Does anyone have suggestions regarding museums, restaurants, bakeries, parks and local festivals in NE Iowa? Let's define the target area as north of Dubuque and east of Cresco (give or take a county either way).
My wife and I are retired and are looking for day trip opportunities.
Looking at houses in southeastern Maine and Seacoast New Hampshire tomorrow, very exciting. Nice that there is no pressure.
May hit 60 degrees, not so keen on that.
Tom Steyer says Trump is a racist, a liar, and has committed impeachable crimes, yet offers no specific evidence. Who except the true believers is buying that shite? Bernie is emerging as the sane one; Buttigieg too.
"nothing to see here!" -- crash site vid from Ruptly thread
- Oman's leader Sultan Qaboos has died, according to Omani state media. He had been on the throne since 1970. Key power player in the region and trusted intermediary b/t Iran and US.
First full moon of 2020, the 'wolf moon,' to coincide with lunar eclipse The first full moon in January is nicknamed the "wolf moon."
Steve W said... Tom Steyer says Trump is a racist, a liar, and has committed impeachable crimes, yet offers no specific evidence.
No one on the left offers a coherent argument with specific details. That's why they went with "obstruction of congress". Trump didn't cooperate with their Schitt-show witch hunt.
Tommy Duncan said... Does anyone have suggestions regarding museums, restaurants, bakeries, parks and local festivals in NE Iowa? Let's define the target area as north of Dubuque and east of Cresco (give or take a county either way).
there's a nice bakery in Elkader (with also has an Algerian restaurant Pike's Peak state park has the highest bluff on the Mississippi river. It's pretty Decorah (east of Cresco) has lots of restaurants: it's a tourist town Debuque has a Cool river museum . There's LOTS of beautiful roads between dubuque and Cresco. And that is ALL trout country, bring a fishing pole (or, stop at a hatchery in decorah or manchester or elkader
it will be snowy tomorrow, so roads will be a mess
Balltown IA, Breitbachs restaurant. Gunder IA, home of the famous Gunderburger. Mississippi River Museum in Dubuque is interesting of you're into that type of thing. Stay at the Hotel Julian Dubuque. Its a remodeled grand hotel. The restaurant at the Hotel is very good fine dinning. But, across the Bridge is Timmermans Supper Club. A step back in time to the 60's supper club. Spillville IA has the Billy clocks. The very best homemade, real smoke house Jerky, is in New Albin IA. That is the very NE corner of IA. The Minnesota border is the towns city limits.
Tommu Duncan? Do you live in Madison? Wisc highway 60 goes down the Wisconsin river, to Prairie du chien. It's gorgeous (and right across the river in McGregor is Pike's Peak
the irish restuarant in Gunder is closed now; so don't plan on it the mexican butcher shop in Postville has a restaurant attached (El Pariente ); it's good if you like 'authentic mexican food' (authentic as in, your waitress won't speak very good english); i go there a lot.
Decorah's your best bet, it's touristy. There's all sorts of festivals in the summer
i guess i'm obligated to say that West Union (where i live) has small combos playing music every thursday evening in the summer at the court house and a couple of car shows (and a chili cookoff) and, Of Course Dirt track auto racing Every Friday night, all summer (except during the fair, when it's everynight)
Every County has a fair; but they all SUCK, compared to the FAYETTE COUNTY FAIR: Which ROCKS!)
EVERY SINGLE small town has a towndays weekend some time during the summer. Strawberry Daze in Strawberry point is decadent, and disgusting; DON'T MISS IT! (bring bail$)
interesting thread from @mizdonna re: Huber/Hillary
"Let's look at what @LeeSmithDC wrote about reporters like Devlin in his great book The Plot Against the President. Lee did a great job of pointing out stories that were planted to Devlin to shape a narrative."
I changed my diet radically and took off close to thirty pounds. I've put back almost ten pounds, and I only eat one full meal a day. The body is an exquisitely calibrated mechanism, not for turning food and wine into shit and piss, but rather for turning it into adipose tissue. ...Sometimes at night I have these vivid dreams of food, and they wake me up. I'm always hungry and still I gain weight....Old age is kind of zen. I have a pat hand so far as money, sex, and status goes. The only thing that keeps me pinned to this wheel of life is hunger. I live in NYC. Every street is infused with bakeries, pizza places, first rate Chinese and Thai restaurants, and that one bbq joint that sings like the froth on the sea....They say the satisfaction of eating a full meal can never match the satisfaction of inhabiting a trim, fit body. That's what they say.
From the Wall Street Journal, reported by two of its investigative reporters (Joe Pallazzolo and ) who won a Pulitzer for their work in 2019:
The Wall Street Journal later revealed both hush-money deals. [Karen MacDougal and Stormy Daniels.] After the Daniels agreement became public, Mr. Trump called Mr. Cohen—with Melania Trump on the line. “Michael, did you really pay $130,000 to Stormy Daniels?” Mr. Trump asked. “Why didn’t you tell me about it?”
Mr. Cohen, who later said that he had consulted extensively with Mr. Trump about the payment, picked up the cue. Mr. Cohen said he’d planned to tell him after the election but had thought it safer to keep Mr. Trump out of it. He assumed the first lady saw through the lie.
The stupidity; the venality; the grossness; the sociopathy. It’s reminiscent of Trump’s assuming the persona of “John Barron” or “John Miller” to speak to reporters as a third person discussing the life of Donald Trump.
It was a very bad day because a very bad thing happened to a friend's family. But seeing the way people helped, hundreds of people--strangers, couldn't fail to give hope to even the most hard-shelled cynic
My apologies. The correct spelling of the reporter’s name in my post just above is “Joe Palazzolo” and the other reporter (former WSJ and now NYT) is Michael Rothfeld.
In a completely unsurprising development, intelligence officers were unwilling to share specific methods and means with particular democrat/LLR members based on completely justified concern those democrat/LLR members were share that information with our enemies.
Proper tuxedo pants are held up with braces, which — properly adjusted — will hold up your pants regardless of the discrepancy between the size of the pants and the perimeter of your waist. Getting them taken in by a tailor should cost about $10.
Francisco D: "Drago is clever and Chuckles is an easy target. At this point I am really tired of Chuckles bullshit and wish that Drago would choose another target."
Listen up Shouting Thomas, this is how one crafts the beginning of an effective entreaty.
Crack is to st as Chuck is to Drago. I suppose we all dream of that mic drop moment when the opposition realizes that they've been crushed and no reply is even possible....They say it's only possible to argue a person out of a position that he was argued into in the first place. I don't accept this. My views on a lot of things have changed. I don't think there was any specific argument that changed my mind, but my mind has definitely changed. For example, I used to rejoice to see nudity in locker room scenes in movies like Carrie. In the fullness of time, I have come to realize that such movies exploited young women. I now purposefully avoid movies with nudity. I won't even re-watch GOT because it's got too much nudity--and also that stupid ending.
Um, ST, I am generally ok with your contributions to this blog, although I think you are a little harsh on the hostess with the mostest. but I don't really understand why you feel that your comments on your earlier life-style are a response to my link to a youTube video of Glenn Loury and John McWhorter talking about the recent revelations regarding the Trayvon Martin hoax. About which, I repeat, I had not thought they had that much intellectual integrity.
I also don't understand why you attack Drago. Chuck is a troll, and an annoying one. People often suggest that trolls should be ignored, but this fails to take into account the lurkers, who outnumber the posters by a factor known only to our hostess. While a living piece of shit like "Chuck" is degrading this comeent-stream with his flatus, I am glad that Drago is here to keep flagging his lying ass.
Let’s also not let this day end without an acknowledgement of Rep. Doug Collins’ epic Twitter apology.
It’s been such a great apology that I will now retract my own comment in which I indicated how much I’d like to shove Collins’ baseless attack up his ass.
Way to go, Doug. On the 10-point scale of Congressional apologies, this was a 9.75:
I was diagnosed, after extensive testing by medical professionals, in Nov. 2014.Among the #actuallyautistic, you see a range of intellect and social abilities. It is not possible to lump us into one or two categories.
Many of us may appear boorish or rude in our interactions with neurotypical (NT) people. As a generality, we are weak at recognizing non-verbal social cues. Autism, however, is not an excuse for being a jerk. And it is possible for us to be both, as it is for NTs.
Diagnosing yourself is a facile way to find an excuse for behaviors and feelings that may have nothing to do with autism. It's not a fad that you can just buy in to. It is a difference in the hardwiring of the rain. We are not handicapped, just different. 11/22/17, 10:40 AM
I am willing to let some of LLR-lefty Chuck's lefty lies sit as they are either so ludicrous that any ridicule directed at those comments ironically enhances the possibility they will gain traction OR LLR-lefty Chuck's lefty allies have taken such a string of losses at the hands of the apparently indestructible conservative Trump that to add anymore simply seems like piling on in an unfair way on Chuck and his dem ally losers.
Tbese last few weeks have been absolutely devastating to the idiot lefties like Chuck so I suppose I will allow a few of his more adolescent lies go unattended.
'...The Iranian military's statement said the plane “took the flying posture and altitude of an enemy target” as it came close to an Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps base. It said that “under these circumstances, because of human error,” the plane “came under fire.”
International pressure had been building on Iran to take responsibility. American and allied intelligence assessments have said that Iranian missiles brought down the plane, most likely by accident, amid the heightened tensions between the United States and Iran.
Suspicions that an Iranian missile had brought down the plane began immediately after Wednesday morning’s crash — just hours after Iran fired missiles at two bases in Iraq housing American forces.
Official Iranian news media had cited technical problems as the cause in the hours after the crash. Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization chief, Ali Abedzadeh, doubled down on that assessment on Friday, saying nothing could be determined until the data from the black boxes was analyzed, and he characterized statements made by other nations as politically motivated.
But by late Friday, officials were considering acknowledging that Iranian missiles brought down the jet, according to four Iranians familiar with the deliberations. The government was also weighing whether to blame faulty jet equipment.'
'...Many Iranians said that their anger over the lack of accountability at the highest levels of their government has quickly returned.
“Our lives have no value,” Yalda, a 45-year-old graphic artist in Tehran, said in a telephone interview, asking not to be identified fully for fear of arrest. “They shot down the plane and not only do they not apologize but they are lying about it.”
By late Friday, government officials were considering acknowledging that Iranian defense systems brought down the jet, according to four Iranians familiar with the deliberations. Tehran may argue instead, they said, that faulty equipment onboard the plane had failed to signal properly.'
Tbese last few weeks have been absolutely devastating to the idiot lefties like Chuck so I suppose I will allow a few of his more adolescent lies go unattended.
Nope. If you let up, it will only encourage him to post more.
You keep posting a comment written by someone else who created another blogspot account using the name “Chuck.” And any of these readers can figure it out for themselves by going to the comment you’re quoting and clicking on the name. It’s not my account; it’s not my writing.
Didn’t you pull this despicable stunt a couple of weeks ago, and wasn’t your comment pulled down?
It needs to happen again, pronto. And then something needs to be done about you and others with these continual maniacal comments aimed at me personally.
Yeah Drago, you tryin' to start World War 3? Be more like the sainted George Bush. Count to ten. Be a bigger man. Rise above it. Turn the other cheek. Roll over. Play dead. Silence is golden. etc.
Re: impeachment, this is what I think happened: Nancy is old. She will be 80 years old in a few months. She is slipping, her brain is not as sharp as she thinks it is. Nancy was taken in by Adam Schiff. Schiff seems to really believe his own BS. Or he has convinced himself that he believes his own BS, whatever. Most ambitious pols are probably psychos. Anyway, Schiff has been lying and exaggerating his case against Trump for three years. He told Pelosi he had an iron-clad case against trump, and probably hinted or told her directly that a lot of the GOP in the House would vote to impeach & there was GOP support in the senate for impeachment (#nevertrumpers are always droning on about congressmen and senators that tell them, in private, they want to see Trump impeached. But they have too much fear to say so publicly! They fear the trump!). So Nancy, in her weakened mental state, believed Schiff. And now she has to live with it. Pelosi is running again this year. If she wins (and she will) she will be 82 when she files for re-election in 2022. If she lives that long.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "It needs to happen again, pronto. And then something needs to be done about you and others with these continual maniacal comments aimed at me personally."
I see the effects of the gin are now growing quite strong.
Still, one does wonder how a Banned racist Commenter like LLR-lefty Chuck intends to enforce his rather pathetic threats.
Jon Ericson: "Yeah Drago, you tryin' to start World War 3? Be more like the sainted George Bush. Count to ten. Be a bigger man. Rise above it. Turn the other cheek. Roll over. Play dead. Silence is golden."
You had me at George Bush! Eeeesh.
My path appears clear. No quarter asked for...nor given.
My mother is the same age as Pelosi. She is an old, old woman. Still sharp for 79, and her mother was sharp, with no signs of dementia, until a few days before she died at age 97. My mother is not as active as she once was. She can be forgetful. She spends a lot of time at the doctor. She is on a half dozen drugs, mostly steroid-type things, none of them harsh. Pelosi, I suppose, is in the same shape. Lots of ailments, lots of doctor appointments, her world growing smaller in an inevitable and fairly comfortable way. Why the fuck does she think that she should run the United States?
But really. Loury and McWhorter have red-pilled themselves, and it is amazing to see their resolution in the face of the realization that they have been played for gullible fools by the people they thought were their allies.
They tried to cover up the crime with a literal bulldozer. When you have to use a literal bulldozer to cover up your crime, the wisest course of action is to come clean. Too bad they didn't have access to the guys who engineered the Epstein suicide.....I wonder if this massive screw up and mendacious response will have the same effect on Iranians as the Chernobyl disaster had on Russians. There's got to be some point where people say enough.
If the Iranians get nukes, and put them on missiles, the same people that had charge of their anti-aircraft defenses will control them. If the Iranians get nukes, on whose word will they be launched?
Islam's doctrines of deception by Raymond Ibrahim Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst October 2008
Articulation of taqiyya
'According to the authoritative Arabic text, Al-Taqiyya Fi Al-Islam: "Taqiyya [deception] is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it. We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream...Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era."
So, the blatant lies the Iranians were telling to the infidels since they shot down the plane was OK, even praiseworthy because they were just practicing their taqiyya.
Swiss Back Channel Helped Defuse U.S.-Iran Crisis The U.S. sent an encrypted fax via the Swiss Embassy in Tehran urging Iran not to escalate, followed by a flurry of back and forth messages
Saw Traviata this evening at the Met. Wonderful performance all around, with an especially strong effort by Quinn Kelsey as Giorgio G. Our entire season so far has been terrific-- Wozzeck, Rosenkavalier, Queen of Spades, Macbeth, Orfeo Ed Euridice were all beautifully sung, with Wozzeck and Q of S being the stand-outs. Any opera fans out there would do well to catch some of these on the HD performances if a trip to the Met is too much to swing.
The music on offer every night, the Met being only one among many venues, is reason enough to remain in NYC despite the crazy politics and all the rest. Not a bad reason for a visit either.
Barack and Michelle Obama have advised the Sussexes on their plans for a new life outside the Royal Family.Harry and Meghan have become close friends with the former US president and his lawyer wife and turned to them for help.The Queen’s grandson and his wife want to model themselves on the Obamas, who have both brought out extraordinarily successful autobiographies.(Photo) Mrs Obama’s Becoming sold 1.4million copies in its first week and is set to become the biggest-selling autobiography of all time, having shifted over 10 million copies so far.It has also seen her embark on a lucrative global speaking tour.
Climate experts are apparently backing President Donald Trump’s repeated arguments that California’s wildfires were a result of poor land management rather than climate change-driven, E&E reported Thursday.Roughly 75% of damage stemming from California’s wildfires was a result of “the way we manage lands and develop our landscape,” Scott Stephens, a professor of fire science at the University of California, Berkeley, said Wednesday at a conference in Washington.Wildfires used to burn through 4.5 million acres a year in the 18th century, when indigenous communities populated California’s countryside, Stephens noted. “Fire was almost as important as rain to ecosystems,” he added.Stephens was not the only researcher at the National Council for Science....
Nancy was taken in by Adam Schiff. Schiff seems to really believe his own BS. Or he has convinced himself that he believes his own BS, whatever. Most ambitious pols are probably psychos. Anyway, Schiff has been lying and exaggerating his case against Trump for three years.
There seems to be this culture in Washington that these people take each other's words on things. I can't possibly imagine why.
Collusion with Iran to progress the quid pro Bo, to mitigate progress in the greater Middle East, and to stem diverse refugee crises, will influence the 2020 election and is grounds for another article of impeachment.
Climate experts are apparently backing President Donald Trump’s repeated arguments that California’s wildfires were a result of poor land management rather than climate change-driven...
The wildfires in Oz are the result of California-style land mismanagement.
The wildfires in Oz are the result of California-style land mismanagement.
Mismanagement, criminal intent, and a recurring seasonal drought in a warm climate, coupled with proximity that elevates risk to people and structures. There is still no signal (i.e. statistically significant) of [catastrophic] anthropogenic climate change, just evidence of poor choices and practices to mitigate a known risk and first-order forcings of catastrophic anthropogenic unforced errors. That said, the consequences for flora and fauna are separable as victims of Mother Nature's "green" policies.
THE Macpherson Report's definition of a "racist incident" as "any incident perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person" is causing immense trouble and confusion for all concerned. Yet there is a simple answer. As I have pointed out before, the Racial Prejudometer was originally developed by the West Midland firm of Ethnicaids for use by the race relations industry, but is now available to everybody (ask your nearest race relations stockist).
Inexpensive and handy for pocket or handbag, you simply point it at any person (including yourself) you suspect of "racism", press the easy-to-find "action" button and read off the result in prejudons, the internationally recognised scientific unit of racial prejudice.
Here’s a thread from Patterico that highlights how TDS has destroyed a site that was once a wonderful place to hang, but is now a den of villainy filled with corksoakers..
That's correct Q. Gavin newsom authorized I think 33 million for a new rake the floor battalion in Cal fire. My nephew was in the first graduating class.
A while back, Chuck posted directions on making the perfect gin and tonic. I got excited, glad that I could embrace just one of his posts. Alas, he is a failure even at that level.
I'm mostly a lurker. But Chuck, please. Just go away.
The wildfires in Oz are the result of California-style land mismanagement.
Oz seems to have combined circa-1950's U.S. fire policy (do nothing to prevent fuel buildup) with circa-2010's U.K. judicial policy (let's give it to responsible citizens good and hard).
Drago is cool. What I want is for the lying douchebag Chuck to quit using the Althouse blog as if it were his own. If he has information and opinions he wishes to share he should have his own website or start paying Althouse to post here.
Thanks to gilbar, iowan2 and Shouting Thomas for the suggestions. We live in SE Minnesota, so NE Iowa is an easy drive. Now that we are retired we need to explore our own backyard.
Tommy Duncan said (yesterday)... Thanks to gilbar, iowan2 and Shouting Thomas for the suggestions. We live in SE Minnesota,
IF you drive to Lanesboro, and head south; you'll be going through the most bestest parts of both Minnesota AND Iowa. I'm Assuming you've been to Lanesboro? hywy us-52; Canton (mn) to Decorah. iowa 9; through Waukon to Lansing; Across the cool Lansing bridge to wisconsin. wisc 35 to La Crosse
is a pretty road trip i take a Lot. wisc 35 goes RIGHT next to the river, and is a must drive
Caledonia (mn) and down hwys 76 (iowa and mn has same number) to waukon, or better yet; hop off on a26 (allamakee county rd: iowa river road) to new albin and back to mn would be a nice shorter drive
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१२१ टिप्पण्या:
Has anyone been to The Void VR Experience? I'm going to be going quite a bit out of my way for the Avengers one.
Does anyone have suggestions regarding museums, restaurants, bakeries, parks and local festivals in NE Iowa? Let's define the target area as north of Dubuque and east of Cresco (give or take a county either way).
My wife and I are retired and are looking for day trip opportunities.
RIP Neil Peart
...death is a snare, a trapset for us all
Up tonight watching yoga videos for men.
I’ve lost 42 pounds in the last 7 months, and now I’m working on sculpting my body. The weight loss left me with flabby abs and butt.
Took up yoga to combat arthritis and it’s been very effective. Don’t know I have arthritis if I do my yoga.
Learned to play pipe organ over the past year. I’ve been doing specialized yoga for feet, ankles and calves to increase flexibility for organ pedals.
Turned 70 and I’m in the best shape since I was an athlete when I was a kid. Bicycling and stationary bike and weights, too.
Got three beautiful little grandkids motivating me to remain in this world. They love to get down on the floor to wrestle and play with me.
@Shouting Thomas
this will shiver your "timbres" !
Good one!
I learned basic yoga at the Chelsea Piers gym back when I lived in Manhattan.
I think almost all male pro athletes do yoga now. You’d be shirking on your conditioning if you didn’t.
lost 42 lbs. So, you were a fat slob before and now you're not?
Looking at houses in southeastern Maine and Seacoast New Hampshire tomorrow, very exciting. Nice that there is no pressure.
May hit 60 degrees, not so keen on that.
Tom Steyer says Trump is a racist, a liar, and has committed impeachable crimes, yet offers no specific evidence. Who except the true believers is buying that shite? Bernie is emerging as the sane one; Buttigieg too.
No, I wasn’t a fat slob. By today’s standards, I was fit even before I lost weight.
I always worked out, just didn’t really pay much attention to weight.
The physical problems of old age are exacerbated by weight.
I’m almost down to my high school weight.
"nothing to see here!" -- crash site vid from Ruptly thread
- Oman's leader Sultan Qaboos has died, according to Omani state media. He had been on the throne since 1970. Key power player in the region and trusted intermediary b/t Iran and US.
First full moon of 2020, the 'wolf moon,' to coincide with lunar eclipse
The first full moon in January is nicknamed the "wolf moon."
Shouting Thomas, I am happy for you and your music talents. Keep having fun, man.
I have to buy a new wardrobe.
Did a Christmas concert with my all male choral group in a huge church. Full house!
My tux pants were falling down!
Steve W said...
Tom Steyer says Trump is a racist, a liar, and has committed impeachable crimes, yet offers no specific evidence.
No one on the left offers a coherent argument with specific details. That's why they went with "obstruction of congress". Trump didn't cooperate with their Schitt-show witch hunt.
Trump: No Private Server.
Tommy Duncan said...
Does anyone have suggestions regarding museums, restaurants, bakeries, parks and local festivals in NE Iowa? Let's define the target area as north of Dubuque and east of Cresco (give or take a county either way).
there's a nice bakery in Elkader (with also has an Algerian restaurant
Pike's Peak state park has the highest bluff on the Mississippi river. It's pretty
Decorah (east of Cresco) has lots of restaurants: it's a tourist town
Debuque has a Cool river museum .
There's LOTS of beautiful roads between dubuque and Cresco.
And that is ALL trout country, bring a fishing pole (or, stop at a hatchery in decorah or manchester or elkader
it will be snowy tomorrow, so roads will be a mess
Balltown IA, Breitbachs restaurant. Gunder IA, home of the famous Gunderburger. Mississippi River Museum in Dubuque is interesting of you're into that type of thing. Stay at the Hotel Julian Dubuque. Its a remodeled grand hotel. The restaurant at the Hotel is very good fine dinning. But, across the Bridge is Timmermans Supper Club. A step back in time to the 60's supper club. Spillville IA has the Billy clocks. The very best homemade, real smoke house Jerky, is in New Albin IA. That is the very NE corner of IA. The Minnesota border is the towns city limits.
Tommu Duncan?
Do you live in Madison? Wisc highway 60 goes down the Wisconsin river, to Prairie du chien. It's gorgeous (and right across the river in McGregor is Pike's Peak
the irish restuarant in Gunder is closed now; so don't plan on it
the mexican butcher shop in Postville has a restaurant attached (El Pariente ); it's good if you like 'authentic mexican food' (authentic as in, your waitress won't speak very good english); i go there a lot.
Decorah's your best bet, it's touristy. There's all sorts of festivals in the summer
I have a FB friend in Decorah. Town recently had its own gay controversy.
Quite the thing for a town of 8,300!
i guess i'm obligated to say that West Union (where i live)
has small combos playing music every thursday evening in the summer at the court house
and a couple of car shows (and a chili cookoff)
and, Of Course Dirt track auto racing Every Friday night, all summer (except during the fair, when it's everynight)
Every County has a fair; but they all SUCK, compared to the FAYETTE COUNTY FAIR: Which ROCKS!)
EVERY SINGLE small town has a towndays weekend some time during the summer.
Strawberry Daze in Strawberry point is decadent, and disgusting; DON'T MISS IT! (bring bail$)
interesting thread from @mizdonna re: Huber/Hillary
"Let's look at what @LeeSmithDC wrote about reporters like Devlin in his great book The Plot Against the President. Lee did a great job of pointing out stories that were planted to Devlin to shape a narrative."
I changed my diet radically and took off close to thirty pounds. I've put back almost ten pounds, and I only eat one full meal a day. The body is an exquisitely calibrated mechanism, not for turning food and wine into shit and piss, but rather for turning it into adipose tissue. ...Sometimes at night I have these vivid dreams of food, and they wake me up. I'm always hungry and still I gain weight....Old age is kind of zen. I have a pat hand so far as money, sex, and status goes. The only thing that keeps me pinned to this wheel of life is hunger. I live in NYC. Every street is infused with bakeries, pizza places, first rate Chinese and Thai restaurants, and that one bbq joint that sings like the froth on the sea....They say the satisfaction of eating a full meal can never match the satisfaction of inhabiting a trim, fit body. That's what they say.
Amazing. I would not have supposed they had this much intelectual integrity.
Revisiting the Trayvon Martin Case | Glenn Loury & John McWhorter
From the Wall Street Journal, reported by two of its investigative reporters (Joe Pallazzolo and ) who won a Pulitzer for their work in 2019:
The Wall Street Journal later revealed both hush-money deals. [Karen MacDougal and Stormy Daniels.] After the Daniels agreement became public, Mr. Trump called Mr. Cohen—with Melania Trump on the line. “Michael, did you really pay $130,000 to Stormy Daniels?” Mr. Trump asked. “Why didn’t you tell me about it?”
Mr. Cohen, who later said that he had consulted extensively with Mr. Trump about the payment, picked up the cue. Mr. Cohen said he’d planned to tell him after the election but had thought it safer to keep Mr. Trump out of it. He assumed the first lady saw through the lie.
The stupidity; the venality; the grossness; the sociopathy. It’s reminiscent of Trump’s assuming the persona of “John Barron” or “John Miller” to speak to reporters as a third person discussing the life of Donald Trump.
It was a very bad day because a very bad thing happened to a friend's family. But seeing the way people helped, hundreds of people--strangers, couldn't fail to give hope to even the most hard-shelled cynic
The dems Sham-wow-peachment has failed.
LLR-lefty Chuck has returned to Michael Avenetti and Stormy Daniels.
So. Much. Winning.
My apologies. The correct spelling of the reporter’s name in my post just above is “Joe Palazzolo” and the other reporter (former WSJ and now NYT) is Michael Rothfeld.
Now would be a good time to chat about Trump's likely priorities in his inevitable second term.
Once I lived the life of a millionaire...
I lived in Manhattan and my late wife was extraordinarily beautiful, talented and smart. I traveled first class for work for a decade.
I’m not struggling with hunger. Also only eating one full meal a day.
I feel as if my appetites were thoroughly sated. It’s time for other things in these last of my days on earth.
move over, Pepe!! There's new 'pearl-clutcher' in town!!
'Boogaloo' Is The New Far-Right Slang For Civil War!!
"Back off, Boogaloo" --Sir Richard Starkey
Oh, shit. The resumption of the never ending Idiot prattling of the Chuck and Drago show.
I’m outta here.
kabooms are better than kabobs--Trump orders using Siri
In a completely unsurprising development, intelligence officers were unwilling to share specific methods and means with particular democrat/LLR members based on completely justified concern those democrat/LLR members were share that information with our enemies.
And they are right.
Drago, either find something else to do or kill yourself.
Do everybody a favor and shut up.
Or else put a bullet in your head, you fucking moron.
"'Boogaloo' Is The New Far-Right Slang For Civil War!!"
That would make "Breaking 2: Electric Boogaloo" the equivalent of "Triumph Of The Will"
ST: Or else put a bullet in your head, you fucking moron."
I respectfully decline. With courtesy.
Maybe ST simply doesn't like 80's movies sub-references.
Beautiful night in NYC
Breakdancing films were particularly annoying
Look how all those names line up
My tux pants were falling down!
Proper tuxedo pants are held up with braces, which — properly adjusted — will hold up your pants regardless of the discrepancy between the size of the pants and the perimeter of your waist. Getting them taken in by a tailor should cost about $10.
I almost understand Chuck's obsession with Trump; for the life of me I don't get Drago's obsession with Chuck.
...they poured out innocent blood,
the blood of their sons and daughters,
whom they sacrificed to the idols... --ps 106:38
literally, like at the Golden Calves-- I mean, 'Globes'
Roger This: "I almost understand Chuck's obsession with Trump; for the life of me I don't get Drago's obsession with Chuck."
Endeavor to persevere.
From an oldie in category error
So many of the male commenters are on an amazing roll tonight, it is nice to see.
I hope some of the female commenters join in.
I almost understand Chuck's obsession with Trump; for the life of me I don't get Drago's obsession with Chuck.
Drago is clever and Chuckles is an easy target. At this point I am really tired of Chuckles bullshit and wish that Drago would choose another target.
Does anyone read Chuckles' posts? What a waste. You might as well watch Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Don Limone or Fredo Cuomo.
For a change of pace
Francisco D: "Drago is clever and Chuckles is an easy target. At this point I am really tired of Chuckles bullshit and wish that Drago would choose another target."
Listen up Shouting Thomas, this is how one crafts the beginning of an effective entreaty.
RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
Crack is to st as Chuck is to Drago. I suppose we all dream of that mic drop moment when the opposition realizes that they've been crushed and no reply is even possible....They say it's only possible to argue a person out of a position that he was argued into in the first place. I don't accept this. My views on a lot of things have changed. I don't think there was any specific argument that changed my mind, but my mind has definitely changed. For example, I used to rejoice to see nudity in locker room scenes in movies like Carrie. In the fullness of time, I have come to realize that such movies exploited young women. I now purposefully avoid movies with nudity. I won't even re-watch GOT because it's got too much nudity--and also that stupid ending.
Well after they killed natalie dormer who will resurface as a demon in the 40s version of that horror series written by john logan, penny dreadful.
You notice have they have syndicated every major series except deadwood, the editing would probably been impossible.
Um, ST, I am generally ok with your contributions to this blog, although I think you are a little harsh on the hostess with the mostest. but I don't really understand why you feel that your comments on your earlier life-style are a response to my link to a youTube video of Glenn Loury and John McWhorter talking about the recent revelations regarding the Trayvon Martin hoax. About which, I repeat, I had not thought they had that much intellectual integrity.
I also don't understand why you attack Drago. Chuck is a troll, and an annoying one. People often suggest that trolls should be ignored, but this fails to take into account the lurkers, who outnumber the posters by a factor known only to our hostess. While a living piece of shit like "Chuck" is degrading this comeent-stream with his flatus, I am glad that Drago is here to keep flagging his lying ass.
Chuck, ESAD.
Let’s also not let this day end without an acknowledgement of Rep. Doug Collins’ epic Twitter apology.
It’s been such a great apology that I will now retract my own comment in which I indicated how much I’d like to shove Collins’ baseless attack up his ass.
Way to go, Doug. On the 10-point scale of Congressional apologies, this was a 9.75:
The Telegraph
Iran plane crash: Tehran admits it 'unintentionally' shot down plane
The stupidity; the venality; the grossness; the sociopathy. It’s reminiscent of Pecan PieGate
Thats why they buldozed the crash site, shades of smolensk, which in turn echoes katyn
Chuck said...
I was diagnosed, after extensive testing by medical professionals, in Nov. 2014.Among the #actuallyautistic, you see a range of intellect and social abilities. It is not possible to lump us into one or two categories.
Many of us may appear boorish or rude in our interactions with neurotypical (NT) people. As a generality, we are weak at recognizing non-verbal social cues. Autism, however, is not an excuse for being a jerk. And it is possible for us to be both, as it is for NTs.
Diagnosing yourself is a facile way to find an excuse for behaviors and feelings that may have nothing to do with autism. It's not a fad that you can just buy in to. It is a difference in the hardwiring of the rain. We are not handicapped, just different.
11/22/17, 10:40 AM
Stick it in him, Drago. Twist it. Break it off in the wound.
Chuck, ESAD.
I am willing to let some of LLR-lefty Chuck's lefty lies sit as they are either so ludicrous that any ridicule directed at those comments ironically enhances the possibility they will gain traction OR LLR-lefty Chuck's lefty allies have taken such a string of losses at the hands of the apparently indestructible conservative Trump that to add anymore simply seems like piling on in an unfair way on Chuck and his dem ally losers.
Tbese last few weeks have been absolutely devastating to the idiot lefties like Chuck so I suppose I will allow a few of his more adolescent lies go unattended.
You're welcome.
Still trying to cover it up
'...The Iranian military's statement said the plane “took the flying posture and altitude of an enemy target” as it came close to an Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps base. It said that “under these circumstances, because of human error,” the plane “came under fire.”
International pressure had been building on Iran to take responsibility. American and allied intelligence assessments have said that Iranian missiles brought down the plane, most likely by accident, amid the heightened tensions between the United States and Iran.
Suspicions that an Iranian missile had brought down the plane began immediately after Wednesday morning’s crash — just hours after Iran fired missiles at two bases in Iraq housing American forces.
Official Iranian news media had cited technical problems as the cause in the hours after the crash. Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization chief, Ali Abedzadeh, doubled down on that assessment on Friday, saying nothing could be determined until the data from the black boxes was analyzed, and he characterized statements made by other nations as politically motivated.
But by late Friday, officials were considering acknowledging that Iranian missiles brought down the jet, according to four Iranians familiar with the deliberations. The government was also weighing whether to blame faulty jet equipment.'
Earlier in the day:
'...Many Iranians said that their anger over the lack of accountability at the highest levels of their government has quickly returned.
“Our lives have no value,” Yalda, a 45-year-old graphic artist in Tehran, said in a telephone interview, asking not to be identified fully for fear of arrest. “They shot down the plane and not only do they not apologize but they are lying about it.”
By late Friday, government officials were considering acknowledging that Iranian defense systems brought down the jet, according to four Iranians familiar with the deliberations. Tehran may argue instead, they said, that faulty equipment onboard the plane had failed to signal properly.'
Tbese last few weeks have been absolutely devastating to the idiot lefties like Chuck so I suppose I will allow a few of his more adolescent lies go unattended.
Nope. If you let up, it will only encourage him to post more.
Full Moon, that is enough of that.
You keep posting a comment written by someone else who created another blogspot account using the name “Chuck.” And any of these readers can figure it out for themselves by going to the comment you’re quoting and clicking on the name. It’s not my account; it’s not my writing.
Didn’t you pull this despicable stunt a couple of weeks ago, and wasn’t your comment pulled down?
It needs to happen again, pronto. And then something needs to be done about you and others with these continual maniacal comments aimed at me personally.
FM: "Nope. If you let up, it will only encourage him to post more."
There is that.
Yeah Drago, you tryin' to start World War 3?
Be more like the sainted George Bush.
Count to ten.
Be a bigger man.
Rise above it.
Turn the other cheek.
Roll over.
Play dead.
Silence is golden.
Postscript: Keep up the good work.
Re: impeachment, this is what I think happened:
Nancy is old. She will be 80 years old in a few months. She is slipping, her brain is not as sharp as she thinks it is.
Nancy was taken in by Adam Schiff. Schiff seems to really believe his own BS. Or he has convinced himself that he believes his own BS, whatever. Most ambitious pols are probably psychos. Anyway, Schiff has been lying and exaggerating his case against Trump for three years. He told Pelosi he had an iron-clad case against trump, and probably hinted or told her directly that a lot of the GOP in the House would vote to impeach & there was GOP support in the senate for impeachment (#nevertrumpers are always droning on about congressmen and senators that tell them, in private, they want to see Trump impeached. But they have too much fear to say so publicly! They fear the trump!).
So Nancy, in her weakened mental state, believed Schiff.
And now she has to live with it.
Pelosi is running again this year. If she wins (and she will) she will be 82 when she files for re-election in 2022. If she lives that long.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "It needs to happen again, pronto. And then something needs to be done about you and others with these continual maniacal comments aimed at me personally."
I see the effects of the gin are now growing quite strong.
Still, one does wonder how a Banned racist Commenter like LLR-lefty Chuck intends to enforce his rather pathetic threats.
Jon Ericson: "Yeah Drago, you tryin' to start World War 3?
Be more like the sainted George Bush.
Count to ten.
Be a bigger man.
Rise above it.
Turn the other cheek.
Roll over.
Play dead.
Silence is golden."
You had me at George Bush! Eeeesh.
My path appears clear. No quarter asked for...nor given.
With apologies to Shouting Thomas.
My mother is the same age as Pelosi. She is an old, old woman. Still sharp for 79, and her mother was sharp, with no signs of dementia, until a few days before she died at age 97.
My mother is not as active as she once was. She can be forgetful. She spends a lot of time at the doctor. She is on a half dozen drugs, mostly steroid-type things, none of them harsh. Pelosi, I suppose, is in the same shape. Lots of ailments, lots of doctor appointments, her world growing smaller in an inevitable and fairly comfortable way.
Why the fuck does she think that she should run the United States?
Shes still probably sharper than lucille bluth
Blogger Chuck said...
"It’s not my account; it’s not my writing."
And you didn't wet the bed, either, Right, "Chuck"?
The problem is that I'm thoroughly exhausted at 7 p.m. or so and often drift off.
But come 11 or so -- bedtime -- I'm pretty much wide awake.
So, how do y'all feel about a country that accidentally shoots down civilian airliners having nuke-tipped IRBM's?
But really. Loury and McWhorter have red-pilled themselves, and it is amazing to see their resolution in the face of the realization that they have been played for gullible fools by the people they thought were their allies.
"So, how do y'all feel about a country that accidentally shoots down civilian airliners having nuke-tipped IRBM's?"
Well, Vincennes. Flight 655. When nations walk along the edge of war, people are going to get killed.
Well introspection is good, renenber how the narrative ruled over everything
They tried to cover up the crime with a literal bulldozer. When you have to use a literal bulldozer to cover up your crime, the wisest course of action is to come clean. Too bad they didn't have access to the guys who engineered the Epstein suicide.....I wonder if this massive screw up and mendacious response will have the same effect on Iranians as the Chernobyl disaster had on Russians. There's got to be some point where people say enough.
If the Iranians get nukes, and put them on missiles, the same people that had charge of their anti-aircraft defenses will control them. If the Iranians get nukes, on whose word will they be launched?
Probably a field commander like suleimani, btw shahlai appears to have survived
Solunge but im not being indecisive
Islam's doctrines of deception
by Raymond Ibrahim
Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst
October 2008
Articulation of taqiyya
'According to the authoritative Arabic text, Al-Taqiyya Fi Al-Islam: "Taqiyya [deception] is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it. We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream...Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era."
So, the blatant lies the Iranians were telling to the infidels since they shot down the plane was OK, even praiseworthy because they were just practicing their taqiyya.
Swiss Back Channel Helped Defuse U.S.-Iran Crisis
The U.S. sent an encrypted fax via the Swiss Embassy in Tehran urging Iran not to escalate, followed by a flurry of back and forth messages
hopefully this story isnt full of holes
One would think we would have a shorter learning curve
Its possible, now content ofthe message is critical.
Saw Traviata this evening at the Met. Wonderful performance all around, with an especially strong effort by Quinn Kelsey as Giorgio G. Our entire season so far has been terrific-- Wozzeck, Rosenkavalier, Queen of Spades, Macbeth, Orfeo Ed Euridice were all beautifully sung, with Wozzeck and Q of S being the stand-outs. Any opera fans out there would do well to catch some of these on the HD performances if a trip to the Met is too much to swing.
The music on offer every night, the Met being only one among many venues, is reason enough to remain in NYC despite the crazy politics and all the rest. Not a bad reason for a visit either.
Via Lucianne:
This explains a lot! RME
Barack and Michelle Obama have advised the Sussexes on their plans for a new life outside the Royal Family.Harry and Meghan have become close friends with the former US president and his lawyer wife and turned to them for help.The Queen’s grandson and his wife want to model themselves on the Obamas, who have both brought out extraordinarily successful autobiographies.(Photo) Mrs Obama’s Becoming sold 1.4million copies in its first week and is set to become the biggest-selling autobiography of all time, having shifted over 10 million copies so far.It has also seen her embark on a lucrative global speaking tour.
Climate experts are apparently backing President Donald Trump’s repeated arguments that California’s wildfires were a result of poor land management rather than climate change-driven, E&E reported Thursday.Roughly 75% of damage stemming from California’s wildfires was a result of “the way we manage lands and develop our landscape,” Scott Stephens, a professor of fire science at the University of California, Berkeley, said Wednesday at a conference in Washington.Wildfires used to burn through 4.5 million acres a year in the 18th century, when indigenous communities populated California’s countryside, Stephens noted. “Fire was almost as important as rain to ecosystems,” he added.Stephens was not the only researcher at the National Council for Science....
Will Meghan and Harry have to pay royalties for their Royal brand?
Nancy was taken in by Adam Schiff. Schiff seems to really believe his own BS. Or he has convinced himself that he believes his own BS, whatever. Most ambitious pols are probably psychos. Anyway, Schiff has been lying and exaggerating his case against Trump for three years.
There seems to be this culture in Washington that these people take each other's words on things. I can't possibly imagine why.
ummmm....maybe it's better to just curse the darkness
Gywneth Paltrow Is Selling A Candle That Smells Like Her Vagina
Chuck says...
Way to go, Doug. On the 10-point scale of Congressional apologies, this was a 9.75:
1/10/20, 10:16 PM
StephenFearby said...
The Telegraph
Iran plane crash: Tehran admits it 'unintentionally' shot down plane
Talk about an Althousextaposition!
This content is simply exciting and creative. I have been deciding on a institutional move and this has helped me with one aspect.Indobolaku
These goggles do nothin:
and if that doesnt smell fishy, check out Kerry's discharge
Why does gwenyth so focus on her interior, thankfully she is largely out of the mcu.
Even in the ME, there wasn't a rug big enough to sweep the crash site under.
Bleach bit wasn't applicable.
Iran’s Rouhani vows to ‘identify & prosecute’ all responsible for ‘disastrous mistake’ that led to Ukrainian jet downing
it was those pro-US gays!!
Sweet new Sussex Coat of Arms:
greed rampant
What Josephblue said 844
Right on ST you rock.
Collusion with Iran to progress the quid pro Bo, to mitigate progress in the greater Middle East, and to stem diverse refugee crises, will influence the 2020 election and is grounds for another article of impeachment.
Chuck is posting shit about slutty whores, my night is compete,
Hugs Sweet Freeman Hunt!
Climate experts are apparently backing President Donald Trump’s repeated arguments that California’s wildfires were a result of poor land management rather than climate change-driven...
The wildfires in Oz are the result of California-style land mismanagement.
The wildfires in Oz are the result of California-style land mismanagement.
Mismanagement, criminal intent, and a recurring seasonal drought in a warm climate, coupled with proximity that elevates risk to people and structures. There is still no signal (i.e. statistically significant) of [catastrophic] anthropogenic climate change, just evidence of poor choices and practices to mitigate a known risk and first-order forcings of catastrophic anthropogenic unforced errors. That said, the consequences for flora and fauna are separable as victims of Mother Nature's "green" policies.
Swiss Back Channel Helped Defuse U.S.-Iran Crisis
Streaming services offer some strange niche programming these days...
Derbyshire lays into #MeToo in the form of the hate hysteria against Harvey Weinstein
THE Macpherson Report's definition of a "racist incident" as "any incident perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person" is causing immense trouble and confusion for all concerned. Yet there is a simple answer. As I have pointed out before, the Racial Prejudometer was originally developed by the West Midland firm of Ethnicaids for use by the race relations industry, but is now available to everybody (ask your nearest race relations stockist).
Inexpensive and handy for pocket or handbag, you simply point it at any person (including yourself) you suspect of "racism", press the easy-to-find "action" button and read off the result in prejudons, the internationally recognised scientific unit of racial prejudice.
via Derb
Here’s a thread from Patterico that highlights how TDS has destroyed a site that was once a wonderful place to hang, but is now a den of villainy filled with corksoakers..
Blogger narciso said...
“You notice have they have syndicated every major series except deadwood, the editing would probably been impossible.”
Easy, narciso! Embrace the power of “corksoaker”.
Q: what does the typical Iranian husband do when his wife withholds her affections at night?
A: Ghotbzadeh
Well, that's progress...
That's correct Q. Gavin newsom authorized I think 33 million for a new rake the floor battalion in Cal fire. My nephew was in the first graduating class.
Was it 1988 or 89 when a Us Navy ship shot down an airliner departing from Tehran?
A while back, Chuck posted directions on making the perfect gin and tonic. I got excited, glad that I could embrace just one of his posts. Alas, he is a failure even at that level.
I'm mostly a lurker. But Chuck, please. Just go away.
The wildfires in Oz are the result of California-style land mismanagement.
Oz seems to have combined circa-1950's U.S. fire policy (do nothing to prevent fuel buildup) with circa-2010's U.K. judicial policy (let's give it to responsible citizens good and hard).
Drago is cool.
What I want is for the lying douchebag Chuck to quit using the Althouse blog as if it were his own.
If he has information and opinions he wishes to share he should have his own website or start paying Althouse to post here.
Thanks to gilbar, iowan2 and Shouting Thomas for the suggestions. We live in SE Minnesota, so NE Iowa is an easy drive. Now that we are retired we need to explore our own backyard.
Tommy Duncan said (yesterday)...
Thanks to gilbar, iowan2 and Shouting Thomas for the suggestions. We live in SE Minnesota,
IF you drive to Lanesboro, and head south; you'll be going through the most bestest parts of both Minnesota AND Iowa. I'm Assuming you've been to Lanesboro?
hywy us-52; Canton (mn) to Decorah. iowa 9; through Waukon to Lansing;
Across the cool Lansing bridge to wisconsin. wisc 35 to La Crosse
is a pretty road trip i take a Lot. wisc 35 goes RIGHT next to the river, and is a must drive
Caledonia (mn) and down hwys 76 (iowa and mn has same number) to waukon,
or better yet; hop off on a26 (allamakee county rd: iowa river road) to new albin
and back to mn would be a nice shorter drive
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