What we're seeing is the inevitable result of rampant, dare I say wicked, pride. Once it takes hold to this degree in the hearts of individuals, they'd rather see good men crucified and the society burn down, than let "those guys win" (whoever "those guys" are and whatever "win" means to them).
So I was going to make some snarky comment in another threat tying Chuck to something. But then I saw a mention of Chuck being banned? Of course, if he has been it's not right to bring him up unless like Inga he came back under an easily identifiable pseudonym.
But is this true that Chuck was banned and I missed it? When and where did that happen?
Re the wealthy fools paying bribes to get their kids into "prestige" colleges under false pretenses, I am still waiting to hear of charges against and prosecutions of the bribe takers - and I mean above the level of athletics department staffers.
I lost 46 pounds a few years ago, and 35 of them gradually came back on due to two late-thirties pregnancies and a general slackening of healthy habits. I have decided I want to reach a modest forever-maintenace weight before I turn 40 in a few months, and so far have lost 6 pounds. Yay for a great start!
It's been a rough day so far and I want to tuck into a box of salty crackers so badly, but I have put three dill pickles in a bowl instead. 15 calories instead of hundreds. Here's hoping that scratches the itch enough that the craving will subside and it won't be so hard to fight.
It's a challenge to work to outsmart my body's finely tuned dopamine stimulation system, but I am determined to prevail. I am grateful that I'm not attracted to drinking, drugs, smoking, gambling, or shopping as those are also very hard vices to kick.
Whatever challenges you various Althousians are facing, here's my support for your one step at a time in whatever direction you need to go.
The S&P is annoying me. Crash, already. Get it over with. Sitting on cash, and nothing to buy.
A lot of us feel the same way, buwaya. There is really no good place to put your money right now. Although there is a saying, "Put your money where your mouth is" so maybe eating it is the best option.
And all the "trouble" artificial--malicious prog machinations.
Other than the "trouble" with China, which unfortunately is necessary.
What else? No stupid wars, economy doing well, tax policy OK (though debt too high--future trouble), courts getting Federalist Society reinforcements, pressure on bad guys abroad, immigration policy getting tougher: what trouble?
pants said... I have decided I want to reach a modest forever-maintenace weight before I turn 40 in a few months, and so far have lost 6 pounds. Yay for a great start!
Sounds like a Great idea! It's MUCH easier keeping weight off, than Taking weight off BUT! WARNING! IF you ever Find your pants, you're going to need a belt!
Whenever I feel "troublesome" times, I think about my Uncle Fred.
Raised in the Bronx, he graduated High School in 1965. Tough, athletic kid, but painfully shy. They used the term "backwards" back then. No college in his future. Got drafted, served in the Army infantry in Vietnam, then joined NYPD for 20+ years.
He talks extensively about the NYPD, numerous raucous stories, but never talked about what he did in Vietnam. His brothers (my other two uncles) asked me not to pester him about Vietnam -- only, that Uncle Fred was young and it was some "serious shit."
So, whenever I'm stressed about X,Y, or Z in my personal life, or A,B,C in the public arena, I think of my then 19-year old Uncle Fred in Vietnam. How he handled it, how he got home safely, and how he managed to lead a good life.
The divide in the country has become so wide that the media-believing Dems think an impeachment is going on while the media-disbelieving Republicans think fake news is reporting a fake impeachment for clicks. For sure there has been no House vote.
Is this one of those "free fire zone" threads? If so, I would like to bring up a PSA running in this city (and maybe in other cities), obviously targeting Black women, in which they are told, "You're voice can never be too loud." My reaction, "Oh, no? You obviously haven't ridden public transportation."
These are not troubled times. In genuinely troubled times Trump would never have been elected. These are decadent times. The country is living off the fat of 10 years of uninterrupted growth.
I have decided I want to reach a modest forever-maintenace weight before I turn 40 in a few months, and so far have lost 6 pounds. Yay for a great start!
I put on weight (50 pounds) in my 40's due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise. I blame my job. LOL.
The Atkins diet was good for losing 40, but I gained back half because my body could not permanently live in a state of ketosis. I gave up dieting and try to minimize sugar carbs and maximize exercise on a daily basis. It is a slow, but steady regimen.
At 66, I am a very consistent 45 pounds down, from 230 to 185. It is about 10 pounds more than I weighed in high school.
Honestly, if these are troublesome times,tell me the trouble and the reasons for it. Most of day to day life is fantastic for many people. Low unemployment, wages rising, wars less than the past few decades. Energy independence. And more, much more.
On the troubling side of the ledger: Orange man bad?
If we didn't have the constant drum beat of danger to our democracy, NAZIS,NAZIS everywhere, he'll get us in a nuclear war, we'll all catch fire in 12, 11,10.....years, people would be giddy.
The Democrats need to learn that instead of trying to undo the last election they need to focus on the next election. They did reasonably well in 2018, but they have suffered a relapse. They need a defeat so devastating that they don't pull these stunts again.
The major media have destroyed their credibility beyond all redemption during the last three years. There is no major media outlet remaining to give both sides of an issue such as anthropogenic climate change. Fox news is better than most. WSJ news division is as bad as anything else; their editorial page is decent.
Why would you believe anything from these outlets that reported false partisan propaganda about Trump/Russia for two years and never offered an apology?
Metals? My money too (what there is) is just paying rent to the banks.
Saw several big Blue Jays this morning--they've been scarce lately--and I hear more owls hooting in the evening. The weather is superb but we get hot again--way too hot--tomorrow.
Been avoiding a real session on my wife's new exercise bike; she's already reached the point of easier-to-do-it-than-not but I'm not there yet. It's true for us, anyway: eat less and better, do more and harder, and the weight will reduce.
As for trouble, I just listened to a favorite CD. This is from The Cool, Cool River on TROTS--
Who says: Hard Times? I'm used to them The speeding planet burns I'm used to that. My life's so common it disappears And sometimes even music Cannot substitute for tears
re: Pants "It's a challenge to work to outsmart my body's finely tuned dopamine stimulation system, but I am determined to prevail. I am grateful that I'm not attracted to drinking, drugs, smoking, gambling, or shopping as those are also very hard vices to kick."
I've got maybe 20 years on you. Kept my weight down in my 40s, but 50s were tough (multiple sick/dying parents/in-laws/kids, constant work stress, what-have-you).
I've been surprised how doing a modified Keto has rewired my taste buds from craving sugar/carbs to finding olives and avocados can provide just as much of a temporary dopamine hit. Good luck :) I wish you all the best!
Did those bloom today or recently, or is that a photo from last spring? Either way, quite lovely and soothing.
I'm not troubled, not in any meaningful way, by the various goings on in our national "conversation". I do admit to being a bit agitated by the unrelenting attacks on our President. Early on I distrusted Trump for all the usual reasons but mostly because I didn't think he was serious and forthright about improving conditions in the US for its citizens. MAGA seemed just a slogan and he was just another power hungry pol. But I'm convinced by his actions of the past 2 1/2 years that he is an honest and honorable man, trying his best to deliver on his promises, surrounded by scalawags and corruption.
Doesn't trouble me, mostly because I think he is up to the task.
The best time to buy is when you have money. The best time to sell is when you need money. All else is market timing, and good luck with that.
I was talking to a large successful farmer, 40 years ago. He was in his 60's and his boys were adults taking over the operation. We were talking grain markets. He, trying to figure out if the short term market was trending up, or down. Hold or sell? He admitted when he was much younger, and yet to be successful, he did a much better job of marketing. He sold when he needed money. That shared experience always stuck with me. I have also met men that forward price almost all of their production. Starting 2 years before planting, when markets opportunity presents itself. The key is to start marketing at a profit, and add to that initial sale when markets gain. Grain, is not stocks.YMMV
@Misplaced Pants, something that helped me in the past was writing down the amount of carbs I ingested at every meal in a notebook. I suspect part of getting my weight down was that if I didn't have carbs then I didn't have to write anything in the notebook.
They will put it in a Crown Vic, crush the car twice and the remains will be placed in an illegal landfill in New Jersey, Wray will appear in front of Congress and say "what me worry?".
These are not troubled times at all. If we were at War -- with someone other than ourselves -- then the times would be troubled. (It would be nice if the soldiers in the middle east would come home though).
AA-- "Remontant". A new word for me, thanks! I collect them, and bring them out from time to time and use them.
Unclear from the dictionary whether this applies just to a characteristic of particular varieties, or to one-off oddities as well. I'm not going to sweat it, though.
Upon close observation, I find I also have a remontant hosta and climbing rose ("Cloud Ten").
Last year, my columbines were remontant, but not this year.
Therefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told to me. [Ac 27:25]
The presence of a brave man in the hour of danger is a very great comfort for his companions. It is a grand thing to observe Paul so bold, so calm, in the midst of all the hurly-burly of the storm, and talking so cheerfully, and so encouragingly, to the crew and to the soldiers and to the prisoners. You must have seen in many events in history that it is the one man, after all, who wins the battle: all the rest play their parts well when the one heroic spirit lifts up the standard. Every now and then we hear some simpleton or other talking against a “one-man ministry,” when it has been a one man ministry from the beginning of the world to the present day; and whenever you try to have any other form of ministry, except that of each individual saint discharging his own ministry, and doing it thoroughly and heartily and independently and bravely in the sight of God, you very soon run upon quicksands. Remember, Christian man, that wherever you are placed you are to be the one man, and you are to have courage and independence of spirit and strength of mind received from God, so that with it you may comfort those around you who are weaker. So act that your confidence in God shall strengthen the weak hands and confirm the feeble knees, and your calm quiet appearance shall say to those who are of a faint heart, “Be strong; do not fear.”
[. . . ]
May God grant that this little personal testimony may tend to put backbone into certain Christians, for we have a spineless company of professors around, who do not believe anything, but mold their creed according to the mind of the last person they meet. ~Charles Spurgeon
re: Pants "It's a challenge to work to outsmart my body's finely tuned dopamine stimulation system, but I am determined to prevail. I am grateful that I'm not attracted to drinking, drugs, smoking, gambling, or shopping as those are also very hard vices to kick."
Had my last drink in 89, but it took me years to really sober up. That alone is a good reason not to start again. Stopping is very difficult. I went to rehab with 30 people. I kept track of most of them for four or five years. All but me and one other started drinking again by year five. I like shopping but have it under control now - I do most of the grocery shopping and that seems to fill most of the crave. Smoked some but quit that 15 years ago. Oddly enough, gambling just doest sit well with me. I can go to a casino and lose what I intend to lose and walk away. But I don't like losing it, so I might go once every year and a half and blow thru $20 to $50, max. I am very careful with drugs - don't take the pain pills after surgery more than the first one or two. It just isn't worth it. I do need to lose at least 50 lbs., but not yet, work is stressing me - started at 5 AM today and at 8:30 said screw it and took sick leave the rest of the day. That is a tough thing to do as I am the only supervisor of many Government Contracting Officers and this is year end, so I have taken some calls. One more year and a few months to retirement, then I hope to start tackling a serious but slow weight loss.
The CIA--you know what they are good for: nothing. I knew they were worthless when they missed the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union in the late '80s. They used to stage coups in Iran and Chile. Now they do it in the USA.
re. weight. If your diet is partly reasonable, then exercise. I built a shed and lost 20 lbs without changing diet. Basically, do something strenuous which results in achieving something. Running on a treadmill sucks and is just a big waste of time.
The Telegraph is commemorating the 50th anniversary of Abbey Road. Among other things, they are republishing the obits of George Harrison and Sir George Martin. And suddenly I feel very old, which is proper because I am very old.
"Re the wealthy fools paying bribes to get their kids into "prestige" colleges under false pretenses, I am still waiting to hear of charges against and prosecutions of the bribe takers"
Google Capital, the two-year-old growth equity arm of search giant Google (GOOG), announced its first security investment on Monday morning.
The fund has pumped $100 million into cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. It was joined by cloud computing company Rackspace (RAX), which is a customer, and the firm’s existing investors Accel and Warburg Pincus. The new infusion represents a Series C round for the Irvine, Calif.-based company, bringing its total funding raised to date to $156 million.
“Security is of foremost interest to Google,” said Google Capital partner Gene Frantz, mentioning Google’s expertise in protecting IT assets. “We identified what we think will be a very large and very important security company in the world.”
Back in the day the intro to Billy Graham's radio show would mention These Troubled Times. Trump might wonder if someone will rid him of the turbulent NY Times.
That complaint letter reads like it was composed by a whole squad of lawyers, but there is still no there there.
It says it all when they try to make the White House staff's choice of server to store the Ukraine phone call records on an item worthy of listing in an impeachment investigation.
Pants, there's a site with an app called loseit.com that is free and has worked for me. Basically, it computes your break even calorie number based on height, weight and age and assuming doing nothing but sitting on a couch, and then computes a daily calorie target based on your weight loss goal per week (0.5,1.0,1.5 lbs/wk.) It also applies calories burned during exercises and chores, etc to compute how much extra calories you burned during a day which allows you to cancel out some over target eating. This works for me and it's easy to keep track of calories once you develop your food database over a couple of months.
Pants. - I have dropped about 35 pounds since Feb. using Noom and exercise. I hadn’t tried a weight loss program before and so have no baseline for comparison, but enjoy Noom. It has sort of a cognitive behavioral therapy mindset, so if that’s not your thing it might not be a good fit.
It's been a rough day so far and I want to tuck into a box of salty crackers so badly, but I have put three dill pickles in a bowl instead. 15 calories instead of hundreds.
The first several days are really tough. But after a week or so, that former desire can go away. It helps if you're going through a sickness, like the diverticulitis I had that kept me from a whole lot of solid food that just added bulk to my gut.
But with the desire dealt with, just get your 50 grams of protein and then you're done for the day. Add in even only a bit of extra physical activity, and then you're body metabolism will switch from storing fat to burning.
Cut out the rice and potatoes and take-out chinese and french fries and realize you can make a sandwich with one slice of bread rather than two and that you absolutely never have any reason to eat a bunch of brownies or ice cream or even steak at 9 p.m. before you go to bed -- and already you're on the downhill slope.
iowan2 to follow up on your comment on buwaya's comment my grandad told my dad who told me two things to go by: 1-no one ever went broke making a profit. 2-what other people make, you don't make. what other people lose, you don't lose. worry about your own.
CBS Anchor Norah O'Donnell, almost breathless with excitement tonight, thanked two correspondents with "Incredible reporting, ____." Don't they have editors?
“The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors,” Shokin testified.
Blogger Amadeus 48 said... The CIA--you know what they are good for: nothing. I knew they were worthless when they missed the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union in the late '80s. They used to stage coups in Iran and Chile. Now they do it in the USA.
Saves on travel costs, and is in a safer work environment.
Blogger steve uhr said..."3-0 packers play tonight. Appear to have a great defense this year. 35 points allowed in 3 games. Best turnover differential of plus 6. Go Pack"
After jinxing the Badgers and their shutout streak last Saturday, uhr sets his sights on the Packers undefeated record.
I watched a bit of Rudy Giuliani on FOX. He's an old man who has lost it. I felt a bit sorry for him. His professional life is as big a train wreck as his personal life.
iowan2 to follow up on your comment on buwaya's comment my grandad told my dad who told me two things to go by: 1-no one ever went broke making a profit. 2-what other people make, you don't make. what other people lose, you don't lose. worry about your own.
During college I was able to sit in on a night class with the God like, Chet Randolph on grain marketing. I got so smart I went home to Dad and asked if he had contracted any new crop. The market was in an upward trend and were above break even. Dad said no. He was waiting for more. I said "you wont go broke making a profit" Dad said "I cant survive unless I make a killing from time to time." That's all the wisdom I got.
Biden's aides are arguing that there's no comparison between what Trump did in his phone call with the Ukrainians and Biden's actions. They admit that he talked about extorting Ukraine to cover up his family's corruption, but claim he never actually did it - he just stole that story from Neil Kinnock.
"Had my last drink in 89, but it took me years to really sober up."
I first read that as "Had my last drink at 89". I continued reading for several sentences before I realized my mistake. Maybe I should stop drinking, too.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...I watched a bit of Rudy Giuliani on FOX. He's an old man who has lost it. I felt a bit sorry for him. His professional life is as big a train wreck as his personal life.
[not in character - please delete and repost - Ed]
My socialist daughter and ex-wife are all freaked out about Trump. I assure them that they've won in the long march through the institutions. They just need to be more patient, to keep their spirits up.
Bella said... “I’m honored to receive this award. I’m excited for visions of beauty like this to be shed in a new light,” Thorne said in a statement. “Breaking the taboo of what’s classified as beautiful has always been a vision of mine and it brings me such joy to see this being recognized for what it truly is…beautiful visionary art.”
According to Pornhub, "Her & Him" "depicts an edgy 20-something guy” who finds out his girlfriend has been searching the internet for “ways to kill your boyfriend and get away with it,”
This is the first time I ever heard that keeping a person who is intent on extralegally leaking a classified conversation from getting his hands on it as a “coverup.” As if the leaker had constitutional powers of oversight. Of course when Hillary used BleachBit and hammers to destroy documents that Congress wanted, that was a big nothingburger, certainly not any kind of coverup!
Paul Ryan, after having sold out the Republican base to his open borders donor base paymasters and losing control of Congress has now moved on to destroy Fox News. He’s like one of those destructive creatures on Star Trek wending their way through the galaxy.
Norah O'Din's CBS reporting was indeed "incredible again last night."
It is remarkable that they are able to misstate what Trump has said or done like they do, and then include a referral to a site where you an go and read the actual documents, and you find that no, that is not at all what he said or did.
It also seems that if they truly believe what they are saying, they would not make up such strings of blatant lies. Or,have they quite gone through the looking glass and they do believe it?
Skylark said... Paul Ryan, after having sold out the Republican base to his open borders donor base paymasters and losing control of Congress has now moved on to destroy Fox News.
More than any other single person, Paul Ryan is how we got Trump. There is an almost complete lack of trust between the GOP leadership and a large slice of its voters.
They are covering for bidens adulterous coke addicted son, who worked for an oligarch that stripped ukraines resources, and was protected by three high profile clinton drones, the blue star group.
Autumn crocuses - the ancient Greeks used them for gout, as did Ben Franklin who brought the plants back from Paris. Modern medicine treats gout with colchicine (Colcris®), which is made from autumn crocuses.
In August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings. This raises questions about the intelligence community’s behavior regarding the August submission of a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump.
In August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings.
Not "the intelligence community." A person or persons. Find them. Name them. Investigate them.
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१२१ टिप्पण्या:
I'm fine, thank you. I just walked an hour without stopping.
A bfd for me.
Are you having trouble, Althouse? FWIS, things look pretty snappy in the ol' US of A.
The only troublesome times are the lies coming from the left tearing America apart.
Not "troubled" times?
Good for you, wild chicken! Here's To Your Health. I wish my father could do that.
Kinda late for a crocus.
The time to plant crocus is now.
The S&P is annoying me. Crash, already. Get it over with.
Sitting on cash, and nothing to buy.
Yes, wendybar, these are not troublesome times. There are people trying to gin up troublesome times so they can seize power.
What we're seeing is the inevitable result of rampant, dare I say wicked, pride. Once it takes hold to this degree in the hearts of individuals, they'd rather see good men crucified and the society burn down, than let "those guys win" (whoever "those guys" are and whatever "win" means to them).
I dispute the premise! (That these are troublesome times).
But I like the timeless wisdom of keeping one's spirits up. So, I will abide.
Here's some uplifting news!
less than 13% trust the media "a great deal,"
Beautiful flowers!
So I was going to make some snarky comment in another threat tying Chuck to something. But then I saw a mention of Chuck being banned? Of course, if he has been it's not right to bring him up unless like Inga he came back under an easily identifiable pseudonym.
But is this true that Chuck was banned and I missed it? When and where did that happen?
Do your crocuses know that it's fall, not spring?
Some of my spring bulbs have sprouted too. Never saw this before.
In really troubling times, I have trouble keeping my spirits down...
Agree with wendybar.
Re the wealthy fools paying bribes to get their kids into "prestige" colleges under false pretenses, I am still waiting to hear of charges against and prosecutions of the bribe takers - and I mean above the level of athletics department staffers.
Or as Dan Rather used to say when there was a Republican in the White House, even though things were only getting better and better.... “Courage."
I lost 46 pounds a few years ago, and 35 of them gradually came back on due to two late-thirties pregnancies and a general slackening of healthy habits. I have decided I want to reach a modest forever-maintenace weight before I turn 40 in a few months, and so far have lost 6 pounds. Yay for a great start!
It's been a rough day so far and I want to tuck into a box of salty crackers so badly, but I have put three dill pickles in a bowl instead. 15 calories instead of hundreds. Here's hoping that scratches the itch enough that the craving will subside and it won't be so hard to fight.
It's a challenge to work to outsmart my body's finely tuned dopamine stimulation system, but I am determined to prevail. I am grateful that I'm not attracted to drinking, drugs, smoking, gambling, or shopping as those are also very hard vices to kick.
Whatever challenges you various Althousians are facing, here's my support for your one step at a time in whatever direction you need to go.
CNBC news flash. Dem donors warn DNC that if Warren is the nominee they not only will not donate, but will give money to Trump.
Signal for Hillary as the nominee in a brokered convention.
Pants: I'll be cheering and praying for you. You can do it!
“Phidippus said.....”
The word I learned from Meade is “ remontant.”
The S&P is annoying me. Crash, already. Get it over with.
Sitting on cash, and nothing to buy.
A lot of us feel the same way, buwaya. There is really no good place to put your money right now. Although there is a saying, "Put your money where your mouth is" so maybe eating it is the best option.
And all the "trouble" artificial--malicious prog machinations.
Other than the "trouble" with China, which unfortunately is necessary.
What else? No stupid wars, economy doing well, tax policy OK (though debt too high--future trouble), courts getting Federalist Society reinforcements, pressure on bad guys abroad, immigration policy getting tougher: what trouble?
pants said...
I have decided I want to reach a modest forever-maintenace weight before I turn 40 in a few months, and so far have lost 6 pounds. Yay for a great start!
Sounds like a Great idea! It's MUCH easier keeping weight off, than Taking weight off
BUT! WARNING! IF you ever Find your pants, you're going to need a belt!
Two words:
bond funds
"The S&P is annoying me. Crash, already. Get it over with.
Sitting on cash, and nothing to buy. "
The best time to buy is when you have money. The best time to sell is when you need money. All else is market timing, and good luck with that.
Whenever I feel "troublesome" times, I think about my Uncle Fred.
Raised in the Bronx, he graduated High School in 1965. Tough, athletic kid, but painfully shy. They used the term "backwards" back then. No college in his future. Got drafted, served in the Army infantry in Vietnam, then joined NYPD for 20+ years.
He talks extensively about the NYPD, numerous raucous stories, but never talked about what he did in Vietnam. His brothers (my other two uncles) asked me not to pester him about Vietnam -- only, that Uncle Fred was young and it was some "serious shit."
So, whenever I'm stressed about X,Y, or Z in my personal life, or A,B,C in the public arena, I think of my then 19-year old Uncle Fred in Vietnam. How he handled it, how he got home safely, and how he managed to lead a good life.
Thank you, mock. <3
Rush Limbaugh is on fire today about Crowdstrike. That is the key for the Ukraine thing.
If the FBI gets control of that server, Hillary may be in as much trouble as Biden.
The Wiki leak was an inside job. We can't get testimony from Seth Rich but there was no Russian involvement.
The divide in the country has become so wide that the media-believing Dems think an impeachment is going on while the media-disbelieving Republicans think fake news is reporting a fake impeachment for clicks. For sure there has been no House vote.
bond funds
They're high now too. Or were recently.
Is this one of those "free fire zone" threads? If so, I would like to bring up a PSA running in this city (and maybe in other cities), obviously targeting Black women, in which they are told, "You're voice can never be too loud." My reaction, "Oh, no? You obviously haven't ridden public transportation."
A good market rule is that nobody wants to give you free money. You know less than you think.
These are not troubled times. In genuinely troubled times Trump would never have been elected. These are decadent times. The country is living off the fat of 10 years of uninterrupted growth.
I have decided I want to reach a modest forever-maintenace weight before I turn 40 in a few months, and so far have lost 6 pounds. Yay for a great start!
I put on weight (50 pounds) in my 40's due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise. I blame my job. LOL.
The Atkins diet was good for losing 40, but I gained back half because my body could not permanently live in a state of ketosis. I gave up dieting and try to minimize sugar carbs and maximize exercise on a daily basis. It is a slow, but steady regimen.
At 66, I am a very consistent 45 pounds down, from 230 to 185. It is about 10 pounds more than I weighed in high school.
Slow but steady wins the race. Good luck!
Honestly, if these are troublesome times,tell me the trouble and the reasons for it. Most of day to day life is fantastic for many people. Low unemployment, wages rising, wars less than the past few decades. Energy independence. And more, much more.
On the troubling side of the ledger:
Orange man bad?
If we didn't have the constant drum beat of danger to our democracy, NAZIS,NAZIS everywhere, he'll get us in a nuclear war, we'll all catch fire in 12, 11,10.....years, people would be giddy.
Troubles? What troubles?
The Democrats need to learn that instead of trying to undo the last election they need to focus on the next election. They did reasonably well in 2018, but they have suffered a relapse. They need a defeat so devastating that they don't pull these stunts again.
The major media have destroyed their credibility beyond all redemption during the last three years. There is no major media outlet remaining to give both sides of an issue such as anthropogenic climate change. Fox news is better than most. WSJ news division is as bad as anything else; their editorial page is decent.
Why would you believe anything from these outlets that reported false partisan propaganda about Trump/Russia for two years and never offered an apology?
I thought those were saffron crocuses. (Croci?) Fall blooming.
Metals? My money too (what there is) is just paying rent to the banks.
Saw several big Blue Jays this morning--they've been scarce lately--and I hear more owls hooting in the evening. The weather is superb but we get hot again--way too hot--tomorrow.
Been avoiding a real session on my wife's new exercise bike; she's already reached the point of easier-to-do-it-than-not but I'm not there yet. It's true for us, anyway: eat less and better, do more and harder, and the weight will reduce.
As for trouble, I just listened to a favorite CD. This is from The Cool, Cool River on TROTS--
Who says: Hard Times?
I'm used to them
The speeding planet burns
I'm used to that.
My life's so common it disappears
And sometimes even music
Cannot substitute for tears
[(c) Paul Simon BMI]
Things have been worse
re: Pants "It's a challenge to work to outsmart my body's finely tuned dopamine stimulation system, but I am determined to prevail. I am grateful that I'm not attracted to drinking, drugs, smoking, gambling, or shopping as those are also very hard vices to kick."
I've got maybe 20 years on you. Kept my weight down in my 40s, but 50s were tough (multiple sick/dying parents/in-laws/kids, constant work stress, what-have-you).
I've been surprised how doing a modified Keto has rewired my taste buds from craving sugar/carbs to finding olives and avocados can provide just as much of a temporary dopamine hit. Good luck :) I wish you all the best!
Did those bloom today or recently, or is that a photo from last spring? Either way, quite lovely and soothing.
I'm not troubled, not in any meaningful way, by the various goings on in our national "conversation". I do admit to being a bit agitated by the unrelenting attacks on our President. Early on I distrusted Trump for all the usual reasons but mostly because I didn't think he was serious and forthright about improving conditions in the US for its citizens. MAGA seemed just a slogan and he was just another power hungry pol. But I'm convinced by his actions of the past 2 1/2 years that he is an honest and honorable man, trying his best to deliver on his promises, surrounded by scalawags and corruption.
Doesn't trouble me, mostly because I think he is up to the task.
what ?!? no "Bridges of Madison" pics instead to ease our mind?
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
The best time to buy is when you have money. The best time to sell is when you need money. All else is market timing, and good luck with that.
I was talking to a large successful farmer, 40 years ago. He was in his 60's and his boys were adults taking over the operation. We were talking grain markets. He, trying to figure out if the short term market was trending up, or down. Hold or sell? He admitted when he was much younger, and yet to be successful, he did a much better job of marketing. He sold when he needed money. That shared experience always stuck with me.
I have also met men that forward price almost all of their production. Starting 2 years before planting, when markets opportunity presents itself. The key is to start marketing at a profit, and add to that initial sale when markets gain.
Grain, is not stocks.YMMV
@Misplaced Pants, something that helped me in the past was writing down the amount of carbs I ingested at every meal in a notebook. I suspect part of getting my weight down was that if I didn't have carbs then I didn't have to write anything in the notebook.
"If the FBI gets control of that server,"
They will put it in a Crown Vic, crush the car twice and the remains will be placed in an illegal landfill in New Jersey, Wray will appear in front of Congress and say "what me worry?".
These are not troubled times at all. If we were at War -- with someone other than ourselves -- then the times would be troubled. (It would be nice if the soldiers in the middle east would come home though).
AA-- "Remontant". A new word for me, thanks! I collect them, and bring them out from time to time and use them.
Unclear from the dictionary whether this applies just to a characteristic of particular varieties, or to one-off oddities as well. I'm not going to sweat it, though.
Upon close observation, I find I also have a remontant hosta and climbing rose ("Cloud Ten").
Last year, my columbines were remontant, but not this year.
What a useful word!
Therefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told to me. [Ac 27:25]
The presence of a brave man in the hour of danger is a very great comfort for his companions. It is a grand thing to observe Paul so bold, so calm, in the midst of all the hurly-burly of the storm, and talking so cheerfully, and so encouragingly, to the crew and to the soldiers and to the prisoners. You must have seen in many events in history that it is the one man, after all, who wins the battle: all the rest play their parts well when the one heroic spirit lifts up the standard. Every now and then we hear some simpleton or other talking against a “one-man ministry,” when it has been a one man ministry from the beginning of the world to the present day; and whenever you try to have any other form of ministry, except that of each individual saint discharging his own ministry, and doing it thoroughly and heartily and independently and bravely in the sight of God, you very soon run upon quicksands. Remember, Christian man, that wherever you are placed you are to be the one man, and you are to have courage and independence of spirit and strength of mind received from God, so that with it you may comfort those around you who are weaker. So act that your confidence in God shall strengthen the weak hands and confirm the feeble knees, and your calm quiet appearance shall say to those who are of a faint heart, “Be strong; do not fear.”
[. . . ]
May God grant that this little personal testimony may tend to put backbone into certain Christians, for we have a spineless company of professors around, who do not believe anything, but mold their creed according to the mind of the last person they meet. ~Charles Spurgeon
re: Pants "It's a challenge to work to outsmart my body's finely tuned dopamine stimulation system, but I am determined to prevail. I am grateful that I'm not attracted to drinking, drugs, smoking, gambling, or shopping as those are also very hard vices to kick."
Had my last drink in 89, but it took me years to really sober up. That alone is a good reason not to start again. Stopping is very difficult. I went to rehab with 30 people. I kept track of most of them for four or five years. All but me and one other started drinking again by year five. I like shopping but have it under control now - I do most of the grocery shopping and that seems to fill most of the crave. Smoked some but quit that 15 years ago. Oddly enough, gambling just doest sit well with me. I can go to a casino and lose what I intend to lose and walk away. But I don't like losing it, so I might go once every year and a half and blow thru $20 to $50, max. I am very careful with drugs - don't take the pain pills after surgery more than the first one or two. It just isn't worth it. I do need to lose at least 50 lbs., but not yet, work is stressing me - started at 5 AM today and at 8:30 said screw it and took sick leave the rest of the day. That is a tough thing to do as I am the only supervisor of many Government Contracting Officers and this is year end, so I have taken some calls. One more year and a few months to retirement, then I hope to start tackling a serious but slow weight loss.
Anyway: Good on you! Keep it up!
Trump: ""Who gave the whistle-blower the information? Because that's close to a spy."
The NYT: "The whistle-blower is said to be a CIA officer who was assigned to work at the White House. His complaint suggests he is a trained analyst."
Trying to bolster the third-hand-hearsay-whistle-blower's bonafides, thus the case against Trump, they outed the source.
You really couldn't make this up.
"Trying to bolster the third-hand-hearsay-whistle-blower's bonafides, thus the case against Trump, they outed the source.”
Not to mention that they have not only thrown Biden under the bus, that have backed the bus over him several times.
"The presence of a brave man in the hour of danger is a very great comfort for his companions”
Hey! Gadfly is coming around on Trump!
The CIA--you know what they are good for: nothing. I knew they were worthless when they missed the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union in the late '80s. They used to stage coups in Iran and Chile. Now they do it in the USA.
re. weight. If your diet is partly reasonable, then exercise. I built a shed and lost 20 lbs without changing diet. Basically, do something strenuous which results in achieving something. Running on a treadmill sucks and is just a big waste of time.
My wife calls me her 'little remontant'. I didn't know what she meant.
Hear, hear Bilwick!
3-0 packers play tonight. Appear to have a great defense this year. 35 points allowed in 3 games. Best turnover differential of plus 6. Go Pack
The Telegraph is commemorating the 50th anniversary of Abbey Road. Among other things, they are republishing the obits of George Harrison and Sir George Martin. And suddenly I feel very old, which is proper because I am very old.
Hagar wrote:
"Re the wealthy fools paying bribes to get their kids into "prestige" colleges under false pretenses, I am still waiting to hear of charges against and prosecutions of the bribe takers"
Are they, possibly, Democrats with connections?
Google Capital, the two-year-old growth equity arm of search giant Google (GOOG), announced its first security investment on Monday morning.
The fund has pumped $100 million into cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. It was joined by cloud computing company Rackspace (RAX), which is a customer, and the firm’s existing investors Accel and Warburg Pincus. The new infusion represents a Series C round for the Irvine, Calif.-based company, bringing its total funding raised to date to $156 million.
“Security is of foremost interest to Google,” said Google Capital partner Gene Frantz, mentioning Google’s expertise in protecting IT assets. “We identified what we think will be a very large and very important security company in the world.”
Back in the day the intro to Billy Graham's radio show would mention These Troubled Times.
Trump might wonder if someone will rid him of the turbulent NY Times.
Greetings from waunakee Wisconsin!
Reason misspells Althouse.
Wisconsin’s attorney general was in waunakee today. He is hot. Go wisconsin!!! I would to totally do him.
sorry about that,
Nothingburgers all the way down.
Have to say while i understand the necessity of comment moderation i don't like the practical effect on the comment flow of its application.
That complaint letter reads like it was composed by a whole squad of lawyers, but there is still no there there.
It says it all when they try to make the White House staff's choice of server to store the Ukraine phone call records on an item worthy of listing in an impeachment investigation.
I vote for Colchicum autumnale or Naked Ladies in the vernacular. These are not remontant. The most common would be some of the iris and day lilies.
Pants, there's a site with an app called loseit.com that is free and has worked for me. Basically, it computes your break even calorie number based on height, weight and age and assuming doing nothing but sitting on a couch, and then computes a daily calorie target based on your weight loss goal per week (0.5,1.0,1.5 lbs/wk.) It also applies calories burned during exercises and chores, etc to compute how much extra calories you burned during a day which allows you to cancel out some over target eating. This works for me and it's easy to keep track of calories once you develop your food database over a couple of months.
some more grist for the mill
President Trump has reason to believe Ukraine played some early, significant role in the Russian collusion hoax.
CrowdStrike’s president is Shawn Henry, who headed up the FBI’s cybercrimes division during the Obama Administration when Robert Mueller was director.
Senate Democrats Sent Letter to Ukraine Demanding They Investigate Trump Just Last Year
Amazon launches stat-enhanced NFL 'Thursday Night Football' to lure viewers
September 25, 2019
Free for Prime members. Now streaming Packers - Eagles game.
Packers just scored a touchdown 2 plays after an Aaron Rodgers bomb to his favorite receiver.
The only troublesome times are the lies coming from the left tearing America apart.
The more troublesome times are the people who should know better doing not a damn thing about it -- or even collaborating in the country's demise.
The Republican Establishment is more despicable than the left.
The left is just being true to themselves. You can respect that.
The Republican Establishment are just a bunch of do-nothing spineless, shit-filled conscience worms.
Pants. - I have dropped about 35 pounds since Feb. using Noom and exercise. I hadn’t tried a weight loss program before and so have no baseline for comparison, but enjoy Noom. It has sort of a cognitive behavioral therapy mindset, so if that’s not your thing it might not be a good fit.
It's been a rough day so far and I want to tuck into a box of salty crackers so badly, but I have put three dill pickles in a bowl instead. 15 calories instead of hundreds.
The first several days are really tough. But after a week or so, that former desire can go away. It helps if you're going through a sickness, like the diverticulitis I had that kept me from a whole lot of solid food that just added bulk to my gut.
But with the desire dealt with, just get your 50 grams of protein and then you're done for the day. Add in even only a bit of extra physical activity, and then you're body metabolism will switch from storing fat to burning.
Cut out the rice and potatoes and take-out chinese and french fries and realize you can make a sandwich with one slice of bread rather than two and that you absolutely never have any reason to eat a bunch of brownies or ice cream or even steak at 9 p.m. before you go to bed -- and already you're on the downhill slope.
iowan2 to follow up on your comment on buwaya's comment my grandad told my dad who told me two things to go by:
1-no one ever went broke making a profit.
2-what other people make, you don't make. what other people lose, you don't lose. worry about your own.
CBS Anchor Norah O'Donnell, almost breathless with excitement tonight, thanked two correspondents with "Incredible reporting, ____." Don't they have editors?
“The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors,” Shokin testified.
Biden didn’t get him fired to protect his son so much as to protect his own political position.
Nobel nomination for the Eco-Brat Gretard
Cory Booger needs 1.7 million or he's dropping out,
and 'coincidentally' breaking up with his imaginary (girl)friend Rosario Dawson?
... why, that lyin' sack o'Gawea!!
Focus Group Finds Women Voters Prefer Trump’s Personality To Elizabeth Warren’s
Are there also dog-whistle-blower?
How are they different?
I think Jerry Seinfeld should be Speaker of the House.
After all, this is an impeachment about nothing.
Yes that was my link at 7:27, soros is at the heart of this coverup according to john solomom, like blofeld in diamonds
,,, If the FBI gets control of that server ,,,
What ground to expect it to be still exists: intact or no.
Titus said...
Wisconsin’s attorney general was in waunakee today. He is hot. Go wisconsin!!! I would to totally do him.
Every pimply-faced teenn has such a fantasy, about all sorts of hot celebrities.
Yet none would be so gauche as to tell the world about it.
The question always is: "But, would HE do YOU"?
Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
The CIA--you know what they are good for: nothing. I knew they were worthless when they missed the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union in the late '80s. They used to stage coups in Iran and Chile. Now they do it in the USA.
Saves on travel costs, and is in a safer work environment.
Always look at the echo chamber:
The Brit's do obits right. It's another literary form there, not just the who/where/when/why dry ones we do here.
I had three remontant roses this year. A sudden bright spot over by the shed and when I looked there they bloomed.
Moderation, too, shall pass.
Blogger steve uhr said..."3-0 packers play tonight. Appear to have a great defense this year. 35 points allowed in 3 games. Best turnover differential of plus 6. Go Pack"
After jinxing the Badgers and their shutout streak last Saturday, uhr sets his sights on the Packers undefeated record.
I watched a bit of Rudy Giuliani on FOX. He's an old man who has lost it. I felt a bit sorry for him. His professional life is as big a train wreck as his personal life.
iowan2 to follow up on your comment on buwaya's comment my grandad told my dad who told me two things to go by:
1-no one ever went broke making a profit.
2-what other people make, you don't make. what other people lose, you don't lose. worry about your own.
During college I was able to sit in on a night class with the God like, Chet Randolph on grain marketing. I got so smart I went home to Dad and asked if he had contracted any new crop. The market was in an upward trend and were above break even. Dad said no. He was waiting for more. I said "you wont go broke making a profit" Dad said "I cant survive unless I make a killing from time to time." That's all the wisdom I got.
Is it time to shut down the CIA and start over again?
Biden's aides are arguing that there's no comparison between what Trump did in his phone call with the Ukrainians and Biden's actions. They admit that he talked about extorting Ukraine to cover up his family's corruption, but claim he never actually did it - he just stole that story from Neil Kinnock.
JML wrote:
"Had my last drink in 89, but it took me years to really sober up."
I first read that as "Had my last drink at 89". I continued reading for several sentences before I realized my mistake. Maybe I should stop drinking, too.
Nice to see ARM is smart enough to read the writing on the wall regarding the latest exposed dem hoax "scandal" and has returned to simple ad hominem.
Gadfly, take note.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...I watched a bit of Rudy Giuliani on FOX. He's an old man who has lost it. I felt a bit sorry for him. His professional life is as big a train wreck as his personal life.
[not in character - please delete and repost - Ed]
My socialist daughter and ex-wife are all freaked out about Trump. I assure them that they've won in the long march through the institutions. They just need to be more patient, to keep their spirits up.
The Trump landslide in 2020 is going to be rough.
Milwaukee guy, why not be a little more Kevorkian in your dialog with them?
Disney Child Star Bella Thorne receives award for her Porn debut
Is Anyone surprised?
Bella said...
“I’m honored to receive this award. I’m excited for visions of beauty like this to be shed in a new light,” Thorne said in a statement. “Breaking the taboo of what’s classified as beautiful has always been a vision of mine and it brings me such joy to see this being recognized for what it truly is…beautiful visionary art.”
According to Pornhub, "Her & Him" "depicts an edgy 20-something guy” who finds out his girlfriend has been searching the internet for “ways to kill your boyfriend and get away with it,”
This is the first time I ever heard that keeping a person who is intent on extralegally leaking a classified conversation from getting his hands on it as a “coverup.” As if the leaker had constitutional powers of oversight. Of course when Hillary used BleachBit and hammers to destroy documents that Congress wanted, that was a big nothingburger, certainly not any kind of coverup!
You have to hand it to the Democrats for balls.
Paul Ryan, after having sold out the Republican base to his open borders donor base paymasters and losing control of Congress has now moved on to destroy Fox News. He’s like one of those destructive creatures on Star Trek wending their way through the galaxy.
If you want to know when a photo was taken, you can see this by clicking through.
The photo is from a couple days ago, taking in Centennial Garden in Madison. Those are remontant flowers -- blooming again.
Norah O'Din's CBS reporting was indeed "incredible again last night."
It is remarkable that they are able to misstate what Trump has said or done like they do, and then include a referral to a site where you an go and read the actual documents, and you find that no, that is not at all what he said or did.
It also seems that if they truly believe what they are saying, they would not make up such strings of blatant lies. Or,have they quite gone through the looking glass and they do believe it?
Skylark said...
Paul Ryan, after having sold out the Republican base to his open borders donor base paymasters and losing control of Congress has now moved on to destroy Fox News.
More than any other single person, Paul Ryan is how we got Trump. There is an almost complete lack of trust between the GOP leadership and a large slice of its voters.
Remontant... the opposite of impotent?
Thats the point, hes like john major and david caneron.
Stephen Foster wrote about hard times.
They are covering for bidens adulterous coke addicted son, who worked for an oligarch that stripped ukraines resources, and was protected by three high profile clinton drones, the blue star group.
Paul Ryan is how we got Trump. There is an almost complete lack of trust between the GOP leadership and a large slice of its voters.
No, Hillary is how we got Trump but I agree about trust of the GOPe.
Autumn crocuses - the ancient Greeks used them for gout, as did Ben Franklin who brought the plants back from Paris. Modern medicine treats gout with colchicine (Colcris®), which is made from autumn crocuses.
LITERALLY incredible reporting!
New info on the "Whistleblower and friends.
In August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings. This raises questions about the intelligence community’s behavior regarding the August submission of a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump.
H/T Ace.
In August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings.
Not "the intelligence community." A person or persons. Find them. Name them. Investigate them.
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