Out of nowhere this adorable baby jumped into my car. His owner finally showed up to fetch him and said his name is Opie. from r/aww
This is the subReddit r/Aww, and the moderation may be specific to r/aww — where people go to collect warm feelings.
It seems, perhaps, that people are training their dogs to jump into cars through the window. This is cute... until it's not...
Road Trip! from r/aww
(Click through to see the whole frame of the image.)
And what if there's no open seat or it's not your car...
A dog jumped into the drive-thru window from r/gifs
It's racist and speciesphobic to deny undocumented canine immigrants their right to cross the border into McDonald's.
Although it would have been better if it was a chihuahua making a "run for the border" into a Taco Bell.
I deleted the first comment because it was a link that had to be copied and pasted and there was no way to know what was going to be there. No one will do that copying and pasting, but everyone will spend some time thinking about whether to do that.
So I spent a little MORE time and decided to spare everyone that speed bump.
Make your links hot and, more importantly, let people know why they should click. Otherwise, we're just going through a process of self-protecting hesitation.
Did the McDonald's worker go wash her hands before proceeding to handle food?
Reddit thread that was, in fact, locked by moderators
AA: I agree with what you said above except "No one will do that copying and pasting, but everyone will spend some time thinking about whether to do that."
I don't copy and paste links and don't think about it. I don't read song lyrics or poetry if they're more than a couple of lines. I don't read comments from those so inconsiderate as to routinely post comments requiring a Rosetta Stone to decipher.
I can't speak for others, but unfortunately the time I have to spend here is limited. I like it when posters get to the point.
I got punched in the face through a McD's drive through window when I worked there as a kid. I had never been hit before, ever, and this strange woman clocks me for calling her "ma'am." She thought I was mocking her. It was terrifying at the time. I had two black eyes, my manager utterly failed to get any information about her and her car, and the police told me I should have hit her back. Ah, Sacramento.
If you highlight a link, and right click it, you can open in another tab (or just open)
Sometimes, i think that it is more better to Show the link, so people can see where it goes
instead of an [a href="link to somewhere"]something that tells people something[/a]
but you want all links hot? could you be more explicit about how you want it, so we can OBEY?
That’s nothing. Mitt Romney taught his dogs to jump onto the roof and then to hold on.
Jamie, I hope you at least wiped a booger into her food after the assault. Or maybe it was a dude and that’s what got her (him) upset.
Hot links lead to Rickrolling. Go ahead. Jump through that window.
I hope there's a narciso exception to the hot link principle. He posts some interesting stuff.
I agree that I prefer the links not hot. As Gilbar says, you can highlight and click the written-out link and it opens in a new tab. If it's hot, you can't see where it is going. If it's written out, you can see where the link takes you.
Jumping up into my car is my measure of my German Shepherd's aging. He was four when I got him. If I opened both rear doors then, he could have jumped right over the back seat and landed on the ground on the other side. That's long past, though. He can't do a vertical leap into the car anymore, so I park in an end space where he can take a little hop before jumping up. If we're on a slope, I let him jump in from the high side. He has some arthritis, so has gotten a little tentative, and I'll guide him in a little circle and say "up" to help his timing. He still gamely gets up there on his own, but I'm thinking of what ramp or platform we'll soon need.
Once he's up, he's still king of the back seat, getting excited with every turn signal and barking his head off at every dog who isn't lucky enough to be in a car.
Wilbur, for the most part, that's my approach too. If someone wants me to put work into their post, they better make clear up front that they're worth it. Except for song lyrics--no matter how on point you think they are, they are not worth my time to read.
I'm a dog lover, so I'm biased, but I think it's super cute when a dog so associates cars with going fun places that they can't resist jumping in any open door. Teaching a dog to jump through an open window is, however, dangerously stupid. The whole time that dog was charging the car, I was picturing him smashing into a closed window.
It's very silly that the line below this box shows some HTML codes, but not the one that makes a hot link. If that were around the page somewhere, I'd copy and paste it, but I'm not going off into the internet to find it.
If you highlight a link, and right click it, you can open in another tab (or just open)
Maybe you can, but I can't — and I'm not about to switch OS's or browsers just so I can. (For one thing, even if I was to consider that — just highlighting the link on an iPhone is something of a pain.) So, no.
Althouse: thanks for your posting in this regard.
And narciso: I certainly don't believe you any more when you assert that you tried it and somehow can't get it (making “hot” html links) to work — not after I posted recently (a couple of times) the tutorial that I wrote up for you — which others immediately got to work, first try. I've seen no evidence that you even made the attempt.
As for the assertion up-thread that plain-text “links” are superior because one can see where you're going, “hot” links are just as good in this regard. First, on a PC or Mac, one can just hover your mouse over the link (without clicking it), and a window will open up displaying what the link is. Second, on a smart phone like an iPhone, simply hold your finger down on the link (as opposed to just tapping it) and a window comes up which not only allowed you to open it in various ways, but also displays the actual link for viewing before you (may or may not) go there.
Code wrecks the flow of the thread. It's a conversation where some people are speaking robot. I don't know what narcisco is talking about because it is a pita to highlight and link to a new tab.
Try to highlight and paste on an iPhone. On a plane.
"I don't copy and paste links and don't think about it. I don't read song lyrics or poetry if they're more than a couple of lines. I don't read comments from those so inconsiderate as to routinely post comments requiring a Rosetta Stone to decipher. "
You still spent the time it took to see that's a link and remember that you don't copy and paste them. I wanted to save you that fraction of a second. It's still a speed bump. That would have been my experience too, but as the moderator here, I also took the time to think about everybody else having to see that comment at the threshold of the discussion. That's why I took it out. The commenter probably meant well. It seems to have been something cute with a dog. But I don't know if it was the case of a dog jumping through a car window. It might just have been another video of something cute or interesting involving a dog. I considered cutting and pasting just to find out, then decided that since the commenter did not specify and did not hotten the link, I should not spend my time on it.
Teaching your dog to do something, like jumping through open windows, might seem like a good thing....UNTIL your dog is indiscriminate about what windows it is OK to jump through. You need to be veeeeery specific about your dog training.
Pit Bulls are not always vicious horrible animals. Again it is adequate training and KNOWING THE BREED. Some breeds are in need of different training approaches. Chesapeake Retrievers, for example are very smart, loyal, and will be able to learn complex tasks BUT are also headstrong, very stubborn and can be aggressive if you don't do it right. You need to TEACH YOURSELF how train.
Bad owners make bad dogs. Although I do admit there can be "bad seeds" in any breed that need to be put down. This includes humans.
RE: hot links where you hover over the link and it tells you where you are going. They are more convenient because you don't have to cut and paste. Just view the link before clicking. Cutting and pasting can sometimes send you automatically to the web site that you don't want to go.
I don't want to go to the NYT or WAPO sites....so hover before click is preferable.
It's very silly that the line below this box shows some HTML codes, but not the one that makes a hot link. If that were around the page somewhere, I'd copy and paste it, but I'm not going off into the internet to find it.
Lazybutt :-)
It isn't hard to find on the internet. The process is easy to learn and remember. Expand your mind. Keep up with the world. Learn some basic HTML
Blogger only allows some HTML coding by commentators. Probably so the comment section doesn't become cluttered and unreadable with crappola and smarmy emoticons. So they just show the easiest and most common things that can enhance the writing.
"If you highlight a link, and right click it..."
I have never used a computer that had something called a "right click" and I still don't know what that corresponds to in the World of Apple. Is that double clicking?
I hope this is a worthwhile tip for creating hot links.
Using what your system provides for text correction (Mac OS X: System Preferences>Keyboard>Text) and specify some non-word mnemonic — I use "."hr, without the quote marks, for "html reference". Then enter this replacement string: [a href=""][/a], replacing the left and right brackets with carets.
To use, type the mnemonic, which will be replaced with the html command. Paste the URL between the quote marks, and type the explanatory text string between the right and left carets.
In case you want to link to a comment in an Althouse thread, go to the top and open a new browser tab using the post title. Go to the desired comment, and select the date/time group at the end of the comment (which, on account of reasons, do not appear as links in Blogger tabs with a comment window), and copy the link for pasting into the href command.
Ann describes why it is important to use hot links here.
Took about 10 seconds.
Now to resume my previous lurking.
"If it's hot, you can't see where it is going."
I can. I just point at it and the URL appears in the status bar.
rehajm said...Try to highlight and paste on an iPhone. On a plane.
And oh..one can show the link AND make it hot:
I have never used a computer that had something called a "right click" and I still don't know what that corresponds to in the World of Apple. Is that double clicking?
All computers have some form of "right click" (proper term is "secondary click"). The term comes from the first mouses (mice just doesn't sound right) that added an additional button to activate context-dependent menu. Ctrl-click does the same thing. Trackpads have user definable options for the same thing. Mine is set up for a two-finger touch to open the context-dependent menu.
Just to reiterate what others have said, entering any sort of html command, even something so simple as italics, is a right PITA on a mobile device.
Even using pre-formed text replacements to generate the commands is useless, because accurate cursor placement is near on impossible.
Except for song lyrics--no matter how on point you think they are,
Glad I'm not the only one. It's embarrassing how insipid our pop lyrics seem without the usual accompanying din.
Just to reiterate what others have said, entering any sort of html command, even something so simple as italics, is a right PITA on a mobile device.
Sounds like a personal problem.
(Actually, I agree! Which is why I don't use mobile devices for anything other than phone calls or checking to see if I have an email...which I will answer later. Oh and to take a photo. No texting. I could text. But I don't want to. If someone texts me...I ignore it)
And oh..one can show the link AND make it hot:
Even dead links, like that one.
Althouse just has OCD. She thinks exposed links are messy. Apple surely has copy and paste.
@ Hey Skipper
Excellent tutorial at 8:06
Good tip on the text replacement function.
Well..used to work here while showing the link.
Was this a Blogger change?
What the hell?
Sticks blogger.com at head of it.
I know I used this recently.
Pace some up-thread talk, introducing some HTML commands (italics, bold, even links) is no problem — nay easy — on at least some mobile devices such as iPhones. I'm doing it right now.
(What is something of a pain on the iPhone is selecting arbitrary pieces of text, such as a text link URL.)
As for entering an HTML link, following is my recent tutorial I wrote up for the Althouse blog on the subject:
If you're having trouble getting it to work (it's extremely easy to make such links, but you've got to know which characters to put where), simply practice a few times (on, say, an Althouse cafe post), and afterward delete your mistakes. Then you'll have it!
Here's how it works (note: omit the line endings I'm showing for clarity between sections; also, capitals vs. lower-case letters make no difference). I'm creating a link to Althouse's blog as an example:
text that precedes the link
<a href="https://althouse.blogspot.com/">
text that names the link e.g. Althouse
text that follows the link
Which then comes out looking (in one's posting) like this (notice that the link works!):
text that precedes the link Althouse text that follows the link
There is one potential gotcha in that some operating systems (iOS was doing it for a while with iPhones and iPads) will attempt to interject curly quotes (“e.g.”) when one types the double-quotes key. Straight double quotes ("e.g."), contrariwise, are required for bracketing the URL (universal resource locator) link — as shown in the exemplar at top; curly quotes emphatically won't do. (If you can't see the difference, zoom in.)
The solution to this issue (while it was happening in iOS — using iOS's crappy on-screen keyboard) is to hold your finger down on the double-quote key until the subsidiary menu opens up (displaying several different kinds of quotes), then select the straight quote.
Beyond that, if you fail to bracket your URL with straight double-quotes, as in that first exemplar (but your HTML code is otherwise correct), sometimes it will work… and sometimes it won't. Specifically, there are characters allowed to appear in URL's which are disallowed in (unquoted) HTML.
I had two black eyes, my manager utterly failed to get any information about her and her car, and the police told me I should have hit her back. Ah, Sacramento.
Time for hot coffee.
"it isn't hard to find on the internet. The process is easy to learn and remember. Expand your mind."
No. Get off my lawn, ya hippie.
Beyond that, if you fail to bracket your URL with straight double-quotes, as in that first exemplar (but your HTML code is otherwise correct), sometimes it will work… and sometimes it won't.
That drove me absolutely spare before I figured it out.
Someone hijacked a perfectly good doggie thread. Ann won't stand for this!
So many instances of Pits "unexpectedly" going rogue.
Many sad rationalizations even from owners who lost one or more loved one to their "pet".
Funny how Bill Burr was such a vocal fan of his pit bull (that his wife picked out while he was away) but got rid of it once they had a child.
It seems, perhaps, that people are training their dogs to jump into cars through the window.
I had a dog that could do that, but the fairly young puppy in the picture obviously jumped into the car through the open door, as it's shown.
I once asked how to hot link here and Althouse answered "Google it."
I'm a smart guy who knows how to search online, but I could not find the answer. A nice fellow commenter helped me out and now I link like refined person. I assumed I caught the blogger on a bad day, because I'm still a loyal reader.
And oh..one can show the link AND make it hot:
links to --> "https://www.blogger.com/www.easyhyperlinks.com"
From a view-source, your code looks like (replaced with []):
[a title="www.easyhyperlinks.com" href="www.easyhyperlinks.com" rel="nofollow"]www.easyhyperlinks.com[/a]
Now my regular method of making a link is doing the same thing - sticking "blogger.com into it!
[A HREF="www.easyhyperlinks.com"]www.easyhyperlinks.com[/A] :
The "HREF" value is shown as the link text:
"www.drudgereport.com" -> blogger changes it to
"drudgereport.com" -> same as above.
"http://drudgereport.com" works.
Dog training.
Teach your dog to do certain things ONLY on command or when invited to do so. Sitting and waiting to perform on command is essential in a hunting/retrieving dog. Not a bad thing for any dog to learn.
We have had several dogs. Mostly hunting dogs who require consistency and gently disciplined training. They were trained to jump into the truck bed or back of the vehicle. But were also trained to sit and wait until they were giving the OK sign or verbally told. "LOAD UP"
This is to prevent the dog from deciding on its own that it is going to go with you. Or worse, just jump into other people's vehicles.
Was the dog disappointed to not be "invited"? Boo hoo. Probably. Disappointment. Get used to it. Plus it is a dog. They will get over not getting their way. Might take a while with a Chesapeake because they can hold grudges :-)
This link bullshit is just like the toilet seat up or down argument. Both work fine, but creating a hyperlink is 10 times the work and time of just using a text link, and as said above, by now you should know how to click on a text link and open it instantly.
"it isn't hard to find on the internet. The process is easy to learn and remember. Expand your mind."
As you say, it's a process, and every single time. Who the hell wants or needs another process.
As you say, it's a process, and every single time. Who the hell wants or needs another process.
I agree it is a process. For you/the original poster to make a hot link. However, to not use a hot link, makes it a process for everyone else who then has to cut and past into a new window.
I vote that YOU do the process once and not make everyone else do a process multiple times. Efficiency and time management. You should understand those concepts :-)
Its a cute dog, but people are stupid for owning this breed. This is a dog bred specifically for very nasty things. There are literally hundreds of videos on Reddit of people being attacked by pit bulls. I wouldn't own one, and I wouldn't allow any child within a hundred yards of one. They are literally bombs waiting to go off.
I have never used a computer that had something called a "right click" and I still don't know what that corresponds to in the World of Apple. Is that double clicking?
No you click the bottom part of the touch pad with your fingers on the pad, or however you would usually bring up "copy". I have a Mac.
I do not see the link destination in my status bar.
I agree it is a process. For you/the original poster to make a hot link. However, to not use a hot link, makes it a process for everyone else who then has to cut and past into a new window.
No it does, DBQ. All you have do do is highlight and click.
It's a matter of personal preference and it's kind of funny to see people getting bothered that other people won't do it their way.
And oh..one can show the link AND make it hot:
Yes, I know how to do that, but that isn't what everyone does. There are a million ways to go about it, each way working for some and not others. How about we all deal with our own preferences?
I understand Althouse said she likes links hot, but she obviously doesn't know she doesn't have to highlight,cut, and paste, so I think it's nice to tell her (and DBQ) that there are other options.
With respect to time management and efficiency, this seems worthwhile:
"let people know why they should click."
Describe it, pull a relevant quote from it etc.
Otherwise it's a bit of a driver away from the blog.
Doing so also makes one think more about relevance to the thread.
On hot linking- you can highlight and right-click to open the url in another tab- I do this for narciso all the time- yes, it is extra work, but it isn't particular tedious. I prefer a hot link, but there actually is one benefit to the url itself- you can see what the link is to- when people make hot links, most of the time they will just use "link" or some of the descriptor that tells you little about the site you are going to. Pros and cons. I always make hot links, but that is just me.
Also, hot linking creates the potential for trickery. The poster can put anything in as the linked text. I don't know where they are really sending me.
Plus, links to NYT and WaPo that aren't clearly marked waste my monthly ration.
I keep a text file open on my laptop with (a href="")(/a) and other regularly used items for cut and paste purposes. Takes me about 5 seconds to create a hot link.
I will occasionally use a fake out with a hot link, but it always as part of joke.
Maybee. so I think it's nice to tell her (and DBQ) that there are other options.
Yes. It is nice. And you guys have done it in a nice way :-)
Thank you for the information
I will occasionally use a fake out with a hot link, but it always as part of joke.
I get that, and I love it! But I feel like I know you and I would trust your link anyway.
Oh darn.
oopsy daisy is me when I accidentally use the company email account.
In any case. Thanks for reminding me on how to open a text link.
As a parent of a child attacked by a neighbors pit, I have nothing good to say about them. We had known the dog from a puppy, knew how it was raised which was as a family dog with kids. This was in the early 90’s before I knew much about the breed. It nailed my two year old in the face. Stitches above her eye, below the eye and along her jawline. It sent another dog in for stitches on its flank. Finally when it bit an adult they had him put down. One of those bastards jumps into my car it isn’t going to end well.
While it's not the dogs' fault they were bred to fight to the death, IMO, there should be a moratorium on breeding them and all those now in shelters [over 50% of dogs in shelters in my area are pit bulls or pit bull mixes] should be euthanized. It's not how they are raised, it's their DNA.
Dogs with individual and diverse temperaments in context. That said, #HateLovesAbortion
Abortion debate has gone to the dogs.
… and as said above, by now you should know how to click on a text link and open it instantly.
Also as noted above, that works on some systems (Chrome on a PC or Mac?) and doesn't work on many another system (iPhone running Safari).
It's also perfectly easy (as noted above) to see in advance — on whatever system — where a hot link is going to send you, if you take it.
All this moping around about supposedly how hard it is to insert a hot html link is bullshit. It's extremely easy.
Beyond my tutorial up-thread, here's how to do it:
type the text which precedes the link
type: <a href="
paste or type the URL: https://althouse.blogspot.com/
type: ">
type: the intended name or information about the link e.g.: Althouse
type: </a>
type the text which follows the link
When I want a hotlink built I just ask my dog.
Abortion debate has gone to the dogs.
Hate love's abortion, as in color judgment, as in love loses. Love the dogs, but be wary of their temperament, in context.
The person who started all this nonsense is a MISSING LINK. If you want to know how it works just use fucking Google.
Never train a dog to "Jump through an open window". They think every open window will be just like the one you trained them on.
They expect YOU to be the smart one.
A bit of advice to all: Do Not purchase ANY dog without researching it's bloodlines. I've seen German Shorthairs that couldn't find a bird in an aviary. Still cost as much as a serious hunting dog. Aggressive behavior can be bred into bloodline. So know your breeder.
Your dog should not enter or leave your vehicle without a command. Believe me, you will both benefit from this training. Even if it only saves you to cleaning costs of a muddy dog jumping into your (or someone else's) car.
Your dog should never ride with it's head out the window. Very dangerous for the dog.
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