Earlier today I posted a comment here noting that the Washington Post did not allow comments on Epstein stories, and I thought it was unusual and odd. A few articles (and op ed pieces) on the subject did allow comments for a short period of time. During that period WaPo commenters also noted with some anger that WaPo did not allow comments on the main stories (so I wasn't alone in noticing this). But in those articles that allowed comments, WaPo quickly turned them off with an explanation: The Washington Post may turn off the comments on stories dealing with personal loss, tragedies or other sensitive topics.
This seems like a reasonable policy, though I can see potential for abuse by biased moderators.
A new paper published by researchers form the University of Turku in Finland suggests that even though observed changes in the climate are real, the effects of human activity on these changes are insignificant. The team suggests that the idea of man made climate change is a mere miscalculation or skewing the formulas by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Regarding this "movie about liberal trash hunting down "deplorables"". For the movie to have any dramatic tension, the outcome needs to be that the hunted deplorables turn the tables and defeat the "liberal trash" hunters. So why would people who are generally sympathetic to Trump (and his army of deplorables) so worked up over a movie like this?
Because its another last supper exercise like in 1996, and it might give some unstable people ideas, (in addition to handmaids tale, years a d years, et. Al)
h said... Regarding this "movie about liberal trash hunting down "deplorables"". For the movie to have any dramatic tension, the outcome needs to be that the hunted deplorables turn the tables and defeat the "liberal trash" hunters. So why would people who are generally sympathetic to Trump (and his army of deplorables) so worked up over a movie like this? *********
Yeah...why get worked up...we have deranged people shooting Congressional baseball teams, and others shooting up Hispanics. Others claiming to be Bernie Bro/Warren supporters shooting up the street in Dayton.
No biggie.
We have other deranged people claiming that ALL Trump supporters are evil, racist, sexist homophobes, deserving of being shunned, doxxed and financially ruined.
So...what's the harm in making a movie where liberals decide to hunt down and kill conservatives?
Why, NOBODY would ever go out and act on that premise!!!
You're a dull tool, man....a really dull tool. If you were a knife in the knife drawer, you'd be the clam knife.
Regarding this "movie about liberal trash hunting down "deplorables"". For the movie to have any dramatic tension, the outcome needs to be that the hunted deplorables turn the tables and defeat the "liberal trash" hunters. So why would people who are generally sympathetic to Trump (and his army of deplorables) so worked up over a movie like this?
@h, when you work that out you’ll actually be able to pass for human.
"In #5 above “ROLCON” refers to role playing as a conservative.
The “stalwarts” are those activists paid to go on-line into all social media platforms and defend the interests of the far-left ideology. It would appear Mr. Epstein’s death has activated the need for an urgent crisis response from the political left."
"For the movie to have any dramatic tension, the outcome needs to be that the hunted deplorables turn the tables and defeat the "liberal trash" hunters"
A plot like that would be a leftist fantasy. No reversals allowed.
Can someone knowledgeable about the subject explain what effect Epstein's suicide will have on all the lawsuits against him. He apparently abused thousands of girls and had hundreds of millions of dollars. Can these girls still sue and recover from the estate? Can they work out some kind of asbestos deal? I understand that the will, as it now stands, leaves all his money to the Clinton Global Initiative and was filed with David Boies.
Team Hoax Collusion/Hoax Dossier/Hoax Obstruction/Hoax Gang Rape Accusations would like to spend a few moments lecturing others on conspiracy theories.
Author Anthony Kronman, who taught at Yale for 40 years and spent a decade as dean of its law school, had a Rude Awakening. He is a self-identified political liberal, obviously writing to please Trumpsters, but the Dems are out-of-control.
If the Left were a person, it would be in a locked ward by now on twenty milligrams of haloperidol QID. But we gave up on mental hospitals decades ago. So, the Left is on the loose out there in streets, threatening to “stab motherfuckers in the heart” one moment and ululating against gun violence in the next. I suppose stabbing motherfuckers in the heart is progressive because it allows you to get up-close-and-personal and share your lived experience with the motherfucker in question just prior to inserting the blade. Guns are so… white!
Pretty soon, America might have to start asking: what exactly is “progressive” about going insane? I think we’re getting close to answering that, and the answer is: nothing. The Left has managed to drain the meaning from the word “progressive.” We will not be able to take it seriously for generations to come (if there are any generations to come). The Left has applied every possible gimmick from the bad faith trick-bag to disable thinking in this republic generally, and the language that serves thinking. But its contorted maledictions are working mainly against itself as one preposterous idea after another bursts out of its collective pie-hole and into the blue-checked Twitter windows.
Speaking of “stabbing motherfuckers in the heart,” why are the “progressives” who moiled outside Senator Mitch McConnell’s house the other night not cooling their heels in a federal lock-up for threatening to assassinate a public official? That’s the usual procedure. How difficult would it be to locate them? Nobody has even asked — a peculiar development.
Twitter boss Jack Dorsey took the predictable “progressive” action of banning Senator McConnell’s election campaign account for posting a video of the very mob looking to “stab motherfuckers in the heart” outside his house. That should be good, at least, for a hearty lawsuit against Twitter . . . .
But the Democratic Party must sense that it is about to be held accountable for all that. The Deep State officials who acted out that shadow-play on its behalf, with all its seditious overtones, are about to be frog-marched into the grand juries any week now. The party itself, or at least its executive gang, the DNC, may be included in the clean-up operation. It’s really hard to see how the party survives that. Its loyal historians will probably say that some motherfucker stabbed it in the heart. More factually, the Democratic Party first lost its mind, and then committed suicide.
How would you calculate it? Do the trusts count? Gonna obligate the trustees to pay? How you gonna value the illiquid stuff? Gonna mark to market the real estate? Comps? Every tax reporting period? Really?
From what I have read from the "leaked" script, and I don't know that the script I read was authentic, but it sounded so- the "deplorables" all die and the sole survivor is someone who was mistaken for a deplorable and kidnapped and hunted by mistake. This shouldn't surprise anyone, though, given Hollywood's leanings- it is just about the only way to square the circle you noted. When I first heard about this movie, this was actually my main prediction about the outcome- that the hero would turn out be a good progressive who was just mistakenly caught up in the hunt, or one of the hunters would have a sudden change of heart and kill his comrades- either outcome would solve the problem.
1. The script matches all the images I have seen of the movie. 2. Has the politically correct virtue signaling - especially the refugee stuff. 3. Female hero a female Combat Vet, Afghan Vet that would give Lara Croft a run for her money. Reminds me of Daisy Ridley in the force awakens. Hollywood meme a female hero can kick all the males butt. 4. All the deplorables die 5. All the libtards die 6. Plot twist at end shows hero was kidnapped by mistake, and is not guilty as the other deplorables were.
An argument against the "Epstein as master blackmailer" theory is that, if it was true, he got away with it for about forty years. Bill Clinton, whatever his faults, is not a stupid man. It is hard to believe that in the 2000s he would make a connection with a known blackmailer, and it is hard to see how he would not have been warned about "Epstein, the blackmailer" in the 2000s if Epstein had been a blackmailer for a quarter century. The elites of the kind who might be enticed by Epstein wouldn't need anything more than a word to the wise against going to any of Epstein's parties. On the other hand, Epstein seems to have been very good at blurring lines. Men are shit when it comes to sex. They aren't even particularly bold. Look at at how Lewinsky provoked Bill Clinton before Bill made his move. It may be that all the terrible, lascivious stories we've heard about Epstein's "Pedophile Island" amount to some middle-aged celebs and rich men flirting with young, pretty girls, and maybe getting a discrete handjob from them. And while the girls looked young, the middle -aged men were led to believe that the young, pretty girls were over eighteen years old.
Officially, and for the record, I take back everything I have ever said about Bill and Hillary Clinton. I think they are fine outstanding people who are merely trying to make the world a better place for you and me. Really, cross my heart swear to God.
Bay Area Guy said... I'm watching Liz Warren on CSPAN at some Iowa State Fair. She wants a 2% wealth on amounts above $50 Million.
You're not gonna raise much $$ in taxes on this, Liz.
Well, just like when O'Bama said he was asked WHY he wanted to raise Capital Gains Taxes, even though doing so would DECREASE revenue; and he said: "It's NOT about Revenue, it's about FAIRNESS
It's FAIR to impose a 2% wealth tax on amounts above $50 Million (first), because; later, when you impose that 2% wealth tax on ALL WEALTH: It will seem FAIR
Regarding this "movie about liberal trash hunting down 'deplorables'". For the movie to have any dramatic tension, the outcome needs to be that the hunted deplorables turn the tables and defeat the "liberal trash" hunters. So why would people who are generally sympathetic to Trump (and his army of deplorables) so worked up over a movie like this?
How is she going to know how much any individual is worth. My guess is that most very rich people have a general idea, but don't know themselves. As you own stock, you will have to pay a 2% tax on it's value every year then what happens when you are forced, or choose to, sell it at a loss? Is she going to institute capital flight controls to keep people from getting their money of the country? What happens to investment in America when you have chased away all of the capital?
Socrates wants to know, Lizzie!
Lizzie Warren took an ax Gave your checkbook forty whacks When she saw what she had done She gave your portfolio forty one!
People still moaning about the end of Game of Thrones remind me of why I never watched the finale of Lost. It was a great show, it was the episodes along the way, it didn’t need to be wrapped up in a neat little bow at the end. It was never going anywhere anyway.
I worked once on a piece of software, the intent of which was to estimate the quality score that a human would have given a particular phone call over IP while not actually listening in on the call. You looked at the number of late packets that came in out of order, the packets that never arrived, etc, and you attempted to calculate a “mean opinion score” out of these parameters based on some research some boffins had done with actual humans rating phone calls. The funny thing about them is if there was some problem early in the call, but not bad enough for the caller to hang up, and the call ended well from then on, humans would give the call a good rating, but if that same flaw occurred toward the end of the call, they would rate it lower.
Game of Thrones should have skipped the finale, ended like The Sopranos.
"According to public financial disclosure forms filed with federal election officials in February 2019, Warren and her husband have a combined net worth between $4 million and $11 million."
Hey Fauxahauntus? How about we lower that from 50 to 5 million?
American TV shows are written backwards. They start at the beginning, and then just go; til the end
The Proper Way to write a TV show, is the way the Mexican Telenovelas do it. Start with the ending; and then work to That point.
American TV shows, go from year to year (to year to year), as long as they're popular. When they end either they are just Cancelled, or they tack on a stupid thingie that screws up.
Mexican Telenovelas are contracted for ONE YEAR (5 days a week). At the end of the year; they are Where the writers wanted to be, not where they were when they ran out of rope. Since (popular) American shows keep getting renewed, the writers have to keep coming up with crap
If your Game of Thrones porn thing had been contracted to go a set length of time, it would have ended When Winter Came {If Friends was Mexican, it would have ended WHEN Ross and Rachel 1st got together}
How the wealth tax collects lots of revenue: patience and no inflation escalator. I looked at wealth distribution in about 1970, and the top 1/10th of 1% of the wealthy had net worth of about $400K. So imagine that a wealth tax had been adopted then (and collected very little revenue in the early years of adoption), but fast-forward to 2019 and something like 30% of households have net worth exceed the $400K trigger, so such a tax (had it been adopted) would be collecting huge revenues today. (I know some will say that the existence of a tax would reduce aggregate wealth, so that the wealth distribution we actually observe in 2019 is way higher than the wealth distribution we would have observed had the wealth tax been in effect for 40+ years. I don't disagree, but it is are to know how large the impact would have been; and in my opinion even if 30% above 400K is too much, it is still very likely to be 20% or more, which means that the wealth tax still collects a lot of revenue.)
it is still very likely to be 20% or more, which means that the wealth tax still collects a lot of revenue.)
Mitterand might disagree. When he introduced this in France, it resulted in emigration of a lot of wealthy Frenchmen and resulted in some good buys of real estate., Several people I knew bought chateaux for cheap prices. Mitterand quickly reversed himself but the "French Silicon Valley" remained in London. It was a disaster.
Recalling the discussions of the Babylon Bee hereabouts, here are two Bee submissions that I thought genuinely funny:
New Google Technology Autocorrects Users' Thoughts Maybe I'm just a sucker for Orwell references, but this is one of the few such satirical Bee/Onion/etc. pieces that actually maintains the funny throughout, rather than essentially expending the whole joke just in the title.
An argument against the "Epstein as master blackmailer" theory is that, if it was true, he got away with it for about forty years. Bill Clinton, whatever his faults, is not a stupid man. It is hard to believe that in the 2000s he would make a connection with a known blackmailer, and it is hard to see how he would not have been warned about "Epstein, the blackmailer" in the 2000s if Epstein had been a blackmailer for a quarter century.
This is Bill Clinton we are talking about. The guy who got Lewinskied in the Oval Office, mostly, I expect because that was the one place his wife wouldn't catch him doing it. And because he could. The normal rules don’t apply to the Clintons. Probably just figured that if Epstein actually tried to do anything, he would mysteriously end up dead. Maybe commit suicide. Something like that. That might have added enough zest that Clinton found the allure irresistible.
The elites of the kind who might be enticed by Epstein wouldn't need anything more than a word to the wise against going to any of Epstein's parties.
Part of it appears to be that he wasn’t working alone. In particular, Ghislaine Maxwell, favorite child of former press magnate Robert Maxwell, who died under mysterious circumstances, was a well known jet setter. The two of them dated shortly, then started working together, with her doing recruiting and training. She was apparently the one who brought Clinton and Epstein together.
It appears almost certain that Robert Maxwell, her father was Mossad. He was ethnically Jewish, a Zionist, most of whose family was executed by the Nazis. And there is supposedly a plaque up in Israel for him among Mossad Agents KIA. Mosad backing would have allowed his daughter to live the jet setting life she did, after the family fortune collapsed after the death of her father. This is probably a good part of why the Epstein brothers are routinely accused of working with or for Mossad. And that would explain their apparent wealth.
If this was, indeed, a Mossad blackmail ring, they would be very careful how they used the blackmail information. It wouldn’t be used for money, but rather for leverage. And, it couldn’t be used that often, or, as you suggested, it would get out.
On the other hand, Epstein seems to have been very good at blurring lines. Men are shit when it comes to sex. They aren't even particularly bold. Look at at how Lewinsky provoked Bill Clinton before Bill made his move. It may be that all the terrible, lascivious stories we've heard about Epstein's "Pedophile Island" amount to some middle-aged celebs and rich men flirting with young, pretty girls, and maybe getting a discrete handjob from them. And while the girls looked young, the middle -aged men were led to believe that the young, pretty girls were over eighteen years old.
My guess is that the way it would typically work is that Epstein would bring these hot young things to jet setting parties on his arm. They would flirt with the other men. Maybe suggest that if they came over to Epstein’s place, they could give them a massage. Epstein could be counted on to bring hot babes with him to parties, which men like, so was in demand as a guest.
Do not discuss civil war The way to progressively lose your mind is to start listing all the bad things done by the other side and then start repeating it to yourself like the litany of the saints and build up a litany of baddies with new new bad acts added as time passes. Pretty soon you'll be frozen into position, horrified by your own repetitions. Then limit yourself to jargon from PC land or the social sciences (but I repeat myself) to explain why the baddies are bad. And soon you're nuts. And this can be done and is being done on the left and the right. LEAVE THE DOME. Walk away. Don't look back or you turn into a pillar of slush.
We haven't lost the republic, just the Clintons. And if you are a conservative you have the whole world to pay attention to instead of the Dome and its litany. You have family, church, work, hobbies, sports, gardens, travel. You are allowed to read books from the past and understand what they are saying. Your interests never show up on TV? Good, considering what TV is. Politics? You just make up your mind that DC is swamp which Trump is draining, you support him. You don't get emotional about it. I didn't think there could be anything worse than the attempted soft coup but here we are - what? - crazy stories about how a wealthy financier is a pimp in a underage slave trade and probably blackmailing clients on behalf of US intelligence or someone else and he gets murdered in a secure prison to cover up for either the clients or the intelligence agencies (but not really them but a ring in them or was he just saying that), or both, or neither or else he was spirited away to be with Elvis or was it aliens? Ho, hum. Leave it to Bill Barr, plan to vote for Trump, and learn how to change the string on the Weedwacker. Gardens are real.
Cernovich, who came to know Milk N Cooks in 2017, when the twins kept tweeting at him about their shared political views, says he has since warned the DJs against being so public with their political views. “There aren’t many pro-Trump cultural figures because the social cost is so high,” Cernovich says.
The funny thing to me with Warren’s Wealth Tax, is that she was a (affirmative action hire) law professor at Harvard, one of the very top law schools in the country. A wealth tax is highly unlikely to survive Constitutional muster - it isn’t an apportioned tax, nor is it an income tax. Warren, as a law prof presumably knows the law well enough to see that. And there is little reason to believe that Congress would vote for an amendment allowing for a wealth tax, and even less reason to believe that she could get 38 states to vote for it (and no one is going to invoke a Constitutional convention, because they couldn’t control its agenda - much more likely to get term limits for Congress than a wealth tax).
"Warren, as a law prof presumably knows the law well enough to see that"
You mean, she's cynically proposing something that she knows is unconstitutional and unworkable, presumably to toss some red meat to her unhinged and not very bright base? Well, I'll be jiggered!
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८३ टिप्पण्या:
Hollywood has pulled it's little fantasy violence movie about liberal trash hunting down "deplorables"
Me, I'm still rooting on SMOD. Right on the San Andreas fault line.
Trump retweets conspiracy tweet. Blaming Epstein death on Clinton. He should spend more time working like he promised.
Earlier today I posted a comment here noting that the Washington Post did not allow comments on Epstein stories, and I thought it was unusual and odd. A few articles (and op ed pieces) on the subject did allow comments for a short period of time. During that period WaPo commenters also noted with some anger that WaPo did not allow comments on the main stories (so I wasn't alone in noticing this). But in those articles that allowed comments, WaPo quickly turned them off with an explanation: The Washington Post may turn off the comments on stories dealing with personal loss, tragedies or other sensitive topics.
This seems like a reasonable policy, though I can see potential for abuse by biased moderators.
Via Insty:
A new paper published by researchers form the University of Turku in Finland suggests that even though observed changes in the climate are real, the effects of human activity on these changes are insignificant. The team suggests that the idea of man made climate change is a mere miscalculation or skewing the formulas by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Regarding this "movie about liberal trash hunting down "deplorables"". For the movie to have any dramatic tension, the outcome needs to be that the hunted deplorables turn the tables and defeat the "liberal trash" hunters. So why would people who are generally sympathetic to Trump (and his army of deplorables) so worked up over a movie like this?
Because its another last supper exercise like in 1996, and it might give some unstable people ideas, (in addition to handmaids tale, years a d years, et. Al)
Today Biden said that after the Parkland shooting students came to see him when he was Vice President. ‘Nuf Said.
From what I read that is the plot of the hunt. Stars female doctor from Nurse Jackie.
Not 'nuf said. A lot more needs to be said about how he's past it.
Come on readering! You can do better than that. You're just phoning it in now. I hope you're not still cashing the checks, that would be theft.
I am phoning it in. Hate typing on smart phones.
h said...
Regarding this "movie about liberal trash hunting down "deplorables"". For the movie to have any dramatic tension, the outcome needs to be that the hunted deplorables turn the tables and defeat the "liberal trash" hunters. So why would people who are generally sympathetic to Trump (and his army of deplorables) so worked up over a movie like this?
Yeah...why get worked up...we have deranged people shooting Congressional baseball teams, and others shooting up Hispanics. Others claiming to be Bernie Bro/Warren supporters shooting up the street in Dayton.
No biggie.
We have other deranged people claiming that ALL Trump supporters are evil, racist, sexist homophobes, deserving of being shunned, doxxed and financially ruined.
So...what's the harm in making a movie where liberals decide to hunt down and kill conservatives?
Why, NOBODY would ever go out and act on that premise!!!
You're a dull tool, man....a really dull tool. If you were a knife in the knife drawer, you'd be the clam knife.
Evening Primrose. It grows on our beach, too.
Regarding this "movie about liberal trash hunting down "deplorables"". For the movie to have any dramatic tension, the outcome needs to be that the hunted deplorables turn the tables and defeat the "liberal trash" hunters. So why would people who are generally sympathetic to Trump (and his army of deplorables) so worked up over a movie like this?
@h, when you work that out you’ll actually be able to pass for human.
"In #5 above “ROLCON” refers to role playing as a conservative.
The “stalwarts” are those activists paid to go on-line into all social media platforms and defend the interests of the far-left ideology. It would appear Mr. Epstein’s death has activated the need for an urgent crisis response from the political left."
"For the movie to have any dramatic tension, the outcome needs to be that the hunted deplorables turn the tables and defeat the "liberal trash" hunters"
A plot like that would be a leftist fantasy. No reversals allowed.
Blogger readering said...
Trump retweets conspiracy tweet. Blaming Epstein death on Clinton. He should spend more time working like he promised.
Only 24 hours in the day, Wimpy,
How much do you sleep? Off the job, I mean.
readering said...
From what I read that is the plot of the hunt. Stars female doctor from Nurse Jackie.
Edie Falco who played Nurse Jackie does not have boobs as big as Emma Roberts who stars in "The Hunt."
"At the Yellow Flower Café..."
What is that?
Statistics show
you have a greater chance of being killed by Hillary Clinton
than by an AR-15
Betty Gilpin (several nude scenes in Nurse Jackie).
I don't understand why so many media have difficulties asking: who was this European intelligence agency against @realDonaldTrump in late 2015?
these guys??
How a Little-Known FBI Unit Helped to Disseminate the Steele Dossier
Can someone knowledgeable about the subject explain what effect Epstein's suicide will have on all the lawsuits against him. He apparently abused thousands of girls and had hundreds of millions of dollars. Can these girls still sue and recover from the estate? Can they work out some kind of asbestos deal? I understand that the will, as it now stands, leaves all his money to the Clinton Global Initiative and was filed with David Boies.
Epstein’s friends just lost any chance of having penthouse evidence tossed by courts — here’s why
I understand that the will, as it now stands, leaves all his money to the Clinton Global Initiative and was filed with David Boies.
Is that BabylonBee?
Something like this:
I'm getting the sense that the Tony Evers administration isn't the most transparent one ever.
Conservative group sues Tony Evers in federal court over media access
Also I've noticed that flags are at half-staff for a lot more events than when I was growing up. Maybe this is why:
Washington Post: Keep the flags at half-staff until Congress acts
readering: "Trump retweets conspiracy tweet"
Team Hoax Collusion/Hoax Dossier/Hoax Obstruction/Hoax Gang Rape Accusations would like to spend a few moments lecturing others on conspiracy theories.
Let's all lend an ear.......
Author Anthony Kronman, who taught at Yale for 40 years and spent a decade as dean of its law school, had a Rude Awakening. He is a self-identified political liberal, obviously writing to please Trumpsters, but the Dems are out-of-control.
If the Left were a person, it would be in a locked ward by now on twenty milligrams of haloperidol QID. But we gave up on mental hospitals decades ago. So, the Left is on the loose out there in streets, threatening to “stab motherfuckers in the heart” one moment and ululating against gun violence in the next. I suppose stabbing motherfuckers in the heart is progressive because it allows you to get up-close-and-personal and share your lived experience with the motherfucker in question just prior to inserting the blade. Guns are so… white!
Pretty soon, America might have to start asking: what exactly is “progressive” about going insane? I think we’re getting close to answering that, and the answer is: nothing. The Left has managed to drain the meaning from the word “progressive.” We will not be able to take it seriously for generations to come (if there are any generations to come). The Left has applied every possible gimmick from the bad faith trick-bag to disable thinking in this republic generally, and the language that serves thinking. But its contorted maledictions are working mainly against itself as one preposterous idea after another bursts out of its collective pie-hole and into the blue-checked Twitter windows.
Speaking of “stabbing motherfuckers in the heart,” why are the “progressives” who moiled outside Senator Mitch McConnell’s house the other night not cooling their heels in a federal lock-up for threatening to assassinate a public official? That’s the usual procedure. How difficult would it be to locate them? Nobody has even asked — a peculiar development.
Twitter boss Jack Dorsey took the predictable “progressive” action of banning Senator McConnell’s election campaign account for posting a video of the very mob looking to “stab motherfuckers in the heart” outside his house. That should be good, at least, for a hearty lawsuit against Twitter . . . .
But the Democratic Party must sense that it is about to be held accountable for all that. The Deep State officials who acted out that shadow-play on its behalf, with all its seditious overtones, are about to be frog-marched into the grand juries any week now. The party itself, or at least its executive gang, the DNC, may be included in the clean-up operation. It’s really hard to see how the party survives that. Its loyal historians will probably say that some motherfucker stabbed it in the heart. More factually, the Democratic Party first lost its mind, and then committed suicide.
Gadfly has once again wisely cut and pasted the thoughts of another in lieu of attempting to present his own historically laughable opinions.
Very prudent.
Gadfly: "He is a self-identified political liberal, obviously writing to please Trumpsters, but the Dems are out-of-control."
Hilarity always ensues when gadfly, our Poor Man's LLR Chuck, contradicts himself so effectively in his own post.
I'm watching Liz Warren on CSPAN at some Iowa State Fair.
She wants a 2% wealth on amounts above $50 Million.
It's pure demagoguery. I don't know anybody with $50 Million. That's a lotta shekels. This means Billionaires will have to pay $20 Million.
You're not gonna raise much $$ in taxes on this, Liz.
Conservative Treehouse has the script for the Hunt.
My take is neither the Deplorables or the Hunters win.
The sole survivor was kidnapped due to mistaken identity.
So all the deplorables got killed.
I wondered what the last act twist would be.
How would you calculate it? Do the trusts count? Gonna obligate the trustees to pay? How you gonna value the illiquid stuff? Gonna mark to market the real estate? Comps? Every tax reporting period? Really?
I suspected something like that:
Conservative Treehouse also has the left emergency talking points on Epstein.
And the use of the term ROLCON” refers to role playing as a conservative, blows me away.
How unethical.
Foreign real estate? How you gonna price that every year? Antiques? Collectibles? Need to fairly value those or they become safe havens...
From what I have read from the "leaked" script, and I don't know that the script I read was authentic, but it sounded so- the "deplorables" all die and the sole survivor is someone who was mistaken for a deplorable and kidnapped and hunted by mistake. This shouldn't surprise anyone, though, given Hollywood's leanings- it is just about the only way to square the circle you noted. When I first heard about this movie, this was actually my main prediction about the outcome- that the hero would turn out be a good progressive who was just mistakenly caught up in the hunt, or one of the hunters would have a sudden change of heart and kill his comrades- either outcome would solve the problem.
Chuck's paymasters in that e-mail, it appears. Chuck is moonlighting, though, for bottles of gin.
Script feels real.
1. The script matches all the images I have seen of the movie.
2. Has the politically correct virtue signaling - especially the refugee stuff.
3. Female hero a female Combat Vet, Afghan Vet that would give Lara Croft a run for her money. Reminds me of Daisy Ridley in the force awakens. Hollywood meme a female hero can kick all the males butt.
4. All the deplorables die
5. All the libtards die
6. Plot twist at end shows hero was kidnapped by mistake, and is not guilty as the other deplorables were.
Conservative Treehouse has the script for the Hunt.
Who wrote it? Where do they live? Asking for a friend.
Tell your friend about wikipedia and imdb.
An argument against the "Epstein as master blackmailer" theory is that, if it was true, he got away with it for about forty years. Bill Clinton, whatever his faults, is not a stupid man. It is hard to believe that in the 2000s he would make a connection with a known blackmailer, and it is hard to see how he would not have been warned about "Epstein, the blackmailer" in the 2000s if Epstein had been a blackmailer for a quarter century.
The elites of the kind who might be enticed by Epstein wouldn't need anything more than a word to the wise against going to any of Epstein's parties.
On the other hand, Epstein seems to have been very good at blurring lines.
Men are shit when it comes to sex. They aren't even particularly bold. Look at at how Lewinsky provoked Bill Clinton before Bill made his move. It may be that all the terrible, lascivious stories we've heard about Epstein's "Pedophile Island" amount to some middle-aged celebs and rich men flirting with young, pretty girls, and maybe getting a discrete handjob from them. And while the girls looked young, the middle -aged men were led to believe that the young, pretty girls were over eighteen years old.
Officially, and for the record, I take back everything I have ever said about Bill and Hillary Clinton. I think they are fine outstanding people who are merely trying to make the world a better place for you and me. Really, cross my heart swear to God.
I feel happy!
Bay Area Guy said... I'm watching Liz Warren on CSPAN at some Iowa State Fair.
She wants a 2% wealth on amounts above $50 Million.
You're not gonna raise much $$ in taxes on this, Liz.
Well, just like when O'Bama said he was asked WHY he wanted to raise Capital Gains Taxes, even though doing so would DECREASE revenue; and he said: "It's NOT about Revenue, it's about FAIRNESS
It's FAIR to impose a 2% wealth tax on amounts above $50 Million (first), because; later, when you impose that 2% wealth tax on ALL WEALTH: It will seem FAIR
I just want to know if they are going to tax my universal basic income, and if so...why?
Regarding this "movie about liberal trash hunting down 'deplorables'". For the movie to have any dramatic tension, the outcome needs to be that the hunted deplorables turn the tables and defeat the "liberal trash" hunters. So why would people who are generally sympathetic to Trump (and his army of deplorables) so worked up over a movie like this?
Ace of Spades explains
If you were promised 72 virgins and only made it to the island 27 times, will there be refunds?
Asking for a friend.
"I don't know anybody with $50 Million."
How is she going to know how much any individual is worth. My guess is that most very rich people have a general idea, but don't know themselves. As you own stock, you will have to pay a 2% tax on it's value every year then what happens when you are forced, or choose to, sell it at a loss? Is she going to institute capital flight controls to keep people from getting their money of the country? What happens to investment in America when you have chased away all of the capital?
Socrates wants to know, Lizzie!
Lizzie Warren took an ax
Gave your checkbook forty whacks
When she saw what she had done
She gave your portfolio forty one!
"Ace of Spades explains"
Someone has to teach that person how to write an essay.
People still moaning about the end of Game of Thrones remind me of why I never watched the finale of Lost. It was a great show, it was the episodes along the way, it didn’t need to be wrapped up in a neat little bow at the end. It was never going anywhere anyway.
I worked once on a piece of software, the intent of which was to estimate the quality score that a human would have given a particular phone call over IP while not actually listening in on the call. You looked at the number of late packets that came in out of order, the packets that never arrived, etc, and you attempted to calculate a “mean opinion score” out of these parameters based on some research some boffins had done with actual humans rating phone calls. The funny thing about them is if there was some problem early in the call, but not bad enough for the caller to hang up, and the call ended well from then on, humans would give the call a good rating, but if that same flaw occurred toward the end of the call, they would rate it lower.
Game of Thrones should have skipped the finale, ended like The Sopranos.
"New York, New York.
Where everything is for sale...
Human flesh, Justice...."
That's America, not just NYC.
"Them's your people".
Are you insinuating Althouse is lactose intolerant?
Maybe this is better:
Lizzie Warren took an ax
Gave your checkbook forty whacks
When she saw what she had done
She gave your retirement forty one!
Liz was a piss poor economist before she was a piss poor Senator.
Cheer up, Cookie. Things will soon get even worse and you can really enjoy your superiority!
"According to public financial disclosure forms filed with federal election officials in February 2019, Warren and her husband have a combined net worth between $4 million and $11 million."
Hey Fauxahauntus? How about we lower that from 50 to 5 million?
American TV shows are written backwards. They start at the beginning, and then just go; til the end
The Proper Way to write a TV show, is the way the Mexican Telenovelas do it.
Start with the ending; and then work to That point.
American TV shows, go from year to year (to year to year), as long as they're popular. When they end either they are just Cancelled, or they tack on a stupid thingie that screws up.
Mexican Telenovelas are contracted for ONE YEAR (5 days a week). At the end of the year; they are Where the writers wanted to be, not where they were when they ran out of rope.
Since (popular) American shows keep getting renewed, the writers have to keep coming up with crap
If your Game of Thrones porn thing had been contracted to go a set length of time, it would have ended When Winter Came
{If Friends was Mexican, it would have ended WHEN Ross and Rachel 1st got together}
it didn’t need to be wrapped up in a neat little bow at the end
That's not the problem with it.
Hunting Deplorables isn't sporting. They so obese, it like targeting an echo target from 50-meters.
How the wealth tax collects lots of revenue: patience and no inflation escalator. I looked at wealth distribution in about 1970, and the top 1/10th of 1% of the wealthy had net worth of about $400K. So imagine that a wealth tax had been adopted then (and collected very little revenue in the early years of adoption), but fast-forward to 2019 and something like 30% of households have net worth exceed the $400K trigger, so such a tax (had it been adopted) would be collecting huge revenues today. (I know some will say that the existence of a tax would reduce aggregate wealth, so that the wealth distribution we actually observe in 2019 is way higher than the wealth distribution we would have observed had the wealth tax been in effect for 40+ years. I don't disagree, but it is are to know how large the impact would have been; and in my opinion even if 30% above 400K is too much, it is still very likely to be 20% or more, which means that the wealth tax still collects a lot of revenue.)
"It is HARD to know how large the impact would have been." I'll blame spell check
it is still very likely to be 20% or more, which means that the wealth tax still collects a lot of revenue.)
Mitterand might disagree. When he introduced this in France, it resulted in emigration of a lot of wealthy Frenchmen and resulted in some good buys of real estate., Several people I knew bought chateaux for cheap prices. Mitterand quickly reversed himself but the "French Silicon Valley" remained in London. It was a disaster.
Bay Area Guy said...
"I'm watching Liz Warren on CSPAN at some Iowa State Fair.
She wants a 2% wealth on amounts above $50 Million.
It's pure demagoguery. I don't know anybody with $50 Million. That's a lotta shekels. This means Billionaires will have to pay $20 Million.
You're not gonna raise much $$ in taxes on this, Liz."
There she goes again. Disincentivizing success.
Recalling the discussions of the Babylon Bee hereabouts, here are two Bee submissions that I thought genuinely funny:
New Google Technology Autocorrects Users' Thoughts
Maybe I'm just a sucker for Orwell references, but this is one of the few such satirical Bee/Onion/etc. pieces that actually maintains the funny throughout, rather than essentially expending the whole joke just in the title.
Stone-Hearted Man Scrolls Right Past Jesus Meme Without Sharing It
This one also managed to keep the joke going pretty much to the end. In contrast, the top piece at The Onion right now, Woman Basks In Magic Of Summer While Opening Her Mouth To Sky To Catch Air-Conditioner Drippings falls somewhere between "lame" and "WTF?".
The Howard person back at his or her post, recruiting for Re-Elect the President.
An argument against the "Epstein as master blackmailer" theory is that, if it was true, he got away with it for about forty years. Bill Clinton, whatever his faults, is not a stupid man. It is hard to believe that in the 2000s he would make a connection with a known blackmailer, and it is hard to see how he would not have been warned about "Epstein, the blackmailer" in the 2000s if Epstein had been a blackmailer for a quarter century.
This is Bill Clinton we are talking about. The guy who got Lewinskied in the Oval Office, mostly, I expect because that was the one place his wife wouldn't catch him doing it. And because he could. The normal rules don’t apply to the Clintons. Probably just figured that if Epstein actually tried to do anything, he would mysteriously end up dead. Maybe commit suicide. Something like that. That might have added enough zest that Clinton found the allure irresistible.
The elites of the kind who might be enticed by Epstein wouldn't need anything more than a word to the wise against going to any of Epstein's parties.
Part of it appears to be that he wasn’t working alone. In particular, Ghislaine Maxwell, favorite child of former press magnate Robert Maxwell, who died under mysterious circumstances, was a well known jet setter. The two of them dated shortly, then started working together, with her doing recruiting and training. She was apparently the one who brought Clinton and Epstein together.
It appears almost certain that Robert Maxwell, her father was Mossad. He was ethnically Jewish, a Zionist, most of whose family was executed by the Nazis. And there is supposedly a plaque up in Israel for him among Mossad Agents KIA. Mosad backing would have allowed his daughter to live the jet setting life she did, after the family fortune collapsed after the death of her father. This is probably a good part of why the Epstein brothers are routinely accused of working with or for Mossad. And that would explain their apparent wealth.
If this was, indeed, a Mossad blackmail ring, they would be very careful how they used the blackmail information. It wouldn’t be used for money, but rather for leverage. And, it couldn’t be used that often, or, as you suggested, it would get out.
On the other hand, Epstein seems to have been very good at blurring lines.
Men are shit when it comes to sex. They aren't even particularly bold. Look at at how Lewinsky provoked Bill Clinton before Bill made his move. It may be that all the terrible, lascivious stories we've heard about Epstein's "Pedophile Island" amount to some middle-aged celebs and rich men flirting with young, pretty girls, and maybe getting a discrete handjob from them. And while the girls looked young, the middle -aged men were led to believe that the young, pretty girls were over eighteen years old.
My guess is that the way it would typically work is that Epstein would bring these hot young things to jet setting parties on his arm. They would flirt with the other men. Maybe suggest that if they came over to Epstein’s place, they could give them a massage. Epstein could be counted on to bring hot babes with him to parties, which men like, so was in demand as a guest.
Rory from Watsonville down on the farm
Do you people read these book chapters from Bruce? Asking for an acquaintance.
"no inflation escalator"
Well, yes, and as of 2019 your wealth tax would be hitting the top 22-23%. You think that not indexing for inflation is going to last?
Do not discuss civil war
The way to progressively lose your mind is to start listing all the bad things done by the other side and then start repeating it to yourself like the litany of the saints and build up a litany of baddies with new new bad acts added as time passes. Pretty soon you'll be frozen into position, horrified by your own repetitions. Then limit yourself to jargon from PC land or the social sciences (but I repeat myself) to explain why the baddies are bad. And soon you're nuts. And this can be done and is being done on the left and the right. LEAVE THE DOME. Walk away. Don't look back or you turn into a pillar of slush.
We haven't lost the republic, just the Clintons. And if you are a conservative you have the whole world to pay attention to instead of the Dome and its litany. You have family, church, work, hobbies, sports, gardens, travel. You are allowed to read books from the past and understand what they are saying. Your interests never show up on TV? Good, considering what TV is. Politics? You just make up your mind that DC is swamp which Trump is draining, you support him. You don't get emotional about it. I didn't think there could be anything worse than the attempted soft coup but here we are - what? - crazy stories about how a wealthy financier is a pimp in a underage slave trade and probably blackmailing clients on behalf of US intelligence or someone else and he gets murdered in a secure prison to cover up for either the clients or the intelligence agencies (but not really them but a ring in them or was he just saying that), or both, or neither or else he was spirited away to be with Elvis or was it aliens? Ho, hum. Leave it to Bill Barr, plan to vote for Trump, and learn how to change the string on the Weedwacker. Gardens are real.
Blogger Fritz said..."Evening Primrose. It grows on our beach, too."
Thanks, Fritz.
Interesting article about a couple of Trump-loving musical DJs.
Cernovich, who came to know Milk N Cooks in 2017, when the twins kept tweeting at him about their shared political views, says he has since warned the DJs against being so public with their political views. “There aren’t many pro-Trump cultural figures because the social cost is so high,” Cernovich says.
Also from the article...
"I like the way I look. I'm not a fucking Nazi. I'm not going to disavow my haircut like Macklemore's bitch ass."
Macklemore is a rapper who had to change his haircut to appease the mob.
“Do you people read these book chapters from Bruce? Asking for an acquaintance”
Is reading comprehension hard for you? Just asking for a friend.
The funny thing to me with Warren’s Wealth Tax, is that she was a (affirmative action hire) law professor at Harvard, one of the very top law schools in the country. A wealth tax is highly unlikely to survive Constitutional muster - it isn’t an apportioned tax, nor is it an income tax. Warren, as a law prof presumably knows the law well enough to see that. And there is little reason to believe that Congress would vote for an amendment allowing for a wealth tax, and even less reason to believe that she could get 38 states to vote for it (and no one is going to invoke a Constitutional convention, because they couldn’t control its agenda - much more likely to get term limits for Congress than a wealth tax).
Blogger Howard said...
Do you people read these book chapters from Bruce? Asking for an acquaintance.
Do you think anyone reads your comments on purpose ?
I go to these cafe posts for Bruce's comments,.
"Warren, as a law prof presumably knows the law well enough to see that"
You mean, she's cynically proposing something that she knows is unconstitutional and unworkable, presumably to toss some red meat to her unhinged and not very bright base? Well, I'll be jiggered!
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