ADDED: Maybe you think that's a cheap pun, but I was influenced by "The Book of Prince" (blogged here yesterday):
Even in longhand, he wrote in his signature style, an idiosyncratic precursor of textspeak that he’d perfected back in the eighties: “Eye” for “I,” “U” for “you,” “R” for “are.”...
He’d written about his childhood and adolescence in Minneapolis, starting with his first memory, his mother winking at him. “U know how U can tell when someone is smiling just by looking in their eyes?” he wrote. “That was my mother’s eyes. Sometimes she would squint them like she was about 2 tell U a secret. Eye found out later my mother had a lot of secrets.”
७२ टिप्पण्या:
It’s a sign!
Tangent. The song “It’s a Sign” is in the under appreciated Broadway musical “If/Then.”
Isn't "eye" for "I" backwards?
In any case, he didn't invent this style. It even has a name: laziness. Maybe he saved all his energy for singing about sex.
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Do this, don't do that, can't the Dems read the sign?
The powers will never let Biden through. He's falling apart but too vain to recognize or acknowledge it. I note that Jim Sensenbrenner, 44 years in Congress, is retiring. He's also got political arrogance, but he gets it.
Blood in Joe's eye? Lets call in DOCTOR Jill Biden! Joe’s always referring to his "doctor" wife.
“But, but, I can’t help. I’m not a real doctor. I only have a EdD in so-called “educational leadership,” a degree considered by many, myself included, as a phony credential. Despite that, Joe and I pretentiously insist that people address me as ‘Doctor.’ In truth I’m really only qualified to lead 4th graders to play areas for recess.
“But I do excel in my ability to sling it around. My dissertation – Student Retention at the Community College: Meeting Students’ Needs – provides ample proof of that. I filled 136 pages saying nothing that countless others have said countless times before. But if you’re not convinced at my ability to throw it around without saying anything important, let me direct you to two other books. “The Things That Matter In Life: The Collected Words of Dr. Jill Biden” (see, I got that undeserved title of Doctor in there again). But the Magic of Me doesn’t end there. This year (2019) I’ve written an autobiography, Where the Light Enters: Building a Family, Discovering Myself, documenting my privileged life.
“And, no, there is no end to our self-adulation.”
Maybe his most recent face lift is too tight.
That would be great if he were slowly decomposing like the Jack character in American Werewolf in London.
Joe "Brundlefly" Biden.
It will be really cool when he pulls a fingernail out with his teeth during the next debate.
Conjunctival hemorrhage. No big deal in terms of future issues but:
1. They tend to stick around for weeks before slowly resolving. So get used to Terminator Eye Joe for a while.
2. They are more common in people on blood thinners, with all the potential issues that come with that. See H. Clinton and near face plant that cost her the election. Or at least my vote in it. I've not seen a recent Biden health update and probably would not believe anything in it anyway.
3. They are also pretty common in people who have been violently ill, throwing up and so forth. Less likely.
Biden is actually not unrealistically too old to still be mentally sharp but he did have that aneurysm surgery years ago. This sort of thing is never entirely sans impact and may be showing up decades later. Of course he has also lived in an unrealistic bubble for those decades and may just be entirely clueless. Both factors may be in play.
Countdown to the "Two for One" sales pitch where an avuncular figurehead - Joe! - and a smart as a whip Academic - Professor Warren - are touted as the ideal team.
Joe Biden is not falling apart. He never was together. It just was not important before; all he had to do was dress nice and show up.
Biden might be going for the Terminator Look.
That's what happened to Megyn Kelly in the 2016 debates. According to Trump:
"You can see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever...."
There's a guy on an auto forum I used to frequent who uses U for you. I wanted to throttle him.
Biden's eyes don't show much white, one reason he looks creepy to me.
“Eye dialect” it’s called, seriously. Dialect written not for the ear, but for the eye. Huckleberry Finn is full of it. He always said “wuz” instead of “was,” spot the difference.
BTW: That was a great post gspenser.
blood coming out of her wherever..
That was Mika B after her facelift. It says something about Dems/MSM that they went to menstrual.
The blood in Joe's left eye is the least of his worries.
Wolter: "2. They are more common in people on blood thinners, with all the potential issues that come with that. See H. Clinton and near face plant that cost her the election."
Uh oh. Now you've done it. You called attention to one of the dems/left/LLR-left's most obvious spin/lies from the 2016 campaign.
#StrongDemDefender LLR Chuck is NOT going to like that.
At all.
First there was tanning, now this.
It’s just Joe’s body getting rid of its whiteness.
"face plant that cost her the election. Or at least my vote in it”
That was the reason you didn’t vote for that venal termagant?
He released a statement this morning.
"I'm OK. Really. God's truth. You have my word as a Biden."
John Henry
The King of Delaware is hitting a few speed bumps on the Presidentisl road of life.
apparently, Jo Biden quit releasing health reports about ten years ago (2008?)
So, we have No Idea what is or isn't wrong with him
(other than that some Dr, in his mid 70's; that sewed Jo's brain back together in the 1980's says that he will be "voting for" Jo, on account of because of the fact that Jo's campaign Paid him to say it)
gilbar: "apparently, Jo Biden quit releasing health reports about ten years ago (2008?)"
According to LLR Chuck, Biden is in much better shape than Trump, despite the 24/7/365 visual evidence to the contrary.
Of course, LLR-lefty Chuck also claims his "magnificent" obama gave us a literal "dream-perfect economy".
Yes. LLR Chuck actually wrote that...then doubled down on it!
Bleedin’ Biden
Blood eye is a kind of moon, probably. There's rare moon naming hysteria in the news.
Were Biden to be elected, he would be older when he took office than Reagan was when he left office after two terms.
Given how the burdens of the office age the President, that would probably not be a good thing. Not to mention that for people that old, life becomes a long parade of visits to various doctors. My Dad is 81 and it seems like he has one or two appointments a week for one thing or another. Biden is almost that old. He might spend more time in Bethesda than in the Oval Office! Just sayin’.
Hes a jagaroth, green insectoid from 1979 dr who episode written by douglas adams
Needs an eye pad.
Blood eye is probably a kind of marble too.
Meade said...
Needs an eye pad.
You went there. Bravo.
In other news:
No explanation yet from Biden's mouthpieces? Media isn't going crazy wondering what caused it? No biggie cause Retard Joe is a Dem.
"That was the reason you didn’t vote for that venal termagant?"
Skylark, that was the moment at which I concluded that anything about her that I had not seen with my own non bloodshot eyes could not be believed. For me it was a choice between two candidates neither of which I held in high esteem.
So what's with the Dem Party....last time an older candidate with prior neurosurgery and whose biggest accomplishment was hanging around the hallways of the Obama White House did great! Let's try it again!!!
Maybe Joe had to take his eye out behind the gym.
Poor Ann, trying humor to gloss over serious concerns about her choice to oppose Trumpin 2020.
Can't wait for another "ordinary is good" post.
Did Trump beat him up behind the bleachers?
Bloody eye is a non-issue. Common thing. Wont affect his campaign. He will be out of the race. Big O wants him out to avoid an embarrassing loss. All Biden needs to do is continue his stupidity and antics, and wait for the scandal to blossom about he and his son in Ukraine and China. That should finish him off for good.
Just pick someone like Michelle Obama or someone from the media like Andrea Mitchell and throw ‘me out there.
Hip, radical chic, Women’s Lib enviro educational poverty solving fairness liberator tough egalitarian with global experience.
That last link is about china coming to the table, of course its not a rival or competitor ao nothing to qorry about.
This wouldn’t be a big deal if Joe were obviously fit and able. But he is obviously not. It calls attention to his infirmity. It’s like Warren wearing a headdress.
If it bleeds, it leads.
I have to laugh that after 8 HOURS of Castro-like CNN climate propaganda, the only thing making the news today is Joe's eye. Maybe they could blame it one low pressure from Dorian? In this case, the media demonstrates its utter un-seriousness with regard to climate hype. Normally, "if it bleeds, it leads" is a put down about media. In this case, it is a rare instance of good news judgment.
It's happened before.
Biden sported the same bloody eye seated behind Obama during the 2013 State of the Union address.
How about a transsexual, bi-racial gender studies candidate, but a Nationalist?
Maybe a pro-military, pro economic growth, anti-union, free trade woman on the Republican side?
Public service is a duty and a chore. Our personal habits and beliefs, our institutions and traditions, fate and circumstances give us the leaders we deserve. We’re nearly all free now.
Al Domeshek said...Bloody eye is a non-issue. Common thing. Wont affect his campaign.
The condition, sure. Probably no big deal. The photos of Joe with the condition? Devastating.
At his age, enough people are concerned about Biden's health that this is a serious problem for him. The only way to rescue it is to make a great choice for VP. Like Trump choosing Pence to address fears of his instability. But it's awfully early for a move like that.
I had this happen to me twice in 3 months. It takes about 3 weeks to clear. I was taking low dose aspirins since strokes run in my family. Stopped taking them and the problem has not recurred. Now doctors are recommending that low dose aspirins are not a good idea unless you have serious heart issues. Evidently the risks are much greater than the benefits. Another case of the science not being settled!!
He's just as healthy as Hillary.
Mentally and physically.
This wouldn’t be a big deal if Joe were obviously fit and able. But he is obviously not. It calls attention to his infirmity.
Great analysis. Thread over. ;)
“U know how U can tell when someone is smiling just by looking in their eyes?”
Prince missed a chance to write "their I's." That weirdo was a great musician.
Blood was coming out of his you know what.
Maybe this Blood is like a pinocchio nose that grows as he lies.
He's got Beyedin. A rare disease that only effects senile senators running for President.
Biden on his brain surgery:
"It was a long road to the operating room. I said--this is absolutely a true story--I said: ‘What are my chances of getting off this table and being completely normal?’ He said: ‘Well, your chances of living are a lot better.’
“I said: ‘What's the most likely thing that will happen if I live?’ He said, ‘Well, the side of the brain that the first aneurysm is on controls your ability to speak.’ And I thought: ‘Why in the hell didn’t they tell me this before the '88 campaign?’ It could have saved us all a lot of trouble, you know what I mean?”
LOL, *This* is all Biden needed to happen in this appearance last night! His conspicuously impaired thought process just wasn't enough.
I laugh only because I know that a subconjuctival hemorrhage, in itself, is not a big deal. Benign. But it is very graphic and it freaks non-medical people out.
He was diagnosed with an irregular heart beat a few years back, which likely means he has atrial fibrillation and is probably on an anticoagulant - a likely cause of this eye thing. But it could be high blood pressure, or it could be nothing at all.
Regardless, he's already worrying people with his fragility and he really didn't need a glaring advertisement for it like this.
My mom and dad are Bidens age. My mom has to get a shot in her eye every six weeks to prevent blindness in that eye, but other then that she’s in perfect health and only on a seizure med for seizures she hasn’t had in 30 years.. My step dad is on no meds, no health problems, sharp, energetic and in perfect physical shape a man half his age would envy. Either could stand up to the rigors of being President. I have my doubts about Biden, but plenty of older people, including Trump, could do it. I don’t think Hilary could have, But Elizabeth Warren could. Not that I want her to.
It's nice to see that Joseph R. Biden has finally come to accept Beelzebub as his savior.
Check if the red spot is still on Jupiter.
Jon Burack said...
If it bleeds, it leads. I have to laugh that after 8 HOURS of Castro-like CNN climate propaganda, the only thing making the news today is Joe's eye.
Yeah..what happened? You'd expect some real craziness reported out of that with them trying to outdo each other.
(I did hear Wang suggesting a cash for CAGW-Cars program)
His eye turned red while he was in the process of saying anything and selling his soul for his thirst for power and relevance. He didn't believe a thing he was saying.
"Better a man become drunk on his beer than his power" - Father Michael Murphy-O'Connor
OK, several people have said this is not a big deal, medically. I'll take their word for it.
But how many people actually know it is not a big deal? Compared to the number of people who see the pics and headlines and think "Omigod, Biden is bleeding out through his eye. He's gonna die. I can't vote for someone who is going to die."
John Henry
Blogger rcocean said...
Biden on his brain surgery:
"It was a long road to the operating room. I said--this is absolutely a true story
Do we have his word as a Biden? Unless he said those magic words, "my word as a Biden" I call bullshit on the story. He may have said it, I don't question that. I do question the truthiness of it.
John Henry
Biden By The Light (apologies to Bruce)
He was just Biden by the light
Cut loose like a douche, another runner in the campaign
Biden by the light
Mama always told him not to look into the sights of the sun
Oh, but Mama, that's where the fun is
Well, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he'd be all right
With a boulder on his shoulder, feelin' kinda older, he tripped the merry-go-round
With this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the campaign crashed to the ground
Oh, some harpie from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin' backyard bombardier
Madman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a Native diplomat
And some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover's knot with a whatnot in her handSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the East
He says, dethrone the dictator, hit him in his funny bone, that's where they expect it least
And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin' out the weather chart to see if it was safe outside
And some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers "daddy's within earshot, I wanna grope you and sniff your hair"
"Maybe you think that's a cheap pun"
Nah. Just a case of "women doing humor."
Referencing Prince, I know, I know.
Blogger Darkisland said...
OK, several people have said this is not a big deal, medically. I'll take their word for it.
But how many people actually know it is not a big deal?
Prediction: Hours of medical specialists on CNN, MSNBC, and other news outlets informing us that this is not a big deal.
By the way, did anyone watch the seven (7!) hours climate whining on CNN?
Did any participant make any true factual claim?
"wait for the scandal to blossom about he and his son in Ukraine and China. That should finish him off for good."
I don't understand why any Dem thinks Biden is a good idea. Trump will make mincemeat out of him in the debates with this. It's too big for the media to cover with a pillow. And the Russiagate scandal will be hitting the higher levels of the previous administration about then too. What fun this is!
"By the way, did anyone watch the seven (7!) hours climate whining on CNN?
Did any participant make any true factual claim?"
Not factual exactly, but kudos to Bernie for saying that population control was necessary to counter global warming. IF you believe GW is a threat and this isn't your first position rather than taking us back to the stone age you are an idiot. Not that I agree with any of it, but at least he was honest. And how is it not racist to be advocating for wanting to kill all those third world babies? Racist bastard. The Dem field truly is a clown car. Clowns on parade. I love it!
Biden is finished when the first Democrat candidate makes Biden's age and infirmity an issue at the debate, and someone will make an issue, most likely Harris or Warren.
If you don't believe me, just watch the second debate- there were times that night when Biden was literally incoherent- the words he was saying literally made no sense- his brain had just shut down proper operation. It reminded me of my father in the last year of his life- he would be speaking coherently, then suddenly nothing coming out made sense or even could be understood to be speech.
What has saved Biden so far is that his opponents on stage haven't taken him to task, but that has to change if some of them want to win the nomination.
Say it ain't so, Bleedin Joe...
What has saved Biden so far is that his opponents on stage are crazy.
FIFY, Yancey.
Biden will embargo Chinese goods to motivate them to adhere to the Paris Climate Accords.
Good luck with that.
This reminds me of the time Bod Dole fell off a campaign platform during his ill fated 1996 campaign against Bill Clinton. Its just not a good look and just looks jarring when you see it.
I think the 2020 campaign will shape up much the same way. The democrats path to victory will be swimming up stream against a strong economy that people will wonder on why they should change horses now? If memory serves Clinton squeaked by with a plurality of the vote didn't he? With like 49% of the vote?
The latest from Sleepy Joe: “You can’t, in fact, preach to the choir if you can’t sing.”
Profound, that.
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