Trump appointed Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell less than two years ago. Now he is blaming him for the economy going south. (For comparison, President Obama had George W. Bush appointed Ben Bernanke for his first six years as president.) Trump never takes any responsibility for anything. He will always blame someone else. Even if he is the one who hired them!
"Trump appointed Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell less than two years ago. Now he is blaming him for the economy going south."
Sometimes you make a bad hire - take your employer for example. But, would you be so kind as to educate us economic idiots exactly what you would have had Trump do differently with the economy over the last two years? Or, perhaps you could discuss where he went wrong on monetary theory, or unemployment, or stock valuations, or manufacturing growth, or what? Be specific because your broad generalizations are meaningless twaddle.
In the third round of debates, candidates will need to both reach 2% in four polls and acquire donations from 130,000 unique donors, much tougher thresholds to meet than earlier debates. For the first two rounds, candidates needed to only poll at 1% and acquire 65,000 donors. ABC and Univision are hosting the debate at Texas Southern University on Sept. 12 and 13.
Trump doesn't understand matching available outstanding dollars to what the economy is capable of doing at once, which is what the Fed is trying to do via the interest rate target. The Fed acts slowly so that it doesn't blind itself to what's going on. A quarter point at a time, now and then.
All that's wrong with the economy is that Drudge is trying to talk it down. Clicks are top priority to news types, at any external cost.
Trump has been goosing it by removing regulations. If he can keep that up, he can probably fend off the news media effects.
I love the Althouse commentariat. Here are three things that I learned today that I would like to share.
1. That incredibly weird picture (painting, I think) of Bill Clinton in a blue dress and red highheels in the oval office. or go to drudge
2. All syllabi at the University of Maryland, College Park, are now required to include the following language: "BASIC NEEDS SECURITY If you have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or lack a safe and stable place to live and believe this may affect your performance in this course, please visit for information about resources the campus offers you and let me know if I can help in any way."
3. There are some old movie versions of Romeo and Juliet that IMDB commenters like: Castellani's 1954 version that was shot "on location" in Venice, Siena, Verona, etc. Hollywood's 1936 version (Leslie Howard and Norma Shearer, but also John Barrymore, Edna Mae Oliver, Basil Rathbone).
Politifact said that focusing too much on the linguistics in controversial cases comes with its own set of problems., and so they WILL NOT rule on whether or not the Shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, was a murder. Therefore, they have decided that, since they aren't going to decide IF Michael Brown was murdered, it is OKAY to say that the cop MURDERED him. Compare This ruling to theirs on The Babylon Bee?
Idiot Trump exploded government spending while slashing marginal tax rates. Of course there was a short term goose to the economy. But it is leading to a hard landing for our economy. On top of all of this, Trump has unilaterally been a one man wrecking crew creating serious chaos and uncertainty through out the world.
Saint Croix said... Do you remember when George Bush Sr. was in Japan, and he vomited in the Prime Minister's lap? Try to imagine if Donald Trump had done such a thing.
Do YOU remember when Barry O'Bama kowtowed to the Emperor of Japan? Try to imagine if Donald Trump had done such a thing
Do YOU remember when Barry O'Bama bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia? Try to imagine if Donald Trump had done such a thing
Had a very concerned voice mail today. The voice was quite robotic but wanted to let me know that $77.99 had been charged against my Visa card for a purchase on Amazon. Went on to say that if I did not make or authorize this purchase I should call back at a specific phone number so they could help me out of this jam.
Are there people that actually fall for this sort of thing? This is why I never answer the phone calls from numbers I don't recognize.
The left always cherry picks the economic data. The blame Trump meme has correctly predicted 1,274 of the last zero Trump recessions...
CNN reports how well the equity market did under Clinton and Obama. Clinton inherited the internet bubble and Obama inherited the equity trough he called ‘this mess’. The conclusion lefties want you to conclude is that very rich people do better under Democratic presidents.
Nancy Pelosi threatens to torpedo US-UK post-Brexit free trade deal and says there is 'no chance' it will pass Congress if the Irish border does not stay 'seamless.'
How is that for interfering in the internal affairs of other countries?
But seriously, WTF? I do not understand how this gets to be any concern of Pelosi's, privately or in her official capacity, and certainly not in such warlike terms!
I have seen a couple of off-beat posts about a group of senators (Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y) sending a letter to the Supreme Court that they had better watch their steps, or they (the senators) are going to pack the Court with additional "liberals" when the Democrats recapture the Senate and the White House next year.
Again, WTF? I thought all hands of whatever party were agreed that packing the Supreme Court is the worst idea Franklin Roosevelt ever thought of and was never to be mentioned again?
The senators use the term "heal," but surely this is a typo for "heel"?
"The switch in time that saved nine," yes, but I also thought national outrage over the court packing plan cost the Democrats dearly in the 1938 election?
Once written: "Trump appointed Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell less than two years ago. Now he is blaming him for the economy going south."
Powell has received criticism from other members of the Federal Reserve who also believe Powell raised rates too high too fast while the entirety of the rest of the world is going in the other direction.
By comparison, Bernanke helped obama along by keeping rates at 0 for almost the entirety of the obama admin.
I like talking about Hollywood sex scandals and the Cuomo meltdown. I don't like talking about mass shootings and stock market collapses.....I don't have any real expertise in anything, but there are things that it's fun to speculate on and other things that I'd just as soon defer judgment on.....There are leaders with catastrophic bad judgment and other leaders, including some of the most revered, that hindsight shows were wrong about 40 to 60% of the time. I don't think Trump is any kind of catastrophic leader, but I'm not convinced a trade war with China is his best idea....I thought the Iraqis would greet us as liberators. My bad. The world is governed more by malignity and random chance than by rational self interest and well executed plans.
Someone - I think the chairman of United Fruit - once said that if you can be right 51% of the time, you are executive material, and if you are right 60% of the time, you are wasting your time in business; run for President!
I have to say it here and now: Elizabeth Warren will be the next President.
She hasn't said or done a single thing that has changed my opinion of her. Warren is a phony, fatuous, hideous human being. But I see a perfect storm of occurrences taking place. These are just starting to rock the world. And they will continue to rock and affect millions.
Warren will be the last one standing for the Dems. And the world and domestic events will work to do to Trump what Comey, Brennan, Schiff, and MSNBC could not- remove him from office.
And in 2020 EW will be sworn in as Lady Prez. And it'll be a one-term disaster. You heard it here first.
And let me say right here that for those of you ready to rip my head off and tell me I'm nuts: I hope you're right.
In more "Destroying Our Norms And Institutions" news, the Senate dems, for whom the NeverTrumpers and LLR's have had much praise, are openly threatening to add seats to the Supreme Court!!
I cant wait to read the next installment of "The Conservative Case For Allowing Tje Left To Pack The Courts" from the NeverTrump/LLR types.
The deficit has gone up only as a matter of federal accounting, which - suffice it to say - doesn't exactly meet GAAP standards. The year-over-year increases in debt are consistent with Obama's time in office. That is... the stimulus continues to be spent.
IOW, fuck John McCain's dumb, dead ass.
Meanwhile, federal tax collections are up because people are more prosperous.
Guilty until proven innocent.Will be interesting to see if the sold out crowd of opera fans bitch about this.
"San Francisco Opera has canceled an upcoming, sold-out performance by Placido Domingo in the wake of an Associated Press story about multiple women accusing the opera star of sexual misconduct.
Domingo had been scheduled to appear at the War Memorial Opera House on Oct. 6 in a special concert celebrating 50 years of collaboration with the San Francisco Opera.
But in a statement, the company said it can no longer go ahead with the event owing to the allegations brought forward by nine women, accusing the celebrated, 78-year-old singer of unwanted sexual advances that took place over several decades starting in the 1980s.
"Though the alleged incidents reported did not take place at San Francisco Opera," the statement reads in part, "the Company is unable to present the artist on the War Memorial Opera House stage."
By the way, the dems/lefties are doubling and tripling down on attacking Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro as nazi white supremacist racists.
All that talk by the Cuckshed LLR crew that we shouldnt bother standing up to the lefty mob over those undesirables has led to precisely where we are today.
Those were just test runs to set the stage for the wholesale attacks on all republicans and conservatives, precisely as predicted.
"Though the alleged incidents reported did not take place at San Francisco Opera," the statement reads in part, "the Company is unable to present the artist on the War Memorial Opera House stage."
90% of the women who donate money to, and regularly attend, opera would kill for a chance to have sex with Placido Domingo.
Unfortunately,This guy gonna be a legend in the 'hood.
"PHILADELPHIA (AP) — At least one gunman opened fire on police Wednesday as they were serving a drug warrant in a Philadelphia neighborhood, wounding six officers and triggering a standoff that extended into the evening, including a potential hostage situation, authorities said.
Two other officers were still trapped inside the house more than four hours after the shooting broke out, as dozens if not hundreds of their fellow police outside tried to talk down the shooter and sporadically took fire from him.
None of the officers’ injuries was considered life-threatening and they were being treated at hospitals, Philadelphia police Sgt. Eric Gripp said.
The shooting began around 4:30 p.m. as officers went to a home in a north Philadelphia neighborhood of brick and stone rowhomes, to serve a narcotics warrant, said Police Commissioner Richard Ross. Shots were still being fired three hours later, police said, and officers returned fire.
Ross said many officers “had to escape through windows and doors to get (away) from a barrage of bullets.”
Police were imploring the gunman to surrender, calling him on the phone several times and using a loudspeaker to communicate, Ross said.
“We’re doing everything within our power to get him to come out,” Ross said, adding: “He has the highest assurance he’s not going to be harmed when he comes out.”
The situation was exacerbated by the apparent presence of officers inside the house with the gunman. Ross said police were trying to resolve a “potential hostage situation” without elaborating.
Asked about two officers inside the house, Ross said: “We believe they’re OK, and I’m not going to say much more about that right now, out of concern for their safety.”
Temple University locked down part of its campus, and several children and staff were trapped for some time in a nearby daycare.
Police tried to push crowds of onlookers and residents back from the scene. In police radio broadcasts, officers could be heard calling for backup as reports of officers getting shot poured in.
Dozens of officers on foot lined the streets. Others were in cars and some on horses.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said its agents responded to the scene to assist Philadelphia police.
President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr were briefed on the shooting, officials said.
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said he was thankful that officers’ injuries weren’t life-threatening.
“I’m a little angry about someone having all that weaponry and all that firepower, but we’ll get to that another day,” Kenney said.
It seems to me that there's hundreds of millions of dollars inside the country that weren't there two years ago. These dollars come from fracking, from tariffs and from the return of capital after the tax cuts. And money is being spent to renew the military after the last admin trashed it. And other money to rebuild in steel and coal. So there's always a recession after awhile but this one might be affected in an unpredictable way by the extraordinary amount of capital which is here right now and the amounts being spent on defense and manufacturing. It's hard to believe that this is bad economy.
Warren and Harris and Biden all have a real chance at being sworn in as President in 2020.
You don't have to be too old to remember when a phony little creature like Jimmy Carter won in 1976, or the ridiculous and unloveable rapey Bill Clinton won in 1992. I don't blame the American public too much, I blame the uxorious half-hearted Ford and the badly educated wimpy old Bush (both of them were brave when young but they were not young for long), but that is no real consolation for what we lost when those preposterous sad little men, Carter and rapey Clinton, took over the office of Chief Executive of a country that was much too good for them .....
Watch, in the next few months, for a billionaire Democrat to descend an elevator while being filmed by the flunkies at CNN and MSNBC and the other totalitarian networks - watch that billionaire do his best to start to not make the nomination of a Warren or a Harris or a Biden happen. I know who it is and what he looks like but people are rude to me here too often so I am not gonna say who it is.
Not Steyer - think more along the lines of a billionaire who is the younger and bitter son of a billionaire who in turn was the son of a Casanova style person who ran around NYC and the far-flung British Empire in the 30s
as always thanks for reading Narciso I don't say this enough but I love reading your comments
sure - The guy I am thinking of is thought of as possibly mentally unstable and has had some minor technical run-ins with the law, as all boisterous billionaires do from time to time, but he has never really committed a crime or been drunk or stoned in his life, not that his crazy Twitter feed is the Twitter feed of a sober decent God-fearing person, and he is better known in Texas than in any other state.
I hope I am right, I don't like the guy but he is a better man by far than Carter or Clinton or Biden (leaving aside Warren and Harris, who really really hope he does not get involved - wheels within wheels are going on, I guess, sort of like all that Menshevik/Bolshevik trash soap opera that still disheartens those who know about those things, even to this day)
the main problem is that his testosterone level is not stable, he is more of a Churchill 1910s type of guy than a Churchill 1940s type of guy. If he gets a Colonel Parker, though, the way Elvis got a Colonel Parker, he can really go places.
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney: “I’m a little angry about someone having all that weaponry and all that firepower, but we’ll get to that another day,” Kenney said.
No. We won't.
Because it will turn out that the criminal didn't obey any of your pretty little gun laws and you will bury the story. Nothing to see here move along.
Perhaps you should instead focus on why Phili has become such a shithole under your leadership? Naw, like that cowardly sheriff in Florida, you will misdirect instead.
They believe in magic:
This is for an open thread, but I reserve the right to repost it under the right circumstances.
Thomas Sowell wrote this about our 16th POTUS:
Abraham Lincoln once asked an audience how many legs a dog has if you count the tail as a leg. When they answered "five" Lincoln told them that the answer was "four". The fact that you called the tail a leg does not make it a leg.
Something to think about when Althouse makes a gender dysphoria/transgender post.
This might sound obvious to some, but I see people struggling to highlight words to then copy. Clicking and dragging the cursor across the letters, sometimes overshooting or missing some out. Just double click the word. If you want the whole paragraph, click again.
I learned this by accident years ago, but the truth is that it often isn't useful- only occasionally do I need a single word and typing it is usually quicker if I am copying and pasting. Additionally, I usually don't need the entire paragraph either, but when I do, it is really useful and quick.
I think there is a 0% chance of Biden, Harris, or Warren being sworn in as President in 2020. Has the phrase “attention to detail” ever appeared on a resume for Temujin or Stephen Cooper?
Well no i just think the law abiding black latino and white people should be considered first, maybe had they brought a helicopter gunship ala blue thunder
"I think there is a 0% chance of Biden, Harris, or Warren being sworn in as President in 2020. Has the phrase “attention to detail” ever appeared on a resume for Temujin or Stephen Cooper?"
It would appear some here have misunderstood that post and the others like it.
The political support for Warren, Sanders, and Harris, such as it is, surprises me. They are quite obviously wrong on many subjects, even more obviously pandering with much of their policy proposals, and, in Harris's case, clearly not ready or qualified to lead.
Support for Biden makes sense to me, partly because of the relative weakness of everyone else in the race and partly because he has held national elective office. Doesn't mean I think he'd make a good POTUS.
Abraham Lincoln once asked an audience how many legs a dog has if you count the tail as a leg. When they answered "five" Lincoln told them that the answer was "four". The fact that you called the tail a leg does not make it a leg.
So the Trannies will be pulling down the Lincoln Memorial as soon as the Race-mongerers get done pulling down the Jefferson Memorial.
"I do think that in some parts of America, there's a disconnect with other parts of America. Like the rugged individualist in one of the Dakotas, with his fat layer and his 10 toilet flushes a day. It's a different reality in Brooklyn."
You fat midwest fucks disgust Henry and me. Just end it already.
Wow, that is some expensive coffee that Ann linked to on the post. I like good coffee but not at that price. I use a variety of dark roasts in my coffee press or my Krups coffeemaker. I find the most/more expensive is not always the best.
Anyway, speaking of words that rhyme with “lark”, I was reading Pygmalion yesterday and I came across the word “Nark” for police informant. I always thought that the word was “Narc” short for “Undercover Narcotics Officer,” but it turns out that in the 19th century anyway, when the play was written, a “nark” was a guy like Huggy Bear in Starsky and Hutch. You learn something new most days.
WAIT A MINUTE! a “nark” was a guy like Huggy Bear in Starsky and Hutch.
Are you saying that Huggy Bear worked for the DEA? WHAT are you basing this on? You CAN'T just pretend to imagine things. If you can't name an episode to back this up, you are full of it!!!!
See? You thought the same thing I did! “Nark” means “police informant.” nothing more. In the play I was reading, they thought Henry Higgins was a nark because he was making notes. I am just going by the footnote that it means police informant. Like I said, the play was written in the 19th century.
Meanwhile, back at the prison that once held El Chapo:
Jeff Epstein autopsy found multiple neck bone fractures, which can be caused by suicidal hanging -- but are more commonly found in homicidal strangulation.
The more I hear of the Democrats' plans the more I like Glenn Reynolds' proposal that the number of Supreme Court justices be increased to 59: the nine already appointed by the President plus 50 more appointed (1 each) by the several states' governors. Let the Democrats try to pack the Court after that!
The ship was named after Cutty-sark, the nickname of the witch Nannie Dee in Robert Burns's 1791 poem Tam o' Shanter. The ship's figurehead, the original of which has been attributed to carver Fredrick Hellyer of Blackwall, is a stark white carving of a bare-breasted Nannie Dee with long black hair holding a grey horse's tail in her hand.. - Wikipedia
Love reading the recap of the overnight comments with my morning coffee. Sometimes it's scary stuff, folks. Other times it's full of nuggets.
Stephen Cooper: who is the Dem billionaire you're hoping does not make that descent down the elevator? I was thinking Mark Cuban, but that's not his profile you laid out.
Lucien: Don't take my prediction personally. It's not an attack on you. It' you say this? A prediction. Based on what I see happening economically- not just in the US, but around the world (China, EU, South America), and what Warren has staked out as her attack points, I say she'll be the last Dem standing. And the last Dem standing may be in a position to beat Trump if the world economy tanks. Nothing he can tweet will save him from that. If the economy stays upright, he'll win. But I see too much churning out there.
Plant form is interesting because there are so many examples of common forms. A common growth principle could lead to a similar form at very different locations in the plant life cycle - here a stamen, there a sporophyte - and what's more it could lead by variation in proportion to an apparently opposite form, as opposite as the pistil.
Just as auxin creates a spiral wherever it is present on one side of an axis regardless of the use of the spiral.
With the "court packing" discussion, the best way to diffuse it, is to de-politicize it.
New law
1)Justice will serve 20 years or mandatory retirement at 80. This will increase the age of the justices, hopefully increase the wisdom, and decrease their lust of power to govern by decree.
2) Every President gets one appointment per 4 year term, until we get to 21(?)plus any resignations/death. With a mandatory retirement, the morbid death watch will be lessened.
This will do what the left claim they want. More Justices. But it neuters any political advantage because of the slowness, and uncertainty of the what the future looks like.
All the numbers can be adjusted as long as the underlying premise stays intact.
This plan will never pass through the legislative sausage maker, but it will shut up Democrats.
The media reports about the Dems unjust threats to the court, ignoring the fact SCOTUS has never failed. Bad ruling can ALWAYS get corrected by legislation. (if the legislature does act, it proves the decision was wrong, if legslation never happens, the ruling must be correct. See the difference between Kelo and Citizen United)
I was reading Pygmalion yesterday and I came across the word “Nark” for police informant. I always thought that the word was “Narc”
I learned the origin of a word I had not heard before nGordon Lightfoot's song "Canadian Railroad Trilogy." It is "navvy" to describe the workers who built the railroad. I am reading a series of novels about English history by a write whose life story is pretty interesting. He taught Economic History at a university, then spent ten years with the police in Papua New Guinea.
Anyway, the term "Navvy" refers to "Navigator" and that was not on a ship. They were the men who built the canals in 19th century England. They were big and very strong and uneducated,
"I was reading Pygmalion yesterday and I came across the word 'Nark' for police informant. I always thought that the word was 'Narc.'"
In the 60s, it was "narc," (short for undercover "narcotics" cop or informant). It may just be coincidence that "nark" was a previous (British) term for police informers.
I'll do a post on my own blog about learning history from historical fiction. I have done that for years. First the novel interests me then I seek out the history. Historical fiction is not very common these days.
I'm informed that Harry Turtledove is now working on a 5th Hellenistic “Greek trader” novel. (Historical, not alt-history.)
Temujin - Cuban already said it would take an extremely unusual combination of events to get him to run as an Independent or a Republican, so no, not Cuban. I am thinking of a guy who is a lot more charismatic than Cuban, a lot richer, and a lot less well known. By a factor of ten, at least.
I also think I am probably wrong, for the record .... just saying I think there is a real chance. I do not want to say his name because I think he google searches his name, or has his employees google search his name and then report back to him. That being said, if Scott Adams does not mention him with some enthusiasm at least twice before November 2019, when real candidates show up in New Hampshire, then you will know I am wrong. I would take ten to one odds on that proposition (meaning I think there is a better than one in ten chance I am right, but not a better than one in nine chance).
You had me and then you lost me. Say it in Pig Latin or put spaces between the letters or something but I'm done with the guessing games. Blessings, take care, as a former commenter here would say.
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१२९ टिप्पण्या:
Trump appointed Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell less than two years ago. Now he is blaming him for the economy going south. (For comparison, President Obama had George W. Bush appointed Ben Bernanke for his first six years as president.) Trump never takes any responsibility for anything. He will always blame someone else. Even if he is the one who hired them!
Trump appointed Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell less than two years ago. Now he is blaming him for the economy going south.
Do you credit Trump for the economy going North the past 2.5 years?
"Trump appointed Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell less than two years ago. Now he is blaming him for the economy going south."
Sometimes you make a bad hire - take your employer for example. But, would you be so kind as to educate us economic idiots exactly what you would have had Trump do differently with the economy over the last two years? Or, perhaps you could discuss where he went wrong on monetary theory, or unemployment, or stock valuations, or manufacturing growth, or what? Be specific because your broad generalizations are meaningless twaddle.
Ann and Meade. Inquiring minds want to know:
As for myself, it is an emphatic, Hell No!
If Marianne Williamson is barred from the 3rd Democrat Debate in September, my shakras will suffer gnostic disharmony.
In the third round of debates, candidates will need to both reach 2% in four polls and acquire donations from 130,000 unique donors, much tougher thresholds to meet than earlier debates. For the first two rounds, candidates needed to only poll at 1% and acquire 65,000 donors. ABC and Univision are hosting the debate at Texas Southern University on Sept. 12 and 13.
If anyone is interested in why Epstein was offed, Take a look at Epstein's painting of Bill Clinton.
Trump doesn't understand matching available outstanding dollars to what the economy is capable of doing at once, which is what the Fed is trying to do via the interest rate target. The Fed acts slowly so that it doesn't blind itself to what's going on. A quarter point at a time, now and then.
All that's wrong with the economy is that Drudge is trying to talk it down. Clicks are top priority to news types, at any external cost.
Trump has been goosing it by removing regulations. If he can keep that up, he can probably fend off the news media effects.
Do you remember when George Bush Sr. was in Japan, and he vomited in the Prime Minister's lap?
Try to imagine if Donald Trump had done such a thing.
Someone is going to say that's sexist............./s
I love the Althouse commentariat. Here are three things that I learned today that I would like to share.
1. That incredibly weird picture (painting, I think) of Bill Clinton in a blue dress and red highheels in the oval office. or go to drudge
2. All syllabi at the University of Maryland, College Park, are now required to include the following language:
If you have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or lack a safe and stable place to live and believe this may affect your performance in this course, please visit for information about resources the campus offers you and let me know if I can help in any way."
3. There are some old movie versions of Romeo and Juliet that IMDB commenters like: Castellani's 1954 version that was shot "on location" in Venice, Siena, Verona, etc. Hollywood's 1936 version (Leslie Howard and Norma Shearer, but also John Barrymore, Edna Mae Oliver, Basil Rathbone).
If anyone is interested in why Epstein was offed, Take a look at Epstein's painting of Bill Clinton.
Yuck. If Hillary had won, that would've been hanging in the Oval Office...
a follow up from the flake mueller put in charge in counter intel,
Politifact said that focusing too much on the linguistics in controversial cases comes with its own set of problems., and so they WILL NOT rule on whether or not the Shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, was a murder. Therefore, they have decided that, since they aren't going to decide IF Michael Brown was murdered, it is OKAY to say that the cop MURDERED him.
Compare This ruling to theirs on The Babylon Bee?
Idiot Trump exploded government spending while slashing marginal tax rates. Of course there was a short term goose to the economy. But it is leading to a hard landing for our economy. On top of all of this, Trump has unilaterally been a one man wrecking crew creating serious chaos and uncertainty through out the world.
Oh no, now the "smooch" is dissing Donald. He falls in the same category as Comey and Omarosa -- few friends, lots of enemies.
Saint Croix said...
Do you remember when George Bush Sr. was in Japan, and he vomited in the Prime Minister's lap? Try to imagine if Donald Trump had done such a thing.
Do YOU remember when Barry O'Bama kowtowed to the Emperor of Japan?
Try to imagine if Donald Trump had done such a thing
Do YOU remember when Barry O'Bama bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia?
Try to imagine if Donald Trump had done such a thing
Disturbing rendition of Bill as 1st lady.
this is part of the 'hunt' screenplay, that was mercifully put down,
As I recall, you shouldn't eat the red ones.
Had a very concerned voice mail today. The voice was quite robotic but wanted to let me know that $77.99 had been charged against my Visa card for a purchase on Amazon. Went on to say that if I did not make or authorize this purchase I should call back at a specific phone number so they could help me out of this jam.
Are there people that actually fall for this sort of thing? This is why I never answer the phone calls from numbers I don't recognize.
The voice was quite robotic but wanted to let me know that $77.99 had been charged against my Visa card for a purchase on Amazon.
I got that one two days ago. The scam stood out to me...
Even the amount was the same..
Steve and Once are hungering for a recession or, better yet, a depression to rid the country of that imposter Trump.
How dare he defeat Queen Hillary!
Sounds just like bill maher,
Poppy Bush collapsed and threw up on the prime minister's shoes, not in his lap.
"Chaga has an abundance of antioxidant properties."
"New data confirm antioxidants accelerate spread of malignant melanoma"
The left always cherry picks the economic data. The blame Trump meme has correctly predicted 1,274 of the last zero Trump recessions...
CNN reports how well the equity market did under Clinton and Obama. Clinton inherited the internet bubble and Obama inherited the equity trough he called ‘this mess’. The conclusion lefties want you to conclude is that very rich people do better under Democratic presidents.
Nancy Pelosi threatens to torpedo US-UK post-Brexit free trade deal and says there is 'no chance' it will pass Congress if the Irish border does not stay 'seamless.'
How is that for interfering in the internal affairs of other countries?
But seriously, WTF? I do not understand how this gets to be any concern of Pelosi's, privately or in her official capacity, and certainly not in such warlike terms!
"The scam stood out to me..."
Me too. I did visit Amazon and logged into my Visa card account to double check.
I have seen a couple of off-beat posts about a group of senators (Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y) sending a letter to the Supreme Court that they had better watch their steps, or they (the senators) are going to pack the Court with additional "liberals" when the Democrats recapture the Senate and the White House next year.
Again, WTF? I thought all hands of whatever party were agreed that packing the Supreme Court is the worst idea Franklin Roosevelt ever thought of and was never to be mentioned again?
The senators use the term "heal," but surely this is a typo for "heel"?
Avenatti told him this was a smart idea, besides court packing was a bluff that worked..
"The Fed acts slowly so that it doesn't blind itself to what's going on. A quarter point at a time, now and then."
Except when it acts quickly and doesn't care about flying blind, adding a trillion here, a trillion there in QE.
"The switch in time that saved nine," yes, but I also thought national outrage over the court packing plan cost the Democrats dearly in the 1938 election?
That's an.. *exuberant* mushroom!
Once written: "Trump appointed Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell less than two years ago. Now he is blaming him for the economy going south."
Powell has received criticism from other members of the Federal Reserve who also believe Powell raised rates too high too fast while the entirety of the rest of the world is going in the other direction.
By comparison, Bernanke helped obama along by keeping rates at 0 for almost the entirety of the obama admin.
Once Written: "Trump never takes any responsibility for anything."
obama was still blaming Bush for economic conditions at the end of the obama 2nd term.
8 straight years of blaming Bush.
But history began this morning so you wouldn't remember that.
Anyway, what is Nancy Pelosi's argument for the propriety of the Speaker of the House making such a statement in a public speech?
I think Powell’s mistake was to raise rates AND unwind the Fed’s debt at the same time.
She was a friend of terrorists in the 80s, so just like old times
David Mamet skewers Me Too.
I like talking about Hollywood sex scandals and the Cuomo meltdown. I don't like talking about mass shootings and stock market collapses.....I don't have any real expertise in anything, but there are things that it's fun to speculate on and other things that I'd just as soon defer judgment on.....There are leaders with catastrophic bad judgment and other leaders, including some of the most revered, that hindsight shows were wrong about 40 to 60% of the time. I don't think Trump is any kind of catastrophic leader, but I'm not convinced a trade war with China is his best idea....I thought the Iraqis would greet us as liberators. My bad. The world is governed more by malignity and random chance than by rational self interest and well executed plans.
I'm reposting this from the previous cafe:
Could someone here please create a video of Biden's gaffes, set to "Sundown" by Gordon Lightfoot?
My reason for choosing the song is because of Biden's apparent dementia. But listening to it again, two lines seem particularly appropriate.
"Sundown you better take care
If I find you been creepin' 'round my back stairs."
"Sometimes I think it's a sin
When I feel like I'm winnin' when I'm losin' again."
Its more calculated than it looks, also the tariffs are more targeted at particular nodes in the chinese power atructure.
The senators use the term "heal," but surely this is a typo for "heel"?
that was my thought, exactly
In other news:
Someone - I think the chairman of United Fruit - once said that if you can be right 51% of the time, you are executive material, and if you are right 60% of the time, you are wasting your time in business; run for President!
I have to say it here and now: Elizabeth Warren will be the next President.
She hasn't said or done a single thing that has changed my opinion of her. Warren is a phony, fatuous, hideous human being. But I see a perfect storm of occurrences taking place. These are just starting to rock the world. And they will continue to rock and affect millions.
Warren will be the last one standing for the Dems. And the world and domestic events will work to do to Trump what Comey, Brennan, Schiff, and MSNBC could not- remove him from office.
And in 2020 EW will be sworn in as Lady Prez. And it'll be a one-term disaster. You heard it here first.
And let me say right here that for those of you ready to rip my head off and tell me I'm nuts: I hope you're right.
And in 2020 EW will be sworn in as Lady Prez. And it'll be a one-term disaster. You heard it here first.
That will be the all time boom in gun maker stocks, if it happens.
By comparison, Bernanke helped obama along by keeping rates at 0 for almost the entirety of the obama admin.
I think it is a tactical error to talk numbers with leftists, Drago.
Math is hard ...
... and racist.
It promotes the White Supremacist way of thinking.
I dont see it, shes as mendacious as heck, ao what?
In more "Destroying Our Norms And Institutions" news, the Senate dems, for whom the NeverTrumpers and LLR's have had much praise, are openly threatening to add seats to the Supreme Court!!
I cant wait to read the next installment of "The Conservative Case For Allowing Tje Left To Pack The Courts" from the NeverTrump/LLR types.
The deficit has gone up only as a matter of federal accounting, which - suffice it to say - doesn't exactly meet GAAP standards. The year-over-year increases in debt are consistent with Obama's time in office. That is... the stimulus continues to be spent.
IOW, fuck John McCain's dumb, dead ass.
Meanwhile, federal tax collections are up because people are more prosperous.
Once Written is forever stupid.
Guilty until proven innocent.Will be interesting to see if the sold out crowd of opera fans bitch about this.
"San Francisco Opera has canceled an upcoming, sold-out performance by Placido Domingo in the wake of an Associated Press story about multiple women accusing the opera star of sexual misconduct.
Domingo had been scheduled to appear at the War Memorial Opera House on Oct. 6 in a special concert celebrating 50 years of collaboration with the San Francisco Opera.
But in a statement, the company said it can no longer go ahead with the event owing to the allegations brought forward by nine women, accusing the celebrated, 78-year-old singer of unwanted sexual advances that took place over several decades starting in the 1980s.
"Though the alleged incidents reported did not take place at San Francisco Opera," the statement reads in part, "the Company is unable to present the artist on the War Memorial Opera House stage."
By the way, the dems/lefties are doubling and tripling down on attacking Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro as nazi white supremacist racists.
All that talk by the Cuckshed LLR crew that we shouldnt bother standing up to the lefty mob over those undesirables has led to precisely where we are today.
Those were just test runs to set the stage for the wholesale attacks on all republicans and conservatives, precisely as predicted.
"Though the alleged incidents reported did not take place at San Francisco Opera," the statement reads in part, "the Company is unable to present the artist on the War Memorial Opera House stage."
90% of the women who donate money to, and regularly attend, opera would kill for a chance to have sex with Placido Domingo.
Unfortunately,This guy gonna be a legend in the 'hood.
"PHILADELPHIA (AP) — At least one gunman opened fire on police Wednesday as they were serving a drug warrant in a Philadelphia neighborhood, wounding six officers and triggering a standoff that extended into the evening, including a potential hostage situation, authorities said.
Two other officers were still trapped inside the house more than four hours after the shooting broke out, as dozens if not hundreds of their fellow police outside tried to talk down the shooter and sporadically took fire from him.
None of the officers’ injuries was considered life-threatening and they were being treated at hospitals, Philadelphia police Sgt. Eric Gripp said.
The shooting began around 4:30 p.m. as officers went to a home in a north Philadelphia neighborhood of brick and stone rowhomes, to serve a narcotics warrant, said Police Commissioner Richard Ross. Shots were still being fired three hours later, police said, and officers returned fire.
Ross said many officers “had to escape through windows and doors to get (away) from a barrage of bullets.”
Police were imploring the gunman to surrender, calling him on the phone several times and using a loudspeaker to communicate, Ross said.
“We’re doing everything within our power to get him to come out,” Ross said, adding: “He has the highest assurance he’s not going to be harmed when he comes out.”
The situation was exacerbated by the apparent presence of officers inside the house with the gunman. Ross said police were trying to resolve a “potential hostage situation” without elaborating.
Asked about two officers inside the house, Ross said: “We believe they’re OK, and I’m not going to say much more about that right now, out of concern for their safety.”
Temple University locked down part of its campus, and several children and staff were trapped for some time in a nearby daycare.
Police tried to push crowds of onlookers and residents back from the scene. In police radio broadcasts, officers could be heard calling for backup as reports of officers getting shot poured in.
Dozens of officers on foot lined the streets. Others were in cars and some on horses.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said its agents responded to the scene to assist Philadelphia police.
President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr were briefed on the shooting, officials said.
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said he was thankful that officers’ injuries weren’t life-threatening.
“I’m a little angry about someone having all that weaponry and all that firepower, but we’ll get to that another day,” Kenney said.
It seems to me that there's hundreds of millions of dollars inside the country that weren't there two years ago. These dollars come from fracking, from tariffs and from the return of capital after the tax cuts. And money is being spent to renew the military after the last admin trashed it. And other money to rebuild in steel and coal. So there's always a recession after awhile but this one might be affected in an unpredictable way by the extraordinary amount of capital which is here right now and the amounts being spent on defense and manufacturing. It's hard to believe that this is bad economy.
I think there is a 0% chance of Elizabeth Warren being sworn in as President in 2020.
Fredo bad, Beto good?
I'd bet all the Leftist Collectivist fever dreams about a recession go unanswered.
I almost feel sorry for them.
Longevity came up on another thread. Rolling Stones in SF Bay Area. Mick Jagger 80 something, right?
Something not right doing rock n roll that old. Blues ok I guess. Opera too, as the sex fiend Placecard Dominquez, is late 70's.
The Daily Mail didn't notice the red knee on the floozy Clinton painting. How did that get there?
90% of the women who donate money to, and regularly attend, opera would kill for a chance to have sex with Placido Domingo
Unfortunately, 90% are old enough to be his first wife.
Michael K said...
And in 2020 EW will be sworn in as Lady Prez. And it'll be a one-term disaster. You heard it here first.
That will be the all time boom in gun maker stocks, if it happens.
Really, if any of the Dems are elected there will be a run on firearms and ammo before they can actually take office. Same as Obama.
Would you be surorised to know they outright lied about what cuccinelli said, shocker.
Warren and Harris and Biden all have a real chance at being sworn in as President in 2020.
You don't have to be too old to remember when a phony little creature like Jimmy Carter won in 1976, or the ridiculous and unloveable rapey Bill Clinton won in 1992. I don't blame the American public too much, I blame the uxorious half-hearted Ford and the badly educated wimpy old Bush (both of them were brave when young but they were not young for long), but that is no real consolation for what we lost when those preposterous sad little men, Carter and rapey Clinton, took over the office of Chief Executive of a country that was much too good for them .....
Watch, in the next few months, for a billionaire Democrat to descend an elevator while being filmed by the flunkies at CNN and MSNBC and the other totalitarian networks - watch that billionaire do his best to start to not make the nomination of a Warren or a Harris or a Biden happen. I know who it is and what he looks like but people are rude to me here too often so I am not gonna say who it is.
Steyer, hes on a ego trip, but hes the wrong shade of prog, that was at the tale of a war, in the midst of a recession triggered by the oil shock.
>Once written, twice... said...
Idiot Trump exploded government spending while slashing marginal tax rates<
Baracky did good: doubled the debt and increased taxes.
Not Steyer - think more along the lines of a billionaire who is the younger and bitter son of a billionaire who in turn was the son of a Casanova style person who ran around NYC and the far-flung British Empire in the 30s
as always thanks for reading Narciso I don't say this enough but I love reading your comments
“I’m a little angry about someone having all that weaponry and all that firepower, but we’ll get to that another day,” Kenney said.
Sure, they bought it from the Fast and Furious gun shop, idiot.
Thanks, you do show great perseverence in your quest.
But you have me stumped can you give me another clue?
Oh really:
sure -
The guy I am thinking of is thought of as possibly mentally unstable and has had some minor technical run-ins with the law, as all boisterous billionaires do from time to time, but he has never really committed a crime or been drunk or stoned in his life, not that his crazy Twitter feed is the Twitter feed of a sober decent God-fearing person, and he is better known in Texas than in any other state.
I hope I am right, I don't like the guy but he is a better man by far than Carter or Clinton or Biden (leaving aside Warren and Harris, who really really hope he does not get involved - wheels within wheels are going on, I guess, sort of like all that Menshevik/Bolshevik trash soap opera that still disheartens those who know about those things, even to this day)
the main problem is that his testosterone level is not stable, he is more of a Churchill 1910s type of guy than a Churchill 1940s type of guy. If he gets a Colonel Parker, though, the way Elvis got a Colonel Parker, he can really go places.
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney: “I’m a little angry about someone having all that weaponry and all that firepower, but we’ll get to that another day,” Kenney said.
No. We won't.
Because it will turn out that the criminal didn't obey any of your pretty little gun laws and you will bury the story. Nothing to see here move along.
Perhaps you should instead focus on why Phili has become such a shithole under your leadership? Naw, like that cowardly sheriff in Florida, you will misdirect instead.
They believe in magic:
This is for an open thread, but I reserve the right to repost it under the right circumstances.
Thomas Sowell wrote this about our 16th POTUS:
Abraham Lincoln once asked an audience how many legs a dog has if you count the tail as a leg. When they answered "five" Lincoln told them that the answer was "four". The fact that you called the tail a leg does not make it a leg.
Something to think about when Althouse makes a gender dysphoria/transgender post.
Funny, in hindsight:
Once written, twice... said...
Who thinks Trump will respond to FOIA requests? His hiding of information will make Clinton's e-mails look like peanuts. Which they were.
/16, 9:30 AM
The mushroom species is called auranticus peyronicus and symbolizes the manhoods of both Donald Trump and Bill Clinton (according to female sources).
Another story about the rapacious "green" energy industry in Sweden.
Fortunately for the people living there and the indigenous Sami; the corporation lost, for now.
Tip from Reddit:
This might sound obvious to some, but I see people struggling to highlight words to then copy. Clicking and dragging the cursor across the letters, sometimes overshooting or missing some out. Just double click the word. If you want the whole paragraph, click again.
"This might sound obvious to some"
I learned this by accident years ago, but the truth is that it often isn't useful- only occasionally do I need a single word and typing it is usually quicker if I am copying and pasting. Additionally, I usually don't need the entire paragraph either, but when I do, it is really useful and quick.
Im guessing the former?
Might be a White Hispanic.
JML, I think those are swim trunks.
I think there is a 0% chance of Biden, Harris, or Warren being sworn in as President in 2020. Has the phrase “attention to detail” ever appeared on a resume for Temujin or Stephen Cooper?
Well he was definitely a predator like a megalodon.
Well no i just think the law abiding black latino and white people should be considered first, maybe had they brought a helicopter gunship ala blue thunder
Whoopsie, well that is awkward, i would have used some untraceable poison. So did have ligature marks consistent with a strangulation
Im seen enough law and order and csi to ask this?
Once written OMG! Trump is so irresponsible!
Hagar 7:16 especially since she is on”recess” or whatever yet sill chomping on her gums in “speeches”
I think there is 0% chance J.R. Ewing will be sworn in as President 2020.
Meanwhile, in Virginia, someone is leaving old TV's on porches while wearing a TV on his head.
"I think there is a 0% chance of Biden, Harris, or Warren being sworn in as President in 2020. Has the phrase “attention to detail” ever appeared on a resume for Temujin or Stephen Cooper?"
It would appear some here have misunderstood that post and the others like it.
The political support for Warren, Sanders, and Harris, such as it is, surprises me. They are quite obviously wrong on many subjects, even more obviously pandering with much of their policy proposals, and, in Harris's case, clearly not ready or qualified to lead.
Support for Biden makes sense to me, partly because of the relative weakness of everyone else in the race and partly because he has held national elective office. Doesn't mean I think he'd make a good POTUS.
Just worked New Zealand. "condx vy poor" as the guy said. Apparently watching politics.
OnceBitten: His hiding of information will make Clinton's e-mails look like peanuts. Which they were.
You screwed up there. See what Orange Man Bad does to your brain?
You meant to set up: "A is so bad, it will make B (which was very bad already) look good in comparison."
But then you stepped on a rake and asserted B was just peanuts anyway. Impaled yourself with your own sword there.
Abraham Lincoln once asked an audience how many legs a dog has if you count the tail as a leg. When they answered "five" Lincoln told them that the answer was "four". The fact that you called the tail a leg does not make it a leg.
So the Trannies will be pulling down the Lincoln Memorial as soon as the Race-mongerers get done pulling down the Jefferson Memorial.
Heinlein's Crazy Years. LOL.
Henry Rollins says Trump is going to change the world for the better, just not like he thinks
Punks Darwin Trumpsters
"I do think that in some parts of America, there's a disconnect with other parts of America. Like the rugged individualist in one of the Dakotas, with his fat layer and his 10 toilet flushes a day. It's a different reality in Brooklyn."
You fat midwest fucks disgust Henry and me. Just end it already.
Wow, that is some expensive coffee that Ann linked to on the post. I like good coffee but not at that price. I use a variety of dark roasts in my coffee press or my Krups coffeemaker. I find the most/more expensive is not always the best.
Anyway, speaking of words that rhyme with “lark”, I was reading Pygmalion yesterday and I came across the word “Nark” for police informant. I always thought that the word was “Narc” short for “Undercover Narcotics Officer,” but it turns out that in the 19th century anyway, when the play was written, a “nark” was a guy like Huggy Bear in Starsky and Hutch. You learn something new most days.
Don’t know why I keep capitalizing ‘nark,’ maybe it was capitalized when I read it.
"Autopsy finds broken bones in Jeffrey Epstein’s neck, deepening questions around his death”
Right, he hanged himself with a sheet from a bunkbed and broke bones.
a “nark” was a guy like Huggy Bear in Starsky and Hutch.
Are you saying that Huggy Bear worked for the DEA? WHAT are you basing this on?
You CAN'T just pretend to imagine things. If you can't name an episode to back this up, you are full of it!!!!
Perfect timing!!
See? You thought the same thing I did! “Nark” means “police informant.” nothing more. In the play I was reading, they thought Henry Higgins was a nark because he was making notes. I am just going by the footnote that it means police informant. Like I said, the play was written in the 19th century.
Meanwhile, back at the prison that once held El Chapo:
Jeff Epstein autopsy found multiple neck bone fractures, which can be caused by suicidal hanging -- but are more commonly found in homicidal strangulation.
The more I hear of the Democrats' plans the more I like Glenn Reynolds' proposal that the number of Supreme Court justices be increased to 59: the nine already appointed by the President plus 50 more appointed (1 each) by the several states' governors. Let the Democrats try to pack the Court after that!
LOL, but it would have been better if it could have been spell “sark” like Cutty Sark.
The ship was named after Cutty-sark, the nickname of the witch Nannie Dee in Robert Burns's 1791 poem Tam o' Shanter. The ship's figurehead, the original of which has been attributed to carver Fredrick Hellyer of Blackwall, is a stark white carving of a bare-breasted Nannie Dee with long black hair holding a grey horse's tail in her hand.. - Wikipedia
Love reading the recap of the overnight comments with my morning coffee. Sometimes it's scary stuff, folks. Other times it's full of nuggets.
Stephen Cooper: who is the Dem billionaire you're hoping does not make that descent down the elevator? I was thinking Mark Cuban, but that's not his profile you laid out.
Lucien: Don't take my prediction personally. It's not an attack on you. It' you say this? A prediction. Based on what I see happening economically- not just in the US, but around the world (China, EU, South America), and what Warren has staked out as her attack points, I say she'll be the last Dem standing. And the last Dem standing may be in a position to beat Trump if the world economy tanks. Nothing he can tweet will save him from that. If the economy stays upright, he'll win. But I see too much churning out there.
Plant form is interesting because there are so many examples of common forms. A common growth principle could lead to a similar form at very different locations in the plant life cycle - here a stamen, there a sporophyte - and what's more it could lead by variation in proportion to an apparently opposite form, as opposite as the pistil.
Just as auxin creates a spiral wherever it is present on one side of an axis regardless of the use of the spiral.
I would have thought that that picture would bring out Titus, but maybe that little counter jab by Althouse drove him away.
With the "court packing" discussion, the best way to diffuse it, is to de-politicize it.
New law
1)Justice will serve 20 years or mandatory retirement at 80. This will increase the age of the justices, hopefully increase the wisdom, and decrease their lust of power to govern by decree.
2) Every President gets one appointment per 4 year term, until we get to 21(?)plus any resignations/death. With a mandatory retirement, the morbid death watch will be lessened.
This will do what the left claim they want. More Justices. But it neuters any political advantage because of the slowness, and uncertainty of the what the future looks like.
All the numbers can be adjusted as long as the underlying premise stays intact.
This plan will never pass through the legislative sausage maker, but it will shut up Democrats.
The media reports about the Dems unjust threats to the court, ignoring the fact SCOTUS has never failed. Bad ruling can ALWAYS get corrected by legislation. (if the legislature does act, it proves the decision was wrong, if legslation never happens, the ruling must be correct. See the difference between Kelo and Citizen United)
It's morbid?
I was pretty stoked to hear of the death of lots of people.
All of them were obviously bad people.
I was reading Pygmalion yesterday and I came across the word “Nark” for police informant. I always thought that the word was “Narc”
I learned the origin of a word I had not heard before nGordon Lightfoot's song "Canadian Railroad Trilogy." It is "navvy" to describe the workers who built the railroad. I am reading a series of novels about English history by a write whose life story is pretty interesting. He taught Economic History at a university, then spent ten years with the police in Papua New Guinea.
Anyway, the term "Navvy" refers to "Navigator" and that was not on a ship. They were the men who built the canals in 19th century England. They were big and very strong and uneducated,
My favorite railroad related word is bindlestiff.
"Autopsy finds broken bones in Jeffrey Epstein’s neck, deepening questions around his death”
Right, he hanged himself with a sheet from a bunkbed and broke bones.
Execution hanging breaks neck due to sudden drop , instant death.. Choking hanging gonna make you suffer and leave opportunity to change mind.
If he intended to kill himself quick, maybe jump off top bunk expecting broken neck.
On other hand, maybe Robin Williams type accidental suicide, erotic asphyxiation gone bad.
"On other hand, maybe Robin Williams type accidental suicide, erotic asphyxiation gone bad."
Robin Williams intended to kill himself.
"I was reading Pygmalion yesterday and I came across the word 'Nark' for police informant. I always thought that the word was 'Narc.'"
In the 60s, it was "narc," (short for undercover "narcotics" cop or informant). It may just be coincidence that "nark" was a previous (British) term for police informers.
Hah! Navvy just came up in Pygmalion. the footnote says it means “ditch digger” or “manual laborer.”
Robert, I think that narc is a backformation from criminal slang. Maybe it’s not, but it’s quite a coincidence.
Eliza’s father is described as a “navvy."
An Elvish king there was of old, Saranwrap by name,
Who slew the Narcs at Mallowmarsh, and Sorehed's hosts did tame!
We Boggies are a hairy folk . . .
I recommend these novels and others by this author. I think I'll do a post on my own blog about learning history from historical fiction.
I have done that for years. First the novel interests me then I seek out the history.
Historical fiction is not very common these days,
Robert Cook said...
"On other hand, maybe Robin Williams type accidental suicide, erotic asphyxiation gone bad."
Robin Williams intended to kill himself.
Is that what the note said? Seem to have misplaced the link to it. Or was that what the family said to keep his rep stellar?
I'll do a post on my own blog about learning history from historical fiction.
I have done that for years. First the novel interests me then I seek out the history.
Historical fiction is not very common these days.
I'm informed that Harry Turtledove is now working on a 5th Hellenistic “Greek trader” novel. (Historical, not alt-history.)
Maybe some druggie read Pygmalion?
Temujin - Cuban already said it would take an extremely unusual combination of events to get him to run as an Independent or a Republican, so no, not Cuban.
I am thinking of a guy who is a lot more charismatic than Cuban, a lot richer, and a lot less well known. By a factor of ten, at least.
I also think I am probably wrong, for the record .... just saying I think there is a real chance.
I do not want to say his name because I think he google searches his name, or has his employees google search his name and then report back to him.
That being said, if Scott Adams does not mention him with some enthusiasm at least twice before November 2019, when real candidates show up in New Hampshire, then you will know I am wrong. I would take ten to one odds on that proposition (meaning I think there is a better than one in ten chance I am right, but not a better than one in nine chance).
I do not want to say his name
You had me and then you lost me. Say it in Pig Latin or put spaces between the letters or something but I'm done with the guessing games. Blessings, take care, as a former commenter here would say.
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