"She" = Hillary Clinton.
Allies have passed around an op-ed that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, written by former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown, with the headline, "Who should run against Trump? How about Hillary Clinton?"I think the problem is that there were some plausible but look-alike and unglitzy governors in the mix but they're already dropped out. The process is such that the better-known Senators blocked the view (along with a few flashy extras, Beto, Buttigieg, Williamson, Yang). There's only so much attention we can pay and only so much money.
Supporters say she has been glued to the Democratic primary contest and has spoken with some frequency with Warren and Biden, among others. Now selling a book written with her daughter, Chelsea, she has been a constant public presence of late, engaging in a days-long spat with Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, and repeatedly trolling Trump on his favorite communications platform, Twitter.
A late entrance under any circumstances would be difficult, with Clinton's former aides and fundraising network dispersed among many current campaigns. But her supporters have discussed whether she could helm a slimmed-down campaign operation and whether she would be able to maintain the less cautious, more freewheeling persona she has adopted since her loss in 2016.
Now — just as people with lives should be starting to care about an election that's over a year away — it still looks like a crowd, but there's no one in that crowd who seems able to beat Trump.
Trump! The guy who — if you watch the media — is about to be tossed out on his ass by Congress. Congress... which can't even deliver up one candidate good enough to beat the guy in the normal process. But it's too late now to get a governor. Those characters went down long ago. So the party hacks look around in desperation, and of course, she's there — Hillary Clinton.

Here's my post from May 12, 2019, "It's a joke until it happens. DJT was a joke until it happened. The funniest thing may be the most likely thing."
Yesterday, on Facebook, my son John declared an "Open thread for your predictions on who’ll win the 2020 presidential election. I know it’s too early, but it’s still fun to guess." There were lots of answers, mostly "Trump," but some said Biden or Harris or Buttigieg. After 4 hours of that, I said:ADDED: "She has battle scars to prove it" made me think of Lyndon Johnson:
Hillary. It’s her turn.

He'd had his gallbladder removed. By the way, Hillary's new book is called "The Book of Gutsy Women."
११८ टिप्पण्या:
Here's my post from May 12, 2020 -- AA
Wait a minute.
Hillary is too old, too sick, and too mentally unstable. I think the dems will field the native american broad and Trump will win.
If it's Biden comedy will ensue.
May 12, 2020?
what votes would Hillary get this time, that she didn't get Last Time?
what votes would Trump get this time, that he didn't get Last Time?
what votes wouldn't Hillary get this time, that she did get Last Time?
what votes wouldn't Trump get this time, that he did get Last Time?
It's her turn to go away and leave us alone. She is an embarrassment and she is corrupt. If she EVER gets in, it won't turn out pretty. Pitchforks will come out.
Wait...you posted in the future already?? May 2020??
A Drudge headline pushing anxiety. I'm just not surprised anymore. I don't know if the governors would have won, but if Tulsi Gabbard is given some oxygen; I think she'd show a few people what issues really resonate with voters in "middle American". Alas, she will be smothered by the national media, because they really aren't interested in those things. Anxiety sells!
Boy, was 2016 a crazy election or what?
2020: "Hold my beer."
If she knew how to do it then why didn’t she do it.
I hope she does run again. I’d pay money to watch her crash and burn again.
Hillary—>the Black Knight.
Hillary 2020
Blather Wince Repeat
Again, if her entry is at all surprising then you've been willfully blind. She (well, the money behind her) is what the last three years have been all about.
Oh, and whoever votes for her is voting for vengeance against their fellow citizens.
Harold Stassen nods.
It's Hillary's turn to check into Soylent Industries
"Here's my post from May 12, 2020". Typo?
Democrat friends and family are, to a person, horrified by the idea the Hillary will get in the race and be the nominee. At a certain level they see her as a perennial loser, and she is unlikable enough that they believe she can't win the nomination never mind with enough of the broader electorate in the general election.
Perhaps, though, if the Dems fail to impeach and remove Trump, which could boost his support, they conclude that he is unbeatable and so put up a sacrificial candidate. Hillary is perfect for that role.
I kinda have to admire Hillary. She never gives up. She's totally dedicated to her calling. She'll literally stop at nothing to make advances in her field and she doesn't want to retire and stop making contributions. It's just a shame that with all her drive and energy and determination and ability, the field she chose was self-promotion.
I'm no Mick but this story was probably written within hours after her concession in November 2016. Somewhere there's a crazy wall with the rollout calendar for these soft stories building up to her latest introduction to American voters and non-American voters, and ultimately her 'inevitability'.
Again, if her entry is at all surprising then you've been willfully blind.
No kidding. Clinton stank has a distinctive odor and its all over the current political actors.
Freewheeling is an apt description.
Harold Stassen Actually DID things though
Boy Governor of Minnesota and all; what did Hillary EVER DO
other than
being named for an obscure New Zealander
marrying some creepy Arkansas guy
having a baby with another creepy Arkansas guy
making a fortune in cattle futures
Hillary is the political equivalent of Monsanto's toxic weed-killer ROUNDUP, known to cause various types of leukemia in humans, (among other harmful health effects). She should be prohibited by law from entering politics again, (either directly or through her spawn), to minimize further shocks to our close-to-terminal "representative" republic.
It would be a lot easier to let that corrupt hag fade into the past if Democrats would act like it were true instead of just saying it.
I would like to see Hillary and Tulsi next to each other on a debate stage.
Could be fun.
The only thing more durable than zombie costumes on Halloween is Hillary running for president. She's the perennial candidate, a candidate for all seasons and none. Zombie Hillary: we will still have her to kick around. We demand it.
Run, Hillary, run! Third time's a charm! You can do it! Girl power!
It'd be a nice reaffirmation that the current crop (Biden, Warren, Harris, Sanders) are a buncha LOSERS.
Here we thought "Russian collusion" was about taking out Trump, when in fact she was merely testing the attack, sharpening the knives, for here 2020 Dem rivals.
The Times and the New Yorker ran stories yesterday floating the idea of Michelle as party savior. How’d you like to be one of their front runners and see that crap in print? Fifty-four week’s away and they’re in a panic... Gosh, I hate that.
The Dems should really accept the reality on the ground and let either Biden or Hillary (or both!) be cannon fodder. They cannot and will not beat Trump in 2020 - might as well not tarnish their young ‘stars’ with an ass whipping.
Ann’s news from the Future.
Agree with Bay. Hillary must run. Three time loser. Trump wins 40 states.
The whispers are getting louder, and more frequent.
Our candidates are not good enough to win the country. Sure, we can take Manhattan, Seattle, San Francisco, LA (do we still use voting machines in California?, I mean, why bother?), Boston, and Martha's Vineyard. But I hear there's this space between Manhattan and Palo Alto, and some people live there. We're not sure how many, or where they came from, but I believe they can vote.
I know it's probably nothing to worry about, but just to be sure, we should figure a plan to get those 'people' in the dark, middle territories to vote for us. Who will they like? Hmm..Hil- er no. Hey, how about Obama? No, not Barack. Michelle! Then we could gaze at both of them again for another few years! I think everyone would like that, don't you?
Wait...you posted in the future already??
Future Dwight.
"... (supporters wonder) whether she would be able to maintain the less cautious, more freewheeling persona she has adopted since her loss in 2016."
And this is regarded as business as usual. Just another persona for her to adopt.
Hillary's slander of Tulsi Gabbard is a deal breaker for most voters...
Hmm, unless there were some way to obtain a document, a dossier, if you will, that proves Gabbard is a "Russian asset".
“Buoyed by a double digit lead in some national polls, Mrs Clinton has said she is now looking past Mr Trump entirely, and will no longer counter allegations made by her rival.”
Ha ha ha.
You can skip to the front of the line till the line votes.
Misprint for The Book of Gusty Women.
From Willie Brown’s op-ed: “Call me crazy, but from what I’ve seen so far, Clinton is the only candidate short of Barack Obama who has the brains, the battle-tested brawn and the national presence to take out Trump.”
Very ouch for Kamala.
It might be helpful to remember that #Metoo hadn't happened yet when Hillary last ran and lost. I think a lot of women who were big Hillary supporters (and some of the men that tagged along with them) wouldn't be so willing to support this quintessential example of an harassment/abuse enabler. Many may not know or have forgotten that it was Hillary who came up with the strategy of attacking the women who accused Bill, ridiculing them, destroying their reputations, etc., when she wasn't busy blaming it all on a "vast right-wing conspiracy".
Does she think about it all the time. Obviously, it's all she thinks about for three years she's thought about nothing but this election. I'm guessing she's a terrible grandmother
Like Biden, Hillary is safer from the law if she's a candidate.
"Democrat friends and family are, to a person, horrified by the idea the Hillary will get in the race and be the nominee."
My experience has been that they're always talking about those other people over there: that she has no support within the party, and everyone's moved on. I haven't heard anyone say they're not voting for her, even if they have to go with Trump.
Keep in mind, the Clinton campaign and the DNC set out to pump Trump as a credible candidate even before Trump formally entered the race. They have to figure that they win this time just by not doing that again.
Poor Kamala.
It took 36 comments before any mention of her in relation to Willie Brown weighing in on the Democrat primary..
But her supporters have discussed whether she could helm a slimmed-down campaign operation
Not the operation that needs slimming down..
Crazy cat ladies are already apologizing to their kitties for feeding them less because they have to help Hillary.
I think the attack on Tulsi and Jill Stein shows Hillary is serious about being the nominee. If she was nominated, there'd be a lot of support out there for a third party candidate. Hillary is already taking steps to head that off.
Are the bureaucratic powers going to install her?
She won't win the primary. People hate her.
Notice how when Althouse makes a small but obvious mistake, it amplifies the interest in her otherwise Nothingburger post? This post could have appeared any time in the last 6 months with the correct date, and everyone would have yawned.
The amplification power of irrelevant error!
When did Warren fall? Warren was gaining in the polls.
WArren is a million times better than The corruption queen.
Remember the name - Dem congresswoman Katie Hill. It will be historic - the first AC/DC whore to run for the Presidency . Progressivism dies in darkness.
Nobody is calling for Clinton except the elite. The insider corruption machine.
Is "Gutsy" code for morbidly obese?
It seems unlikely that the Big Money that was behind H>er in 2016 will be available again.
Here's my post from May 12, 2020
If your time machine is that good can you tell me who will win the World Series? (Go Nats!)
My own take? C’mon in, Hillary. Let Tulsi shred you on the debate stage! (Or will Tulsi Gabbard mysteriously commit suicide or fall victim to a “mugging gone wrong” ahead of time?)
Notice how when Althouse makes a small but obvious mistake, it amplifies the interest
#Robert Cook!
"You,[Hillary] the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain.”
Speaking Truth To power.
The book is just another well-timed stunt.
[What] did Hillary EVER DO other than being named for an obscure New Zealander...?
...and about a decade before that kiwi became less obscure.
All hail Her Imperial Majesty Hillary Panzoot, Queen of Warmongers.
> "I know how to beat him"
How many "the sun was in my eyes" excuses has she unleashed? 1000?
Just one year ago - Both Clintons went on a speaking tour. Hardly anyone showed up. Ticket sales and price plummeted.
In fact, the audience was filled with old loyalists and a few die-hard C-loving losers, and some dorks in the media wanting to get the big scoop. That speaking tour was supposed to be the re-launch spring board for Hillary part 3. It was a total dud.
memory hole.
So when the polls show Hillary beating Trump - how big of a collective heart attack will the left endure?
I have said repeatedly that until they drive a stake through her heart, Hillary is running for president.
Judging by LBJ's scar I'm guessing his gall bladder was two weeks past it's due date.
"I have said repeatedly that until they drive a stake through her heart, Hillary is running for president."
Long may she run.
engaging in a days-long spat with Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii,
Calling a member of Congress and presidential candidate a Russian plant, and her denying it, is only a "spat" when it's between two women, apparently.
If Hillary runs, the Warren & Sanders kids will lose their minds and stay home. Would be a disaster for Dems.
What Makes Hillary Run?
"She has battle scars to prove it.”
Those would be from the sniper fire.
Bring the Toad on, Trump 2020!
I am convinced (and maybe this says more about me than anything else) that Hillary wants to run again.
If she thought she could withstand the rigors of the campaign she would (IMHO) already be in this race.
I, for one, would welcome it.
is there a "Pierra Deleto" twitter acct out there urging her to run?
Hillary needs to run.
As a Presidential Candidate, she would be beyond the ability of the Trump Administration to investigate her campaign’s role in Russiagate.
Drudge's photo illustration intrigues me, the individual shots divided by angled lines. It's striking yet familiar, perhaps something from the German expressionists?
Or the cover of the FFS album a few years back? (The Franz Ferdinand/Sparks "super group.")
Could someone make a video of Gollum shrieking about "my precious!", but with Hillary's face?
I think Trump should have some fun and treat Hillary as the front runner every day.
OK. So if Hillary hints she will run, do Barr and Durham's operations have to shut down investigating her career of crimes against humanity?
Hillary runs again. Garlic futures and garden stake markets are up---waaay up!
But what the heck, the Dems may want to pull that spavined old nag (in both senses of the word) out of the barn again.
Knowing that neither she, nor any current Dem candidate is going to beat Trump head-to-head, here's Hillary's strategy:
Sow discord in the Dem ranks.
Position herself as the late-entrant savior.
Through personal attack and party manipulation, goad Tulsi (semi-popular with never-Trumpers and independents) into a third party run.
Hope that by some miracle, she comes out of the ensuing chaos with a win.
When I mentioned to my left-leaning inlaws that I thought Hillary would run again, they scoffed, saying "who would support her?"
I think Hillary has a world of convincing to do.
"I kinda have to admire Hillary. She never gives up."
Chris Hitchens on Clinton, 2008: "[T]here’s something horrible and undefeatable about people who have no life except the worship of power…people who don’t want the meeting to end, the people who just are unstoppable, who only have one focus, no humanity, no character, nothing but the worship of money and power. They win in the end."
"I think the attack on Tulsi and Jill Stein shows Hillary is serious about being the nominee. If she was nominated, there'd be a lot of support out there for a third party candidate."
This makes sense. It doesn't have to be a lot of support to sink her.
And again, a Drudge link not worth clicking.
"Step down from your Throne" urges Tulsi in scathing video
(this post not an endorsement of Gabbard)
If Kammy continues to blow her chances, then Hillary should run.
I very much doubt Hillary will get in...but I expect she will butt in with lots and lots of commentary
Andrew said...
Could someone make a video of Gollum shrieking about "my precious!", but with Hillary's face?
I think Trump should have some fun and treat Hillary as the front runner every day.
The Democrats have already shown the danger in picking the candidate you most want to run against because they're the weakest.
Trump was their opposition of choice, the easiest to beat.
I recall a political cartoon from '68 of LBJ showing his Vietnam-shaped scar. Does Hillary have a Wisconsin-shaped scar?
I see 2 reasons for this:
1) As others have noted, she's going to try to equate running for office with immunity to prosecution.
2) Dems have decided that they don't stand a chance in 2020, and want to be able to continue to say "Trump didn't win, Hillary lost" rather than acknowledge they couldn't produce one non-repugnant candidate that their base would vote for.
Why don't they just nominate Harold Stassen or Pat Paulsen? But really: Hillary Clinton?? C'mon.
“Like Biden, Hillary is safer from the law if she's a candidate”
It can’t be true, but is it? Clapper and Brennan are now seem to be starting to panic, as AG Barr and USA Dunham see to be closing in on their part of SpyGate (providing the legal predicate to the FBI to open their Crossfire Hurricane investigation of all things Trump by having the CIA run a European operation against Trump campaign associates). Does Crooked Hillary too see the walls closing in on her, and saw how the Dems were able to flip the script on Ukraine from Biden corruption to Trump impeachment almost overnight, essentially making their corruption be uninvestigatable as long as Biden is still running for President. Clinton seems even more closely tied to Ukrainian corruption, if that is possible. Maybe, indeed, running for President again really is her Get Out Of Jail Free card again (as it seemed to have been 8n 2016 for her criminal use of her private email server while Sec of State).
Naw. No one could be that selfish. That venal. That Clintonish.
Considering how many investors/donors blew millions of dollars financing her last run, I've always thought her incessant campaigning from the shadows was a way of stringing them along so they didn't break her legs for losing. Hence Mook and her other campaign aids bleating about Russian interference within hours of losing to Trump. She didn't lose, she was CHEATED!
While we're at it, what's up with Elizabeth Warren as frontrunner? What's the thinking behind that?
"Well, we only lost to Trump by a just little bit, so how about running another unlikeable grifter, but -- and this is the important part -- she is a little bit better than Hillary"
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Nobody is calling for Clinton except the elite. The insider corruption machine."
The reality is the Clintons STILL own the deep state and dem party establishment. That's why Hillary had no problem getting her minions at CIA/DOJ/FBI/NSA/STATE etc to fully participate in her campaign operations against Trump all the way up to framing Trump for what Hillary was literally doing for decades.
Does anyone wonder how it is that there are still armies of Clintonites hitting the talk shows and planting and writing stories that are all designed to get Hillary where she, by clear Divine Right, deserves to be?
And now here's the biggest point: Hillary knows the democrat base, being mindless liberals, will do whatever their "betters" tell them to do. These little dem "deplorables" are only capable of following orders and parroting talking points and nodding their heads at what Hillary says. This is what gives Hillary confidence to keep making up reasons for her loss and to keep doubling down on the stupid Russia collusion hoax lies. She knows her base will believe whatever she tells them.
And, in Hillary's defense, why shouldn't she believe that? Every BS lie from the Clintons has been swallowed whole by 97% of the media and 99% of the dems.
She's running alright. But as noted upthread, she does not have the energy to engage in a vigorous campaign. She will let her underlings and media minions keep knifing the current contenders while sending messages (similar to Biden in 2016) that others better stay out of the race.
There is only one person who could enter as a late addition against Hillary's wishes that would be impervious to Hillary's internal attacks: Michelle Obambi
The only candidate that is worse than Biden is Hillary.
In hindsight. Both have the same weakness, but it's more pronounced in Hillary's case.
Can you guess what that weakness is?
Sure would be entertaining to watch Crooked Hillary and The Fake Indian in a cat fight.
Picking up on Drago's point if Hillary didn't have the physical energy to really run a campaign last time what makes anyone in the democratic party think she could this go around? She is aging terribly and the persistent rumors she is ill haven't gone away. I get the media is still in the tank for and that the clinton machine still has some juice left but AOC and "the Squad" have taken over the party. Once they start having untimely accidents then I will be a believer.
Seems to me the only plausible outsider is Bloomberg. I'm not sure anyone outside the coastal elite knows who he is, but at least he's within two standard deviations of sane.
I can hardly wait til Hillary starts calling Biden a Russian asset.
It's interesting to note that none of the candidates ever sought the endorsement of Bill or Hillary Clinton. Obama's endorsement is worth something but that of the Clintons is probably the kiss of death. We don't hear much from Bill Clinton these days. I wonder who he will endorse. I'd like to see him right up there on the platform hugging Warren. It would be so great to see them campaigning together.
“Run, Hillary, run! Third time's a charm! You can do it! Girl power!
It'd be a nice reaffirmation that the current crop (Biden, Warren, Harris, Sanders) are a buncha LOSERS.”
Not a chance of her running. It’s the silly season of early campaigning, made sillier by the impeachment farce. But BAG’s second observation is spot on. There’s already a strong subtext that the people on offer are losers. And that suppressed panic leads to a lot of punt fakes and onside kicks and other foolishness.
“Considering how many investors/donors blew millions of dollars financing her last run, I've always thought her incessant campaigning from the shadows was a way of stringing them along so they didn't break her legs for losing.”
This, too. Not even billionaires drop millions of dollars on someone else’s promises and then simply shrug when those promises go unfulfilled. You can talk about the power of the Clinton Machine all day long but I bet they have a grim set of creditors. Hillary and Bill probably spend their days scrambling for ways to appease these people.
1. Publisher misspelled Gusty
2. Believe Romney thinks this is his shot. As a lateentry D, R or I. He looks fabulous and presidential and, by comparison, acts normal, in a charmingly befuddled way.
"Hillary-Romney 2020!"
Because perpetual losing is not forever!
All that Hillary has going for her is the Swamp and the Deep State and DNC/Media complex and Billionaires United for Global Corruption.
All the same I think that in May 2021 Althouse WILL be posting "Will Hillary run again?"
Hillary will run a very short campaign, possibly an October surprise. Already the absentee write-ins are being prepared in China. Meanwhile Trump will be impeached by the House a record 50 times, the last on the morning of his election avalanche. He will respond with Tweets with a side of fire; his supporters will send millions of ham sandwiches to Congress. The sandwiches which will overload a flight of Amazon drones and cause them to collide and to release their loads into the Potomac, causing it to back and flood and turning DC into a swamp on Election Day. The Cajun Navy will rescue Pelosi and no member of Congress will ever again be able to face a ham sandwich. Clinton's claims of victory will be marred by the fact that the enthusiastic Chinese will write-in 20 million voters in Milwaukee and more in New York. LeBron James will criticize hurtful questions about how many people live in Milwaukee since, he will explain, in the Antarctic states the polar bear population has substantially increased and should have a say.
Run Hillary! An eager audience is just WAITING for you to fail again.
Unknown said...
> "I know how to beat him"
How many "the sun was in my eyes" excuses has she unleashed? 1000?
10/23/19, 8:14 AM
I think the Chinaman has been running those cheap shells in on her again.
The Toad will run at the convention for three reasons.
1. The Toad has a thirst for power.
2. The Toad need cover from investigations.
3. The Toad needs to replenish the Clintons' pay to play foundation coffers.
Bring on the Toad.
Here is what I wrote back in May in response to that post:
Clinton clearly wants to run, but finding the opening to do so is the real challenge for her this time. Waiting for a brokered convention is not the way to do it. There is almost no chance that none of the candidates gathers a majority of the delegates before the convention. You have to get 15% of vote to even get a delegate in a primary electin, and that makes it nearly impossible for anyone finishing below 3rd place to get a delegate. The race will be down to 3 people after South Carolina, and down to 2 after the first big multi-primary day- count on it.
So, what is the best way for Clinton to get into the race? If I were her, I would bide my time until about September- see how the polling settles out after the first Democratic debates, then kneecap the leader with a big behind the scenes attack in the media. Then, a month later, enter the race to "save the party". Will this work? I have no idea- it would definitely work if Michelle Obama did it, but I tend to think she really has no interest in elected office, but I could be wrong. This scenario works better for Clinton if it is Biden she torpedoes, which is now possible, but I still think by the end of the Summer it is going to be Harris who is the strongest of the Democratic candidates.
Definitely going to be fun and interesting watching the Democratic primaries, though.
All of that holds up pretty well, including the possibility that it was the Clinton organization that launched the Ukraine Impeachment Hoax in September which had the effect of highlighting the Bidens' grifting operations. Here we are in October with exactly the narrative that Clinton needs to "save the party". The only part I got really wrong is that I had too much belief that Harris was a strong candidate, but we can't get them all right. I expect Clinton to try to enter the race, but it looks to be about 70/30 to me that she does. She is just old and infirm, and probably knows it. However, I will point that Clinton always planned to run in 2020, she just expected to be doing it as the incumbent.
What Clinton might be able to pull off is this- run in only the California, Illinois, and New York primaries along with a handful of southern states like AR, GA, MS, AL, and maybe TX. She wouldn't have to run complete primary campaign, but she might get enough delegates to actully reach a brokered convention. If she could find a moderate African-American with high enough profile to be the VP selection right from the start, it would work even better.
Bob Boyd makes a very good point:
"I think the attack on Tulsi and Jill Stein shows Hillary is serious about being the nominee. If she was nominated, there'd be a lot of support out there for a third party candidate. Hillary is already taking steps to head that off."
It would definitely explain the seemingly inexplicable attack on the two women.
"But what the heck, the Dems may want to pull that spavined old nag (in both senses of the word) out of the barn again."
Someone read Conrad Black this morning! I hadn't seen the word "spavined" once in the last 40 years, and saw it twice today!
@yancy ward
She might not rely solely on an above board approach
As per your prior request-
https://trends.gab.com/ also, Liberty Daily for a drudgey fix
Asylum Orderlies Return Hillary Clinton To Padded Cell Disguised As Oval Office
WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to sources close to Hillary Clinton, the failed presidential candidate was gently returned to her padded cell disguised as the Oval Office over the weekend.
After the failed presidential candidate had escaped from the premises again and accused thousands of people of being Russian agents, orderlies were finally able to catch her and guide her back to her cell. She had escaped through the ventilation ducts, apparently, and quickly gave deranged interviews in which she seemed not to understand that she hadn't won the 2016 election. She also found a smartphone and tweeted troubling things, causing asylum personnel to put out a call for her safe return.
"If anyone sees a crazy-looking old woman running around saying she's the president, do not approach her. She is very dangerous," the mental institution said in a statement. "Please phone the authorities right away so we can get her back to safety."
Finally, someone spotted her screaming at a Costco sample lady, accusing the poor woman of being a Russian asset, and authorities arrived to haul her back to her cell.
"Come on, Hill, right this way," said one medical assistant, tenderly guiding her down a hallway to her custom cell. "Time to go back to your ce---err, your office."
Clinton tried to resist, insisting that she couldn't go back to the Oval Office right now as she had a trip scheduled to meet with some foreign leaders. "Yes, OK, dear, that's fine. That's just great. Why don't we have a little nap and then we'll meet with the foreign delegates later, OK, hon?"
Not sure though how she got through the ventilation ducts.
Wonder if she realizes that the really 'gutsy' women are those swimming against the Progs and their evil agenda. Doesn't take much guts to fall in line with the feminazis.
Cookie is at risk of being 'suicided'. ;-)
"who’ll win the 2020 presidential election."
What I said in '16 is still true: it's Oprah's for the taking.
It *is* her turn. It’s always her turn.
Adlai Stevenson got two bites at the apple. William Jennings Bryan got three. It’s only fair.
The Russians though are keeping her down. Why isn’t she 50 points ahead? Russian spies like Tulsi keeping her down is why.
Free Hillary! Let Hillary be Hillary!
"All that Hillary has going for her is the Swamp and the Deep State and DNC/Media complex and Billionaires United for Global Corruption."
I'm still hoping that Bob Woodward comes out of semi-seclusion to write his next major opus on this topic. "Deep Throat meets Deep State" by Bob Woodward.
My favorite part is what you pointed out about Trump about to be thrown out but they can’t find one remotely acceptable replacement. Hysterical!!!
Isn't it odd that no one is talking about.....Michelle Obama?
Who better to return us to the glory days of BTH aka Before Trump happened?
You're all laughing now, but seriously. 45% of the USA are deadheads, felons, lefties, losers and grifters, AND would vote for Hillary. Given so many stupid, crazy, and criminal voters, TRump will be lucky to win. We're going to have a fight on our hands.
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