"Here's how: It's a system I believe is purposefully created to disillusion white boys away from progressive/liberal perspectives. First, the boys are inundated by memes featuring subtly racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic jokes. Being kids, they don't see the nuance & repeat/share. Then they're called out for these jokes/phrases/memes by parents, teachers, kids (mostly girls) at school & online. The boys then feel shame & embarrassment - and shame is the force that, I believe, leads people to their worst decisions. The second step is the boys consuming media with the 'people are too sensitive' and 'you can't say anything anymore!' themes. For these boys, this will ring true - they're getting in trouble for 'nothing.' This narrative allows boys to shed the shame - replacing it w/anger. And who is their anger with? Women, feminists, liberals, people of color, gay folks, etc etc. So-called snowflakes. And nobody is there to dismantle the 'snowflake' fallacy. These boys are being set up - they're placed like baseballs on a tee and hit right out of the park.... These are often boys from progressive or moderate families - but their online behavior & viewing habits are often ignored.... [I]f your kid says 'triggered' as a joke referring to people being sensitive, he's already being exposed & on his way.... [W]e need to stay engaged & challenge our kids without shaming them. I'm lucky, my kids are smart and have a smart, critical, progressive dad who isn't afraid to call bullshit when he sees it. But I've seen SO MANY white boys falling prey to this system. So beware."
Tweets Joanna Schroeder, who's lucky, because
her kids are smart. She suggests that mothers of white boys observe their interaction with media and intervene, explain what propaganda is, and "watch political comedy shows with him, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Hasan Minhaj. Talk about what makes their jokes funny - who are the butt of the jokes? Do they 'punch up' or down?"
I agree. Don't just leave your white boys to the manipulations of right-wing media. I would add don't leave any of your kids — be they white boys or no — to the manipulations of media — right-wing or left. And it's not just about kids. Save yourself. If you're only seeing right-wing propaganda, you'd better put on your own oxygen mask before you expend your waning energy saving the children.
How will you know whether YOU are the propaganda?
Titania McGrath satirizes the Joanna Schroeder thread!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 344 of 344I wonder how she feels about her boys becoming a hated minority in their own country?
Netflix's Rocko's Modern Life Transgender Character Storyline
But yeah, it's those sneaky YouTube vloggers you have to watch out for, always sneaking their ideology and beliefs into what kids watch...
I could probably link to a clip of 1984 discussing wrongthink or the scene from Clockwork Orange where Alex is reprogrammed by being forced to watch video...but I think we all get the point.
The lack of self awareness coupled with partisan hysteria make a pretty great combo--thanks for sharing this one, Professor.
"(Do you expect that others will think it is just by accident that ninety-nine percent of the comments on your blog are Trump loving hard right?)"
I don't like Trumps' methodology or demeanor. I hate needing to have a leader who acts like that. But that's what works for Democrats, and that's what works against them -- keeping oneself above the fray has been consistently show not to.
“Am I fast enough?”
Always fun to be first on a new page of comments. This makes three times in the last week. Exciting. Which, in itself, is scary.
They are being set up – they’re placed like badgers in a vice to be smashed up with a study mallet.
"Joanna Schroeder" the government and its mouthpiece and/or puppet-masters in the media have been exposed as liars, conman and grifters to such an extent that the words they spew 24/7/365 have been ignored by the average person for some time. I love this headline which I grabbed from "ACE of Spades" this morning" ".....Leftist Women Are Stupid, Irrational, Demon-Bothered Borderline-Insane People Who Should Not Have the Right to Vote....."
Well, she seems nice.
Do you have white sons? Then there is a good chance you or one of your relatives is white. Take remedial action! But, and this is vital, do not do anything non white people do because that would be cultural appropriation.
It sounds hard but it can be done. Elizabeth Warren was white once but is Cherokee now.
following other angles:
The Titania McGrath satire is good but I'll wager there are Joannas out there who wouldn't think it was satire.
she probably considers this reasonable,
“I write for a soft core porn site that often objectifies men and I worry about my son reading it.”
There should be thought bubble quotations.
Who cares? The future is female.
Yeah, she needs to learn that the Oxford comma is not optional too.
Sounds like she thinks her boys might be violent crypto-white supremacists. She must be so proud.
"(Do you expect that others will think it is just by accident that ninety-nine percent of the comments on your blog are Trump loving hard right?)"
This is called "sophistry"
It's no accident that 99% of people in Vermont are white, but that doesn't mean Vermont is discriminating against blacks. Blacks are free to move to Vermont, but they just don't. Nothing external is blocking them.
Same here with the comments. If a buncha leftists wanna jump into the pool here, welcome aboard! They gotta be a bit sharper than our current crop:)
I agree with Titania. We must monitor for appropriate speech and thoughts. Even if it means spying and using the FBI for Popodopolous type set-ups.
How much white supremacy can there really be, if we still have Jerry Nadler and Rosie O'Donnell in our ranks?
"Cook, are you claiming that Althouse is right-wing?"
No. I have no idea how you would infer that from anything I have said.
Diversity is a clear and progressive risk. People should not indulge color judgments, political congruence, and other Pro-Choice policies.
“1. Telling our kids that “boys will be boys.””
If I had my druthers, I would take her boys away from her for just that, for parental incompetence and child abuse. Boys are not defective girls. And trying to train them, and medicate them, into being girls is just going to give you fucked up young men. That is what she is trying to do - turn her boys into girls. Her sons obviously know, deep down, that there is something drastically wrong with the way they are being raised, by the social media and electronic games they prefer. And her “6 WAYS WE (ACCIDENTALLY) TEACH OUR KIDS RAPE CULTURE” explains a lot of her problem.
For example:
When talking about rape and assault, remind your kids that nobody deserves rape, “asks for it,” or “had it coming.” There’s nothing anybody can do that forces another person to rape them, including being drunk or high. The blame for a rape always lands exclusively on the rapist.
Of course, no one asks for it, in the way that she probably means, but this completely puts agency for sex on males. A lot of girls actually do ask for sex. Or at least want it. But when the boy doesn’t give them the love they are looking for, in trade for sex, they cry “rape”, and feminists like her put the blame on the guys. Right now, we are going through the birds and bees thing with two high school grandsons, warning them incessantly to use protection, because girls their age lie through their teeth about birth control in order to get pregnant, in order to secure the love of the guys that they are having sex with. Boys at that age need to know, in their bones, that sex is very different for them, than for their girlfriends. For them, it feels great, and gives them bragging rights with their peers. For the girls, it is often a way to get love, otherwise missing in their lives (often because their mothers were selfish enough to try to raise them without their father in the household).
Much of this attitude, on her part, is trying to train boys to be men, without a man in the household to show by example. If there isn’t a father in the house, or at least a long term father figure, the only thing that young men often see about adult relationships between the sexes are guys banging their mothers, and then the women bitching about them not sticking around, like the women expect. And from that example, the boys are supposed to figure out how to treat a woman with respect? Doesn’t work that way.
Way I'm seeing things, the 'white supremacist' stuff is just being shoved out there without any sort of rationalization other than "You don't believe what I do! THEREFORE!!!!"
This really isn't helping them as much as they may think, isolated in their little cheering sections. It's making them look like idiots.
Actually, left, as in neo-Nazi, neo-Mao, neo-Hutu, etc. Although, there is a left-right nexus that feeds left-wing progressions. #HateLovesAbortion
Blacks are free to move to Vermont, but they just don't. Nothing external is blocking them.
You forgot structural racism you White Supremacist!
"Titania McGrath satirizes the Joanna Schroeder thread!"
By sticking very, very closely to the original. Simply restating prog drivel in deplorable tones is satire enough.
A "snowflake trigger" is one with a pull weight under 4 pounds.
“Blacks are free to move to Vermont, but they just don't. Nothing external is blocking them”
Not preventing them, but lesser cold adaption likely predisposes them from it.
Also remember blacks were free to move out of the south since 1866!Why would you want to stay in an area where you are not wanted or so they claim.
Can Nigerians be White Supremacists? How do we know they are Fake?
>Nigerian fake white supremacists
With the new rules, sounds like they could be.
Anything else would be wrong think.
- After all Asians can be White Supremacists, such as Michelle Malkin.
- Jewish can also be White Supremacists - see Laura Loomer and Milo.
Bottom line is if the kids are smart they know better not to be dummer than a bottom line.
My kids are the smartest, almost god mode smart. Unfortunately they do not inherit the white supremacy dna.
I just make sure the bottom line at that point when they realize is not cocaine and wreckless behavior.
Anyone want my kids, anyone ? I can use a vacation.
I don’t actually have any kids.
A message relay because the individual parent can not afford to loose employment based on philosophical assumtions and would like to stay anonymous to not have to deal with emotional pain.
Well, I guess Vermont is racist then. And the Democrats should renounce their 3 racist Electoral Votes next election. They shouldn't ignore or tolerate pasty white supremacy in the Maple state.
nothing to see here:
Are certain words creeping into his conversation?
Words like, like "swell"?
Well, you got trouble. Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool
The fact that blacks could have migrated from the south to all other parts of America since 1866 makes desegregation as a epic event way overrated.
"Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?"
Writing this blog, in Madison, with a public profile... it is an act of courage. I admire Althouse for it and it is part of the reason I read this blog and value her writing.
It is, like berkeley midwest:
Also remember blacks were free to move out of the south since 1866!Why would you want to stay in an area where you are not wanted or so they claim.
We all know why they left. All those jobs the white men created, especially with the war and all. Over simplified but we are not talking about reality these days, at least if you are a Democrat.
Boys at that age need to know, in their bones, that sex is very different for them, than for their girlfriends.
Boy, I hope my son is having this talk with my one grandson. The grandson is 14 and a jock and already taller than his 6 foot 3 father.
Professor, get yourself an AR-15 and have someone you know photograph you at the range. Put a couple rapid-fire pics of you up right here. Should give some of 'em pause.
"curiosity said...
"Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?"
Writing this blog, in Madison, with a public profile... it is an act of courage. I admire Althouse for it and it is part of the reason I read this blog and value her writing."
Excellent point
Bay Area Guy said...
How much white supremacy can there really be, if we still have Jerry Nadler and Rosie O'Donnell in our ranks?
Not to mention all of those people who crop up in the Florida Man and Florida Woman stories, most of whom are white.
How I Didn’t Become a Radicalized Young White Man For vulnerable youth, the internet echo chambers can become a life-destroying trap
Beware becoming an echo chamber.
I call, and raise you this shirt.
she needs to learn that the Oxford comma is not optional too.
I never use it except to remove an ambiguity. The actual rule is that the comma goes where a word has been omitted (e.g. "or", "and"), and the final "and" hasn't been omitted, so there is no comma. Gypsies, tramps and thieves. Eats shoots and leaves.
On radicalization in young people.
“Former White Supremacist Explains Why Young White Men Join Extremist Groups”
“I think we're failing young people. You know, radicalization does not start when somebody finds an ideology. I think that the pre-radicalization stage starts the day we're born, when we start to hit those potholes in the road. And if we can't fill them, we get detoured to very dangerous, kind of fringe areas. And I think that we are failing young people in the sense that we are not serving their needs. We're not amplifying their passions. We're not finding the areas to refocus their energy before they find these ideologies. Nobody is born racist. And while we certainly see the results, the monstrous results, of the things that these racists do, in my work I have to believe that at some point that person was pure and maybe couldn't find their way. That's my job to see the child and not the monster because I have to believe that there are other people like me that were intercepted at times when they were vulnerable and ultimately could find the right path.”
Once written, twice... said...
Sorry, but it is quite common to be judged by the company you keep. In your case you have actively cultivated your small mean right-wing readership and comment providers. (Do you expect that others will think it is just by accident that ninety-nine percent of the comments on your blog are Trump loving hard right?)
8/13/19, 9:17 AM
Another case on point. To the left (who view themselves as the "normals") anyone who thinks anything like a) free speech matters or, b) innocent lives are worth protecting or, c) flooding the country with illegals might not be the best of ideas or, d) rule of law should be blind, or any other such "nonsense" are "Trump loving hard right".
The ignorance displayed by those that claim the title of "open minded and tolerant" is just further proof of the destruction of modern education and culture.
“Writing this blog, in Madison, with a public profile... it is an act of courage. I admire Althouse for it and it is part of the reason I read this blog and value her writing."
Madison is known to have aggressive lefty geese that hang around the beautiful bodies of water. Be aware!
Leftists take time out from shutting down all opposing speech to lecture others on how to avoid echo chambers.
"open minded and tolerant"
Pro-Choice and divergent.
Interesting how the article doesn't deal with Left-wing radicalization. Not even to say that, well, that's not what we do here.
If you've ever been around far Lefties (and I have), they are every bit as whack-job, hate-filled, and demented as their Right-wing counterparts. They want to dispense mass-murder, too. They just want to mass-murder a different set of people.
Do you have any idea how many Joanna Schroeder types I have in my life who have read my comments and what they consequently think of me and how they treat me?
Tell 'em to come on in to The Sewer! The waters fine!
I haven't reviewed comments, but I just have to say the original and the TM send-up are both works of genius in their ways.
It's hard to type, I'm laughing so hard.
OK, to comment #1 I go
Is it just me, or is anyone else surprised that the leaked list of names of Epsteins' pals seems to be lacking alot of republicans to go along with all the democrats?
I was assured by a certain Milwaukee nurse that this was going to be an evenly shared scandal between both parties.
Of course, that same person told me Brett Kavanaugh ran a state-wide rape gang for 20 years, Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice and also has "extensive" business dealings with russians....all of which also turned out to be lies.
Why, its almost as if this certain nurse lived in an alternate reality echo chamber and was unable to escape....
Now, Drago, one shouldn't speak ill of the dead.
Epsteins' pals seems to be lacking alot of republicans to go along with all the democrats?
Stigma. Labels. Judgment. Predophilia (sic) is social progress, albeit 1, 2, 3, 4 steps too far, bitter clinger.
Religion to moderate behavior of people with a moral character. Competing interests to mitigate the progress of others running amuck.
far Lefties (and I have), they are every bit as whack-job, hate-filled, and demented as their Right-wing counterparts.
The left-right, totalitarian-anarchist nexus. The former on principle. The latter is exceptional.
It is very useful to think that we are awash with White Supremacists. It justifies a lot of leftwing bullshit.
The difference between "normal" liberals and far lefties may be the number of White Supremacists they think exist and the power they have.
This white supremacy stuff is pure, media hogwash. Wake me up when they reach the numbers and violence of Antifa and BLM, to name just two violent, left-wing loon organizations
Francisco D: "It is very useful to think that we are awash with White Supremacists. It justifies a lot of leftwing bullshit."
The lefties and LLR's get to pretend they are astonishingly brave superheroes standing up the nazi's.
Do not discount the importance of that for them.
"Madison is known to have aggressive lefty geese that hang around the beautiful bodies of water. Be aware!"
So does Oakland, CA. They make a horrible mess too.
The far right is anarchist. The right is libertarian. Neither group or philosophy is in principle diversitist (e.g. racist, color supremacist).
'Oh, yes, Mommy, this is very funny, Mommy. Not the bad funny badsies, Mommy. Look, Mommy, look--I am laughing, Mommy! Ha ha ha! I am laughing! I agree with you, Mommy.'
And no wire hangers!! 😜
I'm stuck on "study mallet." Sounds scary.
Oooh! Am I one of the 1% or the 99? I always used to score SO high on these tests.
On CSpan last weekend there was a guy, Carl Beran(?), talking about his book, which sounds like it must track very close to La Schroeder . . . in his version, 4chan/8chan, Steve Bannon, and Milo Ycantspellit did some really awful things [on the Internet!] in 2016 and thereby put Trump in the White House.
He was asked about recent Trump-inspired massacres, and argued that these confused young rightwingers were just so desperate for meaning and structure that they are driven to do shoot people, and even read Jordan Peterson!
Comedy-Span! My idea! Any intellectual property lawyers in the house?
"The far right is anarchist. The right is libertarian."
Then "the right" is misidentified. Or more complex.
I am "right", but monarchist, imperialist, and Catholic.
You could say I am a neo-de Maistrean.
There should be a book. Mencius Moldbug made a start, but he was too "rational".
You cannot fit a human frame on a question which is too big for such things.
Even in the US the "right" is a mishmash that is very difficult to define.
That is why Russell Kirk "The Conservative Mind" is so useful.
maybe this guy:
how does monarchism apply in the phillipine contacts, the bourbons didn't do a bang up job in the first place, a traditionalist in social policy, a classical liberal in economics,
"how does monarchism apply in the phillippine context"
My policy ideal is to restore the old Spanish empire of course.
“Boy, I hope my son is having this talk with my one grandson. The grandson is 14 and a jock and already taller than his 6 foot 3 father.”
Hope his father has his bluff in already. Probably to late to do it now.
Our oldest grandkids are one and two years older than that grandson of yours. Second one has a learner’s permit, but borrowed the Polaris ATV early one morning while they were visiting. Bad enough that they roared around the neighborhood (most of us are on Medicare) about 1 am, but then they went down to the local convenience store for junk food. The same convenience store that is the only place for food or gas twenty miles in either direction, and as the county seat, in the middle of the county, is where state, county, and city LEOs meet and hang out late at night. Stupid stuff, but otherwise fairly harmless. I offered to take him in to talk to the Justice of the Peace (I have taken his shooting classes a couple times) if he persisted. He didn’t, but maybe partially because we made sure that he couldn’t get keys to anything, after that first night. Still, when we could roust him and his friend, they did work hard for me in the yard. Overpaid them, of course, which is what you expect from grandparents. Still a good kid.
He is right at 6’ and hasn’t stopped growing yet. May make the 6’3” that your son is. He has his older brother’s old girlfriend, who tried to kill herself after they broke up. Bit Cra Cra, partially because of no dad at home. Duh. But sweet. He was warned. He loves her, but neither is 16 yet. Still, he is a good kid, and actually does listen to us. Grandma (my partner) constantly quizzes him about girls. It seems to work. Older one, nearing 17 doesn’t. And that is the scary part. He thinks he is too smart to listen to grandparents. And has already discovered that the route to getting in a girl’s pants is telling them he loves them. Of course he doesn’t love them. Too many of them for that. He just loves the feeling of sex with them. We really don’t want great grandkids before he graduates from high school, but at the way he is going, we are worried.
in his version, 4chan/8chan, Steve Bannon, and Milo Ycantspellit did some really awful things [on the Internet!] in 2016 and thereby put Trump in the White House.
4chan had the Epstein dead story first.
Maybe Trump told them. Too bad they shut down 8chan. They might haye had the videos.
We really don’t want great grandkids before he graduates from high school, but at the way he is going, we are worried.
My wife has a great grand kid in the oven. Her grandson was married ten years to a gorgeous girl who kept telling him they would talk about kids later. He finally ended it. New one is PG.
My policy ideal is to restore the old Spanish empire of course.
Which one ? The one that squandered the gold from the New World? On religious wars ?
At least Juan Carlos got 15th in sailing in the 1972 Olympics.
Per buwaya: My policy ideal is to restore the old Spanish empire of course.
And I, the old British Empire. :-) Say what you want about Imperialism, it worked.
"Which one ? The one that squandered the gold from the New World? On religious wars ?"
Those were the Habsburgs. Per, bueno, what better war to fight than a religious war?
There was also more than one century-long religious war.
Note that half, at least, of that money was spent fighting Turks. Which was a pretty good thing, all in all, for Europe in general. Its not usually recognized just how much effort was put in, by all the Christian Med powers (other than France, those traitors), in fighting the Turks. The campaigns were constant, the enemy was capable and the battles very bitter, and glorious victories were rare.
on another front:
Its not usually recognized just how much effort was put in, by all the Christian Med powers (other than France, those traitors), in fighting the Turks. The campaigns were constant, the enemy was capable and the battles very bitter, and glorious victories were rare.
Turkey was Imperial Russia's greatest foe [at least before Lenin]. Most of their military efforts were directed at the Turks just to keep them contained and their shipping lanes open.
Althouse's scheme to shame mothers into doing the fine job she did takes few men.
But Althouse would be the first to concede only fine men combined with women can create an environment whereby woman-centric whims last merely the flimsiest tests of time.
If we were a golfin' I'd take a mulligan: alas...
Then "the right" is misidentified. Or more complex.
The spectrum is characterized by organization. The far-right is indeed anarchist. The right is indeed libertarian. The center is conservative. Monarchists, imperialists are left-wing. Then there is the left-right nexus, where the latter progresses the former.
yes they conquered Ukraine after the first two wars, and held it through the next two, that's why the Russian will not give it up,
4chan had the Epstein dead story first.
Maybe Trump told them. Too bad they shut down 8chan. They might haye had the videos
If the chan brothers have information about the socially progressive liberal sect, then Cloudflare, whether by force or choice, speaking truth to fascism, is implicated in the conspiracy of a cover-up.
There has been great literature about being in the middle being the worst of all worlds, although maybe I mis-remember Coulter as great in a great sense and not a "damn she can sure sell books!" recumberance*.
*It's my word, mine, and if you don't like it, slid or skip on by it as is your want
But the question remains: how long can the Althouse's take pride in merely offering their observations of the passing scene without acknowledging T. Sowell or feeling like a wimp unafraid to say things only under the guise of what ought be allowed to be said and never having the courage to say that thing they themselves may actually feel?
Dumbshits drunk posting our worst nature of ourselves certainly doesn't encourage others to take off the mask, like I diagnosed via my begging the question "hey what is that song I just heard, Georgie Georgie don't sit there not making up your mind" and got great responses from Chip and others.
Take a look at this Sir:
The Seekers Lyrics
"Georgy Girl"
Hey there, Georgy girl
Swingin' down the street so fancy-free
Nobody you meet could ever see
The loneliness there
Inside you
Hey there, Georgy girl
Why do all the boys just pass you by?
Could it be you just don't try
Or is it the clothes you wear?
You're always window-shopping
But never stopping to buy
So, shed those dowdy feathers and fly
A little bit
Hey there, Georgy girl
There's another Georgy deep inside
Bring out all the love you hide
And, oh, what a change there'd be
The world would see
A new Georgy girl
Hey there, Georgy girl
Dreamin' of the someone you could be
Life is a reality
You can't always run away
Don't be so scared of changing
And rearranging yourself
It's time for jumping down from the shelf
A little bit
Hey there, Georgy girl
There's another Georgy deep inside
Bring out all the love you hide
And, oh, what a change there'd be
The world would see
A new Georgy girl
(Hey there, Georgy girl)
Wake up, Georgy girl
(Hey there, Georgy girl)
Come on, Georgy girl
(Hey there, Georgy girl)
Wake up, Georgy girl
(Hey there, Georgy girl)
Come on, Georgy girl
In principle, I suppose I could understand leaving off the Oxford comma where it is superfluous, but “Gypsies, tramps, and thieves” means something different than “Gypsies, tramps and thieves.”
Maybe “Gypsies; tramps and thieves” is how one should express the sentiment in the song.
I begged the (answer to) the question: begging helped me find here at the Althouse blog the answer to a question I had asked.
I feel as if you don't realize nearly every discussion has, and does, and will, involve taking a conclusion as if it were a proven assumption to be a reason why "begging the question" is indeed assuming an unproven premise but also, like all language, fluid and prone to willful misunderstanding.
I'm drowsier than usual, and given my limited margins I hope there can be gleamed something other than the non-divine.
If it is from me, God mostly-much diluted nearly imperceptible, well, then, there ya go.
The Turks were the Romanovs' greatest foe in the sense of longest-active enmity and conflict, as they were for every Christian great power that fronted on them; buwaya is right to credit Imperial Spain with a leading role in defense against them, but who now remembers Prinz Eugen and Zenta?
And the wealth that ran through Spanish hands like shit through a goose helped fertilize the economy of what became Europe's proto-industrial heartland--from northern Italy to the Low Countries.
"Its not usually recognized just how much effort was put in,"
When was it usually recognized, how much effort was put in, and why do you think one way or the other it would matter if it were or is or in the future will be recognized?
You have the position of superior wisdom and knowledge and yet nothing you have written here at the Althouse blog will help future generations recognized just how much effort was put it by puti buwaya. Why? You just a lil' ol' cog, with all that knowledge?
Best let God speak of, with, by, and for you then.
Why didn't that recognition I quoted of yours above help those who recognized that which of you speak?
more of that civility, they talk about,
Democracy suffers abortion with Democrats.
If Cuomo is Fredo, who would Don Lemon be?
This is CNN!
Don’t they mean “heel”?
"In principle, I suppose I could understand leaving off the Oxford comma where it is superfluous, but “Gypsies, tramps, and thieves” means something different than “Gypsies, tramps and thieves.”"
-- It does not, unless you're using the comma in the second sentence to replace the colon.
“Gypsies, tramps and thieves” =/= “Gypsies: tramps and thieves.”
On the comma: I spent a good part of my life as a lawyer, and one of the things I did was write contracts. When you write a contract you (usually) want to avoid any possible ambiguity because that would provide the other party with a loophole (you only want the party that you represent to have a loophole). So if you have the contract say that the landlord can cancel the lease if the tenant permits the property to be occupied by “Gypsies, tramps and thieves” and the tenant allows thieves to occupy the premises, you don't want the judge to rule that there was no breach because the tenant didn't allow tramps and gypsies into the premises, too. I used a lot of semicolons: "Gypsies; tramps; or thieves."
The opposite of what my Uncle Milt says, today in textbooks of worth but cheaply had,
Well my bad. Had a thought, thought of Milton Friedman, and then after a bit forgot what I was thinking was important for the timely moments of my mind.
Geez Gosh Milt; A Whole Heck of A Lot.
Feynman and Friedman, like gus buddy narc at just one minute, interlincked why?
How did this, and frickkn Pete Boyles just dd it, linked the bussh bro with the House of Saud House of Bush author or soumpting??
Look there's a give and take.
I gave so, so much,
What I took now is lovely.
Trump 2020
I would set it up as "May not allow any of the following:" and use or.
When smarties used to think about what slogans the date 2020 would bring about, they knew they couldn't bring about Trump 2020 so they never thought it, and now will suck upon any entity claiming true 2020 status, even including the Rolling Stones band, miscreant cunts.
Fucking spread that evil all around Denver.
well they were creative minds, now where that author failed was with looking at 9/11 as apart to greater recent events back in the 90s to the Caucasus and bosnia, a common factor was the current king then the governor of Riyadh and in charge out reach operations with the golden chain,
this bob fitsotrakis, makes some even craziers connections to southern air transport, which they tried to relocate from south florida in the 90s,
Sometimes the Althouse satire is so subtle that I initially mistake it for knee-jerk leftism.
All these squares go circle them.
All these squares go circle them.
Alll theesse squres go surround them.
Alll theeessse swrs round them
Alllllll thyem die@!
A real honest to God would, convo here, include "us" being now and "them" being dead or passed more than we are, if luckly, luckly yeas.
Philosophers can lay claim to knowing shit, but also knowing as only one of the few groupwise that can know shit, they ought to have arrisen beyond "Apple good, other bad" and yet...
I'm old, Buncha good things happened happening now and into the future.
God willed.
God has already set out the rule book, guild, at least twice, once on mt. sinai, the other on calvary, now if we refuse to head his warnings, 'a hard rain's gonna fall' but it must before it all falls apart,
Dwight Yoakam Lyrics
"It Only Hurts When I Cry"
The only time I feel the pain
Is in the sunshine or the rain
And I don't feel no hurt at all
Unless you count when teardrops fall
I tell the truth 'cept when I lie
It only hurts me when I cry
You couldn't tell it by the smile
That my recovery took awhile
I worked for days and nights on end
Just to walk and talk again
You can't believe the time it takes
To heal a heart once it breaks
The only time I feel the pain
Is in the sunshine or the rain
And I don't feel no hurt at all
Unless you count my teardrops fall
I tell the truth 'cept when I lie
It only hurts me when I cry
Oh maybe every now and then
I have a small heartache again
You wouldn't know when you look at me
There's tiny scars that you can't see
It was a struggle to survive
I'm probably lucky I'm alive
The only time I feel the pain
Is in the sunshine or the rain
And I don't feel no hurt at all
Unless you count when teardrops fall
I tell the truth 'cept when I lie
And it only hurts me when I cry
I tell the truth 'cept when I lie
And it only hurts me when I cry
Whenever I read one of these articles, I am always very grateful for my parents. Neither of them were lefties, but even though they were conservative they never tried to 'push' me into being conservative. The only things they tried to push on me were individual values and morality. Always stressing how I the individual acted or how I treated other individuals. Now in hindsight, I think these values push one to a more conservative bent, or at least against the current identity politics of the left.
I also remember one of my teachers being quite tickled when I repeated the adage my mother and grandmother would always tell me, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander."
Another example of the Libs outwit, outplay and outlast the republican cuckservative agenda using Free Market Capitalism. Trump's snowflakes whining that life's unfair because math is hard
Howard is going to wake up with such a hangover November 4 next year.
Netflix's Rocko's Modern Life Transgender Character Storyline
Social and gender change targeting prepubescent and adolescent girls and boys through indoctrination and planned medical corruption. We've been on a progressive path ever since Pro-Choice establishment.
Is Madison as left wing as it was? Did the movement jump the shark when it occupied the capitol and the recall failed?
Glibly Reagan, only economy!, outlooked, Cam Paigle did well.
We were all right to hate here that J qUKKUAA jOPLIS N
Looks like somebody's still in the rapture of the vision!
So I'm walking the halls of the history dept to see who has gone and who has come, and who sticks around for the summer . . . One of the AmHist profs I know a bit has taped a New Yorker cartoon to his door, very recognizable overbusy style but I don't know the cartoonist's name, showing a father standing on a balcony overlooking Paris (the one in France) and remarking to his young son, "Imagine, son, some people want to turn the USA into a Socialist hellhole like this!" OWTTE.
And people wonder why I didn't bother with the PhD . . .
Apologies - in advance - for not reading all of previous blogs. Meanwhile between 1st and 6th grade, your son or daughter is taught that mere tolerance grows to become celebration for LBGTQA+, Islam, anticolonial efforts (especially against Israel). Your son or daughter is instructed on the fluidity of gender, and body positivity. At high school, "representation" becomes more of a focus in literature and history education, and privilege enters the vernacular. As a first year student, Gramsci, Franz Fannon, intersectional feminism, Audre Lord dominate. THIS IS NOT INDOCTRINATION. THIS IS TRUTH.
And people wonder why I didn't bother with the PhD . . .
My daughter, after a few years, decided to drop her PhD program. USC offered to send her back to Spain for a year with expenses but she decided the academic life was not for her.
She had a baby last week.
Boy or girl, Michael? Congrats! Your first grandchild?
Congratulations michael.
You are a well experienced abuelito so enough said.
Quelle surprise:
Yes, congrats Dr Grampa!
I had the system finance my higher-and-then-some education, as a bennie of being a diligent and responsible staff and faculty member, and lucked into a position that was ideal (and I for it) right there. But I was under no illusion that the University is much more than a hall of distorted mirrors.
I needed a job in which my wit and erudition weren't disqualifying
Well I'm late but anyhow if you want to know what "white supremacy" is today:
A present day white supremacist blames the chaos caused by lefty misrule in the cities on the two policies of ending segregation and allowing Hispanic immigration. What's wrong with the white supremacy argument is that lefties mess up every society they are in charge of, regardless of race, color or creed. The leftys are the problem, not the blacks and Hispanics.
There are two classic books in English. The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy and The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant. Hitler was a great admirer of the thought of Madison Grant. They are online and you can get the full flavor by reading the introductions.
https://archive.org/stream/passingofgreatra00granuoft/passingofgreatra00granuoft_djvu.txt Passing Great Race
Apparently Joanna Schroder is aware of steady seepage of men and boys away from the prog PC position due to shaming and dogmatic demands for PC correctness.
“It's a system ...[which will] disillusion white boys away from progressive/liberal perspectives.” What indoctrination and shaming does is place these boys "like baseballs on a tee and [they are] hit right out of the park." The whole is a vast right-wing conspiracy run, I suppose, from hidden cells deep inside Wapo/NYT. There Schroeder finds this "system I believe ... purposefully created" to disillusion white boys with progressivism. This is a valuable testimony. Of course, there's no "purposefully created" right wing system. But there is apparently disaffection caused by the constriction of the lefty-PC system. The same thing happened in the satellite countries in the days of Communism. This is the territory Jordan Peterson covers so I would give every teenage boy who is leaving Harry Potter behind, Jordan Peterson's book in a plain brown wrapper. And write "John Galt lives" on the bathroom walls.
“My daughter, after a few years, decided to drop her PhD program. USC offered to send her back to Spain for a year with expenses but she decided the academic life was not for her.”
Kid got their STEM PhD a year ago. Partly funded by the school, but the rest by NSF and a private company. There was some pressure to go the academic route. They TAed for their advisor and his wife, and taught some classes. No interest in the academic route, and esp not in tenure track, after watching their advisor start up a research group, working 60 hours a week, with a new baby, and making less than he would in industry. Nice thing about STEM is that you have options - besides academia, there are also national labs, DoD, and private companies. Very happily took the latter route.
It's kind of notable that this has happened at least twice, AI's turning racist.
Kind of makes one wonder how many times it has happened that we haven't been told about. Is it possible for an AI to read the news, make decisions based totally on logic, and not become racist?
Yep, you raise kids with the best progressive values, send them to a school where they pound the progressive ideology into them for six hours a day, make them watch only television that promotes progressivism, and yet they watch two minutes of Ben Shapiro on Youtube & they become neonazi incels. What is a parent to do?
Nice thing about STEM is that you have options - besides academia, there are also national labs, DoD, and private companies.
She was in History and the only real choice was academics. She learned Arabic for her research on the Muslim, period in Spain. I took her Madrid in 2010 to attend a meeting on the Andalusian period that is held only every ten years. She had lived in Spain a year several years earlier.
After she quit the PhD program, all funded by grants, her sister tried to recruit her for the FBI because of the Arabic but she declined.
She has been in the art world for the past few years acting as manager for a famous artist I had never heard of. She got lots of travel and perks. Lunch with Leonard De Caprio, etc. She would go to Switzerland for art shows when her boss could not go.
Now she has a husband and a new baby,. He is a quite successful sculptor.
Once written: Sorry, but it is quite common to be judged by the company you keep. In your case you have actively cultivated
That's twice in 2 months now that a Lefty has threatened Althouse for hosting a platform that doesn't oppress right wingers. He threatens that Althouse will "be judged" for it too, which is how Lefties justify Violence in response to Speech they don't like.
What are you going to do, scum? Throw your baseballs in her yard like the Unions threatened, implying they knew where she lived and how to get to her?
Tell us how Althouse will "be judged", you totalitarian marxist scum.
The leftys are the problem, not the blacks and Hispanics.
Precicely, wildswan! If I had a choice, I'd rather throw all the white lefties out of the country and keep the blacks and hispanics. We'd have a far better country.
Rattleturdsen Kuntbasterdly.
What's wrong with the white supremacy argument is that lefties mess up every society they are in charge of, regardless of race, color or creed. The leftys are the problem, not the blacks and Hispanics.
Yes, it's the Marxists. I once held the belief that even Nazis should be allowed to peacefully assemble and shout their hatred. But I've become a hypocrite when it comes to Marxists - they are vermin and will tear civilization apart if we don't eradicate them.
As for White Supremacy, the majority of the Althouse White Liberation Front is either in the ICU or a holding cell this evening. We are as bad as the Arabs - the first motion to amend bylaws started a fight between Normans and Saxons seeking revenge for what was done to their grandfather's father's brother's grandmother's dog (I think I got that right).
So August's first White Supremacy pot luck at the B'nai Sholom Synagogue has been pushed back to September, assuming a quorum makes bail. Sorry.
Trump's snowflakes whining that life's unfair because math is hard
Math is hard. That is why I changed undergraduate majors after Advanced Calculus. I put myself through grad school, in part, as a statistics consultant.
In my experience, it is the libbies who find math to hard to manage. Of course, it is a vestige of White Supremacy and East Indian Supremacy.
In an overall sense, Howard, your trolling is pathetic. You pretend that conservatives/libertarians have the attitudes that predominate among leftists. You really need to up your game.
Teenagers will steal away during the night to meet in some attic to discuss Conscience of A Conservative.
More likely: The Death of the West
Got you to natter on your sophomoric achievement, Frankie D.
But a liberal still rules the Barranca and a man there is always alone
Unless someone else has already commented, I loved the Titania McGrath addition. Thanks Althouse.!
This is unacceptable. How can people in a nominally free country be allowed to have access to content that is not curated and controlled by busybody scolds?
So what's new?
Concern trolling has always been a how-to chapter in the hate whitey syllabus.
These people really do believe white boys are evil.
They really are racists.
There's no point in curating one's response to them.
Buwaya: sounds right about right, as usual. Libertarians aren't conservatives. If you map people out by issues rather than self-promotion, it's a circle, not a line.
I volunteer at my kids' school, doing document-production busywork like copying and laminating. So this week with school about to start, I was encasing the world in plastic (teachers always want everything laminated at the start of the year) and one of my projects was a stack about half a ream high of images of book covers. In that stack, a not-exaggerated 90% of the titles represented were books by women (or people presenting themselves as women based on name), and of those, I estimate 85-90% were about teens of color or non-cisgender, going by cover images. Again, about 90% of the whole stack were books written in the last, oh, ten years.
I understand the importance of inculcating a love of reading, and the impulse to try to do that by giving kids reading material that is relevant and interesting to them. But it's hard for me to accept an English lit curriculum that's almost completely devoid of the English-language canon. And there was almost no material relevant to the standard-issue white boy - no adventure except one Harry Potter book, no sports except track (again, going by cover images). Almost every cover blurb was on the theme, "It will break your heart and then put it together again" (seriously!), which... not something my two boys would gravitate to, and they are on the nerdier side of standard-issue.
My sophomore's summer reading choices were The Book Thief, Code Name Verity and one other in the grrrl power vein. It's up to him to find books about heroic boys, apparently. To the Heinlein juvies!
Yeah, pull out oak trees out of a forest of mixed trees and show they almost look like 88. You know Heil Hitler.
Allows you, Ann to preen about right and left, immediately after blaming right.
Awaiting both of you to look at the same forest and perhaps look at pine trees and see them make a hammer and a sickle.
Jamie: That's just scary. It also explains a lot. :-(
I wish Jamie was exaggerating or misunderstanding the situation, but she(?) is not.
There was some good stuff in the libraries at my public schools, but you had to search for it. By now I'm sure all the things I enjoyed have been purged.
I took a Children's Lit course in library school, and found it pretty interesting. Even then (late80s-early90s) I could see that much had changed from when I was a lad. In my day the well-meaning lady librarians only tried to steer you away from unsuitable (ITO) materials, now those materials are not on the shelf.
HG Wells saved my sanity
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