Ted I would be delighted to beat you in basketball. ЁЯШАЁЯПА pic.twitter.com/RHFrdAfcZ9
тАФ Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) September 12, 2019
резреи рд╕рдкреНрдЯреЗрдВрдмрд░, реирежрезреп
Andrew Yang,
Ted Cruz
рдирд╡реАрдирддрдо рдкреЛрд╕реНрдЯ
рдереЛрдбреЗ рдЬреБрдиреЗ рдкреЛрд╕реНрдЯ
резрекрем рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреНрдпрд╛:
ThatтАЩs excellent. WhatтАЩs pickup basketball without a little trash talk?
Geez...that so many Dems want Biden shows they really want to give Trump another term in office. This reveals the danger of the stupid "russia-gate" lie...the Dems won't look at their own party and try to understand why Trump bested Hillary. They won't look at the rot in their party and it's divide from the people.
This is why we love Grandpa Munster in Texas! Go to Twitchy and search for his stuff. The man is hilarious!
Ted Cruz on Twitchy
My favorites are the ones where he cops to being the Zodiac Killer.
"Just bring it!" Wow. Ted Cruz is having a busy week - pistol duel, and pick-up basketball.
The game should be played at the Highest Court in the Land; the basketball court above the Supreme Court hearing room.
RBG can be the ref. That is, if she's still really alive.
Very good analysis, Mr Cook.
IIRC Cruz took on Jimmy Fallon in basketball as well. I don't remember who won.
If not Biden, then who?
Ted Cruz rat fucks the DNC and Yang with one simple tweet.
Robert Cook: "Geez...that so many Dems want Biden shows they really want to give Trump another term in office. This reveals the danger of the stupid "russia-gate" lie...the Dems won't look at their own party and try to understand why Trump
bested Hillary. They won't look at the rot in their party and it's divide from the people."
Spot On..but incomplete. The small % of the republicans who were really always just liberals with paid positions posing as conservatives are no different.
And they want Biden too. Just look at how protective of Biden a certain LLR here happens to be.
Cook at 8:18 nails it.
Then when they lose they will go ballistic trying to blame anyone and everyone except their own selves. Get ready for another 4 years of toddler tantrums and worse...... Antifa violence will increase.
Really. Get ready.
The left wanted to kill off Tulsi. so they did.
Remind me again who Andrew Yang is?
Remind me again who Andrew Yang is?
The univeral basic income guy.
Will we have a repeat of 1972 if Trump beats the communist hall monitor the DNC puts up for 2020? The Left will lose it, expect bombings, it's what they do.
the Dems won't look at their own party and try to understand why Trump bested Hillary. They won't look at the rot in their party and it's divide from the people
I agree Cookie, although we have very different policy positions.
What concerns me is that the Dems do not seem all that in touch with reality. The Nadler endless investigations, The Russia Hoax, the Kavanaugh hearings, etc. make me wonder if they are not overly influenced by Hollywood.
In other words, they seem enamored of fiction.
"They won't look at the rot in their party and it's divide from the people."
True, they won't look at the rot, but then, they haven't for a long time -- Ted Kennedy was a lion of the Senate, feminist Dems eagerly defended Billy Jeff, Hill amassed a fortune and systematically broke the law, Dem deep-staters staged a coup, now they are pursuing impeachment, and don't get me started on Harry Reid.
But they don't think they are "divided" from the people: the people are divided from them--that is, part of the people, the deplorable part. They are gambling that enough blue-staters and enough nice suburban white women will vote against Orange Man Bad to cause a blue wave and give them full control of the White House and Congress--enough to pack the Supreme Court, to devastate industries they hate, and stick it to us righties good and hard. That is not irrational.
Of course, our definitions of rot may differ: I think progressivism is the core of the rot, and at least so far a prime cause of the remaining divide.
Robert Cook: Geez...that so many Dems want Biden shows they really want to give Trump another term in office.
Is there anybody on that list that you couldn't say that about?
Is the Universal Basic Income going to be taxed? As in take tax money and give it to people but tax the tax money they are giving?
I'm confused.
Partly correct Cookie, but itтАЩs not just Biden, itтАЩs anyone up there. It makes it harder to beat Trump picking a candidate who is even worse. Those 10 are all worse. Hickenlooper looked the most plausible Trump-killer to me, but he didnтАЩt get even a cursory glance. I wonder though if most of the Democrat base actually want to win. They seem to enjoy wallowing in self pity, and of course if you win you have to face the prospect of being shown up.
Interesting point. People forget the bombings by the Left in the 70s. They used to joke about bombs in sitcoms there were so many. Almost 2000 a year at the peak.
It's sort of odd to me that Warren still can't seem to poll at Biden's numbers. I think she's probably an overall better candidate than Biden (not that that's saying much). I wonder if it's because she already essentially lost once to Trump in the narrative arena over the whole DNA test thing and therefore many Dem voters aren't convinced she could beat Trump because of that? Or maybe many more regular Dem voters aren't as enthralled with her (or any of the other candidates) more extreme, heavy handed "solutions" to climate change, health care, and general wealth inequalities as the media would lead us to believe.
Looking at the field, I really can't understand how any of these people have any kind of a chance. It just strikes me as amazing that the party has become so weird since 2016. Maybe it's always been weird, but in the past they always seemed able to select candidates that were somewhat plausible despite that. Guys like John Kerry and Al Gore seemed like the standard phony baloney grifters of the old school Dem party, but they didn't seem too weird, bonkers, or out of touch.
I think Tulsi was the most dangerous Dem to Trump's reelection. She had real crossover mainstream potential. Thanks for stopping her, Dems. We can always count on you.
The danger from the Dems now is the right ticket combination. They might be able to pull in a coalition with the right pair.
Tulsi could attract cross-over votes. The D party hates GOP voters and does not want them.
Shes working with the indonesian army, if its kopassus its a tough crew
I think Nonapod nailed it - democrats are not nearly as socialist as the media/candidates would have us believe. Warren plus Sanders - i.e., the Socialist combo candidate - poll at 27%, and (as best I can recall) have never reached much higher than this, with Warren and Sanders moving up and down relative to each other but socialism never making any gains. This suggests that the socialist agenda, as opposed to Warren versus Bernie, has maxed out.
I just don't see how Warren attracts the black vote, and without that the Democrats are doomed. Biden for all his many many faults (he still looks like an Old Folks' Home lothario) can maybe better attract blacks.
Biden, if nominated, will have a difficult time explaining and defending his newly-found progressive sensibilities. And if he gets booed by saying the word "man" or "guys" in a speech, how will he recover from that?
Shes antiwar, pro green nude eel, yes she has some heretical views, like not being full moloch
Based on pictures of the two (and my assumption of their relative height) Yang would have a bad case of the "shorts" playing Cruz in a pickup basketball game. But short guys like to talk taller than they are.
This is more their speed:
Warren needs more black support to catch Biden. (And for Bernie to fade.)
What was Jimmy Kimmel polling?
What is the point of yang, honestly,
There are parallels, trump is much more willing to get in the scrum, less addicted to silly nitions like wage and price controls, although the child care plan is troublesome, the economy is much healthiern
Be nice if you didn't have to show up as a cock-puppet of your former self, Inga.
BTW- still brewing and steaming over Trump's collusion with Russia?
She seems a little agitated, to look with perspective and not indulge in the urgemcy of thatest meme, santayana sighs, what was my life work about?
How many times has ann asked you to please stick to the topic, and stop attacking others here? Do you think this is your blog, Michael K?
Zero, troll, but thanks for the demonstration of why you have had repeated bannings and mass deletions.
Dust Bunny Queen said...
Cook at 8:18 nails it.
Then when they lose they will go ballistic trying to blame anyone and everyone except their own selves. Get ready for another 4 years of toddler tantrums and worse...... Antifa violence will increase.
Really. Get ready.
9/12/19, 8:32 AM
THIS!!! ^^^^^^^^ And it will happen. Don't give up your guns.
Warren appeals to the "Take down wall street. Kill my neighbor's 401K!" angry white proggy crowd who has no problem with faked Native American heritage.
Narcisco What is the point of yang, honestly
Well, without Yang you can't have Yin. Yin/Yang
I think it is a good thing that the Democrats have gone so far off the rails and diving into the deep end of the socialist/communist pool of ideology. They are out in front and open with their desires to control every aspect of our lives.
The average normal Democrat....MA and Pa Fricket who live in Bumfuck Iowa....are not enthralled with this new and improved in your face Progressive Democrat agenda. I suspect that they are mostly turned off by this. Trump won many of those on the fence Democrats for just this reason in 2016 and it will probably be even more in 2020 who either "defect" or just stay home.
Like he asked the Black voters...."What have you got to lose" by voting for Trump. Look at the the other guys and what they propose.
"Is the Universal Basic Income going to be taxed? As in take tax money and give it to people but tax the tax money they are giving?"
Social Security income is taxed. So I'd guess yes.
Pence is disdained by the 'right circles' for his authenticity, they couldnt even begin to understand pompeo, west point top of his class, harvard business, aviation executive
LOL - never mess with master debater Senator Cruz.
Do they ever, when obama fired him from centcom he had to go somewhere, on paper theranos seemed promising, but holmes was a credentialed con artist.
"I wonder though if most of the Democrat base actually want to win. They seem to enjoy wallowing in self pity, and of course if you win you have to face the prospect of being shown up."
Something that occurs to me frequently as well. During the Obama and Clinton years there was always a certain far(genuinely)-right fringe that claimed they welcomed Democrat rule as they were certain that it would hasten the moment of apocalyptic showdown. This fringe has always existed on the Left also, but, in the last 20 years has increasingly been mainstreamed. Mainstreamed to a point where demoralized hysteria has become indistinguishable from "activism". The political pendulum always swings, but I have to wonder if there isn't a vehemently suppressed awareness among Democrats that ascendancy could well lead to disaster, if not political extinction.
IтАЩm scared stiff of us losing. So much confidence around here. IтАЩm holding on to BirkelтАЩs theory the shift in the black vote will carry it for Trump. IтАЩll clutch at any straw, truth be told.
What do you think TrumpтАЩs idea of zero interest rates will do?
Drive even more people into investing in the Stock Market, real estate, and other non interest rate types of investments.
When you can't make money in a CD at .25% then you find another avenue.
Note: I don't think we need to lower rates any further and especially oppose a 'negative' interest rate. Also I worry about a low rate of return on US Debt will trigger an event where those who old those investments will NOT renew and we have to come up with the cash.
However, a low interest rate environment is usually a good thing for the Markets which is where your 401K resides
"After Obama, no one else has ever come close to selling "news" like this. They showed during the Bush war years that they couldn't logically cover politics, so they went full entertainment the other way"
Probably true. Imagine what the break-neck excitement of a Warren presidency would do to CNN's and MSNBC's ratings. No institution voluntarily renders itself obsolete. But it leaves them with an interesting line to walk.
Watch the markets drop dramatically if a Dem Congress and president gets elected.
Plus watch out for those industries that will be most negatively affected by the Dems' destructive policies. Decide whether you have enough profit now. Or wait and invest after they tank because it will eventually turn around.
Buy low/Sell high.
If your post contains the name of a person I always delete your post must be deleted too.
Generally, you would do better not to name other commenters. Quite aside from the always-deleted trolls, you give energy to people who are trying to bait you and you are part of a back-and-forth dynamic. An overarching concept that ought to help is *Don't be boring.*
On Reddit, they moderate out something called a "low effort comment." Think about what you are writing. Is it something that other people should be made to read? If your answer is yes because I want to make life suck for other people, you are the troll and if I can tell, I will put you on the always-deleted shit list. If it's no, then make an effort to write something that will be good for other people to read. That's what I do for the front page, and I'm setting up and opportunity for you and would like to be respected for my work. The way to show respect is to write interesting/thoughtful comments (and if you are asked to go and stay away, to accept what I want for my place and put your work into something else).
how was the uk counterpart, 'the longest suicide note in history' it took three more terms and the manifest tory decomposition, mostly by wets to lead the brits to trust labour again,
the method that theranos seemed unworkable to me, then again so did Solyndra,
What do you think TrumpтАЩs idea of zero interest rates will do?
Drive even more people into investing in the Stock Market, real estate, and other non interest rate types of investments.
When you can't make money in a CD at .25% then you find another avenue.
That's why the stock market stayed up in spite of Obama's lousy economy.
тАЬPension funds usually invest citizens' contributions in bonds, which, however, hardly yield any more returns. So there is a risk that people in old age receive less pension than they expected.
DBQ is this true?тАЭ
Pension funds are entirely different from 401K plans. A pension fund is 'usually' restricted by law or design of the plan to invest in (supposedly) safe investments like bonds. They don't have a choice. The money is managed by an investment professional or a team. Not by the employee.
Your 401k plan are mostly self directed plans . Some do have restrictions where a percentage of your $ are to be invested in those (supposedly) safe funds. Self directed means that YOU get to choose where you want to invest your money. Can change your investments when you want to become more or less aggressive.
Note: you need to read carefully and understand the terms and conditions of the 401K plan structure.
The pension plans are supposed to guarantee you a return upon retirement. Most of them can't do it because they overestimated the returns that they were going to get AND because the damned bonds have been dragging them down. This is why pensions are notoriously underfunded. And why uninsured pension plans can go 'broke'
401K plans have no guarantee. You are the captain of your ship. If you are a poor captain, you can be sunk. A smart captain can sail nicely into retirement.
When I was working in my business: I was the navigator :-)
very few of us, like gillebrand, the dippy tridelt with the pop in the sex cult, and the cry of the witchhunter, gabbard evinces brief flashes of common sense, I don't get the Williamson fascination at all,
Robert Cook wrote:
"Geez...that so many Dems want Biden shows they really want to give Trump another term in office."
It is funny how two people can look at the same data and interpret it completely differently. I look at that chart and see that relatively few people want Biden- like 73% of the people who took that poll don't want him.
Right now fixed income investors are experiencing a Negative Real Rate of Return".
Earning less that 1% on a CD or short term bond while inflation is at a higher rate. The money you are earning is not enough to just keep up with inflation. When this happens, people need to and will turn to other investments.
As money pours into those investments, the appreciation on those will increase due to supply and demand.
That's why the stock market stayed up in spite of Obama's lousy economy.
narciso said...
... I don't get the Williamson fascination at all,
That's the one I do get. Lots and lots of new-agers out there. They're covered in goop, and they multiply.
To point out the obvious, a LOT of things can happen between now and November, 2020.
Fourteen months is an eternity in politics.
I wrote a few days ago that the Warren's biggest problem is that Sanders probably runs to the last primary, never withdrawing. His candidacy relies exclusively on small donors, and his base is solidly in his camp no matter how he finishes primary after primary.
I still think Harris is by far the most dangerous candidate to Trump, but she isn't ready for primetime by all appearances- her campaign looks feckless to me at the moment.
"My favorites are the ones where he cops to being the Zodiac Killer."
My favorite was the repo of the Dr. Pepper fridge that Ben Sasse kidnapped. Ted's become one of my favorite people on Twitter.
Actually, one of my favorite people -- of those I don't actually know personally.
I should clarify. the fascination here,
MadisonMan said...
I just don't see how Warren attracts the black vote, and without that the Democrats are doomed. Biden for all his many many faults (he still looks like an Old Folks' Home lothario) can maybe better attract blacks.
I think Warren is the person to beat for the Dems. As people drop out, she will get all of Sanders' voters and then she and Biden will split the rest. Which puts her solidly ahead. The only real question is how long Sanders will hang on. How many primaries, how many of those voters, will he burn through before dropping out?
But will blacks vote for Warren in the general? Good question. I haven't seen any polling on how they feel about her abuse of the affirmative action system. I suspect they will take it harder than most, but I don't know.
If I were in Trump's campaign I'd devote 40% of resources to campaigning and 60% to preventing voter fraud. Trump's record is excellent and 40% should be enough to get sufficiently past the media firewalls. The Dems know it... I suspect they're going to let the media do 99% of their campaign work for them and will invest almost all their resources into stealing hundreds of elections.
Here is how I rank the candidates as threats to Trump:
(1) Harris
(2) Booker
(3) Biden
(4) Warren
(5) Yang
(6) Buttuvwxyz
(7) Sanders
(8) Beta.
If Warren can hang on through South Carolina, I think she will accrete most of the non-Biden support except for that of Sanders. If Harris can find a way to finish at least 2nd in Iowa and New Hampshire, she will accrete most of the non-Biden support.
Szoszolo I do know him personally. He is just as funny in person. My father-in-law is a good friend of his and every time the two get together things get really stupid. He actually went to Dad's halloween party dressed as Grandpa Munster. This was before he finally got smart and grew the beard.
I voted for Cruz in the primary here in TN in 2016- I have always liked him, but he isn't a natural politician by any measure (part of his appeal for me, too).
I still think Harris is by far the most dangerous candidate to Trump, but she isn't ready for primetime by all appearances- her campaign looks feckless to me at the moment
The only serious risk to Trump, I think is the economy. China will keep funding Democrats but it will take a serious mistake in foreign policy or a recession to put his election at risk.
Fortunately, he has no idiots like "the Plumbers" in his entourage. I don't see how Warren can flip to moderation after the convention. I agree she is the most likely candidate. Maybe with Booker VP for the skin tone. She is just too strident and she has, in Trump, the most media savvy opponent in the history of elections.
MadisonMan said...
I just don't see how Warren attracts the black vote, and without that the Democrats are doomed. Biden for all his many many faults (he still looks like an Old Folks' Home lothario) can maybe better attract blacks.
In a normal election, she wouldn't attract the black vote.
But, she'll have several hundred millions of $$, and have every inner city Democrat Machine (Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Philly), so that gets you a lotta black votes.
If Trump can get a few pastors and a few independent blacks and shave off a few percentage points, that's his best hope. But, Yes, Warren will attract the black vote
Ted has always been one of my favorite politicians... the only one Trump beat in the 2016 primaries that I think could possibly have matched Trump's actual record so far.
In fact, in my 31 years as a voter, the only candidates I've ever voted enthusiastically for were Fred, Ted and Trump (and only enthusiastic about Trump because he DIDN'T tack left after the primary, which I had thought was inevitable). It's really sad that there's only been 3 in 31 years, given that my only real criteria has been that the candidate not reflexively keep betraying the party platform or engaging in failure theater!
I misread your comment as Warren was most dangerous. She is too shrill and just not smart enough or poorly prepared. I assume the CA donors thought she would be a lock.
Ditto with ted, now I think debating alyssa Milano is a quixotic exercise, I was for guiliani and Gingrich, so I follow my own drummer obviously,
Fred Thompson was a favorite of mine but I think his young wife was more enthusiastic than he was. I met him and they had little kids. Too bad he left us too soon.
I see Ted Cruz as a Supreme Court nominee when someone like Breyer retires. Amy Coney Barrett will be the RBG replacement.
тАЬI look at that chart and see that relatively few people want Biden- like 73% of the people who took that poll don't want him.тАЭ
The question is where are all the votes going to go when the bottom 5 or 6 drop out, as they surely will. That could put Biden up to 40+%, which would probably get him the nomination. If heтАЩs still standing.
interesting about harris, the Puerto rico scandal has miss tribble (Shirley you can't be serious) having been based in Oakland, for three years, covering pacific island operations for fema (the times misrepresents her as a political appointee, which she is not,
will invest almost all their resources into stealing hundreds of elections.
Yup, but that is more of a threat to Congress than Trump.
Bay Area Guy said...Yes, Warren will attract the black vote
Will she, though? As I mentioned above, I haven't seen any polling on this quesiotn, but I think the Fauxahontas issue will play very badly among blacks. Affirmative action is for them, not some privileged white chick.
I used to agree that Ted would be best on the USSC, but not so sure anymore. He's the only Republican nominee that I think could fairly inherit the party mantle after Trump. If I'm wrong, tell me who has a better claim. I don't think Pence has what it takes.
talk about the blind leading the blind,
@Bay Area Guy, I agree with tim maguire. The Democrats would have some tough lifting to convince blacks and Hispanics that Warren made an honest mistake claiming to be a person of color.
But I note also that we will know February 29 (South Carolina primary) and March 3 (Super Tuesday) what black people really think of Warren.
And, because I love you guys, I offer Obama advisor Ben Rhodes on 2016 election night:
Cat got your tongue, Ben?
Heh! Happy Thursday.
With Warren and the black vote, I reckon it's just a matte of degree. If she gets 95%, then Trump probably loses. If she gets "only" 85%, then Trump probably wins.
She's gonna pick a black male running mate to properly diversify. I predict Booker.
switch to decaf seriously,
what we'd face with this crew here:
Does anyone have an idea why my Chrome browser has started removing tweets from Althouse and other sites? Just the last few days. They show up for a half second and then they're gone.
Wasn't black voter turnout substantially lower in 2016 than in the BO elections?
"Is there anybody on that list that you couldn't say that about?"
I don't know if they could win, but Sanders and Warren are the only two who present even minimal to moderate deviation from current Dem Party orthodoxy. Someone who supports either of them is not obviously clamoring for Trump to win again.
Cook: Dem Orthodoxy=Sanity
Outta curiosity, Who are you leaning towards to vote in the primaries?
We differ on opinions, but I genuinely respect your independent thought.
And the think about Warren is that she probably didnтАЩt cheat an American Indian out of that cushy job at Harvard, more likely it was an African American who lost out. They wanted a тАЬminorityтАЭ full stop.
The Boston Globe says Warren is going "up and up and up in New Hampshire". Looking at the national polls I'm left to understand that story as cheerleading. As for attracting the black vote with a black running mate she would do well to pick someone other than Booker, he's the wrong sort of black guy to pull in black votes.
It still looks to me that the Democrat electorate still thinks Biden is the best choice to defeat Trump - comparatively speaking, and I have to agree.
"Outta curiosity, Who are you leaning towards to vote in the primaries?тАЭ
He has already said Lizzie Warren.
You know,
"Lizzie Warren took a tax
gave your paycheck forty whacks."
Any rival who wants to nuke WarrenтАЩs campaign, particularly in a Democratic primary, should go right at her glaring weakness: тАЬYouтАЩre not a woman of color, you were wrong to describe yourself as a woman of color, and when you claim you had no idea that Harvard Law School was touting you to the public as a woman of color, I donтАЩt believe you.тАЭ The notion that Harvard was running around describing Warren this way and she simply never noticed it in any of their statements, press materials, or other documents is the most implausible aspect of WarrenтАЩs explanation. Even if you buy her story, it means she wasnтАЩt following the debate about minority representation at the law school back in the 1990s, a pretty heated controversy at the time. No demographic likes a white person trying to benefit from fraudulent minority status.
An intersting idea, I have no idea if it would really nuke Warren, but it seems like it might. If Biden wants to be ruthless and attempt to "take her out" quickly, he could try it I guess.
"Earning less that 1% on a CD or short term bond while inflation is at a higher rate."
There are a number of on-line banks that are paying 2-2.5% on deposits. I've been slowly moving my cash into them. Go to bankrate.com and search.
Well its been turtles all the way johnson a failure at home (great society) and abroad (vietnam) it was the spending spike that led to the collapse of the gold standard, carter gave ius inflation multiples and skyrocketing interest rates, along with iran and oil spike.
Clinton, kept the tech bubble from blowing up on his watch and led to the subprime one, and let al queda germinate while dawdling in haiti and the balkans (halbetstams congratulatory volume seems dated now.
"Any rival who wants to nuke WarrenтАЩs campaign, particularly in a Democratic primary, should go right at her glaring weakness: тАЬYouтАЩre not a woman of color, you were wrong to describe yourself as a woman of color, and when you claim you had no idea that Harvard Law School was touting you to the public as a woman of color, I donтАЩt believe you.тАЭ
It wasn't just Harvard.
She also claimed NA status when she applied for admission to the Texas Bar Association.
She claimed NA status at the University of Pennsylvania Law School
She was identified as a "minority" in the Association of American Law Schools directory.
Seriously, clinton comes off a little better because of timing, of course he had toadies likr wesley clark that the officer corps couldnf stand and the real advance period of brennans career from riyadh station to tenets assistant.
"Elizabeth Warren will not garner women's votes, worker's votes, or "minority POC" votes. She's the media candidate, like Hillary was. People don't vote for fake chicks, especially not men who have worked for their wages."
Yes and no. They will vote for fake chicks, if they want the Free Stuff the fake chick's party is providing/promising. The central question of 2020 is actually quite simple. Has the influence of the media waxed or waned since 2016? If you truly know the answer, you know the outcome.
You can't limit your focus to economic issues.
For example, someone may eventually ask, "Senator Warren, in this time of growing military threats from Russia and China please tell us how you are qualified to be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States."
Watch her squirm. "I'll trust the Generals" won't work well with much of the Democrat electorate.
I see Yang wants to kill Uber, etc: "The California bill to reclassify contract workers for companies like Uber as employees not contractors is a positive step." Guess he wants big city machine & union support.
Ah, a chat room.
Think about what you are writing. Is it something that other people should be made to read?
I always assumed that readers and commenters at Althouse blog were here of their own volition. Who is making anybody read anything?
Right on Doug, the freedom to scroll or skip to another thread is ours and ours alone.
So this debate miderated by jorge ramos (i cant even) is ten 'ways to serve man' focus on that
Most of the publications even the journal are blank pages, they didnt put the supreme court decision on the fromt page, like the times did in two minute hate fashion but still.
I'm not running the show here, but if I were, Inga and her cock-puppets would be banned for good.
I wouldn't want liar Maddow posting here either.
You understand if this country falls, it will be like the fall of rome, only worse because there is no byzantium, could australia hold out, doubtful the uk unpossiblem
projection I see:
No one is going to ask Elizabeth Warren a tough Foreign Policy question, just like no one is going to ask Biden a MeToo question. The press knows its place: Relentless Democratic Cheerleading.
well that's deep delusion, specially when one of the counties is majority native American,
"Strange things are happening."
--Red Buttons
this guy was the no 2 in the Puerto rico scandal, the one tribble wasn't sleeping with, that was the contractor Ellison,
Indeed. It's getting to the point that if a large number of these leftist idiots wind up with their heads on pikes, it'll still be too little too late as far as actual justice is concerned.
unsure is tied with sanders for no 2,
Biden is ahead because of name recognition and familiarity. Just that simple.
I see Yang wants to kill Uber, etc: "The California bill to reclassify contract workers for companies like Uber as employees not contractors is a positive step." Guess he wants big city machine & union support.
I flew into town last night and could not connect to uber. Result: I had to take a cab, so instead of a $15 Uber I had a $35 cab. How much of that $20 difference went to Union Coffers, I wonder.
jo jo running into trouble:
I'm still hoping Bernie Sanders can win the nomination. He leads in New Hampshire, at least, according to 1 poll.
Of course, since Bernie is a 76-year old Socialist, who has spent his entire adult life not having a real job, my hope is that the US electorate will reject both him and his policy prescriptions.
I can dream, can't I?
Or a day ending in y:
In other news, apparently Cruz and Yang have agreed to a one-on-one match-up tomorrow in Houston.
Outta curiosity, Who are you leaning towards to vote in the primaries?
We differ on opinions, but I genuinely respect your independent thought."
I typically don't vote in the primaries because I haven't voted for a major party candidate for president since 1992 (when I voted--ugh--for Bill Clinton). Since then, I have voted third party.
If I feel inclined to vote in the primaries this time around--even if I still decide to vote third party in the elections, which is most likely--I would vote for Warren.
"For example, someone may eventually ask, 'Senator Warren, in this time of growing military threats from Russia and China please tell us how you are qualified to be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.'">
What "growing military threats from Russian and China...?"
It is U.S. belligerency that is driving growing tensions between the three great powers. As for qualifications to be Commander in Chief, how is any president qualified to be C in C over the Armed Forces when they enter office? Why do you assume Warren would be any less qualified than Trump or Obama or Bush, etc., etc., (or that they were in any way more qualified than she)?
I wonder though if most of the Democrat base actually want to win. They seem to enjoy wallowing in self pity, and of course if you win you have to face the prospect of being shown up.
9/12/19, 9:16 AM
Oh, I think that consciously very much want to win. However, let's face it, acting like Trump is Hitler 2.0 has given their dull lives meaning (or, at least, a lot of drama and excitement) since 2016. They get to pretend they're on a par with the French Resistance just by putting on a pussy hat and marching in the street, they get to feel indignant and offended and victimized everyday, while not actually facing any real danger. They get together with their woke friends and shake their heads about "children in cages" and Trump's latest tweet and feel superior to the deplorables. Oh, they'll never admit it but Trump's the perfect foil for the pack of deranged drama queens that make up the Dem base.
Michael K
Re Amy Barrett
That seems to be the conventional wisdom. I am not convinced. I see her as a tough sell. That might be a plus for Trump, he likes a good fight, but I can also imagine her losing. Trump does not like losing, and that loss would be a humiliation. She would get 0 Democrats, unlike Kavanaugh. If Trump gets the chance, and I Hope RBG retires immediately, I think he will make a more outside the box pick. Amul Thapar.
chutzpah is the word,
Warren really stands out in this group: faint praise, but she can deliver a relatively rousing speech, sheтАЩs clearly smart even if her scholarly output was sloppy and to borderline fraudulent (her work on redlining debunked), but ideologically sound to her supporters, and sheтАЩs a handsome lady. But man, that fake NA thing is going to hurt with Trump as the opponent.
I think if you wanted to knock Biden out of the race, just ask him what years was he VP. It would end his campaign with a 50% certainty.
The press knows its place: Relentless Democratic Cheerleading.
I think it does their candidates harm, particularly against Trump. The brighter ones aren't toughened and sharpened up, and The Party is more likely to nominate a dud(s).
Again, three recent polls have showed black support for Trump above 22%.
Zogby and the Harris/Harvard poll plus one other.
Latino support registered above 45%.
Warren will decrease turnout for her 75% of the black vote.
And simultaneously increase black turnout for Trump's 25%.
daskol notes: But man, that fake NA thing is going to hurt with Trump as the opponent.
She's already acting like it doesn't matter. Harvard has already denied that it affected their hiring decision -- but why would they say otherwise? The fact is that others publicly touted her NA heritage. The whole thing reminds me of Obama being touted as "Kenyan" in some book blurb. Warren is going to have a tough sell that she meant no wrong because the taking of an AA slot by a privileged white woman is a real fox paw in her world.
Not even Trump lied about his heritage for the sake of landing a job.
what if Liewatha chooses Spartacus?
Biden is lost...
Nick is showing Men In Black
Right now. It makes a Great backdrop to these debates
This situation with the Democrats reminds me of the car parked next to mine in a French Restaurant parking lot on Bastille Day in Tucson . A dollar says he is U of A faculty and the bumper sticker was "Anyone Else 2020."
In other news:
He used to work for the dark vizier, cheneu
Warren needs to bring the hot sauce.
She did recently have some chanters for Vagina in the oval.
Fox paw?
Maybe she can become Running Fox Paw.
I am left wanting their positions on Uruguayan notebooks.
I think Warren is the most likely D candidate.
I also think Trump will beat her like a rented mule over Lieawatha.
I think that will resonate with black voters who the Democrats desperately need.
Warren seems the most likely.
For vp I doubt it will be any of the current Presidential candidates. Abrams perhap...
I donтАЩt think Warren appeals much to Black female or male votes, especially male.
Trump is appealing to black male voters, but is not with black female voters. I wonder why he has issues with the black female vote.
Gillum would also be an interesting option for Warren.
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