Anyway, I think all these are very funny — both because of Trump and because of the woman who is adopting his voice. I think the first 2 women genuinely appreciate Trump. The third might be more of a Trump antagonist, but you'll like it even if you love Trump (or maybe you won't!).
One thing I like about these is that — as I've said a few times and have thought all along — there's something womanly about Trump. And I'm not saying that as an insult. He often displays machismo or seems to do the voice of a mob boss, but not all the time. He has this softer lilt that comes through some of the time, as I think these women know:
@maggiepeot Who knew 🤷♀️ ##donaldtrump ##coronavirus ##quarantine ##fyp
♬ original sound - heresjohnnyagain
@lisam900 ##donald ##trump ##houseoftiktok ##trending ##funny ##foryoupag ##fyp
♬ original sound - ghostmaster9999
@kyscottt ur doing great sweetie ##antibiotics ##covid19 ##covid ##quarantine ##intheclub ##drunkwords ##trump
♬ original sound - iampeterchao
७२ टिप्पण्या:
The young blonde lady in the blue dress has an uncanny facial resemblance to my older daughter. She (the daughter) has a bad case of TDS, and if she were lip syncing to Trump, she'd choose the bad parts.
They were all good. The last one was great. It fit. He does sound like someone you'd hear talking in a lounge, with a martini in hand, making points as they flowed unsteadily through the brain to the mouth.
TikThot is Chinese spy malware.
Also Zoom. Stay alive back-channel telemetry malware. All of it.
Number 2 looks like she could grow up to be "Karen" if she doesn't watch out.
Number 3: Finger tattoo or unusual birthmark? What Trump is saying there is rambling, but it's something everybody has thought and worried about at one point or another, isn't it?
I like the winking.
My daughter showed me a few of these with Trumps “ its not racist, the virus came from Chi-na” which were really funny.
"there's something womanly about Trump"
He's good that way. Works with chicks. That, and money.
Anyway, glad to have DJT batting for the team, even if he strikes out occasionally.
I liked how the first one mouthed "nice" at the end.
Pretty funny. And being funny makes them pretty. Also, they're pretty pretty already.
Keep'em comin', please.
Lucid-Ideas said...
Also Zoom. Stay alive back-channel telemetry malware. All of it.
Zoom certainly has no shortage of security and privacy issues, but I haven't heard that it's secretly sending data to the Chinese or whatever (just to Facebook). The founder, Eric Yuan was born in China and they have some big Hong Kong based investers I guess, but those facts alone aren't enough for me to conclude that they're secretly spying for the Chinese government.
"That's okay, I know you're not thinking. You never do."
Amazingly, Trump appeared to have that retort started before the questioner finished saying "I'm not thinking".
When in Rome you talk like a Roman. Trump is operating in women’s world of care and prayer for the sick and wounded. And that my friend is empathy squared. He calls alll his enemies friends until the fools go on the attack again.
Love how the first girl mouths "nice".
The questioner in the second clip doesn't say "I'm not thinking" - she says "I'm not..." to reply that she's not shocked, and then starts to say "thank you" when Trump cuts her off because it SOUNDS like she's saying "I'm not thinking". I think Trump realized his mistake which is why he doesn't repeat it and tells her to go ahead.
Surprised that someone who builds things in NYC, daily contact with tradespeople, owns resorts/hotels while employing thousands of everyday "labor" people might have a better handle on real America? Not me. I see Trump as truly diverse.
Trump is half Scot loving mother and half German disciplinary father. So he uses his exceptional verbal communication skill and plays either role at will. Meanwhile Pence tries to keep up. And Putin laughs.
The questioner in the second clip doesn't say "I'm not thinking" - she says "I'm not..." to reply that she's not shocked, and then starts to say "thank you" when Trump cuts her off because it SOUNDS like she's saying "I'm not thinking". I think Trump realized his mistake which is why he doesn't repeat it and tells her to go ahead.
No, she's caught flat footed, doesn't have her question ready, and says very clearly "I'm not thinking, Mr. President" by way of jokingly explaining her delay. He doesn't repeat it because if you repeat the punchline, it's not funny.
- TikThot has been shown to have at least 4 or 5 0-day malware enablers.
- TikThot uses a file name coding scheme that allows A) the videos to be easily hunted down on the web and B) are recorded for grabbing - in their entirety - later.
- TikThot utilizes non-standard encryption, specifically encryption they themselves haphazardly threw together, that in industry parlance receives less than an F. It is designed as window-dressing allowing it to be easily penetrated (pun intended).
- TikThot also sends all enabled and non-enabled cellular telemetry data to its host, regardless of your privacy settings.
On the front-end, it appears that all of this is just for advertising purposes. On the back end it is definitely more focused on telemetry gathering. It is spy malware.
Also, all spying from China is spying for the Chinese government. There is no distinction.
Good, but as someone up above said, not as good as the "Chi-na" lip-synching ones
@Lucid-Ideas - I wasn't arguing with your ascertion about TikToc. I fully buy into the notion that that company is spying for China.
Good reasons not to Tik, so I won't, but FWIW I've always seen Trump as a guy with a soft feminine (sometimes to the point of goofy) side.
Way off-center, but soft
By the way, I raised concerns regarding Tiktok's China affiliations back in November.
How can anyone not like Trump, it boggles the mind. So much hate.
Much of what I said above applies to zoom as well. The 'zoombombing' phenomenon was enabled by the telemetry data and 'counts' from various sessions.
None of it is to be trusted, and most definitely keep you camera off if you can't mute you mic.
If you're looking for a zoom substitute, try Microsoft teams...although it isn't much better it has the encryption necessary to keep it from being an easier target.
I can't get enough of these. I recall you posting about the same thing with Trump's China comments.
As I think you said before, it's like the debate scenes acted out by a female Trump and a male Hillary. There's something about his speech mannerisms that become more clear and understandable once you hear him as if he were a woman.
Supposedly several people who watched that gender-reversal debate said that they understood his appeal for the first time.
These are fun!
Anyone lip-syncing Biden yet?
Why your fascination with Chinese tik-tok, Ann?
Your life would be much less dangerous hanging out on Russian porn sites or sending money to Nigerian princes. ("i know most of them are scams but this one seemed on the up and up" )
The Chinese have upended and seriously damaged our country and you are promoting their spyware?
You should be ashamed.
What next, some posts about how we should be using Zoom?
John Henry
Thanks for showing these. I particularly like the last and a comment about it. His statement so encapsulates our fears which are understood but anomalous previously. She nails it!
I seem to be getting a lot of spam this past week with much of it getting by my spam blocker. Is this because I looked at a few TikTok videos? The Trump lip-synch videos are funny but I would rather not get over 100 spams a day.
Lucid-Ideas said...
If you're looking for a zoom substitute, try Microsoft teams
I was supposed to be spending 2 weeks in NC this month consulting on a manufacturing process. The client is kind of desperate so we are proceeding using Teams.
There's a lot to it but the more I get into it the more I like it.
You can do video chat, which is all zoom does. But also screen sharing, file sharing, chat, scheduling and more.
I am amazed at how powerful it is.
Yesterday we tried out a telepresence program called that the client has. Didn't do anything useful, just played with it figuring out how it works. Next week we'll be using it with some machinery.
It's a bit pricy at $588 for a single license but well worth it for what it does. We're using the client's license on this one but I have another project that i might buy it for.
John Henry
dreams, nobody hates Trump. They hate the people who voted for him, and the fact that they’re allowed to vote for him.
Trump does seem to have mixture of masculine and feminine in his nature.
A couple other free alternatives to the Chinese spyware for video calls and group meetings
I've used webex a lot over the years with clients. Never knew there was a free version. The commercial version is great.
Don't trust China. China is asshoe!
John Henry
4/17/20, 11:48 AM
AZ Bob said...
I seem to be getting a lot of spam this past week with much of it getting by my spam blocker. Is this because I looked at a few TikTok videos?
Spam may be the least of your worries.
John Henry
Is teams free? I have the impression that it is but since I have the full office package, I dont know.
John Henry
If you have 365 the .sys files should already be in the software, you just activate.
Did you catch this bit?
"I'm not thinking."
"That's okay. I know you're not thinking. You never do."
"I'm sorry?"
I get that it's all part of the act, but it does give an idea why some people (especially reporters) find Trump hard to take and get indignant.
Trump is hard person to characterize. Believe it or not, he does have different levels or aspects. He can be cutting in press conferences, but different behind the scenes. I do see that "feminine" side, but it's hard to get a handle on it and come up with a comment.
Lucid-Ideas said...Much of what I said above applies to zoom as well. The 'zoombombing' phenomenon was enabled by the telemetry data and 'counts' from various sessions.
Based on the security concerns alone I would never personally use Zoom given a choice. It may not be directly controlled by China like TikTok, but the company seems to be dangerously careless about their user's data and privacy.
I've heard good things about MS Teams too. As with all things Microsoft, the pricing is a little confusing. It depends on how many users you want, if you want some special version of Office 365 or you're an "Enterprise" or whatever.
Thanks to Trump, I wonder how many Americans now pronounce "Chi-na" to rhyme with "hyena"?
The link below goes to a very common tweet i often see.
"This was posted to shame him, but it just makes me like him" - @heckyessica
It's a video of Trump doing what looks like an SNL comedy bit.
See if you pick up on the feminine connection Althouse has picked up on.
Donald Trump Talks Like a Woman: And strange as it sounds, it might be one of the reasons he’s done as well as he has.
"Academic research has picked up something that thousands of hours of campaign punditry has missed completely: Donald Trump talks like a woman. He might be preoccupied with grading women’s looks, penis size and 'locker room talk,' but the way he speaks and the actual words he uses make for a distinctly feminine style. In fact, his speaking style is more feminine by far than any other candidate in the 2016 cycle, more feminine than any other presidential candidate since 2004."
It’s not that Trump talks like a girl, it’s that having a woman lip-sync to his voice underscores some deep element of his thought process and speaking style. He speaks with strategic imprecision. In the middle of word salad he suddenly says something insightful, surprising. But you wouldn’t notice so much if a man did this. That’s what make this funny to me.
I looked for a compilation of these Tik Tok videos on YouTube, and couldn't find any. But I did find this video of a guy doing a Trump and Obama impression in a car that was very funny.
Sorry, the first one is in a car but I meant only that it's a compilation of good Trump and Obama impressions.
What Trump is saying there is rambling, but it's something everybody has thought and worried about at one point or another, isn't it?
As I get older I'm spending more and more time at hospitals visiting friends and relatives and it seems like a huge percentage get some super bug or another that needs a cocktail of antibiotics to treat. Its all the antibiotics they use so that diseases don't decimate factory farms where there are thousands and thousands of animals kept in close confines. And yes pendants, I know that decimate originally meant one in ten Roman soldiers being killed in a legion. Its definitions has evolved, just like the super bugs.
FTR many Trump types have a sensitive side we call feminine with a warrior side we call masculine.. That’s how they can perceive new people’s characters so fast. It is almost like cheating. But he cannot be anything else than he is.
Althouse didn't say Trump was exhibiting femininity. She said, "there's something womanly about Trump."
Could womanly be a reference to something passive-aggressive involving sarcasm, sanctimony and ultimately, bullying?
That's pedants Ron.
Point well taken AZ Bob.
Anyone lip-syncing Biden yet?
Yes!This guy!!
I ran across this video of an old interview with Trump and was quite surprised at his face and his demeanor. Hard not to call it feminine. That rosebud mouth is not a macho feature, and his hair is so soft. Even his demeanor is soft here. Maybe people gave him a hard time for this. Maybe that helps explain his current tendency to take a macho, tough-guy stance.
That's pedants Ron.
Harold Stern - who should know better, he is nowhere near as stupid and vulgar as he pretends to be - often says that Trump is really really good at grading models, and banging them, but he does not have the skills to be president.
Yet Homer (epic writer, not zombie TV show star) once said that those of us who are descended from gods (stay with me here, that is all of us, from a Christian perspective - think about it) are (if we are males) able to seduce women by showing them our control over our emotions - there is no feminine side in a brave man and no masculine side in a desirable woman, but there are communication skills, which are (and now I am talking about my contemporaries ) almost absolutely unavailable to people who settle for mediocrity - the regular people who pride themselves on being like everybody else. Because they get how to be like everyone else but they do not get how to be different.
The female equivalent of a guy who knows how to charm women by zeroing in on their patterns of thought, from a male perspective, and voicing his thoughts in a way that makes them feel they are being touched to the heart, because "here at last is a guy who knows", they tell themselves, "the rhythms of" their heart, are those women who everyone but the most alpha of alpha males is almost, absent divine help, incapable of not being seduced by, because of the force of destiny that female beauty is.
As for me, trust me, I never stole anyone's girlfriend. Could have, many many times, but I have a pure heart when it comes to those things.
The comparison study is good.
Between 1975 and 2005, there were about four or five occasions where some guy looked at me with a look that meant "I know you can seduce my girlfriend if you want but I will literally kill you if you seduce my girlfriend" and about 20 occasions where some guy looked at me, pleadingly, with a look that said "I get it that my girlfriend basically just got moist panties within ten minutes of meeting you, but for the love of God, I am begging you, please let me keep her."
I bear no ill will to the first group, and I was always kind to the second group.
By the way, my George Carlin imitation (I do not respect him much) is much much better than my Donald Trump imitation, but both of them are pretty good imitations.
"good Trump and Obama impressions"
Thanks. I have blogged that, btw.
Blogged it here.
My favorite.
i guarantee you, though, none of them in the first group were ever again able to really satisfy their women, after those ten or twenty minutes, and after those unwise violent threats against a good-hearted person.
I am kind, I do not seek what is best for me, but I do believe in justice.
God answers our prayers if we pray with a kind and humble heart, full of love and full of the desire for justice.
Reflect on the good things that have happened in the past, reflect on the good things that will happen in the future, and remember, God loves us all.
These were great. Thanks for posting.
We can all use more humor, and making fun of those in power WELL is an important part of a democratic culture.
I never stole a friend's girlfriend, but I did borrow some sisters.
Never rent
Genesis 2:24
This is the best one by far
Thanks, Ann. (May I call you "Ann"? How about "Prof"?) I read you fairly regularly, but I must have missed that post about the impressionist.
I like the word "impressionist" to describe the man who can mimic Trump. Kind of like Monet. So full of color and subtlety...
no one ever said native new yorkers exemplify american ideals of manliness.
in fact many say the opposite.
"I feel your pain" and "Message: I care" have been a big part of American politics over the last 20 years, if not longer. "A kinder, gentler America," "A Thousand Points of Light," "The Man from Hope," "Compassionate conservatism," "Hope and Change." We are a much more touchy-feely sensitive society than we once were. Trump picks up on that. Many Republicans don't. He also understands that you have to combine softness and hardness. A president can't be all stone-cold tough guy or all sensitive pushover.
Trump uses that mixture of sensitivity and bravado against the Bushes, who did much to put sensitivity and compassion in the forefront. His argument is that they weren't as sensitive to the pain Americans were going through (or as tough with foreign rivals) as they pretended to be. Against Obama, Trump presents himself as a tough guy and Obama as a weakling. Trump came across as more sensitive and emotional and less hard than Hillary Clinton (just as her husband did): HRC is something like a foil whose personality made those around her look kindly and compassionate by contrast. Biden mirrors Trump in some ways - playing the tough guy and playing the old softie - so it will be an interesting race if Biden is able to get through it.
As always, days late, but I remember when you blogged about this a long time ago here:
The post was about an article in politico called "Donald Trump Talks Like a Woman ... And strange as it sounds, it might be one of the reasons he’s done as well as he has." done by a linguist.
What I remember the most about it though, was the response to that article which was along the lines of: That politico article is definitely wrong and unscientific. While Trump has traits that are similar to how women talk, Trump is bad and women are not bad, therefore Trump can't be talking like a Woman.
Essentially if anyone says trust my expertise when talking about Trump you can assume they blatantly ignored any semblance expertise they may actually possess and wrote that Orange Man is Bad. This is the iron rule that you have to assume when reading things for the past 4 years.
Have you seen the latest? I've lost count of the number of groups what's apping this around the world.
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