May 7, 2019

"Which post had that comment?" I ask after checking for the comment in last night's café...

... which begins with a photograph of flowers.

The line has become a running joke around here at Meadhouse: "The world is falling apart, and YOU'RE GARDENING?!?"

Where was that if not in the post that shows Meade's garden?

But it wasn't a comment, Meade tells me. In just one day, I'd lost track of the source and imagined we were talking about one of my trolls. And that demonstrates the perfection of this cartoon (in The New Yorker) by the great Roz Chast:

IN THE COMMENTS: Ignorance is Bliss said:
I made an on-topic comment about the garden, noting that any real gardener could tell how bad a gardener Trump is.
Then the zinnia started obsessively attacking me.
I sent you a private email requesting that you rip out all the zinnia, but of course you did not.
Your new weeding policy is a joke...


Meade said...

Your zinnia garden is crap.

tcrosse said...

Il faut cultiver notre jardin.

traditionalguy said...

Grow it Meade. Deer and rabbits need to eat too.

BarrySanders20 said...

Your coy garden is carp

Carter Wood said...

According to Hi and Lois, gardening is a romantic pursuit.

CJinPA said...

Socialism is coming to America and you're writing about The New Yorker talking about TROLLS???

Meanwhile, I watched the clip of Alan Dershowitz talking about New Yorkers talking three times, then watched the whole documentary. Now I'm writing about people talking about people talking.

stevew said...

LOL, love it.

The world is falling apart and you're watching GAME OF THRONES!!!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


walter said...

If AOC goes trans, wardrobe is ready for her.

tcrosse said...

Mary, Mary, quite contrary. How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells and one fucking zinnia.

MadBohemian said...

If socialism does come gardening will be our main way of procuring food.

My son and I will be planting an 18’ x 18’ garden plot we rented from the township.

traditionalguy said...

Just read last night’s cafe. That was some beautiful communications from the Althouse mind. Where have you been hiding that talent level.

Definitely Top Woman.

tim in vermont said...

You are right, that’s what I should be doing right now. After my second cup of coffee. I think the frost is all but over here.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I made an on-topic comment about the garden, noting that any real gardener could tell how bad a gardener Trump is.
Then the zinnia started obsessively attacking me.
I sent you a private email requesting that you rip out all the zinnia, but of course you did not.
Your new weeding policy is a joke...

walter said...

Anonymous MadBohemian said...
If socialism does come gardening will be our main way of procuring food.
It will be equitably distributed to those holed up binging on GoT.

tcrosse said...

@Ignorance is Bliss - Bravo!

walter said...

"LOL. You Lily sycophants are beyond hope."

Meade said...

Bravo is right!

Your denial of Marigolds is gross. Ugly. Hateful.

Rick.T. said...

Carpe daisies!

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Bliss wins!

Meade said...

Low Energy Zinnias... Crooked Fritillary... Sleepy Joe Begonia...

Bay Area Guy said...

Funny, Bliss!

I think we all should send Althouse private e-mails about important STUFF! Well, stuff that is important to US! Well, stuff that's probably not that important. Well, belay that. On second thought, no e-mails. Life is short.

Original Mike said...

5 minutes and still laughing.

I now understand why Althouse does not ban you know who.

Fen said...

We're not worthy, Bliss. :)

Sydney said...

LOL. I had real garden trolls once. They were two elderly Italian sisters with a community garden plot next to mine. They would say to me, often, "Whadda ya doin? Thatsa notta gonna work."

Anonymous said...

Under Socialism I may hunt in the morning and fish in the afternoon.

Hey, a guy's gotta eat!

Watering cans, how do they work?

FullMoon said...

That is pecan pie-in- the-face funny!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I made an on-topic comment about the garden, noting that any real gardener could tell how bad a gardener Trump is.
Then the zinnia started obsessively attacking me.
I sent you a private email requesting that you rip out all the zinnia, but of course you did not.
Your new weeding policy is a joke...

5/7/19, 8:28 AM

bagoh20 said...

No true gardener...

Yancey Ward said...

Expect a harshly worded e-mail sometime today, Ms. Althouse.

Paul Zrimsek said...

You, a lawn professor!

Be said...

"Il faut cultiver son jardin."

- Dead French Proto Socialist.

Major Roz Chast fan, due to her "Little Beverly Playing Cards" panel. She totally hit the nail on the head for this Little Beverly, anyway. Funny that she calls them trolls, as opposed to gnomes. Trolls live under bridges. Gnomes, natives of Zurich, tend to be into gardening.

narciso said...