"The money was not American money, it was Iran’s OWN money.”
Lost on Inga of course, but this LIE has been told often enough that it has been granted 'truth' status by some. That money determination was was still being adjucated in the courts. In fact, the Iranian claims and the US claims on the money would have wound up a net positive for the US. Unfortunately Obama bypassed the courts (suprise!) and ignored US claims.
’I was a huge fan of Sen. Tom Cotton and my one criticism of him was when he lied about his attendance at the "shithole countries" meeting at the White House.’
"American forces are now under greater danger of attacks from Iran and other hostile forces in the Middle East.”
Recent intelligence suggests that Iranian backed terrorists are leaving Iraq or going underground due to Trump's actions. Near term at least this statement is false.
Qwinn said... Has Chuck apologized for telling us we should be ashamed for not caring about the "significant casualties" among Iraqi military from their missiles?
Has he even acknowledged his lies about it?
I can tell you one thing, Chuck: It's not going away until you do.
I made a mistake, and I regret it. And you'll keep yammering away about it. I want to own my mistakes and be clear about them with you because acknowledging an error and owning it is what Trump would never, ever do.
I am not going to keep hammering you for having falsely claimed that Christianity Today was "funded by Soros." I won't do that, because I don't care about you. I don't care about you, and I don't respect you. I loathe you and all of the other Trumpkin liars who lie about me all day long on these pages.
"I am not going to keep hammering you for having falsely claimed that Christianity Today was "funded by Soros.""
What? Really? Because despite the fact that I immediately admitted the trivial distinction between that statement and what the linked articles listed (they should have said "if CT isn't being funded by Soros, they're getting massively ripped off and just giving his plants a platform for free and without disclosure"), you've tried to insert it as proof that I'm a liar in every single thread we've both participated in since it happened.
Relentlessly. Over and over. You thought you had a gotcha on me, and you couldn't stop bringing it up.
Now you're going to stop? Well, that's good I guess.
I guess since it took me less than 15 minutes to acknowledge your incredibly trivial point, and it took you 2 days to fess up to your "mistake" which you "regret", we're even now, eh?
Skrew U, The Swamp Critter says this note was on his desk when he came back after lunch and on the back it said: Pass it on.
"When I'm briefed on Iran I want to know sources and methods and who or what the next targets are. Otherwise I'm useless as a leaker and I'll be cut off from payments from the Pallets of Cash fund. And I'll leak from the Intelligence Committee and the CIA when I please, as I please, if I please but you stupid deplorables are not entitled to regard the Committee as insecure. I'm sick and tired of you people having opinions, guns and votes. Finally, Epstein killed himself, so get over it.
Signed, Representative I. M. Entitled To Leak - D."
Oh, and remember how you rounded up "less than 2 and a half months" to "four months", when your ENTIRE (trivial, idiotic) point depended on that measure of time being as long as possible, right before the "mistake" that you "regret"? Pretty sure you never fessed up about that "mistake" either.
@Quaestor, Michael K, Ken B, BleachBit-and-Hammers:
I have to admit it's pretty hilarious being lectured to by people who were enthusiastic supporters of Bush's foreign policy or who were bitching about Obama's failures to enforce "red lines" against Assad (when I said that it was insane to try to overthrow Assad). If any of you are wondering what kind of dumb strategic thinking has led us to being bogged down in the middle east for 20 years with trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives wasted, all so we could deliver Iraq into the Iranian orbit and turn Syria into a failed state, take a good hard look in the mirror. And then you can all take a number, get in line, and kiss my ass.
Many of us knew this immediately after news of the plane crashing. Some jumpy air defense guy screwed up bigtime. This just confirms what we already suspected.
It was all about getting to that last line, wasn't it?
Haha. No, actually that came to me why I was typing my comment. As Roger Ebert used to say, "the muse visits during, not before, the act of composition." And in fact, I actually cribbed that line from Christopher Hitchens, which he uses in this speech. The relevant part is here. It's one of my all time favorite Hitchens' speeches, and I have found myself citing many of its arguments in my own defense of free speech over the years.
Losing both of your legs doesn't somehow exempt one from responsibility for making comments like hers.
I was living in Chicago when Duckworth camp on the scene. She was obviously a political hack that John Madigan was grooming. I was shocking to find out (after I moved out of state) that she was elected Senator. She makes Barack Obama seem like a heavyweight intellectual.
The Illinois Dem party and John Madigan made Duckworths' loss of legs her primary attribute.
I'm not so sure the Iranian mistake was "OMG, we don't recognize that plane as a plane, it looks like an American attack on us, we need to defend ourselves!"
What if the Iranian mistake was "Hahaha, we will now retaliate against those evil Americans by taking down one of their planes!"... mistaking a Ukranian plane for an American one.
Seems to me it'd be a lot easier and plausible to mistake a Ukranian plane for an American plane, then a Ukranian plane for some sort of incoming guided missile.
Remember, as Bob Boyd pointed out:
"This is odd. Hassan Rouhani tweeted this before the Ukrainian plane went down: ✔ @HassanRouhani Those who refer to the number 52 should also remember the number 290. #IR655 Never threaten the Iranian nation.
29.1K 10:25 AM - Jan 6, 2020
#IR655 was the Iranian plane shot down in 1988 with 290 casualties. Not sure what "52" refers to.
1/9/20, 1:36 PM"
Of course, having made that mistake, the Iranians can't really admit to it without looking like even bigger fools than they do now. They actually look less foolish appearing to have mistaken the Ukranian plane for an incoming attack. They may be gnashing their teeth right now for appearing so weak (since the plane was supposed to be their big testosterone retaliation, and now they look like they completely wussed out) and now they can't even admit to it.
Francisco: "The Illinois Dem party and John Madigan made Duckworths' loss of legs her primary attribute."
Impossible to miss how Inga attempted to use Duckworth's loss of legs as a shield for Duckworth's despicable defense of the Iranian terrorists and attacking our President.
Based on the articles in the New York Times and the Guardian this morning about Mr Trump's responsibility for the Tehran airliner tragedy, I have to think that they are counting on the American people to repudiate Mr Trump in the November elections. Pft.
Farmer: "stuff....stuff....stuff.....stuff.......And then you can all take a number, get in line, and kiss my ass."
It was all about getting to that last line, wasn't it?
Inga used that line in 2012 while believing her claim that the poor video guy blamed for Benghazi was actually a Muslim moby who intentionally incited the Muslims, and that(paraphrase) "the truth will come out"
This just in from Mike Lee, newest hero to the left/LLR-left:
“I want to be very clear, my comments yesterday did not take a position on the appropriateness of the attack that occurred. They were not condemning that; in fact, I acknowledged upfront that I’m willing to concede that they might well have been legally, morally, justifiable and fully constitutional.”
“I mentioned yesterday that it was probably the worst briefing I have ever seen on a military issue. The reason I qualify it that way is that the worst briefing I ever got in that room was on a slightly different issue back in 2012 right after the Benghazi attack, where we were told repeatedly by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the attack on the Benghazi consulate was based on a reaction to a video, so, fortunately, this was not that.”
"How awful that those people lost their lives because Trump decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani."
Would it have been less extreme had Trump taken out an entire unit of militia, Inga?
This reminds me of when Ronald Reagan was responsible for the USSR shooting down Korean Air Line flight 007. It seems the USSR was upset about something.
you can be sure that if Iran does anything bad, Trump is to blame.
Beasts of England said... ’I was a huge fan of Sen. Tom Cotton and my one criticism of him was when he lied about his attendance at the "shithole countries" meeting at the White House.’
Prove it.
Go fuck yourself. I'm not doing your hyperlinking homework for you.
Cotton and Sen. Perdue were at the meeting. When they were first asked about it, they said that they didn't recall it. Then they said they didn't recall the word "shithole." Then they reportedly told White House staff that they recalled the words "shit house." No doubt, after somebody in the White house concocted the story that by saying "shit house," Trump was referring to third world nations without adequate infrastructure and particularly plumbing.
You simply cannot recall a single bad word that I had written about Tom Cotton before Trump. I liked Cotton. I hoped he'd be a GOP presidential nominee someday. I expected it! I now regard him as somewhat disqualified, based only on the "shithole" debacle.
If only we had Hillary in the White House, Iran would be our friend. Remember how they loved us while Obama was President? How they stopped supporting terrorism? yeah, neither do I.
"How awful that those people lost their lives because Trump decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani."
Yes. He should have sent him a strongly worded letter threatening to sue if he killed any more Americans.
That's the ticket!
In other news, the stock market is apparently not as spooked as the media Democrats and the idiots who listen to them. The Dow is nearing 29,000.
Kidding aside, unfortunate that Siskel died at 53 and Ebert at 70, both from cancer.
Yeah, I was total movie nerd kid growing up. I practically lived at AMC Theaters and Blockbuster Video, and Siskel & Ebert was required viewing. I loved their dynamic. And of course, given their famous bickering, interviewers would often ask them to name such thing they admired about the other. Siskel always gave the same response about Roger: he admired his pure talents as a writer. And I agree. Ebert was a very gifted writer.
Damn, but I do miss him. Thanks for posting that link, Farmer.
Welcome. I disagreed with Hitchens on a lot, but there was almost nobody I enjoyed reading more. Though not as gifted as a writer or rhetorician, his brother Peter Hitchens is my spirit animal. I just love his unrelenting fogeyness.
Oh shit. First Chuck celebrates the thirty killed lie, now he is gut punched with this news. And it's only Thursday. Whew!
Drago said...
This just in from Mike Lee, newest hero to the left/LLR-left:
“I want to be very clear, my comments yesterday did not take a position on the appropriateness of the attack that occurred. They were not condemning that; in fact, I acknowledged upfront that I’m willing to concede that they might well have been legally, morally, justifiable and fully constitutional.”
“I mentioned yesterday that it was probably the worst briefing I have ever seen on a military issue. The reason I qualify it that way is that the worst briefing I ever got in that room was on a slightly different issue back in 2012 right after the Benghazi attack, where we were told repeatedly by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the attack on the Benghazi consulate was based on a reaction to a video, so, fortunately, this was not that.”
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Cotton and Sen. Perdue were at the meeting. When they were first asked about it, they said that they didn't recall it. Then they said they didn't recall the word "shithole." Then they reportedly told White House staff that they recalled the words "shit house." No doubt, after somebody in the White house concocted the story that by saying "shit house,"Trump was referring to third world nations without adequate infrastructure and particularly plumbing."
Like all leftists, Chuck just conjures up whatever he needs to advance the lefty talking points of the day.
As noted prior to today and is even more true than before: LLR-lefty Chuck = Inga
So no one's interested in the notion that maybe Iran meant to take down an American plane as retaliation, they just mistook an American-made (Boeing) Ukranian plane for an American plane?
Cause it does seem like a more plausible mistake to make then the one everyone else is assuming. And it seems plausible to me that they'd rather let people believe the current narrative then that they screwed up that enormously in a different way.
Qwinn: "So no one's interested in the notion that maybe Iran meant to take down an American plane as retaliation, they just mistook an American-made (Boeing) Ukranian plane for an American plane?"
It is indeed possible the Iranian's are just as dumb as their American democrat/LLR-lefty allies.
Drago, heh, yeah, when I was considering "Could anyone possibly be that stupid?", it was indeed Chuck and Inga I thought of that led me to realize "Oh, yes, yes indeed they could."
Then you're probably a fan of Jacob Rees-Mogg like me.
Oh most certainly. Delightfully posh. But Rees-Mogg is still involved with Tory machinations, while Hitchens long ago blew the Tory's off as simply a Blairite party. Rees-Mogg is also an optimist, which I always find very unpleasant in a conservative. Hitchens' dour, everything is awful and is only going to get worse attitude is much closer to my own disposition. But those are just habits of mind. In the social world, I'm an utter delight.
It's telling that the same blithering idiots who fell for the Collusion, Kavanaugh, and Covington hoaxes are so sure that they're so right about complex military/foreign policy issues. You've proven yourselves to be gullible conspiracy theorists with political axes to grind, and your views are rightly dismissed by thinking people.
Beasts: "Still no proof at all. Thanks for the ‘clarification’, little buddy!!"
Isn't it interesting that LLR-lefty Chuck demands proof positive (even if it means exposing methods and means) that a decades long terrorist mastermind, responsible for murdering civilians and killing US military members, was indeed planning additional attacks on Americans (cuz that would really be out of character for Soleimani, right?) while simply making up whatever he needs to smear Trump, republicans, conservatives.
Well, LLR-lefty Chuck did explicitly tell us he was here at Althouse blog ONLY to smear and lie about Trump and attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
I mean, when LLR-lefty Chuck proudly and loudly admitted his intent we should not have been shocked at the depths of lefty dishonesty he would employ to advance democrat interests.
Farmer: "Oh most certainly. Delightfully posh. But Rees-Mogg is still involved with Tory machinations, while Hitchens long ago blew the Tory's off as simply a Blairite party."
No evidence of that quite yet with Boris.
We shall see if the resounding win Boris achieved on the back of Brexit, the horrific full commie Labour Manifesto, the astonishingly anti-semitic Corbyn and Corbynistas all on top of a surprising Trump-like populist appeal to the working classes is something Boris can consolidate over time.
This is not your parent's conservative party membership and demographics.
>>So no one's interested in the notion that maybe Iran meant to take down an American plane as retaliation,
Do any US airlines fly out of Tehran these days? I don't think so. Which makes your notion impossible.
If you wanted to shoot down a specific jet, you'd very likely rely on its ADS-B signal to identify it. Which, if you were going to do that, you'd see that the Ukrainian flight clearly identified as such.
Go to flightradar24.com and you can see in real time which flights are leaving Tehran.
So, pick one or the other. Either they have ability to determine which flights are US and which aren't, or they don't.
Much more likely is that somebody panicked, and shot down a commercial jet they thought was something else.
Jason said... Chuckles, you haven't even owned up to Pecan Piegate.
You dumb fucking jackass. Look at Althouse's blog post on it.
I didn't post any comment on that story, at first. I emailed Althouse about it. Privately. And shortly thereafter, before she did a blog post, I emailed her again and said that my first look at the pie picture had been on my cellphone, and my email to her was from my cellphone, and that I had my doubts about what sort of story it really was.
After that, Althouse did a blog post and she scrupulously avoided identifying me as the e-mailer. And then the comments started. And rather than keep Althouse in the position of having to conceal my identity, and because I felt that I had written nothing that I would not stand behind, I posted a comment indicating that I was the person who emailed her.
I that light, I think everybody can see how perversely misleading is your comment saying that I have "not even owned up to Pecan Piegate." Because that is exactly what I did. I owned it, when even Althouse had not mentioned my name.
Here is the link to that Althouse blog post. My comment, outing myself and explaining myself in a way that I like better and better each time I read it, was at 9:56 am blog time.
I gave Althouse the story in a private email, not a comment. Then I emailed her again 79 minutes later, to say that I had my doubts about the story. And I tried to give her a bit more information if she did want to blog it. I didn't make any other public comments in the meantime. Althouse blogged it all the next day.
I wouldn't have thought so, but the other day Farmer was very insistent that "thousands" of Americans go to Iran as tourists every year (and I did find evidence that aroubd 1000-1500 do in fact do so in recent years). They gotta be getting there somehow.
If you watch the video , scroll down after it ends to see more horrific one titled "Video Shows Moment of Deadly Plane Crash", taken by a ground camera very close to where the plane actually hit the ground.
Soleimani killed or mained 400-600 of our US service people over the years.
This is the modern left.
Farmer- J - clam down.
Pallets of unmarked US bills delivered in secret is not normal. Blah blah blah on your middle east rear-view mirror arm chair general anti-war goodie 2 shoes and blame spew. I don't recall anyone ever being a fan of these wars. Trump removes 50 people and you all shit your pants. He kills a terrorist and you all shit your pants. Bush! Wire transfers. Look into it.
The idea that we needed congress Adam Schitt approval - that leaking fraudulent pile of shit who colluded with a fake whistle-blower Chairamella-CAI-leaker - before we take out a terrorist.
Whatever happened, the Iranian military looks like Keystone Kops. Not exactly making their citizens feel safe and sound under the protective blanket of Persian operated Russian anti-aircraft.
Eh. I still think it's more than plausible that someone gave the order "find an American plane and shoot it down!" and someone was dumb enough to think an American-MADE plane was good enough (especially if a genuine American plane *wasn't* available).
I mean, either way, the mistake was made by a moron, no?
Soleimani would've been in charge of something like that. He wouldn't have made that kind of mistake. But the thing is...
What I am doing right now, is what many in the media are doing; ...
The media, the Democrats, and the neocon fucks calling themselves republicans are all doing what they always do.
They are operationally allied with other countries and we are learning that they are all working together to launder our “foreign aid” back to themselves.
They are pissed that the US has a leader that actually cares about US service members and what the voters want.
And like the enemies you are you are doing everything in your power to undermine our mission.
Blumenthal had not "misrepresented" anything about his conversation with Gorsuch. Trump's claim that there had been a misrepresentation was itself a lie. *************
Well, all right then!!!
"Danang Dick" didn't lie that... particular... time!!! So it's OK that he lied about his Vietnam service!!!
(still waiting for you to answer my question about whether Baraka was called upon by Dems to justify his killing of Bin Laden....)
"After that, Althouse did a blog post and she scrupulously avoided identifying me as the e-mailer. And then the comments started. And rather than keep Althouse in the position of having to conceal my identity,"
Chuck lies again. I just reread every post in that thread. No one in that thread cared who emailed Althouse. No one even made a guess. No one even asked Althouse who it was. No one mentioned Chuck until Chuck himself posted. There was literally no reason whatsoever for Chuck to out himself beyond his own self-importance.
"My comment, outing myself and explaining myself in a way that I like better and better each time I read it, was at 9:56 am blog time."
And my reply to you, which I *really* like better and better each time I read it, was at 10:26 AM.
Chuck won't be apologizing, despite acknowledging he levied a huge and false accusation against Sanders (liar or troll?) cause Trump doesn't apologize.
Then he says all he wants is to be nothing like Donald Trump.
You fail, Chuck. You fail catastrophically. Your fail is so obvious and self evident that it's amazing you didn't spontaneously combust in an explosion of self loathing.
But don't worry. We'll all pick up the slack and loathe you for you.
the former want to keep oppressing the shia and the kurds, the latter wanted to turn Baghdad into Afghanistan, and the third well that's suleimanis bag along with the sadr brigades, now some call themselves 'the league of the righteous' but that's like the Judean people's front,
“I want to be very clear, my comments yesterday did not take a position on the appropriateness of the attack that occurred. They were not condemning that; in fact, I acknowledged upfront that I’m willing to concede that they might well have been legally, morally, justifiable and fully constitutional.”
He, belatedly, realized he was becoming a hero to the left and their Soleimani worship.
Interesting that Matt Gaetz voted for the resolution. Sounds like some Republicans don’t trust Trump implicitly to not get the US in another war.
“The House voted 224-194 on Thursday in favor of a symbolic war powers resolution directing President Trump to halt the use of military force against Iran unless he obtains approval from Congress.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), one of the president's most loyal allies in Congress, was one of the few Republicans to vote in favor of the resolution, stating on the House floor: "I support the president. Killing Soleimani was the right decision, but engaging in another forever war in the Middle East would be the wrong decision."
A) Royal ass Inga thinks a non-bonding resolution in the House is important; B) Nobody wants a war with Iran or any other country; C) Matt Gaetz voted how I would have voted; D) 8 Democratics voted against the resolution; E) The Executive has the power to defend US citizens without Congressional authorization; F) Royal ass Inga is an idiot; G) Epstein did not kill himself.
I really do recommend everyone re-read the Pecan Pie post that Chuck links to above. It's quite hilarious. I'm quite proud of all my contributions to it. I do think the best post was by Kevin, though:
Kevin said...
One word; Covfefe.
OK Chuck let's be clear.
You thought this was a story because you - just like April Ryan - thought you caught Sanders lying. That was why you brought it to Althouse's attention in the first place. That's why we're all here.
But look at the website of the Whaley Pecan Company...
And then once you realized you didn't have the goods on Sanders, you decided it wasn't a story at all. No biggie. Nothing to see. Move along. Just a few indiscriminate Tweets.
Again I say to you; this started NOT as any sort of "story"
You changed your interest when you found out Sanders was telling the truth. That's the heart of the matter. And that's why people don't take you seriously as anything more than a Trump hater when you post here.
If it was a story when Sanders appeared to be lying, it's just as much a story when April Ryan is found to have falsely accused her of doing so.
You can't have it both ways. When you do, that's when the Althouse commentariat comes down on you. And they have every reason to do so.
11/28/17, 6:55 PM
That was perfect. Precisely explains why no one respects Chuck, and everyone enjoys punishing him for his bullshit. Naturally, Chuck never replied to it, and history showed he learned nothing from it either.
Looking at the anti-Trump and pro-Soleimani commentary flying around the airwaves, from time to time one wonders how many bundles of US currency fell off the pallets en route to Iran, and to whom those bundles may have been spread.
The new word is "crossfire", as in what the airliner was caught in.
But there was no "cross", just "fire"... only one side was firing in Iran that night.
But "crossfire" does make it partially our fault. So it's a start. More focus group testing is required to come up with an even better "it's totally our fault" angle.
Because they more they hate Trump, the more they must love America, right?
“The House voted 224-194 on Thursday in favor of a symbolic war powers resolution directing President Trump to halt the use of military force against Iran unless he obtains approval from Congress.”
Purely symbolic. If, they could get the Senate to go along, and then if they could get enough people in both Houses of Congress to override Trump’s veto, it still wouldn’t matter. Trump is the Commander in Chief, and Congress is not. He has the Article II power to launch a couple Hellfire missiles from a Reaper drone at a vehicle containing the commander of an officially designated terrorist group, and esp when it was done pursuant to two active AUMFs in Iraq - though he could probably do it most anywhere else in the world than in the US. The Iraqi AUMFs just make it easier. No need to get into Separation of Powers issues, when Congress had effectively already authorized the drone strikes by passing the AUMFs.
Note, BTW, that the drone strikes that night did not take out any innocent bystanders, as far as we know. Everyone who died in the drone strikes was an enemy combatant. Obama, of course, didn’t seem to care if there was collateral damage.
so the Saudi Salafist were encourage by al hawala and al awda, they were part of the union of muslim scholars, that al quaradawi, headed, he lives in Qatar, and is the star imam on al Jazeera, he also issued the second fatwa against sadat, and one against quaddafi,
Fun game: Can anyone here imagine what Chuck and Inga would be saying if Trump had ever uttered even remotely similar words?
But because Obama said them, they are utterly and completely irrelevant to anything, ever.
Ditto: "Tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility after the election."
If Trump had been caught saying that on a hot mic, they'd consider that to prove the entire Russian Collusion narrative *all by itself*. No additional evidence required. And they'd be right to.
We never “owed” the Islamic Republic any money. This is a myth. In 2016, the United States was in the middle of an unresolved dispute in front of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal at The Hague over cash advanced by the Shah for military equipment we refused to deliver after the 1979 revolution. You might recall, this is when Iran began prosecuting its war against the United States, taking hostages, and killing service members.
It is unlikely that U.S. would ultimately have been obligated to hand over a single deutschmark to the mullahs. For one thing, the U.S. had its own counterclaims over Iran’s many violations — which, in total, exceeded the amount supposedly “owed” to it. Obama, in his obsessive goal of placating Iran to procure a deal, unilaterally dismissed a stipulation held by the previous administration that the United States wouldn’t release funds until other court judgments held against Iran for its terrorist acts on American citizens were all resolved. 59
Let’s remember, until the Wall Street Journal reported that the administration had secretly airlifted $400 million in ransom payments for four Americans detained in Tehran — seven months after the fact — we were never informed about the cash transfers. And Obama never offered any legal justification or accounting for the billions he transferred. Nor did Obama ever explain the fiscal calculation of tacking on an extra $1.3 billion in interest payments. The president, in fact, risibly claimed that the agreement had saved “billions of dollars.”
Cuck’s a bloated GOPe parasite who defends the worthless GOP parasites who got us involved in the first place—he loves Bush and McCain. Trump is breaking his rice bowl and he’s butthurt; C# is considerably more difficult than grifting, losing, adding no value, that is, what his faction, which ran the Republican Party for decades, specialized in. The need for lazy fat entitled lawyers is de minimis.
more.. Reporters like to point out that “$150 billion,” the amount Trump likes to claim Obama transferred to the Iranians, is almost surely the high-end estimate, or likely an exaggeration. But we don’t know for sure because institutional media didn’t mobilize its considerable resources to find out. If reporters had spent as much time talking about the ransom payments — or the 600 soldiers murdered by Iran — as they do fact checking Trump’s ransom assertions, the public would be a lot better informed.
Its even more fun watching Mike Lee blow Inga's and LLR-lefty Chuck's talking points out of the water just in time to witness Inga beclowning herself with Gaetz' vote on the non-binding resolution!!
And Inga still believes Carter Page is a treasonous traitor russian spy even after the IG conclusively proved he was in fact OUR CIA asset.
Confirmed by our CIA.
But Inga still believes the opposite.
Similarly, Inga blames Trump for the Iranian shoot down of a Ukrainian aircraft in Iranian airspace having taken off from an Iranian airport after filing a flight plan with Iranian authorities by an Iranian missile fired from an Iranian missile battery in Iran manned by an Iranian crew.
Hey, I never published any "story" about Sarah Huckabee Sanders' pecan pie. True, false or otherwise. Let's review:
1. I knew nothing about the pie at all, until another Althouse commenter mentioned it in a commented reply to me, in a "café" post.
2. I very briefly looked into it after that; I was curious about a kind of oblique shot at me, that mentioned something I was not even aware of.
3. I made no public comment about it. I sent a private email to Althouse about it, basically suggesting that she might want to look into it herself. I was doing that on my iPhone, while driving on a lonely stretch of rural Midwestern highway.
4. About 79 minutes later, when I could get on a laptop, I looked again at the pictures that were by then surfing across the internet, and I immediately emailed Althouse a second time, suggesting that I was not at all certain about any accusations or picture-provenance. Althouse had not emailed me back in the meantime. I had not posted any other comment in the meantime.
5. The next day, Althouse made her blog post. I presumed, and still presume, that Althouse had both my first and second emails by the time that she looked at any of it. And still, I had made no public comment of any kind about any pies.
6. Althouse's blog post did not name me. But I "named me." Because I thought, and still think, that I had nothing for which to apologize. I made no public comment about Sarah Huckabee Sanders until Althouse did. Essentially I had said to Althouse, "Hey maybe this is a story," and 79 minutes later wrote back to her saying essentially, "No, I think maybe it isn't a story." I didn't tell her to blog it; I didn't tell her not to blog it. I wasn't the first person to mention it on her comments pages; the first time I read about it a day earlier I was as mystified as anybody. The only reason I looked at it at all, was because someone else had mentioned it.
Not one word of any of these six points is disputable. Althouse herself could not dispute a single line of what I've written in this post.
And I certainly would never have written about it today, but for you and your own personal jackassery, Jason. Thanks for your thoroughly false allegation that I "haven't even owned up to Pecan Piegate." I owned it and answered it from the start. I didn't start it on this blog's pages, and I didn't hide from what I wrote. I went out of my way to decline any anonymity. Althouse knew who had sent her the two short emails 79 minutes apart, and I knew who had sent them. That was enough for me. I was happy to clear it up for everybody else.
And since I have bothered to write yet another comment on this subject, I suppose it gives me another opportunity to tell you to go fuck yourself, Jason.
Drago in his manic haste cannot remember what I said just a few hours ago, or he just likes to tell lies and see how many people believe him. —————————————— “Similarly, Inga blames Trump for the Iranian shoot down of a Ukrainian aircraft in Iranian airspace having taken off from an Iranian airport after filing a flight plan with Iranian authorities by an Iranian missile fired from an Iranian missile battery in Iran manned by an Iranian crew.
Inga blames Trump for that.
Not the Iranians.” ———————————- Inga said...
Poor judgment by Trump and poor judgment by Iran, that’s what gets people killed.
Amid the melee, Lee made clear that his response was directed primarily at the classified briefing for lawmakers on the Iran situation and not the White House's Iran policy generally. But, he said, the slapdash sit-down would have consequences.
"I want to state at the outset: I support President Trump," Lee began, telling reporters that he appreciated the administration's efforts to keep the U.S. out of war. "The briefing lasted only 75 minutes, whereupon our briefers left. This, however, is not the biggest problem I have with the briefing, which I would add was probably the worst briefing I've seen at least on a military issue in the nine years I've served in the United States Senate."
Meade said... "Hopefully the debris from the plane didn’t hit any Cultural Sites."
Yes. Even worse — 52 (not more/not less) cultural sites. Because that might make Chuck's head explode. Talk about debris!
And then? Well, Katy bar the door.
(Not that the site of Chuck's head is technically a "cultural site," but let's be fair — it is a site at a very high level & important to Chuck & the Chuckian culture.)
Trump never said "52 cultural sites" (not more, not less). And I never suggested such a thing.
You were the guy who wanted an actual quote from Trump, and I am the guy who gave you the quote of Trump's tweet verbatim:
"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD," he said. "The USA wants no more threats!"
Chuck: "Essentially I had said to Althouse, "Hey maybe this is a story,"
Chuck's Email: "Wtf? Is Sanders a colossal liar or the most unusual troll in Washington?"
Clearly he was leaving room for the possibility that Sanders was telling the truth and this was not a story. It's right there between "colossal liar" and "the most unusual troll". Not Chuck's fault you can't see the very obvious "maybe" in there!
: "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong."
Inga: "Poor judgment by Trump and poor judgment by Iran, that’s what gets people killed."
Inga thinks the above proves her point!
How awesome is that?
Ready? Here we go: Which "people" Inga? If the people on the aircraft, what "poor judgement" by Trump got those people killed when Iran controlled EVERY aspect of that event?
And dont you just love how Inga put the non-existent Trump "poor judgement" ahead of the 100% culpable Iranian "poor judgement" in her little tale of the Iranian shoot down of the airliner?
"It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong."
Lee is backpedaling so fast that he may run into himself. I see a primary challenge in his future. If the Ingas of the world are cheering him, his future is dim.
2. I very briefly looked into it after that; I was curious about a kind of oblique shot at me, that mentioned something I was not even aware of.
3. I made no public comment about it. I sent a private email to Althouse about it, basically suggesting that she might want to look into it herself. I was doing that on my iPhone, while driving on a lonely stretch of rural Midwestern highway.
Yeah, texting while driving will get you jail time in California. So important you risked the lives of fellow travelers. Crazy mofo.
By blatantly lying about what you said to Althouse, ("WTF? Is Sanders a colossal liar or the most unusual troll in Washington?" is not anywhere in the same universe as "Essentially I had said to Althoust, maybe this is a story".)
...and then claiming what you just said was utterly indisputable.
Oh, and then there's this:
"I owned it and answered it from the start."
Reality: "I won't be apologizing to Sarah Huckabee Sanders or her boss. I'd do that, if it ever seemed that Trump was the sort of person -- a human person -- who is in the custom of giving and receiving apologies. Personally, I still don't believe Sanders about almost anything in her current role. Including this pie story."
Even after Sanders was proven to be 100% telling the truth about the pie, even after he supposedly told Ann that it wasn't a story, Chuck was still insisting Sanders lied about the pie.
That's how Chuck "owned it and answered it from the start".
I'm up to catching Chuck on five easily confirmed lies just this week alone. I might have to start making a scrapbook.
The lefties and LLR-lefties call Trump: Hitler Mussolini Stalin Mao Mass murderer Dictator Authoritarian and on and on and on.
And what do the lefties call actual mass murdering Islamic Supremacist dictators who burn people alive and throw gays off buildings and enslave women? Austere clerics Poet philosoohers Revered leaders Elvis Princess Diana
Yeah, there's nothing psychotic about that at all.......
There was no accident. The murderous Iranian Quds Force meant to kill the American Military Pilots and crew in the bogie/airplane they picked out for destruction. They would be Shiite Heroes of allah. They got caught being incompetent.
"How awful that those people lost their lives because Trump decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani."
Then we really should blame Obama for not killing him sooner. Then all those people would be alive plus thousands more including Americans killed and maimed by Suleimani's work since Obama passed up that opportunity to do the right thing. Trump is cleaning up after Obama's fecklessness. The man had no fecks at all.
Its become perfectly clear that in Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck World, the more the islamic supremacist mass murderers kill the guiltier Trump and his supporters become.
If the Iranians shoot down a couple more planes I'm sure the dems will call the Iranian leaders in to testify against Trump.
It really could not be more embarrassing for the Iranians or should be. We killed one important general very surgically, which then led them to stomp 56 of themselves to death at his funeral, and then they kill 176 innocent bystanders becuase they panicked thinking we were going to react to their completely lame attack which killed none of our people.
That is what you call a total screw up. It's almost impossible to be any more one-sided, and they did it all to themselves while we calmly watched them trip over their shoelaces and fall in the campfire while carrying fireworks. What a bunch of maroons. Their military was scared of us before, but now they have to fear our military and their own.
Its even more fun watching Mike Lee blow Inga's and LLR-lefty Chuck's talking points out of the water just in time to witness Inga beclowning herself with Gaetz' vote on the non-binding resolution!!
Wait! I am confused by all the back and forth.
Is inga blowing Chuck?
I doubt if she has had anything in her mouth other than bratwurst for many years. Chuck's pencil dick has mostly been in his greasy hand.
The memo has gone out to Democrats and their media operatives: the Word of the Day is "crossfire". It's their way of trying to make Trump and America share the blame for Iran's itchy trigger finger and downing of the airliner.
Every single person and media outlet using the term "crossfire" in regards to the airplane downing is an out and out propagandist and liar. There was no American fire on the night in question, from any angle, in any way. Using that word is fucking outrageous and utterly fucking disgusting. THIS is why we say these people are the enemy. Being an enemy of America is the ONLY plausible motivation one can have for telling such gobsmacking lies.
“Waldman writes, “Republicans are quite certain not only that the American public shares their belief that the Soleimani assassination was the right thing to do, but that anyone who disagrees must love terrorists.”
The journalist goes on to note that according to a USA Today polls, 55% of the public believe Soleimani’s death makes them less safe.
“America, it seems, is a nation of ayatollah-sympathizing, terrorist-loving Soleimani-mourners,” Waldman asserts. “Or maybe, most people just don’t buy the proposition that unless you support every decision Donald Trump makes, you’re a traitor.””
“Americans by more than 2-1 said the killing of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani has made the United States less safe, a nationwide USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll finds, amid broad concerns about the potential consequences ahead.
A majority of those surveyed, by 52%-34%, called President Donald Trump's behavior with Iran "reckless."
Gee, you mean after days of every single leftist propagandist on every single leftist network (which is all of them) tells the American people that killing Soleimani has made them less safe, barely permitting any opposing viewpoint at all, the American people believe it?
This does not indicate that the problem is with the American people, Inga.
You are effectively arguing that a media assault of fake news justifies itself *and* establishes the truth *because* people believe it.
"Americans were divided on the wisdom of the drone strike at the Baghdad airport last week that killed Soleimani and others: 42% supported it, 33% opposed it; 25% said they didn't know what to think. "
Would they call 42-33 "divided" if it went the other way? Of course not.
And the poll is of 1005 "adults". Not even registered voters. And no mention of how they massaged the poll, which they always do.
You know what? You're right Inga. You have nothing to worry about. You have 2020 in the bag.
I mean, just look at this video of people waiting in line for Trump's rally in Toledo tonight. There's hardly anyone there! Guy's got hardly any support at all. Every one of the Dem candidates has had longer lines than this since their primary started. Srsly!
Qwinn said... You know what? You're right Inga. You have nothing to worry about. You have 2020 in the bag.
I mean, just look at this video of people waiting in line for Trump's rally in Toledo tonight. There's hardly anyone there! Guy's got hardly any support at all. Every one of the Dem candidates has had longer lines than this since their primary started. Srsly!
Well it isn't like a normal event. It's free, they require that you register, and then they open the doors early. It isn't like a normal sporting event or a rock concert, where people know what time the show is and they have tickets. A Trump rally basically forces the entire crowd to line up for hours and then enter. So the lines are everybody. When you make an entire venue line up for a few hours, it looks massive and impressive.
The mafia used to kill the kids of people they assassinated in Sicily. Itwas even a plot point in the godfather. They kill vito's father, Vito escapes to the US and comes back to murder his father's murderer.
I wonder if this was in Obama's mind when he murdered 16-year-old American citizen Abdulrahman al-Awlaki 2weeks after killing his American born father?
“An astonishing number of Trump fans shouted out their Q Anon sympathies. Genius video.”
This Q Anon thing and Trumpists is just so strange. Even those who one might think wouldn’t fall for such nonsense seem to have been taken over by this Q conspiracy ridiculousness.
Damnit, you racist fopdoodle. You thought that comment was worth making? You honestly thought of all the comments you could make that if people are standing in long lines such that 40 or 50 percent of them have to watch the video feed to the outdoor screens that you should pretend that is worthwhile? Seriously, the people are going to fill the venue (again) and then many will watch from outside.
And Trump is collecting their demographic and contact information? You're twisting that into a negative? No. Dude, that strategy cannot work, moron.
Finally, you're telling me that because you know who Q is that you, too, are a Q Anon sympathizer and conspiracy theorist? Fine. I accept that to be true.
That’s not a response, Cuck. They still couldn’t fill a junior-high-school gym. Your candidates suck. They can’t get elected any more. That’s why you’re a Fredocon.
I dont know how I missed this earlier today but apparently the lefties/LLR-lefties not only called Soleimani "Elvis" and "Princess Diana", they also said he was like an "honored President" and, get this, he is like "Martin Luther King".
Yes, that is what the left/LLR-left say about a mass murdering islamic supremacist terrorist leader.
Very reminiscent to the absolute love and adoration the dems and LLR-dems gave to their "spark of divinity" MS13 illegal alien machete murderers.
Admiral Inga: "This Q Anon thing and Trumpists is just so strange. Even those who one might think wouldn’t fall for such nonsense seem to have been taken over by this Q conspiracy ridiculousness."
Just today Admiral Inga confirmed she still believes in the russia collusion hoax, Carter Page is a russian spy hoax AND Kavanaugh is a gang rapist hoax.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Well it isn't like a normal event. It's free, they require that you register, and then they open the doors early. It isn't like a normal sporting event or a rock concert, where people know what time the show is and they have tickets. A Trump rally basically forces the entire crowd to line up for hours and then enter. So the lines are everybody. When you make an entire venue line up for a few hours, it looks massive and impressive."
People are lining up a full day or 2 ahead of time and its packed inside and out and LLR-lefty Chuck is pretending that is no big deal!
It doesnt get any LLR-lefty Chuck-ier than that, does it?
In about 15 minutes Chuck will be writing "Trump has no path to 270" or some variant just like he did in 2016 when he and his dem pals were counting their electoral chickens long before they hatched!
Just hours before a Ukrainian plane was shot down Wednesday over Iran, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration issued a no-fly order over Iran and Iraq, potentially saving scores of American lives.
A Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) warning of potential hazards along flight routes in the war-torn region was first issued Tuesday evening by the FAA, just before a Ukrainian plane crashed near Tehran. U.S. officials believe Iran may have mistakenly shot down the plane in its airspace as tensions with the United States hit new levels.
"Our NOTAMs were published roughly three hours before the accident," an FAA spokesman confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon Thursday.
The no-fly order outlined "flight restrictions that prohibit U.S. civil aviation operators from operating in the airspace over Iraq, Iran, and the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman."
The FAA knew that flying in that area, halfway around the world, that night, was abnormally dangerous. Just surprised that no one else could figure it out until too late. it’s almost as if Trump and his Administration knew that the Iranians were going to do something really stupid, and made sure that we weren’t anywhere close. And we weren’t.
Qwinn said... So no one's interested in the notion that maybe Iran meant to take down an American plane as retaliation, they just mistook an American-made (Boeing) Ukranian plane for an American plane?
Cause it does seem like a more plausible mistake to make then the one everyone else is assuming. And it seems plausible to me that they'd rather let people believe the current narrative then that they screwed up that enormously in a different way.
There's some kind of stupidity, madness, or enormous error at the root of what you suggest, but all that is entirely possible.
I think the reference to Iran Air flight 665 and the 290 souls aboard was definitely a sign that an airliner was going to be hit, as with Pan Am 103.
It's confusing how they would have decided to hit this particular aircraft, but who knows? It certainly should be looked at hard. Iran, having already lied about and attempted to cover up the incident, deserves no presumption of innocence.
Maybe they thought that the crash would be blamed on American counter fire. Maybe the airliner contained defecting Iranian regime members with important information. Movie something to do with Burisma, who knows? Maybe the Russians wanted some Ukrainian/s killed. We don't know until we look at it.
Sheesh, people are still feuding about shit from 2017? Pecan pie? I know enough--please for everyone's sake give that a rest.
If I understand Chuck re: Trump crowd control, it's just a free show where people are forced to line up for hours . . . Dude, get a grip. Are the crowds--you just said it-- waiting there for the free soup, or what?
I wish people wouldn't pile on, but geez Chuck you can be obtuse.
One last thing here-- is this the mullahcracy's Chernobyl? Ukrainians, professional incompetence in the world spotlight, black boxes (chorna korobka in Ukrainian I hope--isn't there one in Mecca but I digress . . .)
Notice how Tehran did NOT light up like Baathist Baghdad did--either they didn't think they were under attack, thought they were but gave up on useless AAA, or had no plan at all--probably all at once. But there's always some twitchy guy on duty.
Or reverse matthias rust, its clear in sebestyen 1989, how catalytic that event was, it led to the resignation of ustinov the defense minister for life.
The idiots using “crossfire” do not even know what the word means. Two sides exchanging fire is *not* a crossfire. A crossfire is crossing lines of fire, usually at about 60-90 degrees, from the same side. Old forts were designed so that attackers would be caught in a crossfire as they approached. Much harder to avoid getting hit in a crossfire.
Indeed! senator Tammy Duckworth and I and most Democrats want the same thing.
1/9/20, 3:01 PM
We know! You all want Trump gone. NO MATTER THE COST.
No matter the cost to America. No matter the cost to America's citizens. No matter the cost to the rest of the world. You all have made yourselves QUITE clear.
Maybe the airliner contained defecting Iranian regime members with important information. Movie something to do with Burisma, who knows? Maybe the Russians wanted some Ukrainian/s killed. We don't know until we look at it.
I attribute the shootdown to simple incompetence, as was Chernobyl, but the "no fly rule" is an interesting sidelight. Why did the pilot take off ? NOTAM blocked by Tehran ATC ?
I get they might have had internet shut down. But if Iran's retaliation, however lame, was known..you'd think 3 hrs after, common sense alone would suggest staying out of the air.
Iran government’s spokesman Ali Rabiei called the Western governments’ allegations about a missile a “well-calculated psychological operation” and offered countries whose nationals “lost their lives in the sad accident” to participate in the investigation, state news agency reports.
“We also ask Boeing to dispatch its representative to Iran to contribute to the examination procedure of the aircraft’s black box,” Rabiei added. < Representatives of the U.S., Canada and France are heading to Iran to take part in the investigation. Ukrainian experts are already present at the site of the crash. https://www.barrons.com/articles/boeing-to-inspect-black-box-from-ukrainian-jet-as-investors-await-more-news-51578673089
I have 3 comments. 1) the AR-15 is a very simple rifle. Get one. 2) Ann, your skirt was too short, when you were in high school. Enough said. 3) Narciso...please, for the love of God use punctuation and capitalization. I confess, I was a Small Arms Instructor, 14th Armored Cav. I don't like the AR-15, but you have to think of the ammo you can GARNER from others. I like the.308. Where will I find that ammo. There's gonna be .223 everywhere. Get an AR. Boys, these things happen from time to time. It's not a new thing. It doesn't matter how old you are. What do you want to leave to your kids. 4) I'm gonna be in Tucson in September. Dr K, I want to buy you lunch. Is there something like 'Top of the Mark' there? I'm buying. Oh, that was 4 comments. That's kind of how it works.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 383 of 383"The money was not American money, it was Iran’s OWN money.”
Lost on Inga of course, but this LIE has been told often enough that it has been granted 'truth' status by some. That money determination was was still being adjucated in the courts. In fact, the Iranian claims and the US claims on the money would have wound up a net positive for the US. Unfortunately Obama bypassed the courts (suprise!) and ignored US claims.
Not sure what "52" refers to.
Not sure if this was answered. Back in the day, Iranian "students" took 52 hostages in the US Embassy.
’I was a huge fan of Sen. Tom Cotton and my one criticism of him was when he lied about his attendance at the "shithole countries" meeting at the White House.’
Prove it.
It dos not matter if it was Iran's own money. This is war "by other means," and blocking the enemy's financial resources is quite within the rules.
"American forces are now under greater danger of attacks from Iran and other hostile forces in the Middle East.”
Recent intelligence suggests that Iranian backed terrorists are leaving Iraq or going underground due to Trump's actions. Near term at least this statement is false.
Qwinn said...
Has Chuck apologized for telling us we should be ashamed for not caring about the "significant casualties" among Iraqi military from their missiles?
Has he even acknowledged his lies about it?
I can tell you one thing, Chuck: It's not going away until you do.
I made a mistake, and I regret it. And you'll keep yammering away about it. I want to own my mistakes and be clear about them with you because acknowledging an error and owning it is what Trump would never, ever do.
I am not going to keep hammering you for having falsely claimed that Christianity Today was "funded by Soros." I won't do that, because I don't care about you. I don't care about you, and I don't respect you. I loathe you and all of the other Trumpkin liars who lie about me all day long on these pages.
I'm worried about World War Three starting with Iran. They aren't a push over like Afghanistan and Iraq were.
I mean, we killed one of their generals and they responded by accidentally killing over 120 of their own citizens and retaliation.
What if we took out an entire military base? Would they all run off the cliff like a bunch of lemmings to show us who's boss?
Blogger Drago said...
“Inga has stepped into it again!”
What? Wait... is she in San Francisco?
Chuckles, you haven't even owned up to Pecan Piegate.
"I am not going to keep hammering you for having falsely claimed that Christianity Today was "funded by Soros.""
What? Really? Because despite the fact that I immediately admitted the trivial distinction between that statement and what the linked articles listed (they should have said "if CT isn't being funded by Soros, they're getting massively ripped off and just giving his plants a platform for free and without disclosure"), you've tried to insert it as proof that I'm a liar in every single thread we've both participated in since it happened.
Relentlessly. Over and over. You thought you had a gotcha on me, and you couldn't stop bringing it up.
Now you're going to stop? Well, that's good I guess.
I guess since it took me less than 15 minutes to acknowledge your incredibly trivial point, and it took you 2 days to fess up to your "mistake" which you "regret", we're even now, eh?
Skrew U, The Swamp Critter says this note was on his desk when he came back after lunch and on the back it said: Pass it on.
"When I'm briefed on Iran I want to know sources and methods and who or what the next targets are. Otherwise I'm useless as a leaker and I'll be cut off from payments from the Pallets of Cash fund. And I'll leak from the Intelligence Committee and the CIA when I please, as I please, if I please but you stupid deplorables are not entitled to regard the Committee as insecure. I'm sick and tired of you people having opinions, guns and votes. Finally, Epstein killed himself, so get over it.
Representative I. M. Entitled To Leak - D."
Oh, and remember how you rounded up "less than 2 and a half months" to "four months", when your ENTIRE (trivial, idiotic) point depended on that measure of time being as long as possible, right before the "mistake" that you "regret"? Pretty sure you never fessed up about that "mistake" either.
@Quaestor, Michael K, Ken B, BleachBit-and-Hammers:
I have to admit it's pretty hilarious being lectured to by people who were enthusiastic supporters of Bush's foreign policy or who were bitching about Obama's failures to enforce "red lines" against Assad (when I said that it was insane to try to overthrow Assad). If any of you are wondering what kind of dumb strategic thinking has led us to being bogged down in the middle east for 20 years with trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives wasted, all so we could deliver Iraq into the Iranian orbit and turn Syria into a failed state, take a good hard look in the mirror. And then you can all take a number, get in line, and kiss my ass.
If we'd only let Soleimani kill more Americans, Iran would've never shot down this airliner.
Jason: "Chuckles, you haven't even owned up to Pecan Piegate."
He hasn't even owned up to his racist Ben Carson comments.
LLR-lefty Chuck literally claims his racist Ben Carson comments were not racist because, and I'm not kidding, he "even met him once".
Sounds exculpatory to me!
Now, if LLR-lefty Chuck hadn't spent time attacking other conservative blacks he might have a smidgen of credibility here.......LOL! No he wouldn't!
Farmer: "stuff....stuff....stuff.....stuff.......And then you can all take a number, get in line, and kiss my ass."
It was all about getting to that last line, wasn't it?
Many of us knew this immediately after news of the plane crashing. Some jumpy air defense guy screwed up bigtime. This just confirms what we already suspected.
"...remotely diagnosed by experts ..."
Something honest (and actual) "experts" would never do.
It was all about getting to that last line, wasn't it?
Haha. No, actually that came to me why I was typing my comment. As Roger Ebert used to say, "the muse visits during, not before, the act of composition." And in fact, I actually cribbed that line from Christopher Hitchens, which he uses in this speech. The relevant part is here. It's one of my all time favorite Hitchens' speeches, and I have found myself citing many of its arguments in my own defense of free speech over the years.
IIRC&FWIW Duckworth lost her legs as a chopper pilot fairly early in the Bush II Crusade.
I'll be back
Losing both of your legs doesn't somehow exempt one from responsibility for making comments like hers.
I was living in Chicago when Duckworth camp on the scene. She was obviously a political hack that John Madigan was grooming. I was shocking to find out (after I moved out of state) that she was elected Senator. She makes Barack Obama seem like a heavyweight intellectual.
The Illinois Dem party and John Madigan made Duckworths' loss of legs her primary attribute.
I'm not so sure the Iranian mistake was "OMG, we don't recognize that plane as a plane, it looks like an American attack on us, we need to defend ourselves!"
What if the Iranian mistake was "Hahaha, we will now retaliate against those evil Americans by taking down one of their planes!"... mistaking a Ukranian plane for an American one.
Seems to me it'd be a lot easier and plausible to mistake a Ukranian plane for an American plane, then a Ukranian plane for some sort of incoming guided missile.
Remember, as Bob Boyd pointed out:
"This is odd.
Hassan Rouhani tweeted this before the Ukrainian plane went down:
Those who refer to the number 52 should also remember the number 290. #IR655
Never threaten the Iranian nation.
10:25 AM - Jan 6, 2020
#IR655 was the Iranian plane shot down in 1988 with 290 casualties.
Not sure what "52" refers to.
1/9/20, 1:36 PM"
Of course, having made that mistake, the Iranians can't really admit to it without looking like even bigger fools than they do now. They actually look less foolish appearing to have mistaken the Ukranian plane for an incoming attack. They may be gnashing their teeth right now for appearing so weak (since the plane was supposed to be their big testosterone retaliation, and now they look like they completely wussed out) and now they can't even admit to it.
Farmer: "As Roger Ebert used to say, "the muse visits during, not before, the act of composition."
How would he know? (joke!)
Shouldn't that be "the muse visits during, not before, the act of Siskel's arrival."
Kidding aside, unfortunate that Siskel died at 53 and Ebert at 70, both from cancer.
Francisco: "The Illinois Dem party and John Madigan made Duckworths' loss of legs her primary attribute."
Impossible to miss how Inga attempted to use Duckworth's loss of legs as a shield for Duckworth's despicable defense of the Iranian terrorists and attacking our President.
Based on the articles in the New York Times and the Guardian this morning about Mr Trump's responsibility for the Tehran airliner tragedy, I have to think that they are counting on the American people to repudiate Mr Trump in the November elections. Pft.
Blogger Drago said...
Farmer: "stuff....stuff....stuff.....stuff.......And then you can all take a number, get in line, and kiss my ass."
It was all about getting to that last line, wasn't it?
Inga used that line in 2012 while believing her claim that the poor video guy blamed for Benghazi was actually a Muslim moby who intentionally incited the Muslims, and that(paraphrase) "the truth will come out"
This just in from Mike Lee, newest hero to the left/LLR-left:
“I want to be very clear, my comments yesterday did not take a position on the appropriateness of the attack that occurred. They were not condemning that; in fact, I acknowledged upfront that I’m willing to concede that they might well have been legally, morally, justifiable and fully constitutional.”
“I mentioned yesterday that it was probably the worst briefing I have ever seen on a military issue. The reason I qualify it that way is that the worst briefing I ever got in that room was on a slightly different issue back in 2012 right after the Benghazi attack, where we were told repeatedly by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the attack on the Benghazi consulate was based on a reaction to a video, so, fortunately, this was not that.”
Cue sad trombone for LLR-lefty Chuck and Inga.
Inga with more colossal stupidity:
"How awful that those people lost their lives because Trump decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani."
Would it have been less extreme had Trump taken out an entire unit of militia, Inga?
This reminds me of when Ronald Reagan was responsible for the USSR shooting down Korean Air Line flight 007. It seems the USSR was upset about something.
you can be sure that if Iran does anything bad, Trump is to blame.
>>And in fact, I actually cribbed that line from Christopher Hitchens, which he uses in this speech.
Damn, but I do miss him. Thanks for posting that link, Farmer.
Beasts of England said...
’I was a huge fan of Sen. Tom Cotton and my one criticism of him was when he lied about his attendance at the "shithole countries" meeting at the White House.’
Prove it.
Go fuck yourself. I'm not doing your hyperlinking homework for you.
Cotton and Sen. Perdue were at the meeting. When they were first asked about it, they said that they didn't recall it. Then they said they didn't recall the word "shithole." Then they reportedly told White House staff that they recalled the words "shit house." No doubt, after somebody in the White house concocted the story that by saying "shit house," Trump was referring to third world nations without adequate infrastructure and particularly plumbing.
You simply cannot recall a single bad word that I had written about Tom Cotton before Trump. I liked Cotton. I hoped he'd be a GOP presidential nominee someday. I expected it! I now regard him as somewhat disqualified, based only on the "shithole" debacle.
For those who don't believe those deplorable Trump administration officials:
"Video verified by The New York Times appears to show an Iranian missile hitting [the] plane . . . ."
If only we had Hillary in the White House, Iran would be our friend. Remember how they loved us while Obama was President? How they stopped supporting terrorism? yeah, neither do I.
Chuck talking about wanting to shove things up men's asses again? Surprise surprise.
"How awful that those people lost their lives because Trump decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani."
Yes. He should have sent him a strongly worded letter threatening to sue if he killed any more Americans.
That's the ticket!
In other news, the stock market is apparently not as spooked as the media Democrats and the idiots who listen to them. The Dow is nearing 29,000.
Kidding aside, unfortunate that Siskel died at 53 and Ebert at 70, both from cancer.
Yeah, I was total movie nerd kid growing up. I practically lived at AMC Theaters and Blockbuster Video, and Siskel & Ebert was required viewing. I loved their dynamic. And of course, given their famous bickering, interviewers would often ask them to name such thing they admired about the other. Siskel always gave the same response about Roger: he admired his pure talents as a writer. And I agree. Ebert was a very gifted writer.
’Then they reportedly told White House staff that they recalled the words "shit house."’
Still no proof at all. Thanks for the ‘clarification’, little buddy!!
Damn, but I do miss him. Thanks for posting that link, Farmer.
Welcome. I disagreed with Hitchens on a lot, but there was almost nobody I enjoyed reading more. Though not as gifted as a writer or rhetorician, his brother Peter Hitchens is my spirit animal. I just love his unrelenting fogeyness.
Oh shit. First Chuck celebrates the thirty killed lie, now he is gut punched with this news. And it's only Thursday. Whew!
Drago said...
This just in from Mike Lee, newest hero to the left/LLR-left:
“I want to be very clear, my comments yesterday did not take a position on the appropriateness of the attack that occurred. They were not condemning that; in fact, I acknowledged upfront that I’m willing to concede that they might well have been legally, morally, justifiable and fully constitutional.”
“I mentioned yesterday that it was probably the worst briefing I have ever seen on a military issue. The reason I qualify it that way is that the worst briefing I ever got in that room was on a slightly different issue back in 2012 right after the Benghazi attack, where we were told repeatedly by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the attack on the Benghazi consulate was based on a reaction to a video, so, fortunately, this was not that.”
Cue sad trombone for LLR-lefty Chuck and Inga.
I just love his unrelenting fogeyness.
Then you're probably a fan of Jacob Rees-Mogg like me.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Cotton and Sen. Perdue were at the meeting. When they were first asked about it, they said that they didn't recall it. Then they said they didn't recall the word "shithole." Then they reportedly told White House staff that they recalled the words "shit house." No doubt, after somebody in the White house concocted the story that by saying "shit house,"Trump was referring to third world nations without adequate infrastructure and particularly plumbing."
Like all leftists, Chuck just conjures up whatever he needs to advance the lefty talking points of the day.
As noted prior to today and is even more true than before: LLR-lefty Chuck = Inga
So no one's interested in the notion that maybe Iran meant to take down an American plane as retaliation, they just mistook an American-made (Boeing) Ukranian plane for an American plane?
Cause it does seem like a more plausible mistake to make then the one everyone else is assuming. And it seems plausible to me that they'd rather let people believe the current narrative then that they screwed up that enormously in a different way.
Qwinn: "So no one's interested in the notion that maybe Iran meant to take down an American plane as retaliation, they just mistook an American-made (Boeing) Ukranian plane for an American plane?"
It is indeed possible the Iranian's are just as dumb as their American democrat/LLR-lefty allies.
Drago, heh, yeah, when I was considering "Could anyone possibly be that stupid?", it was indeed Chuck and Inga I thought of that led me to realize "Oh, yes, yes indeed they could."
Then you're probably a fan of Jacob Rees-Mogg like me.
Oh most certainly. Delightfully posh. But Rees-Mogg is still involved with Tory machinations, while Hitchens long ago blew the Tory's off as simply a Blairite party. Rees-Mogg is also an optimist, which I always find very unpleasant in a conservative. Hitchens' dour, everything is awful and is only going to get worse attitude is much closer to my own disposition. But those are just habits of mind. In the social world, I'm an utter delight.
It's telling that the same blithering idiots who fell for the Collusion, Kavanaugh, and Covington hoaxes are so sure that they're so right about complex military/foreign policy issues. You've proven yourselves to be gullible conspiracy theorists with political axes to grind, and your views are rightly dismissed by thinking people.
Beasts: "Still no proof at all. Thanks for the ‘clarification’, little buddy!!"
Isn't it interesting that LLR-lefty Chuck demands proof positive (even if it means exposing methods and means) that a decades long terrorist mastermind, responsible for murdering civilians and killing US military members, was indeed planning additional attacks on Americans (cuz that would really be out of character for Soleimani, right?) while simply making up whatever he needs to smear Trump, republicans, conservatives.
Well, LLR-lefty Chuck did explicitly tell us he was here at Althouse blog ONLY to smear and lie about Trump and attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
I mean, when LLR-lefty Chuck proudly and loudly admitted his intent we should not have been shocked at the depths of lefty dishonesty he would employ to advance democrat interests.
Farmer: "Oh most certainly. Delightfully posh. But Rees-Mogg is still involved with Tory machinations, while Hitchens long ago blew the Tory's off as simply a Blairite party."
No evidence of that quite yet with Boris.
We shall see if the resounding win Boris achieved on the back of Brexit, the horrific full commie Labour Manifesto, the astonishingly anti-semitic Corbyn and Corbynistas all on top of a surprising Trump-like populist appeal to the working classes is something Boris can consolidate over time.
This is not your parent's conservative party membership and demographics.
>>So no one's interested in the notion that maybe Iran meant to take down an American plane as retaliation,
Do any US airlines fly out of Tehran these days? I don't think so. Which makes your notion impossible.
If you wanted to shoot down a specific jet, you'd very likely rely on its ADS-B signal to identify it. Which, if you were going to do that, you'd see that the Ukrainian flight clearly identified as such.
Go to flightradar24.com and you can see in real time which flights are leaving Tehran.
So, pick one or the other. Either they have ability to determine which flights are US and which aren't, or they don't.
Much more likely is that somebody panicked, and shot down a commercial jet they thought was something else.
’...simply making up whatever he needs to smear Trump, republicans, conservatives.’
That is true, Drago, but he is focused on the major issues of the 2020 election: pie crusts, weather maps...
Jason said...
Chuckles, you haven't even owned up to Pecan Piegate.
You dumb fucking jackass. Look at Althouse's blog post on it.
I didn't post any comment on that story, at first. I emailed Althouse about it. Privately. And shortly thereafter, before she did a blog post, I emailed her again and said that my first look at the pie picture had been on my cellphone, and my email to her was from my cellphone, and that I had my doubts about what sort of story it really was.
After that, Althouse did a blog post and she scrupulously avoided identifying me as the e-mailer. And then the comments started. And rather than keep Althouse in the
position of having to conceal my identity, and because I felt that I had written nothing that I would not stand behind, I posted a comment indicating that I was the person who emailed her.
I that light, I think everybody can see how perversely misleading is your comment saying that I have "not even owned up to Pecan Piegate." Because that is exactly what I did. I owned it, when even Althouse had not mentioned my name.
Here is the link to that Althouse blog post. My comment, outing myself and explaining myself in a way that I like better and better each time I read it, was at 9:56 am blog time.
I gave Althouse the story in a private email, not a comment. Then I emailed her again 79 minutes later, to say that I had my doubts about the story. And I tried to give her a bit more information if she did want to blog it. I didn't make any other public comments in the meantime. Althouse blogged it all the next day.
So fuck you, Jason.
>>>>So no one's interested in the notion that maybe Iran meant to take down an American plane as retaliation
Much more likely to me is the theory posted somewhere above that somebody on that flight had dirt on the Clintons.
Look in the wreckage for a 176 suicide notes.
No evidence of that quite yet with Boris.
Speaking of Blair, Boris, and Hitchens, here is Peter a few weeks ago:
Boris: The New Blair
I wouldn't have thought so, but the other day Farmer was very insistent that "thousands" of Americans go to Iran as tourists every year (and I did find evidence that aroubd 1000-1500 do in fact do so in recent years). They gotta be getting there somehow.
’I emailed Althouse about it. Privately. And shortly thereafter, before she did a blog post, I emailed her again...’
Two emails about a pie crust. 🤡
>>thousands of Americans go to Iran as tourists every year
I'm sure they do, but they aren't flying Delta or United to get there.
The State Department's travel advisory for Iran is pretty much "You have to be a moron to go there if you are an American"
I have no doubt thousands of my fellow citizens are total morons.
You dumb fucking jackass.
Uh oh. Chuckles is starting to lose his shit. I guess he took Soleimani's road kill pretty hard and he's running out of gin
Be careful. He may sue anyone who disses him or the Iranian equivalent (according to Speaker Pelosi) of the American VP.
Wait a minute! He is only pretending to be an LLR lawyer. Never mind.
Yes. He should have sent him a strongly worded letter threatening to sue if he killed any more Americans
How soon we forget the great foreign policy victories Obama achieved via hashtag diplomacy.
>>How soon we forget the great foreign policy victories Obama achieved via hashtag diplomacy.
Be fair, Bushman. The hashtags had sad face pictures, too.
Openidname said...
For those who don't believe those deplorable Trump administration officials:
"Video verified by The New York Times appears to show an Iranian missile hitting [the] plane . . . ."
If you watch the video , scroll down after it ends to see more horrific one titled "Video Shows Moment of Deadly Plane Crash", taken by a ground camera very close to where the plane actually hit the ground.
Those poor souls.
Beloved Hero’: Chris Matthews Compares Soleimani to Princess Diana and Elvis
Soleimani killed or mained 400-600 of our US service people over the years.
This is the modern left.
Farmer- J - clam down.
Pallets of unmarked US bills delivered in secret is not normal. Blah blah blah on your middle east rear-view mirror arm chair general anti-war goodie 2 shoes and blame spew.
I don't recall anyone ever being a fan of these wars. Trump removes 50 people and you all shit your pants. He kills a terrorist and you all shit your pants. Bush!
Wire transfers. Look into it.
The idea that we needed congress Adam Schitt approval - that leaking fraudulent pile of shit who colluded with a fake whistle-blower Chairamella-CAI-leaker - before we take out a terrorist.
F off.
Dead terrorist. Deal with it.
Whatever happened, the Iranian military looks like Keystone Kops. Not exactly making their citizens feel safe and sound under the protective blanket of Persian operated Russian anti-aircraft.
Eh. I still think it's more than plausible that someone gave the order "find an American plane and shoot it down!" and someone was dumb enough to think an American-MADE plane was good enough (especially if a genuine American plane *wasn't* available).
I mean, either way, the mistake was made by a moron, no?
Soleimani would've been in charge of something like that. He wouldn't have made that kind of mistake. But the thing is...
Chuck said...
What I am doing right now, is what many in the media are doing; ...
The media, the Democrats, and the neocon fucks calling themselves republicans are all doing what they always do.
They are operationally allied with other countries and we are learning that they are all working together to launder our “foreign aid” back to themselves.
They are pissed that the US has a leader that actually cares about US service members and what the voters want.
And like the enemies you are you are doing everything in your power to undermine our mission.
Fuck you and your traitor allies.
btw- I am a huge fan of Mike Lee and Rand Paul. I have no problem with their opinions.
Blumenthal had not "misrepresented" anything about his conversation with Gorsuch. Trump's claim that there had been a misrepresentation was itself a lie.
Well, all right then!!!
"Danang Dick" didn't lie that... particular... time!!! So it's OK that he lied about his Vietnam service!!!
(still waiting for you to answer my question about whether Baraka was called upon by Dems to justify his killing of Bin Laden....)
It's the left who are into uni-think and guarded shoulder to shoulder corruption ring.
I can see why American libs are blaming Trump, not Iran, for the plane crash.
They are demented.
This, I didn't expect:
Q: How much responsibility does US bear for this tragedy?
Trudeau: Evidence suggests this is the likely cause.
Q: Do you feel US is partly responsible given they created the situation in which the missile was launched?
Trudeau: That’s one of many questions people will be thinking about.
Come at us, Bro!
LLR-Lefty Chuck: "After that, Althouse did a blog post and she scrupulously avoided identifying me as the e-mailer. And then the comments started."
.......because everyone knew instinctively based on years and years of your lunacy that it was you.
You were outed by irrefutable "YOU-ness"!!
Leftists tend to be quite predictable and transparently obvious.
You epitomize both.
Drago, stop using big words or Chuck will choke on your sound bites.
Howard: "Drago, stop using big words or Chuck will choke on your sound bites."
Mea culpa!
mayor howdy went there, how quick a turnaround was this,
who were we fighting in Iraq, Baathists, foreign Salafists and shia militia,
"After that, Althouse did a blog post and she scrupulously avoided identifying me as the e-mailer. And then the comments started. And rather than keep Althouse in the position of having to conceal my identity,"
Chuck lies again. I just reread every post in that thread. No one in that thread cared who emailed Althouse. No one even made a guess. No one even asked Althouse who it was. No one mentioned Chuck until Chuck himself posted. There was literally no reason whatsoever for Chuck to out himself beyond his own self-importance.
"My comment, outing myself and explaining myself in a way that I like better and better each time I read it, was at 9:56 am blog time."
And my reply to you, which I *really* like better and better each time I read it, was at 10:26 AM.
Chuck won't be apologizing, despite acknowledging he levied a huge and false accusation against Sanders (liar or troll?) cause Trump doesn't apologize.
Then he says all he wants is to be nothing like Donald Trump.
You fail, Chuck. You fail catastrophically. Your fail is so obvious and self evident that it's amazing you didn't spontaneously combust in an explosion of self loathing.
But don't worry. We'll all pick up the slack and loathe you for you.
11/28/17, 10:26 AM
Damn, I was good.
the former want to keep oppressing the shia and the kurds, the latter wanted to turn Baghdad into Afghanistan, and the third well that's suleimanis bag along with the sadr brigades, now some call themselves 'the league of the righteous' but that's like the Judean people's front,
“I want to be very clear, my comments yesterday did not take a position on the appropriateness of the attack that occurred. They were not condemning that; in fact, I acknowledged upfront that I’m willing to concede that they might well have been legally, morally, justifiable and fully constitutional.”
He, belatedly, realized he was becoming a hero to the left and their Soleimani worship.
Quick, get me in front of a TV camera !
Interesting that Matt Gaetz voted for the resolution. Sounds like some Republicans don’t trust Trump implicitly to not get the US in another war.
“The House voted 224-194 on Thursday in favor of a symbolic war powers resolution directing President Trump to halt the use of military force against Iran unless he obtains approval from Congress.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), one of the president's most loyal allies in Congress, was one of the few Republicans to vote in favor of the resolution, stating on the House floor: "I support the president. Killing Soleimani was the right decision, but engaging in another forever war in the Middle East would be the wrong decision."
>>What I am doing right now, is what many in the media are doing; ...
Chuck, I'm convinced you ARE in the media, in the sense that somebody is paying you to post all of your distractions, thread hijack attempts, etc.
For somebody who says he voted for Trump, you sure do spend a lot of time attacking him.
It's fun to watch loyal democrat leftists look at a party that doesn't stick together like a D-mob.
Gaetz voted on a sincerely held principle that had nothing to do with Trump.
Inga: Everybody hates Trump!
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
It's fun to watch loyal democrat leftists look at a party that doesn't stick together like a D-mob.
1/9/20, 6:14 PM
Yep. Inga doesn't know what to make of people who are capable of independent thought.
“Gaetz voted on a sincerely held principle that had nothing to do with Trump.”
Apparently Gaetz doesn’t trust Trump enough to keep the US out of another forever war in the Mideast, or he wouldn’t have voted the way he did.
“... but engaging in another forever war in the Middle East would be the wrong decision."
What is it about this clear statement you don’t understand?
A) Royal ass Inga thinks a non-bonding resolution in the House is important;
B) Nobody wants a war with Iran or any other country;
C) Matt Gaetz voted how I would have voted;
D) 8 Democratics voted against the resolution;
E) The Executive has the power to defend US citizens without Congressional authorization;
F) Royal ass Inga is an idiot;
G) Epstein did not kill himself.
I really do recommend everyone re-read the Pecan Pie post that Chuck links to above. It's quite hilarious. I'm quite proud of all my contributions to it. I do think the best post was by Kevin, though:
Kevin said...
One word; Covfefe.
OK Chuck let's be clear.
You thought this was a story because you - just like April Ryan - thought you caught Sanders lying. That was why you brought it to Althouse's attention in the first place. That's why we're all here.
But look at the website of the Whaley Pecan Company...
And then once you realized you didn't have the goods on Sanders, you decided it wasn't a story at all. No biggie. Nothing to see. Move along. Just a few indiscriminate Tweets.
Again I say to you; this started NOT as any sort of "story"
You changed your interest when you found out Sanders was telling the truth. That's the heart of the matter. And that's why people don't take you seriously as anything more than a Trump hater when you post here.
If it was a story when Sanders appeared to be lying, it's just as much a story when April Ryan is found to have falsely accused her of doing so.
You can't have it both ways. When you do, that's when the Althouse commentariat comes down on you. And they have every reason to do so.
11/28/17, 6:55 PM
That was perfect. Precisely explains why no one respects Chuck, and everyone enjoys punishing him for his bullshit. Naturally, Chuck never replied to it, and history showed he learned nothing from it either.
Bad deal. Bad intelligence. Bad assessment. A face-saving reaction. Not viable. Abort! Abort! Abort!
Looking at the anti-Trump and pro-Soleimani commentary flying around the airwaves, from time to time one wonders how many bundles of US currency fell off the pallets en route to Iran, and to whom those bundles may have been spread.
Apparently Gaetz doesn’t trust Trump enough to keep the US out of another forever war in the Mideast, or he wouldn’t have voted the way he did.
That, or he does trust Trump, but not future Presidents.
But, I'll yield to the mind reader. It's beyond my capacity as a mere mortal.
The new word is "crossfire", as in what the airliner was caught in.
But there was no "cross", just "fire"... only one side was firing in Iran that night.
But "crossfire" does make it partially our fault. So it's a start. More focus group testing is required to come up with an even better "it's totally our fault" angle.
Because they more they hate Trump, the more they must love America, right?
“The House voted 224-194 on Thursday in favor of a symbolic war powers resolution directing President Trump to halt the use of military force against Iran unless he obtains approval from Congress.”
Purely symbolic. If, they could get the Senate to go along, and then if they could get enough people in both Houses of Congress to override Trump’s veto, it still wouldn’t matter. Trump is the Commander in Chief, and Congress is not. He has the Article II power to launch a couple Hellfire missiles from a Reaper drone at a vehicle containing the commander of an officially designated terrorist group, and esp when it was done pursuant to two active AUMFs in Iraq - though he could probably do it most anywhere else in the world than in the US. The Iraqi AUMFs just make it easier. No need to get into Separation of Powers issues, when Congress had effectively already authorized the drone strikes by passing the AUMFs.
Note, BTW, that the drone strikes that night did not take out any innocent bystanders, as far as we know. Everyone who died in the drone strikes was an enemy combatant. Obama, of course, didn’t seem to care if there was collateral damage.
“E) The Executive has the power to defend US citizens without Congressional authorization;”
Not just the power, but also the responsibility to do so.
>>Obama, of course, didn’t seem to care if there was collateral damage.
"Turns out I'm really good at killing people." - His Holiness Saint Obama I
so the Saudi Salafist were encourage by al hawala and al awda, they were part of the union of muslim scholars, that al quaradawi, headed, he lives in Qatar, and is the star imam on al Jazeera, he also issued the second fatwa against sadat, and one against quaddafi,
"Turns out I'm really good at killing people." - His Holiness Saint Obama I
Nobel Peace Prize winner, no less!
>>Nobel Peace Prize winner, no less!
And he didn't even have to do anything to win it. That's just how amazing he is. What a lightworker.
"Turns out I'm really good at killing people."
Fun game: Can anyone here imagine what Chuck and Inga would be saying if Trump had ever uttered even remotely similar words?
But because Obama said them, they are utterly and completely irrelevant to anything, ever.
Ditto: "Tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility after the election."
If Trump had been caught saying that on a hot mic, they'd consider that to prove the entire Russian Collusion narrative *all by itself*. No additional evidence required. And they'd be right to.
it's curious none of those strikes were in Iraq, Syria, and north Africa, isn't it, only in a narrow square in Afghanistan and yemen,
But in fairness, he didn't kill as many as Arafat, who also had a Peace Prize. Maybe Michelle can win and close the gap...
Not just Gaetz, Birkel. Jeanette Rankin too.
Let's dig into some Harsanyi, Shall we?
Thank you Quaestor.
From the link
We never “owed” the Islamic Republic any money. This is a myth. In 2016, the United States was in the middle of an unresolved dispute in front of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal at The Hague over cash advanced by the Shah for military equipment we refused to deliver after the 1979 revolution. You might recall, this is when Iran began prosecuting its war against the United States, taking hostages, and killing service members.
It is unlikely that U.S. would ultimately have been obligated to hand over a single deutschmark to the mullahs. For one thing, the U.S. had its own counterclaims over Iran’s many violations — which, in total, exceeded the amount supposedly “owed” to it. Obama, in his obsessive goal of placating Iran to procure a deal, unilaterally dismissed a stipulation held by the previous administration that the United States wouldn’t release funds until other court judgments held against Iran for its terrorist acts on American citizens were all resolved.
Let’s remember, until the Wall Street Journal reported that the administration had secretly airlifted $400 million in ransom payments for four Americans detained in Tehran — seven months after the fact — we were never informed about the cash transfers. And Obama never offered any legal justification or accounting for the billions he transferred. Nor did Obama ever explain the fiscal calculation of tacking on an extra $1.3 billion in interest payments. The president, in fact, risibly claimed that the agreement had saved “billions of dollars.”
Cuck’s a bloated GOPe parasite who defends the worthless GOP parasites who got us involved in the first place—he loves Bush and McCain. Trump is breaking his rice bowl and he’s butthurt; C# is considerably more difficult than grifting, losing, adding no value, that is, what his faction, which ran the Republican Party for decades, specialized in. The need for lazy fat entitled lawyers is de minimis.
Reporters like to point out that “$150 billion,” the amount Trump likes to claim Obama transferred to the Iranians, is almost surely the high-end estimate, or likely an exaggeration. But we don’t know for sure because institutional media didn’t mobilize its considerable resources to find out. If reporters had spent as much time talking about the ransom payments — or the 600 soldiers murdered by Iran — as they do fact checking Trump’s ransom assertions, the public would be a lot better informed.
“It's fun to watch loyal democrat leftists look at a party that doesn't stick together like a D-mob.”
“D) 8 Democratics voted against the resolution;”
Its even more fun watching Mike Lee blow Inga's and LLR-lefty Chuck's talking points out of the water just in time to witness Inga beclowning herself with Gaetz' vote on the non-binding resolution!!
And Inga still believes Carter Page is a treasonous traitor russian spy even after the IG conclusively proved he was in fact OUR CIA asset.
Confirmed by our CIA.
But Inga still believes the opposite.
Similarly, Inga blames Trump for the Iranian shoot down of a Ukrainian aircraft in Iranian airspace having taken off from an Iranian airport after filing a flight plan with Iranian authorities by an Iranian missile fired from an Iranian missile battery in Iran manned by an Iranian crew.
Inga blames Trump for that.
Not the Iranians.
Hey, I never published any "story" about Sarah Huckabee Sanders' pecan pie. True, false or otherwise. Let's review:
1. I knew nothing about the pie at all, until another Althouse commenter mentioned it in a commented reply to me, in a "café" post.
2. I very briefly looked into it after that; I was curious about a kind of oblique shot at me, that mentioned something I was not even aware of.
3. I made no public comment about it. I sent a private email to Althouse about it, basically suggesting that she might want to look into it herself. I was doing that on my iPhone, while driving on a lonely stretch of rural Midwestern highway.
4. About 79 minutes later, when I could get on a laptop, I looked again at the pictures that were by then surfing across the internet, and I immediately emailed Althouse a second time, suggesting that I was not at all certain about any accusations or picture-provenance. Althouse had not emailed me back in the meantime. I had not posted any other comment in the meantime.
5. The next day, Althouse made her blog post. I presumed, and still presume, that Althouse had both my first and second emails by the time that she looked at any of it. And still, I had made no public comment of any kind about any pies.
6. Althouse's blog post did not name me. But I "named me." Because I thought, and still think, that I had nothing for which to apologize. I made no public comment about Sarah Huckabee Sanders until Althouse did. Essentially I had said to Althouse, "Hey maybe this is a story," and 79 minutes later wrote back to her saying essentially, "No, I think maybe it isn't a story." I didn't tell her to blog it; I didn't tell her not to blog it. I wasn't the first person to mention it on her comments pages; the first time I read about it a day earlier I was as mystified as anybody. The only reason I looked at it at all, was because someone else had mentioned it.
Not one word of any of these six points is disputable. Althouse herself could not dispute a single line of what I've written in this post.
And I certainly would never have written about it today, but for you and your own personal jackassery, Jason. Thanks for your thoroughly false allegation that I "haven't even owned up to Pecan Piegate." I owned it and answered it from the start. I didn't start it on this blog's pages, and I didn't hide from what I wrote. I went out of my way to decline any anonymity. Althouse knew who had sent her the two short emails 79 minutes apart, and I knew who had sent them. That was enough for me. I was happy to clear it up for everybody else.
And since I have bothered to write yet another comment on this subject, I suppose it gives me another opportunity to tell you to go fuck yourself, Jason.
Still on the pecan pie thing, lol.
Drago in his manic haste cannot remember what I said just a few hours ago, or he just likes to tell lies and see how many people believe him.
“Similarly, Inga blames Trump for the Iranian shoot down of a Ukrainian aircraft in Iranian airspace having taken off from an Iranian airport after filing a flight plan with Iranian authorities by an Iranian missile fired from an Iranian missile battery in Iran manned by an Iranian crew.
Inga blames Trump for that.
Not the Iranians.”
Inga said...
Poor judgment by Trump and poor judgment by Iran, that’s what gets people killed.
1/9/20, 2:05 PM
The hack press botched it again.
Amid the melee, Lee made clear that his response was directed primarily at the classified briefing for lawmakers on the Iran situation and not the White House's Iran policy generally. But, he said, the slapdash sit-down would have consequences.
"I want to state at the outset: I support President Trump," Lee began, telling reporters that he appreciated the administration's efforts to keep the U.S. out of war. "The briefing lasted only 75 minutes, whereupon our briefers left. This, however, is not the biggest problem I have with the briefing, which I would add was probably the worst briefing I've seen at least on a military issue in the nine years I've served in the United States Senate."
Yeah - cry us a river, Inga.
But good news. Your guy in in 4th place!
Deceased Iranian General Soleimani surges into 4th place in Democratic primary race
Meade said...
"Hopefully the debris from the plane didn’t hit any Cultural Sites."
Yes. Even worse — 52 (not more/not less) cultural sites. Because that might make Chuck's head explode. Talk about debris!
And then? Well, Katy bar the door.
(Not that the site of Chuck's head is technically a "cultural site," but let's be fair — it is a site at a very high level & important to Chuck & the Chuckian culture.)
Trump never said "52 cultural sites" (not more, not less). And I never suggested such a thing.
You were the guy who wanted an actual quote from Trump, and I am the guy who gave you the quote of Trump's tweet verbatim:
"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD," he said. "The USA wants no more threats!"
It was a weird and apparently inexplicable tweet. "Inexplicable," insofar as Secretary Pompeo could not explain it, and Secretary Esper could not explain it and a day later Trump was walking it back in a way that even Ann Althouse seemed unable to explain.
Chuck: "Essentially I had said to Althouse, "Hey maybe this is a story,"
Chuck's Email: "Wtf? Is Sanders a colossal liar or the most unusual troll in Washington?"
Clearly he was leaving room for the possibility that Sanders was telling the truth and this was not a story. It's right there between "colossal liar" and "the most unusual troll". Not Chuck's fault you can't see the very obvious "maybe" in there!
Help me out.
How/When is any non-binding resolution!! Tighten into a binding restrictions?
Can it be made so?
: "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong."
Inga: "Poor judgment by Trump and poor judgment by Iran, that’s what gets people killed."
Inga thinks the above proves her point!
How awesome is that?
Ready? Here we go:
Which "people" Inga?
If the people on the aircraft, what "poor judgement" by Trump got those people killed when Iran controlled EVERY aspect of that event?
This should be good.
Borrowed this... Isn't it amazing how Trump Killed that terrorist and it made the Iranians hate us since the 70s?
Can wars be ended by simply rescind of AUMF ?
So, which members of Soleimani's family will be invited to speak at the Democrat National Convention?
Goldstar family!
Automatic_Wing said...
Still on the pecan pie thing, lol.
Yeah, tell it to Jason. And Qwinn and Drago and Beasts of England and... etc.
I didn't raise the subject. But I'll answer it.
And dont you just love how Inga put the non-existent Trump "poor judgement" ahead of the 100% culpable Iranian "poor judgement" in her little tale of the Iranian shoot down of the airliner?
nga said...
"It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong."
Lee is backpedaling so fast that he may run into himself. I see a primary challenge in his future. If the Ingas of the world are cheering him, his future is dim.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Goldstar family!"
Gold Crescent Family.
Why, LLR-Chuck fave Chris Mathews literally called Soleimani a "Princess Diana or Elvis".
Blogger Chuck said...
Automatic_Wing said...
Still on the pecan pie thing, lol.
Yeah, tell it to Jason. And Qwinn and Drago and Beasts of England and... etc.
WTF Chuck, you dare to leave me out? You deserve a titty twist, just like you wanted to give Greta.
Chuck said
2. I very briefly looked into it after that; I was curious about a kind of oblique shot at me, that mentioned something I was not even aware of.
3. I made no public comment about it. I sent a private email to Althouse about it, basically suggesting that she might want to look into it herself. I was doing that on my iPhone, while driving on a lonely stretch of rural Midwestern highway.
Yeah, texting while driving will get you jail time in California. So important you risked the lives of fellow travelers. Crazy mofo.
"I didn't raise the subject. But I'll answer it."
By blatantly lying about what you said to Althouse, ("WTF? Is Sanders a colossal liar or the most unusual troll in Washington?" is not anywhere in the same universe as "Essentially I had said to Althoust, maybe this is a story".)
...and then claiming what you just said was utterly indisputable.
Oh, and then there's this:
"I owned it and answered it from the start."
Reality: "I won't be apologizing to Sarah Huckabee Sanders or her boss. I'd do that, if it ever seemed that Trump was the sort of person -- a human person -- who is in the custom of giving and receiving apologies. Personally, I still don't believe Sanders about almost anything in her current role. Including this pie story."
Even after Sanders was proven to be 100% telling the truth about the pie, even after he supposedly told Ann that it wasn't a story, Chuck was still insisting Sanders lied about the pie.
That's how Chuck "owned it and answered it from the start".
I'm up to catching Chuck on five easily confirmed lies just this week alone. I might have to start making a scrapbook.
Just think about that for a minute...
The lefties and LLR-lefties call Trump:
Mass murderer
Authoritarian and on and on and on.
And what do the lefties call actual mass murdering Islamic Supremacist dictators who burn people alive and throw gays off buildings and enslave women?
Austere clerics
Poet philosoohers
Revered leaders
Princess Diana
Yeah, there's nothing psychotic about that at all.......
The Iranians call their nuclear facilities "cultural sites" and racist fopdoodles everywhere find that "inexplicable" because they are stupid.
There was no accident. The murderous Iranian Quds Force meant to kill the American Military Pilots and crew in the bogie/airplane they picked out for destruction. They would be Shiite Heroes of allah. They got caught being incompetent.
"How awful that those people lost their lives because Trump decided to use the most extreme form of retaliation that was presented to him in the killing of Suleimani."
Then we really should blame Obama for not killing him sooner. Then all those people would be alive plus thousands more including Americans killed and maimed by Suleimani's work since Obama passed up that opportunity to do the right thing. Trump is cleaning up after Obama's fecklessness. The man had no fecks at all.
Its become perfectly clear that in Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck World, the more the islamic supremacist mass murderers kill the guiltier Trump and his supporters become.
If the Iranians shoot down a couple more planes I'm sure the dems will call the Iranian leaders in to testify against Trump.
It really could not be more embarrassing for the Iranians or should be. We killed one important general very surgically, which then led them to stomp 56 of themselves to death at his funeral, and then they kill 176 innocent bystanders becuase they panicked thinking we were going to react to their completely lame attack which killed none of our people.
That is what you call a total screw up. It's almost impossible to be any more one-sided, and they did it all to themselves while we calmly watched them trip over their shoelaces and fall in the campfire while carrying fireworks. What a bunch of maroons. Their military was scared of us before, but now they have to fear our military and their own.
Too bad they didn't screw up and shoot down that plane full of money Obama sent them.
That was well put.
Its even more fun watching Mike Lee blow Inga's and LLR-lefty Chuck's talking points out of the water just in time to witness Inga beclowning herself with Gaetz' vote on the non-binding resolution!!
Wait! I am confused by all the back and forth.
Is inga blowing Chuck?
I doubt if she has had anything in her mouth other than bratwurst for many years. Chuck's pencil dick has mostly been in his greasy hand.
The memo has gone out to Democrats and their media operatives: the Word of the Day is "crossfire". It's their way of trying to make Trump and America share the blame for Iran's itchy trigger finger and downing of the airliner.
Fucking d-baggers!!!
Every single person and media outlet using the term "crossfire" in regards to the airplane downing is an out and out propagandist and liar. There was no American fire on the night in question, from any angle, in any way. Using that word is fucking outrageous and utterly fucking disgusting. THIS is why we say these people are the enemy. Being an enemy of America is the ONLY plausible motivation one can have for telling such gobsmacking lies.
All the networks are at that level
Then theres this fellow
“Waldman writes, “Republicans are quite certain not only that the American public shares their belief that the Soleimani assassination was the right thing to do, but that anyone who disagrees must love terrorists.”
The journalist goes on to note that according to a USA Today polls, 55% of the public believe Soleimani’s death makes them less safe.
“America, it seems, is a nation of ayatollah-sympathizing, terrorist-loving Soleimani-mourners,” Waldman asserts. “Or maybe, most people just don’t buy the proposition that unless you support every decision Donald Trump makes, you’re a traitor.””
“Americans by more than 2-1 said the killing of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani has made the United States less safe, a nationwide USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll finds, amid broad concerns about the potential consequences ahead.
A majority of those surveyed, by 52%-34%, called President Donald Trump's behavior with Iran "reckless."
Imagine believing a poll.
Gee, you mean after days of every single leftist propagandist on every single leftist network (which is all of them) tells the American people that killing Soleimani has made them less safe, barely permitting any opposing viewpoint at all, the American people believe it?
This does not indicate that the problem is with the American people, Inga.
You are effectively arguing that a media assault of fake news justifies itself *and* establishes the truth *because* people believe it.
You give too much credit to the MSM pollsters.
What Inga left out of her cut and paste:
"Americans were divided on the wisdom of the drone strike at the Baghdad airport last week that killed Soleimani and others: 42% supported it, 33% opposed it; 25% said they didn't know what to think. "
Would they call 42-33 "divided" if it went the other way? Of course not.
And the poll is of 1005 "adults". Not even registered voters. And no mention of how they massaged the poll, which they always do.
Yeah. Poll is crap.
That's the right amount of credit.
You know what? You're right Inga. You have nothing to worry about. You have 2020 in the bag.
I mean, just look at this video of people waiting in line for Trump's rally in Toledo tonight. There's hardly anyone there! Guy's got hardly any support at all. Every one of the Dem candidates has had longer lines than this since their primary started. Srsly!
Make sure you watch to the end, so you can catch the last few pathetic stragglers. Really.
Inga has been stranded. Caught in the crossfire...
A gullible 90-IQ hick like Inga isn’t going to think, why doesn’t USA Today reveal the breakdown of the respondents to their poll?
Qwinn said...
You know what? You're right Inga. You have nothing to worry about. You have 2020 in the bag.
I mean, just look at this video of people waiting in line for Trump's rally in Toledo tonight. There's hardly anyone there! Guy's got hardly any support at all. Every one of the Dem candidates has had longer lines than this since their primary started. Srsly!
Well it isn't like a normal event. It's free, they require that you register, and then they open the doors early. It isn't like a normal sporting event or a rock concert, where people know what time the show is and they have tickets. A Trump rally basically forces the entire crowd to line up for hours and then enter. So the lines are everybody. When you make an entire venue line up for a few hours, it looks massive and impressive.
My favorite Trump rally video is somewhat similar; it's the one from grand Rapids where Ben Collins trolled the line of Trump rallygoers by asking them who is for "Q", referring to the Q Anon conspiracy world. An astonishing number of Trump fans shouted out their Q Anon sympathies. Genius video.
The mafia used to kill the kids of people they assassinated in Sicily. Itwas even a plot point in the godfather. They kill vito's father, Vito escapes to the US and comes back to murder his father's murderer.
I wonder if this was in Obama's mind when he murdered 16-year-old American citizen Abdulrahman al-Awlaki 2weeks after killing his American born father?
Obama was really good at killing people.
John Henry
“An astonishing number of Trump fans shouted out their Q Anon sympathies. Genius video.”
This Q Anon thing and Trumpists is just so strange. Even those who one might think wouldn’t fall for such nonsense seem to have been taken over by this Q conspiracy ridiculousness.
Cuck’s favored candidates couldn’t fill a junior-high gym.
Damnit, you racist fopdoodle. You thought that comment was worth making? You honestly thought of all the comments you could make that if people are standing in long lines such that 40 or 50 percent of them have to watch the video feed to the outdoor screens that you should pretend that is worthwhile? Seriously, the people are going to fill the venue (again) and then many will watch from outside.
And Trump is collecting their demographic and contact information? You're twisting that into a negative? No. Dude, that strategy cannot work, moron.
Finally, you're telling me that because you know who Q is that you, too, are a Q Anon sympathizer and conspiracy theorist? Fine. I accept that to be true.
Imagine a world in which the CIA and FBI were running intelligence assets at opposing political parties. That actually happened.
So now people like racist fopdoodle and Royal ass Inga get to pretend the conspiracies aren't real? Cool.
Giovan Pietro Bellori said...
Cuck’s favored candidates couldn’t fill a junior-high gym.
But they would know the difference between Dayton and Toledo.
That’s not a response, Cuck.
They still couldn’t fill a junior-high-school gym.
Your candidates suck. They can’t get elected any more. That’s why you’re a Fredocon.
He didn't make good on the threat, apparently they took the hint. Obama once publicly threatened to us a predatordrone against the Jonas Brothers.
"you will never see it coming"
John Henry
Isn't toledo mayor pete's home town?
How dare that many people disrespect hizzoner da mare(former)
Pdjt should know better than to make pete look bad.
John Henry
I dont know how I missed this earlier today but apparently the lefties/LLR-lefties not only called Soleimani "Elvis" and "Princess Diana", they also said he was like an "honored President" and, get this, he is like "Martin Luther King".
Yes, that is what the left/LLR-left say about a mass murdering islamic supremacist terrorist leader.
Very reminiscent to the absolute love and adoration the dems and LLR-dems gave to their "spark of divinity" MS13 illegal alien machete murderers.
The political ads will write themselves.
Admiral Inga: "This Q Anon thing and Trumpists is just so strange. Even those who one might think wouldn’t fall for such nonsense seem to have been taken over by this Q conspiracy ridiculousness."
Just today Admiral Inga confirmed she still believes in the russia collusion hoax, Carter Page is a russian spy hoax AND Kavanaugh is a gang rapist hoax.
LLR-lefty Chuck must be so proud.
The pecan pie comedy reminds me: weren't you all in on the Gorilla Channel story last year?
As our hostess once told you:
"Don't be a chuck, Dick."
Or maybe it was "don't be a dick, Chuck"
Something like that. You can go find the quote and beat up my memory wit it if so inclined.
Or not. I'm close enough for government work and don't even give a shit about being that close.
John Henry
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Well it isn't like a normal event. It's free, they require that you register, and then they open the doors early. It isn't like a normal sporting event or a rock concert, where people know what time the show is and they have tickets. A Trump rally basically forces the entire crowd to line up for hours and then enter. So the lines are everybody. When you make an entire venue line up for a few hours, it looks massive and impressive."
People are lining up a full day or 2 ahead of time and its packed inside and out and LLR-lefty Chuck is pretending that is no big deal!
It doesnt get any LLR-lefty Chuck-ier than that, does it?
In about 15 minutes Chuck will be writing "Trump has no path to 270" or some variant just like he did in 2016 when he and his dem pals were counting their electoral chickens long before they hatched!
U.S. Issued No-Fly Order Over Iran, Iraq Hours Before Ukrainian Plane Downed
Just hours before a Ukrainian plane was shot down Wednesday over Iran, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration issued a no-fly order over Iran and Iraq, potentially saving scores of American lives.
A Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) warning of potential hazards along flight routes in the war-torn region was first issued Tuesday evening by the FAA, just before a Ukrainian plane crashed near Tehran. U.S. officials believe Iran may have mistakenly shot down the plane in its airspace as tensions with the United States hit new levels.
"Our NOTAMs were published roughly three hours before the accident," an FAA spokesman confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon Thursday.
The no-fly order outlined "flight restrictions that prohibit U.S. civil aviation operators from operating in the airspace over Iraq, Iran, and the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman."
The FAA knew that flying in that area, halfway around the world, that night, was abnormally dangerous. Just surprised that no one else could figure it out until too late. it’s almost as if Trump and his Administration knew that the Iranians were going to do something really stupid, and made sure that we weren’t anywhere close. And we weren’t.
Qwinn said...
So no one's interested in the notion that maybe Iran meant to take down an American plane as retaliation, they just mistook an American-made (Boeing) Ukranian plane for an American plane?
Cause it does seem like a more plausible mistake to make then the one everyone else is assuming. And it seems plausible to me that they'd rather let people believe the current narrative then that they screwed up that enormously in a different way.
There's some kind of stupidity, madness, or enormous error at the root of what you suggest, but all that is entirely possible.
I think the reference to Iran Air flight 665 and the 290 souls aboard was definitely a sign that an airliner was going to be hit, as with Pan Am 103.
It's confusing how they would have decided to hit this particular aircraft, but who knows? It certainly should be looked at hard. Iran, having already lied about and attempted to cover up the incident, deserves no presumption of innocence.
Maybe they thought that the crash would be blamed on American counter fire. Maybe the airliner contained defecting Iranian regime members with important information. Movie something to do with Burisma, who knows? Maybe the Russians wanted some Ukrainian/s killed. We don't know until we look at it.
Sheesh, people are still feuding about shit from 2017? Pecan pie? I know enough--please for everyone's sake give that a rest.
If I understand Chuck re: Trump crowd control, it's just a free show where people are forced to line up for hours . . . Dude, get a grip. Are the crowds--you just said it-- waiting there for the free soup, or what?
I wish people wouldn't pile on, but geez Chuck you can be obtuse.
One more thread-count and to bed with me
One last thing here-- is this the mullahcracy's Chernobyl? Ukrainians, professional incompetence in the world spotlight, black boxes (chorna korobka in Ukrainian I hope--isn't there one in Mecca but I digress . . .)
Notice how Tehran did NOT light up like Baathist Baghdad did--either they didn't think they were under attack, thought they were but gave up on useless AAA, or had no plan at all--probably all at once. But there's always some twitchy guy on duty.
The Great Ironist weaves with many strands
bagoh20 said...
Too bad they didn't screw up and shoot down that plane full of money Obama sent them.
Some of that money was payment to the Clintons/DNC.
They would never fuck that up.
They didn't want the Epstein treatment.
Or reverse matthias rust, its clear in sebestyen 1989, how catalytic that event was, it led to the resignation of ustinov the defense minister for life.
The idiots using “crossfire” do not even know what the word means. Two sides exchanging fire is *not* a crossfire. A crossfire is crossing lines of fire, usually at about 60-90 degrees, from the same side. Old forts were designed so that attackers would be caught in a crossfire as they approached. Much harder to avoid getting hit in a crossfire.
Here is Pete Buttigiege blaming Trump for Iran shooting down the jet.
It isn't only Inga.
Democrats are just really shitty people.
Chuck said...A Trump rally basically forces the entire crowd to line up for hours and then enter.
Whereas a Bidem, Warren or Kasich rally forces nearly the entire crowd to find something, anything better to do.
Of course:
Flashback: Pelosi Said Obama Did Not Need Authorization to Attack Libya
Why is Chuck still here?
If I want to read what morons write I'll vist 'The Daily Kos'.
The clip autoplays on my system (Firefix, XP) which is sometimes annoying. Say interfering with recordings.
Inga said...
Indeed! senator Tammy Duckworth and I and most Democrats want the same thing.
1/9/20, 3:01 PM
We know! You all want Trump gone. NO MATTER THE COST.
No matter the cost to America. No matter the cost to America's citizens. No matter the cost to the rest of the world. You all have made yourselves QUITE clear.
Rusty said...
Why is Chuck still here?
If I want to read what morons write I'll visit 'The Daily Kos'.
So, can we call Chuck's posts 'The Daily Chuck' ?
Maybe the airliner contained defecting Iranian regime members with important information. Movie something to do with Burisma, who knows? Maybe the Russians wanted some Ukrainian/s killed. We don't know until we look at it.
I attribute the shootdown to simple incompetence, as was Chernobyl, but the "no fly rule" is an interesting sidelight. Why did the pilot take off ? NOTAM blocked by Tehran ATC ?
I get they might have had internet shut down. But if Iran's retaliation, however lame, was known..you'd think 3 hrs after, common sense alone would suggest staying out of the air.
Iran government’s spokesman Ali Rabiei called the Western governments’ allegations about a missile a “well-calculated psychological operation” and offered countries whose nationals “lost their lives in the sad accident” to participate in the investigation, state news agency reports.
“We also ask Boeing to dispatch its representative to Iran to contribute to the examination procedure of the aircraft’s black box,” Rabiei added.
Representatives of the U.S., Canada and France are heading to Iran to take part in the investigation. Ukrainian experts are already present at the site of the crash.
I have 3 comments. 1) the AR-15 is a very simple rifle. Get one. 2) Ann, your skirt was too short, when you were in high school. Enough said. 3) Narciso...please, for the love of God use punctuation and capitalization. I confess, I was a Small Arms Instructor, 14th Armored Cav. I don't like the AR-15, but you have to think of the ammo you can GARNER from others. I like the.308. Where will I find that ammo. There's gonna be .223 everywhere. Get an AR. Boys, these things happen from time to time. It's not a new thing. It doesn't matter how old you are. What do you want to leave to your kids. 4) I'm gonna be in Tucson in September. Dr K, I want to buy you lunch. Is there something like 'Top of the Mark' there? I'm buying. Oh, that was 4 comments. That's kind of how it works.
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