"Here's how: It's a system I believe is purposefully created to disillusion white boys away from progressive/liberal perspectives. First, the boys are inundated by memes featuring subtly racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic jokes. Being kids, they don't see the nuance & repeat/share. Then they're called out for these jokes/phrases/memes by parents, teachers, kids (mostly girls) at school & online. The boys then feel shame & embarrassment - and shame is the force that, I believe, leads people to their worst decisions. The second step is the boys consuming media with the 'people are too sensitive' and 'you can't say anything anymore!' themes. For these boys, this will ring true - they're getting in trouble for 'nothing.' This narrative allows boys to shed the shame - replacing it w/anger. And who is their anger with? Women, feminists, liberals, people of color, gay folks, etc etc. So-called snowflakes. And nobody is there to dismantle the 'snowflake' fallacy. These boys are being set up - they're placed like baseballs on a tee and hit right out of the park.... These are often boys from progressive or moderate families - but their online behavior & viewing habits are often ignored.... [I]f your kid says 'triggered' as a joke referring to people being sensitive, he's already being exposed & on his way.... [W]e need to stay engaged & challenge our kids without shaming them. I'm lucky, my kids are smart and have a smart, critical, progressive dad who isn't afraid to call bullshit when he sees it. But I've seen SO MANY white boys falling prey to this system. So beware."
Tweets Joanna Schroeder, who's lucky, because
her kids are smart. She suggests that mothers of white boys observe their interaction with media and intervene, explain what propaganda is, and "watch political comedy shows with him, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Hasan Minhaj. Talk about what makes their jokes funny - who are the butt of the jokes? Do they 'punch up' or down?"
I agree. Don't just leave your white boys to the manipulations of right-wing media. I would add don't leave any of your kids — be they white boys or no — to the manipulations of media — right-wing or left. And it's not just about kids. Save yourself. If you're only seeing right-wing propaganda, you'd better put on your own oxygen mask before you expend your waning energy saving the children.
How will you know whether YOU are the propaganda?
Titania McGrath satirizes the Joanna Schroeder thread!
1 – 200 of 344 Newer› Newest»Most propaganda is leftwing and it's everywhere.
Even this.
"It's a system I believe is purposefully created to disillusion white boys away from progressive/liberal perspectives.
A "system"? What "system" would that be? Like, the MSM system purposefully created to disillusion women like the author away from conservative/libertarian perspectives?
Who is Joanna Schroeder and why should we care about her opinion?
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. There is nothing new under the sun.
Tweets Joanna Schroeder
Tweets used to be small.
Manifestos Joanna Schroeder
Alt-right/white supremacists.
Wow! There must be a thousand of those nationwide. Scary stuff,
"If you're only seeing right-wing propaganda, you'd better put on your own oxygen mask."
If? Sorry, progs don't need no stinking oxygen masks. Lefty propaganda is what they breathe in, gladly and proudly.
Because, you see, lefty propaganda is not propaganda. It is truth. Truth over mere facts, as Slow Joe explained.
Hence the Harris/Warren assertion that Michael Brown was murdered. They live the lie.
As always, it is up to the Althouses, one of the target audiences, to put a stop to it, by dismissing it decisively. But I am not optimistic: here we get another handwringing post, "if you're only seeing right-wing propaganda," that's so sad! that's bad for kids! you shouldn't do that!
Just teach your children to think rationally and then they'll be able to handle anything. Still, it doesn't hurt to turn off external media and look around to what is actually happening around you and not around some other place.
It's the free market that set all of this off. People started acting white.
Tweets Joanna Schroeder, who's lucky, because her kids are smart.
The people who complain about "dog whistles" are always the ones who claim they can't hear them.
I don’t always catch the theme. Today’s is evil white males
The schools are laying groundwork to turn them into Fredo (or Fredette as the case may be).
One of the things about Trump is that he IS punching up. The left has become the establishment and they are in denial about it. If he wasn’t punching up, nobody would find it funny. It’s a thing about American humor.
Joanna Schroeder wants you to sit your kids down at the dinner table and ask "did anyone offer you drugs today". So Nancy Reagan. Does anyone here have childhood memories of how that went down in the 80s?
Maybe the kids are mocking "triggering" because they are tired of all the PCBS.
Congratulations, you have somehow made Conservatism the new forbidden fruit. Teenagers will steal away during the night to meet in some attic to discuss Conscience of A Conservative.
Would that it were even possible to see only right wing propoganda, when you are swimming in a sea of left wing propoganda 24/7 no matter who you are. Seeing only left wing propoganda is very possible. It's the normal condition.
Today’s is evil white males
All my fault. I was the moron who asked "why isn't there a White History Month?"
And here we are.
Is it racist to assume that once they get rid of Evil White Males, Western Civ will soon follow and everyone will revert to Lord of the Flies?
Alternate reality is vulnerable to actual reality. This is imaginary fiction. And Jordan Peterson has already won this fight hundreds of times.
What actually happens: Boys engage in edgy/anti-PC humor, like boys have always done because it amuses them and feels transgressive, which gives them a sense of agency. Parents or teachers see this and, being left-wing prudes with no sense of humor, predictably freak out. Which, of course, only makes the meme world more appealing.
You would think these enlightened folk could bring themselves to respond in a more sensible way. Perhaps if they imagined for a moment that instead of looking at MS Paint drawings of cartoon frogs, their 15-year-old was doing something more innocent and unobjectionable, such as having sex with a classmate.
And nobody is there to dismantle the 'snowflake' fallacy.
And what fallacy is that?
It's a system I believe is purposefully created to disillusion white boys away from progressive/liberal perspectives.
Did someone start an agit-prop mission without clearing it through me? Because over here at the Althouse White Liberation Front we are still trying to locate a can opener...
"There must be a thousand of those nationwide. Scary stuff,”
That’s the huge cohort that Trump is going to mobilize to win the election! And of course with each Tweet out of the Left/MSM, their perception of the size of this cohort grows and they get more and more scared of it.
It's a system I believe is purposefully created to disillusion white boys away from progressive/liberal perspectives.
Yeah, because the progressive/liberal cheering on for Chavez and how it has worked out counts for nothing. Just to name one thing out of thousands. How about the “progressive/liberal” unison voicing of obvious outright lies, like Michael Brown or the Covington kids? The lie that Trump praised white supremacists? If these kids were properly indoctrinated, they wouldn’t be able to see these things!
I pity her sons. But not for the reason Joanna might think.
"Don't go out with that girl!"
-Goes out with girl.
"Don't listen to those people!"
-Listens to those people
What young men do.
Tweets Joanna Schroeder, who's lucky, because her kids are smart.
Just to check, Althouse, you did mean for that sentence to be satire, right?
"Do they 'punch up' or down?"
Explain to the kids who should be the butt of jokes! It’s not a question of which is funnier, it’s a question of the political needs of the moment, and the Democrat High Commissioner of Expediency has designated white men, and you, my boy, should never grow up to be a white man!
it’s why they are using Russia in their two minute hates. What country is whiter than Russia?
"It's a system I believe is purposefully created to disillusion white boys away from progressive/liberal perspectives"
Because pushing boys *towards* progressive/liberal perspectives doesn't employ propaganda at all and is the proper direction to be pushing them...
I consume both. But wading through the comments section of left leaning "publications" destroys any good will I've tried to establish in my head for progressive/liberals.
This is just the latest iteration of Rebel Without A Cause. Teenagers offending prim parents is an old story, except that the mom here is probably laboring under the misconception that she's cool.
I should have some Commie Mommy t-shirts printed up.
Perfect for Joanna Schroeder.
Or her kids--if they ARE smart.
"If you're only seeing right-wing propaganda, you'd better put on your own oxygen mask before you expend your waning energy saving the children."
How is possible to see only right-wing media? It's impossible to not be inundated with liberal spin on TV, movies and wherever.
Althouse should invite Joanna Schroeder to review the comments on this blog on any ordinary day. Schroeder might go into cardiac arrest.
How did we used to phrase it...
Joanna Schroeder is tone deaf.
I believe that's it.
"What country is whiter than Russia?"
Quite a few actually. Poland for one.
Then they're called out for these jokes/phrases/memes by parents, teachers, kids (mostly girls) at school & online. The boys then feel shame & embarrassment - and shame is the force that, I believe, leads people to their worst decisions.
The second step is the boys consuming media with the 'people are too sensitive' and 'you can't say anything anymore!' themes
So, kinda Sounds like the solution is
TO ALLOW FREE SPEECH, and Quit 'calling out' people for innocent jokes?
Nothing but liberal spin in our schools too.
She thinks her boys will be immune from the Left’s destruction.
Good luck.
Teach your kids to be free thinkers. Be skeptical of all propaganda. Don’t inundate then with the propaganda of Noah and Oliver.
Let them watch Richard Pryor
Maybe I'm being thick here, but you seem to be taking Ms. Schroeder's ridiculous pantsload of fundamentalist-prog parenting advice seriously, just with a little leaven of even-handedness about making your kids resistant to anybody's propaganda, not just the right's.
She's a fundy nut-job, Althouse, an unreflecting true-believer living in a bubble of unexamined dogma and circular reasoning. Why would you use her as any kind of example for what you claim to be promoting?
"I've seen SO MANY white boys falling prey to this system. So beware."
That's because the white boys are just as stupid as the poor boys. So beware.
The naughty white boys who might be getting unapproved ideas should thank the "women, feminists, liberals, people of color, gay folks, etc etc." stereotyped by Joanna Schroeder as crowd-sourced representatives of our modern MiniTrue, who tell them to sit down and shut up, or else.
“Althouse should invite Joanna Schroeder to review the comments on this blog on any ordinary day. Schroeder might go into cardiac arrest.”
True. I don’t read very many opinions here by commenters that don’t sound like they’ve come straight out of any run of the mill right wing publication.
I'm lost here. Can someone provide a very specific example of how this works - specific to young white boys (some large segment of them instead of a few kooks found in all colors) being turned into white racist/nationalists.
"White Boys"
Not all the propaganda aimed at all the kids. If her boys want to fill their noodles with Trevor Noah and NowThis videos, that's fine with her.
"Althouse should invite Joanna Schroeder to review the comments on this blog on any ordinary day. Schroeder might go into cardiac arrest."
Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?
Guess I missed all the media vilifying the promotion of the transgender agenda, promotion of the denial of religious beliefs in favor of "spirituality", objecting to such socialist ideas as "it takes a village to raise a child". Where is all this "right-wing propaganda"? Anything that remotely opposes the progressive autocracy is savagely put down in our media and society. Just breathing air as a white adult male is cause for alarm. What a joke.
“She's a fundy nut-job, Althouse, an unreflecting true-believer living in a bubble of unexamined dogma and circular reasoning. Why would you use her as any kind of example for what you claim to be promoting?”
There are a few liberal commenters who read and comment here. I don’t see them living in a bubble of unexamined dogma, they come here don’t they? Maybe they’re here to examine your dogma.
It takes a village.
White boys are reading things and reaching conclusions. This must be stopped! We can’t allow white boys to notice that the entire political zeitgeist considers them Public Enemy No. 1.
I'd bet that there aren't 10,000 true White Supremacists in the entire country. We have one in Fairbury, Nebraska in a state of 1.8m.
Where were these people during the Obama Administration? Hiding? Why didn't Barack do something or at least warn us.
Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?
Working as a law school professor is, in many ways, like working among other psychologists.
One advantage is that I learned to keep my mouth shut at opportune times. Otherwise, I would be the Donald Sutherland character in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
They’re being bullied. She should find a spa and have him manscaped.
White supremacist propaganda is the most dangerous of all because it's so subtle and nuanced.
"watch political comedy shows with him, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Hasan Minhaj."
The first image that came to mind was her sons strapped to gurneys with eyelid clamps on their heads, but that's just what it would take to get me to sit through those shows.
Hey, I've got it. Watch the shows with your kids, and ask them: How often do these guys challenge their audience's preconceptions? Are they punching up, down - or over: Is the butt of their jokes those horrible people over there that we all hate? How often is the audience actually laughing out of amusement versus roaring their approval: Yeah, I hate them too!
"Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?"
I can only imagine.
The Left just hates it when there is some aspect of culture they do not control.
John Oliver
Ugh. Ever since Simon Cowell, I’ve been decidedly against giving smug English pricks American airtime.
See...you can't let your young boys enjoy Pepe the Frog memes. Instead lets force them to watch 20 minutes of jokes about a guy effing horses (the "main story" from this weekend's John Oliver show).
If you really want to inoculate your kids, just show them George Carlin shows from the 70s and 80s. Let them know that transgressive comedy is best when it is antiestablishmentarian.
Then bask in the glow that you have raised your kids correctly and they can safely enjoy the anti-establishment NPC videos.
Your schools are the source of much of this poison.
These are now being encoded in such things as UC admissions requirements and California K-12 curriculum standards. Some of the stuff in the proposed K-12 standard (which comes mainly from UC) reads like a requirement for regular Maoist self-criticism sessions, plus explicit tribe-creation. Its very interesting interpreting the bureaucratese.
I should expand on that, if I find the time.
If anyone here thinks "Well, thats just California", you are not paying attention.
"If you're only seeing right-wing propaganda, you'd better put on your own oxygen mask."
Do you know how difficult it would be to not see left-wing propaganda?
You can't turn on your TV, go to the movies, read a newspaper, engage in an internet comment thread, or go to a PTA meeting.
To paraphrase Madge in the Palmolive commercial, we're soaking in it.
The feeling is, sometimes, more like Charlton Heston in "Omega Man".
It's like the Libs have gone back to the old Kings by Divine right rules.Their newest virtue signals must now now guarded by rules that speaking about the King's death ( their insane opinion's death) is Treason punishable by terrible tortures. And they are still in shock over Trump's revolution just like the Brits were by the French Revolution that opened a door for Bonaparte.
Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?
Yes, but Inga is now banned.
That's 6.02x10^23 fewer daily insults thrown your way.
Unpack and interrogate the structural norms of the snowflake and get 10% off on your next purchase of standardized bulk propaganda.
PS: the Pogo comic refers to litter and littering, so now it should be "We have met the enemy and he is Mexicans."
I'm tempted to resort to synecdoche to describe Joanna Schroeder--synecdoche of a particularly feminine variety--but I shall refrain. I feel so goddam woke today!
"Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?"
The good news is they won't bother with you today because they're sipping coffee and thinking about John Oliver's horse.
"I don’t read very many opinions here by commenters that don’t sound like they’ve come straight out of any run of the mill right wing publication.”
Well, that’s true for Chuck and NRO, for sure.
“don’t sound like”
Well, that’s down to your indoctrination, isn’t it. “Don’t sound like” is a lot different than “are” and I can give examples. Sure, we have shared values and that leads to similar conclusions, but if you know of a "right wing publication" that has the same vibe as Althouse, please share.
The left owns the major media, meaning not just the news, but TV shows and movies as well, and even the publishing gatekeeping for major fiction and all of the major awards. I have given up trying to comment on left wing sites as I am banned the moment my political leanings become apparent.
How will you know whether YOU are the propaganda?
Is Joanna a white woman?
If so - she's a big part of the problem. also - progressive women are really horrid.
Hitler's actual handmaidens.
Genius, Althouse
Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?
What? Telling them "Go fuck yourself" isn't enough? Why do you care what they think? They wanted to hunt you like in that movie during the Walker "Troubles." They don't deserve your concern.
"transgressive comedy is best when it is antiestablishmentarian.”
Joanna is in denial that she represents the establishment, as well as the interests of the hyper wealthy Silicon Valley robber barons.
Joanna could have spared the world more white men by aborting her sons.
thoughts from around the web:
"The funniest part of the Cuomo freakout is that if he’d just said ‘get a life, I’m out with my family,’ then people would have sympathized with him. But because he took it to 11 and compared ‘fredo’ to the n-word—and CNN PR doubled down on it—everyone will now call him Fredo.”
from Sean Davis:
Devin Nunes was referred to as “Fredo” on CNN in March. CNN’s David Gregory compared @DonaldJTrumpJr to “Fredo” in February. And in January, CNN’s Ana Navarro referred to @DonaldJTrumpJr as “Fredo”...to Cuomo on his own show.
oh really.
Answer questions as best as you can. Be firm about treating others well, and model the behavior whenever possible. Teach them how to think, and to keep going with the thought, which means questioning premises and current conclusions and checking again.
Teach them to avoid ‘systems’ when it comes to current events and politics, especially, without evidence and facts (go find out or find somebody who knows more) so that they may rebel against their parents’ beliefs with a path to new knowledge and wisdom.
People who pimp out their kids’ experiences like this are looking for something, and it often isn’t good.
I gather that Althouse may be, socially, in Charlton Hestons position.
Its a strange place, I know.
In San Francisco I have my armor of foreignness, and I am a man, without the need to have a female network (the fanaticism is mainly female), and I avoid politics, and I am a private person, but there is an increasing intensity of this.
The kids work in unusual circumstances (tech), but have had their own run-ins.
Katrina Pierson:
"Did @ChrisCuomo just say that “Fredo” is to Italians what the N word is to black people? Th N word is a dehumanizing word used against blacks who endured years of oppression. Fredo is a term from The Godfather, referring to the dumb brother. Equivocating the two is pure racism".
30 minutes to an hour of TV a day as per morality
an apple a day keeps the doctor away
Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?
You need to threaten to thrown them down a set of stairs.
Did @ChrisCuomo just say that “Fredo” is to Italians what the N word is to black people?
I thought that was WOP. Every identity slur is now “the n word for [identity group]”
“It's a system I believe is purposefully created to disillusion white boys away from progressive/liberal perspectives”
The stupidity burns. While the behaviors of some adolescent boys certainly gives reason to dismiss them generally as dumbshits, they have a native genius for recognizing (but not necessarily rejecting, depends on their own interest) manipulation. They are simultaneously the most herdable of folks and nature’s contrarians. It isn’t a system created to disillusion white boys. It is disillusioned white boys.
The kids are forming an army. Dumbledores Army. In this scenario, who is Delores Umbridge?
"if you're only seeing right-wing propaganda,"
People, she's saying if that's all you see. As in, the left-wing propaganda just looks like news to you. You are unable to see it as propaganda.
Its much worse for women I think.
There is a much more intense need for a social network. This is natural.
These generally force a uniform world view on the members of the network.
Which makes ostracism much more painful.
I think that for women to buck their local consensus is more unusual, and they suffer more.
Mens and womens social networks generally exist in parallel, with limited crossover.
Mens networks also have far less emotional connection and are much more easily abandoned.
Yes, but Inga is now banned.
That's 6.02x10^23 fewer daily insults thrown your way
"FrankiM" appeared the next day and is laboring in the left wing vineyard daily, Sees white supremacy everywhere,
Would this woman rather have a son who hunts and swears and looks at women with lust, or a son who announces he is transgendered?
What Schroeder proposes is a form of "conversion therapy".
I enjoyed this reply...
John Doherty@Midnightpooper Replying to @iproposethis
Mommy needs another box of wine dear. Get mommy’s box of wine GET ME MY FRIGGING BOX OF WINE YOU BRAT!
"watch political comedy shows with him, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Hasan Minhaj. Talk about what makes their jokes funny - who are the butt of the jokes? Do they 'punch up' or down?"
She clearly has no idea which direction is up or down. (Hint, if there are three easy to name persons, and they have a regular gig on TV, they might be the ones that are "up".)
Also, having your kids watch John Oliver? So she wants her kids to be smug, sneering, cynical, sarcastic rubes?
"if you're only seeing right-wing propaganda,"
What she really means is whether or not you aren't ONLY seeing left-wing propaganda. The issue is that information that is not leftwing/LLR propaganda is breaking thru.
Yeah, gotta make sure they watch a bunch of hard Left "humor" shows otherwise they might fall prey to propaganda. Fucking brilliant.
We sure are getting free with "white boys" as a descriptor and, often, an insult, huh? I remember when former President Bush's affectionate use of "little brown ones" was pearl-clutchingly awful and I have to wonder how "black boys" hits these people's ears, but I guess some phrases don't bother nice centrist people in quite the same way now.
Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?
Well, yes. I remember the threats recorded against AA and Meade by their fellow faculty members - and perhaps especially, the wives with baby strollers - in some of their videos from the Great Madison Storm in a Teacup.
The assumption used to be that young people should look at all viewpoints before drawing conclusions. Even including ones that might be repugnant.
But now, apparently, we can't trust young people to do that; their information must be carefully managed by politically aware adults. Lest they fall into error!
“I thank God, we have not free schools nor printing; and I hope we shall not have these hundred years. For learning has brought disobedience, and heresy and sects into the world; and printing has divulged them and libels against the government. God keep us from both!”
~ Sir William Berkeley (1606-1677) Royal Governor of Virginia
Non Left-approved Media is counterrevolutionary, dangerous, and must be suppressed!
Are running dog capitalists infecting your home and corrupting your children with their vile lies and propaganda? Monitor your children and their friends and report any aberrations to your local commissar or political officer at once!
The "storm" may have been trivial; the sentiment behind the threats was real enough.
"Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?"
I do not know how many such types you have in your life and I would be very interested to know how they treat you.
But, especially since I occasionally give you a hard time about your typical how-could-they or isn't-it-sad or let's-look-up-a-word spiel about the latest prog lie or outrage, I do want to give credit too: it takes a little courage for a woman in Madison, WI, to do what Althouse does--and to enable us deplorables to hang out here.
Ann whined—
“Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?”
Sorry, but it is quite common to be judged by the company you keep. In your case you have actively cultivated your small mean right-wing readership and comment providers. (Do you expect that others will think it is just by accident that ninety-nine percent of the comments on your blog are Trump loving hard right?)
Ann, of course many people in your life find what you do here highly distasteful and wonder why you have chosen to make this blog your final legacy.
...watch political comedy shows with him, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Hasan Minhaj. Talk about what makes their jokes funny - who are the butt of the jokes? Do they 'punch up' or down?"
That's certainly going to be an excellent education in propaganda.
We can no longer sit back and allow Conservative infiltration, Right Wing indoctrination, Free Market subversion, and the international Libertarian conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.
The slightest whiff of dissent or counterprogramming is cause for moral panic. It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
These kids are flooded with Leftist messages from the moment they set foot in a public school, pre-K for many of them. They're told diversity is the highest good, America's history is shameful, the Earth is dying because people who aren't socialists are evil, most of their cartoon character pals are LGBTQ, and on and on. They're made to choke it all down, often in transparently tendentious "lessons" from teachers, Media (all their TV shows, most movies, etc), and their goody-two-shoes friends.
That a certain number of them rebel against that push is unsurprising. The idea that what's needed is more pro-Left propaganda and that just doing more to force the kids to swallow Leftist pablum will solve that "problem" is idiotic. If you want to stop driving kids into the arms of anti-Left extremists maybe start by toning down the pro-Left messages you try your best to force on them at every turn.
If you remember firefly, this is how you make reavers
Once Written remains very very very upset that his/her/xer East German-Stasi coup attempt against Trump failed followed by the failure of Hodgekinson to mass murder republican lawmakers followed by the hoax obstruction ploy failing followed by the hoax sexual assault ploy failing and now the hoax white supremacy ploy is failing.
So many marxist ploys biting the dust is difficult for Once Written to accept. But you know our far left/antifa types like Once Written. They never give up...
So YouTube videos are counterprogramming the progressive programming they get in schools, resulting in young adults who have been exposed to both sides and can decide for themselves.
HoodlumDoodlum: "The slightest whiff of dissent or counterprogramming is cause for moral panic."
Just look at Once Written's comments.
"Most propaganda is leftwing and it's everywhere."
Propaganda is everywhere, and it comes from all sides. That you do not see it coming from the right simply illustrates how well they have duped you.
The progressives are always chasing the high from the past.
I hereby dub 2019 "The Summer of Free Hate."
Once Written: "(Do you expect that others will think it is just by accident that ninety-nine percent of the comments on your blog are Trump loving hard right?)"
Leftists such as yourself never flourish in a forum where the powers that be don't censor republicans/conservatives.
There are very good reasons for that which is why the left demands those other "irredeemable deplorables" not be allowed to speak, just as in every institution and everywhere else around the world where leftists gain power.
But only every single time.
"Who is Joanna Schroeder and why should we care about her opinion?"
Who are you? Why should anyone care about your opinion, (or mine, or anyone else's)?
Robert Cook: "Propaganda is everywhere, and it comes from all sides. That you do not see it coming from the right simply illustrates how well they have duped you."
Tell us more about the October Surprise conspiracy......
"As always, it is up to the Althouses, one of the target audiences, to put a stop to it, by dismissing it decisively."
A bit grandiose of you, don't you think? The world does not pay any attention to the Althouse blog or its comments, and nothing said here changes or puts a stop to anything.
Propaganda is everywhere, and it comes from all sides. That you do not see it coming from the right simply illustrates how well they have duped you.
Yes. That seems obvious.
The problem is that the Left have a much, much bigger megaphone for their propaganda than the Right.
They also have the so-called "fact checkers."
We have for years now, purposefully and systematically reduced the ability of boys to function in our schools and society at large. First we decided that boys are not just boys, bored and squirming in their seats at school. They needed to be drugged. So we drugged generations of boys with ritalin. Then we determined that regular male interaction and behavior was the reason for the ills of society at large. Toxic masculinity. And we determined that we had to focus on the girls in our schools and every facet of society, while at the same time making sure that we ignored, or put down the boys.
Today we have fewer boys excelling in school, fewer boys graduating school, fewer young men on college campuses, and fewer young men graduating college. Fewer young men getting post grad degrees. Those that survive do so by either accepting the dogma taught today, or feigning to accept it, just to get through it. And yes, there are fewer and fewer male teachers in K-12 education. Think that doesn't have an impact? Those in the universities typically don't count because, again, to survive at that stage they are either so indoctrinated with Good Thought, or they know they have to just shut up.
Many of the boys and young men in this country don't have fathers from which to learn how to be a man. In some communities, it's as high as 73% with no fathers. That is not a positive, though it might be taught that it is. Reality would beg to differ.
You think boys are angry? You bet. They are just trying to be boys and have no direction on how to do it. When they act in a way that's natural to them, they are slammed down and told they are evil.
So if they're searching online for something...an answer, you might consider what you have laid out for them.
And by the way, it's the Dems who have mainstreamed anti-Semitism. It's now part of their brand.
I'll live with that right wing mote you declare is in my eye, and even try to remove it.
But only if you firts remove that large multistory log cabin made of beams you have in your eye, sweetie.
"I'd bet that there aren't 10,000 true White Supremacists in the entire country."
What is a "true" white supremacist?
Propaganda does come from everywhere. Indeed, it generates itself naturally, as it is a means of creating and maintaining a social consensus. This was one of the more interesting points Gramsci raised, the hegemony, though it is not entirely original with him.
The idea of channelling, editing, consciously manipulating this hegemony is not new either. The Catholic church did this wholesale for thousands of years. The counter-reformation, led by the Jesuits, was mainly such an educational process. In spite of the popular image of the arquebuses and pikes and general slaughter, the counter-reformations main tools were schools.
And so today. What we have is a propaganda war, of two sides. It is being fought by, on one side, an organized, well funded, official, hegemonic side, versus what amounts to a rebellion by guerillas, poorly funded and usually spontaneous.
Cookie any one that is to the right of your right pinky is hard right .
Filed under: If you look for something you can find it.
In general, yes, monitor your kids' network access. Recognize that persuasion is everywhere, and teach your kids to be skeptical of everything.
Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?
I teach at a public high school in California. Cry me a river.
Ugh. Ever since Simon Cowell, I’ve been decidedly against giving smug English pricks American airtime.
Well said.
Wow! It's been years since I thought about Avogadro's number.
BTW, why exactly has Joanna been copulating with white men?
But isn't she really implying that progressive values cause white supremacy?
She's confusing me.
"Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?"
With friends like that you don't need enemies. I don't know what's worse, the wacky leftism, the conformist desire to make everyone clap for Comrade Stalin, or the treating someone badly because they believe in free speech.
So, a white ex-first lady, senator and former secretary is state calling half the population deplorables is now considered, punching up?
This nut couldn't even define "white supremacist" - its just code word for Non-left. Notice she doesn't have to worry about the Girls, they just conform.
Instead of exposing these boys to any unauthorized opinions, mainline them with a steady stream of the hate-Whitey LSM -- what could possibly go wrong?
After reading her twitter account, this bitch shouldn't have anything to do with raising boys. Hopefully, they'll realize "Mommy is a bit of a nut" and ignore the rants.
I wonder if Joanna Schroeder considers calling CC Fredo punching up or punching down? Either way, he'll punch her lights out.
Joannas can be so cruel.
Kid: Mom, why are watching my online behavior?
JS: I'm just making sure you don't become a white supremacist, like Trump
Kid: Get off my back and let me have some space!
JS: Sorry dear, its for your own good. And I've signed you up for a two week "All Genders fighting racism workshop" - it'll be fun!
Robert Cook - do explain the right wing propaganda I have swallowed whole.
In your case you have actively cultivated your small mean right-wing readership and comment providers. (Do you expect that others will think it is just by accident that ninety-nine percent of the comments on your blog are Trump loving hard right?)
How dare you publish comments by the right ????
All self respecting blogs and sites like HuffPo have banned comments by the right, The LA Times months ago decided comments by me were "spam."
Expect to be added to a list of wrongthinkers in Madison any day now. Once written is checking your address and phone number as we speak.
What's a "Joanna Schroeder"?
Charlie Currie: So, a white ex-first lady, senator and former secretary is state calling half the population deplorables is now considered, punching up?
Don't take it literally. "Punching up", like "white supremacist" itself, is merely one of the innumerable versions of "cet animal est très méchant, quand on l'attaque il se défend". It's an attempt to define as illegitimate any opposition or self-defense. (There seems to be precious little content in prog rhetoric that *isn't* some form of this.)
It's a tactic that worked very well for a long time, with the use of "racist". It's not working very well any more, though faith in its efficacy remains very strong, as can be seen from the increasing deployment of more and more extreme (irrational, fantastical) variants.
Boys, put down that Xbox and come watch John Oliver now!
And what are wire hangers doing in this closet when I told you NO WIRE HANGERS, EVER?! I
@Cook: "A bit grandiose of you, don't you think? The world does not pay any attention to the Althouse blog or its comments, and nothing said here changes or puts a stop to anything."
Sure, I dramatize for effect, but my point was not about this blog specifically but about the "Althouses": moderately liberal white women who lean Dem but might switch. As potential swing voters, they are a natural target group. In the case of the Warren/Harris lie, not the main audience, but an important secondary group: hey, you nice white ladies, surely you don't want to stand with racists, do you? surely you recognize the symbolism of the Brown killing, don't you? The racism narrative is in part an effort to guilt-trip nice white women into turning left.
So my question for Althouse and the Althouses is, how outrageous does the left have to become, and how far left do candidates need to move, before they forfeit their support entirely?
Oh dear God l! How utterly blind. Putting aside that most social media and media in general is pushing a left leaning agenda, I suppose she should be worried.
@Robert Cook:
What is a "true" white supremacist?
Someone who believes whites should rule over other races. Ten thousand is probably a gross exaggeration.
“A bit grandiose of you, don't you think? The world does not pay any attention to the Althouse blog or its comments, and nothing said here changes or puts a stop to anything.”
Truer words...
No true Scotsman defense.
I’ve noticed that many of America’s most beautiful cities, such as Madison, are liberal strongholds. I wonder why that is?
Would Walt Kelly be as popular today?
"What is a "true" white supremacist?”
A definition would be great, since the accusation is so widely circulated. Traditionally it meant a person who believed that whites are the natural ruling race. Today it seems to mean somebody who voted against Hillary.
Please define it for me. JKLOL, I know that you will never consider defining it because it is. far more useful as a catchall smear.
"Punching down" is a fine example of a dying metaphor. If it were all the way dead everyone would understand it as just another way to say "attacking a Mascot of the Anointed"-- while if it were alive, everyone would see at once that someone who has his own TV show is almost certainly punching down.
I saw this on Twitter. Can't take credit for it.
"watch political comedy shows with him, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Hasan Minhaj."
Is the "pray the gay away" for lefties.
"Ann, of course many people in your life find what you do here highly distasteful and wonder why you have chosen to make this blog your final legacy.”
Althouse as Sherman McCoy. Maybe, just maybe, it’s too painful for her to abandon The Enlightenment and sign over her power of independent thought, one of the Universe’s greatest gifts, to anybody? Naah!
I’ve noticed that many of America’s most beautiful cities, such as Madison, are liberal strongholds. I wonder why that is?
Some liberal cities with attractive qualities:
San Francisco
Of course, they also have high crime, grime and poverty rates. I wonder why that is?
Reminds me of that scene in "Slapshot" where the Cheif's new owner tells Reggie Dunlop:
“I have to confess I've never let the children watch a hockey game. I have a theory that children imitate what they see on a TV screen. If they see violence, they'll become violent. If they see someone stick up a bank, they'll stick up a bank. Heroin. You name it.”
To which our hero replies:
"You know, your son looks like a fag to me.
- Anita McCambridge: I beg your pardon?
- Reggie: You better get re-married again, or he's gonna have someone's cock in his mouth before you can say "Jack Robinson".
Cook, are you claiming that Althouse is right-wing?
If not, then please explain why so many other "right-wingers" would want to camp out here and read her opinions?
(Hint: it's a little thing called intellectual honesty. Althouse has it. So very few others out there do.)
"I’ve noticed that many of America’s most beautiful cities, such as Madison, are liberal strongholds. I wonder why that is?”
Because liberalism is the ideology of the wealthy. It’s the new Calvinism. How many comments here to do we get from our “liberal” commenters about trailer trash or “hillbillies”? What liberalism is selling is a sense of deserved entitlement. These uneducated workers we are letting in by the millions aren’t going to compte for your jobs!
"I’ve noticed that many of America’s most beautiful cities, such as Madison, are liberal strongholds. I wonder why that is?"
Fiscally strong, united in thought, educating tomorrow's citizens in correct ideas, and full of luxury that delights the appetites, right FrankiM? It sounds like the Capitol in "The Hunger Games".
Or maybe liberals just collect in locations (like state capitals and university towns) where they can feast on the fruits of others' labors.
I wouldn't be too cocky, Franki.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
Just think of all the young white men being raised by lunatics like Joanna Schroeder then sent off to college. Come to think of it, my grandson in Portland may be among them.
It makes one’s blood run cold for them.
What is a "true" white supremacist?
Someone who truly believes that Caucasians are superior to all other races, strictly because they are Caucasians. As opposed to being called white supremacists by virtue of being both white and hated by the writers for the Times and the Post.
These days propaganda, meaning lies and exaggerations couched as truth and packaged neatly for mass consumption that's been constructed for political purposes, is far more prevelant on the Left than the Right. This is because the overwhelming majority of main stream media outlets, as well as all the companies that have begun to act as gatekeepers to the bulk of information on the internet (Google, Twitter, Facebook ect.) are all predominantly Left leaning in their collective idealogies. This can be most clearly demonstrated by political donations, not to mention countless instances of demonstrable biases that have been revealed over the years.
That's not to say that there's not propaganda that comes from the Right, but the counterpoints are so overwhelming from the Left that even the slightest untruth that is attempted to be pulmugated by the Right is forcefully denounced from all corners of the media with blaring headlines and shrill talking heads in a near 24/7 basis.
There's a huge imbalance of volume when it comes to the competing narratives. On one side you have Trump himself (who admittedly has a rather significant blowhorn), Talk Radio, Fox News, and a small but active group of conservative websites and a conservative blog-o-sphere. On the other you have virtually all of the information overlords of silcon valley, Hollywood, and the bulk of the news industry.
The only question really is how effective the torrent of false information really is? How persuasive is it? Well, that's not as easy to get a handle on until we have an election.
Clearly there's still a large amount of people who believe wholeheartedly that the Russians hacked the 2016 elections for the benefit of Trump, and at his behest. There's still a huge number of people ardently believe that Trump obstructed justice, even though realistically that's an absurd claim from a legal perspective. There's even presidential candidates who (at least claim to) believe that Michael Brown was murdered in cold blood by a Ferguson police officer for the crime of being a young black man.
6 Ways We (Accidentally) Teach Our Kids Rape Culture
Joanna Schroeder
1. Telling our kids that “boys will be boys.”
Because boys are actually defective girls.
2. Forcing kids to hug and kiss others.
Rather than hug and kiss, children should punch and kick their aunts and grandmothers.
3. Asking, “What did you do to make him hit you?”
This never actually happens, so don't answer.
4. Teaching kids that boys hit girls because they like them.
Kids should never know the truth about anything that's stupid or unpleasant.
5. Slut-shaming any girl or woman in front of kids.
One should only shame boys or men in front of kids.
6. Reinforcing the idea that girls should be “pure.”
Girls should wear short skirts and no underwear and lobster socks.
In the last presidential election, the only place you could find HIllary stickers was wealthy suburbs.
The liberal media is owned by the hyper wealthy. What’s this about “punching up”? It sounds like white supremacism to me, attacking white men is always punching up.
AA asks (perhaps rhetorically):
Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?
My rough idea would be several, they think less of you, and probably shun and/or criticize you a bit.
On the other hand, that reaffirms your principled commitment to: (1) the First Amendment of the Constitution and (2) the free exchange of ideas.
And, that principled commitment has resulted in your: (a) having a good life, (b) having a great blog, and (c) having a nice marriage with a former commentator.
So, I would reasonably conclude that you have gotten the better of any exchange with any fussy "Joanna Schroeder-types" in your life.
And, to close, for any "Joanna Schroeder types" who hassle you about this fine blog, I would gladly offer my services as proxy to politely tell them to go fuck off.
I yield the floor.
Lot’s of beautiful college towns get that way based on taxing the people in the ugly exurbs. Of course people on the public tit are going to defend big government and seek ever more justifications to make it even bigger.
"White Supremacy!" is the new "Russian hackers!" battle space prep for the 2020 election.
What we all need to instill in our children is judgment (with or without a second "e"). There are people out there who intentionally or not give real offense, and there are also "snowflakes" who take offense to seek attention or signal virtue. It should be possible for the same person to recognize both and react accordingly. Whatever happened to the "reasonable person" test?
Blogger J. Farmer said...
John Oliver
Ugh. Ever since Simon Cowell, I’ve been decidedly against giving smug English pricks American airtime.
8/13/19, 8:36 AM
Being English-American, I endorse this message.
... so her thesis is that because callout culture turns people off from the left, there's a giant conspiracy to radicalize all the kids?
Has she considered that maybe the problem is ... callout culture?
(Are these alleged "sexist, racist, anti-Semitic" jokes actually any of that? Or is someone else deciding that they are when they aren't?
Interestingly, the only whiffs of actual anti-Semitism I ever see online come from the left. Remember the Times cartoons that were Der Sturmer fodder recently?
I'm sure the few actual neo-Nazi and klan types on the right also spew that, of course - it's their thing, but ... they're rounding error, have been for decades on end, and no matter how hard people try to sell me a Resurgence Of Racists, they keep being bad at actually showing it.)
Nobody else has caught the notion of the mother using late night talking heads as roll models?
we never used celebrities as roll models when we were rearing our kids. Never.
Family members, community persons, and specific writings, not writers. Mostly we used us. Attempted to lead by example. Verbalize core values, model them. Use people the kids 'know'. Those people that model the core values that are important.
It is the through the prism of those core values we see differing view points. Consistency of actions that support the core values.
World view and core values. Personalities have no place in rearing children.
I remember a talk the daughter and I had about sharing notes from class with her friends. The morality of that sharing. It was a long talk in a car, just the two of us. Now as a mother herself, she brought up that talk, and how it shaped her views. I didn't tell her what to do, or think, but forced her to examine her values, and if she was being true to what she wanted to be. Trevor Noah destroys values, not reinforce. Mother needs to stop abdicating her power, and responsibilities
66 Million Americans voted for Hillary v. 63 Million Americans voted for Trump.
According to the Left, all 63 Million Americans are:
1. White supremacists
2. White privileged
3. Racist
4. Russian stooges
I had to check to see if she really posted all this on twitter. Twitter should have kept the 140 character limit. I doubt anyone would keep scrolling to find out if this chick is nuts or trolling.
Then again, It does cut down on the ratio she's getting by way of rationing.
Trite supremacists.
Is this that same horrible woman who wanted to cut her Trump-supporting in-laws out of her children's lives?
The "White Supremacy" and "Racist!" tags are intended to keep Democratic Party client populations on the farm. Trump is making too many inroads with black men and hispanics for Democrats to be comfortable, so they are trying to toxify his supporters.
Common sense dictates an analysis different from the White Supremacy and Racist memes, so the Dems and the MSM (BIRM) look increasingly deranged to anyone with a bit of objectivity.
One does not have to be a white supremacist to think that national borders should mean something.
Howard: "No true Scotsman defense."
Howard still thinks white supremacist Trump supporters attacked Jussie Smollett.
Racist mass murderer Dylan Roof complained that he couldn't find anyone who agreed with him in South Carolina, so obviously, white supremacists number in the 10's of millions.......
I haven't watched late night TV since Jay Leno retired. Every time a catch a few minutes of any of them, I see a bunch of smug, entitled jerks appealing to people who have never done an honest day's work in their lives.
Explaining to your son that “that’s not funny!” is sure to work.
The most difficult aspect of attending white supremacy gatherings is the constant waiting around for the russian directives to be translated and lack of a full spread of condiment options.
I stopped watching TBS in the morning because they kept running Samantha Bee rants during reruns of old sitcoms. I have a weakness for Married With Children, but it’s not THAT big of a weakness.
Howard is only here as a lefty "minder" to ensure Althouse doesn't stray too far away from the acceptable Party line.
"Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?"
You live in Madison and are a law professor emeritus. I think I have an idea.
I have always admired your fortitude and independent thought.
AAT: "I stopped watching TBS in the morning because they kept running Samantha Bee rants during reruns of old sitcoms"
Its the only way they can get Samantha Bee in front of real audiences since no one tunes into her show.
Howard still thinks white supremacist Trump supporters attacked Jussie Smollett.
Those were Nigerian fake white supremacists, Drago.
As to why liberal cities are beautiful -
The classic left wing explanation - "Imperial San Francisco" Grey Brechin
This line of thought used to be more popular on the left, a couple of decades ago.
Listen to the Ann who lives by the NYT - a classic left progressive rag. who for nearly a half century lives in a leftist community , who worked in a leftist progressive job for nearly a half century, who has left progressive sons( voted for Jill Stein), who probably doesn't have one Christian friend, kvetching for fair and balance. Ann look in the mirror!
She's teaching her kids to have bad taste in comedy. There's no excuse for that.
The may-mays are going to get my children!
BAG: "Those were Nigerian fake white supremacists, Drago."
They were white-black non-white-supremacist-white-supremacists, obviously.
Not enough white hispanics causing problems so the left is inventing new fake races to go along with all their new fake "genders".
Those were Nigerian fake white supremacists, Drago.
Is one of them the Prince? Because I want to have a word with him about that gold shipment he promised.
Notice it's 'my boys'. Where's dad? If boys of any color had a strong but loving father, social media wouldn't be such a factor in their lives.
"watch political comedy shows with him, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Hasan Minhaj. Talk about what makes their jokes funny - who are the butt of the jokes? Do they 'punch up' or down?"
Which is why, dear son, there were so many late night tv jokes about Obama from these comedians.
"Oh, yes, Mommy, this is very funny, Mommy. Not the bad funny badsies, Mommy. Look, Mommy, look--I am laughing, Mommy! Ha ha ha! I am laughing! I agree with you, Mommy. I have the good thoughts, Mommy, like you and Daddy. I can laugh with you and Daddy at the good thoughts, Mommy. Ha ha ha! You still love me, Mommy. I got all the badsies out, and you still love me, right, Mommy? Ha ha ha! Look how hard I can laugh at the good thoughts, Mommy!"
Given that white supremacy is a very fringy group with very few members, but yet this article makes it out to be a major problem, that would make this article propaganda.
Of course, I suspect the author thinks someone like Mitt Romney is a white supremacist. It's all in the definitions.
"What is a "true" white supremacist?"
Someone who truly believes that Caucasians are superior to all other races
It's actually quite embarrassing from a racial pov: the reason there is no strong White Supremacist movement is because the skinheads got heavy into meth.
So much for the supremacy theory, heh.
The Liberals didn't build these beautiful cities like Seattle or SF. They took them over. And basically drove off anyone who didn't agree with them. Or couldn't' afford the taxes. Plus, the Rich today are LIBERAL. the NYT/Wapo are liberal. The Establishment is liberal.
The old joke in the 90s was there were more communists in Beverly Hills than in Moscow.
watch political comedy
It really says a lot about these people that their go-to is political comedy.
When I was young I would try to stall bedtime until Carol Burnett came on.
I guess the liberals have a strong urge to feel better about themselves by lowering others.
“I didn't tell her what to do, or think, but forced her to examine her values, and if she was being true to what she wanted to be.”
What most good parents do, whether they be on the left OR the right.
"Its the only way they can get Samantha Bee in front of real audiences since no one tunes into her show.”
Yes, it’s almost as if they know that the only way they can get you to watch is “accidentally."
I’ve noticed that many of America’s most beautiful cities, such as Madison, are liberal strongholds. I wonder why that is?”
Isn’t Madison one of the most racist cities? I wonder why that is?
As we speak, democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong are waving American flags in the face of the lefty/commie tyrants.
Why would these asian folks be waving symbols of white supremacy?....one wonders......
"Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?"
As to why liberal cities are beautiful -
They were beautiful before they became liberal-infested. People flock to attractive places, and there is apparently some formula based on population-density where the closeness breeds liberalism like a disease. Then things turn sour, but because the places have been so long desired the history rules rather than the present circumstances. I wonder if there shouldn't be a legal limit on population density.
Kids grow up to be left. Kids grow up to be right. It's only sad if they grow up to watch clapter at night
The Liberals didn't build these beautiful cities like Seattle or SF.
Thank you, rcocean!!! This needs to be said. It's like the process of Californication that is going on even in parts of Alaska. Rich Californians see beautiful scenery like the Pacific NW, Western Montana and Alaska and buy it up. And begin to change it. I've seen it over and over. They should be quarantined.
I've always wondered why the phrase 'Trigger Warnings.' It makes guns seem bad-boy sexy.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
“66 Million Americans voted for Hillary v. 63 Million Americans voted for Trump.”
To be a bit more accurate, 66 million votes were counted for Hillary, and 63 million votes for Trump. We don’t know how many or Crooked Hillary’s 66 million votes were by American citizens, though we do know that a number of those votes were not, esp, of course, in CA. Similarly, we don’t know how many of those voters were actually live at the time, or only voted once. Was the difference between eligible voters voting and votes received more than the 3 million vote difference? Doubtful we will ever know.
Am I fast enough?
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