A night or two ago I opined that Flynn and Crossfire Hurricane (CH) were not related. Andrew McCarthy was on Tucker tonight to explain how wrong I was. His hypothesis is that the FBI wanted to continue to pursue CH after Trump was elected and they needed Flynn out of the way. Unlike the new people Trump might bring in, Flynn was the experienced guy. He was likely to figure out what was going on and to shut them down, so he had to be removed.
Science says outdoor environments are preferable for people during this pandemic. Sunshine, fresh air, and warmth+humidity considerably better than stale indoor recirculated air...says Maue
My wife wanted a new propane tank for the BBQ, so I went to a local TruValue hardware store to purchase such.
No. I don't wear a mask. It's gotta be the biggest fad since Go-Go Boots.
Everyone is cordial to the un-masked, until I reach the check-out clerk. She's behind ballistic glass with a small shoe-box size opening for the merchandise to pass.
I placed the merchandise in the shoe-box size portal, and she asks me to orient the items so she can scan them without touching them. "REALLLLY!!!!!!!!"
It was a small purchase, and I attempted to pay with cash.
"Have you a credit card? I don't want to handle cash."
I paid with a credit card, and then the ultimate insult. "Have a nice day!!"
What a fucking self-centeredasshole you are. Here's a woman making peanuts that is taking reasonable precautions from catching a potentially fatal virus.
Here comes some entitled prick, who won't even wear a mask for a few minutes to be sure he is not inadvertently infecting people, bitching he had to rotate a propane tank to make it easier on the cashier.
Most decent people routinely place items so the label is easily scanned by the cashier.
Original Mike said... A night or two ago I opined that Flynn and Crossfire Hurricane (CH) were not related. Andrew McCarthy was on Tucker tonight to explain how wrong I was. His hypothesis is that the FBI wanted to continue to pursue CH after Trump was elected and they needed Flynn out of the way. Unlike the new people Trump might bring in, Flynn was the experienced guy. He was likely to figure out what was going on and to shut them down, so he had to be removed.
The Andy McCarthy interview was fantastic and helps explain the "“What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”" from the Bill Preistep (alleged) handwritten notes.
1/4/17 – FBI wants to close investigation. 1/4/17 – Peter Strzok says no wait… I have a plan. 1/4/17 – James Comey involved. “7th Floor Involved” 1/5/17 – James Comey goes to White House. 1/5/17 – President Obama says: OK, but make sure “by the book”. [Susan Rice Memo) 1/6/17 – James Comey briefs President-elect Trump in Trump Tower on the Steele Dossier. [Comey Memos] 1/6/17 – Christopher Steele deletes all files relating to his Trump Dossier.
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said to madAsHell:
What a fucking self-centeredasshole you are. Here's a woman making peanuts that is taking reasonable precautions from catching a potentially fatal virus.
Here comes some entitled prick, who won't even wear a mask for a few minutes to be sure he is not inadvertently infecting people, bitching he had to rotate a propane tank to make it easier on the cashier.
Most decent people routinely place items so the label is easily scanned by the cashier.
What a horrible person you are.
4/30/20, 8:34 PM —————-
Thank you for this. On another thread we had a regular here attacking nurses, and in particular the daughter of a commenter, completely oblivious to the folks making it possible for others to function during tough times. Attacking nurses!
Biden's naming of Chris Dodd to the VP search committee is a big "Fuck You!" to anyone in the Democratic Party who expects that the Good Ol Boys of the Democratic Party should answer for their woman-abusin' ways.
Of course, no one who isn't political junky is going to remember the name & sins of Sen Chris Dodd. But, the Beltway Insiders know, and they know what it means that Biden brought him back.
The Biden wing of the Democratic Party still doesn't understand the Trumpian Turn among the Republicans. The Bidenettes are expecting a campaign where Trump isn't going to ask Ol' Joe about his wandering hands during a debate nor attack ads asking how Mr. #MeToo won't release information from his archive on the Reade charges or why he named Chris "Waitress Sandwich" to his search committee.
The optics of this are horrible. The attitude that it shows animates the Biden campaign is even worse.
“I paid with a credit card, and then the ultimate insult. "Have a nice day!!"
"Fuck off!! BITCH!!"”
I guess that wearing a mask, orienting the items differently for safer scanning and paying with a credit card is TYRANNY! How dare the checker be so uppity!
Worth repeating: To date, Ken B has offered zero criticism of NY/NYC for keeping subways open and filthy, keeping Central Park open and for shoving infected elderly back into nursing and retirement homes.
Many would consider it quite reasonable to ask how can that be after all the Ken B hyperventilating over protests in MI and WI and basically anyone arguing with any lefty/liberal anywhere.
Ah there you go again Drago. I called Cuomo's policy of putting positive cases into nursing homes the worst possible policy. I was also the first person to mention the policy here. I suggest you go back and read every one of my comments.
Inga: "Nothing could be worse than being a Drago in high dudgeon mode, which is every single day."
You spent 4+ years lying every single day about russian collusion and hoax dossiers and Trump treason and Trump supporters being russian spies and then moving onto emoluments lies and secret pings between Trump/Alfa bank server lies and ukraine phone call lies and kavanaugh rape lies.
I think its only fair that now that the entire hoax has been exposed with more coming out every day that those who had to put up with your 4+ years of lying get their moment to talk about that exposure.
I can certainly appreciate how much that upsets you given your psychotic conspiracy mentality.
“Ah there you go again Drago. I called Cuomo's policy of putting positive cases into nursing homes the worst possible policy. I was also the first person to mention the policy here. I suggest you go back and read every one of my comments.”
And I’ve addressed the NYC subways, but Drago is too busy frantically typing responses to his foes to take notice.
I saw ST’s latest video where he sits in a junky looking recliner in a messy room, he looks like he has a CNS problem in that video. His head shakes oddly, his feet wriggle strangely, his voice has a disgusting quality, maybe it has something to do with his huge swollen nose. His mouth is overly large and he does odd things with his lips. All in all it made my skin crawl.
Ugh. . . . in the space of what? 20 minutes? this thread has descended into a three-way verbal punching fest between Inga, Drago and ST. Maybe the Althouse re: black and white (and grey) still has some life to it.
Social distancing has worked beautifully. That is because the American people are squared away and how to follow simple directions.
It's you anti-vaxxer covid-19 denialists who are raving mad about the lack of bodies. You people are hate the success of triple social distancing measures where you have purposefully with malice aforethought made yourselfs prisoners inside your own minds and no one will let you people out. Your biggest point of pride is your dereliction of duty.
Why I oughta... One of these days I tell you mark my words one of these days I'm going to get really really angry and so will everyone else and we will swarm in the streets and declare freedom from wearing masks freedom to exchange bodily fluids with strangers. The Michigan action by those brave Patriots today will go down in history as the wet fart smelt 'round the world.
Howard said “Social distancing has worked beautifully. That is because the American people are squared away and how to follow simple directions. It's you anti-vaxxer covid-19 denialists who are raving mad about the lack of bodies. You people are hate the success of triple social distancing measures where you have purposefully with malice aforethought made yourselfs prisoners inside your own minds and no one will let you people out. Your biggest point of pride is your dereliction of duty. “
Pitch perfect Howard. I don’t want a tattoo, but if I did ...
The curve flattening is a wonderful example of America being great again. It is based on reasoned consent, a sense of duty, and a moral core. And they hate it.
Everyone is cordial to the un-masked, until I reach the check-out clerk. She's behind ballistic glass with a small shoe-box size opening for the merchandise to pass.
Today was the designated pick up day for personal items left behind at our preschool-a change of clothes, blanket for naptime, that sort of thing. These items have been sitting there undisturbed for seven weeks. When my husband went to pick them up, he found that he was to pull up to the curb, and a woman in full PPE - the whole plastic body gown, a plastic welders mask type contraption, and an additional paper face mask - shouted at him from ten feet away to determine whose parent he was to go retrieve the items, which were bagged in several layers of plastic.
The only thing to say is, Judas priest on a motherfucking pogo stick.
You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think that some of these people are enjoying the hysteria...
“Pitch perfect Howard. I don’t want a tattoo, but if I did ...
The curve flattening is a wonderful example of America being great again. It is based on reasoned consent, a sense of duty, and a moral core. And they hate it.”
Exactly. And they continue to ignore the fact that it is Trump’s OWN guidelines that the states have followed. They are transferring their anger at Trump’s policies onto the Governors.
Someone in the FBI (who?) orders the Flynn investigation shut down (note: this is BEFORE Strzok and the other guy "interview" Flynn) and THE NEXT DAY Comey goes to the White House and meets with Yates, Rice, Biden, and OBAMA. The Flynn "investigation" proceeds.
Oh, and I should add, contrary to what you might think from this absurd overreaction: our county has 99 positives out of 360,000 residents, and 21 cumulative hospitalizations since this all began. Three deaths, which are all obvious book-cooking.
Ken B. Yes this makes me very hopeful for the reopening of the economy I think people are going to be pretty careful by and large and it will hopefully go very well with the right practice of PPE and behavior modification.
What these fools here don't understand is that projecting their bodily fluids at other people in a time of pandemic is trespassing. Trespassers should be shot like they did in the olden days. That's what the second amendment is really for
I had a busy day. Getting ready for services. I produce about 15 minutes of video for services. If you know anything about video, that’s a ton for one person to grind out.
Did a full set of yoga.
Wrote music and played thru my Chopin repertoire.
Finished editing and titling a music video.
Had the grandkids down for lunch.
I’m trying to set an example for you idiots. Pay attention.
Now, quit fantasizing that you just saved the world from catastrophe, Howard and Inga.
Well, you probably won’t. You’ll get hooked by the next panic and spend months or years preaching and, in general, making a pain in the ass out of yourselves.
Alternatively, you could find something useful to do.
I’ve seen conservatives here in my very conservative county wearing masks in stores and not telling the checkers or store clerks to fuck off. My hunch is that most reasonable conservatives along with normal people will play it safe for a while all on their own.
ARM. To Pants' credit, she is desperate to have the lockdown lifted so she can once again outsource her children to strangers. Based on what she posts here on the blog that would be very beneficial to her children and to society in general so she can get back to day drinking.
Re clerks and such: yes, they deserve our appreciation for showing up every day and making it possible for the rest of us to eat. The fact that they are exposed to more humans than anyone else right now and are not dropping like flies should give us something to think about about the supposed danger of casual contacts.
I believe Thistlerose, the commenter, is a grocery checker. Maybe we should ask her views....or maybe not, since she's a skeptic. Some people here only listen to the people they already agree with. Kind of like the men I know who literally say "We need more women leaders!" and then mansplain to me why my points of view are incorrect.
“ARM. To Pants' credit, she is desperate to have the lockdown lifted so she can once again outsource her children to strangers. Based on what she posts here on the blog that would be very beneficial to her children and to society in general so she can get back to day drinking.”
Inga, I live in a red town in a red county in a red section of Massachusetts. Very high compliance for indoor mask-wearing. The outdoor mask-wearing compliance increases the closer you get to Boston. People here really do embody the spirit of America.
They don't seem to be very good at this book-cooking thing.
We seem to be pretty desperate to find covid deaths in the couch cushions in my county. They are counting in our stats a person who lived, worked, contracted covid, and died in another state, but was from here. The other two were one 70+ year old who was suffering from half a dozen other ailments and an 80+ year old in hospice.
Inga Indeed. I think of myself as (mostly) a conservative. I also think the crew here ignore the damage done to the GOP and Trump by the yahoos in the protests. They surely do get angry when I point it out! In Ontario we have a conservative leader, Ford, that most liberals, and some non liberals, hate hate hate. But he has won high praise for his actions in this. We had a protest in Toronto like in some states (but smaller). Asked about them he tore a strip off them. They were selfish ignorant yahoos endangering others and acting like fools.
I wonder how many readers of this thread are aware of precisely why Chris Dodd is such an tone deaf choice for a key campaign role in the era of #MeToo. Here is the story:
Back in 1985 Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd groped and sexually assaulted a waitress during a drunken night out at La Brasserie, an upscale Washington, D.C., restaurant. As Kennedy and Dodd were wrapping up a long dinner with their dates—"two very young blondes"—the senators requested the presence of their waitress, Carla Gaviglio. While the young blondes were in the bathroom, Kennedy reportedly grabbed Gaviglio and threw her on the table, shattering plates and glasses. Kennedy then threw Gaviglio on top of Dodd's lap and began "rubbing his genital area against hers."
Gaviglio screamed and managed to escape when another waitress entered the room. "It's not my fault," Dodd reportedly said. The senators then exited the restaurant promptly, dates in tow.
Of course it wasn’t his fault. It’s never the fault of any sufficiently prominent Democrat. Neither man was ever prosecuted.
Ken, I think that the deniers here have whipped themselves up into such a frenzy that they don’t even realize they are protesting Trump’s own guidelines for mitigation and the reopening of the country. The hysteria seems to have blinded them to who and what they really are protesting against. It’s like they want to revive the Tea Party, but inject some whacky tobaccy into the movement.
Pants is complaining about a policy that has been wildly successful. But the nice thing is she still manages to denigrate the few victims that were not saved. It seems to make her happy that the old and infirm somehow deserve to die anyway.
Because I am out and about so much everyday I have noticed that there are so many more people walking on the streets getting exercise many of them are old obese with canes obviously have difficulty walking almost all of these people in that demographic are wearing masks. You can see the fear in their eyes. Fuck them, right?
@KimStrassel 2) The new docs show FBI had already cleared Flynn of ludicrous claims that he was agent of Russian power; it moved to close that investigation on Jan 4 2017. But then DOJ cooked up the absurd Logan Act claim, the notion Flynn had violated an obscure 1799 law.
Oh. The FBI moved to close the investigation when the DOJ {cough, Sally Yates, cough} stepped in.
Howard 9:47 Yup. As I said once, “Not as many Americans have died as predicted. Denialist are angry and want revenge.” They went apeshit over that, but several posted comments about how they do want revenge. The anger is obvious.
Inga, He wants us to care and admire him. That is just beyond pathetic. The nice thing about the coronavirus pandemic is that it really and truly is identifying the actual deplorables.
Last fall my wife and I did a driving tour of the Maritime provinces all the way up to the Viking village. Then we went down spent time in the Bay of Fundy and then over to Quebec City and Montreal. Canada is an amazing country filled with wonderful people we Americans are so lucky to have you as neighbors.
Inga: I would rather stick a knitting needle in my eye and watch one of his videos. Please don't watch anymore pathetic Thomas videos as I am certain that it will turn your brain into goo
James Todaro, MD Retweeted Gregory Rigano @RiganoESQ · 10h Peer Reviewed evidence for HCQ against COVID-19 by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons:
91.6% patients improved clinically
1,900% difference in mortality of elderly (.5% vs 10%)
"... benefit both pre-exposure and post-exposure."
Evidence: AAPS Letter Asking Gov. Ducey to Rescind Executive Order concerning hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19... April 27, 2020 The Honorable Doug Ducey1700 West Washington St.Phoenix, AZ 85007 Dear Governor Ducey: This concerns your Executive Order forbidding prophylactic use of chloroquine (CQ) or hydroxych... aapsonline.org
What is with all the personal insults tonight? You all need to take a Xanax and have a shot of tequila. @@
The fact that the panic continues to ratchet in some places and with some people is curious. I think the drama is intoxicating--the idea that someone has has "a brush with death!". How else to explain these people who act like heroes for possibly, maybe, coming into contact with a virus that is not a danger to those who are under 65 and not obese.
And the social distancing probably had nothing to do with it. For one thing, the curve was flattening before the shutdown got into full swing. It is the nature of viral spread.
And while I wouldn't act rudely to anyone serving me who hasn't been rude first, I also refuse to wear a mask. I refuse to indulge in safety theater, and I want people to realize that they have bent the knee to wannabe little dictators.
And the panic peddlers on here can just eat dirt. Your opinions are unimportant.
It sounds like good news Walter. That could really help prevent a tragic second peak if it really does work that well. Thank goodness we have bought ourselves some time during this strategic retreat in order to re-educate and rearm ourselves against the invisible enemy
Chris Dodd is indeed a hilarious choice. Waitress Sandwich to-go, please. Maybe Biden isn't quite as out of it as his public appearances make him seem.
Jonathan Turley @JonathanTurley · 11h I have been a criminal defense attorney for decades. I have seen abusive tactics. However this is one of the most thuggish records I have seen. Most concerning is that they were trying to create a crime, not investigating a crime. The use of Logan only highlights that bias.
Howard Indeed. If we find a treatment then the payoff to the distancing is humongous. If we are on our way to herd immunity because lower viral loads at exposure gave us mild cases, the distancing was a huge success. If the summer hinders the virus and let’s us get going on test and trace the distancing was an enormous boon. They don’t care.
“ST videos are real? I thought Inga was riffing about geezer porn!”
Yes! He really did a creepy video with him sitting in a recliner wriggling his head and feet oddly singing some song about social distancing. It might have been amusing but his voice and face are preternatural to say the least.
The is now documentary evidence the Crossfire Hurricane coup attempt was being run out of the Obama White House.
There’s a very important text message from Lisa Page to Peter Strzok and that is from November of 2016 and the context for the text message is – Strzok asks Lisa Page, “Hey, what are you doing?” or words to that effect.
She reports back very excitedly that she’s preparing talking points for Director Comey to go brief the President on what they’re doing. And the quote from Lisa Page is quote – “POTUS wants to know everything we’re doing” – closed quote.
We need to discuss what happens if DOJ directs us, or directly tells, VPOTUS or anyone else about the [redacted] specifically w/r/t [with regards to] what we do directly with him. I think it will be very difficult not to do some sort of overt step with him, a defensive briefing or interview under light “defensive briefing” pretextunless WH specifically directs us not to.
Explain how anybody can vote for any Democrat, ever again.
AnneIAm is a perfect example of fee self-centered deplorable. a relatively young woman and excellent health who exercises all the time and is rail thin could easily be carrying the virus and not know it because her healthy system is fighting it off. Her mask would not be to protect herself but to protect others, yet she declines to wear one because she doesn't give a f*** about anyone that she might pass along her bodily fluids to. She sort of sounds like those horny gay men who would bear back in the bathhouses in San Francisco back in the day of the gay flu.
“Ken B said... “Not as many Americans have died as predicted."
“This remains to be seen, we could be less than half-way through this thing.”
True. I’m relieved that less have died then projected, but I’m cognizant of the fact that we are only at the beginning of May. The 1918 pandemic lasted 15 months and that was with very little mitigation.
Exactly. And they continue to ignore the fact that it is Trump’s OWN guidelines that the states have followed. They are transferring their anger at Trump’s policies onto the Governors. ********************************
Trump haters on Mon-Wed -Fri: that evil fascist Trump IMPOSED his guidelines on the states!
Trump haters on Tues-Thurs-Sat: that evil Trump allowed state governors to follow his guidelines!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, that's too rich. And how long am I supposed to have been and continue to be a silent assassin? And if indeed so many of us are silent killers, how in the hell is the virus considered to be so dangerous, with all of us asymptomatic people gallivanting about infecting the unwary?
You are illogical and poorly informed.
And as I said, your opinions are meaningless. Your panic is hilarious.
Oh, BTW, close quarters is considered spending upwards of 10 minutes with someone in a confined space. Not passing them unmasked in the grocery store.
Only if the Govs allow it, Howie. (per that link) Can't wait to see the efficiency of our to be invented testing/tracing brigade(s).
Follow up Letter to Evers from Senate Republicans .... We are alarmed, however, by the economic data you provided indicating that 29% of private-owned businesses are closed and that 724,000 employees are currently not working. Even more distressing is the WEDC/UW-Oshkosh study that indicates 35% of businesses may be forced to permanently close if the Safer at Home order continues much further. Given the ratio you cite, a 29% closure rate equaling 724,000 employees, a 35% closure rate would equal 875,000 employees. ...
"America is pretty united right now. In an ABC News/Ipsos poll last week, 98 percent of Democrats and 82 percent of Republicans supported social-distancing rules. According to a Yahoo News/YouGov survey, nearly 90 percent of Americans think a second wave of the virus would be at least somewhat likely if we ended the lockdowns today."
"most of the policies on offer enjoyed tremendous bipartisan support: increasing testing (nearly 90 percent), temporarily halting immigration (79 percent) and continuing the lockdown until the end of April (69 percent). A KFF poll shows that people who have lost their jobs are just as supportive of the lockdowns as people who haven’t."
(cont.) "17. President’s Trump’s plan to reopen the American economy allows for regionalization. Yours does not. Why does your plan not allow for regionalization?
18. President Trump’s plan to reopen the American economy called for a 14-day downward trajectory in positive COVID-19 cases or a 14-day downward trajectory of positive COVID-19 tests as a percentage of total tests taken. Until Monday, April 27, you repeatedly described your plan as requiring 14 straight days of decreasing positive tests and a 14-day downward trajectory of positive COVID-19 tests as a percentage of total tests taken. On Monday, Secretary-Designee Palm stated the criteria is a trajectory and not consecutive days. For clarification purposes, is the gating criteria 14 straight days of decreasing total infections or a 14-day trajectory?
In the above questions, we recognize that you answered claiming you are following President Trump’s guidelines. Both of these questions are in relation to direct aspects of your plan which do NOT follow President Trump’s guidelines. We would still like answers to these questions."
Andromeda level, like when it eats through the gaskets. So i see examples of those trapped in the living facility up the bloc and i say wasnt this flatline supposed to prevent this (redacted) same course of action.
We really need to steer the conversation in other directions. Interestingly, when we do that, the panic peddlers disappear. Much more fun. I don't want to talk about Flynn and the FBI though. Even worse than the panic-mongers.
"A night or two ago I opined that Flynn and Crossfire Hurricane (CH) were not related. Andrew McCarthy was on Tucker tonight to explain how wrong I was. His hypothesis is that the FBI wanted to continue to pursue CH after Trump was elected and they needed Flynn out of the way. Unlike the new people Trump might bring in, Flynn was the experienced guy. He was likely to figure out what was going on and to shut them down, so he had to be removed."
I always assumed they were connected, but not necessarily in that way. McCarthy's theory makes sense, but there is the personal angle between McCabe and Flynn, and Flynn and the Obama Administration from when he worked inside it. Priestap's notes (if they are Priestap's) does indicate that one of the primary goals was to get him fired ASAP.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... Interesting article, argues that both the number of cases and death rate for the flu are systematically overstated by quite a lot. *************
Interesting. But the author says nothing about how the covid deaths are being wildly inflated by attributing the virus to anyone elderly who dies and tests positive for it, whether they got hit by a car or slipped and fell down the stairs.
Standards vary wildly from state to state, so we're all in the dark as to the actual numbers.
The author should have acknowledged that. Instead he chose to fling snot at Trump.
What a fucking self-centeredasshole you are. Here's a woman making peanuts that is taking reasonable precautions from catching a potentially fatal virus.
Really?? What about the first responders? What about the clerks at Safeway?? How much are they making? We've been on lock-down for two months....and nothing has happened. This is FUCKING theater.
You've never even been to Texas have you? What a fuck-up!
I was thinking that one of major problems we have is how we are all just kind of floating listlessly on that open boat in the ocean, or wandering in the desert, pick your metaphor. We have no established goal, nothing is on the horizon. And we are at the mercy of too many others who have control over how we live our lives.
Individually and collectively, we need some specified objective to obtain, some project, some final destination that we can personally take some steps toward attaining.
I do enjoy a really good movie, in the theater, with fresh popcorn. I hardly ever go, though. Saw The Mule--that was the last time I went to the theater.
“Texas reports most deaths in a day from COVID-19 as Gov. Abbott prepares to drop stay-home order Texas reported 50 more COVID-19 deaths on Thursday, the most in any one day since the state reported its first deaths in mid-March.
The state also reported it had added more than 1,000 new cases of COVID-19 to its total of 28,000 — the biggest one-day increase in infections since April 10.”
Humans are meant to be productive. Those who can continue to work now are the luckiest people, although they may not know, not having experienced the lassitude that comes with enforced idleness.
I have begun to tackle my backyard, which resembled the Amazon jungle. The vast majority of plants are succulents, which bodes well for their continued flourishing. I planted some perennials and even a few annuals. We'll see if I remember to water them.
"When my husband went to pick them up, he found that he was to pull up to the curb, and a woman in full PPE - the whole plastic body gown, a plastic welders mask type contraption, and an additional paper face mask - shouted at him from ten feet away to determine whose parent he was to go retrieve the items, which were bagged in several layers of plastic."
I imagine they're thinking of it this way: (1) Downside of overkill is to look silly. (2) Downside of not enough protection and possible (though improbable) bad luck is to have your preschool known as the site of a super spreading event. They picked overkill. If I owned a share of a preschool, I'd pick overkill too. You may look crazy, but no one doubts you're careful with their kids.
At work, we are planning for determining and taking the necessary steps for reopening according to the various phases laid out in the White House plan, the CDC guidelines, and the various state and local reopening plans. We have at least four or five different kinds of properties spread over six localities doing different functions. Some involve occasional large gatherings and others involve a lot of personal interaction. There will be some commonalities among them, but some specifics too.
So we have a number of objectives and goals that we can plan for and take the necessary preliminary steps. But after having done so, then we need to stand down and wait. In none of them can we actually implement reopening ourselves. We are powerless. We need Caesar to give his thumbs up.
The recent Eastwood films are acceptable on the 40-55 inch flat screen. But his westerns needed to be seen on the big screen.
I remember seeing a triple feature of the Man With No Name Leone trilogy at the Michigan Theater on Liberty (which had, and may still have, a balcony) way back when.
Earlier in the discussion, I was tempted to snark at another commenter with Little Bill's quote to English Bob: "You been talking about the queen again? (punches him) On Independence Day? (kicks him)"
It would be a lot of bad PR, for one thing Anne-I-Am. We are already a social pariah in the eyes of many. Yes, such blood has been a seed in many ways in the past, but at least for now, our leadership will pay the tax.
An excellent project would be to watch all of the CE westerns. I have probably seen all of them, at one time or another. They don't get worn out by watching.
No use in snarking. Ignore, ignore, ignore. They eventually shut up, having failed to get a rise out of you. I am not sure why else they are here; they have no useful insights, no incisive observations. I think they are lonely and need attention, of any kind, even nasty and negative, to feel validated.
I used to work for Initech, and we did have the Bobs experience. But I moved on.
And in my former position with my current employer, I used to have essentially one boss, the top guy, and now in my new position, I now have eight bosses. And too often I need to fill out TPS reports.
We are especially hurting since we depend almost entirely on contributions. And instead of being out there, leading the charge in bringing hope, we have essentially been sidelined. This is what we were made for and we are basically nowhere to be seen. It is a scandal.
Inga, it is a good indication of the future, in my opinion. Texas' trend in total cases has essentially been linear since the 1st week of April- it was linear before that, too, but testing ramped up in the first week of April. You can see this here- just click on trends at the bottom of the page. Texas has bounced between 400 and 1000 new cases/day for over three weeks- and the bounces are pretty regular, too- the lows are every Monday, and the highs are every Thursday (but Tuesday-Friday are all within about 150/cases of each other. The high in new cases was on April 10th with 1400. Texas is almost at the tipping point where active cases first derivative is less than zero- they are close to the point of shrinking- they have added only 400 active cases over the last 4 days. By next week, active cases are likely to drop unless testing grows again.
As for deaths, only 10 states have fewer per million residents than does Texas. Texas is ready to reopen, and they are smart to do so.
The last movie I saw in the theater was A Hidden Life. A Terrence Malik film, which should tell you a lot. Very good. Not super excellent, but well worth viewing. Trailer - https://youtu.be/qJXmdY4lVR0
“Inga, You completely miss his point. Governors are King now.”
The Governors followed Trump’s guidelines until just recently when some decided to open up early without abiding by the two week decline in cases and deaths.
Yes, it is disconcerting how your employer and so many similarly situated have gone silent, ceding everything they (we) celebrate and consider essential. I understand a necessary concern for clientele that falls into a vulnerable demographic, AND I think protective measures could have been taken.
I for one would like to see your eastern cousins begin to take obvious steps. Especially in places where benign weather permits imaginative offerings.
Kudos to MI House of Representatives and Lee Chatfield! The MI House adjourned today until May 5th after passing legislation to rein in @GovWhitmer emergency powers and refusing to grant her an extension of her emergency powers!
Tennessee is also almost at the point of dropping active cases- added only 300 active cases added in the last 4 days. This applies to all the states that have started reopening this week, and plan to next week. The US as a whole isn't close by the reported numbers, but is probably getting close that point where active cases drop- the main reason the country as a whole is off more than Texas and Tennessee is that only about 2/3s of the states actually report numbers of recoveries- California doesn't, Florida doesn't, Pennsylvania doesn't, Illinois doesn't, and Ohio doesn't report recoveries- there are others, but these are the big ones. New York has reported about 1/5 of the positives are recovered, so you can guesstimate the big non-reporting states.
I saw Malick's "Thin Red Line" in the theaters when it came out. I loved that movie- I thought it was superior in every way to "Saving Private Ryan", which I didn't think was a bad movie, just over-rated.
“Basically, every death certificate that comes across our desk now has COVID on it,” said a funeral director in Williston Park, N.Y., on a recorded phone call with Project Veritas in a newly-released video. . . .“They are putting COVID on a lot of death certificates because people who are going to their hospital with any kind of respiratory distress, respiratory problems, pneumonia, the flu — the flu-like symptoms lead into the COVID-19,” said Joseph Antioco of Schafer Funeral Home. “To me, all you’re doing is padding the statistics. You’re putting people on that have COVID-19 even if they didn’t have it. You’re making the death rate for New York City a lot higher than it should be.” . . .
“The guy that I just buried a little while ago from Long Island National Cemetery, they called me from the nursing home. They said, ‘Did Raymond have COVID-19?’ She said, ‘Well, no. It was a failure to thrive. But we’re assuming they all have it.’ And I’m all, ‘Why would you assume? Why aren’t they all in the hospital?’ She had no answer. ‘I can’t answer you,’ she said. They put it down on Raymond’s death certificate,” said Dimiceli. “He didn’t have COVID-19.” https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/megan-fox/2020/04/30/nyc-funeral-directors-reveal-shocking-inflation-of-covid-19-deaths-n387013
When I was working in pharmaceutical research in industry, we didn't have a Milton or Lundberg. When I was a post-doc, though, at Emory University, we did have a kind of Milton there. He was a very weird guy who seemed to have been a grad student for about a decade.
I took a second date to see "Thin Red Line". Afterwards, at the bar it became clear to me that she thought it was a film about the Vietnam War. She wasn't dumb- she was actually pretty intelligent, she just wasn't interested in that kind of movie and probably zoned out.
My gym reopens today. Will be interesting to see what procedures the town's idiot mayor has forced them to use. I read the brief description- it seems very onerous, and I predict it all collapses really quickly in mass refusal to follow the rules.
This is the thing a lot of these morons don't get- rules that are tedious to follow don't get followed at all after a very short time. You have to be pragmatic, and when it isn't the rulemaker doing the rule following, this just creates contempt for the rulemaker. Sort of like Pritzker's wife flying down to Florida to the family's big estate. I loved that news conference- he got caught disobeying his own fucking rules, and had the temerity to get angry about getting caught.
A couple of years ago, they showed 2001 on the IMAX screen at the Air and Space Museum. Also not a movie to take a date to to see it for the first time.
2001 led me to read some parts of Thus Spake Zarathustra and then explore some other Nietzsche. Again, only excerpts since that's all I had in the collection of writings book I had. But it led to other philosophical musings and ranging from the political to the theological.
You never know where you will encounter that mustard seed -- or when you might be that seed yourself to someone else.
Anyway, I'll say this, and then bid you adieu (and there was much rejoicing).
I have an appointment next Friday for a blood draw for the antibody test. I was one of those who had some mysterious something in January extending into February. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.
Nietzsche was not anti-Semitic, but he was pro slavery. I wonder if this will lead to a re-evaluation of his work. Most pro-slavery figures of the 19th century have been knocked off their pedestals.
I was wondering the other day why they never made another Holmes film, Narciso. I loved both of the movies very much. Hard to believe the second one was 9 years ago.
"Malik is what we would call a searcher. He's not a full-blown believer, which makes his perspective all the more interesting."
Can't agree with you there. Tree of Life is one of the most Christian movies I've ever seen. Also, A Hidden Life. If I were guessing, I'd say full-blown through and through.
I live in NYC. There's a supermarket in the vicinity that's open to 1 AM. I go there late at night. It's not crowded, and I can get my exercise by walking there. Tonight it was drizzling. The streets were almost deserted. There was only one person every two or three blocks. Nonetheless, nearly all the people I saw were wearing masks....Myself, I don't like wearing the mask. That's why I go for my walks late at night. The mask makes me feel like I'm on the verge of hyperventilating. I wear it in the stores as a courtesy to the staff and other shoppers. Maybe it does some good. The store is an enclosed space. It does seem pointless though to wear a mask on nearly deserted streets, but it's become rather the social convention here in NYC....I always hated ties and was glad to see them slowly disappearing. I think the mask is even more onerous, and it looks like it's here to stay.
The absolute best soundtrack for any western for all time was The Magnificent Seven. Second best was The Big Country, but the movie itself didn't live up to the soundtrack.
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२१८ टिप्पण्या:
218 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Wow. Hearing "the Arb" brings back lots boyhood memories.
A night or two ago I opined that Flynn and Crossfire Hurricane (CH) were not related. Andrew McCarthy was on Tucker tonight to explain how wrong I was. His hypothesis is that the FBI wanted to continue to pursue CH after Trump was elected and they needed Flynn out of the way. Unlike the new people Trump might bring in, Flynn was the experienced guy. He was likely to figure out what was going on and to shut them down, so he had to be removed.
those pics Arb eautiful!
Science says outdoor environments are preferable for people during this pandemic. Sunshine, fresh air, and warmth+humidity considerably better than stale indoor recirculated air...says Maue
My wife wanted a new propane tank for the BBQ, so I went to a local TruValue hardware store to purchase such.
No. I don't wear a mask. It's gotta be the biggest fad since Go-Go Boots.
Everyone is cordial to the un-masked, until I reach the check-out clerk. She's behind ballistic glass with a small shoe-box size opening for the merchandise to pass.
I placed the merchandise in the shoe-box size portal, and she asks me to orient the items so she can scan them without touching them. "REALLLLY!!!!!!!!"
It was a small purchase, and I attempted to pay with cash.
"Have you a credit card? I don't want to handle cash."
I paid with a credit card, and then the ultimate insult. "Have a nice day!!"
"Fuck off!! BITCH!!"
"Fuck off!! BITCH!!"
What a fucking self-centeredasshole you are. Here's a woman making peanuts that is taking reasonable precautions from catching a potentially fatal virus.
Here comes some entitled prick, who won't even wear a mask for a few minutes to be sure he is not inadvertently infecting people, bitching he had to rotate a propane tank to make it easier on the cashier.
Most decent people routinely place items so the label is easily scanned by the cashier.
What a horrible person you are.
Original Mike said...
A night or two ago I opined that Flynn and Crossfire Hurricane (CH) were not related. Andrew McCarthy was on Tucker tonight to explain how wrong I was. His hypothesis is that the FBI wanted to continue to pursue CH after Trump was elected and they needed Flynn out of the way. Unlike the new people Trump might bring in, Flynn was the experienced guy. He was likely to figure out what was going on and to shut them down, so he had to be removed.
The Andy McCarthy interview was fantastic and helps explain the "“What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”" from the Bill Preistep (alleged) handwritten notes.
What a horrible person you are.
I think the word you’re looking for is “Karen.”
This time line, from CTH, is eye opening.
1/4/17 – FBI wants to close investigation.
1/4/17 – Peter Strzok says no wait… I have a plan.
1/4/17 – James Comey involved. “7th Floor Involved”
1/5/17 – James Comey goes to White House.
1/5/17 – President Obama says: OK, but make sure “by the book”. [Susan Rice Memo)
1/6/17 – James Comey briefs President-elect Trump in Trump Tower on the Steele Dossier. [Comey Memos]
1/6/17 – Christopher Steele deletes all files relating to his Trump Dossier.
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said to madAsHell:
What a fucking self-centeredasshole you are. Here's a woman making peanuts that is taking reasonable precautions from catching a potentially fatal virus.
Here comes some entitled prick, who won't even wear a mask for a few minutes to be sure he is not inadvertently infecting people, bitching he had to rotate a propane tank to make it easier on the cashier.
Most decent people routinely place items so the label is easily scanned by the cashier.
What a horrible person you are.
4/30/20, 8:34 PM
Thank you for this. On another thread we had a regular here attacking nurses, and in particular the daughter of a commenter, completely oblivious to the folks making it possible for others to function during tough times. Attacking nurses!
Interesting article, argues that both the number of cases and death rate for the flu are systematically overstated by quite a lot.
Ken B has made the transition to Full Inga Mode.
And there he will stay ad infinitum.
Biden's naming of Chris Dodd to the VP search committee is a big "Fuck You!" to anyone in the Democratic Party who expects that the Good Ol Boys of the Democratic Party should answer for their woman-abusin' ways.
Of course, no one who isn't political junky is going to remember the name & sins of Sen Chris Dodd. But, the Beltway Insiders know, and they know what it means that Biden brought him back.
The Biden wing of the Democratic Party still doesn't understand the Trumpian Turn among the Republicans. The Bidenettes are expecting a campaign where Trump isn't going to ask Ol' Joe about his wandering hands during a debate nor attack ads asking how Mr. #MeToo won't release information from his archive on the Reade charges or why he named Chris "Waitress Sandwich" to his search committee.
The optics of this are horrible. The attitude that it shows animates the Biden campaign is even worse.
“I paid with a credit card, and then the ultimate insult. "Have a nice day!!"
"Fuck off!! BITCH!!"”
I guess that wearing a mask, orienting the items differently for safer scanning and paying with a credit card is TYRANNY! How dare the checker be so uppity!
Worth repeating: To date, Ken B has offered zero criticism of NY/NYC for keeping subways open and filthy, keeping Central Park open and for shoving infected elderly back into nursing and retirement homes.
Many would consider it quite reasonable to ask how can that be after all the Ken B hyperventilating over protests in MI and WI and basically anyone arguing with any lefty/liberal anywhere.
Great link.
I have heard a Roomful of Teeth! Cool.
Note, the bodies aren’t piling up. Inga’s and Ken B’s dire predictions are collapsing.
And, they’re subtly shifting gears to:
“You little sissy whiners, what are you complaining about? Shutting down the country make you cry, little babies?”
This panic has really brought out the low life assholes into the open, hasn’t it?
“Ken B has made the transition to Full Inga Mode.”
Nothing could be worse than being a Drago in high dudgeon mode, which is every single day.
The perfect post for any thread where Beijing Boy ARM appears, from the New Paper of Record:
"YouTube Removing All Videos That Don't Begin With The Chinese National Anthem"
Ah there you go again Drago. I called Cuomo's policy of putting positive cases into nursing homes the worst possible policy. I was also the first person to mention the policy here.
I suggest you go back and read every one of my comments.
It's only fair that we shouldn't have to put up with James Comey's moral posturing anymore, but life isn't fair.⅓
Inga, what’s your purpose in life?
I mean besides lying.
“Nothing could be worse than being a Drago in high dudgeon mode, which is every single day.”
Oh, I take that back, you could be a Shouting Thomas, waxing eloquent on anal fissures and hemorrhoids.
Inga: "Nothing could be worse than being a Drago in high dudgeon mode, which is every single day."
You spent 4+ years lying every single day about russian collusion and hoax dossiers and Trump treason and Trump supporters being russian spies and then moving onto emoluments lies and secret pings between Trump/Alfa bank server lies and ukraine phone call lies and kavanaugh rape lies.
I think its only fair that now that the entire hoax has been exposed with more coming out every day that those who had to put up with your 4+ years of lying get their moment to talk about that exposure.
I can certainly appreciate how much that upsets you given your psychotic conspiracy mentality.
Well, yeah, Inga, your ass has to be bleeding.
I see no evidence that you ever do anything but sit on it.
Ken B: "I suggest you go back and read every one of my comments."
Don't need to.
I've seen all of Inga's and lets face it, that's about it for both of you.
From our hostesses least favorite satirical site -- Go Down, Donald.
“Ah there you go again Drago. I called Cuomo's policy of putting positive cases into nursing homes the worst possible policy. I was also the first person to mention the policy here.
I suggest you go back and read every one of my comments.”
And I’ve addressed the NYC subways, but Drago is too busy frantically typing responses to his foes to take notice.
The winding down of this panic is pretty disappointing, huh, Inga?
Don’t worry, you’ll panic over something else within a few days.
ST: "Don’t worry, you’ll panic over something else within a few days.
Indeed. Inga and Ken B and the rest of the crew already have Sham-peachment III up and running.
Should be fun to watch.
Did you know Inga was still pushing the debunked lysol into the lungs lie just 48 hours ago?
She needed a new conspiracy to replace the old ones.
I saw ST’s latest video where he sits in a junky looking recliner in a messy room, he looks like he has a CNS problem in that video. His head shakes oddly, his feet wriggle strangely, his voice has a disgusting quality, maybe it has something to do with his huge swollen nose. His mouth is overly large and he does odd things with his lips. All in all it made my skin crawl.
Ugh. . . . in the space of what? 20 minutes? this thread has descended into a three-way verbal punching fest between Inga, Drago and ST. Maybe the Althouse re: black and white (and grey) still has some life to it.
Social distancing has worked beautifully. That is because the American people are squared away and how to follow simple directions.
It's you anti-vaxxer covid-19 denialists who are raving mad about the lack of bodies. You people are hate the success of triple social distancing measures where you have purposefully with malice aforethought made yourselfs prisoners inside your own minds and no one will let you people out. Your biggest point of pride is your dereliction of duty.
Why I oughta... One of these days I tell you mark my words one of these days I'm going to get really really angry and so will everyone else and we will swarm in the streets and declare freedom from wearing masks freedom to exchange bodily fluids with strangers. The Michigan action by those brave Patriots today will go down in history as the wet fart smelt 'round the world.
Well Kathryn, I’ve punched back and I’m done now.
I’ll have a new video coming out tomorrow, Inga.
I do stuff. You backstab. So, this will be another opportunity for you. I learned long ago that people who can’t do anything backstab.
So, enjoy yourself. Backstabbing and lying is the best you can do.
Aren’t you folks worn out yet from being manipulated by panic porn clickbait?
The media has you by the nuts and is dragging you around.
After obama and biden dodd was the third largest recipient of subprime lucre, he was a friend of angelo mozilo at countrywide and cassano at aig.
Howard, it is uncanny how the deniers are beginning to resemble anti vaxxers.
Inga, it’s uncanny how empty and meaningless your life is.
interesting who enables omar and vice versa
Howard said
“Social distancing has worked beautifully. That is because the American people are squared away and how to follow simple directions.
It's you anti-vaxxer covid-19 denialists who are raving mad about the lack of bodies. You people are hate the success of triple social distancing measures where you have purposefully with malice aforethought made yourselfs prisoners inside your own minds and no one will let you people out. Your biggest point of pride is your dereliction of duty. “
Pitch perfect Howard. I don’t want a tattoo, but if I did ...
The curve flattening is a wonderful example of America being great again. It is based on reasoned consent, a sense of duty, and a moral core.
And they hate it.
But, back to my question.
It’s close to four years of being dragged around by our nuts by media flooding the zone with clickbait panic porn.
Has anybody caught on yet?
Had anybody noticed you’re being had?
Are you going to fall for the next panic, too?
Inga: they are actually making the anti-vaxxers seem somewhat normal almost reasonable by comparison.
This is the sound of their long over-do ideological death rattle.
@Ken B
You dumb shit, you fell for the panic porn.
The temptation to get all sanctimonious and preachy overwhelms you all the time.
Go do something with your time other than this dumb bleating.
Everyone is cordial to the un-masked, until I reach the check-out clerk. She's behind ballistic glass with a small shoe-box size opening for the merchandise to pass.
Today was the designated pick up day for personal items left behind at our preschool-a change of clothes, blanket for naptime, that sort of thing. These items have been sitting there undisturbed for seven weeks. When my husband went to pick them up, he found that he was to pull up to the curb, and a woman in full PPE - the whole plastic body gown, a plastic welders mask type contraption, and an additional paper face mask - shouted at him from ten feet away to determine whose parent he was to go retrieve the items, which were bagged in several layers of plastic.
The only thing to say is, Judas priest on a motherfucking pogo stick.
You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think that some of these people are enjoying the hysteria...
Jesus, you dumb shits are making me laugh.
You got caught by the nuts by media manipulating you with panic porn, and now...
I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. Neither do you.
It’s going to be over soon, suckers. On to the next panic!!!!
“Pitch perfect Howard. I don’t want a tattoo, but if I did ...
The curve flattening is a wonderful example of America being great again. It is based on reasoned consent, a sense of duty, and a moral core.
And they hate it.”
Exactly. And they continue to ignore the fact that it is Trump’s OWN guidelines that the states have followed. They are transferring their anger at Trump’s policies onto the Governors.
Someone in the FBI (who?) orders the Flynn investigation shut down (note: this is BEFORE Strzok and the other guy "interview" Flynn) and THE NEXT DAY Comey goes to the White House and meets with Yates, Rice, Biden, and OBAMA. The Flynn "investigation" proceeds.
Oh, and I should add, contrary to what you might think from this absurd overreaction: our county has 99 positives out of 360,000 residents, and 21 cumulative hospitalizations since this all began. Three deaths, which are all obvious book-cooking.
Ken B. Yes this makes me very hopeful for the reopening of the economy I think people are going to be pretty careful by and large and it will hopefully go very well with the right practice of PPE and behavior modification.
What these fools here don't understand is that projecting their bodily fluids at other people in a time of pandemic is trespassing. Trespassers should be shot like they did in the olden days. That's what the second amendment is really for
Take up yoga or sewing, or going to orgies or something.
You’re desperately in need of something to do.
Stop sitting on your ass all day doing nothing except consuming panic porn.
a hammer when a scalpel might have sufficed
Elderly dying = Hillary's revenge.
Howard, you need to find something to do, too.
I had a busy day. Getting ready for services. I produce about 15 minutes of video for services. If you know anything about video, that’s a ton for one person to grind out.
Did a full set of yoga.
Wrote music and played thru my Chopin repertoire.
Finished editing and titling a music video.
Had the grandkids down for lunch.
I’m trying to set an example for you idiots. Pay attention.
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
Three deaths, which are all obvious book-cooking.
They don't seem to be very good at this book-cooking thing.
Now, quit fantasizing that you just saved the world from catastrophe, Howard and Inga.
Well, you probably won’t. You’ll get hooked by the next panic and spend months or years preaching and, in general, making a pain in the ass out of yourselves.
Alternatively, you could find something useful to do.
Howard and Ken,
I’ve seen conservatives here in my very conservative county wearing masks in stores and not telling the checkers or store clerks to fuck off. My hunch is that most reasonable conservatives along with normal people will play it safe for a while all on their own.
Oh, Jesus, Inga, shut up about how compassionate and wonderful you are.
ARM. To Pants' credit, she is desperate to have the lockdown lifted so she can once again outsource her children to strangers. Based on what she posts here on the blog that would be very beneficial to her children and to society in general so she can get back to day drinking.
Attacking nurses!
Not nurses. Nurse worship.
Re clerks and such: yes, they deserve our appreciation for showing up every day and making it possible for the rest of us to eat. The fact that they are exposed to more humans than anyone else right now and are not dropping like flies should give us something to think about about the supposed danger of casual contacts.
I believe Thistlerose, the commenter, is a grocery checker. Maybe we should ask her views....or maybe not, since she's a skeptic. Some people here only listen to the people they already agree with. Kind of like the men I know who literally say "We need more women leaders!" and then mansplain to me why my points of view are incorrect.
What’s normal about having nothing to do, so that you sit on your ass in front of a computer until your rectum bleeds?
Go listen to some music.
I recommend Brigitte Engerer’s YouTube of Chopin’s nocturnes.
You need to rearrange the furniture in that messed up head of yours. That’s a good place to start.
At least you have a knack for humor, Howard.
“ARM. To Pants' credit, she is desperate to have the lockdown lifted so she can once again outsource her children to strangers. Based on what she posts here on the blog that would be very beneficial to her children and to society in general so she can get back to day drinking.”
Inga, I live in a red town in a red county in a red section of Massachusetts. Very high compliance for indoor mask-wearing. The outdoor mask-wearing compliance increases the closer you get to Boston. People here really do embody the spirit of America.
Really, not a single answer.
None of you have noticed that the media has been manipulating you relentlessly with panic porn for the past 4 years?
You’re boring as hell when you get preachy and sanctimonious, Howard.
You’re funny when you did your Biggus Dickus act. Stick with what you do well.
They don't seem to be very good at this book-cooking thing.
We seem to be pretty desperate to find covid deaths in the couch cushions in my county. They are counting in our stats a person who lived, worked, contracted covid, and died in another state, but was from here. The other two were one 70+ year old who was suffering from half a dozen other ailments and an 80+ year old in hospice.
It's the Black Death, clearly!
Indeed. I think of myself as (mostly) a conservative.
I also think the crew here ignore the damage done to the GOP and Trump by the yahoos in the protests. They surely do get angry when I point it out!
In Ontario we have a conservative leader, Ford, that most liberals, and some non liberals, hate hate hate. But he has won high praise for his actions in this. We had a protest in Toronto like in some states (but smaller). Asked about them he tore a strip off them. They were selfish ignorant yahoos endangering others and acting like fools.
@Ken B
I just think you’re a boring dumb shit, Ken B.
What do you get out of this preachy shit you do?
Do you do anything in real life, or is this jackass act your whole game?
@Ken B
Repeat this a thousand times. You’re a slow learner.
Asserting your civil rights is not a PR game. It’s also not a movie for your entertainment.
I wonder how many readers of this thread are aware of precisely why Chris Dodd is such an tone deaf choice for a key campaign role in the era of #MeToo. Here is the story:
Back in 1985 Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd groped and sexually assaulted a waitress during a drunken night out at La Brasserie, an upscale Washington, D.C., restaurant. As Kennedy and Dodd were wrapping up a long dinner with their dates—"two very young blondes"—the senators requested the presence of their waitress, Carla Gaviglio. While the young blondes were in the bathroom, Kennedy reportedly grabbed Gaviglio and threw her on the table, shattering plates and glasses. Kennedy then threw Gaviglio on top of Dodd's lap and began "rubbing his genital area against hers."
Gaviglio screamed and managed to escape when another waitress entered the room. "It's not my fault," Dodd reportedly said. The senators then exited the restaurant promptly, dates in tow.
Of course it wasn’t his fault. It’s never the fault of any sufficiently prominent Democrat. Neither man was ever prosecuted.
I gotta get up tomorrow morning. Busy day. I do stuff.
I suggest you do stuff, too.
Ken, I think that the deniers here have whipped themselves up into such a frenzy that they don’t even realize they are protesting Trump’s own guidelines for mitigation and the reopening of the country. The hysteria seems to have blinded them to who and what they really are protesting against. It’s like they want to revive the Tea Party, but inject some whacky tobaccy into the movement.
Pants is complaining about a policy that has been wildly successful. But the nice thing is she still manages to denigrate the few victims that were not saved. It seems to make her happy that the old and infirm somehow deserve to die anyway.
Because I am out and about so much everyday I have noticed that there are so many more people walking on the streets getting exercise many of them are old obese with canes obviously have difficulty walking almost all of these people in that demographic are wearing masks. You can see the fear in their eyes. Fuck them, right?
“I gotta get up tomorrow morning. Busy day. I do stuff.”
No one cares.
2) The new docs show FBI had already cleared Flynn of ludicrous claims that he was agent of Russian power; it moved to close that investigation on Jan 4 2017. But then DOJ cooked up the absurd Logan Act claim, the notion Flynn had violated an obscure 1799 law.
Oh. The FBI moved to close the investigation when the DOJ {cough, Sally Yates, cough} stepped in.
the means exceeded the ends and now 30 million are out of work.
Howard 9:47
Yup. As I said once, “Not as many Americans have died as predicted. Denialist are angry and want revenge.”
They went apeshit over that, but several posted comments about how they do want revenge. The anger is obvious.
Inga, He wants us to care and admire him. That is just beyond pathetic. The nice thing about the coronavirus pandemic is that it really and truly is identifying the actual deplorables.
i have to admit; it takes Much less time to read these threads now that i just ignore everything that Ken and ernest say
Ken B: Anger is the primary symptom of impotence.
Last fall my wife and I did a driving tour of the Maritime provinces all the way up to the Viking village. Then we went down spent time in the Bay of Fundy and then over to Quebec City and Montreal. Canada is an amazing country filled with wonderful people we Americans are so lucky to have you as neighbors.
“The nice thing about the coronavirus pandemic is that it really and truly is identifying the actual deplorables.”
You should see his video, it’s creepy and would be embarrassing to most people.
Ken B said...
“Not as many Americans have died as predicted."
This remains to be seen, we could be less than half-way through this thing.
“Canada is an amazing country filled with wonderful people we Americans are so lucky to have you as neighbors.”
I agree! I spent a few happy summers as child in Ontario with my mother’s relatives.
Inga: I would rather stick a knitting needle in my eye and watch one of his videos. Please don't watch anymore pathetic Thomas videos as I am certain that it will turn your brain into goo
James Todaro, MD Retweeted
Gregory Rigano
Peer Reviewed evidence for HCQ against COVID-19 by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons:
91.6% patients improved clinically
1,900% difference in mortality of elderly (.5% vs 10%)
"... benefit both pre-exposure and post-exposure."
AAPS Letter Asking Gov. Ducey to Rescind Executive Order concerning hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19...
April 27, 2020 The Honorable Doug Ducey1700 West Washington St.Phoenix, AZ 85007 Dear Governor Ducey: This concerns your Executive Order forbidding prophylactic use of chloroquine (CQ) or hydroxych...
ARM: good point now is not the time to get cocky. My main concern is the institutional and social objection to wearing masks.
True. And we are less than halfway, though we might catch a break in the summer.
What is with all the personal insults tonight? You all need to take a Xanax and have a shot of tequila. @@
The fact that the panic continues to ratchet in some places and with some people is curious. I think the drama is intoxicating--the idea that someone has has "a brush with death!". How else to explain these people who act like heroes for possibly, maybe, coming into contact with a virus that is not a danger to those who are under 65 and not obese.
And the social distancing probably had nothing to do with it. For one thing, the curve was flattening before the shutdown got into full swing. It is the nature of viral spread.
And while I wouldn't act rudely to anyone serving me who hasn't been rude first, I also refuse to wear a mask. I refuse to indulge in safety theater, and I want people to realize that they have bent the knee to wannabe little dictators.
And the panic peddlers on here can just eat dirt. Your opinions are unimportant.
ST videos are real? I thought Inga was riffing about geezer porn!
It sounds like good news Walter. That could really help prevent a tragic second peak if it really does work that well. Thank goodness we have bought ourselves some time during this strategic retreat in order to re-educate and rearm ourselves against the invisible enemy
Big Mike,
Chris Dodd is indeed a hilarious choice. Waitress Sandwich to-go, please. Maybe Biden isn't quite as out of it as his public appearances make him seem.
Inga “ I spent a few happy summers as child in Ontario with my mother’s relatives.”
I also dubbed him sutton as an sub prime enabler being the one to write the remedy bill,
Gruesome newsom should wear a coyote coatume with an acme plunger.
Jonathan Turley
I have been a criminal defense attorney for decades. I have seen abusive tactics. However this is one of the most thuggish records I have seen. Most concerning is that they were trying to create a crime, not investigating a crime. The use of Logan only highlights that bias.
Indeed. If we find a treatment then the payoff to the distancing is humongous.
If we are on our way to herd immunity because lower viral loads at exposure gave us mild cases, the distancing was a huge success.
If the summer hinders the virus and let’s us get going on test and trace the distancing was an enormous boon.
They don’t care.
“ST videos are real? I thought Inga was riffing about geezer porn!”
Yes! He really did a creepy video with him sitting in a recliner wriggling his head and feet oddly singing some song about social distancing. It might have been amusing but his voice and face are preternatural to say the least.
If mainstream satire were not thoroughly zonbified they would find a wealth of material just in the last week.
“Inga “ I spent a few happy summers as child in Ontario with my mother’s relatives.”
“ If mainstream satire were not thoroughly zonbified they would find a wealth of material just in the last week.”
Think of what you could do with a Trump and a Tide pods alone.
Rather strident, don't you think?
Yes its putting way before the oxen.
The is now documentary evidence the Crossfire Hurricane coup attempt was being run out of the Obama White House.
There’s a very important text message from Lisa Page to Peter Strzok and that is from November of 2016 and the context for the text message is – Strzok asks Lisa Page, “Hey, what are you doing?” or words to that effect.
She reports back very excitedly that she’s preparing talking points for Director Comey to go brief the President on what they’re doing. And the quote from Lisa Page is quote – “POTUS wants to know everything we’re doing” – closed quote.
We need to discuss what happens if DOJ directs us, or directly tells, VPOTUS or anyone else about the [redacted] specifically w/r/t [with regards to] what we do directly with him. I think it will be very difficult not to do some sort of overt step with him, a defensive briefing or interview under light “defensive briefing” pretext unless WH specifically directs us not to.
Explain how anybody can vote for any Democrat, ever again.
I suggest you go back and read every one of my comments.
Nooooooo ! The Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.
AnneIAm is a perfect example of fee self-centered deplorable. a relatively young woman and excellent health who exercises all the time and is rail thin could easily be carrying the virus and not know it because her healthy system is fighting it off. Her mask would not be to protect herself but to protect others, yet she declines to wear one because she doesn't give a f*** about anyone that she might pass along her bodily fluids to. She sort of sounds like those horny gay men who would bear back in the bathhouses in San Francisco back in the day of the gay flu.
Dereliction of duty bordering treason
"Explain how anybody can vote for any Democrat, ever again."
Nobody knows. The media doesn't report it.
I was in Leamigton a few years ago for a night. We did a wine tour and it was convenient. Tomatoes!
His gruesome eminence apparently put out an order to close all the beaches then rewrite orange county and then the sheriff laughed at him.
“Ken B said...
“Not as many Americans have died as predicted."
“This remains to be seen, we could be less than half-way through this thing.”
True. I’m relieved that less have died then projected, but I’m cognizant of the fact that we are only at the beginning of May. The 1918 pandemic lasted 15 months and that was with very little mitigation.
Vienna as well as Geneva conventions.
As i noted elsewhere in the dan brown book inferno the who was an accomplice to the villain, that was too much for the film hail the sages of genevan
Inga said:
Exactly. And they continue to ignore the fact that it is Trump’s OWN guidelines that the states have followed. They are transferring their anger at Trump’s policies onto the Governors.
Trump haters on Mon-Wed -Fri: that evil fascist Trump IMPOSED his guidelines on the states!
Trump haters on Tues-Thurs-Sat: that evil Trump allowed state governors to follow his guidelines!
s n o r t
Actually the fact that newsom and cuomo and wilhelm arent chased with rakes and forced to scurry in the sewers shows a fault in the body politic.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, that's too rich. And how long am I supposed to have been and continue to be a silent assassin? And if indeed so many of us are silent killers, how in the hell is the virus considered to be so dangerous, with all of us asymptomatic people gallivanting about infecting the unwary?
You are illogical and poorly informed.
And as I said, your opinions are meaningless. Your panic is hilarious.
Oh, BTW, close quarters is considered spending upwards of 10 minutes with someone in a confined space. Not passing them unmasked in the grocery store.
You people are hysterical.
Only if the Govs allow it, Howie. (per that link)
Can't wait to see the efficiency of our to be invented testing/tracing brigade(s).
Follow up Letter to Evers from Senate Republicans
We are alarmed, however, by the economic data you provided indicating that 29% of private-owned businesses are closed and that 724,000 employees are currently not working. Even more distressing is the WEDC/UW-Oshkosh study that indicates 35% of businesses may be forced to permanently close if the Safer at Home order continues much further. Given the ratio you cite, a 29% closure rate equaling 724,000 employees, a 35% closure rate would equal 875,000 employees.
Yes, the fact that so many people eagerly hit their knees in front of these tinpot martinets is discouraging.
Its a whole acme coyote club,
Evers looks wraithlike ala william hickey or the preacher in poltergeist 2
"America is pretty united right now. In an ABC News/Ipsos poll last week, 98 percent of Democrats and 82 percent of Republicans supported social-distancing rules. According to a Yahoo News/YouGov survey, nearly 90 percent of Americans think a second wave of the virus would be at least somewhat likely if we ended the lockdowns today."
"most of the policies on offer enjoyed tremendous bipartisan support: increasing testing (nearly 90 percent), temporarily halting immigration (79 percent) and continuing the lockdown until the end of April (69 percent). A KFF poll shows that people who have lost their jobs are just as supportive of the lockdowns as people who haven’t."
"17. President’s Trump’s plan to reopen the American economy allows for regionalization. Yours does not. Why does your plan not allow for regionalization?
18. President Trump’s plan to reopen the American economy called for a 14-day downward trajectory in positive COVID-19 cases or a 14-day downward trajectory of positive COVID-19 tests as a percentage of total tests taken. Until Monday, April 27, you repeatedly described your plan as requiring 14 straight days of decreasing positive tests and a 14-day downward trajectory of positive COVID-19 tests as a percentage of total tests taken. On Monday, Secretary-Designee Palm stated the criteria is a trajectory and not consecutive days. For clarification purposes, is the gating criteria 14 straight days of decreasing total infections or a 14-day trajectory?
In the above questions, we recognize that you answered claiming you are following President Trump’s guidelines. Both of these questions are in relation to direct aspects of your plan which do NOT follow President Trump’s guidelines. We would still like answers to these questions."
Coronavirus Diary, Day 100. 51st Day of Lockdown.
All I had to do today is walk around the block to get my exercise.
Didn't do it.
Althouse is a fighting blog.
Well, Kathryn, YH, narciso, Pants, and Anne-I-Am -- you made a valiant attempt. The viral load is rather high though.
“ Althouse is a fighting blog.”
The first rule of Althouse blog is never talk about Althouse blog.
Meanwhile, the authoritarian culture in education is rather well established, Pants. Shirley, you've seen such behaviors before this?
Andromeda level, like when it eats through the gaskets. So i see examples of those trapped in the living facility up the bloc and i say wasnt this flatline supposed to prevent this (redacted) same course of action.
I think the refrain in the movie the wall is wrong, what they want is thought control.
...not to be Corney...but
"paint the roses red"
To frantically attempt to cover up a mistake with severe consequences.
Popularized by alice in wonderland.
(scroll up if req'd)
Well, that school lady certainly isn't letting anyone have pudding without eating their meat.
We are fighting a rearguard action.
We really need to steer the conversation in other directions. Interestingly, when we do that, the panic peddlers disappear. Much more fun. I don't want to talk about Flynn and the FBI though. Even worse than the panic-mongers.
"A night or two ago I opined that Flynn and Crossfire Hurricane (CH) were not related. Andrew McCarthy was on Tucker tonight to explain how wrong I was. His hypothesis is that the FBI wanted to continue to pursue CH after Trump was elected and they needed Flynn out of the way. Unlike the new people Trump might bring in, Flynn was the experienced guy. He was likely to figure out what was going on and to shut them down, so he had to be removed."
I always assumed they were connected, but not necessarily in that way. McCarthy's theory makes sense, but there is the personal angle between McCabe and Flynn, and Flynn and the Obama Administration from when he worked inside it. Priestap's notes (if they are Priestap's) does indicate that one of the primary goals was to get him fired ASAP.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Interesting article, argues that both the number of cases and death rate for the flu are systematically overstated by quite a lot.
Interesting. But the author says nothing about how the covid deaths are being wildly inflated by attributing the virus to anyone elderly who dies and tests positive for it, whether they got hit by a car or slipped and fell down the stairs.
Standards vary wildly from state to state, so we're all in the dark as to the actual numbers.
The author should have acknowledged that. Instead he chose to fling snot at Trump.
What a fucking self-centeredasshole you are. Here's a woman making peanuts that is taking reasonable precautions from catching a potentially fatal virus.
Really?? What about the first responders? What about the clerks at Safeway?? How much are they making? We've been on lock-down for two months....and nothing has happened. This is FUCKING theater.
You've never even been to Texas have you? What a fuck-up!
they rarely know how to write films properly, this is an exception like with man from uncle.
Well, AIA, with what Hollywood is putting out now, it's hard to feel sorry for the industry crashing with the theater closings.
But some movies do need to be seen on the big screen in a dark room. The Wall is one of them.
(and without too much of a buzz)
“Nearly 900 workers at a Tyson Food plant in Indiana have reportedly tested positive for COVID-19.”
Nothing to worry about though. Enjoy your chicken salad!
I was thinking that one of major problems we have is how we are all just kind of floating listlessly on that open boat in the ocean, or wandering in the desert, pick your metaphor. We have no established goal, nothing is on the horizon. And we are at the mercy of too many others who have control over how we live our lives.
Individually and collectively, we need some specified objective to obtain, some project, some final destination that we can personally take some steps toward attaining.
I do enjoy a really good movie, in the theater, with fresh popcorn. I hardly ever go, though. Saw The Mule--that was the last time I went to the theater.
“ We are fighting a rearguard action.”
You are the Resistance. To Trump.
“Texas reports most deaths in a day from COVID-19 as Gov. Abbott prepares to drop stay-home order Texas reported 50 more COVID-19 deaths on Thursday, the most in any one day since the state reported its first deaths in mid-March.
The state also reported it had added more than 1,000 new cases of COVID-19 to its total of 28,000 — the biggest one-day increase in infections since April 10.”
I think this is actually going to be a good indication of what will happen. Let the experiment begin...in Texas.
Humans are meant to be productive. Those who can continue to work now are the luckiest people, although they may not know, not having experienced the lassitude that comes with enforced idleness.
I have begun to tackle my backyard, which resembled the Amazon jungle. The vast majority of plants are succulents, which bodes well for their continued flourishing. I planted some perennials and even a few annuals. We'll see if I remember to water them.
I saw the baseball film and american sniper, i hadent seen grand torino till it came up on cable, which director was stil turning out good films at 90
"When my husband went to pick them up, he found that he was to pull up to the curb, and a woman in full PPE - the whole plastic body gown, a plastic welders mask type contraption, and an additional paper face mask - shouted at him from ten feet away to determine whose parent he was to go retrieve the items, which were bagged in several layers of plastic."
I imagine they're thinking of it this way: (1) Downside of overkill is to look silly. (2) Downside of not enough protection and possible (though improbable) bad luck is to have your preschool known as the site of a super spreading event. They picked overkill. If I owned a share of a preschool, I'd pick overkill too. You may look crazy, but no one doubts you're careful with their kids.
I have appreciated Andy McCarthy's insights over the past four years. He has been a reliable source of insight and prediction.
more than ever, it's a Backfire Hurricane
PapaD says he's 'crossfire typhoon'
who's 'crossfire wind'?
..but it's all right now, in fact, it's a gas!
At work, we are planning for determining and taking the necessary steps for reopening according to the various phases laid out in the White House plan, the CDC guidelines, and the various state and local reopening plans. We have at least four or five different kinds of properties spread over six localities doing different functions. Some involve occasional large gatherings and others involve a lot of personal interaction. There will be some commonalities among them, but some specifics too.
So we have a number of objectives and goals that we can plan for and take the necessary preliminary steps. But after having done so, then we need to stand down and wait. In none of them can we actually implement reopening ourselves. We are powerless. We need Caesar to give his thumbs up.
The recent Eastwood films are acceptable on the 40-55 inch flat screen. But his westerns needed to be seen on the big screen.
I remember seeing a triple feature of the Man With No Name Leone trilogy at the Michigan Theater on Liberty (which had, and may still have, a balcony) way back when.
And what would Caesar do if your company--and thousands of others--just said, "Fuck it. We are opening."
When one person refuses to bow to the king, that person has a problem. When millions refuse to bow, the king has a problem.
“We are powerless. We need Caesar to give his thumbs up.”
Tell Trump to hurry up! Let his people go!
The other night, Unforgiven was on.
Earlier in the discussion, I was tempted to snark at another commenter with Little Bill's quote to English Bob: "You been talking about the queen again? (punches him) On Independence Day? (kicks him)"
You completely miss his point.
Governors are King now.
It would be a lot of bad PR, for one thing Anne-I-Am. We are already a social pariah in the eyes of many. Yes, such blood has been a seed in many ways in the past, but at least for now, our leadership will pay the tax.
An excellent project would be to watch all of the CE westerns. I have probably seen all of them, at one time or another. They don't get worn out by watching.
No use in snarking. Ignore, ignore, ignore. They eventually shut up, having failed to get a rise out of you. I am not sure why else they are here; they have no useful insights, no incisive observations. I think they are lonely and need attention, of any kind, even nasty and negative, to feel validated.
The nightly back-and-forth gets boring and old.
What line of work, if I may ask? Being big, evil Pharma, I am used to inane and uninformed invective.
And to be effective, many companies would have to decide to give Caesar the finger.
So . . . Why are so many of the people on Naked and Afraid, particularly the women, all tatted up? ("Not that there's anything wrong with that.")
It is in the area of your former(?) line of work.
Did you work for genentech or less well known firm.
Ah. I think I see. Yes. Modern culture has many devils, none so troublesome to them as the one that would make it face its meaninglessness.
I used to work for Initech, and we did have the Bobs experience. But I moved on.
And in my former position with my current employer, I used to have essentially one boss, the top guy, and now in my new position, I now have eight bosses. And too often I need to fill out TPS reports.
We are especially hurting since we depend almost entirely on contributions. And instead of being out there, leading the charge in bringing hope, we have essentially been sidelined. This is what we were made for and we are basically nowhere to be seen. It is a scandal.
Inga, it is a good indication of the future, in my opinion. Texas' trend in total cases has essentially been linear since the 1st week of April- it was linear before that, too, but testing ramped up in the first week of April. You can see this here- just click on trends at the bottom of the page. Texas has bounced between 400 and 1000 new cases/day for over three weeks- and the bounces are pretty regular, too- the lows are every Monday, and the highs are every Thursday (but Tuesday-Friday are all within about 150/cases of each other. The high in new cases was on April 10th with 1400. Texas is almost at the tipping point where active cases first derivative is less than zero- they are close to the point of shrinking- they have added only 400 active cases over the last 4 days. By next week, active cases are likely to drop unless testing grows again.
As for deaths, only 10 states have fewer per million residents than does Texas. Texas is ready to reopen, and they are smart to do so.
But no lundberg, how about a milton.
The last movie I saw in the theater was A Hidden Life. A Terrence Malik film, which should tell you a lot. Very good. Not super excellent, but well worth viewing.
Trailer -
You completely miss his point.
Governors are King now.”
The Governors followed Trump’s guidelines until just recently when some decided to open up early without abiding by the two week decline in cases and deaths.
Yes, it is disconcerting how your employer and so many similarly situated have gone silent, ceding everything they (we) celebrate and consider essential. I understand a necessary concern for clientele that falls into a vulnerable demographic, AND I think protective measures could have been taken.
I for one would like to see your eastern cousins begin to take obvious steps. Especially in places where benign weather permits imaginative offerings.
'Springtime For Whitmer' apparently short -lived
Kudos to MI House of Representatives and Lee Chatfield! The MI House adjourned today until May 5th after passing legislation to rein in
emergency powers and refusing to grant her an extension of her emergency powers!
Evers diverged.
Iowa, S. Dakota...
Another excellent must-see film is Sophie Scholl: Die Letzten Tage (The Final Days).
Ja, es ist auf Deutsche, aber es ist subtitled.
Trailer (sorry it's low res, but YouTube apparently yanked the HD versions)
IOW, Governors are in charge of this now.
And speaking of, there was a time and precedent for not hiding under our beds, but getting out there --
Molokai - The Story of Father Damien
Tennessee is also almost at the point of dropping active cases- added only 300 active cases added in the last 4 days. This applies to all the states that have started reopening this week, and plan to next week. The US as a whole isn't close by the reported numbers, but is probably getting close that point where active cases drop- the main reason the country as a whole is off more than Texas and Tennessee is that only about 2/3s of the states actually report numbers of recoveries- California doesn't, Florida doesn't, Pennsylvania doesn't, Illinois doesn't, and Ohio doesn't report recoveries- there are others, but these are the big ones. New York has reported about 1/5 of the positives are recovered, so you can guesstimate the big non-reporting states.
Filmed on the island with real residents of Kalaupapa in the movie.
When? When? When will our 400 years of captivity end??
I saw Malick's "Thin Red Line" in the theaters when it came out. I loved that movie- I thought it was superior in every way to "Saving Private Ryan", which I didn't think was a bad movie, just over-rated.
Submitted for your consideration:
“Basically, every death certificate that comes across our desk now has COVID on it,” said a funeral director in Williston Park, N.Y., on a recorded phone call with Project Veritas in a newly-released video. . . .“They are putting COVID on a lot of death certificates because people who are going to their hospital with any kind of respiratory distress, respiratory problems, pneumonia, the flu — the flu-like symptoms lead into the COVID-19,” said Joseph Antioco of Schafer Funeral Home. “To me, all you’re doing is padding the statistics. You’re putting people on that have COVID-19 even if they didn’t have it. You’re making the death rate for New York City a lot higher than it should be.” . . .
“The guy that I just buried a little while ago from Long Island National Cemetery, they called me from the nursing home. They said, ‘Did Raymond have COVID-19?’ She said, ‘Well, no. It was a failure to thrive. But we’re assuming they all have it.’ And I’m all, ‘Why would you assume? Why aren’t they all in the hospital?’ She had no answer. ‘I can’t answer you,’ she said. They put it down on Raymond’s death certificate,” said Dimiceli. “He didn’t have COVID-19.”
When I was working in pharmaceutical research in industry, we didn't have a Milton or Lundberg. When I was a post-doc, though, at Emory University, we did have a kind of Milton there. He was a very weird guy who seemed to have been a grad student for about a decade.
Of course, when I was industry, we certainly had Bobs come along every 2-3 years.
Malik tends to be less of a movie and more of a meditation.
The Tree of Life certainly was.
"There are two ways through life. The way of nature, and the way of grace."
Malik is what we would call a searcher. He's not a full-blown believer, which makes his perspective all the more interesting.
I took a second date to see "Thin Red Line". Afterwards, at the bar it became clear to me that she thought it was a film about the Vietnam War. She wasn't dumb- she was actually pretty intelligent, she just wasn't interested in that kind of movie and probably zoned out.
I think it was about that time that I let the dates pick the movies. I can pretend to like anything.
Indeed. Inga and Ken B and the rest of the crew already have Sham-peachment III up and running.
Shampeachment III: This Time We Really Mean It!
Thanks for the recommendations, guys.
My gym reopens today. Will be interesting to see what procedures the town's idiot mayor has forced them to use. I read the brief description- it seems very onerous, and I predict it all collapses really quickly in mass refusal to follow the rules.
This is the thing a lot of these morons don't get- rules that are tedious to follow don't get followed at all after a very short time. You have to be pragmatic, and when it isn't the rulemaker doing the rule following, this just creates contempt for the rulemaker. Sort of like Pritzker's wife flying down to Florida to the family's big estate. I loved that news conference- he got caught disobeying his own fucking rules, and had the temerity to get angry about getting caught.
There is a line in Robert Hugh Benson's "Lord of the World" (1907):
"There seemed no giants on the earth in these days."
A couple of years ago, they showed 2001 on the IMAX screen at the Air and Space Museum. Also not a movie to take a date to to see it for the first time.
2001 led me to read some parts of Thus Spake Zarathustra and then explore some other Nietzsche. Again, only excerpts since that's all I had in the collection of writings book I had. But it led to other philosophical musings and ranging from the political to the theological.
You never know where you will encounter that mustard seed -- or when you might be that seed yourself to someone else.
The Thin Red Line has a magnificent soundtrack.
another one
Kubrick and Malick both understood/understand the need for great cinematography and great music.
Yeah, but the SH eyes close-up is nothing compared to Charles Bronson in Once Upon a Time in the West.
"Now you'll tell me what you're after."
"Only at the point of dying."
"I know."
Anyway, I'll say this, and then bid you adieu (and there was much rejoicing).
I have an appointment next Friday for a blood draw for the antibody test. I was one of those who had some mysterious something in January extending into February. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.
Nietzsche was not anti-Semitic, but he was pro slavery. I wonder if this will lead to a re-evaluation of his work. Most pro-slavery figures of the 19th century have been knocked off their pedestals.
Good night, Mark. And all. I am curious about your test, Mark.
I was wondering the other day why they never made another Holmes film, Narciso. I loved both of the movies very much. Hard to believe the second one was 9 years ago.
"Malik is what we would call a searcher. He's not a full-blown believer, which makes his perspective all the more interesting."
Can't agree with you there. Tree of Life is one of the most Christian movies I've ever seen. Also, A Hidden Life. If I were guessing, I'd say full-blown through and through.
I live in NYC. There's a supermarket in the vicinity that's open to 1 AM. I go there late at night. It's not crowded, and I can get my exercise by walking there. Tonight it was drizzling. The streets were almost deserted. There was only one person every two or three blocks. Nonetheless, nearly all the people I saw were wearing masks....Myself, I don't like wearing the mask. That's why I go for my walks late at night. The mask makes me feel like I'm on the verge of hyperventilating. I wear it in the stores as a courtesy to the staff and other shoppers. Maybe it does some good. The store is an enclosed space. It does seem pointless though to wear a mask on nearly deserted streets, but it's become rather the social convention here in NYC....I always hated ties and was glad to see them slowly disappearing. I think the mask is even more onerous, and it looks like it's here to stay.
The absolute best soundtrack for any western for all time was The Magnificent Seven. Second best was The Big Country, but the movie itself didn't live up to the soundtrack.
Mark: "Now you'll tell me what you're after."
"Only at the point of dying."
"I know."
One of my favorite movies. Once Upon A Time In The West.
Chuck Bronson and Hank Fonda.
Thus ends April and begins May.
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