२४ ऑक्टोबर, २०१९

"Stop calling the inquiry a 'witch hunt' and a 'deep state' conspiracy, they said by way of guidance to the president and his advisers..."

"... because it’s deluding too many Trump supporters into a sense of complacency. Stop insisting that polls showing majority public support for the impeachment inquiry are 'fake news' — because they aren’t. Stop dismissing everyone who testifies about the Trump administration’s dealings with Ukraine as a radical unelected bureaucrat... The show, which is airing on a half dozen stations in Virginia and Florida and streams on the website WarRoom.org, is a remarkably blunt attempt by former Trump aides to criticize and influence the work of current Trump administration officials. Even the show’s name is something of an affront to the White House — and to Mr. Trump himself. He has told aides that he does not want to create a war room, as crisis response operations are often nicknamed, because he is concerned that people would see it as an acknowledgment that he views the impeachment inquiry as legitimate.... In a broadcast earlier this week, Mr. Bannon warned Mr. Trump’s supporters not to be blinded by their animosity toward the speaker. 'I don’t care if you hate Nancy Pelosi,' he said. 'This is a master, and she is teaching a master class.'"

From "In Steve Bannon’s Basement, a Rogue ‘War Room’ to Fight Impeachment/A new radio show featuring Mr. Bannon and some Trump loyalists aims to add to the messaging in defense of the president" (NYT).

४१ टिप्पण्या:

gilbar म्हणाले...

Stop calling the inquiry a 'witch hunt' and a 'deep state' conspiracy, they said by way of guidance to the president and his advisers...

"Just Resign, already! they said by way of guidance to the President and his advisors
You've fought long Enough! Just LET the democrats WIN, it's Their TURN!"

great "guidance"!

rhhardin म्हणाले...

The adults act against the man who is ruining everything.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Bannon speak truth to Orange Man

Kevin म्हणाले...

Who doesn’t take a witch hunt seriously?

It’s not like it’s guided by rules or reason to keep from spinning out of control.

Darrell म्हणाले...

It's a witch hunt and a Democrat scheme and scam. A coup attempt. Everyone behind it need to be hanged by the neck until dead. Democrats love to try and cash third-party out-of-state checks, now they do it with whistleblowers.

Hagar म्हणाले...

Perhaps not so much a "conspiracy" as an aging mastodon beset by the new predators of the coming age.

I wonder if Pelosi is sticking with this "inquiry" hoping that it will run out and die by itself and thus avoid a House vote starting an actual impeachment of Trump, which she fears (rightfully, I think) will end in disaster for the Democrat Party in the coming election.

MikeR म्हणाले...

"Stop calling the inquiry a 'witch hunt' and a 'deep state' conspiracy, they said by way of guidance to the president and his advisers because it’s deluding too many Trump supporters into a sense of complacency." As Kevin said: this doesn't make sense. No one is complacent about a witch hunt. Witch hunts are scary, and everyone knows they need to be fought directly. We saw The Crucible.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan म्हणाले...

Bannon was the only person in Trump's original team who seemed to have invested any thought into how he should govern if he won the election. Predictably, he was quickly sidelined by idiots like Trump, Trump's son-in-law and Trump's daughter.

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Kevin is right. It's not inconsistent to think it's both illegitimate and serious. In fact, it's more serious because we can't rely on the Democrats to follow basic rules of due process (as they have made clear with their Star Chamber slander and indict through leaks approach).

daskol म्हणाले...

ARM, was that idiotic sidelining still idiotic after the resistance had characterized Bannon as a white nationalist, and his influence on Trump as pernicious? Because all the reasonable people I know are absolutely certain that Bannon is a white supremacist. All of them.

Drago म्हणाले...

ARM: "Bannon was the only person in Trump's original team who seemed to have invested any thought into how he should govern if he won the election. Predictably, he was quickly sidelined by
idiots like Trump, Trump's son-in-law and Trump's daughter."


Nice try dummy.

Conservative groups, such as the Heritage Foundation, have documented the fact that Trump has delivered the most conservative governance in at least 3 generations.

Not only that, Trump has expanded and solidified the repulican reach into formerly democrat controlled constituencies in key battleground states that made his 2016 election possible.

Super Fun Fact: Every lefty/dem/lib asserts Bannon is a racist nazi white supremacist!!!

Thanks for playing lefty boy. You may now return to gazing at your navel.

Howard म्हणाले...

Bannon is the real genius. Unfortunately he bats for the other team

Birkel म्हणाले...

ARM found the "strange new respect" for Bannon.
I wondered who would be the first.

Howard म्हणाले...

It's a lynching followed by a crucifixion then draw and quarter, then fed to Wu's pigs

Bushman of the Kohlrabi म्हणाले...

According to the latest Marquette poll, impeachment theatre is failing in Wisconsin. If it's failing in a swing state, I'm guessing it's failing in most states.

PJ म्हणाले...

It would certainly be a serious mistake to underestimate Nancy Pelosi’s skills as a political opponent. And plenty of witch hunts have ended with dead targets. But it is unlikely that “idiot” Trump fails to comprehend any of that.

Nichevo म्हणाले...

Howie, sometimes I think you bat for the other team.

n.n म्हणाले...

Obama spied, Clinton colluded, Biden obstructed, the press prosecuted witch hunts and warlock trials, the social media platforms steered the votes, and now there is evidence of a Libya-ISIS Affair and global war (North Africa, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Middle East). Beware overlapping and converging special and peculiar interests.

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Bannon was the only person in Trump's original team who seemed to have invested any thought into how he should govern if he won the election. Predictably, he was quickly sidelined by idiots like Trump, Trump's son-in-law and Trump's daughter.

Wow, even Bannon can be rehabilitated by criticising Trump?! Liberal opportunism knows no bounds.

Wince म्हणाले...

Bannon seems to be following the public opinion polls.

Trump's advantage has been his ability to lead them.

narciso म्हणाले...

yes I remember shareblue, even intimated bannon had been making meth, when it was actually his ex wife's sad walter white history, he was too impatient with the tariff's that's why 'he chose poorly' in confiding in Michael wolff,

chickelit म्हणाले...

Howie, sometimes I think you bat for the other team.

Not only does Howard bat for the other team on offense; he plays catcher on defense.

Michael McNeil म्हणाले...

Howie, sometimes I think you bat for the other team.

I see on another thread that Althouse is sometimes deleting Howard's posts, so I suspect she thinks so too (without specifying exactly what that “other team” is; in her case, perhaps — the side of enemies of her blog). But I certainly agree.

wildswan म्हणाले...

My question is this: If it's certain and I think it is, that the House Dems intend to impeach no matter what, then what is the best PR plan? Trump is doing a good job as President and he is going around to rallies and talking directly to voters through the rallies and the subsequent videos and his tweets. Is there anything that anyone can do to get the message out which would be more effective than what Trump is now doing?

My personal plan is just what is happening now. The idea is: Trump to be an effective President as he is; to ignore the predetermined House charade; to have the Senate make the use of hearsay and anonymous accusations and lack of due process and double standards and unauthorized use of telephone recordings by the Dems a centerpiece of what the Senate does. That they scrutinize evidence and point out what is inadmissible (all of it) and that this is lefty justice, not American justice. This is how the average American, not just the American President, will be treated if the AOC Democrats come to power in this coup disguised as an impeachment or in the election.

Meanwhile in the election point out that the Dems intend to roll back prosperity and bring back endless war. They'll rescind personal tax cuts, take away private health care and have the government seize the company profits currently funding all pension plans. They'll allow the Chinese to go back to destroying the economy one industry at a time; and allow a flood of illegals to take jobs at peon wages. They'll end fracking and that will end energy independence; and we'll be back in the Middle East wars.

I'm just as well aware as anyone of the powder hanging in the air but it won't be following the Constitution that flashes it.

Patrick म्हणाले...

The NYT would never run this if they believed this exercise of Bannon's was helpful to Trump.

Char Char Binks, Esq. म्हणाले...

The left claimed Bannon was the power and brains behind the throne during his hours working for Trump, and now they wish he was.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Bannon was the only person in Trump's original team who seemed to have invested any thought into how he should govern if he won the election.

ARM, have you ever watched a Bannon speech, like the one at Oxford Union ?

Of course not. Steve, who I like a lot and have met, is a bomb thrower. He is not a policy wonk. He is great in debates but, I suspect, not that good at governing. Ignoramuses like you say these things to carp wand whinge.

jg म्हणाले...

Bannon is smart but I don't trust him. And neither should Trump. Bannon loves publicity.

Drago म्हणाले...

Wince: "Bannon seems to be following the public opinion polls.

Trump's advantage has been his ability to lead them."

Thread Winner.

Drago म्हणाले...

Patrick: "The NYT would never run this if they believed this exercise of Bannon's was helpful to Trump."

Thread Winner Runner-up.

Brian म्हणाले...

Since it requires 2/3 supermajority to remove a president, any poll that only shows a majority is not adequate.

The media should point this out.

But the purpose of the poll isn't to show the current stance of the electorate (or really "adults") but rather to push people into adopting a view. "Most people are on board with impeachment, you should change your mind".

daskol म्हणाले...

I think you're underestimating Bannon, who is playing the NYT. He's getting them to lick his boots by dangling the promise of Trump criticism. He's using that enhanced credibility, the rehabilitation of the same press that turned him into a demonic white supremacist, to defend Trump. He's more precision artillerist than bombthrower. And I happen to agree that calling Trump's nemesis the deep state is rhetorically weak sauce. They're not "deep," they're right there on the surface, exposed and at this point pretty transparent in their conspiratorial aims. They're the leaders and peons of the intelligence and law enforcement and diplomatic corps. The permanent administrative state.

effinayright म्हणाले...

Myself, I am hoping for a Trump landslide in 2020, and with it the GOP's recapture of another three state legislatures. (they currently hold 30 of 50).

That's enough to set up a vote for an Article V Convention of the States to amend the Constitution.

THEN the fur will fly!

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Pjmedia (link through Instapundit) asks a pertinent question: "If Democrats Are Worried About Releasing Testimony, Why Are They Leaking?"

hombre म्हणाले...

Republican cannibalism. What’s new?

Howard म्हणाले...

Blogger Nichevo said...
Howie, sometimes I think you bat for the other team.

Sounds like it makes you wet. NTTAWWT

Francisco D म्हणाले...

It's a lynching followed by a crucifixion then draw and quarter, then fed to Wu's pigs

Brilliant, Howard! You made me realize something:

Trump is our William Wallace

Freeeeeee ...Dommmm!

readering म्हणाले...

Blink was an interesting documentary. Bannon is the opposite end of the scale of Trump in terms of self-awareness.

Interesting detail from yesterday. Upon entering Scif Republicans asked to arrested. Without that, half their reason for going fizzled. Turns out many of them were on the participating committees and had right to be there and had been there in past. Talk about dumb stunts.

Bilwick म्हणाले...

Isn't the new party line, "There is a Deep State, and it's shielding us from Trump"? Try to keep up.

n.n म्हणाले...

Planned Republican. A Democrat schism and loss of viability. The tell-tale hearts beat ever louder.

Howard म्हणाले...

Right-O Francisco. Trump has finally earned his spurs