१४ जुलै, २०१९

Morning walk...

... schoolyard sunflowers...

Schoolyard sunflowers

... frontyard sign...

Garden with sign

१५८ टिप्पण्या:

Ray म्हणाले...

"Science is real"

Unless your talking about gender. That's a social construct.

Paco Wové म्हणाले...

They forgot


whitney म्हणाले...

I bet that school's 90% White

Kevin म्हणाले...

Yes, but how many hats did you put back on people's heads and fish did you throw back into people's baskets?

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Make big money as a sloganeer!

That's a social construct.

Black lives are a social construct.
Love is a tautology.
Water anywhere is a threat to dryness everywhere.

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

The USDA pyramid is built on science. Not an argument they want to explore. I can’t remember; is salt bad for you this week or good?

walter म्हणाले...

Sign is more likely in front of a house, not the school.
There's one of those in a small town near where I live...a bit underneath a flag..the Canadian flag.

etbass म्हणाले...

No human is an illegal. But many are illegal immigrants.

h म्हणाले...

It's hard to read the bottom line of the sign. I think it says, "Coexist with Trump supporters."

Renee म्हणाले...

You rarely see these signs in the cities.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

What is interesting to me :-

They don't want to be seen saying

!ALL Lives Matter!

etbass म्हणाले...

Black Lives Matter, but to blacks with guns, not so much.

stevew म्हणाले...

Very nice. Looks clear with relatively low humidity.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"Science is real"

Whenever I see this sign I always want to engage the homeowner in conversation.

"So you're in favor of genetically modified foods? Food irradiation? Vaccination? How about nuclear power, which is the only effective way to reduce co2 emissions?"

Danno म्हणाले...

Just the usual prog/libtard virtue signaling so common in elitist enclaves. A sign chock full of meaningless platitudes.

I'd love to see the homeowner react to a homeless camp being erected in their yard.

Danno म्हणाले...

Blogger etbass said...Black Lives Matter, but to blacks with guns, not so much.

In the hoods of Chicago, etc., the term Black Lives Splatter is more appropriate.

n.n म्हणाले...

Only black lives matter?
#NoJudgment #NoLabels #Everythingslegal
Love is progressive including pedophilia, friendship with "benefits", rape but not "rape-rape"
Women's rites are transhuman rights including life deemed unworthy
Post-normal science is a political and social consensus, a conflation of logical domains, models or hypotheses without skill to forecast or hindcast, and prophecies.
Water is life and death in liberal doses
Social justice anywhere is injustice everywhere


अनामित म्हणाले...

O Mike, I’m a “yes” on all of your questions.

JAORE म्हणाले...

The party of science? Feh.

Scrap of tissue.
Gender is construct,but only women can speak on women's issues, and tans are real women except when they are not.
Climate deniers should be imprisoned.
Vaccines are a net negative.
No nukes are good nukes...

There are more.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Danno said...

"I'd love to see the homeowner react to a homeless camp being erected in their yard."

Hi! Mind if I set up my tent here?

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

No human is an illegal.

Didn't we used to call those children Bastards?

But many are illegal immigrants.

The "illegal" in Illegal Alien is a temporary state of being. That can be rectified by obeying the law.

rcocean म्हणाले...

Water is life. No Garden plant can disagree.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Lots of those "Black Lives Matter" and "Refugees Welcome" signs around the nice homes of U of A faculty.

alanc709 म्हणाले...

Science is real, until it opposes your agenda, like finding numerous "genders". And how dare they water their plants, when kids in Africa are dying of dysentery from contaminated water.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Taking virtue signaling to a new and literal absurdity. Are these people your neighbors?

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

"Science is real"

Interesting that so many believe (sorry) that they meant that to be about gender. My first thought was that they were rabid CAGW hoaxers. Most often that I hear about being anti science is when someone throws junior high science at me claiming that it proves that CO2 causes Global Warming (many of the ones pushing CAGCC have at least subconsciously realize that CAGW has essentially been falsified, but don’t realize that CAGCC being incapable of falsification means that it isn’t science, but is closer to religion).

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

The USDA pyramid is built on science. Not an argument they want to explore.

Why not? I think Harvard has a food pyramid too, which one is taller?

I can’t remember; is salt bad for you this week or good?

It sounds like you might prefer the correct and unchanging knowledge gained through authority and revelation over knowledge gained through "science", where ideas constantly change as new information is garnered and analyzed? If so, just get someone to tell you what you want to hear.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“You rarely see these signs in the cities.”

Madison is a city. Great sign and gorgeous flowers, it’s signs and people who put up signs like this that make Madison such a great city. If it weren’t a great place to live Althouse would probably have moved by now.

MayBee म्हणाले...

Those signs are all over my old neighborhood. Justin Amash's district. I always chuckle about what an a88hole you'd have to be to put one in your yard.

Stephanie Delmonico म्हणाले...

Althouse, you have a neighbor clearly more virtuous than you.
How fortunate!

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Miy next door neighbors have this sign.

I've always assumed that "Science is Real" is specifically about CAGW.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

The only (non-election) sign I can recall seeing in someone's yard around here says "Baby goats for sale". Oh, and "Yard sale".

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

Here’s a yard sign for you Trumpists

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Madison is a city. Great sign and gorgeous flowers, it’s signs and people who put up signs like this that make Madison such a great city. If it weren’t a great place to live Althouse would probably have moved by now."

We can move anywhere, but we don't move.

I challenge readers to tell me about another place where we'd be better off. I've spent some of my precious time looking around, but I believe we're already where it's as close as we can get to heaven.

todd galle म्हणाले...

mockturtle is correct, virtue signaling. Smug self adoration, and projection of tolerance. And almost always found miles and miles away from the actual crisis areas.

rcocean म्हणाले...

"Refugees Welcome"

So how many "refugees" are they welcoming into their home? The only consist attitude of most college professors is their hatred of the USA 1.0

rcocean म्हणाले...

I think Althouse should stay in Madison. Why constantly look for a better place? 9/10 the "greener Pastures" turn out to be no better and often worse.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“I challenge readers to tell me about another place where we'd be better off. I've spent some of my precious time looking around, but I believe we're already where it's as close as we can get to heaven.”

I agree. Stay put, it’s good to love the place you live.

rcocean म्हणाले...

I;'m currently reading about Martha Gellhorn -aka Mrs. E. Hemingway -who lived in 15 different houses all over the world from 1935-1980. And she was unhappy in every one of them.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Smug self adoration, and projection of tolerance.

And yet, were I to walk by wearing my MAGA hat, they would probably cast aspersions at me. And maybe even sticks and stones.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“And yet, were I to walk by wearing my MAGA hat, they would probably cast aspersions at me. And maybe even sticks and stones.”

Baloney. People in these neighborhoods in Madison are polite. They would probably just look at you like you’re a crazy person and then shake their heads sadly after passing you.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Besides garage sales, estate auctions, and either firewood or hay for sale, the big thing that jump out at me here in rural MT are bumper stickers with the Montana state outline around “No Hate State”. Usually I can also find a bumper sticker for the nude singing cowboy who lost to Gianforte in the special election. Obviously, irony deprived, supporting the party of slavery, etc, and most recently with Antifa fascist thugs replacing the KKK as their shock troops. They support the party that bases its electoral appeal and power on divisiveness, of separating groups through preaching hate of other groups.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Here's Harvard's Healthy Eating Pyramid

You start eating the stuff at the top, then if you're still hungry you go down a level. Repeat until you get to vegetables.

dgstock म्हणाले...

An annoyingly frequent sign in Berkeley. The smug self-stroking Looking glass reflection of the terse “No Solicitors”.

404 Page Not Found म्हणाले...

The only message that sign sends to me is "a totally brainwashed retard lives here."

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

Trump supporter’s yard signs

madAsHell म्हणाले...

"Science is real"

This is most likely someone who never passed calculus.

404 Page Not Found म्हणाले...

In Maryland, the liberals drive around with "Civility in XXX County" bumper stickers. And then they call you every name in the book if you don't blindly obey every thought required of you by the Democrat Party cult.

Charlie Eklund म्हणाले...

Under "We believe", the only thing missing from their list is "We're better than you."

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Bruce Hayden said...
"many of the ones pushing CAGCC have at least subconsciously realize that CAGW has essentially been falsified"

I've been trying to figure that out. At some point the memo went out, and they stopped saying "Weather is not Climate" every time it snowed in May, and started talking about Climate Change instead of Global Warming. What I can't quite understand is, if CC is caused by CO2, then doesn't it still have to be W? Are they trying to say we're simultaneously making the world hotter and colder? This "science" stuff is not as easy as it looks.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

I would ask these Believers,
Do you believe in Magic?

Jupiter म्हणाले...

This is kind of like the fact that there is no difference between men and women, since those are just socially constructed categories. And yet, for some reason, it is VERY VERY important that you call people by the proper socially constructed pronouns, because they care VERY VERY deeply about which of these meaningless categories some random stranger has assigned them to. It's almost like these people are nuts.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

“This is most likely someone who never passed calculus”

Or a girl who learned it at the Dalton school from Jeffrey Epstein.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Yup. Science is real but Climate science is fake as any fake ever crafted by the minds of evil people seeking to murder and enslave the world's prople.

Wince म्हणाले...

That sign complements my "You Must be Proud of Yourself" button.

Fritz म्हणाले...

404 Page Not Found said...
In Maryland, the liberals drive around with "Civility in XXX County" bumper stickers. And then they call you every name in the book if you don't blindly obey every thought required of you by the Democrat Party cult.

I believe you, but I have yet to see one in Calvert or St.Mary's County. Maybe up in Anne Arundel.

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

Here's Harvard's Healthy Eating Pyramid

You start eating the stuff at the top, then if you're still hungry you go down a level. Repeat until you get to vegetables.

My theory is that’s why Californians are so angry. They’re always hungry and envious I can have an Italian beef with no guilt. Who wNts to survive on raw veggies?

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

Right wing yard signs usually come across as “We are racist assholes and proud of it!”

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

I challenge readers to tell me about another place where we'd be better off. I've spent some of my precious time looking around, but I believe we're already where it's as close as we can get to heaven.

Wait til downtown comes to you.

ALP म्हणाले...

Oh this would be TOO MUCH FUN to spoof - sadly, we are too far from foot traffic to bother. Possible ideas:

We Believe:
Borg Lives Matter
Supply and Demand is Real
We evolved from apes
Toast will always fall butter side down
Elon Musk will Save the World
Captain Kirk is Always Right
Live Simply (that one is sincere)

h म्हणाले...

I'm going to take a chance and reply to Jupiter and Bruce Hayden assuming that their questions about climate science are sincere. Climate science does predict that increases in greenhouse gasses will cause average surface temperatures to increase, but also predicts that the effect will not be geographically uniform and in some areas the temperature could actually decline (for example if warming over the great lakes causes increased evaporation and that leads to increased cloud cover in Ohio which could lead Ohio to be cooler). These geographical differences are then predicted to lead to changes in wind patterns, precipitation, etc. So I don't think it is a fair critique to imply that the change in terminology from "global warming" to "climate change" was simply ex post facto ass covering to explain cold weather headlines.

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

The other 3 terms didn’t work. It’ll stick this time!

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

Rebranding. Lolololol

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Science is real, but tacking the word “science” onto the word “climate” does not make it a science.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Climate has always changed, otherwise we'd still living [or not] in the Ice Age. To imply that man and his behavior has significantly caused these changes is absurd.

Bill Peschel म्हणाले...

Good for you, Ann. If I knew you were looking for some specific quality, I'd be happy to share what I know. But since I'm no mind-reader I'll stay quiet.

Here's a recent oddity I discovered: a couple who are writers recently had to move from the west coast of Oregon. The wife's health was worsening, and their asshole neighbor -- feuding with the city -- decided to start burning his garbage in the back yard.

That settled it; they had to move.

So they moved to Las Vegas, and it appears they're having the time of their lives (he's 68 and I assume she's up there as well).

Drier air, so her respiratory issues went away. They live in a condo, so no yard care. They're within walking distance of the strip, so they're taking in shows (they just saw Hugh Jackman's show at the MGM Grande).

Since they run writer workshops, it's going to be easier to draw people to LV instead of Portland + rental car to drive up the coast.

LV is paradise to them; would it appeal to Ann and Meade? Very doubtful.

Kevin म्हणाले...

Nothing like a sign made by someone else to list your personal beliefs...

Howard म्हणाले...

A sign that extrudes kindness produces hatred from Trump supporters who wonder why everyone on the internets wants to shun them.

robother म्हणाले...

"Extruding kindess." Perfect unintentional irony for and by a virtue signaling SJW. And like the PVC pipe from an extruder, it's all white.

whitney म्हणाले...

“I challenge readers to tell me about another place where we'd be better off. I've spent some of my precious time looking around, but I believe we're already where it's as close as we can get to heaven.”

Madison Demographics
According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Madison was:

White: 78.83%
Asian: 8.77%
Black or African American: 6.54%
Two or more races: 3.50%
Other race: 1.93%
Native American: 0.38%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.05%

Jim at म्हणाले...

I can't imagine how people go through life this way. It must be exhausting.

Fen म्हणाले...

People in these neighborhoods in Madison are polite. They would probably just look at you like you’re a crazy person and then shake their heads sadly after passing you.

That's neither classy nor polite.

Wince म्हणाले...

Howard said...
A sign that extrudes kindness produces hatred from Trump supporters who wonder why everyone on the internets wants to shun them.

I disagree. The sign does not demonstrate any measure of kindness whatsoever.

It declares a self-superiority, a moral and intellectual supremacy.

Fen म्हणाले...

"Science is real"

Unless your talking about gender. That's a social construct.

They are talking about Global Warming.

These are strawmen that, like the chant of daily affirmations, they use to keep reality at bay.

For example, no one thinks science isn't real, that's silly. We just think Climatology isn't a science, since it does not follow the scientific method. In a way, the sign people are aware of this too, else they wouldn't be trying to hijack the authority of Science to cloak their cult in respectability.

I find it amusing that people believe this deceptive rhetoric is some kind of "gotcha", and that they would actually advertise their stupidity in their front yard. If I was a salesman, all I would see is a big neon "Sucker Lives Here!" sign surrounded in flashing lights. I'd pitch them my Nigerian Prince who needs to move a metric ton of bullion.

Wince म्हणाले...

A sign that "extruded" kindness would say something like...

if you're hungry, knock on this door and I will feed you...

if you're homeless, knock on this door I will shelter you...

if you're poor, maybe I have some jobs around the house I can use your help with (of course I'm willing to take on the insurance, tax and paperwork obligations in order to help you)

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

The thing about yard signs and bumpers stickers on cars is that they advertise who you are. This particular one says smug, self righteous, contemptuous of others who don't hold their views and not very deep thinkers. Thanks...good to know.

Kind of the same thing about people who heavily tattoo their bodies with weirdness. Thanks for the warning!

In California if you are conservative or republican (which are not the same things at all) you don't put up yard signs or bumper stickers on your car. The INtolerant and self righteous left will damage your property and hound you in public. Free speech is only for them, not for anyone else.

Sooooo. You just keep your head down and ignore the crazy leftards. Hoping that they will just STFU and go away to leave you in peace.

The only political thing we put on our property is the occasional flying of the State of Jefferson flag. We still have to do business with all sorts of people and discussing or advertising about politics is the very last thing we need to do.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"there is no difference between men and women, since those are just socially constructed categories"

Except at Wimbledon, where the women's final was over in about an hour, and the men's final took almost 5, hardly any shot in which could have been returned by a woman. And except at the women's World Cup: the level of play was excruciatingly bad. But hey, a woman just almost broke the men's mile record of 1925! Almost!

People keep saying that men identifying as women will be the end of women's sports. Not so: it will finally make them good and interesting.

Scott म्हणाले...

If I were ever to find a sign that neatly and professionally listed all of my personal beliefs, I would look around and assess how in the hell I ended up in the middle of a herd of sheep.

404 Page Not Found म्हणाले...

I believe you, but I have yet to see one in Calvert or St.Mary's County. Maybe up in Anne Arundel.

You have to go to a DC county to see them. Most of Maryland is deep red, except the welfare colony of Baltimore and the government apparatchick suburbs of DC to see them.

Michael म्हणाले...

How long would a sign that supported DJT at the top followed by the saccharin sentiments of the photographed sign last in open minded Madison Wisconsin?

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"I challenge readers to tell me about another place where we'd be better off."

Better in what way?

Clearly, there are many places that are objectively better by some reasonable standard. If you prefer climbing mountains, or listening to great live classical music, or low property taxes, etc., many places are superior to Madison.

"I've spent some of my precious time looking around, but I believe we're already where it's as close as we can get to heaven."

That can't be true. I was told in religious ed that there ain't no snow and ice in heaven.

Kevin म्हणाले...

“We are racist assholes and proud of it!”

You must be thinking of Black Lives Matter.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

That is an extremely wordy bit of signage.

Morons Live Here is more succinct.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

h said...
"... I don't think it is a fair critique to imply that the change in terminology from "global warming" to "climate change" was simply ex post facto ass covering to explain cold weather headlines."

Yeah, well. Except that for over a decade, the "Settled Science" was AGW. No nuances, no special cases, just melting ice caps and boiling oceans. It was only when that didn't pan out that the ex post facto covering of asses began. And they are still more than happy to point to anything and everything as evidence that AGW is merely delayed.

Since you took a chance on my sincerity, I'll take a chance on yours. Computer models of even small and well-understood phenomena are notoriously unreliable. To those of us who work with scientific computer models, the idea that an accurate computer model of the Earth's climate has been constructed is a laughable fantasy. But what we do understand, in considerable detail, is climate history. And what climate history tells us is that in the last million years or so, most of the time, the Earth has been a LOT colder than it is right now. The Earth has usually been much too cold to support billions of human beings. If you want to worry about something, worry about that.

stevew म्हणाले...

“I challenge readers to tell me about another place where we'd be better off."

I don't know you and Meade well enough to make a recommendation. My wife and I have made an assessment of where we live and come to a conclusion similar to yours. We do plan to sell our current house next spring and move into something smaller, but it will be in the same area as we live now, northeastern Massachusetts. We are considering Seacoast New Hampshire, there are good & similar communities available. Property taxes are lower (mostly because the housing is less expensive), and there is no income tax. We'd still have access to all the places and things we do now. Northeastern MA, Seacoast NH, and Southern coastal ME is pretty compact geographically.

You should stay put unless you have some similarly compelling reason to move. If you like/love where you are, then there is no better place in the country or world.

Char Char Binks, Esq. म्हणाले...

If I want any science out of you I'll squeeze your head and extrude it.

Fen म्हणाले...

Inga: Right wing yard signs usually come across as “We are racist assholes and proud of it!”

Yes Inga, using bigoted assumptions to stereotype any group of people makes one an asshole.

As you have just proven.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

I would agree to DC statehood if it would include NoVa and suburban Md (better yet, including Baltimore) but the non-DCers wouldn't agree to that. They may be crazy, but they're not stupid.

stevew म्हणाले...

Yard signs such as this one are like automobile bumper stickers; just easier to remove when the winds of virtue shift.

wwww म्हणाले...

"I challenge readers to tell me about another place where we'd be better off. I've spent some of my precious time looking around, but I believe we're already where it's as close as we can get to heaven."

Moving is hard. It takes time to rebuild a social network. It takes time to locate new grocery stores, bakeries, restaurants, a new church, dentist, eye-doctor. All of that is a pain. No reason to do it unless there is a reason to move.

Our family is full of movers. We move locations and countries for business. We've got compelling reasons to do so. Family is a compelling reason to move. Business is a compelling reason. Health reasons. But if one is retired, with no compelling reason, and you've found the near-perfect place, why move?

Ralph L म्हणाले...

Althouse laid out her criteria & preferences a year or so ago. She doesn't seem to mind the Wisconsin winter like many people would. Two homes is its own hassle. My dad juggled 3 for a while--big mistake.

If you like/love where you are, then there is no better place in the country or world.

People thought my grandmother was a member of the NC & local Chambers of Commerce. "Can't you feel the difference in the air?" when we saw the county border sign.

Wince म्हणाले...

“Love is Love” is one of the Michelle Carter texts shown at the end of the HBO documentary I Love You, Now Die, sent by Carter after she talked her friend Conrad Roy into going through with his suicide.

Fen म्हणाले...

So I don't think it is a fair critique to imply that the change in terminology from "global warming" to "climate change" was simply ex post facto ass covering to explain cold weather headlines.

That's sloppy thinking. It certainly is a fair critique. By changing the definition from Global Cooling to Global Warming to Climate Change, the have made their theory non-falsifiable, and that's a big a red flag as their abandonment of the Scientific Method.

"Falsifiability is the assertion that for any hypothesis to have credence, it must be inherently disprovable before it can become accepted as a scientific hypothesis or theory.

Popper saw falsifiability as a black and white definition; that if a theory is falsifiable, it is scientific, and if not, then it is unscientific. Whilst some "pure" sciences do adhere to this strict criterion, many fall somewhere between the two extremes, with pseudo-sciences falling at the extreme end of being unfalsifiable."


Do you believe there is anything that can disprove Global Warming theory? If so what?

Because the same "scientists" that switched the language from Global Cooling to Global Warming will soon swap out Climate Change for Climate Stagnation Theory. But by some strange coincidence, the "solution" will remain, Global Socialism. Funny that.

Clyde म्हणाले...

Sad house when the plants are smarter than the people.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Trump supporter’s yard signs

You're lying about Trump, of course, but it's interesting in a way you don't understand ...

"Rhein, who is white,"

Reaction from the chief of the uniformed goon squad, who is black:

“We’re basically trying to bombard him with as many tickets as we can to try and force his hand to take the signs down,” said White, whose officers on Wednesday issued Rhein citations for disorderly conduct and creating a nuisance on private property, and have hit him with nuisance citations every day since.

18 U.S. Code § 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law, by an black racist police chief, anyone?

Did I say goon squad? I meant criminals.

gilbar म्हणाले...

when i lived in Ames, when i'd walk home from the grocery store; i'd pass the UCC 'church .
The front of their building used to say above the door:
Church of Christ

but quite some time ago, they covered up the Church of Christ part with a rainbow flag,
so i guess they're now the United Rainbow.

In their yard, they had several signs, including:
"There are No Illegals", and "Everyone from Anywhere is Welcome here"

I often wanted to go up and ask if that included President Trump and myself; but not once (not ONCE, in 10 years) did i ever see anyone there; so it was kinda moot

Jim at म्हणाले...

Sad house when the plants are smarter than the people.


gilbar म्हणाले...

Zeus (using an alias,) asked....
What I can't quite understand is, if CC is caused by CO2, then doesn't it still have to be W?

heck no! it's now CLIMATE INSTABILITY
you see, because of Man Made CO2, there are now BAD storms! and Severe Weather!
Any (ANY!) BAD THING that happens weather wise is PROVEN to have been caused by CLIMATE INSTABILITY (which must have been man made)
Here's the logic map:
Bad Weather

see? if there wasn't man, we wouldn't be noticing the bad weather, It's Physics!

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

The rule in academics is that any program that includes the word science in it’s name, is not one. Similar to “studies” programs.

madAsHell म्हणाले...

Here's Jay Inslee turning the stupid up to 11.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

“I challenge readers to tell me about another place where we'd be better off."

There is no perfect place. Every location has its good points and bad points.

Since we (readers) don't really know you and Meade other than what you want us to know in your blog, there is no way to tell you where you would be better off. Define better off, anyway. That is a very nebulous term and can be many things.

Dumbplumber (my darling husband) and I are currently going through this process ourselves. We love where we are. Many people, and I suspect Althouse is one, would hate it here. No biggie. To each his own.

What we are doing is separately making a top 10 list of what we would like (we think) in a location. Must have's. Then a top list of things we would hate. And a list of MEH would be nice but not necessary. It will be interesting to see how congruent our lists actually are.

THEN...once we think we know, we plan to go and spend some time in the locations. Get to know some people. Get a sense of the atmosphere of the area. We might not like it at all.

Oh...and for us money is an object. We can't just decide that the perfect place is somewhere unafforable. There is that!

Howard म्हणाले...

Blogger robother said...

"Extruding kindess." Perfect unintentional irony for and by a virtue signaling SJW. And like the PVC pipe from an extruder, it's all white.

The little fish are always quick to bite.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

“Because the same "scientists" that switched the language from Global Cooling to Global Warming will soon swap out Climate Change for Climate Stagnation Theory. But by some strange coincidence, the "solution" will remain, Global Socialism. Funny that.”

I am old enough to remember Global Cooling. Actually, it wasn’t that long ago - I suffered through the same Global Cooling speech by CO Sen Timmy Wirthless three times in 1990, not quite 30 years ago. No doubt, he was still giving the same speech a couple years later, with “Global Cooling” struck out, and replaced by “Global Warming”. The problem, of course, is that Global Warming falsified Global Cooling, and Global Cooling then falsified Global Warming, and both are much better explained by a combination of sun spot activity, tilt of the earth, El Niño/La Niña, etc, than CO2 buildup.

This last week we had the admission of AOC’s chief of staff that her Green New Deal really had nothing to do with CAGC/CAGW/CAGCC, etc, and instead was essentially just a naked wealth and power grab. He didn’t state it that way, but that was the gist of it. They are called “Red Greens”, cloaking their streak of totalitarian socialism in environmental rhetoric. That is why, for example, nuclear energy is never considered a viable option for CO2 buildup, or why environmental experts routinely fly around the world, often on private jets, to attend CAGC/CAGW/CAGCC, etc. conferences.

Fen म्हणाले...

That is why, for example, nuclear energy is never considered a viable option for CO2 buildup

Exactly. If you want to out the Marxists who have hijacked Science, propose a solution to Climate Change that does NOT include global redistribution of wealth via rationing of energy production and consumption.

Works every time.

Howard म्हणाले...

Blogger EDH said...
I disagree. The sign does not demonstrate any measure of kindness whatsoever.

It declares a self-superiority, a moral and intellectual supremacy.

You are absolutely right because that sign is just like putting up a Cross, Star of David, hammer of thor, Tibet Prayer Flages, etc. The intent is not love, joy, goodness, it's mental and hegemony to lord over the untermensch like yourself.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

“We are racist assholes and proud of it!”

We suggest Abby Normal is intellectually unequipped to make any such determination.

It is probably better to be a "racist asshole" than an arrogant cretin for two reasons:

1) Being labeled a racist asshole usually means one has the correct enemies — the demented and the corrupt.

2) Being a genuine racist, an endangered species if not already extinct, is fixable. Cretinism is not.

wildswan म्हणाले...

"Civility in XXX County"

In Montgomery County, Maryland, a "DC county" right on the DC / Maryland border, they now have "CHOOSE CIVILITY" bumper stickers. They used to have COEXIST stickers but, as I like to point out, those all came off when Trump was elected. (They also have traffic cameras, so if you don't choose civility, you'll be sorry.) Anyhow, this is a program that they are trying to make go national. I think that if there was an Althouse rat next to "CHOOSE CIVILITY", I might put that on my bumper. Not "CHOOSE CIVILITY - OR ELSE" - but just "CHOOSE CIVILITY" and the rat looking at it with something in mind.

Fen म्हणाले...

"The little fish are always quick to bite". And Howard walked away with a vague yet smug feeling that he had somehow corrected someone on the internet.

Fen म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Fen म्हणाले...

Howard: You are absolutely right because that sign is just like putting up a Cross-

The little fish are always quick to bite.

Howard म्हणाले...

Nuke is not as easy to implement at scale as you people seem to make it sound. Of course the libtards don't mention it because baby boomer environmentalist Gaia third rail. Besides regulatory red tape, lingering waste/proliferation and inherent instability of the current designs, the west just hasn't cranked out many nuclear engineers over the past 40-years.

Howard म्हणाले...

Jesus Fen, you need to go back to troll school. You are getting to sound like Chuck.

Howard म्हणाले...

No soup for you

Narr म्हणाले...

Some of our younger neighbors have that sign; it sits so far from the street in the flower bed that I only know what it says because I saw one elsewhere. My list would go like this:

At the loveranch-we believe
Beauty is real.
Social construction is a social construct.
Science is sometimes hard to understand.
No you can't borrow our chalk and add your own comment.
Get off my lawn!

And No Witlesses!

Swede म्हणाले...

In the coming zombie apocalypse I'm taking all of their stuff first.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

People in these neighborhoods in Madison are polite. They would probably just look at you like you’re a crazy person and then shake their heads sadly after passing you.

Of course that’s a lie and of course Inga’s a liar. One of Inga’s gentle liberals just attacked an ICE detention center with a rifle and a bunch of homemade incendiary devices. Thanks, sweetie, but I believe the Antifa mobs in Berkeley and Portland, and the guy in Tacoma, before I believe you. Barack Obama taught me to ignore what a leftie says and watch what they do.

gilbar म्हणाले...

my list would be short:

Fen म्हणाले...

Howard: Jesus Fen, you need to go back to troll school. You are getting to sound like Chuck.

The little fish are always quick to bite.

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

Nuke is not as easy to implement at scale as you people seem to make it sound.

Not sure what that means, 20% of us power and 90% of French power is nuclear. If it has been implemented “at scale” then it can be “implemented at scale.” Waste disposal is a political problem, just put all of it generated for the next 100 years in an old football stadium.

Fen म्हणाले...

Howard: No soup for you

How can I have any pudding if I don't eat my soup?

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Blogger Howard said...
“Nuke is not as easy to implement at scale as you people seem to make it sound. Of course the libtards don't mention it because baby boomer environmentalist Gaia third rail. Besides regulatory red tape, lingering waste/proliferation and inherent instability of the current designs, the west just hasn't cranked out many nuclear engineers over the past 40-years.”

And that is the problem. Current designs have been theoretically obsolete for several decades now. Modern designs are inherently safe, designed to automatically shut down if anything happens. They are also highly modular, and huge efficiencies appear to be inevitable, with the designs essentially mass produced in factories, instead of the one off designs that the US has had in the past. It is the regulatory environment that is keeping us in the 1960s technology wise. And the Obama Administration’s antipathy towards nuclear energy.

And there are two two word answers to nuclear waste - “Yucca Flats” and “breeder reactors”. Yucca Flats had been certified safe for 50,000 years. Environmentalists sued, and they were sent back to prove it safe for 500,000 years, and that was where we were when NV Sen Harry Reid, as Senate Majority leader forced its closure. 50k years ago our species was coming out of Africa, maybe 40k years before we invented cities. 500k years ago, we probably weren’t the same species that we are now. The French have safely been running breeder reactors for decades.

Developing and implementing relatively cheap, safe, modern nuclear reactors would probably cost a fraction of the billions upon billions spent already on ecologically devastating wind and solar energy.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

The sign reminds me of the parable of the Publican and the Pharisee.

robother म्हणाले...

Howard's idea of tying into a big one is hooking his own ass. Can he reel himself in under his own boat? A complete lack of self-awareness says he can!

stevew म्हणाले...

Here is what it says between the lines on that sign:

Gun Free Zone, Take What You Want.

Fen म्हणाले...

Hayden: Developing and implementing relatively cheap, safe, modern nuclear reactors would probably cost a fraction of the billions upon billions spent already on ecologically devastating wind and solar energy.

Howard: A watched clock never boils! Gotcha!

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
Right wing yard signs usually come across as “We are racist assholes and proud of it!”

You are so simple you don't even know why there are very few Trump yards signs, which what I assume you mean by "right wing."

Nobody wants their house firebombed by crazies.

curt म्हणाले...

“And almost always found miles and miles away from the actual crisis areas.”

A couple of years ago I found myself in the old river town of Hudson, NY, a couple of hours north of Manhattan. The place was slowly being gentrified by city dwellers looking for a better quality of life. The homes of these Manhattan escapees were easy to identify — they had identical “Black Lives Matter” placards in their front windows.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

I've always assumed that "Science is Real" is specifically about CAGW.

Those of us who are trained scientists say that "Scientific Method" is an often fallible method for discovering what is real.

It is a process. Scientists are "right" until someone else comes along and proves otherwise.

People who say "science is real" strike me as unbearably arrogant in their ignorance.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

The homes of these Manhattan escapees were easy to identify — they had identical “Black Lives Matter” placards in their front windows.

May the crocodile eat me last.

Original Mike म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Original Mike म्हणाले...

"Those of us who are trained scientists say that "Scientific Method" is an often fallible method for discovering what is real.
It is a process. Scientists are "right" until someone else comes along and proves otherwise."

As someone who made a career as a scientist, "The science is settled" offends the hell out of me.

h म्हणाले...

Replying to Jupiter and Fen and (to a lesser extent Bruce): I strongly accept the view that science must be subject to disproof (falsifiability). I disagree with the idea that changing the vernacular from "warming" to "climate change" was an actual change in a falsifiable hypothesis. I believe it is a change that made the hypothesis more clear (as stated in my earlier comment): it is not inconsistent for a hypothesis to be average warming, but individual area by area "change" including cooking. So if that was the hypothesis all along and it was labelled "global warming" the change in vernacular to "climate change" does not reflect a change in hypothesis , but only a clarification in terminology. So, how can the theory be found to be false? if global surface temperatures do not rise over a substantial period of time (and if other related evidence such as receding ice flows and rising sea levels do not occur) then the theory is not supported. But you are looking at this from a different point of view: that any evidence of specific area cooling is "proof" that the theory is wrong. I believe that is a mistaken understanding of what the theory is.

h म्हणाले...

"including cooling" not "including cooking".

Narayanan म्हणाले...

@ Howard ...

Explain choice of *Extrude* in preference to "Exude."

h म्हणाले...

And I also recognize that the time-line of falsifiability (the theory is that it will occur over a long period of time) is a problem, but I don't think it is unique to climate change.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Narayanan म्हणाले...

Many upthread claim to strongly accept the view ,,that science must be subject to disproof (falsifiability).,,,

Is this Popper or Kuhn ?
I have been hearing this for 40+ years and still can't make sense of the gibberish!

Isn't there always the null hypothesis and the alternative for which data are being sought?

whitney म्हणाले...

Mike said...
".... Barack Obama taught me to ignore what a leftie says and watch what they do."
You should do that with everyone

FullMoon म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

Full Moon, you dumbass. I never said I was polite. I don’t even live in Madison. People in my County are rude.

FullMoon म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
JAORE म्हणाले...

FWIW, I began hearing the D's were the party of science when the topic of the day was creationism in schools.

Gahrie म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Gahrie म्हणाले...

Those of us who are trained scientists say that "Scientific Method" is an often fallible method for discovering what is real.

It is a process. Scientists are "right" until someone else comes along and proves otherwise.

Prior to climate change hysteria, scientists were expected to provide their colleagues and the public access to their raw, observed data and to seek falsification or confirmation of their findings.

Now we are apparently supposed to rely on a manufactured consensus instead.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

They are called “Red Greens”, cloaking their streak of totalitarian socialism in environmental rhetoric.

They're called watermelons. (green on the outside, red on the inside)

Static Ping म्हणाले...

My favorite on the sign is "WATER IS LIFE." I did not know that was currently a debate. I guess they wanted eight lines on the sign and couldn't think of anything so they just went with that. It's such a dumb comment that I feel sorry for these people.

Another classic is "No matter where you are from, we're glad you're our neighbor." This statement is believed by absolutely no one with the possible exception of Jesus and I'm not sure about him either. I suspect if the neighbor was playing his boom box at 3 in the morning, even Jesus would prefer if he moved back with his parents. On the other hand, he would be significantly more tolerant of a "MAGA" sign on the front lawn that the Mr. Roger's wannabes.

Gahrie म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Gahrie म्हणाले...

So I don't think it is a fair critique to imply that the change in terminology from "global warming" to "climate change" was simply ex post facto ass covering to explain cold weather headlines.


Why assume good will on the part of people who refuse to provide their raw observed data, who engage in character assassination (denier) and lawfare (Mann V Steyn) rather than argument and cite any natural occurrence (including earthquakes and volcanos, heatwaves and blizzards) as proof that we are destroying the ecosystem?

Meanwhile, there are more humans in existence than ever before. There is less poverty and hunger than ever before. The standard of living of everyone around the world is rising. Most South Africans own cell phones. There are more than a billion cellphones in use in India. According to Ehrlich and the doom and gloom Left, both of those places are supposed to be absolute shitholes, with millions of starving people. India freaking exports food!

Why can't the Left once...just once...say: "You know, things are going pretty good right now."?

Fen म्हणाले...

So if that was the hypothesis all along and it was labelled "global warming" the change in vernacular to "climate change" does not reflect a change in hypothesis , but only a clarification in terminology. So, how can the theory be found to be false?

The computer models predicted warming, the observable data did not show the predicted warming for 19 years. Instead, the actual data showed a cooling trend.

So. rather than scrap the models, they changed the label to include the cooling, ie "change".

That's not how science works.

Fen म्हणाले...

Another classic is "No matter where you are from, we're glad you're our neighbor."

Yah, we have a liberal friend who's wife planted that in her front yard. They are white, 3 PHDs between them, live in a wealthy stepford neighborhood, quiet with manicured lawns and a prius in every drive.

If you moved one Section 8 in, the entire block would have For Sale signs in their front yards the next morning.

Fen म्हणाले...

I strongly accept the view that science must be subject to disproof (falsifiability).


So I ask you again: what would disprove Climate Change theory?

Tina Trent म्हणाले...

In virtue exhibitionist cities like Madison and DC's pricey suburbs, these signs are always on the lawns of the most expensive Victorians. No illegals living there, or in the zip code.

Meanwhile, my illegal immigrant serial rapist neighbor is still being held without any information available to the community. A young cop was murdered a few miles from here last week by four Latino thugs, one of whom just got sprung from jail without consequences on multiple charges five days before he killed the cop.

Must be nice to live in a place where these things don't happen, while people like that stupidly agitate to impose more murder, rape, chaos, and declining property values on people who aren't like them politically. Maybe that would fit on a sign.

h म्हणाले...

Replying to Fen who asks what would disprove Climate CHange theory. (I'm not an expert on this, but I'd say...) A failure to see increases in average surface temperature world wide over an extended period. I did a search on "are average surface temperatures rising," and this was the first hit: https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature Which "fails to falsify" in my opinion.

stevew म्हणाले...

According to Wiki Madison WI is the 82nd largest city in the United States with a population of 258,054. The Madison Metropolitan Area is said to have a population of 654,230. I am surprised by these numbers, thought it was bigger. If Wiki can be believed, and I think it can, it sounds like there is a lot of great stuff to do and see in the area. Plus there is a nice sized lake.

Seems a lovely place, cannot imagine why anyone would want to leave. Well, I can actually, but none of these: for work, to be nearer to family, and extreme weather, apply to our host.

Charlie म्हणाले...

Imagine 20 years ago putting a sign in your yard that says "We believe science is real".

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

“Replying to Fen who asks what would disprove Climate CHange theory. (I'm not an expert on this, but I'd say...) A failure to see increases in average surface temperature world wide over an extended period. I did a search on "are average surface temperatures rising," and this was the first hit: https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature Which "fails to falsify" in my opinion.”

Guess what? They got caught fudging the figures again. The underlying data doesn’t show a warming trend. So what to do? Edit and reinterpolate the data. Still no warming trend? Do it some more. Get caught fudging the data released to the public? Remove the original data that didn’t show a warming trend, so that all that is now publicly available is the fudged data. Except, of course, it is hard to make things truly disappear on the Internet. Your federal tax dollars at work.

But the other question that is rarely asked is, what would be wrong with a warmer climate? After you get through the make believe flooding scenarios, you are left with more food, from more arable land, and greater plant efficiency through more CO2 and warmth, and likely less extreme weather due to lower temperature differentials between polar and equatorial regions.

h म्हणाले...

Replying to Bruce Hayden: I don't really have anything to say, but I wanted you to know I read your comment.

It seems that we agree that the hypothesis is falsifiable, and I think we agree that lack of increases in average surface temperature would be a fair test. I had ventured an opinion that the data at the link seemed to fail to falsify, and you say the data in that (and I guess other studies) have been fudged or manipulated. I don't know enough to argue about this or to accept your characterization as clearly correct.

I do know something about projections of the impact of climate change on food production, and your characterization is correct (increased food production) as long as the increases in average temp are not too great (say 2 degrees C or less). But I think there is equally strong agreement that should the average temperature increase by say 4 degrees the impact on food production will be negative.

I doubt if I will keep checking back to this thread, as it disappears from the first page of althouse posts, but I do read cafe posts with some regularity.

Unknown म्हणाले...

For once, I didn't read all the comments, first.

Science is not real. It's imaginary and irrational: e^i(pi)=1.

I HATE that sign.