October 4, 2019

2 sunsets, seen through windows, 500 miles and 24 hours apart.

Last Wednesday:

Sunset from I-80, Waverly, Nebraska

Last Thursday:

Sunset from a hotel window in Boulder, Colorado


n.n said...

Colorful. Serene. Nice. Are we there yet?

madAsHell said...


I was rewarded with a speeding ticket in Ogallala County. I might have been a little heavy on the gas pedal, but there is some weird time warp going on in western Nebraska. The Wyoming border is always a couple of hours away, and then suddenly Cheyenne.

Temujin said...

Sailor's delight.

stevew said...

Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Even in the midwest.

Beautiful photos.

Phil 314 said...

I once did the Denver to Chicago drive in one day with three small kids and a new dog (and without my wife who had flown ahead).

We left on a Sunday morning in December at around 6 am, listened to football almost all the way. The Broncos game (last of the season) got us through most of Nebraska.

AND, we drove back a week later (we had driven out for a death in my wife's family) and on that drive listened to the famous Bills comeback playoff game while cautiously driving on slick and icy roads in Iowa.

traditionalguy said...

Traveling again. Some people just don’t stay home.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Go ahead-- marvel at your orange skies and your orange president!

He's lulling you to sleep with beautiful, carbon-laden sunsets
while the planet dies. That protester at the AOC meeting was spot on.

Ann Althouse said...

"I once did the Denver to Chicago drive in one day with three small kids and a new dog..."

I can't imagine trying to do ANYTHING as the only adult in charge of 3 little kids and a dog... even to just take care of them inside my own home. I used to drive with 2 little kids all the way across the county (Madison to Florida). But 3 plus a dog!!!

Phil 314 said...

My wife once did the same (without a dog) from Ruidoso NM to Witchita KS.