The ad has ordinary-looking people pissed off and saying things like:
Now you tell us to wait for the next election? Really? Really? Really? This is why we volunteered. Raised money. Went door to door. And voted in the last election. Our founding fathers expected you — Congress — to hold a lawless president accountable. And you’re doing nothing. Nothing. Nothing. He broke his oath of office. He’s defying you. Laughing at you. And he’s getting away with it.Sargent comments:
Of course, Democrats aren’t doing “nothing.” But there is the risk that if their oversight is neutered and they don’t act, this picture of fecklessness will be the reigning one.Plainly believe? It's not clear what they believe, even if they plainly say an impeachment inquiry is warranted. I think they most likely believe in winning elections. I judge what people really believe based on what they actually do.
Is there a better way to handle this? Perhaps not. Because, at bottom, the core question is whether it is acceptable for Democrats to refrain from an impeachment inquiry in the face of corruption and misconduct they plainly believe merits one....
I assume the Democrats believe in using the idea of impeachment without actually conducting impeachment proceedings and one reason they stop where they do is that they don't really believe what they are saying, that what Trump did warrants impeachment.
२१४ टिप्पण्या:
214 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Did a drunken Hillary Clinton really believe that "the Russkis did it" when she said that in the early morning after the 2016 election?
If she was rational (which assumes a fact not in evidence) than she clearly could not have believed that. But then she's Hillary. So there is that.
I assume the Democrats believe in using the idea of impeachment without actually conducting impeachment proceedings and one reason they stop where they do is that they don't really believe what they are saying, that what Trump did warrants impeachment.
(organ music) Ahhhhh-meeeeeennnnnnnn.
Funny how inauthentic action, like the current non-impeaching impeachment kabuki actually repels the constituency it pretends to serve. Kind of like “Compassionate Conservatism” did.
Steyer shouldn't be in his own TV ads. Radios okay...
Those people sound like the assholes at the next table over what spoil date nite.
I infer that they believe impeaching Trump will make him even stronger. I also infer they don’t care whether Trump or any president “obstructed justice.”
Clinton was caught red-handed lying to the grand jury and lying in a deposition. Pelosi and Nadler votes not to impeach him. Trump’s “Obstruction” is very nebulous. 90% of it is tweets. Trump didn’t lie and didn’t tell anyone to lie to a grand jury or investigators.
And Trump was right it was a witch hunt and a hoax.
Bill Clinton refused to resign. And Trump has twice the energy and 5 times The I don’t hive a fuck attitude Bill Clinton had.
Trump will tweet his way through impeachment while he runs for re-election and governs. “Low Energy” is the biggest insult for Trump.
He will be incredibly tough to follow as president. The man loves action. Everyone else looks so much slower in comparison. W and Obama were pretty lazy as it was. Compared to Trump, they were fucking couch potato presidents.
Boy, that's a lot of misinformation in that ad.
I think if i follow your logic, they believe impeachment hurts their re election chances and they don't care much either way that it is warranted. They might base that on the fact they believe the public doesn't think its warranted and that itself hurts them too much to use proceedings as an impeachment tool.
It's funny how those people can pick up in the middle of one another's sentences.
The next video up showed deBlasio assuring us that there is plenty of money....."It's just in the wrong hands!!".
It'd be funny for the elected officials they're whinging about to tell them to STFU. It's not like these hard cores are going to stay home in that next election. Kinda the leftie version of shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue.
Tom Steyer needs some help with his branding. He should pay Trump for advice.
Steyer is another guy who works for Trump. They all work for him.
The video that starts right after the one in question is DeBlasio, who begins by announcing (not an exact quote, but pretty close): "There's plenty of money in this world and in this country. Problem is that it's in the wrong hands."
Not sure that is a "road to the White House" pronouncement.
Warranted, not warranted--that's not the Democrats' calculus. The leadership has concluded that impeachment proceedings will hurt them electorally in 2020, but that they can still reap some gains from continuing investigations. If they believed, like Steyer, that they'd be better off electorally going ahead with impeachment, then ahead they would go. Principle has nothing to do with this; practicality has everything to do with it.
I'm not sure that advertising works the way you think it does.
"Lawless" in what way? Donald Trump is the most law-abiding president we've had since G.H.W. Bush, particularly when contrasted with his predecessor and his opponent from 2016.
If the Democrats want to really get hammered good and hard in the next election, let them go ahead and bring impeachment to a vote.
This ad is surely a troll masterpiece produced by Republican dirty tricksters.
Are we sure Tom Steyer is a Democrat?
I loved the way they paired voting with the founding fathers in a message completely built around ignoring the outcome of an election.
Plainly believe? It's not clear what they believe, even if they plainly say an impeachment inquiry is warranted. I think they most likely believe in winning elections. I judge what people really believe based on what they actually do.
The smart, ruthless ones don't believe the bullshit about impeachment just as they knew CBF was a total hoax. They are out to get power by trying to c create their own reality. It is remarkably cynical.
They have a lot of followers (e.g., the usual suspects here) who do believe the bullshit because they are cultists incapable of independent reasoning.
RE: "One reason they stop where they do is that they don't really believe what they are saying, that what Trump did warrants impeachment."
Other possibilities:
(1) They believe that he broke the Law, but they can't prove it.
(2) They believe that he broke Laws -- somewhere, and they can prove it. We have so many laws that everyone has broken the Law. If they crack open President Trump's life and look hard enough, they will find criminality. ["Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."] The DNC won't go there, because using the Law that way to solve political problems will be used against them.
(3) Because the process of impeachment leads to short term political failure, and the DNC puts political success ahead of all other considerations.
Steyer is a terrible spokes person. He drives the better half nuts. We watch very little live TV, but when Steyer shows up, we change channels.
I have seen the left on TV still accusing President Trump of crimes. They contend the Mueller report, lays out crimes....then they move onto some other topic. Leaving President Trump, and Crimes, in the same sentence. Painfully obvious that all the media wants to do is sow doubt, regardless of the fact that we just spent 2 year investigating the President for crimes and found zero. 2 years and no obstruction of justice. President Trump has a clean bill.
The media is either writing the script for the deception, or just going along with it. I lean toward the former. The Media is writing the script. Dems are just taking orders.
I have seen Dem candidates yesterday in Pennsylvania, and today in Louisiana Making the case the voters care about jobs and wages, and Dems promise to address that. No push back about President Trump actually has addressed and improved those conditions and continue to work on it with forcing China to trade in good faith.
As our hostess points out, I will judge by actions, not words.
Dems can't state the counts of impeachment with any specificity. Look at Rep. Green's impeachment resolution. Laughable. I can't believe any lawyer wrote it.
They have no facts. They have no evidence. They are insane.
Same with a Biden video I saw last night. Lots of angry people asserting that Trump is an illegitimate president. It only begged the question, in what way? Make the case.
It’s all about lying to a misinformed voting block.
They won’t impeach because there’s nothing impeachable, but lie about things to make people hate him.
Tell people that trump is shutting down the government when it’s the liars that are actually doing it.
These are nasty liars.
Insanity. The democrats and the corrupt deep state have done everything they can to cover for Hillary, and shoot Trump in the head with a magic bullet.
I assume the Democrats believe in using the idea of impeachment without actually conducting impeachment proceedings and one reason they stop where they do is that they don't really believe what they are saying, that what Trump did warrants impeachment
And the irony is delicious with a dash of smug: The Democrat politician is promising impeachment hearings to get money and support from people who feel they have been tricked by Democrat politicians promising to hold impeachment hearings....
...not this hill, keep your powder dry, we don't have the votes, but write us a check and maybe once we retake the House... and maybe the Senate...
Biden is the tell that voters don't care about what these lunatics are selling. Steyer is helping to destroy California. You would think that would be enough.
Here's one of the things that the Rep. Al Green thinks Trump should be impeached for:
"On July 26, 2017, Donald John Trump made a public statement substantially as follows: “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail”, and thereby casting contempt on transgender individuals, inciting hate and hostility, and sowing discord among the people of the United States on the basis of gender."
The actors portray the type of unblinking people you move away from as quickly as possible when you meet them at a party.
Show us the evidence.
That said, Obama spied, Clinton colluded, Biden interfered, DNC denied, and WaPo, CNN et al prosecuted a multi-trimester cover-up. Despite Deep Plunger's efforts, Water Closet is still soiling the political climate. Case-in-point: a warlock trial in progress, with witch hunts in the wings.
Here's the breakdown of the Video:
1) Middle Aged yenta with short hair and a bad dress - 6 appearances
2) Two black women - 6 appearances
3) Asian & Hispanic Guys - 4 Appearances
4) Senior Citizen White Guy - 4 appearances
5) College Students - 3 Appearances
6) White Guys ages 25-60 - 2 appearances.
Looks like the Film-makers know their audience. BTW, from the background and weather it looks like the whole thing was shot in SoCal.
And what a boldfaced lie. Democrats must be stupid:
Meuller did not show obstruction. That's the whole reason his report was a dud.
They did everything they could to entrap the President of the United States and failed. 3 years and $48 million to prove that Donald Trump refused to obstruct justice.
Skunks gotta spray
I hope our Stupid party plays the Resistance game and smears/investigates from day 1 in the future.
New Rules!
I assume the Democrats believe in using the idea of impeachment without actually conducting impeachment proceedings and one reason they stop where they do is that they don't really believe what they are saying, that what Trump did warrants impeachment.
My belief also.
I also believe that establishment Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi, are not really all that invested in the idea of impeachment.
* * *
It's funny to me that the "something" the meme-people want Congress to do is essentially "nothing." Tie up the legislative agenda with impeachment hearings? Nothing else will happen. What if Trump is impleached? Nothing else will happen.
Those people and their beliefs are just amazing to me. Everything they said can be debunked or shown to be true of every President. I hear these bullshit opinions about Trump every day, and I just have to assume they never listen to or consider any opposing information. They are simply misinformed dummies. They are mad becuase they bought a bunch of lies, and refuse to blame the liars. They must have edited out the stuff where they tell us the Earth is flat. This level of stupid with our people is far more dangerous than Trump would be, even if their claims were all true.
I hope the Democrats listen to Billionaire Anti-American Steyer. Go after that "obstruction of justice" charge Democrats!
That was last summer's circus. A new show is in town and circus master Barr will be showcasing the never before tamed Brennan and Comey.
There is nothing to do because the President did nothing.
There is nothing to impeach except the lawless traitors who attempted this coup.
There is nothing they can do but start the process of getting sane.
"People looking pissed...."
Yeah...that would be us. The sane.
Althouse: "I assume the Democrats believe in using the idea of impeachment without actually conducting impeachment proceedings and one reason they stop where they do is that they don't really believe
what they are saying, that what Trump did warrants impeachment."
That is precisely what LLR Chuck-approved Pelosi said publicly yesterday.
She knows she has to keep feeding the leftys and LLR's who sit at her feet waiting for that all important next rhetorical tidbit needed to nourish their unquenchable hate which is married to their invincible ignorance and ironically their unearned sense of complete superiority.
This is why Biden is so dangerous. He puts a happy face on all the Democrat insanity. He lets people imagine "Good Ol' Joe" isn't a crazy like all the other Dems, and if elected, he'll just be normal and nice.
Except, that's not what will happen. "Good Ol'Joe" isn't a "crazy" but he has ZERO desire to fight the "Crazies". Put him there with Schumer and Pelosi and this country is finished.
You know, right wingers got pretty worked up over Obama but I can't recall ANYONE of any credibility talking about impeaching him just out of spite. And with Clinton, it came at the end of a long and bitter process where we found out Clinton actually was guilty of something and essentially dared the GOP to do anything about it.
But this disconnection of impeachment from any standard of reason or proportion and simply as an expression of political will? It's like assassins advocating the death penalty for murderers. How can they not see where it ultimately will end?
After 2 + years of the Democratic media, led by 10 million dollar Maddow, insisting that Trump IS guilty, IS a Russian agent, IS "walls are closing in"... criminal, because Adam Schit and Michael Avanetti insist it's a foregone conclusion... Trump Is.. going to be... found guilty... of collusion with Russia any minute now. The walls are closing in. Where there's smoke there is fire.
All that lying to the seal-clapping hive mind - this is the result. Insanity.
"He broke his oath of office."
How did he break his oath of office? Crooked lying democrats.
One of them looks like that Eric guy from the show with the hot tall redhead.
Thank you famous Hollywood Actors!
And Hey! Thanks for the NotInstaLaunch! :) Look around the comment. Enjoy yourself, and maybe click through the Althouse Portal for your 2020 Election Gear! The Left is taking away our Freedom Of Speech, so we have no choice but to take their's from them,until they agree that's it wrong and they stop.
I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.
Everyone has made the Watergate analogy. They always fail to play it out.
Nixon was not impeached.
The Democrats set out not to impeach Nixon. But to drive his poll numbers low enough to have Republicans to abandon him.
That is exactly what happened. Republicans went to Nixon and said."we no longer will support any of your legislative priorities. Fight this if you must, Republicans will vote for impeachment... For political expediency, you, the Republican Party, and the Nation would be better served by your resignation."
The debate about what is or isn't a high crime and misdemeanor, only serves the Democrat talking point, pretending to act like legislators full filling their constitutional duty. That is not the goal. The goal is investigation, and unsubstantiated accusations in a last gasp attempt to run President Trump out of DC, by poll numbers in the low 30's. The must, because as Representative Green, has stated, President Trump must be impeached, or he will be re-elected.
And don't forget:
"In any cell containing 2 or more operatives, assume at least 1 FBI informant" - The Book of Fen, 10:5
"Happy face" could be a good tag for Joe Biden. That's essentially all he is.
Steyer is an agent for other people.
His gig was "wealth management", which is mainly about money-laundering and tax evasion.
The other interesting gig was managing university endowments. Hmmm. Connections and connections, questions about who got him those clients, or why those clients sought him.
He got very rich off that, but I suspect he is not really wealthy enough to be independent, in spite of his poses.
There is a story behind this man, names and purposes. We can guess, perhaps, based on the policies he pushes. Cui bono?
"Democrats’ “Wait For Mueller” strategy"
lol, and how did that work out?
Trump must be paying the Democrats to continually take a dive. It's like watching the Harlem Globetrotters take on the Washington Generals over, and over, and over again.
The next video up showed deBlasio assuring us that there is plenty of money
ah, so that's who that is. Thanks.
One of them looks like that Eric guy from the show with the hot tall redhead.
Yah. Blond Topher Grace. I had to go back twice to see if it was him.
Trump took money from foreign governments? I don't remember that.
They're just flinging shit now.
Republicans went to Nixon and said."we no longer will support any of your legislative priorities. Fight this if you must, Republicans will vote for impeachment.
It worked with Nixon for two reasons. He had done some stuff that was dumb, like paying some of the burglars.
Two, he was not a transformational president on domestic affairs. He was obsessed with the Vietnam War just as Bush was obsessed with Iraq. Neither was popular.
The hysteria about Iran is wishful thinking by Democrats. The Guardian today has a scare headline about Bolton
Trump is all about the economy, which is improving rapidly in the recovery that should have followed the 2008 panic but was delayed by Obama ten years;
buwaya, I have to disagree about Steyer. He's worth over $1B at this point, and what extremely shrewd and powerful person, let coterie of such people, would choose such a no-charisma dud as their spokesperson? This is his vanity.
Same with a Biden video I saw last night. Lots of angry people asserting that Trump is an illegitimate president. It only begged the question, in what way? Make the case.
I'm hoping FOX finds the video of McCain* defending Obama at a campaign stop, when a Supporter shouted out some accusation about Obama. He put a stop to it because it wasn't true.
I would like to see Biden forced to explain why he is not a tenth of the Statesman that McCain was, because McCain shut down lies. Biden encourages them.
*not sure is was McCain
right wingers got pretty worked up over Obama
Promises of redistributive change will do that to people.
Althouse is right to question the "belief". Cynicism rules the Democrats on this issue. The Steyers of the world are probably true believers, but the Pelosis are cynics.
he started out in very non renewable coal, but he has always been a democrat, and a tool according to an acquaintance who was a roommate at yale,
Nixon was walloped mostly by the shock provoked by the 73 oil embargo, which supercharged inflation, after he removed wage and price controls,
"He's worth over $1B at this point"
But if he drops out of this game, how much of that does he get to keep?
How is he leveraged? I wonder.
I believe he is a sort of consigliere, acting as an agent to finance things his bosses want financed, and to be their public face. An untainted public face.
That he is in person uncharismatic is less of an issue, as long as he is trustworthy and reliably serves their interests.
I don't really see how the Tom Steyer ad really helps Mr. Steyer. there are a lot of Democratic candidates and they are mostly left wing, impeach the president types. Meanwhile, Biden, who is relatively main-stream, will easily win the nomination.
Another phenomenon is that there really are (Althouse probable knows a few IRL) people who are absolutely certain that Trump is: A traitor, a criminal, a lawless president, has violated the constitution. Never mind that any evidence is either non-existent or spurious, they believe it. They have become a problem for Democrats. Early in the Trump presidency, if they could have buffaloed Trump out of office, Pence would have played the role that Ford played and the Democrats would have won the next election. At this point, impeachment would only help Trump (since it would fail to remove him) and he already has a terrific record to run on.
So basically, the Democrats are screwed.
I'm reading the Mueller Report and every other page, someone suggests some kind of meetup with Russians but the campaign comes back nah we don't want to do that.
So this is impeachable?
In-Grid - Tu Es Foutu
This ad seems to me to be totally ineffective. The people that the ad is directed towards, those infected with rabid, frothing at the mouth Trump hatred, are already going to vote, sign petitions, go door to door, whatever. Those are not the people that need convincing. The people that need convincing to go out and vote for Democratic congressmen and against President Trump are the other 80%. This ad does nothing to entice them to do what the ad desires. In fact, I would say that it has the opposite effect as it would lead one to believe that they are casting their lot in with a bunch of bitch-ass losers led by a man who seems to be begging to be punched in the face.
Steyer demands the donks march right into Trump's bayonet. If he's not working for Trump, he ought to be.
For me, Tom Steyer and his ilk raise the question: Why are so many billionaires such dumbasses when it comes to understanding the motivations of regular human beings?
The ad is supposedly targeted to Democrat Party leaders, telling them to listen to their most active supporters.
But the other audience for the ad are those most active supporters. And the ad tells them this: Stay home. Stop volunteering. Stop donating. Your efforts are wasted.
The Rethuglican party must be stopped because that is the evil monster that created Trump, and it is the party of the rich. The NRA is the violent offshoot of the GOP. It, too, must be stopped. It won't be easy because you can't stamp out fascist white nationalism by simply wishing it away.
Whenever somebody references T.R.'s "malefactors of great wealth" quote, Steyer is one of the names that always pops into my head (ever since he came to Iowa to screw with our elections).
Somebody wondered in a comment to a prior post why Althouse doesn't watch Game of Thrones.
The real-life American politics game is so much more entertaining.
The Rethuglican party must be stopped because that is the evil monster that created Trump, and it is the party of the rich.
Frannie, (or is it Inga?),
You really are out of touch and terribly ill informed.
The GOP did not create Trump. He is recreating the GOP.
Republicans are the party of the upwardly mobile middle class. Dems are the party of rich and poor, like California.
Back to troll school for you.
Fran Waxman,
Which character were you in the Tom Steyer video?
They need to check the bias and skew of their opinion sample.
As I've said before, I live and work in Massachusetts, bluest of blue states, and among the regular folk I'm with on a day to day basis, almost 90% Democrat, there is no talk of impeachment. A fair amount of questions like, "what the hell was the point of that Mueller thing?". They know I'm not a fellow traveler but also that I'm not a Republican, so I don't think they are holding back from saying what they truly think.
Sorry. Laughed through every second of this.
"Do something!"
Sure, they'll get back to you on that.
I think Tom Steyer is a very rich man, a nerd for nearly all his life , and he’s doing this for social cred and to pull chicks. If he were more effective I’d buy the pawn for deep state types bit, or maybe I’m missing a dimension of this.
How else is a dud like Tom Steyer going to get to hang with cool celebrity babes?
I've been reading this blog for many years now, and A.A. is at her best when analyzing the difference between what is being said and what is meant, using her constitution-parsing experience and (apparent) love of precise language as the tools to do so. This is a valuable service.
Very interesting:
"Fran Waxman,
Which character were you in the Tom Steyer video?"
I hate Trump, but I didn't like the video that focused solely on him, and not on the rank and file conservative bowel movement. Look what they're doing in Alabama by trying to revisit Roe. How many women's lives will they destroy to get their evil way? Remember that Alabama was the home of
George Wallace and the Klan.
The broad narrative before the public is 1) Trump likely colluded with Russia to illegitimately gain power, 2) thorough two-year investigation by respected-by-both-sides Mueller, 3) surprise but accepted result of no collusion, 4) time to impeach.
The election is about persuading persuadable people. And no persuadable person can follow or accept that logic.
iowan2: "The Democrats set out not to impeach Nixon. But to drive his poll numbers low enough to have Republicans to abandon him."
It is my belief that Mitt Romney ran for the Senate in 2018 with the idea that seeming inevitable looming impeachment of Trump would allow Romney to be a modern day Howard Baker in demanding Trump step down.
Romney saw his chance to go down in history as a hero to the republic.
Instead he will be remembered as the Quisling who sided with the coupsters out of ignorance and cowardice.
"Our founding fathers expected you — Congress — to hold a lawless president accountable. And you’re doing nothing. Nothing. Nothing. He broke his oath of office."
What is he talking about?
Blogger Fran Waxman said...
The Rethuglican party must be stopped because that is the evil monster that created Trump,
There cluelessness of the new troll is breathtaking. It does show how deep in the leftist bubble these people are, which is reassuring as she has no idea about politics or what is happening in the country.
As someone else said the other day, 90% of the leftist twitter crap is by 20% of the users. Biden is being elevated by the normal Democrats who aren't crazy. They are mistaken but the crazies, like the new troll, scare them more than they scare us.
Those Handmaid's Tale outfits are going to be flying off the shelves.
"Our founding fathers expected you — Congress — to hold a lawless president accountable. And you’re doing nothing. Nothing. Nothing. He broke his oath of office."
"What is he talking about?"
It's right there in the next: nothing. ;-)
Fran Waxman said...I hate Trump, but I didn't like the video that focused solely on him, and not on the rank and file conservative bowel movement.
You know what I hate most about trolls? You're boring. Could you, if your life depended on it, say something that wasn't childish or derivative?
At least give it a try. Put some effort into this.
I'm not sure that the people quoted are average Democratic voters vs. partisan hacks like Steyer, whose "money" is the only truth in his "Jihad" against President Trump. When one states, "....I assume the Democrats believe in using the idea of impeachment without actually conducting impeachment....." and don't follow through with such pronouncements of course the Democrats will get hammered. If they follow through with the "Impeachment" threat, and no evidence appears, that will be the end of the Democratic party for a few decades.
I judge what people really believe based on what they actually do.
Steyer reminds me of Officer Judy in appearance and demeanor.
Instead he will be remembered as the Quisling
I don't think he will be remembered at all, but his vanity has become his most memorable trait.
"Somebody wondered in a comment to a prior post why Althouse doesn't watch Game of Thrones.
The real-life American politics game is so much more entertaining."
In Am. politics I find all the major characters to be boring. They are predictable. Or they are annoying. Or their dialogue sounds like, "blah blah blah blah blah" to me.
"I'm not sure that the people quoted are average Democratic voters vs. partisan hacks like Steyer,"
Yeah midwest polls show these "scandals" as dead last on a list of concerns. And the only polls that will matter in 2020 are the midwest and Pennsylvania.
Western Pennsylvania counts as the mid-west, I think.
As Fran suggests, Roe will turn out to be The Big Issue in the 2020 election, especially if RBG continues to be far from well.
Joe B is using the Clinton triangulation theory. I'm left, I can save you from that nut-job Trump. But I'm not one of those nut jobs on the extreme left (too many to name individually), I will save you from them.
I'm with Ann on her last two paragraphs. Dems are blowing cover themselves.
2018 was test run of Democrat vote harvesting techniques that will be used in places like Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati in 2020.
The idea is to have in person votes on election day adjusted by selectively counting votes from a pool cast by early and mail in voters.
What a weird assumption on your part. Because I expect it is so completely baseless; that Democrats (or others) don’t really want to impeach Trump.
I would personally love to see Trump impeached, tried in the Senate, convicted and removed from office. And that coming from a lifelong Republican. Imagine what Democrats who abhor every Trump policy and judicial nomination think!
But I don’t want a concocted impeachment. I don’t want a failed impeachment that only feeds energy to the Trump Cult.
Just like I would hate to see Trump get assassinated; if it made Trump into some kind of martyr and prolonged his cult status.
I think we need much more of an investigation of Trump to get to a place in the national debate and within a majority of the Republican Conference in the Senate, where an impeachment of Trump would be useful to the larger cause of ending his days as President.
You may remember that Chuck claims to have voted for Trump.
But you can trust his judgement now! Really!
I'm beginning to think that Chuck is a parody account, like many think trumpit is.
gosh that is too funny. i hope they play this a lot, all over the nation, all the way to election day. cheers!
"And that coming from a lifelong Republican. Imagine what Democrats who abhor every Trump policy and judicial nomination think!"
Really? You think there's a difference between you and them?
"And nothing happened" pretty much sums up the results of everything they have thrown at Trump since even before he was elected. What else have they got? Bring it on, sayeth POTUS.
I was not a strong supporter of Trump in 2016 although I did vote for him. However, after all of the desperate, ridiculous attacks on him since the election I am more inclined to defend and support him. I will vote for him enthusiastically in 2020.
Those Handmaid's Tale outfits are going to be flying off the shelves.
Under the current Pro-Choice establishment, what happens to the mother and her/their child upon reaching the age or state of viability? Someone has mentioned that Stork makes the delivery with or without the mother's consent, and a planned baby must still be evacuated and disposed (sometimes recycled).
What, in specific words, would constitute the phraseology of the articles of impeachment of Trump? Seriously. The House managers would look ridiculous and Pelosi knows it...
I would personally love to see Trump impeached, tried in the Senate, convicted and removed from office.
On what charge, specifically?
Blogger Original Mike said...
"And that coming from a lifelong Republican. Imagine what Democrats who abhor every Trump policy and judicial nomination think!"
Really? You think there's a difference between you and them?
Of course I do.
They hate Mitch McConnell; I love Mitch McConnell. They voted for Obama; I voted for McCain and Romney. They tried to derail the Gorsuch and Kavanaugh nominations. I supported those nominations. Along with Roberts, Thomas and Alito.
All that I have in common with Democrats is a sense of revulsion about Trump.
What the Hannity/Limbaugh crowd has in common with Democrats is their shared hatred of Mitch McConnell.
On what charge, specifically?
Trump is the vile Pretender who usurped the throne from its rightful heir, thus forfeiting the Mandate of Heaven and upsetting the Balance of the Cosmos.
yo Chuck and Maddow:
Revulsion doesn't count as a way to oust a sitting president.
“Corruption”? “Misconduct”? WTF!?
These Democrats are either incredibly evil or hopelessly delusional or both. How can decent people understand the indifference of their Effluent Party and their pet mediaswine to efforts by their own people and high ranking federal intelligence and law enforcement officials to frame the President of the United States. To FRAME the President!
Blogger MadisonMan said...
“I would personally love to see Trump impeached, tried in the Senate, convicted and removed from office.”
On what charge, specifically?
Something— anything— so clear and convincing and beyond reasonable doubt that even a weepy Sean Hannity would be calling on Trump to resign first.
Could Chief Justice Roberts dismiss the impeachment proceedings for the articles of impeachment lacking an allegation that constitutes a high crime or misdemeanor? Asking for a friend...
"Just like I would hate to see Trump get assassinated; if it made Trump into some kind of martyr and prolonged his cult status."
Wow, what a piece of shit you are, buddy, in case anyone on the planet is still fooled by the calls for civility and Return to Normalcy.
Nonetheless, your wishes could not matter less. It's our turn now, and given how long Durham has apparently been investigating I wouldn't bet a lot on your boys like Comey, Roberts and Burr staying off the hotseat.
Something— anything— so clear and convincing and beyond reasonable doubt <
Nothing then. OK Thanks Chuck
Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
yo Chuck and Maddow:
Revulsion doesn't count as a way to oust a sitting president.
I never claimed it did, you fuckhead.
"Something— anything—"
IOW, it doesn't matter.
How can you not be swayed by Tom Steyer's concerned looks and worried voice? Come on, people. Steyer is worried and concerned! We must do something!
I think we need much more of an investigation of Trump
Investigation of what? Congress has constitutional oversight. That oversight needs legislative intent. Getting rid of the President because he twists their knickers is not legislative intent. Sniffing around his business practices from 8 years before he was President is not legislative intent. If their is an accusation of a crime, that falls outside the power of Congress. Only the executive branch can investigate crime.
This is very simplistic logic. A lawyer would be able to reason through this in his sleep.
A real lawyer would anyway
Our founding fathers expected you — Congress — to hold a lawless president accountable. And you’re doing nothing. Nothing. Nothing. He broke his oath of office. He’s defying you. Laughing at you. And he’s getting away with it.
Who are they talking about? Roosevelt (either one)? Lincoln?
I never claimed it did, you fuckhead.
I think you have. Revulsion and differences of opinion on whether it is acceptable to criticize Antifa at the same time you criticize other Nazi types.
As far as actual wrongdoing, your revulsion has convinced you that if we keep looking, eventually we will find something! There has to be a pony under all of this horseshit!
Just like I would hate to see Trump get assassinated; IF [Emphasis mine] it made Trump into some kind of martyr and prolonged his cult status.
Otherwise, Chuck’s fine with assasination, I don’t see any other way to read that.
Just like I would hate to see Trump get assassinated; if it made Trump into some kind of martyr and prolonged his cult status.
So in other words, you'd be A-OK with Trump being assassinated if it didn't make him into some kind of martyr?
You are seriously fucked in the head, dude.
Investigation of what?
Obviously to find something, anything impeachable, since assassination is out on account of it’s counterproductive! [Note to Secret Service: I am parodying another commenter, you might want to check him out though.]
A lawyer would be able to reason through this in his sleep.
A real lawyer would anyway
I'm starting to wonder, as well. Chuck, if indeed he is a lawyer and not suffering from dementia, must know there is nothing more to investigate about Trump, except, perhaps, his tax returns. Knowing about the IRS, and the political bias in the IRS since at least 2009, we all know that if Trump had had any violation of the code, we would have heard about it before now. Probably before the election.
Chuck said...
I would personally love to see Trump impeached, tried in the Senate, convicted and removed from office.
For what, pray tell?
And that coming from a lifelong Republican.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
I think we need much more of an investigation of Trump...
Regarding what, pray tell? Or are you just advocating open-ended fishing expeditions into every aspect of his life until we find something that might stick?
Living in the true blue MD suburbs of DC, it really is amazing how the local Dems are sure, just sooper-dooper sshuuure, that Trump has done something that's impeachable. When the questions turns to "Like, what?", that's when the bizarro-worldview comes to the fore.
Stuff like, "Trump won't release his taxes", like that's some sort of Federal law that a candidate has to release his taxes. "He obstructed justice by firing Comey". Actually, even Comey had to admit he served at the President's discretion. "The Mueller Report is hiding something in the redactions". Even the Mueller Team, filled to the brim as it was with partisan Democrats, could not land a knock-out blow, and could not return an indictment.
The most convincing argument I've seen is this statement by a large group of ex-Federal prosecutors. When I read the public statement, I'm amazed at what weak tea it is, with the prosecutors finding fault in what strikes me as clear examples of acts that fall within the personnel privileges of the Chief Executive. The lasting impression is not how corrupt Trump is, but of how partisan & inept the federal bureaucracy has become.
I believe you could count on one hand the no of democratic congressman who don’t believe that trump should be impeached for obstructing justice. Not going down that road is a political decision.
I never claimed it did, you fuckhead.
How many martinis for lunch today, Chuckles?
It is no wonder no one will hire you as a lawyer.
Blogger Original Mike said...
"Something— anything—"
IOW, it doesn't matter.
How many idiotic comments like this am I going to have to answer?
I just wrote that the quality of the evidence is of utmost importance to me. I want nothing but the most clear, convincing, overwhelmingly solid and inarguable evidence.
I don’t care what the high crime or misdemeanor is. Something like what Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to. In which Trump was complicit, as “Individual 1.”
Left Bank of the Charles has that stupid song going through my head:
The day they laid young Maddow low
Trump went off to Ohio
Why his fans support him so
Ain’t nobody knows.
All the cable pundit say
They could have had him any day
How they got it all so wrong
Ain’t nobody knows
Lefties they can sing the blues
all night long like theyre used to
The dust they kicked without a doubt
Ended up in Maddow’s mouth
Trump he need your prayers true
but save a few for Maddow too
She only did what she had to do
to make 1.6 mil a year..
All the cable pundit say
They could have had him any day
How they got it all so wrong
Ain’t nobody knows
If Trump set up and used a PRIVATE SERVER as a sitting president and did so to hide his financial dealings with Russia and other foreign nations - We would expect impeachment.
Please don't engage the dick.
Trump has interrupted the flow of graft that the left depends on for votes. It is why the usual suspects-public sector employees all- are so upset.
The assassination fantasy isn't the sole domain of the dick. I have leftists here that have asked me if owning a fifty caliber sniper rifle is legal and if they make exploding ammunition for same. I would encourage them to waste their money, but I think they would either hurt themselves or an innocent bystander. I have too high a regard for innocent bystanders.
Something like what Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to.
You mean that thing that never went to trial? You mean that thing where Cohen, Trump’s lawyer plead that Trump was guilty of asking him to do something that he could have done legally, and as a lawyer, one might expect him to do that?
Stuff like that?
So you don’t know of anything Trump has done? If that’s your position, just say it.
Chuck said...
Something— anything— so clear and convincing and beyond reasonable doubt that even a weepy Sean Hannity would be calling on Trump to resign first.
So, you know of no evidence of something that should be investigated, but you want Trump to be investigated until something is found.
That's completely rational.
Have liberals thought through the consequences of Impeaching Trump and removing him from office based on what we know?
They can't honestly think it will result in more 'letters to the editor' and a re-energized 'get out the vote' campaign.
I assure you the political process and the laws that bind us are over.
The normal course of events is to start with evidence of a crime, not to start with the desire to find one.
Comey convicted Martha Stewart of securities fraud for publicly proclaiming her innocence. So I am sure Comey can find a crime against Trump. He says that thousands of people a year are convicted for stuff like this, where the original crime is never proven. If that’s not a Constitutional Crisis, what possibly could be?
That's completely rational.
You aren’t questioning Joe Stalin’s sanity are you?
Chuck said...I never claimed it did, you fuckhead.
5/16/19, 2:47 PM
Mr. rules and decorum lets the mask slip..again.
What has Trump done to make him a "lawless" president?
Paid off a mistress? But the judgement was against the mistress.
What else has he done? Stole the election from Hillary?
All the cable pundit say
They could have had him any day
How they got it all so wrong
out of blindness I suppose...
Messed that verse up.
Pretty consistently older choice of actors..maybe one millenial?
Senior FBI officials were concerned then director James Comey would appear to be blackmailing then President-elect Trump – using tactics notoriously associated with J.Edgar Hoover – when he attended a fateful Jan. 6, 2017, meeting at which he informed the real estate magnate about allegations he had consorted with prostitutes in Moscow, according to Jim Baker, the bureau’s chief counsel at the time. “We were quite worried about the Hoover analogies, and we were determined not to have such a disaster happen on our watch,” said Jim Baker, then the FBI’s top lawyer in an interview - Yahoo News
Sounds to me like Baker is obstructing justice by using his position with corrupt intent to head off an investigation of himself. Comey could easily have put this man behind bars!
In related news, New York City Bill De Blasio has announced that he, too, is running for the Democratic nomination.
"I dream," Comrade De Blasio said in his announcement, "of a US where every man, woman and child is free to poop and pee in the street. Other freedoms, not so much. That would be reactionary."
"I just wrote that the quality of the evidence is of utmost importance to me. I want nothing but the most clear, convincing, overwhelmingly solid and inarguable evidence."
Only a spittle flecked dimwit could talk about the quality of evidence for an unspecified, non existent crime. What you really want is for the system to persecute your political enemies ala Lavrentiy Beria which makes you a self identified Stalinist.
Nobody said...
Comey convicted Martha Stewart of securities fraud for publicly proclaiming her innocence.
No, just no. That did not happen.
Senior FBI officials were concerned then director James Comey would appear to be blackmailing then President-elect Trump
That seems to be exactly what Trump thought. I'm sure he realized later that he was being set up for the witch-hunt, but at the time, he thought he was being Hoovered ("It would be a shame if this information somehow leaked out..").
“It was pretty alarming,” Baker said about intelligence the bureau had about possible links between the Trump campaign and various Russian actors. “The thought that somehow somebody in either one of the campaigns might have had some connection to that or some awareness of it that they didn't inform the FBI about was … quite concerning and disorienting.”
Sounds like the FBI’s story is that the CIA made them do it! Since all the stuff he talks about justifying the investigation came from the CIA and foreign intelligence agencies from “friendly” countries. Formerly friendly countries, anyway. The problem is that Trump can call their bosses directly, go right over their head to the political leadership, who must worry that this could be done to them.
"We went door to door."
LLR Chuck's desperation, endemic on the left now, is causing he and his far left allies to flailingly launch everything in their Alinsky arsenal to throw Trump/Barr off in a feeble attempt to deflect what is coming with the exposure of LLR Chuck's beloved Dem/lefty/LKR-lefty/Commie-Brennan coup.
It is even more fun to watch in real time than I thought it would be...and my Fun Quotient Expectations were quite high!!
Ahoy Chuck!
Btw, did you catch the latest on Chuck's hero NeverTrumper Collusion Truther John Weaver?
He agreed to becoming a paid lobbyist for a Putin pal led company fighting agsinst increased US sanctions on Russia.
Weaver penned a LLR Chuck-length excuse screed (similar to Chucks "War And Peace"-length "Why I Didnt Join The Military" excuse screed) explaining why becoming a Russian lobbyist was Totes Cool!....
....until word got out and he was blasted and backed down!
Sooooooo much courage! And "principled" too! And completely aligned with the far left.
Like our very own Chuck!
Drago, you're going to be dining out for years on the chuckservative "I'm against murdering the President only because it might help the nationalist cause," aren't you?
In accusing Ms. Stewart of securities fraud, the indictment, referring to her company by its initials, pointed to three statements she or her lawyer made proclaiming her innocence
Vichy Republican Chuck: "I just wrote that the quality of the evidence is of utmost importance to me."
LLR Chuck, an out and loud and proud ADMITTED SMEAR MERCHANT AND LIAR wrote that.
Just now!
I am never going to tire of all the winning.
Wouldn’t a real lawyer use the term “proof” instead of “evidence” with a litany of adjectives?
Sounds like Baker is in trouble, if proclaiming your innocence can get you prosecuted in America.
"I just wrote that the quality of the evidence is of utmost importance to me."
Sounds like he’s ordering a suite from a London Tailor. Or ... a picture frame....
The Rethuglican party must be stopped because that is the evil monster that created Trump, and it is the party of the rich. The NRA is the violent offshoot of the GOP.
The GOP is the party of the middle class and has been I think for 2 decades. There was an article about that years ago.
I assume the Democrats believe in using the idea of impeachment without actually conducting impeachment proceedings and one reason they stop where they do is that they don't really believe what they are saying, that what Trump did warrants impeachment.
Big assumption, Althouse. The unredacted Mueller report contains sufficient evidence to impeach - since there is more investigative evidence of actual lawbreaking and Presidential interference behind the report than the Nixon and Clinton impeachment hearing evidence combined.
Getting past the President's lies there are actual provable violations involving Russians and the President's bribes to hide hanky-panky with his lady friends. Do not forget that SDNY has named "Individual 1" as an unindicted co-conspirator during the Cohen trial and Mike Flynn has been accused of being a traitor by his trial judge. Paulie Manafort was up to his ears in dealings with Russians.
A total of 251 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 37 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.
Put that all together with the Trump family's lifetime involvement in racketeering with the Mafia in New York and New Jersey and his money laundering schemes with Putin's oligarchs and the current continuation of the Trump Stall is easy to understand.
Maybe the FBI did get played by the CIA. Still, they joined in whole-heartedly. It’s like the old badger game, it’s not like you have to work real hard to get the guy to take the bait.
doctrev: "Drago, you're going to be dining out for years on the chuckservative "I'm against murdering the President only because it might help the nationalist cause," aren't you?"
It certainly appears that way.
It will join the ever growing list of LLR Chuck's undusciplined spittle-flecked mutterings that have really given the game away for him and Team Left.
Here's just a couple Chuck Drops The Mask of particular note:
1) Proudly priclaimed he was only here to lie and smear Trump in order to drive down Trumps support (we see Chucks lies daily in service to this goal)
2) Called republican election victories "disasters"
3) Has now gone on record as supporting the murder of Trump ilas long as it doesnt turn him into a martyr
4) Has labeled 95% of the entire republican base voters deplorable racists
5) Crafted a number of racist comments and attepted to smearingly assign those comments to Trump
6) He has strongly defended obamacare, open borders and infanticide supporting democratsca and leftists
There are so many many others but those come immediately to mind.
Its as if a starving man was placed in front of a massive buffet....where does one start?.....
Chuck said...
Something— anything— so clear and convincing and beyond reasonable doubt that even a weepy Sean Hannity would be calling on Trump to resign first.
Democrats had no problem with a rapist staying in office.
That barn door was opened 20 years ago.
It’s not closing.
Their side lowered the bar, now it’s time to live with it.
hate Trump, but I didn't like the video that focused solely on him, and not on the rank and file conservative bowel movement. Look what they're doing in Alabama by trying to revisit Roe. How many women's lives will they destroy to get their evil way? Remember that Alabama was the home of
George Wallace and the Klan.
Medical advancement sucks, doesn’t it?
Ahhh, Progress.
And, as always, our Day Late And A Dollar Short Poor Man's LLR Chuck Gadfly pops in with already long ago completely discredited lefty/dem/LLR-lefty talking points cut and pasted from some LLR Chuck-approved fringe far left site like The Bulwark.
Its awesome in its vacuous consistency!!
If LLR Chuck is First Mate on the S.S. Lefty Barge, gadfly is the bedraggled scraper of barnicles!
I can’t go through all of gaffy’s nonsense, so I just looked at the first one
Trump knew about Russia’s interference and asked Manafort to keep him “updated” on WikiLeaks. Mueller outlines that then-candidate Trump was part of the effort to coordinate with Russian intelligence, informing one of his top campaign officials about upcoming information that was about to be released:
If you look at the actual report to which the website refers, Trump asked to be kept up to date on the stuff Wikileaks had already put out, as any campaign would. If you define “collusion” as reading the stuff from Wikileaks, then sure, Trump is guilty of “collusion.” How does that square with the findings on the Pentagon Papers, I wonder?
Mueller didn’t think it was collusion, obviously, but now Mueller is the guy doing the cover up!
That’s why we call you the “poor man’s Chuck.” That’s just sad.
I remember there was a guy on CNN who said it was illegal for Americans to read the DNC emails, I guess Gadfly believes him.
Punchbowl’s empty Gadfly! Go home already!
upcoming information that was about to be released:
WIkileaks said at the time that they were going to release the DNC stuff in tranches, they said it publicly. That’s why Mueller didn’t call it collusion. But Gadfly is smarter than Mueller. Oh, and it talks about how they would react to a *possible* release of Clinton’s emails. Who wouldn’t have a plan for that?
Living in the bay area I see even they get tired of a diet of red meat thrown at them by Steyer and Pelosi. They know they are screwed now the Muller report shot craps. They know at a fundamental level they will never be able to persuade even a plurality of american's to back impeaching a president for the crime of being republican. Their fervent hope is to have Slow Joe be the presidential candidate and pick a young progressive VP to take over when Joe strokes out (again)
Their fervent hope is to have Slow Joe be the presidential candidate and pick a young progressive VP to take over when Joe strokes out (again)
Not a terrible plan.
For me, Tom Steyer and his ilk raise the question: Why are so many billionaires such dumbasses when it comes to understanding the motivations of regular human beings?
Because Steyer and his ilk want power. They are wealthy egotists who feel somewhat guilty at the wealth they achieved via capitalism, so they need to heal themselves by advocating "a cause" to help the masses. Of course, Steyer will never be like you and me. He wants to tell you and me how to live our lives while he is free to fly around in his private jet and tell others like him at cocktail parties that he such a great guy for helping the common man.
The batch of emails — which Wikileaks promised is the first of many more to come — provided a glimpse into the inner workings of the campaign, and offered telling details about Clinton’s views on trade and the middle class. - Politico
Clap him in irons! Trump reads Politico!
Why are so many billionaires such dumbasses when it comes to understanding the motivations of regular human beings?
What billionaires really want, and what the Democrats are so desperate to give them, is a government that can be bought, They don’t have many votes, but they have oceans of money.
I might have to update my thinking on Joe’s chances. He may get a “stalking horse” vote for a progressive VP, who, in that case, will not be Harris. Maybe this is a case where the VP job is worth more than a warm bucket of piss.
Gadfly is now claiming Mueller is corrupt . Mueller knows all of the Russian connections and failed to prosecute. Then you have to believe the President Trump is the one and only one person that conspired with the Russians. Or else, Mueller would have indicted those Trump staffers but they are pure and untainted by Russian contacts. Oh wait, Gadfly didn't say Russian contacts, get this, they are Russia-linked operatives (one of those Russia linked operatives was Mifsud, the person that told Popadopolas about the Russians having 30,000 Clinton emails. Mifsud ran a spy school for US and other nations training "intelligence" agents)
"ORANGE MAN BAD!" is not enough reason for impeachment proceedings, and that appears to be all those sad sacks have. Sorry*, sad sacks! You'll have to beat him at the ballot box in 2020.
* - No, not really sorry at all. Sucks to be them!
I don’t care what the high crime or misdemeanor is. Something like what Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to. In which Trump was complicit, as “Individual 1.”
First paying off a person that might embarrass you is not a crime. Since you're a huge Michael Cohen fan. You know that he testified before congress that he was aware of other payoffs and NDA's Trump engaged in before he ran for public office. Its a cost of doing business for him. According to Micheal Cohen. At worst its a FEC civil violation. Like the one Obama got slapped for. $375,000 on of the largest fines every levied.
It is way to late to tell us it is an impeachable offense.
You still haven't explained what power congress is going to use sniffing about President Trump. Something they could claim legislative intent to search.
"The assassination fantasy isn't the sole domain of the dick."
No, but this is new ground for him, isn't it?
Chuck, that wasn't very specific.
You, a lawyer.
Original Mike said...
"The assassination fantasy isn't the sole domain of the dick."
"No, but this is new ground for him, isn't it?"
It is his nature to lie and obfiscate. He is ,at heart, a coward. So nothing he says or does will surprise me.
Dems haven't had a new idea since Bobby Kennedy died
I know this is going to shock some people here, but the Wikipedia accounts of the DNC leaks do not square with the newspaper accounts of the time, like the Politico account I quoted above, so if the people who did Gadfly’s “Moscow Project” website depended on Wikipedia, well, that just proves that they are morons.
Chuck, that wasn't very specific. You, a lawyer.
You a supposed internet lawyer.
Lately, I've been watching and reading the news with the "How Dare He" filter.
Trump fails to release his tax returns! How Dare he!
Trump's campaign read emails from wikileaks after they were published! How Dare He!
Trump fired his FBI director! How Dare He!
Trump starts a trade war with China! How Dare He!
It gets pretty funny. At least in my movie. He beat Hillary when she had it in the bag. How Dare He!
mifsud was part of link campus, that trained fbi, mi 6, Italian intelligence Saudi general intelligence, odd twist for a Russian operation, now of course there was the abramchik white Russians who were shephereded by mi6's kim Philby and passed on to angleton at the company, but it's kind of rare,
so the fellow who told steele about the hotel tape, was the same who said there was a Russian consulate in Miami, this was the pretext for the expulsion of the Russian diplomats like kalugin and bondarev
will they understand it, or defer to their Qatar supplied cue cards,
I don’t get why they are so locked on Wikileaks.
“Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government.” - Justice Black in allowing the publication of the Pentegon Papers.
I thought this stuff was settled a long time ago.
I feel no sympathy for those poor chumps in the video. Nothing. They were deceived by their media mouthpieces.
And who the fuck is the Hoyer dude who keeps popping up? He doesn't represent me in any way. He's a another Balmer pol with a John Wilkes Booth fantasy. Why should we care about him unless he poses a physical threat to POTUS?
I wonder if this has to do with the Italian spy who died in paris, earlier in the week,
Does anyone remember the Speaker Wars between the Dems and Pubs in the 80’s and 90’s? This new Presidential War started with Clinton. I doubt it will be over any time soon.
more how can he do that?
mifsud was part of link campus, that trained fbi, mi 6, Italian intelligence Saudi general intelligence,
It does make you wonder if the FBI got played and they are telling the truth as they saw it. If so, look for them to turn on the CIA.
First paying off a person that might embarrass you is not a crime.
Here, I thought black mail was the crime. Who knew ? Except Chuck, of course.
narciso, the Papadopolis book is good. He was a little more of an expert than a "coffee boy."
Nixon was walloped mostly by the shock provoked by the 73 oil embargo, which supercharged inflation, after he removed wage and price controls
No. Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomena. The early-70's inflation was caused by the Fed under Arthur Burns (appointed by Nixon) printing too much money. If you think oil prices had something to do with it, ask yourself why Japan, which was far more dependent on imported oil than the U.S. was, did not experience much inflation. Nor did Germany. Arthur Burns was incompetent.
The unredacted version contains all the crimes. Got it. That's why so many democrats refused BArr's offer to read it. The crimes are there! We can feel it!
I mentioned the shock to the system, which was compounded by the wage and price freeze, a painful lesson, I guess papadopoulos was more like Thomas Charles Huston than say Richard Allen, although his many foreign contacts are similar to Michael ledeen
Blogger Dick said...
I would personally love to see Trump impeached, tried in the Senate, convicted and removed from office.
So what high crimes and misdemeanors do you think he has committed?
You pretend to be a lawyer. In America doesn't there at least have to be a charge before one can be hauled into court, much less convicted?
John Henry
"that they don't really believe what they are saying, that what Trump did warrants impeachment"
True, they are not actually impeaching him, but not because they don't believe fervently that it is warranted: so far, the cooler heads calculate that it would harm them, especially since the Althouses of the world wouldn't like it. They don't give a damn abut what is "warranted."
Hello Chuck:
Please respond to me, or I'll die. Like many on this forum, I've loved you from afar. I've written constantly against what you've written, but that was only a pose. My "Battles" with you are just a sham to cover my bro-mance and homosexual love. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Please don't stop posting.
Drago and others.
They knew that the link campus was an intelligence front, now did mi 6 or aisde retain mifsud to try to contact russiam officials like timofeev at the valdai forum probably.
It does make you wonder if the FBI got played and they are telling the truth as they saw it. If so, look for them to turn on the CIA.
No way they’re that stupid, and this was a coordinated effort. But that Weill probably be their story when they turn on one another.
Drago and others."
I really prefer the KillFile extension. No more tedious slogs through C., I., MUL., etc!
These people are not normal in this video.
Mitt "I'm really not a Democrat" Romney. Sigh.
He ran his campaign like a Punky Brewster PSA from the 80s.
Deranged, the whole lot of them.
These investigations are silly and an unconstitutional violation of separation of powers.
Congress' ability to impeach executive branch officers including the President is its one power that over-rides separation of powers. If they are serious, the House Democrats (they have a majority) should pass a resolution finding that they have good reason to believe that Trump has committed impeachable offenses, and specify those offenses and the basis for their findings, and designate a committee to collect evidence and take testimony pertinent to those specified high crimes and misdemeanors, and report its recommendations back to the full House. Then, there would be a constitutional basis for all the subpoenas, which otherwise are just harassment.
If they do that, and the findings have a real basis, they would legitimize all this.
If not, they should all just STFU and work on the 2020 election.
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