Not only didn't he write it, but as Alan Dershowitz says, Mueller was not "really in charge" or "very familiar with the contents of the report":
Dershowitz holds up the book and says: "We should no longer call this 'The Mueller Report.' This deserves to be called 'The Staff Report.'"
Why did Mueller accept being used as a figurehead? His dignity and honor were appropriated (or handed over).
ADDED: This would seem too cruel, but considering the massive power entrusted to him, it is gentle:
Mueller's testimony lasted 3 hours, and that was just the first question.
— Carpe Donktum🔹 (@CarpeDonktum) July 25, 2019
२८१ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 281 पैकी 201 – 281and we will not quit our special counseling.
and when we have spent three Presidencies
in special counseling.
We will arrive in the place of our beginning,
and see it for the first time,
that there is no non-partisan special counsel.
"We still don't know what Robert Mueller knows."
-- In our defense: Neither does he.
Mueller can't even figure out the Early Bird Special menu at Denny's.
I am not going to back through the comments, but someone pointed out the real problem with the investigation- what didn't get investigated. Things like who Joseph Mifsud really is. When the story was first leaked to the NYTimes, Joseph Mifsud was a shady guy with Russian connections who promised that the Russians had Clinton's e-mails. However, when you read the Mueller Report, they don't say this at all- instead they write that Papadopoulos had reason to believe Mifsud had Russian connections.
Now, Mueller and his crack team of FBI counterintelligence agents could have nailed down Mifsud's connections to Russia pretty easily and cited that as evidence that the Russian really were trying to corrupt Trump officials. Indeed, the FBI had Mifsud in custody for a time in February of 2017 when Crossfire Hurricane was in full force, but under the control of the FBI still, and they let him go despite the fact that they claimed later to have initiated the entire investigation based on the Papadopoulos story, and after Papadopoulos has already fingered Mifsud as the person who told him about the Clinton e-mails. I mean, if they were really serious about Mifsud and Papadopoulos as was claimed in the Fall of 2017, then why let Mifsud walk away after he "lied" to them? Why no indictment later? Everything about Mifsud says that he is a western intelligence source, not a Russian one at all. Mueller's lack of curiosity about Mifsud does seem to indicate exactly this, especially the careful wording used to describe Mifsud. I will just say it flat out- they knew Mifsud was no Russian agent, and the knew it from the beginning, and they also knew that Mifsud was sent to Papadopoulos specifically to dirty him up for a criminal investigation- not entrapment exactly, but outright framing of a suspect.
Of course, the biggest missing part of the investigation, and Mueller repeatedly yesterday refused to discuss it, was the Russian meddling via Christopher Steele, GPSFusion, and the Clinton Campaign. Here you have all the parties openly admitting to accepting and using (even paying for) dirt on Trump from Russian sources. And yet there was no investigation of this at all. How is that not part of the original mandate given by Rosenstein? It boggles the mind. Yesterday evening, I went back to the thread where Althouse first blogged about the then newly appointed special counsel, and one of the commenters said she didn't know how Clinton could ever get caught up in the new investigation (readering, I think it was). I had written that it might be possible to get there via Uranium 1. Of course, at that time no one knew where the Steele Dossier had come from- it wasn't public knowledge that the Clinton Campaign and the DNC had literally paid for it. An honest investigation would have delved deeply into the Steele Dossier, not only into its allegations, but also into whether or not it was (1) a fraud, and (2) whether or not it was Russian disinformation injected into the Clinton Campaign. The Mueller Report discredited itself in its willful blindness in this matter. The Durham Investigation, I hope, takes a different approach.
Not only didn't he write it, but as Alan Dershowitz says, Mueller was not "really in charge" or "very familiar with the contents of the report"
When you've lost Althouse, you've lost America.
@steve uhr
I don't think you are a bad guy or an idiot like Inga. Please step back and take a closer look at what the Democrats are doing to you.
I did that in the late 70's/early 80's and never voted for Democrats again. Once you break the spell, you figure out their game.
Inga the Oracle mysteriously AWOL today!
Isn't it interesting, that Igna ALWAYS disappears Whenever there is news
Then after the length of time it would take, for talking points to be distributed; she reappears!
It's just a coincidence, that it seems like she Can NOT post on without instructions from above,
But Quite a coincidence!
the real problem with the investigation- what didn't get investigated
There is your real obstruction of justice. And it came from the prosecutors. Their commission supposedly was to investigate Russian interference in the election. But once they saw that that road turned to the left directly toward the Hillary campaign, they said, "not in our purview," and covered it up. That corruption had set in before the investigation really even began to sprout.
I wonder what Emmet Sullivan thinks about all of this.
Some of you seem to be missing a noted Commentator. I offer assistance:
Inga got chased away by Althouse early this morning on last night's overnight thread. I don't think Althouse has deleted Inga's comments, but Inga did seem to leave in a snit.
I wouldn't join any cult that would try to brainwash someone like me.
That is intriguing isnt it, mifsud who does have contacts with the valdai forum, then again so did Jamal khashoggi at ome point in 2017, but his link campus is a known instrument of western intelligence them he disappears
The Italian prime minister who sacks a number of Intel chiefs them is subject to some dubious l tape of an approach from a supported Russian figure
I find myself missing Chuck, Bay Area Guy. I was intrigued to see if he could do 50 comments without mentioning Trump or Althouse, but he seems to have given up altogether.
Royal ass Inga was correct, of course.
Bill Clinton could be indicted after his presidency.
But probably not if Jeffrey Epstein attempts to beat himself to death with a tire iron from behind.
Or shoots himself in the back of the head twice in a suicide attempt.
"the real problem with the investigation- what didn't get investigated"
Yes. I was shocked, and I have to say outraged (though not surprised) at what Mueller declared he did not investigate. Steele dossier - "not my purview.". Fusion GPS - 'What's that?'. You investigated Russian collusion but didn't look into what started the ball rolling? THAT is damning when it comes to the question of whether this was a real, unbiased investigation as to what happened.
Blogger Yancey Ward said..."I find myself missing Chuck"
I don't.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
I wouldn't join any cult that would try to brainwash someone like me.
Niagara Falls, slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch, then...
I don't think Althouse has deleted Inga's comments, but Inga did seem to leave in a snit.
She's done it before. She'll be back. Her LOL is the internet rendering of Hillary's cackle.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
I find myself missing Chuck,
Stockholm, discipline your mind.
This is what I wrote when Mueller was first appointed:
"I can imagine a scenario in which an investigation into Flynn leads into an investigation of obstruction of the investigation into Flynn. Can't picture how the investigation stumbles into an investigation of the Clinton campaign. The rest of the Justice Department i[s] free to conduct that investigation any time it wants."
That was my point, readering, they did stumble into it, and then ignored it completely. I mean, the mandate was to investigate Russian meddling, and right there you have Russians giving "dirt" to the Clinton Campaign. Mueller and his team grilled people for hours over the Trump Tower meeting in which no dirt was ever given over. Why the difference?
I see Josephbleu is a lover of classic Vaudeville!
All you have to know is that Steele claimed to have paid for some of the information in his dossier. Clinton's side almost literally laundered money to Russian intelligence, and they don't even get a cursory knock on the door. The other side ends a meeting early and decides to have nothing more to do with an obvious Russian plant, and they're investigated for years.
YW, the time your point was somewhat different:
"However, if the DNC is force[d] to cooperate, then we might also learn whether or not Seth Rich or another DNC employee really was Wikileak's source. That also would be pertinent to the investigation. There is a lot of this that I would expect to backfire badly on the Democrats if Mueller is halfway competent."
I think the Steele dossier was made up in Washington and given to Steele to send it back and make it appear it was from him and "Russian" sources.
To which I responded:
"Seth Rich. Ok."
I think the Steele dossier was made up in Washington and given to Steele to send it back and make it appear it was from him and "Russian" sources.
This appears ever more likely. They laundered "intelligence" through Steele to get something into the FBI's hands which they could use to justify their prior spying.
There is also that, readering- it is now pretty clear that the Mueller investigation didn't even investigate the servers or even the Crowdstrike report on the hack- they just cited the conclusions and left it at that. When asked to produce the details of their analysis to Stone's defense, they literally admitted that they had nothing at all- a damning admission.
The start of the investigation should have been to prove how the e-mails got from the DNC to Wikileaks. When you read the report, there is literally zero evidence offered to show that it was the GRU- not even a vague description of how they know what they assert in the report. Seriously, this isn't redacted material in the report- it is literally completely absent in any form within. This is a sham of an investigation- they started with the conclusion and did nothing else afterwards.
And, of course, my theory was different at the time- it took over a year for anyone to admit that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC.
At this point, it is pretty fucking obvious that if a video of Clinton and Putin conspiring to take down Trump had been found by the Mueller investigation, it would have been "beyond my purview". Basically, unless it could be used to get Trump, it was all non-material. This is as corrupt as it gets, and it is the sort thing a balanced team would have prevented.
The start of the investigation should have been to prove how the e-mails got from the DNC to Wikileaks. When you read the report, there is literally zero evidence offered to show that it was the GRU-
That's very true, Yancy Ward. I found myself wishing someone had asked Mueller more about this part of the report. He didn't know anything about Fusion GPS. Did he know anything about Crowd Strike?
MARCH 31 2018 (Not me)
That’s the key point everyone misses. Robert Mueller didn’t appoint or select a team of lawyers and investigators…. the previously assembled team of lawyers and investigators selected him. Within that PROFOUND difference is the reason I ignore him.
The corrupt second tier DOJ/FBI officials, the lesser known names behind Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Sally Yates and Andrew McCabe, are the actual DOJ and FBI officials who carried out ‘Operation Trump’. The “small group of co-conspirators” (as I prefer to call them for accuracy), are not political appointees; this specific crew was about 25 to 30 ideologically-minded career officials behind the prior political appointees.
If you want to understand the “small group” or Scheme Team, don’t look at the person at the top of this dynamic (Mueller), look at who assembled the Special Counsel team. That would be former FBI Chief-Legal-Counsel James Baker, not Robert Mueller.
This was predicted. Read the whole thing if you want.
Here's the link to Mueller's indictment filed in DC one year ago of a dozen GRU officers involved in the DCN email theft and transfer to Wikileaks:
Trey Gowdy did an interview withFox this morning and, among other things, he raised the raised the point that Mueller investigated the "Trump Tower Meeting" but did not investigate the meetings with Glenn Simpson that took place before and after the Trump tower meeting. He also reiterated the point that Mueller's charge was to investigate Russian interference yet he only investigated interference on the Republican side never the Dem side.
Jordan and Gowdy. Watch Gowdy's segment. Very good.
Because there was no interference on the Dem side.
Are you still butt hurt readering, that we saw what the DNC really was about and that we. saw that the press ran stories by Hillary before running them?
Are you upset that we saw Harvy Weinstein’s slobbering emails to Hillary?
readering imagined the scenario that would most help Democratics and declares herself Cassandra.
Oddly, every conservative predicted the Deep State would protect its own too.
So you win zero points, readering, for predicting obvious things.
Blogger readering said...
Here's the link to Mueller's indictment filed in DC one year ago of a dozen GRU officers
Jesus, you are loopy aren't you ?
I found myself wishing someone had asked Mueller more about this part of the report. He didn't know anything about Fusion GPS. Did he know anything about Crowd Strike?
I think that will come in the trial of Stzok and Brennan.
“Because there was no interference on the Dem side.”
The Dossier came from Russian spies who worked for Putin. How can you say that there was no interference?
Why would Putin want Trump when Hillary had vowed to shut down fracking and had already been paid hundreds of millions by Putin cronies?
Why did that company Hillary’s campaign manager was given 75K shares that the day before Hillary lost was worth millions and a couple days after she lost was worthless?
The DOJ has admitted in court filings that they cannot prove Russians hacked the DNC servers.
But only to a federal judge.
How was there interference in the election against Trump? There wasn't.
“How was there interference in the election against Trump?”
Where did the stuff in the dossier come from? Putin spies. It found it’s way into the press, thanks to John McCain. It was all lies.
readering cites year old documents.
Meanwhile government lawyers have admitted they cannot prove shit.
Indictments are easy.
A lot of whacko writing here. It could all be dogs on the internet.
Russians gave Hillary’s campain manager stock in a company owned by Gazprom worth millions.
“A lot of whacko writing here. It could all be dogs on the internet.”
So the dossier didn’t come from Russian spies? I would love to see your source/
The dossier did not affect the election one iota.
How was there interference against Trump?
You mean aside from the State Department, CIA, FBI, DOJ, and the rest conspiring to use the FISA process to spy on the Trump Campaign?
Other than that?
None whatsoever.
“he dossier did not affect the election one iota.”
Neither did $50K worth of Facebook ads.
Nobody knows where the DNC leak came from, and that stuff was all true. American voters have a right to the truth, don’t we?
Christopher Steele's efforts to get the dossier published before the election - with Fucking John McCain's help - didn't affect the election.
Partisan readering has declared it.
The fact readering is one-sided must be ignored.
To be fair it was $100,000.
In a $3,000,000,000 dollar election.
So Hillary could give the Russians cash money, through a shell corporation, of course, for info on Trump and that’s A-OK.
You should really check your biases.
Hillary paid Perkins Coir (law firm) to have Fusion GPS launder CIA-concocted bull shit charges through foreign intelligence operatives, back through US MSM publications, and into the FBI/DOJ.
There is no evidence Russians were involved.
Greater flexibility after the election notwithstanding.
Perkins Coie
Are you a business Man, politician, musical, student and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Illuminati brotherhood, and receive a monthly salary of $500,000 USD. We are ready to change your life, we can make your Dreams come true, also we are going to give you everything that you need in this Life ....
With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish,So have you make up your mind that you want to join the great Illuminati brotherhood to become rich and famous in life population and also you will be protected from all evils against you and your family.
If you're really ready to be a member of the great Illuminati Brotherhood then contact us via our official Email: {}
Perkins and coie who defended at least one gitno detainee, who was the counsel for the Obama campaign who provided at least one of their White House counsels, whi coordinated the lawfare against the huntress, they had ties to fusion and to crowdstrike.
Now narciso, we cannot say all we know.
That will scare away our prey, readering.
readering only stays put in an environment of complete calm and fact-less-ness.
We must not move too quickly.
Now crowdstrike is interesting because it saw an intrusion and yer did nothing for the better part of two weeks, similar to fireeye with Equifax (this is the company that invited Hillary to speak and disinvited will hurd an actual security expert)
Because there was no interference on the Dem side.
How was there interference in the election against Trump? There wasn't.
Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier. If you don't know about those things then you don't know what's going on at all.
I'll help you get up to speed: Steele's research was paid for by the Clinton campaign, and he made use of Russian intelligence to smear Trump. ergo, Clinton made use of Russian disinformation.
Althouse is right. Now we know why at Mueller's press conferences he just read text and left. He was covering up. He was not running the investigation, he was not the main author of the report, he was not what he pretended to be. He was a beard.
This is the best argument for re-election. Something very dodgy went on. Begley might be right, and the country needs to know. Only a Republican administration will investigate.
Here are the best reasons to re-elect Trump that I can see, in order
1 investigate this stuff
2 drive lefties stark raving mad
3 good judicial picks
4 action on title IX abuses
5 cutting regulations
6 stomping ISIS (okay, this is actually #2)
We're very fortunate that Sundance at Conservative Treehouse exists. By following him a large group got the outline of the attack on Trump clear and we read it in small absorbable bites and installments as things got worked out. But others don't know the alt-plot. Lots of people simply accepted the MSM plot right up till they saw Mueller and that he was not competent. They have no alt-explanation for everything that has been going on. They got a tremendous shock. As far as that goes, so did I. I regarded Mueller as this formidable enemy who would sway many people with intricate lies. Before my eyes he collapsed. I had no idea of his condition. Not for a second did I expect what I saw. And I cannot believe his condition was well-known or they wouldn't have had him testify. Anyhow I got a pleasant surprise but others got a horrible shock. Mueller isn't going to save them. And also they start to ask: what is going on in Washington? How was that man Special Counsel? Is DC a swamp that needs to be drained? Has Trump been right?
Others have already made the arguments to you, readering, but I will summarize.
The indictments against the GRU officers offered no proof. The indictments seem to be a result of the conclusions of the Crowdstrike report, but doesn't offer any of the details that actually support it. On its face, it appears that the SC office simply told the grand jury that the GRU officers did it, and they returned an indictment based on that alone.
However, we now know that the government can't prove that. How do we know? We know because Roger Stone's attorneys asked for discovery on the proof that the GRU was the source of Wikileaks material, and the government said they didn't have any such proof, and thus no material could be turned over. Indeed, if you actually read the Mueller Report, you can see that there is no evidence- it is all assertion. In fact, the report at one stage figuratively throws up its hands and states that they don't know how the material got from the GRU to Wikileaks- an admission that they have no actual evidence of any kind.
As for the Steele Dossier- Steele claims he had sources in the Russian government. Clinton and the DNC paid for this information. This information was shared with media outlets before the election. Steele even admitted to Bruce Ohr that his purposes were to stop Trump from being elected. So, I ask you, is this Russian interference or not? I don't claim it affected the outcome- I don't think it did- but it is definitely interference on the level Trump's detractors claim the Russians interfered on his behalf (for the record, I don't think those efforts, even if they were real, had any effect on the outcome either).
A double standard is what you seem to be applying here, and I simply won't stand for it.
It was his hair
Meanwhile Potus goes on national TV and accuses Mueller of treason and folks here smile and nod because they think like the loon in the White House.
The Steele dossier was irrelevant to the election.
Readering pig-fucking again.
“There is your real obstruction of justice. And it came from the prosecutors. Their commission supposedly was to investigate Russian interference in the election. But once they saw that that road turned to the left directly toward the Hillary campaign, they said, "not in our purview," and covered it up. That corruption had set in before the investigation really even began to sprout.”
Keep in mind that they knew this before they actually began. Mueller lead prosecutor Andrew Weissman was brought into the McCabe cabal by his old boss, AAG Bruce Ohr, who brought Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson, of Fusion GPS, where Nellie Ohr, his wife worked as their Russian expert, along with Weissman, across the street to meet with McCabe, Strzok, etc starting in August, 2016. This was three months before the election, and maybe 3/4 of a year before Mueller was appointed SC and Weissman appointed as his lead prosecutor. AAG Ohr testified last December to Congress that he thought that Steele’s Dossier was dodgy. He would know. Not only did his wife work with Steele and Simpson as their Russian expert, but writing samples suggest that his wife, not Steele, was the author of some of the Dossier (parts appear to have been written by an academic, like his wife, a PhD, which Steele definitely was not). If Weissman had this information before Mueller was appointed SC (he very much appears to have, according to the testimony of Bruce Ohr), then the Mueller prosecution team had the information.
The story though probably isn’t over. It is repeatedly said that the Russians colluded with Steele, and thus Crooked Hillary, by giving him information to use against Trump that found its way into Steele’s Dossier. How do we know this? Steele told them that, when trying to sell his dodgy Dossier to the FBI. But he has walked some of it back, in testimony under oath in a UK case. My understanding is that in the last several months he was interviewed, for the first time, by USA Dunham’s people. We hopefully will see what he told the American investigators. Some of the information in his Dossier may have come from the Russians, such as the Trump pee shower story, but much of it could be found in publicly available sources (which Nellie Ohr excelled at searching). And some, like the allegation that Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, had gone to Prague, information best explained as coming from illegal FISA 702 searches of NSA databases. The Michael Cohen going to Prague story is esp interesting, since the most logical reason for getting this story wrong, as was done in the Steele Dossier (Cohen, even facing jail time: has denied it, and his passport doesn’t show ever having been there), is that it was the result of searching Customs and Immigration records using his name as the search key, and another Michael Cohen (a relatively common Jewish name) had gone to Prague. And the only practical way to have done that was through a 702 search of NSA records. This is a good part of why many people want to see unredacted the currently redacted list of FBI contractors allowed unsupervised to search the NSA databases by the FBI, found in the FISC opinion on FBI FISA violations. Many believe that Fusion GPS was in that list.
As with others here, much of this comes from Sundance at CTH over the last two years
"Why did Mueller accept being used as a figurehead? His dignity and honor were appropriated (or handed over)." Simple answer: for money, he is a whore like the rest of them.
I mentioned above, the FISC opinion on FISA 702 abuses by the FBI and its contractors. This was a result of NSA Dir Adm Rogers detecting the abuses and shutting them down in May, 2016. His report to the FISC was filed a day or so after the Title I FISA warrant for Carter Page was filed with the same court in October, 2016. Or, given the rush to file the Carter Page FISA warrants application, it was filed first so as not to rouse the suspicions of the FISC about FBI using FISA to spy on political enemies.
The FBI’s and Obama Administration’s FISA Title VII abuses appear to have started back as early as 2012’ and by 2016, as the election heated up in the first 1/3 of 2016, had reached epic proportions. According to the FISC report, some 85% of the FISA 702 searching of NSA databases was being done by FBI contractors, which was highly illegal. The FISC opinion noted that a number of the searches involved different date ranges for the same search term, strongly suggesting that it was being used to track and surveillance people. Meanwhile, someone using the credentials of the UN Ambassador unmasked the identities of hundreds of American citizens, many of whom were apparently political enemies of the Obama Administration. Up until partly through the Obama Administration, only intelligence providers could request unmasking of FISA intercepts. The UN Ambassador is the furthest thing from that, and was not even privy to the results of unmasking, until that was changed by DAG Sally Yates, whose revised rules allowed, for the first time, unmasked FISA intercepts to be viewed by the political side of the White House (including Ben Rhodes).
The relevance here is that part of what seems to have been going on is that the Obama Administration, led by the FBI, had very illegally been using FISA capabilities, provided in response to 9/11, for political purposes. They had massively ramped it up through the end of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016. They were caught red handed by the NSA and its Director, Adm Rogers. There have been allegations that the Steele Dossier, the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, and the Title I FISA warrants on at least Carter Page (there is some evidence that there were more targets, including Gen Flynn) were part of the coverup. The FBI needed to explain how they got much of the information they had on, in particular, Trump, and the Trump campaign, and admitting that it had come from illegal 702 searches and illegal unmasking of intercepts would have been a major scandal at a very inconvenient time for them - right before the 2016 election. Much better if it appeared to have come from the Russians, via the Steele, and from Title I surveillance of Trump campaign people like Carter Page. And, the Mueller SC investigation very much appears to have been the coverup of that coverup.
“Now crowdstrike is interesting because it saw an intrusion and yer did nothing for the better part of two weeks, similar to fireeye with Equifax (this is the company that invited Hillary to speak and disinvited will hurd an actual security expert)”
The odd thing being that some of the emails were written after that intrusion was supposedly contained. Like they would have been if it were a leak.
“The Steele dossier was irrelevant to the election.”
That’s just your partisan judgement, it was out before the election and people believed it.
It almost certainly cost Trump two years of his presidency and probably the House of Representatives.
Here is your problem readering, you can’t understand why anybody could vote for Trump. You never consider that the Democrats have sold out the white working class and that those voters know it.
Democrats are the ones that made it about race and created this voting block, by kicking it to the curb and not standing up for the interests of American workers in general in trade negotiations and on immigration.
It’s not that hard.
Blogger readering said...
"Meanwhile Potus goes on national TV and accuses Mueller of treason and folks here smile and nod because they think like the loon in the White House.
7/26/19, 1:14 AM
Blogger readering said...
The Steele dossier was irrelevant to the election."
Examine these to comments closely. Note the time.
This is where readering jumps the shark.
Yancey 12:27
The double standard indeed.
The larger issue is that all of Hillary's hacks are in charge of the investigation. She didn't win, but her hacks endure.
It's long past time to drain the swamp.
I can easily understand why people voted for Trump in November 2016. He was the Republican nominee and Republicans win half the time. My mother is a Republican and voted for him. What i will never understand is how he got the nomination. (My mother did not vote for him in the primary.)
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