२९ जून, २०१९
"When you talk about a wall when you talk about a border that's what they call a border. Nobody goes through that border. Just about nobody. That's called a real border. We're going there. Going to look at it. That's really a point of interest."
Said President Trump, quoted in "'That's what they call a border': Wall-obsessed Trump praises the effectiveness of the DMZ - which contains two MILLION landmines - and says 'nobody' goes through it/President Trump said he will visit the DMZ Sunday" (Daily Mail).
१४२ टिप्पण्या:
Imagine POTUS at Berlin Wall.
You just can't make this shit up, can you?
When you've got Nancy Pelosi out there saying that walls don't work, the response -- pointing at a border that really, really does work and pointing that out -- can sound fairly stupid.
Trump obsessed media takes bait.
Get 'er done...and he would more than guarantee his re-election.
Certainly does expose the lie that walls don’t work.
Here's what Trump is up against --
There are way too many of these people in positions of authority for Trump to get a wall built. It is not Trump's fault.
Trump want dmz with Mexico?
No borders. No walls. No America at all.
You just can't make this shit up, can you?
That’s called a real border.
The UK had real borders.
Then it didn’t.
Now they’re putting them back.
Israel has real borders, and they work just fine. Chuck, disingenuous as always, knows better but doesn't care as long as he can mock his mancrush, DJT.
This hit piece as parroted by Ann just reinforces Mark Levin's meme of the "unfreedom of the press"
The press is truly an arm of the Democrat party.
BTW has Ann ever expressed her views on the immigration situation and the wall?
Never underestimate Trump.
Is Trump a twit for Twittering Kim to make handshake at DMZ.
What's he trying to tell USA and world?
If baby in womb is imposition on its mother what's entering migrant on country being intruded?
By Any Means Necessary.
The mind games going on here are spectacular.
Trump's mocking of the US press and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) and their obsession with RUSSIANS made the above-the-fold front page of the Chicago Tribune today. "Grins Muddle Meddling Message"
Attention Chicago Tribune and Associated Press: It was a joke! You look like idiots making a big deal out of a joke.
Trump once again has proved that the press and the Democrats (BIRM) are idiots. Well, it's fun for him and for me, but couldn't they tell it straight? Is it too much to ask?
Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate. It looks like the Dems are going to do it again.
“BTW has Ann ever expressed her views on the immigration situation and the wall?”
Most people don’t even notice the question. That’s how advanced you are, Otto.
"You just can't make this shit up, can you?"
You have to wonder what the hell is Trump thinking. Is this just another example of him making a simple wall look good by comparison? The oddity is it seems to work out for him 90% of the time. But I don't see how the image of the DMZ is good optics. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.
The left, including the commenter at the top of this thread, does not get the difference between walls to keep people in (Berlin DMZ) and walls to keep people out (Israel, Mexico, Nancy Pelosi's house, Mark Zuckerberg's houses )
I'm *pretty sure* that our border's barbed-wire fence is successfully keeping North Koreans from escaping into Texas.
In Trump's scenario who is North Korea? Mexico or USA?
It's called burying the lede.
The President of the United States recently received a letter containing birthday greetings from the dictator of North Korea.
Birthday greetings. From the dictator of North Korea.
Now the President of the United States reveals he has proposed a relatively spontaneous meeting at the DMZ just to shake hands and say Hello to the dictator of North Korea.
To shake hands and say Hello to the dictator of North Korea.
And the President has a reasonable expectation that his invitation will be accepted.
You just can't make this shit up, can you?
Good land mines make good neighbors!!
We’re talking about spending $4.5 billion to improve the facilities and services for people who sneak across our southern border. I assume that this is in addition to what had already been appropriated for that purpose. I also assume that more money will continue to be required as long as large numbers of illegal immigrants succeed in crossing our border.
On a cost-benefit basis, doesn’t this begin to make “the wall” look like a sensible investment?
If baby in womb is imposition on its mother what's entering migrant on country being intruded?
the Spanish Imposition
I don't know if there is one, but there should be a word for when people get outraged that you tell the truth. Trump precipitates it more than anyone. He often says things that are obviously true, and that people would say themselves in private, but when uttered publicly must be denounced, twisted, and lied about, becuase we don't want them to be true, but they still are, and the person saying them is not doing anything wrong.
If there was a fire to put out the Dems would call for more gasoline.
@Bagoh 20
'Trumporthopprobrium' ?
Why do we keep comparing walls to keep people IN with walls to keep people OUT?
The comparable barrier in the Korean Peninsula is that one between China and NK.
Now we're talking. Land mines, machine gun towers, German shepherds on watch, FUCK YES! No more babies in cages, libs. Smile, you fucking assholes!
China sends the Norks back. Even KSA was going to put up fencing.
If the question at hand is "Do we need to stop a flood of people crossing the border illegally" and the answer is "Yes," then the suggestion of landmines would be generally met with "Gee, that's going a bit too far, isn't it?" Except if nothing else is working (which is not to say nothing else will, we don't know yet), then the answer to the latter question is pretty much by definition "No."
pretty sure if we just started machine gunning a few border crossers, they'd all quit crossing
pretty sure if we just started sending border crossers back across, they'd all quit crossing
pretty sure if we just stopped with the asylum seekers' vouchers, they all quit crossing
pretty sure if we allow full and free health care to all border crossers, they'll keep crossing
What do you want?
Admitted Smear Merchant Chuck: "You cant make this s*** up"
The Hoax Dossier/Hoax Kavanaugh & Trump rape claims/Hoax Collusion Team chimes in.
They literally could just "make this s*** up"....and they still do...but only every single day.
So, Chuck; WHAT do YOU think we should do with the border?
Also, let us know HOW
WHAT, And HOW? Please let us know! I genuinely want to know what your ideas are?
You can hate the troller but love the troll
Phil 314: "Why do we keep comparing walls to keep people IN with walls to keep people OUT?"
Because leftists like LLR Chuck and AOC need the talking points to advance the cause of the left, are just historically ignorant and history resets for them everyday.
Which is why after LLR Chuck racistly wrote "Department of Black People" and people called him out he literally tried to claim it was Trump that said it.
"You cant make this s*** up"
Sure you can.
Then you can spend two years, millions of dollars, and a host of FBI and Intelligence resources to look for "your truth".
gilbar: "So, Chuck; WHAT do YOU think we should do with the border?"
Chuck wants strong borders. Super strong borders. Super duper strong borders. Cuz he's "severely conservative".
But what Chuck most passionately desires and fights for is everyone voting for dems.
Note: admitted smear merchants sometimes forget which online persona they are supposed to be faking.
Drago, I want to hear what Chuck has to say; not what i, or other think he'd say.
Chuck? What would YOU do with the border, and HOW would you do it?
I want to hear from you Chuck, i Really do. I WANT your opinions and ideas.
Here is your opportunity to shine! I'm sure you're sick and tired of just repeating over and over;
That Darned Trump!
If YOU were in charge, instead of Trump; What would YOU do with the border? and How?
inquiring minds want to know?
You can always tell how badly the dems are doing by how far LLR Chuck is going to deflect for and defend them.
Lets call our tracking mechanism LLR-DEM-DEFCON (LLR Democrat-Defense Condition)
For instance, in most minor cases where dems/lefties/libs are exposed, we will see LLR Chuck at LLR-DEM-DEFCON 5, normal operations. Examples include Chuvk's standard over the top praise for leftists and dems (Maddow = "brilliant", obambi = "magnificent", hack NBC flack Harwood "professional", etc)
At LLR-DEM-DEFCON 2 you will see LLR Chuck spinning furiously to defend demicrats who have a eeal messaging problem, like Da Nang Dick's Stolen Valor problem which Chuck spun furiously against. Chuck's continuing worship of Dick Durbin belongs at this level as well since Durbin was slammed for calling US Troops "Gestapo".
We have seen indications with the Barr/Durham investigation that the dems and deep staters are panicking and LLR Chuck is beginning to crank up to LLR-DEM-DEFCON 4/5.
Which is why you see our fake LLR ramping up his far left-Deep State references to the Lawfareblog which is ground zero for the dossier/collusion hoax originators working with obama/hillary/DNC/Weismann/Brennan/Comey/Baker and all the rest of the plotters.
It will be interesting to see how disciplined Chuck can be in the coming months to keep the mask from slipping.
Discipline might have to include not hitting the bottle so much while posting.
gilbar, that is the funny thing with these comments pages. I criticize Trump's messaging, speaking, Tweeting, communications... and about half of the Trump cultists jump to the conclusion that all of my politics merge with (pick one) Julian Castro, Kamala Harris or Bernie Sanders.
And in fact, my own views on immigration would put me within the conservative wing of the Republican Party. At least I think so.
I favor much harder crackdowns on employers who hire illegal workers. I'd like to do away with birthright citizenship for children born on U.S. soil to illegal entrants. I am opposed to all pathways to citizenship for illegals.
As you can see, I adhere to the term "illegal alien" as it is used in federal statutes and case law. I sometimes shorten it to "illegals" for convenience.
I'd be happy to se some funding for some new sections of border walls and fences.
What I laugh at, however, is Trump's bloviating about "a great border wall." And Trump's other stupid, crazed pronouncements on immigration. The "complete and total ban on Muslims entering the United States..." The laughable shit about "bringing drugs, and crime..."
I think Trump hurts the cause of conservatism on immigration. I think a better, more careful conservative Presidential administration might not have lost the Census/citizenship question case, which I think was decided incorrectly but which should probably be blamed on Trump administration belligerence and incompetence.
If I "were in charge, instead of Trump," I'd back off "the great border wall." There would be many, small, bipartisan border projects. I'd negotiate for expanded work permits and dignity for guest workers, without a pathway to citizenship. The Democrats would make that a deal breaker, and so that is where I'd lay down the cards. I'd say that I was a President who wanted American businesses to have the workers that they need, and that guest workers in the U.S. would be treated fairly and in dignified ways, but that we are not going to make them citizens, giving them social security and voting rights. That's a good, hard fight that we will have to have someday, and in which it will be necessary to have the most articulate advocates for Republican policy.
Not Trump.
gilbar: "Drago, I want to hear what Chuck has to say; not what i, or other think he'd say."
What I posted is precisely what Chuck wrote in an hilarious back and forth Chuck had with Meade where Chuck kept insisting he was for strong border controls, super duper border controls, amazingly strong border controls....all the while opposing every real method for securing the border and attacking every republican in sight that was fighting for stronger borders...all the while defending open borders dems...and praising open borders NeverTrumpers.
Naturally the incoherence of his position was called out by Meade which is no doubt one of the hundreds of examples of Chuck's bad faith posting that led to the blog moderators reqesting he leave.
Which he did not do because Team Left needs him here.
LLR Chuck lays out perfectly the Failure Theatre approach perfected by the NeverTrumpers which ensures the democrats win at all times and the republican's are allowed to Lose With Some Dignity.
Remember that the next time you read Chuck praising George Will and Bill Kristol et al as those fake conservatives lobby for total democrat victories.
LLR Chuck thinks its still 2010 and the exposing of the NeverTrumpers hasnt happened.
Too funny.
Next up for Chuck: Paul Ryan and the UniParty republicans really really want to repeal obamacare......(wink wink)
Everything is too funny for Drago. What did he think of It's a mad,mad,mad,mad world?
LLR Chuck: "I think a better, more careful conservative Presidential administration might not have lost the Census/citizenship question case, which I think was decided incorrectly but which should probably be blamed on Trump administration belligerence and incompetence."
Perfect Chuckism.
Lets far left open borders activist judges who are clearly ignoring the law and the constitution off the hook (standard operating procedure for Chuck) while attacking Trump, the most conservative President in our lifetimes, for the most straightforward and legal execution of his executive branch perogatives.
This is the game our LLR-lefty smear merchant.
I'm introducing a new game here called Operation Nod Along.
Works like this: we go along with Chuck and Inga ("wow I never thought of Trump like that!") to amuse ourselves (of course)n, but also out of a curiosity to see where they would lead us. The occasional "nods" is the equivalent of a sarcasm tag to let others know you are just playing along.
Chuck: "If Trump lied about using the Titleist Pro V1 over the Titleist Pro V1x, he is capable of lying about anything and you rubes are idiots for trusting him!"
Fen: (nods) ..."You know what, you're are exactly right. You've changed my mind. Trump cannot be trusted. What do you propose we do?"
Chuck: "Wait.. what?!"
It'll be fun. Play along, play stupid, let the perps think they are getting away with it to discover their true nature (I'm betting on Chinese agitator in a sweatshop)
readering: "Everything is too funny for Drago"
Not everything.
For example, reading someone who actually asserts the Soviets only invaded Poland from the east as a response to Hitler invading from the west...was not funny at all.
Frightening really.
Chuck: and about half of the Trump cultists jump to the conclusion that all of my politics merge with (pick one) Julian Castro, Kamala Harris or Bernie Sanders.
Because you are a dishonest, because in a fit of rage you accidentally confessed your purpose here is to smear Trump and unfairly misrepresent him, because you pose as a Life Long Republican who idolizes Vichy Cucks like David French, because you are a moby.
You're a joke. The only thing insulting about you is that you assume we are too stupid to see through your childish pose.
Fen: "It'll be fun. Play along, play stupid, let the perps think they are getting away with it to discover their true nature (I'm betting on Chinese agitator in a sweatshop)"
That is a variation of a rather funny MASH epuside where the other docs pretend to be mad at each other while Frank enjoys the conflict...as a birthday present to Frank.
They gave the lunatic what he wanted.
Thats the similarity hook here.
I'm getting the feeling we have a LLR Chuck "Eddie Haskell-like" suck up post to Althouse in our near future....
Chuck: I think Trump hurts the cause of conservatism on immigration.
The conservative cause on immigration is to pretend to be doing something, complaining to the grass roots that's it's not a hill worth dying on, and take more checks from the Chamber of Commerce.
Yes, Trump is hurting that. Good.
Fen, you are the guy who keeps bringing up an imaginary argument about Trump and Pro V1's. I do not know where you got that from. We know it didn't come from me because I keep challenging you to quote me and you never do.
But you're right about one thing. I do think that you are an ignorant rube.
Are you happy now? Althouse won't be, when she sees you and Drago back up to the same old bullshit of personal back-and-forth comments that steer the conversation away from the substance of the topic.
Fen I never said that I wished to unfairly misrepresent Trump or lie about him. You tried that on me once, and I corrected you. Don't do it again.
Chuck answered my WHAT with...
I favor much harder crackdowns on employers who hire illegal workers. I'd like to do away with birthright citizenship for children born on U.S. soil to illegal entrants. I am opposed to all pathways to citizenship for illegals.
Thanx Chuck, i appreciate it. Now; part two, HOW would you do that?
no wait, you still haven't answered: WHAT you'd do,
you've just listed a bunch of things you're in favor of... We still need WHAT And HOW?
see, if i said;
I favor Lindsey Lohan going out with me. I'd like her to let her hair go back to it's original reddish red glory. I am opposed to all dyes that aren't either blue or magenta
I listed a bunch of things i'm in favor of.... But am SORELY LACKING on WHAT and HOW?
don't know if you see the corollary or not, but; in the immortal words of Homer Simpson
Wishing won't make it so
What would you do, and HOW would you do it?
,,, I'd like to do away with birthright citizenship for children born on U.S. soil to illegal entrants. ,,,
Isn't that attainder on innocent baby.
Aren't all babies born innocent?
The next thing hell say is Hitler had to make a deal with stalin because the west was going to do it first
Chuck said..."Fen I never said I wanted to unfairly misrepresent Trump or lie about him"
That's all you've ever done.
Winning the future?
Don't worry about Drago, he wears Depends prophylactically on the days he finds everything Chuck says is "Too Funny"
I think a better, more careful conservative Presidential administration might not have lost the Census/citizenship question case, which I think was decided incorrectly but which should probably be blamed on Trump administration belligerence and incompetence.
Shorter Chuck: The Supreme Court is wrong, but I blame Trump.
When you have lost Andrew Sullivan, you might be on the wrong side of the immigration debate as a Democrat.
Howard: "Don't worry about Drago, he wears Depends prophylactically on the days he finds everything Chuck says is "Too Funny"
Are you suggesting mirth-induced incontinence?
Why you ... I oughtta........
Chuck said (and I missed) WHAT he'd do...
I'd negotiate for expanded work permits and dignity for guest workers, without a pathway to citizenship.The Democrats would make that a deal breaker , and so that is where I'd lay down the cards. I'd say that I was a President who wanted American businesses to have the workers that they need, and that guest workers in the U.S. would be treated fairly and in dignified ways, but that we are not going to make them citizens, giving them social security and voting rights. That's a good, hard fight that we will have to have someday, and in which it will be necessary to have the most articulate advocates for Republican policy.
Sorry Chuck, i re-reread your post, and i see that you DID say WHAT you'd do, and even HOW you'd do it. I apologize for my doubting posts.
So, if you were President; you want more workers, but you'd want them to NOT be citizens
AND you say that would be a deal breaker for the dems (which it would).
Thanx for articulating both WHAT you'd do (want things), and HOW you'd go about it (not getting them)
So, again; thank you, i appreciate it
Could we do a bonus round? What would you do THEN?
gilbar: "Thanx Chuck, i appreciate it. Now; part two, HOW would you do that?"
Now comes the "fun" part.
It boils down to get rid of Trump, put in republicans who have no intention of increasing border enforcement, alienate the republican base, elect dems up and down the ballot.
But gee Chuck, how does that get us what we want as republicans?.....
It doesn't, but it does get Chuck what Chuck wants: Trump out and dems in control.
That's the entire point.
The Conservative Case for Ensuring Conservative Policies Never Get Enacted
oh, of course; my question was WHAT WOULD YOU DO ABOUT THE BORDER?
not immigration as such, but i'll take that as: you'd do Nothing about the border
gilbar: "Could we do a bonus round? What would you do THEN?"
Give up.
With "honor"....
"I think a better, more careful conservative Presidential administration might .."
Imagine that.
Then imagine the Dem lemmings anxious to drag us over a cliff...including the SCOTUS picks should enough "careful conservatives" bow out or vote Dem in protest.
Focus your efforts accordingly.
'Give up.'
Good grief, Drago - what do you want them to do? Get down in the dirt and fight the left? That's would be undignified and a breach of protocol! And it might interfere with the perfect crease in their trousers...
Admitted Smear Merchant Chuck: "Fen I never said that I wished to unfairly misrepresent Trump or lie about him."
Learn to pronounce
1. coat or mark (something) messily or carelessly with a greasy or sticky substance.
"his face was smeared with dirt"
synonyms: streak, smudge, stain, mark, soil, dirty; More
2. damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander.
"someone was trying to smear her by faking letters"
synonyms: sully, tarnish, besmirch, blacken, drag through the mud/mire, stain, taint, damage, defame, discredit, defile, vilify, malign, slander, libel, stigmatize, calumniate;
Chuck lies again, this time about his smeary lying.
It's lies all the way down. Dem narrative supporting lies.
Beasts of England: "Good grief, Drago - what do you want them to do? Get down in the dirt and fight the left? That's would be undignified and a breach of protocol! And it might interfere with the perfect crease in their trousers...
My apologies.
My response to LLR Chuck's gleeful preemptive surrender policy in all disputes with democrats caused an "irredeemable" "deplorable" reaction on my part.
So, to summarize, LLR Chuck who lectures everyone DAILY on precision in language and being absolutely true to the factual record and posturing as a Legal Beagle extraordinaire, is now asserting he is not here to lie about Trump...
....after having happily, joyfully, proudly declared his role at Althouseblog to literally "smear" Trump....
...and the meaning of smear is quite plain to all English speakers.
Yet Chuck, who is of course the smartest guy around here (you won't have to ask him, he'll volunteer it) is now claiming he doesn't understand the meaning of the word "smear".
It's LLR Chuck lies and smears and hoaxes all the way down.
All. The. Way.
Chuck: Fen I never said that I wished to unfairly misrepresent Trump or lie about him.
Chuck said: "I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
Chuck: Don't do it again.
Or what, little man? Here, I'll do it again right in your face, you impotent cuck:
Chuck: Trump cultists jump to the conclusion that all of my politics merge with (pick one) Julian Castro, Kamala Harris or Bernie Sanders ...because you are dishonest, because in a fit of rage you accidentally confessed your purpose here is to smear Trump and unfairly misrepresent him, because you pose as a Life Long Republican who idolizes Vichy Cucks like David French, because you are a moby.
You're a joke. The only thing insulting about you is that you assume we are too stupid to see through your childish pose.
Go ahead Chuck, "warn" me again. LOL.
I seriously think the only reason The Cuck comes here is to satisfy his humiliation fetish.
it seems like only yesterday when LLR Chuck pronounced himself in favor of non-martyr creating political assassination of the President.
I wonder if the Secret Service was notified of that explicitly articulated sentiment on the part of LLR Chuck?
You see, Chuck is not here to lie about Trump.
He's just here to damage the reputation of Trump by false accusations and slander.
But not "lies".
No sir. That would be (Monty Python voice) "Right out".
"That's a good, hard fight that we will have to have someday"
"Someday" is now, and you fight with the tools you've got or you lose.
Chuck: Fen, you are the guy who keeps bringing up an imaginary argument about Trump and Pro V1's.
Gods you're dumb.
Chuck: I do not know where you got that from.
From your 100,000 Lies Of Donald Trump, pp45-47.
We know it didn't come from me because I keep challenging you to quote me and you never do
More lies, I've always provided your quote. Here it is again:
Chuck: "Donald Trump actually plays the Titleist Pro V1x golf ball, not the Pro V1 as he has falsely claimed on numerous occasions, here is the proof"
We went 11 rounds over this, you got stomped so bad even your wife asked me to stop. If I have to explain the joke to you it's no longer funny.
Still waiting on your admission that you actually have no idea what golf ball President Trump uses, much less whether he plays the Titleist Pro V1 vs the Pro V1x....
I don't usually engage Chuck, like the dos equis man,
when I do it's too point out what a ridiculous source he relied on, like that Obama era justice department drone, whose field isn't even immigration law, it's workplace law,
the earlier link I proferred was by the brother of Michael bennett, a former editor of the atlantic,
interesting how Mueller's prosecutions seems to fall apart when they concern other players,
The best part - somewhere in Wisconsin a regional sales manager has been up for weeks on end trying to understand the spike in Titleist Pro V1x sales. :)
other outlets have repeated misrepresented statements
The latest is a NY Times op-ed that advocates doxxing and otherwise punishing Border Patrol employees
Those of us who want to stop what’s happening need to think about all the different individuals playing a role in the systematic mistreatment of migrant children and how we can get them to stop participating. We should focus most on those who have less of a personal commitment to the abusive policies that are being carried out.
Testimony from trials and truth commissions has revealed that many atrocity perpetrators think of what they’re doing as they would think of any other day job. While the leaders who order atrocities may be acting out of strongly held ideological beliefs or political survival concerns, the so-called “foot soldiers” and the middle men and women are often just there for the paycheck.
This lack of personal investment means that these participants in atrocities can be much more susceptible to pressure than national leaders. Specifically, they are sensitive to social pressure, which has been shown to have played a huge role in atrocity commission and desistance in the Holocaust, Rwanda and elsewhere.
I hope Border Patrol employees, if they suffer any consequences from this crap, will take the Gibson Bakery route to get damages from this creep and his employer.
Michael K: "The latest is a NY Times op-ed that advocates doxxing and otherwise punishing Border Patrol employees
Those of us who want to stop what’s happening need to think"
I am of the opinion that if any Border Patrol Agents are harmed that leaders of the left and LLR-leftist lapdogs are fully doxxed as well and held accountable.
The author's name is Kate Cronin-Furman.
Whatever happens to them should happen to her.
"The identities of the individual Customs and Border Protection agents who are physically separating children from their families and staffing the detention centers are not undiscoverable. Immigration lawyers have agent names; journalists reporting at the border have names, photos and even videos. These agents’ actions should be publicized, particularly in their home communities.
This is not an argument for doxxing — it’s about exposure of their participation in atrocities to audiences whose opinion they care about."
It's not doxxing doxxing..something like that.
this is what the levick crew, did with financing from the gulf states in the early part of the emergency, as this multi theatre operation, (colloquially called the war on terror) they succeeded in getting cully stimson fired for pointing white shoe law firm collaboration, they tried to get john yoo and others disbarred, kirikaou, helped leak the name of his associates to the Times as well as the attorneys for the detainees,
,,,it’s about exposure of their participation in atrocities to audiences whose opinion they care about.",,,
This brings to mind comment about people on vermin patrol in Komarran Dome Arcologies... They cannot tell their kids what they do : for the kids it is pets not vermin.
I had an idea last night....it sounds a little crazy at first, but bear with me....
John Kasich should enter the Democratic Primary. No, really, I'm serious.
If there is any Republican the Democratic Party would find acceptable today, it would probably be Kasich. Some of them might actually listen to him. If the DNC objects or prevents him for doing this, threaten to sue. By what standard can they allow Bernie to run, but not Kasich? Neither are Democrats.
His message is a simple one: "We've all seen the disturbing lurch to the Left by the Democratic Party over the last twenty years. The first two Democratic debates have shown that none of the current candidates are willing to oppose that lurch. I want to give the Democratic voters a chance to support someone who does. A Chance to express their displeasure with the direction of the Democratic Party. I will provide a protest vote, a way to tell the Democratic Party to return to sanity. Why would I do such a thing? Because the country needs a loyal opposition, and I am worried that the Democratic Party will soon, if not already, no longer be a loyal opposition. Bad things followed the last time that happened.".
Gotta love the rich irony of people who fondly recount stories of how their family’s last names were changed on Ellis Island after their relatives snuck onto a boat escaping some horror now taking fervent anti-immigrant stances & branding innocent human beings as “illegal.”
one has to go overseas, to get reliable accounts
like the way they sold you magic beans Medicaid expansion,
apropos of nothing:
This is not an argument for doxxing — it’s about exposure of their participation in atrocities to audiences whose opinion they care about."
The "atrocities" being defending our border? You expose your bias.
if it was Corbyn, they would be praising them:
Fen you lying sack of shit. You don't have a quote from me. You don't have a link to anything I've written.
I have no idea why you continue to do this; these weird, off-topic lies about me. And doing it so repeatedly.
As for Drago losing his mind over the word "smear"; I already said that I regretted using that word and I wouldn't use it again. Not because I don't really hate Trump; I do. But because I don't want to get into the Trumpian business of falsehoods and lies. I want to hurt Trump, with true comments, not false ones.
Note Drago doesn't actually point to anything that I've said about Trump that was untrue. He can't do that. He wants to use the formal definition of "smear," and I am taking that away by renouncing my own use of "smear."
Keep fighting the good fight, Chuck.
Lead us down the path to your desired result, which you never explain.
But we will follow.
I've note certain similarities here:
seeing as you don't care about justice or due process or actual results, chuck, you sometimes merit such treatment, It is sometimes unwarranted or excessive
'I want to hurt Trump, with true comments, not false ones.'
I'm sure he's really feeling the heat, Chuck!! Not sure how he'll ever survive the onslaught...
well, i wondered how long it would take before the necessity of resorting to potty mouth
now i know;
Thanx Chuck!
I have no idea why you continue to do this; these weird, off-topic lies about me. And doing it so repeatedly.
Maybe someone should start a GoFundMe campaign for Chuck.
If he is this pissy, practice must not be going well.
Meanwhile, in spite of Chuck's efforts Trump is still winning.
"it’s about exposure of their participation in atrocities to audiences whose opinion they care about."
This brings to mind comment about people on vermin patrol in Komarran Dome Arcologies... They cannot tell their kids what they do : for the kids it is pets not vermin."
Or like Iranian Guard motorcyclists who slash teens who are out in the street during protests against the ayatolas of peace. They don't tell their children what they do.
No Drago, you also found my post on Poland 1939 too funny. Your go-to comment. Reminds me of a law professor's frequent question to the class, funny ha ha, or funny peculiar? Your fixation on certain posts is funny peculiar. But not as peculiar as the fixation of many here with certain fellow commenters, especially Chuck.
readering: "No Drago, you also found my post on Poland 1939 too funny. Your go-to comment."
Historical ignorance combined with a predilection for advancing fantastical rape hoax smears is your go-to approach.
Not a good look.
And isnt it interesting how every far left lunatic instinctively recognizes LLR Chuck as an ally and kindred spirit and reflexively defends him when his obvious smears are called out.
LLR Chuck: "As for Drago losing his mind over the word "smear"; I already said that I regretted using that word and I wouldn't use it again."
The biggest fear of every Smear Merchant is that they would be exposed as such which then renders useless any future smear attack since the motives of the Smear Merchant are clear to all.
This is why LLR Chuck regrets that moment of absolute clarity.
It completely exposed him for the dem/lefty shill that he is and now he us incapable of being persuasive on any issue at any time.
LLR Chuck has been neutered as an effective Moby advocate for the left.
Broken by Trump you might say.
No Chuck. You have held yourself out as the ultimate authority on precision in language and you give no one on the conservative side anything other than the most twisted negative interpretation of their comments.
You have held yourself as a gifted (LOL) legal beagle.
You knew full well the meaning of "smear" when you wrote it.
The full context of your remarks demonstrates conclusively a fully developed philosophy and strategy.
There is no backing away from your hackery.
You are exposed and "teh interwebs" live forever.
Enjoy sleeping in the racist posting pro-non-martyr-creating-political-assassination pro-attacking-children Smer Merchanty-bed that you've made.
You so very richly deserve it.
It's just tiring plagiarizing frum or gerson right, meanwhile Andy ngo is hit with concrete milkshakes and the authorities are basenghi silent
Rusty said...
Chuck said..."Fen I never said I wanted to unfairly misrepresent Trump or lie about him"
That's all you've ever done.
Name one time that I have lied about Trump. Just one. It should be simple, right? You think "that's all [I] have ever done." Be sure to quote me and link to the quote. That's all that I ask. A real quote, instead of your own defective memory and furtive imagination. When have I ever published a lie about Trump? Not a negative opinion; not any criticism. A lie. A false assertion about him. Do it. Find one. Not only do I think you can't; I know you can't.
Like so:
Show us your concern:
Water off a duck's back Drago. But you knew that. I don't recognize Chuck as anything but a conservative. But I do also recognize him as someone irrationally ganged up on here. For no good reason or useful purpose.
Smear Merchant Chuck, fully and completely abd irretrievably exposed as a lefty hack shill, regretting those undisciplined posting moments where he dropped the mask.
There is no going back.
There will be no rewriting of history.
There will be no History Resets for the leftists/LLR-leftists.
As they say in Hollywood, its in the can.
readering: "Water off a duck's back Drago. But you knew that. I don't recognize Chuck as anything but a conservative."
Thats what all lefty allies of Admitted Smear Merchant Mobys say.
Every single one.
Without exception.
A wet Tory like gerson, Brooks or frum but a conservative hardly
Look, we get it readering.
Every one of yours and LLR Chuck's and the other leftists attempts to smear Trump and conservatives with hoax dossiers and hoax collusion and hoax rape and hoax obstruction and hoax Logan Act and hoax emoluments and hoax 25th Amendment and many many other hoax accusations have all failed.
There is nothing left but to drag in Weismann and the other lefty hacks in a "closed" hearing with NO recording and NO transcripts and NO prohibitions for Congresspersons to share their "interpretation" of what was said to try one last time to reignite the hoaxes.
Spoiler: It will fail.
And Chuck will go to LLR-DEM-DEFCON 1 as Barr and Durham complete their work.
Probably, so the Donald reddit is not only banned but placed in the phantom zone but a pro white genocide site, they get a blue check mark.
More drivel.
readering: "More drivel."
Team Hoax would like to talk about drivel!
Now that is too funny!
Chuck refuses to explain his endgame.
(as usual)
Chuck: Fen you lying sack of shit. You don't have a quote from me. You don't have a link to anything I've written.
Chuck: ""Donald Trump actually plays the Titleist Pro V1x golf ball, not the Pro V1 as he has falsely claimed on numerous occasions"
Busted again.
readering: I don't recognize Chuck as anything but a conservative. But I do also recognize him as someone irrationally ganged up on here. For no good reason or useful purpose.
You're being willfully stupid. It has been pointed out almost 100 times now that Chuck is treated with such contempt because he is a moby pretending to be a Republican so he can cowardly attack the Right from the Fake Right.
But you already knew this. You're just being dishonest. It's why we can't have a reasonable and civil conversation with people like you, which leaves very few options on the table. Remember that when this cold war turns hot - you wanted this.
Lie to us some more.
Chuck: I have no idea why you continue to do this
(I know, and that amuses me to no end)
Still waiting for you to admit that you have no clue what golf ball Trump uses, much less whether he prefers the Titleist Pro V1 to the Pro V1x. Do it, you'll feel better about yourself in the morning and might even salvage a bit of your reputation here.
Whenever Trump talks about the Wall, I think of the wacko Libertarian Ron Paul. He was against a Wall because the US Government would use it to keep American citizens IN THE USA. That's 10x of crazy.
His son isn't much better. Trying to figure out what he's going to vote for is like trying to guess which tree my dog will pee on. It seems completely random and totally mysterious the a human mind.
Has Chuck dropped the LLR dodge or is he still claiming to be some sort of Fake Conservative. He reminds me of Bill Kristol or the girly men at National Review. When you're voting for Hillary or for the D's to Control congress because "Muh Conservatism" - you know the label has been drained of any meaning.
David Brooks is now wanking on about how the D's are "losing him". Don't worry David, they'll nominate another "Hillary Conservative" because the only difference between Hillary and Bernie is honesty.
Chuck said...
Rusty said...
Chuck said..."Fen I never said I wanted to unfairly misrepresent Trump or lie about him"
That's all you've ever done.
"Name one time that I have lied about Trump. Just one. It should be simple, right? You think "that's all [I] have ever done." Be sure to quote me and link to the quote. That's all that I ask. A real quote, instead of your own defective memory and furtive imagination. When have I ever published a lie about Trump? Not a negative opinion; not any criticism. A lie. A false assertion about him. Do it. Find one. Not only do I think you can't; I know you can't."
Chuck. You've been caught out so many times by so many commenters here that your challenge has no meaning. Go back in the archives and bring up every exchange we have had. Nobody here takes you seriously and you so desperately want to be taken seriously. But you continue lie a deceive the commentariat here. You haven't been honest since the first day you posted. You claimed he's lied about the wall, but the wall is being built, You claim he lied about getting rid of Obamacare and yet Obamacare is slowly being eroded away. He claimed he didn't collude, obstruct or was corrupt. And it turns out he didn't do any of those things. For a dishonest man Trump is turning out to be a pretty honorable one.
You're a silly, stupid liar, Rusty.
I never claimed that Trump lied about getting rid of Obamacare. What I said was that Trump was vandalizing it, and that is true. What I said was that Trump lied about "replacing" Obamacare. And that also is true. Trump hasn't replaced it and he won't. Because Trump doesn't have a clue about how to do it. Here are more of my comments on that.
About "the Wall," I said that no great wall would ever get built, and that Mexico would never pay for it as Trump promised. And I was right. Mexico is not paying for any wall, and in fact the only "wall" being built now are sections of old-fence replacement that were approved long ago. Here is what I really said, Rusty.
I didn't make any claims about "collusion." I said the opposite, you moron. More than a year ago, I was writing that I never expected there to be any "collusion" charges. You're too stupid and inattentive to have noticed.
Don't you feel like an asshole now? You couldn't come up with a quote or a link that made me a liar. But I came up with one that makes you a liar, on each of three of your main allegations. You nasty old cocksucker.
I don't lie ,Chuck. That's your purview. I didn't read the rest.
That's your problem, Rusty. When you get to any part that isn't pure Trump cultism, you stop reading.
Do everybody a favor, and stop addressing any of my comments. Until your reading performance improves.
Like AA states in comment to next DMZ post, you guys are just making the thread unreadable.
Do everybody a favor, and stop addressing any of my comments.
You do everybody a favor and stop making 'em.
Chuck said...
"That's your problem, Rusty. When you get to any part that isn't pure Trump cultism, you stop reading.
I explained Trumps attraction to his voters ad nauseum to you. The problem is you're thick.
"Do everybody a favor, and stop addressing any of my comments. Until your reading performance improves'"
I'll continue to call you out on your mis-statements.
Walls work. And form 4473 is the form EVERYONE must fill out to purchase a firearm.
Now go play with electricity. There's a good lad.
Obamacare was the vandalizing of the health care system, of which Roberts said 'lie back and think of england' the House proved it was bluffing in not bringing a repeal bill to the floor,
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