"That" = another damned "Game of Thrones" reference.
I'm reading "Theresa May Meets Her Lonely End/It would be understandable to feel sympathy for anyone so isolated and vilified. I don’t" by Jenni Russell in the NYT. Pretty melodramatic, no? We're in decline, I'm coming to think, and you see it in the need for TV-show-style narrative. I would prefer for our politics to be boring, but we've become addicted to politics as entertainment, and I don't think we'll find a way out. Writing that, I see that I'm being melodramatic... meta melodramatic. So far gone!
५६ टिप्पण्या:
She wasn't the right person for the job. From what I understand about UK politics, and I understand very little, the Brexit referendum was a shock to all parties and no one in any leadership position expected it to work, including David Cameron and Teresea May. They really need to get Nigel Farage in there or someone else who has a clear idea about what a UK outside the EU looks like.
Except May didn't want Brexit, so she tried her best to hamstring it until they could force another referendum with the result they wanted.
Which was done before in Ireland or Spain. It worked then, so they hoped it would work now.
"Loneliness, desertion, and despair" - yes, she only had Power to keep her warm at night. Like you say, Melodrama on steroids.
Sads. The real question is why not sooner? She and the Tories broke their pledge to the people by not taking the UK out in March. And are the Tories FINALLY going to give the PM-ship to someone who supported Brexit? Or will we get another fake, who tries to stay in the EU, while pretending to exit?
Delivering Brexit was always going to be difficult, because it had been sold on a lie — that leaving would be simple and the future prosperous
Moronic thinking like this is why they continue to wallow in their own shyte. Nobody worth listening to said it would be easy and you have no idea what the economic impact will be, though I’d bet a fortune it won’t meet your armageddon fantasies. There’s pre EU evidence of that.
Funny how you wankers didn’t give up your currency- why is that?
Oh and you’ve lost the right to whine about US politics.
blindness... obstinacy... desertion and despair.
Nope. Treachery ended her.
And now, with hope and faith, we carefully watch the Establishment.
Will they learn from this and respect the will of the people? Or will it become necessary for us to drag them out into the snow and stain it red?
I hope I'm wrong, but I'm zeroing my rifle scope too.
I wouldn't put it past the Tories to throw an election - just to keep the UK in the EU.
She betrayed the people of England.
She deserves seppuku.
"Delivering Brexit was always going to be difficult, because it had been sold on a lie — that leaving would be simple and the future prosperous"
As Reagan said, there are simple answers, just no easy ones. Everyone knew that Brexit would be cause turmoil. If you remember, the Establishment told everyone Brexit would result in babies dying and starving mobs roaming the streets. Yep, the British people still wanted it.
Then, just like the US Establishment and Trump, they refused to accept the result. The worked to undermine it and they still aren't done scheming and trying to give the public a Fake Brexit that's really not.
She tried her best and her best wasn't good enough. Give her small credit for finally realizing that she failed, could never succeed, and needed to resign. It's the end of May, now almost June.
The NYT author misunderstands and downplays the Brexit phenomena.
What a surprise.
Here's a refresher course:
There's a group of elitists in England, who really don't care about the country, its history, its traditions, its culture. They prefer to hang with the Davos and Brussels crowd. As long as they make money with globalist ventures, they don't really care what happens to their lower class countrymen. Open borders! One currency! Corporatism, socialism, multiculturism and atheism for everybody!
Sound familiar?
Well, there's a few British folks, who aren't quite ready to surrender their sovereignty to the EU. So, they voted Yes on Brexit. Good for them. But for some reason, it's been bolloxed up and thwarted. Why is that?
I think future Prime Minister Nigel Farage might get the last laugh -- and the last milkshake.
British/Euro politicians are used to making decisions for the people: as rulers. When the people decide, they don't know how to deal with it...it's inconceivable.
There are only a couple of issues that need to be addressed, and they failed to put any plan in place in 3 years. They have no intention of making it easy for the British people and would work towards a plan which would deliberately hurt them.
Just cut the cord.
Everyone knew that Brexit would be cause turmoil. If you remember, the Establishment told everyone Brexit would result in babies dying and starving mobs roaming the streets. Yep, the British people still wanted it.
Yup. Some people would rather live a fat happy life with a collar around their necks. Other's would rather die of starvation as free men.
Then, just like the US Establishment and Trump, they refused to accept the result.
Exactly. Plus Australia and India this week.
Oh, on that note, in case anyone was following the dilemma of the FenWife NoKill Preserve, the two captured mice, Pinky and Brain, will be released in a State Park this weekend near a lake.
Average lifespan of a field mouse is two years, and despite nibbling on the electrics and Wife's new purse, they don't deserve to spend it in a cage, no matter how fancy and elaborate.
I'm sure some snake or owl will end them, but maybe they'll get to feel the sun on their twitchy little noses for a few weeks before then.
Boris Johnson as PM will probably not be boring.
"Compromise Is Not a Dirty Word" implored the French Collaborator as his people were shoved into cattle cars.
Nigel Farage struck down 2 kings - David Cameron and Teresa May. The elected continue to spurn and mock him. They don’t get that’s how you get more Farage.
The British elite are in a more precarious position than our elites. The British don’t have a written constitution. The premise of their system is Trust. Trust the people in charge to do the right/British thing. But when you lose that Trust what’s left? Nothing but Power and who has it. I expect some real turmoil in coming years as the British people come to grips with re-establishing Trust. Ain’t gonna be easy.
I think May didn't expect to end up in this position, but she was never going to produce a real Brexit. It has been obvious from the start, at least to me, that her goal all along was to delay Brexit until a second referendum could have held, or until opposition to Brexit made it possible to Parliament to withdraw the Article 50 notice. The EU cooperated by agreeing that the Article 50' deadline could be postponed or withdrawn in a ruling late last year. All that was needed from May was get Parliament to pick a path for doing so. This was the entire point of all the votes taken early this year on which path to take, but unfortunately for May, the Remain faction was too splintered to choose one with a majority vote.
My suspicion is that neither Boris Johnson, nor any other Brexit supporter will be allowed to become the Prime Minister- it will be yet another EU supporter, again with the goal of dragging it out until all the Brexit voters have died of old age.
That last part is only partially a joke.
"I think future Prime Minister Nigel Farage might get the last laugh -- and the last milkshake."
And then he does his Daniel Day Lewis imitation of "I Drink Your Milkshake!"
I DRINK IT UP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKQ3LXHKB34 (Bonus: "Don't bully me, Daniel!," the last words that character ever says)
The determination of who the PM becomes isn't up to just the Tory MPs- the party membership gets to vote, and that is 100K+ plus members. If it were simply the Tory MPs, then Johnson wouldn't have a prayer of winning. I don't know what the membership feels about this, though.
May and Bush should found a leaders who betrayed their voters club.
Invite Romney and McCain and murkowski and Flake...
In the prophetic 'head of state' Brexit comes after a full court press by a remainer establishment, preceded by a brief Johnson premiership, marr breaks down this corporate media government alliance.
I never understood the logic of it or why the put up with it to begin with:
Jefferson: ...that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and-
EU: Alright already, we get it. Fill out these forms and submit them to the Committee for the Enter For A Chance to Win, your hearing is scheduled for... how does 10am Tues, 14 Oct 1803 sound to you?
Just walk into Brussels, pull out the treaty and rip it in half. If they still pretend not to get it, launch a few missiles into the Ministry of Bureaucrats to drive the point home. Agreeing to some 5-year schedule to void a contract only played into the hands of corrupt oligarchs who never intended to act in good faith.
As I understand the plot line of GoT, it's an oppressed woman winding up in charge and becoming a tyrant and going crazy and getting thrown out (Klavan's summary), whereas May is just incompetent.
Ah fen, the organizing principles were put together by a Marxist aldo spinelli in secret, like the array In the matrix
The job was to keep the UK in the union, and to make exiting a most painful exercise.
She says she tried her best. Is she lying to herself, or to the voters?
Michael K: Exactly. Plus Australia and India this week."
And Israel a month ago. And now Brazil. And Hungary. And previously Denmark.
Anyone see a pattern?
The Western socialist elites want consolidation of the western world under Brussels control and they are more than happy to vote out their own citizens thru migration and destroy western civ to get that result.
I don't know what the membership feels about this, though.
They hated Churchill who had crossed over twice.
However, "Nothing concentrates a man's mind like the prospect of being hanged in a fortnight."
A General Election is coming.
Btw, I predicted the downfall of each of the 4 "leaders" Inga proclaimed the "New Leaders Of The Free World": Merkel, May, Macron and (I kid you not) Trudeau.
The Inga Endorsement Of Political Death.
If you listen closely you can barely make out a muffled "you dont know what MI6 knows!!!" coming from under the sofa....
MK: "A General Election is coming."
For the Tories who went full English Version of NeverTrump on Brexit, Winter Is Coming.....
Everyone knew that Brexit would be cause turmoil.
Non-Brexit is causing turmoil. If they had done the hard Brexit on the original schedule, the issues would now be obvious and fixes would be underway. By prolonging the period of uncertainty, the people who would be making plans and fixing things have nothing to work with.
"you dont know what MI6 knows!!!"
OT, but will the recent turns in Australia and Great Britain help Trump get more info regarding what went on during Spygate?
Probably downer for instance was more tied to gillard and Turnbull regimes
The French rejected the Euro constitution in a plebiscite in 2005, fought out essentially on populist vs centralizing arguments, also cutting across traditional political lines. In retrospect a forerunner of current political alignments.
Quite an embarrassment.
But the French government resolved all that in 2007 through legislation, no need for another plebiscite.
Ireland also has a plebiscite rejecting its treaty, but the government eventually forced a redo.
They secured through legislation and treaty what they could never do through force of arms
pacwest: "OT, but will the recent turns in Australia and Great Britain help Trump get more info regarding what went on during Spygate?"
I dont believe so but only because I believe Trump is going to cross this Rubicon regardless.
May is out along with that GCHQ idiot pal of Brennan and the Aussie govt was just reelected and can weather the storm.
Fen: Some people would rather live a fat happy life with a collar around someone else's necks.
FIFY. Remember, the people making the decisions never live with the effects. They're behind gated walls, or can fly off to some other nation without regret.
In other news, apparently Nadler was sent to the hospital after nearly choking to death on an intern that he swallowed whole after unlocking his jaw.
According to Trump, the British Prime Minister is Teresa May, so this other May character is safe in her job.
The England I loved and grew up in died the day they opened the Chunnel.
According to Trump, the British Prime Minister is Teresa May, so this other May character is safe in her job.
OMG..he forgot the H...impeach now!!!!
"According to Trump, the British Prime Minister is Teresa May, so this other May character is safe in her job"
I'm a dumbshit leftist. During the George Bush years I spent all my time attacking Bush - no matter what the topic. Now, I turn everything into a chance to attack Trump. You may find it boring, but I'm too stupid to understand that.
Your typical Liberal/Leftist.
"According to Trump, the British Prime Minister is Teresa May, so this other May character is safe in her job."
Interesting stuff. I've seen an increase on of attacks on spelling errors from Trump lately. I'd guess it is similar to spelling attacks on the internet. The attackers are idiots that can't make a good faith argument. I feel the same when I see attacks based on the 57 states error by Obama btw.
For someone with 6months education Andrew Carnegie is a fine, fine, writer. Recently reread (via Librivox) his superb bio of James Watt. Currently rereading, also via librivox his great autobiography.
I heard this last night and this megilla the Brits are having reminded me of it. Carnegie is talking about a visit he made in 64 to the new oilfields in Western PA. He has some thoughts on the difference between British and Americans
It would be safe to wager that a thousand Americans in a new land would organize themselves, establish schools, churches, newspapers, and brass bands--in short, provide themselves with all the appliances of civilization--and go ahead developing their country before an equal number of British would have discovered who among them was the highest in hereditary rank and had the best claims to leadership owing to his grandfather. There is but one rule among Americans--the tools to those who can use them.
John Henry
"Oh, on that note, in case anyone was following the dilemma of the FenWife NoKill Preserve, the two captured mice, Pinky and Brain, will be released in a State Park this weekend near a lake."
Whoa. That would be illegal in Washington State.
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she is still till june 7th, but like they said of Cromwell, 'for the love of guard, please depart'
Merkel macron May
Yellow vests.
All fall while Trump rises.
Then there’s Prime Minister Zoolander. He’s not doing so well, either.
Bring on Boris!
And Natasha!
I look forward to seeing Boris and Trump sharing a stage, as well as sharing a hairdo.
Field mouse is commonly mis-identified. Actually known as vole. Voles eat plant materials. I'm battling them as we speak. They destroy shrubbery. Nothing cute about 'em. Lots of em through high volume litters, and lots of litters. Destroying the yews round here!
"Oh, on that note, in case anyone was following the dilemma of the FenWife NoKill Preserve, the two captured mice, Pinky and Brain, will be released in a State Park this weekend near a lake."
Whoa. That would be illegal in Washington State.
Maryland here. So I guess I'm living dangerously.
"...and then I took a hatchet to the bank teller. But what are you in for Fen?"
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