish Market after an appalling display of overcrowding and ignoring of various protocols. And I don't get it -- the fish there is so expensive!


JMW Turner বলেছেন...

The Chinese claim some sort of apex with the virus. Who knows, since this is a closed society run by totalitarians, but the disconnect is breathtaking. It's all very flocked up...

narciso বলেছেন...

that link was celebrating the wet markets, in Bloomberg, they have no (redacted) shame.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

On the bright side, IHME has lowered their total US covid death projection down by about 12k to 82k. Peak death day is now up to 3000.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

I flock alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I flock alone
I prefer to be by myself

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Seriously, I would have never even heard of these people if I didn't read Althouse.

I wouldn't be able to ID any of them in a lineup, or by their written opinions, which I have no interest in other than to make fun of the excerpts posted here.

That being said, Althouse's readers are addicted to junk news.

I think the correct term is clickbait. She's pretty good at using it to attract an audience, but it's just good clean fun if you don't take it seriously, like this analysis by Charles Blow, perhaps, with lovely illustrations "Pensioner on mission to tackle rat invasion in her town - and she's already killed seven"


Achilles বলেছেন...

Ken B said...
I think each jurisdiction should take measures tailored to their own circumstances. Here we are doing something similar. Most businesses are shut but not all. Restaurants are usually open for takeout.the local micro brewery is open for window sales. Costco is open, but limiting customers in the place at one time. I am told they installed plexiglass at the checkouts but have not been. We have travel advisories but as far as I know no outright proscription. My wife takes out her parents garbage for example, which is a drive.
I don’t support total lockdowns like they have in Michigan, and never have.

Have you bought into the idea that the only choices are total lockdown or free for all?

Are you serious?

You are already revising history?

James Pawlak বলেছেন...

Many of those Chinese returned to Northern Italy where: They are employed in textile factories; AND, MAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HORRID DEATH RATE IN THAT AREA.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

I flock alone, yeah

I saw George and the Destroyers perform that song at The Little Bear in Evergreen - great show! Chicks on the tables.

Achilles বলেছেন...

The backtracking has begun in earnest.

The people crying wolf are all pretending they weren't demanding a complete shutdown and scolding us just days ago.

Watching the IMHE predictions is a lot like watching the futures price of a commodity track to the daily spot price.

Except the futures price started at 2.2 million and the spot price is 15000-20000.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

I’m guessing that Althouse would say, if she were so inclined, that the CCP pushed these people out there for the sake of producing the propaganda photos and stories.

“We’ve got this under control!”

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

It's part of the propaganda offensive by China to bolster the claims that COVID isn't an issue there anymore. The Chinese people do what the Government lets them and tells them to do.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

Is it weird that the guy in front (left-hand photo) and the guy in the yellow jacket (right-hand photo) only have the masks over their mouths? It hits right under their noses. Some people aren't wearing them at all, but if you're going to wear one, why just cover your mouth? The purpose must be to protect others instead of yourself. Maybe the mask-free people have all had the virus and recovered.

Even without a pandemic, I would hate to be hiking with that many people.

Temujin বলেছেন...

There is nothing that goes on in China, large or small, that the government there does not either know about, or approve of, or, if disapproving, will have large flocking consequences.

This is either a current photo used by the ChiCom government to show the world that China is once again AOK, Sailor.
Or it's a photo from another time and place, used to show the world that China is once again AOK, Sailor.
Or these are people who's next homes will be in a prison- either their own homes being locked with them inside, or a prison.

This is either staged or these are flocked people.

Ken B বলেছেন...

I for one am not backtracking. I never was for complete lockdowns, except in a few specific places. I support Rhode Island isolating fleeing New Yorkers for instance. I am very much against church gatherings in Louisiana right now, to take an example in the news. We need distancing. I support closing bars. No judo classes for the moment either. I have a friend who owns a dance studio; gotta close that too, for the moment. I don’t see why the local tailor has to close though, as long as precautions are in place.

And still say Ward’s 7500 is wrong too.

narciso বলেছেন...

same note, different song

Richard Dolan বলেছেন...

Waiting for the Thomas Friedman column explaining the sheer genius of Winnie the Xi's approach to preventing further spread of the virus. I have no doubt that, somehow, it's all Bad Orange Man's fault.

Ken B বলেছেন...

The issue is, and has been all along, risk management. How big is the risk, how costly is it to deal with the risk?

The risk is big. The damage the virus could cause Is enormous. Millions of deaths, the attendant collapse of the health care system, economic collapse, mass rioting in some areas. How likely are such awful scenarios? Hard to quantify, but we have a lot of different models that show a high chance. We cannot ignore it.

Can we use the traditional test and trace method? In some places, yes. If we get enough tests, if we stop the initial spread with blunter methods.

Ignoring risk is folly.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Re flock and flocking:

In the world of competitive sheepherding with border collies, we have "Large Flock" herding events (c. 20-30 sheep) and "Small Flock" herding events (3-5 sheep). I've done both. Interestingly (to me): large flocks are easier for a good border collie to handle. It's the small flocks that give you the most trouble.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Achilles said:The backtracking has begun in earnest. The people crying wolf are all pretending they weren't demanding a complete shutdown and scolding us just days ago.

The backtracking will be EPIC! It started with Biden saying that the racist xenophobe Trump did not ban travel from China early enough. George Orwell could not be reached for comment.

Lefties have to rewrite history because history shows them for what they are - arrogant idiots.

However, I do not ascribe that motive to Ken B. I think he has struggled emotionally to handle his fears. There's no crime in that. We have all been afraid and some of us keep our cool better than others.

Greg the class traitor বলেছেন...

Ken B said...
The issue is, and has been all along, risk management. How big is the risk, how costly is it to deal with the risk?

The risk is big. The damage the virus could cause Is enormous. Millions of deaths, the attendant collapse of the health care system, economic collapse, mass rioting in some areas.

Economic collapse? You mean like massive soaring unemployment because of all the businesses destroyed by "social distancing"?

How likely are such awful scenarios? Hard to quantify, but we have a lot of different models that show a high chance. We cannot ignore it.

Are you a Christian? Do you go to church on a regular basis, and meet all the requirements of your religion in order to get into Heaven?

Because what you just described is "Pascal's Wager". The cost of eternity in hell is so high (the models' predictions are so bad) that we must act upon them.

Can we use the traditional test and trace method? In some places, yes.

Except you just called for shutting down every judo dojo, everywhere. And every dance studio. Which sure sounds like "one size fits all".

Ignoring risk is folly.

So, which church do you belong to?

"All lives matter", you said. Unless, of course, it's people whose lives get destroyed because they lose their job, and commit suicide from the depression. Or lose their business, then lose their home.

Or die because hospitals are no longer taking "optional" cases, and so that lump didn't get caught before the cancer went too far.

All life is risk. Every choice is a risk, with costs, and burdens. What you are doing is ignoring all the risks created by your actions, while pontificating that "Ignoring risk is folly".

Achilles বলেছেন...

Ken B said...
I for one am not backtracking. I never was for complete lockdowns, except in a few specific places. I support Rhode Island isolating fleeing New Yorkers for instance. I am very much against church gatherings in Louisiana right now, to take an example in the news. We need distancing. I support closing bars. No judo classes for the moment either. I have a friend who owns a dance studio; gotta close that too, for the moment. I don’t see why the local tailor has to close though, as long as precautions are in place.

And still say Ward’s 7500 is wrong too.

Your biggest mistake was lying about what other people said, posting gross misrepresentations of their words, and just generally being a piece of shit.

It is going to be a long road back from "not morally serious" and "you just don't care if old people die."

Nobody should ever take you seriously about anything again.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

rcocean said...
Chinese Fire Drill. Nobody says that anymore. Guess with nuclear weapons, and soon to have the world's largest economy, stereotyping the Chinese as "incompetent" doesn't make sense anymore.

4/6/20, 9:43 AM

So who sells China their cheap Chinese crap?

hombre বলেছেন...

It is unlikely the ChiComs are concerned with preventing deaths only preserving appearances for deception’s sake. If a third of their population died, they would still have a billion people. Much more manageable than the current crowd.

Our grandchildren are threatened by more than the national debt.

William বলেছেন...

It doesn't look like a fun outing. Maybe around the bend there's something scenic, but who wants wait standing and crowded together to look at a rock wall. There's something suspicious about those pictures. A bit better than the Mona Lisa experience at the Louvre though.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

Wait..a...minute...! It's a Photoshop!

Darkisland বলেছেন...

"asshoe" Mike.

In the morning to you.

Sir John of the Zika

Inga বলেছেন...

Anyone who believes anything that the extremist nutball Achilles has to say is as stupid as he is always saying others are. Do you not realize that many states haven’t even really begun the climb on their own curve? Their apex isn’t anywhere near happening yet. The virus isn’t dissipating with the warmer weather. Singapore proves this. You can continue to live in your denial fantasy, but your continued push to open up the social distancing, isolation, shut down whatever you want to call it isn’t only dangerous to you, but to the rest of us.

“PORTLAND, Ore. -- Health researchers say there is strong evidence that the social distancing measures in place in Oregon are reducing the risk of transmission of coronavirus.

They did continue to stress that the measures need to be maintained in order to continue to reduce the number of coronavirus cases. Currently, by staying home, Oregonians are cutting the spread by between 50% to 70%.”


tcrosse বলেছেন...

Where's Waldo?

Darkisland বলেছেন...

 320Busdriver said...

. Peak death day is now up to 3000.

But how real is that number? CDC guidlines revised last week say count anyone who may have had the virus as a kung flu death. Regardlessof whether they tested positive. Regardless of actual cause of death.

Kinda makes it easy to get to 3000, doesn't it?

I posted the cdc link yesterday or saturday. I can do it again for the doubter.

More bodies = more bucks

John Henry

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Your biggest mistake was lying about what other people said, posting gross misrepresentations of their words, and just generally being a piece of shit."

Takes one to know one. You've bent your share of words, Achilles.

Inga বলেছেন...

Act now. Save lives.
Our projections show when hospitals will likely become overloaded, and what you can do to stop COVID.

Here’s another source that offer graphs and projections.

About Covid Act Now

What is Covid Act Now?

“Covid Act Now was started by four volunteers who saw the explosive and deadly growth of COVID infections around the world and felt they had to do something. The Covid Act Now team has partnered with some of America’s preeminent epidemiologists and data scientists to develop the U.S. Intervention Model.

The U.S. Intervention Model is a data platform that projects COVID infections, hospitalizations, and deaths across the United States, as well as model how public health interventions contain the spread of COVID. We help decision makers understand when and how COVID will affect their communities in order to make better decisions that save lives.

Our U.S. Intervention Model is being used at every level of government across the U.S., the military, private sector, and more. The model has also been used by several countries around the world, including India.”

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Albatross Rookery

Alligators Congregation

Apes Shrewdness

And so on. My 2 favorites are a "murder" of crows and a "feast" of snakes (rip, Harry)

No word for people in general in that list. They do list a "pomp" of Pekinese, though. Maybe this picture is of a pomp rather than a flock.

John Henry

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Looks to me that they're gettin the flock outta there!

whitney বলেছেন...

What a nightmare. And not because of the plague

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Theme song for the ages... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OyBtMPqpNY

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

And I feel fine...

Ken B বলেছেন...

Greg the bad faith commenter asks “What church do you belong to?”

None. Some errors are easy to avoid.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

The natural human desire for freedom and movement?

Finally, someone else who saw it the way I did.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Interesting site.
I wonder if the covidiots here can figure out why there are different projections for each state, or why the virus is projected to peak at different times, and why the current situation in MN might not tell us much about the next few weeks in NY or Louisiana.
My bet is, no.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Today is April 6. Anyone remember what happened 30 day ago?

An emergency spending bill that expired today.

Is all this backtracking and dramatic slashing of the estimates for cases, hospitalizations & deaths starting Saturday a coincidence?

I think not.

I predict that the crisis will be mainly over by next week.

John Henry

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga said...
Anyone who believes anything that the extremist nutball Achilles has to say is as stupid as he is always saying others are.

You aren't stupid Inga. Really.

Do you not realize that many states haven’t even really begun the climb on their own curve? Their apex isn’t anywhere near happening yet.

You just say really stupid stuff.

The virus isn’t dissipating with the warmer weather. Singapore proves this. You can continue to live in your denial fantasy, but your continued push to open up the social distancing, isolation, shut down whatever you want to call it isn’t only dangerous to you, but to the rest of us.

6 people have died in Singapore. There have been 65000 tests done in Singapore. 1375 total cases. 6 people have died in Singapore.


“PORTLAND, Ore. -- Health researchers say there is strong evidence that the social distancing measures in place in Oregon are reducing the risk of transmission of coronavirus.

They did continue to stress that the measures need to be maintained in order to continue to reduce the number of coronavirus cases. Currently, by staying home, Oregonians are cutting the spread by between 50% to 70%.”


Stupid. A bunch of CYA garbage. People who were wrong claiming that what they said was right.

Oregon was never in the critical 5-11 degree Celsius range with a critical mass of virus in the environment. The numbers in Oregon are so small they amount to statistical noise.

There was never a need to lock Oregon down.

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

That's a long march.

Andrew বলেছেন...

I'm reminded of Chief Brady screaming after Quint destroyed the radio on the ship:

"That's just great!"

mockturtle বলেছেন...

I'm reminded of Chief Brady screaming after Quint destroyed the radio on the ship:

"That's just great!"

And they're going to need a bigger ICU! ;-)

svlc বলেছেন...

Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) is absolutely gorgeous. I hiked those trails in 2013. I thought it was busy then but it was nothing (<10%) like the crowd pictured in the CNN article. I went there because it had been featured in Amazing Race. The Chinese revere Huangshan.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Large numbers of people flocked to popular tourists sites...

Much funnier if this were the bird flu.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Speaking of gorgeous--but slightly insane--there's the Tianmen Mountain glass skywalk

mockturtle বলেছেন...

And it seem to be cracking like crazy: Video Link

gilbar বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...
I got enough rock to keep me in the house for two weeks.

are they as big as marbles?

stevew বলেছেন...

Large? Your underselling. At least some of them are wearing masks. Half?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

If the curve has an apex, you can't use calculus to find it.

wildswan বলেছেন...

I see everyone is feeling better about the plague and their own life expectancy and have resumed mud-flinging with zest and vigor only enhanced by the recent brush with eternity's chills. Timor mortis conturbat me - but not for long.

As for those Chinese, perhaps it was sort of fun to be jammed in with others after standing away from them for weeks. The feeling wouldn't last any longer than civility and concern for enemy commenters on blogs once pandemic fear passes but the Chinese crowd feeling could have been a sort of victory celebration. Or else the crowd shows what will happen we are set free - we'll jam the beaches, we pack the roads, we'll overrun every park, we won't go home for weeks and weeks.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Yes but you can find the apex with simplex mathematical programming.

Greg the class traitor বলেছেন...

Blogger Ken B said...
Greg the bad faith commenter asks “What church do you belong to?”

Thank you, Ken, for so firmly establishing your bad faith.

Projection is such a typical lefty thing to do. Clearly everything you say is in bad faith . Otherwise you'd be applying your "rules for risk" far more generally. Instead your "rules" come and go, as needed for whatever political dreck you're pushing now.

But, in any event, you've established to my complete satisfaction that you are not arguing in good faith, so I'm not wasting any more time on you.


n.n বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
n.n বলেছেন...

anyone who may have had the virus as a kung flu death. Regardlessof whether they tested positive. Regardless of actual cause of death.

Conflation of causes is a problem, which has led to cross pollination. Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood has stepped up and promised to uphold last rites to sustain excess deaths throughout the pandemic. Spreaders of social contagion has historically been a first-order forcing of mismanagement of resources and cause of excess deaths. Think climate cooling... warming... change. Undeniable. Unfalsifiable.

Andrew বলেছেন...


Birkel বলেছেন...

Yet again people take a long time coming around to the truth about trolls.
I was on this more than a month ago.

Ken B is a concern troll.

Ribel বলেছেন...

"David Frum just doubled down. He says it's a good thing that most of our antibiotics are produced in China. Only in China"

The only interesting thing about David Frum, is this: Why does he have a job? He's bounced from position to position, from one media outlet to another, over the last 30 years. No matter how wrong he is, no matter how low the quality of his thought, he's ALWAYS employed. Like Jennifer Rubin or Max Boot, he lied for years about being a "Conservative" and now has tossed off the mask, and is living large as a "moderate Democrat" and Trump hater". Like Bill Kristol, he's always wrong, and always employed.