I wonder who will be the first famous American to perish from the disease. I wish no harm to anyone but Weinstein's death would be far more providential than Rand Paul's......If you recover from the virus haven't you in effect been vaccinated? Then you can go through life hanging onto subway poles and eating in crowded restaurants.
Cuomo gives a good press conference. He doesn't get asked any adversarial or even skeptical questions, but he looks good. He sounds decisive, folksy, and good humored. The Dems could do worse than move Biden out of the way and nominate Cuomo.....With sympathy, Biden looks like one of those older people who should be sequestered away from the sturm und drang.
Obsession, they just got so much Obsession, but all they want to do, is to put it to you
Everything is going in the wrong direction Pelosi needs some more hot pork injections Give her a shot for a bad rabies infection But I don't know, if the foam will slow
Obsession, they just got so much Obsession, but all they want to do, is to put it to you
The Dems should get a very close inspection We wonder why it is that they elect 'em There's never been a more motley collection And we all know, as a group they blow
Obsession, they just got so much Obsession, but all they want to do, is to put it to you
In the current debate, the focus is on the inherent trade-off between a ‘mitigation strategy’, which is centred on two-week quarantines of infected households, and a ‘suppression strategy’, which relies on some form of confinement of the whole population (with exceptions for vital workers in the health sector and the subsistence economy). The core idea is that while the mitigation strategy is costly in terms of lives lost, the suppression strategy is economically and psychologically unsustainable. The former effect results from the fact that quarantines are imposed only on the small fraction of people who have tested positive or have characteristics making them prone to infection (for example, they have been in recent contact with an infected individual or they have come from a hotspot). The latter effect arises because the cost to governments of a significant disruption of the economy is huge and will be hard to sustain beyond a limited period of time. Moreover, ‘confinement fatigue’ among people unaccustomed to isolation is not to be underestimated.
From: Rapidly identifying workers who are immune to COVID-19 and virus-free is a priority for restarting the economy
And now we know what the democrats really want, which was buried in amongst all the other things they want that are distractors:
Nationwide ballot-harvesting without limits.
And that would be the ballgame forever, right there.
Because that's what the US needs more than anything else to defeat Chinese Communist Bat-soup Kung Flu: unlimited cheating by the democrats at the polls.
"Rather than move quickly, Pelosi is demanding that the Senate federalize elections, setting up same-day voter registrations and provisions for conducting audits of elections."
there ya go. Democrats never miss an opportunity to stuff their corruption down our throats.
Well, if you want a polarizing, brash & harsh, foolish hack with a smartest-person-on-earth attitude, then Cuomo's your guy. Yep, a know-it-all liberal/leftist from the Northeast. That'd be a first, right?
More people joining the anti-panic pro-sanity faction.
Charles Lane in WaPO, quoted on Powerline:
"Economic prosperity is a matter of public health, too — the necessary condition for it, in fact. The United States must respond to the coronavirus accordingly."
wow - Even Mitt Romney is pissed about what the corruptocrats are doing:
Mitt Romney ✔ @MittRomney · 22h
Nothing in the Senate has shocked me, until today. Standing in the way of a critically needed rescue package is irresponsible and reckless. Dems say not enough money to states: nearly $200 billion isn’t chump change. Hospitals get at least $75 billion.
Mitt Romney ✔ @MittRomney
As for funds for companies, it’s to keep entities that employ millions of Americans from folding—it’s to save jobs. Keep this up a little longer and we will go from social distancing to social destruction.
"The New York Times first reported that the Democrats "blocked" the bill but then, realizing that the Democrats could be damaged by noting that they "blocked" the bill, successively rewrote their headline until the words "Democrats" and "blocked" were completely ommited.
Now they say "Partisan divide threatens" the bill."
When I talk about America being doomed, this is what I am referring to. I am notorious for making everything about immigration, but we are seeing exactly what mass immigration does to a nation. We cannot work effectively together because we are so divided. It's been a common refrain, "why is America so divided?" The question is very simple. Because America is so diverse. Diversity breeds divisiveness. Social cohesion breaks down, and people become much less trusting. A potential public health crisis, a huge collective action problem, has become yet another opportunity for people to scream about their pre-existing biases. It's the Dems/liberal media or it's dumb Trump and the deplorables. The citizens of this country don't even occupy the same level of reality. I read Yuval Harari's book Sapiens and thought it was totally overblown (the kind of book that impresses the Doha set), but he does make a good point about the ability of humans to cooperate flexibly at large scales. This ability is obviously more conducive among peoples with a shared identity as opposed to the atomized individuals who exist in a multicultural, multiracial "nation." Sure, ideally, we should see all humans as belonging to one group and pay no mind to sectarian differences, but we are much further removed from that ideal than we are from our pre-agrarian hunter-gather forebearers.
I don't think Trump is surprised by this turn of events. I'd wager he has a plan.
Statements like this speak to Trump's success as a brand maker. The notion of Trump as a master strategist who plays 4-D chess is as believable as the claim that he's a Russian fifth-column controlled b.y Putin
Question for you if you revisit this thread. I'm not sure of your business, assembly lines, CNC, but the question is where is most of the equipment for these coming from? I adopted CNC in the early 90's and there were no reliable American made machines then. Germany or Italy were the options.
I work in pretty much every industry that needs to do product changeover. That includes, to some extent, CNC machining.
There are a number of American companies that build top of the line CNC machines in all types and sizes in the USA.
A couple off the top of my head are:
Haas in Oxnard CA www.haascnc.com Very large company with more than a million square feet of manufacturing in Oxnard
Hardinge builds a lot of CNC tools in the US, small to large.
Bourne & Koch in Rockford IL
I can't ever remember their name but the successor to Cincinnati Milcron still makes a lot in the US.
There are also a lot of US companies building CNC tube benders, sheet metal punchers and benders and other machinery in the US
We don't dominate like we used to but we still have a pretty good base of machine tool builders.
There's a packaging machine builder called PacWest. That's not you, is it?
There is a similar power struggle in israel, between the blue and white faction and likud, now it involves the joint list but its about the former faction.
As corporate boards struggle to figure out ways to keep their companies afloat, Nancy Pelosi is demanding that they spend time filling gender and racial quotas, down to “subcommittee assignments.”
There is a similar power struggle in israel, between the blue and white faction and likud, now it involves the joint list but its about the former faction.
This is precisely why early Zionists were entirely opposed to the idea that Israel should be a "Jewish state." Everyone is now terrified that the Joint List might actually exercise some power in Israeli politics.
Chloroquine is proven safe over 30 years of usage. Pretending we need just enough time testing effectiveness to destroy the American economy as it was carefully designed to do is the demand of Fauchi. That guy is a Clinton loyalist fifth columnist. But Trump knows that.
What do we have to lose by using it? All hope of defeating President Trump.
In the face of 3 years of unheard of resistance he has managed to accomplish most of the things he has tried.
Must be just dumb beginner's luck, right?
There aren't many first term presidents who aren't "beginners." But which of Trump's accomplishments do you hold as evidence that he is a master strategician? Beyond winning the news cycle, that is.
Every state in the region is a arab or persian one, that is the promise behind hamas.
The Lebanese might debate that first point. But this is precisely why Israel is so much more advanced compared to its neighbors. It is a European colony in the middle east.
He's not quite senior, but close. He is Johnnie, I am John. Johnnie was also my paternal grandfather, and John my maternal grandfather. My parents were real creative. But I do appreciate the classics. Since "John" came to us from Hellenized Jews, I feel it nicely encapsulates the entirety of Western Civilization. Thank god I don't have one of those hip boy names like Liam or Noah.
To answer your question, after a very exhausting trip, he is doing fine. And practicing social distancing.
Chloroquine “What do we have to lose by using it?”
I am modestly hopeful about chloroquine. But “using it” means ramping up production to billions of bills. That means not producing other things. If it proves a bust we are screwed. So we cannot just go all in on chloroquine without reasonable confidence it is effective. As I said, I am hopeful. But we aren’t there yet. Tests are proceeding at record clip.
Drank some gin & tonics tonight with the wife. "Contains quinine" says the Schweppes. Why argue with science? Why argue with Schweppes? The science is settled. Schweppes settled the science.
For those open to an alternative to the unfounded and purely mathematical model that tells us millions of deaths are the only other path, this American-British-Israeli biophysicist and 2013 Noble laureate correctly predicted almost exactly where China's number of cases and deaths would top out, when nobody else was even close. He does not think we are in danger of the terrible future possibilities currently being irresponsibly spread across the country.
The reasons are kinda obvious, and I've been making similar arguments here. One thing I learned today is that these viruses tend to attenuate the longer they stay in a host, and each transmission usually advances that attenuation so that it is most pathogenic at the beginning, and weakens over time, slowing the disease.
The short version of all this is that the disease loses steam for a variety of reasons including that we adapt to the threat with changes in behavior, immunity gains ground on it every day, and this is why millions of people don't die from all the similar epidemics when they show up. I mean don't you even wonder why that never happens anymore, despite all the attempts by the tiny virus nations trying to depose us every year?
BTW, for those not inclined, THIS IS A GOOD THING.
Governor Inslee caved under pressure tonight. Even though Washington State appears to be gradually flattening the curve (that is, the exponential trajectory is not skyrocketing as predicted), even though small businesses were practicing CDC guidelines re: distance, etc., the pressure became too much. At this point, I believe Dems are determined to bring down capitalism.
Message received Nancy and Chuckie - hubby and I will adapt, protect our assets, do what we can to support our adult children. Just like all of the other wealthy elites that are okay with destroying the economy because they "got theirs", too bad about anyone else that wasn't "talented" enough to make it.
And Nancy - invoking "God" in your pathetic little partisan speech today? You are now on the same level as Hillary. I loathe you, I will always loathe you.
I have no idea why, but this song has been running though my mind for a couple days now. I know I haven't heard it for decades unless it was on TV while I was sleeping. It just won't go away.
Diana was more enigmatic, in her own way, since i did catch the first seasons of the avengers the template for kingsman, i have a basis for comparison,
Not bad for someone who is so stupid he can't tie his own shoes. According to some, not me.
Not by me, either. That wasn't my claim. What I said is that Trump's reputation (among some, not me) as a master strategist is extremely overblown. And it probably goes without saying, but I am not very impressed with your list.
Maybe I'm naive, but I still do not think the response of Democrat governors is designed to hurt Trump. They just think that's a possible side benefit. I think they are taking these actions due to 1) pressure from other Democrats, some with despicable motives, and 2) because they do the cost benefit analysis on a political level, and that says doing nothing is harder to defend than taking strong action, regardless of the outcome. Understandable for a politician, but in states with little threat, it's still immoral.
Not in the same category honor blackman, peels predecessor.
A million times yes. And she remains my all time favorite "Bond girl." An amazing combination of looks, smarts, and talent. Incidentally, she was in her late 30s at the time and was five years older than Sean Connery.
So almost all of professional sports has been shut down, around the world. College sports too, of course.
Question: is there any serious athlete, anywhere, who has experienced any serious health effects due to the Wuhan virus? Anyone?
I am happy to be corrected, but I haven't heard of anyone.
If the answer is none, or close, what is the justification for devastating this entire economic sector?
Sure, you might want to keep old sick people out. Limit or do without crowds for a while. But if the actual health risk to the actual performers is minimal, why not play?
When Trump starts the reopening and rebuilding phase, he should declare sports an essential sector.
They did an avengers film with jude law as mr steel and connery as the villain, in thr 90s, it wasnt as bad as salingers captain america or hasselhoffs nick fury but yikes.
I am glad that all is well John and that you are at your usual cantankerous self.
People here were worried about you.
Thank you. Incidentally, one of the reasons I love participating here is that it's the only time in my life I get to be called things like "cantankerous." In real life, I am known for my even-temperedness and affability. My best friend in high school (and still to this day) is a ball of neuroses, introversion, and self-doubt. People used to call us "Jerry and George" in high school, and not just because of our obnoxious penchant for quoting lines from Seinfeld.
I don't think Trump is a master strategist, per se. He does have the qualities of keeping good focus on his end goals - he will get distracted along the way but he knows where he wants to go - and he is very good at improvising when things go off track. He also seems to have an innate ability to get his enemies to make dumb mistakes, which is always helpful when improvising.
They did an avengers film with jude law as mr steel and connery as the villain, in thr 90s, it wasnt as bad as salingers captain america or hasselhoffs nick fury but yikes.
It was actually Ralph Fiennes opposite Uma Thurman. I had the displeasure of seeing that film in theaters. Still pissed at myself for not walking out. I assume the finished product had something resembling a story, but that movie looks like it was edited with a chainsaw. People joke that The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen prompted Connery's retirement from films. But hell, if he could come back from something as godawful as Avengers, I don't see why he couldn't come back from a corny but at least unoffensively bad League.
According to the always reliable and fair Washington Post, Trump has already exhausted the world's supply of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine available now or in the future, leading to the callous deaths of millions of people on it now who depend upon it.
Chloroquine is dirt cheap to produce. In the United States I think it costs like $5 a dose, which is less than many co-pays. I'm not sure if that is wholesale; my guess that is with profit involved. Per Wikipedia in the developing world it costs something like 4 cents a dose. You don't want to ramp up production of drugs that you are not sure are effective, but if there is any drug that you would risk it on something that is this inexpensive would be the one to do it with. The worst case scenario is the developing world will have plenty of anti-malarial medication for decades.
What they are saying is that the expected widespread infection numbers of 60-80 percent will not be all at once, but spread out over a few years. That means any stockpile of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine will be used over that time.
Can we talk about Nancy Pelosi? And Nancy Pelosi's daughter's approval of political violence?
Can we put the two together and recognize that Nancy Pelosi hates normal Americans. All she wants is power. And she hates the people over whom she wants power.
And that's how you raise a daughter to wish death and violence on a US Senator. A US Senator who has a disease, even.
Who wants to talk about that, from a Leftist Collectivist point of view?
I found this excellent, succinct comment on an insty thread. It was in response to yet another FLU FLU FLU question.
Celebrim 9 minutes ago Because for the flu we have a population that has herd immunity and so the rate of spread is restricted, and because the flu is less than 1/30th as deadly, doesn't cause permanent soft tissue damage, and doesn't put nearly 10% of those that get it on a ventilator for 2-4 weeks.
"Haas in Oxnard CA www.haascnc.com Very large company with more than a million square feet of manufacturing in Oxnard"
Haas is moving from CA to Las Vegas next year. The entire huge, high-tech, high-paying, tax revenue engine. I formerly had 1 Haas CNC, 5 old Fadals (also American made) and one new Conquest/Bridgeport (American). I sold all but the Haas and bought all new Haas machines. We are 100% Haas now. Not any great fan of the company, but American, and local. Good enough for me.
Now laser cutting machines are another story - no American companies, but a lot of the manufacture and assembly is done here. I bought $1 million worth of Swiss laser (Bystronic), Much of the text in the software and on the machine is German, but they do all right with the translations to make it work for us. Its a weird dynamic where all the people you deal with are Americans, but they always have to defer to Switzerland on bigger issues, and get back to you weeks later. I've also owned a couple from Amada (Japan) - same thing.
Epidemiology, especially with thinking, fast adapting, technology employing humans is not simple mathematics. Even the pathogens adapt and fail, moving far outside the math.
The official Joe Biden YouTube page had all day to edit his disaster of a livestream today and it is STILL a disaster -- starting with the nearly four minutes of nothing but the Biden logo at the beginning of the recording.
Then when the picture starts, we still get Joe looking around and grabbing his nose and mouth, then slurring in a monotone as he tries to read from the teleprompter -- attacking Trump of course right after he says we shouldn't politicize this. Then at the ten-minute mark, he gestures with his hand to move up the teleprompter and then stumbles his words and says outloud that he'll move on to another the text.
Then Trump will try to pin ruin on them: "I want us to rebuild; they are hurting the country more than the Chinese virus."
Everything will depend on "data," of course -- but I got a sense today that Trump is already thinking about that battle to come.
3/23/20, 10:38 PM
Of course, people will still be dying of the disease. The Dems will then scream "Trump doesn't care about the elderly!" Their commercials will feature the grieving relatives of someone who died after the shut-down was lifted and they'll say Trump killed gramps.
He's in a really tricky situation.
However, I think after the end of this 15 day shutdown, public opinion will shift in favor of lifting the restrictions. People are desperate to get back to work.
Recovery from this overreaction will be Trump's, and one of America's greatest victories, because it will be one of our greatest challenges. The Dems and the media will be fighting it all the way. I know, I know. Nobody wants the economy to suffer. Riiiiight.
New deaths, which are the only useful and purely bad numbers, will rise for a while since it takes 10 -14 days to lose that fight, but as immunity spreads at a rapidly increasing rate, and cures start saving some, that will soon level off, even as case numbers continue to rise. I was foolishly hopeful other day that a 2 day decline in new deaths was a trend, but that was a little too optimistic. Not as far off as the geometry driven models, but too soon.
My wife and I just spent several days getting home from New Zealand. It was like a WW2 movie where everybody is trying to flee Paris before the Germans arrive. It was surreal. And I can report first hand that Australian Immigration is one incompetent organization.
New York State now has 20,000 known cases of the novel coronavirus, including 5,000 cases diagnosed in the past day, Gov. Cuomo said at a late-morning briefing on Monday.
“That is obviously a significant increase. The trajectory is going up. The wave is still going up,” Cuomo said. “You see it spreading across the state as it has across the nation and I think it will continue every day.” . . .
It might be wise, he said, to only isolate vulnerable people and let everyone else return to work—not just for economic reasons, but also because doing so would limit the number of people interacting with the vulnerable at home.
"New York State now has 20,000 known cases of the novel coronavirus, including 5,000 cases diagnosed in the past day, Gov. Cuomo said at a late-morning briefing on Monday."
A lot of people are overlooking NY's surprisingly low mortality rate (so far)
Hey Birkel Find where anyone said infections were growing 20% a day. We were talking about another poster's claim that *hospitalizations* were increasing at 20% a day. But you didn’t look back did you? You just made shit up as usual.
PS What was your beef with Truman again? Was it the Berlin airlift?
How many Covid-19 deaths did we actually incur In December and January? We don't know because they are intertwined with flu, etc. deaths. So the death toll could be much higher than what's recorded but then the mortality rate could be effectively lower if more people (hundreds and hundreds of thousands) are infected.
If this thing is even remotely as bad as the Dem/MSM claim/hope it is, the place it will hurt the absolute most is...NYC. The financial capital of the world and part of the state of which Cuomo is governor.
Not sure how that catapults Cuomo to the presidency.
Aside from pure sincere good faith (hah!), Cuomo knows that his political fortune is tied to Trump. He has to save his city and his state, even if it depends on and/or benefits Trump.
Known Unknown I think it was country, but maybe not. Michael K was challenging the number. The guy who made the claim said 20% a day was quadrupling in a week, and unknown mocked him for that with the usual math is hard comment. But 20% a day is fairly close to quadrupling, and 22% a day really is quadrupling. Simple arithmetic. That’s when Birkel blundered in, confused, lazy, making stuff up.
You have been pressing fear because you are a Never Trump shit and you think you found your magic bullet.
The 'math' of the comment that asserts quadrupling cannot be decoupled from the underlying unreasonableness of those sorts of projections. You're an ass hole and a liar.
If you were Chinese, and found yourself feverish and with a dry cough, would you dare go to a hospital at this point? I wouldn't. I'd prefer to suffer and even die at home rather than present at a hospital with corona virus symptoms.
The ChiComs are saying there are no new cases. If nobody goes to the hospital or is killed if they do go, well, that's one way of keeping those stats pretty.
“ The ChiComs are saying there are no new cases. If nobody goes to the hospital or is killed if they do go, well, that's one way of keeping those stats pretty.”
narciso, Weird map. The red dots do not seem to reflect case numbers. They're way too big in places with single digit and double digit reported cases. Most of the African countries should be tiny red dots.
Still a useful link and we all appreciate the html links.
J. Farmer said... I don't think Trump is surprised by this turn of events. I'd wager he has a plan.
Statements like this speak to Trump's success as a brand maker. The notion of Trump as a master strategist who plays 4-D chess is as believable as the claim that he's a Russian fifth-column controlled b.y Putin **************
Trump has won again and again against then Dems, and that's not branding---that's fact.
They should have ended the episode with a twist -- the bodies of the kids floating face down in the pool. That creepy/demonic Aunt T all a figment of their imagination.
To get at the truth, ive found officially presented info doesnt often do the trick, so assanges exfils, fittons foias (which will becoming increasingly difficult) and apelbaums data mining out of poi.
It’s a measure of Trumpkin extremism that while I, a small minority in Canada btw, think Trump is doing pretty well on covid so far, I seem to be the current Trumpkin hate fetish here. Too funny. Or it would be if the reason wasn’t so pathetic . I explained mathematics!
Trump comes at every problem, america was great when he was growing up, then it stopped being so, we started losing wars we stopped making things and we incurred more debt, he sees it more in terms of foreign aid, not so much entitlements
You wont get far with covidiot and trumpkin, we just assume every thing we are told by our betters as urgent is less so, and whats left unremarked is more so.
Same with outer limits even the reboots were tinged with existential dread, it was just spiced up for showtime (and then edited dowm) classic stargate, had nore of the trek forthwrightness,
The one with the "ugly" Donna Douglas, the one where Cliff Robertson in the old west gets some medicine from the future, the two Adam and Eve episodes. They have a kind o happy ending.
“Expertise in one field does not carry over into other fields. But experts often think so. The narrower their field of knowledge the more likely they are to think so.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
Narcisco One fool exploded because I took a logarithm. So I don't worry much about "getting far" with them.I write for intelligent readers most of whom never comment
1) Only horrible rich people and medical people can get the anti-malaria drugs 2) Anti-Malaria drugs are completely ineffective no matter what Trump says.
"Mark - from my recollection (assuming we are talking about the old Twilight Zone episodes with Rod Sterling), none of them ended happily. Am I wrong?"
I can remember the following Original TW Zone episodes have happy endings:
Nick of Time Third from the SUn Hocus-pocus and frisby Walking Distance A Passage for Trumpet Hundred Yards over the Rim.
"I can remember the following Original TW Zone episodes have happy endings:"
I didn't consider "Third from the sun" as having a happy ending for its time. It was written at the height of the Cold War around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. These people escape from their planet just as nuclear war is about to break out, and they travel to another planet. It turns out that the other planet is Earth. These people are actually aliens and they're about to find out that Earth is pretty much in the same situation as their home planet.
Other TW episodes that had a happy ending:
Little Girl Lost Two
I was never sure if "Night of the Meek" really had a happy ending or not. At the surface level, it looked like a happy ending. But I always wondered if another interpretation of it was that the drunk guy was just having an alcoholic dream just before he passed away.
Twilight was allegorical, the first episode concerned pearl harbor, trek was more atraight forward adventure, there were didactic elements, i think ellison wasnt as concerned with time travel as with love and loss in city, if we had walked it through the nazis would be hovering in the star ship perhaps
John Henry. I can vouch for Haas. Very nice machines. Most of the shiney bits-spindles etc.- for higher end Japanese CNC machines are made here. I once bought a used Miyano lathe. Could not kill that thing. Held size and suffered fools like me agreeably. For the last 15 years Ive been building and designing machines that apply threadlocker. Lotsa simple PLC stuff and erector set like assembly. Think 8020 and your basic HR 2X2 1/8 frames. Still it's fun.
I became addicted to the Equalizer w/ Edward Woodward. I found the cool detachment of McCall very much like the Avengers series. Denzel captured some of that, but added his touch, which I really appreciated.
Just watched it this morning. This is the best that the Democrats can come up with. Keeping the current panic going is all that the Democrats have left. Shameful.
Tsk, tsk, EOMGED, ha, I didn't realize until the idiot self-poisoners appeared at the Times or on Instapundit this morning that they were Arizonans not Florida People.
I think we ought to accord them the titles of Honorary Florida Man and Honorary Florida Woman by popular acclaim, though.
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I wonder who will be the first famous American to perish from the disease. I wish no harm to anyone but Weinstein's death would be far more providential than Rand Paul's......If you recover from the virus haven't you in effect been vaccinated? Then you can go through life hanging onto subway poles and eating in crowded restaurants.
Yes, those with antibodies will have to wear colored arm bands to signify post corona status.
No. Wont work. Some will cheat to get the women.
Cuomo gives a good press conference. He doesn't get asked any adversarial or even skeptical questions, but he looks good. He sounds decisive, folksy, and good humored. The Dems could do worse than move Biden out of the way and nominate Cuomo.....With sympathy, Biden looks like one of those older people who should be sequestered away from the sturm und drang.
Beautiful skies!!!
Connectio... er, Obsession
Obsession, they just got so much
Obsession, but all they want to do, is to put it to you
Everything is going in the wrong direction
Pelosi needs some more hot pork injections
Give her a shot for a bad rabies infection
But I don't know, if the foam will slow
Obsession, they just got so much
Obsession, but all they want to do, is to put it to you
The Dems should get a very close inspection
We wonder why it is that they elect 'em
There's never been a more motley collection
And we all know, as a group they blow
Obsession, they just got so much
Obsession, but all they want to do, is to put it to you
In the current debate, the focus is on the inherent trade-off between a ‘mitigation strategy’, which is centred on two-week quarantines of infected households, and a ‘suppression strategy’, which relies on some form of confinement of the whole population (with exceptions for vital workers in the health sector and the subsistence economy). The core idea is that while the mitigation strategy is costly in terms of lives lost, the suppression strategy is economically and psychologically unsustainable. The former effect results from the fact that quarantines are imposed only on the small fraction of people who have tested positive or have characteristics making them prone to infection (for example, they have been in recent contact with an infected individual or they have come from a hotspot). The latter effect arises because the cost to governments of a significant disruption of the economy is huge and will be hard to sustain beyond a limited period of time. Moreover, ‘confinement fatigue’ among people unaccustomed to isolation is not to be underestimated.
From: Rapidly identifying workers who are immune to COVID-19 and virus-free is a priority for restarting the economy
Also: working on the easily administered test for antibodies for identifying those safe to return to work...
Pelosi Pork
Republicans want a lifeline; Democrats want to remake the country
And now we know what the democrats really want, which was buried in amongst all the other things they want that are distractors:
Nationwide ballot-harvesting without limits.
And that would be the ballgame forever, right there.
Because that's what the US needs more than anything else to defeat Chinese Communist Bat-soup Kung Flu: unlimited cheating by the democrats at the polls.
Scott Adams, who is not a covid skeptic, says he wouldn’t bet on compliance last four weeks, including the one/two already in the books.
Pelosi Pork:
"Rather than move quickly, Pelosi is demanding that the Senate federalize elections, setting up same-day voter registrations and provisions for conducting audits of elections."
there ya go. Democrats never miss an opportunity to stuff their corruption down our throats.
Well, if you want a polarizing, brash & harsh, foolish hack with a smartest-person-on-earth attitude, then Cuomo's your guy. Yep, a know-it-all liberal/leftist from the Northeast. That'd be a first, right?
same day voter registration could be re-named "The democrats get to steal all elections henceforth" act.
That is a beauty. The road running straight back in direction of sun; that beautiful 3-part tree outline....very nice pic.
Mandelbrot trees.
And they offer Cuomo as the "Reasonable One", Judas goat, stand in for the One Behind The Curtain.
More people joining the anti-panic pro-sanity faction.
Charles Lane in WaPO, quoted on Powerline:
"Economic prosperity is a matter of public health, too — the necessary condition for it, in fact. The United States must respond to the coronavirus accordingly."
And so on. Maybe pitchforks won't be necessary.
Turns out, FDA dropped the ball. Delays in the bureaucracy.
The Republic is under siege.
I posted that in the other thread
wow - Even Mitt Romney is pissed about what the corruptocrats are doing:
Mitt Romney
· 22h
Nothing in the Senate has shocked me, until today. Standing in the way of a critically needed rescue package is irresponsible and reckless. Dems say not enough money to states: nearly $200 billion isn’t chump change. Hospitals get at least $75 billion.
Mitt Romney
As for funds for companies, it’s to keep entities that employ millions of Americans from folding—it’s to save jobs. Keep this up a little longer and we will go from social distancing to social destruction.
"Rapidly identifying workers who are immune to COVID-19 and virus-free is a priority for restarting the economy."
And of course, healthy college and high-school seniors should not be sitting on their hands. They need to get to work tout de suite.
Search Amazon for "ozery bakery onebun multigrain"
The only dinner buns recommended by dermatologists for dandruff.
I don't think Trump is surprised by this turn of events. I'd wager he has a plan.
"The New York Times first reported that the Democrats "blocked" the bill but then, realizing that the Democrats could be damaged by noting that they "blocked" the bill, successively rewrote their headline until the words "Democrats" and "blocked" were completely ommited.
Now they say "Partisan divide threatens" the bill."
The depth of their depravity is even shocking Mittens?
Keep harvesting there, narciso.
When I talk about America being doomed, this is what I am referring to. I am notorious for making everything about immigration, but we are seeing exactly what mass immigration does to a nation. We cannot work effectively together because we are so divided. It's been a common refrain, "why is America so divided?" The question is very simple. Because America is so diverse. Diversity breeds divisiveness. Social cohesion breaks down, and people become much less trusting. A potential public health crisis, a huge collective action problem, has become yet another opportunity for people to scream about their pre-existing biases. It's the Dems/liberal media or it's dumb Trump and the deplorables. The citizens of this country don't even occupy the same level of reality. I read Yuval Harari's book Sapiens and thought it was totally overblown (the kind of book that impresses the Doha set), but he does make a good point about the ability of humans to cooperate flexibly at large scales. This ability is obviously more conducive among peoples with a shared identity as opposed to the atomized individuals who exist in a multicultural, multiracial "nation." Sure, ideally, we should see all humans as belonging to one group and pay no mind to sectarian differences, but we are much further removed from that ideal than we are from our pre-agrarian hunter-gather forebearers.
I don't think Trump is surprised by this turn of events. I'd wager he has a plan.
Statements like this speak to Trump's success as a brand maker. The notion of Trump as a master strategist who plays 4-D chess is as believable as the claim that he's a Russian fifth-column controlled b.y Putin
Yesterday in another thread, PacWest asked:
Blogger pacwest said...
Question for you if you revisit this thread. I'm not sure of your business, assembly lines, CNC, but the question is where is most of the equipment for these coming from? I adopted CNC in the early 90's and there were no reliable American made machines then. Germany or Italy were the options.
I work in pretty much every industry that needs to do product changeover. That includes, to some extent, CNC machining.
There are a number of American companies that build top of the line CNC machines in all types and sizes in the USA.
A couple off the top of my head are:
Haas in Oxnard CA www.haascnc.com Very large company with more than a million square feet of manufacturing in Oxnard
Hardinge builds a lot of CNC tools in the US, small to large.
Bourne & Koch in Rockford IL
I can't ever remember their name but the successor to Cincinnati Milcron still makes a lot in the US.
There are also a lot of US companies building CNC tube benders, sheet metal punchers and benders and other machinery in the US
We don't dominate like we used to but we still have a pretty good base of machine tool builders.
There's a packaging machine builder called PacWest. That's not you, is it?
John Henry
There is a similar power struggle in israel, between the blue and white faction and likud, now it involves the joint list but its about the former faction.
As corporate boards struggle to figure out ways to keep their companies afloat, Nancy Pelosi is demanding that they spend time filling gender and racial quotas, down to “subcommittee assignments.”
Nancy is here to help, Farmer.
So as i pointed out in last nights link , adhanom is a puppet of china, he was an anti derge fighter but still essentially a marxist in mindset.
Blogger J. Farmer said...
The notion of Trump as a master strategist who plays 4-D chess is as believable as the claim that he's a Russian fifth-column controlled b.y Putin
In the face of 3 years of unheard of resistance he has managed to accomplish most of the things he has tried.
Must be just dumb beginner's luck, right?
John Henry
There is a similar power struggle in israel, between the blue and white faction and likud, now it involves the joint list but its about the former faction.
This is precisely why early Zionists were entirely opposed to the idea that Israel should be a "Jewish state." Everyone is now terrified that the Joint List might actually exercise some power in Israeli politics.
Thats the head of the who, who whitewashed the epidemic, as health minister under melawi he was dependent on chinese largesse.
John Henry
Every state in the region is a arab or persian one, that is the promise behind hamas.
Chloroquine is proven safe over 30 years of usage. Pretending we need just enough time testing effectiveness to destroy the American economy as it was carefully designed to do is the demand of Fauchi. That guy is a Clinton loyalist fifth columnist. But Trump knows that.
What do we have to lose by using it? All hope of defeating President Trump.
Across thr pond, boris has gone for a full shutdown, how can that possibly go wrong?
@John Henry:
In the face of 3 years of unheard of resistance he has managed to accomplish most of the things he has tried.
Must be just dumb beginner's luck, right?
There aren't many first term presidents who aren't "beginners." But which of Trump's accomplishments do you hold as evidence that he is a master strategician? Beyond winning the news cycle, that is.
Hope Farmer Sr is fine Farmer Jr.
Every state in the region is a arab or persian one, that is the promise behind hamas.
The Lebanese might debate that first point. But this is precisely why Israel is so much more advanced compared to its neighbors. It is a European colony in the middle east.
Fight, fight, fight!
Peter's in a fight with Liam Neeson. Good thing he's had all that practice with the Giant Chicken.
Oh. It's over. That was fast.
Hope Farmer Sr is fine Farmer Jr.
He's not quite senior, but close. He is Johnnie, I am John. Johnnie was also my paternal grandfather, and John my maternal grandfather. My parents were real creative. But I do appreciate the classics. Since "John" came to us from Hellenized Jews, I feel it nicely encapsulates the entirety of Western Civilization. Thank god I don't have one of those hip boy names like Liam or Noah.
To answer your question, after a very exhausting trip, he is doing fine. And practicing social distancing.
Thanks for the inquiry.
Chloroquine “What do we have to lose by using it?”
I am modestly hopeful about chloroquine. But “using it” means ramping up production to billions of bills. That means not producing other things. If it proves a bust we are screwed. So we cannot just go all in on chloroquine without reasonable confidence it is effective. As I said, I am hopeful. But we aren’t there yet. Tests are proceeding at record clip.
Curiously its not that absurd, mcfarlane later had neeson appear in his comic western and his star trek homage.
Well, good on you, as the Brits say. And good on Inga too for the masks.
Drank some gin & tonics tonight with the wife. "Contains quinine" says the Schweppes. Why argue with science? Why argue with Schweppes? The science is settled. Schweppes settled the science.
Good news, farmer.
Before penicillin was discovered, we were in that world that cs lewis spoke of.
Blogger J. Farmer said...
But which of Trump's accomplishments do you hold as evidence that he is a master strategician? Beyond winning the news cycle, that is.
Bringing manufacturing back to the US
The superb economy
Killing Obamacare (a work in progress. But making progress)
Curbs on immigration
North Korea
Appointing about 25% (or is it more now?) of all Federal judges
Killing regulations
Opening up drilling, fracking and pipelines
And more...
Not bad for someone who is so stupid he can't tie his own shoes. According to some, not me.
John Henry
Who wins these fights?
Peter, the Giant Chicken, Liam Neeson, or Stelio Kontos?
You don't want to get on Francine's bad side, though.
his western is as close as were likely to get to blaxing saddles
American dad, was probably dead on descrihing the company, isnt that scary.
Yeah. Talking about Julie Newmar and Mrs. Peel . . . there's also Francine. Lookin' pretty good.
JFarmer said: To answer your question, after a very exhausting trip, he is doing fine. And practicing social distancing.
I am glad that all is well John and that you are at your usual cantankerous self.
People here were worried about you.
Not in the same category honor blackman, peels predecessor.
Blogger Ken B said...
But “using it” means ramping up production to billions of bills.
A single tablet press can produce about 38 million tablets (not pills) per day.
There are lots, as in thousands or tens of thousands, of tablet presses in the US.
A billion tablets is a few days production in 1 medium size pharma plant.
John Henry
I'm still in love with Dianna Rigg.
As far as I'm concerned, the only Ms Peel.
John Henry
For those open to an alternative to the unfounded and purely mathematical model that tells us millions of deaths are the only other path, this American-British-Israeli biophysicist and 2013 Noble laureate correctly predicted almost exactly where China's number of cases and deaths would top out, when nobody else was even close. He does not think we are in danger of the terrible future possibilities currently being irresponsibly spread across the country.
The reasons are kinda obvious, and I've been making similar arguments here. One thing I learned today is that these viruses tend to attenuate the longer they stay in a host, and each transmission usually advances that attenuation so that it is most pathogenic at the beginning, and weakens over time, slowing the disease.
The short version of all this is that the disease loses steam for a variety of reasons including that we adapt to the threat with changes in behavior, immunity gains ground on it every day, and this is why millions of people don't die from all the similar epidemics when they show up. I mean don't you even wonder why that never happens anymore, despite all the attempts by the tiny virus nations trying to depose us every year?
BTW, for those not inclined, THIS IS A GOOD THING.
Veggietales speaking the truth.
Governor Inslee caved under pressure tonight. Even though Washington State appears to be gradually flattening the curve (that is, the exponential trajectory is not skyrocketing as predicted), even though small businesses were practicing CDC guidelines re: distance, etc., the pressure became too much. At this point, I believe Dems are determined to bring down capitalism.
Message received Nancy and Chuckie - hubby and I will adapt, protect our assets, do what we can to support our adult children. Just like all of the other wealthy elites that are okay with destroying the economy because they "got theirs", too bad about anyone else that wasn't "talented" enough to make it.
And Nancy - invoking "God" in your pathetic little partisan speech today? You are now on the same level as Hillary. I loathe you, I will always loathe you.
John henry said...
I'm still in love with Dianna Rigg.
I have no idea why, but this song has been running though my mind for a couple days now. I know I haven't heard it for decades unless it was on TV while I was sleeping. It just won't go away.
John henry said...
Bringing manufacturing back to the US
Real output is below 2007 levels.
Diana was more enigmatic, in her own way, since i did catch the first seasons of the avengers the template for kingsman, i have a basis for comparison,
@John Henry:
Not bad for someone who is so stupid he can't tie his own shoes. According to some, not me.
Not by me, either. That wasn't my claim. What I said is that Trump's reputation (among some, not me) as a master strategist is extremely overblown. And it probably goes without saying, but I am not very impressed with your list.
Maybe I'm naive, but I still do not think the response of Democrat governors is designed to hurt Trump. They just think that's a possible side benefit. I think they are taking these actions due to 1) pressure from other Democrats, some with despicable motives, and 2) because they do the cost benefit analysis on a political level, and that says doing nothing is harder to defend than taking strong action, regardless of the outcome. Understandable for a politician, but in states with little threat, it's still immoral.
Spanish Flu, 1918. The more things change...
Note the cat.
Not in the same category honor blackman, peels predecessor.
A million times yes. And she remains my all time favorite "Bond girl." An amazing combination of looks, smarts, and talent. Incidentally, she was in her late 30s at the time and was five years older than Sean Connery.
So almost all of professional sports has been shut down, around the world. College sports too, of course.
Question: is there any serious athlete, anywhere, who has experienced any serious health effects due to the Wuhan virus? Anyone?
I am happy to be corrected, but I haven't heard of anyone.
If the answer is none, or close, what is the justification for devastating this entire economic sector?
Sure, you might want to keep old sick people out. Limit or do without crowds for a while. But if the actual health risk to the actual performers is minimal, why not play?
When Trump starts the reopening and rebuilding phase, he should declare sports an essential sector.
The problem is cuomo and newsom probably wont along, how many people does that involve 100 million
They did an avengers film with jude law as mr steel and connery as the villain, in thr 90s, it wasnt as bad as salingers captain america or hasselhoffs nick fury but yikes.
@Francisco D:
I am glad that all is well John and that you are at your usual cantankerous self.
People here were worried about you.
Thank you. Incidentally, one of the reasons I love participating here is that it's the only time in my life I get to be called things like "cantankerous." In real life, I am known for my even-temperedness and affability. My best friend in high school (and still to this day) is a ball of neuroses, introversion, and self-doubt. People used to call us "Jerry and George" in high school, and not just because of our obnoxious penchant for quoting lines from Seinfeld.
Wow. Just wow.
Just saw clips of Joe Biden's livestream today.
What. A. Disaster.
There is only one John Steed.
There can be only one.
"I am modestly hopeful about chloroquine. But “using it” means ramping up production to billions of bills."
It is my understanding that it's pretty cheap to produce.
I don't think Trump is a master strategist, per se. He does have the qualities of keeping good focus on his end goals - he will get distracted along the way but he knows where he wants to go - and he is very good at improvising when things go off track. He also seems to have an innate ability to get his enemies to make dumb mistakes, which is always helpful when improvising.
They did an avengers film with jude law as mr steel and connery as the villain, in thr 90s, it wasnt as bad as salingers captain america or hasselhoffs nick fury but yikes.
It was actually Ralph Fiennes opposite Uma Thurman. I had the displeasure of seeing that film in theaters. Still pissed at myself for not walking out. I assume the finished product had something resembling a story, but that movie looks like it was edited with a chainsaw. People joke that The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen prompted Connery's retirement from films. But hell, if he could come back from something as godawful as Avengers, I don't see why he couldn't come back from a corny but at least unoffensively bad League.
According to the always reliable and fair Washington Post, Trump has already exhausted the world's supply of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine available now or in the future, leading to the callous deaths of millions of people on it now who depend upon it.
Chloroquine is dirt cheap to produce. In the United States I think it costs like $5 a dose, which is less than many co-pays. I'm not sure if that is wholesale; my guess that is with profit involved. Per Wikipedia in the developing world it costs something like 4 cents a dose. You don't want to ramp up production of drugs that you are not sure are effective, but if there is any drug that you would risk it on something that is this inexpensive would be the one to do it with. The worst case scenario is the developing world will have plenty of anti-malarial medication for decades.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Real output is below 2007 levels.
Real output is below 2007 levels.Yes, but that is because it took a horrible dive from 2008-2010. From about 108 to 88.
We could also say that it increased nicely from 2009 to 2018.
John Henry
What they are saying is that the expected widespread infection numbers of 60-80 percent will not be all at once, but spread out over a few years. That means any stockpile of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine will be used over that time.
"The number of hospitalizations for COVID-19 in the U.S. is now increasing at a rate of 20% *per day*, which means a quadrupling every week"
Math is hard.
Not that hard, though.
As if we didn't have enough problems --
My "f" key is sticky.
Half the time I hit it, it doesn't type an "f," so I have to hit it over and over. My "z" was like that or a while -- for a while.
NYC still spiking.
Can we talk about Nancy Pelosi?
And Nancy Pelosi's daughter's approval of political violence?
Can we put the two together and recognize that Nancy Pelosi hates normal Americans.
All she wants is power.
And she hates the people over whom she wants power.
And that's how you raise a daughter to wish death and violence on a US Senator.
A US Senator who has a disease, even.
Who wants to talk about that, from a Leftist Collectivist point of view?
I found this excellent, succinct comment on an insty thread. It was in response to yet another FLU FLU FLU question.
Celebrim 9 minutes ago
Because for the flu we have a population that has herd immunity and so the rate of spread is restricted, and because the flu is less than 1/30th as deadly, doesn't cause permanent soft tissue damage, and doesn't put nearly 10% of those that get it on a ventilator for 2-4 weeks.
*Insert Seinfeld joke here*
According to Worldometer, NYC "spiked" with 26 deaths from Coronovirus today. The entire world "spiked" with 46 deaths from Coronavirus.
I can't find the figure for NYC but it was just another day for the flu with 1300 deaths worldwide.
Keep panicking. It is the solution for us all.
1.2 to the seventh is 3.58, so quadrupling in a week isn’t far off. Wanna take a stab at what rate gives a quadrupling? 1.22, 22% a week.
We are all dealing in approximations and estimates anyway. 20% a day would be catastrophic. You can snark over that last 2%.
"Haas in Oxnard CA www.haascnc.com Very large company with more than a million square feet of manufacturing in Oxnard"
Haas is moving from CA to Las Vegas next year. The entire huge, high-tech, high-paying, tax revenue engine. I formerly had 1 Haas CNC, 5 old Fadals (also American made) and one new Conquest/Bridgeport (American). I sold all but the Haas and bought all new Haas machines. We are 100% Haas now. Not any great fan of the company, but American, and local. Good enough for me.
Now laser cutting machines are another story - no American companies, but a lot of the manufacture and assembly is done here. I bought $1 million worth of Swiss laser (Bystronic), Much of the text in the software and on the machine is German, but they do all right with the translations to make it work for us. Its a weird dynamic where all the people you deal with are Americans, but they always have to defer to Switzerland on bigger issues, and get back to you weeks later. I've also owned a couple from Amada (Japan) - same thing.
Trump's briefing today set up a conflict a few weeks from now. The scenario I see:
He clearly wants to begin rebuilding, if the curve is flattening even a little bit and health care isn't overwhelmed.
Dems Govs may want to stick to lockdowns. Congress Dems will do everything in their power to prevent recovery.
So Trump will argue that it is time to cure the cure; Dems will argue we haven't been cured enough.
Trump will say it's for the children; Dems will say it's for the seniors.
Then Trump will try to pin ruin on them: "I want us to rebuild; they are hurting the country more than the Chinese virus."
Everything will depend on "data," of course -- but I got a sense today that Trump is already thinking about that battle to come.
Epidemiology, especially with thinking, fast adapting, technology employing humans is not simple mathematics. Even the pathogens adapt and fail, moving far outside the math.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
The official Joe Biden YouTube page had all day to edit his disaster of a livestream today and it is STILL a disaster -- starting with the nearly four minutes of nothing but the Biden logo at the beginning of the recording.
Then when the picture starts, we still get Joe looking around and grabbing his nose and mouth, then slurring in a monotone as he tries to read from the teleprompter -- attacking Trump of course right after he says we shouldn't politicize this. Then at the ten-minute mark, he gestures with his hand to move up the teleprompter and then stumbles his words and says outloud that he'll move on to another the text.
So idiots in Florida consumed a chemical used to clean fish tanks because they saw Chloroquine was an ingredient and they nearly died.
Leftists are, of course, blaming Trump.
I don't recall Trump advising us to swallow fish tank cleaner.
I sure wish quinine worked. Americans could all just make themselves a gin and tonic and our national nightmare would be over.
Well its a cocktail with azithromax which is a dodgy antibiotic at best.
But perhaps a useful antiviral, especially in lungs.
Ken B,
Good news!
After a whole year at 22% increases the number of infected people will be 2.72x10^31 and won't you have a boner then?
Only 115 days for seven billion people to be infected, at that 22% more per day rate.
Now is your moment to quote Fredo about how "smaht" you are.
Then Trump will try to pin ruin on them: "I want us to rebuild; they are hurting the country more than the Chinese virus."
Everything will depend on "data," of course -- but I got a sense today that Trump is already thinking about that battle to come.
3/23/20, 10:38 PM
Of course, people will still be dying of the disease. The Dems will then scream "Trump doesn't care about the elderly!" Their commercials will feature the grieving relatives of someone who died after the shut-down was lifted and they'll say Trump killed gramps.
He's in a really tricky situation.
However, I think after the end of this 15 day shutdown, public opinion will shift in favor of lifting the restrictions. People are desperate to get back to work.
Dems Govs may want to stick to lockdowns
Cuomo today said we need to start planning to reopen.
There's a published study (I haven't read it yet).
Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open- label non-randomized clinical trial
Recovery from this overreaction will be Trump's, and one of America's greatest victories, because it will be one of our greatest challenges. The Dems and the media will be fighting it all the way. I know, I know. Nobody wants the economy to suffer. Riiiiight.
New deaths, which are the only useful and purely bad numbers, will rise for a while since it takes 10 -14 days to lose that fight, but as immunity spreads at a rapidly increasing rate, and cures start saving some, that will soon level off, even as case numbers continue to rise. I was foolishly hopeful other day that a 2 day decline in new deaths was a trend, but that was a little too optimistic. Not as far off as the geometry driven models, but too soon.
My wife and I just spent several days getting home from New Zealand. It was like a WW2 movie where everybody is trying to flee Paris before the Germans arrive. It was surreal. And I can report first hand that Australian Immigration is one incompetent organization.
First known infection: December 10.
That's 21 days in December.
And 31 in January.
Another 29 in February with Leap Year.
And here we are 23 days into March.
We are 104 days into this 22% expansion you hypothesize.
So in 11 more days - if you are correct - we all have the disease.
New York State now has 20,000 known cases of the novel coronavirus, including 5,000 cases diagnosed in the past day, Gov. Cuomo said at a late-morning briefing on Monday.
“That is obviously a significant increase. The trajectory is going up. The wave is still going up,” Cuomo said. “You see it spreading across the state as it has across the nation and I think it will continue every day.” . . .
On the first full day on which the economy had largely shut down on his order, Cuomo argued it was time to begin planning for how to bring some of the suspended industries and remote-working employees back online. “We have to start to plan the pivot back to economic functionality. You can’t stop the economy forever. We have to start to think about. Does everyone still stay out of work? Do young people go back to work sooner?”
It might be wise, he said, to only isolate vulnerable people and let everyone else return to work—not just for economic reasons, but also because doing so would limit the number of people interacting with the vulnerable at home.
must be turnbull remainders
Cuomo obviously wants New Yorkers to die.
So idiots in Florida consumed a chemical used to clean fish tanks because they saw Chloroquine was an ingredient and they nearly died.
Florida gets a lot of shit, so I'm going to correct the record here. It was Arizona Man and his wife.
Thank you.
You won’t understand why I am thanking you.
Anyone who knows of our feud will understand.
Someday there will be an epidemic that is cured by wine, and fear will be useless as a political tool.
"New York State now has 20,000 known cases of the novel coronavirus, including 5,000 cases diagnosed in the past day, Gov. Cuomo said at a late-morning briefing on Monday."
A lot of people are overlooking NY's surprisingly low mortality rate (so far)
"So in 11 more days - if you are correct - we all have the disease."
Including those taking every precaution.
Someday there will be an epidemic that is cured by wine
Amebic dysentery.
You're a liar.
That said, we can agree your 22% idea is nonsense.
Hey Birkel
Find where anyone said infections were growing 20% a day. We were talking about another poster's claim that *hospitalizations* were increasing at 20% a day. But you didn’t look back did you? You just made shit up as usual.
What was your beef with Truman again? Was it the Berlin airlift?
How many Covid-19 deaths did we actually incur In December and January? We don't know because they are intertwined with flu, etc. deaths.
So the death toll could be much higher than what's recorded but then the mortality rate could be effectively lower if more people (hundreds and hundreds of thousands) are infected.
"We were talking about another poster's claim that *hospitalizations* were increasing at 20% a day."
Where? Nationwide? In New York? In NYC? Honestly curious.
If this thing is even remotely as bad as the Dem/MSM claim/hope it is, the place it will hurt the absolute most is...NYC. The financial capital of the world and part of the state of which Cuomo is governor.
Not sure how that catapults Cuomo to the presidency.
Aside from pure sincere good faith (hah!), Cuomo knows that his political fortune is tied to Trump. He has to save his city and his state, even if it depends on and/or benefits Trump.
But he can do a lot to position himself for 2024.
Original Mike, thank you for providing the link to the French study.
The article also said that Chloroquine has been proven to be effective against something called " Whipple’s disease."
So it will also cure the toilet paper hoarding!
Known Unknown
I think it was country, but maybe not. Michael K was challenging the number.
The guy who made the claim said 20% a day was quadrupling in a week, and unknown mocked him for that with the usual math is hard comment. But 20% a day is fairly close to quadrupling, and 22% a day really is quadrupling. Simple arithmetic.
That’s when Birkel blundered in, confused, lazy, making stuff up.
A Plan to Get America Back to Work
This is no time to squeeze the Charmin.
You have been pressing fear because you are a Never Trump shit and you think you found your magic bullet.
The 'math' of the comment that asserts quadrupling cannot be decoupled from the underlying unreasonableness of those sorts of projections. You're an ass hole and a liar.
If you were Chinese, and found yourself feverish and with a dry cough, would you dare go to a hospital at this point? I wouldn't. I'd prefer to suffer and even die at home rather than present at a hospital with corona virus symptoms.
The ChiComs are saying there are no new cases. If nobody goes to the hospital or is killed if they do go, well, that's one way of keeping those stats pretty.
thats probably true
“ The ChiComs are saying there are no new cases. If nobody goes to the hospital or is killed if they do go, well, that's one way of keeping those stats pretty.”
Chinese cases, running total
"Amebic dysentery.
How can I get it? Asking for a friend.
Yeah, another moby dickhead.
Somewhat smoother than Chuck.
Remember "our Kurdish allies"?
Weird map. The red dots do not seem to reflect case numbers. They're way too big in places with single digit and double digit reported cases. Most of the African countries should be tiny red dots.
Still a useful link and we all appreciate the html links.
Its a improvised model, an extra layer of number crunching, but scale of the outbreak is hard to model.
Its also binary, just cases and fatalities
So, you think any of these Dem pessimists and alarmists hope that they are wrong, or do they want to be vindicated?
Drink some water out of a stream or some other contaminated source.
It's possible..like how Iran eradicated homosexuality..
Reminds me of an episode of family guy, where mayor adam west rolls around in eadio active waste to acquire superpowers needless to sayn
Google "Chipotle near me".
The Twilight Zone episode they should have burned and put on a rocket and launched into the sun.
Which one was that.
Is it on me tv, then i know what you mean.
J. Farmer said...
I don't think Trump is surprised by this turn of events. I'd wager he has a plan.
Statements like this speak to Trump's success as a brand maker. The notion of Trump as a master strategist who plays 4-D chess is as believable as the claim that he's a Russian fifth-column controlled b.y Putin
Trump has won again and again against then Dems, and that's not branding---that's fact.
The Putin bullshit? Bullshit all the way down.
Speaking of thermonuclear dumpster fire, alien covenant?
The last one.
Sad way to end a brilliant series.
if youve been wondering
Trump is blessed in his enemies. It’s quite remarkable. And the man has skills. But it’s not a master plan, it’s improv.
They should have ended the episode with a twist -- the bodies of the kids floating face down in the pool. That creepy/demonic Aunt T all a figment of their imagination.
Id never seen that episode now i know why.
To get at the truth, ive found officially presented info doesnt often do the trick, so assanges exfils, fittons foias (which will becoming increasingly difficult) and apelbaums data mining out of poi.
It’s a measure of Trumpkin extremism that while I, a small minority in Canada btw, think Trump is doing pretty well on covid so far, I seem to be the current Trumpkin hate fetish here. Too funny. Or it would be if the reason wasn’t so pathetic . I explained mathematics!
Trump comes at every problem, america was great when he was growing up, then it stopped being so, we started losing wars we stopped making things and we incurred more debt, he sees it more in terms of foreign aid, not so much entitlements
How do we make america great again?
You wont get far with covidiot and trumpkin, we just assume every thing we are told by our betters as urgent is less so, and whats left unremarked is more so.
Mark - from my recollection (assuming we are talking about the old Twilight Zone episodes with Rod Sterling), none of them ended happily. Am I wrong?
Now, the original Star Trek episodes - all good, like all proper "westerns", whether in the good ole USA or The Final Frontier.
Same with outer limits even the reboots were tinged with existential dread, it was just spiced up for showtime (and then edited dowm) classic stargate, had nore of the trek forthwrightness,
Both of the William Shatner episodes ended on a good note.
I think one errs with the notion that its a western thiugh its more hornblower or aubrey classic swashbuckling tales.
Consider a metv cafe for those so inclined/reclined.
The one with the "ugly" Donna Douglas, the one where Cliff Robertson in the old west gets some medicine from the future, the two Adam and Eve episodes. They have a kind o happy ending.
Mark - from my recollection (assuming we are talking about the old Twilight Zone episodes with Rod Sterling), none of them ended happily. Am I wrong?
Now, the original Star Trek episodes - all good, like all proper "westerns", whether in the good ole USA or The Final Frontier.
Not even close.
Exhibit A: City On The Edge of Forever.
The one with Dick York (the good Darrin Stevens) where his coin stands on end and he finds love.
Prepare for a spike in Florida with all those New Yorkers going down there.
So much for containment.
Mark said...
Both of the William Shatner episodes ended on a good note
Well, I watched very few episodes, but William Shater diagnosed as insane isn't exactly my idea of happy ending. At least the plane landed.
Well hey, Heinlein's The Pursuit of the Pankera dropped into my kindle at midnight..
Exhibit A: City On The Edge of Forever.
The world survived. "We" won WWII. Good in my book.
narciso said...
Same with outer limits
I watched a grand total of 3 (I believe) Outer Limit episodes when in the 5th (?) grade. That was enough.
"For you and me. But, what of Lazarus? What of Lazarus?"
“Expertise in one field does not carry over into other fields.
But experts often think so.
The narrower their field of knowledge the more likely they are to think so.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
Good comment at 8:41PM, Farmer. Insightful. But I believe you are wrong on the subject of Trump.
Writing tip: Develop at least 1 or 2 paragraphs in wordy comments.
One fool exploded because I took a logarithm. So I don't worry much about "getting far" with them.I write for intelligent readers most of whom never comment
It's not nice to take a logarithm.
If it saves one life..
"I don't recall Trump advising us to swallow fish tank cleaner."
Oh yeah, but he IMPLIED It - WaPo fact check.
Media double-think:
1) Only horrible rich people and medical people can get the anti-malaria drugs
2) Anti-Malaria drugs are completely ineffective no matter what Trump says.
"Mark - from my recollection (assuming we are talking about the old Twilight Zone episodes with Rod Sterling), none of them ended happily. Am I wrong?"
I can remember the following Original TW Zone episodes have happy endings:
Nick of Time
Third from the SUn
Hocus-pocus and frisby
Walking Distance
A Passage for Trumpet
Hundred Yards over the Rim.
Not a high percentage.
"I can remember the following Original TW Zone episodes have happy endings:"
I didn't consider "Third from the sun" as having a happy ending for its time. It was written at the height of the Cold War around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. These people escape from their planet just as nuclear war is about to break out, and they travel to another planet. It turns out that the other planet is Earth. These people are actually aliens and they're about to find out that Earth is pretty much in the same situation as their home planet.
Other TW episodes that had a happy ending:
Little Girl Lost
I was never sure if "Night of the Meek" really had a happy ending or not. At the surface level, it looked like a happy ending. But I always wondered if another interpretation of it was that the drunk guy was just having an alcoholic dream just before he passed away.
Here’s an early Twilight Zone episode with a happy ending: “One for the Angels.” Almost sappy, by Sterling’s standards. (I quite liked it.)
Twilight was allegorical, the first episode concerned pearl harbor, trek was more atraight forward adventure, there were didactic elements, i think ellison wasnt as concerned with time travel as with love and loss in city, if we had walked it through the nazis would be hovering in the star ship perhaps
John Henry.
I can vouch for Haas. Very nice machines. Most of the shiney bits-spindles etc.- for higher end Japanese CNC machines are made here. I once bought a used Miyano lathe. Could not kill that thing. Held size and suffered fools like me agreeably.
For the last 15 years Ive been building and designing machines that apply threadlocker. Lotsa simple PLC stuff and erector set like assembly. Think 8020 and your basic HR 2X2 1/8 frames. Still it's fun.
@Farmer, I would use “pedantic” instead of “cantankerous.” Glad your father is okay.
I became addicted to the Equalizer w/ Edward Woodward. I found the cool detachment of McCall very much like the Avengers series. Denzel captured some of that, but added his touch, which I really appreciated.
Mark said...
Wow. Just wow.
Just saw clips of Joe Biden's livestream today.
What. A. Disaster.
Just watched it this morning. This is the best that the Democrats can come up with. Keeping the current panic going is all that the Democrats have left. Shameful.
What. A. Disaster.
Powerline: . Hell, Mondale at 92 today would be a better candidate than Biden.
Blogger bagoh20 said...
Maybe I'm naive, but I still do not think the response of Democrat governors is designed to hurt Trump.
Could be, but not in the case of Michigan.
The governor's address was completely political blaming Trump without naming him, using "the federal government" as a euphemism.
Oddly, reading the text of her order, you can make a case that everything and everyone is exempt from her order.
...making it nothing more than political showboating.
"I can't find the figure for NYC but it was just another day for the flu with 1300 deaths worldwide."
Coronavirus deaths worldwide yesterday: 1873
Tsk, tsk, EOMGED, ha, I didn't realize until the idiot self-poisoners appeared at the Times or on Instapundit this morning that they were Arizonans not Florida People.
I think we ought to accord them the titles of Honorary Florida Man and Honorary Florida Woman by popular acclaim, though.
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