Was it up to code? It doesn't look as though it would have passed out here. Judging by the timbers in your first picture, Big Mike couldn't have stood on it safely.
I don't know but it always felt a little rickety to me and I'm very glad to be getting a new one built (along with a bunch of other mostly improvements to the house).
I'd like to have some of that wood. I've been using pallet wood on my property.
Oh, we are moving to Ft. Collins.
You don't have to use the reCaptcha robot check if you are signed in to any Google service because they helpfully track you across all Google properties and Blogger is a Google property.
I use Brave for most of my browsing and Firefox for Gmail. I am signed in to Gmail now, so I won't have to get the robot check. If I go back to Brave, I would have to help train Google's AI by clicking pictures or listening to text.
The government uses Google's reCaptcha for all form submittals. That includes any emails to representatives or any online forms for government jobs. Google uses reCaptcha to capture data just as they do with all their properties. So the government is giving Google free data. Was their a bid for this work?
Also interesting, is that I have to provide my selective service information to the government in order to apply for a job. That seems sexist to me.
I have found that pallet wood is good for ground contact, and also to use as siding. It gives a nice old west look to the shed I have built. It is difficult to find good structural members (2x4 studs) in the pallet wood, so I use new wood for that.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) made a bizarre announcement at a campaign stop in Iowa last Sunday, telling the crowd that, when she selects her cabinet, she’ll only consider candidates for the Secretary of Education who have taught in public schools, and the final candidate will only take office after passing an interview with a “young trans person.”One of the attendees at Warren’s weekend stop in Cedar Rapids asked the Massachusetts Senator and hopeful 2020 Democratic presidential nominee whether she would support more education on LGBT and transgender issues for school-aged children. In response, Warren suggested that LGBT and transgender issues...
Democrats in the House of Representatives voted on Wednesday against an amendment to a proposed bill that would prevent the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) from forcing credit reporting agencies to evaluate Americans based on political opinions or religious beliefs. Without such an amendment, Republicans warn, the powerful CFPB would have the legal authority to make nearly any criteria mandatory for a private credit evaluation company to take into consideration, paving the way for a system in which the federal government has the power to assign numerical scores to individuals based on their loyalty to a certain political party, membership in civil society groups that...
I listened to a bit of the Senate Q and A this afternoon, and just happened to be listening when the President's lawyer team (I believe, from a later remark, in response to a question from a woman Senator, if this helps anyone remember or find it on a transcript) made the point (quite succinctly, in my opinion) that Burisma and foreign aid to Ukraine, was a perfectly legitimate issue to be investigated, and that if the President had a legitimate policy objective in asking Ukraine to assist in that investigation. The lawyer made the point that it was ridiculous to think that the Senate could come to a determination about whether the legitimate objective was 50% or more than or less than 50%, and that ANY legitimate policy objective meant that the actions were not impeachable.
A Dem Senator (Dick Durban) posed a question to Schiff (et al, but Schiff answered) that said simply: "Please respond to the last answer." Schiff replied by saying that because Guiliani was involved, and because (as the President's team admitted) Giuliani as a private citizen was not pursuing any foreign policy objective, therefore there must be zero legitimate policy issue here.
Did anyone else hear that? Am I mis characterizing the conversation? Does Schiff's comment make any sense?
"The World Health Organization said the fast-spreading coronavirus that’s infected more than 8,200 people across the world is a global health emergency — a rare designation that helps the international agency mobilize financial and political support to contain the outbreak.
The announcement comes just hours after the U.S. confirmed its first human-to-human transmission of the virus, which has killed more than 200 people in China and has now spread to at least 18 other countries."
Deck pics. On the day that E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer’s file a motion to compel Trump to provide a DNA sample.
It takes a special type of stupid to believe Donald Trump - a man who's been in the public eye for more than 40 years - is just going to saunter into an upscale, Manhattan department store without anybody noticing, sneak into a women's dressing room, rape a woman and then walk back out without anybody raising a fuss.
And by special type of stupid, I mean dumb as fuck.
“she’ll only consider candidates for the Secretary of Education who have taught in public schools, and the final candidate will only take office after passing an interview with a “young trans person.”
I find this mind-boggling. Not the promise. I don’t care if she has the Education Secretary interviewed by a chimpanzee. What’s crazy is the insistence on parading trans affinity as though it’s a political winner and a great campaign strategy. It isn’t. In fact, it’s a poison pill for many in your base, legions of LIVs, and an almost sure fire way to bring the opposition to the polls. Warren May very well be the most enbubbled of the Donk candidates (unsurprisingly, given her history). Stuff like this leads me to believe that, after Biden has been slathered in Ukrainian petroleum products and rolled in the shorn leg hairs of a thousand Commie chicks, Bernie is going to be the Donk’s boy.
How Chicom. Social scoring. They’re going all in, aren’t they?
The semi-reasonable traditional Democrat is dead. Even if some of them could be characterized that way, NONE of them are willing to stand up to the progressive crazy leftists any more and ALL of them just go along with whatever irrational evil the left pushes.
Giuliani as a private citizen was not pursuing any foreign policy objective, therefore there must be zero legitimate policy issue here.
Did anyone else hear that? Am I mis characterizing the conversation? Does Schiff's comment make any sense?
1/30/20, 5:39 PM
If I remember the right question and answer series, the question was worse than the answer. I listened on and off for a little more than an Hour over a couple of hours. Towards the end, I said to myself, Schiff needs to shut up. He is getting lost in his own hypotheticals, and the over top histrionics is way past it "use by" date.
It's not just obnoxious lefties or insufferable Dems like "Senator" Mark Warner that might cause me to turn away, despite how much I like looking at her, it's also when folks like Tintin Gowdy come on.
THanks to Iowan2 for the reply and to FullMoon for the suggestion to check out Breitbart. I found the exchange, and my characterization in a earlier comment was misleading. The Trump lawyer's argument is described in Breitbart like this:
4:15 PM: Kennedy and Ernst ask both parties (Nadler, Philbin) if a president asks for an investigation of possible corruption by a political rival that has a legitimate national interest, should the president be impeached if a majority of the House believed he did it for the wrong reasons....Cipollone says the short answer is no. He says the question is getting to the issue of mixed motives. He says it is unacceptable to impeach a president by putting him on a psychiatrist’s chair to inquire about his motives to “decapitate” the executive branch. He says if it is a legitimate inquiry in the national interest, then “that’s the end of it.”
Then the Schiff response about Giuliani was in response to a question that said: House managers asked to reply to Trump’s team’s response to Sinema’s question (Logan Act). And Sinema's question was one that preceded the 4:15 exchange "4:10 PM: Sinema–along with Manchin, Collins, Murkowski–asks the White House about the Logan Act. Question is will the White House assure that no private citizen will be deployed to conduct foreign policy unless the State Department sanctions the person."
So Schiff's answer in response to this question was at least a reasonable attempt to answer the question, and not as seriously off-target as I originally thought.
20 minutes ago edited Pencil-neck geek Googly-eyed freak No talent has-been With a lousy physique Can’t keep a secret You can count on a leak Nothin’ but a pencil-neck geek
Pencil-neck geek Arguments weak Take away his paddle Send him up the Schiff Creek His pie-eye look says He’s fond of a tweak Nuthin’ but a pencil-neck geek
Pencil-neck geek Undaroos streak Can’t pass a bill Without him wettin’ his beak A weak, mincing, four flushing Democrat sneak Nothin’ but a pencil-neck geek
I'm trying to watch Shifty-Schiff answer questions, but it is hard. He is such a weasel. He's like Peter Stork - articulate, credentialed, grammatically correct - but DELUSIONAL. And, his fellow House Managers are bush league incompetents, so Shifty Schiff has to do all the work. Someone really needed to give him a wedgie in junior high to straighten him out.
Ahh, too many Wisconsin winters for the wood. Was it original to the house? What's next- wood or PVC? Please note, January is a miserable time to initiate an outdoor project.
Oh dear, that is not right. Did it fall on its own or was it disassembled. A properly sized and constructed structure should not fall apart. Unless the wind is really strong.
FDR used Harry Hopkins extensively for diplomatic work with Britain. I don't believe he was an ambassador or even a state department employee at the time. He was a foreign policy advisor. Isn't that part of what Guliani does for Trump?
When I moved into my new home, the deck was half-rotted out. I tore it all down. In the Spring I’ll put down a concrete pad. I don’t see the point in spending money to maintain a deck.
Yancy Ward should be embarrassed that he insisted that the House subpoenas were “not really subpoenas”, but merely “requests”. The attorneys for Trump have been calling the House’s subpoenas by their proper name, “subpoena” all day today. So Yancy are you going to tell the defense attorneys they don’t know what they’re talking about?
Structure looks ok to me but can't tell whether there is rot. A new structure built on the same design should do fine, assuming joists were on 24 inch centers, 2 X 8 and decking was at least one inch thick.
Admiral Inga: "The attorneys for Trump have been calling the House’s subpoenas by their proper name, “subpoena” all day today. So Yancy are you going to tell the defense attorneys they don’t know what they’re talking about?"
LOLOLOL indeed!
The attorney's for Trump have been explaining all day today how those "subpoena's" aren't worth the paper they were printed on.
And they were right!
Which is why yours and LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved dems scurried away like cockroaches from the lights of a court challenge!
So call them whatever you want. Invalid "subpoena's" works for me.
Good for Chief Justice Roberts for refusing to read Rand Paul’s question today. It’s reassuring to know he respects the laws that provide protections for whistleblowers.
they were not issued under legitimate authority, this whole exercise has been a fraud, more typical of the stasi and the udba, than anything we would recognize, and I'm chosing those examples specifically, the country team was all about covering the looting of privat bank and other scandals, William taylor had experience from Afghanistan and Iraq in that vein, jaureckas moved over to Puerto rico, where we've seen the utter malpractice in the distribution operation,
Admiral Inga: "Good for Chief Justice Roberts for refusing to read Rand Paul’s question today. It’s reassuring to know he respects the laws that provide protections for whistleblowers."
I suspect 6x6 posts are now code for elevated decks nationwide, but women have been fooled for centuries--they're only 5.5x5.5. That's why so many women are bad drivers, their distance measurements are off.
“The attorney's for Trump have been explaining all day today how those "subpoena's" aren't worth the paper they were printed on.”
Your opinion on whether they were “worthy” doesn’t matter one iota. They were/ are subpoenas, you can make up an alternate name for them all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are subpoenas.
Admiral Inga: "Your opinion on whether they were “worthy” doesn’t matter one iota. They were/ are subpoenas, you can make up an alternate name for them all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are subpoenas."
Lets call them Purple Elephants!
Why not? It's not like your dem pals had the guts to push the issue in a real court.....because they knew they would lose.
Not to worry. Perhaps in your next hoax Sham-Wow-Peachment your Team Dem/LLR can get their act together and not send out laughably unenforceable non-subpoena "subpoenas".
If you like Subpoena Coladas Getting caught and arraigned If you like ending corruption Before giving aid to Ukraine If you know it's Ciaramella But you cant say his name
Let's call them "Brave Brave Sir Robin"-"subpoena's"!!
When court challenge reared it's ugly head, Dems bravely turned their tails and fled. Yes, our brave Dems turned about And gallantly they chickened out. Swiftly taking to their feet, They beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave "Subpoena-ers", The Dems!
you can make up an alternate name for them all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are subpoenas.
So if I show up at your door, with a subpoena I crafted on MS Word with my personal seal on it, for you to hand over all your bank records, you would comply. I mean, I named my piece of paper a subpoena. It must be A SUBPOENA.
Of course not. A subpoena is not a subpoena unless it executed properly, by persons with the power to issue, backed up with a way to compel compliance, Schiff lacked that power.
"Your opinion on whether they were “worthy” doesn’t matter one iota. They were/ are subpoenas, you can make up an alternate name for them all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are subpoenas."
Actually it's up to a court to decide if the subpoenas were valid. It's called separation of powers.
Admiral Inga: "The attorneys for Trump have been calling the House’s subpoenas by their proper name, “subpoena” all day today. So Yancy are you going to tell the defense attorneys they don’t know what they’re talking about?"
LOLOLOL indeed!
The attorney's for Trump have been explaining all day today how those "subpoena's" aren't worth the paper they were printed on.
However, Tulsi’s subpoena of Hillary IS worth the paper it was written on and she AND her attorney refuse it.
The easiest way to resolve your question, Inga, is for you to cite the law that prevents a whistleblower’s identity from being released. I’ve asked others making your claim the same question, but they’ve been unable to provide it.
Admiral Inga: "So was Roberts wrong in refusing to read Paul’s question? Why? Explain. What should be done?"
We should fully expose how Ciaramella, who was placed BACK into the White House after being booted out for illegal leaking (which the obama DOJ holdovers decided not to prosecute because "surprise"!), worked directly with his 2 NSC pals who were immediately hired by Schiff-ty's committee to work with the Lawfare legal team working for the same committee to coordinate their activities prior to going to the ICIG who, "coincidently", decided to change the whistleblower rules to allow for second-hand info in order to lodge a whistleblower complaint.
The ICIG named Atkinson.
The same Atkinson whose testimony is still being hidden by Adam Schiff-ty and the dems.
Because Atkinson was the cat who testified that Ciaramella has a real bias problem...which is hardly surprising since it was Ciaramella that was at the center of the Russia hoax as well AND worked directly with Biden on Ukraine at the very time Biden was threatening to withhold US funds unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor who, despite the dems dumb lies, DID in fact have an investigation going into Burisma.
But other than all that, gee, I guess there's nothing to talk about.
And oh, before we let this go, it should be mentioned that Ciaramella was given his second-hand info from........(bugle fanfare here)...Vindman!!
You know, Vindman, the very guy whose twin brother is the guy in the White House responsible for reviewing and vetting John Bolton's manuscript....which was leaked to the NYT.
Today lawyers from Boies Schiller firm testified in the prosecution cases at both the Weinstein and Avanetti criminal trials in NYC. Now that's unusual!
“Actually it's up to a court to decide if the subpoenas were valid. It's called separation of powers.”
“DOJ attorneys contradicted Trump team in federal court, Schiff says The president's legal team is contradicting the president's own Justice Department, which is making the opposite argument in court on the same day, Schiff said.
A Justice Department attorney argued in federal court Thursday that a possible remedy for an administration defying congressional subpoenas is impeachment, according to CNN. The argument came during a court hearing over subpoenas in a House investigation into the Commerce Department and the 2020 census.
"Let me begin with something in the category of you can't make this stuff up," Schiff told the Senate. "Today while we've been debating whether a president can be impeached for essentially bogus claims of privilege for attempting to use the courts to cover up misconduct, the Justice Department, in resisting House subpoenas, is in court today and was asked, well, if the Congress can't come to the court to enforce its subpoenas — because as we know they're in here arguing Congress must go to courts to enforce its subpoenas but they're in the courts saying Congress, thou shalt not do that."
"So the judge says, if the Congress can't enforce its subpoenas in court then what remedy is there? And the Justice Department lawyers' response is, impeachment. Impeachment! You can't make this up!" Schiff continued, greeted by ripples of laughter from the Democratic side of the chamber.”
Today lawyers from Boies Schiller firm testified in the prosecution cases at both the Weinstein and Avanetti criminal trials in NYC. Now that's unusual!
Liars. I’d triple check and cross-reference every word from that firm.
Admiral Inga: "“DOJ attorneys contradicted Trump team in federal court, Schiff says"
Hey dummy, the dems WERE IN Federal Court on that very issue......and they ran away just as the Judge announced a decision was just about to be announced!!
This is so far beyond parody at this point that its amazing.
“The easiest way to resolve your question, Inga, is for you to cite the law that prevents a whistleblower’s identity from being released. I’ve asked others making your claim the same question, but they’ve been unable to provide it.”
So the Chief Justice doesn’t know the law? You know the law better than he does? So why was he wrong, I asked YOU to explain.
Admiral Inga: ""So the judge says, if the Congress can't enforce its subpoenas in court then what remedy is there? And the Justice Department lawyers' response is, impeachment. Impeachment! You can't make this up!" Schiff continued, greeted by ripples of laughter from the Democratic side of the chamber.”
The democrats ran away from the court before the decision could be handed down........
That's as much "courage" as LLR-lefty Chuck showed when he almost joined the military after a torturous 17 second mental exercise.
Both sides keep mentioning Federalist 65. They disagree on the meaning of it but they both agree that it was prescient and quotable. Which causes me to ask: if Publius KNEW there was an issue here, why wasn’t it captured in the Constitution? Publius failed to implement many of the common sense checks and balances that they knew about in order to grant nearly unlimited power to the government. And by their failure, wrote a Constitution which is frayed and tattered. And they had the gall to tell their readers that it was THEIR duty to make the Constitution better (because everyone knew there would be flaws!) and then gave the people a completely useless process to do so.
4 x 6 treated posts cross braced at 90 degrees, 16" o.c. 2 x 10 joists, 5/4 decking (cedar would be nice, but upkeep sucks), cable-style railings for a clear view. You're welcome.
"Legal Definition of subpoena. (Entry 1 of 2) : a writ commanding a designated person upon whom it has been served to appear (as in court or before a congressional committee) under a penalty (as a charge of contempt) for failure to comply — compare summons."
He was wrong because there’s no law that prevents identifying whistleblowers. If you think I’m wrong, then it should be very easy for you or anyone else to provide the law that refutes my claim.
Don't give up on it, Inga Don't make the Left seem Right The future isn't just one fight It's written on Schiff’s eyelids Lickin’ all his scars Dude must be from Mars
Don't give up on it, Inga It’s still worth one more go Forget about the last Schiff show Just for a clown like Schumer Remaining days are few Don't give up on it, you know May be a pony in dat poo
BTW, I would be remiss if I didn't offer my "congratulations" to Admiral Inga for her "brilliant" and "prescient" prediction that Trump would be very very very frightened of an Elizabeth Warren candidacy!!
It's almost as good as Inga's call on Theresa May, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and The Boy-PM Trudeau as "The Real Leaders Of The Free World"!!!
Which was almost as good as Inga telling us Netanyahu lost his last election!
Which was almost as good as Inga telling us Brexit was a loser!!
Anybody else seeing a pattern here? Cuz I think I do......
She literally said she would allow a 9 year old "trans" child to interview and approve her future Secretary of Education!!!
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is the sweet sweet smell of desperation!!
But it won't be enough for our Fully Woke Fake Cherokee Who Really Didn't Send Her Kids To Public School But Was Happy To Lie About It To Black Americans Desperate To Get Vouchers For Their Own Kids To Escape Democrat Prison Schools In The Inner City.
Blogger Jim at said... Deck pics. On the day that E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer’s file a motion to compel Trump to provide a DNA sample.
It takes a special type of stupid to believe Donald Trump - a man who's been in the public eye for more than 40 years - is just going to saunter into an upscale, Manhattan department store without anybody noticing, sneak into a women's dressing room, rape a woman and then walk back out without anybody raising a fuss.
And by special type of stupid, I mean dumb as fuck
Yeah I sort of want to agree with you. It sure doesn’t do much for the plaintiff’s case if she gets Trump’s DNA, compares it to whatever (dress?) she’s got, and it’s not a match.
But knowing what laughable gangsters the Trumps are, I half expect that Trump will submit a sample under a court order, and they claim that it was the 1hen-10-year-old Eric Trump who raped Ms. Carroll.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "But knowing what laughable gangsters the Trumps are, I half expect that Trump will submit a sample under a court order, and they claim that it was the 1hen-10-year-old Eric Trump who raped Ms. Carroll."
It's definitely time to move on from the latest hoax to the next hoax.
Personally, I didn't really expect LLR-lefty Chuck to stick with his bizarre claim that the US economy is EXACTLY like the economy of the Soviet Union just before the Soviet Union collapsed.
I have to admit, even for LLR-lefty Chuck who will push any far left conspiratorial insanity, that was really something!!!
Kudos Chuck!! I didn't think you had it in you to launch an attack that was one step removed from an alien-based conspiracy.
I was particularly impressed by the Gallup numbers on race relations in the US where Gallup measures the improvement on race relations from Jan 2017 (22%-good) to Jan 2020 (36%-good).
That is so weird since I was told that Trump was the reincarnation of Hitler/Mussolini/Stalin/KKK/(insert whatever other group the lefties/LLR's think will help their cause here).
So very weird.
Meanwhile, Israel is naming streets, train stations and even a town after Trump.....which is also weird because the lefties/LLR's told me Trump was anti-semitic.
Perhaps english isn't the first language for our lefties and LLR's.
Schiff could’ve charged Trump with collusion, bribery, corruption, and treason, but instead chose two things that aren’t crimes because they’re more serious.
C BS: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said President Trump could have been charged with bribery, but “abuse of power is the highest crime”: “The important point is that we charged a Constitutional crime — the most serious crime” http://cbsn.ws/2tYED
Has the right Honorable GentleWoman from the great state of Arizona - Senator Krysten Cinnamon Tits - declared which way she's gonna vote on impeachment?
People saying that we should have dumped him for Garapalo don’t know what it’s like to root for a franchise that hasn’t won a Super Bowl in forever. He won one after they let him go. Any other franchise would take that deal. Let this guy go and win a Super Bowl.
Adam Schiff claims that even a scintilla of motivation related to personal benefit, that's enough to convict President Trump for abuse of power.
Imagine that standard applied to a certain President Felonia Clinton
Hakeem Jeffries answering "Is the Steele dossier foreign interference in an election" literally says the Steele dossier is okay because it was "purchased."
"Seeing Red said... I was just at Rantburg. Ciaramella is Schitt’s daughter’s boyfriend?"
I've read that her boyfriend is not he-must-not-be-named but another libtard and because they all look alike stories keep circulating that they are the same person.
Susan, looks like you're losin' You're losin' your mind (losin' your mind) wastin' our time Susan tell us what you are confusin' I ask myself why you won't say goodbye
Sen. Lamar Alexander to oppose new witnesses in trial, signaling vote likely to be defeated Mitch McConnell and the GOP Senate could get Trump acquitted by Friday.
Great read in the Jerusalem Post by Ruthie Blum which just about blows out of the water every single thing LLR-lefty Chuck and Admiral Inga have been saying about Trump since the beginning re: anti-semitism.
Spoiler: LLR-lefty Chuck and Admiral Inga are idiots.
I agree that Trex is the way to go for decks. We used Trex 15 years ago when we replaced our deck and I’m still happy with that decision. It does get warmer than wood when the temperature gets into the 90’s but flip-flops are an easy fix.
Sen. Lamar Alexander to oppose new witnesses in trial, signaling vote likely to be defeated Mitch McConnell and the GOP Senate could get Trump acquitted by Friday.
I'm sure that the number one concern of Iowa corn farmers is whether a potential secretary of education would get the stamp of approval from an arbitrarily chosen, demonstrably mentally ill, child oracle.
Sometimes I wonder why poor Mitt Romney comes across as such a treacherous little man. He has had so much given to him in this life and it is amazing that he comes off as little better than an unreliable man with no principles.
Jut kidding (about the fact that I wonder). Actually I never wonder. When he is on my side on an issue I feel embarrassed by his presence on the side I am on, when he is on the other side I feel bad for him. But I do know why he does things that embarrass those who want to admire him.
The Mormon religion is a great religion, with a great history of people searching for the truth. Little Mitt, the formerly pro-choice governor of Massachusetts, the treacherous Senator from the great state of Utah which deserves so much better, is a Mormon shonda to the goyim, from that point of view.
I Have Misplaced My Pants said... I'm sure that the number one concern of Iowa corn farmers is whether a potential secretary of education would get the stamp of approval from an arbitrarily chosen, demonstrably mentally ill, child oracle.
1/30/20, 10:50 PM
I hope to God at least some of the people in Warren's audience thought "WTF did I just hear?"
The Mormon religion is a great religion, with a great history of people searching for the truth. Little Mitt, the formerly pro-choice governor of Massachusetts, the treacherous Senator from the great state of Utah which deserves so much better, is a Mormon shonda to the goyim, from that point of view.
1/30/20, 10:53 PM
We'll see if the Mormons think he's a shona to the goyim the next time he's up for reelection.
the Obama-Biden administration in 2016 fined JP Morgan $264 million for hiring the unqualified kids of powerful Chinese leaders. Biden fined Americans for doing exactly what Ukraine did for his son.
JPMorgan fined for hiring kids of China's elite to win business
A federal judge in Hawaii today overturned a ground-breaking flu vaccine
Discovered by Trump's Federal Health Initiative, estimated to save over half a billion lives, the vaccine was pulled, citing the lack of a transexual on the team of doctoral researchers violated Title IX higher education diversity rules."
"Coronavirus task force another example of Trump administration's lack of diversity
"By contrast, former President Barack Obama's circle of advisers in the face of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa was hardly so monochromatic. Neither was it so abysmal in terms of gender diversity.
Hey, exiledonmainstreet... most of my extended family is Mormon and living in Utah. They are not fans of Romney. I don't think he has a snowball's chance in Phoenix of being re-elected.
Subpoenae have to have penalties for non compliance. The things the House were sending out had no penalties and no mechanisms for enforcement. So, they aren't subpoenae by definition, which is actually the entire fucking point- you don't have to comply with a request from the House in this case, and non-compliance, thus, cannot be an impeachable offense. If the House had sent over a letter demanding Trump jump up and down and sing Dixie, his refusal to do so would be no worse than not sending over documents requested in the exact same kind of letter.
The really hilarious part about all of this is that I have had this exact same argument 6 years ago when the House was issuing "subpoenae" for witness testimony from IRS personnel in the Tea Party tax scandal. The Obama Administration and most of the personnel told the House to go pound sand up their asses. People on the right got all bent out of shape about how they would have gone to jail if they didn't comply with a court subpoena- I tried patiently, for weeks, to explain to these people that the House documents weren't true subpoenae because they had no enforcement mechanism and no attached penalties- it was like talking to a brick wall, or talking to Inga and Chuck these past two days.
So dumbfuck Inga- you can call them whatever the fuck you want to call them, but the simple fucking fact is that non-compliance with these letters isn't improper in any way, and the President can't be legitimately impeached over the matter- if he could, every fucking president we have ever had should have been impeached, and every one that follows will also have to be impeached because both the House and Senate during every administration sends over the exact same fucking toothless letters that get ignored more often than not. That Trump is the one being impeached for this just displays the lack of integrity and good sense the Democrats have.
The best description of these letters, Inga, is fake subpoenae. So, keep your word if you want, but realize these subpoenae had no authority and could be ignored by anyone without legal repurcussions.
On Ciaramella- when his name was first floated, it was unclear that he was actually the whistleblower- it was a good guess, but there were other potential identities that were floated in the media. I thought Ciaramella was the best guess, but I didn't know for certain. I only knew for certain because Adam Dumbshit (D-CA), our glorious protector of Whistleblower identity confirmed for us. A Democrat witness had named Ciaramella as a collegue at the NSC. The transcript was released a few days later, but someone on Dumbshit's staff had forgotten to redact the name. Someone on Twitter pointed to the name in the transcript which was taken down within minutes of the tweet that pointed it out. The transcript eventually reappeared with the name redacted in the exact same passage.
Thus, Adam Dumbshit is the person who outed the Whistleblower, and Roberts doubly confirmed it for us yesterday and today. Well done, guys!
Here are some fantastic lyrics. Man, I am digging this band again like I did 35 to 40 years ago...
"The children had all left home The house was like a ship without a sail They headed for the sunset Where maybe they would find a holy grail The bedrooms were all rigged up The posters of Marc Bolan ripped away Each day was blessed with freedom As they would try to find something to say She kept a little journal He scanned them out to see If they could find Nirvana And where that place might be She had lots of things to do They kept the plastic covers on the chairs It drove him around the twist They both were wondering what they might have missed. He quibbled with ambition She fell into a rut They sat and read the papers In sequence they would touch The creeping realisation Like a punch in the gut Each day like the one before The dreams evaporated As the weeks and months turned into years The queasy feeling that they wanted more He said his word was final She heard him slam the door Anytime she would pipe up He heard it all before Although they blame each other Really they knew the score They were in this together Like children holding back tears They've come so far to end up With nothing down the years"
A new poll indicates that support for President Trump among black voters in America has doubled in the past year. Despite Democrats’ attempts to label Trump as a racist for the last three years, a new Rasmussen poll reported that black support among likely voters has doubled to 42% from 21% last year. [Tweet] The liberal media narrative continues to counter Trump’s support among black voters but the latest poll numbers show a different story, as the president has touted how his economy has benefited black Americans with unemployment rates at record lows, an improved economy, prison reform, and urban renewal programs....
And the stupidity continues in NY: good and hard
Gateway Pundit, by Brock Simmons Original Article Posted by ladydawgfan — 1/30/2020 4:11:10 AM Post Reply Imagine this: You’re out with your family in one of the parks in New York state where you can actually see the stars when it gets dark. You look up in the sky, see a constellation, and you point upwards to show your kids. Along comes a park ranger demanding to see your Stargazing Permit, and issues you a citation because you didn’t know you needed such a permit. That’s right, the state of New York is now demanding us peasants give them money so we can look up at the sky. [Tweet] This is totally a real thing, as it shows up on the state’s permitting
The House (and Senate) as a whole have subpoena power, for A1S1 Oversight and A1S2 (House) and A1S3 (Senate) Impeachment. The power to issue subpoenas is granted to each of the two houses in their entirety. There then has to be a formal delegation of that power to a committee by the entire House or Senate in order for that committee to have subpoena power. The House, for every (2 year) Congress, authorizes its rules at the beginning of that Congress (Senate rules are permanent) but can be modified in the middle of a Congress by a majority vote. Despite the limitation that the a house reestablish its rules each Congress, the reality is that there is a continuing body of rules that is essentially reapproved every two years. And in the House rules, permanent committees are delegated permanent subpoena power for A1S1 Oversight, but only over the agencies over which they have a oversight authority. Thus Wadler’s Judiciary committee has Oversight authority over the DOJ, and pursuant to that Oversight authority has been delegated subpoena power over that department. Similarly, Schifty’s HPSCI has Oversight authority over the Intelligence Community (CIA, etc), and can issue court enforceable subpoenas pursuant to that oversight authority. Note here, that Congress does not have oversight authority over the President, but rather only over departments and agencies that it created. Contrary to A1S1 Oversight, the House has never made a semipermanent delegation of judicially enforceable impeachment power to any committee for A1S2 Impeachments. Instead, the House has to delegate this subpoena power to a committee at least once per impeachment, and before the vote authorizing the delegation, no committee has Impeachment related subpoena power.
As noted above, the House does not have Oversight authority over the Presidency, That means that they did not have Oversight over the phone call between the American and Ukrainian Presidents, and thus did not have judicially enforceable subpoena power over that call under its Oversight power. During the time that most of Schifty’s fake subpoenas were being issued, there had not been a formal delegation of subpoena power to Schifty’s HPSCI. It was only on Halloween, October 31, that the committee received that delegation. And notably, while the House had retroactively authorized already issued subpoenas in the past, it was not done this time. This means that any purported impeachment related subpoenas issued prior to that date could not be valid or judicially enforceable.
All that these purported subpoenas could do then was to request compliance. They couldn’t demand it, nor could the House go into court to enforce, the demand for compliance. Thus, with no judicially enforceable demand for compliance, they weren’t legally “subpoenas”, regardless of what they were called. (Though theoretically they might have been able to send out the Sargent of Arms to arrest anyone not complying with their non-judicially enforceable non-subpoenas, but that would be fruitless, since he would likely been arrested for doing so by the Executive Branch).
Part of why this is important is that the Presidency also has powers and responsibilities, granted to it by Article II of the same Constitution that authorized Congress and granted it powers under Article I. Sometimes those powers collide, as here, when the House is demanding interviews and documents related to that phone call. The President has a need to keep his quasi private conversations private in order to execute his A2S1 Executive duties. And, thus, the power to require that privacy. The Article III Judiciary has had the job for maybe two centuries now to mediate these Separation of Powers issues. The way it is supposed to work, and has for better than two centuries, is for Congress to issue subpoenas, and the President then gets to assert Executive Privilege (or Immunity) in court. If either side disagrees with the court determination, they can appeal it, all the way to the Supreme Court, as was done with Nixon’s unsuccessful claim of Executive Privilege. But Schifty never really purported to issue real subpoenas, but rather issued requests that they called “subpoenas”, but legally weren’t, because they didn’t threaten judicial enforcement, but instead merely threatened Contempt of Congress, and part of that was because they didn’t have the authority to issue real subpoenas, partially because they didn’t want to risk the President going into court to object based on Executive Privilege, and partially because that all would have taken too long, and not be able to wrap up the entire impeachment in 2019.
In the end, this pretending that the request documents they sent out were “subpoenas” is the same Lawfare BS that we have Repeatedly seen used against Trump from at least the summer of 2016, and the initiation of Crossfire Hurricane.
Blogger narciso said... he wasn't a whistleblower, that entails direct knowledge of events... _____&&&&&+++++ Someone with inadequate lungs function should be able to get buddy to blow whistle. Co-whistleblowers. Not necessarily singular in number.
With that mention of “Contempt of Congress”, the vacuity of Impeachment Article II becomes apparent. The House impeached over the President, in essence, rejecting the House’s request for documents and interviews that they could have and should have demanded under their subpoena power, that they could have had, if they had done the impeachment like they have been done dozens of times over the last two centuries. Always before, the House has issued judicially enforceable (real) subpoenas, the President either complies, or asserts defenses such as Executive Privilege. If the House doesn’t agree, these Separation of Power issues are adjudicated by the third Branch the Judiciary. That wasn’t what happened here. Rather, the House essentially requested these documents and interviews, and if they didn’t get them, they would impeach him, instead of litigating the issue. That is a naked power grab on the part of the House. It doesn’t matter here, whether they would have been legally entitled to those documents and witnesses, but rather only that they wanted them. Nothing more. They didn’t care whether the President’s claims of Executive Privilege and Immunity would have prevailed. His Article II powers were irrelevant. All that is important are their Article I Powers, and that they wanted those documents and witnesses. Or, indeed, that they wanted something, and the President denied them. He would no longer have the ability to as the Judiciary arbitrate these Separation of Powers disputes. If the President were to be convicted on this count, Separation of Powers would effectively be over, and we would have essentially moved from a government with divided power to a parliamentary system where the legislature is supreme. Any time that Congress and the President disagree, Congress automatically can win by impeaching the President for disagreeing.
One estimate for the impact of coronavirus to us gdp growth is around .4% for Q1. Likely Democrats will pump this as a failure of Trump administration policy despite the level of growth on par with Obama era growth. Q2 will likely rebound making up for the previous quarter, leaving leftie economics pundits flat footed once again.
Despite Democrats’ attempts to label Trump as a racist for the last three years, a new Rasmussen poll reported that black support among likely voters has doubled to 42% from 21% last year.
A few months ago there were three polls that. showed 33-34% and those weren’t likely voters, IIRC, so this is hardly an outlier. Black people recognize when somebody is getting railroaded.
Impeachment of the President should be about something the citizens are up in arms about, perhaps literally, not just lawyers scoring points off each other.
Yancy and Bruce destroy Chuck while addressing Inga. Pretty funny. Chuck insists suboenas were genuine when he knows it is a lie. Inga simply innocently repeating false info from leftist sites, as she is wont to do.
“ Ahh, too many Wisconsin winters for the wood. Was it original to the house? What's next- wood or PVC?”
The original house is a century old. It has a large addition— 1500 sq ft — that was put on around 1970 and has needed work. I prefer the newer part of the house, but we’ve kind of had to rebuild it from the inside out and, now, the outside in. But the deck that got demolished was original to the new part of the house.
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१८८ टिप्पण्या:
Deck pics.
Was it up to code? It doesn't look as though it would have passed out here. Judging by the timbers in your first picture, Big Mike couldn't have stood on it safely.
Althouse is sending us deck pics.
@Big Mike
I don't know but it always felt a little rickety to me and I'm very glad to be getting a new one built (along with a bunch of other mostly improvements to the house).
I'd like to have some of that wood. I've been using pallet wood on my property.
Oh, we are moving to Ft. Collins.
You don't have to use the reCaptcha robot check if you are signed in to any Google service because they helpfully track you across all Google properties and Blogger is a Google property.
I use Brave for most of my browsing and Firefox for Gmail. I am signed in to Gmail now, so I won't have to get the robot check. If I go back to Brave, I would have to help train Google's AI by clicking pictures or listening to text.
The government uses Google's reCaptcha for all form submittals. That includes any emails to representatives or any online forms for government jobs. Google uses reCaptcha to capture data just as they do with all their properties. So the government is giving Google free data. Was their a bid for this work?
Also interesting, is that I have to provide my selective service information to the government in order to apply for a job. That seems sexist to me.
I have found that pallet wood is good for ground contact, and also to use as siding. It gives a nice old west look to the shed I have built. It is difficult to find good structural members (2x4 studs) in the pallet wood, so I use new wood for that.
Deck pics. On the day that E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer’s file a motion to compel Trump to provide a DNA sample.
It’s really fortunate for Trump that he never met her.
And you, a constitutional law professor!
Althouse no longer playing with a full deck.
@tcrosse, that's terrible!
Both from Lucianne:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) made a bizarre announcement at a campaign stop in Iowa last Sunday, telling the crowd that, when she selects her cabinet, she’ll only consider candidates for the Secretary of Education who have taught in public schools, and the final candidate will only take office after passing an interview with a “young trans person.”One of the attendees at Warren’s weekend stop in Cedar Rapids asked the Massachusetts Senator and hopeful 2020 Democratic presidential nominee whether she would support more education on LGBT and transgender issues for school-aged children. In response, Warren suggested that LGBT and transgender issues...
Democrats in the House of Representatives voted on Wednesday against an amendment to a proposed bill that would prevent the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) from forcing credit reporting agencies to evaluate Americans based on political opinions or religious beliefs. Without such an amendment, Republicans warn, the powerful CFPB would have the legal authority to make nearly any criteria mandatory for a private credit evaluation company to take into consideration, paving the way for a system in which the federal government has the power to assign numerical scores to individuals based on their loyalty to a certain political party, membership in civil society groups that...
How Chicom. Social scoring.
They’re going all in, aren’t they?
I listened to a bit of the Senate Q and A this afternoon, and just happened to be listening when the President's lawyer team (I believe, from a later remark, in response to a question from a woman Senator, if this helps anyone remember or find it on a transcript) made the point (quite succinctly, in my opinion) that Burisma and foreign aid to Ukraine, was a perfectly legitimate issue to be investigated, and that if the President had a legitimate policy objective in asking Ukraine to assist in that investigation. The lawyer made the point that it was ridiculous to think that the Senate could come to a determination about whether the legitimate objective was 50% or more than or less than 50%, and that ANY legitimate policy objective meant that the actions were not impeachable.
A Dem Senator (Dick Durban) posed a question to Schiff (et al, but Schiff answered) that said simply: "Please respond to the last answer." Schiff replied by saying that because Guiliani was involved, and because (as the President's team admitted) Giuliani as a private citizen was not pursuing any foreign policy objective, therefore there must be zero legitimate policy issue here.
Did anyone else hear that? Am I mis characterizing the conversation? Does Schiff's comment make any sense?
From CNBC:
"The World Health Organization said the fast-spreading coronavirus that’s infected more than 8,200 people across the world is a global health emergency — a rare designation that helps the international agency mobilize financial and political support to contain the outbreak.
The announcement comes just hours after the U.S. confirmed its first human-to-human transmission of the virus, which has killed more than 200 people in China and has now spread to at least 18 other countries."
I think I could be persuaded to be a vegetarian if it meant I could have unlimited Amy's.
Deck pics. On the day that E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer’s file a motion to compel Trump to provide a DNA sample.
It takes a special type of stupid to believe Donald Trump - a man who's been in the public eye for more than 40 years - is just going to saunter into an upscale, Manhattan department store without anybody noticing, sneak into a women's dressing room, rape a woman and then walk back out without anybody raising a fuss.
And by special type of stupid, I mean dumb as fuck.
In a Wisconsin winter?
I hope they blocked off the access door. See Wile E. Coyote for reasons.
“she’ll only consider candidates for the Secretary of Education who have taught in public schools, and the final candidate will only take office after passing an interview with a “young trans person.”
I find this mind-boggling. Not the promise. I don’t care if she has the Education Secretary interviewed by a chimpanzee. What’s crazy is the insistence on parading trans affinity as though it’s a political winner and a great campaign strategy. It isn’t. In fact, it’s a poison pill for many in your base, legions of LIVs, and an almost sure fire way to bring the opposition to the polls. Warren May very well be the most enbubbled of the Donk candidates (unsurprisingly, given her history). Stuff like this leads me to believe that, after Biden has been slathered in Ukrainian petroleum products and rolled in the shorn leg hairs of a thousand Commie chicks, Bernie is going to be the Donk’s boy.
How Chicom. Social scoring.
They’re going all in, aren’t they?
The semi-reasonable traditional Democrat is dead. Even if some of them could be characterized that way, NONE of them are willing to stand up to the progressive crazy leftists any more and ALL of them just go along with whatever irrational evil the left pushes.
. Apologies if already posted.
Brietbart is (kind of)live blogging the questions and answers.
***Live Updates*** Trump Impeachment Trial: Senators Ask More Questions
Has Meade transitioned and become a deck-less wonder??
Giuliani as a private citizen was not pursuing any foreign policy objective, therefore there must be zero legitimate policy issue here.
Did anyone else hear that? Am I mis characterizing the conversation? Does Schiff's comment make any sense?
1/30/20, 5:39 PM
If I remember the right question and answer series, the question was worse than the answer.
I listened on and off for a little more than an Hour over a couple of hours. Towards the end, I said to myself, Schiff needs to shut up. He is getting lost in his own hypotheticals, and the over top histrionics is way past it "use by" date.
Althouse and Meade staying in Madison. Excellent decision.
That's what I was thinking too. How's the script going?
burr asks a reasonable one, baldwin, as usual removes all doubt:
It's not just obnoxious lefties or insufferable Dems like "Senator" Mark Warner that might cause me to turn away, despite how much I like looking at her, it's also when folks like Tintin Gowdy come on.
Drudge poll 3 to 1 against witnesses.
Is this impeachment trial over soon?
It is a tour de farce.
THanks to Iowan2 for the reply and to FullMoon for the suggestion to check out Breitbart. I found the exchange, and my characterization in a earlier comment was misleading. The Trump lawyer's argument is described in Breitbart like this:
4:15 PM: Kennedy and Ernst ask both parties (Nadler, Philbin) if a president asks for an investigation of possible corruption by a political rival that has a legitimate national interest, should the president be impeached if a majority of the House believed he did it for the wrong reasons....Cipollone says the short answer is no. He says the question is getting to the issue of mixed motives. He says it is unacceptable to impeach a president by putting him on a psychiatrist’s chair to inquire about his motives to “decapitate” the executive branch. He says if it is a legitimate inquiry in the national interest, then “that’s the end of it.”
Then the Schiff response about Giuliani was in response to a question that said: House managers asked to reply to Trump’s team’s response to Sinema’s question (Logan Act). And Sinema's question was one that preceded the 4:15 exchange "4:10 PM: Sinema–along with Manchin, Collins, Murkowski–asks the White House about the Logan Act. Question is will the White House assure that no private citizen will be deployed to conduct foreign policy unless the State Department sanctions the person."
So Schiff's answer in response to this question was at least a reasonable attempt to answer the question, and not as seriously off-target as I originally thought.
Lengthy notes from an agent. “Page one rewrite needed.” Harsh. He passed.
He made some good points that some others have made.
I have never seen a guy that looks more like Zippy the Pinhead than Democrat radio host Chris Hahn.
Rewrite would be version 8.0.
20 minutes ago edited
Pencil-neck geek
Googly-eyed freak
No talent has-been
With a lousy physique
Can’t keep a secret
You can count on a leak
Nothin’ but a pencil-neck geek
Pencil-neck geek
Arguments weak
Take away his paddle
Send him up the Schiff Creek
His pie-eye look says
He’s fond of a tweak
Nuthin’ but a pencil-neck geek
Pencil-neck geek
Undaroos streak
Can’t pass a bill
Without him wettin’ his beak
A weak, mincing, four flushing
Democrat sneak
Nothin’ but a pencil-neck geek
Eric Ciaramella !!
Freddy Blasey would be proud!
I'm trying to watch Shifty-Schiff answer questions, but it is hard. He is such a weasel. He's like Peter Stork - articulate, credentialed, grammatically correct - but DELUSIONAL. And, his fellow House Managers are bush league incompetents, so Shifty Schiff has to do all the work. Someone really needed to give him a wedgie in junior high to straighten him out.
Ahh, too many Wisconsin winters for the wood. Was it original to the house? What's next- wood or PVC?
Please note, January is a miserable time to initiate an outdoor project.
Trump is about to DESTROY Progs in Des Moines!
Oh dear, that is not right. Did it fall on its own or was it disassembled. A properly sized and constructed structure should not fall apart. Unless the wind is really strong.
FDR used Harry Hopkins extensively for diplomatic work with Britain. I don't believe he was an ambassador or even a state department employee at the time. He was a foreign policy advisor. Isn't that part of what Guliani does for Trump?
@GregRubini may have some fun stuff to see
When I moved into my new home, the deck was half-rotted out. I tore it all down. In the Spring I’ll put down a concrete pad. I don’t see the point in spending money to maintain a deck.
Yancy Ward should be embarrassed that he insisted that the House subpoenas were “not really subpoenas”, but merely “requests”. The attorneys for Trump have been calling the House’s subpoenas by their proper name, “subpoena” all day today. So Yancy are you going to tell the defense attorneys they don’t know what they’re talking about?
Structure looks ok to me but can't tell whether there is rot. A new structure built on the same design should do fine, assuming joists were on 24 inch centers, 2 X 8 and decking was at least one inch thick.
Attorney General Inga is on the case!
Once the wood is cut, how long before we see the erected deck pics?
“Attorney General Inga is on the case!”
Doesn’t take an Attorney General to know what a subpoena is.
Admiral Inga: "The attorneys for Trump have been calling the House’s subpoenas by their proper name, “subpoena” all day today. So Yancy are you going to tell the defense attorneys they don’t know what they’re talking about?"
LOLOLOL indeed!
The attorney's for Trump have been explaining all day today how those "subpoena's" aren't worth the paper they were printed on.
And they were right!
Which is why yours and LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved dems scurried away like cockroaches from the lights of a court challenge!
So call them whatever you want. Invalid "subpoena's" works for me.
Inga taking swipes at Yancy's law chops.
This is going to leave a scar
Good for Chief Justice Roberts for refusing to read Rand Paul’s question today. It’s reassuring to know he respects the laws that provide protections for whistleblowers.
they were not issued under legitimate authority, this whole exercise has been a fraud, more typical of the stasi and the udba, than anything we would recognize, and I'm chosing those examples specifically, the country team was all about covering the looting of privat bank and other scandals, William taylor had experience from Afghanistan and Iraq in that vein, jaureckas moved over to Puerto rico, where we've seen the utter malpractice in the distribution operation,
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Deck pics. On the day that E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer’s file a motion to compel Trump to provide a DNA sample."
Sham-Wow-Peachment Fail!! So it's back to Avenatti-Land!!
Why not?
Admiral Inga: "Good for Chief Justice Roberts for refusing to read Rand Paul’s question today. It’s reassuring to know he respects the laws that provide protections for whistleblowers."
Eric Ciaramella.
Along with Misko.
It's not going away.
I suspect 6x6 posts are now code for elevated decks nationwide, but women have been fooled for centuries--they're only 5.5x5.5. That's why so many women are bad drivers, their distance measurements are off.
“The attorney's for Trump have been explaining all day today how those "subpoena's" aren't worth the paper they were printed on.”
Your opinion on whether they were “worthy” doesn’t matter one iota. They were/ are subpoenas, you can make up an alternate name for them all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are subpoenas.
Admiral Inga thinks whistleblower laws somehow guarantee anonymity!!
They don't.
But by all means Inga, show us where in the law whistleblowers are guaranteed anonymity.
Don't worry, we won't be holding our breath.
BTW, have you apologized yet for lying about Carter Page being a russian spy and calling Kavanaugh a gang-rapist?
I'm betting you haven't.
’It’s reassuring to know he respects the laws that provide protections for whistleblowers.’
There is no law that requires anonymity for whistleblowers.
Admiral Inga: "Your opinion on whether they were “worthy” doesn’t matter one iota. They were/ are subpoenas, you can make up an alternate name for them all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are subpoenas."
Lets call them Purple Elephants!
Why not? It's not like your dem pals had the guts to push the issue in a real court.....because they knew they would lose.
Not to worry. Perhaps in your next hoax Sham-Wow-Peachment your Team Dem/LLR can get their act together and not send out laughably unenforceable non-subpoena "subpoenas".
But I doubt it....
If you like Subpoena Coladas
Getting caught and arraigned
If you like ending corruption
Before giving aid to Ukraine
If you know it's Ciaramella
But you cant say his name
’Your opinion on whether they were “worthy” doesn’t matter one iota.’
There was no penalty attached to their alleged subpoenae, so they weren’t valid.
Let's call them "Brave Brave Sir Robin"-"subpoena's"!!
When court challenge reared it's ugly head,
Dems bravely turned their tails and fled.
Yes, our brave Dems turned about
And gallantly they chickened out.
Swiftly taking to their feet,
They beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave "Subpoena-ers", The Dems!
you can make up an alternate name for them all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are subpoenas.
So if I show up at your door, with a subpoena I crafted on MS Word with my personal seal on it, for you to hand over all your bank records, you would comply. I mean, I named my piece of paper a subpoena. It must be A SUBPOENA.
Of course not. A subpoena is not a subpoena unless it executed properly, by persons with the power to issue, backed up with a way to compel compliance, Schiff lacked that power.
"Your opinion on whether they were “worthy” doesn’t matter one iota. They were/ are subpoenas, you can make up an alternate name for them all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are subpoenas."
Actually it's up to a court to decide if the subpoenas were valid. It's called separation of powers.
How much laughter do you think occurred in the legal offices of Kupperman's lawyers when the hoax-y non-subpoena-y "subpoena's" were handed out?
I'm betting they wadded up the "subpoena's" into balls and played a little "inside the office baseball".
Ralph L: shhhh, man! They're not to supposed to know!
6", 5.5", who cares, right?
So was Roberts wrong in refusing to read Paul’s question? Why? Explain. What should be done?
Richard Ira Bong, WWII's American ace of aces; 40 kills in the P-38 IIRC. Killed in a stateside accident.
Synchronicity comes around
Admiral Inga: "The attorneys for Trump have been calling the House’s subpoenas by their proper name, “subpoena” all day today. So Yancy are you going to tell the defense attorneys they don’t know what they’re talking about?"
LOLOLOL indeed!
The attorney's for Trump have been explaining all day today how those "subpoena's" aren't worth the paper they were printed on.
However, Tulsi’s subpoena of Hillary IS worth the paper it was written on and she AND her attorney refuse it.
No one is above the law, right?
BOOM! President Trump Retweets Rand Paul’s Senate Question — Refused by Partisan Chief Justice Roberts — On Ciaramella and Sean Misko
The easiest way to resolve your question, Inga, is for you to cite the law that prevents a whistleblower’s identity from being released. I’ve asked others making your claim the same question, but they’ve been unable to provide it.
Admiral Inga: "So was Roberts wrong in refusing to read Paul’s question? Why? Explain. What should be done?"
We should fully expose how Ciaramella, who was placed BACK into the White House after being booted out for illegal leaking (which the obama DOJ holdovers decided not to prosecute because "surprise"!), worked directly with his 2 NSC pals who were immediately hired by Schiff-ty's committee to work with the Lawfare legal team working for the same committee to coordinate their activities prior to going to the ICIG who, "coincidently", decided to change the whistleblower rules to allow for second-hand info in order to lodge a whistleblower complaint.
The ICIG named Atkinson.
The same Atkinson whose testimony is still being hidden by Adam Schiff-ty and the dems.
Because Atkinson was the cat who testified that Ciaramella has a real bias problem...which is hardly surprising since it was Ciaramella that was at the center of the Russia hoax as well AND worked directly with Biden on Ukraine at the very time Biden was threatening to withhold US funds unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor who, despite the dems dumb lies, DID in fact have an investigation going into Burisma.
But other than all that, gee, I guess there's nothing to talk about.
And oh, before we let this go, it should be mentioned that Ciaramella was given his second-hand info from........(bugle fanfare here)...Vindman!!
You know, Vindman, the very guy whose twin brother is the guy in the White House responsible for reviewing and vetting John Bolton's manuscript....which was leaked to the NYT.
Isn't that a tight little group there?.....
Today lawyers from Boies Schiller firm testified in the prosecution cases at both the Weinstein and Avanetti criminal trials in NYC. Now that's unusual!
“Actually it's up to a court to decide if the subpoenas were valid. It's called separation of powers.”
“DOJ attorneys contradicted Trump team in federal court, Schiff says
The president's legal team is contradicting the president's own Justice Department, which is making the opposite argument in court on the same day, Schiff said.
A Justice Department attorney argued in federal court Thursday that a possible remedy for an administration defying congressional subpoenas is impeachment, according to CNN. The argument came during a court hearing over subpoenas in a House investigation into the Commerce Department and the 2020 census.
"Let me begin with something in the category of you can't make this stuff up," Schiff told the Senate. "Today while we've been debating whether a president can be impeached for essentially bogus claims of privilege for attempting to use the courts to cover up misconduct, the Justice Department, in resisting House subpoenas, is in court today and was asked, well, if the Congress can't come to the court to enforce its subpoenas — because as we know they're in here arguing Congress must go to courts to enforce its subpoenas but they're in the courts saying Congress, thou shalt not do that."
"So the judge says, if the Congress can't enforce its subpoenas in court then what remedy is there? And the Justice Department lawyers' response is, impeachment. Impeachment! You can't make this up!" Schiff continued, greeted by ripples of laughter from the Democratic side of the chamber.”
Today lawyers from Boies Schiller firm testified in the prosecution cases at both the Weinstein and Avanetti criminal trials in NYC. Now that's unusual!
Liars. I’d triple check and cross-reference every word from that firm.
Admiral Inga: "“DOJ attorneys contradicted Trump team in federal court, Schiff says"
Hey dummy, the dems WERE IN Federal Court on that very issue......and they ran away just as the Judge announced a decision was just about to be announced!!
This is so far beyond parody at this point that its amazing.
“The easiest way to resolve your question, Inga, is for you to cite the law that prevents a whistleblower’s identity from being released. I’ve asked others making your claim the same question, but they’ve been unable to provide it.”
So the Chief Justice doesn’t know the law? You know the law better than he does? So why was he wrong, I asked YOU to explain.
Admiral Inga: ""So the judge says, if the Congress can't enforce its subpoenas in court then what remedy is there? And the Justice Department lawyers' response is, impeachment. Impeachment! You can't make this up!" Schiff continued, greeted by ripples of laughter from the Democratic side of the chamber.”
The democrats ran away from the court before the decision could be handed down........
That's as much "courage" as LLR-lefty Chuck showed when he almost joined the military after a torturous 17 second mental exercise.
@Althouse, I hope you & Meade are planning to use Trex or some comparable composite decking for the deck floor and railings. Support recycling!
Admiral Inga: "So the Chief Justice doesn’t know the law? You know the law better than he does? So why was he wrong, I asked YOU to explain."
Inga thinks its impossible for Judges to behave in a political fashion.
Inga, like her dem heroes, will never address the actual text of the law....because if you do you can't just make it up as you go.
Not to worry. Once the republican's s***-can this hoax tomorrow the dems can give it the old college try one more time and get it right next time!
Good luck Dems/LLR's!!
Both sides keep mentioning Federalist 65. They disagree on the meaning of it but they both agree that it was prescient and quotable. Which causes me to ask: if Publius KNEW there was an issue here, why wasn’t it captured in the Constitution? Publius failed to implement many of the common sense checks and balances that they knew about in order to grant nearly unlimited power to the government. And by their failure, wrote a Constitution which is frayed and tattered. And they had the gall to tell their readers that it was THEIR duty to make the Constitution better (because everyone knew there would be flaws!) and then gave the people a completely useless process to do so.
I was just at Rantburg. Ciaramella is Schitt’s daughter’s boyfriend?
4 x 6 treated posts cross braced at 90 degrees, 16" o.c. 2 x 10 joists, 5/4 decking (cedar would be nice, but upkeep sucks), cable-style railings for a clear view. You're welcome.
"Legal Definition of subpoena. (Entry 1 of 2) : a writ commanding a designated person upon whom it has been served to appear (as in court or before a congressional committee) under a penalty (as a charge of contempt) for failure to comply — compare summons."
There are also photos there if I’m assuming him with Schumer, Pelosi, Warren and Hillary.
’So why was he wrong, I asked YOU to explain.’
He was wrong because there’s no law that prevents identifying whistleblowers. If you think I’m wrong, then it should be very easy for you or anyone else to provide the law that refutes my claim.
Since we’re doin’ bad 70s radio... David Soul !
Don't give up on it, Inga
Don't make the Left seem Right
The future isn't just one fight
It's written on Schiff’s eyelids
Lickin’ all his scars
Dude must be from Mars
Don't give up on it, Inga
It’s still worth one more go
Forget about the last Schiff show
Just for a clown like Schumer
Remaining days are few
Don't give up on it, you know
May be a pony in dat poo
So the Chief Justice doesn’t know the law? You know the law better than he does? So why was he wrong, I asked YOU to explain.
Funny thing, seems when nine Supreme court Justices are asked to agree on the validity of a law they rarely do.
“He was wrong because there’s no law that prevents identifying whistleblowers.”
So what should be done?
BTW, I would be remiss if I didn't offer my "congratulations" to Admiral Inga for her "brilliant" and "prescient" prediction that Trump would be very very very frightened of an Elizabeth Warren candidacy!!
It's almost as good as Inga's call on Theresa May, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and The Boy-PM Trudeau as "The Real Leaders Of The Free World"!!!
Which was almost as good as Inga telling us Netanyahu lost his last election!
Which was almost as good as Inga telling us Brexit was a loser!!
Anybody else seeing a pattern here? Cuz I think I do......
You are pretty darn good at that.
Admiral Inga: "So what should be done?"
Already answered upthread.
But that was more than 15 minutes ago and history has reset, so you'll need to re-read it.
he wasn't a whistleblower, that entails direct knowledge of events, just keep going,
Chief Justice Roberts has declared that Eric Ciaramella is a tax!!
Ya know, I am beginning to think Rudy's bombshells gonna come out the same time as Tom Arnolds video of Trump with the hookers and Omarosa's tape of Trump saying (something bad)‘Overwhelming Evidence of Biden’s Crimes’ – Giuliani Taunts Biden with Impending Release of Interview with Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin
BTW, did you hear the latest on Li'l Tomahawk?
She literally said she would allow a 9 year old "trans" child to interview and approve her future Secretary of Education!!!
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is the sweet sweet smell of desperation!!
But it won't be enough for our Fully Woke Fake Cherokee Who Really Didn't Send Her Kids To Public School But Was Happy To Lie About It To Black Americans Desperate To Get Vouchers For Their Own Kids To Escape Democrat Prison Schools In The Inner City.
Chief Justice Roberts has declared that Eric Ciaramella is a tax!!
Can I still keep my doctor?
Blogger Jim at said...
Deck pics. On the day that E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer’s file a motion to compel Trump to provide a DNA sample.
It takes a special type of stupid to believe Donald Trump - a man who's been in the public eye for more than 40 years - is just going to saunter into an upscale, Manhattan department store without anybody noticing, sneak into a women's dressing room, rape a woman and then walk back out without anybody raising a fuss.
And by special type of stupid, I mean dumb as fuck
Yeah I sort of want to agree with you. It sure doesn’t do much for the plaintiff’s case if she gets Trump’s DNA, compares it to whatever (dress?) she’s got, and it’s not a match.
But knowing what laughable gangsters the Trumps are, I half expect that Trump will submit a sample under a court order, and they claim that it was the 1hen-10-year-old Eric Trump who raped Ms. Carroll.
Trex is the way to go.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "But knowing what laughable gangsters the Trumps are, I half expect that Trump will submit a sample under a court order, and they claim that it was the 1hen-10-year-old Eric Trump who raped Ms. Carroll."
It's definitely time to move on from the latest hoax to the next hoax.
Personally, I didn't really expect LLR-lefty Chuck to stick with his bizarre claim that the US economy is EXACTLY like the economy of the Soviet Union just before the Soviet Union collapsed.
I have to admit, even for LLR-lefty Chuck who will push any far left conspiratorial insanity, that was really something!!!
Kudos Chuck!! I didn't think you had it in you to launch an attack that was one step removed from an alien-based conspiracy.
BTW, anybody else catch the numbers coming out of the Trump NJ rally?
10% of the attendees never before voted.
Over 25% dems.
Boy, its a real shame we don't have Kasich as our nominee, eh?..........LOL
I was particularly impressed by the Gallup numbers on race relations in the US where Gallup measures the improvement on race relations from Jan 2017 (22%-good) to Jan 2020 (36%-good).
That is so weird since I was told that Trump was the reincarnation of Hitler/Mussolini/Stalin/KKK/(insert whatever other group the lefties/LLR's think will help their cause here).
So very weird.
Meanwhile, Israel is naming streets, train stations and even a town after Trump.....which is also weird because the lefties/LLR's told me Trump was anti-semitic.
Perhaps english isn't the first language for our lefties and LLR's.
Sorry, FullMoon - no. But, you’re automatically entered in a raffle to win a one hour personal shopping experience with E. Jean Carroll.
" It sure doesn’t do much for the plaintiff’s case if she gets Trump’s DNA, compares it to whatever (dress?) she’s got, and it’s not a match.”
Did she report it as a rape at the time? Did this come from a rape kit?
Blogger FullMoon said...
Chief Justice Roberts has declared that Eric Ciaramella is a tax!!
Can I still keep my doctor?
Yeah, but you’ll have to pay $2500.
E. Jean Carroll is a Trump "1" out of 10 and LLR-lefty Chuck "157" out of 10.
Thanks, FullMoon!
Typically reasonable, sober and intelligent Democrat belief:
MSNBC: Acquittal Will Allow Trump to ‘Shut Down Voting’ in California
Via Insty from Razor:
Schiff could’ve charged Trump with collusion, bribery, corruption, and treason, but instead chose two things that aren’t crimes because they’re more serious.
C BS: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said President Trump could have been charged with bribery, but “abuse of power is the highest crime”: “The important point is that we charged a Constitutional crime — the most serious crime” http://cbsn.ws/2tYED
Has the right Honorable GentleWoman from the great state of Arizona - Senator Krysten Cinnamon Tits - declared which way she's gonna vote on impeachment?
She might be a "swing" vote.
BTW, has George Will disavowed the violent rhetoric of his beloved Bernie Bro's yet?
Because if he has, I haven't heard it.
FullMoon: "Typically reasonable, sober and intelligent Democrat belief:
MSNBC: Acquittal Will Allow Trump to ‘Shut Down Voting’ in California"
Is that a Michigan Lawyer-based byline?
Asking for a friend.
So is he leaving? Or staying? It looks like he’s leaving the Patriots to me, but IDK.
People saying that we should have dumped him for Garapalo don’t know what it’s like to root for a franchise that hasn’t won a Super Bowl in forever. He won one after they let him go. Any other franchise would take that deal. Let this guy go and win a Super Bowl.
AT: "So is he leaving? Or staying? It looks like he’s leaving the Patriots to me, but IDK."
He's headed to San Diego or Las Vegas (Raiders).
If I had to bet I'd say Vegas. More talent and amazing new stadium.
Chargers in the mix because LA and also new stadium and adequate talent.
Either way it spells trouble for my already hurting Broncos. What's another 5 years in the wilderness?
how many smidgens in a scintilla?
Adam Schiff claims that even a scintilla of motivation related to personal benefit, that's enough to convict President Trump for abuse of power.
Imagine that standard applied to a certain President Felonia Clinton
Hakeem Jeffries answering "Is the Steele dossier foreign interference in an election" literally says the Steele dossier is okay because it was "purchased."
oh reeeeally? By hewm, pray tell?
Bought from reputably dirty russians likr deripashas crew
Adam Schiff claims that even a scintilla of motivation related to personal benefit, that's enough to convict GILL IN THE NAME for abuse of power.
We can start with Schitt.
Hillary im guessing.
"Seeing Red said...
I was just at Rantburg. Ciaramella is Schitt’s daughter’s boyfriend?"
I've read that her boyfriend is not he-must-not-be-named but another libtard and because they all look alike stories keep circulating that they are the same person.
Seeing Red - Chief Justice Roberts today went down in history as a lying tool.
He has always been one but today he revealed it.
Rand Paul, playing what has been called 4D chess, made Roberts show that he is the lying tool that people always suspected him to be.
He should resign tomorrow, but he has no self-respect.
I read about Roberts.
Please panic
Whence all but he had fled. - Felicia Hemans
Lil' Chuckles is just as slimy and loathsome as Adam Schiff. Twins separated at birth?
I know it is obvious, but I had to say it after watching todays questions.
Unreal and despicable.
...and dont forget Biden aide Michael Carpenter
There was mention a couple of weeks ago by Michael K referencing a book about the debaucheries of Hollywood.
I am not finding the title of the book now......
Susan, looks like you're losin'
You're losin' your mind (losin' your mind)
wastin' our time
Susan tell us what you are confusin'
I ask myself why you won't say goodbye
Politico (a few minutes ago)
Sen. Lamar Alexander to oppose new witnesses in trial, signaling vote likely to be defeated
Mitch McConnell and the GOP Senate could get Trump acquitted by Friday.
@Annie C., do let us know which vehicle you ultimately purchased.
Great read in the Jerusalem Post by Ruthie Blum which just about blows out of the water every single thing LLR-lefty Chuck and Admiral Inga have been saying about Trump since the beginning re: anti-semitism.
Spoiler: LLR-lefty Chuck and Admiral Inga are idiots.
I agree that Trex is the way to go for decks. We used Trex 15 years ago when we replaced our deck and I’m still happy with that decision. It does get warmer than wood when the temperature gets into the 90’s but flip-flops are an easy fix.
B-B-B-Bernie and the Bartender?
...maybe she forgot what it was
AOC Fills In For Sanders At Rally — And Never Mentions His Name!
Republicans are ‘actual demons,’ ‘zombies,’
says New York Times Nobel Prize-winning columnist Krugman
Is it demonizing if they already actually are demons?
Krud-man's got kiddie-prawn all over his 'puter...wtf?
Politico (a few minutes ago)
Sen. Lamar Alexander to oppose new witnesses in trial, signaling vote likely to be defeated
Mitch McConnell and the GOP Senate could get Trump acquitted by Friday.
Yahoo. There’s a possible pandemic brewing and the rats have chosen not to show any leadership.
I have to say, Mitt Romney really is living down to being the POS that I've always said he is.
He didnt have to be tied to cofer black, but you know the latter might kill him if he votes the wrong way
I'm sure that the number one concern of Iowa corn farmers is whether a potential secretary of education would get the stamp of approval from an arbitrarily chosen, demonstrably mentally ill, child oracle.
According to Seeing Red's report, we now have Constitutional crime.
Supercrime? Hypercrime?
I'm going to bed
Sometimes I wonder why poor Mitt Romney comes across as such a treacherous little man. He has had so much given to him in this life and it is amazing that he comes off as little better than an unreliable man with no principles.
Jut kidding (about the fact that I wonder). Actually I never wonder. When he is on my side on an issue I feel embarrassed by his presence on the side I am on, when he is on the other side I feel bad for him. But I do know why he does things that embarrass those who want to admire him.
The Mormon religion is a great religion, with a great history of people searching for the truth. Little Mitt, the formerly pro-choice governor of Massachusetts, the treacherous Senator from the great state of Utah which deserves so much better, is a Mormon shonda to the goyim, from that point of view.
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
I'm sure that the number one concern of Iowa corn farmers is whether a potential secretary of education would get the stamp of approval from an arbitrarily chosen, demonstrably mentally ill, child oracle.
1/30/20, 10:50 PM
I hope to God at least some of the people in Warren's audience thought "WTF did I just hear?"
The Mormon religion is a great religion, with a great history of people searching for the truth. Little Mitt, the formerly pro-choice governor of Massachusetts, the treacherous Senator from the great state of Utah which deserves so much better, is a Mormon shonda to the goyim, from that point of view.
1/30/20, 10:53 PM
We'll see if the Mormons think he's a shona to the goyim the next time he's up for reelection.
it does not matter, he has great rewards in this life already
he is an old man, if he cares about things like whether he is reelected or not that is just sad
EPA confirms glyphosate (Roundup) does not cause cancer.
TV stations and lawyers hardest hit.
If you want to see how a Senator should act in times of crisis look away from poor Mitt and listen to Tom Cotton.
You all know that if Romney had become president, he would have been Obama/Clinton lite.
that being said, had I bothered to renew my passport when it expired back in '08, I would be flying to China tomorrow.
"hodge shall not be shot"
he is an old man, if he cares about things like whether he is reelected or not that is just sad
1/30/20, 10:56 PM
Most of these politicians cling to power until the second they breathe their last.
the Obama-Biden administration in 2016 fined JP Morgan $264 million
for hiring the unqualified kids of powerful Chinese leaders.
Biden fined Americans for doing exactly what Ukraine did for his son.
JPMorgan fined for hiring kids of China's elite to win business
Similar with the imdb scandal that involved the brother of mifsuds associate of
"One Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest"...or Poe's Law
A federal judge in Hawaii today overturned a ground-breaking flu vaccine
Discovered by Trump's Federal Health Initiative, estimated to save over half a billion lives, the vaccine was pulled, citing the lack of a transexual on the team of doctoral researchers violated Title IX higher education diversity rules."
"Coronavirus task force another example of Trump administration's lack of diversity
"By contrast, former President Barack Obama's circle of advisers in the face of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa was hardly so monochromatic. Neither was it so abysmal in terms of gender diversity.
Gonna go to sleep with this song in my head. Then it's off to Laguna Beach for a week...
Squeeze "Nirvana" - it's effin' perfection... https://youtu.be/rG1gFno4wd4
Hey, exiledonmainstreet... most of my extended family is Mormon and living in Utah. They are not fans of Romney. I don't think he has a snowball's chance in Phoenix of being re-elected.
How did Chief Justice Roberts know Eric Ciaramella is the whistleblower when even Adam Schitt doesn't know?
Inga the dumbshit:
Subpoenae have to have penalties for non compliance. The things the House were sending out had no penalties and no mechanisms for enforcement. So, they aren't subpoenae by definition, which is actually the entire fucking point- you don't have to comply with a request from the House in this case, and non-compliance, thus, cannot be an impeachable offense. If the House had sent over a letter demanding Trump jump up and down and sing Dixie, his refusal to do so would be no worse than not sending over documents requested in the exact same kind of letter.
The really hilarious part about all of this is that I have had this exact same argument 6 years ago when the House was issuing "subpoenae" for witness testimony from IRS personnel in the Tea Party tax scandal. The Obama Administration and most of the personnel told the House to go pound sand up their asses. People on the right got all bent out of shape about how they would have gone to jail if they didn't comply with a court subpoena- I tried patiently, for weeks, to explain to these people that the House documents weren't true subpoenae because they had no enforcement mechanism and no attached penalties- it was like talking to a brick wall, or talking to Inga and Chuck these past two days.
So dumbfuck Inga- you can call them whatever the fuck you want to call them, but the simple fucking fact is that non-compliance with these letters isn't improper in any way, and the President can't be legitimately impeached over the matter- if he could, every fucking president we have ever had should have been impeached, and every one that follows will also have to be impeached because both the House and Senate during every administration sends over the exact same fucking toothless letters that get ignored more often than not. That Trump is the one being impeached for this just displays the lack of integrity and good sense the Democrats have.
The best description of these letters, Inga, is fake subpoenae. So, keep your word if you want, but realize these subpoenae had no authority and could be ignored by anyone without legal repurcussions.
Inga, Roberts confirmed the identity of the whistleblower, he didn't conceal it. I bet you can't figure how Roberts confirmed the identity, can you?
"How did Chief Justice Roberts know Eric Ciaramella is the whistleblower when even Adam Schitt doesn't know?
Birkel, I don't think Inga can figure that one out given her comments.
On Ciaramella- when his name was first floated, it was unclear that he was actually the whistleblower- it was a good guess, but there were other potential identities that were floated in the media. I thought Ciaramella was the best guess, but I didn't know for certain. I only knew for certain because Adam Dumbshit (D-CA), our glorious protector of Whistleblower identity confirmed for us. A Democrat witness had named Ciaramella as a collegue at the NSC. The transcript was released a few days later, but someone on Dumbshit's staff had forgotten to redact the name. Someone on Twitter pointed to the name in the transcript which was taken down within minutes of the tweet that pointed it out. The transcript eventually reappeared with the name redacted in the exact same passage.
Thus, Adam Dumbshit is the person who outed the Whistleblower, and Roberts doubly confirmed it for us yesterday and today. Well done, guys!
So, any guesses as to what "bombshell" will be published tomorrow in an attempt to extend the trial?
Chuck, any ideas?
Here are some fantastic lyrics. Man, I am digging this band again like I did 35 to 40 years ago...
"The children had all left home
The house was like a ship without a sail
They headed for the sunset
Where maybe they would find a holy grail
The bedrooms were all rigged up
The posters of Marc Bolan ripped away
Each day was blessed with freedom
As they would try to find something to say
She kept a little journal
He scanned them out to see
If they could find Nirvana
And where that place might be
She had lots of things to do
They kept the plastic covers on the chairs
It drove him around the twist
They both were wondering what they might have missed.
He quibbled with ambition
She fell into a rut
They sat and read the papers
In sequence they would touch
The creeping realisation
Like a punch in the gut
Each day like the one before
The dreams evaporated
As the weeks and months turned into years
The queasy feeling that they wanted more
He said his word was final
She heard him slam the door
Anytime she would pipe up
He heard it all before
Although they blame each other
Really they knew the score
They were in this together
Like children holding back tears
They've come so far to end up
With nothing down the years"
what to do if you cant get into a Trump rally
(just kiddin',)
Make Aerobatics Great Again
oh-- of course you are all wondering
...what kind of marble is behind the speakers at the Peachmint
Rosso Levanto
Via Lucianne: wow look at that number!
A new poll indicates that support for President Trump among black voters in America has doubled in the past year. Despite Democrats’ attempts to label Trump as a racist for the last three years, a new Rasmussen poll reported that black support among likely voters has doubled to 42% from 21% last year. [Tweet] The liberal media narrative continues to counter Trump’s support among black voters but the latest poll numbers show a different story, as the president has touted how his economy has benefited black Americans with unemployment rates at record lows, an improved economy, prison reform, and urban renewal programs....
And the stupidity continues in NY: good and hard
Gateway Pundit, by Brock Simmons Original Article
Posted by ladydawgfan — 1/30/2020 4:11:10 AM Post Reply
Imagine this: You’re out with your family in one of the parks in New York state where you can actually see the stars when it gets dark. You look up in the sky, see a constellation, and you point upwards to show your kids. Along comes a park ranger demanding to see your Stargazing Permit, and issues you a citation because you didn’t know you needed such a permit. That’s right, the state of New York is now demanding us peasants give them money so we can look up at the sky. [Tweet] This is totally a real thing, as it shows up on the state’s permitting
Of course now that NY is crime free, no one in their right mind would be in a park after dark.
@Inga - continuing from what Yancey said.
The House (and Senate) as a whole have subpoena power, for A1S1 Oversight and A1S2 (House) and A1S3 (Senate) Impeachment. The power to issue subpoenas is granted to each of the two houses in their entirety. There then has to be a formal delegation of that power to a committee by the entire House or Senate in order for that committee to have subpoena power. The House, for every (2 year) Congress, authorizes its rules at the beginning of that Congress (Senate rules are permanent) but can be modified in the middle of a Congress by a majority vote. Despite the limitation that the a house reestablish its rules each Congress, the reality is that there is a continuing body of rules that is essentially reapproved every two years. And in the House rules, permanent committees are delegated permanent subpoena power for A1S1 Oversight, but only over the agencies over which they have a oversight authority. Thus Wadler’s Judiciary committee has Oversight authority over the DOJ, and pursuant to that Oversight authority has been delegated subpoena power over that department. Similarly, Schifty’s HPSCI has Oversight authority over the Intelligence Community (CIA, etc), and can issue court enforceable subpoenas pursuant to that oversight authority. Note here, that Congress does not have oversight authority over the President, but rather only over departments and agencies that it created. Contrary to A1S1 Oversight, the House has never made a semipermanent delegation of judicially enforceable impeachment power to any committee for A1S2 Impeachments. Instead, the House has to delegate this subpoena power to a committee at least once per impeachment, and before the vote authorizing the delegation, no committee has Impeachment related subpoena power.
As noted above, the House does not have Oversight authority over the Presidency, That means that they did not have Oversight over the phone call between the American and Ukrainian Presidents, and thus did not have judicially enforceable subpoena power over that call under its Oversight power. During the time that most of Schifty’s fake subpoenas were being issued, there had not been a formal delegation of subpoena power to Schifty’s HPSCI. It was only on Halloween, October 31, that the committee received that delegation. And notably, while the House had retroactively authorized already issued subpoenas in the past, it was not done this time. This means that any purported impeachment related subpoenas issued prior to that date could not be valid or judicially enforceable.
All that these purported subpoenas could do then was to request compliance. They couldn’t demand it, nor could the House go into court to enforce, the demand for compliance. Thus, with no judicially enforceable demand for compliance, they weren’t legally “subpoenas”, regardless of what they were called. (Though theoretically they might have been able to send out the Sargent of Arms to arrest anyone not complying with their non-judicially enforceable non-subpoenas, but that would be fruitless, since he would likely been arrested for doing so by the Executive Branch).
Part of why this is important is that the Presidency also has powers and responsibilities, granted to it by Article II of the same Constitution that authorized Congress and granted it powers under Article I. Sometimes those powers collide, as here, when the House is demanding interviews and documents related to that phone call. The President has a need to keep his quasi private conversations private in order to execute his A2S1 Executive duties. And, thus, the power to require that privacy. The Article III Judiciary has had the job for maybe two centuries now to mediate these Separation of Powers issues. The way it is supposed to work, and has for better than two centuries, is for Congress to issue subpoenas, and the President then gets to assert Executive Privilege (or Immunity) in court. If either side disagrees with the court determination, they can appeal it, all the way to the Supreme Court, as was done with Nixon’s unsuccessful claim of Executive Privilege. But Schifty never really purported to issue real subpoenas, but rather issued requests that they called “subpoenas”, but legally weren’t, because they didn’t threaten judicial enforcement, but instead merely threatened Contempt of Congress, and part of that was because they didn’t have the authority to issue real subpoenas, partially because they didn’t want to risk the President going into court to object based on Executive Privilege, and partially because that all would have taken too long, and not be able to wrap up the entire impeachment in 2019.
In the end, this pretending that the request documents they sent out were “subpoenas” is the same Lawfare BS that we have Repeatedly seen used against Trump from at least the summer of 2016, and the initiation of Crossfire Hurricane.
Blogger narciso said...
he wasn't a whistleblower, that entails direct knowledge of events...
Someone with inadequate lungs function should be able to get buddy to blow whistle.
Not necessarily singular in number.
Here's some stats... http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/
With that mention of “Contempt of Congress”, the vacuity of Impeachment Article II becomes apparent. The House impeached over the President, in essence, rejecting the House’s request for documents and interviews that they could have and should have demanded under their subpoena power, that they could have had, if they had done the impeachment like they have been done dozens of times over the last two centuries. Always before, the House has issued judicially enforceable (real) subpoenas, the President either complies, or asserts defenses such as Executive Privilege. If the House doesn’t agree, these Separation of Power issues are adjudicated by the third Branch the Judiciary. That wasn’t what happened here. Rather, the House essentially requested these documents and interviews, and if they didn’t get them, they would impeach him, instead of litigating the issue. That is a naked power grab on the part of the House. It doesn’t matter here, whether they would have been legally entitled to those documents and witnesses, but rather only that they wanted them. Nothing more. They didn’t care whether the President’s claims of Executive Privilege and Immunity would have prevailed. His Article II powers were irrelevant. All that is important are their Article I Powers, and that they wanted those documents and witnesses. Or, indeed, that they wanted something, and the President denied them. He would no longer have the ability to as the Judiciary arbitrate these Separation of Powers disputes. If the President were to be convicted on this count, Separation of Powers would effectively be over, and we would have essentially moved from a government with divided power to a parliamentary system where the legislature is supreme. Any time that Congress and the President disagree, Congress automatically can win by impeaching the President for disagreeing.
Scary stuff.
One estimate for the impact of coronavirus to us gdp growth is around .4% for Q1. Likely Democrats will pump this as a failure of Trump administration policy despite the level of growth on par with Obama era growth. Q2 will likely rebound making up for the previous quarter, leaving leftie economics pundits flat footed once again.
Dems are inching closer, comrade.
Perhaps this attempt is not meant for this generation of voters, but for a generation or two down the road. Leftists always angling.
WGN has the impeachment hearings in mp3. Saves me a lot of youtube effort. (delays a day or so)
Oh foo, WGN is the house impeachment.
Despite Democrats’ attempts to label Trump as a racist for the last three years, a new Rasmussen poll reported that black support among likely voters has doubled to 42% from 21% last year.
A few months ago there were three polls that. showed 33-34% and those weren’t likely voters, IIRC, so this is hardly an outlier. Black people recognize when somebody is getting railroaded.
Impeachment of the President should be about something the citizens are up in arms about, perhaps literally, not just lawyers scoring points off each other.
What are they hiding by keeping Eric Ciaramella from testifying? He was central to a lot of Ukraine policy.
tcrosse said...
Althouse no longer playing with a full deck.
Simple explanation for those trying to understand Inga: wrong on the facts, wrong on the law.
Yancy and Bruce destroy Chuck while addressing Inga. Pretty funny.
Chuck insists suboenas were genuine when he knows it is a lie. Inga simply innocently repeating false info from leftist sites, as she is wont to do.
“ Ahh, too many Wisconsin winters for the wood. Was it original to the house? What's next- wood or PVC?”
The original house is a century old. It has a large addition— 1500 sq ft — that was put on around 1970 and has needed work. I prefer the newer part of the house, but we’ve kind of had to rebuild it from the inside out and, now, the outside in. But the deck that got demolished was original to the new part of the house.
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