August 1, 2019

"Nowhere is the left more nuts than on climate. Biden, the 'reasonable' person on stage, says 'no more fossil fuels'..."

" his presidency. Think about this, folks. No oil, gas, coal. No diesel trucks, airplanes, fighter jets, chainsaws."

Tweets Kimberley Strassel.

I couldn't believe it when I heard it last night:
BIDEN: We will end any subsidies for coal or any other fossil fuel. But we have to also engage the world while we're doing it. We have to walk and chew gum at the same time.

BASH: Thank you, Mr. Vice President. Just to clarify, would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden administration?

BIDEN: No, we would -- we would work it out. We would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those, either -- any fossil fuel.
I said out loud at the time: "So, no more airplanes?"

To be fair, I think it's likely that Biden understood the question to mean is there any place for government subsidies and that's all he's thinking of eliminating. Alternatively, he means to eliminate coal and he uses the term "fossil fuel" without realizing it includes oil and gas.


Here's the etymology of the word "fossil":
1610s, "any thing dug up;" 1650s (adj.) "obtained by digging" (of coal, salt, etc.), from French fossile (16c.), from Latin fossilis "dug up," from fossus, past participle of fodere "to dig," from PIE root *bhedh- "to dig, pierce."

Restricted noun sense of "geological remains of a plant or animal" is from 1736 (the adjective in the sense "pertaining to fossils" is from 1660s); slang meaning "old person" first recorded 1859. Fossil fuel (1833) preserves the earlier, broader sense.
That slang usage — meaning "old person" — could be used on Biden. Maybe he's the fossil that should be rejected.

Anyway, the first usage of "fossil" in the figurative sense referred to the government. It was Ralph Waldo Emerson (in 1844): "Government has been a fossil; it should be a plant."

The first use to refer to a person came from Charlotte Brontë (in 1857): "When a man endures patiently what ought to be unendurable, he is a fossil."


What Biden was said was dumb, and while he was saying it, he evoked an old expression about dumbness. He said, "We have to walk and chew gum at the same time." The original line was "He's so dumb that he can't walk and chew gum at the same time." That was a President talking about a man who later became President. LBJ said it about Gerald Ford. Or so the fit-to-print newspapers reported. It's necessary to add that he really said "He's so dumb that he can't fart and chew gum at the same time."


mccullough said...

Biden doesn’t want to win.

Pennsylvania is a big fracking state.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Religious Climate Change devotees think this is reality?

langford peel said...

How about no fossil candidates?

Larry J said...

How about ending the subsidizes on wind and solar, too?

cubanbob said...

My how memories fade! It's only been eleven years since Obama chose Biden as a man so dumb no one would kill Obama and make Biden president. Yes Slow Joe, let's abolish fossil fuels and put the country back into the seventeenth century. There will be no Air Force One for you and your presidential limo will be a horse drawn carriage.

rehajm said...

To be fair, I think it's likely that Biden understood the question to mean is there any place for government subsidies and that's all he's thinking of eliminating.

WTF about that is fair? It was a weasel answer that lets him have it both ways and to give both the Green Deal people and rational thinkers the answer they want.

This ain't Joe's first rodeo.

Here's where he might have learned that trick...

BarrySanders20 said...

Here's the etymology of the word "fossil":
1610s, "any thing dug up;" 1650s (adj.) "obtained by digging"

That metal thing from Guam -- a fossil!

Sebastian said...

"I couldn't believe it when I heard it last night"

Why not?

"I said out loud at the time: "So, no more airplanes?""

Right. So?

"To be fair, I think it's likely that Biden understood the question to mean is there any place for government subsidies and that's all he's thinking of eliminating. Alternatively, he means to eliminate coal and he uses the term "fossil fuel" without realizing it includes oil and gas."

Ah, to be fair.

"Here's the etymology of the word "fossil""

Ah, back to words. Better that than to confront reality: Dems mean to devastate the economy and destroy your way of life.

"What Biden was said was dumb"

Surprise. What has he said or done that might have led you think he is not dumb?

Ann Althouse said...

Sebastian, are you trying to fisk?

rehajm said...

To be fair, Joe is so fucking old he can't chew gum without farting at the same time.

J Lee said...

Joe does realize New Mexico's a light Blue state, and that 30 percent of the state's revenues come from oil and natural gas production? Threatening to kill almost a third of the state budget revenues is a good way to turn the state light Red in 2020, at a time when Biden needs all the electoral votes he can find.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There's a loophole. Rich democrats get to keep their jets, boats and fancy cars. Not you, tho.

BarrySanders20 said...

Old Joe on facile fuels:

adjective 1.(especially of a theory or argument) appearing neat and comprehensive only by ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial. Synonyms: simplistic, superficial, oversimple, oversimplified, schematic, black and white

Whatever gets the amens from the crowd.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Apropos Joe Biden: Just Say No to Fossils!

Jim Gust said...

What subsidies do fossil fuels get? How big are those subsidies?

Democrats seem to think allowing ordinary business expense deductions is a tax subsidy. No, it's not.

The tax credits for wind and solar are the real subsidies.

Dave Begley said...

This is how the Dems lose. The Green New Deal is the single most idiotic public policy idea ever floated by a major party.

For the Dems to win, they must win MN, WI, MI, OH, PA, NC and FL. The Green New Deal is not popular there. People aren't stupid.

Global warming is a theory and prediction about events in the distant future. It is based upon corrupt data and faulty models. The Greens have been wrong for years about their predictions. How are they now right? SCAM.

narciso said...

he'll take the Amtrak, recall he thought 'drill baby drill' wasn't a feasible, and he thought that all the way back to 1973, when he voted against the pipeline,

Achilles said...

This post just makes it obvious Democrat voters are just dumb people.

Susan said...

Didn't The Babylon Bee have a story about Democrats eliminating all fossil fuels?

Poor Joe, a victim of fake news!

Michael The Magnificent said...

Dems like to imply that gas and oil producers are given tax breaks and subsidies that no other industry gets, and their constituants aren't smart enough to look into their claims.

Debunking Myths About Federal Oil & Gas Subsidies

Caligula said...

""So, no more airplanes?"

In theory one could fuel airplanes with liquid biofuels. Although if you did that you'd have to hear about how a dozen people starved to death just because you wanted to fly somewhere. And if you did this on a large scale presumably there's be a large effect on food prices.

Making plastics without petroleum or natural gas would be tough, however (there go all those syringes and other disposable medical devices, and you might have to go back to hard rubber and fabric for electrical insulation).

Unavailability of anhydrous ammonia and other fertilizers derived from fossil fuels would further reduce food production.

But, I'm sure Biden et al have carefully thought this all through, thoroughly. Aren't you?

Mr. Forward said...

You can have my chainsaw when you pry it from my cold frozen fingers.

pacwest said...

"We have to walk and chew gum at the same time."

Iknow, I know. It's hard, but you "have" too.

I am more likely to vote for someone for whom walking and chewing gum at the same time doesn't seem such an insurmountable hurdle. Try this next time: We "can" walk and chew gum at the same time.

langford peel said...

I don’t understand why people claim that Joe Biden is out of touch.

He touches each and every young girl he comes in contact with.

David53 said...

According to wiki, "In 2012 President Barack Obama ended the subsidies to the oil industry, which were, at the time, $4 billion."

Snopes needs to check this out.

dbp said...

Biden is a life-long politician and therefore is unlikely to see any distinction between taking away a subsidy and banning a thing. To lifer-politicians, nothing will exist without the government subsidizing it.

chuck said...

> "He's so dumb that he can't fart and chew gum at the same time."

Here I sit, chewing (nicotine) gum, and took up the challenge. I can't do it, even walking. Good Lord, maybe I'm as dumb as Biden.

stevew said...

I was wondering the same thing Jim Gust - haven't heard of subsidies for fossil fuels before Creepy Joe said it. Doesn't mean it's not true, but I'd like to know what it amounts to if it is.

PM said...

350 million people will change the climate of a world populated by seven billion other people.

LYNNDH said...

Biden is not alone in wanting to ban all drilling. Someone said that biofuels could be used in airplanes. What airplanes? Oil is in some many things. The idjts just do not understand. I could say dumber than a box of rocks but would be giving them to much intelligence.

robother said...

When Joe is President, everyone will be walking everywhere. I just hope i'll be one the lucky ones who are able to afford a stick of chewing gum.

Rory said...

This is the kind of confusion that results when your talking points were provided by the Soviet Union 70 years ago.

Nonapod said...

The concept of "fossil fuel subsidies" is extremely broad. Fossil fuel subsidies are a subset of Energy Subsidies

"Energy subsidies may be direct cash transfers to producers, consumers, or related bodies, as well as indirect support mechanisms, such as tax exemptions and rebates, price controls, trade restrictions, and limits on market access."

Basically even a tax exemption is considered a "subsidy". I suspect that eliminating every possible thing that could be considered a subsidy with regards to fossil fuels would drive up the price of heating oil, gasoline, propane, ect. to such a degree that it would be economically devastating. It would probably undo all the gains we've main thanks to the shale boom and plunge us into a deep recession. It would be beyond stupid.

Gabriel said...

@Nonapod:even a tax exemption is considered a "subsidy"

Of course! Every dollar you make belongs of right to the State, tovarishch, and if they don't "take" it from you they have really given to you.

Sebastian said...

"Sebastian, are you trying to fisk?"

I wouldn't dare.

But I would enjoy, just for the hell of it, seeing a proper Althouse fisk of an Althouse post.

You could even frame it as an object lesson for your inferiors: "listen up, boys and girls, here's how you do it."

Infinite Monkeys said...

It depends what you call subsidies. (Link to an article in The Atlantic.) However narrowly or broadly you define it, it looks like cuts would hurt the consumer. If considered narrowly and you cut subsidies that keep fuel prices low, fewer people could afford gas or to heat their homes. If you consider it broadly, the way the IMF does, and list any harm done by fossil fuels as a subsidy, would something like government-paid healthcare for coal miners be a subsidy?

Hagar said...

Part of the reason no one - even Joe Biden - knows what Joe Biden will say next is that, to him, it is all just words. Somebody writes them up for him, and he will say them as best he can remember.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

wanna stop planet degradation, pollution, over-population, so called climate change and misery?

Anyone who does not want children should have access to free universal snip snip.

Bob Smith said...

They call him Slow Joe for a reason

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Too many goodies to ignore. Coal apparently has only-fossil sources, no other sources. Crude oil, probably the same. No abiotic sources, contrary to what some, including a famous professor Thomas Gold have believed. Methane or natural gas, on the other hand, may have sources entirely distinct from fossils, and partly for this reason, there may be an unimaginable vastness of natural gas available sooner or later, at prices that decline over time. It would be a shame not to, er, exploit that.

Walking and chewing gum,etc. Since we are talking about LBJ, I have tended to think it was "fuck and chew gum at the same time." But if you are doing the one, is it so important to keep on doing the other?

Hagar said...

New Mexico is a deep blue state, but much of that for historical reasons such as the great land swindles, etc., in territorial days following the Civil War.
However, many traditional Democrats are now up in arms over what has been happening since the Democrats swept the state offices in the last election. They just had not realized how far left Michelle Grisham and her cohorts were and what they would do once in office.
That is both "culturally" and financially.

sinz52 said...

It may sound nuts to some folks here,

but it helps Biden neutralize calls from the powerful progressive wing of the Dem Party to endorse AOC's "Green New Deal," which (AFAIK) Biden has not done.

If Biden can clinch the nomination early, he'll have plenty of time to pivot to the center and come up with a more reasonable approach to energy in time for the general election.

But right now, his biggest threat isn't folks who read Althouse or the Wall Street Journal. So he doesn't need to worry about their votes.

narciso said...

Ford was a yale foot ball star, and a law school grad, for all his policy disagreement, he was no idiot, now biden's category error Is encyclopedic,

Drago said...

After the first cycles of dem debates its easy to see why Bill Kristol and Max Boot and Charlie Sykes and George Will et al are so psyched about everyone voting for democrats!!

The "Conservative" Case For Marxist Government!!

Drago said...

Shorter Sinz52: Biden should be able to fool just enough democrats fast enough to turn around and fool just enough deplorables to win the general election!!

Its a bold strategy Cotton. Lets see if it pays off!

Jaq said...

“It would be beyond stupid.”

Putin has wet dreams thinking about it.

Jaq said...

China has to be thinking, on the one hand, it eliminates a strategic competitor, on the other, it eliminates our biggest customer. What does Xi think? We know Putin loves it.

Jaq said...

How does Biden win PA with the promise of shutting down their economy? Fraud is the only answer that makes sense. Lots of extraction in Ohio too.

I can’t wait to see the new steel mills that run on ... You maybe could run enough wind turbines and solar panels to run hospitals when the weather is agreeable.

Michael K said...

Methane or natural gas, on the other hand, may have sources entirely distinct from fossils, and partly for this reason, there may be an unimaginable vastness of natural gas available sooner or later, at prices that decline over time. It would be a shame not to, er, exploit that.

The LA Times thinks California should ban natural gas.

Berkeley banned natural gas. The rest of California should too

And where, pray tell, is all that electricity going to come from ? No nuclear. That's for sure.

cold pizza said...

Start by eliminating fossil fools. Buh bye, Joe. -CP

Yancey Ward said...

"If Biden can clinch the nomination early, he'll have plenty of time to pivot to the center and come up with a more reasonable approach to energy in time for the general election."

Perhaps, but here is the problem- even Google won't be able to bury the recordings of this debate, and they will be used to beat him over the head when he does try to tack back to the center.

DanTheMan said...

I guess oil execs will be in jail next to the insurance company execs....

Dave Begley said...

J Lee is correct about NM.

Biden has already lost the election. Trump will hammer him on this.

ALP said...

Is there anyone, anywhere, sounding the alarm in terms of the environmental/human cost of mining for all these battery elements? Is there no politician aware they are just trading one type of environmental harm for another? If we have to invade Bolivia for its lithium, that's just a side effect we are all going to live with, unlike "No War for Oil"??????

Dave Begley said...

I read about corn or plant based fuel for our Navy ships. Wildly expensive. And Hillary wanted that for our military jets too.

Yancey Ward said...

Airplanes and powerplants will be run on Soylent Green- that is the final solution.

Dave Begley said...

DDB on Hillary, August 28, 2015, "She said she would mandate biofuels for use by our military jets. I have no idea if that is even technically feasible, but surely it is uneconomic as otherwise it would have been done already."

Craig Howard said...

Didn't The Babylon Bee have a story about Democrats eliminating all fossil fuels?

I'll have to fact-check that.

gilbar said...

is it REALLY fair, to try to hold Jo Biden (or ANY dem), to a standard of intelligence ?

n.n said...

A carbon-based [white] fossil, who should be Planned, then sequestered, in order to mitigate the progress of catastrophic anthropogenic [political] climate change. Oh, and [politically] lynched for the sake of social justice, or something.

n.n said...

"Didn't The Babylon Bee have a story about Democrats eliminating all fossil fuels?"

I'll have to fact-check that.

Don't do it. It's a Snope... I mean snipe hunt.

Drago said...

DanTheMan: "I guess oil execs will be in jail next to the insurance company execs...." to Accounting Exec's....until their cases get thrown out.

But never, never, ever, next to FBI Directors who break the law....

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

"So, no more airplanes?"

Well, no more airplanes for little people like you. Important folks like AOC will still be able to fly. You don't expect them to ride bikes to all those late night talk show appearances, do you?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

New Democrat talking point: If you like your post medieval lifestyle, you can keep your post medieval lifestyle!

AllenS said...

Without subsidies, Amtrak, which Slow Joe rode every day for his whole time in government, would have to close immediately.

n.n said...

Religious Climate Change devotees think this is reality?

A moral motive, perhaps. Quasi-moral ("ethics"), certainly. Redistributive change, definitely. A secular sect conflating logical domains, clearly.

traditionalguy said...

CO2 is highly beneficial. And eliminating a small part of its sources is an evil attack by the World Governance Tyrants intended to destroy all individual human freedom and most of the world’s population they intensely deplore for thinking for itself.

Wince said...

"He's so dumb that he can't fart and chew gum at the same time."

That sounds like a variant of the saying, "He's so ugly he should teach his ass to chew bubble gum."

But imagine chewing bubble gum with your ass. It'd be the mother of all dingleberries!

Comanche Voter said...

The left has long yammered about "subsidies" for the fossil fuel industry. The oldest "subsidy" and probably the one that has had the most economic effect over the longest period of time is the depletion allowance. It or variations of it are applied to all of the extractive industries. The tax code assumes that an oil well or a coal mine contains a finite quantity of oil or coal, and that as it is produced its value declines. The oil or coal company will have to invest elsewhere to replace the "depleted" asset.

An analog is the depreciation allowance(s) for various types of capital equipment. The tax law assumes that the machine will wear out over some stated period of time and the business or manufacturing plant will have to buy a new one to replace it.

Are any of these subsidies? To the Warrens and Sanders of this world they are. After all those greedy corporations and business owners didn't "make' their money and it should go directly to the government. As a matter of tax policy depreciation and depletion allowances encourage reinvestment.

n.n said...

"I guess oil execs will be in jail next to the insurance company execs...."

Next to the Green Blight execs, next to the social justice execs, next to the abortion rites execs, next to the diversity racket execs, next to the asset inflation execs, next to the redistributive change execs, and other brown matter, the missing links. An organic progression from the Obama/Clinton/Biden Water Closet conspiracy.

Wince said...

Airplanes will soon fly fueled by Clorox.

SF said...

@narciso, Ford may have graduated from Yale Law, but he played football for the Michigan Wolverines. The team won two national championships while he there, and he was team MVP his senior year.

MikeR said...

Against fracking. Because of fracking, the United States is one of the few developed countries in the world to decrease its CO2 emissions in the last decades, because natural gas cuts CO2 emissions in half for the same energy.
Because of fracking, OPEC and Russia can't raise their oil prices.
I have been telling people since 2016 that Putin can't really want Trump, because Trump was far more pro-fracking than Clinton or Sanders or any Democratic candidate, and fracking hurts Russia more than any other thing the US does.
People told me, No, Clinton is also pro-fracking. But she wasn't, she was ambivalent. Sanders was strongly anti. And here's Biden, clearly anti.
Clinton would have been anti as well, she was just triangulating for the general election.
If you are worried about global warming and also anti-fracking, you are choosing alternatives that actually add to CO2 emissions.

Jim at said...

Remember, approximately 60 million people will pull the lever for one of these idiots.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Biden and Sanders, fossil fools

Francisco D said...

And where, pray tell, is all that electricity going to come from ? No nuclear. That's for sure.

That is because of all the people who died at Three Mile Island.

DanTheMan said...

You have to admit it takes some real guts for a politician to want to put people in jail for “misleading advertising”...

I’d suggest he start with “If you like your plan you can keep your plan”

Darkisland said...

"Fart proudly!"

Attributed to Ben Franklin

And, perhaps not really Ben Franklin:

“Fart for freedom, fart for liberty—and fart proudly.”

I don't know if he even knew what chewing gum was.

John Henry

rcocean said...

Ford was an assistant COACH of the Yale Football team. He convinced his Head Coach to let him go to Yale Law part time. There's no way Ford could've gone directly to Yale Law. He wasn't smart enough. But because he was part of the "Yale family" they let him coach and go to Yale Law. He eventually graduated in the middle of his class. There were NO job offers from Wall Street or the elite law firms. After WW2, Ford went back to Michigan and practiced Law in Grand Rapids.

In 1948, the Establishment thought the old out-of-touch incumbent Republican Congressman should be primaried. So, Ford ran against him and won. Since it was a Safe R district, Ford kept getting elected till he was SELECTED by Nixon to be VP. If Nixon hadn't selected him, nobody would be talking about Ford today. He was egomaniac and a complete mediocrity.

rcocean said...

Yeah we're all laughing about those "Crazy Democrats" and getting rid of fossil fuels.

Just like everyone was laughing about Gay Marriage and Open Borders 20 years ago.

Known Unknown said...

He wants to take us back to the Futile System.

dbp said...

Ford graduated in the top 25% of his Yale Law School class and in Congress was the highest ranking Republican at the time of his appointment to the position of VP.

That doesn't seem very mediocre to me.

Martin said...

It reads like Biden was talking about ending subsidies, not the use of the products.

But maybe this was all scripted so that people like me could interpret it like that, but others could thinking he wants to end all use?

It's not as if there was an honest person in the room, including candidates, media, and invited hack politicians in the audience. Maybe the camera operators and some other technicians...

traditionalguy said...

Joe brings back memories of the days we analyzed eliminating the American oil and coal industries. That was exactly what the Army Air Force lost 40,000 men doing to Germany in WWII. That defeated them.

And Obama-Biden immediately tried to do it to us from the Enemy Headquarters at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Ronald J. Ward said...

Damn, hate to hear this. There goes my job shoveling coal into the turbo of 707s.

Mark said...

People laugh at and mock Trump. But Biden was a buffoon dumbass decades before anyone ever heard of the name of Donald Trump.

rcocean said...

"Ford graduated in the top 25% of his Yale Law School class"

Nope. That was campaign spin. The Navy did a background check on Ford when he volunteered to be an Officer. Like they did everyone. They note Ford graduated in the middle of his class.

This was 1942, and based on talking to the Yale Dean. And if Jerry had been super-smart he'd have gotten an offer from Wall Street or a Elite Law firm. Instead he went back to Grand Rapids and became a small town lawyer.

rcocean said...

Ford got picked as VP, because he was the only R the Democrat Senate and House Majority Leader would support. He was Nixon's 4th choice.

Ford's problem isn't that he was mediocre. Its that he thought himself a genius, when he was mediocre. He's the only POTUS who's poll numbers DROPPED when he gave a nationwide speech. He was the dumbest man ever to be President. He wasn't elected - he was SELECTED.

BUMBLE BEE said...

No more airplanes? Meh. No More Ships... no more commerce. No more Vaseline. No more Chap Stick. No more paraffin for canning or candles. No more tooth brushes. No more vinyl. All because SCIENCE!!!!

Mark said...

A story in Yale Daily News says that Ford graduated top 25 percent. All it takes is Google. Then a few months after he graduated, Pearl Harbor happened and he enlisted in the Navy.

But let's trust rcocean, the expert.

LA_Bob said...

Dave Begley said, "For the Dems to win, they must win MN, WI, MI, OH, PA, NC and FL. The Green New Deal is not popular there. People aren't stupid."

Don't worry. The voters will take Biden seriously but not literally.

Howard said...

Ford did help make Chevy Chase's career. Does Chevy identify as Republican?

rcocean said...

It hilarious to read Ford's comments about Reagan and Carter. Reagan was just " a movie actor" and carter was "Just a peanut farmer" unlike super-smart Jerry Ford - Yale Man. LOL!

It reminds of losers like Yeb! or Bill Weld thinking they are "oh, so superior" to Trump.

TWW said...

"...he means to eliminate coal and he uses the term "fossil fuel" without realizing it includes oil and gas."

So. his defense is that he discusses the greatest environmental and economic issue of our times from a position of ignorance?

rcocean said...

1942 Navy Investigation report (available at Ford Library - online) states Ford graduated from Yale Law with average of 74.5 and ranked 56 out of 127. That's not top 25%.

Further, report states Ford was "an average student and his record is satisfactory" and "he was not a brilliant scholar" LOL.

But wallow in ignorance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How charitable is Biden? or any of them?

stlcdr said...

'Fossil Fuels' is a Democrat talking point.

MD Greene said...

Meanwhile the greatest electrical power supplier to Los Angeles for more than a generation has been a coal plant in Utah. The city is working, slowly, to close it.

Oil drillers/frackers in the Texas' Permian basis have been reported to be blowing off $1 million of natural gas daily because environmentalists have frustrated efforts to build pipelines to transport the stuff, which is much more efficient and much less damaging to the the environment than gasoline or diesel or coal.

I always have driven small cars, have recycled everything possible for more than 30 years and have been taking my own bags to the grocery store for 15 years or more. But sometimes I wonder why I bother.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger chuck said...

"Here I sit, chewing (nicotine) gum, and took up the challenge. I can't do it, even walking. Good Lord, maybe I'm as dumb as Biden."

On the plus side, you are at least self-aware. Biden is not.

MD Greene said...

Permian BASIN. Stupid auto-correct

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Lloyd W. Robertson said...

"Walking and chewing gum,etc. Since we are talking about LBJ, I have tended to think it was "fuck and chew gum at the same time." But if you are doing the one, is it so important to keep on doing the other?"

I think the point is to avoid swallowing.

Gahrie said...

Ironically enough, there is some evidence that oil isn't a fossil fuel, but is actually being continuously created deep in the earth, and gathers fossils as it seeps through the rocks to the surface. The theory is abiotic oil. I've read that some of the early oil fields that were pumped dry are refilling. (where the oil is coming from isn't know yet)

gadfly said...

Gosh-O-Gee! Before we declare Biden as a fossil - perhaps we should investigate his belief in the Abiotic Theory.

Russian and Ukrainian geologists argue that formation of oil deposits requires the high pressures only found in the deep mantle and that the hydrocarbon contents in sediments do not exhibit sufficient organic material to supply the enormous amounts of petroleum found in supergiant oil fields.

The [Abiotic] theory of oil formation . . . is that hydrogen and carbon, under high temperatures and pressures found in the mantle during the formation of the Earth, form hydrocarbon molecules which have gradually leaked up to the surface through cracks in rocks. The organic materials which are found in petroleum deposits are easily explained by the metabolism of bacteria which have been found in extreme environments similar to Earth’s mantle. These hyperthermophiles, or bacteria which thrive in extreme environments, have been found in hydrothermal vents, at the bottom of volcanoes, and in places where scientists formerly believed life was not possible.

Gosh-O-Gee! Before we declare Biden as a fossil - perhaps we should investigate his belief in the Abiotic Theory.


Howard said...

Blogger Gahrie said...

Ironically enough, there is some evidence that oil isn't a fossil fuel, but is actually being continuously created deep in the earth, and gathers fossils as it seeps through the rocks to the surface. The theory is abiotic oil. I've read that some of the early oil fields that were pumped dry are refilling. (where the oil is coming from isn't know yet)

Is this the InfoWars position on Petroleum Geology and Engineering?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

werent Bite-me & Jr plugs-deep in Ukrainian fuel deals?

Howard said...

The abiogenic origin theory of oil formation is rejected by most geologists, who argue that the composition of hydrocarbons found in commercial oil fields have a low content of 13C isotopes, similar to that found in marine and terrestrial plants; whereas hydrocarbons from abiotic origins such as methane have a higher content of 13C isotopes.

gilbar said...

o More Ships... no more commerce. No more Vaseline. No more Chap Stick. No more paraffin for canning or candles. No more tooth brushes. No more vinyl. All because SCIENCE!!!!

not to worry!
Ships=> that's what Sails are for
Vaseline=> Spermaceti; That's what the Ships are for: Thar She Blows!
Parafin=> Whale Oil*; That's what the Ships are for: Thar She Blows!
ToothBrushes=> Baleen; That's what the Ships are for: Thar She Blows!
vinyl=> Could make out of Whale Oil too, but Shellac** works more better for records

Whale Oil* you Do Know what kerosene was developed to replace, don't you?
Shellac** with Shellac 78's you can angrily say
"Rock and Roll, has Got to Go", while Smashing the record into bits on your desk. Try THAT with Vinyl

gilbar said...

Howard Admits that....
whereas hydrocarbons from abiotic origins such as methane

Thanx for admitting that Natural gas is abiotic, Howard! You win a Prize! For being Stupid :)

Francisco D said...

The abiogenic origin theory of oil formation is rejected by most geologists, who argue that...

They might be right, but they may be wrong.

Disproving theories is what research science is all about, particularly in the social science, but also in the physical sciences.

JAORE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John henry said...

Some of us might remember Ford for his efforts in the 60s to impeach SC justice Douglas.

The main charge was marrying a 30 year old woman when he was 70 or so.

At least that is what I remember him for but my memory may be faulty on this.

John Henry

Howard said...

gilbar: is that what it really means? So then most natural gas fields are located in geothermal districts?

Howard said...

Francisco: that attitude is the definition of wishy-washy. Anything could be true, including fairy's and unicorns

Howard said...

Didn't know that JH. Was only really aware of his Warren Commission, male modeling, football prowess, and married to Mrs drunk clinics.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Hillary already found the solution.
In the last race she vowed to eliminate all lead.

she eliminated her own lead by dissing Deplorables and a few states

Seeing Red said...

Isn’t our core a blast furnace? Things melt.

Michael K said...

Not so wishy washy, Howard.

It is noteworthy that when was proposed biogenic theory of oil formation has not yet had scientific advance through reports of space research and technology of telescopes and probes, as is now known the abundance of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) on Earth, in the Solar System and universe.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Are any of these subsidies? To the Warrens and Sanders of this world they are. After all those greedy corporations and business owners didn't "make' their money and it should go directly to the government. As a matter of tax policy depreciation and depletion allowances encourage reinvestment.”

They are actually the opposite of subsidies. It takes money to make money, and that money is typically subtracted from revenues to arrive at net profit. EXCEPT that you can’t write off or expense some of the money that you spend to make money. Instead, you have to divide up the money you spent in one year, into a series depreciation or depletion expenses, extending over a period of years. If you buy or build an apartment building for $1m, excluding the land it sits on, you can depreciate the $1m over a period of a little over a quarter of a century straight line depreciation would result in being able to take a depreciation expense of roughly $40k per year for that quarter century. Depletion is very similar - you drill a well, finish it, then are allowed to expense part of the costs that you already incurred every year, for several years, until you have fully expensed the cost of drilling and completing the well. And, as is fairly obvious, except maybe to the 20 Dems on the stage this week running for President, if you eliminate the ability to offset the cost of drilling wells (or building buildings) against the revenues generated, you won’t have those wells drilled (or commercial buildings constructed).

Michael K said...

Democrats don't need private enterprise to build those apartments.

Didn't you see those beautiful apartment blocks in Moscow when Bernie visited ? Who needs more than one brand of toothpaste?

DanTheMan said...

>>Don't worry. The voters will take Biden seriously but not literally.

Do you mean actual real voters, or the fake and illegal alien voters who vote overwhelmingly "D"?

Bruce Hayden said...

I go round and round. Are these Dems really stupid enough to actually believe in Anthropogenic Global Cooling/Warming/Climate Change/etc? Or are they leveraging their ability to sell snake oil to the rubes in order to justifying trillions of dollars being taken from the productive segments to the squandering public segments of the economies? Some part of it is, of course, virtue signaling, and some of it is post Christian religion. But it still comes you that those Dem politicians either are more cynical and liars, or stupid enough that they don’t realize that they are too stupid to understand how well they are being too stupid enough to know that they are being taken advantage of.

PluralThumb said...

Again an inside joke. A lighter multitasking example for those vested into fossil fuels.
Any person who invested in fossil fuels can pat their head and rub their belly at the same tome if they so choose to.
Just motor skill multitasking. I think he’s promoting exercise.
Good man.

PluralThumb said...

I guess we are all going to live like the Amish across the board.The only solution:(

MountainMan said...

70% of the world's production of oil, natural gas, and coal is used as chemical feedstock, not fuel. Without the extraction of these basic raw materials almost everything we use on a daily basis will cease to exist. Just look around you - the clothes you have on; the paint on the walls of the room you are sitting in; the carpet on the floor; the plastics of the case and keyboard of your PC and laptop; the tires on your car and just about every other non-metallic part in it; ; most of the drugs you take, especially common ones like aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen; just about all adhesives, like glues and tapes; and millions of other things will no longer be made if we don't produce hydrocarbon feedstocks. People who do not understand this need to take a middle school science class.

Molly said...


Fossa is the Latin word for ditch (that which was dug, or digged/ditched). It occurs all the time in Caesar's Gallic Wars because the Roman Army did a lot of digging of ditches.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

I guess we are all going to live like the Amish across the board.The only solution:(

but think of all the hot sects

FullMoon said...

Ford kept getting elected till he was SELECTED by Nixon to be VP. If Nixon hadn't selected him, nobody would be talking about Ford today. He was egomaniac and a complete mediocrity

Squeaky Fromm tried to shoot Ford in San Francisco.
A bystander stopped her.
The media outed the man as being gay, before gay was cool. Ruined his life.

Howard said...

Blogger Michael K said...

Not so wishy washy, Howard.

It is noteworthy that when was proposed biogenic theory of oil formation has not yet had scientific advance through reports of space research and technology of telescopes and probes, as is now known the abundance of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) on Earth, in the Solar System and universe.

OK Dr. Mercola

Bay Area Guy said...

I like fossils and I like fuels.

Michael K said...

Howard, you can imagine that methane is all animal farts but I don't

n.n said...

The abiogenic origin theory of oil formation is rejected by most geologists, who argue that...

The consensus is that origin doesn't matter. What is significant is the correlation between characterization under the "fossil fuel" hypothesis and practical matter of facts and economy including discovery, recovery, and regeneration.

Michael K said...

The Methane in other planets did not come from earth.

Francisco D said...

Francisco: that attitude is the definition of wishy-washy. Anything could be true, including fairy's and unicorns

Read some books on the philosophy of science, Howard. You embarrass yourself.

You might start with Karl Popper.

Michael K said...

Are these Dems really stupid enough to actually believe in Anthropogenic Global Cooling/Warming/Climate Change/etc?

I suspect most of the pols know it is a hoax but they will ride it as long asa the chumps seem to believe.

My old professor of surgery used to say, "There are more people living off cancer than dying from it.

I'm sure the same applies to global warming.

Achilles said...

MountainMan said...

People who do not understand this need to take a middle school science class.

Our public schools are the reason so many idiots believe in global warming and have no idea how the world works.

Robert Cook said...

Fracking should definitely be eliminated.

TJM said...

Except Ford went to Yale

TJM said...

Robert Cook,

Because fracking made the US energy independent and now a major world supplier? The Chinese thank you. Your check is in the mail. Did you enjoy the Global Warming summit in Italy attended by all of the swells in their private jets and yachts ?

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"Fracking should definitely be eliminated."


Jaq said...


Because farmers upstate might make some money.

rcocean said...

"Except Ford went to Yale"

Hello, I'm TJM, I post cryptic comments at the end of a thread and no one knows what the fuck I'm talking about. And i like it like that.

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